Diseases of the stomach and nervous system - Yarrow heals instantly! Features of the use of yarrow, beneficial properties and contraindications

Yarrow- Achillea millefolium L. - perennial herbaceous plant from the family Asteraceae, or Compositae, with a horizontal branched rhizome, after which our site is named. The stems are erect, 15–80 cm high, branching only in the uppermost part. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate or linear in general outline, twice, three times pinnately dissected into thin segments, lower ones - with petioles, upper ones - sessile.
Yarrow flowers are small, white or pink, collected in small inflorescences-baskets, which, in turn, form a common corymbose inflorescence of numerous baskets on the tops of above-ground shoots. In each basket the marginal flowers are ligulate, female; the median ones are tubular, bisexual.
It blooms all summer, starting in June, the fruits ripen in August - October. Pollinated by insects, beekeepers consider yarrow a good honey plant. Propagated by seeds and rhizomes. One plant can produce up to 25,000 seeds.
Common yarrow is a Eurasian species brought to other continents. It is found throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of the northernmost regions. Grows in wastelands, landfills, in villages, along the banks of reservoirs, in meadows, in meadow steppes, among bushes, in sparse forests, on the edges; boundaries, along roads, along ravines, on fallow lands.
In Siberia, common yarrow is replaced by a close and very similar looking with pink flowers - Siberian yarrow (Achillea sibirica Serg.), which has the same medicinal properties.

Medicinal value of yarrow and methods of medicinal use of yarrow

The above-ground part of flowering yarrow plants (herb) is used in medicine. It contains essential oil (up to 1%), alkaloids achillein and stachydrine, vitamin K, ascorbic and other organic acids, choline, carotene, bitter and tannins, and trace elements.
In yarrow The hemostatic properties of its herb are valued above all. They have been known among the people since ancient times, which is why yarrow is called “bloodberry” in some Russian villages. It has been experimentally established that the alkaloid achillein contained in the plant increases blood clotting, which causes a hemostatic effect. At the same time, medicines made from yarrow never lead to the formation of blood clots. An infusion of the herb is most often used for uterine, pulmonary, and hemorrhoidal bleeding. It has been proven that medicines from yarrow enhance the contraction of the uterine muscles, therefore they are useful for heavy menstruation, fibroids, inflammatory diseases uterus.
In addition, yarrow preparations have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiallergic, choleretic, wound-healing, and diaphoretic effects. They are able to relax the smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, increase bile secretion, reduce arterial pressure, stimulate milk production in lactating women.
This plant has been known since ancient times. Dioscorides called it Herba vulnenaria, that is, a wound herb used to treat wounds and bleeding. According to Pliny, the plant got its name in honor of Achilles, who proved healing power herbs, using it to heal Telephus from a sword wound; other sources claim the origin of the name from the Greek achillos - abundant food or from achillon - thousand. Ancient chronicles report that the grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, who suffered from nosebleeds, was cured with yarrow.
In the summer, take a handful of inflorescences and leaves, pound in a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and mix in half with melted unsalted lard. Used to treat wounds. It is better to use freshly made ointment.

Freshly squeezed yarrow juice mixed with honey is drunk 1 tablespoon 2 times a day to improve appetite, digestion processes, for liver and gall bladder diseases, and cancer.
One tablespoon of yarrow herb per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals for rheumatism, neuralgia, diseases of the gallbladder, bile ducts.

For anemia, use an infusion of yarrow: put 60g of dried herb with tops in a vessel, pour in 400ml of boiling water, close the lid and leave for 3 minutes. Drink 1 cup once a day: in the morning on an empty stomach or at night. You can drink in 2 doses: 0.5 cups in the morning and 0.5 cups at night.

At atrial fibrillation-drink daily 2 glasses (60 ml) of weak wine, to which 24 drops of yarrow juice and 24 drops of rue juice are added to both glasses of wine.
In case of rabies (after being bitten by a rabid animal), it is useful to chew fresh yarrow.
For spleen disease, use a mixture of marigold flower baskets with yarrow herb, taken equally. Infuse 2 tablespoons of the mixture in the oven in 400 ml of water.
Take 100 ml 4 times a day after meals.

