How to treat cough in children at home. Cough in a child: how to treat it? Which cough medicines are dangerous? What treats children's cough well?

When small child a painful condition arises, then it becomes serious reason for concern caring parents. It is not uncommon for children to at a young age suddenly they start coughing. Naturally, parents in such a situation are interested in what to do to stop the cough. They also want to know how to alleviate coughing attacks in their child. Many people immediately begin to think that this is a signal indicating that the child has some kind of illness or viral disease.

To alleviate the child’s painful condition and relieve him of coughing, they turn to doctors to get recommendations on how to rid the baby of an unpleasant symptom. However, not all parents do this. Some are confident that a cough can be easily eliminated without going to the doctor. So they stock up folk remedies and treat the child for cough at home. How to treat a cough and what to do to alleviate this symptom in a child will be discussed in this article.

Causes of cough in a child

Experts say that if a child has a rare and short cough, then there is no danger. According to them, this is a normal physiological action due to which the body gets rid of debris accumulated in the respiratory tract. Pediatricians say that a child under two years of age can cough several times a day. At the same time, they note that the cough that occurs is not a pathology, but is a mechanism for clearing the larynx of microparticles. The onset of cough infant can happen in various situations:

  • when tears, milk or drool enter the respiratory tract;
  • if an unsuitable microclimate prevails in the room in which the child is constantly located.

If the baby’s parents have any concerns regarding his health, for example, his activity has noticeably decreased, he began to eat less, and other symptoms have arisen, then in this case, in order not to worry about the health of the baby , you should visit your pediatrician.

A specialist will examine your child and tell you whether the child is healthy or whether there is a disease in the body that requires treatment. You should know that a cough that is not accompanied by an elevated body temperature may indicate that the child has various diseases. Typically, a cough accompanies ailments such as:

  • allergy;
  • pneumonia;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • neurological disorders.

When is a cough dangerous?

The baby's cough is serious danger for the health of the baby, if this unpleasant symptom accompanied by:

  • attacks that occur at night, which are difficult for parents to stop;
  • between coughing attacks the child can clearly hear wheezing;
  • carried out over three weeks therapeutic measures in order to eliminate the baby’s cough, they do not provide improvement in his condition. The symptom persists, but the body temperature does not increase;
  • after a coughing attack, the baby vomits;
  • the resulting attack is accompanied by severe shortness of breath;
  • arise painful sensations in area chest.

If you notice such manifestations in your baby, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Before you think about how to cure your baby’s cough, you need to pay attention to the sputum. Having studied it, you can easily determine the nature of the appearance of the unpleasant symptom:

In order to accurately determine which pathological process If your baby has a cough, you should submit sputum to the laboratory for analysis.

How to cure a cough?

If your baby experiences such an unpleasant symptom that persists for a long time, despite all the measures taken, in this case you should consult a doctor. If this symptom occurs, you should not prescribe medications to your child yourself. Only the attending physician can prescribe medications that will relieve the baby of a cough. Unauthorized treatment with medications increases the risk of negative consequences for the child's body.

It should be understood that this symptom is a signal indicating the presence of some disease in the baby’s body, so getting rid of cough is possible only if you choose A complex approach to treatment. Otherwise, treatment can only achieve its elimination, while the disease that arose in the baby will continue to develop, aggravating the condition of the baby.

How to treat?

For coughs, children are usually prescribed medications that help thin mucus and have an expectorant effect. The doctor may prescribe both medications plant origin, so synthetic products. Among the medications for plant based most often prescribed:

  • Pectusin;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Doctor Mom syrup.

Among the drugs of synthetic origin, pediatricians most often prescribe:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Pulmozim.

When treating a child to eliminate a cough, doctors categorically prohibit the use of simultaneous sputum thinners and medications whose main effect is cough suppression. If these medications are used simultaneously, then such treatment will lead to the deposition of sputum in the bronchi, as a result, the condition of the sick child will seriously worsen.

If the baby has a cough, but there is no elevated temperature body, then in this case, to eliminate the unpleasant symptom, you can resort to the use of special ointments that have a warming effect. By good means in this case are:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Pulmex baby.

No less effective is the use aerosols, as well as various steam inhalation with drug additives.

Treatment of a child with medications is completed at the moment when he has a tendency to recover and is able to independently cough up sputum.

How to speed up the child’s recovery process?

When a child has a cough, then, of course, every parent thinks about its treatment and strives to eliminate the ailment that has arisen as quickly as possible. It is within the power of every parent to speed up the process of cough treatment at home. To do this you need the following:

Coughing attacks: how to help your child?

When a sick child develops severe attack cough, then parents naturally want to alleviate his condition and help the baby. You can do this in several ways:

Treatment of cough in a child with folk remedies

Many parents, when such an unpleasant symptom occurs in their baby, do not rush to see a doctor, but use traditional medicine, trying to cure the baby at home. Some of them are quite effective and help cope with cough. Often, along with taking pharmaceutical medications, doctors recommend that parents undergo treatment using folk remedies. This combination of therapeutic methods allows for highly effective treatment. The remedies that are most often used to treat cough at home will be listed below.

Onions with honey

In order to prepare a healing remedy from onions and honey, you need to take a medium onion, peel it, and then grind it. The same amount of honey must be added to the resulting mass. After this, the product is ready. It should be given to the child 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. It should be noted that this remedy can only be used for children after 1 year.

