Clear discharge from the eyes of a cat. Cleansing the eyes of an animal is carried out in several stages. Other causes of dirty ears

When a cat is healthy, it has no discharge from its eyes. If there are any, then, most likely, the animal is sick. Lachrymation in cats is called epiphora. and it can be caused by a number of reasons. The tear can be brown or reddish in color. depends on the composition of the cat's tears.

If you do not help the cat, then around the eyes will form severe irritation, the fur is matted, the cat will begin to comb its eyes with its paws.

To combat eye discharge, special drops can be purchased at the veterinary pharmacy, but it is better to first figure out for what reasons lacrimation occurs.


There can be several reasons for this problem.

  • The cat has conjunctivitis.
  • The eyelid is twisted or twisted.
  • The conjunctiva has hair follicle which is located incorrectly.
  • The cat has several rows of eyelashes.
  • The eyelash grows in the wrong direction and pricks the cat's eye. This can cause irritation and injury to the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Part of the eyelid is turned inward and irritates the eyes.
  • A foreign object has entered the eye.
  • The cornea has an ulcer.

Often, if the problem is congenital pathology century, we have to fix this problem surgically.

If everything is in order with this, there may be other factors (for example, disruption of the lacrimal duct). The reasons, again, may be different:

The lacrimal point is absent or overgrown. This is usually a birth defect.

The lacrimal sac is inflamed. This is usually caused by debris, rhinitis, trauma, or sinusitis.

Other reasons:

  • The lower eyelid is overly close to the eyeball. Persian cats most often suffer from this.
  • These same breeds can suffer from a curled-in lower eyelid.
  • Lacrimal points are small and do not allow enough fluid to pass through.

Do not confuse tears and purulent discharge.... If one eye is watering, it happens suddenly and there is a lot of discharge, then either a foreign object has got into the animal's eye or it has received a corneal injury. Congenital pathologies are also possible.


Epiphora- purulent discharge oozes from the cat's eyes. It could be symptom of an infectious disease th: for example, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and herpes.

If at the same time the cat sneezes, and a viscous liquid comes out of the nose, as with a cold in humans, then most likely the cat has sinusitis.
If the discharge is purulent, it collects in the inner corners of the eyes, then the cause may be dacryocystitis.

In any case, it is worth contacting a veterinarian.

Third eyelid prolapse- if the eye is covered with a film that partially covered it, then most likely this is the third eyelid. It can fall out in one or both eyes. This can be due to a lack of vitamins or due to feline flu.

Diseases of the eyes in cats and dogs


Depending on the disease, veterinarians prescribe different ways treatment: for example, for conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea, or inflammation choroid may prescribe eye drops.

If a foreign object gets into the eye, then it must be pulled out.

If the reason lies in pathological development eyelids, then the cat can only be helped surgically by removing them or giving normal form, the same goes for the problem in which cats do not have a lacrimal opening. Surgical method a new one is formed for the animal.

If pus is discharged from the cat's eyes, then drops containing antibiotics... As a rule, drops drip from one week, depending on what disease caused purulent discharge from the eyes of a cat.

You should not prescribe treatment to the animal yourself: you can identify it incorrectly and harm your pet. See your doctor for a correct diagnosis. This often requires a blood test. Doctors can take on examination and discharge from the eyes. Only qualified veterinarian can appoint correct treatment animal.

Video: eye diseases in cats

Eye care

Veterinary pharmacies sell various means for the care of the eyes of animals. Do not bury the eyes of cats and dogs with tea, smear with honey and resort to other harmful folk recipes... Purchase special eye drops from your veterinarian: for example, "BEAPHAR Oftal"- this agent should be used to rinse the eyes of animals to clear them of tears and foreign objects.

This product moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eye, cleanses the hair from nitrous oxide around the eyes, relieves irritation and removes dark spots on the coat caused by fluid leaking from the eyes. It is necessary to drip the cat's eyes, and then take a cotton pad and wipe it, without pressing down, the places where the tears have soured.

Another eye care product is drops "Diamond Eyes". The drug contains an antibiotic, so use it longer than a week Not recommended. Also make sure your cat is not allergic to this medication. Drops effectively fight inflammation, help cleanse the eye of foreign objects and bacteria.

If spots have formed around the eyes of the animal, you can remove them with lotion " Beaphar sensitiv»: It will safely remove dirt from the coat and clean up your cat.