For pain in the lumbar region (kidney disease, radiculitis, myositis), infuse 1 tablespoon of dry yarrow herb for 1 hour in 200 ml of boiling water in a closed container, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
Long-term use and large doses of yarrow preparations cause dizziness and skin rashes.

At acute bronchitis take 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons of fresh yarrow herb juice or tincture (30 g of herb per 200 ml of vodka) 40 - 50 drops 4 times a day.
Or herbal infusion: 2 tablespoons of dried herb with tops are placed in a closed vessel and 200 ml of boiling water is added, cover with a lid and leave for 3 minutes, filter and drink 1 teaspoon: a child - 50 ml, an adult - once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach or overnight. You can drink this 25 ml portion in the morning and at night.

For acute gastritis, infuse 1 tablespoon of dry yarrow herb in 200 ml of boiling water for an hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

With hemoptysis and uterine bleeding drink yarrow juice 40 drops 3 times a day or infusion: 1 tablespoon of herb with inflorescences, pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a warm place, filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the uterus.

For hemorrhoids and furunculosis, drink tea from the leaves - 30 g per 1 liter of water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink hot 3-4 times a day.

For hemophilia, pour 1 teaspoon of yarrow herb into 200 ml of boiling water, leave and strain. Drink 70 ml per day before meals.

For heartburn, pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1 teaspoon with the top of yarrow herb, leave for a few minutes, strain.. Drink 400-600 ml of infusion daily.

When bleeding from the nose, pour 1 teaspoon with the top of the herb into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink 400 ml daily.

Or grind fresh leaves yarrow until they become moist and insert into the nose.

You can squeeze the juice and drop it into your nose. Juice works better.

For pulmonary bleeding, leave 1 tablespoon of dry herb for 1 hour in a closed container in 200 ml of boiling water, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day before meals.

At irregular menstruation, urolithiasis Infuse 1 tablespoon of dry herb in 200 ml of boiling water for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

In case of violation mineral metabolism substances, take 3 teaspoons per day of juice from yarrow leaves with honey.

In case of violation heart rate take 30-40 drops of grass juice 3 times a day (with a small amount of wine).

Infusion: infuse 20g of inflorescences and herbs for 1 hour in 200ml of boiling water. Use for washing, compresses, bandages.

For cancer lower lip Boil in vinegar and apply yarrow leaves to the tumor.

Grind and mix plantain and yarrow leaves in equal parts. Apply to inflamed areas of the skin for insect bites.

If you feel heaviness in your stomach, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the herb, leave for 30 seconds, strain. Take 200 ml of infusion in the morning and evening.

For enuresis, brew 2 teaspoons of yarrow herb with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.

At chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers, take a decoction of the herb (pour 1 teaspoon with 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat, strain). Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 25 - 30 days.

For gastritis with increased acidity use the following collection: yarrow herb, St. John's wort herb, chamomile inflorescences - 2 parts each, celandine herb - 1 part. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

Fresh yarrow juice mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 it is effective for furunculosis, skin tuberculosis and excessive hair loss. The dressings are changed once a day.

Yarrow herb decoction: 15g of crushed raw material per 1 glass warm water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for headaches, atherosclerosis, and arrhythmias.

Herbal decoction: 20g of dry crushed yarrow per 1 glass of warm water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals for intestinal colic, flatulence, ulcerative colitis, stomach cramps, gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenum, dysentery, diarrhea.

For hemorrhoids, wipes are moistened with a cold decoction of yarrow and applied to hemorrhoids. For enemas for hemorrhoids, use 60 ml of the same decoction.

Take the above decoction 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and allergic diathesis in children.

Herbal decoction: 30g of dry crushed yarrow per 1l hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the original volume. For rinsing the mouth for toothache, stomatitis, unpleasant smell from mouth.

