Smecta - instructions for use, principle of action, how to breed for children, during pregnancy, from which it helps. Smecta for children: instructions for use and what it is for, dosage, how to breed and take smecta for a child

Smecta is medicine from the group of sorbents, which has a natural origin and has an additional protective (protective) property in relation to organs digestive tract... Smecta is used when pain syndrome accompanying diseases of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum, as well as with intestinal colic. However, the most widespread use of Smecta as a universal remedy for acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​any origin.

Forms of release and composition

Currently, Smecta is produced in the only dosage form- this is powder for oral suspension with orange or vanilla flavor. The powder is colored grayish-white or grayish-yellow and is packed in sealed bags of 3.76 g, which, in turn, are placed in cardboard boxes of 10 or 30 pieces.

As an active ingredient, the preparation contains dioctahedral smectite in the amount of 3 g per sachet of powder. The following substances are included in the Smecta powder as auxiliary components:

  • Orange or vanilla flavor;
  • Dextrose monohydrate;
  • Sodium saccharinate.
Flavors are necessary to give the finished suspension a pleasant odor. The rest of the auxiliary components improve the homogeneity of the suspension and contribute to the better manifestation of the therapeutic effects of Smecta.

What Smecta helps from (therapeutic effects)

Smecta is a natural aluminosilicate that has pronounced adsorbent, enveloping and gastroprotective properties.

The adsorbing effect means that the drug is able to bind various pathogenic bacteria(including staphylococci), viruses, fungi and toxic substances, keep them on their surface and remove them from the body along with feces... Thanks to this main adsorbing effect, Smecta effectively cures poisoning (including food poisoning) and diarrhea caused by intestinal infections or other reasons, and also reduces the effects of intoxication in chronic diseases of internal organs.

Due to selective sorption, Smecta binds, neutralizes and removes only toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the drug does not bind vitamins, minerals, nutrients and representatives of normal intestinal microflora. That is, Smecta removes from the intestines only pathogenic microbes and substances, without affecting those useful and necessary for the body.

The enveloping and gastroprotective effect of Smecta is provided by the high fluidity of the suspension, due to which it is able to cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane with a thin layer. The enveloping and gastroprotective effect of the drug provides the following therapeutic effects:
1. It stabilizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, filling existing defects, as well as forming bonds with glycoproteins, which, in turn, improves the quality of mucus and its life expectancy. Thus, Smecta on the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines forms a thin physical barrier that protects them from damage.
2. Neutralizes negative impact on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines of hydrochloric acid, hydrogen ions, bile acids, microbes and toxins produced by them, thereby preventing exacerbations and accelerating the cure of chronic diseases, and reducing the severity of pain.

In therapeutic dosages, Smecta is not capable of disrupting normal intestinal motility, and therefore does not provoke constipation or diarrhea.

When taken orally, Smecta is not absorbed (even with serious illnesses intestines) and is completely excreted from the body without staining the stool in any color.

Summing up the therapeutic effects of Smecta, we can say that it helps against the following conditions and diseases:

  • Diarrhea due to any cause ( food poisoning, intestinal infection, etc.);
  • Severe intoxication (for example, with infectious diseases, after heavy drinking, poisoning with various substances, etc.);
  • Pain syndrome in diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines;
  • Intestinal colic.

Indications for use of Smecta

Smecta is indicated for use in people of any age for the treatment of the following conditions:
  • Allergic diarrhea;
  • Drug-related diarrhea (diarrhea in response to medication, such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea);
  • Diarrhea due to a violation of the diet;
  • Diarrhea after eating low quality or unusual food;
  • Diarrhea provoked by intestinal infections (rotavirus infection, cholera, etc.);
  • Intestinal colic;
  • Relief of heartburn, flatulence, abdominal pain and other symptoms of digestive disorders in diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines (gastritis, ulcers, esophagitis, duodenitis, etc.).

Instructions for use

Smecta dosage

For acute diarrhea, Smecta should be taken in the following dosages, depending on age:
  • Children under one year old - take 2 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 1 sachet per day.
  • Teenagers over 12 years old and adults - take 6 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 3 sachets per day.
  • Children 2 - 12 years old - take 2 - 3 sachets per day;
  • Teenagers over 12 years old and adults - take 3 sachets per day.

How to take Smecta?

If the child is not an infant, then a general daily dosage Split smectas into 2 - 3 receptions. For example, if the doctor prescribed to take 6 sachets per day, then it is optimal to drink the drug three times a day, two sachets. Accordingly, at a dosage of 2 or 3 sachets per day, the drug is recommended to be taken one sachet 2 or 3 times a day. If one sachet per day is prescribed, then it is taken at a time at any time of the day. At the same time, it is recommended to dilute the required number of Smecta sachets each time in water immediately before taking, and not in advance. That is, when taking one sachet three times a day, each time the contents of one sachet should be diluted in half a glass of water immediately before use.

In case of acute diarrhea, in addition to taking Smecta, it is imperative to replenish the loss of fluid in the body, that is, to carry out rehydration therapy. This is especially important for babies under one year old. Rehydration therapy consists in drinking a special solution (Regidron, Trisol, Disol, Hydrovit, Reosolan, Citraglucosolan, etc.), tea, compote, mineral water, fruit drink or any other liquid in an amount of 0.5 liters for each episode of loose stools. Drink the liquid in small sips so as not to provoke vomiting.

