Recipes from black cumin seeds. Black cumin: beneficial properties, recipes and contraindications. Cucumber and semolina

    Warm the seeds before using. You should not eat whole, raw seeds. Heated seeds taste better and are less irritating to the stomach. Place the seeds in a saucepan and turn the stove to low heat. Stir every few minutes.

    • You will know the seeds are ready when they become tasteless. 5 minutes after heating, start tasting. If the seeds still have a strong taste, you need to leave them on the fire longer.
  1. Grind the seeds after heating. Take the seeds and grind them in a coffee maker or spice grinder. Grind until small so you can swallow them easily. It is best to grind the seeds to a powder.

    • You can also grind them using a mortar and pestle.
  2. Place the powder in an airtight container. It is recommended to place ground black cumin in a moisture-proof container. You can put it in pill capsules or store the powder in a jar for quick access for daily use.

    Buy black cumin oil or processed seeds. If you don't want to heat and grind the seeds, you can buy pre-processed seeds or black cumin oil. They can be found online or in stores natural products and natural health products.

    • Do not buy products that require consumption in large quantities. You just need to take a little bit, like a teaspoon once or twice a day.
  3. Mix black cumin oil with kefir or yogurt. Black seed oil is commonly used for intestinal and stomach diseases. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems, try mixing one cup of kefir, Greek yogurt, or plain yogurt with one teaspoon of black seed oil. Eat this mixture twice a day.

    Add black cumin to your food. Once you have heated and crushed the seeds, you can add them to any food. Consider adding one teaspoon to bread, oatmeal, smoothies, or anything else.

A low climbing plant with a branching stem covered with small hairs is called caraway (black). Previously, it grew only in hot countries, but is now widely cultivated in Russia. In the East they still believe that the use of Egyptian cumin oil in medicinal purposes will save a person from any disease. The spice is so famous for a reason - its beneficial properties for the body help it be widely used in medicine. For treatment, black cumin is used in the form of seed oil, flour, decoction or tincture.

What is black cumin

Other names for the plant are Roman coriander, nigella, and nigella. The biennial plant, which belongs to the umbrella family, grows up to 1 meter. The flowering part of caraway is small and located at the end of the stem. Inflorescences of a plant white with separate branches. Seeds are formed after flowering - this is unique medicinal raw materials. They are collected from August to September.

Useful properties of cumin

This is one of the oldest spices used by humans. The benefits of black cumin do not end with cooking. The plant has the property of increasing secretory and motor functions stomach. Although cumin is often used as choleretic agent, but it is more often used as an antispasmodic, affecting the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract). Useful properties of nigella:

  • increases immunity;
  • cleanses blood vessels;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the pain of menstruation;
  • helps improve hormonal levels;
  • improves digestion;
  • has a beneficial effect on milk production when breastfeeding;
  • cleanses the kidneys;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • relieves asthma;
  • gives an antitumor effect.

Uses of black cumin

The unique composition allows the plant to be used for various medicinal purposes. Each seed contains a large number of minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, essential oils. It contains many micro and macro elements necessary for normal course biochemical reactions. Saponins contained in nigella have a beneficial effect on reproductive function, protect the body from cancer, have an anabolic effect. The plant's uses are varied. Oil, decoctions, infusions, and flour are made from it. The whole seeds can be used for treatment.


With regular use, caraway oil strengthens and restores the immune system. This is especially true in autumn and winter, when infectious diseases and colds are rampant. Cumin oil helps normalize metabolism and stimulates bone marrow production. The product perfectly helps with loss of strength, exhaustion and overwork, giving vigor and helping to increase vitality. Black cumin seed oil is recommended to be taken internally for recovery from liver diseases, stomach diseases, and during the treatment of prostatitis.


In folk medicine, black cumin seeds have long been used, chewed on an empty stomach, brewed, and made into tinctures. Therapeutic effect of using ground seeds:

  1. Strengthening the immune system. Mix half a teaspoon of natural honey with one teaspoon of seeds (ground). Use 2 times daily after meals for a month.
  2. Bloating, flatulence. Pour 1 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l. seeds Keep in a water bath for 7 minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. Drink half a glass 2 times/day before meals. The course of treatment is one month.
  3. Increase breast milk. Pour boiling water (300 ml) into 1 tsp. cumin seeds, let it brew. Drink during the day in 4 doses.


If you grind the seeds into flour, the plant does not lose medicinal properties. The use of ground black seed powder is important for women and men, as it is useful for any diseases of the genital area. Flour is also used to prevent the occurrence of respiratory pathologies, digestive system, urinary tract. Use powdered black cumin according to the instructions: dissolve 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm (slightly) water. flour and honey. The drink should be drunk 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


In addition to the oil, an alcohol tincture is made from the seeds, which is also used to treat many diseases. Its use has pronounced anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and choleretic properties. Cumin tincture stimulates digestion, cleanses blood vessels, and gives a surge of energy. You can prepare the medicine according to this recipe:

  • pour 50 g of crushed nigella seeds with alcohol or vodka (1 l);
  • add 200 g of sugar or natural honey;
  • leave for 2 weeks, shaking the container periodically;
  • ready-made tincture pass through a filter;
  • permissible dosage – 1 tsp. 3 times/day before meals;
  • drink cumin drink until it runs out.

Treatment with black cumin

To avoid harm to the body, you should not prescribe treatment yourself. Before any use of cumin as medicinal product You should definitely consult your doctor. As for treatment with Roman coriander, its unique qualities were known back in Ancient Egypt. Since the 50s of the last century research institutes different countries the world have revealed many beneficial properties of this spice. Modern medicine uses cumin for the following conditions:

  • stones in gallbladder, kidneys;
  • destruction and prevention of intestinal and stomach worms;
  • decreased vitality;
  • rheumatism, colds;
  • liver inflammation;
  • cancer prevention and treatment;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • weight loss

Cumin for cough

Instead of bronchodilator syrups, experts often prescribe Roman coriander for coughs. There are several recipes for treating respiratory diseases with cumin. For this purpose, the plant is used in the form of oil and decoction. Several options for using cumin for coughs:

Black cumin oil for endometriosis

Cumin oil is also used in gynecological practice. When does a woman experience hormonal disbalance, multiple diseases may develop. The most actual pathology for women – endometriosis. Roman coriander helps in complex treatment of this disease. You need to take 1 tsp of the plant in any form. 2 times/day for 3 weeks in a row. After a 14-day break, the cycle can be repeated.

