Quick treatment of cystitis in women. Tablets for cystitis: what to choose. Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of cystitis

Inflammation Bladder or cystitis is a disease familiar to most women. Even doctors say that cystitis is a female ailment.

Anatomical features and increased health vulnerability compared to men place the fair sex at risk.

At the moment, the assortment of pharmacies offers us a wide selection of drugs for cystitis in women. Among them are powerful synthetic drugs, And popular means on a natural basis.

What to choose? What medicine for cystitis in women will help cope with unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the cause of the disease?

The answer to these questions, of course, should be given by a doctor, but we will try to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular drugs for cystitis.


The most common cause of cystitis is bacteria ( coli, streptococci, staphylococci). Therefore, they become the obvious choice for treatment.

Only after this the most suitable drug is selected and the order of its administration is determined so that the effect is only positive and as fast as possible.

The most popular antibiotics, used for cystitis:

  • Furagin,
  • Furabinin,
  • Palin,
  • Monural.

Benefits antibiotics in the treatment of cystitis is, of course, their high efficiency and elimination unpleasant symptoms already in the first days of treatment. In addition, timely treatment with the “correct” antibiotics significantly reduces the risk of cystitis becoming chronic.

However, there is also flaws. First of all, this is, of course, the serious effect of antibiotics on the body as a whole. As a rule, drugs in this group have an impressive list side effects.

In addition, some of them are addictive and do not give the desired effect when used repeatedly. And, of course, the danger is that an incorrectly selected antibiotic may not only not cure cystitis, but also cause damage to health.

Herbal remedies

The return to everything natural affected not only food, but also medicine. Herbal medicines are becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising, because plant components have softer action and, with the exception of rare cases, do not harm the body.

Herbal medicines are also used in the treatment of cystitis. The medicinal power of plants was noted by our ancestors, and modern medicine uses these developments, offering us combinations of necessary plant components in a form convenient for use. These are mainly products based on chamomile, cranberry, parsley, St. John's wort, which have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

Advantage Such drugs are their harmlessness (contraindications and side effects, in addition to allergic reactions to certain components, are practically absent) and their gentle effect on the body.

However, it should be remembered that herbal remedies are effective as an element of complex treatment of cystitis and cannot always cope with the causes of the disease of an infectious nature.

Patients prone to allergies should choose herbal medicines with caution.

Let's look at the most popular herbal remedies.


Cystenium contains components with proven effectiveness - proanthocyanidins from cranberry extract, bearberry extract and vitamin C. They have a triple effect:

  • prevent bacteria from damaging the bladder
  • suppress their vital activity
  • and accelerate elimination from the body.

Main advantages:

  • Can be used both in complex therapy together with antibiotics to speed up recovery and reduce symptoms, and as an individual remedy.
  • Suitable for “quick” prevention (for example, after hypothermia).
  • Due to the form of administration (drink), it has high bioavailability.
  • Pleasant taste!

The disadvantage is that it is not available in all pharmacies.


Comprising more 10 herbal ingredients(seeds of rough strawflower, flowers of bicarp, heartleaf madder and others). This combination has both a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the drug gives antispasmodic effect, and also helps to destroy certain groups of microbes.

But shortcomings drug is an increased risk allergic reaction(due to the large number of components) and the need for long-term use before the desired effect occurs (the duration of the course of treatment can be up to 6 weeks).


The composition is not so diverse (lovage, rose hips, rosemary and centaury). But the action of this remedy is similar to the action of Cyston.

Advantage Canephron is better tolerated by patients (lower likelihood of allergies), as well as the ability to choose more easy-to-use form: drops or tablets.

Disadvantages is

  • quite high price
  • weaker antimicrobial effect,
  • This drug is not suitable for pregnant women due to its composition.


A medicine based on cranberry extract. It has a predominantly anti-inflammatory effect.

This drug is unique in its composition and has no analogues. And patient reviews confirm its effectiveness.

However, it should be noted that it is more effective as prophylactic.

Advantage The drug is also safe and has a small number of side effects.


  • high price,
  • long course of treatment (up to a month),
  • unsafe for pregnant women.


This product is also rich in herbal ingredients. It has an analgesic, disinfectant, and diuretic effect. Moreover antibacterial effect of this drug is quite pronounced.

TO benefits The affordable price of the product should also be included.

However, it has its own flaws. It is produced in the form of a paste, which has a specific taste, which does not always suit patients; in addition, the risk of allergies is quite high due to the abundance of plant components.

A drug contraindicated in some cases:

  • renal failure,
  • acute kidney diseases,
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Lingonberry leaves

A time-tested remedy for cystitis. Has diuretic and antimicrobial effects. In addition, lingonberry leaves strengthen the immune system, which reduces the risk of recurrent cystitis.

Therefore, it is better not to be lazy and spend more time brewing; the efforts will definitely pay off in the retreat of the disease.


When treating cystitis in women, tablets such as antispasmodics are used. Antispasmodics are drugs that help relieve muscle spasms. internal organs, relaxing them and thereby reducing pain.

Since cystitis is accompanied not only by a frequent urge to urinate, but also by painful sensations during this process, there is a need to use antispasmodics.

In addition to relieving spasms, drugs in this group makes the urge to urinate less frequent due to relaxation of the sphincter, and this also relieves the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis.

As a rule, for cystitis it is prescribed myotropic antispasmodics based on drotaverine.

Advantage drugs of this group are their fast action, painful sensations are relieved quickly enough, which significantly improves the patient’s condition.

You can take antispasmodics only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the recommended dosage.

In addition, such drugs can cause drowsiness, lethargy, and dizziness, which negatively affects your ability to carry out your daily activities.

And now in more detail about the most commonly used antispasmodics for cystitis.

Drotaverine hydrochloride

Antispasmodic agent based on drotaverine ( 40 mg per tablet). Also available in solution form for injections and capsules.

Relieves spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, therefore it is indicated for eliminating pain in various body systems, including the urinary system.

In addition to quick (within half an hour) spasm relief, the advantage of this drug is the absence negative impact its components on the nervous system.

Flaws: as with all drugs from the antispasmodic group. In addition, it should be noted that antispasmodics do not treat cystitis, but only eliminate the painful manifestation of the disease.


This tool also belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. The active ingredient is drotaverine ( 40 mg per tablet). Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of organs, thereby relieving spasm.

Advantages and disadvantages similar to drotaverine hydrochloryl.


The basis of this drug is also drotaverine in the amount 40 mg per tablet. Therefore, the characteristics of No-shpa are similar to the antispasmodics described above.

The only difference is mainly price, this drug is more expensive than its analogues, but is also not very expensive (on average the price is about 60 rubles).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Another type of tablets for cystitis that are intended for women are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs relieve inflammation, provide pain relief and antipyretic effect.

As a rule, drugs of this group for cystitis are used as element of complex therapy in cases where the pain is strong enough.

Advantage This group of drugs has a milder effect on the body and good tolerability by patients.

Flaws: the use of drugs in this group can negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys (therefore, NSAIDs are contraindicated in patients who already have dysfunction of these organs), and the gastrointestinal tract. NSAIDs are contraindicated in pregnant women.


The active component of the drug is ibuprofen ( 200 mg per tablet). This tool inhibits pain mediators, thereby providing both anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Also a drug lowers temperature.

Advantage Ibuprofen is his fast action (maximum concentration the drug in the blood is achieved within 1-2 hours after administration). Reviews from patients indicate a high level of effectiveness of the product.

However, it should not be used by young children (under 6 years old) and pregnant women. In addition, the drug increases the risk of heart attack in patients suffering from heart problems, and can also negatively affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

There is a risk of overdose, so consult your doctor before use.


The active substance of the drug is also ibuprofen, however, in a higher concentration ( 400 mg per tablet).

Therefore, the action, advantages and disadvantages similar to Ibuprofen, only the dosage differs.


A drug, similar to the remedy Faspik, however cheaper.


Similar to Ibuprofen, however, the price of this product is higher.


In addition to ibuprofen, this product contains: paracetamol, which makes the drug more effective, but also increases the number of contraindications and possible side effects.


Probiotics have the ability restore organ microflora, these include microorganisms beneficial to human health.

And since the likelihood of cystitis recurrence depends on the state of the microflora, and antibiotics taken during treatment can harm the internal environment of organs, probiotics are an effective means of preventing cystitis.

It is useful to use products containing lactobacilli.

Let's look at the most popular probiotics prescribed for cystitis.


The product contains polysaccharides kefir protein and live lactobacilli. Regulates the state of intestinal microflora and prevents reproduction harmful microorganisms, some of which can cause cystitis.

A drug has no contraindications or side effects.

Among shortcomings we can only note a fairly high cost (on average 350 rubles).

RioFlora Balance

It is a source of lacto- and bifidobacteria (9 varieties). It also normalizes the state of intestinal microflora.

A drug contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as for patients suffering from pancreatitis.

