Use of the veselka mushroom and methods of preparing medicines from a witch’s egg. Hydrogen water generator, magic wand, health bag, cancer treatment with hydrogen water, hydrogen water and oncology, obtaining hydrogen water, hydrogen ORP

The common veselka mushroom is a rather unusual cap mushroom-gasteromycete, belonging to the order Phallus and Veselaceae and the class Basidiomycetes, reaching a height of up to 30 cm. This unusual mushroom is popularly given several names, such as “witches egg”, “upstart”, “shamer” ", "damn egg."

There are real legends about the fun. It is believed that it can cure all diseases, including cancer, and people who eat it do not get sick at all. However, despite the fact that the mushroom is edible, it is considered similar treatment should be used with caution, especially for patients with serious illnesses: refusing traditional treatment, you can lose valuable time and significantly worsen the disease.

Despite those praised in folk treatises and by fans of fungotherapy miraculous properties of this organism, give preference to similar therapeutic technique should be thought a hundred times.

Morphological description

Even in the photo of the mushroom you can see its unusual shape, which it takes in its mature form.

The young fruiting body has the shape of an egg with a diameter of up to 6 cm, at the base of which there is a mycelial strand white. Outwardly similar to a raincoat, but differs from the latter in a softer texture. Some people compare a Veselka egg to an overripe plum. The shell, called the peridium, is smooth and leathery and white (sometimes cream). The pulp has a gelatinous shape and is characterized by a rare smell.

During maturation, the peridium breaks into 2-3 parts (about a week after the egg grows). A fruiting body sprouts from the egg, which is represented by a stalk-like cylindrical receptacle, hollow inside and with spongy walls of yellow or white color. The body size is 12-25 cm in height (sometimes up to 30 cm) and 2-4 cm in width.

At the top of the leg there is a bell-shaped cap, 4-5 cm high. The cap has a cellular surface and is covered with a dark olive-colored mucous gleba. On top of the cap there is a dense disk with a hole. The spores have a size of 3.5-5 by 1.5-2 microns, a smooth surface, an ellipsoidal-cylindrical shape and yellowish color. Distinctive feature mature mushroom - bad smell rot, carrion, which is very strong.

Most sources indicate another feature of the Veselka - its growth rate, which is the fastest in nature and reaches 5 mm per minute! According to this indicator, the unusual organism is ahead of the famous record holder for growth - bamboo. It turns out that a full-fledged mushroom can grow, as they say, before our eyes, in just 15-30 minutes, but it doesn’t “live” for long, only 2-3 days.

Where does Veselka grow?

Before you go in search of a miracle cure for all diseases, you should clearly know what the mushroom looks like, since it can be confused with the inedible variety Hadriana.

It is found everywhere, but it is quite difficult to find. It prefers broad-leaved and mixed forests rich in humus and grows in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, and the Far East.

Veselka can be a saprophyte or forms mycorrhiza with beech, oak, hazel, and shrubs. The spores are spread by insects that are attracted to the smell of the mushroom. It grows both singly and in groups, from May to October. The likelihood of finding a mushroom increases towards the end of June, when mycelial activity reaches its maximum.

IN Lately Finding fun is getting harder and harder. People who can cook dosage forms for sale, they rush to collect a valuable mushroom and do not allow it to reproduce, and they collect not only eggs and mature mushrooms, but also unripe spores, which have strong medicinal properties. And the mushroom protects itself from being collected and does not grow in the same place.

Collection and preparation

For both food and medicinal purposes, the veselka is harvested when it is in the egg stage. After harvesting, the mushroom cannot be washed; you can only carefully remove dirt with a damp cloth.

In order to obtain dry raw materials, the egg is cut in half, a thread is threaded through the halves, leaving a small distance between the pieces, and hung to dry in a ventilated and dark room. Dry mushrooms are placed in a glass jar and closed very tightly, stored in a dark place for up to 2 years.

Medicinal value

Medicinal properties Veselki mushrooms determine its value and are possible due to its rich composition:

  • a large number of active phytoncides that effectively fight all known species viruses and bacteria, including those active against influenza virus, hepatitis and herpes;
  • polysaccharides – stimulators of the production of lymphocytes and perforin proteins, which are the main elements immune defense and are able to fight even cancer cells;
  • phytosteroids have a positive effect on male sex hormones;
  • minerals and amino acids have a positive effect on skin covering, contribute fast healing and rejuvenate the skin;
  • Antioxidants remove free radicals and rejuvenate the body.