During pregnancy

Black spice is used not only to treat diseases. Roman coriander oil helps pregnant women avoid stretch marks in the chest, abdomen, and thighs if they start using it on time. You can use it starting from the second trimester, without waiting for the onset of skin problems. No drug can help pregnant women maintain their beauty better than cumin oil. It should be applied to the body massage movements after every shower.

Black cumin oil for nose

Nigella is great for treating sinusitis. The medicine based on it has a cleansing effect, effectively removing copious mucus from the nose. Caraway seed oil is sold in any pharmacy, and the following procedures will help get rid of sinusitis:

  1. Nasal instillation. The concentrated product is used diluted with water (5 drops per 200 ml). The liquid should be slightly warmed and 2-3 drops should be instilled into each nostril three times a day.
  2. Steam inhalations. One tbsp. l. A spoonful of oil product is stirred in 2 liters of hot water. The head is tilted over a container with liquid, wrapped in towels or blankets, and breathing through the nose for 20 minutes. It is better to inhale before bed.
  3. Gauze turundas. Moisten small pieces of gauze with warm oil and carefully insert into each nostril. You need to keep the applications daily for 15 minutes before going to bed.

How to take black cumin oil

The dosage and frequency of taking the drug may vary, depending on the goals. For example, to cure ARVI or flu, it is recommended to take cumin oil twice daily, 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. To cure prostate disease, a similar dosage is recommended, but 3 times a day. For prevention and health maintenance, according to doctors, the dosage of oil for children over 6 years old is 0.5 tsp, and for adults – 1 tsp/day.


Like any medicine, cumin oil has its contraindications. Nigella should not be taken orally to treat internal organs by people with the following conditions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • after organ transplant operations;
  • at high level blood sugar;
  • with a tendency to allergic manifestations.



Have you ever wondered why life expectancy in the East and Asia is so high? It's all about spices and herbs. They come to us as something exotic, but there they are part of the diet. They are everywhere. Black cumin is no exception. It is no longer possible to trace the date of the first appearance of this spice on the tables of the ancient pharaohs, but they valued it so much that they even put black cumin seeds in their tombs.

He began his journey around the world from the Middle East, gradually conquering new countries and territories. Today it is a familiar seasoning for us. But do we know everything about him? Find out everything about black cumin - its harm, benefits, how to take it for medicinal purposes.

Why is it useful?

Everyone is familiar with dark cumin seeds on the crust of black bread. It is added to salads, soups, marinades, dough, sweet dishes, and drinks. They are used to flavor fermented milk drinks and cheeses.

Its seeds contain fatty acid- Omega-3 and Omega-6, palmitic, myristic and others. Mineral complex comprises , . Contains protein, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins B6, PP,.

Oil is of particular value, in which all useful substances are contained in concentrated form. Muslim prophets said that black cumin heals everything except death.

It would take a long time to list it healing properties. Cumin and its oil should always have a place of honor on the kitchen and cosmetic shelf in the house.

The plant is used not only as a food additive. It is used to prepare products for external use.– ointments, creams, masks. More often - from oil.

Its unconditional benefits for the treatment of many diseases have been proven.

The oil contains more than a hundred components: amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-9 and Omega-6 occupy more than 75% of the composition), organic acids, vitamins - almost the entire spectrum, microelements, phytosterols and other active substances.

In addition to medicine, it is used in cosmetology, for treatment skin diseases– eczema, herpes, psoriasis, acne. In trichology, oil restores hair growth and helps fight scalp diseases.

On the pages of our website you will also find everything about the preparation of the vegetable and its use for medicinal purposes.

What are the benefits of green radish? Traditional medicine recipes, storage rules useful product.

For the women's body

Cumin oil is widely used in gynecology. It treats erosion, infertility, postpartum stretch marks on the skin, heals cracked nipples, and enhances the production of breast milk. Its use will help prevent the formation of tumors of the genital organs.

Thanks to phytoestrogens, it supports female hormonal background fine. Also used for weight loss.

It is impossible not to say about cosmetic properties this spice, especially the oil on which anti-aging creams are produced. This is a good anti-cellulite product, gives beauty and shine to hair, and destroys dandruff.

Benefits for men

Male infertility is not such a rare thing.

Men suffering from prostatitis or prostate adenoma are recommended to use black cumin for treatment.

Its oil is used to treat diseases genitourinary organs, helps improve sperm quality (which can also be a cause of male infertility), increase sexual activity, potency.

Product also protects against genitourinary infections.

Cumin should not be the only remedy for treating these diseases.

As active component as part of complex therapy cumin will bring undoubted benefits.

How to take for medicinal purposes

In ground form, black cumin is used to season fresh salads. Those who love a specific taste can add it to their morning cup. Add as a seasoning to taste. Daily intake – no more than 25 g.

The oil is used both externally and internally.


There are many recipes and recommendations for their use for medicinal purposes:

  • As a general tonic cumin is mixed with honey. Pour 1 teaspoon into a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey. Take before breakfast and dinner.
  • Adults can simply eat a teaspoon of ground spice ( daily dose) after meal.
  • For headaches A mixture of ground cumin, anise seeds and cloves in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon each, will help.
  • Use the resulting powder in dry form before meals, 1 teaspoon. You need to hold it in your mouth, then swallow it without drinking water.
  • At muscle pain, rheumatism Caraway drink is useful. Cumin mixed with water needs to be boiled, add honey. Drink at night.
  • To downgrade blood pressure Add 25 g of ground seeds to a hot drink and drink with two cloves.
  • For colds, inhalations are recommended. To do this, add a tablespoon of ground seeds to boiling water and breathe in the steam.
  • For toothache The following composition helps: mix ground seeds until it becomes paste-like. The mixture is applied to the diseased tooth.

