Light filling at 13 weeks pregnant. Dental care during pregnancy. When should pregnant women not have their teeth treated?

Hormonal changes in a woman's body during pregnancy lead to problems with teeth and gums. During this period, diseases such as caries, gingivitis and periodontitis may worsen, which, in the absence of timely treatment can lead to tooth loss. Can pregnant women get dental fillings? See below for more details on this.

The natural defense of the body during the period of bearing a child is noticeably reduced, the woman is at risk for diseases oral cavity. If in the diet future mother not enough vitamins and minerals, the embryo makes up for the lack of maternal resources. As a result, the pregnant woman is sorely lacking in calcium, and the following complications arise:

  • hypersensitivity teeth;
  • enamel destruction;
  • bleeding gums;
  • loss of fillings;
  • destruction of dentin and other, more serious consequences.

The problem that has arisen should be taken seriously and treated as early as possible in order to save in the future. healthy teeth. The baby should receive the necessary minerals and multivitamins not only during prenatal development, but also at breastfeeding in postpartum period.

If a woman does not treat carious lesions during pregnancy, she may lose several teeth by the time the baby is born. There is a risk of transmission of the disease to the unborn baby, the child's milk teeth may be affected.

When to fill?

It is necessary to put your teeth in order even during the planning of pregnancy. It is better to visit the dentist in advance and fill up problem areas. In case of darkening of the enamel, bleeding gums, discomfort from hot and cold food, you should consult a doctor.

For the entire period of bearing a child, it is recommended to conduct an examination three times in order to identify existing problems in time. In the first three months of pregnancy, you have to carefully monitor the condition of your teeth. The sooner the expectant mother visits the dentist, the greater the chance of filling without the use of anesthesia.

Using a dental drill, the dentist will remove damaged tooth tissue and place a suitable filling. If the visit is delayed, it will be necessary to remove the nerve with the help of painkillers. The first and third trimesters of pregnancy are considered critical, as important organs of the baby are laid at this time, so it is better to refuse medical intervention at this time.

After the 14th week of pregnancy, the placenta forms in the fetus, which protects it from infections, so it is better to start treatment after this period. Visits to the dentist should be stopped a month before delivery, unless there are serious problems.


Currently, modern non-toxic anesthetics that are safe for pregnant women are used for the treatment and extraction of teeth. They render local impact, have low concentration vasoconstrictor agents and do not penetrate the placental barrier.

In the treatment, a minimal amount of anesthetic is used for an injection into the gum surrounding the diseased tooth. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, all this time the woman does not feel pain, which is very important in her position.

Also, for this a short time, the anesthetic cannot reach the placenta. More harm to the baby constant sensation pain of the expectant mother than the sparing effect of anesthesia.

During pregnancy, all the forces of the body are aimed at preserving and bearing healthy baby. The existing reserves of nutrients are aimed at the development of the fetus, and the mother's body does not receive necessary vitamins and minerals.

Especially great is the need for calcium, fluorine and phosphorus, which are necessary for building the bone tissue of a child. Its deficiency is replenished from the bones and teeth of the mother and negatively affects their condition, which begin to quickly collapse.

To strengthen the immune system and protect against infections, pregnant women are advised to take vitamin complexes.

  • brush your teeth twice a day;
  • after eating, use special threads and rinses;
  • the toothbrush should be soft or normal hardness;
  • do not use bleaching pastes;
  • toothpastes should be therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • for getting daily allowance calcium to consume dairy products;
  • take vitamins and minerals prescribed by a doctor.

To save teeth during pregnancy, it is recommended to limit the intake of foods containing carbohydrates, especially starchy foods and sweets. The diet should contain dairy products, nuts, chicken eggs, cod liver, vegetables and fruits.

To strengthen the gums, you can prepare solutions for rinsing with baking soda, as well as decoctions of oak bark, chamomile and calendula. Not recommended during pregnancy ultrasonic cleaning teeth, so great attention should be paid.

To prevent inflammation, gum massage helps a lot. A little toothpaste is applied, after which a large and index fingers light movements are performed for 5-7 minutes.

At the beginning of caries treatment, the dentist can place a temporary filling, the composition of which does not pose a threat to the health of the fetus. For permanent ones, metal, phosphate and composite materials are used.

