Milk thistle oil - useful properties and contraindications. Milk thistle seed oil

With today's article, I will begin a series of articles about a very nondescript, but unusually healthy medicinal plant, whose name is milk thistle. Perhaps I'll start with the product that is bought most often - milk thistle oil.

This article will give you general idea about what kind of oil it is, whether there is any benefit from its use, whether harm is possible, and we will also analyze how, and most importantly, for what diseases to take it.

Milk thistle, for sure, has seen each of you. Many consider it to be of little use weed without even knowing how big healing power hides in this nondescript plant. It looks like this.

Milk thistle oil is sold both in regular pharmacies and over the Internet. This is how it looks (the manufacturer may be different).

Important! When choosing, always clarify how the oil was obtained. It is necessary that it be exactly cold pressed, because it is with this method of production that it has the maximum therapeutic effect and keeps its beneficial features.

In most cases, you should not take the product in a large (500 ml or more) bottle. You just won't have time to use it up. The fact is that the shelf life after opening is very short and it quickly deteriorates.

Milk thistle oil - benefits and harms

What is the benefit

Due to the high presence of polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated acids in milk thistle oil, a large amount of micro and macro elements, as well as essential oils, this product has very strong healing properties and has long been successfully used in the treatment of a number of diseases.

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Milk thistle oil

This product is obtained by pressing milk thistle seeds (). As I mentioned, it is important that the spin technique is cold! Only in this case the product will have healing power.

On sale you can find oil poured into various glass containers: from 50 ml. up to 750 ml. and even more. But, as again, I already said, buy oil with a capacity of more than 500 ml. impractical, since when combined with air, it quickly deteriorates. This product is not a shortage, it's over, you can buy more without any problems!

The shelf life of milk thistle oil is exactly 12 months (it is in a closed, sealed container). One has only to open it and the shelf life is immediately reduced by 12 times and is a maximum of 30 days.

This means that by opening the bottle you will have to have time to use the oil within a month. You will have time, for example, to use 750 ml. or 1000 ml.? Great question!

Milk thistle oil capsules

What are capsules? The same milk thistle oil, only enclosed in a shell. Many people like this option of taking it, since people are used to taking pills and here it is the same. The advantage of this technique is that in this way the specific smell of this product is leveled, which is not to everyone's taste. And here I drank and forgot. Conveniently!

In general, taking oil in capsules looks preferable, unless of course you are confused by the price. They will cost a little more.

The shelf life of capsules in comparison with the liquid analogue is increased by 2 times and is exactly 2 years, which is another plus. Store them in any dark and cool place.

What is the best milk thistle oil to buy

So which oil to choose and which oil will be the most beneficial? This is a personal matter for everyone. Habit also means a lot. If you are accustomed to swallowing tablets, capsules, then taking them in liquid form will weigh you down. In addition, this product has a specific smell. Capsules are completely devoid of such a drawback!

The advantage of liquid oil is that, in addition to being taken orally, you can also use it externally or in cosmetic purposes... With capsules, this option will not work.

In general, when buying, you should proceed from what disease you are going to use it for, are you willing to overpay or not, etc.

Personally, I am a supporter of everything natural and am used to taking such things in liquid form. This is not at all a burden to me. Oils, tinctures, medicinal infusions - I always prepare for myself and take them without problems.

How to take milk thistle oil for medicinal purposes - detailed instructions

So what do you need to know about using this useful and affordable product? I will not touch upon the use in cosmetic or food purposes, this is a topic for a separate article, I will only touch on the use for various diseases.

There are 3 reception options in total:

  1. Internal (oral)
  2. Outer
  3. Enemas and douching

Let's analyze each method in more detail.

Ingestion of oil

With diseases of the liver, stomach, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in order to improve the overall health of the body

  • The course of treatment is 1 month, after which a break is needed for a period of 7 to 30 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.
  • Reception: 1 teaspoon 1-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The number of receptions is determined by the severity of the disease. So, for example, for general health purposes, it will be enough to take 1 teaspoon of oil per day, and with cirrhosis or hepatitis, it is already needed 3 times / day.

Diseases of the stomach, such as ulcers, are treated by taking the oil 1-2 times a day. It must be drunk 1 hour before meals. The course of treatment is the same for 1 month, followed by a break.

For constipation

  • From constipation you can short term get rid of if you drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • The effect will be noticeable within a few days.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

  • 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.
  • The course of treatment is a month with a mandatory break of at least a week. If necessary, repeat the course.

Taking milk thistle oil capsules

When selling oil in capsules, the product always contains instructions for use. It should be followed. Usually, adults are recommended 2-4 capsules per day, the course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months.

External use

For burns, wounds, cuts and abrasions

  • The meaning of treatment is to apply a napkin or cotton swab dipped in milk thistle oil in the form of a compress on the wound.
  • Napkins are changed daily. The course of treatment until the patient's condition improves.

Lichen, dermatitis, allergies

  • With the aforementioned diseases, a simple application of oil to problem areas will help.
  • The course of treatment is until improvement or complete recovery (optional).


  • For eczema, it is recommended to take a sterile napkin (sold in pharmacies), moisten it with oil and apply on sore spot while fixing it.
  • Such napkins are changed once a day. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks in a row.

Enemas and douching

With hemorrhoids

The treatment is divided into 3 phases:

  1. Cleansing enema
  2. Therapeutic micro enema (30 milliliters)
  3. Lubricating the anus with milk thistle oil

Inflammation and erosion of the cervix

Douching will help in these cases. To do this, mix 50 ml. milk thistle oil, 2.5 ml. oils tea tree and introduce this mixture into the vagina, then lie down for 5 minutes with your legs up. Best effect achieved if you do douching at night.