To stimulate the secretion of milk during breastfeeding, use a herbal decoction: 15 - 20 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of warm water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, process, strain, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Yarrow is also used in cosmetics. A decoction of its herbs is used to wash the face to get rid of acne, and apply lotions to areas of the skin affected by pustules and boils. The steamed herb is used as a local anesthetic.
Pharmacies sell ready-made medicinal product rotokan, which is a mixture of chamomile, marigold and yarrow extracts, is used for inflammation of the oral mucosa of various etiologies.

Features of harvesting yarrow

Aboveground shoots of yarrow are cut with a sickle or knife. It is advisable to cut the shoots in the middle of their height or even just the tops of the shoots, because their lower part is very rough, healing qualities her low. Do not try to pluck the shoots with your hands or break them off, you will not succeed: the stems of yarrow are so strong that it is easier to pull out the plant with its root system than to tear it off top part escape. In any case, plucking will lead to serious injury, or even death of the entire plant. Besides, you still can’t get high-quality raw materials without a knife. Cut yarrow shoots are tied into bunches and hung to dry in attics; in sheds, under sheds.
In good weather, the raw material dries in 7 - 10 days. Yarrow can also be dried in a dryer at 40 - 50°C. The end of drying is determined by the degree of fragility of the stems. Store raw materials in wooden or glass containers for up to 2 years.
According to Paul Sedir, yarrow is ruled by Mercury. Collect during the Sun and Moon in Cancer.

Delicate white-pink-yellow flowers, small carved leaves and a charming spicy smell - all this is yarrow: photo of this meadow plant familiar to everyone. An inconspicuous wildflower can easily be found in every corner of the vast homeland, on every path and near every birch tree, and it’s hard to believe that for several thousand years this plant has been valued in medicine for its weight in gold. Ancient herbalists, biblical legends and ancient Greek myths - yarrow left its mark everywhere: beneficial features and the contraindications of the modest flower were known to both ancient heroes and Russian commanders.

Suvorov's secret weapon

The history of yarrow is in its countless names, which, although fewer than the leaves, are what they are! Cutworm, bloodworm, sickleweed (for its ability to stop bleeding and heal wounds), sneezing grass, whitehead, soldier grass... The most famous carpenter in history, Joseph, as legends say, treated his professional carpentry injuries with crushed “yarrow”, and after him the plant They specifically began to plant them near workshops and forges.

But legends are legends, and we are also interested in reliable facts - and here the yarrow became famous! Its medicinal properties and contraindications were used by South American Indians, the ancient Aztecs and Romans, medieval monks and warriors... Mexican shamans brewed an aromatic soothing tea from whitehead, the Indians treated colds and spurred the ardor of love, and Tibetan healers were sure: yarrow helps to resolve tumors and relieve inflammation.

But the most important merit of the cutter in world history is its incredible hemostatic properties. The ancient Scythians and the warriors of Alexander the Great valued the herb for this, and the commander Suvorov, famous for his sincere concern for the ordinary Russian soldier, did not start battles until each fighter was equipped with healing herbal powder. And not only Suvorov - according to one version, Latin name"Yarrow" comes from the ancient Greek "Achilles" - the name of the hero of the Iliad. According to myths, Achilles treated the wounds of his soldiers after battles with the Trojans with the leaves of the bloodworm...

A universal remedy for bleeding

The ability to stop any bleeding is the most important “specialization” for which the yarrow herb is famous: medicinal properties and its contraindications in this area are primarily due to its unique chemical composition. Vitamin A, vitamin K are the main doctor for our blood and capillaries, acids, ...

Decoctions, fresh green juices and infusions from the odorous poreznik strengthen the walls of capillaries, stop hemorrhages, and heal wounds and ulcers. Yarrow is used for bleeding different types: uterine, nasal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal, gastric, bloody diarrhea etc.

