Dandelion leaves - beneficial properties, how to prepare and how to use for medicinal purposes. Medicinal properties of dandelion leaves. Uses of dandelion leaves, flowers and roots

Let's take a closer look medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion, recipes used in folk medicine since ancient times.

In our latitudes, you can often find yellow dandelion flowers, but few people know its medicinal properties, which both the root and the entire growing part on the surface have.

Based on the plant, decoctions, tinctures, teas, additives to salads and jams are made.

  • The plant contains: vitamins B, B2, vitamin C, A, substances such as choline, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, protein, saponins.
  • The root contains acids: lenoleic, oleic, ascorbic, and also carotene.
  • Dandelion juice contains useful microelements: calcium, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, boron, copper, nickel.

The healing properties of dandelion: recipes

The above-ground part, as well as the roots, are used for diseases such as diabetes mellitus of groups 1 and 2, atherosclerosis, eczema, tuberculosis, hypertension, anemia.

The tincture acts as: a diuretic, expectorant, sedative and partially hypnotic, choleretic, tonic, increases immunity and appetite, normalizes acid-base balance in the stomach, reduces cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins from the body.

Spotted positive effect in the functioning of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, quickly restores strength, improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.

Decoctions are widely used in cosmetics for rashes, acne, pimples, papillomas and freckles; the tincture rejuvenates and whitens the skin, removes wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Harvesting for the winter

Dandelion flowers, stems or roots are used as raw materials. At the beginning of spring or early autumn, the roots are dug up, the above-ground part is cut off, washed and dried for several days in the open air, or in a dryer. For faster and better drying, chop the roots into small pieces.

The grass is collected and dried while the dandelion is in bloom. yellow. The plant is crushed and also dried. Store in a dry place, in jars with regular ventilation, or in paper bags. Beware of mold. Shelf life up to 2-3 years.

Dandelion Recipes

Basic recipe from the plant root: Grind raw materials 1 tbsp. spoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain and drink as tea 2-3 times a day. The daily norm is 200-250 ml. Tea treats constipation, improves appetite, and normalizes bile in the body.

Atherosclerosis: You can also take pure powder 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. It treats atherosclerosis well, but the taste is bitter and not everyone likes it. It’s better to drink it with sweet syrup or honey diluted in water.

Abscess, improvement of lactation: It cleanses the blood well and improves metabolism. 1 tbsp. pour 250 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of dry crushed raw materials (herbs). Let it brew for 3-4 hours. It's better to use a thermos. Strain and take 50 grams 6 times a day before meals.

Hemorrhoids: 2 tsp. dry herbs, pour 200 grams of cold water, cover and let steep for 8-10 hours. Drink this amount throughout the day, dividing it into 4-5 times.

For liver disease, gastritis, ulcers, arthritis, flatulence: Plant roots, chop 1 teaspoon and pour a glass of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes, cool, strain and take ¼ of a glass 3 times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Hepatitis, stomach: Grind 1 teaspoon of dried root into powder and pour a glass of water. In a steam bath over low heat, steam for 1 hour. Drink 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Giardiasis: Add a tablespoon of crushed roots to a glass of water and cook in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and bring the resulting broth to 250 ml with boiling water. Take slightly warmed 50 grams 4 times a day, before meals.

Cirrhosis of the liver: Cover the collected dandelion flowers with sugar, leave covered for 1-2 weeks, if possible place a small weight on top. Take 1 teaspoon in the form of jam 3 times a day as an addition to tea, or on its own.

Swelling and hardening: Grind and grind the dry root into powder, add a little water and stir until thick. Apply to a bandage or gauze and apply to the affected area as a compress. Repeat several times until the swelling or hardening goes away. Used in different places (under the arms, in the groin, over the entire surface of the female breast).

Low acidity: Dandelion leaves are used as raw material. Rinse well to remove dirt, make a salt solution and soak the leaves for 30 minutes. Then rinse the leaves again under running water and add boiling water. Grind with a blender and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Dilute the juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, boil for 5 minutes, cool and take 50 grams 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The juice will be bitter, so you can wash it down with sweet syrup, or eat it with a spoonful of honey.

Burns: Collected dandelion flowers, poured sunflower oil, at the level with raw materials. In a water bath, boil for 30-40 minutes. Cool and strain through nylon or cheesecloth. Apply the resulting juice to the burn areas. Repeat the procedure several times until the pain subsides.

Papillomas and radiculitis: Similar to the previous recipe, flowers are collected, placed in a container and completely filled with alcohol or vodka. Close the container tightly and leave in a dark place to brew for at least 2 weeks. The tincture is ready, you can lubricate the papillomas until they disappear completely.

Radiculitis is also treated. Apply the paste to the affected areas and wrap it well with a woolen scarf. It is better to do the procedure in the evening and throughout the night. After 3-4 times, the illness should go away.

Dandelion juice, like celandine, removes warts and calluses. Apply freshly squeezed juice to the affected area. The procedure is repeated several times. The juice neutralizes and normalizes acid in the body.

Drink the juice from the roots and leaves raw, diluted with carrot juice and turnip leaves. Treats diseases associated with the human spine and bones, strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of periodontal disease.

From spring to mid-summer, during the flowering period of dandelion, the leaves are crushed and soaked in a small amount of water. The resulting juice is taken in 50 gram doses for 1-2 weeks. For maintenance and preservation, a little alcohol is added to the juice.