People suffering from chronic constipation should take Smecta with caution, limiting the course of its use to the minimum effective interval. That is, it is necessary to stop taking the powder as soon as the symptoms for which the use of Smecta has been started pass. For example, if the symptoms disappeared after 2 days, then you should not drink the drug longer.

Smecta - before or after meals?

At symptomatic treatment esophagitis Smecta should be taken immediately after meals. In all other cases, the drug should be taken either one hour before or 2 hours after a meal. Newborn babies take Smecta with food or drink, or between feedings, if possible.

How to breed Smecta?

For adults or children who are able to drink 100 ml of the suspension, it is necessary to dissolve the powder from one sachet in half a glass of warm boiled water. You should always dissolve the required amount of the drug immediately before each dose and drink the suspension for 5 to 10 minutes, and do not immediately prepare the daily dosage of Smecta, store it in the refrigerator and take it in portions.

For infants, the contents of the required number of sachets per day are dissolved or thoroughly stirred in 50 ml of any liquid or semi-liquid product, for example, milk, porridge, puree, compote, milk mixture, etc. Then total amount the product with Smecta is distributed into several doses (three is optimal, but more is possible) within one day. The next day, if necessary, prepare a new portion of the liquid or semi-liquid product with Smecta.

To obtain a homogeneous suspension, you must first pour the required amount of water or liquid product into the preparation container (glass, deep bowl, baby bottle, etc.). Then slowly pour the powder from the bag into it, constantly stirring the liquid. A suspension is considered ready for use when it acquires a uniform consistency without inclusions and lumps.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Smecta does not affect the ability to control the mechanisms, therefore the drug can be used without fear when performing any type of activity, including those associated with the need for a high speed of reactions and concentration of attention.


An overdose of Smecta is impossible, since the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. However, when taking a large dose of the drug, persistent constipation or bezoar (a dense hard stone formed from sticky particles of Smecta and feces) is possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Smecta reduces the absorption of any other drugs... Therefore, take Smecta and other medications should be spaced in time for 1 - 2 hours. That is, medications can be taken 1 - 2 hours before or 1 - 2 hours after Smecta.

Smecta for children and newborn (for babies)

General Provisions

Smecta is approved for use in children from birth, so the drug can be safely given to babies of any age, including babies. The complete safety of the powder for babies is due to the fact that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, does not affect the functioning of the child's organs and systems, does not cause addiction, is completely excreted from the body with feces and does not damage the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

The drug binds and neutralizes various toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, including staphylococcus aureus, which is common reason colic and unstable stools in infants. In principle, Smecta works in the same way as activated carbon, but its effect is much milder, since its particles do not scratch or damage the mucous membranes of the children's stomach and intestines.

In children, including newborns, Smecta is used to eliminate the following conditions:

  • Increased gas production with flatulence and bloating;
  • Intestinal colic;
  • Diarrhea of ​​any origin (including due to intestinal infection, allergic reaction, eating unusual or low-quality food, etc.);
  • Food or drug poisoning;
  • Heartburn;
  • Vomit.
Since the above conditions develop in children quite often, Smecta is also prescribed and used in pediatric practice very widely.

In addition, newborn babies Smecta are prescribed for 2 - 3 days with the appearance of postpartum physiological or pathological jaundice. The fact is that the cause of jaundice is bilirubin, formed from decaying embryonic hemoglobin, and not having time to be rendered harmless by the immature liver of the newborn. As a result, bilirubin does not have time to be removed from the body, penetrates into the tissues and stains the child's skin yellow. To speed up the excretion of bilirubin and, accordingly, the convergence of jaundice in a newborn, it is recommended to give the baby 1 sachet of Smecta per day for 3 to 5 days.

Instructions for use Smecta for children

In acute diarrhea, Smecta should be given in the following dosages, depending on age:
  • Children under one year old - take 2 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 1 sachet per day;
  • Children 1 - 12 years old - take 4 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 2 sachets per day.
For any other conditions, Smecta should be taken in the following dosages, depending on age:
  • Children under one year old - take 1 sachet per day;
  • Children 1 - 2 years old - take 1 - 2 sachets per day;
  • Children 2 - 12 years old - take 2 - 3 sachets per day.
The duration of the course of using Smekta is 3 - 7 days. In acute diarrhea, be sure to take the powder for at least three days, even if the diarrhea has stopped earlier. In other cases (with the exception of acute diarrhea) Smecta can be given to the child only until the symptoms disappear, that is, less than 3 days, but no longer than 7 days.

How to give Smecta?

How to give Smecta? Children over 3 years old should be given Smecta between meals. You can do this either an hour before or 2 hours after eating. Children under 3 years old can be given Smecta with food or drink, since it is quite difficult to get them to take the medicine in isolation.

Before taking, dissolve the Smecta sachet in half a glass of warm water, if the child is able to drink such an amount of suspension at a time. If the child is small and cannot drink half a glass of the suspension at a time, then the daily amount of Smecta sachets (for example, 1, 2 or 3) should be diluted in 50 ml of milk, compote, milk mixture or mixed into porridge, mashed potatoes and other semi-liquid food. Then, a drink or food with Smecta should be given to the child at least three times a day in approximately equal portions, making sure that he eats everything during the day.

