Use of cranberries: medicinal properties and contraindications. Cranberry face masks. For colds

This is the name of a plant from the lingonberry family and its fruits.

Cranberry is an evergreen plant, a shrub with thin and low shoots. The length of the shoots is on average about 30 cm, wild cranberry berries are red, spherical, 8-12 mm in diameter. Some specially bred varieties have berries up to 2 cm in diameter. Cranberries bloom in June, berry picking begins in September and continues throughout the fall. Plantation berries ripen 1-2 weeks earlier than wild ones. Cranberries can easily be stored until spring.

Cranberries are eaten both fresh and frozen, soaked or dried; juices, fruit drinks, jellies, preserves, jelly, cocktails and cranberry kvass are prepared from it, or added to salads, pies and other dishes.

Cranberries grow in many countries, if conditions permit, and love marshy forest soil, sedge-sphagnum bogs, tundra and moss bogs. About 22 varieties of cranberries grow in Karelia alone, among which there are large-fruited varieties with berries up to 2 cm in diameter.

Today cranberries can be found throughout Russia, including Far East. Ukraine is rich in cranberries, most of Europe, Northern USA, Canada and Alaska. Americans consider North America to be the birthplace of cranberries. The Delaware Indians believed that the berries grew on the ground where the blood of warriors who died in battle with giants was shed.

Calorie content of cranberries

Low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only 26 kcal. The energy value of dried cranberries is 308 kcal per 100 g of product. Excessive use Cranberries in this form can lead to obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of cranberries

Cranberries contain a complete collection useful substances, characteristic of all berries. Cranberries are rich in sugars, organic acids, pectins and vitamins. The berries contain citric, benzoic, ursolic, quinic, chlorogenic, malic, oleanderic, succinic and oxalic acids, and a fairly large amount of pectin (relative to other berries).

The vitamin part of cranberries is represented by vitamins of group B (, B5,), K1 (phylloquinone) and a high content of vitamin C, the amount of which in cranberries is comparable to lemons, oranges, grapefruits and garden strawberries.

Cranberries are rich in anthocyanins, phenolic acids, leukoanthocyanins, catechins, betaine, macro and microelements. Cranberries contain a lot of potassium, slightly less phosphorus and calcium. Enough iron, manganese, copper and molybdenum. In addition, it contains boron, cobalt, tin, iodine, nickel, silver, chromium, titanium, zinc and other trace elements.

Eating cranberries improves appetite and digestion. The production of gastric and pancreatic juices increases. This leads to a cure for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, as well as inflammation of the pancreas. Cranberries also have a diuretic and bactericidal effect and are useful for pyelonephritis.

Cranberries have the ability to protect the genitourinary system from infections. Cranberries contain proanthocyanidin components, which prevent the proliferation of bacteria in cells genitourinary system.

Cranberries contain many antioxidants and also have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Scientists are increasingly insisting that cranberries should be a must-have product in the prevention of cancer. It is believed that the juice of the berry, by binding to two enzymes human body, causing the formation cancer cells, actively opposes their creation and distribution. In addition, cranberries contain substances that, by protecting DNA, prevent the growth of colon or prostate cancer cells. There are suggestions that the “miracle berry” contains quercetin, a product that can help prevent breast and colon cancer.

Cranberries contain powerful phenolic antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which provide medicinal properties. Phenolic antioxidants also increase good cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol levels, reducing potential risk diseases of atherosclerosis. Resveratrol, found naturally in cranberries, has antitumor effects. Resveratrol inhibits the spread of tumor cells.

Studies have already shown how cranberries reduce cholesterol and prevent the formation of plaques in blood vessels and the formation of blood clots, protect brain vessels from strokes. It has been established that ursolic and oleanolic acids contained in cranberries dilate the venous vessels of the heart and nourish the heart muscle. Cranberry reduces headaches, lowers the content of prothrombin in the blood, increases the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood capillaries. Cranberries are useful to eat when you have high blood pressure, hypo and vitamin deficiency C. Even in the squeezes after preparing cranberry juice contains up to 6% ursolic acid, which promotes expansion coronary vessels hearts.

Cranberry has refreshing and tonic properties, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Cranberry drinks have an antipyretic effect and quench thirst well, so they are recommended for use in cases of flu and high fever.

Research from the Institute of Food Technology (USA) has proven the activity of cranberries against salmonella, E. coli, etc. Scientists added cranberry concentrate to raw ground beef that had already been contaminated by bacteria that commonly cause food poisoning. After studying the minced meat, a few days later, scientists discovered that thanks to cranberry concentrate, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the meat was significantly reduced.

Scientists believe that the antimicrobial effect of cranberries has the potential to become a natural and effective tool in the future to control the content of pathogenic organisms in food and reduce disease.

Fruit juice and cranberry syrup are used as an antifever remedy for vitamin deficiencies, inflammatory diseases, to reduce temperature and quench thirst. When treating respiratory diseases, rheumatism, and sore throat, it is good to eat cranberries with honey.

