Swells of feet in children. Common and local edema in children

Yesterday, the kid ran and jumped, and in the morning after waking up began to wipe it, with caution, coming to the elastic stop. What could happen? After all, the child did not complain about pain in his leg?

Swollen foot foot. What to do?

The reasons for the legs of the foot legs may be somewhat: the fracture of the foot (including fingers), dislocation or foot bruise, tensile ligaments, allergic reaction At the insect bite and many other reasons, not excluding heart disease, liver, kidney and other organs. The first thing you need to make parents is to immediately seek help from a traumatologist or children's orthopedic to exclude a fracture or dislocation of the foot.

Parents need to be understood that the timely appeal for medical help will help to identify heart and other organs in a child. And timely effective treatment It will help prevent more serious complications.


The injury can be determined by painful swelling, hemorrhage. Cooling grazing and compresses will help relieve pain. Sticks with cold (non-icy) water or applying an ice compress (bubble with ice) effectively during the first two or three days. As for the use of ice compresses, it is necessary to be careful not to cause burns. The procedure is carried out several times and duration of 15-20 minutes with compulsory 10-minute breaks. How to properly impose a compress with ice on the injured leg, how to apply it for a long time so as not to cause frostbite - it is better to consult all these issues from a specialist.


In the case of dislocation, the leg must be fixed in a semi-bent position, which makes further movements impossible. If a child dislocation that In order to eliminate more serious injury, such as a fracture, it is necessary to undergo a study of radiography. Only a specialist should go out.


The legs of the leg often develops after the fracture. Characteristic symptoms of fractures of lower extremities - pain, disruption of movements, visible deformation, hemorrhage under the skin. Finally, the diagnosis of the fracture is established after the radiography. If necessary, the bones are sent under general or local anesthesia, the limb impose a gypsum langelet for a certain period. As the sharp period of injury is raised and the fire of edema's bones falls.


Many allergic reactions and and utimemune diseases have characteristic manifestations in the form of edema, including lower limbs. For example, OTE to TOwinkle is an allergic swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, which occurs during contact with allergens. Antiallergic drugs are prescribed for removal of allergy symptoms: Zirtek (, Zintzet, Alersa,), (over 12 years old), (dymethenden), diazoline, etc. The choice of drugs from allergies must be trusted by a specialist.


The swelling of the feet and other parts of the body in a child can develop after the bees, OS, spider, poisonous snakes (Vijuk, Median, poloz, Gürza, Cobra, etc.). First aid in the bite of animals must be provided In accordance with the rules that depend on what animals the victim was bruoked.


(Dimethylsulfoxide) are prescribed with injuries, tensile ligaments, traumatic infiltrates, inflammatory edema. The tool is an anti-inflammatory drug. For local anesthesia, with pain syndromes, 25-50% solution in the form of compresses of 100-150 ml is prescribed 1-2 times a day. Externally in the form of applications and irrigation (washing). In the solution of the required concentration, gauze napkins are wetted and imposed on the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. On top of the napkin plastic film and cotton or linen fabric are superimposed. The duration of applications is 10-15 days.

With injuries and inflammatory edema, Dimeksid is prescribed (diluted with water in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of solution 4-5 tablespoons of water) + novocaine (ampoule) + magnesium sulfate (ampoule). The compress is superimposed on 20-30 minutes to the place of the bruise or edema.

Folk recipes

  • Compresses with onions, which must be pre-grinding and the resulting cleaner in the gauze to apply to the bruised place.
  • You can accelerate the resorption of hematoma can be tinted with aloe and sugar leaves infused within 3 days.
  • Effective grazers made on the basis of plantain leaves, linden, celandine and wormwood.
  • Relieve the scene can be cooked at home by ointment of garlic and apple vinegar.

Speak to people's methods Treatment is best after consulting a doctor.

Children often have an eye swelling that immediately causes anxiety from their parents. But before you panicing, you need to identify the cause of this process, which will indicate for subsequent actions.

The swelling of the face, namely, around the eyes, can wear both inflammatory character, and arise for other reasons. Edema is formed due to increasing the amount of fluid under the skin. Most often in children, children's swelling is short-lived and painless, but sometimes it can bring a long and strong discomfort.

The newborn swelling may appear as a result of a long crying and screaming. In infants, the reasons for edema enemy can be disturbed by his life mode or even the wrong position of their body during sleep. If the baby has a head lower than the torso, then the swelling of the eyelids and cheeks will appear in the morning. In newborns, the female swelling may be a hereditary feature. For example, if the relatives had small edema in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, then in the infants they can manifest themselves.

For older children, this problem may appear due to teething. Very often, the edema of the eyelid and the person may be the cause of the wrong nutrition of the child: due to excess in food salt or liquid, the presence of very sharp products in the diet. One of the most common and simple examples - the child drank a lot of water before bedtime.

Currently, the causes of eye edema can be such as excessive TV viewing, a long-lasting child's time in front of a computer monitor, a tablet or a mobile phone.

Even in inflammatory type

The inflammatory character of edema edema is characterized by a distinct painting of the century, an increase in temperature, unpleasant feelings for tours.

In newborns infection salivary glands It happens in the womb, so the kids are born with the swelling of the face and with severe violations of the internal organs.

Consequence of internal diseases

No inflammatory swelling often affect both eyes and manifest in the morning. The reasons for this type of swelling are as follows:

  • diseases correcting pressure inside the skull;
  • various pathology of the kidneys, liver, lungs;
  • congenital diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • inherited cysts and tumors;
  • improper nutrition and metabolism;
  • lack of vitamins, as well as mineral substances;
  • hemoglobin below the norm;
  • violation of venous blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye;
  • anatomical feature of the structure of the eye or century;
  • violation of the outflow of lymph.
  • Very rarely, but the swelling of the eyes is called urolithiasis. In the infants, the swelling may be due to the lack of hormones of the thyroid gland, which will appear in the first months of life. The kids have an increase in pharyngeal almond, which makes it difficult for breathing and violates many processes in the body.

    Traumatic female face

    Traumatic swelling of the face and the surrounding structures of the eye in children may appear as a result:

  • damage to centuries or skin around it;
  • insect bite;
  • strong exposure to the sun on gentle skin infants;
  • long bathing or dirty water in the eye;
  • wrong or very for a long time Wearing eye lenses.
  • The presence of lice on the roots of the eyelashes also causes swelling, but the upper eyelid.

    Allergic edema under the eye in the child in most cases is painless, but can cause a desire to scratch the place of origin. This process can also spread to the face, namely the cheek until the corner of the mouth. The reasons for such edema are allergens, most often from food or drugs, especially local applications. With this form of swelling, the upper eyelid is most often suffering from one eye.

    Very often, the edema of the century is accompanied by the same process on the face, but the latter can also be caused by independent factors:

  • the beginning of the disease of diabetes mellitus (in older children);
  • pilk hacks (steam), right up to the edema of the neck;
  • purulent inflammatory processes of teeth and gums;
  • diseases of the nose.
  • As can be seen, with the help of edema under the eye in a child, we can testify to very many processes occurring in its body. In infants this may indicate very dangerous diseases or different pathologies. But before treating, you need to go to the doctor and understand why the child had eyes selected.

    Diseases of kids - no!

    Inflatable ankles and bloated feet are common and usually not a reason for anxiety, especially if you stood or walked a lot. But the legs and the ankles that remain bloated or accompanied by other signs can signal a serious health problem. Damage can lead to a tumor. The most common is the dislocated ankle, which occurs when the wound or the oversight damage the ligaments. To reduce the tumor from injury, you need rest, as well as avoid walking on a injured ankle or leg. If the tumor and the pain of severe or does not improve with homework, call your doctor.