RioFlora Imuno

This product contains 8 types beneficial microorganisms who are capable maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, preventing the appearance of harmful bacteria.

In addition, RioFlora Imuno strengthens the immune system, strengthening the body's natural defenses against negative influence environment.

Thus, this remedy allows the body to become less vulnerable to various infections, including those that provoke the development of cystitis.


Bifiform capsules contain bifidobacteria and enterococci, which promote normalization of intestinal microflora. And reviews of the use claim that the drug improves immunity in general.

However, this remedy is still more suitable for intestinal dysbiosis and has only indirect benefit in the prevention of cystitis.

Hilak Forte

The drug contains biosynthetic lactic acid and its buffer salts. Same as for everyone these probiotics, Hilak Forte improves the balance of intestinal microflora and helps improve immunity.

However, the use of this drug may have some side effects(disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies).

Thus, we can conclude that there are currently many options for both treatment and prevention of cystitis. medicines.

Therefore, choosing those that are right for you will not be difficult.

The main thing is to entrust this choice to professionals in order to not only restore, but also maintain your health.

In contact with


In pharmacies, the range of cystitis treatment products is quite wide. Many of the drugs presented are analogues of each other. Their differences lie in different costs, as well as where and by whom the drug was released. Russian manufacturers of inexpensive and effective tablets for cystitis are not particularly popular among the population. This is explained by the lack of advertising (buyers simply don’t know anything about the drug) and distrust in the quality of domestically produced medicines.

Selecting a cure for cystitis on your own is a big mistake. Unpleasant symptoms will most likely disappear, but the cause of the disease will not be eliminated. In the worst case, self-medication will cause the development serious complications or the disease becomes chronic.

Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination, starting with an examination of the patient. For cystitis external changes, as a rule, no. When pressing on the lower abdomen, painful sensations are observed. To clarify the diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out:

  • A general blood test can detect symptoms of nonspecific inflammation, high level leukocytes, a large number of immature forms of neurophils and increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
  • A general urine test helps detect protein, high levels of bacteria, red blood cells and white blood cells. If the level of leukocytes is exceeded, then a three-glass test and a urine test using the Nechiporenko method are additionally prescribed.
  • Bacteriological examination of urine is carried out to identify the pathogen. Determining the culprit of the disease will allow the course of therapy to be targeted and more effective, and the chances of a full recovery will increase significantly. Such a study makes it possible to conduct an antibiogram in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to various groups antibiotics.
  • Cystoscopy is performed if cystitis has chronic course. At acute form In case of illness, the procedure is not prescribed, as it promotes the spread of infection and is painful.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) helps to detect stones in the bladder, determine the condition of the urinary tract and nearby organs. Allows you to exclude malignant and benign tumors.

Based on the examination results, the urologist prescribes antibiotics, herbal remedies and antispasmodics.

What medications are needed for complete treatment?

In order for the treatment to be complete, medications must have certain properties: eliminate the pathogen, stop pain syndrome.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics quickly destroy pathogenic microflora. It is important to take them for a certain period of time recommended by your doctor: 5, 7 or 10 days. If you do not follow this rule and stop taking medications ahead of schedule, then the causative agent of cystitis may develop resistance (addiction) to the action of the drug. Wherein pathogenic bacteria will not be completely destroyed.

The most popular and effective means in the fight against cystitis pathogens are antibiotics from the fosfomycin and fluoroquinol group. If the patient has individual intolerance similar drugs, then nitrofurans, chloramphenicol, and cephalosporins are prescribed.

Approximate treatment regimen for cystitis:

  • Norfloxacin – 400 mg twice a day. Course duration – 3 days.
  • Monural – 3 g once a day. Use for 3 days.
  • Ciprofloxacin – 250 mg twice a day. The duration of therapy is 3 days.

Self-treatment of cystitis in very rare cases leads to full recovery patient. To choose the right antibiotic, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. During the treatment period, monitoring the dynamics of the patient's condition is required. In addition, many antibiotics have absolute contraindications for use.

Today, treatment with Furagin, Furadonin, Ampicillin, Biseptol, Cephalexin, Cefradin is considered ineffective, since the causative agents of the disease have developed resistance to them.

Inexpensive antibacterial drugs for cystitis:

It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is usually prescribed in cases where other means do not give the desired result during therapy.
Nolitsin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy and vascular atherosclerosis. The use of Nolitsin in patients with liver disease and renal failure is undesirable.

The estimated cost of the medicine is 150–300 rubles.


It is an analogue of the drug 5 NOC. Nitroxoline treats pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis. The antibiotic is contraindicated for liver disease and kidney failure.

The average cost of the drug is 60–70 rubles.

The antibacterial agent belongs to the quinolone series. Used successfully in the treatment of infections urinary tract if the bacteria are susceptible to pipemidonic acid. Palin should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug or if you are pregnant or lactating. And also for children under 15 years of age.
Approximate price in Russian pharmacies– 250–280 rubles.

It is one of the most inexpensive and most effective antibiotics, used for the treatment of cystitis. The price is about 300 rubles. Monural is not prescribed to children under 5 years of age and to people allergic to the components of this medicine. Before use, the powder must be dissolved in water and consumed exclusively on an empty stomach once a day.

For people who have the opportunity to purchase antibiotics at a higher price, drugs such as Nevigramon and Rulid are recommended.

  • Nevigramon is nalidixic acid, which is characterized by high antibacterial activity. Excellently tolerated by patients. The cost ranges from 3200 to 4400 rubles.
  • Rulid is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. Refers to macrolides. Used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. The average cost ranges from 1100 to 1200 rubles.


Eliminate spasms and pain, which is one of the main symptoms of cystitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the muscles, which causes pain when filling and sharp pain when emptying the bladder. Nosh-pa, Baralgin, Papaverine relieve muscle tension, thereby reducing painful sensations. The price ranges from 50 to 100 rubles.

Antispasmodics are available in various forms, in the form of tablets, water-soluble powder or suppositories. The effectiveness of a particular drug does not depend on the form of use.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Similar agents (Nimesil, Diclofenac) are used to interrupt the chain of biochemical reactions that cause the inflammatory process. This reduces local swelling and plethora of the affected tissue, which relieves pain.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy: Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, Faspik, Nurofen, Mig. The drugs should be used if cystitis is accompanied by severe pain. The cost ranges from 30 to 100 rubles.

Herbal remedies

Such means give excellent result, if cystitis occurs without an increase in body temperature and severe pain. Most often, herbal medicines are used as part of complex therapy with antibacterial agents.

It has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug contains more than 10 different plant extracts. Long-term use ensures the dissolution of kidney stones, enhances the effect antimicrobials, reduces inflammation. Available in tablet form. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 430 rubles.

The herbal medicine is made on the basis of cranberries and is a highly concentrated extract. Cranberry has been used since ancient times to treat cystitis, as it has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Available in tablets, long-term use of which prevents relapses of the disease. The average price in Russian pharmacies is 450–500 rubles.

Lingonberry leaves

Inexpensive product, destroys Staphylococcus aureus, has astringent, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The drug is indicated for use in pyelonephritis, gonorrhea, nephropathy, and cystitis. Helps improve immunity, ensures higher effectiveness of taking antibiotics. Filter bags containing lingonberries are less effective than regular dry leaves in packs. The cost in Russian pharmacies is 40–50 rubles.

Phytolysin paste

The product is made on the basis of 9 different herbs and represents them aqueous-alcohol solution. It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, eliminates muscle spasms. Helps remove sand from the renal pelvis and ureters. The average cost in Russian pharmacies is 300–350 rubles.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and solution. Regular use of Canephron reduces pain during urination and the likelihood of relapses if cystitis is chronic. The product is made on the basis of medicinal herbs: centaury, lovage, rosemary. The price in Russian pharmacies is 350–400 rubles.


The occurrence of cystitis is directly dependent on the condition of the urinary tract, intestinal and vaginal microflora. For this reason, in addition to antibiotics and herbal remedies, you should undergo a course of treatment with pribiotics that restore the microflora: Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Acipol, RioFlora Immuno.

Features of the treatment of cystitis in women

As you know, women are most susceptible to cystitis; they account for 90% of all cases. An effective remedy, which is usually prescribed to the fairer sex: Monural, No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Palin. Along with antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal medicines are prescribed: Cyston, Monurel, Canephron.

Treatment of cystitis in women includes:

  1. Exclusion from the diet of spicy, pickled, smoked and salty foods.
  2. Use of immunostimulants.
  3. Physiotherapy.
  4. Douching with medicinal herbs.
  5. Application natural remedies that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Warm baths and compresses.

Incorrect treatment can lead to a rapid transition of cystitis from acute to chronic. In this case, the walls of the bladder lose their elasticity, a cyst forms, and the structures of the organ are destroyed. Due to the constantly present inflammatory process, the likelihood of tissue degeneration into malignancy increases significantly.

