Taking enzymes. Benefit and harm. Enzymes - what are they? The use of enzymes, reviews about them Art Life enzyme complex: instructions for use

Enzymes - what are they? Not many people will be able to answer this question right away. Most of us know about vitamins and minerals and their benefits for the body, but few have heard about enzymes. What they are and what function they perform in the human body, we will learn from this article.

What are enzymes?

These are enzymes that are specific proteins that accelerate various reactions in the human body. Enzymes have a direct effect on metabolism. From the school biology course it is known that some enzymes produce thyroid, but most of them enter our body with food. Over time science education enzymes decrease, so the need for these substances increases with age.

Types of enzymes

There are three large groups of enzymes:

  1. Digestive enzymes - act in the digestive tract, process nutrients and absorb them into the systemic bloodstream. Enzymes secreted by the walls of the small intestine are called pancreatic.
  2. Plant (food) enzymes enter our body along with food.
  3. Metabolic enzymes - activate inside cells. Each body system has its own network of enzymes.

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are divided into three categories:

  1. Amylase. Such enzymes are found in the intestines and saliva. Under their influence, carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars and their unhindered penetration into the blood.
  2. Proteases. These enzymes are also produced by the gastric mucosa. Thanks to them, the microflora of the digestive tract is better and normalized. Proteases are present in gastric juice and intestines.
  3. Lipase. The enzyme is produced by the pancreas. Contains lipase in gastric juice. Promotes the breakdown and absorption of fats.

Good digestion is key active life and longevity. It is thanks to enzymes that digestion, adsorption and assimilation of food are possible. We can eat well, consuming fats, minerals, proteins, water, vitamins, but without enzymes all this simply cannot be absorbed.

Plant enzymes

By regularly consuming foods containing enzymes, we not only facilitate our digestion, but fill the body with energy, which it can spend on strengthening the immune system, protecting against tumors, rejuvenating cells, and more. Reviews from those who eat predominantly plant-based, uncooked foods are extremely positive. A person feels light, cheerful, has healthy appearance. But food devoid of enzymes forces our body to work without rest. Cells become overloaded, age and die. If there are not enough enzymes, the body begins to accumulate “waste”: waste, poisons, dead cells. What causes obesity, various diseases, early aging.

The influence of enzymes on the human body

  • Stimulate the digestive process by participating in the digestion of food.
  • Activate the process of self-cleaning of the body.
  • Improve metabolism, promote weight loss.
  • from waste and toxins.
  • Strengthen immune system body.
  • Stimulate cell renewal.
  • Provide the body with the necessary energy.
  • Accelerate skin regeneration.
  • Resists infections.

What can cause a lack of enzymes in the body?

The number of enzymes in the body is significantly reduced as a result of:

  • prolonged overwork;
  • poor nutrition (eating fatty, fried, refined foods);
  • frequent stress;
  • any diseases;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • inflammation;
  • injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking.

Sources of Enzymes

Enzymes are found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, grain crops, namely in:

  • sprouts of seeds and grains;
  • horseradish;
  • garlic;
  • avocado;
  • papaya;
  • kiwi;
  • pineapples;
  • bananas;
  • mango;
  • natural soy sauce;
  • broccoli;
  • wheat grass;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • berries;
  • vegetable juices.

It is advisable to consume all products raw, since heat treatment destroys a large number of enzymes.

Principles of nutrition

So, we found out what enzymes are and where they are found. How to eat right to get the required dose of enzymes every day? It's not difficult at all. Breakfast should consist of a protein dish (cottage cheese, nuts, sour cream), fresh fruits and berries. Every meal should start with a vegetable salad with herbs. It is preferable that one meal consists only of raw vegetables, berries, fruits. It is recommended to have a light dinner - vegetables with chicken breast, boiled fish, seafood. It is useful to have a fasting day once a week - the diet should contain only fruits or freshly squeezed juices.

The use of enzymes in medicines

Medicines containing enzymes are widely used for diseases of the digestive tract. If there is an insufficient amount of own enzymes, replacement therapy is carried out with drugs containing the enzyme. Instructions for these medications, where you can familiarize yourself with the indications and rules of use, are usually attached. However, it is advisable that the doctor prescribe the dosage on an individual basis, based on the patient’s condition and the course of the disease. act in two directions: they break down food and reduce painful sensations in a stomach. Medicines containing enzymes are prescribed when:

  • the production and secretion of enzymes by the pancreas is impaired;
  • intestinal absorption is impaired;
  • the motor activity of the digestive tract is impaired.

