Timely diagnosis of nasal cavity diseases is the key to a quick recovery. Rhinitis and sinusitis: main differences How to distinguish sinusitis from rhinitis

The cause of a runny nose may be various diseases viral or bacterial nature. Many people do not see the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis, but these are different processes that require their own approach to treatment.

Common symptoms may include diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis) and rhinosinusitis.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa; the sinuses are not involved in the process.

Sinusitis refers to all processes associated with inflammation of the sinuses, this is more serious disease, requiring professional treatment, most often inflamed maxillary sinuses, causing sinusitis. Less commonly - frontal (frontalitis), ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis account for a small share.

Each process can occur separately or simultaneously. The development of sinusitis against the background of rhinitis carries the general definition of rhinosinusitis.

General manifestations of rhinitis and sinusitis

Any of the indicated diseases is manifested by nasal congestion. The development of the disease occurs against the background of ARVI (or other infectious disease) and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Common causes (pathogens):

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • allergy.

As a rule, only contamination with pathogenic flora often goes unnoticed due to the protective properties of the body. For infection to develop, a decrease in immunity is required. A common factor hypothermia, which provokes infection of the body, chronic lack of sleep, drinking alcohol or stress.

But nevertheless, it will not be difficult for an otolaryngologist to establish the correct diagnosis. Let's figure out how sinusitis differs from rhinitis?

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa

A disease characterized by damage only to the nasal mucosa. May occur as a protective reaction of the body to dust, soot, allergic substance, strong smell or be infectious in nature.

Most often, rhinitis accompanies another infection: measles, influenza and others, and less often develops independently.

According to etiology, rhinitis is divided into:

  1. Spicy. It is localized in the nasal turbinates and is a consequence of infection of the body. It develops against the background of another disease and is characterized by copious nasal discharge (the process affects both halves). Local manifestations develop against a background of general malaise, hyperthermia, and lacrimation.
  2. Chronic. It is characterized by prolonged nasal congestion against the background of a gradual decrease in the sense of smell. The discharge is mucopurulent in nature, which, if prolonged, leads to atrophy of the nasal mucosa, dry crusts appear in the nose, and exudative discharge ceases. Factors that provoke chronic rhinitis are unfavorable working conditions and constant hypothermia.
  3. Allergic. It appears seasonally, most often when a plant is flowering, and is accompanied by itching and sneezing.
  4. Vasomotor. Occurs for no specific reason, most often in morning time. Manifests itself in the form of profuse flow from the nose. The cause may be a reaction to cold air or smell.

Treatment depends on the cause. General principles therapy consists of eliminating the provocateur of the pathological process. In case of bacterial and allergic nature, drugs are taken that affect the entire body (anti-inflammatory or antihistamines). Local impact drops and sprays to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and secretory reaction.

Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures and teaching the patient the rules are used. healthy image life.

Important. At long-term use vasoconstrictor drugs can make blood vessels accustomed to external influence. This will lead to the fact that they will stop contracting on their own and rhinitis will turn into chronic form. If there is no effect from vasoconstrictors for more than 3 days, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses

A runny nose with damage to the sinuses is sinusitis. Most often it develops as a complication of an underlying infectious disease; in rare cases (mainly with injuries) it can develop in isolation.

Most common cause The disease is rhinitis, in which, through communicating ducts, infection from the nasal cavity penetrates into the sinus cavity and a focus of inflammation develops inside it. This process is characterized by a deterioration in health (rhinosinusitis develops).

Severe headaches are added to the existing signs of rhinitis. The pain is pronounced when pressing or tapping on the sinus. There may be swelling under the eyes (with sinusitis) or above the eyebrows (with frontal sinusitis). In severe cases, local redness is observed.

When accumulated mucus suppurates and a significant increase in pressure inside the sinuses occurs, a nasal voice occurs, and the patient begins to feel foul odor. Symptoms of general intoxication appear: insomnia, increased fatigue, headaches.

Important. If, against the background of rhinitis, pain appears in the sinuses, yellow discharge from the nose, body temperature has risen to 38 0 C or more, you should contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct diagnostics to clarify the pathology and prescribe effective treatment. With absence necessary treatment the transition of the pathological process to the maxillary sinuses contributes to the development serious complications.

