Do modern children need fish oil? Fish oil for children: beneficial properties

Fish oil has been used as a dietary supplement for over 100 years.

This product is considered useful, because it provides the human body with fatty acids that are not synthesized in it.

Mothers especially often think about fish oil, wanting to give their babies everything that is most useful and necessary for normal growth. But from how many months is it permissible to start giving it, how is it useful for the child’s body, and which one to choose from those on the market? Let's figure it out.

Fish oil is a source of essential fatty acids


Thanks to this composition fish fat:

  • Helps absorb calcium.
  • Prevents the development of rickets.
  • Participates in the mineralization of bones and dental tissues.
  • Supports the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Has a positive effect on brain functions.
  • Stimulates the mental development of children.
  • Promotes the development of fine motor skills.
  • Improves the ability to learn new knowledge.
  • Increases perseverance and concentration.
  • Reduces fatigue from intellectual stress.
  • Protects against negative influence stress.
  • Stimulates the formation of serotonin, thereby preventing the onset of depression.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents the development of obesity.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses.
  • By stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins, it prevents inflammatory reactions, infectious diseases and allergies.
  • Improves the condition of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Positively affects work respiratory system, and digestive tract.
  • Contributes to more fast healing skin damage.
  • Improves vision, affecting both night vision and color perception.
  • Reduces the risk of malignant tumors.

Fish oil has a positive effect on a child's mental development


Despite big number positive effects From taking supplements that include fish oil, these drugs also have some disadvantages:

  • Some children who take fish oil supplements may experience allergic reaction.
  • Fish oil extracted from shark meat may contain harmful substances.
  • Children's fish oil supplements may include artificial flavors and sweeteners.
  • Exceeding dosages or too Long-term use of fish oil can worsen the child’s health.


Frequent colds And weak immunity crumbs may be an indication for taking fish oil

  • If your child has signs depression or sleep is disturbed.
  • For eye diseases and vision problems.
  • If the baby has a congenital heart defect.
  • To prevent obesity with tendency to be overweight.
  • If you want to speed up healing wounds or burns.
  • At excessively dry skin, brittle nails and deteriorated hair condition.
  • With the aim of prevent colds and acute respiratory infections.
  • In the postoperative period.

Any of these situations may be a reason to prescribe fish oil, but in each specific case you should first consult a pediatrician, because there is a large list beneficial effects does not exclude the presence of contraindications to such a supplement.


  • Individual intolerance to fish.
  • Hyperfunctions thyroid gland.
  • Stomach diseases.
  • Hypervitaminosis D or A.
  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Severe injuries.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Liver pathologies.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Increased bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Kidney stone disease.

For liver diseases. kidneys, gall bladder, taking fish oil is allowed only with the permission of the attending physician

In the diet of an infant

The prescription of such a supplement for babies in the first 12 months of life must be agreed with a pediatrician. The doctor will take into account the rate of development of the baby, the overgrowth of the fontanelles and other nuances, on the basis of which he will conclude that the baby needs fish oil. You cannot independently give any drug containing fish oil to an infant who is not yet 1 year old.

It should be noted that children who are fed mother's milk have less need for additional sources of vitamins and healthy fats in the first six months of life. The same cannot be said about artificial babies. If a formula-fed baby does not get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fats, this can lead to problems with intellectual development.

In such a situation, the pediatrician will certainly recommend the inclusion of fish oil in the baby’s diet, selecting the drug individually, and then determining the right dosage, as well as the duration of treatment. Doctors call the minimum age at which fish oil is prescribed 4 weeks.

Watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about the use of vitamins contained in fish oil to prevent rickets in young children:

Types and how to choose the best

If we talk about natural fat, then we are talking about oily clear liquid yellow color, which has a characteristic smell and taste. Such fat can be obtained from the liver of fish (mainly cod) and from fish carcasses, for example, from tuna or salmon meat.

The second option is more preferable for children, because it is cold-pressed, it is of higher quality and contains the optimal amount of nutrients. Fish liver oil is virtually devoid of omega-3 fats and will provide the baby with too many fat-soluble vitamins, which is why its duration is limited to 3 months.

Let us note that Norwegian fat is considered to be of the highest quality, because the seas of Norway are classified as environmentally friendly places, and fish from them do not accumulate petroleum products, heavy metals and other toxins.

Manufacturers of fish oil supplements these days offer quality products for children with a pleasant taste that kids enjoy drinking or chewing. Fish oil for children comes in liquid form, packaged in capsules, and also hidden in gummies.

Capsulated fish oil is called the most effective in its healing effect, since such a preparation does not come into contact with air and its beneficial properties last longer. Capsules for such supplements can be made from fish gelatin, which only increases their benefits. However, many small children cannot chew or swallow capsules, so liquid preparations for early ages (up to three years) are very relevant.

When buying fish oil for a child, carefully read the supplement label and description from the manufacturer. It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • What source did it come from?
  • Are there quality certificates for the selected additive?
  • Is it indicated that the drug has a medical and not a nutritional purpose?
  • How much omega-3 fat is in the supplement? It is desirable that their concentration is at least 15%.
  • What raw materials is the shell made of?
  • What are the expiration dates?

If you purchase liquid fish oil, make sure its consistency is uniform and there is no unpleasant odor. When buying a drug in capsules for your child, it is better to stick to small packages, since long-term storage worsens its properties.