    Child swelling often early sign venous insufficiency, conditions in which blood is incorrectly promoting veins from legs and feet to heart. Typically, the veins hold blood flowing up with one-sided valves. When these valves become damaged or weakened, blood leaks move ships, and the liquid stored in a soft tissue of the legs, especially the ankles and legs, begins to accumulate. Chronic venous failure can lead to changes in skin, ulcers on the skin and infection.

    Tumor of legs or swelling is an extension of excess fluid in the fabric. Many diseases and conditions interrupt the normal flow of liquids throughout the body and force their feet to swell. Treatment to reduce the tumor depends on the cause, but most of the treatment plans include lifting legs to help fluid move away. Signs are: fatigue, chronic cough, fever, cold, shortness of breath, night sweating.

    Another reason foot edema in a child Is a heart stop - the inability of the heart accordingly to pump blood. When the heart stop occurs, the blood accumulates in the right or left side of the heart (here you can read about the heart arrhythmia in children) or both. Heart stop causes liquid accumulation and inflating legs. Many conditions and diseases cause a heart stop, and treatment depends on the cause. Disease coronary artery, diseases of cardiac valves, inflammation of the heart muscle, rhythm faults, blood clots, renal failure and anemia, which can lead to child's feet.

    Young rheumatoid arthritis is the type of arthritis (here you can read about the treatment of arthritis in children), which affects children aged 16 and younger. Symptoms include a tumor in the joints, knees, hands and legs. The tumor of the legs and the ankles in the child may appear as a result of the conditions involving local tips as well as systemic conditions (diseases and conditions that affect the whole body). Limited processes, such as wounds and infections, can lead to a bloated leg or ankle only on the involved side. Ankle tumor on one side - the result of sprains of ligaments or stresses. Sometimes there are diseases that affect the whole body, such as heart disease or kidney disease or liver failure, can lead to extensive liquid buildings (swelling), which is often concentrated in the legs and feet, leading to a tumor not only ankles, but also legs and legs . The treatment of bloated ankles and bloated legs depends on a special reason, but anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to treat pain associated with stresses and tensions of ligaments.

    THIS Entry Was Posted on Thursday, December 6th, 2012 At 8:25 DP and IS Filled Under: Musculoskeletal system

    Swelling in children: why, reasons, treatment, what to do

    Edema - excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues.

    Causes of edema in children

    Arise in the following states:

  • right-hand stagnation;
  • hypoproteinemia;
  • increased permeability of capillaries, for example acute glomerulonephritis, sepsis, after cardiology operations.
  • To identify the causes of edema, the diagnostic value is determined by the definition of localization, consistency (soft or dense), colors (pale or hyperemic), skin temperature over an edema region. Diagnose edema by pressing the skin with your finger. The appearance of the fossa indicates an increase in the hydrophilicity of the skin and reduce its elasticity. The more dense swelling, the less the trace of pressure. When the skin folds are infrained between the fingers in the place of the edema, the tough contestation of the fabric is felt, the fold is slowly smoothed, a fossa remains at the place of the compression. Edema should be distinguished from subcutaneous emphysema, at which pressure allows you to feel attitudes.

    General (generalized) edema - Positive water balance The body as a whole. For small delay The fluids speak of hidden edema that do not have clinical manifestations of common edema and can be diagnosed on an increasing increase in body weight and a decrease in diurea. With a generalized edema, it is important to find out the initial place of its formation and determine whether there are accommodation in the body cavity.

    Local (localized) edema - Disrupting the balance of fluid in a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe body or in the organ.

    False edema - edema-like changing skin. Unlike true edema, with false - presses with a finger leaves on the skin of the pit.

    The most frequent causes of common edema in children are diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

    For heart failure, symmetric localization of the edema on the ankles is characterized, and as the disease is raising - on the legs of the honeycomb patients; In the tissues of the back, lumbar and sacral regions in layer. Evenkers are developing slowly, strengthening by the evening, and after sleeping decreases or disappear.

    In case of kidney diseases, swelling is localized on the face (especially in the region of the eyelid), are maximally expressed in the morning. With a pronounced edema of the eyelid, the child's eyes are half a closed, which gives him a drowned look. Leather over swelling pale.

    General exhaustion in combination with not very pronounced edema of the legs, feet, fines the face, pollakiuria, polyuria and polydipcia occurs at a cached edema, which develops with general starvation or with a sharp disadvantage of protein food, as well as diseases accompanied by hypoproteinemia: Exudative enteropathy, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease.

    Template for delay large number Liquid is observed at viral hepatitis. For this disease, the presence of ascites is also characteristic. If the cause of the development of generalized edema is cirrhosis of the liver, then the patient can detect arterial spider-like hemangioma ( vascular stars) On the skin, erythema on the palms (hepatic palms), splenomegaly.

    It should be remembered that the use of some drugs, in particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are currently widely used in the treatment of fever in children are currently delayed in the body's delay in the body of the child's body and the development of common edema.

    With a rapid development, more often a one-sided limited edema is more often on the face (ears, lips, eyelids), on the brushes and feet should be thought of an angioedema edema. Emails and brain edema are also attributed to local edema.

    False swelling On the outer surface of the hips, buttocks arise from premature babies when scrugible. It is very important in the period of the newborn and in the first months of life to exclude congenital hypothyroidism, in which due to the false mudigan edema of the age, lips, the cheek appears a characteristic appearance. Lymphatic edema Brushes and feet, as well as the presence of "excessive" skin on the rear surface of the neck in newborns, requires the exception of Sherezhevsky-Turner syndrome.

    In newborns especially premature babies) on the 3-4th day of life, it is possible to develop minor edema on brushes, footsteps, genital organs, which is a consequence of sexual crisis, features of water-salt metabolism, low concentration ability of kidneys, transient hypoproteinemia and high permeability of capillary walls . With sex crice, swelling takes place without treatment for about a week. These edema should be distinguished from swelling when hemolytic disease Newborn.

    For breast-age, especially with the lymphatic and hypoplastic and exudative-catar-orphan anomalies of the Constitution, the paraphoff is characterized by hydrolylability, which is manifested in a quick delay and equally fast losing Liquid depending on the quality of food and the occurrence of any diseases. In children of this age, the cause of edema is often a deficit of protein, trace elements and vitamins, the pathology of urinary organs.

    Features of the examination of children with edema

    Anamnesis. With the appearance of edema, it is necessary to clarify whether the ARZ child was transferred, an angina 10-14 days before the appearance of edema (suspicion of kidney disease), to find out the frequency "Chair's character, clarify the nature of nutrition and the reception of pharmacological preparations, collect allergic anamnesis. In early age, you need to evaluate nervous, clarify the presence or absence of constipation.

    Objective examination. Objectively determine the type of edema (general, local, false), arterial pressure is measured, auscultationally and percuto assess the state of the cardiovascular system.

    Laboratory examination. General analysis urine clinical analysis Blood, coprological examination. Others laboratory examinations In order to eliminate diseases of urinary, cardiovascular systems, the diseases of the tract are carried out in the hospital.

    Consultation specialists. In the absence of testimony to emergency hospitalization, the child should be aimed at consulting a nephrologist, cardiologist, an endocrinologist, an allergist.

    Hospitalization. All patients with generalized edema are subject to hospitalization to clarify the causes of their development.

    Treatment of edema in a child what to do

    Monitoring patient

    Edema of the age and face; Limited facial expressions due to skin tension.

    Breastfares and patients in bed mode, swelling are located on the back and sides.