Treatment of sinusitis is comprehensive, including:

  1. Are common antibacterial drugs, if necessary, antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Local treatment: thorough rinsing of the sinuses, if necessary in a hospital, the use of anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor drops, ointments, inhalations.
  3. Sinus puncture is performed in cases where conservative treatment is not effective or there is a risk of complications.
  4. Vitamin therapy and, if necessary, immunocorrection.
  5. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  6. Observation after sinusitis (or other sinusitis) for at least 6 months at the place of residence.

The main difference between rhinitis and rhinosinusitis is the severity of the disease. If ordinary sinusitis requires only symptomatic treatment and does not pose a danger to general health person, then the complication of damage to the paranasal sinuses significantly aggravates general state, does not tend to resolve itself, leading to the risk of serious complications.

Despite the huge number of recipes, self-medication can be harmful to health. If the condition worsens, it is recommended to seek qualified help from a specialist.

Many people who don't experience this very often in medical terms, have no idea how rhinitis differs from sinusitis. Moreover, they believe that these are the same diseases with similar symptoms and causes. In reality, such an opinion is initially erroneous, since these two are completely various diseases, differing in the localization of infection in the nasal cavity. To understand the differences between ailments, it is necessary to understand in a simple way the structure of the human nasal cavity, and also touch upon the symptoms of diseases and the causes of their occurrence. Ultimately, we will come to the conclusion that these two diseases are often part of the same inflammatory process and largely depend on each other, however, they must be distinguished in order to implement proper treatment.

It is necessary to understand the question of how rhinitis differs from sinusitis

The differences between sinusitis and rhinitis will be clearly visible if you understand some of the nuances of the structure of the nasal cavity, which is a kind of “start” for the human respiratory tract.

Its walls are formed by various bones of the skull: frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary, nasal, etc. The nasal cavity itself is separated from the oral cavity by the soft and hard palate. The nasal passages, in turn, are covered with mucous membranes.

In short, the main difference between rhinitis and sinusitis is that in the first case, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages occurs. In the second case, the inflammatory process begins in one of the paranasal sinuses. In some cases, rhinosinusitis is diagnosed when both of these disorders are observed.

In order to understand the differences between rhinitis and sinusitis, you should know some features of the structure of the nasal cavity


There are many common reasons occurrence of these two diseases:

  • Viral or bacterial infections, which contribute to inflammation of the membranes of the nasal cavity.
  • Prolonged exposure to the cold.
  • Chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Sinus injuries, abnormal nasal structure and previous surgeries.
  • Excessive sensitivity of the mucous membrane to irritating factors.
  • A cold that hasn't been cured.
  • Malignant tumors arising in the sinus area.
  • Allergic reactions.

Sinusitis and rhinitis – two various pathologies, however, they are often related to each other and are a consequence of the same factors.

Both rhinitis and sinusitis can occur due to a viral infection

Signs of rhinitis

Surely you have figured out what rhinitis and sinusitis are, now you need to look at the symptoms of these diseases. Despite the fact that the signs are early stage diseases can be repeated, there are certain differences. First, let's look at the symptoms of rhinitis:

  1. Constant nasal congestion and difficulty breathing.
  2. Fatigue and apathy.
  3. Burning sensation in the nose area.
  4. Copious and thick nasal discharge.
  5. Watery eyes and sneezing.
  6. Mucopurulent discharge, which is almost impossible to blow your nose without the help of appropriate medications.
  7. Presence of dry crusts in the nose.
  8. Headaches, insomnia.

Heavy discharge from the nose, sneezing are common symptoms of rhinitis

There are acute, chronic catarrhal and vasomotor rhinitis. Each of these types has its own characteristics, and each requires individual treatment. Especially for this, the patient is prescribed a whole treatment program: use medicines, alleviating the condition of the nasal mucosa, rinsing the nose, restorative therapy, etc.

Only qualified doctor will be able to easily determine the differences between rhinitis and sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Signs of sinusitis

The symptoms of sinusitis at the initial stage of the disease are largely similar, but later they are very different from the signs of rhinitis and other ailments. Almost all sinusitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Discomfort in the nose area, the appearance of painful sensations.
  2. Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  3. Watery discharge from the nose.
  4. Feeling of weakness and increased fatigue due to intoxication of the body.
  5. Increased body temperature.

Sinusitis causes severe headaches and increased body temperature

At the same time, it should be remembered that there are four main types of sinusitis, and the symptoms will also largely depend on the presence of one type or another. If it is sinusitis, then there is pressure in the bridge of the nose and there is nasal discharge. If it is frontal, then there are sharp pains in the forehead area, swelling of soft tissues. With sphenoiditis, the patient complains of severe headaches in the vertex area; one can often hear complaints about sharp deterioration vision due to ongoing inflammatory processes.

