How to eat so as not to get cancer? Vitamin preparations and cancer. Possible or not

We all know how important the nature of the food we eat is for human life. Healthy it helps to maintain the correct metabolism and prevent the occurrence of many diseases, and the patient - to deal with disorders and their complications. In this regard, the role of nutrition in cancer cannot be underestimated, because such patients need a large amount of vitamins, microelements, fiber, and protein.

A healthy person does not always think about what he eats, pampering himself with sweets, smoked products, sausages, fatty and fried foods. Stores offer a wide variety of products with preservatives, colorants, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and other harmful ingredients. Meanwhile, such food not only does not improve health, but also contributes to many diseases, including oncological pathology. If the prevention of malignant tumors through nutrition seems to many to be an ineffective and useless exercise, then a diet for cancer is sometimes crucial in the process of treating a disease, contributing to the deterioration or stabilization of the patient's condition. This may seem strange to some, but food is processed by the body into simpler components, from which new cells are then built.

Proper Diet contributes to the maintenance of normal metabolism, prevents the formation of free radicals that have a damaging effect on tissues, saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, fibers, so necessary for the digestive system. Not without reason, one of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle is recognized as a healthy diet, which improves the antitumor properties of the immune system, leads to an increase in physical activity, normalization of weight and hormonal levels.

AT in general terms, an anti-cancer diet should include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, fiber. Focusing on plant components, do not forget about meat, preferring low-fat varieties - veal, turkey, rabbit. Fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, seafood containing a sufficient amount of iodine is also necessary for the body. The first step on the way to such a diet should be the rejection of foods that are known to contain carcinogens or are such: fast food, sausages, smoked meat and fish, chips, carbonated drinks, various convenience foods, confectionery etc.

In patients with malignant neoplasms, the metabolism is significantly disturbed, the tumor consumes a large amount of glucose, vitamins, protein, releasing toxic metabolic products into the blood and acidifying the surrounding space. All this is accompanied by intoxication, weight loss, strong weakness. If the disease proceeds with bleeding, then signs of anemia appear and oxygen starvation tissues, which further aggravates the patient's condition. To make up for the missing calories, kilograms of weight and substances vital for metabolism, a special diet for oncological patients is called upon.

The peculiarity of the nutrition of a cancer patient is that if it is necessary to refuse many products, it is necessary, nevertheless, provide the patient with sufficient calories and nutrients, which is quite problematic to do with some tumors (stomach, intestines, oral cavity). In such cases, in addition to a complete diet, they also resort to infusion or with the help of a probe the introduction of additional mixtures and substances.

If the condition of the digestive system of a cancer patient allows, then the diet should include readily available carbohydrates in the form of honey, sweet creams, nuts, dried fruits, biscuits or chocolate. The attractiveness of food is also important, since many patients complain of a decrease or even lack of appetite against the background of tumor intoxication or during treatment. In such cases, various seasonings, fragrant herbs, sauces come to the rescue. Cloves, mint, cinnamon, pepper, parsley, dill, cumin, ginger, turmeric and many other tasty and healthy natural additives can significantly “transform” the taste of the most ordinary and unattractive dish. In addition, spices not only improve the taste, but also stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, thus improving the digestion of food.

Foods with anti-cancer properties

Long-term observations, including the experience of nutritionists, oncologists and the patients themselves, indicate that there are foods that prevent the development and progression of the tumor. Based on these data, scientists have studied chemical composition some of them and found that, indeed, they contain substances with pronounced antioxidant, anti-cancer and even immunostimulating properties. The right diet can not only serve, but also give cancer patients an additional chance for a cure.

The group of products that prevent malignant tumors include:

Garlic has long been known for its useful properties in the fight against various diseases. He has a pronounced antimicrobial action, and is also able to enhance the activity of lymphocytes and macrophages due to the phytoncides contained in it. Research by scientists from different countries made it possible to isolate a substance (diallyl sulfide) in it, which helps in the fight against malignant neoplasms, in particular, of the stomach, intestines,. Garlic has been shown to be more effective against cancer in mouse studies. Bladder than BCG therapy.

For achievement positive effect it is recommended to eat a large clove of garlic daily, but you should be careful: it is possible to increase the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of abdominal pain and even vomiting. Due to some anticoagulant properties, garlic should not be carried away by patients with blood clotting disorders, when taking blood thinners, before surgical interventions.

Onion has similar properties against tumors, but slightly less pronounced, it is also useful as an addition to various dishes.

Relatively recently, antitumor properties were discovered tomatoes. The lycopene they contain has been found to have powerful antioxidant effects. Moreover, when ingested, it does not turn into vitamin A, unlike beta-carotenes, which are present in large quantities in carrots and other "red" vegetables and fruits.

Lycopene not only stimulates the antioxidant properties of the body, but also prevents a decrease in the growth of existing tumors. Studies have shown that eating tomatoes raw, as well as in the form of juice or paste, leads to a decrease in the size of certain types of neoplasia, such as prostate, lung, and breast cancer. In men who participated in the studies of American scientists, a significant decrease in the concentration of prostate-specific antigen, which is a marker of prostate tumor activity, was found. As a preventive measure, tomatoes are effective at a high risk of cervical and intestinal cancer.

The use of tomatoes is not accompanied by any adverse reactions, provided good quality used vegetables (no nitrates and other pesticides), and to achieve a preventive effect, nutritionists recommend drinking at least once a week a glass of tomato juice.

Broccoli contains in its composition several substances at once that have an antitumor effect - sulforaphane, lutein, indole-3-carbinol. Studies of the anti-cancer properties of this plant were carried out on laboratory animals, and patients with oncopathology who used it regularly were also examined. As a result, scientists have established the effectiveness of broccoli in lung, bladder, prostate and breast cancer. Joint observations of researchers from America and China showed that the risk of lung cancer in regular use broccoli is reduced by almost a third over a 10-year period, and in men who ate at least 300 g of broccoli per week, the likelihood of a bladder tumor is reduced by almost half.

It is important that a particularly good result can be obtained when using young heads of this cabbage for food, but they should be steamed or boiled for a short period of time. Many nutritionists advise eating broccoli and tomatoes at the same time, thus strengthening beneficial features these vegetables. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of fiber contributes to gas formation and even diarrhea, so it is better for people who have intestinal problems not to get carried away with excessive amounts of broccoli.