Classification of enzyme agents

  • Medicines containing pancreatin. Such drugs are prescribed for disorders of the exocrine function of the pancreas, dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer, chronic and acute infectious intestinal diseases, congenital enzyme deficiency.
  • Medicines containing pancreatin, hemicellulase, bile components and other components. Medicines are prescribed for acute and chronic intestinal pathologies accompanied by constipation, flatulence, and belching.
  • Medicines plant origin, containing papain, rice fungus extract and other components. Indications for the use of drugs are insufficiency exocrine function pancreas and intolerance to pork or beef.

Such means are used both once and for long-term therapy. Those who have taken medications containing enzymes leave only positive reviews: pain disappears, the frequency and nature of stool normalizes. The improvement in condition is confirmed by lab tests: Elastase in feces is normalized.

After reading this article, you learned more about the concept of “enzymes”: what they are, where they are found, what role they play in the human body. These are undoubtedly vital substances. Try to include enzyme-rich foods in your daily diet. And if there are problems with digestive tract, enzyme preparations will come to the rescue. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

The human body can be imagined as a huge biochemical laboratory, where thousands of reactions occur every second: some substances break down to final substrates, others are synthesized and then take part in a chain of transformations. This is life.

Majority chemical reactions occurs under the influence of catalysts. Simply put, in order for substance A to combine with substance B, a catalyst C is required. In our body, such catalysts are called enzymes. There are about a hundred of them inside the cell.

If you have a sufficient level of your own enzymes and use natural substances to support it - there is an undoubted benefit from this.

Plant enzymes to support the digestive process or cleanse the body of inflammatory byproducts are beneficial.

When you take enzymes of animal origin without a vital need, this can cause irreparable harm, since your own enzymes cease to be formed.

How to activate your own enzymes?

There are not as many cases when the degree of fermentopathy is such that it is impossible to do without external intervention as there are situations when enzymes are immediately prescribed.

Old gastroenterologists said this: if you are already starting to take enzyme preparations, then do it all your life and in sufficient dosage!

The result of this approach is a complete imbalance of the digestive process. The body no longer understands when and how much to produce enzymes.

Improper nutrition depletes the liver and especially the pancreas, the microflora is destroyed and intestinal toxins further terrorize the liver. Vicious circle“convinces” a person that without additional enzymatic drugs, he can no longer exist. Even simple food stops being digested.

What's the alternative?: make food easier (fatty, meat, smoked meats, cheese, preservatives, dyes, flavors, Palm oil) + using natural remedies according to the “Sokolinsky System”, eliminate stagnation of bile, support the liver, restore the intestinal microflora - create conditions for a calmer production of its enzymes.

Against this background, in most cases, food digestion is restored within 2-3 months. Further support proper digestion using a green cocktail with spirulina, chlorella, chlorophyll, papain, psyllium. We add it to juice or smoothie (can also be diluted in water) 3-4 times a week.

Why is it so important to add to the diet in the Sokolinsky System? Because the enzyme molecule contains not only amino acids (and they can be added just from spirulina and chlorella), but also minerals (they are also abundant in microalgae).

Compromise. If you can’t activate yours, try to digest the most complex substances(give the largest percentage of by-product - toxins) use plant enzyme complexes with papain and bromelain. The pancreas will not consider them a substitute and will continue to produce its juice. Just take the load off her.

Biozyme - safe plant enzymes

Most often, we recommend it, taking into account the reputation of the manufacturer and direct deliveries from the representative office in St. Petersburg, which allows us to guarantee stable quality for 10 years and 100% authenticity. Biozyme (Biozyme) - complex Vitalain company contains:

Bromelain 500 mg

Pancreatin 150 mg

Lipase 10 mg

Amylase 10 mmg

Cellulase 50 mg

Ginger root 200 mg

Licorice 100 mg

When taken with food, we expect Biozym to help us completely break down what we eat. Between meals, Biozym acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, smart urologists and gynecologists always prescribe enzymes along with antibiotics when treating, e.g. hidden infections. Biozyme with a large amount of food will contribute to the gain of “fat-free” body mass. For problems in the female genital area, they help relieve cysts, mastopathy, etc.

The most negative scenario. When pancreatitis has gone so far that the pancreas is really seriously damaged, we constantly drink medicinal enzymes, but do not forget to regularly drink a probiotic complex 3-4 times a year for a month, since it is naive to think that you can accurately calculate how much of which enzyme you need. Taking medication, unlike activating your enzymatic activity, gives an approximate effect!