Cranberry juice has antipyretic, bactericidal, thirst-quenching properties, cleanses wounds and burns and accelerates their healing, and treats coughs. The proanthocyanidins contained in cranberries prevent the development of gum disease and caries. Cranberry juice lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of genitourinary infections and increases the effectiveness of antibiotics when taken together. Heart and oncological diseases, treatment of gastritis, stimulation of the pancreas, increased physical and brain activity - these are all the beneficial properties of cranberries.

Drink cranberry juice with honey (to taste, 1 - 2 teaspoons per glass), 1/2 cup for coughs, sore throats, colds, acute respiratory diseases in 15 - 20 minutes. before meals. Mix cranberry juice with beet juice (1:1) and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day if you suffer from gastritis with low acidity, colitis with constipation, with vascular spasms, hypertension, sore throat, influenza, atherosclerosis, obesity, thrombophlebitis.

The beneficial properties of cranberries have been known to mankind for a long time. The berries are more popular than the fruits of their closest relatives - blueberries and blueberries. This is not surprising, because cranberries are a real storehouse of healing substances that diversify the health of the human body. And its correct and moderate use will help maintain health for many years.

Plant characteristics

Despite the fact that cranberries are not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil, cultivating cranberries is associated with some difficulties, because its growing conditions can rightfully be called special. Most often, fruit procurement is carried out on the basis of wild reserves.

Where to find thickets

Large-fruited and common cranberries are considered the most valuable for medicinal purposes. The first species is most common in the Appalachian Mountains. It is cultivated on an industrial scale in special artificial swamps.

Common cranberries are widespread throughout Russia. The exceptions are the territories of Kuban, the Caucasus Mountains and the Volga region. In Europe, cranberries grow north of France, in the territory North America- almost all over Canada.

The second name for common cranberries is swamp. It fully characterizes the plant’s requirements for its growth conditions. Cranberries require high soil moisture, so they grow in swamps, moistened by underground and surface sources, and less often on swampy banks of rivers and lakes. Cranberries are also capable of forming thickets in forests of coniferous trees.

Main condition normal life cranberries - the presence of sphagnum or moss litter, since the supply of cranberries essential microelements occurs due to coexistence with fungi and lichens. Access to open sunlight has little effect on the quality of fruiting of common cranberries; sufficient moisture for a good harvest of berries is much more important.

Botanical description

The plant is one of the evergreen shrub species. Due to its small size, people often call it grass.

  • Roots. The plant has a tap root system. Also, all species are characterized by the presence of a large number of adventitious roots that grow from shoots and provide them with moisture and substances necessary for development.
  • Stems. Bendable, thread-like, capable of widespread rooting. Length reaches 30 cm.
  • Leaves. They have an oblong ovoid shape and solid edges. Small, maximum length 1.5 cm, width 0.6 cm. They are located alternately on the branches, attached using short petioles. The top of the leaf blade is dark green, the bottom is almost white. The striking contrast is due to the presence of a thick layer of waxy coating at the bottom of the leaf, which is necessary to protect the gas-exchange organs of the plant from moisture when the water level changes.
  • Fruit. Cranberries bear fruit in the second year of their development. The berries appear immediately after flowering ends, but ripen for a long time - until October. They have a round or elliptical shape. It is these that birds eat, after which they spread the seeds over long distances, ensuring the spread of cranberries. After birds eat the seeds, an increase in their ascending activity is observed.

The main condition for normal development cranberry bushes - the presence in the soil of special fungi with which root system cranberries grow tightly together, forming mycorrhiza. This point is very important for the concentration of minerals in the berries, since it is the fungi that ensure their entry into the plant itself. In turn, the cranberry bush provides the fungus with organic substances, their derivatives after photosynthetic reactions. It has been proven that without the formation of mycorrhiza, cranberries quickly weaken, begin to hurt, and ultimately die from a lack of mineral compounds.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Dried common cranberries lose a large amount of nutrients, so they are prepared fresh. A characteristic feature is that the berry has a very complex chemical composition, keeps well in water. The collected fruits, after final ripening, are poured with ordinary cold water in jars or wooden barrels, where they can be stored until the next season.

Collection is often done manually, using special wooden hooks. They are convenient for lifting branches for better access to berries, which can be collected in different time of the year. The biological value of the fruit depends on this.

  • Collected in September. Berries untouched by frost ripen in boxes and contain the greatest amount of valuable substances.
  • Collected after the first frost. Then the berry becomes sweeter, but loses points in terms of beneficial properties.
  • Collected in early spring. The sweetest berry is after the snow melts. Regarding their health properties, such fruits are considered the least valuable.

It is correct to freeze not just picked, but also fully ripe cranberries that have been lying in a dark place for some time. The berries are washed with cold water, dried on a paper towel, and then frozen, spreading the raw materials in a thin layer on a wide dish. After three hours, the berries can be poured into a container or plastic bag.

