Veselka mushroom medicinal properties how to take it for cancer, myoma. Veselka mushroom - medicinal properties, how to take

Surprising for its properties, the veselka mushroom (Phallus impudicus) has a number of other popular names: witch's egg, stinky morel, devil's mushroom, shameful. The unique abilities that the plant possesses are used both in traditional and traditional medicine. The mushroom has a peculiar appearance and is difficult to confuse. The fruiting body looks approximately the same as in other mushrooms, and at the same time unusual, since it has an egg-shaped skin stretched, the fabric of which has a beige or light color.

The active growth phase of the fungus occurs in mid-June and continues until late autumn, or rather the end of October, the beginning of November, until the first frosts. Initially, the fungus grows in the shape of an egg (the first two months), while bearing a resemblance to another plant, puffball. The pulp of the fungus resembles a gelatinous substance when touched, and the size of the fungus is similar to a duck egg.

That is interesting fact for us, some nationalities (Poles, Czechs, French) use the mushroom as food instead of vegetables, and it is in its raw form, and this must be an unripened veselka. After the stalk and umbrella of the plant have germinated, it is considered inedible.

What it is?

Mushroom for a long time was not known in traditional medicine and its unique properties were mostly used by folk healers, and then only by that part of the healers who passed recipes for the preparation of medicines from generation to generation, under the strictest confidence. Most often they were inhabitants of the forests, who are well acquainted beneficial features most plants growing in forests and swamps.

Relatively seriously, medicine and pharmaceuticals studied the properties of veselka in the 19-20th century, and scientists were simply amazed at the discoveries that were revealed during the research. Today, veselka is harvested at an industrial level, and since raw materials are extremely valuable for the manufacture of a number of medicines, the veselka mushroom is constantly in demand.

Where does it grow?

The plant belongs to the Gasteromycetes family and most often the fungus grows on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, on the fertile soil of coniferous and deciduous forests. Occasionally, the fungus is found in dense shrubs located near water bodies and swamps.

Veselka begins its growth very slowly, but when it reaches a certain size, changes occur in growth relative to the rate of development and maturation of the fungus. In the literal sense, the plant begins to increase in size by leaps and bounds, more and more resembling an ordinary mushroom in its appearance. The intensity of the growth of the fungus from the bud phase into an ordinary mushroom reaches 5 mm per minute, and in total it will take about 20 minutes for the plant to mature, so that the plant acquires a high (up to 35 cm) thick stem, which, despite its size, is very fragile, and a blue-green hat, covered with a mass of porous tissue.

Having a specific color and smell, the plant attracts flies, insects corroding the top layer of the fungus, exposing the spores with which the fungus reproduces. Uneaten flesh, decomposing in the sun, acquires a black color, which smells strongly like decomposing meat. Interestingly, those who are looking for a mushroom primarily trust their sense of smell, since it is the smell that is the main hallmark, which is considered in the search.

Where could I buy?

If the plant has long been used to treat serious ailments traditional healers, then pharmacists and traditional medicine began to use the extraordinary properties of the veselka only in the middle of the last century. When people realized what a plant is and what properties the veselka mushroom has, naturally people were seriously interested in the question of where it can be purchased. There is a category of people who prefer to collect raw materials on their own, specifically using vacation periods for the time when the mushroom ripens en masse, but most often the plant is sought in herbal markets and bazaars.

Unfortunately, buy fresh mushroom in pharmacies, it is practically not realistic, since the procurement of raw materials is mainly carried out privately, and all raw materials are sold either in bazaars or sold privately to pharmaceutical firms. The industry has launched the production of drugs in the form of tinctures, capsules, balms and suppositories, which are sold in pharmacies and online stores.

How to store Veselka mushroom?

Veselka is used to make medicines, both raw and dried. For storage in all cases, glass containers are required, preferably dark glass with tight lids that should not let air through. This type of mushroom is usually harvested in the middle of summer, the body of the fruit is carefully cut off, as it is fragile and, depending on the recipe (use of fresh or dried raw materials), the storage method is determined.

A fresh mushroom, if it is planned to be used in this recipe format, is immediately put into action, drying is carried out in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of no more than 320C. Veselka is stored in dried form in the form of fragments of a plant, or crushed into powder. The substance is poured into a glass jar, tightly corked, excluding air access, and stored in a cool and dry place. Raw materials can be stored in a dried form for 1.5-2 years, subject to the storage rules.

The benefits and harms of the fungus

Veselka is a unique plant of its kind, which has been learned to be used in the treatment of the most serious illnesses. People look for prescriptions for drugs in newspapers, the Internet, when watching programs on the use of various medicinal plants. As can be seen from the reviews, the number of fans of Veselka is growing, since with the help of a mushroom you can solve a lot of questions regarding various problems with health. If a lot has been said about the benefits of the fungus, then almost nothing is known about the dangers of the plant, subject to proper use.

Medicinal properties of veselka mushroom

Medicine, unfortunately, late drew attention to the properties of Veselka, but when scientists began to unravel them, there were no bounds to surprise, as it turned out, the plant can be used in the treatment of ten of the most serious and difficult to treat diseases. The special value of the fungus is its mucus, which is used in its raw form; in dry form, raw materials are often used to prepare tinctures and decoctions. What is so especially valuable revealed in the veselka:

  • Antihistamines. This substance has the strongest resistance to various categories of allergens. The substance relieves irritation from the surfaces of tissues, removing puffiness from the affected areas and strengthening immunity in relation to development allergic reactions.
  • Polysaccharides. Veselka stimulates the production of lymphocytes and perfluorins.
  • The fungus contains a high concentration of phytoncides that destroy viruses of various infectious diseases: herpes, hepatitis, AIDS, influenza, and these microorganisms are extremely "survivable".


There are no special prohibitions for the use of the fungus for the treatment of diseases in Veselka, but given the active effect of some components of the plant, its use is prohibited for young children, young mothers who are breastfeeding and during the period of gestation, especially in the last trimester.