There are many such recipes, you can list them endlessly.

You will learn the areas of application and beneficial properties of sesame oil by clicking on this link:.

Healing oil

Cumin oil is more expensive than seeds, but it is more concentrated, so a small amount is used for treatment. When purchasing it at a pharmacy, pay attention to the label. It should indicate that it is 100 percent cold-pressed oil.

Tips for its use:

  • At pulmonary diseases , bronchitis, asthma, take 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening. Rubbing also helps chest caraway oil mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:5.
  • Headache are removed by rubbing oil on the forehead and sore spot. It is not recommended to eat sweets and chocolate.
  • Rheumatic, joint pain They can be easily removed by rubbing the sore spot with a mixture of cumin and olive oils. The same composition is used to treat skin diseases.
  • A mixture of 10 drops of oil with a cup of honey heals. This composition is taken daily in the morning before meals, 1 teaspoon, washed down with hot milk. The course of treatment is 2 months.

The Prophet Muhammad was right when he said that black cumin helps with any ailment.

Possible danger and harm

The miracle spice has contraindications. Pregnant women should add it to food with great caution. It can cause uterine contractions. People who have undergone organ transplantation should not consume cumin in any form.

Healthy people should follow the daily intake to avoid stomach irritation. Those with low blood pressure should also treat it with caution. Cumin lowers blood pressure and can aggravate the condition when blood pressure rises.

Cannot be used for children under 3 years of age, as well as for those who are allergic to it. It is necessary to observe the dosage and avoid exceeding it. Then the spice will only bring benefits.

This video contains even more information about black cumin, its beneficial and medicinal properties, and contraindications:

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Last update: 03/12/2018

Islamic medicine

Gadzhiev M.I., Magomedov A.A. Islamic medicine “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases except death” (Bukhari; Muslim).

Gadzhiev Magomed Isaevich – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of Dagestan State University. Magomedov Azartsun Akhmedovich – senior lecturer at the Center for Quranic Studies at DSU. Published under material support Deputy of the Tsumadinsky district - Jamalov Abakar Gadzhievich.

TREATMENT WITH BLACK CUMIN AND BLACK CUMIN OIL “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases except death” (Bukhari; Muslim) In the East, the healing properties of black cumin have been used for more than 3000 years.

Common names for black cumin:

Black cumin, nigella, chernukha, black coriander. On different languages known as Black Seed, Black Xiumin (English), Nielle (French, German), Melansion (Greek), Shoniz, Siah Dana (Persian), Ketchaz, Ketyach (Hebru), Kalaunji (Hindi) , Urdu), krishi jirak (sans), kalijra (Bang.), kalaonji jiram (Gujrat), nilajirakira (tel.), kaljira (Mar.), karunji rigam (Tamil), karun chiragam (Mal.), “black caraway” sid", "habbatul - baraka" (blessed seed) and "habbul - sauda", shoniz (Arabic) and in botanical. name "nigella sativa" - "nigella sativa". Grown in many countries including Saudi Arabia and India.

Chemical composition of black cumin:

Black cumin oil contains more than 100 components, some of which are still unexplored.
The seed contains the following fatty acids:

  • Myristic (0.5%),
  • Palmitic (13.7%),
  • Palmitoleic (0.1%),
  • Stearic (2.6%),
  • Oleic (23.7%),
  • Linoleic (57.9%),
  • Linoleic (0.2%),
  • Arachidic (1.3%).

And the following nutritional components:

  • protein,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • thiamin,
  • riboflavin,
  • pyridoxine
  • niacin
  • folacin.

Hadith of the Prophet:

Since 1959, over 200 studies have been conducted at international universities, the stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports in various media mass media. This perfectly confirmed the essential importance of black cumin, which was spoken about over 1400 years ago.

Here are some hadiths of the Prophet about the benefits and miraculous properties of black cumin:

1. “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases except death.” (Ahmad). 2. “Black cumin is a cure for all diseases except “saam” (death).” (Bukhari; Muslim; ibn Majah and Ahmad). 3. Narrated Khalid bin Saad: “Once I arrived in Medina with Ghalib bin al-Jabar. On the way, Galib fell ill. According to Aisha, the Prophet Muhammad said: “Black cumin contains healing from all diseases.” We crushed black cumin into powder and mixed it with olive oil and dripped the resulting mixture into both of Ghalib’s nostrils. And he recovered." (Bukhari; Muslim;). 4. “Make black cumin a must for yourself as it contains healing from all diseases except “Sami”.

Then someone asked: “What is “Sami”? To which the prophet replied: “death.” (Ahmad; ibn Majah; Tirmidhi;). Studying these hadiths, scientists came to surprising conclusions: it turns out that black cumin acts on thymus gland, stimulating her. It is known that the thymus gland is responsible for the body’s defenses. In experiments with the use of black cumin, the number of T - lymphocytes, T - killer cells and other cells responsible for healing from diseases and strengthening the body's defenses increased several times in the blood.

Many such experiments were carried out, all of them confirmed that black cumin increases the body's defenses and the properties of black cumin lead to the cure of many diseases. In the USA, pharmaceutical companies have even created a special laboratory where scientists create new drugs based on black cumin.

As for the cure for all diseases, science has proven that through regulation and influence on the thymus gland and strengthening the body’s defenses, any disease can be cured. Scientific research has shown that black cumin strengthens the immune system, thereby being a “remedy for all diseases” since the resistance of the immune system is necessary condition getting rid of any disease, whatever its nature.

Black cumin is a kind of plant of the Prophet Muhammad, as it occupies a special, unique place in the medicine of the Prophet Muhammad, referred to as a “remedy for all diseases.” It is very important to note that before the prophet, black cumin was not given so much importance, and it was the prophet who made black cumin popular and mentioned it in many hadiths and pointed out the miraculous properties of black cumin, citing very detailed recipes and ways of using it for specific diseases.