For improvement taste qualities Cranberries that are collected in time, but are very sour, are preserved with sugar. The berries are ground with granulated sugar or filled with whole berries, but not just with water, but with concentrated sugar syrup.

Healing composition of fruits

Cranberries are considered one of the most healthy berries, because their chemical composition is simply amazing in its richness and diversity.

  • Sahara. Contains mono- and disaccharides (glucose, fructose, sucrose), as well as high molecular weight carbohydrates, represented by dietary fiber and pectin substances. All carbohydrate compounds take part in metabolism, are sources of energy for the human body, and are consumed by absolutely all its cells.
  • Organic acids. Represented by tartaric, oxalic, quinic, chlorogenic, ursolic, benzoic, succinic, ketobutyric, oleic, ketoglutaric acids. All of them are active participants in protein and fat metabolism. Many of these acids affect the level of energy consumption by cells, increasing it. They trigger metabolic processes, accelerate metabolism, and participate in the formation of cell membranes. Most acids have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, and reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Flavonoids. Quercetin, betaine. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood viscosity, and have an antioxidant effect.
  • Other substances. In small quantities, cranberries contain catechins, leukoanthocyanins, and glycosidic compounds. All of them have an antioxidant effect, hepato- and cardioprotective effects, and normalize metabolic processes. Tannins give cranberries astringent, enveloping, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamins. Cranberries are considered a vitamin-rich plant due to their high concentration of vitamins. Among them are vitamin C, K, E, as well as B vitamins. They regulate the occurrence of redox reactions in the body, and therefore are necessary for the performance of all physiological functions.
  • Minerals. Cranberries are the leader in potassium content, as well as calcium and iron. Among the trace elements in cranberries, there are quite rare ones: cobalt, lead, silver, nickel, titanium, chromium. Cranberries also contain familiar but vital minerals: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium.

Scientists were able to isolate more than 20 different microelements from cranberries, and the same amount organic compounds of different nature. It is the complex composition that doctors consider to be the basis for the many healing properties of cranberries.

Beneficial properties of cranberries

The medicinal properties of cranberries are based on the content of a large amount of biologically active substances, improving individual systems and the human body as a whole.

The extensive therapeutic properties of the berries can be used for a variety of diseases.

  • For hypertension. In folk medicine, the use of cranberries for blood pressure is popular. It is worth saying that from the point of view official medicine, berries should be used in the composition complex therapy hypertension. In this case, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics in the course of the disease, as well as stabilization of the patient’s condition.
  • For digestive diseases. The berries are used as a gastroprotective agent, as well as to stimulate the pancreas and gall bladder. Indications for use: hypoacid form of gastritis, cholecystitis. Regular consumption of berries is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. Fruits regulate sugar levels and improve cell sensitivity to insulin.
  • For genitourinary problems. Cranberry eliminates inflammation in pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, inflammation Bladder. Providing a mild diuretic effect, cranberries help cope with swelling and fluid stagnation. The plant also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and remove existing small deposits. Relaxation of smooth muscles facilitates this process with minimal painful sensations. For any gynecological diseases cranberry helps eliminate the inflammatory process, prevent it from becoming chronic form, protects against the formation of cysts and polyps.
  • With ARVI. Cranberries, tea with them, jam, fruit juice will help reduce body temperature and symptoms of a feverish state. The use of cranberries for coughs is based on a mild bronchodilator effect, which facilitates the removal of mucus and reduces the risk of a cold developing into bronchitis. Rinsing the mouth and throat helps cope with pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat, and stomatitis.
  • For immunodeficiencies. Cranberries are recommended for use by people suffering from chronically weakened immunity, as well as during the recovery period after past diseases, operations.
  • For CNS disorders. Cranberries have mild sedative and muscle relaxant properties. Can be used during periods of increased mental and physical stress to ensure the body's resistance to stress and maintain clarity of thinking. Cranberry helps cope with seasonal depression, asthenic conditions and insomnia.

Eating fresh cranberries will serve as an excellent preventive measure for all of the above ailments. In addition, it will help prevent premature aging of the body.


There are many recipes for obtaining effective cranberry medicines at home. The most popular are cranberry juice and tincture.

Alcohol tincture

Peculiarities. Alcohol tincture is used to prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, as a general tonic, to lower blood pressure, for stomach ulcers.

Preparation and use

  1. A glass of cranberries is covered with a glass of sugar and placed in a warm, bright place for ten days.
  2. Add a glass of medical alcohol to the resulting mixture.
  3. Infuse in a dark place for five days, then filter.
  4. Take a tablespoon twice or thrice a day, on an empty stomach.

Vodka remedy

Peculiarities. It is used for all indications characteristic of cranberries. Vodka tincture is less strong than alcohol tincture, so it is gentler on the stomach.

