Does sore throat occur on one side? How to treat unilateral sore throat? For lacunar angina

Painful sensations in the tonsils can occur due to infection of the ENT organs. Sore throat most often affects one tonsil, but in extremely rare cases, the patient may be diagnosed with inflammation of both parts at once lymphoid tissue nasopharynx. Unilateral sore throat without fever most often appears in children over ten years of age. The disease is mainly diagnosed in people with a weak immune system and chronic processes in the nose and throat. An exacerbation of sore throat occurs during the cold season, when the patient does not receive sufficient quantity vitamins and nutrients.

Symptoms and treatment of unilateral sore throat are individual in each case, so the development of the disease should be monitored qualified doctor. It is best to prevent the formation of the disease at all, so patients need to get rid of rhinitis and colds in a timely manner. In addition, exclude infection of the body with pathogenic organisms, which include streptococci and staphylococci, fungi and adenoviruses. Avoid contact with sick people, as sore throat is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Cause acute inflammation on the tonsils lies in the infection of the body with pathogenic organisms that cause severe symptoms. A patient can catch a sore throat using general subjects, which were previously touched by a sick person, as well as by airborne droplets.


Trivial things can provoke inflammation of the tonsils hypothermia, as well as the use of very cold water or food.

Often a sore throat affects only one side. This may occur due to exposure to air conditioning on one side or due to swimming in a cool river.


In addition, a sore throat on one side may appear as a result of infection of the nasopharynx or due to untreated inflammation of rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis or sinusitis.

Dental health should not be ruled out, since sore throat often appears due to caries or due to tooth fragments getting into the throat cavity.

With this process, the help of a dentist is necessary. Symptoms of inflammation will decrease immediately after eliminating the inflammatory factor.


Often a sore throat appears on only one side in people who They talk long and loudly. In this case, new tissue grows on the ligaments, which leads to nodular laryngitis. Inflammation is not considered dangerous, but if it is not diagnosed in a timely manner, patients often develop acute unilateral sore throat.

The risk group includes singers and teachers. Inflammation can be cured by temporarily stopping the use of the vocal cords. Otherwise, inflammation can become chronic.


With more serious reasons, sore throat is formed as a result of abscesses.

This process occurs as a result of the development of bacterial flora, which leads to the accumulation huge amount microorganisms on the tonsil.

As a result, the patient notices severe swelling on one side and an increase in body temperature.

cure unilateral sore throat is possible only with the help antibacterial drugs. If modern medicine turns out to be ineffective, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention.

External stimuli

Another reason for the formation of unilateral sore throat lies in external stimuli. Smoking or professional activity when the patient is forced to inhale chemical fumes.

Remember that in acute tonsillitis increased level contagiousness. Therefore, absolutely anyone can become infected with a sore throat. If you are ill, you should limit your contact with healthy people, and during therapy it is necessary to establish a quarantine.

Symptoms of inflammation

Acute tonsillitis manifests itself individually in each case, but there is a general clinical picture. With angina, patients most often complain of symptoms of an acute viral respiratory illness.

At catarrhal form patients report viral infection of the tonsils. This form occurs with signs of poisoning of the body. Patients complain of severe deterioration in health, sore throat, and increased body temperature.

If treatment is not received at this stage, the patient will soon experience bacterial infection of the tonsils. This period is characterized by the following signs:

  • frequent headaches;
  • painful sensations in muscles and joints;
  • chills and fever;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • body temperature is above 38 degrees, and in some cases it reaches 40 degrees Celsius;
  • hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dryness in the sinus mucosa;
  • severe sore throat;
  • increase in the size of the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • when you touch the lymph nodes, the pain intensifies;
  • when swallowing food or water, extraneous sounds and pain are formed in the ears;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • plaque formation in the throat cavity;
  • purulent lacunae on the mucous membranes.

With bacterial sore throat, on the one hand, the severity of symptoms is characteristic. At this time, the body temperature may be critical, and the patient’s general condition may deteriorate greatly. After eliminating the purulent follicles, the patient’s well-being returns to normal, and the signs of intoxication decrease.