Other plants of the cruciferous family (white and cauliflower, watercress) also have similar properties, they are distinguished by excellent taste and harmlessness even with frequent use in large quantities. So, White cabbage able to normalize estrogen levels, thereby preventing the occurrence of breast and prostate cancer. In the presence of precancerous processes in the cervix (dysplasia), the components contained in cabbage stimulate the regression of dangerous changes in the epithelium. Apart from useful qualities, white cabbage is available to everyone all year round, so you can use it constantly and as much as the body takes.

Green tea very useful for the prevention and fight against cancer due to the polyphenols it contains, which have a pronounced antioxidant effect. A similar effect, but somewhat weaker, can be obtained by drinking black tea. By blocking the damaging effect of free radicals, tea enhances the antitumor activity of the body, prevents the progression of existing tumors by reducing the intensity of growth of blood vessels in them. Tea drinking traditions are widespread in China, Japan and many Asian countries, therefore, according to statistics, local residents are less likely to get pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to drink at least three cups of green tea a day, but those who have problems with the heart (arrhythmias) or digestive organs, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers, should not be overly fond of tea.

Berries, fruits, grapes contain not only a large amount of vitamin C, but also other very useful components. The use of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, peaches will benefit not only for the purpose of cancer prevention, but also for patients with malignant tumors.

In grapes (especially in the peel and seeds), the substance resveratrol was found, the anticancer activity of which is being studied by scientists from different countries. In experiments on rats, it was found that resveratrol has an antioxidant effect, and also prevents the appearance of genetic mutations in cells. Participating in biochemical processes, this substance blocks the development inflammatory processes, often being both a cause and a consequence of tumors at the same time.

You can find recommendations according to which taking small doses of dry red wine prevents cancer, but do not forget that overindulgence alcoholic beverages entails the likelihood of tumors of various localizations. Of course, 50 g of wine will not cause harm, but the measure should be observed in everything.

Soy, legumes and cereals are rich in microelements, vitamins, as well as fibers, which are very important for the proper functioning of the digestive system. In addition, they saturate the body with the necessary amount of calories and at the same time do not cause obesity, which is one of the risk factors for malignant tumors. Soy products not only have anti-cancer properties, but also reduce the severity side effects during radiation or chemotherapy.

Fish considered an indispensable component of any good nutrition. Thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it, it normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the appearance of free radicals and peroxidation in cells. People who prefer fish to fatty meat are less likely to be obese and diabetes, and the risk of tumor recurrence when eating fish dishes is much lower.

In addition to those described, other products also have a beneficial effect. So, honey may be useful in bowel and breast cancer due to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. brown algae, shiitake mushrooms, nuts, olive oil when used in reasonable amounts, they have some antitumor effect.

Video: Foods Against Cancer - Live Healthy!

Features of nutrition in certain types of cancer and treatment

Patients with certain forms of cancer need special nutrition. This is especially true for patients with pathology of the digestive system, patients after surgical interventions, in the appointment of chemotherapy.

Stomach cancer

Meals at fits into table number 1 (gastric), excluding spicy, fried, fatty dishes, an abundance of seasonings. Preference should be given to soups, cereals, pureed meat, various purees, fruits. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that enhance secretion gastric juice(pickled, sour vegetables, alcohol, carbonated drinks). Patients with this form of cancer may suffer severe nausea, vomiting, aversion to food, especially meat, therefore it is better to offer them those products that are safe and the patient himself agrees to eat.

In cases of surgical treatment, the diet for stomach cancer involves complete failure from taking food and water through the mouth for a period of 2 to 6 days of the postoperative period, depending on the type of operation, and all the necessary nutrients, water, proteins, vitamins, insulin are administered intravenously using a dropper.

Nutrition after removal of the stomach is determined by the attending physician, but most patients after a few days are already allowed to take liquid food, soups, cereals, dairy products. Approximately one week after the operation, patients are transferred to the table number 1.

bowel cancer

Diet at should be well balanced in terms of essential nutrients and calories, but at the same time, all its components should be easily digested by the affected intestine. Since patients in this group have a high risk of changes in peristalsis with constipation or diarrhea, malabsorption, some rules should be followed:

  1. Fractional nutrition - food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Preferred herbal products, vegetables, fruits, fish and vegetable oil. Components that enhance flatulence (grapes, cabbage, confectionery) should be avoided.
  3. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks, an abundance of seasonings, whole and fresh milk.
  4. It is better to cook dishes for a couple or boil, take food slowly, chewing well.

Patients should adhere to the same principles. liver cancer, giving up coffee, alcohol, strong broths, fried and fatty, smoked meats in favor of vegetable dishes and low-fat varieties meat and fish. As a sweet, it is permissible to use marshmallows, marshmallows, honey is very useful.

Mammary cancer

Women with breast cancer are offered specific recommendations that include some food groups that help fight breast growths. In addition to the basic nutritious diet, nutrition for breast cancer involves the use of:

  1. Soy, but beware of genetically modified soy products, the carcinogenic effects of which have not been conclusively proven, but not refuted by convincing facts.
  2. Vegetables containing carotenoids - pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, etc.
  3. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids - salmon, cod, haddock, halibut, hake.
  4. Legumes, bran, cereals.

Diet in the postoperative period

Of particular importance is the nutrition of patients after surgery for malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. So, it is recommended to limit fats and easily accessible carbohydrates, salt, but the high protein content of predominantly vegetable origin. Useful cereals, bran, normalizing peristalsis and preventing constipation, and rice and pasta will have to be abandoned.

Patients in the postoperative period can eat fermented milk products, lean fish, eggs, drink tea and jelly. Over time, this list can be expanded, but there will never be a place for alcohol, fried and smoked dishes, condiments, cakes and pastries.

In the presence of a colostomy for removal of stool, patients should observe a good drinking regimen, avoid excess cabbage, legumes, eggs, spices, apple and grape juice, nuts in the diet, which can cause excessive gas formation and an unpleasant odor.

In each case, dietary recommendations are individual, so before using certain products, it is better to consult with your doctor or nutritionist. Patients and their relatives before discharge receive appropriate instructions on the composition and preparation of food at home.