Dandelion grass harvest time - medicinal properties

The upper (ground) part is collected in early spring, before bitterness appears. Already at the moment of flowering, the juice in the leaves becomes bitter and when drinking tincture or tea, it is necessary to add honey or sweet syrup.

If you nevertheless collected the herb a little later, to reduce the bitter taste, first soak the leaves in a strong salt solution for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with running water.


  • leaves are collected in early spring,
  • stems can also be grown during flowering,
  • and the roots are better in the fall, when they absorb all the beneficial substances.

Dandelion contraindications

In addition to the medicinal properties of dandelion, there are also contraindications for use. Decoctions and infusions based on dandelion are not recommended for blockage and inflammation of the gallbladders, elevated level secretion of hydrochloric acid (gastritis or stomach ulcer).

In case of stomach upsets, it is also prohibited, since decoctions themselves can cause loose stool and gag reflex.

Known for its bright yellow flowers. They are not only raw materials for making delicious honey or jam, but also a folk medicine. Knowing about the beneficial and medicinal properties, they have been collected and used in medicinal preparations since ancient times.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Dandelion inflorescences are widely used in folk medicine. But at the same time, it has been proven that they have antituberculosis, antiviral, and antidiabetic properties. Flowers are also used in the following situations:

  • as a tonic and stimulant;
  • to improve appetite;
  • to speed up metabolism;
  • for sedative purposes (for stress, fatigue, etc.);
  • to remove toxins from the body;
  • as a mild diuretic;
  • to fight diabetes;
  • to reduce blood pressure;
  • for insomnia.

Dandelion flower tea is used to detoxify the body and cleanse the liver.

Harm and contraindications

Dandelion flowers have no pronounced negative consequences and have no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance and allergic reactions. However, you should not collect them along highways and in the vicinity of enterprises and roads.


For liver diseases

To treat liver diseases, a recipe is used that produces a sweetness reminiscent of jam: a layer of inflorescences is placed at the bottom of the dish, which is sprinkled with sugar. The flowers should stand under pressure for a couple of weeks. Eating such an unusual sweet is good for the liver.

For burns

Dandelion flowers can help protect against burns. To do this, the flowers are placed in a jar and filled with vegetable oil so that it covers the inflorescences. The container with oil and flowers is placed in a pan filled with water and boiled in this way for 35 minutes. After cooling, the oil is squeezed out.

Tincture for warts

In a similar way make a tincture. Only instead of oil, the flowers are filled with triple cologne. The tincture should sit for about two weeks in a dark room. It is used to treat papillomas and warts.



For instant cooking 200-300 flowers of syrup are needed. They are poured with 0.5 liters of water and boiled for a couple of minutes. The liquid is drained through a colander, and after the dandelions have cooled, they must be squeezed out well.

The resulting liquid must be strained and 4.5 cups of granulated sugar poured into it. The syrup is brought to a boil and boiled for 6-8 minutes, then poured into containers and stored in the cold.

On alcohol

An alcohol tincture of dandelion flowers is a real salvation from many diseases, including radiculitis. Use it for rubbing and compresses. Finely chopped flowers are filled into a jar or other container, then they are filled to the top with alcohol.

The tincture should be stored in a dark place for about a couple of weeks before use. Refrigerator storage is not suitable. After rubbing, the affected areas are wrapped.

On vodka

The tincture can also be prepared with vodka. Wash the flowers, dry them well and place them in a glass jar, compacting them (the volume should be at least 75% of the jar). Fill with vodka to the top and leave for 3 weeks to infuse. Then remove the flowers and strain the tincture. There will be a little tincture left in the flowers, you can squeeze them out.

A tincture of dandelion flowers in vodka is used for muscle pain, joint diseases, osteochondrosis. The tincture is also used for gout.

With sugar

Dandelion flowers are ground and mixed with sugar in equal proportions. After this, they should stand in the shade in an open place for a day. Then they are stored in the cold for 10 days. Sugar syrup Strain from the inflorescences and store in the refrigerator.

In cosmetology

To prevent oily skin prepare a lotion that requires a handful of flowers and a handful of leaves. They are washed and dried, and then put in a jar and filled with 125 ml of vodka. The lotion should be infused for a week in a dark room. Then it is filtered and 50 ml is added mineral water. Wipe your face with lotion after washing and before going to bed.

For skin tone and whitening a glass of flowers is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and poured into another container. Wipe freckles with the tincture twice a day. You can make ice cubes from the tincture, which you can then use to wipe your face.

Welcome everyone to our blog! With the arrival of spring, the first flowers delight the eye, and almost every yard and garden is decorated with sunny dandelions. Since childhood, we have become accustomed to taking them for granted, playing with them, weaving them into wreaths and blowing seeds from ripened flowers. But few people know what benefits dandelion can bring - medicinal properties and contraindications, methods of use, unusual cooking recipes.

At correct use this plant can become a real panacea for many diseases. After all, all its parts are medicinal, from the yellow buds to the leaves and roots. Of course, you need to know how to prepare, store and use them. This is what we will talk about in this article.

Let's learn more fully about a familiar but mysterious plant like dandelion - medicinal properties and contraindications, useful parts, harvesting methods and other important details. To begin with, it is worth giving a brief description of it (although there is hardly a person who has not seen this flower at least once in his life).

So, with biological point From the perspective, dandelion officinalis is a perennial up to 60 cm high, has a long single root up to 2 cm thick, going 50-60 cm deep. The leaves are oblong, pinnately dissected, growing from a basal rosette. The bud is placed on a hollow cylindrical arrow, the flowers are up to 2-5 cm in size. They are reed-shaped, bright yellow, appear en masse in May, possibly more long flowering until August.

