What does the swelling under the eye of a child say? Puffiness of the upper eyelids: the causes of pathology

Children are the most precious thing in the life of every parent. Any trouble can knock you out of your usual rut. Especially if it is related to the health of the baby.

Have you noticed that the baby feels uncomfortable? Have a child? it serious reason sound the alarm and see a doctor.

in a child: what to do and what to pay attention to?

If you notice a slight swelling of the upper eyelid in the crumbs, the first step is to carefully consider it. Pay attention to the central part of the affected area. If there is a small dot there, it is probably the result of an insect bite. In this case, most likely, you can do without a visit to a specialist.

Nothing suspicious found? It may be an allergic reaction to material or food. Analyze what your little one ate in recent times what I played, is there any powder left on everyday clothes after washing, etc.

Most often, a swollen upper eyelid in a child indicates the presence of any infection - acute respiratory infections or conjunctivitis. It also happens that nasal mucus enters the eyes through the nasal canal, provoking inflammation, which ultimately leads to swelling.

Try to watch the baby. This is the only way to accurately determine all kinds of risks and irritants.

Possible reasons

If the child's upper eyelid is swollen, only a qualified ophthalmologist can identify the exact cause. Anything can be the source of the problem. For example:

  • a bite of an insect;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammation of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • allergic reaction;
  • ptosis;
  • prolonged crying or sleep;
  • cardiac decompensation;
  • postpartum outflow.

During the diagnosis, it should be understood that a swollen upper eyelid in a child may be the result of a serious illness. Do not neglect the consultation with a specialist. Only a timely visit to an ophthalmologist can warn further development pathologies, as well as help the baby get rid of annoying pain and discomfort.

What is forbidden to do if a child has?

A swollen upper eyelid in a child is enough serious symptom... Many parents make a number of serious mistakes, among which the most popular are:

  • heating of the lesion;
  • squeezing out the abscess (if any);
  • the use of antihistamines;
  • usage folk methods medicine.

All of the above is strictly prohibited to do without preliminary consultation with a specialist. Any action without staging accurate diagnosis can lead to sad consequences, including loss of vision and serious violations in the work of the body as a whole.

Do not postpone your visit to the doctor.

To our deepest regret, most parents neglect to visit an ophthalmologist. And completely in vain. Remember that in your hands is the health of a little man who needs timely help.

Why is a visit to the doctor a necessity?

  • The specialist will be able to conduct all the necessary research and make an accurate diagnosis.
  • Determine further actions - prescribe suitable drugs to overcome the disease.
  • Will recommend preventive methods that will prevent the formation of relapses.

As mentioned, swelling of a child's upper eyelid is a serious symptom that can indicate serious illness. If the health of your own crumbs is dear to you, make an appointment as soon as you notice the first signs of the disease. Don't put it off until tomorrow.

How to treat?

Treatment of upper eyelid edema must begin with the elimination of its main cause. So, if the swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, you need to pay attention to the inside, as well as antihistamines for external use.

With an insect bite, the swelling of the eyelid, as a rule, goes away after a few days. However, if you notice a negative reaction child's body, urgently make an appointment with a doctor. This may have caused a serious allergy.

If you still do not know why a swollen upper eyelid appeared in a child, it is useless to prescribe treatment. Only after examination and making an accurate diagnosis, the specialist is able to select the appropriate therapy.

Depending on the complexity of the problem, he may recommend taking antibacterial ointments, gels, eye drops. If the baby has barley, in no case should you squeeze it out on your own. This can not only cause inflammation, but also lead to enough serious consequences, up to the formation of meningitis.

In case of conjunctivitis, the doctor may advise the application of tetracycline ointment, instillation of the eye, rinsing with a weak decoction of calendula or chamomile.

Prevention methods

The main principle of preventing eye diseases in babies is good hygiene. Children are real fidgets. It is extremely difficult to keep track of the cleanliness of their hands. But it is with them that they rub their eyes, it is through them that the infection can be transmitted from one crumb to another.

Train your child to wash their hands right from the start. early childhood and do not touch your eyes unless absolutely necessary. Always keep wet wipes with you when walking.

All inflammatory processes occur to a greater extent in children with weakened immunity. Devote Special attention strengthening the immune system. If necessary, you can always consult with an immunologist who will recommend the best option for your baby.

Try to provide the child complete diet, which will contain all the products necessary for normal growth and development. It is imperative that the baby receives a full vitamin complex. You can also teach him to harden.



Swelling of the eyelids are called symptom, which is accompanied by excess fluid filling of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the eyelids and their swelling. It may appear due to various diseases local or general. The tendency of the eyelids to swelling is explained by the extremely loose structure of their subcutaneous fat, a large amount blood vessels and weakness of the muscles surrounding the eyes and eyelids.