Most popular drugs

Among the supplements containing fish oil, the following drugs are most in demand for children:

Moller Kalanmaksaoljy. This is a liquid fish oil with a fruity taste, packaged in 250 ml bottles. This supplement from Finland can be given from 6 months of age. The daily dosage of the drug is 5 ml.

Minisun Omega-3 fats and vitamin D. This Finnish preparation is a source of both fish oil (600 mg in each fruit jelly) and vitamin D3 (400 IU in each jelly). It is recommended to give it to children over two years old, 1 gummy candy per day.

Triomega Kids. This is another Finnish supplement whose capsules contain fish oil. These fruit capsules are prescribed 2-3 pieces per day for children over 5 years old. They can be swallowed or chewed.

Solgar Goldfish. This fish-shaped chewable fish oil is cold-pressed from tuna. The preparation does not contain sugar, salt, starch or any artificial additives. The product is given to children over 4 years old, 2 chewable tablets per day.

Kusalochka. Such capsules from a domestic manufacturer contain Icelandic fish oil and natural flavors. The supplement is prescribed from the age of 3 when there are indications for taking fish oil. Children under 7 years of age are given one capsule twice a day with meals, and at older ages the number of doses is increased to 3 per day.

Biafishenol for children. This domestic fish oil comes in capsules recommended for children over 3 years of age. The product is obtained from Icelandic fish (from carcasses). Its daily dosage for ages 3-6 years is 4 capsules, and for children over six years of age - 8 capsules.

BioContour. This fish oil for children from the Russian manufacturer PolarPharm is presented with additives in different flavors - strawberry, apple, lemon, orange, raspberry, grapefruit and multifruit. Also in the assortment of this company from Murmansk there is a drug without flavoring additives. All of these drugs are soft chewable capsules approved for use in children three years of age and older. They are made from the carcasses of sardines, Atlantic herring and mackerel. Any of the supplements is prescribed 4-8 capsules per day.

Poly Kids. This chewable fish oil with raspberry or orange flavor is produced in Murmansk. The drug is recommended for children three years old and older. Its daily dosage is 8 capsules.

Omega-3 from Gummi King. This supplement, represented by lemon, strawberry and orange candies without gelatin, contains fish oil from tuna, and the flavors and colors in this preparation are only natural. These gummy fish are recommended for children over 2 years old, 2 pieces per day.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to give fish oil to children during feeding. It is usually offered to be drunk, chewed or swallowed during breakfast. If it is a liquid preparation without a sweet taste, it can be used to season salads and other dishes for children.

The dosage for each child should be selected together with the pediatrician, because such a supplement can also be prescribed with for preventive purposes, and for treatment.

In addition, the dose for a child at 2 years old or at 7 years old will be different. Liquid fish oil supplements are recommended for children under three years of age, while capsules or jellies can be given to older children.

Fish oil supplements are usually given in a course that lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The drug should be taken daily, and after a break of 2-3 months, the dose can be repeated. The number of courses per year can be from 1 to 3. It is best to choose the period from September to May to take such supplements so that the product does not deteriorate.

Side effects and overdose

  • If you take fish oil on an empty stomach, it may cause your stool to become loose. To avoid such a situation, it is recommended to use such supplements only during meals.
  • As for an overdose, it is possible if you give your child a drug made from liver fat. This type contains too many vitamins and can cause nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. When discontinuing the drug, data side effects disappear.
  • Excessive consumption of fish oil when chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis can provoke an exacerbation of such pathologies.
  • Some children may experience bad smell from the mouth (resembling a fish).


To preserve the beneficial substances, liquid preparations with fish oil are packaged in dark glass bottles. Having selected the desired dosage of the drug, it is important to close the bottle tightly. If you leave such a supplement in the sun, its valuable fatty acids will be destroyed.

Also, storage of the drug will lead to deterioration high temperature Therefore, it is recommended to keep fish oil at a temperature below +10°C. For this reason, the drugs are not recommended to be taken in the summer.

The best option would be to store fish oil in the refrigerator.

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular doctor classifies fish oil as a useful supplement, but advises giving it to children and nursing mothers only if it is impossible to get vitamin D from other sources. If a child and his mother regularly walk in sunny weather, take complex vitamins or synthetic vitamin D, Komarovsky does not see the need for it in the diet.

However, a well-known pediatrician does not consider such a supplement to be harmful, and if the mother wants to give it as a supplement to the child’s diet, this, according to Komarovsky, will not harm. Provided that single dose Parents will discuss the frequency of use and duration of use with their pediatrician.

What can be replaced?

A child can also get omega fats, vitamin D and other beneficial compounds from fish oil from food. To do this, fish should be present in his diet twice or thrice a week. The most valuable species are trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna, haddock, herring and sea bass.

You can also get omega fats from plant foods, for example, walnuts, vegetable oils, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds . There is a lot of vitamin D in foods such as butter, eggs, liver, sour cream. If they appear regularly on the child's menu, additional dose he won't need fish oil.

Products containing sufficient quantity omega-3

Fish oil is recommended for consumption by many leading experts; Dr. Komarovsky, among other things, advises children to take this additive. But, in order to get from the course of admission maximum benefit, you need to choose the right fish oil and take it.