It usually takes about ten days to get rid of the symptoms of a sore throat. With proper treatment, relief can come faster.

How to treat unilateral sore throat

If symptoms of inflammation of a sore throat develop, you should call a doctor or contact medical Center on one's own.

To establish a diagnosis, consultation with a therapist or ENT doctor is necessary.

At the diagnostic stage, the doctor must determine the type of bacterium that caused the inflammation, as well as specify the pathogens in the cavity of the mucous membrane.

In some cases, they may differ, so the patient will require more complex treatment.

The main therapy for diagnosis is a smear to exclude Lefler's bacillus.

Even at the diagnostic stage, the specialist will find out not only the type of irritant, but also its sensitivity to antibiotics. Only after this will the doctor be able to formulate a course of treatment for unilateral sore throat.

How to relieve symptoms

So that the development of the disease proceeds with less pronounced signs, doctors It is recommended to adhere to therapeutic measures. To do this, you need to stay in bed, take a large number of water, and also humidify the air in the apartment.

In addition, it is useful to carry out wet cleaning several times a week and ventilate the room every three hours.

To avoid complications, the patient should undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor and not violate the rules for taking medications. You can get rid of a sore throat on one side at home, but if acute course illness, it is recommended to maintain treatment in a hospital. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious pathologies.

Drug treatment

The course of treatment for inflammation includes the use of a whole range of medications. For this, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.

  1. In the purulent phase of a sore throat, systemic antibiotics are prescribed on one side - Flemoclav, Azithromycin, Cefotaxime, Cefixime, Levofloxacin. The attending physician must determine the required dosage. The drugs should be used for ten days, and also after the symptoms of inflammation have subsided.
  2. Sore throat is often accompanied by fever and aching joints. To reduce pain, antipyretics are prescribed - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Cefekon, Aspirin. It is necessary to take medications at temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius.
  3. In addition, the patient may benefit from rubbing warm water, with the addition of an alcohol solution.
  4. The course of treatment includes sanitation of the throat cavity and the use of aerosols and sprays. For this purpose, , are assigned.
  5. It is useful for the patient to rinse the throat cavity saline solutions with the addition of a small amount of iodine, and also gargle with a decoction of medicinal herbs. It is necessary to rinse every day about five times a day.
  6. To treat the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, the doctor may prescribe the following sprays - Hexoral, Cameton, Ingalipt, Stopangin, Hexalis. Cleansing the mucous membranes is necessary only after gargling.
  7. In addition to the medications listed, it is useful for the patient to dissolve antiseptic tablets and pills. The most effective are Strepsils, Falimint, Septolete. If the patient has an allergic reaction to these medications, honey or lemon can be used as an antiseptic.

Remember, in order to get rid of acute sore throat on one side, treatment must be comprehensive and under the supervision of a doctor.


Unilateral sore throat causes serious complications. Often pain and intoxication of the body leads to otitis media, sinusitis, rheumatism, paratonsillitis and lymphadenitis.

At severe swelling sleep disturbances form in the throat, which causes increased fatigue and impaired nasal breathing.

Only a doctor can prevent the danger of a sore throat, and it is important to contact him at the first symptoms of the disease.

Not many people know that tonsillitis in adults and children can occur without fever. This may be due to several factors, e.g. chronic course illness or inability of the immune system to fight. The latter are the first barrier to pathogens that enter the mouth and nose. But sometimes they themselves become a source of infection.

Etiology of the disease

Persistent bacterial infection of the throat tissue prevents the formation local immunity. This causes the development of tonsillitis. Such a violation may be associated with incorrectly selected antibacterial therapy or its absence during treatment of the acute phase.

Pathogen bacterial form are meningococci, enterococci, anaerobes, and anthrax bacillus.

If the disease has viral nature, then it can be called:

  • adenoviruses,
  • influenza viruses,
  • rhinoviruses,
  • coronaviruses.