To avoid eye diseases in cats, you need to properly care for the eyes and, if suspicious discharge appears, consult a doctor so that he can determine the cause of the cat's watery eyes.

Animals, just like humans, are inherent in various diseases that require mandatory intervention by a veterinarian. Sometimes owners are faced with such a problem when the cat's eyes fester. brown discharge may be accompanied by lacrimation, and the eyes themselves turn reddish or brown.

Cats have brown discharge from their eyes for several reasons. One of them is due to increased lacrimation, while the other is serious violation outflow of tears. Each of these reasons must be eliminated, since later even more serious illness... In addition to these, there are other factors that are no less serious in terms of impact strength. These causes are characterized by allergic reactions, eye contact foreign objects, volvulus, blepharitis, malnutrition, when the owner unknowingly mixes natural food with food from various manufacturers.

With such manifestations, when the cat's eyes fester, you should contact your veterinarian in order to determine the cause and provide the animal with appropriate assistance. Timely elimination of the cause will lead to the fact that the discharge will gradually disappear over time. Scanty discharge cat eyes are normal and should not cause concern for the owner. However, if these secretions begin to fester over time, then measures should be taken, which consist in the procedure for washing the eyes.

In order to rinse your cat's eyes, you need some essential supplies. You need to stock up: warm water, saline, strong tea broth, broth pharmacy chamomile, solution boric acid... To prepare a boric acid solution, you must mix two teaspoons of the powder with half a glass of warm water. Boric acid can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city.

The eye wash procedure requires the mandatory participation of two people. Before the procedure itself, you should wear rubber (sterile) gloves.

It is important to know that in rare cases, the cause of purulent discharge Brown rests on the development of infections or viruses on the mucous membrane of the eye. Therefore, with such manifestations, one should not engage in self-elimination brownish discharge... It is better to call a veterinarian who will prescribe the correct treatment.

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare a special cotton swab. To do this, twist the cotton wool into a small flagellum, moisten it in a solution, squeeze it onto the eyeball. In the event that the eyelids stick together due to the abundant purulent discharge in the cat, the surface of the eyelids should be moistened with the solution until they are completely unsticked. A tampon moistened with a solution is convenient if you need to remove foreign objects or a foreign body from the eye. In addition, this swab can be used to wipe the cat's eyes, avoiding redness and irritation of the mucous membranes due to the soft texture of cotton wool.

There are some guidelines to follow when rinsing your eyes.

Any solution should be slightly warm, avoid overheating.

The tampon should be changed after each wiping, especially if the purulent discharge is caused by any infection.

To drip drops into the cat's eyes, turn the muzzle so that the eyes are directed upward, and the drops do not spread.

In case the veterinarian prescribed eye ointment, before using it should be slightly warmed up, so it will be convenient to use when applying.

Each owner should remember that rinsing the eye is required not only if the cat has purulent discharge. If the cat is often taken outside, a foreign body can enter the eye at any time. Timely removal foreign body will help to avoid the development of the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane. Therefore, compliance preventive measures requires regular rinsing of the eye.

Interestingly, ordinary olive oil will help to provide the pet with first aid before the veterinarian arrives. If purulent discharge from the eyes is accompanied by strong painful sensations, it is necessary to drip 1-3 drops of warmed into the eye olive oil... The oil should be slightly warmed up and in no case hot, so as not to provoke a burn of the mucous membrane. A regular pipette is suitable for instillation.

Any discharge from the cat's eyes should be of concern to the owner. Often, the reasons for this manifestation are harmless for the pet, however, the development of inflammation against the background of an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane of the eye is possible. Therefore, proper rinsing of the eye with a solution of boric acid will help to avoid serious consequences.

A small amount of clear discharge is normal, but if the cat has brown discharge from the eyes, then it is alarm signal, which may indicate the development of any pathology. When dark discharge from the eyes of a cat appears, which does not pass for several days, you should carefully observe the behavior of the animal, evaluate possible provoking factors, and seek help from a specialist.

A cat's eyesight is much sharper than that of a person. It helps her navigate in space, hunt, quickly get to know new surroundings and see in the dark.

Normally, cats produce a small amount of clear liquid from the eyes. The discharge is odorless and practically colorless. Its amount is rather scarce and has a semi-liquid consistency. It helps to cleanse the eyes from dust, foreign bodies (crumbs, the smallest debris) and other contaminants.