It is noteworthy that in the evening and in cloudy weather the buds close. There is even information about this phenomenon beautiful legend, which I recently read on the blog of my friend Elena Kasatova. Read it - you won't regret it.

The fruit is a pubescent, umbrella-shaped seed. With gusts of wind, it can move hundreds of meters and form a new clearing of dandelions, because up to 200 seeds can appear from one flower! It is worth adding that, despite the abundance of species, they differ little from one another. The only difference is in the size and shape of the flower, and even then it is not significant. So to speak, a dandelion is a dandelion in Africa too!

No less interesting chemical composition crops, this plant contains:

  • vitamins A, C, B2, PP;
  • carotenoids;
  • resins;
  • wax;
  • alcohols;
  • minerals (manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt);
  • organic acids;
  • terpenes;
  • sterols;
  • glycosides;
  • tannins;
  • oils

Dandelion - medicinal properties and contraindications

It’s probably time to mention the medicinal properties, of which there are unexpectedly many, although there are certain contraindications.

The plant can both prevent diseases and effectively fight them. The main thing is to be able to use healing properties of this solar medicine, among them:

  • choleretic, which is often used for diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
  • sedative – calms, relieves insomnia;
  • diuretic, thanks to which you can normalize blood pressure and body weight;
  • anti-carcinogenic, this property is very important now, when there are a lot of carcinogens harmful to health in ready-made food products;
  • analgesic, while dandelion can calm pain of various etiologies (dental, headache, joint, with cuts and bruises);
  • anti-inflammatory – the plant is not much less effective than modern tablets;
  • an expectorant, which is often used when preparing breast collections;
  • antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial properties appear only with long-term use;
  • diaphoretic, which is especially useful for elevated temperature, as well as for removing toxins and for a comprehensive reduction blood pressure.

It is immediately worth mentioning general contraindications:

  • obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • stomach ulcer or gastritis;
  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • diarrhea (remember that the product is a little weak, so it may make the situation worse);
  • pregnancy and lactation, although this is not a direct contraindication, but, let’s say, a recommendation. For example, small portions of dandelion jam even improve milk production.

Because the beneficial features individual parts of the plant are slightly different, let's study them in more detail.

Dandelion root - medicinal properties and contraindications

Dandelion root is considered the most powerful; it is even used in traditional medicine. For the same reason, the easiest way to buy in pharmacies is the underground part of the culture, which, of course, is already ready for use.

Dandelion root has found its use in:

  • decreased appetite;
  • as a choleretic for liver problems;
  • for chronic constipation;
  • in oncology, given the ability of the root to fight carcinogens and cancer cells;
  • due to its ability to stabilize metabolism, the product is recommended for diabetes;
  • for kidney stones to crush and remove formations;
  • with flatulence, hemorrhoids due to the ability to stabilize intestinal function;
  • It has long been known that a plant such as dandelion helps fight against worms different types and placement;
  • for gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • skin rashes, eczema, furunculosis;
  • due to the high content of vitamins, it is useful for vitamin deficiency;
  • preparations from the root normalize sleep, calm the nerves, tone up, and are also used for asthenia and anemia;
  • the components of the product stimulate the heart, especially useful for atherosclerosis;
  • often used as a diaphoretic and expectorant for colds.

Contraindications for taking the root are the same as those listed above, but before using the medicine you should talk to your doctor.

Dandelion flowers - medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of dandelion flowers are no less diverse, including:

Basically, this medicine has found use in folk medicine, but every year more and more doctors offer this remedy as a supplement to medications.

The contraindications are the same, the only thing is that when feeding you need to follow the dosage so as not to harm the baby.

Dandelion juice - medicinal properties and contraindications

The juice of the plant is occasionally used separately; it has the following medicinal properties:

  • tonic;
  • blood purifying, improves blood composition;
  • helps normalize metabolic processes;
  • removes warts, freckles, calluses, age spots;
  • good in the treatment of blepharitis and eczema;
  • relieves pain and swelling from insect bites.

There are no specific contraindications here, everything is the same as for other parts of the plant.

Dandelion leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications

The easiest way to use the various beneficial properties of the plant’s foliage, among them it is worth noting:

  • the ability to saturate the body with vitamins after winter. To do this, a salad is made from juicy young leaves. Moreover, the younger the foliage, the tastier it is – bitterness develops in older shoots;
  • dandelion herb increases appetite;
  • gives strength, calms in case of nervous exhaustion;
  • helps fight skin diseases;
  • treats joints;
  • relieves intoxication of the body;
  • reduces arterial pressure;
  • The medicinal properties of the product are used for anemia, it improves blood composition.

The contraindications are the same - ulcers, gastritis, dandelion allergy, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for women

There are also special medicinal properties of the plant for women; this culture helps the fair sex to fight:

  • breast cancer;
  • cystitis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, fragility of bones during menopause;
  • If the dosage is observed, it helps improve lactation.

Beneficial properties of dandelion

In addition to treatment, beneficial properties are used for prevention and just pleasure.

Thus, the leaves of the plant are often used to prepare salads, side dishes, and soups; such dishes give the body a whole vitamin cocktail. And the French love to pickle young buds and add them to salads for a spicy kick.

Aromatic dandelion honey is also made from the plant. And if you fry the peeled roots and boil them, you can get “poor coffee,” that is, a drink similar in its richness and bitterness to an oriental drink.