The viral form differs from the bacterial form in that the virus spreads quickly over a long distance. It reduces the body's ability to resist bacteria. The disease can occur due to hypothermia, infectious foci in the body, impaired nasal breathing, and allergic manifestations.

How does a viral sore throat differ from a bacterial one?

Why there is not always a temperature with tonsillitis

Sometimes such a disease can be of a mixed nature. Moreover, the source is not always external. She can get into chronic sinusitis or .

Without temperature the following can occur:

  • . In this case, the disease is caused.
  • . In this form, the lesion affects only one tonsil.
  • . This causes plugs to form at the mouths, which are almost always present.

How to recognize the disease?

You can recognize the disease by its deterioration general condition health. A characteristic feature is also the mucous membrane of the throat. TO general symptoms applies:

  1. General weakness and drowsiness.
  2. Chills without fever.
  3. Sore mouth.

When visually examining the throat, it is noted. Nearby ones become inflamed The lymph nodes. The mucous membrane becomes covered with mucus. It contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Bacteriological examination includes examination of pus. Sowing is carried out on nutrient medium. After a few days, the prevailing colony of bacteria can identify the causative agent of sore throat. A serological method may also be prescribed to detect quantitative characteristics various antibodies.


They can alleviate the condition and reduce symptoms. There are also on sale special means. These include Oraspet and some others.

Folk remedies

For gargling, you can use, or. Getting ready. If there is no temperature, thermal exposure is also possible: breathing hot potato steam, steaming your legs.

In addition to the main treatment, teas can also be used:

  • lingonberry,
  • cranberry,
  • with thyme.


A positive and long-lasting effect is achieved through ultraviolet and ultrasound treatment. Methods such as and can be used. For chronic inflammatory process local immunity needs to be adjusted. Preparations with bacterial lysates are used for this purpose.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

A sore throat without fever is no less dangerous than with it. If you do not pay attention to it and leave your body without treatment, there is a high probability of developing complications. But treatment when a woman is pregnant differs from usual:

  • Are prohibited thermal procedures and physical therapy. Self-medication is not permissible, since the choice of drugs is very limited.
  • The emphasis is on rinsing. They will help you deal with the infection faster. Herbs for oral administration must be selected extremely carefully, as they can lead to tone of the uterine muscles.

Low-grade fever in chronic form

An increase in body temperature eliminates the conditions for the reproduction and spread of infection. The body begins to produce antibodies that can fight microorganisms.

Occurs under the influence of the hypothalamus. They send signals that reduce heat loss. Then the muscles begin to contract.

If treatment is not followed, the temperature for a long time remains at around 37 degrees, the following may begin:

  • allergic rhinitis,
  • adenoiditis,

Because of this, patency is impaired respiratory tract. More serious complications are rare. These include lupus erythematosus, sciatica and joint inflammation.


Occurs when the immune system triggers a response to the infectious agent. This leads to the creation of conditions that are uncomfortable for bacteria.

Low readings on the thermometer in the chronic form are more common, mainly during the period of exacerbation. The cause may be not only the pathogenic microflora itself, but also its toxins.

What to do?

Doctors do not recommend lowering body temperature if it is at subfebrile levels. It indicates that the body is fighting infection. Therefore, it is worth reducing it only when it increases to significant levels. In young children, due to the risk of developing a convulsive reaction, give. No treatment pathological process can spread to the palate, periosteum, lead to perforation of the palate and tooth loss.

Prevention and precautions

There are no vaccines against tonsillitis. In order not to get sick, it is necessary to promptly eliminate the foci of caries, to prevent the occurrence of protracted stressful situations. Positive effect gives using various sports exercises and proper nutrition.

Since bacteria and viruses can lead to serious complications and development chronic form illness, you need to avoid contact with sick people. Please note: personal items can also lead to infection.

Therefore, use clothing or other accessories without special sanitization it is forbidden. It is important to disinfect and clean the room every day and ventilate the room.