In 1989, an article appeared in the Pakistan Medical Journal about the phenomenal properties of black seed oil. And in 1992, the medical department of the university in Daha (Bangladesh) conducted a study of the antibacterial properties of black cumin oil in comparison with five strong antibiotics: ampicillin; tetracycline; cotrimoxazole; gentamicin and nalidix acid. The facts are undoubtedly fascinating - black cumin oil has shown itself to be a more effective remedy.

Some areas of medicine where black cumin and black cumin oil are used:

  1. Eating ground black cumin seeds mixed with honey helps dissolve GALLSTONES and KIDNEY STONES.
  2. Black cumin increases efficiency and vitality.
  3. Consuming black cumin helps destroy stomach and intestinal worms (worms).
  4. For colds and manifestations of rheumatism, a compress of boiled black cumin applied to the head is very helpful.
  5. If you have phlegm, you should take black cumin mixed with lemon juice(you can add a little honey or sugar to taste).
  6. The smoke of black cumin repels mosquitoes and other insects.
  7. It is also recommended to apply black cumin on emerging moles, this helps prevent their development and helps cleanse the skin.
  8. Even with leprosy, it is again recommended to apply a paste of black cumin mixed with vinegar.
  9. At poor condition skin, you need to regularly take black cumin with oil.
  10. Consuming black cumin stimulates the production of bone marrow and vital cells immune system, this fact was officially confirmed by research scientists at the Cancer-Immunobiology Laboratory of Southern California.
  11. Moreover, they added, recorded evidence suggests that black cumin is an ideal candidate for use in treating and preventing the development of cancerous tumors.
  12. Consuming black cumin amazingly reduces blood sugar levels, further confirming the fact that this blessed plant is an excellent remedy against many diseases, including diabetes.
  13. For cancer patients, it is recommended to drink the juice of one medium onion every morning on an empty stomach before dawn. Continue this way for one month. They claim that this is the way to cure CANCER!
  14. And for throat cancer, it is also recommended to drink black cumin oil with honey every day and constantly.
  15. It is used for diarrhea as a fixative, as well as for difficulties associated with urination.
  16. Cumin oil is a good antidote for snake bites.
  17. It has a beneficial effect on lymph nodes, helping to reduce them.
  18. Restores hairline, and is also used against graying.
  19. If you soak cumin seeds in breast milk for an hour and then give it to a person with hepatitis to smell, you can get good healing effect due to the fact that this opens the excretory ducts of the liver and gall bladder.
  20. To improve vision, you should sniff crushed cumin mixed with iris oil.
  21. Used in vinegar dressings to treat skin diseases, purulent scabies, and leprosy.
  22. For old, solid tumors.
  23. By lubricating the anus with cumin oil, you can get rid of worms.
  24. Cumin, soaked overnight in vinegar and then ground, should be snorted for chronic headaches and facial paralysis.
  25. One of the most reliable means in the treatment of vascular blockage.
  26. And mixed with honey, it is used in the treatment of kidney stones and bladder stones.
  27. Nasal drops for colds are prepared as follows: black cumin is fried, crushed, a little oil is added to it and 3-4 drops are dripped into each nostril.
  28. As a warming compress, cumin is used in bandages that are applied to the forehead.
  29. It also has sedative properties and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  30. Improves blood circulation and skin color (in this case it should be taken in the morning).
  31. Cumin oil has a powerful healing effect vascular diseases, in particular cerebral vascular sclerosis.
  32. It crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  33. Helps replenish the nurse's milk.
  34. Helps remove worms.
  35. When rubbed, it helps remove warts.
  36. Cures runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, jaundice, impotence. This is a list of some diseases for which black seed and black seed oil are used. The oil also has many other features.

General recommendations for the use of black cumin and black cumin oil

Due to the fact that the use of black cumin is not only very useful (both for the general strengthening of the body and for curing many diseases), but is also a very, very important sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, the daily use of one teaspoon of black cumin oil or seeds is highly recommended. The oil can be mixed with orange juice or yogurt (halal) to improve the taste. We also must not forget the importance of external use of black cumin (compresses, rubbing, etc.).

Pour a teaspoon of black cumin into half a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey, mix it all and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner. For children, it is recommended to use half the dose described above. Possible aggravation if used chronic diseases that a person is sick with. This is a normal reaction of the body, since black cumin is an immune stimulant and when the immune system is strengthened, the body begins to counteract diseases that have not been completely cured...

For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to consume one teaspoon of black cumin after meals (the daily dose should not be exceeded). Many people ask the question: “Which is more effective, black cumin seeds or oil”? The answer to this question is: “Both are effective, but the oil is more concentrated.” But still, many people prefer to take black cumin seeds (due to high cost oils, etc.). When purchasing black cumin seed oil, make sure it is labeled as: 100%, cold-pressed, solvent free, and that it comes in factory packaging.

Recipes for using black cumin and black cumin oil:

1. Asthma and cough, pneumonia:

  1. Morning and evening 1 teaspoon
  2. Rubbing the sore spot
  3. Chest and back massage with black cumin oil
  4. Inhalation (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water)
  5. Rub your chest with black cumin oil diluted with olive oil (ratio 1:5)
  6. It is recommended to inhale the vapors of black cumin oil, as well as keep one-fourth teaspoon under the tongue

2. Diarrhea:

Mix one tablespoon of black cumin oil with a cup of yogurt (make sure the yogurt you are going to consume is halal). Drink the resulting mixture twice a day for three days.

3. Headache:

  1. Take one tablespoon of black cumin oil by rubbing the sore spot and the front of the head (do not eat sweets, chocolate, etc.). Recipe 1: 1 tablespoon ground black cumin, one tablespoon ground anise seeds, one tablespoon ground cloves. Take one teaspoon before meals. Hold the mixture in your mouth until it becomes easy to swallow and swallow. Do not take with water!
  2. Take one and a half teaspoons of black cumin oil 2-3 times a day.