Qualitative diagnostics

Diagnosis of rhinitis comes down to several actions: general examination patient, further visual inspection of the nasal passages. The main task is to identify the cause and symptoms of the disease, and then establish the correct diagnosis. If necessary, additional laboratory tests are prescribed.

If sinusitis is suspected, the doctor will refer the patient for additional types of examinations:

  • Radiography. X-ray able to show sinusitis on initial stages its development. The doctor notices in the image taken a decrease in pneumotization of the sinuses, and an edematous-catarrhal form of the disease also appears.
  • Endoscopy. Examination of the patient using an endoscope to assess the condition of the nasal septum and promptly identify disease of the paranasal sinuses.
  • CT scan. Unlike traditional diagnostic methods, this method allows you to obtain an image with the highest resolution, which helps to identify even minimal changes that occur in the nasal cavity and are not visible in other studies.

Endoscopy is one of the methods modern diagnostics, allowing to identify disease of the paranasal sinuses

High-quality diagnostics quite easily reveals what kind of disease a person has - sinusitis, rhinitis, influenza or something else. It is important to undergo diagnostics to diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Rhinitis and sinusitis in children

Before disassembling the most effective methods treatment of the above-mentioned diseases, it is worth talking separately about what rhinitis and sinusitis are in children, and how to avoid these ailments.

The main components of the treatment of such diseases in children are the elimination of infection in the most as soon as possible and strengthening the immune system to prevent the development of complications. Naturally, diseases arise for the same reasons as in adults, and the symptoms are similar, but treatment and prevention will be somewhat different.

First of all, you should avoid walking outside for several days, especially if it is winter, cold and damp. It is recommended to take warm drinks, do steam inhalations, use natural ones more medicines, which strengthen the immune system.

Sinusitis in children requires immediate treatment

Timely and correct treatment of sinusitis in children will avoid serious complications, as well as surgical intervention in the form of a puncture, during which purulent discharge is removed from the sinuses.

Treatment methods such as nasal rinsing, nasal instillation with vasoconstrictor drops, solutions made on the basis of medicinal herbs etc. In addition, it is important to eliminate the factors that provoke the development of the disease - protect the child from being in a draft, promptly treat damaged teeth, strengthen protective functions body.

Treatment of rhinitis

The principles of treating rhinitis and sinusitis are slightly different. This is due to the nature, symptoms and causes of both diseases. For the treatment of rhinitis it is important:

  1. Eliminate main reason occurrence of a runny nose.
  2. Regularly use medications that alleviate the patient’s condition: nasal drops, inhalers, sprays, etc.
  3. Carry out physiotherapeutic treatment (electrophoresis, inhalations, ultrasound treatment, etc.

It is important to conduct a quality diagnosis in order to be able to eliminate the main cause of a runny nose.

If this treatment does not work positive results, may be assigned surgical intervention. It is impossible to give any general forecast, since in each individual case The duration and effectiveness of treatment will depend on many factors.

For the treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, drugs are used that have antibacterial effect. These are Polydexa, Bactroban, Isofra, etc. To get rid of chronic atrophic rhinitis sea ​​salt solutions are often used, drops on oil based, appoint antibacterial treatment. For treatment vasomotor rhinitis It is important to use hormonal drugs that eliminate swelling and stop the inflammatory process.

Any method must be agreed with the doctor, because initially incorrect treatment can lead to complications. In addition, only a professional doctor will be able to accurately determine the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis and conduct a high-quality diagnosis.

Sinusitis therapy

Sinusitis usually involves complex treatment. In this situation, they are often used as conservative methods, and surgical intervention if necessary. Drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are often prescribed.

Treatment of sinusitis must be comprehensive

At the core drug treatment sinusitis are the following remedies:

  • Antibiotics: Ampicillin, Spiramycin, Cefuroxime, etc. Such drugs have an antioxidant effect, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation, and are used for mild treatment, moderate and severe forms of the disease.
  • Decongestant medications. Their main task is to reduce the swelling of blood vessels, which is achieved due to the content of phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine and other similar substances in the preparations.
  • Vasoconstrictors based on naphazoline, oxymetazoline and other active ingredients. For this purpose they are appointed local remedies in the form of nasal drops, sprays, etc.
  • Antipyretics, since with sinusitis there is often an increase in body temperature.