Radish with honey

In order to prepare a folk remedy based on black radish at home, you need to take the vegetable, wash it and cut off the tail. Make a hole inside into which you need to put two teaspoons of honey. The radish should be infused for 4 hours in a dark place. After the specified time, the resulting juice must be taken in a dosage 3 times a day.

How much to use this folk remedy largely depends on the age of the sick child. Small children are recommended to take the medicine in a dosage of 1 teaspoon. Children suffering from cough aged 3 to 7 years should be given one dessert spoon of the remedy, and for small patients over 7 years old, the dosage healing agent should be 1 tbsp. spoon.

Plantain decoction

A remedy made from plantain has a good effect. To prepare it, you need to use dry leaves. In order to prepare it, you need to take one pinch of leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the decoction must be infused for 4 hours. When the product is ready, you should strain it, and then give it to children 30 minutes before meals. The dosage of the product at each dose is 1 tablespoon. The prepared decoction is taken 3 times during the day.


To get rid of cough, you can use animal fat. Badger is usually used. But if it is not there, then you can medicinal purposes use goat or bear. The first thing to do is melt the fat in a steam bath. After heating it, you need to rub the fat on the patient’s chest. This method is quite effective, and it can even be used on infants. If your baby’s cough is accompanied by wheezing, then in this case you can add a small amount of dry mustard to the fat. The effect of treatment with this remedy can be noticed after 3 days. It is recommended to carry out this procedure for no more than ten days.

Warming compress

The compress should be applied immediately before bedtime. The main ingredient for its preparation is unpeeled potatoes. You need to take 2-3 pcs, 1 tbsp. spoon medical alcohol, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of turpentine. The potatoes should be thoroughly mashed and then mixed with other ingredients until you get a homogeneous mass. After this, you should make two flat cakes, and then wrap them in several layers of gauze.

One cake should be placed on the sick child’s back, and the second on the chest. In this case, it is necessary that the cake does not cover the area of ​​the heart. Then the patient should be carefully wrapped. Keep the warm compress for 2 hours. After removing it, wipe the baby’s skin dry, and then dress the baby in clean underwear. This procedure can be carried out four times, alternating it with other methods of warming up.


Young children often have a cough. Faced with such a problem, parents, of course, begin to worry about the health of their child and think about how to eliminate the symptom that has arisen. Many people do not go to the doctor, but carry out treatment at home with folk remedies. However the right decision If your baby develops a cough, you will contact medical institution to the pediatrician. After the examination, the doctor will be able to say exactly what pathology the cough indicates. Timely treatment allows you to quickly eliminate the baby’s ailment and return him to good health.

How to properly treat a child's cough?

Cough is common symptom various diseases respiratory tract. In this case, the occurrence of a cough almost always indicates damage to the larynx, trachea or bronchi, in which the sensitive receptors that trigger cough reflex. Cough itself, as already mentioned in our other articles on the problem of Cough, is a protective reflex. With the help of coughing, the body clears the airways of phlegm and germs accumulated in them. In view of this, it would be correct to think about the “expediency of cough treatment.” Is it worth blocking this useful mechanism that promotes speedy recovery? The idea of ​​treating a cough is perhaps similar to the idea of ​​treating a fever. An increase in body temperature is also known to be defense mechanism, therefore, bringing down the low and harmless temperature is not necessary and even harmful. The same can be said about coughing. Treatment (in in this case elimination of cough) is necessary only when the cough seriously disturbs the general condition of the patient and turns from a protective reflex into a factor that can harm the body. Fortunately, such cases of cough in children are quite rare. And therefore, in this article, we will pay more attention to the other side of “cough treatment,” namely, how to make sure that the cough is as effective as possible and the child recovers faster.

Medicines used in the treatment of cough in children. What medications should I use? On this moment There are a large number of cough treatments available. These can be cough tablets, cough syrup and other remedies. Below we will look at the main groups of drugs that are used to treat cough in children.

Name of cough medicine

Mechanism of action of cough medicine

When to use this medicine From cough

Group of antitussive drugs

Narcotic cough medicines:




This group of cough medications blocks the cough reflex at the brain level

These drugs are extremely rarely used in the treatment of cough in children. Such medications are prescribed by a specialist doctor and taken under his supervision. The main indications for the use of this type of cough suppressant is a dry, painful, debilitating cough that cannot be treated with other types of medications. In children, such cough medicines are sometimes used for whooping cough and pleurisy. The simultaneous use of expectorants (see below) and antitussives is prohibited

Non-narcotic cough suppressants:




Like narcotic cough medications, non-narcotic cough medications block the cough reflex, but unlike narcotic drugs, they do not suppress brain function and are not addictive.

Due to its relative safety non-narcotic drugs cough medicines are used in the treatment of cough in children more often than cough narcotics. Indications for the use of non-narcotic cough medications are a dry, debilitating cough that cannot be treated with other drugs (for influenza, whooping cough, pleurisy, mediastinal tumors, etc.). The simultaneous use of expectorants (see below) and antitussives is prohibited

Cough medicines that do not act on the brain - peripheral action:


This type of cough medicine inhibits the nerve endings that trigger the cough reflex. The effectiveness of these drugs is lower than the effectiveness of narcotic or non-narcotic drugs

These medications are used in the treatment of dry, nonproductive cough. They are used quite rarely in the treatment of cough in children and only as prescribed by a doctor. The simultaneous use of expectorants (see below) and antitussives is prohibited

Mucolytic cough medicines

Mucolytics - sputum thinners:





These cough medications do not block the cough reflex but relieve coughing by thinning the mucus.

