Clover red - therapeutic properties and contraindications. Therapeutic and cosmetic properties of red clover: the organism rejuvenation in the easiest way

Despite its prevalence, this herb has unique healing properties, and clutter helps in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Clover tincture will cure everything: from cholesterol and vascular diseases to oncology. Unique properties, use of this medicine and possible contraindications You will learn from us!

Red clover is rather common grass. Thanks to its useful properties, he found good application in folk medicine. This plant is known in many countries, because it can cope with huge number Diseases. The clover tincture on vodka has many positive actions and is preparing easily, so it is very popular. Below we led a simple recipe for this medication.


  • 1 cup of fresh flowers;
  • 500 ml vodka good quality (can be replaced with alcohol).


  1. Fill flowers with vodka.
  2. Insist the mixture for 14 days.
  3. Capacity with components must sometimes shake.
  4. After expiry, straighten the tincture.


Red clover contains many different substances, such as vitamins A, B, E, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium and several other trace elements. Also in this herbatous Plant There are organic acids, tannins and essential oils. Even in this plant there are sugar, fiber, carbohydrates and other components. The isoflavones contained in the flowers of the clover, which have a phytoestrogenic effect, facilitate some symptoms of menopause diseases.


The clover tincture has found use with a large number of diseases, because this plant has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, binder and disinfecting effect.

For vessels

It has long been known in folk medicine that the use of this tool is suitable for purifying vessels. In atherosclerosis, use 20 ml of tincture before bedtime. The course of treatment reaches 2 weeks, then it is necessary to pause for 10 days and repeat this course again. Drug use gives excellent result: Syptoms of vessel diseases such as dizziness, noise in ears, high heartbeat disappear are reduced or completely disappear.

From cholesterol

Red clover perfectly helps from "bad" cholesterol. To eliminate cholesterol, drink 1 tablespoon of a product broken in 50 ml clean water. Take a medicine before meals. Over time, cholesterol will begin to drop. Treatment can last long but not more three months oldSince in this case the plant may adversely affect the potency in men or menstruation in women.

From angina and oncological diseases

Also, the tincture should be prepared during angina. For the treatment for two months, drink from clover three times a day before eating on 1 tablespoon. More this medicine can be treated oncological diseases (except for estrogen-substituted cancer forms). For this, three times a day take 1 teaspoon of a drink for 6 months.

Also, the clover tincture helps well with diseases such as:

  • poisoning;
  • diarrhea;
  • epilepsy;
  • neurosis;
  • diabetes.


Red clover, like many other plants, has certain contraindications. And before cooked medicine from it, you need to get acquainted with them. This plant can not be used to people while driving, pregnant and hypertension. The drug is prohibited by small children, and there are contraindications to those who have:

  • increased blood intake;
  • a tendency to thrombophlebitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • varicose.


Healing tea, which will help reduce cholesterol, remove atherosclerosis symptoms and overcome many other diseases.

Red clover is quite widely used in folk medicine for treatment wide spectrum Diseases. They are treated jaundice, diseases of the joints, colds, cough and others. It is often used for the prevention of symptoms and the consequences of Klimaks. It is believed that the red clover purifies blood, improves blood circulation, is a soft diuretic and choleretic agent.

Red clover - familiar to everyone perennialbelonging to the bob family. It can be found in almost many places and on many latitudes, right up to sulfur.

The flowering of clover is also long: since May-June and September. After flowering, the egglike fruit ripens, similar to the beans, containing in just one seed inside.

Useful properties of red clover

In the leaves and flowers of the plant are contained:

Many vitamins: C, group B, carotine and others;

Mineral compounds;

Organic acids;



Flavonoids improve the exchange of fats, which is useful for the treatment and reduction of cholesterol and as prevention of atherosclerosis.

It improves blood circulation and facilitates the delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells.

In addition, it contains phytogorms like women's hormone - estrogen.

Phytosterols are hormone-like substances that can have an active anti-cancer effect. According to the content of phytoestrogen, he surpasses soy, in which only one isoflavon is present.

Tea from leaves and flowers of grass has an effective soft diuretic and choleretic properties. It will be useful when the potency is reduced in men.

Red Clover Application in Folk Medicine

In folk medicine, red clover is applied as:








Possessing anti-inflammatory properties, clover flowers are often used with skin diseases and rheumatism. Thanks to availability salicylic acid It is brewed with caress, cough and other lung diseases: bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma.

For treatment various diseases Mazi or decoctions are preparing from it, which is used in the form of compresses and siparans.

Herb sheralls help with anemia, and from the roots it is recommended to drink with hernia, tumors and inflammation of appendages.