How to avoid getting tonsillitis


In the absence of serious concomitant diseases and with correctly prescribed treatment, the prognosis is favorable. An untreated disease can develop into a disease, so antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy should not be interrupted. In most cases it takes 10 days to full recovery. In complex forms or with an ambiguous diagnosis, hospital treatment may be required.

Sore throat is acute infectious inflammation palatine tonsils(photo below). The cause of sore throat in 90% of cases is a bacterium - streptococcus.

brief information

“Sore throat” is a Latin word that means “squeezing.”
The medical name for sore throat is acute tonsillitis. The ICD 10 code is J03.
Most often children from 5 to 15 years old are affected.

If sore throats recur frequently, it means the patient has chronic tonsillitis:

Causes and mechanism of development

Remember. The cause of a sore throat is always an infection.
90% - streptococcus.
5% are viruses.
In 5% - other pathogens.

The triggering factor in the development of the disease is a decrease in immunity in the tonsil itself.

Reasons for this process:

  • general hypothermia (cold, wet feet, etc.),
  • local hypothermia (ate ice cream),
  • carious teeth,
  • other diseases that have caused a decrease in immunity (pneumonia, major surgery, etc.)

On the picture: cross-section of the tonsil structure - visible folds (lacunae)

Let me remind you: the amygdala is part immune system body that constantly fights infection.
the infection can get into the tonsil either from environment(with food, for example), and by lymphatic vessels(for example, from a carious tooth).

If immunity in the tonsil is reduced, the bacteria or virus begins to actively multiply, releasing toxic substances into the surrounding tissues. The surrounding tissues begin to react, and a struggle arises between the infection and the body's defense cells. This results in tissue swelling, redness, squeezing, pain when swallowing and fever.

Important: If your immune system is strong enough, it can resist any infection, including streptococcus.

Sore throat symptoms, signs and photos

1) Sore throat that gets worse when swallowing is the main symptom of tonsillitis.

2) Upon examination, the tonsils are red against the background of the surrounding pink mucosa. There may be purulent deposits. Enlarged and red tonsils are the second main symptom of tonsillitis.

3) Enlarged and painful submandibular lymph nodes.

4) Temperature – from 37 to 40 degrees.

Can you have a sore throat without fever?
Yes, with catarrhal tonsillitis the temperature is often normal (see below).

Types of sore throats - classification

1) Catarrhal sore throat (photo below)

The easiest and fastest.
All symptoms are mild. There is pain, but bearable. The tonsils are red, but without white (purulent) spots. Lymph nodes are often not enlarged and painless. Catarrhal tonsillitis often occurs without fever.
The cure is quick.
Often, an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis often occurs through catarrhal tonsillitis: the sore throat will hurt for 2-3 days and go away.

On the picture: catarrhal tonsillitis - tonsils are almost not enlarged, there are no purulent plaques

2) Follicular tonsillitis (photo below)

What it is?
In the thickness of the tonsils there are small islands where the struggle takes place immune cells and infections. If these islands become inflamed, pus begins to emerge on the surface of the tonsils in the form of drops (dots). The presence of such purulent discharge in the form of dots on the tonsils is the main sign of follicular tonsillitis.
All symptoms are present to a moderate degree.

On the picture: follicular tonsillitis- purulent spots on the tonsils are visible

3) Lacunar, or purulent sore throat . Photo below.

The tonsils have folds and depressions in the mucous membrane (lacunae). If a lot of pus accumulates in such depressions, it is called lacunar tonsillitis. That is, it's more serious condition than follicular tonsillitis.
The tonsils are bright red, enlarged, with purulent deposits of irregular shape.
All symptoms are present in a more severe degree.

On the picture: there are purulent deposits on the tonsils

4) Ulcerative necrotic tonsillitis .

Ulcers and areas of necrosis appear on the tonsils, covered with a white-gray purulent coating. Severe course all symptoms. Often there are complications.