Mucolytic drugs are used in the treatment of cough in children with bronchitis and pneumonia



Marshmallow root

Liquorice root

Plantain leaves

Coltsfoot leaves


Potassium iodide





Sodium bicarbonate

These cough medicines stimulate the production of thinner sputum, which in turn helps cleanse the bronchi of viscous mucus and germs.

Most of these drugs contain medicinal herbs. These drugs are used in the treatment of coughs for colds, bronchitis, and pneumonia. You cannot take expectorants and antitussives at the same time - this can lead to blockage of the bronchi with mucus.

Combination cough medicines

Codelac phyto

Doctor Mom

The drug consists of several components that have antitussive, mucolytic, expectorant, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects

The use of a new generation Russian immunomodulator, which is called Derinat, goes well with any antitussive drugs. This drug cannot be classified as an antitussive, but it helps the cough to subside as early as possible by mobilizing the body’s own forces to fight the disease. When Derinat is used in the child’s body, the amount of alpha and beta interferons produced increases. It is these substances that fight viruses and bacteria that cause the disease, one of the symptoms of which is cough.

Derinat is very easy to use - to obtain an immunomodulatory effect, it is enough to instill the product into the nose several times a day. Derinat will help strengthen the immune system and significantly shorten the duration colds and protect the child from possible complications. It is important that Derinat is well tolerated and has no age restrictions and can be used to treat babies, starting from the very first day of their life.

How to treat a child with a cough?

As mentioned earlier, cough in children most often appears during various respiratory diseases. Most common reasons cough are colds (ARI) and acute bronchitis. However, in some cases, cough may be caused by a completely different reason. Therefore, before starting cough treatment, you need to try to establish the cause of the cough. Read more about various reasons cough in children and adults is stated in the section What can a cough be?

The first thing in treating a cough is peace and comfort.
General treatment of cough, cold or bronchitis begins with providing favorable conditions for the child. As you know, cough in children can often be triggered by noise, strong light or other irritations, so for effective treatment a child with a cough needs to be provided with peace and comfort.

The second thing in treating a cough is drinking and eating right.
The diet of a child with a cough should be rich in fruits and vegetables. However, it must be quite high in calories (the child spends a lot of energy fighting the disease). It is also necessary that the child drank more. Drink plenty of fluids will not only prevent dehydration due to fever, but also accelerate the release of sputum from the bronchi. Alkaline ones are especially useful mineral water(they can be bought at a pharmacy or store), for example, Borjomi, which perfectly restore the body’s water-salt balance, and thanks to the alkaline component, dilute sputum and accelerate its elimination.

Treatment of cough in children with acute respiratory infections (colds)
Various types of acute respiratory infections (or colds) are often complicated by cough. Usually, in addition to cough, there are other symptoms of a cold (runny nose, fever, pain throughout the body, weakness). If coughing appeared suddenly, you need to make sure that no foreign body has entered the child’s respiratory tract.

Treatment of fever and runny nose during a cold is discussed in detail in the relevant sections of our resource (see “How to treat a runny nose in a child?” and “What should be done if a child has a fever?”). In this article we will take a closer look at the treatment of cough in a child with a cold.

In the first days of a cold (flu, parainfluenza), the cough is dry and persistent. This cough may disrupt sleep or cause vomiting in young children. In the following days, the cough becomes wet (that is, sputum begins to be produced). If your child's cough is very severe and leads to vomiting or severe shortness of breath, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor; treating such a cough at home is dangerous.

With a mild cough and an uncomplicated cold, you can help your child in the following ways:
First, you need to follow the treatment regimen described above. Proper adherence to the treatment regimen may eliminate the need to take any medications altogether.
For a dry, persistent cough in a child with a cold, in the first days of a cold, you can give the child Codelac phyto, a domestic drug of combined action. Codelac phyto has antitussive, mucolytic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects. In general, the cough remedy Codelac phyto has a modulating effect on coughs: it makes coughs less frequent, but more productive.

Patient's age

Dose Codelac phyto

Children 2-5 years old

Children 5-8 years old

Children 8-12 years old

Children 12-15 years old and adults

In the following days of a cold, when the cough becomes productive (wet), you can give the child one of the mucolytic or expectorant drugs. For mild colds and the treatment of young children, preference should be given to herbal preparations.

Preparations from the Doctor Mom group have proven themselves to be effective in treating coughs. These cough medications are available in in various forms(syrup, lozenges, ointment, roller pencil) which greatly facilitates their use in children of different age groups.

Treatment of cough in children with bronchitis

Bronchitis is a common accompaniment of colds, so the treatment of cough with bronchitis does not differ significantly from the treatment of cough with a common cold described above. One of the features of cough with bronchitis is that this cough is wet already in the first days of the disease. The cough with bronchitis is deeper, but less painful than with influenza or parainfluenza (ARI). For bronchitis, it is advisable to treat cough with mucolytic and expectorant drugs. In case of bronchitis, as well as in case of a common cold, one of the types of medicine “Doctor Mom” can be used. The choice of cough medications is quite wide, so for the treatment of mild coughs we recommend limiting yourself to the use of herbal medicines, especially for the treatment of young children. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with “Folk remedies for treating cough and bronchitis.”
In this article we describe only a few cough medications, but other medications can be used to treat coughs, some of which are listed in the table (see above). Before starting to use any medicine, we strongly recommend that you read the instructions for its use and also consult with your doctor.