General information

Cystitis is a disease that most often affects women. What cystitis is and its symptoms are well known to those for whom this disease has become chronic, and this happens quite often. Therefore, women prone to this disease should always consult a doctor about how to treat cystitis, since treating cystitis on their own can lead to undesirable consequences.

However, at present, many women, experiencing unpleasant symptoms, are in no hurry to find out what medications the doctor will prescribe for cystitis. Many suffer from burning and cutting when urinating, from frequent urges, and at the same time do not want to visit a doctor who will tell you how to treat this disease and how to treat cystitis quickly and effectively. However, when a woman comes to the doctor, often her condition is already very serious, and complaints like: “ I have severe pain, I can’t go to the toilet normally...“Experts listen constantly.

Currently, modern pharmacology offers numerous drugs for the treatment of cystitis and other diseases. genitourinary system. But every woman who is trying to quickly cure cystitis at home and get rid of pain and unpleasant symptoms should be clearly aware that any drugs for cystitis that get rid of the disease in 1 day cannot be used uncontrolled. After all, cystitis is not always an independent disease. Sometimes it occurs in combination with sexually transmitted infections, genitourinary diseases, urolithiasis , pyelonephritis . Therefore, medications for cystitis can temporarily reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease, but not completely eliminate the disease.

At chronic cystitis in a woman, the cells of the lining of the bladder gradually change, cysts also form, which can later transform into malignant formations, which leads to the development bladder cancer .

The structure of the genitourinary system in men and women

Therefore, no matter what effective remedy for cystitis is offered by friends or pharmacists in pharmacies, it is better to first undergo research and get a doctor’s prescription.

Cystitis in women, symptoms and treatment with drugs

The main causative agent of cystitis is coli , hence, acute cystitis develops as a result of wearing synthetic underwear, violation of personal hygiene rules.

Sometimes cystitis is a consequence of injury ( defloration cystitis or a consequence of injuries during sexual intercourse). When determining how to treat this disease, it should be taken into account that it can develop against the background of sexually transmitted infections.

The list of medications for cystitis in women is quite large, since cystitis is considered female disease(according to doctors, by 80%) due to the structure of the female genital organs. There are different reviews about drugs on the Internet, each forum contains a lot of different opinions. But still, most users advise asking specialists about what medications are available to treat cystitis in women.

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women depends on many factors. It is important to take into account the nature of the disease, the pathogen infectious process, localization.

For doctors who prescribe medications and determine what to drink and what treatments to practice, the following classification is important:

Those who treat this disease on their own are unlikely to be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in one day. After all, cystitis, as a rule, is painful and provokes the manifestation of a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • sharp pain and strong burning sensation after emptying the bladder;
  • feeling that the bladder is constantly full;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of blood and mucus in the urine.

First aid for cystitis must be provided correctly, so initially the woman should consult a urologist. Before prescribing treatment for chronic cystitis or determining how to cure the acute form of the disease, the doctor prescribes a series of studies. In particular, the following are carried out:

  • general analysis;
  • analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • cystoscopic examination;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder.

Before prescribing treatment acute cystitis antibiotics and other means, the urologist refers the woman to a gynecologist. If cystitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections, it is after an examination by a gynecologist and a smear that the doctor determines how to cure the disease.

As a rule, after a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes a regimen and explains to the woman how to treat cystitis at home. But sometimes, in addition to medications, the doctor also prescribes physiotherapy and bladder instillations. Treatment of cystitis at home quickly with tablets is possible only for mild forms of the disease. But at the same time, you must strictly follow the prescribed regimen and all the recommendations on what to do with cystitis at home.

Causes of cystitis in women

What causes cystitis in women?

According to medical statistics, in 80% of cases cystitis is a consequence coli , 15% - the result of exposure staphylococcus , 5% - other bacteria.

Most often, cystitis occurs against the background of an inflammatory process in the vagina or with diseases of the genital organs in women. He can also accompany tuberculosis of female genital organs .

Additional factors that provoke cystitis:

  • bladder stones ;
  • pyelonephritis ;
  • stagnation of urine with diverticula ;
  • pregnancy (due to changes in microflora genitourinary organs due to hormonal changes);
  • diabetes , oncological diseases, allergy (due to constant use medicines);
  • carrying out surgical operations and manipulations endoscopic examination(due to injury to the mucous membrane);
  • menopause (due to lack of estrogen in the body).

Cystitis in men, symptoms and treatment with medications

Signs of cystitis in men are observed much less frequently than in women. As a rule, this disease affects men after 45 years of age. The symptoms of this disease in men are the same as in women.

The causes of the disease may be the following:

  • urolithiasis disease ;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • chronic sexually transmitted infections;
  • urethral stricture ;
  • deterioration of function immune system.

A man should definitely ask a urologist what to do in case of an acute form of the disease. It is the specialist who prescribes drugs for the treatment of cystitis in men. For this purpose, antibiotics, antispasmodics, herbal medicines, painkillers, and physiotherapy are used.

Medicines for cystitis


Antibiotics for cystitis are currently very relevant, since in the unfinished acute form of the disease it gradually turns into chronic. Which antibiotics to take for cystitis in women depends, first of all, on the doctor’s prescription. The list of antibiotics for cystitis in women is currently quite wide.

Antibiotics are also prescribed for pyelonephritis , urethritis and other diseases. However, it must be remembered that strong antibiotic tablets always have a number of side effects. The strongest antibiotics always have a certain negative effect on the body. This primarily applies to broad-spectrum antibiotics. The list of broad-spectrum antibiotics that are used to treat cystitis is also large. But it is best to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics before starting treatment. The most the best remedy For cystitis in women, the doctor selects treatment based on the results of such tests. It is in this case that tablets or powder for cystitis cure the disease as quickly and effectively as possible.

If the case is sufficiently advanced and there are granulations in the bladder , a course of collargol instillations may be prescribed. After treatment has been completed, urine culture should be repeated to check whether the disease has been cured.

For cystitis it is prescribed Tetracycline (tetracyclines include Doxycycline , Minocycline , Tetracycline ), Sumamed , as well as analogues of the drug Sumamed - Azithromycin, Azitrocin and etc., Ceforal (analogue of Ceforal - Suprax ). Also, in case of cystitis, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic Amoxiclav (Amoxiclav contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), as well as Amoxicillin .

Antibacterial agents that a specialist can most often prescribe in case of cystitis:

An antibiotic that is very often prescribed to patients with an acute form of the disease. Relevant if acute cystitis with blood develops.

This remedy is prescribed even without a preliminary urine test. Monural is a powerful uroantiseptic, a derivative of phosphonic acid.

Monural powder, granules and suspension are produced. The remedy treats the acute form of the disease well, but chronic cystitis should be treated with other medications.

Price from 350 rub.

Relatively cheap tablets are broad-spectrum antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group containing norfloxacin. These are tablets for cystitis in women, fast treatment when taken, it is always noted, since most bacteria have a high sensitivity to the active component.

If any other medicine is prescribed for cystitis, one tablet or several doses of which does not bring the desired effect, then fluoroquinolones are reserve drugs.

The group of fluoroquinolones includes Norfloxacin , Ciprofloxacin , Ofloxacin . Which tablets for cystitis are preferred for women is determined by the doctor, who in parallel can also prescribe herbal tablets for cystitis. Normax costs from 150 rubles, Norbactin – from 130 rubles, the price of Ciprofloxacin – from 300 rubles.

Price from 250 rubles.


This product is an analogue of 5NOK, an antibiotic Nitroxoline belongs to the group of hydroxyquinolines.

It is advisable to take the drug if there are signs of infectious diseases of the urinary tract (urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, epididymitis).

How to use the product, what tablets to take general scheme treatment must be determined by a specialist. How to take nitroxoline depends, first of all, on the doctor’s prescription. As a rule, the drug is taken 3-4 times a day for 10 days.

Price – from 70 rub.

Palin – antimicrobial, uroantiseptic capsules, quinolone antibiotic. The medicine Palin helps with infections of the genitourinary system if the pathogens are sensitive to pipemidic acid.

The instructions indicate that for cystitis, take this remedy 400 mg twice a day for 10 days.

Price from 300 rub.

Analogue - means Furamag (Furamag cost - from 400 rubles).

The drugs are a derivative of nitrofuran; you should drink it for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Medicine with such active component used if bacterial culture has determined the sensitivity of the pathogen to Furagin.

Relatively quick help in case of cystitis, it is noted when taking the drug: taking 0.1–0.2 g of the drug twice or three times a day for a week or more is indicated. The course can be repeated after 10 days.

Cost from 280 rub.


An antibiotic that can be used to treat diseases of the urinary system. Nevigramon also prescribed for cystitis.

Active ingredient nalidixic acid demonstrates pronounced antibacterial activity.

Unpleasant symptoms of cystitis can be eliminated by taking 1 g of the drug 4 times a day. in a week.