The use of veselka in treatment

Veselka is the owner of a unique mucus in its composition, which is located in the middle of the "egg". It contains substances that are used to treat the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Flu.
  • AIDS.
  • Gout.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Impotence.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Phlebeurysm.

In addition, Veselka relieves inflammatory processes, various pathological changes. The plant is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions, and even used in magical rituals, for a love spell and strengthening male power.

Veselka tincture

Veselka tincture has several varieties, the main ones are two: on water and vodka. In both cases, the preparation recipe is aimed at treating various diseases, inflammatory processes and to combat harmful viruses and microorganisms. There are other ways to prepare veselka tinctures, for example, with linseed oil, sugar or honey.

How to make a tincture with water

To combat high blood pressure and remove cholesterol, an aqueous infusion of veselka is used. Water tincture is prepared as follows:

  • Dried raw materials in the amount of 0.5 gr. pour 200 ml of water, after grinding the mushroom into powder using a coffee grinder.
  • Infuse the remedy for exactly a day and drink it together with the sediment several times during the day.

Vodka tincture

Mushroom tincture on vodka is prepared on the basis of moonshine of the first distillation, better known among the people as pervak. For 300 ml of moonshine (for 200 ml of alcohol) you need 10 gr. dried plant, or 75 gr. fresh, which are poured into a glass container, and shaken thoroughly, tightly closed with a lid. You need to insist for two weeks, shaking the mass from time to time, after which the product is used to treat diseases.

On honey

Honey tincture is used to treat diseases that are considered intractable: lung cancer, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For cooking you will need:

  • A glass of finely chopped mushroom.
  • A glass of liquid honey.

Both ingredients are mixed and placed in a cool place, for example, a refrigerator, this is done so that the product does not ferment. The infusion must be mixed from time to time, preventing the honey from crystallizing. Take the remedy in the morning, three pieces, for a month, after which you need to take a break. In about the same way, you can prepare an infusion of mushroom and sugar, but for this you will need to prepare their syrup substances, and then everything repeats, as in the first case.

Veselka Powder

Vesselka powder in combination with red wine successfully cures inflammatory processes in the pancreas and liver. Prepare the remedy as follows:

  • 1 liter of red wine.
  • 15 gr. dried oars powder.

Infuse the remedy for 2 months, in a dark cool place, in a glass jar, occasionally shaking the substance. Tincture is taken in a tablespoon before meals, both at the time of exacerbation of diseases, and for the purpose of prevention.


Problems with the integrity of the anus, intestinal polyps, hemorrhoids, diseases of the rectum, including oncological, gynecology, endometritis, hidden diseases of the genital organs and a dozen more ailments in the treatment using candles from the fungus fungus has a positive and most importantly stable healing effect. Candles can be prepared independently by three different ways: from fresh raw materials, powder, dried mushroom fragments, it all depends on the time of collection of the veselka. Ideally, a method is suitable where a powdered mushroom is used, which must be mixed with softened to the desired consistency. beeswax. For best effect add some vegetable oil.

What is important, the mushroom itself does not need to be specially heated during cooking, and this is how it looks in the cooking recipe:

  • 20 gr. plant powder.
  • 100 gr. wax.
  • 100 gr. refined or linseed oil.

Wax and oil are placed in a glass jar, which must be heated with any convenient way, for example, by placing in a saucepan with hot water. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and, after adding the powder, continue mixing until smooth. When the mixture begins to thicken, it is divided into portions, and while the wax is still relatively warm, it is formed into candles. Formed candles are wrapped in any convenient material and used as needed, like a regular pharmacy.

Cream "Veselka"

Veselka mushroom cream can be bought at almost any pharmacy, the remedy is used to treat wounds, runny nose, as a post-burn drug. What is very important, the cream has several formats in production, including children's preparations. Young mothers will not brag about the effect of exposure medicinal plant: the skin becomes soft and acquires a healthy color, the treated wounds heal quickly, the cream prevents the appearance of dryness and peeling.

The cream can be prepared at home, in which case the juice of the plant will be the ideal raw material for preparation. For 1 st. l. juice will need 3 tbsp. l. fatty homemade sour cream. It is required to store the product in a cool place and a glass closed jar is best suited.

How to take veselka tincture?

Veselka tincture, the most common treatment various ailments, but since the types of drugs differ in the principle of preparation and the composition of the ingredients, the dosage regimen may differ.

Veselka tincture treats a lot of different diseases, but you need to know when and how to take the drug, this will help you use the remedy with maximum benefit.

For cancer

Veselka tincture in the treatment of cancer is used at various stages of the development of the disease, and cases when it is drugs from the fungus that help to cope with the disease are by no means uncommon. An important circumstance is the fact that the mushroom has practically no contraindications, it can be used both externally, in the form of lotions and compresses, and inside. The drug has a number of differences:

  • Alcohol tincture. The most common option to use: 4 "eggs" or 5 tbsp. l. crushed plant is poured with a glass of pervak ​​(strong moonshine), insisted for 12 days, more can be consumed and consumed before meals, 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 25-30 days with a break of six months, after which the remedy can be used again. Gradually, the dosage increases to 6 tbsp. l. at one time (2 times a day).
  • On milk. Milk (glass) is boiled and, having allowed to cool, mixed with ½ tbsp. l. chopped mushroom, the mixture is drunk in one sitting, the course of treatment has no restrictions, the tincture can be used both for the purpose of treatment and for the prevention of the disease.
  • On the water. For persons who are contraindicated in alcohol for the treatment of cancer, veselka tincture on the water is used. 2 tbsp. l. powder is mixed with 0.5 l of boiling water, the mixture is allowed to cool and infuse for two or more hours. The decoction is stored for no more than 3 days, so it is divided into portions with the condition of a two-time daily intake.

For prevention

Veselka mushroom is used not only for the treatment of diseases, but also as prophylactic, strengthening the immune system, preventing the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, digestion. It is necessary to prepare a tincture from the plant, which must be drunk for a month, using 1 tsp twice a day. Usually, disease prevention with the help of a veselka is done every six months, then you can count on the most positive effect in terms of strength.