Systematic swelling of the eyelids in the morning indicate the development of diseases of a systemic nature of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive or urinary system. In most cases, they are more pronounced in the morning, they form on both sides, immediately after a night's sleep, but gradually disappear during the day.

Allergic edema of the eyelids

Allergic edema of the eyelids accompanies various local or general allergic reactions. It can be caused by the use of certain cosmetics, insect bites, medication, or certain foods. Allergic eyelid edema can be unilateral or bilateral, appearing on the upper, lower, or both eyelids.

The main symptoms are:

  • painlessness;
  • the skin of the eyelids is pale (sometimes with a bluish tinge).
In some cases, the swelling can spread from the eyelids to the cheeks and corner of the mouth. Almost always, it appears with lightning speed and after 12 hours (sometimes after a few days) it completely disappears. In rare cases, this swelling may worsen general well-being: lethargy, low-grade fever, feeling tired.

With massive edema allergic origin(Quincke's edema), punctate infiltrates may appear on the cornea of ​​the eye. In such cases, chemosis (edema) of the conjunctiva develops, and the development of secondary glaucoma is possible. Swelling of the orbit can lead to exophthalmos and displacement eyeball out. Such massive swelling of the eyelids requires treatment in a hospital setting.

Allergic swelling of the eyelids can reappear after a few days, weeks or even months. Their frequent relapses lead to fixation of noticeable remnants of edema and enlargement of the eyelids up to elephantiasis (persistent and large-scale enlargement of the eyelids).

Swelling of the eyelids after tattooing

Swelling of the eyelids after tattooing can be caused by various factors:
  • individual tendency to edema;
  • pigment quality;
  • the depth of the introduction of the pigment;
  • dry and thin skin of the eyelids;
  • accession of infection;
  • an allergic reaction to a pigment;
  • method of pain relief.
In most cases, with a properly performed eye tattoo procedure, the edema disappears within a day. Prolonged swelling may indicate complications or indicate an individual tendency to edema.

With poor pigment quality, it can irritate the eyelid skin and lead to swelling. In some cases, the pigment substance or its individual components cause allergic swelling of the eyelids.

Dry, thin or pasty (prone to lymph retention) skin of the eyelids is more sensitive to injury, and a violation of its integrity provokes the development of inflammation and swelling. A similar reaction can be caused by a deeper injection of pigment. At correct introduction only the superficial vessels of the papillary layer of the dermis are damaged, and with deeper penetration of the needle, the vascular plexuses of the lower border of the skin are injured and persistent edema develops, which does not go away within 24 hours.

For eye tattooing, special anesthetics can be used in the form of ointments, gels and liquids. The use of applications of "Emla" ointment excessively tan the skin of the eyelid, and the introduction injection forms Anesthetics cause more pronounced swelling than the use of anesthetic in the form of a gel or liquid.

Some unscrupulous tattoo artists neglect the rules of antiseptics, and the skin of the eyelids can become infected during the procedure. The introduction of infection can also occur through the fault of the woman herself, if the rules of personal hygiene and the recommendations of the master are not followed. In such cases, the skin of the eyelids becomes inflamed, reddens, hurts when touched, and becomes edematous.

The appearance of soreness, redness, rashes and itching indicates the development of an inflammatory or allergic reaction and should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Treatment of eyelid edema

Treatment of eyelid edema is aimed at eliminating its root cause or the irritant that causes it.
  • With inflammatory edema of the eyelids caused by infection, antibacterial or antiviral drugs are prescribed. They can be taken orally or applied topically in the form of drops. (in the form of ointments, rinses or drops). These patients may be prescribed physiotherapy and eye rinsing antiseptic solutions contributing to more quick elimination swelling and inflammation.

    In some cases, inflammatory edema is provoked by various irritants... Elimination of their effects and the use of anti-inflammatory solutions for rinsing the eyes eliminates signs of inflammation and swelling of the eyelid.

  • In case of edema caused by injuries to the eyes, eyelids or soft tissues of the skin in the eye area, the patient is shown treatment of the injury. With absence open wound cold compresses or an ice pack can be applied to the damaged area. Further treatment may consist in local treatment of the wound with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs and the observance of measures aimed at preventing infection of the wound surface.
  • Edema of the eyelids of an allergic nature in some cases it goes away on its own. With its strong severity, the patient is prescribed desensitizing (antiallergic) agents for internal or external use, and hormonal drugs... An important measure in identifying any allergic reaction is to identify the allergen that caused the eyelid edema. Eliminating contact with it can speed up the healing process and ensure that there will be no relapse in the future.
  • Treatment of non-inflammatory edema of the eyelids can be appointed only after identifying the cause of their occurrence. If the swelling was caused by disturbances in sleep, diet or drinking regimen, then eliminate the cause, apply a cold compress, perform lymphatic drainage massage and taking a mild diuretic will completely get rid of them.
  • Non-inflammatory edema caused by fatty hernias can be eliminated surgically... Excision of excess areas of adipose tissue completely relieves puffiness of the eyelids and refreshes the look. These operations are carried out plastic surgeons, and for their implementation, both traditional and minimally invasive techniques can be used.
If non-inflammatory edema of the eyelids is caused by systemic diseases of the body, then treatment is carried out after collecting all diagnostic data on the underlying disease of the endocrine, urinary, cardiovascular or digestive system. As a rule, such pathologies lend themselves to long-term and complex treatment, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