Summary and conclusions

Milk thistle oil, regardless of the form in which you use it, is a safe, environmentally friendly and medically effective product. Its benefits are obvious and proven long ago, and the harm is minimal and possible only if you violate the contraindications.

Summing up what has been written, it is worth highlighting the main thing:

  1. Only cold-pressed oil is suitable for treatment.
  2. You should not buy milk thistle oil in a large container, as it has a very short shelf life after opening.
  3. Both liquid and oil in capsules are equally effective, preference in choosing is a matter of habit, price and taste

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Milk thistle is familiar to almost everyone and everyone - these lilac flowers on thin stems with whitish leaves grow along roads, and in meadows near water bodies, and in a vegetable garden. Many people simply remove this weed, not thinking that it is he who can give a person health and harmony!

Traditional healers say a lot of good things about the benefits of milk thistle, but the importance and necessity of using this plant in the treatment of the liver is also recognized by official medicine. Many medicines contain milk thistle seeds and oils, although in folk medicine for preparation remedies use both flowers and leaves of the plant.

The seeds of the plant in question are composed of a whole complex nutrients: flavonoids, vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals. And the silymarin contained in them makes milk thistle an excellent hepatoprotective agent.

What are the benefits of milk thistle for the liver:

In addition to the fact that milk thistle is actively used for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, there are still quite a few useful properties of this plant. These include:

  1. The use of milk thistle in the form of a decoction can alleviate the condition of pregnant women with powerful early toxicosis.
  2. If you have a history of diseases associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system, then for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, you need to use the plant in question in courses.
  3. Using milk thistle as medicinal plant will be appropriate for acquired immunodeficiency, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Drinking a decoction or tincture of milk thistle will also be recommended for those who have recently undergone a course of chemotherapy, radiation therapy was exposed to radioactive radiation.
  5. Use drugs based on milk thistle, as well as products from the category " ethnoscience", Will render help needed and with, pathology of the pancreas and spleen, salt deposits, osteochondrosis.
  6. Milk thistle is actively used in dermatological practice- it will become effective drug for burns, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers, eczema.
  7. Milk thistle is prepared Fresh Juice(from leaves and stems) - it is used in folk medicine for the treatment of lingering, and official medicine recognizes the beneficial properties of milk thistle juice in the treatment of colitis.
  8. Infusions from the seeds of the plant in question and decoctions can and should be used for pharyngitis, colds, with periodontal disease.

When the seeds of the plant in question are squeezed out, the result of this process will be the formation of not only oil, but also meal. Meal is a powdery substance that is rich in fiber. It is this substance that is considered the best option for the treatment of intestinal diseases, meal cleanses it, stimulates normal work, normalizes microflora.

Milk thistle seed flour is simply a seed powder made without pre-pressing the oil. Flour is usually used to restore liver function - if you mix flour with the oil of the plant in question, you get excellent remedy to restore liver cells - even the most popular ones cannot "boast" of such active healing properties, modern drugs pharmaceutical industry.

Note:for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, the benefits of milk thistle meal are very great, but there will be no harm to the body at all - you can safely use it daily and for a long time. The only limitation is that the meal cannot be taken in any form by pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. If a person has a diagnosed cholelithiasis, then consultation with the attending physician is required.

In addition to the fact that the meal actively helps to solve problems with the functionality of the liver, it will be useful to take it for joint pain, migraine, heart disease, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, diseases of the spleen. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of milk thistle meal together with food - this will be enough to normalize the functioning of organs and systems.

Often, flour from the seeds of the plant in question is used in cooking - it is added to salads, cereals, baked goods, but keep in mind that the product should not contain more than 20% milk thistle flour. Some people use flour in general to make a drink! And all this use will be beneficial for the body, only with existing chronic pathologies it is better to consult with specialists.

How and to whom to use milk thistle

In order for the plant in question to really have health benefits, you need to understand and know when and in what form you need to use milk thistle. There are the following recommendations from experts:

  1. If you are overweight, then the use of a decoction of milk thistle seeds and the addition of flour of this plant to food will help to normalize lipid metabolism, remove harmful / toxic substances from the body, cleanse intestinal tract and normalize it to work. This will all lead to natural loss extra pounds.
  2. At diabetes mellitus It is very important to consume fiber - it prevents surges in blood sugar. A huge amount of fiber is contained in milk thistle seed meal, therefore diabetics need to use it. By the way, the meal contains both minerals and vitamins that are involved in the production of insulin.
  3. A decoction of milk thistle seeds, flour from them helps to restore the body after stress and stimulates the production of breast milk. It is not surprising that both the decoction and the oil from the seeds of the plant in question are recommended for women in the postpartum period for early recovery and while breastfeeding.
  4. Douching with a decoction of milk thistle will help to cure vaginitis faster, ease the condition of a woman with cervical erosion and colpitis. In the case of the listed diseases, tampons dipped in oil from the seeds of the plant in question can also be inserted into the vagina.

In general, it is believed that milk thistle should be consumed by absolutely all people:

  • alleviate the condition in case of alcohol poisoning;
  • help to get a person out of the binge;
  • is part of complex therapy with drug addiction;
  • contributes to an easier passage of the rehabilitation period;
  • quickly restores the body after chemotherapy and radiation;
  • increases immunity and serves as the prevention of various diseases (this is especially important for residents of large cities).

Milk thistle recipes

For the competent use of the plant in question as a medicine, you need to know the recipes for the preparation of medicinal products.