Light curing fillings are considered the most durable., which do not pose a danger to either the mother or the unborn child.

Diagnosis of pregnant women is performed in the case of emergency Therefore, when visiting a dentist, you should immediately report your situation. If the need arises, modern clinics are equipped with visiographs that make digital shots teeth. These devices have low level irradiation, so it is completely harmless to mother and child.

In the absence of modern equipment, it is permissible to use computed tomography following certain guidelines and allowable norms irradiation. Be sure to use a lead apron, which is superimposed on the stomach and protects against radiation.

Tooth extraction for pregnant women is prescribed strictly according to medical indications, for example, at a constant pain syndrome. It is recommended to do this from 13 to 32 weeks, when the placenta has formed in the fetus and the main development of the organs has completed.

The tooth is removed under local anesthesia, after which the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed: do not rinse and especially heat sore spot. It is better to postpone the removal of wisdom teeth in order to avoid possible complications.

How are oral diseases treated?

Small caries are easily treated and resolve without the use of anesthesia. In advanced cases, nerve removal is indicated with gentle painkillers. Due to changes hormonal background, inflammatory processes in the body of pregnant women occur rapidly, so any infection can lead to complications.

During pregnancy, against the background of a decrease in immunity, hypertrophic occurs. If the inflammation is not removed in time, toxic substances with the blood enter the child's body, which will negatively affect his health. The mother has suppuration of the gum pockets and tooth mobility, which leads to such a complication as periodontitis. In this case, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Now it is clear whether it is possible to put a seal during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe antiseptic treatment gums with special ointments and gels. Another common disease in pregnant women is stomatitis, which occurs due to hormonal failure, which poses an infectious threat to mother and child. For its treatment, there are a number of drugs that are safe for expectant mothers.

Treating pregnant teeth is not just possible, but necessary. You can’t endure a toothache, it’s a huge stress for both the woman’s body and the baby. In addition, hidden foci of infection in the mouth can lead to infection of the fetus. Therefore, do not put off a visit to the dentist.

Features of dental treatment for pregnant women

Pregnancy is not absolute contraindication to any dental procedures. However, the patient must warn the doctor about her position, and also name the exact gestational age.

The main nuances of therapy:

  • during the bearing of a child, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and inflammatory diseases gums (gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis);
  • both chemically curing materials and light-curing composites can be used for tooth filling; photopolymer lamps are safe for the fetus;
  • enamel whitening is prohibited;
  • dental treatment is carried out under local anesthesia (injection of Ultracaine, Articaine), it should not be allowed to future mother endured terrible pain in the dentist's office;
  • general anesthesia strictly contraindicated.

Early and late dental treatment

The entire period of pregnancy is conditionally divided into 3 periods (trimesters).

First trimester (up to 12 weeks)

In the 1st trimester (most early term) there is a laying of all the vital organs of the child. The placenta is just beginning to form, it cannot yet protect the fetus from negative influences. Therefore, during this period it is undesirable to carry out any medical intervention. However, the dentist may prescribe local preparations to relieve inflammation (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Holisal).

Second trimester (approximately 13 to 24 weeks)

In the second trimester, the risk of hazards is significantly reduced. The placenta serves as a reliable protective barrier for the baby. This is the optimal period for dental treatment and other dental procedures.

Third trimester (25 weeks to delivery)

In the 3rd trimester, there is an increased sensitivity of the uterus to drug exposure. In addition, during this period, the woman's body is quite weakened. Therefore, "extra" stress in the dentist's office is highly undesirable. If possible, it is better to postpone dental treatment for lactation. However, this does not apply emergencies such as acute toothache.

Diagnosis of teeth during pregnancy

Without diagnostics, the treatment of pulpitis and the extraction of teeth during pregnancy is not complete. Conventional radiography (sighted X-ray) - not the most the best option for patients "in position". Fetal cells are in the process of dividing, so they are especially sensitive to radiation.

But if there is a need for such a diagnosis, it is better to carry it out in the second trimester. Be sure to cover the abdomen and pelvic area with a protective lead apron.