The mushroom also has a natural antihistamine effect, perfectly relieves irritation and swelling, and stops the development of allergic reactions. In addition to increasing activity immune system, Veselka reduces sensitivity to pathogens of a number of diseases and pathogenic external stimuli. This is why mushroom preparations are considered the most effective in treating the currently incurable disease AIDS.

Mushroom contraindications, drug interactions and special instructions

According to sources of traditional healers, there are practically no contraindications to treatment with Veselka, except for individual intolerance. Preparations based on it can be combined with all medications, as well as with other mushrooms and medicinal plants.

In treatises traditional medicine it is indicated that it is not advisable to use Veselka for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 5 years of age - according to some sources, up to 12 years of age (in fact, like any other mushrooms).

It should also be taken into account that Veselka and preparations made from it are classified as the strongest aphrodisiacs Therefore, moderation in its use should be observed. In case of an overdose in men, the hair follicles die and baldness occurs, so it is very important to follow the recommendations for use.


The use of the Veselka mushroom has practically no restrictions. As they say knowledgeable people, the Veselka mushroom can treat any disease, the main thing is to strictly follow the dosage and treatment regimen.

The most common indications for treatment with Veselka mushroom are:

  • benign neoplasms: adenomas, cysts and others;
  • malignant tumors: melanoma, leukemia, sarcoma and others;
  • liver diseases;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • gastritis and gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the small and large intestines;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • gout;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • female inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent, non-healing wounds;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • general loss of strength;
  • sexual dysfunction in men;
  • infertility.

The use of medicinal mushroom Veselka against cancer

The most valuable and relevant property of fun is activity against cancer cells And benign tumors, which pose a threat of degeneration.

An old recipe for cancer:

Assemble the funnel together with the egg, carefully wipe off any dirt, but do not wash it. For a 3 liter jar you will need 6 mushrooms - put them in a jar and fill them with vodka good quality, insist in a dark place for 10 days.

Mode of application:

Take 1 tablespoon three times a day. Immediately after taking the drug, you need to drink 1 raw egg.

Dosage forms of Veselka

Let's consider how in medicinal purposes take the fun.

  • Water tincture helps remove excess cholesterol and reduce blood pressure, indicated in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Fresh mushrooms, taken as a salad with sour cream, are excellent prophylactic against cancer;
  • Dried mushroom (half a piece) helps not to get sick during a flu epidemic (just eat it once a day);
  • Alcohol (vodka) tincture helps get rid of almost any disease.

Recipe against psoriasis, ulcers and skin cancer:

Take 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, finely chop, and 10 grams of dried mushrooms. Infuse them in 200 ml of alcohol for 2 weeks, or more (it is believed that the more it costs, the more effective). Lotions are made from the unfiltered infusion and applied to the affected areas 2 times a day.

Universal tincture

This tincture is universal and can be taken for any disease in which the mushroom can provide healing effect, and most often in diseases internal organs and vessels. The medicinal properties of the tincture are really strong - during infusion, the mushroom releases everything useful to the liquid, and vodka is the best preservative that preserves the activity of these substances.

The use of Veselka mushroom tincture leads to:

  • activation of antitumor immunity;
  • removal of cholesterol and normalization of blood pressure;
  • healing of internal and external ulcers, wounds;
  • destruction of viruses;
  • permission hidden infections and chronic diseases;
  • restoration of sexual and reproductive function.

Take 50 grams of fresh mushrooms, chop and pour 1 glass of vodka, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, do not strain.

How to take Veselka mushroom

The tincture should be taken 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals. Other sources indicate a different scheme:

  • 1-10 days, 15-24 days - 1 tsp. three times a day. before meals, eating 1 spoon of honey or washing down with 1 raw egg;
  • 11-13 days – break;
  • 14, 29 days - the same as on days 1-10, only 1 tbsp;
  • Day 25-28 – break.

After a two-week break, repeat the regimen according to the 1-10 day regimen and take it for 14 days.

Recipes for use on skin and mucous membranes:

  • To treat external diseases, lubricate the affected areas several times a day.
  • At acute sinusitis and a runny nose, the tincture is also applied externally to the skin in the area of ​​​​the projection of the maxillary sinuses.
  • To treat cervical erosion, the mushroom tincture is mixed with an aqueous infusion of chamomile 1:2, a tampon is soaked in it and inserted into the vagina overnight for 5-7 days in a row.