As a hemorrhoids, abundant monthly, bleeding.

Sticks from the brave help to cope with migraine and headache. The same robes can be taken to the eyes of those who work a lot at the computer or whose work is associated with a large load on sight.

it medicinal plant Reduces the noise in ears and dizziness, helps to reduce high blood pressure.

The cavity of the mouth and the throat with various inflammatory diseases are picked in the water, the inflammation in the water in water.

Drugs prepared on the basis of this grass can be used both locally on the skin and inside. In traditional medicine, they do from it:

Champs, infusions, alcohol tinctures;

Red Clover Recipes of Folk Medicine

Red Clover Popular Medicinal Plant Not only with us. It is used to treat among the cultures of many peoples and its use with therapeutic purpose is not one hundred years. It's time to get acquainted with some folk recipes of application.

Infusion for eyes

This infusion can be drunk to improve vision and make a lot of fatigue with it.

Grass clover - 3 teaspoons

Water - 1 cup

Pour the grass with cool boiling water and insist for at least 1 hour. Stretch and drink on a quarter of a glass 20 minutes before meals 4 times a day.

As a row, moisten the decoction cotton discs or wipes from gauze and attach to the eyes for 15 minutes. They will help remove dryness mucosa and pain.

Tincture from atherosclerosis

2 tablespoons of crushed flowers and leaves pour 500 ml of vodka. Close the lid and leave for 10-14 days in a dark place. Strain and store in tanks from dark glass.

Take on a tablespoon daily for the night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks and a break of 10 days. Then drink for another 2 weeks.

Infusion when coughing

Two glasses of dried grass pour a liter of boiling water and insist while the water will cool. Drinking with cough, bronchitis 100 ml in warm form. With the same decoction you can rinse sore throat, Making a mile for wound healing.

Infusion from headaches

Cutlery spoon of flowers and clover leaves brew 250 ml of boiling water and insist 40 minutes. Profiltrate and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day before taking food.

This decoction can be drunk with anemia, atherosclerosis.

Lactation tea

Mix 10 grams of dried clover flowers and as many dried hunter, 20 grams of black currant leaves. Grind and brew both tea. Drink during the day.


5 dried inflorescences brew a glass (250 ml) boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Drink tea by adding a tea spoon of honey for 2 glasses during the day.

Clover contains kumarins that allow you to "dissolve" blood clots, thereby preventing the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.

The decoction of the roots of clover

Such a decoction drink with inflammation of appendages and cancer tumor. 10 grams of crushed roots pour hot water (100 ml) and peak on the water bath of half an hour.

Strain and fasten with boiled water to the initial volume. Take no more than 5 times on 1 tablespoon during the day.

Broth with clover seeds

The decoction is useful for men with a weakened sexual function. For its preparation 1 tablespoon of seeds (beans) of red clover is poured with dry red wine (1 cup) and withstand half an hour in the water bath. Then filtered and drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.

When avitaminosis, decline forces

Healing drink is prepared as follows. 3 tablespoons of dried herbs brew in a 2 liter thermos and leave to be broken for 4-5 hours.

Ready to strain. Add honey and fresh lemon juice.

Toning drink can be prepared together with the fruits of rosehip. Brew also better in the thermos.

For the beverage take 100 grams of crushed rose hips and 2 tablespoons of clover. Increase for 7 to 8 hours and filter.

Drink 100-125 ml twice a day after meals.

Under the skin diseases prepare an ointment, taking the grass crushed into powder a red clover. Powder mix so butter Or any fat, solid oil, such as pork or coconut oil. The ratio of grass should not exceed 10-15 percent, for example, per 100 grams of finished ointment take 75 grams of oil and 15 grams of grass.

Red clover contraindication

Nevertheless, despite many of his medical properties, Treatment is not shown to everyone. With caution to it, it is necessary in the one who has a tumor detected. Although in folk medicine it is used to treat some species malignant formationsBut not all. In some types, it can lead to a tumor growth and sharpen heavy illness. In addition, scientific confirmations successful treatment Cancer this moment not yet.

In patients with diabetes, it can reduce blood sugar levels.

It is forbidden to be treated with red clover pregnant and nursing women.

It is impossible to take at the same time contraceptive drugs and carry out treatment with this plant, as it contains phytoestrogens, which can influence the production of estrogen, which in turn can lead to a violation of the natural balance chemical substances In the body and, as a result, to unpleasant side effects.

Preparations with clover reduce pressure, so at low pressure it is contraindicated.

It should always be remembered that in a clover contains kumarins that dilute blood, which can lead to bleeding, including internal.