If conservative therapy is ineffective, surgery. The procedure involves a puncture or puncture, during which pus is pumped out. At the end of the procedure, special anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the cavity to prevent the problem from recurring; daily rinsing should also be carried out.

If ineffective conservative treatment puncture is performed maxillary sinuses nose

Treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and other similar diseases can be carried out at home, if there are no serious complications at the time of visiting a doctor. At the same time, self-medication is contraindicated without appropriate recommendations from a doctor. Possible complications such therapy may lead to dire consequences: the development of meningitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and other insidious diseases.

How to avoid rhinitis and sinusitis?

There are several common preventive measures that will help avoid diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses:

  1. Maintaining a certain air humidity in the room, if necessary, additionally humidify the air in the room.
  2. Strengthening immune system to prepare for the epidemic season.
  3. Hardening the body to develop resistance to hypothermia.
  4. Healthy and good nutrition, rich in various vitamins.
  5. Treatment colds until you finally get rid of all present symptoms.

It is much easier to prevent the disease than to then treat sinusitis or rhinitis using the methods described above.

Healthy eating, good rest, strengthening the immune system - all this will help avoid rhinitis and sinusitis in the future

From all the information presented, we can draw clear conclusions that rhinitis and sinusitis are completely various diseases, but they have many of the same symptoms and causes because they are part of the same inflammatory process. Treatment must be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of doctors specializing in the treatment of these diseases. In this case, you will not face any complications or consequences, and existing symptoms the illness will be eliminated as soon as possible.

The question of how rhinitis differs from sinusitis most often arises during the cold season, when viruses are activated, or during flowering various plants. After all, these ailments often manifest themselves with similar symptoms, but their treatment is completely different.

If the inflammatory process affects only the lower turbinates of the nose and their mucous membrane suffers, then we can talk about rhinitis. But the disease of the sinuses is called sinusitis. If the inflammation has penetrated into the maxillary sinus, which is also called the maxillary sinus, then this type of sinusitis is called sinusitis. So, what are the main differences and similarities between the diseases?

Etiological factors

The difference between rhinitis and sinusitis is striking, but at the same time there are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of both types. Rhinitis, or runny nose, is characterized by inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It develops as a result of exposure to a viral or bacteriological infection.

This happens due to the following reasons:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • hypothermia;
  • infection from a sick person.

A runny nose, or rhinitis, occurs along with other symptoms respiratory infections, namely, with fever, headache, general malaise.

Sinusitis is a disease of the intraosseous sinuses (sinuses) of the facial skull. The largest of them are the maxillary ones. They are located in the maxillary bone on the right and left sides. When their mucous membrane becomes inflamed, sinusitis is diagnosed - the most common type of sinusitis.

If a person has rhinitis, then through the narrow ducts of the nose the infection can penetrate into the sinuses. In this case, sinusitis develops. Therefore, an important task for a person is to prevent the inflammatory process from spreading to the sinuses, since the appearance of sinusitis along with a runny nose will greatly worsen the patient’s condition and complicate therapy. Therefore, in order to prevent complications, the attending physician must deal with the elimination of the disease.

Sinusitis does not always develop against the background of rhinitis. Other causes of this disease include:

  1. Nose injuries.
  2. Injuries to the facial bones of the skull.
  3. Diseases of the teeth of the upper row.
  4. During treatment of a carious tooth, infection may occur. In this case, odontogenic sinusitis develops. He is severe complication dental disorders.

Thus, the differences between sinusitis and rhinitis have been identified; now it’s worth talking about the similarities of these two diseases.

Acute rhinitis, or runny nose, develops as a result of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and not only the walls, but also all the nasal turbinates are affected. IN top layer swelling of the mucous membrane develops, the mouths of the paranasal sinuses are blocked, as a result, exudate accumulates there. All these signs are characteristic of rhinosinunsitis. It rarely develops like separate disease. Most often it appears as a complication of rhinitis or nasopharyngitis. Therefore the symptoms inflammatory diseases nose (rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.) may coincide. Please note the following:

  1. Diseases develop against the background of influenza, adenoviruses or rotaviruses.
  2. Another way of infection for rhinitis and sinusitis is bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus).
  3. Colds, hypothermia.
  4. Acute or chronic course tonsillitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, etc.
  5. Dry indoors.
  6. Allergy.
  7. Injuries to the sinuses or the nose itself. Deviated nasal septum.
  8. The appearance of tumors of a malignant or benign nature.