Preparation and use

  1. To prepare cranberry tincture, a glass of berries is pounded in a mortar or crushed in a blender to a mushy consistency.
  2. In a saucepan, heat a glass of water to a boil. Add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil again.
  3. Mix the ground berries and sugar syrup.
  4. Add a glass of high-quality pure vodka to the mixture.
  5. Leave for a month in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
  6. Strain through cheesecloth into a convenient bottle.
  7. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

Peculiarities. Very effective as an antipyretic for colds. Suitable for the treatment of renal diseases.

Preparation and use

  1. Grind a glass of ripe berries into porridge.
  2. Pour in three liters of water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, honey, and spices to taste.
  4. Take a glass orally, up to six times a day.

Treatment with cranberries if available chronic diseases requires prior approval from the attending physician.

Other Applications

The berries are actively used in cooking for desserts, baking, and preparing various sauces for meat dishes. They are also used in the alcohol industry, as a base for cranberry liqueur or for flavoring vodka.

Cranberry extract and its juice are used in cosmetology. Diluted with water, it helps eliminate acne and pustular rashes, prevent the formation of scars, and also eliminate rashes of an allergic nature.

Cranberry juice and whole fruits are used to prevent cancer of the prostate, mammary glands, and female genital organs. Rinsing your mouth with diluted juice helps prevent tooth decay and whiten tooth enamel.

The berry is also used for weight loss. The “cranberry diet” involves avoiding flour and fatty foods, as well as drinking a special drink on an empty stomach (a glass clean water with the addition of two teaspoons of cranberry juice). According to reviews, the result of the diet is two to three kilograms per week.

What is the danger?

Side effects from cranberry treatment can include decreased blood pressure, heartburn, pain in the right hypochondrium, and dyspeptic disorders. In this case, the use of berries should be stopped and continued after a few days, reducing the dosage by a third.

Cranberry contraindications:

  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • any form of liver disease;
  • taking antiplatelet drugs;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • individual sensitivity.

Doctors advise using cranberries with caution during pregnancy. Despite the hypoallergenic nature of the berry, it is still possible during pregnancy allergic reactions. It is undesirable to consume any amount of cranberries for gout due to the risk of deposition of purine compounds and urates. Cranberries are harmful if they are consumed against the background of hypotension, since a further decrease in pressure can lead to loss of consciousness.

With proper preparation and storage of berries, the benefits of cranberries for maintaining health and eliminating existing pathologies are simply invaluable. Even experienced doctors confirm that the mild tonic and strengthening effect of the berry can be used for most diseases studied. But for safety reasons, it is better to consult your doctor about taking cranberries.

Cranberry is a low-growing, winter-hardy shrub that lives in swamps and peat bogs. In September, red berries ripen on low stems, which are popular among people for their rich vitamin composition and excellent medicinal properties. In general, cranberry belongs to wild plants However, now the industrial cultivation of cultivated varieties of berries has become popular for widespread use in medicine and cooking.

Composition of cranberries: calorie content, chemical composition, vitamins

The calorie content of the berry is very low - 28 kcal (for comparison, an apple contains 47 kcal). Cranberries are 89% water. The rest is fiber (3.3 g), simple carbohydrates(total 3.7 g), pectins, several types of organic acids: malic, citric, benzoic. It is the latter that provides the berry with such long-term storage - it is known that it can be collected under snow and even in spring, while cranberries reach full maturity in October.

Among the vitamins, the berry contains: 4 B vitamins, vitamins C, E, K, PP. The mineral complex is represented by potassium (119 mg), magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. High medicinal properties are provided to the berry by bioactive compounds: flavonoids, tannins, esters, tannin (tannic acid), several antioxidants.

Benefits of cranberries

The benefits of berries for the body lie, first of all, in the rich vitamin composition, but no less important is that cranberry is a fairly strong antioxidant, capable of stopping pathological processes and prevent the aging of the body


The cranberry is dark red, with a dense shell. The pulp is juicy, slightly crunchy, but quite sour and even bitter. This bitterness is due to the presence of a specific substance tannin– the strongest antibiotic of natural origin. Its ability to destroy the cells of absolutely all pathogenic microbes and bacteria has been scientifically proven. In combination with many useful substances and compounds, it has the following effects on the body:

  • kills germs and bacteria;
  • has very high antiseptic properties– 1 glass fresh juice is able to completely disinfect human urine, which allows you to achieve a quick effect in the treatment of cystitis;
  • prevents the development of scurvy, caries and other dental diseases;
  • restores the emotional background, relieves depression;
  • reduces fever and increases resistance to colds;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, plaques in blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation, reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Dried cranberries

Dried berries are more nutritious - their calorie content is 308 kcal. The concentration of minerals, unlike fresh berries, is also several times higher. Surprisingly, dried cranberries are very sweet - the characteristic bitterness is absent due to the thickening of sugars during drying.

Dried berries have a variety of uses in dishes and as an independent product:

  • to normalize digestion;
  • to improve mental performance.

The berry can be eaten when the acidity of the stomach is low - it normalizes it.