Use the Digestive Support Complex for 1 month every four months, incl. You can drink a green smoothie even more often throughout the year.

Download a book about deep cleansing of the body

What do enzymes affect - not just digestion!

Enzymes are protein in nature and are synthesized inside the body, most in exocrine and endocrine glands. The most famous of them are the liver and pancreas.

The most famous and most studied groups of enzymes break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates: proteinases, lipases and amylases. Three more classes of enzymes are involved in similar reactions: decarboxylases, oxidases, and dehydrogenases. Within each class there are up to 13 subclasses of biological catalysts. Enzymes can be divided into several groups:

1. Metabolic, which “work” inside cells. Each group of cells has its own set of intracellular enzymes depending on its function.

2. Digestive, responsible for the breakdown of large food molecules in the digestive tract.

3. Food - enzymes that come from outside along with food and are a product of the vital activity of bacteria. A striking example Therefore - fermented milk products.

4. Pharmacological, which are created artificially and administered to humans for therapeutic purposes.

Understanding such a complex system is not easy. Let's try to imagine general scheme biochemical reactions. In the body, all chemical transformations occur in two directions:

Anabolism - absorption of nutrients and accumulation of energy.

Catabolism is the breakdown of substances and the release of energy.

Balance of anabolism and catabolism - necessary condition life and health. All processes are regulated at several levels (nervous, endocrine, biochemical). We are interested in final stage regulation in which enzymes participate. Let's consider specific example digestion of food.

How they work in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract

We have already talked about digestive enzymes: amylases, lipases, proteinases and nucleases break down complex products to the final ones. These are di- and monosazarides, glycerol and fatty acids, short peptides and amino acids, zerootides.

The digestion process begins in the oral cavity. Salivary enzymes (amylase and maltase) “work” there, which begin the breakdown process complex carbohydrates. The esophagus does not have its own enzymes; food continues to be “digested” by salivary enzymes.

The process of protein breakdown begins in the stomach. Specific enzymes are responsible for it: pepsin, chymosin, gelatinase, urease. Gastric lipase breaks down emulsified fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

In the duodenum, another lipase (steapsin) “joins” this process, and liver bile, among other things, ensures metabolism fat-soluble vitamins(A, D, E, K). Pancreatic enzymes also come there:

Trypsin and chymotrypsin - break down proteins and peptides into amino acids. Additionally, hydrolase proenzymes are activated.

Amylase - breaks down starch into maltose.

Lipase - breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids.

Proteases convert proteins into peptides.

The final stage of digestion is the small intestine, in which numerous enzymes produced by enterocytes “work.” Enzymes are present in the colon normal microflora responsible for the final processing of food.

We see that, starting from the oral cavity, enzymes perform approximately the same functions. This stage-by-stage process, like a sieve, allows you to “filter” first larger molecules, then smaller ones, and finally, in the small intestine, complete the breakdown of the smallest molecules with subsequent absorption of the final simple substances. At each stage, enzymes prepare and assist the work of enzymes in the subsequent section of digestion.

Causes of enzyme deficiency

Insufficient formation of enzymes in the body triggers a chain of complex changes associated with a deficiency in the absorption of beneficial nutrients and the excretion of by-products.

A possible cause of enzymatic deficiency is genetic damage. The corresponding gene is responsible for the synthesis of each group of substances. Its mutation leads to complete absence or a significant decrease in the level of the corresponding enzyme.

The most common reason deficit. Digestive enzymes are reduced in diseases of the liver and pancreas. These are pancreatitis, hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver, pancreatic tumors, pathology of the biliary system and others.

First of all, digestion is disrupted at the level of the duodenum, where enzymes of gastric juice, bile and pancreatic secretions combine and the main breakdown of food into small molecules occurs.

Then the enzymes small intestine cannot cope, and the food is partially not digested. As a result, a lot is lost in feces important substances, and the body begins to experience nutritional deficiencies.

At the same time, poorly digested food, subject to the processes of rotting and fermentation, is retained longer than it should be. sigmoid colon, that leads to chronic intoxication and provokes various pathological conditions (in the intestine - dolichosigma, polyps, diverticulosis, irritable bowel; systemic - skin rashes, reduced immunity, allergies, etc.).

Eastern medicine calls this global disorder “weakness of the digestive fire.” Its influence is also attributed to the risk of tumor growth and impaired immunity, accumulation of mucus, excess weight, and ongoing inflammation.

Decreased enzymes due to food

Pollution food products salts heavy metals(mercury, arsenic), as well as pesticides, mycotoxins (aflatoxins, trichothecene mycotoxins, etc.), which react with sulfhydryl groups of protein molecules, suppress protein biosynthesis, and cause inhibition of enzymatic activity.

