Drowsy state of weakness. How to get rid of drowsiness. Causes of increased sleepiness in men. How to fight

Constant feeling Fatigue, fatigue, and drowsiness in women can be considered a kind of sleep disorder. These sensations accompany the whole day, do not allow you to fully work, think, and interfere with making decisions. Maybe this is how a person pays for modern look life, forcing us to constantly keep our finger on the pulse. However, constant fatigue and drowsiness in women occurs not only as a result of overwork at work or at home, it can also be the result of health problems.

The causes of increased sleepiness from a medical point of view are varied.

When we are young, we are cheerful and full of energy, we manage to do everything, solve any problems with ease and do not leave ourselves enough time to sleep. With age, a lot changes: work, family, children, everyday difficulties, lack of rest. A modern woman is faced with more problems and tasks that she must successfully cope with. Fatigue accumulates, and with it comes daily constant drowsiness and fatigue in women, but what are its causes?

Causes of drowsiness in women

There are a huge number of reasons that cause feelings of fatigue and hypersomnia. Perhaps every somatic or mental pathology women causes severe weakness and drowsiness. Let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

Taking medications

Very often, women's experiences, doubts, fears and anxiety do not provide any opportunity to relax and fall asleep, so many of the ladies are forced to take sedatives or sleeping pills. Light sedatives (Persen, lemon balm) do not leave a trace in the morning and do not in any way affect awakening, performance, or muscle tone. The situation is different with tranquilizers and strong sleeping pills (Phenazepam, Donormil). Many of them have side effects in the form of severe weakness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue, headache, loss of strength, which haunt a woman all day and cause hypersomnia.

There are several groups of drugs side effect which is increased drowsiness

Some hormonal drugs, hypoglycemic agents (against diabetes mellitus), muscle relaxants (Sirdalud) also cause muscle hypotension and a desire to sleep. This is one of the reasons for constant weakness and drowsiness in women.

Lack of daylight

We've probably all noticed how easy it is to get up in the morning when it's spring or summer outside the window. The sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, the mood is excellent, and productivity is off the charts. This is directly related to low level sleep hormone – melatonin. The situation is the opposite, when in winter at 7 am it is still quite dark and cold. No one wants to crawl out from under the blanket, much less get ready for work. Melatonin is elevated, and the body is confused about why it needs to wake up if there is no light outside. In schools and offices, this problem can be solved by using fluorescent lamps.


The most common cause of fatigue and drowsiness in women can rightfully be considered iron deficiency in the body. This important trace element is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which, in turn, carries oxygen to the tissues. Lack of iron leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and, as a result, a violation of oxidative processes and hypoxia occurs. The main symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

  • drowsiness, weakness, fatigue;

Anemia may be one of the causes of fatigue in women

  • dizziness, decreased blood pressure;
  • heartbeat;
  • hair loss, brittle nails;
  • constipation, nausea.

Diagnosing this pathology is quite easy; you just need to take a general blood test. A hemoglobin level below 115 g/L will indicate anemia. It will be much more difficult to establish its cause. In the fair sex, factors leading to anemia are: heavy menstruation, premenopause, anorexia, vegetarianism, gastritis or stomach ulcers. The treatment of iron deficiency in the body is carried out by a therapist or hematologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary additional examinations, and then a course of iron supplements.

Lower blood pressure

What are the causes of nausea, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness in women? Hypotension is not uncommon in thin young girls. It is most often caused by a genetically determined decreased vascular tone, due to which the pressure decreases below normal (less than 110/70 millimeters of mercury). Hypotension is especially pronounced when standing up suddenly. This condition is called orthostatic hypotension, when when moving from a sitting (or lying) position to a vertical position, the pressure drops sharply. The extreme manifestation of this pathology is fainting (collapse).

Hypotonic patients often complain of weakness and drowsiness

Hypotension in women may well be a temporary phenomenon associated with pregnancy, menstruation, severe physical or mental fatigue, stress, and neuroses. You can increase vascular tone by correcting your lifestyle: maintaining a work-rest regime, cold and hot shower, adaptogen drugs (eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass), taking vitamins, fresh air, exercise.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Snoring affects not only men, but also women. When the airways collapse during sleep, breathing may completely stop for a few seconds - apnea. It is worth saying that there can be up to 400 such episodes! If snoring, accompanied by the appearance of apnea, bothers a woman every night, then the cause of daytime lethargy and drowsiness does not need to be looked for long, it is obvious.

The body suffers from chronic hypoxia, that is, it experiences a constant lack of oxygen, which is extremely harmful and dangerous for brain cells. All this leads to weakness, fatigue and the desire to rest during the day.

Thyroid diseases

Decreased function thyroid gland(hypothyroidism) is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Drowsiness, severe muscle weakness, apathy, physical and emotional fatigue.
  • Dry skin, swelling of the face and limbs.
  • Irregular menstruation in women.
  • Chills, chilliness, tendency to constipation.


Severe weakness in diabetes mellitus is observed with hypoglycemia

This is a common endocrine pathology in women, which manifests itself in impaired absorption of glucose by cells and tissues as a result of a lack of insulin (or decreased sensitivity to it). Controlled diabetes itself does not cause drowsiness, but when blood sugar levels begin to drop, a life-threatening state of hypoglycemia occurs.

Severe increasing drowsiness and nausea in a patient with diabetes mellitus can be a sign of a serious complication - hypoglycemic coma!

When taking antidiabetic drugs, a woman needs to closely monitor her blood glucose levels, regularly visit an endocrinologist, and undergo recommended examinations on time.


A rare condition of sudden falling asleep in unusual place. It can occur against a background of vigor, as well as complete well-being. It is characterized by the fact that a woman suddenly falls into a short-term sleep for a few minutes, and then just as quickly wakes up. This can happen anywhere: in the workplace, in the office, in transport, on the street. Sometimes this pathology is preceded by catalepsy - paralysis of the limbs with severe weakness. The disease is very dangerous in terms of unforeseen injuries, but can be successfully treated with psychotherapeutic drugs.