Benefits and harms

Fish oil contains saturated Omega-3 acids, which are simply necessary for the growing body of children. But you shouldn’t overdo it with a drug that can rightfully be called a medicinal one. If the doctor sees the need to take fish oil, you should not neglect its prescription, because its benefits for children are great. The greatest benefits are as follows:

  • Restoring normal bone growth.
  • Reduced frequency of colds.
  • Restoring vision.
  • Elimination of signs of allergies.
  • Replenishing the child's body with missing vitamins A and D. Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking a course of fish oil for those children who experience a clear deficiency of vitamin D in the body. Komarovsky classifies in this category those children who spend little time on fresh air, under the sun. In addition, this drug is usually prescribed to expectant mothers whose babies are expected to be born in winter time. Dr. Komarovsky believes that fish oil can cover the deficiency of these vitamins in the child’s body.
  • In addition to the fact that fish oil is usually intended for internal use, it is quite popular means in the treatment of various injuries skin, for example, wounds, burns.

In addition, parents of children taking fish oil leave positive reviews, which claim that after taking a course of the drug, the child’s health status improved significantly, as did his mood. The child does not complain about Bad mood, becomes less aggressive. Some reviews characterize the drug in terms of therapy, which helps improve the condition of nails and hair, and is also excellent prophylactic from obesity.

No matter how beneficial fish oil is, one should not exclude the harm it can cause to a child’s health. First of all, the harm to the child’s body lies in various flavorings and flavoring additives, with the help of which manufacturers manage to veil the taste of the drug that children do not like. In addition, harm can be caused to children who often experience allergic reactions, because this drug is a strong allergen. Children who have been diagnosed with thyroid disease, urolithiasis or cholelithiasis should take the drug with extreme caution and only after consultation with a doctor, because it can cause enormous harm to the body.

Having assessed the benefits and harms of fish oil for a child’s body, before taking it, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and find out which ones are better.

The best fish oil for children

Many parents who are faced with the question of which fish oil is best to give to their children should understand that quality comes first in this matter. If possible, you should avoid using drugs made from cod liver for one simple reason - the liver is capable of accumulating toxins. In addition, Omega-3 is usually not present in such preparations, which means that the body will not receive the proper benefits.

It is recommended to give preference to drugs made from fish caught in ocean waters. This best option, which helps saturate the child’s body with vitamins A and D, as well as Omega-3. Many experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, noted that such fish oil is best suited for the child’s body.

In addition to the fact that fish oil can be made from different raw materials, it is produced in different forms. Fish oil can be found on sale in liquid form or in capsules. Different forms of release of the drug allow you to select fish oil for a child of different ages that will maximally meet the needs of his body. Liquid fish is in demand among children under 2 - 3 years of age who are not yet able to swallow a capsule. Fat capsules are suitable for older children (from 2 to 3 years old).

Fish oil in liquid form is optimal for children under 2 - 3 years of age, but at older ages it can also be taken by increasing the dosage. Many parents prefer this particular form because it is better absorbed and does not require swallowing foreign body what to children in early age succeeds with difficulty.

In the event that the child is on artificial feeding and does not receive the necessary elements from mother's milk, or when there is a clear need for this drug, it can be given to children starting from 4 weeks of life. During this period, the dosage is minimal and ranges from 3 to 5 drops of fish oil twice a day. The dosage is gradually increased and until the child is six months old it should be 10 drops.

For one year old child The daily dosage of fish oil is 1 teaspoon, and upon reaching 2 years of age, children can take 2 teaspoons of the drug per day. If, after the child is 3 years old, parents continue to give him the drug in liquid form, then the dosage is increased to a dessert spoon, the contents of which are divided into 3 doses per day, and after 6 years, you can take a tablespoon of the drug, dividing the contents into 3 doses.

In addition to studying the dosage of fish oil in liquid form, which is recommended to be given to children of different ages, the instructions for use should also be studied, containing information regarding the contraindications of a particular drug. Finnish fish oil, for example, Meller Omega-3, according to reviews, is better for a child than other drugs in liquid form. This drug has good reviews. Its price is about 700 rubles.

For an older child, it is better to choose fish oil, which is available in capsules. The convenience of using the drug in capsules lies in the fact that the taste and smell are completely veiled by the gelatin shell. Some manufacturers resort to using flavors and dyes that attract the child's attention. But, from all the variety offered in pharmacies, you need to choose the drug that contains a minimum of synthetic additives.

After the instructions for using fish oil in capsules have been studied and the recommended dosage has been determined, you can begin taking the drug. As a rule, for a child aged 3 to 7 years, the daily dosage is an average of 5 capsules of the drug. Children aged 7 to 14 years can be given an average of 9 capsules per day. For children, it is better to divide the capsules and give them twice a day after meals for a month.

The most popular drug, produced in capsules and having positive reviews, is Kusalochka fish oil. Its price is about 150 rubles. This is not the highest price for similar drugs, but it is more than justified. The bite does not contain dyes or preservatives, so it brings only benefits to the child’s body, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

To make it easy to give capsules to children, Kusalochka comes with a pleasant taste that children like so much. Fish oil Kusalochka is made from cod liver oil. The material used has been carefully processed. Manufacturers made sure that the Kusalochka contained as much useful substances and vitamins, so we made sure that this preparation contained docosahexaenoic acid, making up almost 1/3 saturated acids Omega-3. In addition, children really like Kusalochka, because it does not have the characteristic smell and taste of fish oil.