The plant is most widely used in medicine. It is believed that dandelion can cure more than a hundred ailments. Of course, doctors do not limit themselves to this medicine, but often recommend it as an addition to the main therapy, and pharmacists add it to their creations.

Pharmacy products

Dandelion is included in many pharmaceutical products, especially herbal teas against colds, choleretic, expectorant. There are also more complex medicines to which this extract is added, for example:

  • German aristachol, which is prescribed for pathology or inflammation of the biliary tract or liver;
  • Dandelion oil is used for joint pain, burns, and skin ulcers;
  • Galstena, a drug for liver restoration and treatment of pancreatitis, also includes dandelion;
  • The dietary supplement “Dandelion” in capsules is a source of ascorbic acid.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the plant has been used for centuries, and all its parts are used depending on the disease. The most commonly used are decoctions, infusions, tinctures and oils; read on to learn how to make and use them.


Probably the most popular use of natural medicine.

To make such a drink, you need to take 1 tbsp. the top of the plant, or 10 gr. dried flowers, or 1 tsp. roots per glass of boiling water, boil the herb for 1-2 minutes, roots for about 10. Set aside, wait for cooling and strain, drink according to the instructions. But most often, a glass of decoction should be consumed throughout the day, divided into 3 or 4 doses, taken 20 minutes before meals.


Also quite popular, for its preparation 1 tbsp. herbs or flowers or 1 tsp. roots should be poured with boiling water in a thermos, wait a couple of hours, and strain. It is very convenient to pour the medicine at night, then the resulting infusion will be as rich and useful as possible.

Alcohol tincture

The tincture is often prepared from the flowers of the plant. It is used for skin diseases, problems with joints and itching after insect bites, externally, and also drink for internal ailments.

To prepare it, you should take 100 grams. dry or fresh buds and 0.5 l. vodka, leave in a glass container for a month in a dark room, after which the liquid should be drained and drunk 1 tsp. before meals in the morning and evening or use for rubbing and compresses.


The oil made from the buds helps with gallstones, constipation, and digestive problems; for this you need to consume 1 tbsp. before eating. And when used externally, it is susceptible to wounds, scars, burns, eczema, psoriasis, rye, impetigo; it is enough to apply a compress with liquid to the sore spots 1-2 times a day.

Preparing the oil is simple - in dry weather, collect young flowers, mash them until juice forms, put them halfway in a jar, and fill to the top with any vegetable oil. The neck is wrapped in gauze and placed in the sun; after 21 days, the liquid is filtered, squeezed out and poured into another container. Store away from sunlight at room temperature.

Dandelion root for weight loss

The product is also useful for people who want to reduce their weight. So, roots and products from it:

  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • weaken a little;
  • improve digestion, normalize the absorption of nutrients;
  • bitterness reduces appetite;
  • help lower cholesterol levels.

In the process of losing weight, you can eat a variety of dandelion salads, as well as regularly drink decoctions and infusions from the root of this plant.

Dandelion in cosmetology

It has long been known that this inconspicuous weed can significantly improve appearance person. So, its components are:

  • whiten skin, clean pores;
  • remove dead cells, restore skin;
  • tone, moisturize, nourish the skin of the face and body;
  • remove pigment spots (especially effective Fresh Juice, just apply it to the stains and wash it off after drying sour milk or serum);
  • are being treated acne(a mass of crushed leaves and warm milk, 1 tbsp with 1 egg yolk, is ideal, use time - 25 minutes).


It remains to talk about how to prepare and use the plant, in particular the roots, as the most strong part dandelion But, everything is in order.

When to Harvest Dandelion Roots

In order for the roots to be most suitable for medicinal purposes, you need to choose the time when they are greatest content useful substances. As a rule, this is early spring and mid-autumn, when there are no flowers that attract vitamins and minerals.

When to collect

will indicate the state of culture, best time There will be a moment when the leaves are already well formed, but the buds have not yet appeared, that is, early spring, and well, autumn after flowering.

Collection is simple - you should dig up the plant, trying not to damage the root, especially its thick part, then the top is removed, and the rhizome is thoroughly washed in water, cleared of small roots.

How to dry dandelion root

After harvesting the roots has been completed, it is important to dry them properly in order to preserve them for a long time for treatment. The raw materials are dried for a couple of days in the sun, and then dried in a warm, well-ventilated room or special dryers at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.

Naturally, for successful drying of the rhizomes, it is necessary to spread them in a thin layer on paper or cardboard. The roots should be stored in linen or paper bags.

How to brew dandelion root

So, we already know how dandelion is useful, now we need to decide how to use all the necessary properties of the plant. Naturally, you cannot eat the roots raw, following the example of the leaves, but the underground part is excellent for decoctions.

How to prepare a decoction or infusion of dandelion roots?

No more difficult than any other, for a decoction, crushed rhizomes should be poured with water and heated in a water bath or low heat for 10 minutes. For infusion, pour boiling water over the roots overnight in a thermos at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of water. As a rule, this portion is more than enough for oral administration, but when washing your hair or using extensive compresses, you can increase the volume by 2 or 3 times.


As I already mentioned, dandelions are sometimes used in cooking, and the scope of application is wide - from salads and soups to sweets. Have you tried jam or honey from this plant? No? Then it's time to learn how to prepare such delicacies!

Dandelion jam - recipe

Don't know how to make dandelion jam yet? You can prepare it according to different recipes, the simplest of which is:

  • take 380-400 buds and wash them;
  • pour two glasses of water, put on fire;
  • boil for 2 minutes;
  • pour into a colander, squeeze out the flowers;
  • add 7 cups of sugar to the broth, cook for 7 minutes after boiling;
  • pour into jars.