Narcolepsy manifests itself as unexpected sleep attacks

Klein-Levin syndrome

Even more rare disease than narcolepsy. It mainly occurs in adolescent boys under 19 years of age, but it is also possible in women. It is characterized by falling into deep sleep for up to several days without any warning signs. After waking up, a person feels cheerful, very hungry, and excited. The cause of the disease has not yet been established, so there is no adequate treatment.

Brain injuries

They occur in women of any age after car accidents, falls, blows, or accidents at home. Depending on the severity of the damage, duration acute period and treatment, constant daytime sleepiness, feeling severe fatigue after not long work, emotional fatigue.

Mental illness

In psychiatric practice there is a whole arsenal of health deviations related to emotional sphere women. These include: depression, psychosis, neurotic disorders, manic syndrome, neurasthenia, obsessive states and other. Almost all of them are accompanied by changes in behavior, sleep disturbances, fatigue, and lethargy. Treatment is carried out by a psychotherapist, possibly with a neurologist.

Diagnosis of increased sleepiness in women

Finding the cause of such a common condition as severe weakness and drowsiness is quite difficult. They usually start by contacting a therapist or neurologist. The doctor prescribes standard examinations to identify somatic pathologies: a general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, an electrocardiogram. If you suspect the presence of endocrine or neurological pathology, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In very rare cases, polysomnography is performed - the study of a woman’s sleep indicators in specialized center. If the sleep structure is changed, then treatment is carried out by a somnologist.

Methods to combat drowsiness

If no deviations in the state of health are found, the woman has no somatic or mental illnesses, then the following measures to eliminate the causes of drowsiness and weakness can come to the rescue.

  • It is necessary to adhere to the correct daily routine: go to bed and get up at the same time, do not stay up late at night at the computer or TV.
  • Maintain a work-rest schedule (take breaks during work to avoid extreme fatigue).
  • Morning or evening jogging (walking) in the fresh air helps to increase strength and energy.

A morning jog provides the body with a boost of energy

  • Drinking caffeinated drinks in the morning may be fine for some women, but don't get too carried away with them.
  • Eliminate alcohol, nicotine, carbohydrates.

You also need a course of vitamins for women, which help a lot with fatigue and drowsiness. Adaptogens (schisandra, ginseng) do an excellent job with low vascular tone.

There are a lot of conditions that lead to drowsiness. Listen to your body, pay attention to how you feel more often, do not ignore important signals, consult a doctor on time, then weakness and drowsiness will not become your constant companions.

For various reasons, some women daytime fatigue, apathy and even dizziness appear. These manifestations interfere with living normally, working fully and making important decisions. If women experience constant fatigue and drowsiness, this may be caused by some disease or other factors.
In their young years, people have a lot of energy and vigor, thanks to which they can do even hard work, moreover, focusing on night sleep there is not always enough time. But the years go by, and over time the strength becomes less, in addition, a family and children appear, various health difficulties arise, everyday difficulties arise, and it is not always possible to get enough rest. A lot of tasks and responsibilities fall on your shoulders, weakness and drowsiness arise, which often do not go away. Why do you always want to sleep, and what are the main reasons for fatigue?

Factors leading to chronic weakness

Exist various reasons drowsiness in women. Various mental or somatic diseases of the female population often appear due to apathy and excessive fatigue during the day. Below we will discuss the most common causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness.


Some women, when experiencing stress, fear or other worries, often cannot sleep well at night, so they take sleeping pills. Lungs sedatives, for example, lemon balm, mint, Persen are quickly eliminated from the body, they do not affect performance during the day or well-being. But if you take strong sleeping pills or tranquilizers, for example, Donormil, Phenazepam, then it is important to consider that they have negative side reactions, for example, an increased desire to sleep, fatigue, apathy, dizziness, nausea, and others. These symptoms lead to hypersomnia and prevent you from living normally during the day.

Insufficient sunlight

Many people notice that in summer and spring period It’s much easier to wake up in the morning when the sun is bright outside and the birds are singing. This has a beneficial effect on mood and performance, since the blood contains a small level of melatonin - this is a hormone that, when elevated, makes you want to sleep. In winter, the sun often doesn’t shine in the morning and it’s cold outside. At a time like this, few people want to get up and go to work. In winter, there is much more melatonin in the body, so the body cannot understand why it needs to wake up, because no sunlight. IN office premises In schools, this problem is solved by turning on fluorescent lamps.


One of the reasons for severe weakness and drowsiness in women is a lack of iron in the blood and tissues of the body. Iron is one of the most important microelements that is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin. With low hemoglobin, the blood does not tolerate sufficient quantity oxygen to the internal organs, as a result of which hypoxia develops, the oxidative processes. Signs of anemia associated with iron deficiency are:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • fairly quick fatigue;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • low blood pressure;
  • nausea, problems with bowel regularity;
  • brittle nails;
  • weakening and hair loss.

This problem is diagnosed very quickly and simply; you just need to take a blood test. If the hemoglobin level is less than 115, then anemia has begun to develop. However, why does it appear? This may be due to various factors, the culprits may be, for example, insufficient consumption of meat products, gastritis, anorexia, too much menstruation, approaching menopause. A hematologist or therapist will prescribe the necessary medications to treat anemia; first of all, iron supplements are prescribed, thanks to which severe weakness will pass quite quickly.

Low blood pressure

This is a common cause of increased sleepiness in women. Hypotension occurs even in young girls who have low body weight. With low blood pressure, you begin to feel dizzy, feel nauseous, and cause fatigue and weakness. Hypotension can be a genetic pathology when the pressure is below 110 over 70.
Reduced blood pressure during sudden standing up is very well observed; this phenomenon is called orthostatic hypotension, when when sudden change body position from lying or sitting to vertical, the pressure rapidly decreases, which is why you can even faint.
Hypotension, which causes weakness and drowsiness in women, may be a temporary problem that occurs due to heavy menstruation, pregnancy, mental or physical fatigue, nervous condition, constant stress. To improve vascular tone and normalize blood pressure, it is necessary to observe the time of rest and work, take a contrast shower, consume lemongrass, ginseng, spend more time in the fresh air, do exercises in the morning, play sports, and periodically drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sleep apnea syndrome

Both men and women snore during sleep, at this time Airways can temporarily overlap, causing a person to completely stop breathing for a couple of seconds; this syndrome is called apnea. During the night there can be a lot of such short-term stops in breathing, even several hundred! Snoring during sleep and periodic pauses in breathing can be another cause of constant fatigue and drowsiness in women during the day. Apnea leads to chronic hypoxia, the body constantly receives oxygen in insufficient quantities, this phenomenon is dangerous for the brain.