Many leading pediatricians in the country, including Dr. Komarovsky, recommend giving children fish oil, as a result of which you can get rid of most health problems in the future, as well as strengthen the child’s body. But, having chosen this or that drug, you need to read the instructions for use, which contain information about why you need to take the selected drug, how and how much.

The price of fish oil, which a child’s body needs, can vary significantly. The price largely depends on the quality of the drug and who its manufacturer is. Therefore, there is such a difference in price, which can be 45 rubles and exceed 4000 rubles.

Fish oil is a natural substance obtained from the liver of cod fish. Why should you drink it? It contains components such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and the most valuable component for human health - omega-3 fatty acids. Very useful vitamin A, which is found in large quantities in fish oil. It is indispensable for women, since first of all it has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin. Vitamin D, in turn, transports calcium and phosphorus to the cells of the body.

This element is necessary for the body, as it is responsible for the health of teeth, bones and the functioning of the nervous system.

As for polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are essential for our body. The fact is that the body itself is not capable of producing this substance, but the body must receive it. Therefore, fish oil is of particular value for human health.

Benefits for children

Surely most of us remember this unpleasant, one might say disgusting, taste of fish oil from childhood; for many, taking such capsules (or in liquid form) was a test. But nowadays, you don’t have to torture yourself anymore, since fish oil is available in capsules that are odorless and have no unpleasant taste. It is very useful for children, one gram contains a large number of vitamins A and D, as well as calcium, iron, bromine, iodine, manganese, magnesium and chlorine.

The positive effect on the human body is known all over the world:

  1. First of all, the benefit of fish oil is that it is used for prevention of rickets in children. Today, this disease is common among children aged from 2 months to 2 years. The fact is that the body does not have enough vitamin D, the lack of which causes problems with cell growth. Fish oil contains large amounts of this vitamin, which ensures normal growth bone tissue, strengthens the immune system and muscle weakening is prevented.
  2. It is also recommended to give to children school age, because thanks to polyunsaturated acids brain function improves. These acids form and develop brain tissue and stimulate intellectual development.
  3. In many Western countries, omega-3 fats are added to regular foods such as diet foods, butter, and margarine. The fact is that polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fish oil contribute to the production of prostaglandins, which in turn Boost immunity and help the body cope with infections and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Regular use will help children cope with stress and aggression, as it promotes the production of serotonin, which is known to be the hormone of happiness.

How to take it correctly for children

You can start giving children from four weeks of age 3-5 drops twice a day. Over time, the dose increases to 1 teaspoon per day. If the child is one year old, then he can safely be given 1 teaspoon of fish oil per day, from two years old - 1-2 teaspoons, from three years old - one dessert spoon, and from seven years old - 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. day.

Best taken with food, it is also worth remembering that fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, lake trout and herring are best. Doctors have determined that the daily intake of fish for a child should not exceed 350 grams.

Also found in oil form, it is used to treat damaged areas of the body, such as burns and wounds.

Fish oil for joints

The joints of every person need fats, since if there is a lack of this substance, the joint tissues lose their elasticity, which ultimately leads to tissue rupture. These fats are also a joint lubricant; they cover the rubbing cartilage surfaces and reduce their wear. The most important omega-3 fats are found in fish, so people who live by the sea and eat fish never suffer from joint pain. If you are faced with this problem, then it is better to take fish oil in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs for a quick recovery.

To prevent this disease, it is recommended to eat salmon, tuna or trout at least twice a week. If you don’t really like fish or you don’t have time to prepare it, then you can safely take fish oil in capsule form; they are practically odorless and tasteless.

How to take it correctly for adults?

It happens both in liquid form and in capsules; in capsules it is better to take it in accordance with the instructions on the package. Of course, it is best to consume this product in liquid form, since more natural product. The dosage of fish oil is determined by the doctor depending on the disease and many other factors. Giving to children without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.

The main thing to remember is that you need to take it more than once, as this will not bring any results. It should be used in courses, usually one course lasts from 1 to 3 months. This drug should be stored in a cool, dark place, especially for the liquid form of the drug.

If you are taking fish oil to prevent diseases, then 15 ml of this product per day will be sufficient. Do not forget that fish should be consumed during meals, but not before or after it.

Video about medicinal properties

The composition of fish oil is a mixture of glycerides various acids: PUFA ω-3 and ω-6, oleic (more than 70%), palmitic (approximately 25%), stearic (no more than 2%), trace amounts of capric, butyric, acetic, valeric and some other acids.

Also present in fish oil , lipochrome fat pigment (in negligible quantities); organic compounds sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, bromine; nitrogenous derivatives (butyl- and trimethylamine, ammonia); 2 ptomains - morruin, which has a urinary and diaphoretic effect on the body, and poisonous azelline; oxydihydropyridinebutyric (morruic) acid.

What is fish oil made from?

Fat is extracted from the muscles/liver of large sea ​​fish, whose distribution area is the cold waters of the world's oceans - herring, cod, mackerel, Norwegian salmon.

The weight of the liver of one large cod is about 2 kg. From it it is possible to obtain up to 250 grams of white fat (suitable for use in medicine) or about 1 kg of red fat.

Cod oil is extracted mainly in Norway.

Composition of vitamins

Each milliliter of the drug, produced in the form of an oral liquid, contains 1 ml of fat obtained from the liver of cod fish.

The capsules contain 500 mg of fortified* fish oil, as well as gelatin, , 70% non-crystallizing, demineralized water.

