How to increase heart rate without increasing blood pressure? Tips and tricks: how to raise your heart rate at home How to raise your heart rate

Bradycardia is a condition in which a person's heart rate is below normal. This is one of the most common diseases of the present time. Most people, not knowing what this pathology can lead to, unfortunately, do not resort to any methods of treatment. There are many ways to increase your heart rate without increasing your blood pressure. You can learn about the methods of treatment in this article.

What is the pulse and its rate?

The pulse is a fluctuation of blood inside the vessels, which is caused by a contraction of the myocardium and pressure biological fluid on the walls of arteries. it important indicator, which can be used to analyze the state of a person. An overestimated or underestimated number of strokes can indicate various diseases. To avoid negative consequences, you need to see a doctor immediately.

The psychological state has a great influence on the indicators of blood fluctuations inside the vessels.

In a healthy, adult person, the number of beats is in the range from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Depending on the degree of load, this indicator may vary. If the pulse is more than 90 beats, but the blood pressure is normal, there is nothing to worry about.

The number of heartbeats depending on age:

  • newborns - 140 beats / min;
  • elderly people - 65 beats / min;
  • children under 7 years old - about 100 beats / min.

Over the years, these numbers have dropped slightly. In the elderly they are the lowest. Before death, the number of strokes, as a rule, increases, and can be up to 160 beats / min.

What can cause a low heart rate?

The causes of low heart rate can be different. They are referred to as physical state and pathological problems. There are cases when a small number of heartbeats are observed from birth. This is such a feature of the body, in which the performance of the heart is normal. In this case, you should not worry.

The main causes of low heart rate:

All these reasons can cause a low number of heart contractions. Often this pathology is observed in people involved in sports. Sudden changes in the weather can also affect the heart rate.

Advice! To avoid a repeated drop in heart rate, you should healthy lifestyle life and eat only natural and wholesome food.

In fact, an attack of bradycardia is not terrible. Emphasize on low heart rate worth it only if a person has such concomitant symptoms as weakness of the body, slow thinking, increased drowsiness, rapid breathing, the appearance of cold sweat, nausea, dizziness.

What are the signs of pathology?

Frequent or single disruption of the cardiovascular system can be accompanied by some symptoms. Weak heartbeats are often observed in pregnant women on later dates. The reason for this is the pressure of the fetus on the genital vein.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • impaired concentration of attention;
  • change blood pressure.

If a person has similar symptoms, it is necessary to measure the pulse. Rates below 50 beats/minute can cause cardiac arrest. You can increase the number of organ contractions both with the help of medicines and folk ways. The first method is used in severe cases, in all the rest it is possible to restore the work of the myocardium at home.

Ways to increase heart rate at home

In a person who lacks serious pathologies, you can increase the number of heart contractions with the help of folk remedies. To do this, just drink a cup of strong green or black tea. Add a slice of fresh lemon if possible.

Important! To quickly normalize the pulse, it is worth giving up alcohol and smoking.

Effective methods for bradycardia:

  1. Pharmacy tinctures. These include echinacea and eleutherococcus. It is worth using the funds according to the instructions.
  2. Sports. - the best helper with a low heart rate. To do this, you do not need to go to the gym and work out for a long time. It is enough to do a few squats, shake the press. People with frequent violation heart rate is to resort to physical activity constantly. Such patients are often prescribed swimming, slow morning running, general exercises.
  3. Food. You can also increase your heart rate at home with spicy foods. A large number of different spices can positively affect the number of heart contractions. The most useful are cumin, cinnamon, mustard, cloves, nutmeg.
  4. Black chocolate. It is worth buying only a bitter product, which contains at least 60% cocoa. To eliminate bradycardia, it is enough to eat a few slices. Milk chocolate will not help in this case.
  5. Mustard plasters. Simple but at the same time effective method. To increase the number of myocardial contractions, it is necessary to apply mustard plasters with right side from the heart. They must be removed no later than two minutes later. It is not recommended to get involved in such a procedure.
  6. Lemon. This is a miraculous fruit that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. To increase the number of pulse beats, you need to make an infusion out of it. To prepare it, 10 lemons are taken and they are poured hot water. After a minute, drain the liquid, and squeeze the juice from the fruit. Then grind the same number of garlic cloves, combine with juice and add one liter of liquid honey. All ingredients will need to be thoroughly mixed and insisted in a dark, cool place for 10 days.

This mixture must be shaken periodically. Take 20 grams every morning half an hour before meals. You need to take the drug for three months.