The safest option for women during pregnancy is digital radiography. This method has minimal radiation exposure– 90% less compared to film X-ray.

Local anesthetics are used that do not cross the placental barrier. Another requirement for painkillers is a low degree of effect on blood vessels.

Lidocaine is not suitable for expectant mothers, as such a drug can cause muscle weakness, cramps, and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

The best option is anticaine-based anesthetics:

These drugs do not harm the baby because they act locally. They also have a reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor components (adrenaline, etc.), which is safe for the mother.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Tooth extraction is surgery, which is always accompanied by psycho-emotional stress. Of course, it is undesirable for women during childbearing.

Therefore, tooth extraction is carried out only in extreme cases:

  • fracture of the crown or root;
  • deep carious focus, which causes purulent inflammation;
  • the formation of a cyst, the diameter of which exceeds 1 cm;
  • incessant sharp pain that cannot be eliminated with conservative therapy.

Removal of wisdom teeth during pregnancy is generally not carried out. Such an operation often ends with alveolitis (inflammation of the hole) and other complications that require antibiotics.

Implantation and prosthetics of teeth during childbearing

During pregnancy, you can put any type of prosthesis, including crowns and bridges. The exception is dental implants.

The implantation of a dental implant often requires a large expenditure of vitality. But during pregnancy, all resources are directed to the development of a healthy baby.

In addition, after implantation, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are required, which are contraindicated for the expectant mother.

Dental treatment during the period of bearing a child can be done absolutely free of charge if you use compulsory medical insurance policy. List of all public institutions, as well as private dentistry you will find on our website.

Often pregnant women are afraid to go to the dentist because of the fear that dental treatment can harm the unborn child. This is a fairly common misconception that can lead to tooth loss in a woman. This threatens the baby with the spread of infection in the oral cavity. In the future, this will lead to premature damage to milk teeth. Infection from carious teeth is transmitted to the baby from the mother during breastfeeding. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to treat teeth for pregnant women, how to properly treat teeth during pregnancy.

Why does caries appear in pregnant women?
During pregnancy, a change in the composition of saliva occurs, it reduces the amount of substances that protect teeth from the development of caries. The composition of the microflora in the oral cavity is also disturbed, the number of bacteria that prevent the formation of caries decreases. In addition, calcium metabolism in the body also changes, all calcium reserves are used to build the body of the unborn child.

When can pregnant women get dental fillings?
If you are just planning a pregnancy, you should contact a specialist and make sure that all teeth are checked by a doctor and filled in advance. If symptoms such as darkening of the enamel, bleeding gums, reaction to cold or hot appear, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the dentist.

Nevertheless, it is better to start dental treatment when the 14th week of pregnancy has passed. During this period, the placental barrier has already formed, the threat to the child is minimal. If there are no major problems with the teeth and gums, you should not treat your teeth a month before the birth. During this period, a pregnant woman should be protected from stress, and a visit to the dentist is already a cause for concern.

If tooth damage occurred in the first three months of pregnancy, do not delay the visit to a specialist either. In a short period of time, the tooth will not have time to deteriorate much, a visit to the dentist can end with a simple filling of the tooth without the use of anesthetics. By postponing a visit to the doctor, you exacerbate the problem, then you will require more serious specialist help with nerve removal and canal filling.

Means of local anesthesia during pregnancy
Undoubtedly, local anesthetics past generation, such as lidocaine, are not recommended for use during pregnancy. But pharmacology does not remain the same!

Pregnant women should not be afraid of the use of local anesthetics. Rather, more damage toothache, this is already a strong stress factor, and the expectant mother does not need to worry. Modern drugs used in dentistry, for example, Ultracaine, Ubistezin, are not able to pass through the placental barrier and, therefore, will not cause any harm to the baby.

Dental radiography and pregnancy
X-ray of teeth in pregnant women is usually very serious occasion for excitement. Notify your doctor immediately if you are pregnant. A competent specialist will resort to x-rays of the teeth only in case of emergency.

