Broad-spectrum antibiotics: bacteria don’t stand a chance! List and description of drugs…. New generation broad-spectrum antibiotics - list, description, application

And antibacterial drugs are classified into narrow drugs (they destroy only one type of bacteria) and wide range actions (effective against most microorganisms at the same time).

Their mechanism of action is to block vital important functions causative agent of the disease. At the same time, the new generation of broad-spectrum antibiotics are designed in such a way as not to have a similar effect on the cells of the affected organ.

This selectivity of exposure is due to the fact that bacteria form cell walls, the structure of which differs from human ones. The active components of the drug help to disrupt the integrity of bacterial cell walls without affecting the cell membranes of the patient’s organs.

Unlike drugs from the antiseptic group, an antibiotic has the proper therapeutic effect not only after external application, but also acts systemically after oral, intravenous, intramuscular use.

New generation antibiotics are capable of:

  • Affect the synthesis of cell walls by disrupting the production of vital peptide complexes.
  • Impair the functioning and integrity of the cell membrane.
  • Disturb the synthesis of protein necessary for the growth and functioning of the pathogenic pathogen.
  • Suppress nucleic acid synthesis.

Based on the nature of their effect on bacterial cells, antibiotics are divided into:

  • Bactericidal - the pathogen will die and will then be eliminated from the body.
  • Bacteriostatic – active ingredient does not kill bacteria, but disrupts their ability to reproduce.

It is important to determine how active active substance medications against a particular pathogen pathological process. To do this you need to go through a series laboratory research prescribed by a doctor.

Features of the action of drugs

The advantages of broad-spectrum antibiotics are due to their ability to destroy most pathogenic pathogens.

Medicines in this group include tetracycline and cephalosporin drugs, aminopenicillins, aminoglycosides, as well as drugs from the group of macrolides and carbapenems.

New generations of drugs are less toxic and there is a risk of developing undesirable adverse reactions much lower.

Antibiotics broad action are distinguished by their ability to effectively deal with complicated colds, inflammatory processes affecting the area of ​​the ENT organs, lymph nodes, genitourinary system, skin etc.

List of new generation antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action

If we consider new generation antibiotics, the list looks like this:

When third and fourth generation cephalosporins are ineffective, as is the case with infectious diseases, provoked by the influence of anaerobes and enterobacteria, patients are advised to take carbopenems: Ertpenem and Meropenem (these are a kind of reserve drugs).

Use of penicillins useful for organ infections gastrointestinal tract, breathing and genitourinary system, skin. Only the third generation has a wide spectrum of activity, which includes: "Ampicillin", "Amoxicillin", "Ampioks" and "Bacampicillin".

The described drugs are not intended for self-medication. When identifying the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor for advice and selection of a suitable, comprehensive treatment regimen.

Narrowly targeted strong antibiotics

Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are active against a few types of bacteria.

These medications include the following groups:

  • Macrolides based on erythromycin, triacetyoleandomycin, oleandomycin.
  • Cephalosporins based on cefazolin, cephalexin, cephaloridine.
  • Penicillins.
  • Streptomycins.
  • Reserve antibacterial drugs that act on gram-positive pathogens that are resistant to penicillins. IN in this case the doctor may recommend the use of semi-synthetic penicillins: ampicillin, carbenicillin, dicloxacillin.
  • Various other drugs based on rifampicin, lincomycin, fusidine.
The use of a highly targeted drug is advisable when the causative agent of the pathological process is reliably known.

Broad-spectrum drugs for bronchitis

For bronchitis, a new generation of antibiotics is used, since laboratory tests can take several days, and treatment is recommended to begin as soon as possible.

During complex therapy the following may be prescribed:

There is no such thing as the best antibiotic, since each product has its own extensive list pharmacological properties, indications and contraindications, possible adverse reactions and recommendations for use, as well as drug interactions.

The selection of an antibacterial drug is carried out only by a qualified, experienced specialist who will take into account the nature of the origin of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, his age, weight, accompanying illnesses. Read more about treating bronchitis with antibiotics.

Treatment of pneumonia

When treating pneumonia, new generation antibiotics from the group are used:

  • Cephalosporins: Natsef, Tseklor, Maxipim, Liforan, Cephabol, Tamycin, etc.
  • Combined fluoroquinolones: Tsiprolet A.
  • Quinolonov: Glevo, Tavanik, Zanotsin, Abaktal, Tsiprolet, Tsifran.
  • Combined penicillins: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Panclave.