  1. Infusion of hawthorn, pink rhodiola, St. John's wort, wild rose. The listed components are recommended to be placed in a container and pour two glasses of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 60 minutes. Drink liquid 100 grams three times a day.
  2. Decoction of ginseng. This method recommended for the elderly. But at the same time, do not forget about walking in the fresh air.

Important! Food with an increase in heart rate should not contain salt. This component can cause an increase in pressure.

People who have a low pulse and pain in the heart need to massage the earlobe. To restore the indicators, it is enough to do the procedure for several minutes.

If health permits, then you can take cold and hot shower or drink medicines based on echinacea or radiola.

Increasing the pulse with decoctions

You can also normalize the rhythm of the heart with the help of herbal infusions. The right set of plants is capable of short time restore the pulse.

Method 1. A decoction of yarrow. Two teaspoons of a dry plant will need to pour 400 ml of water. Put the pot on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. After that, the mixture must be infused for 2-3 hours. The cooled liquid should be consumed 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Method 2. Mint tea. One of effective ways. It is able to favorably influence the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This method can be used at any age. To do this, you need to combine a few mint leaves with tea leaves. Leave the mixture for no more than 30 minutes. After that, dilute it with boiled water. Consume with lemon.

Method 3. With bradycardia, you can also use a mixture of walnuts, sesame, lemon peel. Take all these components in equal doses and pour liquid honey. Infuse the mixture in a dark place for a couple of days. Use a tablespoon twice a day.

Advice! There are many ways to increase your heart rate without increasing your blood pressure. Any of them should be used with extreme caution. In order not to harm your body, you should consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering that if the symptoms after taking the funds did not go away and the pulse did not recover, you should definitely consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and treatment can fully restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

What can you eat with a low heart rate?

In order for the pulse to be normal, you do not need to follow a special diet. With bradycardia, it is enough to revise your diet a little.

Products that can be consumed:

  1. Particular attention should be paid to fruits, vegetables and greens (bananas, apples, parsley, carrots, cabbage, green onions). It is best to eat them raw.
  2. From meat you can eat only chicken, veal, turkey. From fatty species worth giving up.
  3. Include in the diet dairy products, fish.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. It is necessary to consume from 1.5 liters to 2 liters of water per day.

Pay attention to food preparation. It is best to eat meat and fish, steamed and boiled. It is forbidden to eat smoked, salty, fried foods. You should also reduce the amount of sweet and starchy foods.

Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the restoration of all body functions. By adhering to the rules and recommendations, the work of the cardiovascular system will be fully restored.

Bradycardia usually does not cause concern, but worsens a person's well-being. There are many ways to increase the heart rate, but it is important to remember that bradycardia should not be treated negligently, because it can be a symptom of a malfunction of the heart. But if the drop in pulse is caused external factors, then you can solve the problem at home.

What are the normal heart rates?

The pulse of the heart or heart rate is the jerky movements of the arteries, during which blood is pushed through the vessels. Heart rate rates range from 60-80 beats per minute, and 55 beats is considered low, which is called bradycardia. It is worth noting that the heart rate varies with age, and the older the person, the more it decreases. heartbeat. heart rate can be 60-65 beats, which is not considered yet pathological condition. The same norm can be typical for those who play sports.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

Reasons for a decrease in heart rate

A very low pulse can signal problems in the work of the myocardium, which are influenced by external and internal factors. Therefore, if the pulse is low, it's time to go for a diagnosis to a cardiologist. Bradycardia may be a symptom of one of the heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease or heart failure. Often associated with endocrine disorders high blood pressure in the cranium, liver disease and chemical poisoning.

External causes that affect heart rate include the following:

  • prolonged malnutrition or starvation;
  • depletion of the body;
  • frequent stress;
  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs;
  • bruises in the neck and chest;
  • swimming in cold water.

Signs of a slow heartbeat

Contrary to the established opinion, a low heart rate cannot increase pressure, and at first it is difficult to recognize its development, since the pathology does not make itself felt by any signs. Over time, with bradycardia, the following symptoms appear:

All of these signs pose a serious threat to life. As a result, it starts oxygen starvation which causes damage to the brain. As a result, headaches worsen, dizziness and fainting appear more and more often. At a low critical rate of 40 beats per minute, one feels bad feeling and weakness, and the body is covered with cold sweat. If these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention medical care otherwise the condition is fraught with cardiac arrest.

How to increase heart rate without increasing blood pressure?