Some products (legumes, cereals, rice, eggs, etc.) contain specific substances that form persistent complexes with proteinases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), causing inhibition of their activity and, as a result, disruption of the digestion and absorption of food protein.

Vitamin group deficiencyBand nicotinic acid

The lack of necessary coenzymes for the formation of an enzyme molecule can cause fermentopathy. Therefore, we strongly recommend including in the diet as a source of spirulina and chlorella, and, accordingly, a complete set of natural vitamins.

Anti-inflammatory properties of enzymes

Many enzymes also have anti-inflammatory properties. Their action is based on the breakdown of bacterial waste products, which facilitates their faster removal from the affected area. In addition, they modulate the activity of lymphocytes, the tendency to thrombus formation, and the regeneration process.

This group includes papain and bromelain. They can even dilute exudate and dissolve fibrin. Previously, they were used only locally for the treatment of wounds, and by injection into cavities (pleural, abdominal). Today, internal administration is much more common for any infection, incl. together with antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory effect of papain

Papain activates the work of cytochrome 450 enzymes, which are responsible for neutralizing toxins that enter the body or are formed in our body. In addition, papain destroys toxins produced by many pathogens. By activating growth hormone, papain accelerates wound healing, trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Papaya enzymes break down proteins even in a neutral environment, so they also show their effect in the gastrointestinal tract when low acidity stomach and enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas and in the intercellular space.

Papaya stimulates synthesis bile acids, preventing stone formation and biliary stagnation.

Other tests look at papain's ability to reduce the risk of cancer at the site of chronic inflammation and also protect against side effects radiation therapy- radiation dermatitis.

Compared to bromelain, fewer studies on the anti-inflammatory activity of papain can be found in the foreign scientific literature.

This is due to the fact that papaya extract has a greater effect on the breakdown of harmful substances that support inflammation than on modulating immunity.

Especially the ability to get rid of dead cells has been well studied in dermatology. There, the effect of papain, included in the peeling, is simply visible to the naked eye. Naturally, the concentration of a dermatological external preparation is tens of times higher.

Papaya enzymes exfoliate dead epidermal cells, eliminate cross-links of collagen and normalize skin tone, help get rid of post-acne and pigmentation.

Papaya internally stimulates the elimination of exo- and endotoxins, preventing exacerbation of dermatitis (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.).

The course of administration as a natural anti-inflammatory agent is two months, 1 caps. 2 times a day, together with omega-3 acids, 1 caps. per day and restoration of the immune system and microflora, 2 caps. in a day.

Bromelain for chronic inflammation

Research shows that bromelain potentially activates a healthy immune system due to its rapid response to cellular stress. Conversely, bromelain reduces the secretion of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α when immune cells already stimulated in a state. Studies have shown that bromelain reduced the expression of INF-γ and TNF-α in inflammatory diseases intestines. In addition, bromelain modulates the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, one of the main regulators of inflammation in patients suffering from osteomyelofibrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are various studies that report the immunomodulatory effects of bromelain. Bromelain activates natural killer cells and increases the production of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, IL-2, IL-6 and reduces the activation of T helper cells. Thus, bromelain reduces most inflammatory mediators and has demonstrated a significant role as an anti-inflammatory agent in various conditions. Numerous reports support the benefits of bromelain for sinusitis. There are observations of the anti-inflammatory effect of bromelain in radiculitis and hernia intervertebral disc, thrombophlebitis.

Main use: for arthritis, colitis, chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, to stimulate wound healing (including trophic ulcers).

You just need to pay attention that bromelain is not a “miracle drug,” but one of the elements that supports anti-inflammatory mechanisms in the human body. It makes sense to take it for a long time - two months.

At the same time, the background for restoration of immunity and self-regulation of inflammatory processes should be maintained - the level of amino acids, vitamins, minerals ( natural spring) + reboot of intestinal microflora + anti-inflammatory substances fish oil.

Here are some studies on bromelain, which we relied on in this article:

Castell Y.W., Friedrich G., Kuhn S.S., Poppe G.E. Intestinal absorption of uncleaved proteins in men: the presence of bromelain in plasma after oral administration. Am J Physiol. 1997

Brian S, Lewit G, Walker A, Hicks SM, Middleton D. Bromelain as a treatment for osteoarthritis: a review of clinical trials. Evid supplement based on Alternat Med. 2004;

Brakebusch M, Wintergerst U, Petropoulou T, Notheis G, Husfeld L, Belogradsky BH, Adam D. Bromelain is an accelerator of phagocytosis, respiratory burst and killing Candida albicans human granulocytes and monocytes. Eur J Med Res. 2001;

Ryan R.E. Double-blind clinical evaluation of bromelains in treatment acute sinusitis. Headache. 1967;

What enzymes are taken for pancreatitis?