Whitehead helps improve the condition and reduce bleeding during heavy periods, treats open wounds. And for small cuts and abrasions at the dacha, you can use this recipe - just chop the grass so that the juice appears and apply it to the sore spot.

A thousand leaves for a thousand diseases

But not only for its hemostatic power, yarrow is so valuable - its beneficial properties will help with a variety of ailments, from seasonal colds and office stress to liver disease and severe inflammation.

What misfortunes does yarrow treat and in what cases? the best medicine will the herbal infusion become tart?

  • At the same time stimulates appetite and activates metabolic processes, improves the absorption of all useful substances. And this means a healthy intestine, a slim body and a perky sparkle in the eyes!
  • Helps relieve pain and heal ulcers peptic ulcers, severe colitis and gastritis.
  • Acts as a diaphoretic for colds and fevers, fights the source of infection, relieves inflammation, and works as an antiseptic.
  • It expels all toxins and waste from the body, stimulates the liver, and cleanses the blood.
  • Reduces blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation in the veins and improves cardiac activity.
  • Treats diseases of the genitourinary system: relieves symptoms of cystitis, helps dissolve small kidney stones, relieves irritation of the bladder.
  • Yarrow decoctions and juice perfectly heal burns, abrasions and all kinds of wounds, and relieve skin inflammation.
  • Medicinal products with whitehead relieve headaches, help cope with insomnia and nervous overload, and are excellent for calming.

Fragrant meadow grass is especially useful for women's health– yarrow not only helps to calmly survive painful and heavy menstruation, but also heals uterine erosions (in the composition complex therapy), resolves fibroids, enhances lactation in young mothers.


Have you been advised to try yarrow? Contraindications for the use of this herb are very unusual, so it would not hurt to consult not only a herbalist, but also a certified doctor.

The main danger of yarrow is its strength. The fragrant leaves and flowers contain many volatile substances and even poisons, which, if taken in excessive dosage, can cause serious harm. To avoid trouble, follow two rules.

  • Don't delay therapy.

If you are using yarrow for the first time, treatment course should last a maximum of 2 weeks; next time such herbal treatment can be slightly increased in duration.

  • Do not increase the dose.

Better yet, reduce it - in the first course of treatment with whitehead, the dose should be reduced exactly by half - this will help eliminate all risks of poisoning. If after a couple of weeks you feel active and cheerful, next time take the medicine according to all the rules.

You should take yarrow-based medications with caution if you have low blood pressure and a tendency to thrombosis - such diagnoses require constant supervision by a specialist. During pregnancy, treatment with field grass will have to be completely abandoned.

How to use yarrow?

Throughout history, a lot has accumulated healing recipes with yarrow herb: application in folk medicine- these are decoctions, infusions, juice and oil extract. Which of them are the simplest and most effective?

The poreznik decoction is prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of crushed flowers, stems and leaves with a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for another half hour. Then filter through gauze and drink 50-100 ml after meals.

Yarrow juice is a time-tested remedy for external and internal bleeding, for gum diseases, skin ailments. To prepare fresh herbal juice, you need to thoroughly wash the carved leaves of meadow grass, rinse, chop and squeeze out the juice. Take a teaspoon three times a day or in the form of herbal lotions.

For dermatitis, pustules on the skin, other external diseases, disorders menstrual cycle A bath with whitehead infusion will help. The recipe is very simple: pour 200 grams of dried yarrow herb (collected in the nearest meadow or purchased at a pharmacy) with three liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Pour the strained infusion into the bath and enjoy herbal spa treatments for 15 minutes before bed.

Yarrow in cosmetology

Yarrow is not only faithful assistant and a reliable doctor for women's health, but also an excellent cosmetologist and trichologist.

Using the herb, you can prepare a miraculous face mask that will tighten pores, remove oily shine and give your face a matte and fresh color. To do this, soak clean three-layer gauze in a decoction of yarrow and apply it to clean skin for half an hour. A week's course of such daily manipulations - and your face will simply be unrecognizable!