The daily dosage of Smecta for children should be divided into at least three doses per day. If necessary, it can be divided into 4 doses per day. For example, if a child is assigned to take 2 sachets of Smekta per day, then it is optimal to give him half a sachet of powder diluted in 100 ml of water 4 times a day.

If the child is already able to drink the entire volume of the finished suspension, then the required amount of powder should be diluted with water each time before taking. If the baby cannot drink the entire suspension at a time, then the total daily dosage of Smecta is diluted in liquid (milk, milk mixture, water, compote, etc.) and given to the child 3 - 5 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the baby drinks all the liquid with Smecta during the day. If it is difficult for a child to give the drug both in the form of a suspension for taking at a time, and as part of a liquid for gradual drinking during the day, then you can mix the powder into semi-liquid food (for example, mashed potatoes, porridge, etc.). At the same time, the number of sachets to be taken at a time is mixed into the food, as if the powder was diluted in water.

Application during pregnancy

Smecta is approved for use throughout pregnancy and is taken for the same indications as for children, non-pregnant women or men. The dosages of Smecta for pregnant women correspond to those for adults, that is, in case of acute diarrhea in the first three days, 2 sachets should be taken 3 times a day, and then, within 2 to 4 days, the dosage should be halved (that is, 1 sachet per 3 times a day). For all other indications, Smecta is taken 1 sachet 3 times a day for 3 to 7 days.

Smecta - application for various conditions

With diarrhea

Smecta for diarrhea is an effective remedy, since it is able to normalize loose stools of any origin. So, Smecta is effective for diarrhea of ​​any genesis, caused by an intestinal infection, and with an allergic reaction, and poisoning, and taking medications, and consuming low-quality food, etc. Therefore, the drug can be taken when diarrhea appears, without wasting time trying to find out its causes.

With diarrhea, Smecta must be taken for at least three days, even if the stool has returned to normal earlier. The dosage of the drug is determined by age:

  • Children under one year old - take 2 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 1 sachet per day.
  • Children 1 - 12 years old- take 4 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 2 sachets per day.
  • - take 6 sachets per day for 3 days. Then, for another 2 - 4 days, take 3 sachets per day.

With vomiting

Smecta with vomiting can be effective, since it is able to sorb (bind) various toxic substances that cause this state... Therefore, when vomiting occurs, you can take 0.5 - 1 sachet of Smecta, diluting it in half a glass of warm water, and then observe your own state. If within 10 to 30 minutes the person's well-being has improved, and vomiting has not recurred, then the treatment can be considered successful and continue it for 2 to 3 days in the following dosages depending on age:
  • Children under one year old - 1 sachet per day;
  • Children 1 - 2 years old- 1 - 2 sachets per day;
  • Children 2 - 12 years old- 1 sachet 2 - 3 times a day;
  • Teenagers over 12 and adults - 1 sachet 3 times a day.
If, after 30 - 45 minutes after taking Smekta, the person's condition has not improved, or vomiting with blood appears, then therapy should be discontinued and an urgent doctor should be consulted.

In case of poisoning

Smecta in case of poisoning is effective drug, since it is capable of sorbing in the lumen of the stomach and intestines numerous toxic substances that cause clinical manifestations poisoning. As a result of sorption in the intestine, toxins are no longer absorbed into the bloodstream, and the symptoms of intoxication are reduced. In case of poisoning with any substances, Smecta should be taken according to the rules for the treatment of diarrhea.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Smecta in people of any age and gender can provoke the following side effects :
  • Constipation;
  • Bloating of the intestines;
  • Vomit;
  • Allergic reactions (urticaria, rash, itchy skin, Quincke's edema).
Constipation and bloating usually go away quickly on their own after stopping the use of Smecta or after reducing the dosage.

Application of Smecta powder contraindicated if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  • Fructose intolerance;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • Lack of sucrase-isomaltase;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Smecta - analogues

On pharmaceutical market there are drugs-synonyms and analogues of Smecta. Synonyms include drugs that, like Smecta, contain dioctahedral smectite as an active substance. And the analogs include drugs that are also intestinal sorbents and have the most similar therapeutic activity with Smecta, but containing a different active substance.
  • Enterodez powder for solution preparation;
  • Enterosgel gel for suspension and paste for oral administration;
  • Enterosorb powder for solution preparation;
  • Enterumin powder for suspension preparation.
  • Smecta: manufacturer, composition, pharmacological action, indications, method of administration and doses, side effects and contraindications, analogs - video

    Packing photo

    Smecta is a drug against diarrhea based on a substance of natural origin, which additionally performs the functions of an enterosorbent.

    Instructions for use contain detailed information about what the medicine helps from.

    How to prepare a solution for adults and children (before or after meals) and at what age can it be taken.

    What is Smecta?

    Recipe in Latin - (Rp .: Pulv. "Smecta").

    Smecta is based on natural aluminum and magnesium silicate, which has the property of not being absorbed into the blood and leaving the human body unchanged, which makes it an unharmed drug even for children. It has antidiarrheal and enterosorbent properties.