As it turned out, rhinitis and sinusitis are not only different, but also have similar features.

The essence of rhinitis

The causes of the disease are quite varied. It is worth considering what groups rhinitis is divided into:

  1. Acute form. Develops in the nasal turbinates. The cause is most often an infection. Acute rhinitis appears against the background of another disease and is characterized by profuse nasal discharge. Other symptoms include general malaise, lacrimation, hyperthermia.
  2. Chronic runny nose. As a result, the nose is blocked for a long time, and the person gradually loses his sense of smell. The discharge is purulent, atrophy of the mucous membrane gradually sets in, dry crusts appear in the nose, exudate is not produced. The main factors in the development of chronic rhinitis are unfavorable working conditions and frequent hypothermia.
  3. Allergic form. This is a seasonal manifestation of a runny nose. The pathology develops against the background of flowering of some plants, etc. In addition to a runny nose, sneezing and itching in the nose are observed.
  4. Vasomotor rhinitis. Appears for no apparent reason, most often in the morning. Characterized by abundant nasal exudate. This is how the body can react to cold air, odors, etc.

Treatment consists of eliminating the main cause of the runny nose. If it is a microbial infection or allergy, then you will have to take medications that affect the body as a whole. Anti-inflammatory medications or antihistamines. Along with this, it is also used local therapy in the form of drops and sprays into the nose to reduce swelling and secretory reaction of the organ.

If, after vasoconstrictor drops, your nose continues to be stuffy or there is no relief after three days of using the drug, you should inform your doctor. An important role is played by physiotherapy and conversation with the patient about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The essence of sinusitis

As a rule, sinusitis develops against the background of other infections; this is their main difference from rhinitis. And in rare cases (for example, with injuries to the nose), the disease is diagnosed as an independent disease. In addition to the existing signs of rhinitis with sinusitis, additional symptoms are added:

  • headache;
  • pain in the area of ​​the affected sinuses;
  • if you press on the sinuses or tap on them, the pain is felt sharp;
  • if sinusitis has developed, you may notice swelling under the eyes;
  • with frontal sinusitis, swelling occurs above the eyebrows;
  • V severe cases local redness is observed.

When the accumulated mucus begins to fester, and the pressure inside the sinuses increases, the person develops a nasal voice, and a foul odor is felt from the nose and mouth. In addition, general intoxication of the body develops, which is manifested by insomnia, increased fatigue, and headaches.

Treatment of sinusitis and persistent runny nose carried out as prescribed by a doctor and includes a complex effect on the body, for example:

  1. Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease: antimicrobials, antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drops, anti-inflammatory therapy.
  2. Local treatment includes rinsing the sinuses; it is advisable to do this in a hospital setting. The use of drops, ointments and inhalations is recommended.
  3. If conservative therapy did not produce results or there is a risk of complications, then a puncture of the sinus is done.
  4. A complex of vitamins and immunostimulants, and physiotherapy are used.
  5. After treatment has ended, the person must be observed in the clinic for another 6 months. Especially if there was complicated sinusitis or sinusitis.

Diagnosis of sinusitis and rhinitis

For an experienced otolaryngologist, diagnosing these diseases is not difficult. However, a number of tests will be needed to clarify the overall picture of the disease. For example, this is a test of biomaterial with mucous membrane.

X-rays are needed to determine the specific location of inflammation. Computed tomography is carried out to find out which ways the secretions are removed from the sinuses and the condition of the areas with inflammation.

Another diagnostic method is endoscopy. It allows you to identify mechanical damage sinuses, deviated septum, congenital or acquired. In addition to examining the inside of the nose, using endoscopy, antibiotics are injected into the necessary canals, drainage and sanitation are carried out.

Rhinoscopy of the posterior part of the nasopharynx can reveal its hyperemia, purulent layers or accumulation of mucus, as well as the degree of enlargement of the tonsils. And in children, adenoids can be examined in this way. If we are talking about sinusitis, then radiography reveals it.

When treating rhinitis and sinusitis or other manifestations of a nasal disease, you must remember that you should not delay treatment. These two diseases, despite their prevalence, can significantly worsen a person’s condition. And if left untreated, complications will begin that can even lead to death. Rhinitis and sinusitis may differ in manifestations and treatment, but they have one thing in common - the need for prompt medical intervention.