The described drugs can be used before obtaining the results of laboratory tests, for pneumonia without specifying the causative agent.

Therapy for sinusitis

The structure of cephalosporins and macrolides is similar to drugs penicillin series, however, they have the ability to inhibit development and completely destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Additionally, anticongestants, antiseptics, and secretolytics can be prescribed.

  • In severe cases of the disease, macrolides are used: Macropen and Azithromycin.
  • The use of combined fluoroquinolones based on tinidazole and ciprofloxacin (Tsiprolet A) may also be recommended.

Treatment of sore throat

Complex treatment acute tonsillitis(angina) involves the use of antiseptics, local anesthetics, and antibacterial agents.

Antibiotics for systemic exposure are:

  • Cephalosporin drugs based on cefixime (Pancef) and cefuroxime (Zinnat).

    Previously, treatment was carried out mainly with penicillins. In modern medicine, preference is given to new generation cephalosporins, since they demonstrate greater effectiveness in the treatment of bacterial infections affecting the nasopharynx.

  • Combined fluoroquinolones based on ciprofloxacin in combination with tinidazole (Tsiprolet A).
  • Multicomponent penicillin drugs: Panclave, Amoxiclav.
  • Medicines from the group of macrolides based on azithromycin ( Azitral, Sumamox). They are one of the safest antibiotics, since they practically do not provoke unwanted side reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as toxic effects on the central nervous system.

Colds and flu

If there is a confirmed need for antibiotics during the treatment of colds, the doctor prescribes:

Even drugs with a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity do not affect the vital activity of viruses, so their use is not advisable in the complex therapy of measles, rubella, viral hepatitis, herpes, chickenpox, as well as influenza.

Infections of the genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis

  • Unidox Solutab is a convenient drug to use: once a day.
  • Norbactin is recommended to be used twice a day; the drug has a list of contraindications and side effects.
  • Monural is an antibiotic in powder form for internal use. It is a long-acting drug that promotes quick elimination pathogenic microorganisms.

Before obtaining the results of laboratory tests for pyelonephritis, they begin with the use of fluoroquinlones (Glevo, Abaktal, Tsiprobid), V further treatment may be adjusted. Cephalosporins and aminoglycosides may also be prescribed.

Antifungal drugs in tablet form

Taking into account the large number various types fungal infections, the doctor prescribes one or another antibiotic based on the results of a comprehensive examination.

The drug of choice may be:

  • Medicines that belong to the 1st generation based on nystatin.
  • Antibiotics of the 2nd generation, which are used for infections of the genitourinary system. Among them: Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, and Miconazole.
  • Among 3rd generation drugs, the use of Fluconazole, Anthraconazole, Terbinafine.

4th generation drugs include Caspofungin, Ravuconazole and Posaconazole.

Antibiotics for diseases of the organs of vision

For bacterial keratitis and chlamydial conjunctivitis It is advisable to use Maxaquin, a drug for systemic therapy.

Among the antibiotics for local application may be assigned Vitabact, Tobrex, Okacin.

Let's summarize

Antibiotics are powerful substances of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin that help suppress the growth and activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

List of new generation broad-spectrum antibiotics and their use

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Despite the undoubted successes and achievements modern medicine in the fight against infections caused by pathogenic fungi, the number of people suffering from such diseases is not decreasing.

In addition to superficial and urogenital mycoses, deep lesions associated with HIV, organ donation, hemato-oncology, and nursing newborns are quite often recorded today.

Antimycotic drugs, used during various schemes treatment and prevention of fungal infections, must exhibit high activity against the pathogen, have a prolonged effect, have a minimum frequency of formation of resistance of the pathogenic organism, have good compatibility with pharmaceuticals of other groups, be effective, safe, and easy to use.

These requirements are met, in particular, by an antimycotic from the azole group - fluconazole, which acts as active substance antifungal drugs wide spectrum of action. One of them is a drug Diflucan.

Inflammatory diseases genitourinary system most often occur due to pathogenic microorganisms.

The most common pathogens are chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and fungi.

A person can be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria and not know it. Often a person becomes infected with several types of microorganisms at once.

Treatment of such conditions requires A complex approach. The drug Safotsid includes three drugs with different spectrum of action.

For most infections, a single dose of the drug complex is sufficient. But only a doctor can determine the advisability of using Safocid.

Mikosist considered one of the most effective medicines effective agents for the treatment of fungal diseases.