Before using methods to increase the pulse, you need to find out the reason that provokes this condition. If bradycardia is caused internal diseases then the disease must be cured. Then the symptom will pass on one's own. When the pathology developed due to external causes, you just need to eliminate negative factors. Therapy for bradycardia can be divided into the following types:

  • conservative treatment, which is prescribed only by a doctor;
  • therapy with folk remedies;
  • surgery as a last resort.

Medicines come to the rescue

For a patient suffering from bradycardia, the doctor prescribes special drugs that can quickly increase the heartbeat. It is a well-known fact that coffee increases the heart rate, and therefore the Caffeine-Benzoate medicine is especially popular. Caffeine, which is part of the tablet, moderately excites the cerebral cortex, without increasing or decreasing pressure.

"Citramon" is cheap and effective, affordable medicine.

drugs similar action are the following medicines:

  • "Citramon" and "Cofitsil", whose composition also includes caffeine;
  • nootropics - "Piracetam" and "Nootropil";
  • natural stimulants - "Izadrin" and "Theophylline";
  • phytopreparations with belladonna extracts, Zelenina drops;
  • "Gutron" and "Amiodarone", which are used for seizures, but are fraught with pressure surges.

It is forbidden to independently prescribe medications to increase heart rate, since taking them is fraught with a deterioration in the condition and can cause adverse reactions. The possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

The heart is a truly unique organ in human body that works all day long. The general condition of a person and his well-being depends on how well this organ functions. The efficiency of the functioning of the heart is assessed using heart rate (heart rate).

From 60 to 80 - these are the indicators that are considered ideal, that is how many times a heart beats per minute healthy person. If the heart beats less than sixty times, then in this case we are talking about a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system - bradycardia.

If left untreated, the disease can lead to a heart attack, and other no less dangerous consequences. Traditional medicine will help in curing bradycardia. With a slow heart rate, as a rule, medication is prescribed. Excellent results can be achieved through traditional medicine but only with the consent of the attending physician. Remember, self-medication can bring you even more harm.

Folk recipes to strengthen the heart

  1. You will need half a kilo of walnuts, fifty grams of sesame oil and sugar. First, peel and finely chop or grate the nuts, combine them with other ingredients. Cut a couple of small lemons, then pour the chopped citrus fruits with a liter of water. Combine all ingredients, mix. Use the prepared medicine three to four times a day, preferably half an hour before meals, one spoonful. The course of treatment is until recovery.
  2. No less effective next remedy. To prepare it, you will need yarrow. Pour the pre-dried grass of the plant with water, boil over low heat for fifteen minutes, then insist for several hours. Use by spoonful medicinal product four times a day.
  3. You will need about half a liter. Pour the wine into an enamel container, place on the stove and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Add chopped dill seeds to boiling wine, and continue to boil. Give the medicine an hour to infuse. Take a spoonful of funds no more than three times a day. Duration treatment course- fourteen days.
  4. Pour ten large lemons with boiled water, and then squeeze the juice out of them. Take the garlic, about five cloves, chop to the consistency of gruel. Combine the ingredients, and add a liter of honey there and mix well. It is necessary to insist in a dark, cool place for fourteen days. Remember to shake the contents from time to time. Take three tablespoons of the medicine once a day, before meals.

Pine treatment

Pick the tops of young ones in early spring. Approximately sixty grams of raw materials pour 500 ml of vodka. Let the remedy infuse for fourteen days, in a dark place. Take ten drops of tincture no more than three times a day.

Increase pulse radish

Take a radish, wash, peel and squeeze the juice out of it, then combine with honey. Mix thoroughly. Take a spoonful of this medicinal mixture a couple of times a day.

You can use another, no less effective and effective means from radish. Cut off a vegetable upper part, make a recess in the radish (cut out part of the pulp).

Put honey in this recess, leave the radish with honey in a glass overnight. In the morning, divide the syrup that has formed into several doses and consume during the day.


Finely chop the ginseng roots, fill with vodka. Leave to infuse for three weeks. Take twenty drops of the tincture once a day. The duration of treatment is sixty days.

With a slow pace

A low pulse indicates the presence serious problems in the body. This means that the functioning of the "motor" is broken. The following folk remedies will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and normalize the heart rate.

Finely chop the calendula flowers and brew a couple of tablespoons of raw materials in 400 milliliters of boiled water. The decoction should be infused for approximately three hours. Drink 100 ml of medicine at least four times a day.

Take rowan bark, grind and pour two hundred grams of raw materials with 500 milliliters of water, boil for two hours. Strain and drink 50 ml of decoction every four hours.