What and how are treated with fun?

A unique case, when one plant helps to cure several serious diseases at the same time, is not uncommon in medicine, and one of these representatives of the “green pharmacy” is the fungus, a mushroom that is harvested or grown specifically for the purpose of using raw materials in the fight against ailments.

Veselka in oncology

Oncology is one of the most serious diagnoses, but this type of disease can be overcome, and it is not necessary to use the most complex chemotherapy regimens and expensive drugs. One of the most powerful effects in the fight against cancer is the following recipe:

  • Alcohol or vodka - 1 glass.
  • Flower honey - 1 cup.
  • A glass of aloe juice.
  • A glass of powdered mushrooms.

All the ingredients are mixed and, placed in a glass jar, insisted for at least half a month, after which they are consumed before meals twice a day for a teaspoon. The course of treatment is divided into phases: 2 weeks of use, 3 months of break, the next course, the dosage of the drug is increased to 1-2 tablespoons.

Veselka mushroom for psoriasis

Perforins block the growth of harmful microorganisms that, settling in the layers of the dermis, affect the upper tissues. Subsequently, by inhibiting perforins, they completely destroy the virus that is the cause of psoriasis. All processes occur due to the presence of polysaccharides in the fungus, a substance that is responsible for the production of perforin.

Early in the morning, or before going to bed, wipe the tincture or moisten the affected areas abundantly. The medicine can be used in combination with other drugs, the fungus has practically no contraindications and does not negatively affect the course of the main treatment.

Mushroom veselka from varicose veins

Varicose veins can be treated with an alcoholic tincture of veselka fungus, which is prepared in the standard way. At the moment when the disease begins to manifest itself, warming compresses are used to treat inflammatory processes, which are applied at night. You can also use alcohol tincture inside, in combination with other means, a tablespoon twice a day.

For acne

Acne, acne, insect bites can be treated with an alcohol tincture prepared on the basis of the fungus veselka, using the drug externally. The affected areas are wiped with the drug, doing this several times a day, watching for changes in skin. At first, redness is observed on the treated areas, but this reaction is not a cause for concern. The same remedy is allowed to be used for the treatment of fungal diseases in the areas of the legs and arms, the principle of treatment is similar: I wipe the affected areas several times a day.

With prostatitis

Veselka is often used by the people to treat prostatitis, an insidious and difficult to control disease. For treatment, they use the same tincture prepared with alcohol or moonshine. The finished drug can be bought at a pharmacy, or prepared independently: a glass of moonshine or alcohol will require 100 grams. fresh plant, or 20 gr. dried. Putting the raw materials in a jar (glass) and filling with alcohol, place the substance in a dark, cool place for 14 days. Use half a tablespoon twice a day. You can also dilute the tincture with warm boiled water and use it as a microclyster, once a day.

With endocrine diseases

Traditional healers recommend using veselka tincture for the treatment of endocrine diseases, both types of diabetes and thyroid gland. The treatment regimen is as follows: the tincture is taken twice a day in a teaspoon for 21 days, after which a week break is required.

The general course of treatment is 3 months, after which you need to take a break for six months. If necessary, the course is repeated depending on the patient's condition. What is important, the mushroom can be used in combination with other drugs.

Gastritis and ulcer

In the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, the veselku mushroom is prepared on the basis of linseed oil. Since the plant has antibacterial and wound healing properties, in combination with oil, the affected areas heal faster. It will take 50 gr. fresh mushroom, which is finely cut and mixed with 200 ml of linseed oil, preheated to 400C. The mixture is cooled and poured into a glass jar, which, in turn, is placed in a dry place with a temperature below room temperature, where the product is infused. Use tincture before meals, one hour before a meal, three times a day for a dessert spoon.

Mushroom veselka from pressure

For people suffering from changes in blood pressure, an infusion of the fungus on alcohol will help solve the problem by taking the drug three times a tablespoon a day. It is important not to decant the sediment from the substance, but to use it after talking - there are no neutral or harmful microorganisms On the contrary, it has healing properties. The tincture is prepared according to general principle It can be stored in the refrigerator for a long period.

Other diseases and prescriptions for the treatment of Veselka

Veselka mushroom is also used to treat other diseases, for example, for joint pain, sciatica, osteochondrosis, and gout. The tincture is prepared with alcohol, traditional way using the method of rubbing or overlaying compresses. Procedures are recommended to be carried out shortly before going to bed.

That the fungus is a fungus unique plant, says the fact that official medicine and folk healers recommend its use for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Treatment of poorly healing and decayed wounds.
  • Lung disease and tuberculosis.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Viral and colds.

The first mention of the healing properties of the plant was noted in the annals that the French found, where healers treated with the mushroom more than one dynasty of kings and other crowned individuals from "bad" diseases. Veselka mushroom was used to treat diseases and Russian tsars, for example, the last royal family.

Are you aware of unique properties oar mushroom? In an article about what diseases it treats and how to use it.

Veselka mushroom is an amazing and mysterious living organism. He is a Guinness record holder because of the extremely fast (5 mm per minute!) Leg growth. Popular names attract his attention - "witch's egg" and "shameless". In addition, the mushroom has a wide range of medicinal properties. It is said to cure cancer at any stage.

Where does Veselka mushroom grow in Russia and when should it be harvested?

The basidiomycete fungus vulgaris belongs to the phallus order. Indeed, in mature form because of the long stem and round cap, it is very reminiscent of the male sexual organ in a state of arousal. Because of this specific "appearance", the people call the fungus "shameless".