  • Fresh mushroom jelly in the egg stage, which should be applied to the skin 2-3 times a day, is very helpful in treating all skin diseases, including wounds, allergic rash, psoriasis.
  • A jelly mask improves skin condition and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The jelly is applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes; if the skin is dry, a mask is made from jelly and sour cream in a 1:1 ratio.

Fresh mushroom (in egg stage)

  • The mucus of a fresh mushroom, spread on a piece of bread, will help quickly remove toxic components in case of any poisoning.
  • Half a fresh mushroom, eaten on an empty stomach once a day, helps normalize blood sugar.

Water infusion

Take 1 tsp. dried chopped mushrooms and pour 1 cup hot water, leave for 8 hours in the dark and strain. Drink three times a day before meals, a third of a glass for gastrointestinal diseases.


There are various dietary supplements, external forms from the mushroom - creams, suppositories, powder, capsules, but their effectiveness can only be tested during “tests” on yourself - it is believed that the dietary supplement cannot harm or lead to poisoning, but the effect is unproven.

Side effects

Provided the dosage and frequency of administration of Veselka mushrooms are observed, treatment is generally well tolerated. Occasionally, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as bloating, nausea, diarrhea, are possible, in the event of which the use of the mushroom is stopped.

Leave your reviews about the Veselka mushroom, as well as proven recipes that have helped you or your loved ones.

Veselka is an edible mushroom that is used for medicinal purposes, replacing many pharmacological preparations, including antibiotics. The dried product is used as a medicine to activate the immune system and protect the body from viral infections. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties Vesels allow you to use the product internally (for treatment inflammatory processes internal organs) and locally (for treating wounds and scratches).

Effect of the mushroom on the body

  1. Due to its antitumor effects, the mushroom is used in oncology. The product does not cure cancerous formations, but helps to reduce tumors, reducing the risks of disease progression after undergoing cancer treatment.
  2. Decongestant properties normalize metabolic processes and fluid balance in the body.
  3. Accelerates regeneration processes at the cellular level. The mushroom is used as a healing drug ulcerative lesions mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Stimulates the production of leukocytes in the blood, therefore it is used to treat purulent processes.
  5. “Egg mushroom” has a special effect on human immunity, being a preventive and medicinal product in the development of the allergic process and its complications.
  6. Veselka-based drugs reduce blood pressure, which is important for hypertension.
  7. In folk medicine, the mushroom is often used to treat and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. The use of Veselka is the prevention of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and blockage of blood vessels due to the formation cholesterol plaques. Positively affects blood vessels, reducing them throughput and exposure to pathogenic environments.
  8. This is a powerful aphrodisiac. The phytoncides contained in Veselka are analogues of sex hormones, which makes it possible to normalize the general hormonal background in the body of men and women.
  9. Normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation, reducing the risk of transference nervous breakdowns, exhaustion nervous system etc.

Methods of use for diseases

Many recipes for medicines based on Veselka, available for preparation at home.

DiseaseMedicine prescriptionMethod of administration
Mastopathy To treat mastopathy, the standard tincture must be diluted with water in a one to one ratio. Next, add clay to the container with the tincture and mix the components. A flat cake is made from the resulting mass.The cake is applied to the chest and wrapped in a towel overnight.
Joint diseases For inflammation of the joints, concentrated mushroom is used. To create a medicine, you will need to collect not three caps, but many more “eggs”, rinse under running water, dry on a towel and cut into cubes. The chopped mushroom will need to be poured into a half-liter jar without compacting it. The raw material should occupy at least half the volume of the vessel that will need to be filled with vodka. Close the full vessel with a lid and leave in a dark, warm place for a period of two weeks. When the time is up, pour the jar and then pass the contents of the container through a sieve to separate the concentrated tincture from the no longer usable mushroom caps.Rub the liquid part into the area of ​​the sore joint before going to bed. Wrap the treated area of ​​the body with a woolen scarf or terry towel for the most effective results.
Gastritis, ulcer For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract drink the mushroom tincture and the extracted product in capsules.Take 2 capsules three times a day. The tincture is consumed gradually, since the active substances of the drug may be too aggressive for the damaged mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. For medicinal purposes, drink the tincture starting with 1 tsp. per day, gradually increasing the dose to 2 and then to 3. After two weeks, if the results are insignificant, an infusion for the treatment of ulcers and inflammatory lesions digestive tract take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
Psoriasis An ointment is suitable to combat psoriasis. To make the medicine, you need to melt the pork fat in a frying pan, and then pour it into an empty container and leave to cool. Cut the mushroom caps into several parts, and then grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Place the resulting porridge in a clay pot to simmer in the oven for three hours. After heat treatment Squeeze out the mass and mix in equal proportions with melted fat.Apply the ointment daily to the affected areas of the body, distributing the composition in a thin layer. The duration of treatment depends on general condition sick.
Prevention Mushroom tincture is often used for preventive purposes, consuming a small amount of the product daily, which increases the level of immunity, reducing the risk of seasonal infectious viral diseases.To do this, it will be enough to take Veselka tincture with vodka every day for a week, drinking 1 tbsp. l. in the evening 10-15 minutes before meals.
Gynecological diseases For the treatment of hidden infectious diseases, cervical erosion, inflammatory processes of the appendages in gynecology, the veselka is used both for oral use and for douching.It is recommended to take 1 tsp of the product orally daily. before eating. To douche, you need to dilute the infusion with warm chamomile decoction in a one to one ratio, and then use an Esmarch pear to carry out the procedure. Regularity - daily for two weeks.