The diet for stage 4 cancer may have features depending on the location of the neoplasm, but all patients need high-calorie nutrition, since the tumor consumes a significant amount of energy, glucose, vitamins, and amino acids. Cancer cachexia, or simply exhaustion, is the fate of all patients with running forms cancer. In addition to excellent nutrition, patients can be prescribed additional vitamins and minerals in tablets, iron, magnesium, and selenium preparations. Don't be afraid of carbs either. Many believe that since the tumor consumes a large amount of glucose, then you should not use it at all, but it is also necessary to take into account the energy consumption of the patient's body, so filling his own needs is a priority task of nutrition.

Nutrition during chemotherapy

Nutrition during chemotherapy is associated with significant difficulties. It's no secret that chemotherapy drugs are quite toxic and cause a lot of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, a sharp decrease in appetite, and impaired stool. Only a miracle can induce a patient to eat breakfast or dinner in such conditions. But you still need to eat, the diet will make it easier to endure the treatment, and compliance with certain conditions and culinary tricks can help these patients.

During chemotherapy and in between cycles It is recommended to consume foods from four groups:

  • Protein.
  • Dairy.
  • Bread and cereals.
  • Vegetables and fruits.

The patient's diet should include components from each group. Thus, protein can enter the body with lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, soy, and they should be consumed at least twice a day.

Dairy products are quite diverse - kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, milk, cheese and butter. They need to be taken at least twice a day.

All kinds of cereals and bread are very healthy and rich in B vitamins, as well as easily accessible carbohydrates, so they are divided into four meals during the day.

Vegetables and fruits are considered an indispensable component in the diet of cancer patients. Juices, dried fruit compotes, fresh salads, vegetable stew use up to 5 times a day.

With a decrease in appetite, table setting, the appearance of dishes, and spices become important. If there are no contraindications from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, then the presence of pickled vegetables, sour juices, and sweets in the diet is allowed. Food should be easily accessible, preferably taken in small portions, in a warm form, and on hand you need to have a light snack in the form of cookies, crackers, chocolate.

During chemotherapy, it makes sense to increase the amount of fluid you drink up to two liters per day, but on condition that you are not affected and urine is well excreted. Useful juices - carrot, apple, beetroot, raspberry.

If the patient is concerned about nausea and vomiting, then it is necessary to limit the use of milk, too sweet and fatty foods. expedient to do breathing exercises, eat small meals and do not drink plenty of water with food so that the stomach does not overflow unnecessarily. Spices, foods with a strong taste and smell should be abandoned, and immediately before the introduction of chemotherapy drugs, it is better not to eat at all.

Diarrhea is often associated with chemotherapy because the delicate lining of the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to such treatment. At the same time, the most sparing diet is recommended, consisting of mashed low-fat dishes, a large amount of liquid. Rice, crackers, jelly contribute to the normalization of the stool, mashed potatoes, bananas. Milk, pastries, legumes should be excluded from the diet.

Despite the usefulness and effectiveness of many products, the treatment of cancer with nutrition in isolation is unacceptable. All of the above recommendations apply to patients who have consulted an oncologist, have undergone or are preparing for surgery, are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation courses. Without the help of a specialist, no diet can cure malignant tumor.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding so-called alkalizing foods and their role in cancer treatment. It is known that metabolic processes in the tumor contribute to the acidification of it and surrounding tissues, and supporters of the diet with alkalization of the body argue that the restoration of acid-base balance eliminates the imbalance, reduces the effect of acidic metabolic products and enhances tissue oxygenation. Like it or not, scientists have yet to study, and the list alkaline products includes greens, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk drinks, alkaline mineral water. In any case, these components are useful in cancer, regardless of whether they change the pH of the environment, so following such a diet will not cause harm, provided it is full of essential nutrients.

In conclusion, I would like to note that even the most seemingly correct and effective diet- not a panacea for a malignant tumor, but it will bring benefits only when treated by an oncologist and following all his recommendations, including those regarding nutrition. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, move more and get positive emotions then dangerous diseases will be bypassed.

Video: super food against cancer in the program “Live healthy!”

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the limits of the resource. Face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment in this moment, unfortunately, do not appear.

Humanity of the 21st century is rapidly being affected by a disease from which scientists all over the planet have been trying to find a cure for many decades. This is cancer. Everyone is at risk. The merciless enemy makes no distinction between children and old people, rich and poor, smart and stupid. He sweeps away anyone who gets in his way. The causes of cell mutation leading to the development of cancer are still not fully understood. Since the 19th century, the science of oncology has been studying the symptoms, development and treatment of various tumors. But the environment around us constant stress, improper nutrition continue to create a favorable environment for the development of this disease. What to do when the disease still overtook. One of the basic rules is to special diet. First, let's look at which foods are good for cancer patients, and which exacerbate the disease.

There are certain groups into which we can distribute our nutrition in terms of the impact on the development of diseased cells. It must be remembered that if some foods are useful for cancer, then others provoke it.

  1. Contributing to the growth of cancer cells. If there is even the slightest suspicion of the emergence of a tumor in the body, then try to exclude refined sugar from the diet. Choose baked goods with bran. No soda with syrup. Even some dairy products can harm the body;
  2. Causing tumors. If one of your blood relatives had cancer, then margarine and "fast food" are bad for you.
  3. Destroying human immunity. Drinking alcohol, coffee, strong tea, etc. prevent the body from fighting even the most common colds;
  4. Distracting the body from the fight against mutated cells - beef, turkey meat, lard, butter. To digest them, the body must expend too much energy;
  5. Useful for cancer, in its composition should contain as much Vitamin C as possible. Such nutrition destroys the cells affected by the tumor. Purple grapes with skins and seeds, red berries, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pineapple, almonds and other nuts.

This table will help you choose alternative healthy foods nutrition in oncology

Let's take a closer look at the most useful products for oncology.

When choosing dishes for your table, you should take into account individual characteristics: the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease and the recommended treatment. Of course, you need to consult a doctor.

Useful foods for stomach cancer patients. Food should be liquid or jelly-like. Liquid puree is allowed. It is advisable to cook for a couple.

  • pureed soups in a weak meat or fish broth;
  • vegetable puree;
  • chopped boiled meat;
  • strongly boiled pureed porridges;
  • steam omelets or soft-boiled eggs;
  • fruit puree
  • fresh oil, vegetable and butter;
  • from drinks: weak tea, jelly, mousse, non-carbonated mineral alkaline water.