Complications of sore throat and consequences

1) Local complications
Peritonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess . Surrounding tissue around the tonsil becomes inflamed and pus accumulates inside. Required emergency surgery- opening of the abscess. After surgery, antibiotic injections are required.

On the picture: peritonsillar abscess requiring urgent surgery by an ENT doctor.

2) General complications

The fight between the infection (streptococcus) and the body's defense cells can lead to the formation of conglomerates of such fighting cells.

These conglomerates can settle on the heart valves or kidneys and cause severe damage: rheumatic heart defects or glomerulonephritis . These complications are very serious diseases that are very poorly treated and can last a lifetime.

Important: This is why it is necessary to treat a sore throat by an ENT doctor - so that there are no general complications.


  • Transition from acute to chronic tonsillitis.
  • Decreased immune (protective) function of the tonsils.


The diagnosis is made by an ENT doctor based on symptoms. Most main feature– enlargement and redness of the tonsils, plaque on the tonsils.

Is it possible to diagnose yourself?
One can only suspect. But if you are not a doctor, you will not be able to differentiate a sore throat from others serious illnesses, also accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. For example, from diphtheria, in which there are also white plaques on the tonsils.

Therefore, we do not save on our health - we turn to an ENT doctor. Moreover, there are many of them in Moscow now.

Treatment of sore throat

As soon as your throat hurts, we immediately go to the ENT doctor. Every day without treatment allows bacteria to multiply and lead to complications.

What the doctor prescribes:

1) Antibiotics - This is a mandatory element of treatment if sore throat is caused by bacteria. They affect the cause of the disease (bacteria). Antibiotics do not work on viruses. Prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of pathogen. Self-prescription of antibiotics without examination by a doctor is not recommended.

Among the antibiotics used for angina are the penicillin group and the erythromycin group.
Do not forget: when taking antibiotics orally, be sure to take Linex or other drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora. Otherwise, after treatment you will get intestinal dysbiosis.

2) Rinse for sore throat - Necessarily!

Why do you need to gargle?

Appears with a sore throat purulent discharge from the tonsils. The pus dries out and plaques form, which are also a source of infection. The task of rinsing is to remove these deposits and reduce the inflammation itself.

Antiseptics are used (they kill both germs and viruses) and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Antiseptics: dioxidin, miramistin and a number of others.
Herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, sage.
IN as a last resort– 1 teaspoon of salt and soda per 1 glass of water.
Rinse every 1-2 hours.
For purulent plaque: 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 1 glass of water, rinse every half hour.

3) Aerosol antibiotics and antiseptics . Bioparox, ingalipt, miramistin and hexoral. But you need to know the following: aerosols are successful only for catarrhal, mild sore throat. At severe forms For purulent tonsillitis, it is necessary to take antibiotics in tablets or injections. Then the effect of treatment will come quickly and there will be no complications.

4) Physiotherapy : only during the recovery stage. The best “physiotherapy” is bed rest and good dream. The more severe the sore throat, the more strictly this “physiotherapy” should be observed.

What not to do:
- you can’t remove plaque from your tonsils yourself or pick your tonsils with anything,
- You cannot buy antibiotics without a doctor’s examination.

Viral sore throat

Viral tonsillitis stands apart.
Cause: herpes viruses (herpetic sore throat), adenoviruses and a number of others.


The pain can be very severe. The tonsils are not so enlarged. There are no purulent deposits. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. The temperature with viral sore throat can rise to 38-40 degrees. Sometimes on soft palate There may be pinpoint hemorrhages (see photo).

Main sign viral sore throat– lack of effect from antibiotic treatment.

Treatment of viral sore throat

If antibiotics do not help, the doctor has the right to prescribe antiviral drugs. For example, Kagocel or Arbidol. In treatment herpetic sore throat Isoprinosine is used.

Folk remedies for sore throat

Remember: any folk remedies at home should only complement drug treatment tonsillitis, which is aimed at the cause of the disease.

1) quit smoking immediately, at least for the duration of treatment. If you continue to smoke, you will create additional difficulties for your own immunity in the fight against infection. You can't smoke if you have a sore throat!!!