    When ascite, the stomach protruding on the sides.

    With pleural effusion - shortness of breath, tachipne and cyanosis.

    Observation of life functions. Daily weighing, accurate water balance. Intensive body hygiene and skin protection, skin folds should remain dry.

    Frequent position change (back position and side), careful activation. Friendly and calm atmosphere.

    Why the child has dry skin on the legs and what kind of care

    Man's skin is a reliable shield that protects internal organs and the whole organism from injuries and negative influence ambient. Any malfunctions inside, diseases immediately sign external manifestations. Dry leg legs in a child may appear due to improper care or health problems. It is important to sort out the symptoms in time and eliminate peeling.

    Causes and symptoms of dry skin on legs

    Is it always a rough skin on the legs of the baby speaks of pathology? When should a pediatrician intervene? In the first month after the appearance of the world, and sometimes a year, the body of the newborn is adjusted for new living conditions and often responds to so-sheds, rash, dryness. No need to immediately beat the alarm, but wait when you run physiological processes. But no one cancels consultation, the doctor must inspect.

    In more adult age, dryness appears as a result of a small moisture content in the corneal layer of the skin. Symptoms:

  • roughness;
  • modified appearance;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • cleaning;
  • the appearance of scales.
  • Causes appearance in children

    This condition may be observed in the first three years of the child's life. There are a number of reasons for its appearance:

  • Poor-quality cosmetics. The use of caring funds not intended for children often provoke problems. Buying a children's shampoo, butter, cream, be sure to pay attention to the age for which they are designed. Check the composition on the absence of preservatives, dyes.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Racing Stop - the main symptom of the lack important vitamins in organism. Avitaminosis is intended to develop after long-term diseases or after winter.
  • Contact with chlorinated water in the pool. Aggressive water treatment chemical negatively affects the condition of the skin of adults and children.
  • Diseases of metabolism, ORVI, infection or disease internal organs.
  • Insufficient water volume. The main source of moisturizing for the human body is pure water. The more baby drinks, the better the digestion system is working, the intestine is cleared faster, the dermis cells are moistened and function correctly.
  • Nutritional allergies or external factor;
  • Excess sunlight. During the summer holiday, you can not forget about protection against ultraviolet. In the heat, the body evaporates a lot of moisture and cracks may appear with insufficient care. If you do not notice a cosmetic problem in time, it will turn into permanent. It will be harder to cope with her.
  • Incorrect meals. Disorders in the diet are immediately reflected on the quality of the skin. A whole list of products that increase its softness and elasticity has been developed. Follow the child to eat vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables in a fresh form, fish.
  • Bathing B. hot water. For children optimal temperature mode Water is 37-37.5 degrees.
  • Low quality clothing from synthetic materials. All things for the baby must be made of natural fabrics capable of passing the air.
  • If you do not start treatment in time, dry skin on the legs will cover cracks, which will deliver to the child painful pain. The danger is the attachment of the secondary infection. Ranks are an open gate for pathogens of microorganisms, they must be heard faster.

    If the epidermis is not able to retain moisture independently, it means that it needs help with outdoor use. What a cream or ointment to buy, must advise the pediatrician. it an important stageSince dry skin on the legs can negatively respond to a new stimulus.

    As treatment prescribed:

  • vitamins in the dosage, strictly calculated by the age and child's health;
  • preparations based on urea, as an option - excipial M;
  • calcium preparations;
  • vitamin E;
  • fish fat.
  • In each case, the doctor develops the optimal treatment regimen.

    In what cases should go to the doctor

    If the prescribed cosmetic care does not solve the problem, then the reason lies in pathological process in organism.

    Dry skin can signal the following diseases:

  • Dermatitis atopic. It appears due to allergies, the skin is covered with crusts, compacted, individual sections are inflamed.
  • Eczema. The nature of the disease is allergic. The symptom is accompanied by burning, rash and itching.
  • Renal pathology. Against the background of poor worker, the kidney skin begins to dry, yellowing, the child eats badly, slow, vomiting and nausea appears.
  • Hypoteriosis. The patient thyroid is also manifested in the dullness of the hair, the fragility of the nails, edema and fatigue.
  • Psoriasis. Dry plots can inflame, peel, swell.
  • SHEGREEN DISTRICT. The disease causes problems with leather, teeth and vision.
  • Diabetes. For him, there is a damage to the folds of the skin.
  • Lichen. Speaking dry spots of fungal breed.
  • Ichthyosis. Skin cover is covered with flakes, like fish. Rarely appear bubbles.
  • Dermatitis contact. The rough area appears, where the hand, leg or finger come into contact with the material - allergen.
  • Child leg care

    To prevent dryness, it is necessary to follow the power and lifestyle of your children:

    1. Indoor where the child spends most of the time, the optimal humidity must be maintained, especially in the winter period.
    2. The skin stop is moistened with prescribed drugs.
    3. Powder, washing and hygiene rinse must have a hypoallergenic composition.
    4. Toys, accessories and clothing made of natural materials.
    5. Shoes strictly in size.
    6. The power is correct, full of prescribed drinking mode.

    Try to dress children according to the weather. Too warm clothing causes a sweating, the legs will be in dampness, which will provoke the development of unpleasant problems.

    Prevention of dryness

    As prevention of dryness as a cosmetic defect, it is necessary to regularly smear the skin with moisturizing creams or oils. Any pharmacy offers a wide range of safe tools for children with hypoallergenic components. The procedures are better to do after swimming on the steaming skin.

    There are many reasons why young children have dry skin on their legs, and many of them are harmless. At the initial stage, try making changes to the caring procedures and nutrition. But when inflammation, cracks do not pull with a campaign to the doctor, it is dangerous for the health of the child's skin. And if the damage is a symptom of the disease, then the baby requires immediate qualified assistance.

    Edems in infants arise due to excess fluid in muscles, body cavities and subcutaneous tissue. Fabric swelling can be local or common. I wonder what subcutaneous tissue And the skin of the newborn contains 2 times more fluid than an adult (in relation to the entire body fluid).

    Eye swelling in infants

    Breeding eyes swell in conjunctivitis, abundant, allergies, unbalanced nutrition and incorrect day mode.

    If there are other symptoms (fluid delay, edema of the body, etc.), one should think about the serious disease.

    The fluid delay is a sign of kidney disease, hepatic, lymph naude or venous insufficiency, cardiac decompensation, hormonal imbalance. The weight of the child will increase faster than the usual, the frequency of urinations will be reduced.

    Nephild syndrome is characterized gradual development edema and weight growth. After some time, swelling will spread to other parts of the body.

    Such concomitant signs, like wheezing in the lungs, shortness of breath and rapid pulse arise due to severe anemia, rheumatic myocardial inflammation.

    Swelling under the eyes of the infants

    The reason for echoes under the eyes of the infants can be: genetic predisposition, Sleep deficiency, excessive salt intake, overwork or individual features of the structure of the eye. In this case, it will help compliance with the right mode of sleep, recreation, nutrition and walking. It is important that the child get enough oxygen and nutrients.

    However, swelling under the eyes can talk about more serious diseases. Fabric swelling occurs when: heart diseases, urinary Systems and kidneys; anemia; vegeta dystonia; Increased intracranial pressure; metabolic disorders; conjunctivitis; ritin; inflammation of the sinuses of the nose; respiratory infections; teething; Problems with tear-free channels. Entrances will be held after eliminating the main reason.

    Entrepreneurs of the age of infants

    Usually eyewives in the infants swell due to the occurrence of barley or conjunctivitis.

