Foods that cause gas and bloating. What foods cause gas and how to get rid of it

Everyone probably knows what flatulence is. It’s not a very pleasant problem that even doctors are embarrassed to talk about out loud. And it’s clear why.

There is something indecent about her. Imagine the suffering of a sick person in society. He is still ready to endure moderate cramps or when his stomach is inflated like a ball. But if suddenly, without his knowledge, or does something even worse...

Doctors, by virtue of their profession, talk about these symptoms without blushing. People have always laughed at this - such jokes are among the most popular. But in high culture everything related to flatulence is taboo, as is everything that belongs to the sphere of the “bottom”. Meanwhile, this very base phenomenon has a very high birth: The Greek word “meteoro” translates to “heavenly phenomenon.”

Heaven in the stomach

And this connection between low and high is often present in the disease itself.

“The work of the intestines is very much connected with the head,” says Alexey Bueverov, gastroenterologist, MD, professor First Moscow State Medical University them. I. M. Sechenova. “The intestinal nerve plexuses are closely interconnected with the central nervous system, and therefore various effects on the psyche are often reflected in digestion and vice versa.”

Doctors are well aware that other delicate gastrointestinal symptoms There are often psychological problems too.

Many of them are sure that everyone around them sees (and hears) what their digestive system is doing, they experience a feeling of shame, guilt, and try not to be in in public places. But the most interesting thing is that most often these problems are not worth a damn. Their symptoms are not so bright, the disease is not at all severe and not life-threatening (often it’s just functional impairment without any obvious changes in the intestines), but the brain refuses to believe it.

Thin and thick

“Moreover, even the amount of air in the digestive system of such people can often be normal, not increased,” continues Alexey Bueverov. - Why do they feel bloating, pain and other symptoms of flatulence? They have a reduced threshold for pain sensitivity in the intestines, and therefore what is normal for others, they perceive as pathology. To treat such patients only proper diet and so-called antifoam drugs are not enough. They also need antispasmodics, and often drugs that affect the psyche and thereby increase the pain threshold.

With it, bacteria living in the large intestine enter the small intestine, an environment in which is almost sterile, and take root there. As they multiply, they cause fermentation and decay processes, which always release a lot of gases. This leads to flatulence. Such patients need to be treated with antibacterial drugs to destroy the invading bacteria.”

Products that cause gas formation:

  • all legumes;
  • all types of cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, Chinese salad;
  • onions, artichokes, mushrooms;
  • whole grains, bread and all cereals except rice;
  • grapes, pears, apples and peaches;
  • Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear);
  • sodas and juices;
  • milk and dairy products, including ice cream.

How to treat flatulence:

1. Antifoam drugs:

Medicines with simethicone (Espumizan, Disflatil, Bobotik, Antiflat Lannacher, Sab Simplex) destroy the foam in the form of gases in the intestines, as a result of which they are either absorbed into the blood or released out.

2. Enterosorbents:

Activated carbon (Carbopect, Carbosorb, Sorbex, Extrasorb).

Preparations based on lignin (Polyphepan, Filtrum-STI, Entegnin).

Smectites (Smectite, Diosmectite, Neosmectin) - adsorb gases, toxins, bacteria. But their activity should not be overestimated.

3. Antispasmodics:

Medicines with drotaverine (No-shpa, Nosh-Bra, Spakovin, Spazoverin, Ple-Spa, Spazmol, Bioshpa, Spazmonet, a lot of just drotaverine) and hyoscine (Buscopan).

4. Combined drugs:

Meteospasmil (antispasmodic alverine + smectite).

Enzymes with antifoam (Pankreoflat, Pepfiz).

products causing gas formation in the intestines. What foods cause gas and bloating?, and what are the dietary features of people prone to flatulence?

Products that cause gasin the intestines of adults

Flatulence brings a feeling of discomfort and is accompanied by bloating, discomfort and belching. One of the main causes of pathology is a failure in the process of digesting food. Appearancegas formation in the intestinesmay be due to the fact that some foods are not absorbed by the body.Products that cause unpleasant effectsinclude sugars, starches and carbohydrates, which sometimes remain undigested due to a lack of special enzymes. Leftover food goes into colon and are exposed to bacteria, which produces carbon dioxide and hydrogen. So it turns outexcessive gas formation in the intestines.