Thyroid diseases

When this gland begins to function incorrectly, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • muscle weakness, apathy, fatigue, both mental, emotional and physical;
  • the appearance of constipation, chills, constantly wanting to sleep;
  • menstruation is disrupted;
  • swelling of the upper lower limbs and face, the skin becomes dry.


It is quite common these days endocrine disease, which can cause constant drowsiness and fatigue in women. With this pathology, glucose absorption is impaired, so the body lacks insulin. When blood sugar drops rapidly, hypoglycemia occurs, which is life-threatening. If you become aware of the onset of diabetes mellitus, which is the cause of nausea, weakness and drowsiness in a woman, then it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible, take antidiabetic drugs, constantly monitor blood glucose levels, and regularly go to appointments with an endocrinologist so that it does not develop. complications.


This pathology is quite rare, when a person suddenly falls asleep anywhere. At the same time, he can be cheerful and feel good. Out of the blue, a short-term sleep begins, lasting a couple of minutes, after which a quick awakening occurs. This can happen anywhere, even on the street, on public transport or at work. Sometimes this pathology can be preceded by catalepsy - severe weakness in the arms and legs, as well as paralysis. This pathology is quite dangerous, since you can get injuries to the limbs and other parts of the body, but it can be treated quite well with the help of psychotherapeutic medications.

Klein-Levin syndrome

He is very rare disease, most often observed in adolescents before adulthood, sometimes in women. It manifests itself in the fact that a person falls into deep sleep for one or several days. When he wakes up, he feels excited, hungry and cheerful. This syndrome is not treated in our time, since it is not clear why it occurs.

Various brain injuries

You can injure your head at any age, as a result of, for example, a fall, a strong blow, an accident, or a car accident. Injuries can have varying degrees of severity, often resulting in constant drowsiness and fatigue, which can occur even after not difficult or very long work, and also rapid emotional fatigue. In case of brain injuries, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination, after which a course of drug treatment will be prescribed.

Mental disorder

There are many different mental illnesses and disorders that affect emotional condition. These include the onset of psychosis, depression, manic syndrome, neurotic disorder, neurasthenia, and others. Almost all mental illnesses lead to lethargy and fatigue in women, and night sleep is often disrupted. Many pathologies can be cured medications, which are prescribed by a psychotherapist or neurologist.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures

Since there are absolutely different reasons daytime sleepiness in women, it is quite difficult for doctors to diagnose and understand why it arose this state. The first thing the patient needs to do is contact a local therapist or a neurologist. The doctor will first prescribe standard examination methods to determine the physical disease.
Usually a referral is issued for urine and blood tests, an electrocardiogram, and a biochemical blood test is performed. If the doctor suspects any neurological diseases or endocrine pathologies, the patient will be referred to a specialized specialist, for example, an endocrinologist, neurologist or psychotherapist. If you have suffered a brain injury, you will likely need to undergo magnetic resonance imaging or other procedures to examine the brain and blood vessels of the head.
Very rarely, doctors direct you to undergo polysomnography, during which the indicators of the brain and other internal organs of a woman are studied during sleep; this requires specialized equipment. If disturbances in the sleep structure are detected, treatment will be carried out by a somnologist.

How to deal with chronic fatigue

If, as a result of diagnostic procedures, the doctor discovered any pathologies or diseases, he will prescribe effective treatment. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations at all times and take everything medications in accordance with its purpose.
However, if after thorough examination no abnormalities or diseases were found in the body, if the patient does not have any mental or somatic problems, and the doctor has not identified the causes of weakness and drowsiness, then you can try the following simple tips and recommendations:

  • strictly adhere to the daily routine: go to bed every day and wake up at the same time in the morning, in the evenings do not sit late in front of the TV or on the Internet;
  • do not overwork while working, always adhere to the rest and work schedule; if you feel tired, be sure to take a break for a short rest;
  • in the morning, do exercises, warm-up, a walk in the fresh air or jogging is very good for adding energy and lifting your mood; in the evening, it is also useful to walk along the street before going to bed;
  • In the morning, before work, drink a cup of coffee, because caffeine stimulates many processes in the body, adds vigor, but you should not get too carried away with coffee;
  • stop drinking alcohol, carbohydrates, and smoking;
  • drink a high-quality vitamin and mineral complex, which quickly eliminates the desire to sleep during the day and saturates the body useful microelements and charges the body with energy;
  • control blood pressure, and if vascular tone is low, make drinks from ginseng and lemongrass, which are adaptogens.

It is also very important to listen to the body, if you pay attention to important signals, changes in well-being, deterioration of the condition, the appearance of pain, and also seek timely treatment. medical care, then the occurrence of serious diseases can be prevented.


So, there are many different factors that lead to daytime fatigue and apathy. To accurately determine the root cause due to which the condition is worsening, it is important to undergo an examination and those diagnostic procedures, which are recommended by the therapist or attending physician. To prevent lethargy and weakness of the body, it is necessary to eat properly, balanced, so that the diet contains a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. Also, you don’t need to be physically and mentally overtired, you need to do morning exercises and be in the fresh air more often, then the body will be filled with vital energy and strength.

Constant fatigue and weakness does not go away modern woman. Early rises, great amount affairs, endless information flows, everyday problems, caring for children - these and many other reasons affect the functioning of the nervous system, which, through stress, makes it clear that it is time to rest and reboot.

Symptoms of fatigue in women

Fatigue symptoms slowly worsen until one day you feel like a hamster stuck on an exercise wheel.

Recently, scientists have found that a very common cause of fatigue and difficulty waking up in the morning in women before and after 40 years of age is a simple lack of vitamin D.