4. Rheumatism (muscle pain):

  1. Eat five cloves of garlic on an empty stomach.
  2. After an hour, drink a glass of cinnamon infusion, adding five drops of black cumin oil to it.
  3. Heat a small amount of black cumin mixed with olive oil and rub the sore spot vigorously.
  4. Also, before going to bed, drink a drink of boiled black cumin mixed with honey.

5. For skin diseases:

  1. Mix a small portion of black cumin oil with an equal portion of rose water and two portions of brown flour. Rub the sore (affected) area with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then immediately apply the resulting mixture to the skin and try to stay in the sun.
  2. Inside – take one teaspoon of black cumin 2-3 times a day.
  3. Mix one teaspoon of black cumin oil with one tablespoon of olive oil. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face and leave for one hour. Then wash off warm water with soap.

6. Dizziness:

  1. Add one teaspoon of black cumin oil to tea and drink.
  2. Also rub under the cheeks and the back of the neck. take a spoonful orally daily, rubbing the temples and back of the head. Black cumin oil should be instilled into the ears for infections.

7. Ear diseases. Dizziness.

You need to drop one drop of black cumin oil into your ear - it will cleanse the ear and relieve pain.

8.During childbirth:

one of the best means to relieve pain during childbirth: heat black cumin with honey and drink.

9. With a burning heart:

Add a few drops of black cumin oil and one teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot milk. Drink hot. It is also recommended to eat a lot of salad.

10. High blood pressure:

  1. Add one teaspoon of ground black cumin seeds to a hot drink and take with two cloves of garlic before breakfast daily.
  2. Mix black cumin with a hot drink (tea or other) and rub the body with black cumin oil.

11. Chest pain and colds:

Add one tablespoon of black cumin to boiling water and inhale the steam. Cover your head before going to bed.

12. Eye pain:

  1. Drip in the morning and evening before bed and take a tablespoon orally with honey after this procedure.
  2. Rub black cumin oil around your eyes before going to bed and drink a hot drink mixed with a few drops of black cumin oil.

13. Stomach ulcer:

  1. In the morning and evening, mix one teaspoon with the solution flaxseeds(a tablespoon of flaxseed per glass of water) boil for two minutes, then infuse. Drink one glass daily (it is not recommended to eat sweets and citrus fruits).
  2. Mix ten drops of black cumin oil with one cup of honey, take the resulting mixture on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time. Then drink a glass of milk. Continue without interruption for two months.

14. Cancer:

  1. Apply black seed oil to the affected area.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of black cumin oil with a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Take three times a day for three months.

15. Laziness:

Mix ten drops of black cumin oil with a glass orange juice and take this drink for ten days immediately after waking up. (Important: do not sleep after morning prayer).

16. To improve memory:

  1. Add seven drops of black cumin oil to the mint decoction and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day.
  2. Bring mint to a boil and mix it with honey and seven drops of black cumin oil. Drink hot anytime. You should also stop drinking coffee and tea.

17.For diabetes:

  1. Grind one glass of cumin, one glass of flower watercress (habbur rashada), half a glass of pomegranate peel. Mix all this well and take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. (store in a cool place).
  2. Mix one glass of black cumin seeds, one glass of watercress seeds, one and a half glasses of pomegranate peel, grind it all into powder. Take one teaspoon of this powder with one teaspoon of black cumin oil before breakfast for one month.

18. Ear pain:

Soak one clove of fresh garlic in one ounce of black seed oil for three days. Place a few drops of the mixture directly into the ear and rub the oil around the ear.

19. Eye diseases:

  1. Rub black cumin oil onto your temples and eyelids before bed. At the same time, apply seven drops of black cumin oil internally with a hot drink, preferably carrot juice.
  2. Apply a compress: Boil one tablespoon of black cumin seeds in eight ounces of water, let cool for ten minutes, strain through a sieve. Soak two cotton swabs in the resulting liquid and apply the swabs to your eyes for ten minutes.
  3. Rub whiskey with black cumin oil before bed.

20. Insomnia:

Mix one teaspoon of black cumin with honey or tea and drink before dinner.

21. Nausea, vomiting:

Add one teaspoon of ground black cumin to a menthol decoction and take three times a day.

22. Toothache:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar.
  2. Mix ground black cumin with olive oil to form a paste and apply it to the affected tooth.
  3. Boil eight ounces of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of ground black cumin. Strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid for several days.
  4. Rub the sore spot (tooth, gum) with a few drops of black cumin.

23. Excessive gassing:

  1. Make teas: mix equal parts of ground black cumin seeds, sweet dill (ground fennel) and peppermint(peppermint); add 3-7 drops of black cumin oil, sweeten with honey.
  2. Apply a compress with apple cider vinegar and black cumin to your stomach.

24. Tonsillitis:

Steam 10 grams (two teaspoons) of black cumin seeds in one and a half liters of water and strain through a filter. Gargle twice a day.

25. Gallstones and kidney stones:

Eating ground black cumin seeds mixed with honey helps dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.

26. Inflammation of the nasal passages:

  1. Steam baths (pour one tablespoon of black cumin into a glass of boiled water and inhale the steam).
  2. Lubricate the outside of the nose.
  3. Take a teaspoon of black cumin with half a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey and take it 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

27. In the treatment of foot pain, nail pain, inflammation of the skin (eczema), loss of stripes:

  1. Lubricating the affected area with black cumin.
  2. Take a teaspoon of black cumin with half a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey and take it fifteen minutes before breakfast and dinner.

28. Hair treatment:

One tablespoon of black cumin seeds, arugula juice and Apple vinegar, 100 ml. olive oil. Mix the seeds with arugula juice and leave for 10 minutes. Add apple cider vinegar and olive oil and stir. Pour into a bottle. Depending on the length of your hair, rub 1-3 tablespoons of the product into your head. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

29. For juvenile acne:

You should take 1-2 capsules or 20-25 drops of black cumin oil three times a day to cleanse your face.