What foods cause increased gas formation and are they the same for everyone? Heregrocery list, which lead to the appearance of gasesin the intestines of most people:

    Legumes, broccoli, cabbage (contain raffinose sugar).

    Wheat, pear, onion (contain fructose).

    Corn, potatoes (contain starch).

    Raw fruits and vegetables (garlic, sorrel, gooseberries, apples, radishes, turnips, spinach) and carbonated drinks (contain sugar sorbitol).

    Yeast baked goods.

    Red wine, beer and some other alcoholic drinks.

Products, causing gas and bloating, for each person may be different depending on individual characteristics. If you notice that someproducts formingIf you have an excessive amount of gas that is not listed on this list, be sure to inform your doctor about this so that your diet can be adjusted.

Separately worth notingproducts that cause gas, if used in mixed form. Such combinations includeAvailable: fresh bread and kefir, fruits or vegetables with grains, cereals and milk.When gas is formed inIn this case, changes should be made to the diet, but not completely eliminate any of the products.

Features of the occurrence of flatulence in adults and children

Bloating and gasmay occur in people in one of the following groups:

    Patients with insufficient bile production and reduced production of enzymes in the pancreas.

    Patients prone to constipation (slow movement of food through the intestines contributes to the growth of bacterial activity and the formation of gases).

Appears quite oftengas formation in pregnant women. This is not a disease, but a very unpleasant condition that occurs with bloating, pain in the area intestines and feeling of fullness. Atincreased gas formationduring pregnancy, it is necessary to inform your doctor about this to determine the cause of flatulence and select appropriate therapy (one of the main reasons isproducts that cause gas).

Gas formation when breastfeeding - also not uncommon. Causesgas formation in the intestines in nursing mothers may be different. This products also contribute increasing gas formation inintestines, and insufficient absorption of gases (occurs when diseases gastrointestinal organs or decreased muscle tone). Breastfeeding women are allowed to take tinctures of cumin, fennel, chamomile, as well as drugs based on simethicone (such medicines prescribed if observedconstipation and colic in newbornsand infants).

Flatulence and bloating causes severe anxiety in a baby and is a real problem for parents. The accumulation of gases in the baby’s intestines is a natural period of adaptation of the child’s gastrointestinal tract to extrauterine life. Determine what is crying in newborns It is caused precisely by excess gases, you can tell by twitching of the legs.Constipation and colicthe baby, as well as flatulence, begin to torment newborn because mom ate food,intestines. Other reasons include overfeeding, early introduction of complementary foods, changing formula, improper feeding, emotional stress, immaturity digestive system.

Diet for increased flatulence

Following a diet for flatulence can reduce discomfort in the intestines and relieve gases. Diet for flatulence should be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

    It is necessary thatfood for bloatingwas as complete and balanced as possible.

    Menu at flatulence should normalize peristalsis and restore the natural intestinal microflora.

    Should be excluded from the dietproducts thatcause personal intolerance in the patient.

    Diet for flatulence should reduce the amount of inflammation in the intestines, as well as reduce the number of bacteria that cause rotting and fermentation.

Nutrition for bloatingand flatulence are best discussed with your doctor on an individual basis. But if there is no opportunity to visit a specialist, you should adhere to the basics of diet No. 5 according to the Pevzner classification.

Food, included in the diet of a patient with flatulence, should contain the daily amount of:

    Protein: 110-120 g;

    Fat: 50 g;

    Carbohydrates: maximum 200 g.

Diet for flatulence includes no more than 1600 kcal per day.

Products allowed for consumption ( reducing gas formation) is:

    Dietary fish, chicken or beef broths.

  • Vegetable stew.
  • Green vegetables and decoctions of dill and parsley.
  • Cereals, rice and buckwheat porridge.

Onions, garlic, bell peppers are vegetables,promoting gas formation inintestines, they must be completely excluded from the diet.

Example menu for patients withincreased gas formation:

Breakfast: porridge or low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream; a little later - muesli and a glass of juice.

Lunch: a piece of boiled meat, fish broth, grated carrots, black tea sugarless.