    When barley, there is a painful spot redness of the edge of the eyelid, swelling, the deterioration of the general condition of the infant, and later the guns are developing. In some cases, barley is independently revealed, is absorbed or transformed into chronic education. Sometimes inflammation passes to all the eyelids, it will strongly swell and blushes. Such a disease should be treated only under the control of the doctor.

    Standard treatment consists in instilcing the albuchis in the eye gap and heating by dry heat barley region. Squeeze the guns and impose bandages or compress it is prohibited.

    Conjunctivitis occurs against the background of irritation of the mucous or infection. In this case, it is necessary to regularly release the eyes from the discharge and wash the eyelids with a solution of furaticiline or manganese. Every 2 hours, droplets with sulfanimide or antibiotic should be buried. On the eyes can not be imposed bandages. On average, the duration of treatment of conjunctivitis is a week.

    Abundant purulent bloody discharges in combination with dense edema can occur in newborns at the age of 2-3 days. Such conjunctivitis occurs due to the infection of gonococci when passing through the generic paths. Timely proper treatment It gives good quick results, and the complete absence of therapy can cause blindness.

    Such a dangerous disease as diphtheria conjunctivitis is diagnosed by difficult to removed from the eyes. Treatment should be carried out in the hospital.

    Often repeating chronic conjunctivitis develops due to regular irritation of the eyes, an allergic reaction, diseases of the tract and teeth. If the launches of the babies are constantly closed, then the occurrence of chronic purulent conjunctivitis (dacryocystitis) is inevitable.

    Entrance of the nasal mucosa in infants

    Breasts do not know how to independently clean the nasal moves from mucus and crusts. Create favorable conditions for the development of infection. As a result, the nasal mucosa is inflated, swells, the child becomes capricious, his breathing is disturbed. With a significant swelling, the baby sleeps badly and refuses food.

    Durable breathing causes hypoxia. Application vesseloring droplets Returns the ability to breathe normally. However, the continuous impact of the droplets will cause the reverse reaction - the swelling will increase. It should also be regularly sucking the extra mucus and rinse the nose, this will speed up recovery.

    To eliminate swelling, it is necessary to identify the reason for its occurrence and further get rid of it. Rinith with swelling is noncommunicable, infectious or allergic. Elek, caused by an allergen, does not require treatment with vasoconducting drops. After reception antiviral drug Eveny, as a rule, passes.

    The frequent swelling of the nasal mucosa in the infection sometimes signals the hidden infection in the nasal cavity or pathology of the nasal moves.

    Sweet Qincke in Breast

    Sweet sneaks always arise suddenly. Leather, mucous membranes and subcutaneous fiber swells. The cause of the symptom is an allergic reaction, sometimes hereditary.

    As a rule, lips swell, face, the rear surfaces of the feet and brushes. The most dangerous swelling of the larynx. In this case, the face suddenly becomes pale or bluish, anxiety appears, breathing makes it difficult, and the voice becomes sipl. From the larynx swelling can spread to the trachea, which will cause asphyxia (overlapping the breath paths).

    The baby urgently requires medical care for any signs of feeding of Quincke. At this age, it is especially dangerous, since the young children are high penetration of vessels, which contributes to the rapid increase in edema. In addition, the respiratory tract of the baby is very narrow and suffocating develops rapidly.

    It is impossible to slow, even before the arrival of the physicians, it is necessary to give the child an antihistamine drug.

    What if you hide the eyelids in the morning? It is important to choose an effective approach to treatment.

    Elevation of the eyelids and eyes in the morning - a fairly common phenomenonwhich can be provoked by the most different factors.

    Usually Similar condition it is normalized independently for a short time.

    However, if the swelling occurs constantly and do not pass more than a day, in this case it is necessary to conduct full diagnosis organism.

    How is the symptom in the morning after sleep?

  • strong red blown and its seal. To the touch skin cover may seem hot;
  • painful sensations when touching or pressing;
  • tear and pain;
  • feeling a foreign object.
  • In some cases, the patient can only disturb the edema that can be quite pronounced. At the same time, the patient with difficulty opens his eyes and is experiencing expressed discomfort.

    Why occurs swelling?

    Edemane or under the eyes in the morning may be provoked by two types of causes:

  • associated S. short-term violations of the day;
  • associated with serious internal diseases.
  • Causes that do not cause serious concerns

    For such reasons can be attributed to:

    • eating too large liquid on the eve or immediately before bedtime;
    • taking alcohol on the day before;
    • salt and smoking abuse products;
    • long crying before bed;
    • strong eye stress;
    • application inappropriate cosmetics;
    • age changes;
    • genetic predisposition.
    • Causes requiring immediate medical care

      For reasons to immediately consult a doctor, can be attributed various diseases affecting the kidney and endocrine patient system.

    • pathology of kidneys - At the same time, there is a disruption of the balance of liquids in the tissues and internal organs.
    • In addition to edema in the morning, patients may complain about edema extremities and faces.

      This condition requires research from the fruit and further treatment with the help of special preparations;

    • pathology endocrine system - In this case, the lesion is most often affecting the thyroid gland.

      In addition to edema, patients may observe the increase in the neck, the appearance of excess weight, difficulties with swallowing and changing the voice.

      The problem is adjusted to the appointment of hormonal drugs;

    • allergic reactions - Allergies can disturb the patient constantly or sharpen in certain seasons.

      Dust, wool, pollen and much more can be used as allergens.

      The main symptoms in allergies are edema of the eyelids and eyes in the mornings, tearing, runny nose and sneezing.

      Sometimes swelling in the morning may indicate the presence of food allergies;

    • eyes diseases include diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature.

      In this case, in addition to the swelling, patients may complain about tearing, soreness and formation of purulent content.

    • Therapeutic methods of the problem we are selected on the basis of a common clinical picture and a finite diagnosis.

      If a Are you sure that the problem was not provoked by any major internal violationsYou can take advantage of the following algorithm that will allow you to get rid of edema in a short time:

      It is best to choose natural ingredients, for example, a lingonberry or a tolkin;

    • take antihistamine.

      As an example, you can call suprastin. This measure will help facilitate the state if the disease was caused by allergies;

    • attach cold compress to the eyes.
    • If, after a number of procedures, your condition has not normalized during the day or, on the contrary, aggravated, you should visit a specialist who will determine the exact reason.

      Medication tools

    • antihistamines;
    • diuretics;
    • drugs to normalize the work of the kidneys;
    • hormonal agents;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antibiotics.
    • If you need to get rid of edema in a short time, can be resorted to the help of special ointments.

      Despite the fact that the funds listed below are not intended for a similar purpose, however, they have a practically instant effect.

      To such ointments include:

    • Troksevazin - ointment from edema, is usually used with hemorrhoids.

    A small amount of means is applied to the skin around the eyes and leave until full absorption.

    The procedure is repeated once;

  • Heparin ointment is another tool used for hemorrhoid therapy.

    Ointment copes with edema within an hour.

    A small amount of means is uniformly distributed to the area around the eyes and leave for exposure;

  • Hepatrombin - In addition to edema, the drug eliminates dark Circles under the eyes.

    It is used in the same way as analogs.

  • If the problem is provoked by dry eye and fatigue, you can purchase special drops.

    Folk remedies are not a full treatment. They allow to eliminate swelling, but do not remove it the root cause.

    The most popular recipes include:

    For this, 3-4 tablespoons of berries are poured with two glasses of steep boiling water and leave it to the thermos at least 2 hours.

    The resulting tea is necessary to drink throughout the day;

  • field Horst.

    For the preparation of a recipe for 4 tablespoons of raw materials, a glass of boiling water is poured and boiled on a water bath for 20 minutes.