What vitamins are in fish oil?

The main elements in fish oil are vitamins A (retinol) and D2 ( ).

Vitamin A supports the health of mucous membranes, skin, vision, hair, nails, slows down aging and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Thanks to vitamin D The body absorbs calcium, phosphorus and a number of other elements necessary for normal bone growth, so young children and the elderly have a special need for it.

Some manufacturers' preparations may contain . It improves reproductive function And mental capacity, improves immunity, prevents the development vascular and heart diseases . Vitamin E exhibits powerful antioxidant properties , thereby preventing the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the drug are determined by its mineral composition, which is represented by calcium, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc.

Indications for use

Indications for use:

  • A or D-vitamin deficiency ;
  • spicy And chronic respiratory diseases ;
  • eye diseases ( xerotic , retinitis pigmentosa , hemeralopathy );
  • inflammatory And erosive lesions urinary tract and alimentary canal ;
  • wounds, ulcers, bone fractures;
  • abnormalities in the growth of teeth and bones, dry skin and mucous membranes, bad condition hair.

The drug is also prescribed for prevention atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels ; to prevent vascular thrombosis and recovery plasma hemostasis after ; For treatment And prevention .

Contraindications for fish oil

Contraindications to the use of fish oil:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hemophilia ;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • during periods of exacerbation And chronic cholecystitis ;
  • open form lungs ;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis ;
  • hypercalciuria ;
  • hypercalcemia ;
  • vitamin D hypervitaminosis And A ;
  • long-term immobilization .

Relative contraindications for use: , nephritis (both in acute and in chronic form), hypothyroidism , lactation, kidney and/or liver diseases , organic heart disease , elderly age.

In pediatrics, liquid fish oil is used from the age of three months, capsules - from 7 years.

Side effects

When used in therapeutic doses, the drug does not provoke adverse reactions. Possible , hypocoagulation, hypersensitivity reactions, the appearance of a specific odor from the mouth.

Fish oil: instructions for use

How to take liquid fish oil?

The drug is taken orally during meals.

Daily dose for children:

  • 3-12 months - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • 12-24 months - 1 teaspoon;
  • 2-3 years - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • 3-6 years - 1 dec. spoon;
  • 7 years and more - 1 tbsp. spoon.

The daily dose for an adult is 1 tablespoon.

How to drink fish oil depends on why you drink this product. The method of administration and dosage regimen depend on the indications and are determined by the attending physician.

Instructions for use of fish oil capsules

Capsules taken after meals with plenty of lukewarm or cold water. It is recommended to swallow them immediately, since if kept in the mouth for a long time, the gelatin capsule will become sticky and the capsule will be difficult to swallow in the future. Daily dose - 3-6 capsules.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, and it is at least 30 days.

It should be remembered that the method of use and dosage regimen of drugs from different manufacturers may differ.

For example, Fish oil Möller children over 4 weeks of age and adults are prescribed to take 5 ml per day (the dose for children can be reduced to 2.5 ml/day), and the daily dose Teva fish oil for children over 6 years old and for adults - 3-6 capsules per day in courses lasting 2-3 months.

Fish fat " gold fish dosed depending on the age of the child. So, children 3-12 months old are given from 6 to 10 drops per day in 2 divided doses (with food), gradually increasing daily dose up to 1.5 grams (0.5 teaspoons), and children over 12 months are recommended to take 4.5 grams of the product per day (1.5 teaspoons). The course lasts 30 days.

In the instructions for Fish oil Biafishenol it is indicated that adolescents over 14 years of age and adults should take 300 mg capsules 10 times, 400 mg capsules 8, and 450 mg capsules 7 pieces per day. Dietary supplements are taken during meals in courses lasting a month 2-3 times a year.


With prolonged use of pure fish oil, the following may occur:

  • decreased appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache and pain in the bones of the legs.

In case of overdose, supportive treatment is indicated. The drug is discontinued.

Acute overdose retinol accompanied by: dizziness, double vision, , diarrhea , dryness and ulceration of the oral mucosa, bleeding gums, confusion, peeling of the lips, increased ICP.

Chronic intoxication is manifested by loss of appetite, dryness and cracking of the skin, dry mucous membranes in the mouth, bone pain and changes in bone radiographs, gastralgia , hyperthermia , vomiting, fatigue and irritability, asthenia , photosensitivity, headache, general discomfort, pollakiuria , polyuria ,nocturia ; the appearance of yellow-orange spots in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, on the soles of the feet and palms; hair loss, increased intraocular pressure, oligomenorrhea , hepatotoxic phenomena, portal hypertension , cramps, hemolytic anemia .

Early symptoms of overdose vitamin D : dry mucous membranes oral cavity, constipation/ diarrhea , thirst, anorexia , polyuria , nausea, fatigue, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, hypercalciuria ,hypercalcemia , dehydration, adynamia , weakness.

Late symptoms of poisoning vitamin D : bone pain, photosensitivity of the eyes, increased blood pressure, cloudy urine, drowsiness, conjunctival hyperemia, , myalgia , weight loss, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, gastralgia , . In rare cases, mood swings and psychosis .

Chronic intoxication is accompanied by arterial hypertension , deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys, chronic cardiac and . In children, this condition leads to growth impairment.

Treatment involves stopping the drug, following a low-calcium diet, and drinking large amounts of fluid. Therapy is symptomatic. Specific means to eliminate the consequences of poisoning are unknown.