Rhinitis and sinusitis are not the same disease. They are often confused and combined due to the similarity of symptoms and the nature of the infection that affects nasal cavity. Acute sinusitis, as well as rhinitis, occur mainly due to infection. Sometimes even an experienced doctor finds it difficult to find differences in two diseases, the symptoms of which are almost identical. But diagnosis is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment.

Etiology of rhinitis and sinusitis

Rhinitis, sinusitis as well as sinusitis are pathologies of the ENT organs caused by the presence of an inflammatory process. The accessory sinuses (sinuses) are closed spaces that are connected to the surrounding tissues by narrow openings and canals. This is necessary to warm the air when breathing, to hold constant pressure in the inner ear and sinuses. Doctors distinguish several types of accessory sinuses:

  • maxillary (maxillary) – paired sinuses located along different sides nose;
  • the sphenoid is located deep in the bones of the skull;
  • the frontal paired sinus is located in the frontal bone above the eyebrows;
  • ethmoidal labyrinth - a set of cells that are connected to the nasal cavity through openings that enter the middle nasal canal.

The sinuses and nasal cavities are lined with epithelium, which is covered with villi. They produce a fluid containing natural antiseptics, active substances and microelements. Due to the villi, mucous secretions are mixed, all kinds of microparticles are removed, and the entrances to the sinuses are cleared. Free breathing, good hearing and microcirculation in tissues are ensured by sufficient patency of the Eustachian tubes, paranasal sinus canals and nasal passages.

Acute rhinitis or runny nose begins due to inflammation of the membranes of the nasal cavities, when not only the side walls are affected, but also all the nasal turbinates. Swelling of the upper layer of the mucosa also appears, the mouths of the paranasal sinuses are blocked, and exudate appears and accumulates there. This is typical for rhinosinusitis. Sinusitis rarely appears as a separate disease. It becomes a consequence of nasopharyngitis or rhinitis. The diseases are characterized by the same symptoms:

  • influenza, adenoviruses, rotaviruses;
  • bacteria: streptococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus;
  • colds and frequent hypothermia;
  • sharp or chronic tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
  • reduced humidity levels;
  • allergic reaction;
  • sinus and nasal injuries;
  • formations of a malignant or benign nature;
  • deviated nasal septum.

Acute rhinitis, unlike sinusitis, more often appears in winter during the cool season with dry and frosty air. It becomes easier for viruses and bacteria to penetrate epithelial tissue, since there is much less protective mucus in the nose. Without therapeutic treatment inflammation spreads to the sinuses.

What is the difference between rhinitis and sinusitis?

With sinusitis, pathologies appear in one or a pair of sinus sinuses. Rhinitis is caused by inflammation only in the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Sometimes the infection reaches the sinuses. Then this disease is already called rhinosinusitis. With a runny nose or rhinitis there is usually no fever, and with sinusitis there is usually hyperthermia or an increase in temperature.

Symptoms of rhinitis

Rhinitis is not always caused by infection, but harmful factors environment, for example, dry air, allergens, as well as physiological changes in the body, for example, during pregnancy.

Sometimes a runny nose accompanies diphtheria, influenza, measles, vegetative-vascular disorders, scarlet fever and other diseases.

Doctors divide rhinitis into several types, each of which has differences. This is acute and chronic rhinitis. With the first type of ENT pathology, catal inflammation begins in the nasal turbinates. General health worsens, frequent sneezing and severe tearing appear. After a few hours or days, profuse snot appears, which, if not treated correctly, can contain pus.

Chronic rhinitis has some special symptoms:

  • nasal congestion, which leads to decreased sense of smell;
  • dry crusts with atrophic lesions;
  • discharge with purulent inclusions.

Vasomotor rhinitis has no obvious symptoms. It is caused by a violation of neuro-reflex reactions, as a response to external stimuli appearing from the environment. Congestion and mucous discharge appear periodically, but not profusely.

Allergic rhinitis occurs due to the body's tendency to allergic reactions when the mucous membranes are overly sensitive to certain irritants, for example, poplar fluff, plant pollen, animal hair, dust. In addition to congestion and mucous discharge, there is a feeling of itching and redness on the skin. This type of rhinitis is mainly seasonal, but can also occur year-round.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Sinusitis may be separate pathology or accompany other diseases that affect Airways. Basically, this disease is caused by an untreated runny nose. Depending on the area of ​​the sinus affected, the following are distinguished:

  • frontal sinusitis, when inflammation appears in the accessory frontal sinus;
  • sinusitis affects the accessory maxillary sinus;
  • sphenoiditis manifests itself in the sphenoid sinus;
  • ethmoiditis, when the ethmoid sinus becomes inflamed.