If you are overheated in the sun, summer will save you nourishing mask with yarrow: 2 tablespoons of mashed flowers, a teaspoon of milk and honey and an egg yolk. Mix everything well and keep the mask on for 10-15 minutes.

For active hair growth, a whole herbal program with yarrow is necessary: ​​an hour before washing, rub a decoction of fragrant herbs into the roots, and after washing, rinse the curls with water and two large spoons of the decoction.

This is such a unique flower, this yarrow - modest, inconspicuous, but with amazing healing power.

grows throughout almost the entire territory of the CIS, excluding the north of Siberia and the Far East. This useful herb is literally under our feet: in forest clearings and edges, in meadows, parks, along highways. But how useful is it and how can it help? Everyday life of people? Let's try to figure this out.

Chemical composition of yarrow

To learn everything about yarrow, in particular about its beneficial properties and contraindications, let’s first understand its composition. The herb of the plant includes the alkaloids glucoside, stachydrine, achillein, betonitsin, achillein and essential oil, which also contains chamazulene; esters, camphor, thujone, borneol, cineole, glycosides - apigenin and luteolin. It is also impossible not to pay attention to tannins, which include resins, amino acids, organic acids, carotene, vitamin K, ascorbic acid, formic acid, isovaleric acid, acetic acid, bitter substances, millefolide, matrixin, rutin.

Medicinal properties of yarrow

Both folk and traditional medicine know what yarrow treats and what properties it has. Yarrow has long been famous for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Did you know? According to legend, the ancient Greek hero Achilles treated the wounds of his soldiers with yarrow grass. The ancient names of the plant, translated into a modern way, eloquently testify to the people who used yarrow in treatment-“grass of soldiers’ wounds”, “grass of blood”, “consumptive grass”, “yarrow of knights”.

Thanks to its ability to dilate blood vessels, yarrow is able to normalize and lower blood pressure. When taken orally, this herb has a mild effect on internal organs and relieves flatulence. For intestinal problems, gallbladder And genitourinary system yarrow acts as an antispasmodic. Tannins, contained in the plant, together with essential oils and chamazulene, have a wound-healing, bactericidal and anti-allergenic effect. Yarrow infusion can increase blood clotting without forming blood clots. In addition, the plant's action can reduce heart beats, helping with arrhythmia and tachycardia.

Recipes for using yarrow in folk medicine

Infusions, decoctions and ointments prepared from yarrow alleviate the condition of patients with many diseases. They are used for dental diseases, for bursitis, gout and rheumatism, as well as for many diseases skin and some diseases internal organs. Yarrow has long been used traditional medicine as the main and additional raw materials for medicines.

Juice for ulcers and wounds

In folk medicine, yarrow juice has found wide use in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. To do this, fresh leaves are thoroughly washed and crushed, after which the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass and used as a lotion or as a means to irrigate affected skin.

Lotions for skin inflammation

To relieve symptoms of skin diseases, such as inflammation, itching due to eczema and neurodermatitis, a lotion is prepared from yarrow. To do this, take two tablespoons of ground herbs, half a liter of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 100 ml of alcohol. The herb is boiled for about twenty minutes, then infused for four hours. Once the infusion is ready, the remaining ingredients are added to it. The prepared mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin for a week.

Ointment based on yarrow for boils

Based on yarrow, pharmacology produces an effective ointment against boils. However, it is quite possible to prepare it at home. To do this, take fresh flowers and leaves of the plant, then chop about 50 grams of the raw material and pour in 200 grams of melted pork fat, leaving it to simmer in a water bath for ten hours. The finished ointment (still hot) is filtered and poured into a glass container and placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Yarrow compresses for swelling, wounds and bruises

Our ancestors knew: to stop bleeding from a wound, it is enough to rub a yarrow leaf in your fingers and sprinkle it on the affected area. It's the same with lotions. Take chamomile and yarrow (flowers) 30 grams each, brew the flowers of both plants separately in 150 ml of water and infuse separately. Strain and mix the prepared mixtures, and heat them slightly before applying the compress. It is important that the compress remains on the bruised area for an hour.