Simultaneous use with containing vitamins A and D drugs can provoke vitamin intoxication.

Fish oil is prescribed with caution in combination with drugs that affect blood clotting.

In combination with anticonvulsants activity decreases vitamin D , in combination with containing drugs increases the risk of intoxication vitamin A .

Vitamin A reduces the severity of the anti-inflammatory effect glucocorticoid drugs , efficiency benzodiazepines and calcium supplements may cause hypercalcemia .

When used simultaneously with mineral oils, Colestipol , Cholestyramine , absorption decreases vitamin A ; when used simultaneously with the likelihood of developing a toxic effect increases.

High doses vitamin A in combination with may cause intracranial hypertension .

Vitamin E in high doses reduces reserves vitamin A in organism.

On the background hypervitaminosis D the effect may be enhanced cardiac glycosides and the risk increases . Need in vitamin D increases significantly under the influence of barbiturates , .

Long-term use against the background of simultaneous use antacids , which contain magnesium or aluminum, increases plasma concentration vitamins A and D .

The effectiveness of the drug decreases in combination with bisphosphonates , glucocorticosteroids , Rifampicin , Calcitonin , Plicamycin .

The drug increases the absorption of drugs that contain phosphorus, thus increasing the likelihood of developing hyperphosphatemia . When taken in combination with NaF ( sodium fluoride ) it is necessary to maintain at least a two-hour interval between doses; if necessary, use in combination with tetracyclines maintain an interval of at least 3 hours.

Terms of sale

Over-the-counter release.

Storage conditions

Protect from light and moisture. The oil storage temperature should not exceed 10°C (freezing is allowed), the capsule storage temperature should not exceed 25°C.

Best before date

special instructions

What is fish oil good for? Little-known properties of the drug

Wikipedia states that fish oil is valued primarily for the fact that it contains ω-3 acids. In the presence of these acids cholesterol forms easily transportable through blood vessels circulatory system esters, which improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Also, ω-3 group acids reduce the risk And , are necessary in the formation of cell membranes, connective tissues, and the myelin sheath of nerves.

Italian scientists claim that the components contained in fat reduce the risk by 50% sudden death from heart attack , and employees of the British Medical School of St. George in London found that ω-3 acids have the ability to suppress the development Koch bacilli (mycobacterium tuberculosis).

Studies conducted by American scientists from the National Institute of Health in the USA showed that ω-3 acids have a pronounced psychostimulating effect.

ω-3 acids are also very beneficial for joints. When taken systematically, fish oil relieves pain and inflammation in the same way analgesics , without causing, however, the inherent side effects of the latter. In addition, fat “saturates” the tissues of the joints and thereby makes them more elastic, as a result of which the tissues “stretch” but do not “tear”.

Fish oil: benefits and harms

The benefits of fish oil are enormous: it reduces blood pressure and the risk of developing diabetes And insulin resistance and plasma concentration triglycerides , prevents arrhythmias , helps resist stress and depression, slows down development malignant neoplasms, improves tissue nutrition, relieves inflammatory processes, helps restore vitality, activates brain function.

However, there are also negative aspects of using the drug. Firstly, fish oil is a strong allergen, which should be remembered by susceptible allergic reactions to people.

Secondly, the product has a number of contraindications: for example, people with thyroid pathologies should avoid using it. , pregnant women, people with impaired liver and/or kidney function.

Thirdly, taking the drug on an empty stomach can cause digestive disorders.

Fish oil has a very high calorie content- 900 kcal per 100 grams.

What fish oil is best to buy?

Which drug is better to choose? Polar salmon fat is considered to be of the highest quality. The habitat of this fish is ecologically clean polar waters, so the product obtained from it contains no toxins. About half of the fish oil produced in the world is salmon oil. The content of acids of group ω-3 in it is not less than 25%.

The raw material for the production of fat is also cod liver. The product is of high quality, but the pollution of the world's oceans and the unfavorable state of the environment lead to the accumulation of a large amount of toxic substances in the liver of fish, which are transferred into fish oil.

The benefits of fish oil capsules

Currently, fish oil capsules are most often used. Capsules made of gelatin mass prevent the oxidation of the product, hide the specific smell and taste, while their contents have exactly the same composition as the oral liquid.

Often added to capsules as a preservative vitamin E . This measure helps prevent rancidity and oxidation of fat. In addition to vitamins, the capsules contain mineral complexes and additional additives (for example, sea buckthorn, kelp or rosehip oil), which gives the drug new healing properties.

Benefit for women. Application in cosmetology

The fat contains retinol - a substance beneficial for the skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend the drug as a facial care product. Fish oil eliminates excessive dryness, itching and redness of the skin, relieves inflammation.

Used in the form of facial compresses, it allows you to get rid of shallow wrinkles and tighten the skin well. To do this, you need to soak a napkin in fat, in which slits are made for the eyes and nose, and apply it to your face. Some women prefer to dilute fish oil olive oil(proportion 1:1).

Fish oil can also be used as a remedy for acne. Acids of the ω-3 group gently regulate metabolism in cells, gradually normalizing the qualitative composition of sebum and its quantity.

Fish oil is no less useful for hair and eyelashes: the product accelerates hair growth, making them more flexible and strong.