    After that, the tool is filtering and coated. The resulting decoction take three times a day on the tablespoon.

    The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks;

  • infusion Petrushki..

    The tool displays an extra liquid from the body, eliminates bags and swelling around the eyes.

    It is necessary to take a tablespoon of fresh parsley, pre-crushed through the meat grinder and pour it a pair of glasses of boiling water.

    The mixture is insteaded for 6 hours, after which they are filled and take three times a day for 5 days;

  • skill with sea salt.

    Salt is known for its ability to pull out excess liquid from the tissues.

    To cook compress a tablespoon sea salt Dilute in a glass of water.

    This liquid is impregnated with two compresses and impose on the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

    If time allows, then after waking up you can lie in the bath with sea salt.

  • Eye swelling in a child after sleep?

    Causes of edema century children after sleeping do not differ much from the causesCorrecting in adults.

    If the swelling occurs often and at the same time can hold on to several days, it is important to show a child with a specialist.

    From this video you will learn about the reasons and treatment of edema and bags under the eyes:

    Even in the morning and the area around the eyes in the morning may indicate enough dangerous states.

    Even if it seems to you that you are completely healthy, with permanent edema need to consult a doctor.

    Perhaps your problem is caused by a hereditary factor. In this case, the cosmetologist will help to correct the situation.

    How to get rid of postpartum edema legs

    During the launch of the child, the edema of the limbs is frequent phenomenon. Usually unpleasant symptoms They disappear in a timely manner, but sometimes swelling of the legs after childbirth do not pass, which leads to confusion of young mothers.

    Feature of swelling of the foot

    The severity of the postpartum swelling depends on the localization and intensity of symptoms. Distinguish 4 degrees:

  • 1 degree - location on the shin;
  • 2 degree - added abdomen;
  • 3 degree - progresses on hand and face;
  • 4 degree - covers almost the whole body.
  • Causes of postpartum edema

    A healthy woman who does not suffer from pathologies, when discovered a painful state, is asked why legs swell after childbirth.

    General factors for the occurrence of pathology

    Causes that can provoke the painful state of the lower extremities:

  • Violation of the routine of the day. Child care takes a lot of time in a woman. Lack of rest good night leads to fatigue and swelling of legs.
  • Non-compliance with food intake mode. Drinks on the go and unbalanced nutrition Calculate to excess weight and increasing loads on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Salt and fried eartle abuse. This is especially true of mothers who have ceased to be breastfeed for any circumstances. Desires to catch prohibited during pregnancy ( great consumption Salt and fried food), a woman fills this restriction after childbirth.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • The casual causes of edema on the legs after childbirth are undergoing by themselves, if you comply with the recommendations for the prevention of painful symptoms.

    But the swelling can be accompanied by concomitant diseases, when discovering which one must be visited by a doctor. Pathologians include:

  • Phlebeurysm. Disturbance of blood flow and stagnant changes in vessels contribute to the edema of the limbs.
  • Thrombosis. Loads on the legs can lead to blockage of the lumen of the vein (the formation of thromboms, externally visible swelling).
  • Renal failure, problems in the urogenital system. Increased burdens ( hormonal changes And the pressure of an increased uterus hinder the urine outflow) during pregnancy and after it helps to slowly remove fluid from the body.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Weak heart muscle does not cope with the desired volume of circulating blood, elevated in the body of a woman during pregnancy, which leads to stagnation in the vessels. With this pathology of edema of the legs around the clock (in contrast to swelling arising from fatigue) and are characteristic of lower Half Body.
  • Gestosis. One of the difficult pathologies of future mothers. Often, when it occurs during pregnancy to save the fetus, doctors make a decision on urgent surgery (cesarean section).
  • Foot Effusion After Infusion

    Since the woman's body in the postpartum period has not yet been "rebuilt" and the kidneys do not cope well with the elimination of excess fluids, the introduction of solutions by dripping (up to 2 l) amplify the problem. Against the background of this, strong swelling of the feet is harder.

    Swelling after surgery

    With any operations, the risk of diseases and unpredictable hazardous states is always elevated. Feet swelling can be caused by a surgeon error during operational intervention (damage to the vessels responsible for blood outflow from the lower half of the body). Squeezing vessels postoperative edema Complete bloodstream, which leads to stagnation of blood in the legs.

    What to do with postpartum effer

    Consider the methods of eliminating the edema of the lower extremities that have arisen after the delivery.

    First aid for edema extremities

    The period of recovery after the birth of the baby, when changes in the body come to normal, each woman passes in different ways.

    A healthy mother's edema feet must pass within a month after childbirth.

  • Performing simple physical exercises for lower extremities (circular movements of the feet, lifts on socks, compressing fingers).
  • Massing legs.
  • Normalization of the diet, power mode.
  • Full holiday and good sleep.
  • Wearing compression linen.
  • Medical treatment

    Do not resort to self-medication tablets.

    Only a qualified specialist will appoint correct medicia treatmentSince when breastfeeding baby, a woman has drug use is limited.

    How long will it take for treatment? The answer to this question depends on the selected way to eliminate the problem. The choice of drugs will determine the attending physician after a comprehensive examination.

    • Therapeutic course in diseases of the blood or urogenital systems has up to 30 days.
    • For varicose therapy, you will need to go through long therapy, up to 6 months (based on what kind of development stage is a disease).
    • The designated vitamin complex can get rid of feet swells.
    • Dr. During the lactation period try to appoint medicinal products More sparing, and also often resort to folk healing.

      Any herbal tinctures and foot baths can be used only with the permission of the doctor.

      With elevated arterial pressure and as diurendics use the following infusions:

    • birch and apple juice;
    • urological fees (pharmacy diuretics);
    • brasters lumps;
    • tea from linden.
    • For foot baths apply the following additives:

      After the bath with floral raw materials, you can make lightweight massage.

      For varicose expansion veins to these procedures should be approached with special caution (preferably after the consultation of the specialist).

      To which doctor to turn

      Usually women who follow their health know about their diseases. They are undergoing treatment with specialists and are on "accounting".

      If after 4 weeks the postpartum edema of the limbs will not disappear, then there are all grounds for consulting the doctor. IN this case need to comprehensive examination With the surrender.

      There are many methods for diagnosing a vascular system.

      The doctor (phlebologist) will help choose the most effective way to study vessels (according to the symptoms described, if available concomitant diseases and pathological heredity in history).

      An experienced nephrologist will appoint treatment if the kidney problems have caused edema extremities.

      If the pathology is provoked by cardiac problems - a cardiologist will help.

      Preventive measures aimed against the emergence of the edema of the lower limbs must be taken before delivery. In addition to protecting against stretch marks, wearing a bandage during pregnancy at the last periods (third trimester) reduces the pressure of the growing uterus on the perineum vessels, reduces the load on the legs and reduces the probability of development of varicose to a minimum.

      What to do if legs swell after childbirth, how to reduce the risk of a painful state? First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the reasons that provoke symptoms.

    • Wearing compression linen (is preventive measure To maintain the healthy state of the foot vessels, both during the tooling of the baby and in the postpartum period).
    • The ban on the use of high heels, shoes without supporting heels, slap (feet when walking should feel comfortable).
    • A true diet is true (restriction of consumption of oily, fried, as well as salted, sweet and acute food, elimination of carbonated drinks; preference is given to fruit, vegetables).
    • Compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician.
    • Cold and hot shower, foot baths, massage, walk on fresh air, full Son., rest, lungs physical exercises, good mood are the pledge of the health of the new mammies.