30. Allergies, skin inflammation, chronic inflammation:

Morning and evening, take one teaspoon of black cumin and rub black cumin oil on the sore spot.

31. Diseases of the circulatory system:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for five days. You can also regularly take five drops of oil with a glass of thyme or mint.

32. Gallbladder disease:

Taking the oil is similar to the case of liver inflammation.

33. Bone pain:

Eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil twice a day. At the same time, rub the areas of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

34. Spleen swelling:

Add seven drops of oil to the radish brew, sweetened with honey. Drink one glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.

35. Inflammation of gums and teeth:

Boil ground black cumin well and place it inside the apple. Use it like chewing gum

36. Liver inflammation:

Add five drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.

37. Inflammation of the spleen:

Drink oil with dill infusion for a week (five drops per glass). You can also use willow as in the case of liver inflammation.

38. Hair loss:

In the morning and evening, take one teaspoon of black cumin and massage the head with a mixture of black cumin and olive oils in a 1:1 ratio, three times a week, do not rinse off the mixture for 10 minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo).

39. Splenic sluggishness:

Mix a tablespoon of fig jam with a spoonful of honey in a glass of hot water and add seven drops of cumin oil. Drink morning and evening for five days.

40. Haemorrhoids:

Dilute black cumin oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, take one tablespoon three times a day, daily for ten days. Massage the sore area with black cumin oil to avoid constipation.

41. Flu:

Mix cumin tincture with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio and drip into the nose 3-4 times a day (for flu and cough).

42. For diuretics and cleansing of the entire urinary tract:

Boil one glass of barley thoroughly in one liter of water until about a glass remains. After cooling, grind three cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water. Drink on an empty stomach every day and wash down with lemon or other juices. Avoid sodas.

43. To increase blood pressure:

It is necessary to add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

44. Women's diseases:

scars in the abdomen and chest (DURING PREGNANCY AND FEEDING A CHILD, INTERNAL USE IS PROHIBITED, only rubbing the sore spot with oil).

45. Cough and nosebleed:

Three teaspoons every day for a week, rubbing the sore spot, inhalation.

46. Skin growths:

Morning and evening, take one teaspoon of black cumin and massage the sore spot three times a day.

47. Many liver diseases:

A cup of honey, add the previous dose of cumin and one spoon of ground oak bark. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

48. Fever:

Add seven drops of black cumin oil to a glass of tea or mint and drink after meals (three times a day) for a week. You can also rub your body with oil before going to bed.

49. Immune Support:

Take one teaspoon of black cumin for three months.

50. Sexual weakness:

Rub cumin oil on the base of the back (lower part) and massage, rub the groin area. Stir in half a glass warm water one spoon of honey, one spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take it at any time.

51. Prostate:

Rub cumin oil on the base of the back (lower part) and massage, wipe the groin. Stir one spoon of honey, one spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile into half a glass of warm water and take it at any time.

52. Reducing blood cholesterol:

Add seven drops of oil to the mint brew and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day; eating with beef fat is prohibited.

53. Ringworm, scab, eczema:

It is necessary to rub the disease areas with black cumin oil three times a day.

54.Narrowing of the heart valves:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

55. Bruises:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime, rubbing the sore spot three times.

56. If your ears are blocked:

Place small pieces of cotton wool soaked in black cumin oil in your ears and do not remove them for one hour. The result will not be long in coming.

57.For a runny nose:

Place a cotton wool soaked in pure black cumin oil for 15-20 minutes. You will immediately feel relief. At severe runny nose this procedure can be repeated.

Black cumin seed tea

  1. In folk medicine, tea made from black cumin seeds is valued as a remedy for bloating, diarrhea and biliary colic, as a diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic, mild laxative and gastric remedy. It is also given to women in labor who have insufficient milk secretion.
  2. Black cumin tea: pour one teaspoon of crushed seeds into 50 ml of boiling water, leave for ten minutes and strain. Take a cup twice a day.
  3. Tea against colds and bronchitis: mix in a large cup one tablespoon of ground seeds, one teaspoon each of licorice root and chamomile flowers, half a teaspoon of anise seeds, pour hot water. Leave for ten minutes, strain. Sweeten to taste (you can use honey).

Contraindications and side effects

And with all this, the consumption of black cumin has no side effects. Consumption of black cumin, in general, helps the natural healing process that occurs in the body to more successfully cope with infections, defeat diseases and maintain human health.

However, this does not in any way disturb the natural balance of the body. AND regular use black cumin perfectly improves the body's resistance.

It is prohibited to use the drug for pregnant women and patients with transplanted body organs (liver, kidneys, heart), because The body's immunity is enhanced, which may result in organ rejection. Not all cumin is black cumin; there are also poisonous varieties. For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to consume one teaspoon of black cumin after meals (daily dose, which should not be exceeded). Contraindication for use is pregnancy (but recommended during childbirth). There is no need to worry about side effects. Just avoid overdose to avoid irritating effects on the stomach and intestines.

Note: One ounce is equal to 28.35 grams.

Literature: 1. Holy Quran 2. Hadith of the Prophet. 3. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya. At-Tybb an-Nabawi “Medicine of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).” 4. Some scientific research projects on treatment methods drawn from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. 5. Yusuf Nuraliev. Medicinal plants. 6. Memo (Instructions) for the use of black cumin oil. (Syria: Damascus). 7. Internet.

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  • D_Ali

  • abulyusuf

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  • Black cumin

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  • Aigerim

  • Poshuev Ali

  • April

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  • Aisha

  • Lily of the valley

  • Humam

  • Sofia

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  • Bagixxx

  • Lily of the valley

  • Bagixxx

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  • Venus

  • Daged

  • Muslim

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  • Irina

  • Many people have already used caraway as a seasoning, but does not know about incredible properties this plant. Common caraway is a herbaceous biennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. It is found in the wild, but is also grown for industrial purposes. There are more than 25 types of cumin, distributed throughout Russia and most of Europe.