The most common side effects In the treatment of red clover preparations can be:

Head and muscle pain;

An allergic reaction, in the form of edema, itching and other symptoms;

It can influence the liver, which can be determined by such symptoms:

Abdominal pain in the upper right part of the stomach;

Yellow points in the eyes or skin;

Too dark urine.

When appearance unpleasant symptoms And side effects stop taking drugs and consult a doctor. And before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

Probably, each of us in his life saw red clover. This plant is found in our country quite often. It is easy to learn about pinkish-red bidders, located almost at the earth itself. But, the most recognizable part of this flower is its original threepall leaves. They, as well as the complexity of the clover, have long and successfully apply for medical purposes.

In Russia, the clover grows on the meadows and forest edges. And in neighboring Ukraine, he is listed in the Red Book. This plant can reach 30 cm in height. The stem from clover is thin and straight. Original leaves of the plant consist of three, thoroughly embossed leaflets. They have white checkboxes. This is one of the differences of this type of clover with a clover average.

Flowers plant with character inflorescences with wrap. The flowering of this plant begins with the end of the spring and ends in September. In addition to using B. therapeutic purposes Flowers and clover leaves are also used as feed for large cattle. For this purpose, clover is grown on an industrial scale. From this plant, very tasty honey is obtained.

Red Clover: Useful and Medical Properties and Contraindications

Of the 250 types of clover, the red has the greatest benefit. This perennial plant contains:

Funds based on red clover have antimicosis, anti-inflammatory and anesthetics. Stable (another clover name) can be used to prepare funds from high temperatures. Based on this plant, there are fees possessing expectorant, binding and antisclerotic properties.

Red clover in folk medicine is used as a basis for antitumor and anti-edema drugs. Also seen the benefits of this plant to suppress allergic reactions in organism.

The beneficial properties of this plant are used in the treatment:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Avitaminosis and problems with the immune system
  • Cold illness. In particular - bronchitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Kidney problems
  • High and low temperatures
  • Jumps and dishes
  • Eye fatigue from frequent stay in front of a computer monitor

Red clover thickens or dilute blood?

Though thick blood And is not a disease, it can cause many pathologies. Therefore, such blood needs to be periodically dissolved. You can do this with special preparations or medicinal herbal. For example, clover.

For the preparation of infusion based on this plant, it is necessary to:

  • Dried red clover heads (3 tbsp. Spoons) pour boiling water (1 liter)
  • Insstruct such a means it is necessary to fully cool the fluid
  • Then infusion you need to strain and drink during the day

But, red clover, it is amazing plant. If it is used externally, the bleeding can be stopped. This is achieved at the expense of a large number of tanning substances focused in its composition. In addition to wound healing, clover tannins can be used to combat diarrhea.

Application of red clover in traditional medicine

Lekari. ancient Mira Preparation used preparations based on this plant for the treatment of many ailments. In Russia, it was valued due to the large number of isoflavones. They are essentially plant analogue female hormones estrogen.

Of course our ancestors did not know about chemical composition Clover, but about its useful properties for women guess.

Later, were open beneficial features This plant to combat cancer. Due to the presence of phytoestrogen, the red clover is a strongest anticancer for women. Especially useful tools based on this plant for the prevention of cancer of the reproductive system.

Also in folk medicine, this plant is used to treat negative symptoms menopause. Especially like stuffing heat.

But, red clover is useful not only to women, but also to men. With this universal drink based on can be improved male power And extend female youth. Prepare such a drink as follows:

Drink such a drink should be 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day.

Red clover and in the fight against insomnia can help. For this purpose prepare tea:

  1. Equal parts of clover flowers and Ivan tea
  2. Mixture (1 hour spoon) poured boiling water (1 cup)

You need to drink such tea in the evening before bedtime. To enhance the effect, it is desirable to replace coffee with such tea and other tonic drinks. Course for 1 month.

The legendary predictor of Vanga used clover to treat pains in the legs. For this she:

  1. Mixed stem, leaves and flowers of white and red clover in equal amounts
  2. Gilled boiling water and cooked in enameled dishes
  3. In such a decoction you need to add not a large number of kerosene and in such a facility to boil legs

Such treatment can be used until the pain is retreating.

Very effectively struggling with nasups and burns of a row with the infusion of clover. For its preparation you need:

  1. Pour dry clover (2 tbsp. Spoons) boiling water (1 cup) and let it stand
  2. In the finished means you need to soak gauze tampons and attach them to the affected places

From the clover you can prepare a special ointment for the fight against tumors and various lesions Skin (including oncological nature). To prepare such ointments you need:

  1. Fur in powder dried clover
  2. The resulting powder (50 g) mix with vaseline to the state of ointment

Such a means must be carefully rubbed into the affected places to full recovery Skin cover.