Medicine in the form of drops

Morel mushroom is available in the form of drops. The product is a dietary supplement and is prescribed for oral administration in the following cases:

  • to strengthen the general condition of the body;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • preventing premature aging.

The dosage for adults is 30-40 drops. Before use, the medicine must be diluted with water in a volume of 100 ml. Consume before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

Possible harm

Therapy using the Veselka mushroom side effects. Because of high content active substances contained in a fungus, may aggravate existing chronic disease. The harm from the fungus can be significant and can be expressed in the form allergic reaction, changes in pigmentation of the integument, headaches, decreased visual acuity, swelling respiratory tract, internal bleeding etc.


Among the contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • children under 6 years of age;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy, etc.

Tincture recipe

Main medicine The mushroom is considered a vodka tincture, which is used for medicinal purposes or other preparations are prepared from it.

  • cut off 3-5 mushroom caps at the stage when they just appeared above the surface of the earth;
  • “mushroom eggs” must be thoroughly washed and then dried;
  • each of the mushrooms must be cut into four parts and placed in a glass jar;
  • the chopped mushroom is poured with vodka in a volume of 300 milliliters, and then the jar is closed with a lid and the product is sent to infuse for two weeks in a dark place;
  • the resulting composition must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Veselka mushrooms are often used for treatment various diseases. Tinctures made from them are used both internally and externally.

External use:

  • for non-healing wounds,
  • trophic ulcers,
  • for acne,
  • for fungal infection of hands and feet,
  • for hemorrhoids.

Internal use:

  • for oncological diseases,
  • for diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • to reduce blood cholesterol,
  • to improve immunity,
  • for hypertension.

It is advisable to consult a doctor or experienced herbalist before use.

Veselka vodka tincture recipe

To prepare the tincture you need dry mushrooms.

  1. Take 20 grams of dried mushrooms, pour them with a liter of high-quality vodka.
  2. Leave for 60 days in a cool place.
  3. No need to strain.

Drink 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day, regardless of meals. Apply compresses with Veselka tincture with vodka to the sore spot for two hours.

Recipe for tincture of Veselka with moonshine

Only fresh young mushrooms are suitable for preparing the tincture. They are also called mushroom eggs.

Mushrooms that have sprouted lose their medicinal properties.

  • 6 Veselka eggs;
  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • will also need three liter jar and a tight lid.


  1. We carefully clean the mushrooms with a soft brush, without damaging the surface, then cut them into two parts and place them on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Fill them with moonshine.
  3. Close the jar tightly and leave in a cool, dark place for 12 days.
  4. There is no need to strain; the mushrooms themselves can also be used to treat diseases.

Take 1 tablespoon of Veselka tincture on moonshine 2 times a day. Mushrooms can be kept in the mouth for 2 hours a day. The infusion can be applied to damaged areas of the skin. Use for compresses and rubbing.

When choosing moonshine for tincture, it is best to give preference to what you make at home yourself. Only there can you be completely confident in the quality of the product. Home brewing is an interesting and exciting process. To get started, you will need (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand) and select the ones you like.

On our portal, experienced craftsmen and beginners share theirs. Their advice will help you avoid mistakes and thoughtfully approach the “” question, as well as choose the optimal model.