Most patients are familiar with medications containing pancreatic enzymes. They are freely sold in pharmacies, and we are accustomed to swallowing them for any disorder. The names may be different: pancreatin, abomin, ferestal, mezim-forte, festal, creon and others. All of them contain pancreatic juice from the pancreas of animals. Some enzyme preparations are obtained by microbiological synthesis (contain microbiological enzymes and yeast).

The main thing you need to remember is that all enzyme preparations differ in composition. Some contain more pepsin, others contain bile and chymotrypsin, and others contain predominantly microbial acidic enzymes. Taking them thoughtlessly, without a doctor’s prescription, is like “putting an elephant in a china shop.” You can “get it wrong” and further upset the balance of digestion.

Alternative: try to maintain your own level first with the help of natural remedies:

Watch our video about pancreatitis:

Side effects of digestive enzymes of animal origin:

· Allergies

· Dyspepsia (nausea, bloating, belching, heartburn and others).

· Pain in the mouth.

· Skin irritation in the perianal area.

When there is a pronounced enzyme deficiency, it can only be corrected with the help of replacement therapy. Depending on the type of deficiency, patients are prescribed complex enzyme preparations. It's a matter of getting used to it. Since there is no such thing as 100% absence, taking enzymes of animal origin leads to an even greater inhibition of its own production.

The use of enzymes of plant origin is safe.

How enzymes affect microflora and vice versa

Combination of continuous replacement therapy enzyme preparations with the maintenance of normal intestinal biocenosis can be twofold.

Of course, indigestion and entry into the thin and colon partially undigested substances negatively affect the composition of the microflora. The fermentation process starts in the colon, the pH of the environment changes, and as a result, some of the “friendly” bacteria die.

More often with fermentopathy we observe irritable bowel syndrome and unstable stools (either a disorder or constipation).

But an excess of digestive enzymes can also disrupt intestinal homeostasis and lead to dysbiosis.

The conclusion suggests itself - enzymes, like any effective means, must be used only for their intended purpose.

At the same time, the restoration of friendly microflora directly affects the quality of enzymatic activity - it increases it! It is not for nothing that in Europe probiotic complexes in pharmacies are often found under the name “enzymes”, although in our understanding this is not so.

There is a very interesting dissertation by S.N. Leichter, which shows that a competent combination of detox and restoration of microflora can lead to restoration of enzymatic activity of the liver and normalization of the condition even when exposed to very strong poisons.

For recovery from fermentopathy(including with pancreatitis) mandatory correction of the microflora is required. It does not happen in a week with the help of a primitive complex of lacto or bifidobacteria. A comprehensive strategy is required. But you have a chance to get rid of the need to drink enzymes for life and many other additional positive effects - improved skin, immunity, mood, performance, elimination of bile stagnation, normal stool and etc.

Watch the video about the restoration of microflora.

The Biocascade enzyme complex has a physiologically beneficial effect on all levels of the digestive process, helps eliminate unwanted products metabolism, helps to quickly cope with inflammatory processes, promotes the adaptability of body systems to unfavorable environmental factors.

Contains enzymes of plant and animal origin in an optimal combination and effective dosages, as well as the enzyme cofactor zinc. Thanks to a special technological solution - the multi-structural construction of the tablet - the bioavailability of enzymes was increased several times.

Plant components enhance the immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of enzymes. Echinacea increases the immunomodulatory effect, rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their permeability to pathogens various diseases. Licorice has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects, thereby reinforcing the versatility of the combination.

  • digestive dysfunction;
  • chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, conditions after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders associated with diet disorders;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes various localizations;
  • under stress, weakened immunity;
  • as part of complex application with antibiotics;
  • surgery: pre- and postoperative inflammatory processes.


Pancreatin, trypsin, papain, echinacea extract, licorice extract, superoxide dismutase, bromelain, dry bile, rutin, lactase, catalase, protease, lipase, sucrase, ribonucleic acid, deoxyribnucleic acid sodium salt, amylase, pepsin, zinc oxide, renin, maltase, amylase, chymotrypsin.