Fatigue can manifest itself in many ways. Sometimes these symptoms go away and reappear along with your monthly cycle. But if the fatigue is quite severe, these symptoms last several weeks or more until they become permanent. These include:

  • Feeling exhausted (mentally and physically).
  • Fatigue in the morning, even after a full night's sleep.
  • Feeling tired or overwhelmed.
  • Inability to fully recover from illness or stress.
  • Headache.
  • General wandering pain.
  • Uncharacteristic muscle soreness after physical activity.
  • Depressed mood, loss of energy.
  • Bad short term memory, confusion, irritability.
  • Strong food cravings (especially sweets or other carbohydrates)
  • Dependence on caffeine, sugar or alcohol, especially during the day and early evening.
If you feel any of the above for more than ten days, take it seriously - see your doctor and get a blood test to make sure these symptoms are not due to any serious medical conditions.

Many medications can also cause fatigue as side effect, so it’s better to play it safe by checking everything with your doctor.

Diseases in which fatigue is a symptom

Sometimes symptoms of fatigue can result from serious illnesses:

Constant fatigue and weakness during menopause

During menopause and perimenopause, many women may experience a persistent and persistent lack of energy and inexplicable feeling fatigue and weakness.
Signs of menopausal fatigue:
  1. decreased wakefulness,
  2. decreased attention,
  3. mental distraction,
  4. irritability,
  5. forgetfulness.
The main cause of menopausal fatigue is changes in hormone levels. Estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and adrenal hormones are involved in regulating cellular energy in the body, which when compromised can lead to fatigue.

Physical symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and insomnia also contribute to daytime fatigue. Many women suffer from chronic lack of sleep, which also contributes to fatigue during the day, and in turn worsens menopausal symptoms such as anxiety, poor concentration and lack of confidence.

Elena Malysheva about fighting fatigue with food

Other causes of fatigue and weakness

There are more trivial reasons constant fatigue, which include:
  • Lack of sleep
    Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night to rest and recover. School-age children and teenagers need at least eight to ten hours of sleep.
    Emotional stress, anxiety, chronic pain, allergies, caffeine, alcohol, hot flashes and illness - all this does not contribute to a good night's rest.
    Lesser-known causes include television, ambient light in bedrooms, personal computers, poor sleep environments, and uncomfortable beds.
    Try to remove all kinds of interference and give yourself a good night's sleep. Perhaps the fatigue will go away.
  • Stress
    It is possible that fatigue is both physical and emotional in nature.
    According to conventional wisdom, persistent mild fatigue is usually considered a reaction to lack of sleep or fatigue, in which case a prescription for sedative from insomnia. But in this case, even though good sleep within six to eight steady hours, stress fatigue does not go away.
  • Poor nutrition
    Adequate nutrition is what the body often lacks - balanced nutrition for full work.
    In addition, eating a large amount of food at once can also cause fatigue and lethargy since it will require a huge amount of energy to digest it.
    One of the reasons why people end up in " food addiction" is that the body is diverting blood supply and energy from other places (such as the brain) for the digestion process.
  • Dehydration.
    Fluid loss is a very common and overlooked cause of moderate fatigue
    To avoid this condition, drink eight glasses of pure, filtered water, herbal tea or diluted, unsweetened juice per day. A fluid loss of just 2% is enough to cause mental confusion and short-term loss memory. Drowsiness, muscle weakness, dizziness and headache- if the fluid level drops below this.
    Coffee and soda do not count because their diuretic effect causes fluid loss.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
    The body needs rest and movement. And as strange as it may sound, long periods of inactivity can lead to fatigue.
    Regular moderate exercise helps regulate metabolism and adjusts the circadian rhythm, releasing high levels stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which promotes restorative and rejuvenating sleep.

    If women experience a feeling of weakness in the body in the spring, and especially in the mornings, when the temperature rises and the sun rises earlier, if it has become more difficult to get out of bed - and you are not alone.

    Spring fatigue is common problem health of many women around the world. It is assumed that sleepiness is a natural symptom caused by our physical system. During winter, our body's levels of hormones such as serotonin (a stress reliever and happiness booster) decrease due to shorter daylight hours, and the body produces more of the sleep hormone melatonin. And when spring comes, bringing more and more sundial, the body must adapt. Body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure drops. Light causes the body to release more of the “activity hormone” serotonin, while the amount of melatonin is still very high. The body cannot manage adaptation processes overnight. As a result, some of us feel sluggish, less motivated, low on vitality and tired at the end of the winter season.

    The process of adapting to these seasonal changes is called spring fatigue. How to deal with this? Here are some techniques to help you survive the changing seasons:

    1. A cup or two may help in the morning and throughout the day, but it's not exactly the right measure to combat spring fatigue.
    2. Start your day with a contrast shower - this is a great way to wake up and get a boost of energy. It also helps the vascular system cope with the need to adapt to changed temperatures and survive spring fatigue. In addition, a contrast shower accelerates blood circulation.
    3. Your favorite music is all you need. Movement is good for circulation, so it's a fairly simple measure to treat the symptoms of spring fatigue.
    4. Physical exercise, daylight and fresh air ideally help the body adapt to the changing seasons.
    5. More and more more people use natural healing herbs for fatigue. Leek - effective herb to combat fatigue. A great breakfast is one or two slices of wholemeal bread with a little butter and plenty of fresh green onions. Iron is needed for energy production, and The best way getting it is eating healthy.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Some people often complain that they find it difficult to sit through work or class due to a strong desire to sleep. We usually associate weakness and drowsiness with sleepless night, general overwork of the body or simply boredom, monotony of the situation. But after rest, this condition does not go away for everyone, and no matter what such a person does, it is very difficult for him to hold back yawning during the day and not think about the bed all the time. What are the causes of weakness and drowsiness, and how to cope with constant fatigue?

What causes drowsiness?

It turns out that drowsiness and fatigue are not such rare symptoms. This condition can be a sign of a number of diseases. This is due to the fact that during an illness our nervous system is in a depressed state, and brain cells react very sensitively to any changes environment. Therefore, loss of strength and drowsiness are symptoms great value during the diagnosis of a number of pathologies.