The most useful foods against breast cancer

Eliminate soy and phytoestrogens, forget about smoking and alcohol, and minimize your intake of sugar and red meat.

  • give preference to plant foods. Your daily diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains;
  • you need a diet containing Vitamin D. This fish fat, cod liver, eggs, and cheeses;
  • Be sure to take calcium every day.

Healthy Foods for Colon Cancer Patients

Undoubtedly, alcohol is excluded from the diet. Under the ban milk, fats and spices. Food should be warm, room temperature.

  • berries and fruits must be processed into jelly, puree or fresh;
  • for cooking fish and meat, purchase a double boiler and a blender;
  • try to drink Fresh Juice from red and black currants.

What foods are good for lung cancer

  • pears and figs combine a large amount of glucose with low acidity.

Of course, for each specific case, an individual nutrition program should be drawn up together with the attending physician. But traditional medicine has compiled its own list that allows you to answer the question - what products are useful for cancer?

  1. Various cereals combined with fruits and milk are a complete food. In such a dish there will be enough vitamins and energy necessary to restore the forces spent by the body to fight cancer.
  2. Nuts and seeds contain calcium, iron, zinc, selenium.
  3. Vegetable and fruit juices. Do not strain before use. The pulp absorbs well. harmful substances and helps to remove them from the body.
  4. All varieties of cabbage form a special substance in the stomach that stops the growth of tumors.
  5. Pumpkin in any form: boiled, stewed, boiled with honey, porridge. Especially useful for anemia and after surgery.
  6. Red beets are considered one of the most useful vegetables against cancer, because they avoid numerous complications.
  7. Juice from sprouted wheat grains and a decoction of wheat bran. These drinks optimize metabolic processes and increase immunity.
  8. A decoction of oatmeal with honey is especially useful for debilitated cancer patients.
  9. Separately, one can single out such a direction as beekeeping. honey, propolis, pollen, perga and royal jelly- everything allows you to increase immunity, improve blood condition, improve appetite and relieve fatigue. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for the prevention and treatment of cancer with various decoctions, infusions, solutions, compresses and ointments from everything that bees create.

What foods are good for underweight cancer patients

Very often, patients suffering from cancer refuse food. This is due to the lack of appetite as a result of the treatment, and with a breakdown and with the general psychological state. Of course, the support of loved ones is especially important at such a time. It must be remembered that weight loss will have a bad effect on the course of the disease.

Unfortunately, in our time, the early stages of cancer are almost asymptomatic. The body, as with any other infection, forms active substances designed to restore human health. With tumor diseases, this process is significantly stretched in time. The result is a lack of appetite and, as a result, weight loss.

Studies have shown that by the time of diagnosis, 40% of patients noted a weight loss of up to 10%, and another 25% of patients claim to have lost 20% weight. Of course, this fact initially pleases. Especially if the patient has been overweight for a long time and wants to lose weight. But when establishing a diagnosis, it becomes obvious that changes in the body have occurred due to disturbances in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fat. This, among other things, weakens the immune system and calls into question the positive outcome of the treatment, as the risk of contracting all kinds of infectious diseases increases.

There is another reason for reducing the amount of food consumed. In the postoperative period, after radiation or chemotherapy treatment, the process of eating is very painful due to surgical scars or inflammation of the mucous membrane.

In this case, you can not go on about the disease. Pain can be reduced with the use of pain medications. For the sake of facilitating painful process swallowing, you need to prepare a liquid puree or heavily boiled porridge. Portions are reduced, but the number of meals is significantly increased. It is important to understand that every spoonful of food helps to support the immune system and take another timid step towards recovery.

Often during chemotherapy or radiotherapy gustatory nerves are damaged, which leads to changes in the sensations of taste. In this case, it is important how aesthetically pleasing the served dish looks, what exactly lies on it, how it smells. Every little thing can whet your appetite. Need to look for any available ways diversify food. Don't be afraid to eat your favorite foods. Just change the way you cook them.

So, what products are useful for oncology and how to present them beautifully.

Fresh or lightly processed vegetables and fruits can turn into a real harbor with sailing ships. Use a toothpick as a mast, and the thin oval of a cucumber makes a great sail. But even just slices neatly laid out on a plate, supplemented with lettuce leaves and circles of radishes or some grapes will show the patient the degree of care and attention addressed to him.

Useful products for oncology patients should be high-calorie, but not fatty. Show some culinary imagination. Use various additives that will not only improve the taste of food, but also bring considerable benefits.

  • Lemon juice - Vitamin C - gives piquancy, increases appetite, improves the flavor of the dish.
  • Peppermint increases salivation and bile secretion.
  • Dill removes excess fluid and reduces bloating.
  • Basil contains great amount useful substances. It improves appetite and improves immunity.
  • coriander reduces pain in the stomach.
  • Ginger improves appetite and digestion.

Try to maximize your protein intake to prevent weight loss. It will not decrease muscle mass sick. At the same time, the content of sugar and fat in the diet should be limited as much as possible. You should always have a stock of fast food on hand. This will help to satisfy the sudden onset of hunger. In general, it is recommended to eat small meals at least 8 times a day.

The basis of dishes should be soft foods such as carrots, zucchini, red beets. As already mentioned, it is better to cook for a couple.

Ripe fruits such as strawberries, grapes, currants, pears, apricots, etc. must be included in daily diet nutrition. Vegetables are included in the menu of every meal.

More often cook dishes from cereals: cereals and soups. Crackers and bran bread should be on the table at any moment.

Remember to add enough fat to your food. It can be butter, sour cream, cheese or nuts. Oily fish dishes are considered the most beneficial for cancer.

It is important to observe the water regime. You need to drink a lot, and it is better if it is herbal tea, mineral water without gas, kissels and infusions.

Of course, no diet can cure a diagnosed cancer. But the final outcome of treatment largely depends on what the sick person eats. Indeed, it depends on the knowledge of what foods are useful for cancer, whether the body will have the strength to fight the disease that has fallen on it. Components such as immunity, energy, physical tone play an important role in carrying out therapeutic measures. Do not forget about great importance psychological support from the side of the environment. Don't let disease win. But do not forget that it is better to think about proper, healthy nutrition now. You should not consciously harm your body by eating harmful foods that provoke the development of pathogenic formations. Then knowing which foods are good for cancer will never be useful to you. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

Everyone who has been treated for oncological diseases knows how hard the body endures not only the disease itself, but also, in fact, the treatment. Therefore, during the treatment period, special attention should be paid to foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the amount necessary to maintain normal physical form. Moreover, with such severe diseases, appetite decreases to almost zero. What can I say, one psychological stress enough not to think about food, not to mention complex and expensive treatment.