Dinner: buckwheat with steamed cutlets or baked apple.

At night: a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Refusal of foods that strengthen gas formation, solves the problem of increased flatulence. Experts sometimes recommend fasting and eating only kefir or buckwheat, as well as other foodsnon-fermenting and increasedgas formation.

Dietary recommendations for patients with flatulence

The fight against bloating and increased flatulence consists not only in eliminating certainproducts: gas formationwill be significantly reduced by following these recommendations:

    You should not overeat: you should eat small meals 5-6 times a day.

    You need to eat at a strictly defined time.

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day, and before each meal take 2 tablespoons of dill seed decoction.

    Food should be warm (hot and cold dishes raise secretion of gastric juices,which causeirritation in the intestines).

    Foods that cause gas and bloating, cannot be combined with all types of dishes. You cannot eat salty and sweet, vegetables and fruits with milk at the same meal.

    Products subject to heat treatment (stewing, baking, boiling) reduce the likelihood of fermentation processes occurring in the intestines.

    It is necessary to reduce salt intake (it can irritate the walls of the gastrointestinal tract).

When thinking about the principles of nutrition, we can highlight two sacred thoughts that have been known to mankind since ancient times. First of all, we are what we eat. And secondly, if you do not treat food as medicine, then you will have to eat only medicine, instead of food. Therefore, when frequently encountering such delicate issue, as bloating, you should not empty your first aid kit. First of all, it is important to understand which foods cause flatulence and review their amounts in your diet.

What are FODMSP components

This acronym was coined by chemists and includes fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. In other words, all those carbohydrates that are difficult for the stomach to digest. During prolonged digestion, they begin to ferment in the intestines and serve as a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. Together, these factors lead to increased gas formation.

You should not completely exclude FODMSP components from your diet. They carry the function of cleansing the intestines and supply the body with prebiotics. Also, these carbohydrates are responsible for the osmotic balance of the intestines, and their deficiency can result in constipation or diarrhea. It is enough to remember the main categories and only briefly limit their consumption.

Thus, products that cause flatulence are divided into:

  1. fructose, which is rich not only in fruits, but also in honey, as well as various syrups;
  2. lactose, better known as milk sugar;
  3. fructans contained in garlic, onions, wheat, etc., including inulin;
  4. polyols, which are found in sweeteners such as sorbitol and the seeds of some berries and fruits;
  5. galactans: soybeans and all legumes.

Products requiring consumption restrictions

Considering the above, you can create a detailed table of foods and drinks that lead to bloating.

Group Specific examples
  • any varieties of cabbage, regardless of cooking methods;
  • leeks and shallots;
  • turnip, radish, radish, daikon;
  • bambia and agave;
  • asparagus and artichokes;
  • beets, rutabaga and tops in any form;
  • potatoes because high level starch.
  • all types of peas;
  • lentils, beans, chickpeas;
  • soybeans and products made from them - tofu, soy milk, miso paste, etc.
Mushrooms and yeast
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • all products that contain yeast, from dough to kefir.
Nuts and dried fruits
  • pistachios and cashews;
  • dates and figs;
  • dried apricots, prunes, raisins and apricots.
Lactose-rich foods
  • dairy varieties of ice cream and chocolate;
  • soft cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream and cream;
  • sauces and creams based on them;
  • all types of milk, from condensed milk to powdered milk.
  • with added milk or cream;
  • alcoholic products;
  • jelly, due to starch;
  • coffee and chicory;
  • kefir and kumis;
  • kvass and carbonated water;
  • concentrated juices.
Fruits and berries
  • apricots, nectarines and peaches;
  • exotics like guava, papaya, mango;
  • blackberries and cherries;
  • watermelon;
  • plums and persimmons;
  • apples and pears.
Cereals and pasta
  • pearl barley and semolina;
  • rye, wheat and barley;
  • bulgur;
  • baked goods based on them, especially fresh ones.
Seasonings and spices
  • mayonnaise;
  • salsa and ketchup;
  • garlic.
  • fried;
  • boiled until fully cooked.
Semi-finished products, including homemade ones
  • dumplings and dumplings;
  • pies;
  • mantas and poses.
Canned food, smoked meats, pickles, marinades and preserves
  • any.
  • honey and molasses;
  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • marmalade, jam and jelly.