Dandelion honey, as jam is also popularly called, I personally like to cook with lemon, for this:

  • I take 200 flowers, wash them in a sieve, and let them drain;
  • I put them in a saucepan, add 1 lemon, cut into large pieces;
  • add half a liter of water;
  • cook for 10 minutes after boiling, stirring;
  • turn off the heat and leave the container for a day;
  • I strain, squeeze;
  • I throw away the flowers, and add 350 grams of sugar to the liquid;
  • cook for another half hour over low heat;
  • I pour it into jars and roll it up.

The benefits and harms of such a product are incomparable. Thus, the delicacy can heal joints, remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, speed up metabolism, remove osteochondrosis, and stimulate the functioning of the liver and kidneys. A possible harm This can only happen if the patient has contraindications to the use of the plant (they are listed at the beginning of the article).

Dandelion leaf salad

The benefits and harms of the unusual dandelion are probably known to only a few. Agree, few people in their lives have tried dishes made from this, as many are accustomed to believe, weed. In fact, the fresh foliage of the plant contains a whole vitamin cocktail, which not only helps to overcome spring vitamin deficiency, but also improves the functioning of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, and helps remove toxins, bad cholesterol, speed up metabolic processes.

To get a tasty and healthy salad, you need to collect raw materials in environmentally friendly places, away from the dust of the city, roads, and enterprises. Also, the leaves should be young and juicy. To remove the bitterness from them, it is recommended to pour water over the foliage for 30 minutes or pour boiling water over it.

My friend shared several salad recipes:

  • take a handful of dandelion leaves, a couple of lemon slices, a clove of garlic, some carrots, lemon juice, chopped nuts and vegetable oil, chop the leaves, crush the garlic with salt, chop and combine everything else, season with vegetable fat;
  • salad with cabbage and egg: 100 gr. dandelion, 50 gr. ready sauerkraut, a little green onion and 1 boiled egg, chop everything, mix with salt and sour cream;
  • with cucumber: chop the leaves of the plant, green onion, cucumber, pepper, salt, mix with mayonnaise.

Dandelion wine - recipe

It was a surprise to me that you can make homemade wine from these flowers, and the recipe is not very complicated. For this you will need:

  • liter jar of buds;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • two lemons;
  • 100 grams of unwashed raisins;
  • 3 sprigs of fresh mint.

You should remove the receptacles from the petals to avoid the bitterness of the drink, then put the petals in a container, pour boiling water over them, and leave for a day. After this, strain, squeeze, discard the flowers, and combine the liquid with lemon juice and grated zest, add sugar (500 g), mint, raisins (do not wash them to preserve natural yeast for fermentation), put everything in a container, the neck of which is covered with gauze.

Leave the wine to ferment in a dark, warm place for 2-3 days, then add another 500 grams of sugar, pour the liquid into another container, leaving a third of empty space for fermentation, cover with a special wine lid or medical glove.

And again we leave the wine to ferment in warmth and darkness for 5-6 days, after which we add another 250 grams. sugar, after pouring out a little liquid and diluting the crystals in it, after another 5 days we repeat the procedure, mixing in the remaining sugar.

The drink will be ready in 30-60 days, depending on the room temperature and yeast activity. Then the liquid can be carefully drained without touching the sediment and stored in a cool place until consumed; if desired, you can add sugar or fix it with vodka.

Here it is, dandelion - its medicinal properties and contraindications are varied. This familiar flower, it turns out, can be quite useful if you know how to use it. With this I will say goodbye, stay tuned for new articles by subscribing, see you soon!

A plant such as dandelion has many beneficial properties, but there are also some contraindications for use. This must be taken into account when using all medications that contain this component.

Dandelion root - beneficial properties

The root of a plant such as dandelion is widely used to prepare medicines that are used to treat a variety of diseases. explained by its unique composition:

  • glycosides;
  • minerals – calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins – A, E, C, B;
  • flavonoids.

Important! Dandelion roots contain carotene, inulin, tannins, sucrose, choline, and fatty oils. They contain a lot of protein, the amount of which is no less than in cereal plants.

This unique composition of the roots of the plant contributes to the fact that these parts of the dandelion are used to prepare a variety of medicines. They are used to improve performance digestive system, as a choleretic, diuretic, to increase appetite.

If you use infusions, tinctures, and decoctions of dandelion roots, you can relieve the inflammatory process, regardless of its location, and reduce fever, pain, and spasms. These medications have a positive effect on nervous system, promote liquefaction, improve sputum separation.

The root of this plant contains natural substitutes for starches and sugars, so this product can be used as a supplement to dietary nutrition. At the same time, it is highly digestible, even in the presence serious illnesses gallbladder, pancreas or digestive system.

Medicines that are prepared using can be used externally. They will be useful in the presence of rashes of various natures, furunculosis and other skin diseases.

Plant leaves

A decoction from this part of the plant is used for rheumatism, jaundice,.

Dandelion officinalis - use for women

This plant is very useful for female body. It is used if:

  • malignant or benign neoplasms in the chest;
  • loss of strength;
  • increased nervousness;
  • anemia.

It is also used in for cosmetic purposes. From the roots, leaves, flowers you can prepare a variety of tonics and lotions that will improve the condition of both dry and oily skin. They will help in the fight against various rashes and will help speed up the healing of wounds and burns.

Important! Water infusions from this sunny flower used to increase lactation.