The cause of weakness and drowsiness may lie in complex brain lesions. In such cases, one can assume that trouble is approaching. An example would be the following pathologies:

  • traumatic brain injury (especially if there is cerebral edema or hematoma);
  • hypothermia (excessive freezing);
  • opiate poisoning or botulism;
  • preeclampsia, which can occur during late toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • internal intoxication associated with hepatic or renal coma.

Since drowsiness and weakness may indicate different diseases, these symptoms are paid attention to, considering this condition against the background of pathologies and simultaneously with other symptoms.

Lethargy and drowsiness may be signs of nervous exhaustion of the body. This also results in irritability, resentment and a sharp decline intellectual abilities.

Together with headache and dizziness, drowsiness is a symptom of the development of cerebral hypoxia, which can be caused by a lack of oxygen due to poor ventilation of the room or internal reasons, which include poisoning with various poisons, diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory or respiratory system. When the body is poisoned, increased drowsiness, caused by poison, kidney or liver failure, appears along with nausea, vomiting, headache and loss of strength.

Separately, doctors consider hypersomnia - a decrease in waking time, which is pathological in nature. In this case, sleep time can exceed 14 hours. The reason for this may be brain damage, endocrine and mental illness. U completely healthy people, it is possible that weakness and drowsiness are the consequences of a banal lack of sleep, physical, mental and psycho-emotional overload or jet lag. These are good reasons.

Fatigue is a special condition of the body caused by too much tension in the mind or muscles and is expressed in a decrease in performance for some time. Often in in this case They use the term “fatigue”, but this is not entirely correct. After all, fatigue is a biased assessment of the condition, which in some cases is not associated with overwork. With mental fatigue, a person feels a decrease in concentration and slowness of thoughts.


  • Unbalanced menu
  • Insufficient rest
  • Excessively active or prolonged physical work,
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland,
  • Depression,
  • Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages,
  • Recent infectious or acute respiratory infection viral disease (ARVI).


Signs of physical fatigue:
  • Reduced movement power
  • Reduced accuracy
  • Imbalance of movement
  • Rhythm disturbance.
Signs of mental fatigue:
  • Nervousness,
  • Tearfulness,
  • Deterioration of vision,
  • lethargy,
  • Deterioration of mental function.

Fatigue and weakness are signs of chronic fatigue syndrome

Fatigue is often one of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In rare cases, fatigue is a special individual characteristic of the nervous system. In this case, it manifests itself from a very early age. Such kids are very calm, they never play noisy and active games for a long time, they are passive and often in a bad mood.
Fatigue is often caused by certain reasons, for example, stress, illness, emotional stress, and changes in activity.

If fatigue is associated with CFS, it is necessarily combined with the inability to concentrate, frequent headaches, lethargy, irritability, sleep disturbance, in which a person cannot sleep at night and walks around drowsy all day. Against the background of such a depressed state, a person’s health deteriorates - body weight changes, he may start drinking to relax, pain in the back and joints appears, indifference to everything, skin diseases and allergies often worsen.

Other signs of the syndrome chronic fatigue:

  • Decreased concentration,
  • Headache,
  • Enlarged and painful lymph nodes,
  • Lethargy that does not go away for up to six months,
  • Lack of freshness and activity after sleep,
  • Fatigue after very little exertion.
Unfortunately, no tests will reveal any health problems in such a patient. A person takes on a heavy burden of problems that he cannot cope with, tries to be the best everywhere, and as a result gets chronic fatigue syndrome. The doctor usually diagnoses it as a neurovegetative disorder. Moreover, treatment, as a rule, does not help much. Treatment in this case should be comprehensive.

Increased fatigue

This is a feeling of complete energy exhaustion, in which you really want to sleep or just lie down. This is a natural reaction of the body during very hard physical work, poor rest or emotional stress. But sometimes increased fatigue indicates illness of the body or mind.
This symptom is often the only one. In this case, even a good and long rest does not help relieve fatigue.
If fatigue is caused by an illness, it can last as long as desired without improvement, regardless of rest. Moreover, sometimes long periods of fatigue can be interspersed with sharp increases in activity.

Increased fatigue is normal condition for teenagers during puberty. However, the psychological environment in which the child lives plays an important role in this case. Sometimes, during depression caused by problems with school or parents, a child may sleep for a very long time - this is a defense mechanism used by the body.

Sometimes increased fatigue is associated with metabolic disorders. If nutrients are processed too quickly and the body does not have time to use them as an energy source or if they are processed for too long. Such a disorder may be associated both with changes in hormonal levels and with nutritional disorders.

Drowsiness and fatigue are signs of neurasthenia

The combination of these two symptoms often indicates the presence of a so-called neurasthenic symptom complex or asthenia. This is a very common condition that is observed in a third of patients with neuroses.
Such patients react very sensitively to sudden noise and bright light; they often have headaches, feel dizzy, and feel tired even after rest. The patient does not feel self-confident, he is anxious and cannot relax. It is difficult for him to concentrate and therefore he becomes absent-minded, the performance of such a patient is greatly reduced. In addition, the patient may have impaired digestion function.
Similar symptoms are characteristic of the hyposthenic form of neurasthenia.

We increase efficiency

There are two groups of medications that can have a significant effect on reducing fatigue and increasing performance.

With a decrease in mental and physical performance, the over-the-counter drug Mildronate 250 mg has proven itself well, which optimizes the metabolism inside the body's cells under stress and protects them from damage. The use of Mildronate helps to overcome the consequences of mental and physical overload, increase the effectiveness of sports and intellectual training, and in general, improve the quality of life.
The course of the drug is important, which lasts 10–14 days.

With increased physical activity, the body's need for any types of vitamins sharply increases. In this connection, it is preferable to use complex preparations, and the best option is a combination of vitamins and microelements. The duration of treatment should not be less than a month.

To enrich your diet with vitamins, zinc and iron, you can take Spirulina. There are combinations of it with echinacea, rose hips, lemon, royal jelly, and propolis. Such combinations make the drug even more effective.

To stimulate the body
For this purpose, herbal remedies based on Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, and Schisandra chinensis are used. Simultaneously with the activation of the body, the drugs improve immunity, increase sexuality, and activate the functions of the nervous system.