It is enough to look at the veselka mushroom to understand why it is called the "shameless"

"Sramotnik" grows in temperate latitudes, in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

  1. Veselka reproduces by spores of round, oval, elliptical shape.
  2. The mushroom cap develops in the ground. It has a round shape and a size of approximately 6 cm by 5 cm. At first it is light gray, it darkens as the mushroom matures.
  3. The paddle leg can “shoot” 10-30 cm out of the ground
  4. Lives "samotnik" only two days. At the very beginning, it is a grayish gelatinous egg with a mycelial strand at the base. During the ripening period, a dark olive hat rises on a dense light leg with spongy walls. By the end of the second day of life, the veselka exudes a fetid odor, and on the third day it disappears without a trace.

Very often, the "witch's egg" forms a symbiosis with beech, oak and shrubs, you need to look for it under them.

Phases of the "life" of the fungus veselka.

In Russia, it can be collected:

  • in the Caucasus
  • in the Black Sea region
  • in Siberia

IMPORTANT: The gathering season for oarfish is quite large: the mushroom can be found from May to October

Medicinal properties of the medicinal mushroom Veselka: what does it treat?

People have known about the healing properties of Veselka for a long time. Here are some interesting facts:

  1. Back in the 19th century, this mushroom was treated especially blue blood in France, Germany and England
  2. A.S. Veselka helped Pushkin with thrombophlebitis, and Balzac is supposed to have cured stomach ulcers with it.
  3. Veselka was also treated by the Russian royal family

So what does this wonderful mushroom help with?

  1. First, cancer. Moreover, at any stage of this terrible disease. Polysaccharides in the composition of the fungus stimulate the production of perforin in the human body, which causes the destruction of cancer cells. It is believed that infusions of the "witch's egg" stop growth malignant tumors all internal organs, and also treat skin folds, leukemia, papillomas, fibromas, fibroids, cysts and other benign neoplasms
  2. Secondly, from many internal diseases, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and reproductive systems
  3. Thirdly, Veselka preparations are externally used for non-healing and infected wounds, trophic ulcers ah, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, other skin diseases
  4. Fourth, the mushroom helps boost immunity and also acts as a powerful antiviral and antibacterial agent with many infectious diseases, starting from SARS and purulent tonsillitis, ending viral hepatitis B and C

VIDEO: The mushroom - which cures Cancer and Oncology and AIDS - is the Veselka mushroom or the witch's egg, damn egg

Veselka mushroom in official medicine

It would be surprising if official medicine did not become interested in people talking about miraculous properties"witch's egg", did not try to confirm or refute them.
In the 20th century in various countries peace were periodically held Scientific research of this fungus, during which its antitumor and many other useful properties were confirmed.

IMPORTANT: At the junction of traditional and alternative medicine there is a special method of treatment with mushrooms - fungotherapy. Within the framework of this method, the veselka is used in one form or another.

How to prepare a tincture of Veselka mushroom on vodka? "Witch's egg" on Cahors and water

Veselka is used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases:

  • in pure raw form
  • thermally processed in the composition of dishes
  • in the form of tincture on vodka, Cahors and water
  • in the form of a decoction

RECIPE:"Witch's egg" on alcohol

Needed: young veselka mushroom in the form of an egg - 100 g fresh (or 20 g dry), vodka - 400 ml

  • mushrooms are washed and cut crosswise to expose the core
  • put mushrooms in a glass jar
  • pour vodka over water
  • infuse the mushroom for 2 weeks, at which time the jar should be in a dark place

IMPORTANT: They say medicinal properties Veselki will increase if, before making each cut on the mushrooms, dip the knife in Epiphany water. You can also replace vodka with cahors consecrated in the church

RECIPE: Veselka mushroom oil preparation

"Witch's egg" can be insisted on oil.

Needed: fresh mushroom Veselka - 50 g, olive oil - 200 ml

  • mushrooms finely chopped or grated
  • oil is heated to 38-40 degrees
  • the mushroom is placed in a glass and poured with warm oil
  • the drug is placed in the refrigerator for 5 days
  • after filter and apply

RECIPE: Decoction of the "witch's egg"

Needed: mushroom dry - 10 g, water - 400 ml

  • water is brought to a boil
  • prepare a water bath at the same time
  • the mushroom is poured with boiling water, the container with it is placed in a water bath
  • simmer the broth for 15 minutes
  • cool and insist for an hour
  • filter and apply

IMPORTANT: For the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases, it is necessary to take from 1 liter to 3 liters of tincture or decoction of the "samotnik" for the course, so the proportions according to recipes can be increased

VIDEO: How Vesyolki mushrooms are harvested. Recipe for preparing a medicine

The use of Veselka mushroom in folk medicine

  1. "Samotnik" is treated by various endocrine diseases, including type 1 and type 2 diabetes and thyroid disease. To do this, the tincture of the fungus must be taken for 3 months according to the following scheme: 3 weeks of admission - 1 week of break
  2. The fungus is used for complex treatment heavy viral diseases such as hepresviruses, cytomegaloviruses, papillomaviruses, hepatitis viruses. To raise the body's defenses to resist infection, you need to gradually drink 3 liters of tincture or decoction (1 dessert spoon 3 times a day)
  3. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels bring severe discomfort and slowly kill the body. This is where the magic mushroom can help. It has the ability to remove cholesterol from the body, “cleanse” the blood from its plaques. Veselka tincture, taken for a month twice a day before meals, normalizes arterial pressure. With varicose veins, the tincture can be applied externally in the form of lotions. They should be applied once a day to areas with a "mesh" for 15-20 minutes. But! It is impossible to warm compresses on the veins!
  4. If a person has gastritis or an ulcer, it is recommended to take an oil tincture of veselka. Firstly, the fungus itself has bactericidal and wound-healing properties, and secondly, the oil envelops the organ covered with erosion. With hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, you can insert candles with a veil, the recipe for their preparation is given below
  5. With the help of the drug "witch's egg" you can cure cystitis, pyelonephritis, get rid of polyps in bladder. The mushroom has a beneficial effect on the male and female reproductive systems. He is a strong aphrodisiac, helps men regain sexual power. Veselka candles are used to treat prostatitis in men, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women (then they are used rectally or vaginally). With mastopathy, lactostasis, a cake made of clay, water and alcohol tincture of veselka is applied to the chest. If you take a tincture of Veselka in oil inside, you can increase the amount breast milk with a young mother. But! During pregnancy, fungal preparations should not be used, as it has abortive properties.
  6. People in the second half of life are recommended to use preparations of the "witch's egg" for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout. With plaques in the joints, the tincture diluted with water is rubbed into problem areas. They do the same with sciatica, after rubbing they wrap themselves up and fall asleep
  7. During the epidemic of SARS and influenza, veselka tincture is used as an immunostimulant: they drink 1 teaspoon of the drug after breakfast, lunch and dinner
  8. Gadgets with veselka very effectively treat skin allergy, prickly heat, ulcers and fungus. If you wipe the insect bite with tincture, it will not become inflamed and will not itch. The infusion can be used for burns and frostbite 1 and 2 degrees