In the morning after sleep, parents may notice that the child's eyes are swollen. This can be expressed both in a weak and in a strong form. Swelling under the eye in a child is a slight swelling in the eyelid that can go away throughout the day.

But parents should take into account the fact that any such phenomenon cannot be temporary. In fact, swelling indicates that there are any disorders in the body.

Causes of the appearance of edema of the eyes in a child

Swelling under the eye in a child may occur for the following reasons.

  • Long stay in the water while swimming.
  • Use a large number water.
  • Emergence eye diseases in the form of blepharitis or barley.
  • Increased eye pressure.
  • Manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  • The presence of problems with the genitourinary system.
  • Insect bites.
  • Long exposure to the sun.
  • Manifestation after surgery.
  • Wearing lenses.
  • Prolonged crying.
  • Long sitting at the computer or TV.
  • Common cold or flu.

Symptoms of eye swelling in a child that should alert parents

If the parents cannot understand why the child's eyes are swollen, then it is worth visiting a doctor. Alarm bell the following symptoms may appear.

  1. Fontanelle swelling infancy, great anxiety and crying. This behavior may indicate intracranial pressure.
  2. Sudden swelling accompanied by redness, tearing and discharge from the nasal passages. You may also experience restless behavior in your toddler. An allergic reaction or Quincke's edema can cause these symptoms.
  3. Frequent or, conversely, rare urination. The urine may contain blood, clots, or sand. Characterized painful sensations in the lumbar region, fever and pain in the head. Diseases become the cause of this condition. genitourinary system.
  4. Puffiness that does not have other symptoms but does not go away over time.

Diagnosing eye swelling in a child

If swelling occurs, the doctor needs to know if the child had a cold or sore throat two weeks before. Also, the doctor is interested in how the baby ate and whether the sleep and rest regime was disturbed. In infants, the development of a neuropsychic character is assessed and the presence or absence of a chair is assessed.

After a visual examination, the doctor will determine the type of puffiness, measure blood pressure and monitors the condition of the heart muscle. Then blood and urine tests are prescribed to exclude diseases associated with genitourinary and digestive system... Additionally, parents need to show their child to a nephrologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and allergist. After that, appropriate treatment is prescribed based on the cause.

Treatment of eye edema in childhood

If a parent detects swelling under the eyes in their baby, then regular care and treatment will be required. First of all, the child should be shown to the doctor. He will diagnose, determine the cause and give recommendations. In some situations, treatment can be dispensed with without medication.

These measures will help alleviate the child's condition and avoid dangerous consequences.

  1. If the baby has swelling after sleep, then it is enough to moisten a handkerchief in slightly cool water and apply it to the eyes for about five minutes. The procedure can be repeated several more times until the swelling subsides.
  2. In some cases, children get lice. Parents should take into account that this happens and they live not only in their hair. To get rid of this ailment it is enough to apply a small layer of petroleum jelly to the eyelash area.
  3. When adults know about the predisposition of puffiness in their children, then before going outside in sunny and clear weather, apply a protective cream on the eyelids. Also, you should not expose your child to excessive tanning.
  4. With blepharitis or barley, the doctor may prescribe specialized medications for children, for example, eye drops Levomycetin or tetracycline ointment.
  5. If the swelling is caused by a disease of the genitourinary system, then the child is under the supervision of a doctor and undergoes a full course curative therapy, which includes taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  6. At allergic manifestation the doctor prescribes a diet and antihistamines. It is also necessary to find an allergen that affects the condition of the eyes in children.
  7. If there are problems with intracranial pressure, the child is under constant supervision of a neurologist. They may prescribe to drink a course of sedatives to calm the nervous system.
  8. Before going to bed, you should not give your baby a lot of liquid, and you should also limit yourself from taking salty and pickled dishes.
  9. Parents should not let their children cry too much.
  10. It is worth limiting children from regularly watching TV or playing games on the computer.