The main active ingredient of the medicine is

No other drug provides this therapeutic effect like antibiotics. Until the first antibiotic appeared in medical practice, diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia.

What kind of drug is this, and what are its benefits? These are semi-synthetic or biological origin, which actively destroy a variety of pathogens. Act as natural producers of antibiotics molds(cephalosporium, penicillium); actinomycetes (streptomycin, tetracycline); bacteria, such as gramicidin; higher plants are phytoncides.

New generation antibiotics: what makes them unique?

Antibiotics of the latest generation are universal medicines that allow you to overcome many colds, viral, infectious and other diseases. What is their versatility? The fact is that these are stronger antibiotics in comparison with similar predecessors. Besides the fact that bacteria have not yet had time to adapt to this generation, the funds differ in other indicators:

  • the drugs are safer, the number of side effects is minimized;
  • convenient schedule reception. If first generation antibacterial drugs were taken 3-4 times a day, then modern antibiotics a wide range is limited to two techniques or even one;
  • variety of forms. Previously, the list of drugs was limited only to tablets and injections, and the range of the new generation has been added with innovative patches and effective syrups.

The classification of modern antibacterial drugs has been developed State center on antibiotics. All products are combined into certain groups, which differ from each other in their spectrum of action and characteristics.

By mechanism of action groups of antibiotics are divided into:

According to the spectrum of action :

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics. They are especially effective for infectious diseases. Doctors prescribe this type to patients for whom the exact cause of the disease has not been established, since they actively destroy all types of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • narrow-spectrum antibiotics, the action of which is aimed at destroying gram-positive bacteria - listeria, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci and gram-negative pathogens - salmonella, proteus, coli, legionella, shigella. Narrowly targeted antibacterial drugs also include antifungal, antitumor, antituberculosis and drugs that affect protozoa.

By chemical composition drugs are classified into:

  • penicillins were the first antibacterial drugs for drug treatment;
  • macrolides are highly effective and the most safe means;
  • cephalosporins - highly resistant to the destructive action of enzymes that secrete pathogenic bacteria;
  • tetracyclines - most of them are prescribed for the treatment of urinary and respiratory tract;
  • fluoroquinolones are bactericidal low-toxic drugs;
  • aminoglycosides are a type of antibacterial agent with a wide range of applications.

By generation the means differ from each other. Today there are already groups of 6th generation antibiotics. They are easy to use, highly effective, and safe for human body. The higher the generation, the wider the spectrum of action of the drugs. For example, if the first antibiotic was penicillin natural origin, That last generation The drug includes strong inhibitors that significantly increase its effectiveness and enhance its effect.

By method of application drugs exist:

Which antibiotics are the most powerful?

According to statistical data obtained from surveys of doctors and patients themselves, the following are among the strongest: broad spectrum antibiotics:

Rules for the use of antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are drugs of artificial or natural origin and their effect is to suppress the growth or completely destroy fungi and bacteria. But in order for treatment with antibacterial agents to be as effective as possible, you should follow some rules:

In what cases are antibacterial agents not effective?

Drugs with antibacterial effect, appoint to combat bacterial bacilli. They will not bring benefits to the body in the following cases:

  • there will be no relief if the drugs are taken at viral diseases, because the action of the drugs is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria;
  • antibiotics are not painkillers and antipyretics, so they are not relevant in these areas;
  • if the cause of inflammation is not bacterial infections, then taking antibacterial agents will be unnecessary;
  • a disease caused by a virus cannot be cured with antibacterial medications.

One of the most important problems of antimicrobial therapy is the irrational use of antibacterial drugs, which contributes to the widespread spread of drug-resistant flora.

New mechanisms of bacterial resistance and the lack of results from the use of classical, previously effective drugs force pharmacologists to constantly work on new, effective antibiotics.

The advantage of using broad-spectrum agents is explained by the fact that they can be prescribed as initial therapy for infections with an unspecified pathogen. This is especially important in severe, complicated diseases, when days or even hours count and the doctor does not have the opportunity to wait for the results of cultures for the pathogen and sensitivity.

Selection of antibiotics in alphabetical order:

Zerbaxa ®

- This tradename combinations of ceftolozane (5th generation) and tazobactam (beta-lactamase inhibitor).

It will be used to eradicate highly resistant types of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Conducted studies have proven its high effectiveness in the treatment of severe complicated infections. urinary tract and intra-abdominal infections. Wed has low levels toxicity in comparison with polymyxins and. With mixed flora, its combination with metronidazole is possible.