2) gargling (see above),

3) warm Herb tea with honey (chamomile, thyme, mint, rose hips, currant leaf),

4) chewing propolis. Propolis is a natural antibiotic. It kills both bacteria and viruses. Bees use it to wall up dead mice that have climbed into the hive so that there is no rotting. You can chew propolis for any type of sore throat.

5) warming up the hands and feet (if there is no temperature). Warm up your hands and feet in hot water for 3-5 minutes until red. Then we put mittens on our hands. Woolen socks on feet. The effect is a reflex expansion of blood vessels in the throat, blood flow and activation of immune cells in the fight against infection.

6) su-jok therapy (photo below). Sujok therapy for angina is very effective remedy treatment. Especially with a viral infection, when antibiotics are ineffective. On the fold between the top and middle phalanges thumb on its palmar surface on the sides midline We find painful points (press with a match). These points are the projection of the tonsils onto the skin. Let's press these points as long as we have patience. You can stick rice or buckwheat seeds on them with an adhesive plaster and press constantly.

On the picture: projection of tonsils on thumb person

7) taking large doses of vitamin C. We buy vitamin C in tablets and take 5 tablets - 3 times a day, washed down with water. Large doses of ascorbic acid stimulate immune processes in the body, thereby helping it fight infection.

Not allowed at home:

1) inhalation. In fact, inhalations are a useless treatment for sore throat. For bronchitis or pharyngitis, they help. But with a sore throat - no. At the same time, gargling is much more effective and less labor-intensive than inhalation. And if the patient has follicular or lacunar tonsillitis, then steam inhalations are generally contraindicated so that the purulent process does not spread.

2) compresses. The same. To be safe, do not apply a compress to your neck. Otherwise, heating the soft tissues of the neck can also lead to complications of sore throat and suppuration. You can put a wool scarf around your neck and that’s it.

3) treat with cold. Some “doctors” and “healers” recommend treating a sore throat with a shock dose of cold. According to the principle of “knocking out wedge with wedge.” And they advise you to eat two servings of ice cream. Let me remind you that any exposure to cold causes a narrowing of the vessels in the throat, reducing the functioning of immune cells in the tonsils. And as a consequence, the progression of the disease and possible appearance complications.


Holidays by the sea. Healing factors: salty water, lack of stress, hardening. Effect: increasing general and local immunity in the throat. All ENT doctors know that an annual holiday by the sea reduces the number of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis (that is, new sore throats) by half.
Treatment chronic diseases in the oral and nasal cavity (dental caries, sinusitis, sinusitis).
Hardening. A method that increases immunity and resistance to infections. Reduces the number of colds by 3-5 times.

Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) in children

1) The reasons for children are the same - bacteria or viruses

2) Symptoms of sore throat in children are more pronounced. The sore throat is worse. The swelling is worse. Possible drooling and refusal to eat due to severe pain. Frequently increased temperature.
Attention: exactly the same symptoms can occur in children with other diseases (stomatitis, diphtheria, Infectious mononucleosis and etc.)

3) As soon as symptoms of a sore throat arise, we immediately take the child to an ENT doctor. Don't experiment with folk remedies. And don’t wait to see a doctor.

4) Treatment must be started as soon as symptoms appear. Treatment methods are the same as for adults: antibiotics, rinsing, aerosols.
On early stages The treatment process is very effective and recovery occurs faster than in adults.

Understand complaints small child and only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. Don’t save time, show your child to an ENT doctor.

During pregnancy

If a sore throat occurs during pregnancy, immediately consult an ENT doctor. The doctor knows which antibiotics a pregnant woman can take and which ones she should never take. At the same time, the treatment regimen also depends on the trimester of pregnancy.


How to quickly cure a sore throat? Duration of treatment?
On average, 5-7 days. But it all depends on the type of sore throat and the stage of the process. Perhaps less than 5 days, perhaps more.