Preventive measures to prevent eye swelling in a child

To prevent children from showing such a condition, parents need to follow several important recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to take care of the baby's diet. Foods should be rich in vitamins and minerals. No fast food or carbonated drinks. It is also worth limiting the consumption of salty and fatty foods. They cause fluid retention in the body, which is why puffiness appears.
  2. Children need to be provided with full night sleep at least nine hours a day. Before going to bed, watching cartoons and other television programs is not recommended.
  3. Children's eyes need rest during exercise. Exercising for the eyes will be a good unloading.
  4. The child needs to walk every day at least twice a day for at least half an hour.

Often, swelling under the eye in a child occurs in the morning due to lack of sleep or nervous strain, but after applying compresses, this condition disappears and does not make itself felt throughout the day.
But if the swelling of the eyes in a child does not subside for more than three days, then you should immediately seek medical advice.

In the morning, parents can often find eye edema in a child, expressed in severe or weak degree... It can represent a fairly large swelling of the eyelid, or it can be only slightly noticeable and quickly passing during the first half of the day.

In both cases, one cannot be absolutely calm and confident that this is just a temporary phenomenon that will soon pass without any consequences for the health of the baby. In fact, edema always indicates any deviations occurring in a small body.


Due to individual characteristics, the causes of eye swelling in children can be different. These are treated as serious internal diseases, and disturbances in diet and daily routine. According to doctors, most often they are:

  • long stay in water, bathing;
  • a large amount of liquid drunk by the child the day before;
  • blepharitis;
  • barley;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • allergy (Quincke's edema);
  • problems with the urinary tract and kidneys;
  • insect bites, in particular - lice, which can start not only on the scalp, but also in the cilia;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun, strong tan;
  • consequences after eye surgery (for example, to remove cataracts);
  • wrong or too long wearing lenses;
  • hysterical, long crying;
  • a large amount of diuretic products eaten the day before (the same watermelon, for example);
  • passion for computers, televisions, telephones and other novelties.

If the parents know why the child's eyes are swollen, it will be easier for them to navigate in the current situation. If the problem is only in the daily routine or nutrition, this can be corrected on your own, at home. If in something else, you may need medical help.

Alarming symptoms

If the parents cannot understand in any way why the child has swelling under the eyes, if they do not go away for a long time, the most the right decision there will be a visit to the doctor. Signals for this may be the following alarming symptoms:

  • if the swelling in an infant is accompanied by swelling of the fontanelles, severe anxiety and crying of the baby, which may result from increased intracranial pressure;
  • if the swelling has arisen suddenly, there is redness and profuse lacrimation, as well as incomprehensible mucous discharge from the nose in the absence of a runny nose, and besides, the restless behavior of the baby may indicate the presence of an allergy (this may be Quincke's edema);
  • if the swelling under the eyes of a child is accompanied by bright pronounced violation urination (often runs to the toilet), the presence of blood in the urine, pain in the lumbar region, a slightly elevated temperature, headaches, most likely, we are talking about diseases urinary tract and kidneys;
  • if the swelling occurs regularly, and then does not go away for too long (2-3 days or longer).

So if the next morning the child's puffy eyes acquire any of the above symptoms, you need to rush to the doctor so that he can determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Treatment methods

If you find that your child has swelling under the eyes, proper care and possibly treatment will be required for that part of the face. A set of appropriate measures in this case will ease the baby's condition, allow him to look more bearable and prevent unnecessary and dangerous complications.

  1. Gauze folded in several layers, blot in warm water, squeeze and apply on both eyes for 5-7 minutes. Repeat several times during the day.
  2. Vaseline, applied in a thin layer on the eyelids, is an excellent remedy for lice on the eyelashes, which often cause swelling in the eyes of young children.
  3. If you know your child's predisposition to swelling in the eyes, do not forget to apply a special protective cream on his eyelids before going outside in sunny weather. Avoid over-tanning it. If this nevertheless happened and the next morning a swelling appeared on the eyelids, a cold compress or the most ordinary slices of cucumber put on each eyelid for 5 minutes is already required.
  4. If it is blepharitis or barley, the doctor will prescribe eye drops (chloramphenicol, for example) or ointment (tetracycline, etc.).
  5. If these are such serious internal diseases as increased intracranial pressure, allergies, problems with urinary system or kidneys, then the baby will have to undergo a full course of treatment for these ailments. This is the only way to get rid of the swelling in the eyes of the child.
  6. Do not give your baby too much liquid, salty and pickled foods at night. Try to balance his diet and establish a drinking regime. This plays a big role in eliminating puffiness under the eyes in children.
  7. Don't let your baby cry too much.
  8. Limit the time your child uses TV, computer, telephone. All this negatively affects his organs of vision.
  9. Highly important point in the treatment of puffiness under the eyes - a healthy, full sleep. The child should sleep 8-9 hours a day every day.