Watch leaves, flowers meadow clover, yarrow, apple peel, fennel, valerian roots and strawberries chop, then brew a spoonful of the plant mixture in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Insist in a thermos throughout the night. Filter and drink 100 ml of infusion no more than four times a day.

Take strawberry leaves, sweet clover grass, calendula, chicory rhizome, foxglove, finely chop and pour 500 milliliters of water. The remedy should be infused throughout the night. Strain and drink half a glass of infusion three times a day.

Nettle leaves, black currant, dandelion rhizome, yarrow grass, chamomile and tea rose petals finely chop and brew five grams of the plant mixture in a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for about thirty minutes. Divide the infusion into three doses, drink warm.
Grind nettle, walnut and triad leaves, dandelion roots, hawthorn flowers, wild rose berries and brew one and a half tablespoons of raw materials in 200 milliliters of boiled water. Leave for about three hours. Divide drug collection for three doses, use during the day.

Grind thirty grams of nettle, then fill the raw material with pure alcohol. Insist in a dark glass container for fourteen days. Take twenty drops of tincture (previously diluted with water) before going to bed.

Rhizome belladonna and ginseng, leaves of Eleutherococcus (pre-dried), finely chop, mix well, then pour the vegetable mixture with a liter of vodka. Insist in a dark place for a month. Take fifteen drops of the finished medicine before meals. The duration of the treatment course is three months.

An excellent tool that helps increase the pulse is the most common mustard plaster. If you feel that the heart rate is decreasing, put a mustard plaster on the chest area. A slight burning sensation will appear, which stimulates blood flow and, therefore, will adjust the rhythm of the heartbeat.

  1. If your heart rate drops, first of all drink something tonic, for example, a cup of coffee or strong tea.
  2. In the case of a slight decrease in heart rate, it is not necessary to immediately take medical preparations. Walking, running, or hot tub.
  3. If the pulse dropped sharply and significantly - up to 35 beats per minute, immediately call an ambulance.

It is important to understand that a problem such as a low pulse, without treatment, can provoke the development of more serious ailments of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if you experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting, fainting, seek the help of a cardiologist.

"Low pulse" - a similar phenomenon is increasingly encountered in our lives. However, not everyone knows what this verdict means. And when a patient at the reception hears from the doctor that he has a low pulse, he wants to know what causes it was caused. To understand the nature of this pathological process, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with some of the basic definitions that medicine gives to this phenomenon.

What is a pulse anyway? When the myocardium contracts, the blood, moving through the vessels, has certain rhythmic fluctuations in volume, due to the pressure in them in one cardiac cycle. The oscillation frequency is calculated very simply, for this it is enough to put a finger on some large vessel. For the most part, the pulse is felt on the wrist, as well as in the neck area. If we talk about when it is best to measure the pulse, then doctors advise doing it in the morning, it is desirable that the patient is in a horizontal position.

A pulse with a frequency of 60-80 beats per minute is considered normal. Here it should immediately be said that it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient in the calculations, since it affects the pulse rate. Do not be afraid, revealing in a newborn an indicator of more than 100 beats per minute. In this category of patients, it can be another 40 beats more. And this is not something out of the ordinary. For patients who are aged, on the contrary, the pulse is lower normal indicators. And this, too, cannot be called a pathology. The older the person, the lower the frequency of strokes.

It is typical for the pulse to change indicators depending on the state of the patient. For example, it goes up:

  • when doing physical activity;
  • being under emotional stress;
  • when eating foods that increase heart rate.

For the most part, the pulse is elevated, so, according to at least, shows medical practice. This phenomenon is called tachycardia. However, there is another kind of this kind of disorders, called bradycardia. This is a type of arrhythmia, in which the pulse, on the contrary, is lowered and the frequency of contractions can be less than 50 beats. Although the violation, as mentioned at the very beginning of the article, is the frequency of strokes a dozen higher. who had to deal with similar symptom, (namely, this disorder should be called a symptom, and not a disease - experts say) naturally, they ask the question: how to increase the pulse at home?

What does a low heart rate say?

If the patient has a low pulse, this indicates that the body sends signals about malfunctions in the heart rhythm, which occur due to a malfunction in the myocardium. As happens in many cases, with the manifestations of various pathologies, several reasons contribute to the violation of the pulse, one of which (most likely, it is even more common than others) is low blood pressure.

So what can a low heart rate tell? Most likely for the following reasons:

  • The patient has heart problems. To confirm this diagnosis, a cardiogram will be performed. Basically, such a violation develops due to problems with the pacemaker of the heart that produces electrical impulses. Cause of defeat sinus node, as a rule, it becomes insufficient to provide organs with oxygen, and other elements important for the implementation of full-fledged functions. That's why it happens various violations functioning of body systems.