Avikaz ®

is a combination (antipseudomonal cephalosporin 3rd generation) and avibactam (beta-lactamase inhibitor).

Will be prescribed if there is no alternative for intra-abdominal infections, as well as inf. urinary tract and kidneys. Highly effective against gram pathogens. Also works well with metronidazole. Studies have confirmed its high effectiveness against strains resistant to carbapenems and capable of producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamases.

Of the newest cephalosporins, Zeftera ® has been registered in Russia

The solution is highly effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram pathogens.

Can be used as monotherapy for severe community-acquired and hospital-acquired pneumonia. Zeftera ® is also used for severe infections. skin, including diabetic foot.

Cyclic lipopeptides

A new class represented by the natural antimicrobial agent Daptomycin ® (trade name Cubitsin ®).

Daptomycin ® is highly effective for endocarditis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, staphylococcal sepsis and complicated infections of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Active against MSSA and MRSA strains. That is, it can be used for diseases caused by gram+ multidrug-resistant flora resistant to methicillin, vancomycin and linezolid.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics in tablets


New antibiotics of the lincosamide class are represented by the chlorinated derivative of lincomycin - clindamycin:

  • Dalacin C ® (in addition to oral administration, it also has injection form release);
  • ClindaHexal ® .

Depending on the concentration, they can act both bacteriostatically and bactericidally. The spectrum of activity includes most gram+ and gram- pathogens. The medicine has no effect on enterococci, hemolytic bacillus, legionella and mycoplasma.


Now there are 3 generations of macrolide class antibiotics. Of the representatives of the third, the following apply:

  • Josamycin (Vilprafen ®);
  • Midecamycin (Macropen ®);
  • Spiramycin (Rovamycin ®).

Despite the fact that Azithromycin ®, a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed in short courses (3 tablets), cannot be called a representative of the new generation, its effectiveness still allows it to be on the list of the most consumed antimicrobial drugs.

Representatives of the class obtained as a result of changes in the marolid molecule are:

  • ketolides;
  • streptogramins.

The group of ketolides is represented by telithromycin (trade name Ketek ®). Sensitive flora is similar to classical macrolides, however, it is more active against cocci that are insensitive to lincosamines and streptogramins. Used for respiratory infections.

Streptogramins are active in diseases caused by staphylococci and streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, methicillin-resistant staphylococci, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Indicated for out-of-hospital and nosocomial pneumonia, as well as inf. skin and subcutaneous fat, associated multidrug-resistant gram+ bacteria.

Class representatives:

  • Quinupristin ® + Dalfopristin ® (combination of two streptogramins);
  • Pristinamycin ® (Piostacin ®) is an antistaphylococcal agent.

The newest macrolide is solithromycin ® (from the Cempra ® campaign), stated as effective remedy for the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, has not yet been registered.

If the FDA approves its release, it could give rise to a new, fourth generation of macrolides.

The best broad-spectrum antibiotics for empirical treatment of life-threatening diseases with an unspecified pathogen.


They have only an injection form of release. They belong to the group of beta-lactams and are structurally similar to penicillins and cephalosporins, but differ high level resistance to the action of extended spectrum beta-lactamases and high efficiency against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, non-spore-forming anaerobes and bacteria resistant to representatives of the third and fourth generation of cephalosporins.

These are powerful drugs that belong to the reserve group and are prescribed for severe hospital infections. As empirical therapy first line can be prescribed only for life-threatening diseases with an unspecified pathogen.

However, they are not effective against:

  • MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus);
  • Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Gram-negative non-fermenting bacteria that cause nosocomial infections);
  • Burkholderia cepacia (opportunistic microorganisms that cause severe community- and hospital-acquired infections).

The most powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics from the carbapenem group are Ertapenem ® and Doripenem ®.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics in ampoules (injections)

Invanz ® (Ertapenem-Eleas ®)

The active ingredient is Ertapenem ®. The area of ​​antimicrobial influence includes gram + aerobes and facultative gram – anaerobes.

It is resistant to penicillinases, cephalosporinases and extended spectrum beta-lactamases. Highly active against staphylococci (including strains producing penicillinase) and streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella, Proteus, Moraxella, Escherichia coli, etc.

May be considered universal remedy against strains resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides. The mechanism of bactericidal effect is due to its ability to bind to penicillin-binding proteins and irreversibly inhibit the synthesis of the cell wall of pathogens.