Inhalations in the treatment of cough

Inhalation may be useful in treating cough in older children and adults. For children of the first years of life, inhalation is contraindicated due to the risk of respiratory tract spasm.
In the treatment of cough in older children there may be beneficial inhalations. To prepare a solution for inhalation, pour a few tablespoons of coltsfoot leaves or thyme hot water. You can also add 1-2 teaspoons to the infusion baking soda and add a few drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil. You can inhale iodine with caution (iodine also helps thin the mucus), but in this case you need to remember that iodine can cause allergies.

In any case, cough treatment should be carried out with caution. At home, only acute coughs can be treated, since subacute or chronic coughs require additional examinations and qualified treatment. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is much wiser to relieve a cough and make it more productive than to eliminate it; cough is primarily a protective mechanism that promotes a speedy recovery. Therefore, if possible, you should avoid taking antitussive medications. You should also not take cough suppressants and expectorants at the same time. If, despite the treatment taken, the cough does not go away, we recommend that you consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment.

What to do if a child’s cough does not go away for a long time? In this article we will look at correct treatment cough in young children using folk remedies, we will analyze which methods and recipes for cough are best used for a child under one year of age and older at home.

How to properly treat a dry cough in a child? What should I give my child if he has a severe cough?

Most colds in children are accompanied by a cough. Initially, the cough is debilitating, dry, and unproductive. To alleviate the child’s condition, you can use folk remedies for coughs in children, which dilute mucus and facilitate its passage from the bronchi.
When the child began to cough well, then the use of cough suppressants can be completed, leaving only a chest massage (light tapping to help the mucus clear away better).

Treatment of wet cough in children

Sometimes parents in a state of productive cough continue to give cough suppressants to their children(mucolytics are medicines that thin sputum, expectorants – worsen cough), they only interfere with recovery – the disease drags on for 4-6 weeks.
Means such as mustard plasters, warming can be used in the treatment of children's cough, if there is no temperature.

Folk remedies for treating cough in children:

  • Radish with honey. This is the most popular and well known traditional treatment cough in children. Children drink this syrup with pleasure. The main thing in this remedy is to drink radish syrup not once a day, but every 1-2 hours. 1 tsp for a child, 1 tbsp for an adult. l.
    1st cough recipe. The most interesting thing for children is when they make a hole in the radish and fill it with honey; soon, instead of honey, a hole appears. healing syrup From cough. The syrup is given to the child, and the cavity is again filled with honey.
    2nd recipe- Cut the radish into thin slices and mix with honey. After 4-6 hours the syrup will appear.
    3rd recipe- squeeze the juice out of the radish with a juicer and mix with honey in a pleasant proportion. If you add to this mixture carrot juice(1:1), then this will allow you to quickly restore mucous membranes damaged by coughing, but the dosage then needs to be doubled
    If you have an allergy, you can replace honey with sugar.
  • Pine buds. Boil half a liter of milk, add 1 tbsp. l. pine buds and immediately remove from heat. Let it sit for an hour and give the child this folk remedy for cough during the day, warm, 50 g every 1-2 hours. If a child cannot drink milk, then an infusion of kidneys can be prepared in water. If you don’t have pine buds, you can use young spruce shoots in this recipe.
    This folk treatment for cough in children gives an effect after the first use - a hard cough immediately becomes softer and more productive. If you use it throughout the day, the child’s dry cough goes away quickly - within 1 day.
  • Badger fat. For colds and coughs in a child under three years of age, badger fat is used only externally - rub it on the baby’s chest, back and feet, then cover it warmly. Colds and coughs disappear quickly. This method can be used to treat cough in infants. At an older age, badger fat can be given to children orally, 1/2 - 1 tsp. (depending on age) 3 times a day before meals. This will be especially useful if the child constantly suffers from bronchitis.
    After reception badger fat The child’s bronchi and lungs will become stronger, his immunity will increase, and he will get rid of both cough and chronic diseases. To make it easier to take badger fat, it is dissolved in warm milk and honey is added. All these three home remedies (honey, milk and badger fat) complement each other perfectly in treating a child’s cough. In addition, pharmacies sell badger fat in ampoules.
    In the absence of badger fat, you can use goose fat, but only for massage.
    Treatment of cough in children with this folk method very effective.

How to cure a child's cough with onions.

There are several ways to get rid of a cough using this effective folk remedy.

  • Grind 1 onion, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, leave overnight. Give the child the resulting syrup in small portions every 1-2 hours.
  • Chop the onion, pour in 1 glass of hot milk, leave, strain, heat and drink. You can add honey and butter. But not every child will want to treat a cough with this folk method. Children can be given this remedy 1 tbsp. l. each hour. After 2-3 days the cough will stop.
  • Recipe for external treatment of cough in children. Grate the onion and mix with pork, goose or badger fat. Rub this mixture onto the baby's chest and back, wrap it in a warm cloth and place it under a blanket. When treating an adult, this mixture can also be taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach.
  • Chop 500 g of onion, add 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, leave for 3 hours, when cool add 50-100 g of honey. Keep refrigerated. Drink this syrup 4 times a day, 1/3 cup

Traditional treatment of cough in children with oil, honey and eggs.