If you constantly prepare salads from the leaves of the plant or add a little powder from the roots to regular dishes, you can lose weight. This is achieved due to the presence of diuretic properties. The plant improves the functioning of the digestive system, which has a positive effect on the process of weight loss and improves human well-being.

Improving men's health

Dandelion has many beneficial properties for both men and women, which allows it to be used if:

  • severe liver damage;
  • anemia;
  • increased fatigue.

Medicines that are prepared from all parts of the plant will help cope with cholesterol plaques and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This has a positive effect on the body as a whole and helps increase potency.

Infusions, decoctions, tinctures prepared using standard recipes improve the performance of endocrine system. They normalize the production of sex hormones, reduce the amount of estrogens, which negatively affect male body. They promote female-type weight gain and reduce libido.

Dandelion medicines have an extremely positive effect on the human nervous system. They help increase performance, fight chronic fatigue, improve sleep and mood. These factors help eliminate such a disease as psychological impotence.

Sunflower honey

From the flowers of the plant you can prepare quite tasty and healthy honey-jam, which contains all the beneficial properties of the plant. This tool used in the treatment of:

The beneficial properties of jam from sunny flowers allow it to be used for prevention colds, as a general strengthening and tonic.

Important! This amber product has high taste qualities, resembles honey. You can eat it yourself or prepare desserts based on it.

Dandelion honey is used for recovery human body after surgical intervention, For .

Recipes for jam from sunny flowers

It's very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to use regular ingredients and follow these recommendations.

Traditional jam

To prepare dandelion flower jam, which will surprise you with its taste, you need:

  1. Collect the flowers and place them in a liter jar to get a completely filled container.
  2. Soak fresh plant parts in cold water. Keep them like this for 24 hours. Remove from water and squeeze well.
  3. Fill with 0.45 liters of fresh water. Boil over low heat for at least 15 minutes.
  4. Add 200-300 g of lemon. To do this, cut it into thin slices. Boil for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Infuse the resulting liquid for one day. Strain the jam, add 0.9-1.1 kg of sugar.

Cook 2-3 times for 5-7 minutes. You need to achieve a viscous consistency that will resemble honey.

We use exclusively yellow parts of the flower, which must be placed in a glass container, alternating with granulated sugar.

Important! There should be twice as much sugar as petals. If you do not follow this proportion, the jam will not be thick and its shelf life will be reduced.

When all the flowers are in the jar, compact them thoroughly. Be sure to place a weighting material on top. You can use pure stone. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze. Place the container with the mixture in a dark place where the air temperature does not exceed +10...+12°C. Infuse honey in this form for 100-110 days. It is necessary to constantly ensure that mold does not form on the surface of the flowers.

After this period, strain the liquid. Use the resulting syrup as a cure for colds, like a vitamin elixir.

How to make medicine from dandelion?

The entire plant can be used as a raw material - rhizomes, stems, leaves, flowers. All parts of dandelion have beneficial properties and have a positive effect on the human body.

Fighting joint pain

Important! This product can be used to rub tired skin after a long day. working day legs. It can also be used if available pain in the limbs when the weather changes.

To prepare the medicine, collect yellow flowers and compact them into a glass container with dark walls. After this, fill them with triple cologne to completely cover this mixture. Infuse the medicine in this form for 16-17 days.

When using the tincture, do not rub it in, but only apply lightly to problem areas. massage movements.

Alcohol tincture

To improve metabolism, as cholagogue, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, is used alcohol tincture from dandelion roots.

It's very easy to prepare:

  1. Prepare 20-25 g of dry raw material, which is filled with 200-250 ml of alcohol or regular vodka.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 15 days in a dry place that is not exposed to sunlight.
  3. Strain the tincture through several layers of gauze to get rid of impurities. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Important! Try to shake the container with the tincture every day. Also, do not allow sediment to get into the finished medicine.

Use this remedy every day for 7-10 days until you feel relief. The daily dose is 4-5 ml of tincture, which should be divided into three doses throughout the day.

Root decoction

A decoction of dandelion roots will help improve metabolism, which will promote weight loss. It will also help improve the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the number of rashes if you have problem skin.

Important! This medicine must be taken orally at least 3 times a day. Drink 100-120 ml of warm liquid at a time, 15-20 minutes before meals.

To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials, which must be filled with 230 ml of boiling water. Place the container with these ingredients on low heat and boil for 17 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, strain the medicine and take as directed.

Contraindications for use

All medicines that contain parts of dandelion cannot be used in the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach. Also avoid these medications if your bile ducts are blocked.

After studying all the beneficial properties of dandelion, it becomes clear that this plant is very useful for humans in in different forms. It is also a rather unusual product from which you can make delicious jam.

Dandelion is a unique plant that has absorbed all the beneficial components given by nature. Botanists count about 200 varieties of this plant. The most popular and sought after...

A gardener, summer residents do not like this plant at all. Dandelion (lat. Taraxacum officinale) is a difficult weed to eradicate.

One undestroyed flower is enough for the ripened seeds to sow the entire area. And yet, in spite of everything, the plant pleases the eye with yellow inflorescences in the green grass.

Botanical description of the plant and preparation

Dandelion root is vertical, thick, brown, white in cross section. At mechanical damage all parts release bitter juice.

The leaves in the basal rosette are lanceolate, toothed, up to 25 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. The peduncle is tubular, hollow inside.

The flower is bright yellow in the form of a single basket. After the plant fades, a bare receptacle remains.

Harvesting plant material is not difficult. It can be found almost everywhere.

The plant often covers fields, lawns and gardens with a continuous yellow carpet.