An alternative to the traditional x-ray machine is the radiovisiograph. The radiation emitted by this device is ten times less than that of the usual X-ray machine. A narrow beam of x-rays goes only to the area of ​​​​the diseased tooth. The lead apron worn by the woman during the procedure also serves as additional protection.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy. What should I do if I need to extract a tooth?
If the condition of the tooth allows, this operation should be postponed until the second trimester of pregnancy. As already noted, there is no threat from the use of modern anesthetics for a pregnant woman and fetus.
More complex surgical intervention, for example, the removal of a “wisdom” tooth should be postponed to the period after childbirth.

What kind dental materials used for filling teeth?
First, the doctor installs a temporary filling, using a harmless composition. Materials for permanent fillings in pregnant women are metal, phosphate, composite materials. Reflective composite materials are considered the most durable.

As you can see, you should not be afraid of seeing a dentist during pregnancy. Much worse for the child will be the appearance of reduced immunity and stomatitis, and the mother's carious teeth will be the source of infection.

There is a misconception that dental treatment during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. But doctors say otherwise. Carrying out therapy during the bearing of a child is not only not prohibited, but also extremely necessary. Just for this, there are certain deadlines and precautions.

What threatens neglected caries?

The statement of experts that dental treatment is a necessary procedure is not groundless. Availability carious cavities and other foci of infection at least leads to deterioration existing dental pathologies.

But this is not the most dangerous. The infection can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic complications.

Suffer first gastrointestinal tract, since the infection from the mouth quickly enters the esophagus and stomach. This can lead to gastritis, intestinal dysfunction, and late toxicosis. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, which negatively affects the development and growth of the fetus.

Often, in the presence of dental diseases, a child is born with a small body weight.

If the focus of the disease is located near the periodontium or bone tissue, then the infection can lead to complete loss of teeth. The infection can enter the bloodstream and provoke inflammation of the organs or cause general intoxication organism.

Studies have shown that caries-causing bacteria are a common cause premature birth.

Therapy in the first trimester

The first trimester is one of milestones pregnancy, on which to carry out dental treatment using anesthetic drugs extremely undesirable. During this period, the laying and development of all organs of the fetus.

An incompletely formed placenta is not able to provide high-quality protection for the fetus. Any impact medical preparations can lead to pathological violation of the formation his internal organs.

At this time interval, treatment is carried out only in case of acute manifestations diseases, such as periodontitis, pulpitis, which threaten complication as purulent infection. At chronic course disease treatment is recommended to be postponed until a more favorable period.

Therapy in the second trimester

The second trimester is the most auspicious time for treatment, as the risk of negative effects is minimized. By the beginning of this period, the woman's body gets used to the new state and becomes stronger.

The placenta, which acts as a barrier and prevents the penetration of foreign substances to the fetus, is fully formed.

At this stage allowed treat acute and chronic dental pathologies using anesthetics local action, which no adrenaline or its presence is reduced to a minimum dosage.

Before therapy can conduct research using x-ray equipment(visiograph), only in this case it is necessary to use a special protective apron.

Conduct implantation in the 2nd trimester Not recommended, as these procedures require the use of a large number of medications.

Therapy in the third trimester

Just like the first trimester, the third is to not myself favorable period for dental treatment. At this time, the muscles of the uterus become as sensitive as possible and react to any impact with an increase in tone.

Anesthesia drugs have the same effect. In most cases, they contain a minimal dose of adrenaline, which increases the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk of preterm labor.

In case of urgent intervention during therapy, the woman should be in the supine position, as the fetus strongly presses on the main aorta and can cause increased pressure and loss of consciousness.

What diseases need to be eliminated?

Not always the dentist is ready to take up the treatment of diseases during pregnancy. The main indications for therapy are the following pathologies:

  • Caries. Even with a small caries lesion, the infection penetrates the gastrointestinal tract and causes its dysfunction. In addition, in the presence of cavities, the quality of chewing food deteriorates significantly, which increases the load on the stomach.

    With a deep lesion, the infection can penetrate into bone tissue leading to its inflammation and loss of the crown.