    The functions that Smecta performs when entering the human digestive tract:

    • Protection of the mucous layer of the stomach and intestines from the aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid, bile, due to the ability to increase the amount of mucous secretion;
    • Absorption of toxic substances, pathogens, liquids;
    • Formation of a shaped stool, due to a decrease in the volume of intestinal contents.
    One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use various medicines ... To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

    Indications for use

    Distinguished by antidiarrheal and enterosorbent properties, Smecta is the reason for the appointment, both in children (including newborns) and in adults, in such conditions:

    • The healing process is relatively chronic, acute diarrhea, which is caused by poor nutrition, eaten poor-quality, expired food;
    • Diarrhea of ​​a medicinal or allergic nature;
    • As an aid for infectious diarrhea;
    • Symptomatic therapy of unpleasant signs arising from indigestion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating and discomfort in the abdomen, heartburn, vomiting.




    Antidiarrheal powder in Smecta sachets of light shades from white to grayish-yellow, with a not pronounced vanilla odor.

    The composition of the medication according to the instructions for one sachet of powder is as follows:

    • Active ingredient: dioctahedral smectite;
    • Additional ingredients: D-glucose monohydrate, artificial sweetener, vanilla or orange flavors.

    Release form

    Paper bags, laminated with foil and polyethylene, containing 3 g of Smecta powder. The suspension, prepared from powder, has the taste of vanilla and citrus; on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is produced with the taste of "caramel-cocoa". The carton box contains instructions for the use of the drug and 10, 30 (12 for "caramel-cocoa") sachets of Smecta powder.

    Mode of application

    Bag photo

    Smecta is used for adults, following the instructions for the scheme below:

    • The daily dosage for adults in sachets is six pieces, taken for three days, after which the amount of Smecta powder is halved (three sachets per day);
    • When the reason for using Smecta is not diarrhea, but other indications (allergies, toxicosis, unpleasant symptoms): apply three sachets in 24 hours;

    The minimum therapeutic course is three days, further treatment process should not last longer than a week.

    To replenish the fluid lost by the body in acute diarrhea, Smecta should be treated in combination with rehydration solutions.

    How to dilute the powder?

    Slowly pour the contents of one packet of Smecta into 120 ml. liquids (except for water, you can dilute the powder with juice, compote, rehydration solution) and mix thoroughly.

    The prescribed dosage in powder is divided into 3 doses for an adult throughout the day.

    For kids

    The use of Smecta in relation to newborns, infants and older children is justified by its mild and harmless effect on the imperfect digestive tract of babies and the natural origin of the active ingredient. Carrying out its functions to eliminate diarrhea and eliminate toxic substances from the body, it does not disturb the balance of beneficial microflora in the intestine and is not absorbed into the blood.

    Reception of Smecta for children, including infants, according to the instructions is similar to the regimen for adults with a difference only in the dosage of the drug.

    Therapy for acute diarrhea in children (more frequent bowel movements three times per day)
    Pediatric treatment regimenThe first three daysSubsequent application
    Child up to one year oldTwo sachets per dayOne sachet per day
    For a child over one year oldFour sachets of powder in 24 hoursTwo sachets a day
    Use for children for other indications
    For babies up to a yearOne sachet per day
    One year old and a baby two years oldOne to two sachets of powder per day
    Children over twoThree powder sachets per day

    How to breed Smecta correctly?

    For newborns, the powder is allowed to be dissolved with a milk mixture, breast milk in a ratio of 50 ml per Smecta sachet. Divide the finished solution into several methods used throughout the day. Before use, the medicine, which has stood for a certain period of time in a diluted form, should be shaken. The instructions do not contain information on how and where the diluted mixture is stored.

    Older children are allowed to mix powder into baby food liquid consistency (porridge, fruit, vegetable puree) or drinks (juice, compote).

    During the period of treatment of acute diarrhea, children are allowed to give Smect as planned (three times a day), or more often in fractional amounts (several sips per hour), the main thing is that the child is taken per day necessary measure medicines.

    For children, it is especially important to combine the reception of Smecta with the replenishment of fluid lost by the body through oral rehydration preparations.

    The safety of the drug does not exempt parents from the need to consult a pediatrician - taking any medication for children must be approved by the attending physician, and the instructions must be carefully read.

    Smecta during pregnancy

    The instruction to Smecta has no contraindications to the use of the drug by expectant mothers and during lactation (breastfeeding of the child). Taking the drug is relevant for pregnant women with toxicosis, nausea, heartburn. The use of Smecta does not require amending the intake regimen, and the dosage for nursing mothers and women in an interesting position.


    Despite the safety of the drug, the instructions for Smecta indicate such patient conditions in which its use is contraindicated:

    • Sucrose deficiency - isomaltose;
    • Fructosemia;
    • Excessive sensitivity of the body to the constituents of the drug.
    • Intestinal obstruction syndrome;
    • Glucose malabsorption - galactose;

    It is necessary to take Smecta carefully and under supervision. Recommended for patients suffering from severe chronic constipation, including in the past.

    Side effects

    Response negative reactions when using Smecta occur infrequently. In clinical trials, there have been rare instances of constipation response. The phenomenon was weak and disappeared after changing the dosage to a lower side.

    At the stage of routine clinical practice there were cases of individual intolerance to Smecta, manifested by itching, angioedema, rash.

    Alcohol compatibility

    Instructions for use Smecta does not contain information on interaction with alcoholic beverages. But in practice, many take it to avoid the condition strong intoxication, for warning hangover syndrome, in case of alcohol poisoning.