For medicinal purposes, leaves and flowers are collected during flowering, and the root is collected in the fall from the end of September.

Large roots are cleared of small lateral roots, dried in the sun for several days, washed, cut into small pieces and dried in a ventilated area.

Store in canvas bags in a dark and dry place.

Chemical composition and main active ingredients

Dandelion root is rich in substances related to sesquiterpenes, the glycosides taraxacin and taraxacerin.

Includes sterols, flavonoids luteolin-7-glucoside and cosmosin, sucrose, carotene, bitterness, tannins, traces of linoleic, palmitic, mellisic, oleanolic organic acids.

In addition, it accumulates inorganic elements and metals.

Substances of the triterpene series, inulin (24%), were isolated. nicotinic acid, sigmasterol, sitosterol, choline, B vitamins.

Dandelion herb contains:

  • Proteins;
  • Alcohols:
  • vitamins B2, F, C;
  • nicotinic acid.

Found in flowers:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • resins;
  • wax;
  • carotenoids;
  • proteins, phosphorus;
  • iron, manganese.

The amount of macro- and microelements even exceeds their content in many vegetables.

Medicinal properties of dandelion root

In medicine, more and more attention is being paid to this plant, because it contains many biologically active elements.

Dandelion officinalis is a unique natural weapon for healing.

Experienced herbalists often introduce the ingredient into herbal teas, folk cosmetics, it is recommended to introduce the plant into the diet.

The active substances of this plant exhibit diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, laxative, and sedative properties.

  • Digestive Aid

Dandelion contains bitterness and acts as a mild laxative, promotes digestion, stimulates appetite, has choleretic effect, restores electrolyte balance and also balances beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Preparations based on it have a beneficial effect on secretory and motor functions gastrointestinal tract.

They cause irritation of taste receptors, which entails stimulation of the food intake center. The secretion of digestive substances increases.

Medicines from the root can be used independently and in combination with other drugs. Good results can be achieved with pathologies of the gallbladder, gastritis, cholecystitis.

  • Choleretic effect

The choleretic effect, explained by the presence of β-sitosterol, allows the use of Taraxacum officinale preparations as a hepatoprotector.

In combination with liver medications, high results can be achieved in the treatment of liver diseases, in particular when it is damaged as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages.

  • Diuretic effect

This medicinal weed is a good diuretic that helps cleanse the kidneys by increasing urine production.

In addition, due to its disinfectant properties, dandelion inhibits microbial growth in the urinary system.

  • Anti-cancer effect

IN Lately There are numerous studies being conducted on the anti-cancer properties of dandelion root. The results look promising.

A 2011 Canadian study found that dandelion root extract induced melanoma cell death.

Important are clinical researches, dedicated to the possibility of using dandelion officinalis for the treatment of breast cancer.

Scientists from New Mexico have proven that an extract from the root of Taraxacum officinale can destroy non-invasive breast cancer cells.

It is believed that drugs containing the plant in question will be able to stop the process of metastasis.

  • Reduces blood sugar levels

Recent animal studies show dandelion's ability to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels.

Dandelion juice helps diabetic patients by stimulating the production of insulin from the pancreas, thereby keeping blood sugar levels low.

  • Lowers high blood pressure

Due to its diuretic effect, dandelion lowers blood pressure. And the presence of the trace element potassium in dandelion helps regulate it.

The fiber in the plant also helps in lowering cholesterol and thereby helps in lowering blood pressure since cholesterol is one of the factors that increases it.

  • Anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effect

Dandelion contains essential fatty acid, antioxidants and phytonutrients that reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Recent research also shows that dandelion increases immune function and fights germs, viruses and fungi.

  • Improves skeletal health

Dandelion is rich in calcium, which is essential for bone growth and strength. It also contains the antioxidant luteolin, which protects bones from age-related damage.

  • Antioxidant effect

All parts of the dandelion are rich in antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage to cells and DNA.

It is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and increases the liver's production of superoxide dismutase.

Published science articles, which prove the possibility of using the root in treatment diabetes mellitus, thanks to high content in plant tissues of the polysaccharide inulin. The substance has the property of lowering blood sugar.

  • Dandelion for treating skin diseases

To combat skin diseases, dandelion juice is used, the same milk that forms on the stem when the root is picked.

This is due to the fact that the juice has bactericidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties.

It is used to treat lichen, eczema and other skin diseases, no risk side effects or hormonal disorders, usually caused by pharmaceutical drugs.

For skin ailments, boils, eczema, age spots, you can use infusions, decoctions, ointments, and powder from the root of Taraxacum officinale.

For what diseases is dandelion root used?

  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract: cholecystitis, hepatitis
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: , colitis, chronic constipation, lack of appetite
  • Diseases urinary system: cystitis
  • Inflammatory joint diseases: gout, arthritis and others
  • Skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis
  • Diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension
  • Besonitsa
  • And many others

Medicines with dandelion root

Traditional and folk medicine uses the root of Taraxacum officinale in the form of decoctions, tinctures, and ointments.

You can also make tea from the roots, which is an excellent substitute for store-bought mixtures containing flavorings that are harmful to the body.

  • Dandelion root water decoction

A decoction of the root is most often used in folk medicine and is the main dosage form, which is applied as:

  • Choleretic;
  • Enhances digestion;
  • Antihyperglycemic;
  • Anti-cold;
  • Cholesterol lowering;
  • Diuretic;
  • Anticosidant and other agents.