For eyelashes, it is often used in combination with olive, castor, burdock, almond oils, to which a few drops are added vitamin A or E .

The mixture is poured into a glass bottle and used daily for 30 days, applying a thin layer to the eyelashes using cotton swab and a clean mascara brush.

For hair, fish oil is used in the form of warm wraps mixed with castor/burdock oil. This procedure allows you to make your hair brighter and more elastic, and get rid of split ends.

Fish oil for weight gain. Application in sports

The benefits of using fish oil in bodybuilding are due to its ability to influence muscle metabolism: the product stimulates protein synthesis in the muscles and at the same time, acting on another mechanism in metabolism, reduces its breakdown.

In addition, the drug increases the release rate , supports healthy bones, joints and immune system, improves brain function and cell trophism, relieves inflammation, reduces concentration triglycerides , helps reduce the percentage of adipose tissue.

At the same time, fish oil can be used for bodybuilding even during periods of “drying” and dieting.

The daily dose for athletes is from 2.0 to 2.5 g.

Why is fish oil needed for animals?

Fish oil is used in veterinary medicine for treatment and prevention rickets , A-vitamin deficiency , anemia , chronic infections, allergies , diseases of the digestive tract, stomach ulcers , osteomalacia , sexual disorders, to accelerate the healing of skin lesions and healing of fractures.

At intramuscular injection the product acts similarly to biogenic stimulants.

When used externally, fish oil is used to treat the affected surfaces and soak the bandages.

At oral administration the dose is:

  • from 100 to 500 ml - for cows;
  • from 40 to 200 ml - for horses;
  • from 20 to 100 ml - for goats and sheep;
  • from 10 to 30 ml - for dogs and arctic foxes;
  • from 5 to 10 ml - for cats.

Farm poultry are given 2 to 5 ml of the product throughout the day. For chickens and young birds of other birds, the dose should not exceed 0.3-0.5 ml.

How to give fish oil to chickens? The drug is administered from the 4th day of life (it is mixed with food). The initial dose is 0.05 g/day. on the head. Every 10 days it is doubled.

Precautionary measures

Long-term use of high doses of the drug provokes the development chronic hypervitaminosis .

Patients who are about to surgical treatment, you should stop taking the drug at least 4 days before surgery.


Mirrolla fish oil , Fish oil Meller Omega-3 , Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate (Solgar), Fish oil "BioContour" , Vitaminized fish oil , Children's fish oil Goldfish , Fish fat Amber drop with vitamin E ,

Fish oil or Omega 3?

Fish oil is a product that contains ω-3 acids in combination with ω-6 acids. These two groups of fatty acids are biological competitors.

Compounds synthesized from ω-3 acids prevent thrombosis , lower blood pressure, promote vasodilation, and relieve inflammation. And compounds that form ω-6 acids, on the contrary, predetermine inflammatory reactions And vasoconstriction .

With a sufficient supply of ω-3 acids, the negative effect of acids of the ω-6 group (in particular, arachidonic acid) is blocked. However, in fish oil their concentration is unstable and may be insufficient, while the concentration of ω-6 acids, on the contrary, may be too high.

Thus, the effect of the drug is reduced due to the competitive action of harmful metabolic products. In addition, fish oil can oxidize quite quickly.

Omega-3 capsules They differ favorably from regular fish oil in that exclusively subcutaneous fat is used for their production. salmon fish, which contains maximum amountω-3 acids and is the most stable.

In addition, the fat used in the production of capsules is purified from ω-6 acids by cryogenic molecular fractionation. Therefore, Omega-3 in composition is not just highly purified fish oil, but a concentrate of ω-3 acids. The capsules contain at least 30% of them, which is the optimal preventive dose.

Fish oil for children

Fish oil for children under 2 years of age is most often prescribed as a means of prevention rickets . Product contains vitamin D , which ensures normal bone growth, strengthens the child’s immunity and prevents a decrease in muscle tone.

The benefits of this for children vitamin A also lies in the fact that it reduces the body’s susceptibility to heart disease and skin diseases, normalizes heartbeat and , promotes the proper formation of brain tissue, stimulates the development of intelligence, slows down processes leading to a decrease in the ability to remember and dementia.

In children suffering from attention deficit disorder and hyperactive children after taking the drug - numerous reviews confirm this - perseverance increases, behavior becomes more controlled, irritability decreases and academic performance improves (including reading skills and cognitive activity).

Dr. Komarovsky, among other things, recommends the use of fish oil in immunocorrection programs for children with disabilities and children whose diseases occur with complications.

According to the instructions, children can be given oral liquid from the age of three months, capsules - from 6 or 7 years (depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations).

To make it easier for children to take the product, manufacturers produce it in the form of odorless capsules with a pleasant fruity taste. For example, in the production of “Kusalochka” capsules, the “Tutti-Frutti” flavoring agent is used, and BioKontur Children’s fish oil has pleasant taste lemon.

Does fish oil help you lose weight?

The calorie content of fish oil in capsules and in the form of oral liquid is very high - 900 kcal per 100 g. However, the use of this product allows you to fight excess weight.

Excess weight impairs the body's ability to maintain sensitivity to in fat and muscle tissue, as well as manage blood sugar levels.

Sensitivity to insulin plays a key role in fat burning processes. This means that with reduced sensitivity, it is extremely difficult to get rid of fat deposits. Additional intake of acids from the omega-3 group helps to increase it, which makes it advisable to take the drug when losing weight.