Carnitine-based drugs are widely used. They normalize cellular energy metabolism, help cope with increasing physical activity, and reduce muscle fatigue, since cells more easily survive the lack of oxygen and energy production in them is accelerated. These drugs have well-studied anabolic qualities ( accelerating metabolism), so they are very good for heavy physical activity.

Drugs based on royal jelly (apilak) and flower pollen. They relieve smooth muscle tension, tone, relieve stress, inflammation, and suppress the development of microbes and viruses. This is necessary due to the fact that during periods active work The body's defenses decrease.
Flower pollen contains hormone-like substances that are strong anabolics. In addition, it contains a lot of amino acids and growth factors that help cells recover.
To activate energy metabolism, you can use preparations of succinic acid and amino acids.

Chronic fatigue is a consequence of tissue hypoxia

Thirty years ago, no one knew about chronic fatigue or tiredness. The occurrence of this phenomenon is explained by the enormous stress on the body, including psychological stress. The higher the load, the greater the body's need for oxygen. But where to get more? Therefore everyone modern man suffers from a lack of oxygen in the tissues. This condition also entails metabolic disorders: the use of glycogen increases, lactic acid, hormones and amino acids accumulate in the body. That is, metabolic processes are inhibited, and metabolic products are not removed from the tissues.

In this condition, the immune system cannot protect the body from viruses, germs and fungi. Under normal conditions, all these pathogenic agents are easily destroyed by immune bodies.
There are only two ways out of this situation: supply the body with a sufficient amount of oxygen or reduce the intensity of the exercise.

Muscle fatigue

Muscle fatigue is called myasthenia gravis. WITH Greek language this word translates as weakness. With myasthenia gravis, the muscles are weak, fatigue occurs at the slightest exertion. The cause of the disease is not entirely clear, but it is believed that myasthenia gravis causes dysfunction thymus gland, in which a special type of autoimmune bodies enter the blood, changing the movement of the nerve impulse to the muscles. The disease more often affects the fairer sex. On average, 4 out of 100 thousand people on the planet are sick.

Any muscle in the body can be affected, but the muscles responsible for opening the eyes, swallowing, and vocal cords, mimic.
The patient's condition gradually worsens, and the rate of progression varies from person to person.
Treatment is by removal or radiotherapy of the thymus gland. This method helps 70% of patients. Immunosuppressants are sometimes used if removal of the gland does not help.

Mental fatigue. Asthenia

Mental fatigue is a very common complaint. In most cases, this condition is harmless and can be eliminated by taking adaptogens. But if the patient feels tired after rest, his temperature suddenly increases, pain and insomnia appear, performance decreases, and most often a diagnosis of asthenia is made. Asthenia can be observed in both physical and mental illnesses.

From a medical point of view, asthenia is a mental disorder in which the patient feels increased mental fatigue, body weakness, and emotional instability. Dizziness and pain in the joints or muscles are very common.

Asthenia can be a combination of completely different symptoms, so there may be intolerance to bright light, sounds, and certain smells. The patient becomes very sensitive to pain. Some patients become very vulnerable and anxious, while others, on the contrary, become lethargic and indifferent to everything.
If the disorder is not associated with a disease of the body, then we mean functional asthenia, which develops after severe shocks, after pregnancy and childbirth, and with the use of alcohol and drugs.
The cause of the development of asthenia can also be the use of many medications: these can be hormonal contraceptive pills, sleeping pills, antihistamines, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antihypertensives.

If asthenic signs are combined with an increase in body temperature, fever, sweating, enlarged cervical lymph nodes and all these ailments last from six months or longer, they may be the only manifestation of encephalitis. Sometimes, after suffering from enterovirus, mononucleosis, adenovirus and other diseases, asthenic syndrome can also be observed.
Another cause of mental fatigue may be a violation of metabolic processes. To clarify the diagnosis in this case, you should take a test for glucose, creatinine, and electrolytes.

Eye fatigue. Asthenopia

Usually the cause of asthenopia is prolonged or constant pressure organs of vision near, that is, reading, writing something. There is also a possibility of developing asthenopia with incorrectly selected glasses lenses.


  • Pain in the eyes,
  • Headache,
  • Difficulty focusing vision.
If the above signs appear suddenly, they may indicate the presence of glaucoma. Therefore, you should visit an ophthalmologist.

After some time, vision decreases with asthenopia, the patient begins to squint, has difficulty distinguishing distant objects, and finds it difficult to read.
In order to facilitate the functioning of the visual organs, you should do eye exercises. For example, after every hour of working on the computer, rest for a few minutes and look into the distance ( out the window). Take complex vitamin and mineral preparations, including: vitamins E, A, B2 and B6, amino acids taurine and L-cysteine, trace elements: selenium, copper, zinc, chromium.

But the main thing with asthenopia is not to overwork your eyes. Before going to bed, you need to apply a compress with cold water or ice on the eye area, hold it for 10 - 15 minutes. You can do this compress during the day.

Spring fatigue

In spring many people different ages suffer from depression and fatigue. A low emotional background is an excellent breeding ground for various diseases, including nervous ones.

The cause of the spring blues may be a lack of ultraviolet radiation, oxygen, and physical inactivity. The likelihood of this syndrome occurring in those who spent the winter “lying on the stove” increases fourfold. Such people get sick more easily, their performance is reduced, they get tired faster, and they are drawn to sleep.

Vitamins found in food products will help the body: liver, meat, milk, fruits and vegetables, lean fats. These are vitamins C, D, A, group B, folic acid, beta-carotene. They activate the work of many systems and tone.
Physical activity is also a wonderful remedy for spring fatigue. Walking in the fresh air, contrasting water procedures will help regulate the functioning of the nervous system, improve the condition of blood vessels and strengthen the immune system.

In order to calm frayed nerves, you can take tincture of peony, motherwort, valerian. This will strengthen the body in the fight against stress, and will help not to fall into despondency and despair. And at the same time avoid aggravation various diseases gastrointestinal organs, which are usually observed against the background of a weakened nervous system.

During pregnancy

Increased fatigue is a very common complaint of pregnant women, which is often observed after the birth of the baby. If, with a normal lifestyle, good nutrition and taking medications to alleviate the condition, fatigue does not go away, this may be pathological condition. Similar phenomena are not uncommon in the first and third trimesters. A woman must tell her doctor about her complaints and undergo a thorough examination.