  • Periodontitis and/or pulpitis. Act as a complication after caries. A problem that is not stopped in a timely manner leads to the occurrence of a purulent infection, which can lead to the development of sepsis.
  • Odontogenic periostitis- characterized by inflammation of the periosteal tissue. As a complication is total loss tooth.
  • Parodontosis, periodontitis. They cause pathologies of the heart, joints and general intoxication of the body.
  • Stomatitisdangerous pathology which is often accompanied by worsening general condition body up to a steady increase in temperature and severe intoxication. The disease can cause pathological development internal organs or fetal death.
  • Gingivitis- inflammation of the mucous tissues of the oral cavity. It leads to a general decrease in immunity and the addition of other dental pathologies.

In addition to the listed diseases, during the period of bearing a child can conduct simple tooth extraction(except for the last molars, which most often require complex extraction).

It is also possible to install orthodontic structures ( braces) and prosthetics with minimal use of medications.

Pain medications

The choice of drug for setting anesthesia plays an important role during the period of gestation. Preference is given to products with a minimum content of adrenaline.

Usually, small dosage such a drug should not act on the uterus and penetrate the placental barrier, providing Negative influence to the fruit.

Only a few drugs meet these requirements:

  • Ultracain. It is a colorless solution active substances which are articaine and epinephrine. As auxiliary components, the product included: sodium metabisulfate, purified water, sodium chloride.

    The drug is fast-acting - the effect of anesthesia occurs within 2 minutes after the injection and lasts up to 45 minutes. It does not have a depressing effect on the vascular system and the heart, but is prohibited in glaucoma, kidney pathology, and severe hypoxia.

    It is also worth remembering about side effects drug: urticaria, lowering blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias. The drug is sold in special cartridges (carpules) intended for use only with a special syringe.

    This injection system is painless. After the introduction of ultracaine, the syringe along with the carpula are destroyed. Cost per cartridge this tool from 45 to 90 rubles.

  • Primakain. This is a combined anesthetic, which included epinephrine and articaine. Main difference this drug- his short half-life, thanks to which it can be used for children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

    After the injection, primacaine begins to act after 30 seconds. The action lasts about 40 minutes. The drug is contraindicated in heart disease, anemia, kidney failure, high pressure.

    Last trimester its use may lead to bleeding. The average cost of funds is 80 rubles.

  • Ubistezin. The main active ingredients are articaine, epinephrine. Additional components: sodium sulfite, water for injection. Like other drugs of the articaine series, it has an anesthetic effect 1 minute after administration and retains it for up to 45 minutes.

    The drug has practically no negative effect on the heart. In rare cases, there is slight increase pressure and heart palpitations.

    Contraindications are kidney disease, hypertension, tachycardia. Ubistezin can be purchased for about 40 rubles.

  • Septanest. The main components of articaine and adrenalin. It has a minimal vasoconstrictive effect and does not adversely affect the functioning of the heart.

    The maximum analgesic effect occurs three minutes after the injection and lasts about an hour. The drug is contraindicated in bronchial asthma, as it can provoke an attack of suffocation.

    Using in the first trimester may cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. The average market cost of one ampoule of funds is about 60 rubles.


Therapy without injection

Not always on time dental treatment requires the use of anesthetics. In some cases, you can do without anesthesia. Even if therapy is carried out at the most safe period, risk negative impact medicines on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus always remains.

Therefore, with pathologies in initial stage try not to use anesthesia. Typically, this treatment pain missing. Instead, they can only manifest discomfort.

If the patient is unable to tolerate discomfort, can be used local anesthesia spray or gel.

In situations where the procedure is accompanied severe pain, it is recommended to use anesthetic drugs, since in some cases pain can have a greater negative effect than the drugs used.


Dental care during pregnancy is necessary procedure. The method used in this case will depend on the pathology and the degree of its neglect. No dentist will resort to treatment with anesthesia, unless there are certain indications.

The use of painkillers will be justified only if the harm from the pathology exceeds the negative effect of anesthetics.

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  • Daria Gikst

    September 9, 2016 at 03:25 pm

    Quite recently, a couple of months ago, I became a mother and the question of dental treatment arose for me. I can say with confidence that pregnancy is not a sentence and not a reason not to visit a dentist. I'm not a doctor, but in an elementary, understandable way for ordinary person level, I can make an unambiguous conclusion that the drugs used for pain relief are not more harmful than all those factors that no pregnant woman is insured against: ecology; the quality of store products (in the manufacture of which God knows what they use). And it is better to cure the teeth before the birth of the baby than he will receive a dose of harm from his mother's diseased teeth. Moreover, medicine has stepped far ahead and converges to a minimum of painful procedures.