Price from 3300 rub.

Semi-synthetic antibiotic from the macrolide group. Rulid – a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug that can be treated for urogenital infections. Can only be used after a doctor's prescription.

Rapid relief of the condition occurs if you take 150 mg of the drug twice a day.

Price from 1100 rub.

Inexpensive antimicrobial agent containing nitrofuran. Furadonin used for bacterial infections of the urinary system.

How to take it depends on the destination. In most cases, you need to take the product 3-4 times a day for 8 days.

Furacilin , belonging to the group of nitrofurans, is effective in case of bacterial damage to the urinary system. Furacilin for cystitis is used for rinsing.


Antimicrobial drug. Streptocide has a bacteriostatic effect against Escherichia coli, gonococci, streptococci, meningococci, etc.

Streptocide is prescribed orally and should be taken 4-6 times a day.


Antimicrobial agent. Levomycetin effective against a wide range of microorganisms. You need to take it 3-4 times a day, treatment lasts at least 1 week.

Efficiency of funds

Those who are interested in how to quickly get rid of cystitis should note that over time, bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, there is a possibility that in the treatment of cystitis, a weak effect or its complete absence may be observed when using such drugs: Ampicillin (Ampicillin is often ineffective against E. coli), Furadonin , Furagin , Biseptol , Cephalexin , Cefradine ). It is very important before taking medications to consult with a specialist who knows everything about cystitis and can determine what helps quickly and effectively.

Along with antibiotics, other drugs are also prescribed, in particular, herbal medicines, antispasmodics, and immunostimulants ( Viferon etc.) Viferon suppositories contain alpha interferon, which activates the immune system. There are also other drugs of this type: The doctor will tell you the name of suppositories for cystitis in women when prescribing a treatment regimen.

Herbal remedies

Herbs and those remedies based on plant components are widely used in the treatment of genitourinary infections. Herbs for cystitis in women are effective as part of complex treatment. Medicines containing herbs are usually prescribed if the disease is uncomplicated, the pain is not too severe, and there is no fever. Usually, complex treatment involves the use of medications containing herbal components and other agents: these are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.

A herbal remedy that contains more than ten different herbal extracts.

There is a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect. If you drink Cyston for a long time, all components contribute to reducing inflammation of the urinary system.

Also, when simultaneous administration with antibiotics, the effect of the latter increases. If the patient has diseased kidneys (urolithiasis), the medicine helps dissolve the stones.

Price from 450 rub.

Lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaves have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, antimicrobial effect, and help to recover from diseases that develop as a result of the action of Staphylococcus aureus.

Lingonberry leaves are used for cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephropathies in pregnant women, as well as for gonorrhea , colds, etc. The product will help enhance the effect of antibiotics, increase immunity .

You can make tea from this herb, but for this it is recommended to use dry raw materials in packs.

You can also use cranberry juice at home. Cranberry is a remedy that is included in many folk remedies with cystitis. This berry has an antimicrobial, diuretic effect, there is even a name “natural antibiotic”. There is evidence that after taking 300 mg of cranberry juice daily, the frequency of disease relapses decreases.

It is also possible to alleviate the course of the disease and ensure its faster recovery. Cranberries contain tannins, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder. Therefore, introducing cranberries into the diet is an excellent prevention of relapses of cystitis, as well as protection against bacterial attack.

Monurel - tablets, which are essentially a concentrated cranberry extract. Therefore the most best action noted when the patient takes this drug for a long time.

Price from 500 rub.

Cranberry fruit extract also contains capsules Uroprofit . Uroprofit also contains bearberry leaf extract, horsetail herb, and vitamin C. The product is a dietary supplement, you need to take 2 capsules a day.

Ingredients: Canephron includes a combination of plant components (rosemary, lovage, centaury). There are such types of medicine: solution, dragee.

If you take this remedy repeatedly, in case of cystitis it reduces the severity of pain and reduces the likelihood of exacerbations in the chronic form of the disease. This drug of plant origin is combined with antibiotics and is well tolerated by patients.

Phytolysin (green paste) is a hydroalcoholic extract of nine herbs and a number of oils - sage, pine, orange. This combined agent has a diuretic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory effect.

Reviews from those who use this remedy indicate that it activates the process of removing sand from the renal pelvis and ureters.

It should be noted that this product is not an ointment for external use, but a preparation from which a suspension is prepared by dissolving one teaspoon of the product in a glass warm water. The appointment lasts at least two weeks.

The drug is of plant origin, the composition includes hop cones, wild carrot extract, oregano, peppermint, fir oil. Like other uroantiseptics, Urolesan acts as a diuretic, antispasmodic, choleretic effect.

Treatment lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Price from 250 rub.

A combined herbal remedy that has a positive effect on the bladder and urinary system as a whole. Uroseptic Spilled also used for therapy and prevention urolithiasis. Activates the effect of antibiotics.

Cost – from 500 rub.


Please note when using antispasmodics: the list of medications of this type is quite extensive.

However, medications help best with severe pain. No-shpa , Drotaverine , which are derivatives of isoquinoline. These drugs - myotropic antispasmodics - have a strong antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles. They relax the internal organs and, accordingly, reduce pain. But it is very important to understand that these drugs cannot cure the disease: they only relieve pain.

As side effects they cause lethargy , drowsiness , dizziness .

Drotaverine hydrochloride

Tablets, capsules, and injections are produced, which contain drotaverine .

The remedy is indicated for pain, including diseases urinary system. This is a kind of emergency “ambulance”: the product allows you to quickly relieve pain - within about half an hour after taking it.

The drug does not have negative action on the nervous system.

No-shpa (analogue of Drotaverine)

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

If the pain with cystitis is very severe, it gives good results with cystitis taking NSAIDs. These drugs provide antipyretic and analgesic effects and are used as part of complex treatment. You should ask your doctor how long you can take such medications. They act relatively gently on the body, are well tolerated, and the pain goes away quickly.

These medications can be purchased without a prescription and can be used at home. But it is still better to keep the use of such medications to a minimum, since taking them can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and liver. NSAIDs should not be used during pregnancy.

A relatively cheap drug that can be used for children and adults. Provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen It acts quickly, but it is still not recommended for use by pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Part Faspik ibuprofen is included, but its concentrations are much higher.

Also analogues of Ibuprofen are medications Nurofen , Ibuklin (Ibuklin contains ibuprofen and paracetamol). By going to any thematic forum you can find many recommendations on the use of these tools. But it is best to get a doctor's advice.

Price from 120 rub.


Since the development of cystitis is associated not only with the condition of the urinary tract, but also with a violation of the intestinal and vaginal microflora, in the process of treating cystitis, probiotic preparations . Modern medicine recommends many medications that contain lactobacilli And bifidobacteria . They restore the microflora in women and girls, and also have a beneficial effect on their condition after taking antibiotics. Commonly used drugs are Bifiform , RioFlora Balance , Acipol , Hilak Forte , RioFlora Immuno.

Folk remedies for cystitis

Taking so-called bladder pills as prescribed by a doctor, a woman can simultaneously practice treatment with folk remedies, which, in essence, are auxiliary methods of therapy.

It is known that tablets for bladder inflammation in women should be prescribed by a doctor, but folk remedies should not be used uncontrolled, as this can only worsen the situation.

But some methods that can be used at home are quite effective. Moreover, such products are simple to make and easy to use.

The most popular methods are:

  • Drink every day dill seed decoction , which relieves pain and reduces inflammation. You can also cook dill infusion , pouring boiling water over the crushed seeds. However, such drinking is contraindicated for hypotensive patients and people suffering from gallbladder diseases.
  • It is used to treat this disease millet . To prepare the drink you need 2 tbsp. l. pour millet with 2 cups of boiling water, then cook for 5 minutes. After the product has stood for another 5 minutes, the liquid should be drained and drunk on the first day of illness, 1 tbsp. l. every hour, on the second day - 3 tbsp. l. every hour, on the third - half a glass of broth. Treatment can last up to 7 days.
  • Helps with cystitis chamomile decoction . You can also prepare an infusion by pouring 1 tbsp. l. herbs with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals. There are also homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements that include chamomile.
  • An effective remedy for treating this disease is parsley. Can be cooked parsley seed infusion , gulf 1 tsp. parsley, pre-chopped, with two glasses of cold water. Take after the product has been infused for 10 hours. This amount of the product should be taken throughout the day, drunk in small doses. You can also consume parsley seeds in their pure form, after crushing them.
  • Widely applied lingonberry leaf (you can see a photo of what this plant looks like). To prepare the product you need 1 tbsp. l. lingonberries and pour a glass of boiling water. After infusing for an hour, use half a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Baking soda is often used to treat cystitis. A solution is prepared from it at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. soda per 1 liter of boiled water. You need to drink the solution 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Also a remedy called soda solution, you can syringe the genitourinary tract.