RECIPE: Candles with veselka mushroom (10 pcs)

Needed: cocoa butter - 25 g (food), propolis tincture - 2 ml, veselka tincture - 5 ml

  • from foil and a cap for the pen prepare molds for candles
  • cocoa butter is heated in a water bath and mixed with propolis and veselka tinctures
  • keep in a water bath for another 5 minutes to evaporate the alcohol
  • pouring warm oil into molds
  • they send the cuts to freeze in the refrigerator, and keep them there all the time of treatment

Prostatitis mushroom treatment

Prostatitis is a scourge of men after 50. They are looking for any ways to cure this disease, to overcome the physical and psychological discomfort associated with it. The sad consequences of prostatitis are adenoma and cancer prostate. You can save yourself from this disease:

  • candles with witch's egg tincture
  • microclysters with this drug

RECIPE: Microclyster from prostatitis with tincture of Veselka

Needed: Veselka tincture - 3 tbsp. spoons, cooled boiled water - 100 ml, syringe

  • tincture of "shame" is diluted in water
  • collect the solution in a syringe
  • make a microclyster
  • the procedure is recommended to be carried out every day in a course of 2 weeks, with a break in a week 3 courses of enemas

Veselka mushroom tincture: instructions for use in oncology

  • course of treatment - 12 months
  • take tincture for 30 days in a row, then take a break for 10 days
  • the number of receptions per day - 2-3
  • drink tincture should be before meals, about half an hour
  • a single dose of 1 dessert to 1 tablespoon of tincture, depending on the stage of the disease

After the first course of treatment with tincture, it is necessary to undergo a second examination. As a rule, their results are pleasing. If the patient's condition does not improve, he may need to switch to another medicine.

IMPORTANT: Cancer patients do not need to consider Veselka a panacea. The fungus is by no means an alternative to the treatment provided by the official protocol! Also, there is no need to wait for instant healing: cancer is a very serious disease, it takes months and years to fight it.

Is it possible and how to grow veselka mushroom at home? Mushroom mycelium Veselka

Healing fungus Veselku can be grown at home. To do this, you need to buy seedlings.

IMPORTANT: Veselka seedlings are called mycelium. It is sold in packs of 100 g. average price packages - 10 US dollars

  1. This package is enough for planting a mushroom on 2 square meters (under a tree or a bush)
  2. Mycelium is ordered in winter, then it survives the shipment better.
  3. Before planting, it is stored in the refrigerator.
  4. For planting, you need to go deep into the ground to a depth of 30 cm and organize a mushroom nutrient medium in three layers (10 cm each)
  5. The bottom layer is formed from leaves, grass and tree bark.
  6. The middle layer is forest humus. Mycelium is poured into it (evenly)
  7. The top layer repeats the bottom and is formed from the remains of plants
  8. From above, the landing site of the veselka is covered with garden soil

The first crop of "witch mushrooms" can be harvested 1.5 - 2 months after planting, then new ones will grow twice a month. The mushroom picker will live for about 5 years.


Is it possible to buy Veselka mushroom in capsules at a pharmacy?

Pharmacies sell a bioadditive - Veselka mushroom in capsules. It is taken 1-2 capsules twice a day for a course of 1-2 months.

VIDEO: Secrets of longevity. Elixir of youth mushroom "Veselka"

Veselka mushroom is an amazing mushroom, both in its useful qualities and in appearance. Since ancient times, its healing properties have been known, which are used for many diseases. This mushroom has many synonymous names: upstart, samotnik, witch's egg, etc.

Composition and useful properties of veselka

13 important amino acids, many necessary for a person micro and macro elements and various biologically active compounds.
Veselka mushroom also contains phytosteroids, the action of which is similar to male hormones. Therefore, Veselka is used as an aphrodisiac and remedy for impotence. Some substances in the mushroom have the ability to lower the level bad cholesterol in the blood, as it facilitates its excretion.
Another important component of this natural medicine - phytoncides. They kill hepatitis viruses, herpes and even to some extent the AIDS virus. Various mucopolysaccharides also have a beneficial effect on the joints. Minerals of the fungus common veselka help improve skin condition, cure long-term non-healing ulcers and bedsores.
Biological active compounds activate the activity of the nervous, cardiac and other body systems, that is, they have a general tonic effect.
Thanks to such a rich composition, the "upstart" is used:

  • to speed up wound healing
  • as an anticancer and antihypertensive agent,
  • for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, skin, digestive system, etc.

Antitumor activity

Of particular note is the antitumor effect medicinal mushroom oars. Some polysaccharides affect the production of porphyrin in the body, which has a detrimental effect on tumor cells. It contributes to the destruction of their cell membrane, as a result of which the cell simply disappears.
It was found that with the use of the "witch's egg" antitumor cytotoxic lymphocytes were more than twice as active. Moreover, this activity is observed in relation to atypical cells both benign and malignant tumors. Therefore, Veselka mushroom is not inferior to chaga, known as an anticancer agent, in terms of medicinal properties.
Veselka also reduces the severity side effects from radiation and chemotherapy of a cancerous tumor of any location and type.

Contraindications for use

Despite all their useful qualities, Veselka mushroom also has contraindications for use.
These include:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • children's age (up to 6 years);
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the fungus.