Cmax concentrations in blood plasma are observed 50 minutes after the end of the infusion, with intramuscular administration - after 1.5-2 hours.

The half-life is approximately 4 hours. In patients with renal failure almost doubles in length. It is excreted mainly in urine, up to ten percent is excreted in feces.

Dose adjustment is carried out in case of renal failure. Liver failure and elderly age does not require changes in recommended dosages.

Used for severe:

  • pyelonephritis and inf. urinary tract;
  • infection pelvic diseases, endometritis, postoperative infections and septic abortions;
  • bacterial lesions of the skin and soft tissues, including diabetic foot;
  • pneumonia;
  • septicemia;
  • abdominal infections.

Invanz is contraindicated:

  • with intolerance to beta-lactams;
  • up to eighteen years of age;
  • with diarrhea;
  • while breastfeeding.

Intramuscular administration of lidocaine is prohibited for patients with hypersensitivity to amide anesthetics, reduced blood pressure and impaired intracardiac conduction.

When using Invanza ®, it is necessary to take into account the risk of developing severe pseudomembranous colitis, therefore, if diarrhea occurs, the drug is immediately discontinued.

The safety of use during pregnancy has not been studied, so prescribing for pregnant women is permissible only in as a last resort, in the absence of a safe alternative.

There are also no adequate studies on safe administration to children, so use under 18 years of age is possible strictly according to vital signs, Without alternative drugs. Used in a minimal course until the condition stabilizes, at a dosage of 15 mg/kg per day, divided into two administrations (up to 12 years of age) and 1 gram once a day for children over 12 years of age.

Side effects of Ertapenem ® may occur:

  • antibiotic-associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis;
  • post-infusion phlebitis;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic (anaphylactic) reactions;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • dysbacteriosis and candidiasis;
  • change in taste;
  • increased liver transaminases;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, anemia, monocytosis;
  • erythrocyturia, bacteriuria.
Dosages of Invanza ®

For intravenous infusion, it is diluted with 0.9% saline, the minimum administration time is half an hour. For intramuscular injections use 1-2% lidocaine ® .

It is administered once a day in a dose of 1 gram. The duration of treatment ranges from three to 14 days and depends on the severity inflammatory process and its localization. When the condition stabilizes, a transfer to tablet antibiotics is indicated.

Doriprex ® (Doribax ®)

The active substance is Doripenem ®. This is a synthetic antimicrobial drug with bactericidal activity.

Structurally similar to other beta-lactams. The mechanism of activity is due to the inactivation of penicillin-binding proteins and inhibition of the synthesis of cell wall components. Effective against gram + aerobes and gram – anaerobes.

Resistant to beta-lactamases and penicillinases, weakly resistant to hydrolysis by extended-spectrum beta-lactamases. The resistance of some strains is due to enzymatic inactivation of Doripenem and a decrease in the permeability of the bacterial wall.

Enterococcus faecium, legionella, and methicillin-resistant staphylococci are resistant to the product. Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can develop acquired resistance.

Doripenem is prescribed for:

  • nosocomial pneumonia;
  • severe intra-abdominal infections;
  • complicated inf. urinary system;
  • pyelonephritis, with a complicated course and bacteremia.


  • children under eighteen years of age;
  • with hypersensitivity to beta-lactams;
  • for diarrhea and colitis;
  • breastfeeding.

Prescribed to pregnant women with caution, for health reasons in the absence of an alternative.

Side effects may include:

  • headache;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • phlebitis at the injection site;
  • an increase in liver transaminases;
  • colitis and diarrhea;
  • anaphylactic shock, itching, rash, toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • dysbacteriosis, fungal infection of the mucous membrane oral cavity and vagina;
  • neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.
Dosages and duration of treatment with Doriprex ®

Doripenem is administered at a dose of five hundred milligrams every eight hours. The duration of the infusion should be at least an hour. For nosocomial pneumonia, the dose may be increased to 1000 mg. Doriprex ® is administered at 0.9% saline solution or 5% glucose.

The duration of treatment ranges from five to 14 days and depends on the severity of the disease and the location of the bacterial focus.

When the patient's condition is stabilized, a transition to tableted antibacterial drugs is made. Dose adjustment is necessary for patients with impaired renal function. Liver failure and old age are not indications for dose reduction.