In some cases, increased fluid separation is characteristic of certain rocks. For example, this is typical for persian cats with genetically impaired normal work nasolacrimal canal.

Excessive tearing of the pet after sleep is also often noted. The result can be an accumulation of so-called "sour" in the corners of the eyes, which the cat will remove on its own during the performance of hygiene procedures.


When the cat has dark discharge from the eyes of a purulent nature, this indicates the development of any disease. Pathology may affect various bodies and systems, and manifest a similar symptom... Thus, the dark discharge is the result of a malfunction of the body.

The most common causes of non-infectious eye discharge in a cat are:

  • head or eye trauma;
  • a foreign body caught on the cornea or in the lacrimal canal;
  • allergy;
  • pathologically narrow lumens lacrimal canals, which makes it difficult for the normal flow of fluid along them;
  • dacryocystitis (obstruction of the lacrimal canal caused by congenital anomalies or inflammation);
  • congenital disorder eyelash growth that causes permanent irritation of the cornea;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms, which mechanically act on the lacrimal ducts, constricting their lumen.

Dark and even black discharge from the eyes of a cat can occur as a result of infectious diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids);
  • uveitis (inflammation of the membrane eyeball);
  • iridocyclitis (malfunction eye vessels);
  • viral diseases.

In addition, dark discharge may appear as a result of glaucoma, which has developed after prolonged inflammatory disease, surgical intervention or dystrophic diseases of the organs of vision.

Important! Glaucoma is very dangerous condition, which can lead to the removal of the entire eyeball.

Symptoms of pathology

The nature of the discharge will help to determine what kind of violation contributed to the appearance of pathological discharge:

  • purulent exudate of light brown, yellow or greenish color may indicate bacterial conjunctivitis, keratitis, viral infection and various diseases bacterial eye;
  • thick cloudy mucus: various viral diseases (while the release of pus is not observed);
  • milky exudate: cat flu;
  • brown discharge: most common reasons- an epiphora that develops as a result of obstruction of the lacrimal passages (accompanied by dermatitis, hair loss in the eye socket, itching);
  • profuse lacrimation, accompanied by reddening of proteins, frequent blinking, photophobia: allergic reaction, penetration of a foreign body, trauma;
  • red liquid: usually also brown discharge is meant, but it has a reddish tint in animals of light or white color;
  • transparent aqueous liquid odorless: a variant of the norm if lacrimation passes after a short period of time.

Important! Additional features infectious disease the animal will have loss of appetite, lethargy, dry nose.


When the pet shows signs of pathology the best option will show it to the vet. However, this is not always possible, so you can rinse yourself at home.

The procedure is carried out using an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol. It can be a decoction of chamomile or oak bark, a solution of furacilin. For the most effective and safe execution of the manipulation, you should adhere to the recommendations below:

  1. Before and after the procedure, you must treat your hands with an antiseptic.
  2. It is better to perform manipulation together to securely fix the pet so that it does not harm either himself or the person.
  3. The eyes should be treated with a gauze or cosmetic swab that does not leave lint.
  4. The rinsing solution should be warm and not strong.
  5. If the animal has sticky eyelids or eyelashes, you can briefly apply a well-moistened swab to this place.
  6. Processing is carried out in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners.
  7. Together with the eyes, it is necessary to wipe the cheeks, the area of ​​the nose and eyebrows.

How to rinse your cat's eyes: video

Important! Do not delay home treatment if dark or black discharge does not go away after 1-2 days. A progressive disease can lead to the pet's blindness.

For the treatment of pathological discharge, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment to eliminate the very cause of this phenomenon. It may be necessary to conduct a diagnosis, including a scraping from the cornea, a blood test and more complex examination methods (conducting PCR reactions, ELISA, X-ray, etc.).

Depending on the pathology, the doctor will prescribe drugs and give recommendations for their use. It can be antimicrobial, antibacterial agents which are applied topically, orally or by injection. Obstruction of the nasolacrimal canals, twisting of the eyelids, tumor neoplasms are eliminated surgically.


Normally, the animal takes care of its own hygiene. However, if, due to individual characteristics, the pet cannot cleanse the eye area, then it is recommended to use special lotions that prevent the development of infection.