Homeopathic remedies are also used in the treatment of cystitis. However, homeopathy for this disease also requires the appointment of a specialist and use under his supervision.

Prevention of cystitis

There are several simple rules that will help avoid relapses of cystitis.

  • It is important to adhere to the rules of hygiene: change your underwear every day, wash yourself properly and regularly.
  • It is advisable to wear cotton underwear, use a soft towel, and use soap with a neutral pH rather than scented shower gel.
  • It is recommended to drink every day sufficient quantity liquid - at least one and a half liters.
  • It is important to empty your bladder promptly.
  • It is recommended to comply diet : do not abuse coffee, exclude alcohol, spicy, salty, smoked foods.
  • The body should not be overcooled.

If you follow these rules, you can avoid relapses of the disease.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

I agree that a good doctor is half the battle, then the prescriptions will be competent. The antibiotic comes naturally acute phase, but from my own experience I can say that it’s also good to drink some additional herbs, something sour, like cranberries, because cystitis bacteria do not multiply in the acidic environment in the bladder. So I buy uroprofit for this purpose, it contains cranberry and horsetail, which reduces spasms, so the cramps don’t bother me so much.

Treatment should always be prescribed by a doctor; it’s one thing for doctors to simply prescribe the most expensive drugs and it is not a fact that in this particular case they are appropriate. You just need to see a good urologist to finally solve this problem. Yuri Leonidovich Pankratiev helped me, he works at the Nearmedic clinic, he is a good doctor, his patients do not speak badly of him.

Thank you very much for your comments! After reading everything, I decided for myself on the selection of means for treatment, although I will still go to the doctor. And for the first days I will use your advice. Thanks to all.

New Year's Eve I'm sitting at home. Before the New Year I went to the bathhouse. And she ran around in the snow and bought ice holes. In vain What am I doing drinking PHYTOLYSIN. just don’t forget to drink it warm and add a spoonful of sugar according to the instructions. I always have it in my stash. Yes, I shouldn’t have eaten the herring, I forgot. Now they will bring the medicine Novitsin. and I think by morning everything will be fine.

No one talks about knotweed in the treatment of cystitis, neither doctors nor patients. I was somehow cured of cystitis with knotweed, I lay there, suffered, and had a fever. A neighbor came, looked at me, went and brought knotweed, she picked it on the street, there is a lot of it growing on the lawns. She said that it should be brewed and the solution should be drunk.

A good drug for the treatment of cystitis is Urolesan. She cured herself with it. And before that, I tried everything. I took antibiotics, and a month later everything started all over again. And these plant drops helped. Marvelous!

I can say about myself that I only save myself from this through prevention. unpleasant illness. The doctor recommended that I drink Uroprofit, and the composition is such that it is necessary for the health of the urinary tract. (extract of cranberry fruits, bearberry leaves, horsetail herb and Vitamin C) And thanks to these components, my unpleasant symptoms associated with cystitis have become much less frequent.

The doctor should definitely select an antimicrobial, because now some antibiotics are addictive and have unnecessary side effects. And chronic cystitis is not very difficult to develop, I speak from personal experience. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions, without doing anything on your own. Now my cystitis gets worse every off-season, and if you don’t take care of it in time, it will bloom wildly. I immediately start drinking plenty of warm drinks and get into a warm bath to warm up. And if among working week That's all, I prefer uroprofit, it contains antimicrobial components with organic acids, and they do not allow inflammation to intensify.

I didn’t know that spicy food can cause cystitis. And I love salty and peppery things, but here’s what it turns out. For this reason, I often have exacerbations, and not because of hypothermia. So keep this reason in mind too.

Sometimes, when there is a sudden exacerbation, there is no way to see a doctor, which means you are left without an antibiotic. Last time, Uroprofit with cranberry and bearberry in its composition helped me a lot, which significantly reduced inflammation in the urinary tract, and they are also good diuretics. Thanks to horsetail, the pain was significantly mitigated. So the product clearly deserves attention

I take Urolesan and Nolitsin for cystitis. Nolicin for 3 days, and Urolesan for about a week to consolidate the effect. My doctor recommended this treatment to me about 5 years ago, and since then I have used it for exacerbations about once a year. Previously, cystitis worsened almost every month, but now it is much better, so the plan is good.

I cured chronic cystitis completely. Girls, my story is very long, but I assure you that I tried all means, visited a bunch of urologists, but to no avail. I have always approached the issue of treatment seriously, since I myself have medical education and I understand what’s what. The last urologist prescribed me a diet against the background drug treatment, namely, alternate protein and protein-free days. Those. For 3 days I ate meat, fish, cutlets there, and did not eat fruit, then 3 days no meat, fish, eggs, only fruits, vegetables, juices and milk. And so on for 3 weeks until the treatment ends. The fact is that while we eat food rich in animal proteins, all the fluids in our body become acidified, the pH becomes less than 5, including urine. Microorganisms develop very well in such an environment. When we eat food of plant origin, the pH becomes above 5, the environment becomes closer to alkaline, in such an environment most microorganisms do not live. Milk and dairy products, although of animal origin, are very rich in calcium and other minerals; they are a qualitatively different product than meat itself, and cause a pH reaction in the body similar to fruit. As a result, at the end of the treatment, I told the urologist about my observations that it was not the treatment that helped me, but the diet, and she threw up her hands. She prescribed a diet to stress the pH of the bacterial colonies in my bladder. But as soon as I started eating meat products, pain appeared. The doctor cannot advise what I advise, namely giving up meat products. This contradicts established nutritional standards, which is why all doctors say that you need to eat everything. However, it is not. Especially in our age, when you can’t find clean meat in stores, it’s loaded with antibiotics, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals, I’m personal experience I checked. I slowly left meat. At first I only ate fish (chicken, beef, eggs, liver, sausage - I didn’t eat all this) So for about a month, the first days of course I forgot in the dining room and took a cutlet, but remembered at the table and gave it to my husband).Then the craving for meat passed . Even the smell of cooked meat or gravy seemed disgusting to me. A month later, the fish was gone too. When I stopped eating slaughter food, I forgot what cystitis was. I stopped being afraid of the cold, sexual intercourse became painless, and I started getting colds less often. The main thing is that with such nutrition, consciousness changes. Mentally you become more balanced, stress is no longer scary, composure appears, concentration at work, the mood is simply great! I went to Baikal, rested my body and soul, this is a magical place! When I returned, I began to practice yoga and self-development, it was not difficult for me, since it turned out that all serious yogis are vegetarians. I had never had any illusions about veganism or vegetarianism before, and I really loved eating fried ribs and beef tongue. However, after going through this hell with cystitis, I almost lost everything, even myself. I switched to vegetarianism, not because I was “brainwashed” or “fell into a sect,” no. Everything happened as prescribed by the doctor, protein and protein-free days, remember? If you can’t give up meat right away, switch to fish, like I did, then it will come on its own. I recommend changing your diet gradually. And yoga, of course, is a very important thing! I do it on my own, without a coach, and everything in my life has changed, I just live and rejoice! I wish everyone health, I thank those who read to the end! Light, happiness, positivity to you! Live according to your conscience, in harmony and in harmony with nature!

Hello. I have already taken a lot of medications and unfortunately nothing helps me! Even Monural! What to do?

A good remedy for cystitis is tincture of bear ears, but it turns out that they are very difficult to prepare correctly. On one resource they write that the leaves cannot be subjected to heat treatment, on another that they need to be brewed with boiling water, or even better, infused with alcohol (and alcohol is generally undesirable for cystitis). After such conflicting opinions, I decided to simply look for a pharmaceutical product with a ready-made extract. The first thing that caught my eye was uroprofit. It contains bearberry - this is bear ears, horsetail, cranberries. So I buy it and don't bother

Horsetail has a good antispasmodic effect. And everyone knows cranberry and bearberry, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent diuretics.

I drank Monural, plus I drank Cyston. Helped quickly enough

All the methods are good, of course, but no matter how much I tried, nothing helped. My path to treating cystitis is very long, but until I tried nephrodesis, I thought that cystitis was incurable. I tried antibiotics, and the well-known monural and canephron, but nothing helped. then I tried to be treated with herbs in combination. Then I went to see one doctor, then another. They prescribed antibiotics all around, and I kept looking for more harmless ways to solve this problem. Then I went to another doctor, who prescribed my savior, nephrodesis. Finally, I got rid of pain, constant urge to go to the toilet and in general unpleasant sensation that at any moment I had to look for somewhere to run. I’m very glad that I finally achieved my goal and was treated with a harmless but effective drug.

If treatment does not help, you definitely need to change the regimen. But what I also realized for myself is that the antibiotic for cystitis works faster together with medicinal herbs - the antibiotic kills bacteria, and the herbs restore the bladder and its walls after inflammation. In this regard, I really like cystenium - in terms of the selection of components and naturalness.