Cheap broad-spectrum antibiotics

Chain ®

The Russian medicine, produced by the Synthesis AKOMP ® campaign, will cost the buyer about 120 rubles per bottle. This is enough inexpensive analogue Maximima ®, made in the USA (400 rubles per 1 gram bottle).

The active substance is cefepime ®. Refers to 4th generation cephalosporins. and has broad bactericidal activity. The mechanism of influence on pathogens is due to disruption of the synthesis processes of microbial wall components.

Cefepime ® is effective against gram- and gram+ pathogens that are resistant to aminoglycoside drugs and third-generation cephalosporins. Of staphylococci, only methicillin-sensitive types are sensitive; other strains are resistant to its action. Also, the solution has no effect on enterococci and clostridia.

The drug is resistant to bacterial beta-lactamases.

Capable of creating high concentrations in:

  • bronchial secretions and sputum;
  • bile and gallbladder walls;
  • appendix and peritoneal fluid;
  • prostate.

The drug has high bioavailability and absorption. The half-life is approximately two hours. Dose adjustment is carried out only in persons with renal failure.

The list of indications for the use of Tsepim includes:

  • moderate to severe pneumonia;
  • febrile fever;
  • complicated urinary tract infections;
  • heavy pyelonephritis;
  • intra-abdominal inf. with complications (combined with 5-nitroimidazal derivatives - metronidazole);
  • infection skin and subcutaneous fat caused by staphylo- and streptococci sensitive to the drug;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis.

Also, it can be prescribed to prevent septic postoperative complications.

Tsepim ® can be used for empirical treatment of diseases caused by an unspecified pathogen. Also prescribed for mixed infections (anaerobic-aerobic flora) in combination with antianaerobic drugs.

Cefepime ® is contraindicated:

  • persons with intolerance to beta-lactams and L-arginine;
  • children up to two months of age (intravenously);
  • patients under 12 years of age (intramuscular).

Prescribe with caution to patients with a history of pseudomembranous colitis, ulcerative colitis, renal failure, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Possible side effects as:

  • phlebitis at the injection site;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • anxiety, headache;
  • thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia;
  • jaundice, increased liver transaminases;
  • allergies;
  • tremors and seizures;
  • candidiasis and dysbacteriosis.
Doses of the drug

The dosage, route of administration and duration of therapy depend on the severity of the disease, the location of the bacterial focus and the state of renal function.

As a rule, one to two grams of the drug is administered intravenously every 12 hours. With inf. urinary tract, intramuscular administration is possible.

For febrile fever, 2 grams are prescribed every eight hours. Applies from seven to 10 days. In case of infection With severe course, the course may be extended.

Babies older than two months are prescribed 50 mg/kg twice a day. For neutropenia - three times a day.

On our website you can get acquainted with most groups of antibiotics, full lists drugs included in them, classifications, history, etc. important information. For this purpose, a section “” has been created in the top menu of the site.

These agents can block the spread of pathogenic agents or have a detrimental effect on them. But in order for the fight against them to be successful, it is necessary to establish exactly which ones. In some cases, it is impossible to determine the diagnosis and the best solution is broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs.

Features of the fight against pathogens

It is important to consider that many antimicrobial drugs have a powerful effect not only on foreign agents, but also on the patient’s body. Thus, they have a detrimental effect on the microflora of the gastric region and some other organs. To cause minimal damage, it is important to begin treatment immediately, as microorganisms spread at a rapid rate. If you miss this moment, the fight against them will be longer and more exhausting.

In addition, if antimicrobial drugs are necessary for treatment, they should be prescribed in maximum quantity so that microorganisms do not have time to adapt. The prescribed course cannot be interrupted, even if improvements are noticed.

It is also recommended to use different antimicrobial drugs in treatment, rather than just one type. This is necessary so that after the completed therapy there are no foreign agents left that have adapted to a particular drug.

In addition to this, be sure to take a course that will strengthen the body. Because many drugs can cause serious allergic reactions, they should be taken only as directed by your doctor.

Sulfa drugs

We can say that they are divided into three types - these are nitrofurans, antibiotics and sulfonamides. Last resorts have their destructive effect by preventing microbes from receiving folic acid and other components that are important for their reproduction and life. But premature termination treatment course or a small amount of the drug allows microorganisms to adapt to new conditions. In the future, sulfonamides are no longer able to fight.

This group includes well-absorbed drugs: Norsulfazol, Streptotsid, Sulfadimezin, Etazol. Also worth noting are medications that are difficult to absorb: Sulgin, Phthalazol and others.