    Foot swelling in children is anxietyIn which it is important to urgently consult a doctor. Total secrets of local and general. But the first thing that is required to pay attention to this symptom is the state of the kidneys.

    Measure the existing fluid delay in the body can be diagnostic. The doctor measures the amount of liquid consumed and secreted, or controls the weight gain. Each parent should know how much water is required by the children's body depending on its age. And if urine becomes muddy and with unpleasant odorthen urgently consult your doctor for help.

    Why does the swelling of the legs manifest itself?

    As a rule, if the fluid delay in the body has a small patient, then there may be a violation of the function of the heart muscle, both in acute and in chronic form. Among the other "culprits" of the swelling can be:

    • dysfunction of the hormonal system;
    • renal or liver dysfunction;
    • problems with blood circulation and so on.

    If your child has a feet swelling, it does not mean at all that he can have all the listed diseases. Indeed, among the most common causes, improper nutrition, flatfoot, fracture of the leg and excessive mass of the body are also distinguished.

    To form the right treatment of this ailment, it is necessary to initially put the accurate diagnosis and reveal the cause of such swelling. In some cases, you can cope with the trouble through proper dietWhen the use of saline and liquids is reduced. If the limbs of your children systematically swell closer to the night, then we can talk about the disease of the cardiac system. And if the edema is observed in the morning, the kidneys become wines. The emergence of the swelling after walking speaks about the presence of flatfoot, so pay attention to the walking of your child. And if problems are observed, you need to observe the doctor and buy the necessary honey. products. In particular, an inexpensive medical equipment online store sells at medshop24.com.ua.

    Treatment of swelling

    Today, deliverance to the child from this diagnosis is carried out by many medicines, which are discharged depending on the identified "culprit." Sometimes the doctor can prescribe only drugs with a diuretic effect, sometimes, it may be ointments. Also excellent results show special physical culture for legs. But in any case, a specialist consultation is always important, who prescribes treatment.

    Today you can find very good doctorsFor example, over the years, Israel has been holding its leading position in terms of medicine. Our clinic employs only highly qualified specialists who are ready to always give you help. Yes, the cost of treatment in Israel does not shock you at all, but on the contrary, it will be pleasantly surprised. Moreover, there are always various discounts up to 20%.

    If there is a swelling of the child in a child, the reason can be saved food. If the child swells the legs constantly - it is necessary to consult a doctor for a serious survey.

    The cause of edema of feet can be both heart failure and a disease of the liver or kidney, bronchial asthma, Lung disease and many other diseases. Therefore, with regular legs of the legs, it is necessary to consult with the doctor and undergo a comprehensive survey of the body's condition.

    If the child's swelling is observed in a child - this does not mean at all that he is sick with one of the above diseases. The reason for the edema of the feet can also serve a violation of metabolism, overweight, flatfoot, problems with thyroid gland, the injury of ankle joint, fracture leg.

    For successful treatment Beetween edema, it is primarily necessary to identify the reason that causes edema. Sometimes a person simply sufficiently cut the use of salt and fluid so that the edema of the legs stopped. If the legs regularly swell in the evening, then this is a sign heart diseaseWhile swelling to the morning - developing renal failure.

    Also, edema can manifest itself from a perfect healthy person, for example, with excessive use of fluid overnight, with improper selection of shoes or with a long seat in an uncomfortable posture. If the child swells his feet after a walk, pay attention to his gait: perhaps he has a flatfoot or he just tupes shoes.

    Treatment of edema legs

    Treatment of leg edema is carried out by different drugs, depending on the cause. In some cases, diuretic is prescribed (which in no case cannot be used in heart disease), in other cases - ointment. Sometimes folk remedies helps to get rid of edema special gymnastics for legs. It will be most reasonable when regular edema appear to contact the specialists, find out the cause of the occurrence of edema and cure the disease itself.

    Injury heel is injury lower limb In the field of the back of the foot, delivering discomfort victim. Soft fabrics get closed damage, but their integrity is not disturbed. Sometimes the injury accompanies stretching or breaking ligaments, dislocation of the joints, fracture of the heel bone.

    The reasons

    Most of all the risk of getting a bruise occurs among active children, teenagers and athletes. The pathology leads:

    • Wearing shoes on heels or on a thin sole.
    • Sport injuries.
    • Falling on legs when jumping.
    • Strike hard surface.
    • Careless walking on the stairs.

    Break heel is characterized by a sharp pain, which is difficult to endure. It becomes impossible to step on the sore leg.


    With injury lymphatic vessels Soft fabrics are bursting, blood falls under the skin and in muscle tissue, bruise appears. In a state of rest, the heel does not hurt, but it becomes difficult to step on the foot.

    Due to blood from entering the tissue, their bundle occurs, the nerve endings are squeezed and the pain is enhanced. Bloodstocks can manifest themselves both in the place of the bruise and around it. The appearance of swelling and hematoma indicates strong hemorrhage. And the bump (thigh) on the heel indicates more serious damagethan ordinary injury. A person begins to chrome, as involuntarily avoids unnecessary pain, ordinary shoes are worn with difficulty.

    It is important to immediately diagnose bruise from other pathologies. The diseases of the heel bone are different, each of them requires its treatment. Timely appeal to the doctor will help to get rid of many complications of the course of the disease.


    If the injury does not accompany the fracture, then for 7 days, pain symptoms substed, the affected place will quickly blush, shines, then yellow. The increasing pain arose continues for a while, after which it becomes more and gradually passes. On the ability to walk in the future it will not affect.

    Otherwise, it becomes painful not only to step on the leg, but also to move it. Fracture over time only enhances pain. You can see it by making an X-ray.

    Dislocation of the foot deform the limb (lengthens or shorten it). The injury stretches the ligaments, leads to the breaks of the joints of the joints and ligaments. Dislocation is the beginning of the inflammatory process and may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Independent movement is impossible, the leg looks an unnatural way. Pain occurs with any attempt to move it. Determine the removing will also help the X-ray snapshot.

    Without a doctor, determine the bruise, fracture or dislocation is difficult, but perhaps. It is necessary to carry out longitudinal pressure on the limb. The fact is that there are no nervous endings in the bones, and with a fracture it does not hurt. Pain receptors are in the periosteum (outer sheath of the bone). As a result, when the injury, only the place on which the impact will be carried out. With a fracture and dislocation there will be a feeling of pain in the entire foot.

    The injury treatment is carried out at home local exposure medical preparations. Dislocation, sublux, fracture and dod to treat in the hospital.

    The fracture of the ankle or other bone of the foot will determine the traumatologist on the basis of the pictures taken and visual inspection. If the integrity of the heel bone is not impaired, then additional treatment is required, in addition to getting rid of the bruise.

    First aid

    Such an injury as a bruise of the heel requires immediate provision of the victim prefigure. At the same time, it is impossible to draw dressings and fixation of the foot to the inspection of a specialist.

    Strong pain syndrome And the likelihood of the presence of other dangerous lesions brings to the adoption of the following set of measures:

    1. To prevent education strong enemy In the case when a person beat off his heel, he needs to take a horizontal position or convenient to sit down. Damaged leg at the same time should hang out freely. This will provide blood outflow and lymph. The limb is ensured by a complete peace, that is, without any loads.
    2. Then you need to periodically make compresses from ice to the bump. The cold will lead to the vessels spasm, the swelling will not be able to quickly spread, the symptoms of pain will decrease. If there is no ice at hand, you can use ice cream purchased in the nearest store, a bottle of water from a refrigerator, another frozen or chilled product.
    3. If there is no strength to endure pain symptoms, a pill is taken anesthetic, which is (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Tempalgin, Analgin).