To keep the cat safe from pathological discharge it is enough to comply with measures to maintain his general health:

  • provide quality balanced diet;
  • get immunized on time;
  • keep active;
  • protect from contact with sick animals.

Cats and dogs are the friendliest animals. Everyone loves them, both children and adults. But often living together with pets causes a lot of trouble. And this concerns their health. Often, the owners notice discharge from the eyes of a dog or cat, not knowing what to do and who to run to. Whether such discharge is a pathology or not and whether it needs to be treated, we will now talk.

General information

In their structure, the eyes of dogs and cats are significantly different from those of humans. But they have one thing in common - the surface of the eyeball is covered with a mucous membrane that performs protective functions... It protects the eyes from dust and dirt, which can provoke irritation and inflammation.

This mucous membrane is constantly moisturized and this happens due to the glands that produce a special secret. In the eye there is one large gland, it is called the lacrimal gland, and many small ones, which are located along the edge of the eyelid, where the cilia grow. In cats and dogs, these glands work more actively than in humans, and therefore quite often in such animals one can observe dried crusts in the corners of the eyes, which are the very secret. These crusts can be different color- yellow and brown, completely transparent, and also have a whitish color.

If the animal's eyes periodically water, but there are no extraneous symptoms, then the owners have nothing to worry about. This is considered a completely normal physiological phenomenon that does not require special treatment.

But if a cat or a dog starts to discharge pus from the eyes or the animal blinks frequently, its eyelids swell or itchy eyes, then you should immediately contact your veterinarian. The appearance of such symptoms indicates the development of various diseases, if not treated can lead to a worsening or total loss vision. And since dogs and cats are different animals, we will consider the causes of their discharge from the eyes separately.

Practice shows that dogs have a secret pathological from the eyes is observed much more often than in cats. And the reason for this is the love of purity, inherent in cats... But even if the owners carefully monitor the hygiene of the dog, they can also face such a problem. Especially it concerns purebred dogs... They quite often have allergic reactions to various irritants, for example, pollen or shampoos with which they are bathed.

Allergies in animals are manifested in the same way as in humans - redness of the eyes, increased tearing, sneezing and itching. V in this case it is imperative to identify what exactly gave such a reaction in the dog, and only after that to engage in its treatment.

At the same time, it is not recommended to do this on your own, since, for example, a Yorkie or a pug may have an allergic reaction to the drugs used, which will only worsen the dog's condition. Therefore, it is best to show it to your veterinarian right away. As a rule, when a Yorkie or a dog of any other breed appears, they apply eye drops antihistamine action... They must be used strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.

The appearance of purulent discharge in a dog indicates the development of a disease such as conjunctivitis. Its main symptoms are:

  • Frequent blinking.
  • Redness of the eyeball.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Frequent rubbing of eyes with paws.
  • Sticking cilia.

In this case, the behavior of the dog changes greatly. Since the disease causes discomfort that the animal cannot talk about, it becomes irritable and aggressive, or, conversely, constantly sleeps and refuses to eat.

It should be noted that conjunctivitis in dogs can have a different nature of origin - bacterial, viral and allergic. Therefore, his treatment should also take place only after a veterinarian examination. Antibacterial eye drops are most often used as therapy, but antiviral or antihistamine drugs can also be prescribed.

At the york or any other purebred dog there may be a disease that is referred to as epiphora. This condition is characterized by excessive watery eyes and crusts around the eyes. The reason for the development of this disease can be various factors(inflammatory processes, ulcerative lesions, tumors, etc.), on which, in fact, the treatment of the epiphora depends.

With purulent vaginal secretions, it is also necessary to examine the cornea. The fact is that her inflammation is also accompanied by a similar symptom. Corneal inflammation (keratitis) in dogs often occurs with a head or eye injury, or unsuccessful surgical interventions in which the tear duct was damaged.

It is very important to timely determine the cause of the development of keratitis and begin its treatment, otherwise the animal may go blind. Therapy for this disease consists in rinsing the eyes with aseptic solutions, using eye drops and antimicrobial drugs... In the event that a pet has keratitis as a result of the development autoimmune pathologies then special immunosuppressants are used for dogs.