Important: in any case, before using the "upstart" it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Side effects

It is believed that the common veselka practically does not contain any harmful substances, therefore, does not cause undesirable effects on the part of the body. But with prolonged use inside the fungus fungus can have side effect in the form of dyspeptic phenomena (digestive disorders). For example, a person may feel nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea or bloating. But this rarely happens.

Where to collect fun?

If you want to take advantage of the medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom, the question of where this natural medicine grows is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, many have never even seen this mushroom. It is believed that the common veselka is more common in coniferous forests. But sometimes it can be found in deciduous forests and forest belts.
Another important question is what time of year this wonderful natural healer grows. In general, it can be found in any period, from May to October. But the peak of growth falls on June-July.

Tip: if you don’t know when the fungus is most convenient to collect, remember that best period is located near the day of Ivan Kupala. Therefore, sometimes the "witch's egg" is compared with a fern flower, which must be sought on the night of Midsummer Day (July 7).

If you manage to find a veselka, then you can try to grow it on your own. land plot. Then you will no longer have to collect it in the forest.
This mushroom species is not easy to recognize when they are young. At first, they look like a regular raincoat or oval chicken egg. They are covered with a thin matte shell white color. As it grows, it breaks, and a mass of gelatinous or jelly-like consistency is shown. Such a mucus-like membrane becomes yellow or olive. Veselka is considered the fastest growing mushroom. It can grow by 5 mm in 1 minute.
The leg grows very quickly, and then the “upstart” becomes easy to recognize by characteristic look and pungent odour.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Veselka is a real treasure for millions of adherents of traditional medicine. Tinctures and decoctions from this mycelium are used in the treatment of patients with benign and malignant tumors. At the same time, the correct use of the drugs made helps the body develop immunity not only against cancer cells, but also viruses and bacteria. However, finding this representative of basidiomycetes is very problematic.

General information

Among his relatives, he is the "record holder" in terms of growth rate. In this regard, the mushroom was even entered into the book of records, because in 48 hours it grows and immediately dies. So, in five minutes, the germ reaches 25 mm. Often it can be found in coniferous or deciduous forests, shrubs, as well as on other fertile soils.
For those who plan to collect a unique mushroom, you need to know that:

Harvest them better in dry weather, as they do not tolerate water procedures. Fruits can be cleaned from contamination with a terry towel. In this case, you do not need to rub and press too hard on them.

Carefully cleaned mycelia should be properly dried. To keep all healing effect fungus veselka, it is necessary to cut along the body into two parts. The resulting halves should be strung on a thread with an interval of up to 1 cm between the pieces.
Hang such a "garland" in a dry room with good ventilation / ventilation. It is desirable that the sun's rays do not penetrate there. When the pieces are completely dry, they must be beautifully folded into a glass container and sealed tightly. The maximum storage period for raw materials is 24 months.

Medicinal properties

From historical references it is known that medicines on the basis of this extract, intestinal diseases and stomach ulcers were cured. Those who had problems with the kidneys and liver were also recommended a course of this therapy. At the royal court, medical gurus practiced the treatment of psoriasis, gout and arthritis. Today, science has proven the medicinal properties of Veselka mushroom in the fight against widespread diseases. Its fruit body contains the lion's share of phytoncides. In turn, they destroy various bacteria and viruses, including:

  • herpes;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • flu.

Moreover, the polysaccharides included in its composition strengthen the body's defense systems. Thanks to these compounds, lymphocytes, as well as perforins, are produced in greater quantities. So, in the course of one study, the effect of the extract on the activity of lymphocytes was noticed. Interacting with the extract, their number and productivity increased by 80%. These cells began to quickly attack foreign bodies. Based on this experiment, Veselka mushroom is recommended for the treatment of benign and malignant pathological formations. As a result, he will help win:

Beach modern society– . It is not amenable to treatment and remains a "faithful companion" of the patient all his life. However, it has been found that preparations based on this fungus remove swelling and rashes that are the result of allergic reactions. In addition to antihistamine properties, Veselka mushroom has a positive effect on the reproductive organs. The phytosteroids that are part of the plant stimulate the sufficient production of male sex hormones. The extract of this fruit is a component of many painkillers. It also improves the condition of the skin, namely:

  • removes itching;
  • heals wounds and ulcers;
  • slows down the aging process of cells.

Because in last years the level of radio emission exceeds the norm, the human body is in dire need of antioxidants. They, in turn, remove free radicals, preventing them from infiltrating the work of cells.

According to experts, the best results in any type of therapy can only be achieved with complex use several different drugs.
In addition, you should take a responsible attitude to the diet, as well as include physical activity in the treatment.

Recipes for tinctures and subtleties of application

As already noted, such mixtures are used as an internal or external healing agent. Preparations of dry fruits can be made independently if the mushroom picker is absolutely sure what the mycelium looks like. To make a healing tincture of Veselka mushroom, you can take both dried and freshly harvested crops. The preparation and use of the infusion is as follows:

Cancer (carcinoma) is treated with 1-3 tbsp. l. drugs, taking it three times a day. Some advise to drink the mixture with water, and then raw egg. However, you need to be careful not to disrupt the allergy. In addition, another recipe for making infusion was popular among the ancient Slavs:

This rare specimen needs to be known by sight. A sharp and disgusting stench of carrion emanates from it. Outwardly, it is unpresentable: a cone-shaped snow-white leg with a marsh-colored fitted hat planted obliquely. When ripe, the surface becomes wrinkled.

How regularly the patient will take the fungus veselka depends final result therapy. Many use the mixture to normalize blood pressure (hypertension), as well as to remove cholesterol. At the same time, tincture can lubricate wounds, sores and cuts, as well as treat skin diseases. To prepare it, the hostess will need:

It is not recommended to filter the resulting concentrate. Make lotions in the morning and evening. Moisten a small cotton swab with liquid and apply to the wound, holding for 10-20 seconds. Compresses in this case are contraindicated.