Below are some quality tips from experts on proper and healthy eating during cancer treatment.

Maximum attention should be paid to maintaining energy and strength

During the period of cancer treatment, a person needs to have the strength to fight the disease. And special attention should be paid to foods rich in protein, since radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and the disease itself increase the body's need for protein. Proteins allow the body to heal as efficiently and quickly as possible. But how do you get enough protein?

To do this, it is necessary to include fish, poultry and meat in the daily diet. It happens that in the process of treatment, some people have problems with the digestibility of these products. Then they need to use the following products:

  • yogurt, cheese, milk and cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • nuts (including almond and peanut butter), soy and beans.

Nutritionists advise getting protein only from natural products. However, if this is not possible, special nutritional supplements, such as milk powder or soy whey, can be used.

Try not to lose too much weight

For some people in the process of cancer treatment, severe weight loss can be quite a serious problem. Think about it, your body is already having a hard time, since all its forces are used to overcome dangerous disease. What do you need to eat in order not to lose weight?

First of all, products should be high-calorie. Let's talk about protein again. If during the treatment your taste sensations are dulled, you can add spices to your food: cinnamon, oregano or curry.

Fat must be present in the diet, so you can safely crack ice cream and pizza.

However, it should be noted that not all cancers contribute to strong weight loss. For example, with breast cancer, there is a tendency, on the contrary, to gain body weight. Therefore, it is not superfluous to consult with your doctor about fatty foods.

Try to avoid dehydration

The key to cancer treatment is the use of enough liquids. According to experts, many of the symptoms caused by cancers and their treatments are actually symptoms of dehydration (nausea, fatigue, and mild dizziness). When undergoing chemotherapy, you should generally drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Some chemotherapy drugs have a strong effect on the functioning of the kidneys, and only plentiful drink. If you have vomiting and diarrhea, then this threatens to lose fluid, and in this case, absolutely any liquid in large quantities will do.

However, it should be noted that if a form of cancer causes a tendency to be overweight, it is necessary to consume low-calorie drinks.

A separate topic concerns drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. It is necessary to consult with your doctor, since the form of cancer and the type of treatment depends on whether these drinks can be consumed.

Fighting nausea

Approximately 80% of people undergoing chemotherapy experience nausea as a symptom. What products will help to avoid or minimize this unpleasant phenomenon?

One of the proven remedies in the fight against nausea is ginger. White rice, potatoes, crackers and toast, dry pretzels, starchy foods and dry grains will also help in this case.

You can use other methods. So it's quite problematic to force yourself to eat well, try to eat small portions, but often.

What foods should not be consumed

First, avoid the foods you don't like. In such a difficult time, positive emotions, including those received from food, are very important.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of the attending physician regarding prohibitions on certain products and try to adhere to them.

Risky Diets and Supplements

It is quite risky for oncological diseases to follow various extreme diets or to consume any vitamins and supplements in excessive amounts.

For example, according to experts, overuse in eating soy products there is a possibility of breast cancer.

In addition, during treatment, antioxidants can also carry a potential hazard, contrary to popular belief that they, on the contrary, help prevent cancer. Before taking any supplements, you should consult with your doctor.

In any case, there is no single principle of nutrition for cancer patients. The diet will depend on the type of cancer and how it is treated, as well as your preferences. So do not divide food into good and bad. What will bring a favorable result in one disease may not affect the course of another at all.

Having learned your diagnosis and determined the method of its treatment, it is necessary to consult with an experienced nutritionist who will give sensible recommendations regarding proper nutrition, and will also make an individual diet.

Diet for any cancer is 10-15% of the success of recovery. Nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a normal balance of trace elements and vitamins within the body.

Cancers release a huge amount of toxins into the body, and proper nutrition is aimed at reducing this level to a healthy balance. Plus, you need to know what you can and cannot eat with cancer, so as not to aggravate the condition and not increase general intoxication, worsen blood circulation and not accelerate tumor growth.

Plus, you need to improve immunity, accelerate cell regeneration. This is especially important after heavy chemotherapy, which greatly affects the entire body, poisoning it. Healthy immunity itself will fight malignant cells and attack the tumor.

The purpose of proper nutrition

  • Reduce general intoxication in the body and localization of the tumor.
  • Improve liver function.
  • Improve metabolism and regeneration of cells and tissues.
  • Raise hemoglobin and improve oxygen exchange between red blood cells and healthy cells.
  • Normalize metabolism.
  • Improve the balance of biochemical composition in the blood.
  • Removal of toxins and slags.
  • homeostasis balance.

Anti-cancer products

A balanced diet and a cancer diet are very different from a regular diet. And usually the emphasis is on plant foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Green tea. Contains epigallocatechin gallate or catechin, which reduces the rate of tumor growth. Drink 200 milliliters of green tea every day after dinner.
  2. Chinese, Japanese mushrooms. Reishi, cordyceps, shiitake, maitake have a good remedy to increase immunity in a weakened body. Plus, it reduces swelling and swelling of the neoplasm itself. Strongly reduces intoxication next to the cancer and reduces its aggressiveness.
  3. Seaweed. Dulse, chlorella, wakame, spirulina, kombu are powerful inhibitory substances that inhibit the rate of tumor growth and reduce the processes of cancer cell division. Especially useful for patients with poorly differentiated tumors.
  4. Nuts and seeds. Pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, linseeds, almonds, walnuts. They contain lignans, which increase the production of sex hormones. A good tool that is used to prevent breast cancer. Without these substances, the cells of the body are more susceptible to mutations, plus more toxins and extra enzymes appear in the blood. Seeds contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and useful trace elements for cells and tissues.