Infusion for rinsing for inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa

Yarrow successfully fights oral diseases such as periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes. For example, to relieve inflammation of the gums, a cotton swab is moistened in the juice of the grass and applied to the sore spot. For rinsing oral cavity prepare a decoction of yarrow flowers. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of flowers and 200 ml of water, brew and boil, but no more than five minutes. Rinse after eating.

Therapeutic baths with the addition of yarrow

Baths from a herbal collection, which includes yarrow, help with the following diseases: eczema, scaly psoriasis, neurodermatitis, prickly heat, diathesis, dermatitis. They are great for soothing irritated, dry skin. Foot baths with the addition of yarrow relieve fatigue and help fight fungi and bad odors. For men, sitz baths made from peppermint, chamomile and yarrow help fight prostatitis. To relieve skin irritation and calm nerves, you need to brew 200 grams of yarrow herb in three liters of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Then add the mixture to your bath.

Important! It is better to perform this relaxing procedure at night, and after a bath, wrap yourself in a warm blanket or robe.

The use of yarrow in gynecology

Yarrow, along with its medicinal properties for women, has long been actively used in gynecology. A special effect is observed when treating uterine bleeding with a liquid extract of the plant. In addition, a drug based on yarrow is also quite effective in the treatment of fibroids, with large blood loss, with critical days And inflammatory processes in the uterus.

However, yarrow tea and its use will be useful not only in gynecology, but also for young mothers, since the described plant perfectly improves lactation. This wonderful drink also helps with menopause. With the help of preparations based on yarrow, the condition of patients with erosions is alleviated, and they are also often used as antimicrobial agent with inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane female organs. Liquid extract treat endometritis, endometriosis, cystitis, inflammation of the cervical canal.

Douching with yarrow helps with colpitis, thrush, candidiasis, vulvitis, bartholinitis. Also, a fairly common problem for women who have given birth is cervical erosion, and to combat it, douching and lotions with a cotton swab are very helpful.

How is yarrow used in cosmetology?

Yarrow, due to its properties, tones, strengthens and disinfects the skin. He can be seen in many cosmetics: for example, lotions, tonics, masks and cosmetic milk. Hand and foot baths are often used to care for irritated, tired or simply unkempt, rough skin. The benefits of yarrow are enhanced by the fact that it has the ability to regenerate tissue. Care with the help of this plant for oily and problem skin V as soon as possible works wonders - it stretches, becomes elastic, and pustules, pimples and allergic rashes quickly disappear from skin.

To treat acne you can prepare alcohol infusion from yarrow herb. To do this, take 25 grams of dry, crushed grass, pour it into a glass container and pour 100 ml of vodka. Let the composition sit in a dark place for a week, and then lubricate acne twice a day (spotwise). Yarrow helps heal dry, brittle and stain-damaged skin or chemical treatment hair. It is also good to use herbal infusions against dandruff, as this will relieve you of the feeling of dryness and give your hair a healthy look and shine. To stimulate hair growth, take 10 grams of crushed dried flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about an hour. It is recommended to rinse your hair with this solution after washing, and if the mixture has cooled down, warm it up before use.

Did you know? Yarrow was used not only by warriors and healers; ancient artisans sown it around their workshops. In case of any injurythe medicine was always at hand. In addition, the ancients endowed plants magical properties, used yarrow in witchcraft and to cast damage.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials of yarrow

All above-ground parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. Yarrow blooms throughout June-July, and its seeds ripen in August. It is better to collect inflorescences at the beginning of flowering, because that is when they contain a larger amount of useful substances. Along with the inflorescence, the top of the stem and leaves are cut off, after which the cut yarrow is collected in bunches and hung to dry in a dry room without direct sunlight. The storage room must be ventilated. The dried yarrow collection is crushed and stored in paper or fabric bags, or can be poured into a glass container. The raw materials are suitable for consumption for two years.