Can be in 100 ml warm water dissolve 1 tablespoon of meal and take 2-3 times a day. Milk thistle seed flour can be added to cereals or baked goods, but you will definitely need to stick to proper nutrition, and do physical education at least in minimal "doses".

Another helpful advice on the use of milk thistle for weight loss - put 1-2 tablespoons of meal in a glass of kefir, drink this mixture at night. Thus, the feeling of hunger will be satisfied, and no fats / carbohydrates will enter the body.

Chronic constipation and intoxication

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of meal in 100 g of natural yogurt or kefir and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to use this remedy every day for a month. If we add 2 liters of clean boiled water per day to this recommendation, then toxins will be actively removed from the body, the intestinal tract will be cleansed.

Varicose veins and high blood sugar (but not diabetes yet)

You need to take 2 tablespoons of milk thistle seeds, grind them into flour (with a blender or coffee grinder) and consume 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of use is 30 days, then a break is made for 2 weeks and everything is repeated with one more monthly course.

To improve liver function and alcohol dependence

You need to take 1 tablespoon of the seeds of the plant in question and pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain and consume 50 ml in small sips 20 minutes before meals. You need to drink the entire amount of the drug received per day, and the first portion must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, and the last one just before bedtime.

Joint diseases, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds

You need to prepare a tincture of 4 tablespoons of milk thistle seeds and 500 ml of alcohol, insist for 2 weeks. Then the agent is taken in 25 drops, diluted in 100 ml of water, before meals. The course of treatment is unlimited - until the condition is relieved.

Liver disease

Every day you need to consume 1 teaspoon of flour from the seeds of the plant in question 4-5 times. The course of admission is 40 days, then a break is made for 15 days and everything is repeated again. In general, this way you can be treated for six months - as a rule, this period is enough to normalize and stabilize the liver.


Every 3 hours, you need to consume 1 teaspoon of meal until the symptoms of poisoning disappear.

Note:no matter what recipe is chosen, in the presence of chronic diseases in the body, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the advisability of using milk thistle as a medicine.

Milk thistle - harm and contraindications

It is necessary to use / apply milk thistle-based products with extreme caution to the following patients:

  • with diagnosed gallstone disease - treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician;
  • with an irregular heart rhythm;
  • With bronchial asthma- milk thistle can provoke an attack of suffocation;
  • With increased level calcium in the body.

Often, the individual intolerance of the plant in question is also revealed - in this case, any use of it will be prohibited.

Note:if milk thistle was not previously used, then with the first few uses, a person may notice pain in the area of ​​the anatomical location of the liver - this is considered the norm. If, after 2-3 days of treatment with the plant in question, pain and discomfort have not disappeared, then you need to interrupt the course and seek the advice of a specialist.

Milk thistle is a plant that many people know as a weed. However, this thorny plant has useful composition, and its properties are widely used in medical purposes... It has a beneficial effect on the liver and pancreas. The pharmaceutical industry produces milk thistle oil, the use for the liver of which we will consider today.

Benefits of milk thistle oil for the liver

What are the benefits for the liver this tool? Milk thistle is able to stimulate and regulate the production of an important substance like glutathione. The latter is a short chain of three amino acids that help in the elimination of free radicals, toxins and heavy metals from the body. This substance is effectively prescribed for chemical, radiation poisoning.

Silymarin, which is part of the drug, is able to increase the formation of bile, as well as enhance its outflow. In addition, this substance neutralizes toxins.

Chlorophyll stimulates cell growth and regeneration, thereby rejuvenating the liver. In addition, the oil is effectively used in cases alcohol addiction... The medication helps to restore cells affected by alcohol and is able to stop the disease. In some cases, milk thistle oil is effective for hepatitis B and C.

So, a medication on the liver has the following effect:

  1. Relieves soreness, colic, removes toxins.
  2. Stimulates the protective properties of the organ.
  3. Relieves from inflammatory processes.
  4. Promotes the regeneration of organ cells.
  5. Stimulates the synthesis of enzymes, resulting in improved membrane performance.

Important! Milk thistle oil normalizes the functionality of the liver, and also prevents its destruction.

It is believed that this medication reduces the risk of developing cancer pathologies.

The medication is available in liquid form and in capsule form. Consider how to drink milk thistle oil in each of the forms for liver disease?

Method of using liquid form

The drug in liquid form can be used as a medicine or as an additive in the preparation of dishes. Recommended single dose: a teaspoon. It should be taken with meals 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 2 months. After such therapy, it is necessary to take a short break for 2-4 weeks. After a break, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

Instructions for using the product in capsules

The medicine in capsules is much more convenient to use. The capsules contain the same medicinal composition. The gelatinous membrane dissolves and is completely digested in the intestine. The course of treatment with capsules is 1-1.5 months. The recommended single dose is 4 pcs. take with food three times a day. If necessary, the course of therapy can be repeated after a short break.

Cleansing the liver with oil

In order to restore functionality, for prophylaxis, in order to prevent liver disease, it is recommended to cleanse the organ with this medication. Let's consider the most common recipes.

Recipe number 1

Grind 50-100 g of plant seeds and mix the resulting powder with 70 g of milk thistle oil. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Consume 1 teaspoon after meals three times a day.

Attention! Bowel cleansing may occur, heavy sweating and weight loss.

Recipe number 2

Grind 100 g of seed, 5-10 g of burdock root and the same amount of dill in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder into 70 g of oil. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Consume after meals 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.

Important! The duration of treatment is individually determined by the doctor.

The liver is an organ that performs very important functions in the human body. Therefore, he needs support. Cleansing the liver is an effective method to help restore the functionality of the organ.