Despite the fact that most often a child has puffy eyes in the morning, this phenomenon can be observed throughout the day and even persist for quite a long time (2-3 days, weeks). In order not to harm your own baby, you need to promptly provide him help needed if necessary - medical. The sooner the appropriate treatment is started, the faster the look of your baby will sparkle with joy and health.

New articles

Eyelids break in children due to the accumulation of fluid under the skin, an allergic reaction, an infection. Swelling of the eyes in a child is usually short-term. In some cases, swelling in the upper or lower eyelid persists for a long time, bringing discomfort. This can be caused by blepharitis, chalazion and other diseases.

Edema is a swelling on the body

Delicate baby skin reacts to any changes in external environment and inside the body. Due to the uncomfortable body position, the child's eyes swell after sleep. This happens with improper distribution and accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Swelling in the eye area of ​​a child under one year old may appear due to changes in diet, daily routine.

Puffiness of the eyelids in infants is associated with teething, excess fluid intake, and the characteristics of the diet of a nursing mother.

The most common causes of eye swelling in a child are:

  • lack of functions thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the teeth, jaw;
  • heart failure;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • parotitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • lack of sleep;
  • sinusitis.

As a rule, various "situational" edema under the eyes of a child disappears quickly and without consequences. You can take advantage of the soothing effect of chamomile infusion, tea. The prepared solutions are cooled to a temperature of 38 ° C and applied chilled to the eyelids. Such lotions hold for several minutes. You can wipe with the same infusions closed eyes child.

Swelling of the eyelids - a consequence of internal diseases

Dark circles and bags under the eyes are present in kidney disease, abnormal metabolism. Swelling of the eyelids appears when high blood pressure inside the skull. Violation of venous and lymphatic outflow in the eye area, especially anatomical structure the organ of vision can also cause swelling in the upper part of the face.

Babies often suffer from enlargement and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil - adenoids. In this case, impaired breathing through the nose leads to "swelling" of the face. The most characteristic outward signs adenoiditis - swollen eyelids, constantly open mouth.

Allergic edema of the eyelids in children

Allergic conjunctivitis in children is often accompanied by a runny nose and sneezing. A hereditary predisposition to a strong reaction to ordinary stimuli manifests itself in different ways: lacrimation, redness of the eyelids, urticaria, Quincke's edema. It happens that symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis occur at the same time.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in a child:

  1. foreign body sensation;
  2. swelling of the eyelid in one eye;
  3. lacrimation;
  4. photophobia;
  5. itchy eyes;
  6. swelling of the eyelids.

It is important to remove from the child's environment the stimuli to which the child reacts the immune system child (pets, strong odors etc.).

If the causes of swelling under the eyes of a child are associated with insect bites, then the swelling is usually more on one side. Sometimes the process covers only the upper eyelid, but often it extends to both eyes, the bridge of the nose and cheeks. In case of contact of the skin of the eyelids with an allergen, blisters appear, as with hives.

Common allergens causing swelling eye:

  • foodstuffs(eggs, nuts, milk, citrus fruits);
  • funds household chemicals and hygiene cosmetics;
  • chlorine in water for washing and bathing;
  • some medications;
  • insect bites;
  • pollen of plants.

An allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the upper eyelid, itching. Will help relieve the child of discomfort antihistamines... Children over 1 month old can add Fenistil drops to tea or drinking water. After 6 months, the baby is allowed to give Zirtek drops (inside).

Quincke's edema is manifested by severe edema of one eyelid, involuntary discharge of fluid from the eyes or nose. In this case, use antihistamines, call a doctor at home.

Swelling of the eyelid with barley

Redness and swelling are the first symptoms of barley (hordeolum). This is a purulent process in the hair follicle of the eyelash or in sebaceous gland... At internal form diseases, inflammation affects the meibomian glands, which moisturize the conjunctiva and cornea. The eyelids swell with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, chalazion - diseases that have similar initial symptoms.

With barley, edema is observed in the region of the edge of the eyelid of one eye. The cause of inflammation is Staphylococcus aureus(bacterium). Treatment should be started at the first sign of local swelling in the eyelids. At the beginning of the inflammatory process, instillation of sodium sulfacil solution helps. When the temperature rises, the child is given an antipyretic agent.

You can not warm up, squeeze out or in any way open the barley on the eye.

What to do in case of formation of barley on the eye:

  1. bury eye drops with an antibiotic (Sulfacil);
  2. to lay an antibiotic ointment behind the eyelid (Tetracycline, Erythromycin);
  3. give antihistamine drops or syrup to drink (Zodak, Erius);
  4. rinse the eyelids with a solution of furacillin (when pus comes out).

The ointment is laid in the part where the eyes are swollen and a bulge has appeared. Barley differs from chalazion in that it suppurates, spews out purulent contents and completely disappears on average in a week. The chalazion hardens in the form of a dome with a diameter of 0.5–1 cm and lasts for weeks or months. Inside it is a tight capsule.