And for those who like to do everything on their own, our portal will find interesting information about.

Recipe for tincture of Veselka with alcohol

We will need:

  • 850 grams of young fresh Veselka eggs;
  • 3 liters of alcohol, diluted to 35%;
  • three-liter jar and lid.


  1. Carefully clean the mushrooms from the soil, cut them into four parts, put them in a jar and fill them with alcohol.
  2. Close the jar tightly with a lid.
  3. Let it brew for 45 days.
  4. When the alcohol tincture of Veselka acquires a pleasant cognac color, it is ready for use.

Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Compresses for 1-2 hours. To get rid of acne, lubricate the skin with infusion mixed with lemon and honey.

Contraindications for use:

  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Severe liver disease;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Individual intolerance.


  • Diseases of the intestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • Mild liver diseases;
  • Smoking.

Remember that you cannot exceed the indicated doses!

Veselka vulgaris is a conditionally edible cap mushroom that grows up to 30 cm in height. Veselka grows in deciduous forests. Although sometimes these mushrooms can be found in a variety of places. Conventionally, it is called edible because only young mushrooms, at the “egg” stage, are suitable for food. When their legs stretch upward, they are no longer suitable for food.

These mushrooms have been known for a long time. Our ancestors used them to enhance male power. Later, the properties of Veselka as a strong aphrodisiac were scientifically confirmed. They are caused by phytosteroids contained in the fungus, which are similar in their action to male sex hormones.

In addition, the mushroom has many healing properties and is used to normalize blood pressure, and is used in the treatment of many other diseases. What else does the fungus mushroom treat, how is the treatment carried out, how is the tincture prepared with it, what is the application, more precisely about the preparation, treatment recipes - we’ll talk about all this today:

Veselka mushroom - use for treatment

Mushroom tincture is used to treat dysbiosis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and lubricate bedsores. Make compresses when trophic ulcers, treat erysipelas. Veselka tincture will help get rid of melanomapapillomas, warts, and panaritium.

This remedy is very effective for joint diseases. The tincture is rubbed on sore joints. This is best done in the evening, before bed. When used, inflammation decreases and pain goes away.

In just 2-3 days the veselka will eliminate allergic rashes on the skin. For this they use fresh mushrooms, which are used to rub rashes. Also, jelly from fresh mushrooms perfectly treats herpes zoster, as well as other herpetic rashes.

How to use Veselka mushroom? Treatment of neoplasms

Veselka mushroom, which is used for treatment of many diseases, is a well-known remedy for the treatment and prevention of cancer. With the help of young mushrooms they treat various malignant neoplasms- cancer of the breast, lungs, skin, throat. Treatments are carried out effectively benign neoplasms- fibroids, uterine fibroids, cystic formations.

How to prepare Veselka mushroom using alcohol? Medicinal tincture

Healing mushroom Veselka tincture from which is used for the most various diseases, most often infused with vodka. You can use both fresh egg-shaped caps and dried ones. Before preparing the medicine, press the cap with your fingers. If a dent remains for a long time, this indicates that the mushroom is not fresh, which means that it lacks healing properties. Therefore, for treatment, collect only fresh young mushrooms, in the egg stage.

Veselka mushroom - preparing medicine

Wash the collected mushrooms and dry them on a towel. Place in a cool, damp place for 2 days. Now make cuts on them, or cut them into four parts. Transfer to a clean jar. Fill with vodka at the rate of half a liter for 2-3 not very small caps. Store in a dark, cool place for 2 months. Shake occasionally. Ready product strain and store on the refrigerator shelf. Take this medicine 1 tsp. or 1 tbsp. l., three times a day. The amount of tincture taken depends on the disease.

A tincture is prepared from dried veselka in a similar way. Used in the same way as medicine from fresh mushrooms.

Treatment of diseases, recipes

At complex treatment oncology cancer of the throat, larynx, stomach, esophagus, use only fresh tincture of Veselka. Take 1 tbsp. l. once a day, preferably in the morning. After taking it, put a piece of mushroom from a jar of tincture in your mouth (behind your cheek). You need to keep this piece for a long time, preferably all day. So that a small amount of mushroom juice gradually reaches the diseased organs. Treatment is carried out for 2 months.