Features of the treatment of dogs

Speaking about methods of treating discharge, it should be noted that self-medication in this case is simply unacceptable. As soon as a yellow or brown liquid begins to leak out of the animal's eyes, it should be immediately shown to the veterinarian. And if you can't get to him quickly and the reception is possible only after a few days, then at this time you can resort to certain actions that make it possible to alleviate the condition of the dog when he develops ophthalmic diseases. These include:

  1. Tetracycline ointment and antiseptic solutions. They can be used to process the organs of vision in the event that they are available clear signs inflammatory processes.
  2. When special eye drops are not at hand, aseptic solutions (for example, Miramistin) or strong black tea can be used to treat the eye. Remember to use separate gauze or cotton pads for each eye. If you wipe both eyes with the same tissue, it will lead to the transfer of infection from one organ of vision to another.
  3. It is necessary to treat both eyes at once, even if the second one seems healthy.
  4. Protect your pet from strong wind, dust and dirt.

All these activities will help to avoid further progression of the disease in the dog. But this does not mean that he does not need to be taken to the vet. Remember, only he can establish the exact reason why the dog has watery eyes, and prescribe treatment that will quickly and effectively cope with this problem.

Cats are clean animals that constantly “wash” and watch their fur. But even they sometimes have health problems, in which many owners notice they have watery eyes.

Causes of discharge in a kitten or adult cat also a lot. They are also susceptible to conjunctivitis and keratitis. The symptoms and treatment of these diseases are the same as in dogs, so we will not describe them.

Speaking about why a cat's eyes are flowing, it should be said that these representatives of the animal world are characterized by such pathologies as:

  1. Dacryocystitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal sac, as a result of which the lumen of the lacrimal ducts narrows. With its development, the secreted from the eye acquires a yellowish or brownish tint.
  2. Rhinotracheitis (feline flu). It is a disease in which an infection occurs in the upper respiratory tract... Brown discharge is a complication in this case.
  3. Allergy. With its development, a cat may experience serous discharge, swelling of the eyelids, etc. The main factors provoking allergies in cats are cigarette smoke, chemical substances, dust and pollen of plants.
  4. Uveitis. It is characterized by inflammation of the iris of the eye and often develops against the background diabetes mellitus, high pressure and oncological diseases. With the development of uveitis, brown discharge is mainly observed, which dries up, forming dark crusts in the corners of the organs of vision.
  5. Trichiasis. Another pathology that can be accompanied by discharge in a cat. She is characterized by wrong height eyelashes towards the eyeball. The cilia irritate him, causing inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes, which becomes the reason for the appearance of this symptom.
  6. Dry eye. This condition is also called keratoconjunctivitis dry and dry eye syndrome. With the development of this disease, an abnormal decrease in tear production is observed, which causes inflammation and irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  7. Tumor. Oncological diseases are also characteristic of animals and can affect various organs, including vision. With their development, they have red discharge from their eyes, sometimes dark brown.

Treatment features

If you notice that your cat has a leaky eye, then it is advisable to immediately take it to the veterinarian. If this is not possible, then you can also help your pet with simple measures. For example, festering eyes can be rinsed with saline. To prepare it like this: take 1 liter of water, dilute with ½ tsp. table salt, after which the solution is boiled and cooled to room temperature... It is recommended to rinse the eyes of kittens and adult cats every 2 hours.

Important! If the discharge appears against the background of allergic reactions, use saline solution it is forbidden. It is also not recommended to use it if the animal has a discharge of bloody fluid from the eyes, since it occurs either with injuries or with tumors. And in both cases, the saline solution can only harm.

In addition to salt, you can also use aseptic solutions, strong tea, a decoction of chamomile or string. However, if treatment fails positive results within a few days, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. He may need special treatment, which will include the use of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pets are not only a great joy and pleasure from communicating with pets, but also a responsibility and proper care, which is especially important if the animal is sick.

Appearance in cats is characteristic symptoms, like brown discharge from the eyes, may indicate the presence of various diseases. Therefore, having noticed such a problem with your mustachioed purr, you should not let things go by themselves. Contact your veterinarian who will help you not only find out the cause of the disease, but also prescribe an effective treatment.

Discharge in cats, which is considered to be the norm: what to look for

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that healthy cats, as a rule, do not bother with discharge from the eyes. The only thing that can be noticed is a slight secretion of a transparent color (a small amount of fluid secreted from the lacrimal ducts).

Severe lacrimation can appear due to rather strong external irritants: dustiness, smoke, evaporation of corrosive chemicals, harsh blinding light in the eyes. Nevertheless, even the above factors cause only a short-term release of fluid, after which the animal's eyes return to normal. In some cases, the hydration of the eyelids of the animal can be noticed upon awakening.