    A specialist in the trauma will hold a visual inspection, prescribe X-ray. Based on the data obtained and the diagnosis, correct treatment will be appointed.

    It is very important as possible by a person with an injury to show a doctor (surgeon or traumatologist). Since independent movement is difficult, you can call an ambulance for the further transportation of the victim to the trauma.


    The measures taken are designed to ensure anesthesia, relieve unpleasant symptoms, relieve further complications. Treat more expedient to simultaneously drug and folk remedieswithout giving preference to one way. Relevant therapy: compresses, baths, ointments, dressings, physiotherapy.

    With no complicated injury, cold compresses should be done during the first day. A tight bandage is superimposed on the applied ice - it will provide squeezing of vessels and prevent blood spreading. From the second day, the foot is warmly ensured.

    Medicia treatment

    Continue treatment requires drug compresses. The doctor will tell you how many times a day will need to do the procedure (usually it is carried out in the morning and in the evening). Medicine used:

    • Doluben.
    • Remiside.
    • Lavenum.
    • Salt or manganese solution.
    • Fungizon.
    • Balms 911.

    During the day, the use of native agents will help to treat swelling at the same time. They rubbed into the dry surface of the epidermis without imposing bandages:

    • Heparin ointment.
    • Velaf.
    • Non-man.
    • Indomethacin.
    • Bom-Benga.

    On the night there is a good foot bath. Water with the addition of sea salt or mangartee is heated to a temperature of 400c. The procedure removes pain symptoms, stimulates the broken blood flow, contributes to healing. To treat the bruise of the heel in this way can be as much as they need, there are no contraindications to foot baths.


    No less effective in a complex with drugs will be treated with physiotherapy procedures. Thanks to them, inflammation is removed and the regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated. The physical proceedings are made to appoint a doctor, the course is from 3 to 5 sessions.

    What physiotherapeutic methods can be recommended:

    • Using the effects of a static magnetic field on soft fabrics Stupa will accelerate their healing. Such treatment is based on the control of blood flow in the vessels.
    • The use of ultrasound oscillations (UHF therapy). Used to produce micro-massage tissues with stagnant blood. The symptoms of the tumor often disappear after the third time.
    • Formophoresis method combines treatment with ultrasound and medicines. Medications Enter in layers of epidermis through mechanical oscillations above 16 kHz.

    The UHF procedure can continue until recovery. The duration of the foundation of phophoresis is prescribed depending on how much the medication needs to be introduced into the affected place.

    Folk ways

    It is also possible to treat injury by folk remedies. For this, baths and compresses with suitable medicinal herbs are used. Sometimes alcohol compresses are used.

    Methods of treatment:

    • Compress from vodka. Place a linen bandage into a liquid, slightly squeeze (leave vodka in it, how much it turns out) and attach to the patient. Top to cover with insulating material (polyethylene package, parchment), bandage.
    • Easy massage using camphor alcohol will be thermal effect and will remove inflammation.
    • Warm pasta casket. Cooking grains, smash in a puree, attach to the bruise, fix.
    • Cabbage sheets. From Kochan, dense, intact leaves are separated, slightly imagine their hands until the juice sticks out. Applied to the heel with a fixation of a tight bandage (bandage or leukoplasty).

    From affordable home remedies can be used: honey, grated raw potatoes, different medicinal herbs. They are applied, but not rubbing, as rubbing will lead to the blockage of the affected vessels.

    With the right, complex and timely treatment Break heel passes in a couple of weeks. Launched cases can lead to inflammation of the tendons, the development of arthritis and neuritis, inflammation of the synovial bag (synovit).

    The knee is complicated, and therefore the vulnerable place of the combination of human feet bones. It accounts for a big load, therefore, when the knee joint hurts, a person not only experiences discomfort, but also practically turns off from a full-fledged life.

    Strong pain in the knee joint experience many people from time to time. They can overtake a person regardless of his age and the kind of classes. The risk group includes:

    • athletes;
    • elderly people;
    • lovers of uncomfortable shoes;
    • overweight people;
    • pregnant;
    • people with hereditary predisposition to articular diseases.

    However, in their place there may be anyone who carelessly and neakochuten in the movements. But all of them need to understand why the knee joints hurt, the reasons to find out and prescribe treatment. My patients enjoy a proven means, thanks to which you can get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

    Causes of pain

    Pains in the knee joint causes may be different, including to testify to the presence of a serious illness:

    • The knees are experiencing heavy loads. In most cases, this concerns people professionally engaged in sports. Running, squats, lifting weights often lead to overloads that knees to withstand unable;
    • Injuries. Even the usual injury can provoke the inflammation of the occasional tissues, due to which the pain will only be enhanced, and the place of the combination of knee bones is swollen. By the way, it is precisely when the hemarthrosis can be diagnosed with hemorrhage into the articular cavity. The blood sinking process can stretch for months, so much will have to tolerate sharp pain;
    • Castle changes. Pain symptoms In the knee joints may indicate that the person develops arthrosis - the disease in which the knee is deformed. This process can affect not only its surface, but also bundles, as well as the okolossertive muscles;
    • Inflammation. This process indicates the development of another disease - arthritis. Acute pain in the knee joint is one of its main symptoms;
    • Damage to meniscus - connecting knee cartilage. Injury, or a sharp movement, or other, at first glance, a minor reason - and now the knee crunches and hurts, and the manifestation of symptoms is enhanced with loads;
    • Stretching or gap with strong impact or rejecting the knee of internal and external ligaments with which the knee joint is strengthened;
    • Infectious arthritis, which in addition to pain "gives" a swelling and redness, and a person will prevent lomotics in muscles and weakness;
    • Tuberculosis bones. Knee joint pain is one of the main symptoms of this disease.

    Having come to the doctor, the patient should clearly describe his pain, because when difficulties They will wear different character. Sharp pain In the knee joint - this is the result of bruises, damage, shocks.

    However, whatever pain, they still indicate that your knees are bad. At the same time, only a specialist will voiced the accurate diagnosis. The sooner you contact your help, the more successful will be the treatment. Pain in the knee joint is a limitation of movement. Therefore, the sooner the problem is solved, the faster the feeling of lightness and freedom will return to your life.

    What to do?

    The answer to the question: "What to do with the pain in the knee joint?" - Pretty simple. Need to be examined and treated. If you do not consider this symptom with full responsibility, you can first seriously complicate my life with various motor restrictions, and in the end and to be at the operating table.

    Therefore, diagnosis to help you. The main thing is that it has a real professional in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. So, what is the algorithm of joint actions of the doctor and the patient, so that the diagnosis was delivered, and the sore knee is cured?

    Pain in the joints of the knees: treatment and diagnosis. The first step towards health is honest patient answers to the doctor's questions. It will be interested in a lot: your physical exertion and nutrition, injuries and falls. You will have to describe our complaints with all thoroughness - and find out why there is a crunch in the knees or click, hurts on occasion to occasion or constantly.

    The second step is inspection. Doctor needs to know whether the knee is well flexible, extension, whether there is swelling on it, in which place is localized in the knee joint.

    • radiography;
    • arthroscopy;
    • Ultrasound joints;
    • thermography and others.

    If there is a suspicion of a tumor, then the doctor may assign a punctuation biopsy. And only after that the treatment time comes.

    Pain in the knee joint: treatment usually takes a lot of time. After all, it is not necessary to fight with the very pain, but with a disease that causes it. But no matter how much time it takes, it is impossible to postpone the treatment of legs in the knee joints of the legs for its full-fledged future life.