Fruit juice is not only a gastronomic pleasure, but also a storehouse of useful substances. It perfectly refreshes, tones, and when used systematically, removes kidney stones. For a cold the drink has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect(performs the function of an antibiotic), which promotes rapid recovery. Unlike berries, fruit juice contains fewer vitamins, but is absorbed faster.

Cranberries with honey

This combination is most popular in traditional treatment. Both components have very strong antiseptic properties, which allows you to quickly eliminate many problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the liver - both components are mixed in equal quantities, taken several times daily;
  • sore throat - grind cranberries with honey (you can use juice instead of berries);
  • cranberries with honey and garlic are used to cleanse blood vessels;
  • A remedy made from honey, cranberry and lemon improves immunity.


Cranberry compote is an excellent tonic and vitamin drink. For colds, it will help relieve fever, sore throat and boost immunity. To prepare compote, you can use any berries: fresh, sugared, frozen.

Before using, it is recommended to soak fresh berries for a few minutes in warm water, then rinse well with cold water. To obtain a high-quality concentrated drink, it is necessary to maintain a proportion of approximately 100 g of berries per liter of water.

Freezing is a great way to preserve vitamins in maximum quantity. In addition, this processing is the fastest and most convenient - the berries just need to be dried and frozen. It is not recommended to wash cranberries before freezing, as this can damage the integrity of the shell. You need to defrost the berries in natural conditions(not in microwave oven), since when exposed to temperatures, the beneficial properties decrease.

Why is it good to eat cranberries?

For each person, the berry brings special benefits

For men

The property of cranberries to neutralize the action of microbes and eliminate the inflammatory process provides an excellent service to men in the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. The flavonoids present in cranberries (catechins and epicatechins) increase endurance, physical and male strength. One glass of juice daily allows you to maintain potency without the use of drugs.


For a woman, cranberry helps solve two of the most important problems: normalize weight and become more beautiful. Eating fresh berries or juice slows down the aging process of cells, which affects the condition of hair, skin, and general well-being. Being a low-calorie product containing acids, cranberries promote the breakdown of fats.

For children

For children, the berry is an excellent remedy for all kinds of colds, infectious and inflammatory processes. It improves immunity well, strengthens bone and muscle tissue. For colds, it reduces cough, relieves fever, and speeds up recovery.


During pregnancy, cranberries are not only vitamin product, but also a remedy for many complications inherent in this period. It normalizes blood pressure, relieves swelling, which often occurs in the second half of the term, and prevents the appearance of cystitis. In addition, the berry and juice increase the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of developing varicose veins. You can eat berries during pregnancy in any form, but in moderation.

Cranberry in medicine

It should be said that the properties of cranberries are used not only in folk medicine. It is part of many vitamin and immunostimulating preparations, biological supplements, and cold remedies. It is popularly used to treat:

  • viral and respiratory diseases;
  • anemia and vitamin deficiencies;
  • increased nervousness, fatigue, depression;
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea);
  • withdrawal syndrome (“withdrawal” after taking alcohol or psychotropic drugs);
  • hypertension;
  • stomatitis - the fruits need to be chewed or the areas lubricated with fresh juice;
  • for the prevention of cancer, thrombosis, atherosclerosis.

We will tell you about the beneficial properties of rosehip and its effect on the body in this article.

And how guava is useful for adults and children, you will find out by reading this!

To maintain beauty, cranberries can be used internally and externally. If a berry better juice, use regularly, you will soon notice how the skin is renewed, refreshed, and acquired a healthy color. Cranberries are able to affect the skin from the inside, renewing and regenerating epidermal cells, thereby achieving such a cosmetic effect.

As part of masks, the berry can affect the structure of the skin, tighten it, straighten it, eliminate shallow wrinkles. The juice, as well as masks made from it, are effective for problem skin: relieve inflammation and acne - can be used during adolescence.

Due to the high concentration of acids, cranberry juice is able to restore damaged hair and nails.

Harm of cranberries

In certain situations, cranberries can be harmful to health:

  • for gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, hyperacidity, heartburn - due to the acid content, the berry can provoke an exacerbation;
  • for liver pathologies, the berry should be consumed in very limited quantities;
  • When enamel and gums are damaged (caries, periodontal disease), acids can cause a lot of discomfort.

A direct contraindication is intolerance to the berry or allergy.

Cranberries are often used in traditional medicine recipes. It contains many useful substances. Experts recommend including it in your diet regularly. What are the benefits of cranberries for humans? Further in the article we will talk about the positive and negative properties of the berry.

Chemical composition of cranberries

Berry is a low-calorie product. However the nutritional value fresh and dry cranberries are different. This causes drying, which loses moisture.

Fresh cranberries contain 25 kcal, and dried berries contain 300. This should be taken into account by people who want to lose weight.

What are the benefits of cranberries? It contains many vitamins such as A, E, K, and also has an increased content ascorbic acid. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, the berry can compete with citrus fruits. Distinctive feature cranberries are pectins. In addition, the berries contain sugars, anthocyanins, catechins and betaine.