    Interaction with other drugs

    According to the instructions, the use of other medications can be carried out with an interval of one to two hours between taking Smecta.

    How long does it last?

    The action of Smecta begins after the first dose and has the following data: in the treatment of acute diarrhea, the effect appears after six to twelve hours, in case of poisoning after a couple of hours.


    Smecta cost v Russian pharmacies fluctuates within 150 rubles for a package containing 10 sachets of powder, 30 sachets of 370-400 rubles, and 350-400 rubles for 12 sachets with caramel-cocoa flavor.


    • Smecta No. 10 - 80 - 100 hryvnia;
    • No. 30 - 210 -275 hryvnia.

    In some pharmacies, it is allowed to buy Smekta by the piece, the price for 1 sachet is in the range of 10 UAH. -14 RUB for Ukraine and Russia, respectively.

    The price is approximate and may vary, so it is advisable to find out the exact information about how much the drug costs at the pharmacy of the required city.


    Analogs of Smecta can be drugs with an identical active substance in the composition, as well as drugs with a similar mechanism of action, the indications for which are treatment or complex therapy for poisoning, diarrhea, heartburn, flatulence, etc.

    What can be replaced based on diosmectite:

    • Neosmectin;
    • Benta;
    • Diosmectite;

    Based on attapulgite (aluminosilicate natural origin, with identical pharmacological properties to Smekta):

    • Nestopan;
    • Additional data

      Manufacturer: France.

      Shelf life: three years on condition of proper storage (temperature no more than 25 degrees Celsius).

      Dispensing in pharmacies is made without a prescription.

    When the disorder occurs digestive system organism in the form, adults sometimes themselves do not know what is better to take and how to act in a given situation in order to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. A good drug in this case is a well-known and long-advertised drug. But then we will figure out whether it is possible to use it in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system in one-year-olds and seniors, as well as in what ways this can be done.

    Composition and medicinal properties

    The adsorbent drug "Smecta" is used today as effective medicine for disorders or inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal system (diarrhea, vomiting without diarrhea) in both adults and children. By reducing pain during inflammatory process, the product restores the mucous composition of the digestive tract and accelerates the safe elimination of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria from the body.

    Thanks to natural origin drug (silicon-aluminum mineral with a discoid-crystalline structure), it can be used even in the treatment of children, starting from infancy. The principle of its effect is that it is not absorbed by the body, but absorbs everything harmful substances, which got in and began to multiply in the gastrointestinal tract, and goes out with them through the calla mass. Moreover, at therapeutic treatment the drug does not cause disturbance of intestinal motility, but, on the contrary, brings it to normal operation.

    Did you know? The drug "Smecta" is a unique cleansing agent capable of removing from the human body about 85% pathogenic microorganisms, slags and toxins.

    "Smecta" is a powdery mixture of yellow color with hints of white or gray, packed in separate sachets with a capacity of 3 g each, consisting of double silicate of magnesium and aluminum (dioctaeric smectite). An attractive orange or vanilla scent is achieved with the aid of auxiliaries (citrus or vanilla powder for suspension).

    At what age can children

    As we have already mentioned, due to its natural ingredients, this unique drug is completely safe, so it can be given to children of any age, even newborns. When a baby is just born, his intestines are absolutely clean, and internal system microorganisms find their way through the mother's milk or the world. Correct ratio beneficial bacteria in the child's digestive system, which multiply with different intensity, is not formed immediately, which may be accompanied by slight bloating, flatulence, and sometimes even diarrhea or vomiting.

    Also, the wrong selection of artificial nutrition, non-compliance with the rules for its preparation and subsequent storage can cause similar problems in children. Here "Smecta" acts as a means of first aid, since the list for the treatment of such disorders in newborns is limited.

    Indications for use

    This unique enterosorbent is taken in the following cases:

    • poisoning due to the ingestion of poor-quality, dirty or spoiled food, vomiting;
    • diarrhea in acute or chronic form due to allergic reactions immune system;
    • indigestion due to taking antibiotics;
    • intestinal in infants;
    • the change normal microflora Gastrointestinal tract;
    • severe forms of diseases of the digestive system due to infectious processes(cholera, colibacillus, vibriosis, clostridiosis, amebiasis, salmonellosis, intestinal flu);
    • diarrhea due to a disturbed diet, intake of food previously unknown to the body ("tourist" poisoning);
    • flatulence, bloating, heartburn, stomach discomfort;
    • relief of symptoms of colitis, gastritis, ulcerative diseases stomach.

    Dosage and administration for acute diarrhea

    The dosage and course of treatment for acute diarrhea "Smecta" do not depend on weight or age category a sick person, since in each individual case, doctors pay attention to the degree of intoxication, the form of the disease, the severity of the infection, poisoning or reaction to stimuli. This can be a dosage in the amount of 1 to 2 sachets per 1 dose, respectively, from 1 to 6 sachets per day, as well as from a single dose to a course of treatment lasting a week. To normalize the working processes of the digestive system, on average, the use of the drug is required for 3-5 days.

    A separate point in the discussion of this topic is the question: how to give "Smecta" to a child?