The second table gives the answer to a logical question: What then can you eat without fear that the food will cause flatulence?

Group Specific examples
  • pumpkin and tomatoes;
  • capsicums and carrots;
  • green onions and lettuce;
  • parsnips and celery.
  • lean beef and veal;
  • turkey and skinless chicken;
  • rabbit.
Lactose-free products
  • hard cheeses;
  • whey and drinks containing it;
  • rice milk.
Gluten-free grains and grains
  • buckwheat and rice;
  • corn and oatmeal.
Fruits and berries
  • citrus;
  • grape;
  • raspberries, blueberries and strawberries;
  • bananas and kiwi;
  • melon.
  • green tea and herbal tea;
  • bird cherry and rosehip decoction;
  • low-fat broths;
  • cocoa without milk;
  • dill and cucumber water.
  • one protein;
  • soft-boiled.
Seasonings and spices
  • bay leaf and cumin;
  • parsley and dill;
  • garlic oil.
  • maple syrup.

Menu options from permitted products

To some, the listed prohibitions may seem too strict. And the allowed diet is poor and unbalanced. But this is not so, and to be convinced, just look at examples of menus made up of products that do not cause flatulence.

First option:

  1. Oatmeal with almonds, allowed berries or banana for breakfast. Cocoa without milk is suitable as an invigorating morning drink.
  2. Sandwiches made from dried bread with fish or vegetable pate are suitable for an afternoon snack.
  3. For a complete lunch, a weak white fish soup and minced chicken meatballs with vegetable gravy are suitable. For drinking and better digestion You can prepare a rosehip decoction.
  4. For lunch you need to bake pumpkin pieces and brew herbal tea.
  5. A hearty but not heavy dinner can be made from stewed chicken liver and rice side dish.

Second option:

  1. Buckwheat whey pancakes and green tea for breakfast to detoxify the body.
  2. An excellent afternoon snack would be a low-fat broth with sandwiches made from day-old bread and hard cheese.
  3. For lunch, you can prepare vegetable soup and rabbit meatballs, and also cook compote.
  4. For lunch, soft-boiled eggs or an egg white omelet are suitable.
  5. Finish off your dinner with fish casserole and carrot pancakes.

Third option:

  1. Fruit salad and rice milk for breakfast.
  2. For an afternoon snack, corn porridge cooked in chicken broth.
  3. For lunch you can bake a piece of veal with vegetable stew on the side Use pre-prepared dill water as a drink.
  4. Waffles with maple syrup and tea are ideal for lunch.
  5. For a light and healthy dinner, turkey soup and seafood salad with garlic butter will do. You can drink it with weak fruit drink.

Anti-bloating foods


In conclusion, I would like to note that the products that cause it may not be the only cause. And if the diet is already long time does not bring relief, then you should go medical checkup. It will prevent or stop many serious diseases.

Bloating (synonym: flatulence) – pathological condition which is caused by excess accumulation of gases in the intestines. Flatulence is a symptom, not an independent disease. In this article we will look at foods that do not cause gas and bloating.


Attention! IN international classification Diseases 10th revision, the symptom is indicated by code R14.

Causes of bloating

Components of gaseous waste products: nitrogen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide and sulfur compounds. Most intestinal gases are produced by digestion by Escherichia coli, Bacteroides vulgatus or Methanobrevibacter smithii. They produce flammable compounds of hydrogen, methane and sulfur.


Carbon dioxide is produced when food in the stomach reacts with hydrochloric acid. It was previously thought that the odor was caused by hydrogen sulfide, skatole and indole. However, gas chromatographic studies in 1984 showed that the main components causing bad smell, these are sulfur compounds: methanethiol, hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl sulfide.

Due to the influence of hormones during pregnancy, many women suffer from constipation and flatulence. Because the increased level progesterone relaxes organs, including the intestines, it becomes sluggish. The use of regular food provokes the formation of gases in the intestines and rotting processes. Subsequently, the abdomen becomes bloated, which leads to abdominalgia and other symptoms of flatulence.