Chaliazion - a benign education for the century

It is common inflammatory lesion century in children. Experts explain why a chalazion is formed. Gradina develops when the meibomian gland ducts are blocked. The lump often appears on the lower eyelid of one eye. It is not uncommon for both eyes to be affected. In addition to the nodule, there is redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids, and sometimes itching and lacrimation.

The reasons for the appearance of barley and chalazion are associated with a weakening of immunity, the influence of a genetic factor and metabolic disorders is also traced.

How to use home remedies to reduce inflammation in the eyelid area:

  • apply a soft towel moistened with water at a temperature of 38 ° C to closed eyelids 2-3 times a day; keep a warm compress for 10 minutes;
  • make light massage eyelids with fingertips (5 minutes) using baby cream;
  • apply cotton pads moistened with a strong (10%) salt solution 5 times a day for a week.

Gradina spontaneously dissolves over time, or opens from the side conjunctival sac... Occasionally the chalazion suppurates, then it joins painful sensations... The child needs conservative treatment- placing an eye ointment behind the eyelid, for example, Tetracycline. Buried several times disinfectant solutions reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Medicines and procedures in each case are prescribed by a pediatrician and an ophthalmologist. If the chalazion takes a recurrent course, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics and other medications for oral administration. Resorption of an already formed chalazion takes a year or more.

Swelling of the eyelids is very common, being a symptom not only of local, but also common diseases. Separate group form the so-called reactive edema that develops with inflammation of neighboring areas, for example paranasal sinuses nose.

Swelling of the eyelids can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Inflammatory edema is characterized by pronounced redness of the skin, an increase in local temperature, pain on palpation. Sometimes, when palpating the edematous eyelid, compaction and soreness are found (with barley, erysipelas, dacryocystitis, furunculosis).

Non-inflammatory edema of the eyelids with diseases of cardio-vascular system and kidneys are always bilateral, more pronounced in the morning, almost always combined with swelling of the legs, ascites.


Causes of eyelid edema

Swelling of the eyelids may be one of the first symptoms of these diseases, indicating the need thorough examination sick. Allergic edema of the eyelids is most often manifested by angioedema of Quincke, characterized by a sudden appearance and the same rapid disappearance. Edema, as a rule, is one-sided, very significant, is not accompanied by any subjective sensations, develops more often in the upper eyelid.

Its formation is based on an allergic reaction. Allergens can be foods such as eggs, milk, chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, different kinds fish products, some flowers and other specific or nonspecific irritants, as well as some medicines and cosmetics.

Edema upper eyelids can develop as a result of many diseases. Puffiness of the eyelids causes diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, connective tissue. Diseases of the orbit and the eyelids proper can also be accompanied by edema. If the kidneys are sick, edema begins on the face, they are especially evident on the upper eyelids. Renal edema is often very watery.

Swelling of the upper eyelids can be caused by swelling of the eyelids, including squamous cell carcinoma, as well as disorders in which edema occurs, but is not a symptom - trauma, burns, fracture of the base of the skull, postoperative edema. Swelling of the eyelids is a fairly common symptom that many people complain about.

They are, of course, worried, but most of them do nothing, wait for the swelling to go away on its own. Today, about 70 causes of swollen upper eyelids are known. Swelling of the eyelids is in no way associated with prolonged work on the computer and eye strain.

The examination should reveal the location and color of the edema (pale or erythematous), it is present on the eyelids of both eyes or on one eyelid, check the visual acuity. Some patients start treatment on their own by applying warm tissue to the tumor, or taking antihistamines. By doing this, they only worsen the painful condition.

To avoid complications, you need to self-medicate after self-diagnosis. Swelling of the upper eyelids is sometimes confused with the formation of a sagging skin fold in the outer part of the upper eyelid - blepharochalasis. Blepharochalasis usually occurs in people of age; it occurs due to age-related weakening of the connective tissue of the upper eyelid. Blepharochalasis is a cosmetic problem, it will never close the eyes and can be eliminated, if desired, with the help of a cosmetic operation.

Swelling of the eyelids can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Diagnosis of eyelid edema

The examination helps to determine if there is a local increase in temperature, erythema and pain, and if the edema is unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral painless swelling without redness suggests allergy, systemic disease or a hernia of orbital fat.

Bilateral, painless edema with redness suggests blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or burns, although these conditions can also cause unilateral edema.

Unilateral, painless edema with redness suggests an insect bite, subcutaneous cellulitis, or a disorder of the lacrimal system (such as canaliculitis or dacryoadenitis). Unilateral painful erythema edema suggests orbital cellulitis.

In most cases, the diagnosis can be made clinically, so there is no need for additional testing. Exceptions are trauma, cellulite, cavernous sinus thrombosis and systemic diseases for which imaging techniques and laboratory tests may be necessary.