The most unpleasant and difficult to treat type of sinusitis is frontal sinusitis. It often takes a chronic form without proper treatment.

Any type of sinusitis has the following symptoms:

  • in the acute form there is a fever, in the chronic form there is no;
  • pain in the sinuses different time days;
  • decreased appetite;
  • nasal congestion on both sides;
  • insomnia;
  • mucus discharge sometimes with pus, but not in all cases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • fatigue.

Diagnosis of sinusitis and rhinitis

If necessary, an analysis of biomaterial from the mucous membrane is prescribed. X-ray reveals the specific location of inflammation in order to develop the correct treatment regimen. Computed tomography monitors the paths through which secretions are removed from the sinuses and the condition of the inflamed areas. It helps to examine the bone structure and fluid accumulation in the sinuses.

Endoscopy helps the ENT specialist determine whether there are mechanical damage in the nasal canals, congenital or acquired deviated septums. With its help, the side walls, sinus mouths, nasal turbinates are examined, and antibiotics are injected into the sinuses, drainage and sanitation are carried out. Posterior rhinoscopy shows hyperemia of the pharynx, layers of pus and mucus, and enlarged tonsils. Adenoids are detected in children. Sinusitis is detected on x-ray.

Treatment of rhinitis

It is necessary to treat snot in any case. Otolaryngologists recommend local vasoconstrictors that relieve congestion, swelling, reduce exudation and restore nasal breathing. Have a strong and long-lasting effect:

  • Glazolin;
  • Rhinotaiss;
  • Eucazoline;
  • Naphthyzin;
  • Nazivin.

A runny nose, like sinusitis, is also treated with antibiotics. For example, Ampiox, Amoxilav, Augmentin, Flemoxin, Klatsid, Summed work well.

Folk remedies, for example, decoctions with mint, marshmallow, and eucalyptus are used for inhalation. A mixture of lemon and garlic, honey diluted with water is instilled into the nose. With hypertrophic and allergic rhinitis use hormonal sprays.

How to cure sinusitis

Acute sinusitis, sinusitis and other types of sinusitis must be treated only by an otolaryngologist. Treatment may vary significantly, although the symptoms are very similar. First, vasoconstrictor drops begin to drip, relieving tissue swelling. Shown in parallel homeopathic medicine Sinupret, which enhances the activity of epithelial villi, which help separate mucus, cleanses faster paranasal sinuses. At purulent discharge And elevated temperature prescribed.

Every person has suffered from a runny nose at least once in their life. Rarely can this force a person to seek help; more often than not, the problem remains unattended or is treated independently.

Discharge from the nasal cavities is always a symptom of damage to the nose and its sinuses.

A lesion characteristic only of the lower nasal concha, in which the mucous membrane suffers, is rhinitis. When there is inflammation in the sinuses, we talk about sinusitis. A specific process of inflammation in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is sinusitis. Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis.

Causes, manifestations and differences

Rhinitis and sinusitis have a number of similar symptoms, but differ in many ways. The first difference between the above-described nasal diseases is the location of the lesion. The second difference is that rhinitis can act as a separate disease, or it can be a manifestation of some nosology. Sinusitis acts as a complication.

Causes of rhinitis:

  • bacterial infection;
  • viral infection;
  • allergic reaction to pollen, dust, etc.;
  • elementary hypothermia.

Condition of the sinuses with sinusitis

Causes of sinusitis:

  • untreated rhinitis;
  • complications resulting from severe acute respiratory infections;
  • complication of bacterial infections;
  • after facial injuries;
  • birth defects bone structures nasal cavities;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • deformed nasal septum.

Differences of differential importance:

Sinusitis: main symptom complexes

Inflammation of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis) is a type of sinusitis that occurs in 80% of cases.

The maxillary sinuses are small caves that communicate with the nasal cavity.

Therefore, the infection often spreads to these sinuses. Another not uncommon way for infection to get there is from the periapical areas upper teeth. The rarest route is hematogenous.

Manifestations of sinusitis:

Diagnosis of nasal diseases

With rhinitis, the nasal mucosa is bright red and swollen. There are no changes on the radiograph of the paranasal sinuses.