Tincture Clover Red: Indications for use, instruction

One of the most versatile funds based on red clover is tincture. It can be used to treat boils, abscesses, conjunctivitis, trophic Yazv, burns and cuts. This means are used in gynecological diseases and to facilitate the premenstrual syndrome.

With rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis, the tincture of red clover is used to facilitate the suffering of the patient. This means can be reduced pain syndromes and accelerate recovery during fractures and stretching.

Due to the diuretic and antibacterial properties of such a tincture, it is used to treat cystitis and urethritis. It can help this remedy for meteorism and an atonic constipation.

Possessing a large amount of vitamins, the tincture of the red clover can be used as a general fuel. With it, you can cope with chronic fatigue and improve performance. With bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial asthma Use the expectorant properties of this tincture.

There are several red clover tincture recipes. The most effectively reveals the beneficial properties of this plant vodka or alcohol. Traditional recipe This means is simple:

  1. Dry clover flowers (4 tbsp. Spoons) need to pour vodka (500 ml)
  2. It is necessary to insist for about 10 days, periodically shaking the container
  3. After that, the tincture needs to be strain and pour into storage tank

Apply such a tincture in the form of drops of 30 pcs. For half an hour before eating three times a day.

You can also cook tincture by alternative recipe:

  1. Clover flowers (200 g) need to be collected at the time of the maximum flowering of this plant
  2. We wash, pour them with boiling water (1 liter) and cook on a water bath for 10 minutes
  3. Insist for 3 hours and fix the tool

You need to use such a tincture four times a day at 250 ml. For taste you can add some sugar, honey or milk. With this tincture, you can restore the forces of the body during the autumn-winter season.

From the reception of the red clover tincture, it is worth refuse to:

Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children should not use the alcohol tincture of red clover.

How to take a red clover women with a climax?

Climax is a period of aging female organism. At this moment it takes place. Changes internal hormonal background Woman and her figure. The symptoms of such changes are:

  • Changes in mood
  • Fear of heat
  • Sweating
  • Violations of sleep
  • Apathy

In order to cope with such changes in the physical and psycho-emotional plan, you can use the red clover. The benefits of this plant during menopause proven scientifically. Fito compounds of clover are able to normalize the hormonal background and reduce the number and consequences of the catch.

In addition, as shown by recent studies, in the period of Klimaks, each second woman is subject to loss of bone mass. Red clover and here can help. Connections from this plant are able to stop this process and improve general state organism.

It helps to cope with the consequences of Klimaks tea from red clover. It is very simple to prepare:

Tea from clover

Also to cope with the consequences of the restructuring of the female organism when aging must be eaten fresh leaves Clover. For example, add them to green salads or soups. Clover leaves can be used as seasonings for fish.

How to take a red clover from pressure during hypertension?

Very effectively fights high pressure Tea, brewed on red clover. To do this, you need to assemble the plant during the period of its flowering and dry. Tea is preparing in the following way:

  1. Dry grass (1 tbsp. Spoon) poured boiling water (1 cup)
  2. Insist the mixture for 20 minutes in the thermos

Drinking such tea is necessary throughout the day in small portions. This tool is not only able to restore pressure, but also improve the work of the heart. In addition, tea based on red clover will help relive stress and physical overload.

How to take red clover from cholesterol

Funds based on red clover well help in the fight against cholesterol and other harmful compounds in the organism vessels. For this purpose, you can use tincture on this plant. She not only split compounds harmful cholesterol And they will accelerate their conclusion, but also strengthens the walls of the vessels.

Also in combating cholesterol is very good such tea. For its preparation you need:

You need to drink such tea 1 cup three times a day. In addition to the withdrawal from the body of harmful cholesterol, the tea based on red clover can be used to combat colds.

Purification of vessels clover red: Recipe Application

Pollution of vessels is associated not only with improper cholesterol exchange, but also with bad state Wessel walls and blood coagulation disorders. With the help of red clover, it is possible to improve blood condition and clean the vessels.

Clear vessels can be as follows:

  1. Dry clover flowers (4 tbsp. Spoons) need to pour boiling water (500 ml)
  2. Insist such a means needed within seven hours

Then it needs to be strain and take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

Also to clean the vessels can help the alcohol tincture of red clover. It must be taken in 1 tbsp. A spoon (diluted in a glass of water) once a day before breakfast.

How to brew tea and decoction from red clover for rejuvenation?

Clover, this is a very effective assistant in the fight against old age. You can rejuvenate the body using several recipes of teas and decoctions based on this plant.