There are many factors that can cause one-sided sore throat, including abscesses in the throat or tonsils, swollen glands, and infected lymph nodes. Excessive strain on the vocal cords, through shouting, singing, or even talking, can also cause problems. In some cases, dental problems such as an unerupted tooth may also be associated with a unilateral sore throat, as there may be factors external environment, such as exposure to irritating chemicals.

Medical reasons

Bacterial infections, such as streptococcal infections, can result in a one-sided sore throat. When bacteria infect the throat, it can cause tissue swelling and a scratchy or sore feeling. An infection in other parts of the head, such as an infection in one ear or sinus, can also result in a one-sided sore throat. Ear infections can irritate the nerves connecting the ear and throat, causing discomfort in both areas. Mucus can move from the sinuses into the throat if the patient has a sinus infection, causing one-sided irritation.

The glands and lymph nodes around the throat may become swollen as the body fights infection. Many people have swollen lymph nodes or develop lymph nodes increased sensitivity on one or both sides of the neck when they are weakened by a cold or flu. While this is a natural, common reaction to the development of the disease, it can cause pain on one side and difficulty swallowing.

Peritonsillar abscess- a rare condition caused when bacterial infection develops in one tonsil, usually as a complication of a more common disease, tonsillitis. As colonies of bacteria grow, they cause swelling and accumulation of pus in the tonsil, which can lead to severe discomfort on one side. A person with a peritonsillar abscess may have trouble swallowing and a high fever. This condition is often treated with antibiotics, but may require drainage or removal of the tonsils.

Sore throat caused by minor bacterial and viral infections, such as a runny nose, usually go away on their own. If the infection gets worse or lasts for several weeks, it may become necessary reception antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Usually as soon as drug therapy begins to act, sore throat and other symptoms disappear.

Nodular laryngitis

People who overuse their vocal cords may occasionally develop unilateral sore throat. Talking loudly or singing for long periods of time can sometimes cause little tissue growth on the vocal cords, called nodules. While these nodules are not cancerous and are not recognized as dangerous, they can lead to chronic sore throat and other symptoms such as dysphonia (loss of voice). Singers, actors, and other people who perform loudly for long periods of time are the most common victims of this condition.

Sometimes remaining completely silent for a few weeks can allow the pain to subside and allow laryngitis nodosa to heal. When absolutely necessary for performers this often means giving up singing or using speech only for several weeks. In some serious cases, the only choice to completely cure the condition may be surgery for removing nodules.

Dental reasons

Some people may experience an itchy or sore throat after visiting the dentist. Sometimes, this is caused by breathing through the mouth throughout the procedure. Tiny particles from teeth drilling can also cause a temporary sore throat and pain on one or both sides. For the most part, a sore throat caused by a visit to the dentist subsides after a few hours; if it persists for several days, it may be a symptom of infection.

Certain dental conditions, such as difficulty with teeth cutting through the gums, can also lead to swelling and pain in the mouth and one side of the throat. If an emerging tooth is causing irritation, removing it may be the only way to get complete relief. Even though it may be unpleasant procedure, having achieved quick removal tooth can help stop symptoms and prevent serious infections from developing in the throat and mouth.

Environmental factors

Irritants present in the air can accidentally become responsible for a sore throat. People with severe allergies may be more prone to inflammation of the respiratory system, and may experience pain on one or both sides. Active or passive smoking may also irritate the epithelium of the throat and may cause discomfort. Avoiding exposure to these chemical compounds may be a key method in reducing symptoms.

Relief of pain and discomfort

While treating the underlying cause of a unilateral sore throat will usually provide long-term relief, there are also methods to temporarily relieve a sore throat. Some good home remedies include drinking warm tea with honey or sucking on lozenges. Specialists alternative medicine Calming herbal remedies such as slippery elm and chamomile are often recommended. For pain that is associated with a cold or bronchitis, certain over-the-counter cold medications may help reduce symptoms. If a unilateral sore throat persists for several days, suddenly becomes more acute, or occurs with high temperature or vomiting, people should see a doctor.