Melt 2 tbsp. l. drain butter and 1 tbsp. l. honey, add two yolks and grind until white. Give the child 2 teaspoons 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.
This folk remedy helps cure a child’s cough in 1-2 days, but allergy sufferers may be allergic to honey and yolk.

Home treatment for cough in children with milk.

Milk with sage for cough. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of hot milk. sage, bring to a boil, leave under a towel for 10 minutes, strain, add 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. interior pork, goose or badger fat or butter. Give your child 100-200 g of this product at night, depending on age.

How to treat a child’s cough with compresses at home:

  • Honey mustard scone. Mix honey in equal parts, mustard powder, flour, vegetable oil, vodka. Divide the mass into two parts, place it on a cloth, apply it to the breast and back. Secure with a bandage and put on pajamas. This compress can be left overnight if cough is being treated in children under 1 year of age - for two hours. It’s even better to do this: leave it for two hours during the first use, if the child tolerated this remedy well, and not allergic reactions on the skin, then apply the compress overnight. This folk remedy will help cure severe cough even in an infant.
  • Compress with honey and fat. Mix 2 tbsp. honey, vodka, pork gut or goose fat. Rub this mixture onto the child's chest, back, feet, wrap the torso in a warm diaper, put on socks and put him to bed.
  • Potato compress. Boil finely chopped potatoes (better yet, peel them), drain the water, put them in a plastic bag, tie them, then wrap them in several layers of cloth and secure them on your chest. We must make sure that it is not hot, but pleasant. The temperature of the compress can be adjusted by layers of fabric - as it cools, remove excess layers. Warm the baby's chest for 1 hour. After several procedures, the child’s cough goes away.

Treatment of cough in children with herbs.

  • Treatment of dry cough in children with anise. 2 tbsp. anise seeds pour 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, leave for 1 hour, strain, add 1-2 tbsp. honey and drink 1 tbsp every hour. Attacks of dry cough will stop by the end of the first day. If you are allergic to honey, you do not need to add it to this remedy.
  • Coltsfoot and plantain. One of the most reliable and effective folk remedies for treating cough in a child is a 1:1 mixture of plantain and coltsfoot. 2 tbsp. pour the mixture into a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, give 1/4-1/3 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. This remedy can treat cough in a child under 1 year old, but use it in a weaker concentration
  • Marshmallow, licorice and elecampane. Each of these plants, or rather their roots, provide a powerful effect in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. And their mixture will help cure the disease in 1-2 days. You need to mix the crushed roots in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of cold boiled water over the mixture and leave for 8 hours. Take the infusion 1/4-1/2 cup 2 – 3 times a day.
  • Thyme. 1 tbsp. thyme herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Take the infusion 1-2 tbsp. 5-6 times a day.

Treatment of cough in very young children and infants with folk remedies.

  • Treatment of cough in infants and children under 1 year of age at home is quite difficult. Very few folk remedies are suitable for this. The softest and safe remedy for small children - compresses. And also massage. Compresses should not be used at elevated temperatures.
  • Mustard wraps for the treatment of cough in young children. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve dry mustard in 500 ml of warm water, moisten 4 layers of gauze in the solution and wrap the baby’s body, or place the cloth on the back. Wrap a towel on top and cover with a blanket. After 5 minutes, remove the compress and wipe the skin warm water. After 4 such procedures, the child’s dry cough goes away.
  • Treatment of cough in children under 1 year of age can be done using mustard wraps. This is safer than mustard plasters, which are used to treat coughs in older people.

In addition to compresses, treatment of cough in infants and children under one year of age requires the following measures:

  • Do not limit the child’s mobility - movements promote the removal of mucus and help cleanse the bronchi of mucus.
  • Take your baby in your arms more often, pat him gently on the back, this will also improve bronchial drainage
  • To quickly cure a baby's cough, let him drink warm water as often as possible.
  • Get a massage. You can use vegetable oil or massage creams to treat colds in children. You can do a light honey massage. Foot massage is very useful.
  • Humidify the air in the room where the sick baby is, use special device, in winter you can hang it on the battery damp cloth, it’s even better to go into the bathroom where the shower was working before. Moist air will improve the baby's condition.

Cough at night in a child.

There is a very simple and affordable remedy for night coughs in children. Judging by the reviews, it helps almost everyone.
Burnt with sugar.
Recipe: fry 1 tbsp. l. sugar in an iron mug, stirring on the stove until dark brown, add 1/4 cup of water, drink. (2008, no. 17, art. 33). Can be dissolved burnt sugar in a glass of milk.
Even more burning recipes and others traditional methods You will find treatment for night cough in children in the article: If a dry cough bothers you at night

If the child's cough does not go away for a long time.

Simple folk remedies for chronic, inveterate cough will help:

  • Ginger. Add 1/4 tsp to tea. ginger powder. (Healthy lifestyle recipe 2008, No. 13, Art. 31)
  • Milk with tar. Add 2-3 drops of birch tar to 100 g of warm milk, drink in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.