Today we will talk about tincture of yarrow and its other preparations. Yarrow is one of the most amazing medicinal plants. It is unusual not because it is rare, no - it is literally like weed grows anywhere, but because it is mentioned in almost all sections of reference books on herbal medicine, both in folk and official medicine. Its drugs can be found among the following groups of drugs:

  • sedatives and sleeping pills,
  • lowering blood pressure,
  • anticonvulsants,
  • painkillers,
  • hemostatic,
  • disinfectants,
  • astringents.

Collection and preparation

Yarrow grows in meadows and fields, in forest clearings, along roadsides, in city wastelands, on any soil. However, it cannot be collected everywhere. Within the city limits, near large industrial enterprises or in environmentally unfavorable areas, it is better not to collect any plants or fruits, but far from civilization, in forests, even in summer cottages, you can easily make large reserves. Harvesting yarrow is also convenient because it blooms almost all summer (it is harvested precisely during flowering).

For industrial purposes, flowers and leaves are collected separately; For home use, the entire stem is cut off and dried in bundles. It is better to cut it off rather than uproot it, because yarrow is a perennial plant and can produce a “harvest” for several years in a row.

Useful material

Yarrow contains a lot of biologically active substances; They are used in medicine and cooking, for making spices:

  • Alkaloid achillein (increases blood clotting).
  • Essential and fatty oils.
  • Camphor.
  • Acids (ascorbic, acetic, formic, isovaleric).
  • Carotene.
  • Phytoncides, etc.

Indications for the use of yarrow preparations:

  1. Internal bleeding: intestinal, uterine, hemorrhoidal.
  2. External bleeding: nasal, wound.
  3. Pain of stomach and intestinal origin, digestive disorders.
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Gynecological inflammatory diseases.
  6. Anemia.
  7. Headache.
  8. Dyspnea.
  9. Cough (you can also use propolis tincture for cough).
  10. Hypertension.
  11. Decreased appetite.

Instructions for preparing alcohol tincture

We will need:

  1. 30 g dried herbs and flowers.
  2. 100 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  3. A well-sealed dark glass container of appropriate size

Pour the raw material with alcohol and leave for 10 days, strain. (If using vodka, steep for two weeks.)

Use of yarrow tincture

The tincture should be taken by diluting it in a small amount of water. Drink 30–40 drops 3–4 times a day before meals. It is a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic for various diseases, as well as a hemostatic agent, including pulmonary hemorrhages.

The tincture is also used externally to treat minor wounds, cuts, and to treat pustular skin diseases. Sometimes it is used to treat wound dressings. The alcohol tincture is convenient because, once prepared, it can be stored for a long time and, if necessary, taken with you to work or on a trip. This is its advantage over water infusions, decoctions and teas, which are stored for a maximum of two days.

Please note that for some skin problems you can use alcohol tincture of chamomile - a very effective remedy.

Ingredients for preparation medicinal decoctions and herbal teas with yarrow are widely available in pharmacies.

  • For hypertension: yarrow, oregano, birch leaf, pine needles, sweet clover.
  • For uterine bleeding: yarrow, sea buckthorn leaf, red brush, chamomile.
  • To improve the condition of joints: yarrow, cinquefoil, elecampane, oak bark, wormwood.
  • For diseases of the stomach and intestines: yarrow, St. John's wort, oats, chamomile, fireweed, calendula, plantain, rose hips.
  • Anti-inflammatory: yarrow, chamomile, plantain, mint, St. John's wort, fireweed.
  • For prostatitis: yarrow, red root, hops, birch, wormwood, St. John's wort, and also on our website.

You can make such fees yourself - if you have high-quality raw materials.

And a little more about how this plant is used among people:

  • When bleeding from the nose, fresh leaves, crushed until the juice appears, are placed in the nostrils.
  • Hemorrhoids are treated with enemas from the decoction.
  • For hair loss, a decoction or tincture diluted with water is rubbed into the scalp.
  • Crushed leaves are applied to the bleeding wound.