How to prepare the decoction correctly:

  • To prepare a decoction, you need to take 10 g of finely ground root, place it in a bowl and add 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Cover the mixture and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, remembering to stir.
  • Remove from heat and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • Next, the mixture is filtered and the remainder is squeezed out. Bring the resulting volume to 0.5 liters with boiled water.

It is necessary to store at temperatures below 0 C, no longer than 2 days.

Drink 80 ml. pre-heating, 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Treatment of constipation is effective with the following composition. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of chopped roots. Leave for 15 minutes, strain and consume. ¼ cup 3 times will help normalize stool. The main thing is not to forget to drink this miraculous natural medicine 30 minutes before meals.

  • Dandelion milk infusion

1 tsp root per 250 ml of milk tones the intestines, treats problems with stool, and is a useful remedy for hemorrhoids.

  • Dandelion Root Powder

Taraxacum officinale powder is used for constipation. Take 0.5 teaspoon with water 25-30 minutes before meals 3 times.

How to use healing yellow beauty powder for atherosclerosis?

Grind the dry root material and take 1 tbsp. 3 times throughout the day. It tastes bitter, so it’s better not to chew, hold it in your mouth until saliva coats it, then swallow. It is better to use with honey or sweet syrup.

  • Collection with dandelion for insomnia

The following collection will help normalize sleep. You need to mix 1 part lemon balm and roots with 2 parts mint. 1 tsp collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take half a glass before bed. It is recommended to add honey if the patient does not suffer from allergies.

The roots collected in the first month of spring are used for inflammation of the lymph nodes. Grind the dug up roots to a porridge state. Place the mixture in gauze and apply to the lymph node. Secure the compress with a bandage and hold for 40 minutes. The same recipe will help cure bumps formed due to hemorrhoids.

  • Dandelion alcohol tincture

Alcohol tincture is also popular. Pour 2/3 cup of finely chopped roots with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka.

Then seal the bottle and hide it for 14 days in a place where light does not penetrate. The contents must be shaken every 3 days.

This drug treats epilepsy, joint diseases, and improves immunity. For medicinal purposes, drink 1 tbsp. spoon at least 3 times a day.

  • Dandelion coffee

Sunflower root can be used to replace coffee.

A lover of this drink will be able to boast beautiful skin, calm character and a cheerful mood is guaranteed.

This coffee normalizes metabolic processes in the body and has a calming effect, so it is perfect for the night.

But hypertensive patients should not take the drink, as it increases blood pressure!!!

If you add fried acorns to the roasted roots in a ratio of 1:2:7, then coffee will be beneficial for people suffering from diabetes (1 tsp per glass of milk). And for healthy people- This is a healing, preventive nectar, and it’s also delicious.

How to make dandelion coffee:

  1. To prepare miracle coffee, cut the washed and dried roots into pieces 2-3 cm thick and dry at low temperature in the oven until light brown.
  2. The roots processed in this way are ground and mixed with chopped chicory 1:1. For brewing, take 1 tsp. funds for 1 tbsp. boiling water

The roasted roots of the plant are sweetish. The sugar in the roots caramelizes and gives the drink a distinctive coffee aroma and color.

The drink is especially tasty with the addition of honey and lemon. By the way, this original drink is known as “Azawa coffee” and is named after the Japanese scientist and nutritionist J. Azawa. It was he who told the world about it, and claimed that this miracle drink was healing for patients with arthritis, rheumatism, people with problems of the heart and nervous system.

  • Dandelion root ointment

For burns, ulcers, pressure ulcers on help will come root ointment.

The powder must be mixed until
obtaining a viscous mixture with molten wax. To harden, it must be placed in a cold place.

To obtain therapeutic effect the ointment should be used externally, it must be applied to the affected areas.

  • Dandelion powder

To prepare the powder, the roots are ground into powder. The resulting powder has many useful properties and many applications.

It can be used as a component of face care masks. Helps in the battle against toxins inflammatory processes, age spots and acne.

The powder can be used to enrich lotions, creams and ointments. Powder can be added to shampoos and hair formulations.

This will nourish the epithelium of the head and hair roots, and will help give depleted curls smoothness and spectacular shine.

For women with inflamed skin, a mixture of massage oil and powder is suitable. In addition to all of the above, powder is an excellent additive for all kinds of cosmetology products prepared at home.

Soaps, lotions, scrubs and creams with the addition of powder will delight exhausted, dry skin.

As you can see, dandelion preparations affect the processes of regulating fluid balance in the body, the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and are used in the treatment of destructive processes in the joints. You can learn more about this by watching this video.

Contraindications to the use of dandelion root

Despite its healing properties and benefits, dandelion root is characterized by a number of contraindications.

People suffering from gastritis, blockages biliary tract or sores when used folk remedies from dandelion root can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea.

TO unpleasant consequences may result from taking medications in the presence of gallstones.

Due to its laxative properties, the use of dandelion roots should be limited or used with increased caution by those people who suffer from frequent disorders intestines.

Contraindications also apply to people suffering from allergies and individual intolerances.

It is forbidden to take dandelion preparations for stomach diseases accompanied by increased acidity gastric juice.

A stomach ulcer in the acute phase is also an important contraindication for taking infusions and decoctions of dandelion roots.

Infographics about dandelion root and its properties

This is such a “miracle weed”.

Unfortunately, it can concentrate substances that are hazardous to health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect material near busy highways, industrial enterprises and other polluting objects of public activity.

By the way, due to the fact that dandelion is unpretentious, you can allocate a part of the garden or vegetable garden at the dacha for its cultivation.