Note! If the animal suffers from the appearance of a cloudy yellow or brownish discharge, this clearly indicates the onset of the development of an infectious disease.

Causes of discharge

The appearance of frequent and profuse discharge from the eyes of an animal, it is customary to call it, used in both medical and veterinary practice, the term - epiphora.

The density and color of discharge from the eyes of a pet directly depends on what ailment struck him. Brown color tears is explained by the color of the pigment, which is part of the secret, which manifests itself in some inflammatory processes and pathological conditions caused by the presence of an infection in the body.

As a rule, most infections caused by harmful bacteria provoke the appearance of suppuration in the eye area, as well as the discharge of a thick liquid that has a characteristic yellow-green or dull white tint.

Pathologies characterized by a violation of the outflow of secretion from the lacrimal canals:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes that narrow the lacrimal canals.
  • Stenosis of the tear ducts.
  • The presence of a foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.
  • Eye injury, allergic reaction to any irritant.
  • Inflammation of the lacrimal sac, caused by a condition such as dacryocystitis.
  • Neoplasms and tumors, due to which the tear ducts are pinched.

Ailments that can provoke profuse lacrimation:

  • Inflammatory process affecting the eyelid (blepharitis).
  • Conjunctivitis caused by infection.
  • Keratitis.
  • Glaucoma and iridocyclitis.

Important! Only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis. Treatment without determining the cause of the disease can seriously aggravate the situation. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, the pet should be referred to a veterinarian.

What does the appearance of symptoms indicate?

Note that your pet's symptoms may help clarify possible reasons developing pathology.

The appearance of domestic cat purulent discharge from the eyes, characterized by the presence of impurities of brownish-red shades, may mean the development of a rather serious bacterial infection... Often this pathology is painful for the cat as a whole, making the pet lethargic. The animal's nose is dry and hot.

If the discharge from a tailed pet is thick, but translucent, this indicates that your pet has caught viral infection... Discharge of pus in this type of disease, as a rule, is not observed.

If your pet began to cry with brown tears, then most likely this is a disease related to pathologies caused by a violation of the outflow of secretions from the lacrimal canals. Accordingly, in this case, anti-infective therapy should not be used to treat the animal.

Too profuse lacrimation is common. One of the common reasons for this pathology is a banal allergic reaction of a cat to any irritant. Often accompanying symptoms this ailment- this is redness and rather severe swelling of the animal's eyelids.

Highlighting red. In the case of cats, this is usually the pathology described above, the main symptom of which is brown discharge. The thing is that the brown secret is more clearly manifested in animals with a light color, acquiring a characteristic red tint.

In some cases, the appearance of pet discharge from the eyes of a dark color can provoke an improperly selected diet. Associated symptoms- diarrhea, constipation and frequent vomiting.

Treatment features

If you notice unpleasant and uncomfortable symptoms in your cat that involve heavy brown discharge from the eyes, do not try to cope with the problem yourself. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause even greater harm to the health of the animal. Better to make an appointment immediately at veterinary clinic... A qualified technician will install accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

Depending on what causes the discharge from the eyes, the animal may be assigned such medicines: antibiotics, drops to relieve inflammation and clean the tear ducts, antiviral ointments. Also, cats are often assigned to undergo such a procedure as washing the eyes.

The treatment of some diseases involves the appointment of physiotherapy procedures. Only in some, rather rare cases, is it recommended by a specialist conservative treatment(operation).

If, for some reason, there is no opportunity to visit a veterinarian, you should not be idle. To alleviate the condition of the cat, you can perform a procedure such as rinsing its eye with a medicated herbal infusion composed of sage, oak bark and chamomile. Also for these purposes you can use and antiseptic solution not containing alcohol. Use cotton swabs to rinse. Such fairly simple procedures will help to significantly alleviate the condition of the pet, which, with a simple pathology, will lead not only to an improvement in its condition, but also to recovery. If the cat's condition, on the contrary, only gets worse, do not hesitate and take the animal to the veterinarian.

It is important to remember that pets, just like their owners, when ill, need timely and professional help that only specialists can provide. The main difference between pets and us is that they completely and in everything depend exclusively on their owners.

Video: discharge from the eyes in cats

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