The therapeutic composition of the medication

The value of the product is due to the vitamins that make up its composition. It contains B vitamins, vitamins D, E, and K. In addition, the medicine contains useful micro- and macroelements: manganese, aluminum, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium and zinc, selenium, chromium and boron, phosphorus, etc.

The main active ingredients are flavonolignans and flavonoids. Neohydrocarpine, silybin, silydianin, and silicristine are quite essential substances for the body. In addition to the above components, the medication contains biogenic amines (tyramine and histamine), chlorophyll, as well as silymarin and polyunsaturated fatty acid... The price of a medicine primarily depends on the manufacturer.

Oil properties - what else heals

This medication is characterized by the following properties:

  • choleretic;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • bactericidal;
  • hepatoprotective.

Medicine widely uses this drug to remove toxins after alcohol intoxication, poisoning. In addition, this medicine is effectively prescribed for liver pathologies. Milk thistle oil is also prescribed for the treatment of enterocolitis and cholecystitis, prostatitis and hemorrhoids, stomatitis and peptic ulcer, cirrhosis and other pathologies.

Attention! The healing properties of milk thistle oil are preserved, since the product is produced by the cold-pressed method.

The medication has the following effect:

  • normalizes blood pressure, promotes insulin synthesis;
  • regulates the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • relieves inflammation of the liver, accelerates the process of bile secretion;
  • controls hormonal balance;
  • normalizes the functionality of the cardiovascular, endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • heals gastritis, ulcers and constipation, helps to eliminate toxins;
  • affects blood clotting;
  • strengthens the immune system, activates the activity of the brain;
  • cleanses the skin from rashes and inflammations.

The medication protects the skin from early aging.

Important! When used externally, milk thistle oil does not harm the body, except in cases where the patient is allergic to the components of the oil.

This substance is applied to the skin for ulcers and burns, bedsores and eczema. The medicinal property of the drug has found its purpose in gynecology. It can be used for urethritis, as well as prostate adenoma.

This medicinal product with prolonged use effectively acts on internal organs and does not provoke cancer.

Milk thistle oil harm

Despite its beneficial properties, the drug also has some contraindications. The drug is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • with mental disorders;
  • with allergies or intolerance to any of the constituent components;
  • with exacerbations of heart disease;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • with pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • in the case when any diseases of the digestive organs are present.

Oil is prescribed with caution during pregnancy, lactation.

Important! It is forbidden to take medication for children under 3 years old.

Milk thistle oil is a unique remedy for the liver. It is used to treat many organ diseases, to cleanse it, and also for prophylaxis. It is not recommended to use the medication without consulting a doctor, since it has some contraindications.


What is milk thistle oil

What is milk thistle oil, the benefits and harms, how to take this oil, what does it have medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment, including with the help of medicinal herbs and food. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Milk thistle is an annual or biennial plant with an erect stem up to 150 cm in height, covered with a mealy bloom.

The leaves are pinnate-lobed or pinnately dissected, leathery, dark green, speckled with shiny white transverse interrupted stripes, prickly along the edge of the blade and veins on the underside, the lower ones are petiolar, the upper ones are sessile, stalk-enveloping.

Apical baskets, solitary, oblong or spherical, on thin peduncles.

The leaves of the envelope are green, tiled, outer and medium, with a protruding deciduous, prickly, rigid appendage.

The flowers are tubular, pink, purple or white. Achenes are elliptical, glabrous, about 7 mm long, dark brown or black with longitudinal, light lines; the crest is 2–3 times as long as the achene.

Blooms from July, bears fruit in August - September. Propagated by seeds.

Grows in the central and southern strip of the European part, in the Caucasus, in the southern part Western Siberia, v Central Asia... It usually grows along roads, in abandoned fields, sometimes on very dry and saline soils.

Milk thistle seeds contain up to 32% edible fatty oil. The fruits are used to treat liver diseases and biliary tract... This is a beautiful ornamental plant.

In the world of herbal medicine, milk thistle has long and rightfully occupied one of the places of honor as a plant with universal pharmacological properties.

In official medicine, drugs created on the basis of the amount of biologically active substances milk thistle (carsil, legal, silibor, hepabene, hepatofalk plant, etc.) with the main hepatoprotective effect.

In folk medicine, almost all parts of the plant (fruits, leaves, roots), as well as products of their processing (fruit juice, fruit oil and leaf juice) are used.

Truly unique is the honey collected from milk thistle plantations.

Flowers, leaves and roots of milk thistle are a part of many herbal compositions widely used in gastroenterology and endocrinology. Leaf juice is used for anemia, hypovitaminosis, asthenia, chronic diseases digestive system, musculoskeletal system.

Milk thistle is popularly called thistle. It has been widely used in pharmaceuticals and medicine for a long time and is considered a powerful drug. It can also be called effective remedy, which is used to prevent many diseases. Due to its many beneficial properties, it is very actively used in traditional medicine.

From a medical point of view, milk thistle oil is of the greatest value; it can be used both internally and externally. This oil is obtained by cold pressing from milk thistle seeds. Outwardly, it is an oily liquid that has a yellowish-green color and a pleasant specific smell and taste.

Milk thistle oil is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, burns, dermatitis, gynecological diseases, radiation therapy as therapeutic agent... Recommended for the population living in ecologically unfavorable regions, workers of industries with harmful conditions labor, with liver diseases, pregnancy toxicosis, poisoning.

Useful properties of milk thistle oil

The main active ingredient this plant is silymarin. There are 12 types of silymarins in milk thistle oil. These substances help to strengthen cell membranes, especially liver cells. As you know, it is the liver that takes the first blow from the effects of various toxic substances. This is why liver health is so important. And silymarin has a beneficial effect on the human liver, strengthening and regenerating its cells.