  1. Greenery with leaves. Mustard, alfalfa, sprouts, wheat, onions, carrots, parsnips, garlic, spinach, cumin, parsnips, parsley, lettuce. Contains a large amount of essential nutrients, minerals, vitamins and natural amino acids. The leaves also contain chlorophyll, from which we mainly get natural iron. Increases the amount of antibodies in the body, improves phagocytosis, reduces the amount of carcinogens in the blood and tissues. Removes inflammation in gastrointestinal cancer. The salad itself is best seasoned with linseed oil, which also contributes to cancer therapy.
  2. Aromatic herbs. Mint, basil, thyme, marjoram, cloves, anise, cinnamon, rosemary cumin, turmeric. Impairs growth rate tumor formations and improves metabolism.
  3. String beans. Asparagus, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, green beans. Contains chymotrypsin and trypsin, which reduces the growth rate of aggressive cells. Improves cell regeneration. Good with boiled fish.
  4. Fruits vegetables. Beets, lemon, tangerine, pumpkin, apple, plums, peaches, grapefruit, apricot. They contain beta-carotene, lycopene, ellagic acid, quartzetin and lubein - these antioxidants protect the body during chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

  1. Berries. Cherries, cherries, currants, cranberries, mulberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries - the tumor produces a large amount of exogenous toxins, which the berries neutralize with the help of antigenic inhibitor substances. Improve the protection of cell DNA from ultraviolet and chemical exposure, reduce the chance of mutation and destroy cancer cells.
  2. Cruciferous vegetables. Turnip, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, radish contain indole and glucosinolate, which improve liver function, reduce intoxication and impair the germination of cancer cells in blood vessels.
  3. Honey, royal jelly, propolis, perga, pollen. It improves regeneration, enhances immunity, reduces the growth rate of cancer and has a slight analgesic effect for the patient's body. Very often honey is used for cancer or carcinoma of the stomach.

Prohibited foods for cancer

  1. Soda, soda cola and water.
  2. Alcohol in packages.
  3. Broths from fish, meat or poultry.
  4. Margarine
  5. Yeast
  6. Sugar and sweet
  7. Vinegar food
  8. Whole milk. The rest of the dairy products can be.
  9. Flour of the first grades
  10. Canned foods, pickles, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, etc.
  11. Stale potatoes.
  12. Highly fatty foods.
  13. Sausages, salted, smoked, it doesn't matter.
  14. Any fried fat.
  15. Flour, pastries, buns, cakes, confectionery, where many additional substances are added.
  16. Mayonnaise and store-bought ketchup.
  17. Coco-Cola, Sprite, and other sweet carbonated and non-carbonated alcoholic drinks.
  18. Processed and heat-treated cheese.
  19. Frozen minced meat, fish, meat and semi-finished products.
  20. Smoked, highly salted, spicy and very fatty foods.
  21. Beef meat - due to the huge amount of additives, most cows have cancerous growths, of course they are cut out when sold, but it's better not to risk it.


First of all, you need to discuss your diet with your doctor, since only he knows the exact data about the localization, stage and aggressiveness of the cancer. After any treatment, chemotherapy, as well as after surgery, it is better to rebuild the diet, since in this case you first need to lean on easily digestible substances and foods, as well as those foods that provide a large amount of substances, protein and carbohydrates for recovery and regeneration.

For 1 kilogram of a person's weight, up to 30-40 kilocalories are needed. You can see the table below.

NOTE! Remember that the nutritional component should include: carbohydrates 55%, the rest is 30% fat and 15% protein. Plus, you need to consume vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.


  1. eat food normal temperature. Never eat very hot and cold food from the refrigerator.
  2. Chew foods more thoroughly to improve digestion and intestinal absorption. This is especially true for patients with cancers of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach.
  3. Do not fry food in oil, try to use boiled food. A steamer helps a lot with this. When frying, a huge amount of carcinogens is produced, which worsen the condition of the liver and the body as a whole.
  4. Eat little by little 5 to 7 times a day, in small portions no more than 250 grams.
  5. Only fresh food and only cooked food. Do not keep it for more than noon.
  6. For patients who have undergone gastric resection surgery, all food must be ground in a blender.
  7. For vomiting and nausea, drink at least 3 liters of water a day. Do not drink carbonated and mineral water with excess salts. With a normal diet, be sure to drink 2 liters of water per day, pure or boiled. For kidney cancer, be sure to consult your doctor.

  1. For nausea in the morning, eat 2-3 toast or bread, you can also take biscuits orally.
  2. Ventilate the room unpleasant odors and feelings.
  3. After radiotherapy, the patient's salivation is disturbed, then you need to lean more on liquid food, cereals, finely chopped vegetables, sour-milk drinks with herbs. For stimulation salivary glands you can chew gum or eat acidic foods.
  4. Try to add onions, garlic and any fresh herbs to each dish.
  5. Drink two glasses of water half an hour before meals.
  6. Eat more fiber to stimulate the bowels.
  7. With irritation of the gastric wall and with severe heartburn, eat more cereals and less sour, bitter and sweet foods.
  8. If you have diarrhea liquid stool and diarrhea, then eat more crackers, cottage cheese, fresh potatoes, flaxseeds. Eat less fruits and vegetables that have a laxative effect.
  9. For cancer of the larynx, when swallowing becomes very difficult, eat chopped food, fruits, vegetables, soups, liquid cereals, etc.


Many believe that the use of vitamins accelerates the growth of the tumor itself. You must understand that a tumor, like any other organ, of course, will consume all the useful substances, but with normal therapy, the body will need to recover, and for this there must be a full range of trace elements.

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Carotenoids
  • Selenium
  • Amino acids
  • Flavonoids
  • Isoflavones
  • Vitamins: A, E, C.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Frequently asked Questions

Why can't you eat sweets if you have cancer?

You can, but in limited quantities. In general, the harm of sweets has not yet been particularly proven in the development of cancerous tumors. But what the tumor itself consumes increased amount glucose is a fact! But this is how other tissues and organs in the body consume it, so you can’t completely refuse sweets.

Can you drink wine?

You can use it, but not in large quantities. True, some types of oncology have contraindications. If the patient has going strong intoxication or some drugs are being taken that cannot work with an increase in blood alcohol, then it is forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages. It is best to consult a doctor.

Cottage cheese and calcium intake help with bone cancer?

No, that won't help at all. Also, it does not help with bone metastasis with (breast cancer carcinoma), and other oncology.

Can you drink coffee with cancer?

Coffee is great for stimulating the immune system and is a great antioxidant, but coffee doesn't help cancer and can cause additional problems. Many doctors forbid drinking it, with oncology, because caffeine increases blood pressure and increases clotting, which can cause blood clots.