At first, bradycardia does not cause concern to the patient, but after a while other symptoms of this phenomenon are added to it:

  • the patient has regular dizziness;
  • arise pain in the head area;
  • even with weak physical and mental stress, the patient quickly gets tired;
  • gag reflexes, nausea appear;
  • Sometimes the patient faints.

The nature and frequency of the pulse can be influenced various pathologies, for example, endocrine disorders, psychological trauma, diseases associated with thyroid gland, as well as hormonal preparations taken by the patient.

It must be remembered: a slow pulse is an indispensable companion of coronary disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction.

What is dangerous

A lower pulse, called bradycardia, is a serious condition that is life-threatening for the patient. As a result of its manifestation, there is a lack of oxygen, causing this, first of all, damage to the brain. Therefore, it is not by chance that the patient experiences fainting, he often suffers from bouts of dizziness and headaches.

In addition, when the pulse passes a critical rate (40 bpm) and even less, the patient develops a number of symptoms of weakness, fatigue, and poor health. In such situations, there is often cold sweat. But most importantly, such critical pulse rates can cause cardiac arrest. Therefore, at the first symptoms, one should not wait for the complications of the situation, ask questions about how to raise the pulse, and immediately seek help from a medical institution.

The reasons

There are main reasons that can affect the lowering of the pulse:

  1. The patient suffers from increased intracranial pressure.
  2. The organism has suffered intoxication.
  3. As a result of the patient taking medications that have affected the development of bradycardia.

The nature of the phenomenon suggests that the patient has a constant decrease in heart rate, which does not give him any obstacles for active life. It should be borne in mind that for a patient whose pulse is normal in most cases, a decrease is a reason to sound the alarm.

  • As a consequence of the presence of neurological diseases in the patient.
  • Various lesions associated with the endocrine organs.
  • The patient is suffering from an infectious disease.
  • Disorders of the heart.

To a large extent, the appearance of a low pulse can be influenced by severe bruises chest, as well as injuries in the neck. Pain syndrome, being in cold water also contributes to this phenomenon. In addition, there is a decrease in hypotension, as well as in athletes.


When a patient has a slight decrease in heart rate, it can remain almost imperceptible. However, when this indicator passes the critical mark - 40 beats, then this is characterized by many symptoms:

  1. The patient has a manifestation of insomnia and irritability.
  2. Disturbed vascular disorders and pain in the heart.
  3. There is a feeling of weakness, breathing becomes difficult.
  4. Blood pressure studies show either a decrease from the norm, or it is increasing.
  5. The patient is suffering from severe dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination.
  6. The body is covered with cold sweat.
  7. Sometimes the lowering of the pulse ends in loss of consciousness.

Raise the pulse at home

When a problem with a low heart rate arises, the question arises of how to increase the heart rate, as they say, without leaving home. Here are some tips:

  • In the case when the cause of this phenomenon was hypertension, or, say, the patient suffers from a neurosis of the heart or he has any nervous disorders, then in these cases it is considered quite effective drops corvalol. The tool will help not only increase the pulse, but also eliminate conditions that are characterized by sleep disturbances, restless behavior, and also alleviate the effects of stress. To this it should be added that the drug has a high speed and will be able to maintain its soothing properties for almost a third of the day. Three times a day is recommended - 20 drops before meals. An overdose may cause a hypnotic effect.
  • Physical exercises and other loads effectively raise the frequency of strokes. Patients suffering from low heart rate will benefit from swimming, easy running. Hot baths are also recommended.
  • This method of raising the pulse rate is recommended for those patients who have pain in the heart. To do this, you need to massage the earlobe for several minutes.
  • Mustard plasters are well suited for these purposes. This tool must be applied to the body - to the right of the heart. Hold it for two or three minutes, do not this procedure do it often, because a complication is possible.
  • Although alcoholic drinks are not a very desirable remedy for getting rid of diseases, nevertheless, a little wine for the prevention of the heart is quite acceptable. It is believed that this drink will help to normalize the heart rhythm, dilate blood vessels, and also to bring pressure back to normal. To prepare it, you need to take red wine in a volume of one liter and boil, then add honey (fifteen grams), as well as cumin and cinnamon seeds in the same volume. You need to take the mixture warm, 50 grams every day. During this period, use medications Not recommended.
  • To normalize the pulse, you need to take ten lemons and pour boiled water over them, hold for a minute, and then squeeze the juice out of them. After that, take the same amount of garlic and chop into a pulp. For better grinding, dilute a little lemon juice. Then you will need a container (3 liters), where a mixture of a liter of honey and other ingredients are placed. All this is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place, it should be cool to the rays; cannot be placed in the refrigerator.
  • You need to insist for a week and a half, while not forgetting to shake the infusion daily. For use, the product is pre-cast into a smaller bowl and also shaken before use. Take once a day, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals, twenty grams. But you should not take the entire volume at once, but four times with a break of 1 minute. Treatment should be at least three months. You can repeat the procedure after 12 months.
  • This remedy will be just right for those who love nuts. As they say, you can combine business and useful and pleasant. Half a kilo of walnuts (kernels) are crushed with a blender, then mixed with three hundred grams of sesame oil and the same amount of sugar. A deep plate is taken, four lemons and zest are cut, then water is boiled, lemons are cut and poured. This is added to nut mix. Daily rate intake is at least three times before meals, 15 grams.
  • Among the methods that are used to raise the pulse, there is such as eating spicy food, for example, eating red pepper can help improve blood flow, and therefore increase the pulse.
  • An excellent remedy for raising the pulse, made from radish juice and honey in equal amounts, has proven itself. It is accepted, as well as the previous prescription.