    The flowering period is in July-August, the fruits ripen towards the end of summer. The fruit looks like a flattened, oblong achene, has spicy aroma and spicy taste.

    Useful properties of cumin

    The components of cumin have many beneficial qualities. He owes this diversity chemical composition: tannins, oils, carvone, carvacrol, dihydrocarvone, dihydrocarvacrol, limonene and flavonoids, vitamins A, C, K, E and group B, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron, selenium and manganese.

    Cumin does not lag behind its herbal counterparts and acts on almost all body systems, but it is mainly used for treatment digestive organs. Effectively relieves spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach, bile duct and intestines.

    Cumin also inhibits the activity of enzymes during pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which has a positive effect on the health of patients, since the processes of fermentation and decay stop. In addition, cumin promotes the secretion of gastric juice, improves appetite, and normalizes the state of intestinal microflora.

    The plant produces a diuretic effect, calms inflammatory processes, and helps with diseases of the uterus. It also helps to increase the amount of milk during lactation. Cumin has a bactericidal, anthelmintic and healing effect.

    To properly prepare cumin, it is necessary to collect cumin seeds as soon as they begin to turn brown, because fully ripened seeds fall off. They can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to three years.

    Cumin is used in cooking, folk, and also traditional medicine, this product and perfumery did not ignore this product.

    1. Cumin is used in the treatment of the following diseases: intestinal atony, flatulence, hiccups. Cumin preparations are used to improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, to stop fermentation processes, dyskinesia, and to restore liver functionality.
    2. Treats cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. expels helminths, helps with intestinal colic.
    3. IN alternative medicine Cumin seeds are used as a sedative, in addition to improving milk supply.
    4. Cumin is also used for neuroses, the treatment of tumors, and also helps with eye diseases and metabolic disorders.

    In combination with other medicinal substances, cumin is used to treat hepatitis, heart disease, headaches and spasms.

    Essential oils are used for bronchitis and pneumonia, they also have an anti-tuberculosis effect.

    In addition, essential oils are used to create medicinal drugs, in perfumery and soap making. Various means based on cumin, it is used to cleanse the skin and strengthen hair.

    In cooking, cumin is known as a spice that gives food a pungent taste and spicy aroma. Added to bakery and confectionery products, in the production of drinks, for pickling and pickling vegetables.

    Caraway seeds are used to flavor baked goods and confectionery products, in the preparation of kvass and the production of alcoholic beverages, for pickling or pickling vegetables, and are also added to sauces, soups and meat dishes.


    First of all, people with individual intolerance to the components of this plant should stop consuming cumin.

    Cumin can cause a heart attack in people with coronary disease hearts. Also, it should not be used for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and in the post-infarction state.

    This product should not be used by diabetics as it increases the amount of sugar in the blood.

    To prevent negative consequences from using cumin, you must first consult a doctor.

    1. Caraway oil is taken several times a day, 1-3 drops, along with sugar.
    2. Caraway infusion is prepared as follows: take a tablespoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. When the infusion has cooled, squeeze out the seeds and add more water up to 200 ml. Consume as a carminative 2-3 times a day after meals, in the amount of 1/2 - 1/3 cup.
    3. To improve lactation, take a decoction of the seeds. To do this, boil 2 teaspoons of seeds for 5 minutes in two glasses of water. Take half a glass before meals three times a day.
    4. If the ear is numb, then cut a cube from the top of the onion, enlarge the hole with a knife, add cumin there and cover with the rest of the onion. Then they bake it and squeeze out the juice, which they drip into the ear and cover with cotton wool. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
    5. For intestinal bloating, prepare a mixture: 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, one teaspoon of dill and one spoon of yarrow. one spoon of chopped oat straw and pour in 0.5 liters of water. You need to cook for ten minutes, then strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
    6. Decoctions of caraway seeds are used in the treatment of skin diseases, fungi, and warts.

    Cumin is widely known as a spice, often used in baking, various confectionery products, marinades, alcoholic drinks. Many people love cumin for its pleasant aroma and beneficial properties. But not everyone knows that it is practically the oldest of all known seasonings. Archaeologists discovered caraway seeds during excavations of Stone Age pile buildings, in the tombs of Egyptian priests.

    The first mention of it was found in the ancient papyri of Tebes, dating back to 1552 BC. The Arabic name for cumin is kammun. In the Middle Ages, European bakers considered caraway seeds an essential ingredient in baked goods, especially sweet ones.

    A spicy plant belonging to the celery family, widely cultivated in North and East Africa, Central and South-East Asia, in Afghanistan and Iran. In India, cumin was previously grown and is now grown directly in vegetable gardens, and local residents use it to make soap and as a flavorful addition to vegetable dishes.

    In cooking and medicine, caraway seeds are used, which have a bitter taste and a characteristic spicy aroma. Cumin grows well in the European part of Russia; in Europe, its largest plantations are located in Germany and Holland. There are more than 25 species of this spicy plant.

    The most famous of them are common, Korean, Egyptian, Roman and black cumin. I would like to talk about the latter in more detail. It is known that the beneficial properties of black cumin are much superior to those of regular cumin. Black cumin is especially revered in Africa and Asian countries. Muslims even consider it to be the plant of the Prophet Muhammad, who revealed to people the truth about the benefits of cumin and its healing power.

    According to the prophet, this plant can cure all diseases. Surprisingly Scientific research plants have only confirmed the benefits of cumin and its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of diseases.

    From cumin I also get the most valuable essential oil, which is used not only in medical preparations, but also in soap making and perfumery. Cumin essential oil has miraculous properties; it is used in the treatment of neuroses, eye diseases, cancerous tumors.

    Cumin oil is a natural antiseptic, it helps restore metabolism, gets rid of worms, and is good prophylactic from tuberculosis.

    Cumin contraindications

    • Existing contraindications for cumin concern mainly people who have individual intolerance and allergies to this product.
    • Cumin and preparations made from it are also not recommended for gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, or for obstruction of the bile ducts (cholelithiasis).
    • In the presence of transplanted organs, the contraindications of cumin are especially strict, since its use causes a strengthening of the human immune system, which, in turn, can lead to rejection of the transplanted kidneys, liver or heart.