Cranberries contain organic acids: citric, malic, oxalic, chlorogenic, succinic and others.

The berry is also rich in minerals, including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, and iron. In addition, cranberries contain a rare vitamin PP.

Thanks to its unique composition, cranberries have many positive properties. It is because of this that the berry occupies one of the leading places. What are the benefits of cranberry and what does it cure? It promotes:

  1. Improved appetite. The berry increases the production of gastric juice, so it is often used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system. Cranberry helps suppress pathogenic bacteria, therefore it is indicated for kidney pathology.
  3. The berry is able to stop inflammatory processes. It prevents the development of tumors, especially in the intestines, breasts and prostate.
  4. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels. Berries have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart, relieve headaches and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  5. Cranberry refreshes and invigorates, quenches thirst and has antipyretic properties. It is used for respiratory viral diseases.
  6. The berries kill pathogenic microflora and have anthelmintic properties.

Cranberry juice helps with infections urinary tract, gastritis, vascular and heart diseases. This healing drink can disinfect wounds and heal burns.

The benefits of large-fruited cranberries

The berry is striking in its size (from 1.8-2.2 cm in diameter). Its external shapes are different: ranging from round to pear-shaped.

The beneficial properties of large-fruited cranberries are varied. It is widely used for diseases of the digestive system - for constipation, to improve appetite. For colds, the berry can quench thirst and replenish the body’s need for vitamin C.

Cranberry helps reduce signs of genitourinary diseases. Relieves problems with the heart and blood vessels.

The beneficial properties of garden large-fruited cranberries have found their application as an external remedy. Lotions are made with its juice purulent wounds, burns and lichens.

Regular use cranberries strengthen gums and teeth.

Medicinal recipes from cranberries

In the cold season and spring, when the body especially needs vitamins, berries will come to the rescue.

Frozen and dried cranberries are poured into a thermos, infused and drunk with honey. IN hot water it cannot be added, because the beekeeping product loses all its beneficial properties.

What are the health benefits of cranberries? It is especially effective for colds, flu and infectious diseases. After all, cranberries are rich in vitamin C. It has a pathogenic effect and prevents dehydration. This is especially valuable when fever occurs.

For therapy, the fruits are used as follows:

  1. Pour in chopped cranberries hot water and insist. Drink in large quantities during the day.
  2. To prepare cranberry juice, the berries are crushed and discarded on cheesecloth. The result is juice. Pour hot water over the cake, boil and cool. Mix with juice. To improve the taste, add sugar or honey.

Pure juice is also an excellent cold remedy.

How are cranberries beneficial for the body? Fruit juice made from berries helps in the treatment of sore throat. Cranberries have the ability to enhance the effect of antibacterial drugs.

At high blood pressure The berry is taken as tea. Cranberry juice also helps lower blood pressure with the addition of red beet juice.

When cystitis occurs, cranberry can rid the bladder of pathogenic microflora, which helps stop inflammation.

Cranberries during pregnancy

The berry, due to its unique composition, has many positive properties. It is recommended for use in many conditions.

How are cranberries beneficial for pregnant women? It is well known that during this period a woman’s body is susceptible to colds. And taking antibiotics can cause irreparable harm to her and the fetus.

The genitourinary system is especially affected during pregnancy. Cranberry with its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties will provide its irreplaceable benefits.

Eating berries during pregnancy will prevent the development varicose veins veins of the lower extremities, due to its positive effect on blood vessels. This quality of cranberries improves blood circulation in the placenta and will help the fetus develop normally.

Including 100 g of cranberries in the diet daily can prevent developmental defects in a child, toxicosis, constipation and swelling. Normalizing metabolic processes and helping in the absorption of minerals is another argument for regularly including berries in the diet.

Despite the beneficial properties of cranberries, there are also contraindications for its use. Berries can be harmful in case of enterocolitis and allergies to them.

Dried and dried cranberries

Dried fruits are a storehouse of useful minerals and vitamins. They are used as a preventive measure for many diseases and perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Why it is useful The berry is considered a natural antioxidant. It perfectly fights early aging of the body.

To the main properties dried berries include:

  • increased physical activity;
  • positive impact on mental performance;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the level of stomach acidity.

To greatly enhance the effect of the dried berry, it is mixed with honey. It has a positive effect on appearance. Therefore, such dried fruits must be eaten regularly. Fine wrinkles disappear, red spots and pimples disappear.

Dried berries strengthen nails, improve their appearance and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Dried berries retain most of the positive properties of fresh ones. To prepare this product, cranberries are boiled in sugar syrup, and then dried for a long time in the oven. This can also be done at home. The beneficial properties of dried cranberries are as follows:

  1. Used for colds.
  2. Used for kidney and bladder diseases.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on human hormonal levels.
  4. It is beneficial in the treatment of dermatitis and weeping eczema.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels.
  6. Normalizes intestinal function.

Compotes and fruit drinks are prepared from dried cranberries, which have a special taste. Sometimes it is added to baked goods.