The deterioration of general health in the first trimester of pregnancy often causes fatigue, bad mood, which usually go away after a good rest. If the feeling of fatigue does not go away, you need to be examined by a doctor. If it is combined with a decrease in body weight or dysfunction of any organs, the woman should be sent to a hospital.
Fatigue is quite severe during multiple pregnancies; in this case, it often manifests itself against the background of high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, or hormonal imbalance.
Those expectant mothers who have severe toxicosis are also lethargic and powerless and experience frequent and severe vomiting in the first trimester.

In the second and third trimesters, a woman’s body weight increases significantly, which also affects her general condition and causes fatigue. Very often there are disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, pain in muscles and bones, itching, and sleep disturbances. These disorders usually resolve on their own after good rest.
Women with impaired renal function, polyhydramnios, fatty liver degeneration, and non-infectious jaundice get tired very quickly. Primipara women tolerate these conditions worse.

What to do if a woman quickly gets tired, exhausted, but at the same time she does not have any physiological deviations from the norm?
1. Sleep 8 - 9 hours a day, the best time to rest is from 22 to 7 am.
2. Before going to bed, it is useful to take a walk, go to the pool or do light exercises.
3. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well.
4. Take a shower before bed.
5. Drink 200 ml of slightly warmed milk with a spoon of honey.
6. Eat a piece of boiled turkey - it contains the substance tryptophan, which improves sleep.
7. For comfortable sleep, use several small pillows. Place them between your knees, under your lower back, or whatever is comfortable.
8. Rest for half an hour after lunch.
9. Eat a balanced diet, monitor the presence of vitamins in your diet. Spinach, apples, apricots, currants, rose hips, pomegranates, buckwheat, rye bread, carrots are very useful.

The child has

Fatigue, unexplained external reasons, usually indicates that the baby is starting to get sick. Sometimes a child is weak even after illness, although usually the activity of children returns to normal quite quickly.
Takes the longest to recover children's body after some viruses, in particular remitting fever. The first signs of the disease are pain in the throat. Lethargy and weakness after such an illness can last for several months.

If a child gets tired quickly, drinks frequently and urinates excessively, this may indicate diabetes. If the above symptoms are combined with a decrease in body weight and epigastric pain, you should immediately visit a doctor.
If a child is recovering from a viral infection and experiences weakness, no special measures to strengthen him are needed. The body normalizes its work itself after some time. You just need to spare the child more, his activity should be feasible.

A common cause of fatigue is emotional overload. With such problems, the child’s many systems may go wrong. The baby may sleep poorly, be hyperactive, and refuse to visit child care facility. Fatigue may also be caused by lack of sleep.

If fatigue is observed in a teenager, then there may be nothing to worry about. This is quite natural: phases of activity are replaced by phases of passivity.
There are a number of medications that can suppress a child's energy. When using any medications, you should talk to your doctor about possible side effects.
One of the common causes of fatigue in children is anemia. A blood test will give an accurate answer to the question of its presence.
Chronic infectious diseases also significantly reduce the child’s energy.


If fatigue is combined with nosebleeds, fainting, migraine-like conditions, dizziness, the patient needs to be examined.

The following methods can be prescribed, used for both adult patients and children:

  • 24-hour blood pressure test,
  • Examination of the condition of the fundus,
  • Duplex transcranial scanning of the vessels of the neck and head,
  • Conversation with a psychologist,
  • Tests for hormone levels, blood biochemistry, urine and blood tests, immunogram,
  • Sometimes consultations with a cardiologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists are necessary.

How to deal with this phenomenon?

1. Don't go on a diet. No diet provides the body with all the necessary substances, hence fatigue. Not receiving enough energy from the outside, the body begins to save energy. Mono-diets are especially harmful. For the fair sex, the minimum daily calories is 1200. This level depends on physical activity, age and gender. You should eat 4 times a day.
2. Have a good rest. To do this, you should exercise, go to bed at the same time, and do not drink alcohol before bed.
3. A certain level of physical fitness should be maintained. For this, exercise is required. Otherwise, the muscles “forget how” to consume oxygen and refuse to work in an emergency.
4. Learn to relax. Modern life is full of stress, relaxation will help you recover from it. Once you have learned the relaxation technique, just 10 minutes of rest is enough.
5. Add to diet fresh juices lemons, oranges, grapefruit. You can make a cocktail and dilute it with water, or you can take one of the juices. It should be diluted with water in equal parts.
6. Dried fruits, especially dates, are an excellent source of minerals, necessary for the body. But they are very high in calories, so 8 - 10 pieces per day will be enough.