  • Olga

    September 11, 2016 at 2:55 am

    I treated my teeth at the dentist during pregnancy, the doctor assured me that anesthesia would not affect the child in any way, and I believed him. The main thing is not to be too nervous in the dentist's chair, this can affect the child. So I tried to calm down and distract myself, think about something good. Of course, X-rays also needed to be done, but I was afraid and postponed this procedure. But now more than a year has passed after the birth of the child and I still have not taken an x-ray, so they say correctly that after you give birth there will be no time to go to the doctors. This is one of the reasons for dental treatment during pregnancy.

  • Lisa

    November 7, 2016 at 03:06 pm

    When I was pregnant, dental treatment didn't seem very important to me. In principle, everything was fine with my teeth, but somewhere in the sixth month, one of the teeth began to crumble and, as a result, almost nothing was left of the tooth. I didn’t go to see a dentist, but somehow a conversation about this incident came up with my gynecologist, how much he scolded me that I didn’t immediately go to treat a tooth. My second trimester was almost over and I still went to the dentist, the tooth was affected by caries and it was difficult to save it, but I managed to save it with the use of anesthesia, the dentist explained everything to me and explained that the anesthesia he used would not harm the child, but here's how since my caries would have done him enough harm. Only now it dawns on me how stupid I was ..

  • Marina

    March 2, 2017 at 5:24 am

    During pregnancy, I treated all my teeth. I turned to the dentist in the first trimester, but she advised me to start all the manipulations from the fourth month. She was treated with painkillers, fortunately, this did not affect the child in any way. As a result, she breastfed another child for almost two years and her teeth remained intact. And if she hadn’t dealt with this issue during pregnancy, then probably more than one tooth would have had to be removed. So, really, you need to do everything on time. Moreover, now there are absolutely harmless painkillers for the expectant mother and baby.

Is it possible for pregnant women to fill their teeth or is it better to postpone a visit to the dentist for the postpartum period? Indeed, according to women, there is a risk for the baby from the anesthesia used during treatment. How do anesthetics affect the fetus and when is the question of filling a tooth during pregnancy particularly acute?

When a visit to the dentist is urgent

In the first trimester, women go through full examination narrow specialists. The dentist is no exception. The dentist examines the oral cavity of the pregnant woman and gives an opinion on the need for sanitation of certain teeth that are damaged by caries or periodontal disease. If the teeth do not bother the patient during pregnancy, she is recommended to undergo treatment after the 20th week. The situation is quite different if treatment needs to be started immediately.

In some cases, during pregnancy, you can not hesitate:

  • When acute pain occurs;
  • If the sensitivity of tooth enamel has increased (reacts to cold or hot);
  • With the development of a purulent process in the oral cavity;
  • In the presence of cysts or pulpitis.

In these situations, treatment is started immediately. The filling procedure implies the mandatory use of anesthesia, which women are most afraid of. Indeed, according to many, anesthetics enter the systemic circulation and are delivered to the fetus. What type of anesthesia is allowed for pregnant women and how does it affect the child?

Used for filling teeth local anesthesia. This type anesthesia is safe for pregnant women and you should not be afraid of it. Why?

Local anesthesia is an injection into the gum surrounding the diseased tooth. For anesthesia use the minimum amount medicinal product. It is important that the patient loses sensation during treatment and removal of the nerve. For this manipulation, 20 minutes is enough. During this time, the anesthetic cannot enter the placenta with the bloodstream. This is the main advantage of local anesthesia. Under this type of anesthesia, not only treatment is carried out, but also the extraction of teeth.

If we choose the alternative between constant aching pain and the action of the anesthetic, the latter will be the safest for the baby.

Why does a pregnant woman's teeth deteriorate?

Pregnancy is a time when all the forces of the body are aimed at preserving and bearing the baby. All nutrients, first of all, go to the nutrition and development of the fetus, and the mother's body begins to suffer from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin complex recommended to be taken by pregnant women to strengthen their defenses and protect women from susceptibility to infections and viruses.