Rejuvenation of kidneys

  1. Dry clover (3 tbsp. Spoons) poured boiling water (500 ml)
  2. In a custard, you need to add a handful of rowan

Drink such tea on one mug three times a day.

Rejuvenation of the gastrogen

  1. Mix dry shoots and soul leaves with clover and melissa in equal proportions
  2. We pour the mixture (3 tbsp. Spoons) boiling water (500 ml) and add some zest
  3. To enhance the effect, such tea can be drilled on a weak heat about 5 minutes

Drinking such tea is needed 1-2 times a day between meals.

Skin and Hair Rejuvenation

  1. Dried flowers of red clover (4 tbsp. Spoons) pour boiling water (500 ml)
  2. Insist for half an hour and use hair rinsing or as a facial care agent

Facial Masks from Red Clover: Recipes

You can use clover and as cosmetic masks. Universal means This type based on this plant is such a mask:

  1. Fresh flowers and clover leaves Grinding with a combine or meat grinder
  2. To the resulting mixture (1 tbsp. Spoon) it is necessary to add liquid honey (1 h. Spoon), kefir (1 tbsp. Spoon) and egg (1 pc.)
  3. Ingredients are mixed to homogeneous mass and immediately applied to the face for 15-20 minutes

You can use such a mask 2 times a week.

Remove redness on the skin with this recipe:

  1. Fresh clover you need to nourish on pieces and pour boiling water
  2. In the nastya you need to soak rolled out a few times gauze and attach to the place of defeat

Such a mask helps well with sun burns, acne And other skin problems.

Red clover to increase breast mammary glands: Application recipe

The hero of this article is rich in isoflavones and anticoagulants. Among other things, these substances are responsible for regulating the level of female sex hormones. There are precisely such compounds that affect appearance and attractiveness. And as we know, one of the standards female beauty is a big and elastic chest.

In order to increase the volume of this part female body It is necessary to prepare a decoction of red clover (2 tbsp. Spoons of dry flowers on 500 ml of water). It is necessary to apply it on one tablespoon three times a day.

Also, such a decoction can be applied and externally, rubbing it into bust with light circular motions.

Is it possible a red clover to children?

Rarely, who in childhood did not try tooth fluffy and bright colors of clover. At the same time, nothing happened to the children's organism. Clover Children are not dangerous. Of course within reasonable limits. But, drugs based on this plant should not contain alcohol.

In addition, when treating a child with clover-based funds, dosages need to be slightly reduced. And despite the use of such drugs to consult with the doctor.

Red clover is a plant that has not only large benefitBut can also be used as part of various dishes. From the young leaves of this plant you can make salads or add them to soups. In Scotland and Ireland, buns are widespread, in the dough of which, when baking, dried clover leaves add. And in Germany, the clover is customary to replace spinach.

Video. Herbs Treatment: Red Clover Properties

The preparation of medicinal raw materials is carried out during his flowering. Collect the heads of the plant and the leaf adjacent to them. It is impossible to treat flowers assembled along the automotive and railway tracks. Wash the grass before drying is not necessary. Good effect in treating various ailments Gives alcohol tincture of clover on vodka for vessels. Application and therapeutic properties of tincture Consider below.

It has a comprehensive action:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antisclerotic.
  3. Disinfecting.
  4. Choleretic.
  5. Mitigating.
  6. Castle, expectorant.
  7. Acts as an antiseptic.

Due to the complex composition of essential oils in flowers, the clover tincture is used to treat a wide list of diseases. It is used to purify all organs and systems from toxins, for the treatment of colds, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, vasculitis, eczema, cystitis. The tincture increases immunity. it good source Vitamins, leaves can be used in cooking. Grass is a frequent participant in breast and choleretic fees.

It increases appetite. The use of tinctures effectively with tuberculosis, pain during menstruation, is used to correct climate activation changes. Clover is shown by patients with cancer, plant juice is treated purulent wounds, allergic manifestations On the skin, when taking inside, the state of the articular tissue is improved.

Important! Clover is a prophylactic means of "bad" cholesterol sediments in vessels, prevents atherosclerosis and ischemic disease Hearts, regulates the metabolism and protrudes with a soft tonic and stimulant for the circulatory system.

Clover is a means of treating hypertension, improves the composition of the blood, increases hemoglobin, is shown in small-class.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Extrane-independent cancer forms.
  5. Thrombophlebitis.
  6. Varicose.
  7. Immediately after a heart attack or stroke, although in general the plant is shown in postoperative periodAs a common.