Treatment of eyelid edema

Treatment of eyelid edema is associated with the elimination of the underlying cause. For allergic edema, desensitizing drugs are used orally, parenterally and topically in the form of eye drops and ointments.

For the treatment of allergic edema of the eyelids, it is required to eliminate contact with the allergen, if necessary, in combination with cold compresses and locally prescribed glucocorticoids (for example, 0.1% fluorometholone ointment three times a day, prescribed for no more than 7 days) or systemic antihistamines.

V summer time swelling of the eyelids can occur with an insect bite. In these cases, against the background of the edematous eyelid, you can always find the place of the bite: a pale papule with a hemorrhagic point center. Treatment is usually not required: within 1-2 days, the edema disappears. Inexperienced doctor with severe edema eyelids with an insect bite can misdiagnose and unreasonably cause anxiety in the patient.

Since the main reason for the swelling of the upper eyelids is an excess of fluid in the body, the use of diuretics in this case is very appropriate. Here you don't even need to use some medical drugs, but just get by with folk diuretics - broths, tinctures and teas.

If the cause of edema is eye inflammation or a cold, then this condition is removed by instilling special drops - antibacterial, antimicrobial, which must contain a vasoconstrictor.

Well, from the edema that appears from time to time due to our abuse or non-compliance with sleep and wakefulness, you can get rid of cleanly cosmetics- masks, massage, "washing" with ice.

If edema is associated with inflammatory process in the eye area, to eliminate it, apply antibacterial drugs in the form of drops and ointments for the eyes.

With barley antibacterial ointment applied to the inflamed area, characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not less than 5 days even if the symptoms disappeared earlier.

At bacterial conjunctivitis(red eye with purulent discharge) drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.

Questions and answers on "Eyelid edema"

Question:Good day! For 5 years, my left upper eyelid has been swelling. It hurts and sometimes bakes. Causes constant discomfort. In the evening, the eyelid drains very strongly. I have already visited many clinics and no doctor can help me. They say different things and in the end nothing helps. Maybe I don't need an ophthalmologist, but another doctor?

Answer: In the event that puffiness of the eyelids appears regularly and for no apparent reason, this is the reason for a complex medical examination because the eyelids do not swell “just like that”.

Question:Hello! I did blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. 4 months have passed, and over the eyes the eyelids are still swollen and the corners of the eyes too. Which doctor should I go to?

Answer: Hello! See your plastic surgeon.

Question:The eyelids swell in the morning. The swelling is very noticeable on the upper eyelids and the sensation of pain in the eyes. I limit myself to drinking. What could it be? Thank you in advance.

Answer: It is necessary to consult a urologist: examine the urinary system.

Question:Hello! I am 23 years old. For more than a week, the upper eyelids of both eyes have been swelling very much. The swelling does not subside during the day. Pain in the heart is also troubling. In the morning I am very thirsty, I do not get drunk for a long time. Can you please tell me what this may be connected with and which doctor should I first contact? What tests and ultrasound to take. I did not take any medications. Thanks.

Answer: Swelling of the eyelids can develop for a variety of reasons, both general and local. It is important to determine whether the edema is inflammatory or non-inflammatory. With inflammatory edema, redness of the skin is observed, heat, painful sensations when touched. Non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids can be allergic. This swelling can be caused by an allergic reaction to food, cosmetics, or medications... Diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, connective tissue can also be accompanied by swelling of the upper eyelids. Swelling of the upper eyelids may be due to overuse liquids. Increased thirst can be associated with many diseases, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, kidney disease, enhanced function parathyroid glands. Clinical analysis blood, urine analysis, blood sugar, urine sugar, electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the kidneys, blood electrolytes, consultation of an endocrinologist.

Question:I'm 18, I have myopia, I wear lenses. The day before yesterday I felt discomfort, as if the barley was ripening and swollen in the outer corner of the eye, yesterday I woke up - the eyelid was swollen and reddened, I made compresses all day (tea, herbs, golden mustache, warmed with an egg), by the evening it became better, only the redness remained and the swelling subsided ... In the morning I woke up - my entire upper eyelid was swollen, but no pain, nothing. Only a nucleolus can be felt in the corner of the eye (it was from the very beginning). What to do? And does it need to be heated? Thank you in advance!

Answer: Dear Julia, you should consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, who will establish a diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment for you.

Question:A child 2 years old woke up in the morning with very swollen eyes, lower and upper eyelids! Temperature 37.3! What could it be? This has never happened before! Thanks.

Answer: Swollen eyelids in a child can be caused by an inflammatory process (conjunctivitis, etc.), allergy to any food, kidney disease and other reasons. Only a doctor can find out the cause of the swelling of the eyelids in your child with a direct examination.