Why you should eat berries

There are many reasons to include cranberries in your daily menu. It can relieve health problems for men, women and children.

How are cranberries beneficial for the human body? Its ability to neutralize the effect of pathogenic microflora and eliminate inflammation will have great help for men in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. Flavonoids present in berries will increase physical strength and endurance.

Cranberry helps women solve two main problems: normalizes weight and restores beauty. Regular consumption of berries slows down the aging process of the body. Improves the condition of hair, skin and general health. Thanks to its properties, cranberries help break down fat deposits.

Eating berries in childhood will prevent the development of colds and infectious diseases. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. During illness, the berry reduces cough and relieves fever.

Cranberry juice can be given to a child starting from 1 year. In this case, the baby should not be allergic to the product.

Cranberries in cosmetology

Thanks to unique properties, the berry has positive influence on the skin.

How are cranberries useful in the fight for youth? With constant consumption of the berry, the skin becomes elastic and toned. Cranberry eliminates flaking and dryness, removes unhealthy shine and redness.

Cranberry lotion for oily skin is prepared from grated lemon. It is filled with 250 ml of vodka. Insist for a week. Then filter, adding 200 ml of cranberry juice and 100 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. The components are thoroughly mixed. The lotion is used to wipe the skin before bed.

Cranberries can be used as a face mask. Crushed fruits are applied to cleansed skin. After 15 minutes, wash off with water. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

Moisten gauze with freshly prepared juice and apply to face. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with boiled water and apply moisturizer.

The benefit of the drink lies in the rich vitamin composition of the berry. Fruit juice contains many minerals (manganese, copper, cobalt, molybdenum).

Cranberry juice is exposed heat treatment and, compared to juice, has more pleasant taste. It is used for:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • liver diseases and stomach ulcers;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the oral cavity.

Cranberry juice has a pleasant taste and is healthy for both children and adults.

Berry juice

Cranberry juice is used to treat hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system, gout and other diseases.

In some cases it is used for external use. Thanks to special properties juice, it is used in the treatment of ulcers, burns and other lesions skin. After surgery, patients lubricate the sutures with it, which speeds up the healing process.

Cranberry juice is effective for hypertension.

Some patients find it quite difficult to drink because it contains a lot of acids. Because of this, a burning sensation occurs in the mouth, and the teeth are set on edge.

Cranberries in cooking

The berry is used not only in medicine and cosmetology, but also in cooking. Thanks to the sour taste of cranberries, they are added to desserts, cocktails, salads and main dishes (fish, meat).

Cranberries act as one of the components of jam, marmalade, jelly, fruit drinks and compotes. The berries can be used fresh, frozen, dried and soaked. She creates unique compositions with citrus fruits, apples, nuts and vegetables.

One of the most common dishes is sauerkraut with cranberries. The berry adds a special sourness to the product and saturates it with vitamin C.

Cranberries are added to oatmeal, which helps enrich its taste.


Like anything potent remedy, cranberries can cause not only benefits to the body, but also harm. In some cases it causes allergic reactions. After all, many people suffer from ascorbic acid intolerance.

Despite the beneficial properties of cranberries, contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding include the occurrence of allergies.

The berry should be consumed with caution in case of gout and urolithiasis. During an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, cranberries should not be included in the diet.

To avoid negative effects, even in the stage of remission of gastrointestinal diseases, berries should be eaten only after meals. You should not drink berry juice undiluted because of the negative effect on the stomach. Therefore it is best to use cranberry juice. Sour berries can negatively affect the condition of your teeth. It is best to rinse your mouth after eating them.

All of the listed contraindications are conditional and require special caution when taking cranberries. Before starting to use the berries, it is best to consult a doctor.


Cranberry is a berry with beneficial properties for treatment various diseases. It is widely used in cosmetology, cooking and dietary nutrition. The berry should be consumed carefully so as not to harm the body.

Cranberries are a priceless treasure of the forest pantry. The rich chemical composition of this berry gave it a second, popular name - “sour doctor”. Everyone knows how great the benefits of cranberries are for the body. But in order for this berry not to cause harm, it is advisable to know its properties well, in what case it should be used, and to whom it is contraindicated.

General information

Cranberry is a low-growing evergreen shrub of the heather family. It grows in peat bogs and swamps. The plant blooms in late spring or early summer, and bears fruit in September.

Low cranberry shoots reach thirty centimeters. The fruits are small, round, dark red in color, from 8 mm (in wild varieties) to 2 cm (in some cultivated varieties) in diameter.

In Russia, as a rule, berries are picked by hand, although this is a rather troublesome process. And in Canada, the USA, Belarus, and Poland, the industrial method of collecting cranberries is widespread. They do this in autumn, spring and even winter.

It is generally accepted that “snow” berries, obtained in early spring, are the sweetest. But in the autumn harvest, harvested after the first frost, the benefits of cranberries are most clearly manifested. At this time, the berry turns out to be the juiciest and most delicious.