With a pulse showing less than 40 beats, tonic drinks that contain caffeine help. Experienced doctors advise to raise the pulse:

  1. Strong tea.
  2. Guarana or belladonna.
  3. Eleutherococcus.
  4. Radiola pink.
  5. Ginseng preparations.

These funds are able to effectively and in a short period of time raise the pulse - it will take no more than five minutes. This happens as a result of an antispasmodic effect on the vessels, which leads to an increase in pressure, and hence the pulse. To enhance the effect, it takes three months to be treated with herbs. But at the same time, it must be remembered that if there is hypertension, they cannot be taken so as not to cause complications in the form of a hypertensive crisis.

We are treated with fees

The proposed infusion recipe is recommended for those who have both hypotension and low pulse. A hoof with calendula flowers is taken - ten each, a dog violet with valerian and stonecrop - twenty each, a prickly tartar with wormwood - thirty grams each, and all this is mixed. After that, fifteen grams of the resulting composition must be poured with half a liter of boiled water and insisted for two hours. Take three times half a glass before meals.

  • Dog-rose fruit. To prepare high quality effective remedy, take ten rose hips and boil one fourth of an hour in half a liter of water. Next, the broth is cooled and the fruits are rubbed using a sieve. Then mixed with three tablespoons of honey. Recommended daily intake of 0.5 cup before meals.
  • yarrow. Beautiful herbal medicine obtained by preparing an infusion of yarrow. This tool helps not only to increase the pulsations of the heart, but also strengthens it. To prepare the infusion, fifteen grams of this plant is required, which is poured with a glass of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. After that, the hour is infused. Take fifteen grams, three times a day, until the pulse returns to normal.
  • pine branch. A remedy prepared with this plant is also said to be effective against low heart rate. For this, dried branches, 50 grams, are poured with a glass of vodka and insisted for a week and a half. Take 20 drops half an hour before meals.


If these methods of treatment do not help, traditional medicines should be used, following the recommendations and under the supervision of a doctor. It is necessary to handle drugs with extreme caution, as their improper use can be harmful.

If bradycardia was caused as a result of a sharp violation of the conduction of the heart muscle, then the patient should be immediately hospitalized. In this situation, he will be treated in a hospital in order to quickly and effectively eliminate the causes that caused this disease.

Typically, the occurrence this phenomenon associated with the age at which the patient is and the aging process. In the event that therapeutic methods do not bring the desired result, doctors recommend using a pacemaker, which will allow the pulse to return to normal.

A quality lifestyle plays a big role in bringing the pulse rate back to normal. You need to give up cigarettes and alcohol, get more rest and limit animal fats in your diet. All these simple rules it is not difficult to observe, but the effect of them can be better than from all folk remedies and medications.

The pulse rate varies between 60-100 beats per minute. In medicine, the concept of tachycardia is most often encountered - increased heart rate. But what if the pulse is low? What to do in this situation? We will talk about this in our article.

  • Causes of a low heart rate

    The heart is the most important organ in our body. From its durability and normal functioning our life and health depend. That is why it is very important to resort to treatment immediately after the appearance of any abnormalities. But first you need to understand the reasons for the occurrence low heart rate(bradycardia).