    Did you know? The length of the human digestive tract is about 10 m, ranging from oral cavity and ending with the anus, and small intestine, consisting of a large number of even the most microscopic folds, has total area flattened about 250 sq. m.

    Infants under 1 year

    For use in treatment acute form diarrhea (up to 1 year), using the contents of the sachet and liquid (50 ml), prepare a solution of the medicinal suspension. For this, warm boiled water, milk mixture, compote, juice, as well as soup, mashed potatoes or porridge are suitable. The mixture must be added gradually, not immediately, and stir until a puree mass is formed. After preparation, the solution must be taken immediately, since it is not designed to be stored for more than half an hour. Each child has its own standards for food intake, which means that if such a mass is unbearable for him at one time, then the suspension is made using a smaller amount of liquid and powder, or the initially prepared mass is divided into several steps with very small intervals in time for reception.

    According to the instructions for use of "Smekta", therapy for diarrhea for children under one year old is a course designed for a period of at least 3 days and no more than a week, while the first 3 days are diluted 2 sachets per day, if necessary, 1 sachet in a day.

    Did you know? The wave-like movements of the muscles in the digestive tract allow food to enter the gastrointestinal system, even if the person eats upside down.

    Children over 1 year old

    Preparation of the drug for use for children over 1 year old is done in the following proportion: 3 g of powder per 125 ml of liquid. The only different factor is that a child at this age already eats a more varied food, therefore, the optimal effect of the enterosorbent will be achieved if the agent is diluted in water, compote, juice (or other liquid) between breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a snack. The dosage for children who have reached the age of more than 1 year is as follows: the first, second, third days - 4 sachets per day, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh days, in case of further need - 2 sachets per day.

    Method of application and dosage for other diseases

    Children grow imperceptibly, begin to crawl first, then walk, and more and more often parents face a problem when a child took something dirty in his mouth, at an older age ate something unwashed, etc., etc. It starts to hurt tummy, disorders of the digestive system, vomiting appear. So, in the previous paragraphs we examined how to breed and take "Smecta" for children up to the first year of life, as well as a little older, in the event of acute diarrhea, and now we will consider the principle of using the remedy for other diseases, including vomiting.

    Infants under 1 year

    The drug is prescribed to children from the first months of life in the presence of other diseases associated with the work of the digestive system. It is necessary to dilute Smecta for newborns in the same way as in previous cases: 1 sachet (3 g) and 50 ml of liquid per 24 hours. It is possible, if necessary, to divide the amount of powder and liquid into equal portions and break the process of dissolving and making a suspension into several stages.

    Important! Children at a small (infancy) age often spit up, and this is normal, the only problem is the fact when the baby appears at the same time sour smell belching. This may be a sign of a disease - gastroesophageal reflux, which has arisen due to the ejection into the esophagus of not only food previously eaten by the baby, but also gastric juice containing aggressive hydrochloric acid (the baby's mucous membranes are not yet protected from such compounds). V this case application of "Smecta" can also eliminate the problem.

    Children 1-2 years old

    Older children (1-2 years) in case of diseases gastrointestinal tract recovery normal work digestion is enough 1-2 sachets per day, taking into account the severity of the process of inflammation, intoxication. If, after using the drug, the dynamics in well-being in better side is not observed, it is necessary to contact the child's attending physician.

    Children over 2 years old

    According to the instructions for use for children over 2 years old, with vomiting or having any problems after disruptions in the diet, 2-3 packets of "Smekty" are prescribed, diluted in warm water or other liquid throughout the day.

    special instructions

    Precautions to avoid unpleasant consequences when using "Smekta" there are the following:

    1. Compliance with the time interval between taking the powder and food (the drug must be given to the child 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals).
    2. For any other diseases of the child, a similar principle of a break between the intake of enterosorbent and other medications is applied (for this, it should take from 1 to 2 hours).
    3. When diagnosed with "severe chronic constipation", the course of treatment is prescribed with extreme caution.
    4. For infants with acute diarrhea, together with Smecta, it is recommended to use rehydration agents.

    Side effects

    Side effects that may occur when using the drug:

    • allergic reactions;
    • constipation with an overdose of the norm or use over a week.
    As practice shows, subject to the doctor's prescriptions and contraindications, his side effects occur quite rarely.

    Important! The main component of "Smecta" - dioctahedral smectite - is excreted unchanged without the effect of staining the stool.


    The drug should not be given to children if they have the following features:

    • hypersensitivity of the immune system to specific elements (for example, sweet vanilla or sweet and sour citrus flavor);
    • intolerance to fructose;
    • disturbances in the absorption of monosaccharides in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • disaccharide deficiency;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • chronic forms of delayed, difficult or systematically insufficient defecation.

    Thus, we can make a completely logical conclusion that "Smecta" is universal remedy against diarrhea, vomiting and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the natural abilities of its components make it possible to use it for both adults and children from the first months of life. In addition, the product has the function of normalizing the mineral and salt balance in the body.

    Packing Smecta

    When an adult or child has a stomach ache, Smecta can help - a powder with sorption and antimicrobial activity.

    For quick and effective treatment, you need to know how to breed Smecta and take it correctly.

    Powder composition

    Smecta is an antidiarrheal agent that comes in powder form.

    How to properly breed smecta? Powder "Smecta" should be diluted in water and the resulting liquid should be drunk.

    This form of release provides more fast action active substance, which is extremely important for all indications for its use.