Excipients: carriers: microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, collicut, primellose, collidon, maltodextrin; anti-caking agents: talc propylene glycol, calcium stearate, aerosil; dyes: titanium dioxide, copper chlorophyllin complex; natural flavor Mint (flavor), sucralose (sweetener).

Taking 3 tablets will provide:

Mode of application

Adults: 1 tablet 3 times a day. Hold the tablet in your mouth for 10-15 seconds before swallowing. Duration of treatment is 1 month.


Individual intolerance to components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Best before date

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

Quantity: 60 and 180 tablets

A drug Biocascade Enzyme Complex is a complex of active enzymes of plant and animal origin, which is recommended for various violations processes of digestion and processes of assimilation (assimilation) of food.

The drug, in addition to enzymes, contains a number of biologically active substances, which have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. The composition of the drug Enzyme complex plus is selected in such a way as to quickly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as effectively as possible and improve absorption useful substances from food, eliminate inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

A drug Enzyme Complex Plus Art Life company provides antioxidant, antibacterial, restorative effect, activates physiological processes in organism. The composition of the drug determines wide range clinical application drug. Enzyme Complex Plus is well tolerated and has no side effects.

Biocascade Art Life Enzyme Complex: composition and release form

The drug is produced in tablets weighing 0.5 g. Each tablet contains:
Pancreatin (3.35 BrU/mq) 50 mg;
Bromelain (80 GDU/Gm) 35 mg;
Papain (1.14 U/mq) 25 mg;
Trypsin (80 units/mq) 25 mg;
Chymotrypsin (1000 units/qm) 0.5 mg;
Licorice (root extract) 25 mg;
Echinacea (herb extract) 17.5 mg;
Lipase 5 mg;
Amylase 5 mg;
Protease 5 mg;
Lactase 5 mg;
Rutin 5 mg;
Maltase 5 mg;
Catalase (53 units) 5 mg;
Superoxide dismutase 5 mg;
Bile 5 mg;
Zinc oxide 4 mg;
Ribonuclease 3.75 mg;
Deoxyribonuclease 3.75 mg;
Sucrase 2.5 mg;
Renin 1.25 mg;
Pepsin 1.25 mg.

Art Life enzyme complex: properties

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme that is an extract of the contents of the pancreas. Pancreatin takes part in the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Taking pancreatin replenishes the insufficient activity of a person’s own enzymes and improves the process of assimilation of useful substances.

Bromelain is an active plant enzyme present in in kind in pineapple. Bromelain is involved in the digestion of starchy foods and reduces chronic inflammation.

Papain is an active plant enzyme found naturally in papaya. Papain improves protein absorption and is used in the treatment increased gas formation and constipation, relieves heartburn.

Trypsin and chymotrypsin are enzymes of the hydrolase class that break down peptides and proteins and are synthesized in the pancreas. Trypsin and chymotrypsin have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects and are used in the treatment of burns, wounds, and thrombosis.

Licorice extract improves digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and has a beneficial effect on pancreatic function. Licorice is used as coating agent for poisoning, stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Echinacea has antibacterial effect, increases the body's resistance, strengthens the immune system.

Lipase is an enzyme that takes part in the cleavage of fatty acids from fat molecules. Lipase helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K.

Amylase is an enzyme that takes part in the breakdown of sugar and starch. People diagnosed with diabetes often experience amylase deficiency.

Protease is an enzyme from the class of hydrolases that promotes the cleavage of peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins. Protease improves the breakdown and absorption of proteins and has an immunomodulatory effect.

Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down sugar.

Rutin is a bioflavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that helps reduce swelling.

Maltase is formed during the enzymatic breakdown of starch and glycogen. Maltose is an essential substance for humans, which is especially necessary during high energy consumption, intense mental and physical stress.

Catalase is an enzyme involved in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produced in the cells of the body. Thus, catalase protects cellular structures from destruction caused by hydrogen peroxide.

Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme with a powerful antioxidant effect.

Bile is secreted in the liver and stored in gallbladder. Then through bile ducts enters the pancreas, where it participates in the digestion process. The functions that bile performs are varied. Bile is good remedy in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Taking bile helps to dilute the bile of the person himself. Bile also stimulates the body's own production of bile. Taking bile helps maintain body tone, strengthen the immune system, bile removes toxins from the body and dissolves cholesterol stones in the gall bladder.

Zinc has anti-inflammatory, drying, adsorbing, astringent and antiseptic effects, supports immune function, has a positive effect on the condition reproductive system. Zinc is important for normal functioning human enzymatic system. A lack of zinc can cause loss of appetite, disturbances in the perception of taste and smell.

Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease can be found in all living organisms. These are enzymes that are involved in the breakdown of proteins, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and help liquefy pus.

Sucrase is an enzyme that breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose, with their subsequent absorption into the blood.

Renin is an enzyme in vertebrates and humans that promotes the breakdown of casein, the main protein in dairy products. Renin regulates arterial pressure, potassium levels in the body and fluid volume balance.

Pepsin is an enzyme of the hydrolase class that breaks down food proteins into peptides. Pepsin is produced by the main cells of the gastric mucosa. This enzyme plays a significant role in digestion. Used for many digestive disorders.

Biocascade Art Life enzyme complex: indications and contraindications

Art Life enzymes are used in the following cases:
- chronic inflammatory processes of various localizations;
- inflammatory processes of various localizations in the acute stage;
- rheumatic diseases;
- autoimmune diseases;
- digestive dysfunction;
- increased viscosity blood and susceptibility to vascular diseases;
- during rehabilitation after surgery.

Contraindications for the drug Enzyme complex:
- individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Art Life enzyme complex: instructions for use

The drug is taken one tablet three times a day with meals. Wash it down sufficient quantity liquids. The course of treatment is one month.

The drug is stored in a dry, cool place. Keep away from children! Shelf life is two years from the date of manufacture.

When taking this drug in combination with the bioactive additive Transfer Factor healing effect usually increases. At the same time, we recommend drinking water at least one and a half to two liters per day.

Biocascade enzyme complex: price and sale

Biocascade enzyme complex you can buy for your health right now. The price of the drug is indicated on this page of our website. On the same page you can find an order form and telephone numbers where you can call us and place an order. We deliver Art Life Enzymes throughout our country in the shortest possible time. If you have any questions regarding the drug, you can call us and consult with our managers absolutely free of charge.

It has a maximum effect, potentiating the reduction of edema and improving blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation. The multi-structure mechanism ensures the effectiveness of use and rationality in dosing of the drug.

Enzymes are special proteins that are found in all living cells and are accelerators of chemical reactions in the body. A decrease in enzyme production occurs as during natural process- aging of the body, and as a result of the influence negative factors- diseases, use of antibiotics, hormones, chemotherapy drugs, unbalanced and limited nutrition, smoking, alcohol.

For a long time it was believed that enzymes were necessary to correct the diet only in case of malfunctions digestive system(gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, etc.), as they stimulate motor activity stomach, normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism.

Today the effectiveness of a broader systemic use enzymes: these natural biocatalysts optimize the course of inflammatory processes, increase immune activity body, have antiviral and antimicrobial effect, improve the rheological properties of blood and the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Included complex therapy inflammatory and infectious diseases enzymes increase the effectiveness of application antibacterial drugs, while reducing the risk of developing dysbiosis and other complications.

The use of enzyme complexes for the purpose of prevention helps to promptly prevent exacerbations of chronic inflammatory processes. Due to their regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects, enzymes are used in traumatology and sports medicine.

"Biocascade Enzyme Complex" is a special combination of enzymes of plant and animal origin, enhanced by a number of bioactive substances.
Yes, cofactor metabolic processes zinc activates the action of enzymes.
Echinacea increases the immune modulatory effect,
rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their permeability to pathogens of various diseases.
Licorice has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects, thereby reinforcing the versatility of the combination.

"Biocascade Enzyme Complex" has a physiologically beneficial effect on all levels of the digestive process, helps eliminate unwanted metabolic products, helps to quickly cope with inflammatory processes, and promotes the adaptability of body systems to unfavorable environmental factors.

Thanks to a special technological solution - the multi-structural construction of the tablet - the bioavailability of enzymes was increased several times. The unique structure of the tablet is that different components are located in different layers and are released in the correct sequence.
Located in top layer amylase begins to act in the oral cavity,
the next layer of the membrane contains pepsin, which is released in the stomach.
Superoxide dismutase and catalase are present in the tablet core in microencapsulated form. Microcapsules of these enzymes protect them from aggressive acidic environment stomach and other enzymes, due to this they are absorbed without loss in a favorable environment.

Advantages of the Complex:
- Multistructural construction of the Complex,
- Strict enzyme release algorithm,
- High bioavailability,
- Maximum effect.