Like any medicine, yarrow should not be taken orally uncontrolled. Before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Overdose may cause nausea, headache, dizziness, rash. With low blood pressure and high blood clotting and varicose veins veins, taking yarrow tincture and its other drugs is contraindicated.

Yarrow – perennial with attractive small light flowers. It is widely used in treatment various diseases in folk medicine. Decoctions and tinctures are made from the presented plant. Its medicinal properties are so extensive that they allow it as a main one. You will learn about all the beneficial properties and contraindications of the herb from the article.

Useful and healing properties

The yarrow plant contains great amount useful enzymes and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, and, therefore, contribute to recovery. Thus, among the beneficial and medicinal properties of yarrow there are:

  1. Galenic forms have an antispasmodic effect on the intestines. They also significantly reduce flatulence. In addition to the presented beneficial properties, microelements of this group are able to remove bile, first dilating the bile ducts.
  2. Yarrow has an effect on the gastric mucosa, increasing its secretion.
  3. The large amount of vitamin K allows the herb to be used as a hemostatic agent. It is used as a means to stop bleeding, both external and internal (with the exception of arterial bleeding).

Resins have an antimicrobial effect. Due to their large volumes in the composition, a decoction or infusion of yarrow has a characteristic tart smell and taste.

Important! Chemical composition the presented plant includes a large number of different essential oils and microelements, each of which has beneficial and therapeutic effect on work activity the whole body. You can read about the benefits for the liver.

Useful properties used in gynecology

For women, yarrow can sometimes become an indispensable medicine that can be used for uterine bleeding or heavy menstruation. Thanks to a large number vitamin K, used as astringent, which allows you to reduce volumes bleeding which subsequently leads to improvement general condition women. used for the treatment of fibroids, because the complete elimination of tumors in the uterine cavity through home treatment has been noted more than once.

Here are several recipes for treatment: gynecological diseases among women.

Infusion of dandelion root, yarrow herb and nettle

To prepare it:

  • take a tablespoon of the listed components;
  • mix them thoroughly and pour 400 ml of boiling water;
  • cover with a lid and leave for 3 hours until the infusion is ready.

After the time has elapsed, filter the composition and drink two tablespoons three times a day before meals for about 20 minutes. This course of treatment is designed for two weeks.

Interestingly, at home it is not a big problem.

Infusion for oral administration or syringe

Mixed here:

  • yarrow inflorescence - half a teaspoon;
  • – three teaspoons;
  • dried walnut leaves - a teaspoon;
  • sunflower petals - two teaspoons.

All components are thoroughly mixed and 400 ml of boiling water is poured. Leave to infuse for 6 hours. After the time has passed, the entire composition is drunk in small sips throughout the day. If you are going to make syringes using the presented ready-made infusion, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Important! Treatment of serious gynecological diseases should not consist only of the use of yarrow. Infusions and teas can be used as additional medicines. you can read in our article.

Beneficial properties for men

Yarrow is very useful for men, especially for combating. For example, ordinary tea using the presented plant can relieve inflammation, eliminate pain syndrome, and also prevent exacerbation during chronic form diseases.

To make tea you will need a teaspoon of dried herbs and a glass of boiling water. The bulk component is poured with water and left to infuse for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the allotted time, just strain and add a teaspoon of honey.

Find out so that he can always come to your aid in treating various ailments.


  • increased blood clotting - there is a high risk of a blood clot;
  • Take with caution for other stomach diseases;
  • there is a risk of an allergic reaction;
  • Decoctions and infusions with yarrow should not be used by people with high blood pressure.

Among other things, the presented plant is prohibited for use by pregnant women (read) and children under 6 years of age. According to doctors, yarrow in high concentrations can cause heartburn, cause dizziness, lead to the formation of a rash or other allergic reactions. Before using the plant, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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