    The active component of the preparation is dioctahedral smectite, which acts as a sorbent. Its strength and suction area significantly exceeds that of the well-known activated carbon.

    Despite its high efficiency, Smecta is quite affordable. Active ingredient well absorbs viruses, toxins, bacteria, alcohol, poisons, removes allergens.

    This is exactly the tool that should be in every first aid kit.... Suitable for both adults and children, and will help with various diseases.

    Each packet of Smecta contains 3 grams of medicine. As additional components contains glucose, saccharin and flavor.

    Indications for use

    Sorption properties of Smecta are applied when:

    • Diarrhea of ​​any kind: infectious, allergic, medicinal, food.
    • Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, bloating, heartburn and other discomfort.

    Smecta is used in complex therapy diseases that are accompanied by increased intoxication (acetone crisis, bacterial infections).

    Smecta is approved for use in patients of any age and gender, including children under 1 year old.

    In children, it is considered the best drug in case of poisoning, with allergies and other toxic manifestations.

    Types of Smecta

    The manufacturer produces several different packages of Smecta. This makes it possible to pick up the best way on taste for the child and financially for the parents.

    Release forms:

    1. Powder No. 10 vanilla flavor.
    2. Powder No. 30 vanilla flavor.
    3. Powder No. 10 orange flavor.
    4. Powder No. 30 orange flavor.

    The drug belongs to the over-the-counter group, so you can buy it at any pharmacy. This once again proves the high safety profile of Smekta.


    The cost of Smecta in pharmacies depends on the number of sachets in a pack:

    • You can buy a package of Smecta of 10 sachets by average price RUB 150-170
    • The price of a pack of 30 sachets is from 325 rubles.
    • The approximate cost of 1 sachet of powder is about 11-15 rubles.

    The price may also differ slightly depending on the taste of the powder - vanilla Smecta in some pharmacies costs 1-2 rubles more than orange.

    Operating principle

    Special molecular structure active substance promotes the absorption of toxins and viruses in the intestinal lumen. This reduces the entry of toxins into the bloodstream and relieves unpleasant symptoms.

    Besides, Smecta increases the amount of mucus in the intestines, increasing its gastroprotective properties... It helps create a mucus barrier that effectively protects the intestines from negative action substances toxic to the body and prevents their absorption into the blood.

    Using the drug in liquid form, you can get a quick effect, which makes Smecta indispensable for providing first aid in case of poisoning of various origins(including alcoholic ones), as well as children's intoxication.

    Increased production of mucus and chemical complexes from Smecta increase intestinal contents and promote the natural elimination of all toxins and toxins with feces.

    The drug does not change the activity of enzymes, the state of the mucous membrane or the work of the digestive tract, therefore it is absolutely safe and allowed for infants.

    Action Smecta is not addictive and allergic.

    How to breed?

    Instructions on how to properly dilute Smecta:

    • Pour 100 ml of water for adults and 50 ml for children into a glass or baby bottle. The water should be boiled, at room temperature (not very cold and not hot).
    • Open one disposable sachet of medication.
    • Gradually pour out the powder while stirring the water.
    • Stir well to dissolve the powder evenly in the water.
    • Take the solution immediately or during the day, depending on the daily dosage.

    For children, the dose is:

    • 1 year - 1 sachet.
    • 3 years - 2-3 sachets.
    • 5 years - 3-4 sachets.

    A one-year-old child can be diluted with the powder and added to food (puree, food, compote).

    The course of treatment is up to 7 days.

    The proportions and frequency of administration should be observed, since exceeding the dosage can cause constipation after Smecta.

    How to get a child to drink Smecta?

    There are 2 proven ways:

    • Buy Smecta in bags with different tastes. Usually, children like vanilla flavoring more than others.
    • Give the child the medicine in small doses (5 ml each), but often. Thus, the baby will not be able to spit it out or vomit it out.

    How to store?

    The diluted Smecta should be stored at room temperature and it is advisable to drink on the day of its preparation.

    Avoid direct sunlight on the solution, the container with the diluted Smecta is stored in a closed container.

    Adults can prepare a suspension for each dose separately or the entire daily volume at once, dividing it several times.

    Smecta with antibiotics

    Any bacterial infections are accompanied by intoxication of the body. Doctors can prescribe sorbents as an additional therapy for both an adult and a child.

    Smecta is compatible with antibiotics, however, the interval between taking these drugs should be observed... As a rule, the sorbent is prescribed 2 hours after taking the antibiotic.

    At simultaneous reception with antibiotics Smecta neutralizes their effect and disrupts the entire treatment regimen.

    special instructions

    For maximum drug efficacy you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Exactly follow the instructions on how to properly dilute and take the powder.
    2. Do not take Smecta at the same time as other medicines, including antibiotics.
    3. Supplement the treatment with sorbents with the use enough water or special means for rehydration.
    4. For pregnant and lactating women, the drug is approved for use. The method of preparation and reception for them is no different.
    5. In case of dysbiosis in infants, in addition to the Estimate, supplements of beneficial bacteria should be taken.

    Smecta will help an adult cope with alcohol intoxication, and the child - with intestinal infection.

    The powder does not cause adverse reactions and absolutely safe. As a sorbent for home first aid kit it is recommended to choose it.