If necessary, for better results, the doctor may recommend combining these two types of sulfonamide drugs. It is also possible to combine them with antibiotics. Some antimicrobial drugs are described below.


Mostly this drug prescribed for the treatment of sore throat, cystitis, pyelitis, erysipelas. In some cases, the medicine may cause side effects such as headache, severe nausea accompanied by vomiting, some complications from the nervous, hematopoietic or cardiovascular systems. But medicine does not stand still, and in practice they apply similar drugs, but they have fewer adverse reactions. Such drugs include "Etazol" and "Sulfadimezin".

"Streptocide" can also be applied topically to burns, festering wounds, and skin ulcers. In addition, you can inhale the powder through your nose if you have an acute runny nose.


This drug is effective for cerebral meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis, gonorrhea, etc. This antimicrobial agent quickly leaves the body, but you must drink it daily a large number of water.


Good antimicrobial drugs for the throat, which are prescribed for laryngitis, ulcerative stomatitis, pharyngitis, these are those that contain streptocide and norsulfazole. Such means include "Inhalipt". Among other things, it contains thymol, alcohol, mint and Eucalyptus oil. It is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.


This is an antibacterial liquid known to many, which has a detrimental effect on various microbes. The medicine can be used externally, treating wounds, rinsing nasal and ear canals, as well as internally for bacterial dysentery. Some antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs are produced on the basis of Furacilin.


This slowly absorbed drug can be combined with antibiotics. It is also combined with “Etazol”, “Sulfadimezin” and others medicines. He is actively working, oppressing intestinal infections. Effective for dysentery, gastroenteritis, colitis.


In medicine there are many drugs that are derivatives of Nitrofuran. Such remedies have a broad effect. For example, "Furagin" and "Furadonin" are often prescribed for cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and others infectious diseases genitourinary system.


The drug is an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on young microbes. In the fight against influenza, smallpox and others viral diseases it is ineffective. But for pneumonia, peritonitis, abscess, sepsis, meningitis, Penicillin is a good help. From it they get various drugs, which are superior to it in action, for example, "Benzylpenicillin". These medications are low-toxic and cause virtually no complications. That is why it is believed that these are strong antimicrobial drugs for children.

But it is still worth considering that low-quality medicine can cause severe allergies. It can also suppress natural intestinal microflora in the elderly and newborns. Weak people or childhood Vitamins C and B are prescribed simultaneously with Penicillin.


Strains resistant to Penicillin are inhibited by Levomycetin. It has no effect on protozoa, acid-fast bacteria, anaerobes. For psoriasis and skin diseases, this drug is contraindicated. It is also forbidden to take it if hematopoiesis is suppressed.


This antibiotic has several derivatives that help in different situations. For example, some can treat pneumonia, others are effective against peritonitis, and still others cope with infections of the genitourinary system. Note that the use of “Streptomycin” and its derivatives is permissible only after a doctor’s prescription, since an overdose does not exclude such a serious complication as hearing loss.


This antibiotic is able to cope with many bacteria that cannot be treated with other drugs. Side effects may occur. "Tetracycline" can be combined with "Penicillin" in case of severe septic condition. There is also an ointment that copes with skin diseases.


This antibiotic is considered a “backup option”, which is resorted to if others antimicrobials failed in their task. It successfully defeats diseases caused by the action resistant strains staphylococci. There is also erythromycin ointment, which helps with bedsores, burns, purulent or infected wounds, trophic ulcers.

The main broad-spectrum antimicrobials are listed below:

  • "Tetracycline".
  • "Levomycetin".
  • "Ampicillin."
  • "Rifampicin".
  • "Neomycin".
  • "Monomycin".
  • "Rifamcin."
  • "Imipenem."
  • "Cephalosporins".

Gynecology and antibacterial treatment

If in any other area the disease is permissible to attack antibacterial drugs broad spectrum of action, then in gynecology it is required to strike with a well-selected, narrowly targeted agent. Depending on the microflora, not only medications are prescribed, but also their dosage and course duration.

Most often, antimicrobial drugs in gynecology are used externally. These can be suppositories, ointments, capsules. In some cases, if necessary, treatment is supplemented with broad-spectrum drugs. These may include "Terzhinan", "Poliginax" and others. Faster results can be achieved if you take two or three drugs at the same time. In any case it is important preliminary consultation with a doctor.