This oil activates metabolic processes, promotes fat burning. It has a choleretic effect. But the development enough bile is simply necessary for the normal digestive process in our body. Therefore, milk thistle has a positive effect on digestion.

Milk thistle oil is rich fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, F. Vitamin F is a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Due to their content, this oil has an anti-sclerotic effect. These substances are very important for the human cardiovascular system. They lower the level bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Thus, polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent such terrible phenomena as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. These substances are also necessary for the normal functioning of our brain.

Milk thistle oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer effects, it is also effective hepatoprotector... This oil is able to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall resistance of the body. various diseases... Chlorophyll activates metabolic processes in the cells of the body. This substance can have a rejuvenating effect on tissues. It stimulates the metabolism in the liver and in the heart muscle, it is necessary for the implementation of redox reactions in cells. Tocopherols help to protect our body from the effects of factors that cause the development oncological diseases... These substances also prevent premature aging of the body and support its reproductive functions.

Carotenoids have antiallergic effect. They are essential for normal metabolism in the liver and heart muscle. Carotene is needed for the retina of the eyes, and it also acts as a growth factor. Milk thistle oil contains significant amounts of vitamins E and A, which are powerful antioxidants. They protect the body from premature aging as well as from development malignant processes in him. Vitamin E is necessary for us for the normal functioning of the reproductive system of the body. These vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of our skin and eyes, and prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Contains this oil and vitamin D, which our body needs for the full assimilation of phosphorus and calcium. It helps to strengthen the immune system and normal functioning heart, blood vessels and thyroid gland... Milk thistle oil contains a large number of trace elements such as zinc, selenium, magnesium and manganese. These substances are responsible for the normal synthesis of the hormone insulin by the pancreas.

B vitamins are very important for the full activity of the brain, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and muscular systems the human body.

Healing properties of milk thistle oil and uses

It should be noted that healing properties Milk thistle was known to people in ancient times. The first mentions of him can be found in the writings of ancient doctors. Now the use of this plant is allowed. official medicine many countries, including Russia.

The use of milk thistle oil is indicated for people recovering from liver disease, as well as for those who quit alcohol or drugs. This oil is recommended after undergoing a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Milk thistle oil has the ability to eliminate the side effects of medication that can negatively affect the liver. This vegetable oil is very useful for diseases of the intestines, liver and stomach. Indications for the use of this oil are: cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver, hepatitis; sharp and chronic gastritis; stomach ulcer and duodenum; biliary dyskinesia. Milk thistle oil is also used for parodanthosis and stomatitis.

Milk thistle oil is also widely used by dermatologists. It is useful for many types of dermatoses, for allergic skin diseases, baldness, psoriasis, burns, skin diaper rash, vitiligo, acne vulgaris, lichen planus, etc.

Milk thistle oil is used for problems with cardiovascular system, with diseases of the ear, throat, nose; as well as for female diseases.

The harm of milk thistle oil

It is important to note that the use of milk thistle oil has no contraindications. it is absolutely harmless. However, if there is serious illnesses It is best to first discuss the use and dosage of milk thistle oil with your doctor.

Milk thistle oil treatment recipes

Modern society is prone to all sorts of ailments, and the oil we are talking about today will help effectively not only get rid of many diseases, but also prevent their occurrence, being excellent prophylactic... So:

Milk thistle oil for stomach ulcers

Biologically active substances of milk thistle seeds improve intestinal function, restore the balance of beneficial microflora, have an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect in ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Milk thistle oil regenerates damaged tissues of the stomach and intestines, promoting their healing.


Cervical erosion

Milk thistle contains a high concentration of vitamin E, which ensures the regulation of the reproductive and endocrine systems in both men and women. Milk thistle oil has shown a high healing capacity when severe forms erosion.


  • Douching: 50 ml of milk thistle oil should be mixed with half a teaspoon of tea tree oil. The resulting mixture of oils is doused - 3 ml of oil is injected into the vagina at night with a syringe without a needle. After the introduction of the oil, you need to lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees for 5-7 minutes. Douching is carried out daily for 12 days.
  • Daily application of tampons soaked in milk thistle oil in the vagina. Erosion of the cervix begins to become covered with epithelium already on the 10th day of treatment, and soon heals.

Milk thistle oil for eczema

Eczema - Acute or Chronic Non-contagious inflammatory disease skin, characterized by a varied rash, burning sensation, itching and a tendency to relapse.


Apply a napkin soaked in milk thistle oil to the affected surface.

Milk thistle oil for liver cirrhosis


Milk thistle oil is taken twice a day for 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. The course must be at least a month. After a break for a week, the course of treatment can be continued.

Milk thistle oil for acne

Milk thistle seeds give good anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect... They contain a large amount of biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Milk thistle for acne works optimally when used herbal remedy inward and outward. Inside, to cleanse, and externally, to act on problem skin.


Apply the oil to the skin as a mask once a day. Use at least 10 times, optimally until a significant improvement in skin condition.

Milk thistle oil for psoriasis

With psoriasis on the patient's skin, single dry red plaques are formed, raised above the surface of the skin. In this case, the appearance of plaques is accompanied by peeling of the skin and severe itching. Scientists and doctors have long proven the relationship between the course of psoriasis and abnormal liver function. By normalizing the liver, it is possible to achieve remission of psoriasis, to nullify its relapses. Milk thistle for psoriasis shows excellent results, acute manifestations diseases are reduced, plaques are minimized, and no longer appear strongly on the skin. In some cases, liver pain is possible, which goes away after a short period of time.