Traditional methods

1. Boil garlic in honey, crush it, and eat 1 tbsp. porridge with complete impotence or fatigue.
2. Take 100 gr. astragalus herb ( not dried), add 1 l. red table wine, keep in the pantry for 21 days, shaking from time to time. Pass through a sieve and drink 30 grams. morning, lunch and evening 30 minutes before meals.
3. Take an empty bottle, put as much chopped beets into it as will fit, do not tamp, fill it with vodka. Keep in the pantry for 2 weeks. Drink 25 ml once a day on an empty stomach. This remedy will help relieve fatigue and restore activity.
4. 200 gr. add bran to 1 liter. boiling water, boil for 60 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Drink 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach.
5. Finely chop the celery root, add 200 ml of water room temperature, stand for 2 hours. Divide into several doses and drink per day. Very good tonic.
6. Drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed water daily beet juice 3 times a day.
7. Use fresh lingonberry leaves instead of tea leaves.
8. Drink strong green tea. Replace them with any other drinks.
9. Drink black tea with milk and honey.
10. Drink peppermint infusion instead of tea.
11. Drink pomegranate juice.
12. Drink 100 ml of grape juice, dividing it into small portions: a sip every 120 minutes.
13. Eat hare cabbage to activate the body.
14. Eat nut-bearing lotus. All parts of the plant are eaten.
15. The underground parts and flowers of the locust activate and improve appetite. The plant can be dried, ground into flour and made into cakes.
16. 2 tsp Icelandic moss pour 400 ml of water at room temperature, put on fire and let it boil. Remove immediately, let cool, pass through a sieve. Drink the received amount for 24 hours. You can make a decoction: 25 g. raw materials 750 ml boiling water. Boil for half an hour, pass through a sieve and drink overnight.
17. Grind 12 lemons with rind, mix with several cloves of grated garlic, put in 0.5 l. bottle. Add room temperature water to the top. Keep covered for four days in the pantry. Then put it in the cold. Drink 1 tbsp. in the morning 20 minutes before meals.
18. Take 24 lemons, 0.4 kg of garlic. Press the garlic through a garlic press, make juice from the lemons, combine everything and put it in a glass bottle. Cover with a cloth. Take a teaspoon with warm water once a day.
19. 1 tbsp. Astragalus fluffy flower pour 200 ml of boiling water, hold for 3 hours, consume 2 tbsp. 4 – 5 times a day 60 minutes before meals.
20. 2 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of knotweed. boiling water and keep for 120 minutes. Pass through a sieve, add honey and consume 200 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.
21. 3 tbsp. pour black currant leaves with two glasses of boiling water for two hours. Drink 100 ml three to five times a day before meals.
22. Make an infusion of red clover flowers. Drink instead of tea when feeling weak.
23. Pour two tablespoons of finely chopped wild carrot roots into 500 ml of boiling water. After 2 hours, pass through a sieve and consume 100 ml three times a day.
24. Take 3 tbsp. finely chopped oat straw, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Leave until cool. Drink per day.
25. Pour 2 teaspoons of juniper cones into 400 ml of water at room temperature, leave for 2 hours, pass through a sieve. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 – 4 times a day.
26. 2 tbsp. Brew 500 ml of boiling water with woodlice herbs and hold for 60 minutes. Pass through a sieve and drink 50–70 ml three times a day 60 minutes before meals.
27. 1 tbsp. nasturtium ( green parts) brew 200 ml of boiling water, hold for 60 – 120 minutes, consume 2 tbsp. three times a day on an empty stomach.
28. 3 tsp Pikulnik herbs pour 400 ml of boiling water, stand for 60 - 120 minutes, pass through a sieve and drink 100 ml warm three times a day on an empty stomach.
29. Dry the underground parts of Rhodiola rosea, grind and add alcohol ( 70% ) in proportion: per 10 g. raw materials 100 ml alcohol. Drink 15–20 drops three times a day.
30. 50 gr. dry St. John's wort pour 500 ml of Cahors, put in a steam bath for half an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals for a week to a week and a half.
31. Boil the potatoes in their skins; you may want to undercook them a little. Use a cold decoction of 200 ml once every two days.
32. 20 gr. Pour a glass of boiling water over the chicory root. Boil for 10 minutes, pass through a sieve and consume one tablespoon every 4 hours. You can pour 20 grams. fresh roots 0.1 l. alcohol Keep in the pantry for 10 days. Drink 20 drops five times a day.
33. 20 gr. Pour a glass of boiling water over Schisandra chinensis fruit. Drink a tablespoon three times a day, slightly warmed. Before a meal or four hours after a meal.


Due to the fact that the reason increased fatigue There is often a lack of B vitamins; brewer's yeast is an excellent drug for normalizing the condition. Today they can be purchased at convenient form tablets or capsules. Yeast contains vitamins B1, B6, B2, B9, PP, H, E. In addition to vitamins, yeast contains essential amino acids, as well as fatty acid (linolenic, oleic and arachidonic) and trace elements: manganese, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium.

Brewer's yeast, thanks a large number biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the body:
  • improve food digestion,
  • improve immunity,
  • strengthen the body in extreme conditions,
  • help cleanse tissues of metabolic products,
  • prevent allergic phenomena, osteoporosis, caries,
  • regulate the functioning of the nervous system.
The drug is indicated for adult patients; it does not cause any discomfort. The only contraindication is idiosyncrasy to brewer's yeast.
The drug is taken for a month, after which a break is taken for 15 days and you can undergo another course of treatment.

Treatment with water procedures

1. Take a bath with water temperature 37.5 degrees. You can just hold it in warm water legs.
2. Pour water at a temperature of 45–50 degrees into a bucket, and water at room temperature into another. First, lower your feet into the first bucket for 5 minutes, then into the second for a minute. Do this five times. Then massage your feet with cream or camphor alcohol.
3. Every day, douse yourself or wipe yourself with cool water. It is most beneficial to do this procedure in the morning.
4. For intellectual work, it is useful to do before bed hot bath (water temperature 42 degrees) for legs. This will help draw blood from the brain to the legs.
5. Take a bath with pine extracts. To make a homemade extract, you need to collect branches, cones and needles. coniferous plants, add water at room temperature and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Then remove from heat, cover and leave overnight. If the extract is made according to the rules, it should be dark chocolate color. 0.75 liters is enough for one bath. extract.
6. Mix 20 gr. black currant leaves, 60 gr. raspberry leaves, 10 gr. thyme, 10 gr. woodruff shoots. Mix everything well and brew with boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, after which you can use it for a bath.

Medical treatment

1. Eat honey every day pollen (beebread).
2. Stir 2 tsp in 200 ml of water. honey, add 2 tsp. poppy petals and cook for 5 minutes. Drink a teaspoon in the morning, lunch and evening.
3. Combine 250 ml of May honey, 150 ml of aloe juice and 350 ml of Cahors. Do not water the aloe flower for three days before collecting the leaves. After mixing the ingredients, keep in the refrigerator for 7 days. Drink one tablespoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening half an hour before meals if you feel powerless.
4. Before breakfast, drink 1 tsp. lemon juice mixed with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
5. Mix 1300 gr. honey, 150 gr. birch buds, 200 ml olive oil, 50 gr. linden flowers, 1 tbsp. finely chopped aloe leaves. Warm aloe in honey. Brew birch buds and linden blossom in a small amount of water, heat on fire for 2 minutes, mix with honey, stir in oil. Keep refrigerated. Drink 2 tbsp. morning, lunch and evening, stirring before use.