It is almost impossible to protect your baby from a cold, and it often happens that almost every month parents have to deal with the main manifestations of the disease. Most often, children are bothered by intense coughing attacks that require special attention, because this particular symptom can cause many complications in a small organism. Before you can quickly cure a child’s cough, you need to figure out which products are best to use, and which is better to give preference to - proven herbal formulations or pharmaceutical preparations.

What to do if your child starts coughing

A problem that worries parents who are faced with an unpleasant sign of illness in their baby is what first steps to take if their child starts coughing. Doctors warn that you should not immediately go to the pharmacy and purchase products that, in the opinion of adults, will quickly cope with the disease. Often, it is the mistake made by the parents that becomes fatal - incorrect treatment leads to difficult complications, which can only be dealt with with aggressive drugs.

What to do and how to quickly cure a child’s cough in order to prevent the development of the disease? The first thing to do is determine, what exactly caused this alarming and painful manifestation for the baby. The common cold does not always provoke coughing attacks. There are many diseases that announce themselves with the same symptoms, and often it is necessary to use a complex effect against them, and under the strict supervision of doctors. That is why treatment should begin only after diagnosis, which can only be carried out by a doctor; you must contact him first.

Is it possible to cure the main symptom of a cold at home in 1 day?

How possible is it to cope with coughing attacks at home in 1 day? Most parents believe that this is impossible, and even the most powerful pharmaceutical drugs are not able to cope with a cold in a day. One should not be so skeptical about a long-proven fact - it turns out that you can cope with the first sign of a cold in as soon as possible, using for this the knowledge of traditional medicine collected over many years. Of course, this is only possible if dangerous processes in the form of inflammation do not develop in the small organism.

The simplest and effective remedy– cook milk based mixture. If you start giving the mixture even at the first coughing attacks, the next day there will not even be a trace of them left.


  1. Bring high fat milk (200 ml) to a boil.
  2. Remove the container from the stove, add honey (25-30 g).
  3. Add butter (20 g) to the mixture.
  4. Mix the composition.

The mixture must be drunk in one go. It is recommended to do this three times a day. The last use of the product should be just before bedtime.

How to treat a child's dry cough

Doctors recommend that if a child has a dry cough, use inhalation to thin the mucus. Often it is steam treatments completely replace treatment pharmaceutical drugs or taking herbal formulations. If your child often suffers from colds, you can purchase an inhaler that safely and easily affects the phlegm that provokes coughing attacks. If it is not possible to purchase a device, you can carry out steam procedures for more simple method– let the child breathe in the fumes of medicines or herbal decoctions.

Before quickly curing a child’s cough, it is better to consult a doctor about what formulations to use for manipulation. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to start inhalations herbal decoctions - they actively affect phlegm. To prepare homemade medicine you can use:

  1. chamomile;
  2. thyme;
  3. eucalyptus;
  4. coltsfoot;
  5. plantain.

It’s simple to prepare the composition – chop the herbs and pour boiling water over them. Final stage preparation - long infusion (at least half an hour). Be sure to ensure that the steam is not scalding. A quarter of an hour is enough for the procedure.

How to treat a wet cough in a child

After you have managed to induce expectoration, moist cough a child can be influenced infusion of pine buds. This home remedy will quickly relieve your baby of mucus accumulated in the respiratory tract, and at the same time relieve irritation in the throat, which often appears during attacks of dry cough.


  1. Boil milk (220 ml).
  2. Place pine buds (25 g) in boiling liquid.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the stove, leave the lid closed, and leave for half an hour.
  4. Strain the composition, you can add a little bee product (adding honey is only possible if the baby is not allergic to it).

Give the medicine to the child in small portions, only 20-30 ml is enough for one time. The baby should drink the prepared composition throughout the day, and prepare a fresh product the next day.

How to act if your baby is bothered by a cough and runny nose

If the cold occurs with several symptoms, and the child has a cough and runny nose, you will have to use more powerful traditional medicine formulations. In such cases, it is recommended to proceed complex treatmentapply a lozenge against cough attacks, and drip some oil (olive, menthol, rosehip) into your nose for several days. It is recommended to rinse first, you can use a solution based on sea ​​water from the pharmacy.

To prepare the flatbread, take sunflower oil, flour, honey and mustard powder. It is recommended to take all components in equal quantities; you may need a little more flour - the dough should be elastic and elastic, easy to roll out. After kneading, stretch it into a thick layer, wrap it in film and place it on the baby’s chest. Be sure to fix and leave for several hours.

This treatment is usually enough to completely forget about the unpleasant symptoms of a cold within a few days. You can supplement the effect on cough attacks and runny nose by taking herbal decoctions - this will help you cope with the disease even faster.

Onion medicine against all types of cough

Many home remedies contain a hot vegetable, which has a remarkable effect on both expectoration and wet cough. You can cook different compositions, but for children it is most often recommended to prepare onion syrup, which is practically safe for a small organism.


  1. Peel and mince about 500 grams. Luke.
  2. Add sugar (400 g) and honey (100 g) to the mixture.
  3. Place the container with the mixture on the stove and simmer, making sure it does not boil violently, for about two hours.
  4. Strain the liquid and place in the refrigerator after cooling.

Give to a child onion syrup in small doses - only 15 ml. If the cough is too intense, you can do this hourly; if coughing attacks are rare, you can use the product 3-5 times a day.