When treating inflammation of the liver and pancreas, prepare a wine infusion: Grind the dried mushrooms to a powder. Now pour 15 g of powder into a jar. Fill it with a liter of Cahors red wine. Place in a dark place for 2 months. Drink the finished medicine 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Peptic ulcer They are treated in the following way: take 1 tbsp of Veselka alcohol tincture. l. half an hour before meals, for one month. Then there is a break - 2 weeks. Then you will need to be treated again. It should be warned that the tincture is not used instead of drug treatment, but successfully complement it. Therefore, on the advice of a doctor, you can combine drug treatment with mushroom intake.

When treating joints, to eliminate pain, inflammation due to gout, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rub every evening before bed alcohol tincture sore spots. Be healthy!

A tincture based on Veselka, a mushroom, will help in the treatment of serious diseases, such as cancer. Moreover, this product is not only effective, but also affordable, so anyone can prepare medicine from it. It is important that the product has universal application and has almost no restrictions.

Due to the effects that the common mushroom has on the body, it is rightfully considered the queen of mushrooms. The mushroom can be seen in many places, but the mushroom is most often found in coniferous and deciduous forests. One of unusual properties this mushroom - his fast growth, which is equal to five millimeters per minute. For the same reason, its lifespan is a maximum of three days.

At the beginning of ripening, the Veselka mushroom resembles its appearance raincoat, but after about a week of germination it takes on its true form. For treatment, the so-called mushroom egg is most often used; it is this part that contains the largest number useful substances. Below is how to prepare the remedy.


Recipe 1

This tincture is considered universal, as it can be used for many diseases. You can easily prepare this product if you have all the necessary ingredients.


  • 5 g dried mushroom powder or 50 g fresh;
  • 200 ml vodka.


  1. If you took fresh raw materials, then grind them.
  2. Pour vodka over the powder or pieces of fresh mushroom.
  3. To prepare, leave for two weeks to several months in the refrigerator or other cool place. The longer the medicine is infused, the stronger the Veselka tincture will be.
  4. After the expiration date, you can use it for treatment. There is no need to strain.

Recipe 2


  • 200g fresh Veselka eggs;
  • 200g liquid honey


  1. Wash the mushroom eggs well and grind them in a meat grinder (you can replace it with a blender).
  2. Add honey to the resulting mixture and mix well.
  3. Store in a closed glass container in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Recipe 3


  • 1 tsp. dried Veselka powder;
  • 1 glass of milk;


  1. Bring the milk to a boil and cool it slightly.
  2. Pour milk into mushroom powder. Leave for 15 minutes.

Beneficial features

Strong healing effect The effect of Veselka mushroom on the body is explained by its unique composition. Firstly, the Veselka mushroom contains phytoncides that can effectively fight influenza, hepatitis or herpes viruses. Secondly, the mushroom contains perforin, which is a so-called cancer cell killer. The mushroom also contains phytosteroids, thanks to which the use of drugs from this product helps with impotence. In addition, the mushroom has antihistamine, wound healing and analgesic effects and is good at treating allergic reactions.


Veselka mushroom tincture is miraculous and has wide application. The universal tincture of Veselka, prepared according to the first recipe, helps with large number diseases. Most often, this mushroom remedy is used for various tumors. In order to recover from them, you need to take one teaspoon of the tincture twice a day for a whole month. The medicine from the mushroom is drunk 20 minutes before meals, only this use is correct.

The use of Veselka perfectly treats burns, varicose veins, gout and skin cancer. For two weeks, place mushroom lotions on painful areas for 1 hour twice a day. In addition, take 1 teaspoon orally twice a day. Using the same method, you can take medicine for gastritis, stomach ulcers and various abdominal or kidney pains.

If you cannot drink alcohol, use the medicine prepared according to the second recipe for treatment. It is very simple to use: 2-3 times a day, consume one tablespoon of honey-mushroom mixture 30 minutes before meals. Treat this way for about two weeks.

But when chronic bronchitis, runny nose, sore throat or flu, prepare a medicine from the mushroom according to the third recipe, then the use will be more effective. Drink the mushroom every morning on an empty stomach and before bed until you recover. If you wish, you can replace the milk in the recipe with linden or raspberry tea. In addition, it is worth noting that this drug also helps with:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • “bad” cholesterol;
  • infertility;
  • joint pain.


Veselka mushroom has almost no contraindications for use; its use is widespread. It is not advisable to give medicine from this mushroom to children and pregnant women. It should be used with caution for psoriasis and rheumatism, as use may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