Important! Atherosclerosis is often developing against hypertension, and when increased pressure Reception tincture of clover is not shown, so before treatment, the doctor's consultation is obligatory.

Why does clover help from cholesterol?

Note the only substance in the composition of the essential oils of the plant, which is responsible for dissolving cholesterol plaques and the restoration of vessel tissues, is impossible. A complex composition comprising tanning substances, oily oils, organic acids, a lot of vitamins, is valid in the complex. Many of these substances themselves have antisclerotic, vascular action.

For example, isoflavones are phytoestrogens. They act like an estrogen, just more gently. Phytoestrogens not only contribute to the prevention of climax symptoms in women (tides, osteoporosis), but also have a common rejuvenating effect on the body, helping to preserve the youth of all tissues, including vessels and skin.

Curious! On the background long reception The tincture of red clover on vodka in men can be observed a reduction in potency.

Preparation of tincture

Flowers of meadow (red) clover are used. Red clover possesses therapeutic properties, helps to get rid of excess cholesterol. Fresh inflorescences without faded petals. Drying - in a dark dry place. The red clover tincture can prepare for various recipes.

Recipes tincture are different, there are nuances in their application:

Recipe number 1. One glass of fresh flowers to insist on 0.5 liters of vodka in a dark place 2 weeks. The mixture must be shaken, the flowers will fall on the bottom. After 14 days, strain, stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. On 100 s. Dry flowers need to use 1 liter of vodka. Insist 10 days, periodically shake. Finished tincture You do not need to polish, you can immediately take.

Recipe number 3. The can of half-liter is filled with dry flowers. Do not rub. Then pour flowers with vodka by filling out the tank before the neck. Put in a dark place. After 2 weeks, the flowers are squeezed, obtained by infusion to pour into the tank of dark glass.

Recipe number 4. Take 2 tbsp. Dry plant and pour this amount of glass heat-hot, but not boiling water. Put on a water bath and boil for 15-20 minutes. After cooling, strain.

Recipe number 5. At atherosclerosis will help next recipe: Take 2 tbsp. raw plants, put them in a jar of 0.7 liters. And pour them 0.5 liters. Vodka. Preparing infusion 10 days in a dark place. Use up to meals 3 times a day of 1 tbsp. during three months. After that, 6 months a break and course need to repeat again.

There is no significant difference between these methods of cooking, just slightly distinguishes the degree of extraction of essential oils from the clover heads. Tincture on dry flowers will be more saturated, respectively, the reception scheme will be less intense.

Instead of vodka, you can use medical alcohol 70%, the properties of the alcohol tincture are completely identical to the vodka.

Schemes for receiving alcohol tincture for cleaning vessels

Recipe number 2. contraindicated persons with violation of blood pressure, it is possible to clean the tincture of the vessels only when normal pressure. Reception is carried out in two courses for 15 days with a 10-day break between them. Take 1,3 tablespoon (20 ml) before bedtime.

Recipe number 3. Use 1 tbsp. l. at any convenient time day, but if during the day, then only before meals. The course is 1.5 months, then a 10-day break, and again - 1.5 months. reception. You can repeat this course only in six months.

There is no significant difference between these diagrams of reception, it follows from the convenience.

Other recipes for cleaning vessels clover

If someone is contraindicated alcohol, plants extract can be used to clean the vessels and in another form:

  1. Tea from clover. The dry grass of the clover is mixed in equal shares with the grass of the Toll. The mixture is brewed as white medicinal tea - hot but not boiling water (about 85 0 s). Drink both tea as preventing congestive phenomena in vessels. Tea can be used to prevent varicose expansion veins. It provides lusting action, improves blood structure.
  2. More saturated tincture will be possible if on a glass hot water Take a tablespoon without the top of dry shredded flowers. The mixture is boiled 5 minutes, cooled with room temperature, Focus. The decoction will have a rich taste, take it as a medicine. Course - 1 month, 1 tbsp. l. Before eating an empty stomach 5 times a day. The decoction can be used externally, for example, for the treatment of hemorrhoids or stomatitis, as well as a means for washing during problem skin.
  3. In thermos: 2 tbsp. l. Dry flowers are placed in a thermos, poured a glass of boiling water. Leave for night. Strain. Take and use the same scheme as in paragraph 2.
  4. More weak Solution. Take a glass jar with a volume of 250 ml, put there 10 floral heads, pour warm water, Bring to a boil in a water bath. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Take a course - half a cup before meals, 3 times a day, for 3 weeks.

Important! Before use, you will definitely consult with your attending physician. Atherosclerosis, if the diagnosis is already delivered, requires comprehensive treatment, in particular: the abandonment of smoking, the introduction of reasonable physical Loads, cardinal revision of the menu.