Babies experience flatulence in the first few months of life. Aerophagia (swallowing air) plays a significant role in the development of three-month colic. Excessive gas formation causes unbearable pain in a child, but after a few weeks the flatulence goes away spontaneously. One of the most convincing explanations for infant colic is underdevelopment of the enteric nervous system.

Flatulence may be side effect various drugs. Acarbose, miglitol, hypoglycemic drugs, penicillin antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac), as well as lactulose and other laxatives can cause severe flatulence.


Anxiety and stress can trigger gastrointestinal complaints (including flatulence). Some patients sometimes eat too quickly and swallow too much air (aerophagia). In some cases, flatulence is caused by dietary habits.

Causes of gas absorption disorders:

  • Portal hypertension: The portal vein carries blood away from the organs abdominal cavity to the liver. At high blood pressure blood accumulates in this vascular area. This condition has various causes and affects digestion. Hypertension is accompanied by flatulence and anorexia. One of possible reasons– liver disease;
  • Heart failure: when the right ventricle or the heart as a whole becomes significantly weakened, sometimes deoxygenated blood, which is supposed to flow to the heart, accumulates in the liver. The result is portal hypertension.

Causes of disturbances in the functioning of the stomach or intestines (chronic or acute disorder motor skills):

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): IBS is considered one of the most common causes of flatulence. In IBS, there is a chronic disturbance of the bowel movement pattern, and the bowel reacts to normal air content with painful signals. IBS often leads to intestinal motility disorders - diarrhea, constipation or other conditions;
  • Gastric paralysis (gastroparesis, gastric atony): muscle activity in the stomach wall is weakened or paralyzed by various reasons. Acute gastric paralysis can occur as a result of a sharp drop in blood sugar during diabetes mellitus With diabetic coma or with high risk occurrence of coma. Chronic impaired gastric emptying, which may be associated in particular with diabetic nerve damage, causes constant fullness, pressure, pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, leading to weight problems;
  • Intestinal paralysis: When intestinal motility decreases, gas transport slows down. Sometimes this causes intestinal obstruction. However, paralysis may be a reaction to another acute event: surgery, renal colic, acute pancreatitis or poor circulation in the intestines. Symptoms include severe flatulence, but usually without loss of stool. Depending on the cause, nausea, more or less severe vomiting and strong pain in a stomach.

Important! Doctors must differentiate flatulence from so-called intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Pseudo-obstruction requires urgent surgical intervention.

Many people ask, which fruits most often cause gas? In general, fruits that contain a lot of seeds are risk factors for flatulence in adult men, women and children.

Fruits are contraindicated for flatulence

Important! If you suspect acute gastrointestinal paralysis, immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Drugs that eliminate gas formation

There are no highly effective carminative drugs in medicine. Therefore, the goal of therapy is to prevent bloating. In many cases, medications are not required. Many intestinal complaints that cause flatulence can be alleviated by changing your diet.

If flatulence is the result of an illness, it must be treated first. For chronic inflammatory disease bowel treatment usually begins with anti-inflammatory agents such as cortisone or other agents that suppress immune system body (immunosuppressants). For flatulence caused by dyspepsia due to lack of digestive enzymes, enzyme preparations. Agents that reduce the formation of gases are not always required.

IBS is accompanied by severe flatulence. In one study, the research team found that a unique bacterial strain of B. bifidum, MIMBb75, could significantly improve symptoms of flatulence.

Issued various means that help with flatulence:

  • Defoamers prevent accumulation large quantity gases in the intestines. Defoamers are available as chewable tablets in a pharmacy;
  • Antispasmodics relieve pain from compression of the intestinal walls;
  • Some prescription drugs for depression (tricyclic antidepressants) in low doses help with abdominal pain and excess fermentation.

Allowed products for flatulence

Flatulence causes significant mental discomfort, but therapy is usually not required. First, you need to change your dietary habits and take non-gas-forming foods. A few changes can completely eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. It is recommended to avoid foods that the patient cannot tolerate and to eat small meals rather than in large portions. Regular outdoor exercise significantly improves intestinal motility and reduces the likelihood of bloating.

List of products that do not cause increased gas formation and fermentation:

  • White bread;
  • Refined sugar;
  • Flour products.