Calcium is essential for healthy teeth building material skeletal system fetus. When it is not enough, the body begins to spend own reserves. Teeth are subject to destruction and development of caries.

Consequences of no treatment

  • Penetration of infection into the placenta. Caries is the process of tooth decay. Everyone knows that through any microtrauma or violation of the integrity of the infection penetrates into the bloodstream and causes inflammatory diseases in the body. Bacteria, with the blood flow, overcome the placental barrier and enter the amniotic fluid. Result of water infection:
  1. Polyhydramnios;
  2. Low water;
  3. Development of fetal anomalies;
  4. Danger of premature birth.
  • Complete destruction and loss of teeth. The longer a woman lives with caries, the faster tooth is destroyed. It will be difficult for a dentist to restore and save a tooth that is affected by the disease. It makes no sense to treat it, so the question of removal arises.
  • The likelihood of transmission of infection to a child with breast milk. The infection from the mother's oral cavity enters the systemic circulation, and then penetrates into the milk. Mom, not suspecting anything, breastfeeds the baby, and in the meantime, he develops inflammatory processes in organs and tissues.
  • Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy from the mother. Milk contains components valuable for the child's body. If a nursing woman eats poorly, the resources of the body are used. The body consumes calcium and phosphorus from the bones and teeth of the mother. Therefore, after breastfeeding, there is a high risk of intense softening and destruction of the enamel. It is necessary to treat all teeth before childbirth in order to avoid problems in the future. Therefore, when thinking about whether it is possible to fill teeth during pregnancy, a woman should think about possible complications.

At what stage of pregnancy is it safe to treat teeth

Teeth fillings for pregnant women can not be done at any time. The most dangerous time is the first and third trimester. Accordingly, safe - from 14 to 28 weeks. Why exactly these terms are dangerous and safe for the sanitation of the oral cavity?

In the first weeks from conception, transplantation and attachment of the ovum occurs. Next, the process of forming the organs of the unborn child begins. During this period, any intervention in the body of a woman is especially dangerous. The pain and stress that a pregnant woman experiences during treatment can lead to an increase in the tone of the pregnant uterus. The result is placental abruption and the threat of abortion.

In the last stages, the woman's body is preparing for the upcoming birth. At this time, it is important to protect the pregnant woman from stressful situations. And filling a tooth is a kind of stress. There is a risk of giving birth prematurely. The birth of a premature baby entails a lot of nursing problems. If the teeth have not been cured before the third trimester, it is better to postpone this procedure until the postpartum period.

Is it possible to put a filling during pregnancy if the period is more than 14 weeks? Yes, this is the best time to visit the dentist. The danger of a miscarriage has already passed and the baby's organs are formed. You can safely proceed to treatment and not be afraid of complications. Local anesthesia will not affect the course of pregnancy, since the placental barrier is strong enough.

What filling materials are used for pregnant women

The process of treating carious teeth rarely takes place in one stage. The first step is cleaning the cavity of the tooth and laying medicinal product that relieves inflammation. The drilled tooth is closed with a temporary filling. If a woman has not been bothered by pain and discomfort for several days, the dentist changes the temporary composition to a permanent one.

Widely applicable materials:

  • metal;
  • Composite;
  • Phosphate.

Reflective seals made of composite materials are distinguished by high quality, durability and safety.

Is it possible to fill teeth during pregnancy without prior X-ray? If a tooth hurts or a cyst has formed, you can’t do without a picture. But pregnancy and x-rays are two incompatible concepts. What to do in this case?

An alternative to X-ray is a radiovisiograph. The stream of rays is directed directly to the allocated area, and the harm from this device is many times less. The woman is wearing a protective apron additional remedy security.

Preventive actions

  • Keep your teeth clean by brushing twice a day;
  • Visit the dentist annually;
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Limit the intake of sweets at night;
  • Rinse your mouth with medicinal decoctions of herbs.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to put a filling during pregnancy, weigh the pros and cons.

Summing up, we can conclude that in due time of pregnancy this procedure absolutely safe. Filling teeth is not only possible, but necessary. The absence of carious teeth is not only your health, but also the guarantee of the birth of a healthy baby.