INDICATIONS FOR USE: as a general tonic, as well as for the following pathological conditions digestive system:

Chronic gastritis, enterocolitis, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, conditions after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders associated with diet disorders;

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes: bronchitis, prostatitis, sinusitis, cystitis, cystopyelitis, etc.;

Vascular pathology: thrombophlebitis, varicophlebitis, postthrombotic syndrome, varicose veins, obliterating atherosclerosis;

Injuries, wounds and surgical interventions: fractures, bruises, hematomas, conditions before and after surgery;

Rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, extra-articular rheumatism;

Gynecological diseases: adnexitis, fibrous mastopathy;

1 tablet 1-3 times a day during meals with a small amount of water.
At inflammatory processes It is recommended to take it between meals.
According to indications, the dose can be doubled. The drug was well tolerated, no harmful or side effects were observed even with long-term administration of high doses. In some cases, there may be a change in the color and smell of the stool.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: for congenital severe violations blood clotting, during pregnancy. If prescribed to children under 14 years of age, it is necessary to consult a doctor to select the dose of the drug and the possibility of use. It is not recommended to take systemic diseases(leukemia), some autoimmune diseases(collagenoses, multiple sclerosis), tuberculosis.

1 tablet contains mg: Pancreatin 70 Trypsin 30 Papain 30 Echinacea extract 25 Hydroxycinnamic acids 0.75 Licorice extract 20 Glycyrrhizic acid 2 Superoxide dismutase stabilized 20 Bromelain 2400 Dry bile 8 Rutin 8 Lactase 1000 Catalase 6000 stabilized 7 Protease 7 Lipase 7 Sucrase 6.5 Ribonucleic acid 6 Deoxyribnucleic acid sodium salt 6 Pepsin 5 Amylase 5 + 2 Zinc oxide 4 Zinc 3.2 Renin 2 Maltase 2 Chymotrypsin 1 A group of proteolytic enzymes included in the “Strong Enzyme Complex”, which are pepsin, pancreatin, trypsin, protease, chymotrypsin, in addition to improving digestion, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
They are effective for pancreatic insufficiency, cystic fibrosis, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, viral infections, sports injuries, the papain enzyme, obtained from papaya fruits, has a unique ability to break down proteins in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, while its activity is high in both acidic and alkaline environments.
This is very important for people who have reduced secretion of gastric juice and suffer from this disorder in the absorption of food proteins. Papain promotes the resorption of adhesions in the body. There are methods for introducing this unique enzyme into altered intervertebral discs in patients with osteochondrosis, this helps prevent complications such as the development of Schmorl's hernia in such patients and quickly stop inflammatory phenomena in the intervertebral joints.

RIBONUCLEASE and DEOXYRIBONUCLEASE - enzymes that ensure the breakdown of proteins into individual amino acids and nucleotides;

BROMELAINE is an enzyme obtained from pineapple and has the ability to actively break down fats into water and glycerol. Remember how the poet wrote: “Eat pineapples, chew hazel grouse...”. This helpful advice simply necessary for people who indulge in gluttony. After a heavy meal, a slice of fresh pineapple will greatly improve their digestion;

LIPASE - an enzyme with the participation of which fatty acids are separated from fat molecules, promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, K;

AMYLASE is an enzyme that breaks down sugars and starch. Patients with diabetes often have a deficiency of this enzyme;

SUCROSE - an enzyme that breaks down one of the types of sugar - sucrose - into glucose and fructose;

MALTOSE is an enzyme that converts a type of sugar - maltose into dextrose;

LACTOSE is an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar for other types of sugars - glucose and galactose;

RENIN - promotes the breakdown of casein - the main protein of dairy products;

BILE ACIDS SALTS - the active components of bile ensure the emulsification of fats in the intestines, forming complexes with lecithin and cholesterol, keeping it suspended in the bile. Their synthesis, which occurs in the liver, is limited to 200-600 mg per day. When they are lost or synthesis is disrupted, bile cholesterol precipitates and becomes a matrix for the formation of gallstones. Their additional intake into the body helps improve digestion, dissolve gallstones, and reduce cholesterol levels;

SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE AND CATALASE are enzymes of the anti-radical defense system, which we discussed in detail above in the chapter on free radicals;

ZINC, RUTIN, ECHINACEA EXTRACT, GLYCORIC ROOT with its anti-inflammatory properties, LACTIC BACTERIA COMPLEX - are designed to enhance the anti-inflammatory and immune-correcting functions of dietary supplements in this formula.

Biologically active food supplement "Biocascade Enzyme Complex"- This natural product, which includes plants used in folk medicine, enzymes of plant origin, the purpose of which is to help to the human body It is better to assimilate the nutritional components supplied with food and the friendly flora.

Storage conditions: Store at room temperature, in a dry place, out of reach of children.