    (lat. Smecta ®) - gastroprotective, antidiarrheal, adsorbent drug.

    Active substance: dioctahedral smectite (another name diosmectite).

    Dosage form: sachets containing powder for oral suspension. Each bag contains 3 g of dioctahedral smectite.

    Excipients: dextrose (glucose), sodium saccharin, vanillin.

    Indications for use of smecta:

    • acute and chronic diarrhea (allergic, medicinal origin, due to a violation of the diet and the quality of food)
    • diarrhea of ​​infectious origin (as part of complex therapy)
    • treating symptoms (heartburn, bloating and abdominal discomfort) associated with stomach and intestinal diseases
    Smecta is a medicinal product of natural origin, which has a protective effect against the intestinal mucosa and pronounced adsorbing and enveloping properties.

    Smecta, being a stabilizer of the mucous barrier, forms polyvalent bonds with mucus glycoproteins and increases the duration of its existence, forming a physical barrier that protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract from the effects of hydrochloric acid and pepsins, bile acids, microorganisms, their toxins, etc.

    Smecta has selective sorption properties, which are explained by its discoid-crystalline structure. On the contrary, the swelling effect is not very pronounced.

    Smecta, due to its effect on the digestive mucous barrier and its increased ability to adhere, protects the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Smecta in therapeutic doses does not affect intestinal motility. Smecta is not absorbed and excreted from the body unchanged.

    Smecta is recommended for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease as an adjuvant, which, although it does not affect the amount of acidity in the stomach, has an enveloping and high sorbing capacity (absorbs bacteria Helicobacter pylori, bile acids), improves the rheological properties of mucus, increasing its viscosity, increasing the resistance of the mucous membrane to the effects of pepsin, hydrochloric acid. In addition, smecta has a cytomucoprotective effect. It penetrates into the mucous (mucinous) layer of the intestine, interacts with the glycocalyx, increases the formation of a protective jelly-like layer and improves its quality. The duration of therapy can vary from 4 weeks (with uncomplicated newly diagnosed single Helicobacter-associated ulcer) to the need for constant admission (during steroid therapy) (Khavkin A.I., Zhikhareva N.S., Rachkova N.S.).

    Smecta is highly effective in the treatment of gastroesophageal refluxes in children (1 sachet 1-3 times a day). Usually the drug is taken 40-60 minutes after a meal, when heartburn, retrosternal discomfort most often occur (Khavkin A.I., Privorotsky V.F.). In the treatment of gastroesophaneal reflux disease, after discontinuation of proton pump inhibitors (in children, their use is sometimes limited to 2-3 weeks due to excessive antisecretory effect), cytoprotectors (smecta, sucralfate, liquiditon) are used 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day ( the last time at night) for 4 weeks (Belousov Yu.V.).

    In acute gastritis, as part of complex therapy, the appointment of adsorbents (smecta, polyphepan, cholestyramine) is indicated, 5-20 g 2-3 times a day, diluting in a large number water, between meals (Shabalov N.P.).

    Slide from O.A. Party " GERD treatment based on physiological parameters and modern clinical guidelines", Made at the conference" Esophagus-2015 "

    WHO position on the use of smecta in children with diarrhea:
    In the same time, tutorial WHO Treatment of Diarrhea (2006) notes that "... smectitis has no proven practical value in the routine management of acute diarrhea in children."

    Professional medical publications, in which the issues of treating the gastrointestinal tract with smecta are raised:

    • Khavkin A.I., Zhikhareva N.S., Rachkova N.S. Modern principles of peptic ulcer therapy // The attending physician. - 2005. - No. 2. - p. 30–33.

    • Khavkin A.I., Privorotsky V.F. Methodical literature. Modern concepts of gastroesophageal reflux in children. - Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    • Shabalov N.P. Childhood diseases. Chapter 10. Diseases of the digestive system in older children. Acute gastritis.

    • Yu.V. Belousov Gastroesophageal reflux disease in childhood. // Medical newspaper "Health of Ukraine", - March 2005, №114.

    • Storonova O.A., Trukhmanov A.S., Jakhaya N.L., Ivashkin V.T. Violations of esophageal clearance in gastroesophageal reflux disease and the possibility of their correction // RZhGGK. 2012.T. XXII. No. 2. P. 14–2 1.
    On the site in the literature catalog there is a section "Antacids and adsorbents" containing articles on the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with antacids.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to smecta, intestinal obstruction.

    The procedure for taking smecta and doses. It is taken orally, 3 times a day, in a diluted form. With esophagitis - after meals, in other cases - between meals.

    • Adults and older children - single dose 3 g (one sachet). The contents of the sachet are dissolved in water (about 100 ml), gradually pouring in the powder and stirring it evenly.
    • Young children. The daily dose of smecta for children under 1 year old - 3 g, from 1 year to 2 years old - 6 g, over 2 years old - 6-9 g. mashed potatoes, compote, baby food) and divided into several doses throughout the day based on the daily dose.
    Side effects:
    • constipation (disappears with dose reduction)
    • allergic reactions
    Special instructions: the interval between taking smecta and other medications should be from 1 to 2 hours.

    Interaction with other drugs: smecta reduces the rate and degree of absorption of drugs taken simultaneously. Smecta is appointed, including during pregnancy and in the period breastfeeding .

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