It is better not to use it, because often coffee and any oncology are far from each other. But for more accurate information, consult your doctor.

Is massage necessary for cancer?

The massage itself can only be done by a professional massage therapist who knows and is familiar with your pathology. In general, most do not recommend doing any massages for oncology, due to the fact that the tumor can begin to grow faster when blood circulation is stimulated.

Can you drink milk or cream?

A little higher, we have already indicated that whole-milk products cannot be drunk. This is due to the fact that they contain substances that increase insulin-like growth factors. They affect the formation of cancer cells in the human body.

What medicines are contraindicated?

In no case do not decide or consult with anyone about taking medications. And even more so, do not look for this answer on the Internet. Any intake of any substance is clearly agreed with the attending physician.

For example, some antibiotics are prohibited in kidney and liver cancer, but in general they are not prohibited in oncology. It is necessary to clearly understand the nature of the disease, and only a qualified doctor can know about this.

beetroot juice against cancer


  • It inhibits the growth of tumor cells.
  • Increases hemoglobin.
  • Normalizes quantity mature leukocytes in blood.
  • Cancer cells become more oxidizable and thus weaker to the body's immune system.
  • Good remedy for cancer: lung, bladder, stomach, rectum. In general, it helps with any oncological diseases.

Cooking method

  1. Take and cut the beets into small pieces.
  2. Throw in a juicer or blender.
  3. We filter the pulp and leave only the juice.
  4. We put the juice for 2 hours in the refrigerator at +5 degrees.
  5. In the first dose, we drink 5 ml of juice after a meal. Then gradually increase the dose by 3 ml each time up to 500 ml ( daily dose). You can’t drink everything at once, as pressure can increase, the pulse becomes more frequent, and nausea appears.
  6. It is taken 100 ml 5 times a day for half an hour before meals. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can increase the dose to 120 ml.
  7. Do not drink cold juice, it is best to warm it up to body temperature. You can also drink carrot, pumpkin and any freshly squeezed vegetable juice in addition (especially healthy juice from red vegetables).

"Everything comes to an end - both good and bad. Behind the operation, radiation, chemotherapy. Hair begins to grow, the head is no longer so dizzy and sick in the morning. The body is slowly recovering," Alexander Myasnikov begins in his new book on cancer treatment chapter on life after surgery. How many years of life after cancer treatment can I expect? Can you improve your prognosis with diet, an active lifestyle, or medication?

The fate of all patients with oncology is different: someone is observed for the first years and slowly forgets everything that happened, someone has relapses and needs constant treatment. The main thing for everyone is firmness of spirit, faith in yourself, in your destiny and your Guardian Angel! Never give up!

When I came to work in the oncology department at the New York hospital, the head asked me if I knew what was most important in determining the prognosis of a cancer patient's treatment? I began to list: the type of tumor, its localization, the presence and number of metastases .... "Yes," the head agreed, "but this is not the main thing!"

Do you know what turned out to be the main thing? How active the patient is! Whether she goes to the store, does housework, cooks, serves herself, looks after her appearance. There is a special scale for all types of activity with a points system for each. The forecast is determined by the amount.

Everything is important for a cancer patient. For others, “the thunder has not yet struck”, but for him, the countdown of a new life has begun. New both physically and mentally. Time has acquired tangibility, the naive thoughtlessness familiar to most has been replaced by the understanding that it has a measure.

Today, cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension are all chronic diseases. All of them are not cured completely, they all require constant monitoring and treatment, they all impose certain obligations on the lifestyle and behavior of the patient. Only a cancer patient lives under the constant pressure of the term "malignant process", while a heart or diabetic does not.

But let's look at it with an open mind: with the timely detection of oncology with the overwhelming number of tumors, the survival rate over a 5-year period is 85-95%. That is a chance poor outcome 5-15% for 5 years.

Now let's calculate the adverse outcome for a 50-year-old man with no signs of any other heart disease, formally healthy. But - overweight, high sugar, cholesterol, pressure, smoker, with a family history of heart disease or.

Let's introduce all the risk factors and see the chances of an unfavorable outcome by the age of 55, i.e. in the same 5 years. Do you know what number will appear in the answer? 33%! And no one, with rare exceptions, cares! They continue to lie on the couch, smoke, eat dumplings and sausages...

It's time to re-emphasize. Oncology has moved into the category chronic diseases. A lifestyle full of stress, malnutrition, physical inactivity, bad habits, kills faster and more relentlessly. But for a cancer patient, there are also advantages! He no longer needs to explain the seriousness of the situation - the only bad thing is that he is scared half to death.

Let's understand that a lot is in our hands, the main thing is a sober look at things and no panic. So what does a person need to know primary treatment tumors.


After the experience, people sometimes rush to extremes: they start eating high-calorie foods based on the postulate “where the fat dries, the skinny dies” or are led to numerous (and, as a rule, unreliable) reports about the anti-cancer ability of certain foods and begin to consume them in terrifying amounts. at the expense of everything else.

Rule #1: cancer patient it is necessary to adhere to the same principles of proper nutrition as to all other people. Emphasis on vegetables and fruits, more fiber foods, less meat and more fish, limit animal fats, meat cooking, pastries, minimize salt intake.

First, numerous studies have shown that such a diet is optimal for almost all types of cancer. Secondly, the transferred cancer is not an indulgence: it is stupid to recover after an oncological operation and die from a heart attack or stroke!

The benefits of certain diets for cancer are periodically discussed. For example, there was a study analyzing the effects of a special diet (lacto-vegetarians, food, rich in potassium, low sodium, fruit juices and vitamins) to prevent the development of . Another study looked at the benefits of a "macrobiotic" diet for cancer (predominantly vegetarian, low fat, high in fiber and carbohydrates). With an initial favorable impression, the researchers failed to convincingly prove any special advantages over the usual principles of a healthy diet (with which these diets, by the way, are similar!).

Rule #2: keep a stable weight if you have a normal body mass index. Extremes are not needed here. In particular, excess weight should be avoided. It is associated with a higher recurrence rate in diseases such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Rule #3: do not go in cycles in the search for specific products with supposedly antitumor activity. Their effect, as a rule, is doubtful, but immoderate consumption can be problematic.

For example, green tea. The polyphenols it contains may be helpful in prostate and ovarian cancer. However, they are metabolized in the same biochemical chain as some chemotherapeutic drugs and thus may change their action. The same applies to vitamin C - during chemotherapy, you should avoid taking large doses of it.