Various medicinal plants: fennel, peppermint, anise, cumin, help get rid of cramps and gas. They are suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Whenever severe flatulence With colic in children, you need to consult a doctor to find out the exact cause of the disease.


During their life, every person has at least once encountered the unpleasant problem of increased gas formation. In medical language, this phenomenon is called flatulence. This process occurs in the human intestines and is accompanied by bloating, discomfort, and increased gas production. Sometimes flatulence causes not only inconvenience, but also pain.

Causes of flatulence

Excessive gas formation in the intestines is not a disease in itself, but may indicate problems at work gastrointestinal tract. The point is that anyone healthy person During the digestion of food in the intestines, gas is released under the influence of bacteria. Normally, microorganisms that are part of the intestinal microflora of an adult produce up to one liter of gas per day. This volume is familiar to the body, does not cause discomfort and is almost completely eliminated naturally.

For indigestion various reasons the amount of gases produced by microorganisms can increase three or more times. This immediately affects general health human and decreased immunity, can cause intoxication of the body, increased anxiety, and insomnia. Such problems are often faced by people with chronic diseases, for example, pancreatitis.

Pregnant women and very young children also often suffer from bloating. In children, such problems are caused by the development intestinal microflora and enzyme systems. In pregnant women, increased gas formation is affected by hormonal changes in the body, fetal pressure on the intestines, stress and inattention to and. Very often, the latter reason is the main one for the majority of healthy people who, for no apparent reason, have experienced all the delights of flatulence.

How to avoid bloating

Usually, a healthy person can get rid of increased gas formation simply by streamlining their own diet and diet. There are several simple rules, following which will help you get rid of regular bloating.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the daily routine and, in particular, the diet: eat small portions 4-5 times a day at approximately the same time, do not overeat at night. It is necessary to avoid snacking and eating on the run. When eating, chew foods thoroughly. The fact is that the intestines are filled not only with the gases produced by our bacteria, but also with the air that we swallow while eating and drinking. And the amount of such gas in the body becomes greater if you quickly swallow food in large pieces or drink greedily in big gulps. Also, excess air can enter the stomach when smoking, chewing gum, or drinking drinks through a straw.

By the way, drinking water during meals also affects increased flatulence. In this case gastric juice gets diluted and the food is not digested as well. It is better to drink water half an hour before meals and an hour after it.

But the main reason for the increased formation of gases in the body of a healthy person, of course, is certain foods. Moreover, flatulence is often influenced not only by the food itself, but also by the degree of its heat treatment, as well as food combinations. Moreover, certain foods lead to increased gas formation in all people, while others cause this effect due to the individual characteristics of the person. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your diet and trying to identify the food that leads to flatulence in you, and having this knowledge, limit the consumption of relevant foods.

Products that cause increased gas formation

TO increased occurrence gases in the human body are caused by the consumption of many fresh fruits and vegetables, for example, apples, apricots, peaches, bananas, white cabbage, radishes, onions, bell pepper. Also, the “risk zone” traditionally includes legumes (peas, lentils, beans) in any dishes, raw and thermally processed, and dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots), some nuts, and mushrooms. Flatulence can be caused by cereal products: rye and malt bread, wheat bran. Also sweet foods with refined sugar or its substitutes (sorbitol and other sweeteners), and also eggs. Among drinks, the formation of gases is most often associated with the consumption of milk, beer, red wine, kvass and carbonated drinks. The latter, by the way, are included in the list, which should be abandoned forever.

Products that reduce gas formation in the body

The list of products that cause increased gas formation can be contrasted with a list of products that reduce gas formation. Perhaps the main ones are fermented milk products, especially those enriched with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. have an extremely beneficial effect on the microflora in the human intestine and normalize digestion. All this also affects the reduction of gas formation. Mint also has a beneficial effect on this aspect of digestion, having an antispasmodic effect on digestive tract, dill, cumin, cinnamon, lemon zest and ginger.

There are many traditional medicine recipes against bloating and flatulence. They often feature infusions and decoctions of dill seeds, herbal teas with mint, chamomile, valerian and other remedies. They are usually harmless, but in some cases you should definitely consult a specialist before using them. For example, if it is necessary to treat flatulence in pregnant women or young children.