In chronic rhinitis, the lumen of the nasal cavities is expanded, the proliferation of epithelial cells and their replacement predominate. The process can spread to bone formations.

When examining the nasal passages, sinusitis is characterized by a bright red color of the mucous membrane in the middle concha; there are purulent deposits.

If you ask the patient to tilt his head in the opposite direction pathological process, side you can notice the discharge of pus from the nose of the affected side. This symptom diagnostic criterion sinusitis. To conduct such a study, it is necessary to treat the mucous membrane with a solution of adrenaline.

A reliable diagnostic method is an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses and a biopsy of the maxillary sinus.

Such research has great importance in making a diagnosis.

Basic principles of therapy

This section will discuss the treatment of lesions of the nasal passages and sinuses (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis) of an infectious nature.

The doctor's goal is to quickly eliminate etiological factor, that is, an infectious agent.

If a simple runny nose does not cause trouble, then the spread or appearance of a process in the nasal sinuses can significantly reduce the quality of life and cause complications.

The sinuses, if there is pus in them, must be drained while antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Severe course disease is an indication for drainage through surgery. This allows you to free them from pus and obtain material for bacterial culture. Thanks to sowing, the sensitivity of the flora to antimicrobial agents is determined.

  • ventilation of the room and maintaining moderate humidity;
  • you need to drink more fluid;
  • quit smoking;
  • adjust your diet.

To remove severe pain the prescription of non-narcotic analgesics is indicated.

Treatment of rhinitis

A runny nose can be treated at home. If rhinitis occurs against the background of infectious respiratory diseases, you need to treat them first. The prescription of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated.

It is best to use paracetamol to reduce fever. In addition to reducing temperature, it has anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects.

To eliminate nasal congestion and runny nose, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed that provide local action. These include drops and sprays.

Each medicine is also sold under commercial name. Naphazoline has the longest duration of action, up to 12 hours.

Besides this, there is good remedy from a runny nose - saline solutions. The most common solution is Aqua Maris.

If there sea ​​salt, you can make a solution for a runny nose yourself. Dissolve salt in hot water, let cool. Then rinse your nose with it.

If the choice is still between any pharmaceutical drugs, then it is better to give your preference to sprays. In any case, drugs that cause vasospasm should be used in case of great need. Their frequent use leads to addiction, and therapeutic effect No.

Medicines with an effect aimed at narrowing blood vessels should be used only in the first three days of the disease, when the inability to breathe through the nose is due to local edema. It is better to choose treatment products with a long duration of action, that is, the spray/drops should contain naphazoline. Duration of use - no more than one week.

There are also medications for the treatment of rhinitis based on essential oils. Available in drops. Has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Prevents the entry of microbes, improves the viscosity of mucous secretions. The most popular remedy- pinosol. Unlike the previous group of drugs, it can be used to treat a child.

Another group of local drugs for the treatment of runny nose are sprays that contain antibiotics. It is used for both acute and chronic processes.

We treat sinusitis and sinusitis with antibiotics

Antibiotics should be prescribed when the causative agent is known to be bacteria. Treatment of viral sinusitis is carried out using antiviral, local hormonal drugs and sprays. Timely antibiotic therapy will avoid complications.

The most effective antibiotic Levofloxacin is used for the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis. This drug belongs to the fluoroquinolones. Effective on many types of bacteria. Used for treatment acute form sinusitis and sinusitis.

Amoxicillin in large doses is prescribed for treatment acute sinusitis and sinusitis. Belongs to the group of synthetic penicillins. Affects gram + and gram - bacteria.

In the presence of large quantity pus contained in the maxillary sinus must undergo a course of antibiotic therapy for treatment. Drugs: augmentin, cefazolin, doxycycline. After prescribing an antibiotic for 48 hours, depending on the patient’s condition. If the condition does not improve, the drug should be replaced with another. Antibiotic therapy lasts on average 10 days.

The sinuses of the nose can be washed with antiseptics. This procedure is carried out using a special catheter.

In addition, drugs that block histamine synthesis and painkillers are prescribed for treatment. To reduce the temperature, paracetamol and ibufen are used.

Sinusitis, and especially sinusitis, are indications for treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures.

For example, UV irradiation of the paranasal area, electrophoresis.

Complications and consequences of sinusitis

Among the complications and consequences of these diseases are the following:

To avoid the above complications, you must be attentive to the symptoms of the disease and seek help from specialists.

For such diseases, self-prescribed treatment can be harmful.