    There are many reasons for a decrease in heart rate. The most common are low blood pressure, diseases of the endocrine system, pathologies nervous system, intoxication of the body, the presence of infectious diseases, increased intracranial pressure, physiological features, malfunctions in the conduction system of the heart, drug overdose.

    How to increase the heart rate if bradycardia occurs

    The first thing to do is check the heart rate readings to clarify correct indication. Then measure blood pressure, because at sharp decline pulse pressure may also drop. If such a situation, then askofen, caffeine are recommended ( medical preparations must be taken as directed by a physician). You can eat a piece of chocolate, drink a mug of tea or coffee.

    From folk remedies, ginseng root will help increase the pulse.

    1. To prepare the tincture, you need to take 25 g of dry crushed root, pour 1 liter of vodka and let it brew for 20 days.
    2. The course of treatment is 2 months. Take 15 drops 20 minutes before meals.

    How to raise the pulse

    At high pressure

    The occurrence of a low pulse and high pressure is not necessarily related to each other. Perhaps it was completely influenced different reasons. Hypertensive patients with a low pulse are prescribed inhibitors and diuretics. Do not raise your heart rate with coffee and exercise.

    If a high pressure then avoid caffeinated products. Do not self-medicate the best option- consult a doctor for advice.

    Without pressurization

    You need to protect yourself from stressful situations, less nervous and learn to remain calm. Avoid caffeine and limit physical exercise, which increase the pressure along with the pulse. Eliminate drugs such as bisoprosol and propranol. You can drink a diuretic and take drugs from the series ACE inhibitors to be prescribed by a physician.

    There are many methods to increase the heart rate at home. Talk about them further.

    Coffee Tea

    If the heart rate dropped to 40-50 beats per minute, then in this case you can use energy drinks which are: black and green tea, hot strong coffee. These drugs contain caffeine, which can increase the contraction of the heart muscle.

    If this problem often bothers you, then every day, after sleep, drink a cup of a fragrant hot drink in order to feel cheerful and energized throughout the day.


    Eleutherococcus, ginseng, radiola rosea, lemongrass and belladonna can be used to increase the pulse rate. These funds are sold in any pharmacy for affordable prices. They are taken 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. 20-30 drops are enough for one dose to increase the pressure and pulse rate in a few seconds.

    Remember: people suffering birth defects hearts, arterial hypertension, Raynaud's disease, ischemic disease heart and other chronic heart diseases, these drugs are contraindicated.


    Chocolate increases blood pressure and can quickly solve this problem.

    Remember: it is more expedient to eat only dark natural chocolate with a reduced pulse rate. It is he who is able to increase blood pressure and increase heart rate.

    Physical exercise

    How to increase low heart rate? Yes, very simple. If the heart rate has dropped to the limits of 50-55 beats per minute, then you can try to make a few exercise. by the most the best option in this case is running. As you know, under the influence physical activity heart rate increases sharply.

    If you can't go for a run, try some light exercise.

    1. Raise your hands up, hold them in this position for a few seconds and lower them sharply down.
    2. Take a lying position. Perform the exercise “bicycle”, “scissors” with your feet 20 times in one direction and the same number in the other.
    3. In the same position, bend your knees and wrap your arms around them. Try your best to open your arms with knee pressure.
    4. Make unclenching and squeezing movements of the left palm of the hand. This will not only increase your heart rate, but also muffle the pain.
    5. Perform smooth head movements to the left and right.


    A hot bath will increase the heart rate. It would be nice if you add a few drops essential oil. For these purposes, lemongrass, ginseng, celandine oil is used.

    mustard compresses

    Use of mustard compresses on occipital part head will allow for a reflex and warming effect, while increasing blood flow to the heart muscles. To do this, apply a mustard plaster to the collar zone several times daily. 10-15 minutes will be enough.

    Medical treatment

    What medicines can be used to raise the pressure? Among the main drugs to increase the pulse are caffeine and askofen.

    Remember: these funds are not used by people who suffer from high blood pressure.

    They should be taken 1-2 times a day for a tablet.

    Know: it is forbidden to drink caffeine and askofen after 18-00, so as not to provoke insomnia.

    No less effective for bradycardia are Zelenin drops. They should be taken 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals, 15 drops.

    Drugs that raise the pulse: Alupent, Cogitum, Doppelherz, Belloid, Kordaron and Eufillin are also used with a reduced pulse rate.

    Remember: it is forbidden to use pills that increase the pulse without a doctor's prescription, due to a large number side effects.