    Medical treatment with articular knee pain Pretty effectively. As a rule, at first the doctor is trying to help a patient with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the form of tablets or ointments, if they do not bring relief, they turn to painkillers.

    Treatment should be comprehensive. So you have to resort to physiotherapy, massage and medical gymnastics To improve blood circulation in the knee area and even comply with a special diet.

    TO surgical intervention Resort when bursting bundles and knee tendons.

    Treatment of pain in the knee joints at home

    It happens that to get to the doctor is difficult, and help is required immediately. Then you need to take up simple ways Remove the sensations of discomfort and the pain in the knee joint, the treatment that is available to everyone at home:

    • Compresses for warming. They can be prepared from a mixture of soda, salt and iodine; Dry mustard I. camphor oil; Gorky pepper and alcohol.
    • Medicinal herbs. Easy pain in the knee joint can be used to apply problematic place Leaf leaf, horseradish, birch.
    • Bed regime. During the exacerbation of the symptoms is best, in general, do not disturb the knee. If completely immobilization is impossible, then you need to try to limit your activity to the maximum to give it time for rest. To remove the edema, it is recommended to put a pillow or roller under the knees.
    • Use of canes or wand when walking. It is recommended that one has no opportunity to observe bed regime. Additional support will reduce the load on the sore leg.
    • Contrast treatment with cold and warmth. Cold compresses help remove swelling, heat attracts blood to a problem place. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that the first two days after knee injury We use solely cold, call heat only after neutralizing the tumor.
    • Bandaging. The elastic bandage imposed firmly, but not tight, or bandage - good helpers in the process of removing the load on the sore limb and the knee joint in particular.

    Do not forget about prevention. From injury knee Sustava Nobody is insured, but in the forces of everyone do not go on the way of self-destruction. It's simple: just not to put your knees with excessive physical exertion, follow weight, eat correctly, take anti-inflammatory drugs, and if you still do not imagine your life without a sports load - carefully do the workout.

    And then the likelihood is that you will not fall into those 50% of people who, if you believe the statistics, live with sore knees. This means that walking on the stairs, running, dancing, long walks and other joys of life associated with the movement will be extremely pleasure.

    How to cure foot bruise at home?

    In everyday life, many had to deal with bruises.

    Foot bruise is considered the most common injury, to get that can be used with the unsuccessful fall on the leg, jump, impact.

    Most of these troubles occur due to their own inattention and negligence. It is important to be able to provide a timely first aid to such victims in order to avoid unwanted complications.

    What happens when bruised?

    Injury is a damage that is not accompanied by a violation of integrity skin coverHowever, it often happens when the foot fracture.

    But at the same time, small blood and lymphatic vessels are injured, leading to hemorrhage in the damaged area. Depending on the severity of the injury, a bruise arises or even a large hematoma. In the area of \u200b\u200binjury noticeably seal. Muscle function that are pathologically reduced, violated.

    Factors that provoke injury

    Since the stop is actively involved in the movement, and its functionality is very diverse, it is this part of the body being injured most often.

    The causes of the injury may be the following:

    • stroke a heavy stupid object;
    • blow about some subject;
    • squeezing the foot;
    • falling a person from height;
    • falling on the leg of any object;
    • unsuccessful jump.

    Zoning injury on the foot

    It is customary to allocate such basic groups of the feet of the foot:

    1. Finger injury is the most common injury in this area. It occurs due to the blow of a blunt subject. Quite often you can get damage to this nature in the summer when people wear open shoes. Injury accompanies damage to soft tissues. Characteristic features: appearance of swelling, color change in the area of \u200b\u200binjury, sharp sharp pain, restriction of the motor function. Often occurs damage to the nail plate. Diagnosing foot fingers injury, it is important to eliminate the tile of the capsule and the intra-articular fracture.
    2. The injury of soft tissues of the rear and injury soles of the foot occurs as a result of squeezing the foot, falling a person from a height, to hit the foot of the vehicle, falling on the foot of heavy objects, etc. Characteristic features: swelling, pain, motion disorders. Bloodmeys are not noticeable immediately, they appear only on 2-3 days after damage. We can visually notice them on the back surface, but on the sole, they are rarely observed. At a time when intense hematomas are formed, it is fertilized by the foot, the feeling of gravity in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, the restriction of movements is the so-called hypertensive ischemic syndrome.

    Signs of injury: how to distinguish from fracture

    Immediately manifests symptoms of foot bumps:

    • strong pain occurs immediately after the injury is obtained, over time it does not pass, but becomes less acute;
    • swelling appears, which will be more pronounced after 10-15 minutes;
    • in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage there is a heat;
    • hemorrhage occurs to various severity;
    • motor function is limited.

    If it is not possible to take the necessary measures in a timely manner, then the hematoma will increase, intensifying the pain. As a rule, any injury passes after 2-3 weeks of the rehabilitation period.

    Diagnostic techniques

    Upon receipt of injury in the foot area, it is important to put an accurate diagnosis. Make it can a traumatologist. When bruised stop, treatment is required, as with any other injury.

    But before proceeding with any procedures, other, more severe damage must be excluded.

    After spending a palpation, the doctor will determine if there is a fracture. With the help of X-ray research, the nature of injury is diagnosed - dislocate the foot or injury.

    First aid

    Treatment must be started with the first medical care. To reduce the likelihood of unwanted consequences, a number of simple events must be performed:

    Treatment of the injured region

    In order to recover as quickly as possible, it is necessary to approach the treatment of the injured foot. Normal damage to this plan is successfully treated at home.

    Heavy cases require permanent control of the doctor. It should be noted that if there is an extensive hemorrhage into the cellular space of the foot, then it is possible to avoid operational intervention.

    The periodic use of such a method contributes to rapid resorption of hematoma and final deliverance from pain.

    Prepare a warm compress can each alone. To do this, it is enough to heat in a pan the usual salted salt And shield it into the bag of fabric.

    In addition to the proposed methods, you can use ointments, gels, creams containing painkillers and anti-inflammatory components.

    Such means help to remove swelling, contribute to the resorption of hematoma and eliminate pain. Through such drugs as "Dimekside", "Heparin", "Lioton", "Ibuprofen", etc. The effectiveness of treatment increases.

    After 3-4 days, it is possible to connect a complete massage of the feet and fingers to the treatment complex, as well as gymnastics for the restoration of the joint ventilation activity.

    Physiotherapy methods (electrophoresis, paraffin applications, magnetotherapy, etc. are used as additional procedures, which can add an exceptionally doctor after 7-10 days of treatment.

    Complications can be avoided if ...

    Complications may develop if the treatment was untimely or incorrect. IN

    such situations are high like the development of hemarrosis and synovites, which are a cluster of inflammatory fluid or blood in the joint.

    In case of damage to the cartilage of the articular surface, post-strammic arthrosis may occur. If the limb was in a state of fixation for a long time, either the restoring gymnastics was carried out, trophic violations may occur.

    Rehabilitation measures

    Restoration of the damaged limb depends on a number of factors, namely:

    • compliance with all prescribed appointments;
    • the severity and degree of injury;
    • individual features of the body.

    As a rehabilitation measures, such techniques are proven after the feet of the foot; physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, manual therapy, Empty therapy, mehanotherapy.

    Modern medicine can boast by introducing new and not less effective methods (carboxyterepia, electric pump).

    Insurance yourself completely from damage and bruises is impossible. But to reduce the risk of an accident completely forces to everyone.

    To do this, it is enough to be more prudent and careful. If, nevertheless, foot injury is obtained, it is necessary to direct all the forces to provide first aid, thereby preventing the development of unwanted complications.

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