In this case, a strict diet should be strictly observed, if possible, completely abandon the use of salt. Avoid very fatty, fried or smoked foods. Do not eat food, allergic: coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits. Give up bad habits- do not smoke, try not to consume alcoholic beverages. Strictly monitor the cleanliness of the body, personal hygiene.


  • Milk thistle oil is used as an external agent. The oil, after preheating, must be applied to the skin of the body, in places where psoriasis plaques appear. This should be done 2-3 times a day. After applying the oil, wait 30 minutes and rinse warm water or wipe off with a damp cloth.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of milk thistle oil 30 minutes before a meal. It must be taken 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days. If the patient has clearly expressed diseases of the liver, you should combine the reception, taking both oil and meal, 3-4 tablespoons a day. Meal is the crushed seeds of a plant.
  • Milk thistle oil in gelatin capsules. Take 4 capsules 3 times a day with meals - this way milk thistle oil is better absorbed by the body. The course is 30 days.

Periodontal disease treatment

Periodontal disease is a disease around the dental tissue called periodontal disease. With periodontal disease, it dissolves bone holes. Vitamin E, copper, zinc and carotenoids of the oil stimulate the production of collagen - the main building material of articular cartilage and ligaments.


After preprocessing with astringents, apply a bandage with milk thistle oil. The duration of the application is 30 minutes.

Milk thistle oil for immunity

Immunity is the body's ability to resist bacteria, viruses, toxins. In protecting the body from pathogens infectious diseases an essential role, in addition to acquired immunity, is played by nonspecific protective factors. This is the impermeability of healthy skin and mucous membranes for most microorganisms, the presence of substances in the skin secretions and acidic contents of the stomach that adversely affect microorganisms. Milk thistle contains substances that antibacterial action... Silymarin fights inflammation and resists the penetration of toxins and poisons.


Milk thistle oil for hepatitis

Milk thistle silymarin is a unique antioxidant complex consisting of silychristin, silybin and silydianin. It has a versatile hepatoprotective effect - it strengthens liver cells, protects them from toxins, alcohol and free radicals, stops inflammation, normalizes bile production, improving the liver's ability to cleanse the blood from metabolic products.

At the same time, milk thistle is part of complex therapy, and not a basic medicine. This plant effectively removes toxic substances without harm to the body, thereby cleansing the liver and protecting it from destruction.


Milk thistle oil is taken twice a day for 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. The course must be at least a month. After a break for a week, the course of treatment can be continued.

Milk thistle oil for pancreatitis

The development of a disease called pancreatitis is often facilitated by a violation of the outflow of bile. Milk thistle preparations containing enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the intestines are able to restore and enhance the production of bile and its excretion, as well as normalize lipid metabolism. In addition, milk thistle lowers blood cholesterol levels.

The most important and valuable substance that milk thistle seeds contain is silymarin, a unique antioxidant complex consisting of silychristin, silybin and silydianin. It has a versatile hepatoprotective effect - it strengthens liver cells, protects them from toxins, alcohol and free radicals, stops inflammation, normalizes bile production, improving the liver's ability to cleanse the blood from metabolic products.


"Tykveol" - pumpkin seed oil and milk thistle oil with the addition of menthol. Sold in pharmacies. Prepare the product: 200 ml of milk thistle oil, 100 ml of "Tykveol" and 4-5 drops of essential mint oil. Take up to four times a day, 1 dessert spoon (half an hour before meals). The course of treatment is 30 days.

Milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Excellent results are provided by a face and neck massage with milk thistle oil. This massage is recommended after an evening wash, while the oil should be left overnight.

It is very convenient that this oil can be used with any type of facial skin. It saturates the skin with vitamins, nourishes and moisturizes it, promotes skin rejuvenation.

The use of this oil makes it possible to increase protective functions skin, improve complexion, make the skin more elastic and firm. It accelerates blood microcirculation in skin, which helps to smooth out superficial wrinkles on the face.

If you lubricate the skin of the face with this oil before going outside, then it will effectively protect it from frostbite, chapping, as well as from negative impact sun rays.

You can use milk thistle oil daily, not only in pure form, but also mix it with other oils - olive, almond, etc. It soothes the skin and also prevents acne breakouts.

This oil prevents the development of varicose veins by strengthening the walls of the subcutaneous capillaries. It also helps prevent cellulite, therefore it is often used in anti-cellulite massage procedures. Moreover, given view oil helps to strengthen nails and hair, promotes their growth.

Recipes from the book by Yu. M. Konstantinov “Milk thistle. Unique remedy from alcoholism, asthma, gastritis, diabetes, obesity, oncology. "

Hello dear readers. It would seem that there is nothing for which a weed in the garden could be suitable. And we with special diligence remove milk thistle from our gardens, plots, front gardens, not knowing at all how much use this modest plant is. As soon as people do not "call him names", it is both a "thorn" and a "weed", sometimes - a "budyak", but more often this plant is called "thistle". But in Latin this plant has a very pleasant name: "Fructus Silybi mariani". If you want to know more about this plant, you can refer to the reference books in which it is called Milk Thistle. The plant reaches a height of two meters, its thorns protect it from annoying flower lovers and the real danger of being eaten by some animal. Despite its severity, the plant has not only a pleasant name for Latin, but also interesting story Surprisingly, among many peoples, that she is associated with the Mother of God herself.

All of its healing properties are also associated with the name of a virgin woman. Special attention milk thistle is given by traditional medicine, in it this touchy special place, because almost every part of this thorny flower is used to treat many ailments. The popularity of the unattractive weed came only in the 20th century thanks to scientists from Munich.