I can't stand antibiotics. I have a strange reaction to them - I start shaking. I suffered from cystitis for several years, so much so that the last time my stomach and back hurt and even my legs were swollen. overnight all the symptoms went away. I installed Biomedis only once. and after a couple of days I completely forgot what it was and for a year now I don’t remember anymore. domestic technologies :))

During the last exacerbation, the doctor recommended that I take a course of Cystenium in addition to an antibiotic. I liked the drug both because of the safety of its composition (completely natural) and its rather good effectiveness: in combination with the treatment, the symptoms subsided quite quickly and the inflammation went away. I have now decided to drink it as a preventive measure - the course is only 2 weeks, and long-term remission is guaranteed

I also always consult a doctor and never prescribe anything for myself. especially with cystitis. This time, the doctor also added Sextaphage to the antibiotic, a drug that contains bacteriophages, so the treatment was much faster and more effective. The pain and stinging went away quickly, which is very important for me.

There are many different medications for cystitis, it would be good to select medications with a doctor, but I had a situation and I could not see a doctor personally, so I consulted a doctor on the website cystitis-treatment.rf.

Good article. By the way, I can say from personal experience that complex treatment is necessary, not only an antibiotic, since if you take it often, it will begin to cause resistance in bacteria and will cease to act on them, but also herbal preparation, such as Cystenium. I took it in combination with antibiotics. The drug comes in powder form, which must be dissolved in the required amount of water and taken. This is a complex medicinal herbs, which helps relieve inflammation in the bladder and prevents bacteria from growing. Cystenium tastes pleasant. I took the drug for two weeks. So now cystitis does not return, or rather its symptoms.

I started to experience slightly unpleasant symptoms, I immediately started drinking Uroprofit, it complex action and completely natural, and also contains extracts of cranberry, horsetail, bearberry and vitamin C - only it quickly relieves my symptoms, before that I took cystone saw, but it didn’t help me at all.

It is very important to observe prevention, very good ways are described in the article.

In contact with

Cystitis is a disease that most often affects the female body. Self-medication of this disease can lead to severe consequences for the body and an improperly treated disease can become chronic.

The causative agent of this disease is E. coli, so failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene and improperly selected underwear can cause the disease. Every woman needs to know the symptoms and treatment of cystitis. Nowadays, cystitis appears in girls already from school age.

Signs and symptoms of bladder inflammation

Cystitis is a disease with unpleasant symptoms. Symptoms of cystitis in women:

  • burning at the time of urination;
  • there is a frequent urge to urinate;
  • sharp pain when urinating;
  • there was a feeling of a full bladder;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • redness and swelling of the urethra;
  • pain in the lower abdomen at the time of urination and does not go away after it;
  • The urine contains purulent particles, blood and mucus.

The first signs of cystitis appear in the acute (fresh) form of the disease, after hypothermia, stress, or viral infection. infectious disease.

The disease cystitis can be classified according to different criteria:

  • by finding the process of inflammation of the bladder - its mucous or muscular part;
  • by properties and pathologies - catarrhal form of the disease, cystic or ulcerative pathology.
  • according to the development of the disease - acute form and chronic stage of the disease;
  • according to the causative agent of the disease - bacteria and microorganisms;
  • on viruses and fungi that become pathogens.

Causes of acute cystitis in the body

The causes of cystitis in women are most often infections in the genital area, since the close proximity of the urethra, vagina and anus to each other provokes the penetration of microorganisms and bacteria into the urethra.

Cystitis causes the disease to be caused by an inflammatory process in the vagina itself and infections of the woman’s genital organs, thrush, bacterial vaginosis, leads to the development of an acute (initial) form of cystitis with painful sensations in the lower abdomen and urethra. Inflammation of the bladder in women symptoms are associated with an infection that is sexually transmitted and causes the diseases ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis, gonorrhea, which pass into the chronic stage of the disease, and also provoke the development of the disease cystitis. In this case, the disease cystitis symptoms will be similar to the symptoms of other sexual diseases.An effective remedy for cystitismust be combined with drugs for these infections.

Factors that provoke the disease cystitis in female body:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • stagnation and obstruction of urine in diverticula;
  • surgical operations in the genitourinary area;
  • allergic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

Inflammation of the bladder in women with diabetes mellitus, allergies and oncological diseases, is formed against the background of constant use of medications, which negatively affects the balance of the microflora of the urinary system.will be able to positively solve this problem.

Inflammation of the bladder in women during pregnancy develops due to hormonal changes in the body and changes in the microflora of the genital organs. Need to accept -one-time tablet for cystitisand the symptoms of the disease will pass if the disease is not in an advanced stage.

Signs of cystitis in women during menopause and climacteric syndrome, arise from a lack of estrogen hormones in the female body.Tablets for cystitis in women - quick treatmentjust on initial stage development of the disease and at its first symptoms and signs.

Treatment of cystitis in the female body

The treatment regimen for cystitis in women is prescribed by a urologist or gynecologist, and is included in therapeutic treatment antibiotics and anti-inflammatory facilities. Disease cystitis tablets are strictly prescribed treating doctor and based on the results diagnostic study body. This treatment of cystitis in women, in combination with herbal remedies and topical treatments, can relieve the symptoms of the disease and cure the infection in the shortest possible time.What to drink if you have cystitis?

If the causes of cystitis in women are sexually transmitted infections, then cystitis treatment must be adjustedcystitis drugswith the treatment of infectious or venereal disease.

Basic drugs for cystitis, which are also used in the treatment of chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis - these are antibiotics different groups and directions:

  • macrolites;
  • tetracyclines;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Along with antibioticsmedicine for cystitis This:

  • multivitamins;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antifungal agents;
  • probiotics.

For the treatment of cystitis in women and infections in the genital area of ​​the body in combination, the following are prescribed:medicines for cystitis. List of drugs:

  • Azithromycin 500 mg once a day;
  • Doxycycline 0.1 mg 2 times a day;
  • Levofloxacin 500 mg once a day;
  • Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day;
  • Ofloxacin 300 mg 2 times a day;
  • Roxithromycin 150 mg 2 times a day;
  • Spiramycin - take 3 mg 3 times a day;
  • Monural - take 3 mg 1 time per day;
  • Nolitsin - drink 1 tablet 2 times a day, course 3 days;
  • Biseptol - for cystitis, take 2 tablets 2 times a day, course 3 days.

Medicines for cystitis in womenHerbal medicine is used in treatment, which has a positive effect on curing the disease. Herbal medicines:

  • Cyston - take 2 tablets 2 times a day;
  • Canephron - drink 50 drops 3 times a day;
  • Spasmocystenal - drink 10 drops 3 times a day;

To normalize microflora in the body,drugs for cystitis in womencombined with multivitamins and always probiotics.

When treating a disease caused by sexually transmitted bacteria, antibiotics lead to disturbances in the microflora of the female body, which leads to vaginitis, both fungal and bacterial.An effective cure for cystitismust be combined with the use of local antifungal therapy:

  • suppositories containing lactobacilli;
  • vaginal suppositories containing antifungal drugs.

Treatment vaginal suppositories is carried out only before bedtime and for at least 10 calendar days.

Also local antiseptic drugs are used during the period of bearing a child, if taking medications orally is prohibited.

The best remedy for cystitisused with antiseptics in the following cases:

  • processes of inflammation in the external organs of the genital area andhelps with cystitis- warm baths with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or potassium permanganate;
  • processes of inflammation in the bladder and urethra (urethritis) - douching of the urethra with the drug protargol and collargol;
  • vaginal inflammations - anti-inflammatory and antiseptic suppositories.

During menstruation, the use of vaginal suppositories is contraindicated.

Compliance with all doctor’s instructions, a healthy lifestyle, and hygiene will give a positive result in curing the disease. early stage development.

Cystitis tablets for the female body

Symptoms of cystitis in the female body cause inconvenience and discomfort. The process of urination with inflammation of the bladder is quite painful.

There are a number of tablets for the treatment of cystitis: antibiotics, antispasmodics, herbal remedies and probiotics.

Antibiotics for cystitis:

  • Morunal - quite effectivetablets for cystitis in women, to cure the disease in acute form. It is not suitable for the treatment of chronic cystitis, since the drug is administered in one therapeutic course;
  • Furagin - tablets for bladder inflammationand the reproductive system in the female body. It is necessary to take the drug for at least 10 days. It is forbidden to use the medicine when carrying a child, as well as when breastfeeding;
  • Furadonin - cystitis pills for womenwith antimicrobial action, its use in the genital and urinary areas is very effective. Taken in a course of at least one week. There is a contraindication - pregnancy;
  • Palin - tablets for cystitis, means from the group of quinolone antibiotics. Use this means for treatment bacterial infections and microorganisms in the genital area in the acute form of the disease. There is a contraindication - pregnancy.

Antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory medications:

  • No-spa is an antispasmodic drug with a wide range of uses. This remedy does not treat the disease cystitis, but eliminates pain symptoms;
  • Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug, is a universal medicine with many therapeutic functions: reduces inflammation in the bladder, reduces uterine contractions during infections, reduces pressure in the uterus in the treatment of sexual diseases;

Herbal medicine and drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women:

  • Canephron - medications for cystitis, tablets and oral suspension. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and an antispasmodic effect, which contributed to the popularity of this substance in use against female cystitis;
  • Cyston - as part of this facilities more than a dozen extracts of medicinal plants that have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect, and also have an antimicrobial effect. With a sufficiently long period of taking the substance, this drug helps reduce inflammation in the reproductive and urinary system and increases the strength of antibiotics. There is one more indicator - with long-term use, it is able to dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Monurel - a herbal remedy based on cranberries, has a diuretic effect, and also has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Contraindications for taking tablets for cystitis and side effects

Facilities for cystitis in the female body, it is not recommended to take it for the following diseases and problems of the body:

  • intolerance to components medicines;
  • acute inflammation of a stomach ulcer and ulcerative colitis;
  • bronchial asthma caused by an allergy to antibiotics;
  • aggravated manifestation of allergies to various herbal substances;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The main side effects of cystitis medications for women are:

  • sensitivity to the drug;
  • liver intoxication;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • problems with the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • anemia, thrombosis of blood vessels of the circulatory system.

If you have diseases for which the use of this drug is contraindicated, then you need to weigh the benefits of its use against the threat of side effects.

In any case, you should start taking the medication after consulting your personal doctor.

The influence of immunity on the disease cystitis

One of the causes of inflammation in the bladder is reduced immunity. Beforehow to treat cystitis in women, you must first take medications to boost your immunity. Positive result Echinacea has an effect on the immune system and the body. This plant contains a huge amount of substances beneficial to the body, and echinacea also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The effect of polysaccharides on the body helps the body fight viruses and infections. Polysaccharides in the body, surrounding cells, serve as a barrier to the penetration of infections and bacteria into them. With the help of polysaccharides, the process of cell and tissue regeneration is accelerated.

Caffeic acid, with the help of glycosides, accelerates the treatment process for infectious bacterial diseases and the entry of viruses into the body.

Caffeic acid is an antioxidant that kills fungal mold and reduces the level of toxicity in the human body.

Essential oils and flavonoids, which the root of the plant is rich in, has septic properties that destroy microbes and bacteria.

Usage for the treatment of cystitis in womenmedications and photographic remedies at home, what helps effective treatment of cystitis.


Fine urethra sterile, with good immunity The body itself easily copes with the infection. But in the presence of such provoking factors as hypothermia, decreased immunity with colds, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, cystitis may develop. The presence of stones and sand in the kidneys, untreated gynecological diseases, sedentary work, which causes stagnation of blood in the pelvis. The most common causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli. Chlamydia and fungi can also cause the disease.

Symptoms of cystitis:
- frequent urination (sometimes with blood);
- sharp pain when urinating in the lower abdomen and genitals;
- abdominal pain, nausea;
- increase in body temperature.

Treatment of cystitis must be comprehensive. Antibiotics, antimicrobials, and herbs are used. The safest is Monural. It is approved for use in women, its effectiveness is very high. The action of "Monural" is aimed directly at the causative agent of the disease; it is applied once at night. Before taking the drug, you must empty your bladder. The action of Monural lasts all night, as it concentrates directly in the bladder. The product is available in adult dosages (3 mg) and children's dosages (2 mg).

In combination with antibiotics, to increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to use herbal preparations, for example, Canephron, Fitolysin.

"Canephron" is available in the form of tablets and drops. This is a herbal preparation, it contains centaury, lovage root, and rosemary leaves. All of these herbs have anti-inflammatory effects. Dose for - 2 tablets or 50 drops 3 times a day. After the condition improves, the medicine should be taken for another 2-3 weeks. Allowed by .

“Phytolysin” has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain, and prevents the growth of bacteria. This is a herbal preparation, it contains extracts of parsley root, wheatgrass, horsetail, birch leaves, knotweed grass, as well as essential oils sage, orange and mint.
“Fitolysin” is produced in the form of a paste. Take a teaspoon, dissolved in half a glass of water, 4 times a day for two weeks.

Among the antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of cystitis, it is recommended to use “Furagin”, “Furadonin”. Take 3-4 times a day with plenty of water for 7-8 days. Also therapeutic effect has cranberry juice, dill decoction. Also, if you have cystitis, you should definitely drink plenty of fluids.

In order to prevent the development of such a serious disease as cystitis, follow the rules of personal hygiene, empty your bladder in a timely manner (stagnation of urine contributes to the development of cystitis), do not wear very tight pants and underwear for a long time, drink more fluids and avoid hypothermia.

Sharp pain when urinating, desire to be constantly near the toilet. Is there a panacea for inflammation, what tablets to choose for cystitis? Why should you consult a doctor as soon as possible when the first unpleasant symptoms appear?

Men and women experience bladder infections and damage to the mucous membrane. The latter are more often susceptible to health problems due to specific features structure of the genitourinary system. It is unacceptable to look for a cure for cystitis for women on your own. Do right choice A urologist will help.


Signs of an inflammatory process in the bladder include:

  • painful painful urination;
  • burning sensation;
  • feeling of a constantly full bladder;
  • specific smell of urine;
  • the presence of blood clots;
  • turbidity of the contents;
  • pain over the womb;
  • deterioration of health;
  • increased body temperature (in the acute stage).


In order to know how to treat cystitis in women, it is necessary to identify the causal relationships leading to the development of the disease:

  • poor quality hygiene products;
  • use of synthetic underwear;
  • injury to the genitals during sexual intercourse;
  • allergic reaction to vaginal hygiene products;
  • pyelonephritis, urethritis and other diseases of the urinary system;
  • stagnation of urine;
  • bladder stones;
  • diabetes;
  • STI;
  • frequent change of sexual partners.

How to help yourself?

Cystitis should be treated by a urologist. Before visiting a doctor, the following recommendations will help alleviate the condition at home:

  1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.
  2. Drink berry fruit drinks, natural juices, compotes, herbal decoctions with diuretic and antiseptic effects.
  3. Limit yourself to drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol, which cause irritation of the bladder mucosa.
  4. During the healing period, it is recommended to exclude chocolate, pastries, milk, yoghurts, cheeses, spicy and spicy foods.
  5. To eliminate burning sensation when urinating, you can add a spoonful of tea soda to the water.
  6. Wash daily with warm water using special means for intimate hygiene.

Advice from friends regarding the choice of tablets that help with cystitis will lead to a chronic form of the disease. The pharmaceutical industry produces dozens of new drugs every year. What pills to take for cystitis and not make you feel worse? Going to the doctor is the first step to recovery. The urologist will draw up a list of medications to prevent the infection from spreading along the ascending path to the kidneys.

Taking anamnesis, taking tests, diagnosing concomitant diseases, determining the state of immunity will allow the doctor to select medications for cystitis. The presence of pyelonephritis, candidiasis (thrush), and urolithiasis require a broad approach in the treatment of cystitis in women with effective drugs.

The cellular structures of the mucous membrane of the bladder change vigorously, growing, and can form a cyst. Treatment chronic form requires the selection of medications, according to the results of tests and ultrasound.

When should you see a doctor?

Consultation with a specialist will be needed if:

  • low-grade or febrile temperature;
  • pain in the groin or lumbar region;
  • blood clots in urine;
  • infection of the genitourinary tract during pregnancy and lactation;
  • relapses of the disease;
  • the disease was diagnosed in a sexual partner.

The attending physician will be able to identify symptoms and treatment after comprehensive examination patients.

How treatments are chosen

Urologists classify the disease according to several criteria:

Laboratory examination

The attending physician prescribes:

  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • bacteriological urine culture;
  • cystoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder.

IN mandatory The patient is sent for examination to a gynecologist. After taking a smear, the degree of infection of the body becomes known. Inflammation of the vagina often causes the development of an unpleasant disease.

Selection of drugs

Women should take anti-cystitis pills prescribed by a doctor strictly following the recommendations. If previously it was enough to drink a decoction of medicinal plants, now women cannot quickly undergo treatment without pills.

List of drugs used to treat cystitis in women:

  • antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral drugs (uroantiseptics);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • immune stimulants;
  • vitamins and dietary supplements.

Among antibacterial agents broad-spectrum agents are actively used:

  • fosfomycin: Monural;
  • norfloxacin: Nolicin, Norbactin;
  • ofloxacin;
  • Levofloxacin: Tavanic;
  • ciprofloxacin: Ciprolet
  • nitroxoline: 5-NOC;
  • furazidin: Furamag, Furagin;
  • nitrofurantoin: Furadonin;
  • pipemidic acid: Palin;
  • nalidixic acid: Nevigramon;
  • roxithromycin: Rulid;
  • azithromycin: Sumamed (for chlamydial and mycoplasma infections);
  • doxycycline;
  • sulfamethoxazole: Biseptol;
  • nitrofurans;
  • penicillins: Amoxicillin, Flemoxin.