Question:Hello, my upper eyelid on my left eye is swollen. The picture showed sinus swelling and left-sided sinusitis. The nose has healed, but the swelling does not go away. The hernia was not confirmed. Tell me what to do.

Answer: Hello! You need to be examined by an ophthalmologist for eye pathology. Perhaps edema persisted after an ENT disease, or there may be a disease of the eyelids or orbit of the eye. In any case, an examination is necessary.

Swelling of the eyelids is a fairly common condition in which there is an abnormal increase in fluid in subcutaneous tissue century. Especially this problem affects people over the age of 30, but can also develop in a child. With infrequent manifestations, this pathological swelling of the eyelids does not lead to serious conditions, however greatly affects appearance a person's face and delivers special discomfort to the female sex.


However, you should not underestimate the manifestation of puffiness of the eyelids, since this symptom may indicate the presence of more serious illnesses organism. For example, in some cases, the cause of swelling of the eyelids may be an allergic reaction of the body. It is manifested by angioedema of Quincke, and it is characterized by a rapid appearance and the same sudden disappearance. Such edema in most cases is one-sided, they are clearly visible, but not accompanied by any uncomfortable subjective sensations. Various allergens can provoke this type of edema, such as milk, eggs, chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits, fish products and various plants... Due to an allergic reaction, swelling of the upper eyelids occurs mainly.

Also frequent reasons edema of the eyelids is advocated by various systemic pathologies such as diseases of the kidneys, heart or thyroid gland. Known and local reasons- these are injuries, impaired lymph outflow, insect bites, cranial fluid leakage.

Also, the development of puffiness of the eyelids is facilitated by certain physiological features: high elasticity of the skin, abundant blood supply to the eyelids, too loose texture of the fiber located in the subcutaneous fat zone, which leads to excessive accumulation of fluid.

So, the causes of edema of the eyelids can be both inflammatory and non-inflammatory. With inflammatory edema, redness of the skin is clearly visible, the temperature rises, and painful sensations arise when palpating the eyelid zone. For example, with furunculosis, erysipelas, dacryocystitis or barley, palpation feels a kind of compaction of the eyelid structure. Swelling of the eyelids of a non-inflammatory nature manifests itself as follows: the skin of the eyelids is pale, coldish, there are no painful sensations on palpation. It is clearly expressed in the morning hours and is usually bilateral, often accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs and ascites.

Edema of the upper eyelids can develop as a result of many diseases, for example, diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and connective tissue pathologies. It may indicate a disease of the orbit and the eyelids themselves. Swelling of the upper eyelids sometimes occurs due to swelling of the eyelids, particularly squamous cell carcinoma.

Swelling of the eyelid in a child

Swelling of the eyelids in a child can occur for several reasons, one of which is genetics. If at least one parent or one of close relatives manifests this pathology, then in many cases there is swelling of the eyelids in a child. Also, other reasons leading to puffiness are insufficient sleep, excess salt intake. These problems can be easily remedied by making sure your child gets enough sleep, goes to bed on time, and cooks moderately salty foods. Sometimes the appearance of puffiness of the eyelids may indicate the presence of heart, liver, kidney diseases in the child, vegetative dystonia, disorders of the urinary tract, etc. It can also indicate a low hemoglobin in a child, metabolic disorders or increased intracranial pressure.

In order to prevent the development in the child of this pathological condition, you need to be very careful about his daily routine and lifestyle. As often as possible, the child should walk on fresh air, and not spend leisure time in a stuffy room in front of a computer or TV. If these symptoms persist even after the normalization of the child's lifestyle, then it is necessary to apply for medical help for examination general condition child. This will make it possible to timely identify the presence of serious diseases.


Depending on the cause of this pathology, apply various treatments edema of the eyelids. For example, if the swelling is not due to illness internal organs, then it is quite possible to limit ourselves to the correct cosmetic care for the eyelid area. Various beauty treatments can be performed throughout the day. Only such cosmetic care will have an effect only when the pace of life is normalized, i.e. organization good sleep, proper nutrition and abstaining from excessive drinking.

Treatment of eyelid edema includes various therapeutic procedures that carry out active lymphatic drainage. Today they use the method of electrical stimulation - this is medical procedure, in which the subcutaneous lymphatic pathways are stimulated with the help of thin electrodes low-frequency electric shock... This procedure allows you to improve metabolism, normalize blood microcirculation, restore the physiological activity of cells and lymph exchange. The procedures of microcurrent therapy, dermotonia, mesotherapy, which are carried out in modern beauty salons, help to achieve a similar effect. Professional and home cosmetic masks will help.

Treatment of edema of the eyelids initial stage performed using manual lymphatic drainage massage. You can do simple exercises yourself.

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