    By massaging, you can also achieve an increase in heart rate. This procedure is performed for pain in the heart. So, massage your earlobe for a few minutes.

    walnut tincture

    What will raise the pulse quickly? Walnut tincture. To prepare this effective remedy, we need sesame oil - 250 ml, walnuts- 500 g, granulated sugar - 20 g, lemon - 4 pieces, water - 1 l. Place 4 finely chopped lemons in a separate bowl and pour one liter of boiling water over them. Enter the resulting mixture into the mixed walnuts, powdered sugar and sesame oil. Take the remedy 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

    Spicy food

    Spicy food increases heart rate. For example, the well-known red pepper can improve blood flow, eat it if you need to urgently increase your heart rate.

    Remember: eating spicy food is not a cure for bradycardia, but only stimulates the heart. People with stomach problems should not use this remedy.

    How to help with herbs

    If the pulse has decreased, then buy St. Place everything in an enamel or glass dish and pour 400 ml of boiling water over it. Leave for 1 hour. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

    Remember: if the pulse rate has decreased to 30 beats per minute, it is better to consult a doctor to rule out serious illnesses hearts.

    How to increase the heart rate in an elderly person

    In the case of a low pulse in an elderly person, it is necessary to put a mustard plaster for 5 minutes, slightly to the right of the heart. You can drink drinks and teas based on ginseng. You should not sit in one place, try to walk in the yard, around the house, do not deprive yourself fresh air. You can drink hot tea or coffee.

    Discussion: 15 comments

    Thanks! Now I'm using the tips!

    Mom's pulse is dropping now 44 what can be done at home?

    What is the pressure on this?

    It was 122 drank coffee became 144, and the pulse remained the same.

    Wait, the pulse will return to normal within a day.

    Mom's pulse drops to 38-42 beats per minute almost every evening for two hours. In this case, the pressure usually rises. Had a seizure two months ago atrial fibrillation. Before him, there was no bradycardia. She was treated in a hospital, discharged with a diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Ventricular extrasystole. Angina pectoris FC III (NYHA). Related: Hypertonic disease Stage III, 3 degrees. Autoimmune therioditis. Hypothyroidism. Currently taking: Pradaxa. omez, concor, atorvastatin, enalapril, L-thyroxine. Q: Should bradycardia be treated? (put a pacemaker?) What to do during a decrease in heart rate?

    Ekaterina, good afternoon.

    I would recommend that you send your mother to medical sanatorium. Perhaps she needs additional procedures in order to adjust her heartbeat. It is difficult to say whether it is necessary to put a pacemaker, this can only be said by the doctor treating your mother, the one who is watching her.

    Concor tablets slow down the pulse. read the instructions and do not drink them. And our doctors have a fashion for Concor.

    Hello, I'm 25 years old. The pressure rises to 160, but the pulse quickly drops. Tell me, what could it be.

    Hello. Stanislav, definitely yours the cardiovascular system needs treatment, I would recommend that you be examined by a cardiologist, a general practitioner. Do an ECG, an ultrasound of the heart. You may need to additionally pass the general and biochemical analyzes blood. Only after complete examination The doctor will determine the cause of this condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Good afternoon! My husband's pulse is 37 beats in the evening, 40-43 beats in the morning, pressure is 105/55. They called an ambulance, did 5 ECGs and an injection, took him to the hospital, after the injection of bullets he rose to 55 strokes in the hospital, they said that everything was fine and sent him home. But he is not feeling well, he is cold. Tell us what to do? Please. Husband is 29 years old.

    On the face all the signs of arterial hypotension. First of all, it is necessary to normalize the mode of work, rest and nutrition. You need to eat five to six times a day, while a prerequisite is to drink a cup of tea or coffee with sugar for breakfast. Be sure to include foods that contain vitamins of groups "C", "B", "E" in the diet. I recommend drinking tonic teas from the leaves of strawberries, strawberries and rose hips, and a decoction of ginger roots will also be useful.

    Thanks a lot doctor!

    in 2001, the replacement of the mintral and aortic valves, 2016 tricuspid plasty. Now, especially when the weather changes, the pulse is often 40, and sometimes less. Cranial pressure is increased inside, the diagnosis was cardinal cirrhosis of the liver (before plasty), now biochemistry tests are normal. sometimes AST, bilirubin rises. I take Plavix, Sincumar. What would you advise - maybe a stimulant? I am 69 years old. I lead a rather active lifestyle / Thank you.

    Hello! But you are certainly old enough. I wouldn't recommend a stimulator. Switch to healthier foods. These are fruits and vegetables.

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