Treatment should not take more than a week. If during this time it was not possible to achieve positive results, which happens extremely rarely, you need to go to the doctor. There is a possibility that it is not a cold that worries the child, but a more complex disease.

How to quickly cure a child’s cough ethnoscience can talk for a long time, because there are many means that can actively influence the disease. The only thing that parents should not forget about is that during the entire course of treatment it is necessary to closely monitor general condition baby. At the slightest sign of complications, seek medical help immediately.

Save the information.

To quickly cure a child’s cough at home, you need to determine the exact cause of its occurrence and begin treatment as soon as possible. To find out the cause, you should consult a doctor. Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the nature of the origin of the cough and prescribe competent treatment . In the vast majority of cases, treatment of diseases accompanied by cough does not require hospitalization, and the child is treated at home, under the supervision of a doctor.

What diseases can a dry cough indicate?

With the help of a cough, the body tries to cleanse itself of germs, smoke, dust and other unfavorable factors.

A wet cough indicates that the cleansing process is happening effectively, which is why it is called productive. A dry cough indicates that the body is unable to get rid of pathogens or foreign bodies. Accordingly, it is called unproductive. A dry cough often appears due to ineffective or untimely treatment wet cough, resulting in thickening of sputum and difficulty in removing it. It can occur with the following diseases:

General rules for treating cough in children

If a child has a productive cough, the doctor prescribes mucolytic drugs that help thin mucus and facilitate their removal from the body. Also, to speed up recovery, the baby should drink as much fluid as possible, which thins the mucus and prevents it from thickening.

For a dry cough, you need to take expectorants to increase the amount of mucus. Since a dry cough causes significant irritation of the trachea and throat, the patient must be given medications that soften the throat. They envelop the mucous membranes and prevent their irritation.

If the cough is of viral origin, antibiotics cannot be used to treat the baby.

This will not only not give a positive therapeutic effect, but also disrupts the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause the development of dysbacteriosis. To treat a cough caused by viruses, you should use only antiviral drugs.

When treating a cough, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not use mucolytics if there is no sputum.
  • Do not use antitussives (that is, those intended to stop coughing) if you have large quantity sputum. Existing phlegm must be removed, and for this the child must cough intensely.
  • IN acute phase diseases, under no circumstances should you rub or warm the baby. This can be done only after improvement has occurred and the high temperature has decreased.
  • If active treatment cough does not give any results, and it does not go away long time, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps it was caused by an allergy, helminthiasis, or some other reason that requires a completely different approach to treatment.

Treatment methods at home

An integrated and responsible approach to the treatment of the disease will allow you to quickly cure the child, improving his condition and preventing the spread of infection from the bronchi to the lungs.

The following therapeutic measures should be used:

  • Medications.
  • Special decoctions to eliminate cough.
  • Inhalations.
  • Compresses.
  • Massage.

Drug treatment

Using this or that medicine, it is necessary to carefully study the information regarding age indications and dosages.

If, during the treatment of a dry cough with an expectorant mixture, the child begins to produce sputum, this mixture should be replaced with a mucolytic drug.



  • Gedelix - a product in the form of drops can be given to children starting from the age of two. For the treatment of patients over 5 years old, Gedelix in the form of syrup is used.
  • Mucaltin - available in tablets, prescribed to patients over 1 year of age.
  • Doctor Mom - contains basil, turmeric, ginger, licorice, menthol, elecampane and other ingredients. Available in the form of syrup, which is prescribed to children over 3 years of age.
  • Prospan - can be sold in the form of syrup and drops. The latter can be used to treat newborns.
  • Licorice root is a syrup that contains alcohol. Due to this this drug should be given to children with caution. Can be used to treat children from 2 years of age.


  • Libexin - developed on the basis of prenoxdiazine, sold in tablets. Indicated for patients over 3 years of age.
  • Tusuprex - contains oxeladine citrate. Available in tablets or syrup. Can be given to babies under one year old.
  • Codeine - developed on the basis of codeine. This substance is an analgesic and narcotic. Codeine is prescribed to patients over 2 years of age.


  • Ascoril - contains salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. Sold in tablet form, which can be used to treat patients over 6 years of age.
  • Bronchosan - drops developed on the basis of menthol, bromhexine, fennel, mint, eucalyptus, oregano, anise. Bronchosan can be given to children over 2 years of age.
  • Bronholitin is a syrup that contains glaucine and ephedrine. Prescribed to patients over 3 years of age.


  • Sumamed - macrolide wide range actions. The drug in the form of a suspension is prescribed to patients from 6 months of age.
  • Amoxicillin - sold in tablet or suspension form. The drug is approved for the treatment of infants.
  • Ceftriaxone - can be used to treat babies under one year old. Sold in powder form for the preparation of solution for injection.

Antiviral drugs

  • Grippferon - sold in the form of a solution, contains interferon. Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, it can be given to newborns.
  • Arbidol - available in capsules, approved for use by children over 6 years of age.
  • Anaferon - developed on the basis of interferon, sold in tablets. Young patients can only be given dosage form, designed specifically for children. Children's Anaferon is approved for use by babies from 1 month.
  • Viferon - sold in the form of suppositories, contains interferon. The drug can be used to treat infants.


Cough decoctions

In order to get rid of a child’s cough as soon as possible, therapy must be comprehensive. As an addition to medications, it is recommended to give the child decoctions from plants. Such plants are marshmallow, thyme, raspberry, linden, coltsfoot, yarrow, oregano, chamomile, black currant leaves.