In one bottle, a person receives an antiseptic, antihistamine and antiviral agent, as well as a drug that fights cancer cells. It is for all these healing properties that the Veselka mushroom has received popular recognition.

All about the wonderful fungus Veselka - video


What is a veselka mushroom?

Mushrooms are the most amazing creations of nature, and among them the most unusual and most healing phenomenon is the common fungus (Phallus impudicus), a mushroom that few people have heard of, and even fewer of those who have seen it.

And if the recognized king of mushrooms by healing properties considered the most famous mushroom in the world - shiitake, then the veselka is rightfully the queen. So:

Common Veselka (Phallus impudicus)

Family: Veselkovye (Phallaceae).

Synonyms: immodest phallus, smelly morel, gouty morel, upstart, devil's egg, witch's egg, shameless.

Indeed, this mushroom is amazing, like the legendary fern flower, which is searched for on a certain day (on Ivan Kupala) and at a certain hour in order to find a treasure with its help.

And they are looking for veselka at about the same time, also at certain hours, and also for the sake of the treasure - only healing.

The specific shape of the fungus and the change in smell during growth aroused interest among people. "Witch's egg" was considered the best remedy to evoke a feeling of love, and a mature mushroom was considered poisonous. Veselka healers have been using since ancient times. The archives contain data on the use of veselka in healing back in Kievan Rus.

By the way, A.G. Lukashenka called this mushroom "the national treasure of Belarus."

In Borneo, oars were considered the penises of dead heroes who appeared at the places of their glorious death.

In Germany, if the veselka grew near the tomb, this was considered evidence of the presence of hidden sins and crimes that were not revealed during the life of the buried.

In Nigeria, the mushroom has been used for magical purposes. It was believed that he could make the sorcerer invisible at the moment of danger threatening him.

In northern Montenegro, peasants would rub slime on the necks of bulls in front of the local equivalent of bullfighting to make them stronger. They also fed veslet eggs to young gobies as an aphrodisiac to make them good sires.

It is known that the famous writer Balzac cured a stomach ulcer with a tincture of veselka, which was prepared for him in St. Petersburg.

A.S. Pushkin, who suffered from thrombophlebitis, also used veselka tincture. In many countries, attempts are being made to industrially cultivate this fungus, which have not yet resulted in serious success.

Description of the fungus Veselka

The young mushroom is ovoid white body(popularly known as the "devil's egg") and is very difficult to spot. This mushroom loves rather all the same coniferous forests, although it can be found anywhere. What is surprising is the capriciousness and unpredictability of this mushroom. It never grows in the same place.

Usually veselka is not very large, rarely grows to size goose egg. At first, the mushroom is very similar to an ordinary raincoat, but not so strong, but has a kind of gelatinous pulp. In its structure, it resembles an overripe plum or a lump of unspread jelly. Growing to a certain size over a long enough period for common mushroom- in about a week, then the mushroom begins to show miracles. A small kidney pecks out of it, which quickly transforms into a fruit stem, and this stem begins to indomitably strive upwards, like a living being.

The leg with the hat grows out of the egg very quickly, sometimes in 15 minutes. This mushroom is the fastest growing mushroom among mushrooms. The results are amazing: 5 mm per minute! The fruit body reaches 3 cm in length, has a long thick, empty, fragile stem inside and a cap covered with brown-green mucus. The cap mucus contains spores and emits disgusting smell, which attracts flies that carry these spores. So this mushroom will stand for several hours, after which only a wet place will remain from it in the most direct sense.

It occurs throughout the temperate forest zone of Russia. It grows on soil in deciduous and mixed forests, in shrubs, among grass, everywhere infrequently and not abundantly. It is a facultative symbiotroph and can form mycorrhiza with oak, beech, linden and some shrubs. Does not tolerate frost, bears fruit from July to late September.

Medicinal properties of the fungus Veselka

Veselka is also growing in Western Europe, and since interest in medicinal mushrooms is now incredibly high abroad (fungal therapy - the science of medicinal mushrooms - is considered the era of new discoveries), Veselka also hit the laboratory table. And it became a sensation!

Currently, this is the only mushroom in the world that has shown a truly colossal antitumor activity - already on the 10th day, the substances of Veselka stop the growth and reproduction of cancer cells!

It turned out that its ability to remove cholesterol and lower blood pressure is 2 times higher than that of shiitake! But that's not all. Fungal phytoncides Veselka also turned out to be more active - they kill herpes, influenza, hepatitis and even AIDS viruses.

It treats veselka and malignant tumors (and any), resolves benign ones, lowers blood pressure, treats gastrointestinal ulcers, heals the kidneys. Veselka external vodka tincture heals trophic ulcers, bedsores, bites, wounds, skin cancer.

Veselka ordinary is a universal mushroom medicine that is used for almost any disease (it has no contraindications):

The fungus is used in the following cases and has the following actions:

  • activation of antitumor immune function organism;
  • causes the production of perforin by the human body, which does not cancer cells divide and form into a tumor;
  • resorption of malignant (sarcoma, melanoma, leukemia and other oncological diseases) and benign tumors (polyps, cysts, pituitary adenomas, prostate adenomas, etc.);
  • removes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • heals ulcers gastrointestinal tract, used for hemorrhoids, fistulas and cracks in the rectal mucosa;
  • destroys herpes, influenza, hepatitis viruses, cytomegalovirus;
  • destroying hidden infections, increases potency, fights infertility;
  • relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, inflammation and pain in the joints (gout);
  • the fungus is effective for thrombophlebitis, paralysis, enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • when applied externally, it relieves trophic ulcers, bedsores, joint pain, skin tumors, psoriasis and eczema, heals bites, is an antipruritic, analgesic.
  • useful for enhancing potency, that is, it is a strong aphrodisiac.

Water and alcohol tinctures from fresh or dried fruiting bodies of the veselka are used. According to the available data, veselka preparations do not conflict with any other dosage forms and drugs.