It makes no sense to clean the vessels of the tincture of clover, if it is still uniformly to use foods containing bad cholesterol.

This perennial family of legumes occurs throughout the meadows, on the shores of the reservoirs, on small slopes, pastures and pastures. Cultivate clover solely as a feed plant (thanks big content squirrel). His and beekeepers appreciate, as clover is excellent honey. And here medicinal properties Plants are used exclusively folk medicine and ignored traditional.

Flowers near clover small, pinkish-red (hence the name of this species). Inflorescences are loose, may be obliged or rounded. There are single heads, but more often you can see the paired, wrapped in 2 small leaves. After flowering, clover gives one-piece egg-shaped bob.

More this plant is called the trillery - the leaves, indeed, he has a triple, wide-shaped, cuffs. The upper leaves are more elongated, small teeth are noticeable along the edge of the lower. With sunset leaves add up.

Clover patterns can grow at different heights ranging from 15 to 60 cm. They are located not on the main stem, which is very short, but grow from the sinuses of roasting leaves. The root itself is a rod, but enough branched.

Red and meadow is the same thing?

In nature, there are 2 types of triligent - red and white. It is the first to refer to meadow. The other type in the people is called kushka or white creeping clover.

In folk medicine, is used mainly, a red meadow shadownik. It has a more saturated composition of useful components.

For therapeutic purposes take inflorescences with upper leaves. They contain a large number of different glycosides, organic acids (main - kumarine and salicyl), carotene, sithostrolls, essential oils, flavonoids, minerals and vitamins. The clover is especially valued for such components as starch, ascorbic and folic acidVitamins B.

Clover is used in folk medicine as an antiseptic, expectorant, dying, diuretic and hemostatic agent. Inflorescences use B. various forms For the treatment of many diseases:

  • fresh raw material ticks and applied outdoor in burns, abscesses, wounds; With this tool, blood is stopped and conjunctivitis;
  • the same properties have a fresh, squeezed juice;
  • tea from red inflorescence is recommended for women in uterine bleeding;
  • credit with vitaminosis will help the water of the infusion of clover;
  • demissions give a good result with the upper diseases respiratory tract and lungs, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, anemia, crofulosis and malaria.

Regular drinking drinks will not allow cholesterol plaques to settle on the walls of blood vessels, which contributes to the prevention of the development of atherosclerosis. Clover in any form removes pain and reduces the temperature.

Accepted the grass bile and cleans the lymphosystem. It helps with different skin diseases, and also will save from fungus. And clover drinks are an excellent tonic and immunostimulating agent.

In folk medicine, clover is recommended as generally applicable recipes for treating diseases, it is also taken into account and an individual approach, based on the gender. With the help of drugs of this plant, women and men's problems can be quickly solved.

About helping abundant bleeding Already mentioned above, but this is not all the benefits of clover for women. Grass helps to adjust menstrual cycle and cope with its syndrome (PMS). Effectively trees are treated gynecological diseases And the internal inflammations are eliminated.

Find your application from inflorescences in sexually transmitted diseases. In parallel, infusions are applied external as a means for douching. And women in the period of menopause clover will help easier to enter Climax, eliminating the tilt of the heat and having suffocated their chest pain.

Men can enjoy folk remedies with clover to solve any health problems. But especially indispensable drugs with "male weakness". Tools based on clover can be sacrificed with the popular Viagra, while being more useful from impotence due to their naturalness.

Taking clover chasters, tincture on vodka or red wine, a man will not just return his erection, but will be more interested in opposing semi. So these funds can be considered a peculiar aphrodisiac and apply even in cases if there are no problems with potency - for prevention.

How to brew

K. folk recipes, you need to know how to prepare this or that means of clover. Only then will it bring the greatest effect.

The clover in antiquity in Russia was called the grass for the soul and the invigorating teasis were actively brewed. As a basis, you can take a classic option (ferment with boiling water dried grass), and then vary the composition of welding under its preferences:

  • klever Mix with and Hyft in proportion 4: 2: 2;
  • on 5 parts of the meadow inflorescences take 1 part of the Hypericum and;
  • the aroma and taste of this composition are unique: 4 parts of the clover, 2 parts of the Hypericum, currant leaves and mint, 1 part of oregano.

- It enhances the properties of the clover. Sweese tea better honeyAnd not sugar - so it will be core.

To prepare a decoction, fairly inflorescences and clover leaves (3 tbsp.) Pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire. When boils, tomatov is another 1-2 minutes, remove and give it in 2-3 hours. Take according to the recipe, predetermined. In the refrigerator, you can store a drink for no more than 3 days.