Despite the fact that medicinal herbs are considered an excellent alternative pharmacological drugs, since they do not contain chemicals, you should consult your pediatrician before using them. Any medicinal plant has its contraindications and side effects, so self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences.

Some herbs have an unpleasant bitter taste, and therefore the child may refuse to use decoctions. Therefore, to improve the taste, you can add a little honey or sugar to the decoctions.

In addition to decoctions for coughs, it is very useful to drink warm milk. You can add honey, propolis, butter, as well as crushed figs, ginger or banana to it.


Using inhalation, you can significantly reduce your cough in just one evening. The medicinal herbs listed above are used to prepare inhalations. You can also use the following ingredients:

  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Preparations specifically intended for inhalation (for example, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Fluimucil).
  • Eucalyptus, rosemary, sage oils.
  • Mucaltin solution (1 tablet per 80 ml of saline solution).
  • Soda solution with honey added.

In the absence of an inhaler medicinal solutions place in a small saucepan. The child should lean over the inhaler and breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes. During the procedure, the patient's head should be covered with a large terry towel or blanket.

Inhalations should not be done in the following cases:

  • Age up to 1 year.
  • Fever.
  • Ear diseases.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Presence of blood in the child’s sputum.

External cough suppressants for children

Compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing with warming ointments, for example, Doctor Mom, Propolisnaya, Hellex, Vicks Active, are used as external remedies for cough treatment.


The heat created by the compress dilates blood vessels, activates blood circulation and cleanses the bronchi, accelerating the healing process.

It is impossible to use a compress in the acute phase of the disease, because thermal procedure can lead to activation of the inflammatory process and an even greater increase in temperature. Compresses should not be applied to children under one year of age.

The compress consists of 3 layers:

  1. The base is made from a bandage or gauze, folded several times and soaked in a medicinal composition.
  2. Medium - performs the function of preventing liquid leakage and heat loss. It can be made from wax paper or polyethylene.
  3. External insulation - helps retain heat. A terry towel or wool scarf is used as insulation.

There are many different ingredients that can be used for a compress. When carrying out a thermal procedure, it is important to ensure that the compress is not too hot or cold, and that the ingredients used do not irritate the child’s delicate skin:

  • Boiled potatoes give off heat perfectly and deeply warm the respiratory organs. For a compress, use 1-2 hot crushed potatoes, boiled in their skins. To avoid burning the baby’s skin, place the potatoes in a cotton bag and wrap them in a terry cloth.
  • Cabbage leaf with honey - a cabbage leaf is heated in the microwave or in hot water, then a layer of honey is quickly applied to it and placed on the patient’s chest or back. Then cover it with cellophane and wrap it with a scarf. Cabbage helps thin mucus and facilitate its removal from the bronchi.
  • Dimexide - this drug has an antiseptic, local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. main feature Dimexide lies in its ability to penetrate deeply through the skin, delivering to inflamed organs useful material. This drug is often mixed with potatoes, honey or vodka to increase therapeutic effect. When taken orally, Dimexide has a toxic effect on human body, so it can only be used externally.
  • Vodka is one of the most common and effective means used in the treatment of colds. For the compress, use a solution of vodka and water in a 1:1 ratio. If alcohol is used, then take 1 part alcohol to 2 parts water. Before putting gauze soaked in warm alcohol solution, the patient’s chest is lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline.
  • Salt is an excellent absorbent that is capable of absorbing liquid from the subcutaneous layer along with pathogenic microbes and viruses, eliminating inflammatory process. For the compress you will need to dissolve 90 g of salt in 1 liter hot water. A terry cloth is moistened in the resulting solution, then folded 2-4 times and quickly placed on the child’s chest or back, placing cellophane and a woolen scarf on top.

The compress is applied for 20-30 minutes. Then you need to quickly remove it, leaving the scarf, cover the child with a warm blanket and let it lie for at least an hour. It is best to do such procedures before bed.

The compress should not be placed on the heart area!

Mustard plasters

Mustard powder has an anti-inflammatory effect, activates blood circulation and starts the process of producing substances that help increase the body's defenses.

Mustard plasters must be immersed in warm water, then remove and apply to the baby’s skin, covering with a towel. After 15 minutes, the mustard plasters are removed, the skin is wiped with a napkin and the child is covered with a blanket.


It is especially useful to massage coughs in young children who do not yet know how to cough well. With the help of percussion massage, you can improve the separation of mucus from the bronchi and accelerate its removal from the body. Massage also helps improve blood circulation. To enhance the effect, you can apply Doctor Mom warming ointment to the skin before the procedure. It contains essential oils, which have warming and anti-inflammatory properties.

When to see a doctor

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to cure a cough in 2 hours. To achieve a noticeable improvement in the child’s condition, it is necessary to carry out the above procedures several times a day for 3-5 days. If after 5-6 days the cough does not go away, you should consult a doctor..

The help of a pediatrician will also be required if pneumonia is suspected or if there is a significant increase in temperature. There is no need to self-medicate even if parents notice blood impurities in the sputum released during coughing.

To prevent coughing, it is important to remember about the prevention of colds and take care of strengthening immune system child. Rhinitis, laryngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract should also be promptly treated to prevent infection from entering the bronchi and lungs.