    Black cumin has gained value since ancient times. Even then, representatives of the fair sex learned to extract oil from the plant. The composition is rich in important enzymes that restore the skin to its former beauty. The product enriches the skin useful substances, eliminates sagging and other problems.

    Chemical composition and value

    1. In the distant past, the seeds and oil of the plant were used to heal abrasions and wounds. The product has proven itself in the fight against colds and worms.
    2. Useful qualities in cosmetology were studied for the first time in European countries. The product actively helped get rid of freckles, age spots and inflammation.
    3. The greatest value of the plant comes from its essential oil. It is extracted from seeds by pressing. In addition to oil, the composition contains tanning components, protein and fats of vegetable origin.
    4. Tannins suppress wound decay and have anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants help speed up tissue regeneration and renewal.
    5. WITH scientific point the product has been proven to contain calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, vitamins D, B, E, C. Thanks to the unique composition, sebum production is normalized in the skin.
    6. Cumin has gained popularity because its ether is suitable for any type of epidermis. With regular use of the product, skin inflammation disappears and acne disappears.
    7. Black cumin oil provides cells with the necessary moisture. As a result, the aging process slows down, the skin ceases to be flabby and oily.
    1. Ether is a hypoallergenic product. But there are always exceptions. Before using the oil, it is strongly recommended to test the composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body.
    2. The product has no contraindications for use in its pure form. Many still recommend combining cumin ether with other components (linseed, sesame or olive oil).
    3. Many girls add a small amount of black cumin oil to their usual face care creams. The product becomes several times more effective.
    4. Do not use the composition if you have an individual intolerance to the product or have skin lesions or scars. The product may cause complications.
    5. Black cumin oil is recommended for use by people who have sensitive, aging and oily skin. There is also an alternative to liquid - plant-based powder.

    Avocado and sage oil

    1. To prepare the product, you will need to combine jojoba oil (20 ml), sage (1 ml) and black cumin (5 ml) in a bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.
    2. Meanwhile, steam your face and scrub. After this, dry your skin with a soft towel. Distribute the oil mixture over your face.
    3. It is recommended to tap with your fingers. Wait a third of an hour, wash with non-hot water. As a result, after the first use, the skin will noticeably cleanse and some of the acne will dry out.

    Brewer's yeast and grape oil

    1. The product is suitable for sagging skin prone to constant oiliness. Mix grape oil (12 ml), black cumin oil (7 ml), 7 g in a container. brewer's yeast, 10 ml. purified water and 1 ml. lemon phytoessence.
    2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat in a steam bath to 30 degrees. Cleanse your face before applying the product. Distribute the mask in an even layer and remove after 25 minutes. Use the composition 2 times a week.

    Tooth powder and tangerine essential oil

    1. The composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, as a result, the production of sebum is normalized. Add 12 g. tooth powder in a saucer, dilute the bulk mixture with a small amount of plantain decoction, you should get a paste.
    2. Add 25 drops of tangerine ether and 6 ml to the resulting mixture. cumin oils. Before applying the mask, treat your face with micellar water. Distribute the oil composition for 20 minutes. After this, wash your face with melt water.

    Rosemary and lavender oil

    1. The composition has proven itself well in the fight against acne. For cooking effective remedy you need to mix olive oil (12 ml), cumin (6 ml), lavender (3 drops) and rosemary (4 drops).
    2. Warm up the components in a steam bath to 35 degrees. Cleanse your face and distribute the composition. Wait a quarter of an hour, remove the composition with your usual lotion.

    Cottage cheese and honey

    1. The unique composition provides the skin with an effective anti- inflammatory processes. Warm 12 ml in a container. black cumin oil up to 40 degrees.
    2. Next, you need to add 15 grams to the composition. natural honey and 3-4 drops of cedar phytoessence. Remove the components from the steam bath, add 30 g. low-fat cottage cheese. Bring the mixture until smooth.
    3. Cleanse your face with gentle exfoliation. Apply the product with a cosmetic brush. Wait half an hour, remove with warm chamomile decoction.

    Kelp and caraway oil

    1. The mask has gained popularity due to its all-natural ingredients. Composition in as soon as possible smoothes out creases.
    2. Brew hibiscus tea in a standard mug. Pour 25 g into the hot broth. kelp powder. Stir the ingredients, wait a third of an hour. Next, pour in 20 ml. black cumin oil.
    3. The mask is applied with a professional brush. Rest for 45 minutes, then wash with combined water (first hot, then cold).

    Protein and agave

    1. Extract the protein from chicken egg, beat the product with a whisk along with 25 gr. cottage cheese. Next, add 10 ml to the bulk. agave juice and 12 ml. caraway oil.
    2. Apply the composition for 30 minutes. Remove in the classic way. As a result, after 2-3 applications, fine wrinkles will disappear and pores will noticeably narrow.

    Salicylic acid and yeast

    1. The skin is cleansed of dead particles and visibly renewed. After several uses, pigment spots disappear.
    2. Prepare any herbal decoction, dilute it with 30 g. yeast. After 5 minutes, add 15 g to the mixture. black cumin oil and 1 ml. salicylic acid.
    3. Wash your face with foam and dry your face. Apply the product with a cosmetic roller. Wait 15 minutes and wash with green tea.

    Cucumber and semolina

    1. To prepare effective mask, you need to put 1 cucumber through a blender, do not remove the peel. Read more:
    2. Combine the resulting mass with 15 g. semolina. Add 15 ml to the mixture. black cumin oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.
    3. Wash your face, dry your skin, and spread the product over your face. It is recommended to use a special spatula. After 12-15 minutes, remove the mask with cotton pads.

    Black cumin oil is considered a unique composition. In cosmetology, the product has proven itself in the fight against many skin problems. It is enough to systematically use masks based on cumin oil. After a few sessions, you will be amazed at the results. The problems that previously bothered you will disappear.