They were the first to study the biochemistry of milk thistle. To be precise, it was in 1968 that Munich scientists from the Institute of Pharmacy brought to the attention of the whole world that this plant is very useful.

Today, medicines known to almost everyone are made from it:

  • carsil
  • hepabene
  • silibor

On the blog, we have already considered, today we will get to know more about oil. You will also learn how to use milk thistle oil for treatment.

Milk thistle oil composition - vitamins, calories

Thistle oil possesses miraculous abilities, it contains many vitamins that make it indispensable in the treatment and prevention of most of the known diseases.

The oil of this weed contains such vitamins as:

  1. B vitamins
  2. Vitamin E
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin K

The oil of this inconspicuous plant contains many useful macro- and microelements, these include:

  1. potassium
  2. magnesium and even manganese
  3. also you will find in this wonderful remedy: zinc
  4. iron
  5. aluminum
  6. selenium

The main ingredients of milk thistle products are: flavonoids, flavonolignans.

Flavonolignans are of great importance for the functioning of the body: silidianin and silybin, as well as neohydrocarpine, silicristin, which, despite the fact that they are not familiar to the average person, are well known to specialists. Their importance for the work of the whole organism is invaluable.

If you delve into the composition of thistle, then it is necessary to clarify that in addition to the listed substances in milk thistle oil, you will find biogenic amines: histamine and tyramine.

Calories in 100 grams of oil, kcal: 880-900

The use of the cold pressing method helps to preserve the valuable properties of the oil.

Many will be surprised that even essential oils familiar to almost everyone: chlorophyll and silymarin.

It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that are unique to the human body: 60% linoleic acid, or in other words omega 6.

Inferior to omega 6 oleic acid, it is about 25% in the oil, but this does not prevent omega 9 from being beneficial to the human body.

The acid range of milk thistle is very diverse: 8% palmitic acid, 5% stearic acid, 2% arachidic acid, 2% behenic acid.

Milk thistle oil. Benefits and harm to health and the body

Not only oil is prepared from milk thistle, for medicinal purposes such parts of thistle are often used: roots, leaves, seeds.

They make decoctions, healing powders and healthy juices... The uniqueness of milk thistle oil lies in the fact that when it is used in treatment, not only the damaged organ is restored, but also the rest of the body's organs are healed, while you should not be afraid of allergies or any side effects... This oil is only beneficial.

The benefits of milk thistle oil for the body, as mentioned above, are colossal:

The use of oil helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them more elastic.

Reduces cholesterol levels.

Eliminates the appearance of plaques that contribute to vascular occlusion.

Strengthens the heart muscle.

Prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes in the body.

Removes free radicals.

Medicinal properties and uses of milk thistle oil

The oil of this plant does not disregard more than one organ. If we take, for example, the work of the heart and blood vessels, then here almost all diseases (about 80% of them the total) Is a consequence of the accumulation of cholesterol in the body.

Removes cholesterol. Due to the unique properties of the substance we are considering today, and the components in its composition, cholesterol is excreted from the body, which is the main building material for plaque that clogs blood vessels.

Good for the heart. Thus, it is possible to prevent such dangerous phenomena as heart attack, hypertension, coronary heart disease.

Strengthens blood vessels. The components in the oil, improving the elasticity of the walls, create reliable protection from the development of a variety of diseases.

Improves blood clotting. Thistle oil helps restore optimal blood clotting.

Strengthens the heart muscle. Flavolignans help protect blood vessels from inflammation and exposure to dangerous radicals. Chlorophyll, which is present in large quantities in the oil, has the ability to strengthen the heart muscle, maintains its work in an uninterrupted mode.

Therefore, the intake of oil is simply necessary for those who have certain problems with the cardiovascular system and regularly register high blood pressure.

For what diseases is the use of milk thistle oil indicated?

Modern society is prone to all sorts of ailments, and the oil we are talking about today will help effectively not only get rid of many diseases, but also prevent their occurrence, being an excellent prophylactic agent.

Silymarin - was not found in any of the known plants. This component is called an antioxidant that helps the liver heal from many diseases.

For the liver. Milk thistle oil is used to treat: cirrhosis, cholangitis, hepatitis. Silymarin works to help create new cells, cleanse and remove radicals and toxic substances from the body. As you can see, milk thistle oil, like, is simply irreplaceable.

For the gallbladder. Also, the oil of this thorny plant helps to treat biliary dyskinesia, is used to remove stones from the gallbladder.

Removes toxins. The ability to remove toxins and radicals allows milk thistle to fight mushroom poisoning.

Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, etc.). Gastric problems are also amenable to such treatment, under the pressure of nutrients and elements such diseases as gastritis, gastroduodenitis and a dangerous ulcer are surrendered. If you are healthy and stomach diseases do not bother you, then thistle can be used to prevent disease.

With diabetes mellitus. Zinc, manganese and selenium are substances that contribute to active work pancreas and the production of insulin, which will help in the prevention of endocrine system ailments.

The oil is often used to prevent and cure diabetes mellitus.

Benefits of milk thistle oil for women

Do not bypass the miraculous methods of treatment and the field of gynecology. Vitamin E found in a wonderful weed in huge amount, regulates the work of the endocrine and genitourinary systems, and it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman.

Oil has a positive effect on reproductive function. Moms taking thistle oil before and during pregnancy can rest assured about ending generic activity and the state of health of the unborn child.

The scourge of the 21st century - oncology also lends itself to milk thistle oil. If taken in advance, the oil prevents the development of cancer, and in the case when the disease does occur, it has a beneficial effect on the body recovering from chemotherapy.