Sore throat causes concern among people because it insidious disease is fraught with complications. The most severe types of tonsillitis are those caused by pathogenic bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. During their life, these bacteria form blisters filled with pus on the tonsils and release toxins into the blood. It is these toxins that are the “culprits” of complications in various internal organs, as well as in the joints.

Tonsillitis caused by viral infections occurs most easily. More often, this type of sore throat occurs in preschool and younger children. school age. In adults, viral tonsillitis occurs much less frequently than lacunar tonsillitis, for example.

And even purulent types Tonsillitis, although it can be severe, but if treatment is started on time, then within 10 - 12 days there will be no trace of the disease. These types of sore throat are treated with penicillin antibiotics. But here atypical appearance tonsillitis is the most severe and dangerous.

The danger of such tonsillitis is that it is caused by special types of bacteria that are gene “mutants”. AND known species Antibiotics have no effect on them.

Even infection with this type of sore throat does not occur in the usual way - from a sick person or a carrier of such bacteria.

Why does unilateral sore throat occur?

Most often, the occurrence of atypical sore throat is not associated with the fact that pathogenic species of bacteria have entered the body from outside. The following factors often provoke the onset of this disease:

kinds purulent abscesses, which are located on the tonsils or in the throat of a person. Such abscesses are a complication after suffering infectious diseases caused by bacteria in the nasopharynx;

Infections that affect the lymph nodes and then move to the tonsils;

Presence of caries or other infectious diseases teeth and gums;

The presence of various particles in the air, when they enter the nasopharynx, they irritate the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and throat, and can lead to allergic reactions. They also often provoke the onset of an atypical form of tonsillitis;

It is these factors that can lead to an increase in the number of modified bacteria, some of which cause atypical tonsillitis.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

This type of sore throat may initially develop as ordinary tonsillitis: pain appears in the throat when swallowing and eating, and the temperature rises sharply to 37 degrees Celsius and higher.

Also, the following symptoms are characteristic of such a sore throat:

because of pain the patient sometimes cannot eat or drink;

Sharp redness of the palatine tonsils and their swelling with atypical tonsillitis is observed only on one side. Also, a characteristic plaque or pustules appear on only one of the tonsils;

Signs of intoxication of the body: weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, sometimes the patient complains of nausea or vomiting.

Typically, with this type of disease, the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees Celsius.

Despite the presence of obvious symptoms, only an experienced doctor can distinguish an atypical type of sore throat from others. The disease is diagnosed as follows:

inspection oral cavity patient. In this case, an experienced specialist can immediately determine what type of sore throat the patient has;

By using laboratory diagnostics The type of causative agent of the disease is specified. Samples are also taken for diphtheria and the types of antibiotics to which the bacteria are sensitive.

Due to the high risk of complications, tonsillitis is not a disease for which you should treat yourself without resorting to the help of doctors. Moreover, even the slightest inaccuracy in making a diagnosis by an inexperienced doctor can lead to serious consequences.


Atypical sore throat is so serious illness that healing may take up to 30 days (and sometimes more). Therefore, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not stop taking medications at the first signs of improvement.

After identifying the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes the appropriate medicinal product. Gargling up to 8-10 times a day is also prescribed. You should also use special aerosols to spray into the throat. If the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees Celsius, then antipyretics are prescribed. The doctor also prescribes a complex of vitamin preparations.

At first you need to adhere to bed rest, it is better not to watch television programs or sit at the computer. Nutrition should be rational - it is necessary to exclude from the diet dishes that irritate the throat, hot sauces, seasonings, garlic, onions, and alcohol. The drink should only be warm - never hot or cold. Avoid any carbonated drinks, salty and pickled foods, fatty foods.

Most often, patients with atypical form Tonsillitis is hospitalized and treated in a hospital setting. You should not refuse hospitalization, as this disease is very dangerous, there is a high risk of complications, therefore better all during the illness period, be under the supervision of specialists in a hospital setting.