Red clover brave cooking: video

For the application of infusion in each case, their proportions of water and the complexity of the clover are recommended, which should be considered. As a concentrating I. preventive tool Drink such infusion - 1 tbsp. on a glass of boiling water. Hold under the cover of half an hour, filter and use 1/3 cup before meals.

Dried and fresh complexes of clover can be insisted on medical alcohol, vodka and wine:

  • 4 tbsp. raw materials poured with alcohol (0.5 l), insist a decade at room temperature in dark tank;
  • the liter jar fill to the top fresh clover heads, poured with vodka (0.5 l) and insist 2 weeks in the dark;
  • and here you will need clover heads in the seed formation stage - 1 tbsp. Poured a glass of hot red wine and insist for at least a week.

All cooked tinctures before applying must be strain, by pressing clover raw materials.

As already mentioned, clover is excellent folk remedy With many diseases. It only provides a small list of recipes that allow you to easily cope with the specified diagnoses.

Prepare the vodka tincture of clover by the recipe indicated above. Take 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach and before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts 3 months, and the resulting headaches are leaving, dizziness and noise in the ears disappear, the intracranial pressure stabilizes.

Display cholesterol placas You can use such a fund. Fresh inflorescences (100 g) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l). After boiling, it is boosted for another 5-6 minutes and insist 3 hours. The lean drink needs to drink during the day for several receptions, adding 1 tbsp in the decoction. Honey.

For inflammatory process No inflorescences are used for greater effect, but the roots of the plant. On a half cup of water take 3 tbsp. Raw materials, tomatov on the water bath of half an hour, then flickering. In the decoction it is necessary to attach boiled water to restore the original volume, and only then take 3-5 times before meals. The maximum duration of the course is 3 weeks, then a break for at least a month.

The liter of boiling water should be pouring 20 heads of dried inflorescences and insist 15 minutes. For a month 2 or 3 times a day, drink a glass of tea, after which not only pressure is normalized, but also cleaned blood vesselsthat will strengthen the work of the heart.

Drinks from clover, used inside, help cleanse vessels and restore metabolism. It has a positive effect on the treatment of many skin disease. But it is also recommended to use the means and externally, washing the problem areas with champions and influenza, to make bonds and compresses.

A good effect gives a fresh tweeted grass - it is superimposed on sorrowful places. BUT fresh juice Clore rubs the inflamed skin.

Dry clover flowers (2 tbsp) poured 2 glasses of boiling water, covered with a lid, wrapped and insist 5 hours. The leaky drink is distributed on the same portions and drink (heated) throughout the day. After applying this infusion, it is recommended to lie a little under the blanket - there will be an active sweating, and there will be a cold with it.

Collecting the clover meadow with a medicinal goal is different from what is carried out in the forage. Raw materials can be harvested throughout the period of flowering - from the end of spring and to the most frosts. But the most valuable is the inflorescences collected in the middle of summer. If the recipe is recommended to take seed primitives or root, then the blanks are made in the middle of the autumn.

Cut everything in a row of inflorescences should not, carefully choosing the juicy heads. Time for collecting - from 9 am and up to 16 hours. At the same time, the weather should be dry and sunny. If there is moisture on the grass, it is impossible to collect clover - he will start in the future.

Dry the workpiece needed away from sunlightBy choosing a dark, cool room with good ventilation. In the drying process, the grass laid down the 1st layer is stirred by checking the degree of readiness.

Before the dry grass is to be stored, it is revised, rebeling the darkened inflorescences. After that, they are packaged in paper bags or fabric bags (not in banks and polyethylene!) And stored in the dark corner of the cabinets, away from moisture.

The beneficial properties of the red clover and the collection of raw materials: video

The composition of the plant not only benefits - for some people the grass may be harmful. As always, it all depends on the individual characteristics (or rather, the intolerance to a number of components). There are also serious contraindications to the use of clover drinks:

  • the purification of vessels should not be carried out with thrombophlebitis and varicoses;
  • despite the beneficial effect of clover for hypertensive, it is impossible to use it after strokes and heart attacks;
  • the grass is able to provoke diarrhea, therefore it is not suitable for intestinal disorders;
  • not all forms of cancer are subject to clover drinks, and with an extranegine-dependent form, the grass is generally contraindicated;
  • with long-term use in order to establish a menstrual cycle, you can bring yourself to a period of delay of menstruation.

Clover products are contraindicated during pregnancy - inflorescences can provoke miscarriage. Excessive hugging Drinks to raise potency can cause the opposite effect by making a man dependent on this agent.

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