Thistle oil will help and postoperative period, during the recovery period after serious illness.

The oil is shown to people living in areas with an unfavorable radiation background, working in hazardous industries.

How to use milk thistle oil for treatment - internally and externally

As we already know, milk thistle neutralizes inflammatory and bacterial processes, with its help you can heal from many ailments.

Including, this oil is subject to increase immune defense and pain relief, wound healing and of different origins burns.

We are taking oil for treatment. If you decide to be treated, it is better to take the oil before meals, exactly thirty minutes, the same three times a day. You need to consume oil for a month, then a week break, repeat again.

We take oil for prophylaxis. In the case when you are the owner of good health and thistle oil is just a preventive measure for you, it should be taken three times a day, a teaspoon, always after a meal.

Taking thistle oil in such proportions, you will notice changes in a couple of months. New forces will appear, you will become more cheerful and energetic.

Add butter to ready-made meals. For those who find it difficult to comply strict regime taking oil can be limited to periodically adding it to dishes, for example, salads, dough, cereals.

And it is better when using oil not to subject it to processing when high temperature, apply without treatment.

For those who like to experiment, we can add that for heat treatment dishes with milk thistle oil, they acquire an interesting and sophisticated taste.

Milk thistle oil for the liver - effective treatment

Milk thistle oil is an excellent medicine for treating the liver and gallbladder. For the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases, you can include this oil in your diet and consume 5 ml of it. oil half an hour before meals three times a day.

For the prevention of liver diseases and support, consume 5 ml of oil several times a day. half an hour before meals, or two hours after meals.

The oil should be drunk in courses, if there are no contraindications, then the oil should be drunk for about two weeks.

When the basic functions of the liver and bile duct are impaired, many health problems can arise.

The oil acts on these organs as a cleansing and hepatoprotective agent and has a good result.

In pharmacies, you can often find milk thistle oil in capsules, which is very convenient. According to instructions of this drug, it can be taken 3 capsules, three times a day with meals. The course of treatment, in the absence of contraindications, is one month.

Milk thistle oil for face, hair and body - application secrets

Milk thistle is so rich in minerals and vitamins that its use is not limited to the treatment of internal organs.

Milk thistle has found its place in cosmetology as well. Its substances have a unique effect on the skin and hair.

Milk thistle oil for hair restoration

Using oil in combination, approximately 50: 50% together with others (apricot, also - grape and peach) various oils, you will experience aesthetic pleasure seeing results that will not keep you waiting.

As with application similar drugs consistency and consistency are important. If you decide to regularly apply this Fructus Silybi mariani oil externally, you will soon see the results.

Why the product is useful for skin, hair, nails, body

The skin will become hydrated and peeling will stop, as the moisture-retaining components of this plant help to maintain excellent skin condition, Omega-6 and vitamin E will give the complexion a healthy complexion.

Milk thistle oil provides elasticity not only to blood vessels, but also to the skin. By regularly applying the oil, you will notice how firm and elastic your skin has become.

The skin prone to irritation and inflammation will respond to your care. The oil will protect it from allergens, stop the appearance of acne and rashes. This is facilitated by anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic substances and a number of vitamins.

Aging skin is the worst nightmare for many women, but use topical oil from this plant and you will see results. Premature skin aging will stop, hormonal balance will be restored.

Milk thistle oil reliably protects your skin from the appearance of stars from blood vessels, due to its ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Cellulite will become a scary word for you, as milk thistle oil helps to increase blood circulation and prevents the formation of fatty deposits.

This miraculous oil will strengthen your nails and hair.

Your heels will become as tender as babies' if you lubricate them with milk thistle oil regularly.

The unique properties of the oil make it possible to use it both as an independent preparation and as a part of essential oils.

It is added to homemade creams, balms, various makeup removers, massage oils, body masks, and products for the quick strengthening and healing of nails.

For effective face care, you should mix the oil of our "heroine" with cedar, lavender or clove oil 1: 4 and, after soaking napkins, place them on the areas of the face most requiring attention for 25 minutes, twice a day.

Milk thistle oil for rashes and acne

If your skin is plagued by acne rashes, you need to lubricate the inflamed skin with oil. The skin flakes and fades, as a result of which it ages prematurely, apply warm oil to the skin described above for a little more than half an hour every day, at the end of the procedure, wipe with a napkin.

Milk thistle oil to improve complexion

Don't like the complexion? Then, twice in seven days, prepare a mask of three tablespoons of milk thistle oil, one teaspoon of tea tree and heat everything over steam, dip a napkin in such a mixture and apply for half an hour on the face, on the neck area, and on the chest. At the end, the oil is washed off with a napkin.

Milk thistle oil for nails and cuticles

When caring for your nails and cuticles, simply lubricate them with oil 2-3 times a day or immediately after washing your hands.

As you can see, the beneficial milk thistle oil is used for hair, face, skin, body, nails and cuticles. The oil is good enough and valuable.

Precautions and contraindications

Now on the dark side, the harm of milk thistle oil should also be considered.

Do not use this product if aggravated chronic diseases, in particular, if it is cholecystitis or gallstone disease.

Precautions and contraindications worth paying attention to!

As a precautionary measure, as with any drug, it will be important to consult a doctor who will advise on how to properly use this miracle drug if, for example, you have a tendency to be allergic to it.

And also, do not start the internal use of oil for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, which are at the stage of exacerbation!

In case of intestinal disorders and bloating, you will have to refrain from this product.

As mentioned many times in the article, thistle oil is unique, therefore there are no contraindications for its use, exceptions will be cases of individual intolerance, which happens extremely rarely.

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