According to the healer's experience, the juice of Veselka is the most curative, and this juice can be obtained at any stage of ripening. Depending on the stage of development of the fungus, the juice was isolated, various diseases can be treated. The most healing is the juice obtained from the fungus, which is in the stage of a jelly-like egg. This juice cures benign tumors and hypertension.

For gout, various joint diseases and skin diseases, the juice of an already mature fungus with spores is more suitable, probably the brown-green mucus that is formed to attract flies has some specific way of acting on the affected skin and inflamed joints. By the way, Russian healers and herbalists treat eczema with this disgustingly smelling mucus.

Apply preparations from Veselka in preventive purposes recommended for men over 25 years of age and older, as well as people who have undergone any surgery, and those who have been diagnosed with "vegetovascular dystonia".

How to take Veselka mushroom

For internal use(for gastritis various shapes, with stomach ulcers, diseased kidneys, with gout, polyarthritis, paralysis and oncological diseases):

When preparing for internal use, the “eggs” of the fungus are wiped with a dry cloth (it is undesirable to wash), cut and poured with vodka (moonshine).

Veselka mushroom tincture, recipe 1:

5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh veselka eggs are poured into 200 ml of vodka, infused for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Filtering is not required. The longer the period of infusion, the higher the medicinal effect. Take from 1 teaspoon to 3 tbsp. spoons depending on the disease. For example, to reduce pressure in hypertension, 1 teaspoon of tincture 2 times a day is enough. At neoplastic diseases should be taken 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day. For other diseases (for example, prostate disease) - 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Preventive course of treatment - 30 days (carried out 2 times a year), therapeutic course - 3-4 months.

Tincture, recipe 2:

With gastritis of various forms, with a stomach ulcer, when the kidneys hurt, with gout, polyarthritis, paralysis and oncological diseases.

5 g of powder or 50 g of fresh veselka eggs are poured into 200 ml of vodka (up to 38% strength). Infuse for 30 days in a dark, damp place, preferably in the refrigerator (the jar must be rolled up with a lid). Infusion is taken 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon 20 minutes before meals, for a month. Then take a break for 1-2 weeks and again conduct a course of treatment.

Tincture, recipe 3:

A special prescription for cancer treatment

6-7 fresh mushrooms (100 g), finely chopped Pour a jar of mushrooms (1 l) to the top with 50% moonshine (not alcohol), close the lid tightly and put in a dark place for 14–21 days. Every day, the tincture must be shaken.

Treatment: the full course requires 3-4 liters of tincture, take 20 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Wash down with a raw fresh egg or 1 teaspoon of honey.

In parallel, it is necessary to prepare and drink an infusion of chaga, in any form. "Chaga" tincture should be drunk 2 times a day for 1 dess. spoon or 1 teaspoon morning and evening. 1 course of treatment corresponds to 1 liter of veselka infusion and 300 ml of chaga infusion. After the course, a 10-day break is made, and the treatment is resumed. At the same time, you can take a course of chemotherapy if it is prescribed by oncologists.

Tincture, recipe 4:

Pour 5 g of veselka powder with flaxseed or olive oil(150 ml). Mix. Keep for 3 hours in a warm place (for example, near the battery). Then refrigerate for 5 days to infuse. Do not strain the infusion. Take, depending on the severity of the disease, 1 teaspoon or 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day.

Tincture, recipe 5:

Pour 5 g of Veselka powder into 200 ml of warm boiled water. Insist 8 hours. Stir before use. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

How to prepare Veselka mushroom tincture for external use:

Recipe 1

10 g of dry (100 g of fresh) veselka pour 200 ml of vodka and insist for two weeks in the refrigerator. Filtering is not required. Treat ulcers, wounds, tumors 2 times a day, in the form of lotions (not compresses).

When cervical erosion is used, cotton swabs soaked in veselka tincture, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 with warm chamomile infusion. This solution is also suitable for douching, as well as for enemas for hemorrhoids.

With mastopathy, the veselka mushroom tincture is half diluted with water, clay is added, a cake is made and applied to the chest at night. In the morning, the cake is removed, the chest is washed, and in the evening a new cake is applied. At the same time drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Veselka tincture 3 times a day for a month.

Recipe 2

Ointment for resorption of benign and malignant tumors (ovarian cysts, uterine cancer, fibroids, sarcomas, metastases, lung cancer).

To make juice, you need to put raw mushrooms in a glass jar. Juice is formed after 2-3 months of storage. Souring juice does not reduce its activity. Mushroom juice can be stored up to 5 years. It is used exclusively in the form of an ointment of the following composition:

veselka juice, - 50%, a base made from triethanolamine and stearic acid - 50%.

No side effects were noted.

Treatment of ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids until their complete resorption lasts from 1.5 to 5 months. For a treatment cycle, 0.3 to 1.0 liters of ointment is required. The ointment must be massaged dry with a light touch of the hand into the skin adjacent to the tumor, in the case of cysts and fibromyomas - into the lower abdomen (simply spreading the result does not work). The growth of cysts and fibromyomas during the period of application of the ointment was not noted in any case of official observation. A year after the application of the ointment, only in one case, the growth of fibroids was noted.

In the traditional Chinese medicine mushroom is used as a remedy for rheumatism. Veselka is used in Bulgarian folk medicine in the treatment of gout and epilepsy.

In Germany, the mushroom is used as a remedy for gout and severe pain in the stomach.

In India, a water infusion of veselka served folk remedy against typhoid.

Mushroom picking veselka and harvesting for medicinal purposes

Collect fruiting bodies at any stage of fruiting, use depending on the stage or purpose of use.

Mushroom veselka in cooking

Edible in the egg stage. The peel is removed before cooking, the jelly-like layer is removed. The green middle is fried in oil or stewed in sour cream. Raw, it tastes like a cross between cabbage and radish.

The mushroom is eaten raw (salads) and fried or stewed in countries such as Germany, France and China.

Based on the book by M. Vishnevsky “Medicinal mushrooms. Big Encyclopedia.