The role of lycopene in the prevention of prostate cancer has been studied for several years. It is found in large quantities in tomatoes, red peppers and other red vegetables. Clinical Trials until they confirm its effectiveness. The same applies to the drug "Coenzyme Q-10", St. John's wort and melatonin.

About alcohol. Absolute ban no. Statistics show that for the majority of patients who underwent cancer treatment Moderate (moderate!) alcohol consumption (a glass of wine or beer a day) is harmless.

Exercise stress

The next thing you need to pay constant attention to is physical activity. In oncological diseases, the leading symptom may be chronic fatigue, and we can oppose it only with regular physical exercises.

Numerous studies prove that even the most weakened patient (not necessarily oncological), even bedridden, regular physical activity improves the prognosis and quality of life! As long as there is strength to move, we must do it!

As for the overwhelming number of people who have undergone oncological treatment, the general postulate of all doctors applies to them: everyone should devote at least half an hour a day, five times a week, to some type of physical activity!

Preventing relapse with medication

Prevention oncological diseases(primary or relapse) with medication is called "chemoprophylaxis". Doctors noted that taking certain medications used for other reasons can protect against the development of cancer. These observations reflect the statistics of large numbers, individual fate can develop in different ways, but the chances of avoiding the disease increase. So...

Acetylsalicylic acid. Many years ago, doctors noticed the properties of acetylsalicylic acid to delay the development of colon cancer. Since then, numerous studies confirming this action will be introduced. For other types of cancer acetylsalicylic acid it can also be useful - it is prostate cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer and some others. So when doctors hesitate to give a patient aspirin to prevent heart disease or not (there are pros and cons), having a family history of colon cancer, for example, can sway the doctor's opinion in favor of aspirin.

Metformin. Active substance several first-line drugs for the treatment of the second type. It has the unique effect of reducing the resistance of our receptors to the action of insulin. It is also used to treat infertility, polycystic ovaries, metabolic syndrome and to lose weight. Strictly speaking, diabetes precancerous condition: Insulin resistance underlies not only diabetes and heart disease, but also many types of cancer.

Statins- medicines that lower cholesterol. These drugs may reduce the risk of ovarian, esophageal, and colon cancer. There is no exact explanation for this fact yet, but I don’t want to bore you with hypotheses. The situation here is the same as with aspirin - at the moment the scales fluctuate: to take it or not - the presence of risk factors for oncology can make the choice easier.

Drugs used for prophylaxis. If we reduce the logic of their appointment to a primitive, it will sound like this: an increased level of estrogen can lead to breast cancer, so drugs that reduce tissue susceptibility to estrogens may have a prophylactic effect in terms of oncology.


Yes, it also happens: the final stage of the disease may be accompanied by severe pain. modern medicine has everything necessary to prevent this from happening. That is, do not allow it at all. There's a whole branch of anesthesiology called "pain management" that does just that.

However, there are cases when terminal oncological patients did not receive adequate pain relief, and sometimes this ended tragically. And the problem here is the excessive overregulation of the issuance of painkillers. Often, the doctor runs away from their discharge like from fire - there are more papers to fill out than for obtaining an American visa!

I really hope that this criminal state of affairs will change in the near future! And for those who allowed the very existence of this problem, I wish you a pleasant eternity at the stake in Hell (which, if not, it would be nice to create specifically for such individuals!).


Thank you very much for the interesting and useful article to Dr. Myasnikov.
On all medical issues that interest me, I often turn first to his opinion.
Answer all possible questions without avoiding sharp corners!
Sometimes it even goes against established authoritative stereotypes!
And it's hard to disagree with him.
This article helped me a lot (2 months ago I watched a YouTube show on this topic!)
And then, lying in oncology (ca.sigma 4th grade), she served as the right guide for me in my new life.
Namely: daily exercise walking for 30-40 minutes. 2 times a day, morning exercises, shower and to work (switched to 1/2 rate - this is feasible) every two weeks chemotherapy courses.
I'm on my third one pretty well.
A charge of vivacity and optimism against the background of a healthy diet.
Dropped from 118 to 100 kg.
It became easier to walk.
But there is a need to rest more often.
Every 4-5 hours.
Likewise with nutrition.
Appetite is good, but you have to eat at two and three in the morning, because it’s not enough until the morning.
However, I sleep!
Thanks for his mentality and the right deep and at the same time popular approach on all medical topics!
Despite the fact that the doctor himself with 40 years of experience - it is not possible to cover everything!

Men - do sigmoidoscopy on time as it should be!
Colon cancer is very insidious and malosymptomatic!!!

22.02.2019 15:53:38, Vladimir Sen neurologist

I completed a course in nutrition. One of the topics was led by an oncologist. Her words: "Now medicine is at a very high level in the treatment of this disease. The only question is to withstand the patient's liver after chemo." I drink phytocomplexes to cleanse it. Better to be safe.

I liked the article. It confirms my rules of life. I underwent surgery to remove cancerous tumor together with the kidney. Now diet + load. The main thing is not to lose heart and not cry.

04/03/2018 08:45:48, Tamara

The attending doctor advised my aunt to take biobran for the fastest recovery of the body after chemistry, and in general to drink it periodically in courses - strong immunity will not harm anyone. Biobran, being plant immunomodulator, immunity maintains at the proper level.

25.11.2015 03:12:36, Ermak Sveta

Comment on the article "Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, drugs"

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There are herbs that in their healing power have significant role in the treatment of almost any disease! In the case when an expensive hyped drug from a pharmacy does not help, weed from your yard will help! Do not rush to die hopelessly, try it in action folk herbs because not only do they grow on our planet. Quite a few plants are very poisonous, not only to humans, but cancer cells, in turn, are also afraid of them. Only the most important thing is not to overdo it, in order for the treatment to come out ...

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5. Hospitalize and treat directively, forcibly. 6. Give cancer pills for vitamins or any other pills. Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, medication.

Diet, exercise, medication. How many years of life after cancer treatment can I expect? In particular, excess weight should be avoided. It is associated with a higher recurrence rate in diseases such as breast, colon, and prostate cancer.

Cancer: life after treatment. Diet, exercise, medication. Statistics show that for the majority of patients who have undergone oncological And the problem here is the excessive overregulation of the issuance of painkillers.