The choice of a specific drug will depend on the identified causative agent of the disease, the general condition of the woman and the presence of concomitant pathology of the urinary tract. The dosage and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor. The method of administration (orally or injected in solutions) and the form of the drug (tablets, capsules, suspension, syrup, powder) are variable. If you need to replace the drug or select a cheaper analogue (domestic or produced in another country), you must consult a doctor. Most antibiotics are available at pharmacies without a prescription.

In case of fungal infection, antimycotics are used. Priority is given to nystatin, fluconazole (Flucostat, Mikomax, etc.) and similar agents. Accession viral infection requires admission antiviral agents(Acyclovir, etc.). The treatment regimen is developed individually. After completing the course of antibiotics, agents are prescribed to restore the intestinal and vaginal microflora (probiotics: Vagilac, Acipol, Lactagel, Bifiform, etc.).

Important point: many antibiotics are not compatible with contraception. It is necessary to use additional methods of contraception for the entire period of treatment (condoms or spermicides - Pharmatex, etc.)

The antimicrobial effect of antibiotics is complemented by simultaneously prescribed herbal remedies with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect (tablets, infusions, drops):

  • Urosept;
  • Canephron;
  • Brusniver;
  • Kidney tea;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Urolesan;
  • Cysticaps;
  • Cystine;
  • Cistelle;
  • Phytolysin.

It is also recommended to drink berry fruit drinks. Cranberries, currants, lingonberries, blueberries, and rose hips have a good diuretic effect. The course of therapy is long - from 2 weeks. Many herbal medicines are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Herbal infusions are actively used to treat cystitis in folk medicine and can be used at home. Natural antiseptics(infusions, decoctions, extracts) perfectly complement antibacterial therapy and allow you to quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis.

Drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used for severe pain and fever as painkillers and antipyretics:

  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • nimesulide;
  • diclofenac;
  • ketorolac (Ketorol)

The dosage for adults is indicated in the instructions for the drug. At a young age (up to 18 years), in some cases a children's dosage may be required. The cost of the drug may depend on its dosage and release form.

To eliminate muscle spasms and accelerate the elimination of toxins, antispasmodics are used: drotaverni (No-shpa), papaverine and other medications. Homeopathic medicines are used as symptomatic treatment.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed for chronic cystitis to stimulate the body's defenses. Viferon, Cycloferon, Kipferon, Imunorix are popular. It is also recommended to take multivitamins and especially ascorbic acid. After the main symptoms subside, it is indicated Spa treatment(including for relapse prevention).

Self-administration of medications is not allowed. Before starting therapy, you need to read the instructions and check the list of contraindications.

Antibacterial medications

The acute form of the disease requires therapeutic intervention. Antibiotics for cystitis solve many problems. The range of effects of drugs is wide, but not without side effects, contraindications. Testing is carried out to exclude sensitivity to the antibiotic.

For effective treatment For cystitis in women, medications are used, the list of which is not difficult to understand on your own.

NameContraindicationsAdverse reactionsDescription and dosage

  • children under 5 years old;
  • with severe renal failure;
  • allergy to ingredients.
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • skin itching, rash.
It is possible to prescribe without taking a urine test. A strong antibiotic that affects the urethral area. Fosfomycin is the main substance in the treatment of genitourinary infections. Quickly absorbed and accumulates. Its high concentration leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Prescribed for acute forms of the disease, the presence of blood clots in the urine.

Take 3 g once. Available in suspension, powder, and granular form. Inexpensive drug available to a wide part of the population.

  • Do not take for children, pregnant or nursing mothers;
  • atherosclerosis;

  • cerebral vascular diseases;
  • allergic susceptibility;
  • cerebrovascular dysfunction;
  • liver, kidney failure;
  • epilepsy.
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • convulsions;
  • swelling;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness.
There are analogues - Normax, Norbactin. Prescribed for any form of infectious disease. An effective agent among fluoroquinolones. A cheap drug used for genitourinary infections.

Take 400 mg twice a day an hour before meals with plenty of water. Duration of treatment is up to 5 days. Antimicrobial agent for cystitis.

  • pregnancy;
  • severe liver and kidney disease;
  • neuritis;
  • cataract.
  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • nausea, decreased appetite;
  • rash, itching.
A tablet for cystitis destroys pathogenic microbes, Candida fungi. Enriched with excipients. It is not an antibiotic and has antimicrobial activity. Blocks the DNA of microbes, promoting their destruction. The tablets must not be chewed; they must be taken with plenty of water and consumed with meals. Urine may be saffron yellow.

Treatment can be given to adults and children. Daily dose from 600 to 800 mg. The interval between doses is 8 hours. The course of therapy is up to two weeks.

  • intolerance to components;
  • epilepsy, seizures;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • violation of hemoglobin synthesis;
  • age over 70 and under 14.
  • epigastric pain;
  • diarrhea;

  • heartburn, vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • hallucinations;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • colitis.
Antibiotic, representative of the quinolone series. Gives a good result in inhibiting the development of pathogenic bacteria. Pilemidic acid is the main component. Resistance of microorganisms to the drug slowly develops. After 1.5-2 hours, the highest concentration in the organ is reached.

The drug is available in capsules and tablets, taken without chewing and washed down with water. It is best to avoid direct sunlight during use. Prescribed morning and evening at 12-hour intervals, 200 mg.

  • kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • age up to 1 year;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • allergic susceptibility.
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • polyneuritis;
  • headache;
  • hives.
Antibacterial agent, actively treats inflammatory diseases genitourinary tract.

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components;
  • epilepsy;
  • atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels;
  • Parkinson's disease;

  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • first three months of pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding.
Antiseptic for cystitis in women. Capsules in hard gelatin shell.

Prescribed 2 capsules four times a day, one hour before meals. Reception for at least a week.

  • do not combine with simultaneous use of vasoconstrictors;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 4 years old;
  • with liver dysfunction.
Possible tissue necrosis lower limbs when taken simultaneously with ergotamines.Dear tablet antimicrobial drug. Belongs to the group of macrolides and is a semi-synthetic antibiotic. Effective against urological infections.

For adults, take 150 mg at 12-hour intervals, morning and evening. The drug can be taken once.

  • severe dysfunction of the excretory system;
  • renal failure;
  • oliguria;
  • pregnancy;
  • early age in children;
  • heart failure degree II-III;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;

  • chronic form of hepatitis;
  • acute disorder of pigment metabolism;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • lactation period.
  • chest pain;
  • cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • pulmonary infiltrates;
  • eosinophilia;
  • interstitial pneumonitis;
  • fibrosis;
  • attack of bronchial asthma;
  • stomach pain;
  • anorexia;
  • diarrhea;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic intolerance.
Analogue of nitrofuran. Financially accessible to any category of the population.

For adults, 50 to 100 mg is prescribed four times daily. Duration of treatment is a week.

Antibiotics for treatment should be taken when complete refusal from strong drinks. Alcohol neutralizes and weakens the effect of drugs on microorganisms, negatively affects liver function, and in some cases can be fatal. Tablets for cystitis in women are addictive when used for a long time. Herbal medicines, immunostimulants, and suppositories that activate the immune system may be recommended.

Many modern antibiotics are prescribed once and allow you to quickly get rid of cystitis in one day. According to indications, therapy can be extended for a longer period. In case of exacerbation of the disease, the selection of drugs is carried out again, taking into account new data.

Auxiliary drugs

Whatever the best pills for cystitis for women are, it is impossible to quickly achieve effective treatment. In addition to antimicrobial drugs for cystitis, women are recommended to use herbal preparations.

Take effective herbal ingredients 30 minutes before meals. They will help avoid relapses, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property. Such drugs include:

  1. Cyston - combines at least 10 herbal ingredients. It does not require brewing, which is convenient for consumption. It is recommended to take 2 tablets before meals. Combines successfully with antibiotics. Cyston fills the intervals between relapses. Helps remove excess fluid, eliminates the inflammatory process.
  2. Monurel - new drug in the pharmaceutical market. Indispensable as preventive measures against illness. It is based on cranberries, which stops the reproduction and activity of microorganisms. The tannin included in the composition does not allow pathogenic microbes attach to the tissues of the bladder. It is recommended to take the drug for more than several weeks.
  3. Uro-Vaxom is an effective immunomodulator. The best medicine to protect the immune system. Take one capsule before meals. The course of treatment is at least a week. Prem products for 3 months will provide protection against illness for many months.


Inflammation of the bladder does not go away in isolation. As a rule, it is accompanied by indolent infections. This is caused by violation of personal hygiene rules, hypothermia, excessive consumption spicy seasonings, alcohol.

When choosing underwear and underwear, you should not get carried away with purchasing thongs or tight-fitting panties. Take care of your body and be healthy.