Calorie content

The energy value of cranberries is low. For berries grown on plantations, it is 26 kcal, and for wild berries - 35.4 kcal (per 100 grams). Frozen cranberries contain 15.2 kcal. But the berry, mashed with sugar, is much more nutritious - almost 272 kcal. Energy indicator dried cranberries- 308 kcal.

The share of carbohydrates in the indicated amount of fresh berries accounts for almost 4 g. There is less than half a gram of protein, and 0.2 g of fat. On average, 2 g is fiber, 0.3 g is ash. Fresh berry Cranberries are 90% water.

Useful material

The complex of valuable substances on which the unique benefits of cranberries are based is truly impressive. It is a storehouse of vitamins (C, K, A, many from group B). The berries have a high potassium content. Cranberries are rich in other macroelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium). It also contains iron, iodine, manganese and copper.

Organic acids (citric, oxalic, quinic, malic, benzoic and others) are present in large quantities in cranberries. As well as phenolic compounds that provide protection against radiation and prevent cancer.

The benefits of cranberries for the body experiencing harmful effects radioactive substances, as well as salts of heavy metals, is due to high content it contains pectin. His important quality- the ability to bind and remove compounds of lead, cesium, cobalt. Therefore, it is advisable to include cranberries in the diet of people engaged in hazardous production.

Benefits of cranberries

Since ancient times, cranberries served in winter important source vitamins It was used to treat scurvy, as well as various viral and colds. The benefits of cranberries as a natural antibiotic have long been recognized by official medicine.

Eating raw berries will help prevent hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The amino acids in its composition support blood vessels, helping them become more elastic.

There is an opinion that the benefits of cranberries are invaluable for people who are hereditarily prone to cancer (primarily stomach cancer). Since this berry helps prevent disease.

Compresses made from fresh and frozen cranberries help eliminate headaches. They are also used to make ointments that accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.

Cranberry juice - excellent remedy against kidney stones. It is also applied to areas of the skin affected by herpes or fungus. By rubbing your face with cranberry juice frozen in ice cubes in the morning, you can achieve an excellent rejuvenating and toning effect.

Cautions and contraindications

People prone to allergies should consume cranberries with extreme caution. Intolerance to any substance in its composition cannot be ruled out.

Nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age, are prohibited from eating cranberries.

This berry can significantly harm people who have high level acidity of gastric juice. The same goes for those who suffer from ulcers. The acids contained in cranberries in abundance can damage gastric tissue. The benefits and harms of cranberries in this situation, however, can be balanced - just grind the berries with sugar. Then they will retain their healing qualities, but will not cause trouble to the body.

You should not drink whole cranberry juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water, adding honey or sugar to taste. It is also not recommended to eat cranberries on an empty stomach - it is best to complete the meal with them. After eating berries, it will be useful to rinse your mouth with water to avoid acid damage to tooth enamel.

The benefits and harms of cranberries during pregnancy

Moderate consumption of cranberries during pregnancy will help prevent or eliminate many health problems that await a woman at this time.

During the period of bearing a child expectant mother very often encounters diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Drinking drinks based on cranberry juice blocks the spread of bacteria and has a detrimental effect on many strains of microorganisms. It also resists cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

The undoubted benefit of cranberries for a woman preparing to become a mother lies in its ability to strengthen immune system, normalize uterine placental circulation, prevent stoppage intrauterine development fetus

Also, drinks made from this berry improve tissue reactions in the body of a pregnant woman. As a result, it is possible to avoid dropsy and edema.

The benefits of cranberries during pregnancy are also associated with the antioxidants included in its composition. These berries have a positive effect on memory and the activity of the central nervous system, and minimize the risk of postpartum depression.

However, you should know that cranberries should not be consumed by women with diseases of the digestive system, as well as by expectant mothers taking sulfo drugs.

Dried cranberries

It is interesting to know that the benefits of dried cranberries are no less than freshly picked ones. Therefore, this method of harvesting these berries is popular and widely applicable.

First, the berries should be sorted, washed, and then kept for several minutes over hot steam (or blanched in boiling water).

Next, they need to be scattered on a wide surface (wooden or covered with linen cloth) and left to air dry in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. You can also use an oven, a special fruit dryer or a microwave oven for these purposes.

Ready berries do not stick together into lumps and stop staining your fingers with juice. They are scattered in cloth bags and stored for up to three years.

Cranberry juice

A healthy and tasty drink, cranberry juice, can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • You should take a glass of fresh (or frozen) cranberries, a third of a glass of sugar and one and a half liters of water.
  • If necessary, defrost the berries and squeeze out the juice, which is set aside for now.
  • Sprinkle the cake with sugar and add water. It needs to be boiled over low heat for no more than a couple of minutes, then cooled.
  • Mix the broth with cranberry juice.

You can also make jam, kvass, jelly, pie filling and even candy from cranberries. In any form, it will additionally serve as medicine to the body.