Research conducted in one of the American clinics sports medicine have shown that the use of fish oil for weight loss can reduce the volume of body fat and increase the production of muscle mass.

The benefit of fish oil for weight loss also lies in the fact that in people taking the drug, the level of - a catabolic hormone that burns muscle tissue and provokes the formation of fat.

Every parent should know this information - the benefits of fish oil for children: correct dosage and application! Using the drug is a chance to improve intellectual abilities and physical development child.
Include healthy foods in your diet food supplement Fish oil should be used for a number of reasons. The product contains a large number of microelements that have a positive effect on the health of adults and children. The drug contains vitamins A, D, E and polyunsaturated fats omega 3 and omega 6. Phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron and selenium included in the product improve physical and emotional well-being. The benefits of fish oil for children are irreplaceable, since the nutritional supplement affects the growth and development of the child.

What are the benefits of fish oil for children?

Taking a dietary supplement helps improve blood circulation in a child's brain. Fatty acids expand blood vessels, and prevent the likelihood of blood clots. Capsules improve metabolism and intellectual abilities of children. Children's concentration increases and they absorb information better. As children use the drug, their fine motor skills, hyperactivity disappears. The child gets less tired in class, and his academic success increases.

Important! Scientific research have proven why fish oil is so beneficial for children. Babies who are 6 months old. was lagging behind her peers in development, after taking the capsules (for 3 months) she improved her intellectual abilities.
The use of a food supplement has a beneficial effect on the child’s immunity. Fish oil prevents the development of allergies and inflammation in the body. Omega fats have a positive effect on children's body and help the child maintain a normal weight.
The vitamins contained in fish oil have a positive effect on the development of the child’s body:
  • Vitamin E. The component affects sexual development teenagers (responsible for normalizing menstrual cycle in girls);
  • Vitamin D. Prevents the development of rickets, strengthens the child’s musculoskeletal system;
  • Vitamin A. Improves vision sharpness, has a positive effect on muscles and condition skin.

At what age can a child be given fish oil?

Before you start giving your baby a nutritional supplement, it is important to consult with your doctor. Only a pediatrician can determine at what age a child can take fish oil. You need to be especially careful when taking the drug if your baby is not even a year old. Before prescribing the drug, the specialist must take into account the developmental characteristics of the baby, its body weight and other points. Parents should not independently preliminary consultation give the newborn a supplement.

Important! The supplement in the form of syrup is most often prescribed to babies who consume formula instead of breast milk. In this case, the body sometimes lacks omega 6 and omega 3. It is these substances that are responsible for the intellectual development of the infant. If the baby is fed in the first six months breast milk, and not mixtures, then the need for nutritional supplements arises less frequently.

Pediatricians can prescribe fish oil to your baby no earlier than 4 weeks of age. In this case, specialists individually determine the duration of taking the supplement and the dosage. In infancy, babies are not able to swallow capsules on their own, which is why doctors prescribe the supplement in the form of syrup.

Optimal dosage of fish oil for children

Before introducing such a component into a child’s diet, you must first consult with your doctor. Experts determine the exact dosage of fish oil for children based on the child’s age.
You can give the drug to your child in the form of capsules, syrup or chewable tablets– it all depends on how old the little patient is:

  • from 4 weeks of age – 3 drops, 2 times a day;
  • 6 months – 10 drops, 2 times a day;
  • 1 year – 1 tsp. in a day;
  • 2 years – 2 tsp. in a day;
  • 3-6 years – 1 dessert spoon, 2 rubles. in a day.

Fish oil capsules for children: how to use correctly

Before starting the course, it is important to decide on the purpose of treatment. If there is a need to improve the child’s intellectual abilities or accelerate physical development, then capsules are prescribed for a period of 2-3 months. Children should use fish oil in capsules for preventive purposes for 1 month.
The dosage of the component will differ depending on the age of the child:
  • from 3-6 years - prescribed 4-6 capsules per day during meals (the drug is divided into 2 doses)
  • from 7-14 years old – 8-10 capsules per day with food (the drug is divided into 2 doses)

Chewable fish oil - your child will love it

If the baby does not want to consume fish oil in the form of capsules or syrup, then chewable tablets will come to the rescue. Bright and positive packaging will arouse the child's interest and desire to try the contents. The capsules must be chewed during use; the supplement has a fruity taste. Due to the fact that the capsules are quite aromatic, they well interrupt the taste of fish during chewing. Chewable fish oil for children is a real find, as kids really like the capsules.
Experts advise taking the dietary supplement in the form of chewable tablets in the following dosage:
  • from 3-7 years – 1 capsule, once a day;
  • from 7-11 years – 1 capsule, twice a day;
  • from 11 years and older – 2 capsules, twice a day.
Best consumed chewable capsules while eating. The dosage of fish oil sometimes differs - it all depends on the manufacturer (it is important to further study the instructions before use).

How to feed your child fish oil: video

Giving a child fish oil is not so easy, especially if the child has not taken the supplement with infancy and was not used to its taste. After watching the thematic video, many parents will discover several secrets on how to feed their baby such a healthy supplement. Some people manage to add fish oil in the form of syrup to vegetable salad. Others give the child a capsule in the middle of a meal so that he can then “snack” the drug with another meal. It is important to try to interest the child in this useful product or point to by example that the supplement is very useful and easy to take.
