Pressing pain in left temple. Temple pain on the left side: causes and treatment. Atherosclerosis of neck and brain vessels and hypertension

Every person has experienced a typical headache at least once in their life. What if the temple on the left side hurts? Why does it occur discomfort that interfere with the patient’s quality of life. The pain radiates not only to the temple, but also to the eye. Any sound has irritant effect and the pain intensifies. What tactics should you take if severe pain occurs? Is it possible to cope without taking medications or is it absolutely required? drug therapy?

Pain in the temple on the left can be of a completely different nature. Unpleasant sensations can be periodic or chronic. The first ones are characterized by a paroxysmal course. Outbreaks occur at certain time intervals. Often, cephalgia occurs due to overwork and stressful situation. Even joyful events contribute to the development of a sudden attack.

The chronic nature of pain consists of a constant monotonous course. If a diagnosis of tension-type headache (tension headache) has not been previously established, then it is worth considering why the headache on the left side constantly hurts. Perhaps we are talking about dangerous disease, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist.

Soreness in the head, according to the nature of its manifestations, can be:

  • pulsating;
  • aching;
  • squeezing (feeling like a helmet);
  • tingling;
  • monotonous.

Patients, describing their feelings, explain their current condition with the following symptoms:

  1. Severe pain in the head and radiates into the eye socket.
  2. When trying to change the position of the body, the pulsation intensifies, the temple presses.
  3. After trying to quickly get out of bed, I begin to feel very dizzy and my coordination is impaired.
  4. It is difficult to remember events that happen, especially those that happened during an attack.
  5. There is a ringing in the ears, a buzzing in the head.
  6. In bright light the pain intensifies.
  7. Often the attack is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Some note that they already know that they will soon have a headache. Patients, a few minutes or hours before the attack, begin to smell, and bright flashes of color appear in their eyes. In medicine this is called an aura. Precursors of pain are typical for migraine patients.

Why does my head hurt so bad? We will consider the main causes of the disease below.

Causes of discomfort in the left temple

There are many causes of cephalgia with severe pain in the left side. Each is characterized by certain clinical manifestations. After studying the symptoms below, do not rush to conclusions. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, based on the examination results.

Typical reasons why a headache occurs in the left temple:

  • migraine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • allergic reactions and infectious processes;
  • pathological changes in blood vessels;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poisoning or intoxication of the body;
  • jaw injury received at birth or during life;
  • arteritis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • diets and nutritional errors;
  • stress and overexertion;
  • tumor processes in the brain;
  • cerebral hemorrhage.

Each pathological process has its own characteristics of the course and nature of pain. Let's consider each problem individually.


Cluster pain, a characteristic feature of which is unilateral localization. It can hurt not only on the left, but also on the right, radiating into the eye socket or ear.

Teenagers often suffer from hereditary pathology. Upon reaching adulthood, the problem resolves itself. The pain can be so severe that symptoms such as:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Reaction to bright light and loud sound.
  3. Severe dizziness.

Migraines should be treated by a neurologist. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • vascular agents;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropics.

A migraine attack ends after vomiting. Having emptied the stomach, the patient falls asleep.

Increased intracranial pressure

The left temple of the head hurts with increased intracranial pressure. The pain is bursting and squeezing in nature. A characteristic symptom is ripples in the eyes and nausea. Unpleasant manifestations in the head are more noticeable at night. Patients complain of muscle weakness.

To normalize intracranial pressure, neurologists recommend:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Antispasmodics.
  3. Physiotherapy.

If the patient has a history of increased ICP, it is worth protecting yourself from stress and fatigue, and also limiting your intake of salty foods.

Allergic reactions and infectious processes

When the body is exposed to an allergen or when there is infectious diseases teeth and ENT organs, a person describes his sensations by the presence aching pain in the temporal region. With infections, the temperature rises and the temples ache.

Severe pain in the head, radiating to the right or left temple, is characterized by frontal sinusitis. Inflammation frontal sinuses and the development of the purulent process is accompanied unbearable pain, oppressive and aching in nature. Only painkillers help.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease. Once the infection is suppressed, the pain will subside.

Pathological changes in blood vessels

Problems with blood vessels cause the heart to suffer from increased load. As a result arterial pressure rises or, on the contrary, falls. Any changes affect the brain. The brain responds to a lack of oxygen with pain. Headaches in the left temple are usually a manifestation of hypertension.

What the doctor will prescribe:

  • regular use of medications that normalize blood pressure and diuretics;
  • clear planning of work and rest schedules;
  • walks in the open air;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Hypertensive patients react especially sharply to changing weather conditions. Changes in atmospheric pressure affect blood pressure. Try to protect yourself from grueling work during periods of magnetic storms or windy weather. Do something you love that brings you pleasure. This will help you unwind and relax.

Hormonal disbalance

The most common problem among the fairer sex. The action of the hormone prostaglandin causes the walls of blood vessels to swell, blood pressure is disturbed and spasm occurs. The pain is reminiscent of a condition in which a tight helmet was put on you.

Only a doctor can help in this situation. The level of hormones in the blood is determined by taking a test, after which therapy is prescribed aimed at correcting hormonal levels patients.

Acute poisoning and intoxication

Occurs when poisoned by low-quality food products, alcohol or medicines. Some herbs used according to advice traditional healers, contribute to the development of cephalgia on the left, radiating to the orbit or ear.

Intoxication can be associated not only with poisoning, but also with ARVI. It all starts with unpleasant sensations in the head, followed by fever, weakness and muscle pain.

If intoxication is associated with poisoning, the following must be indicated:

  1. Gastric lavage or taking activated charcoal.
  2. Drink plenty of salted drinks (little and often).
  3. Antipyretics, at temperatures above 38.5 * C.

If pain occurs in the left temple due to viral disease, the patient must be prescribed antiviral medications, vitamins, and warm drinks.

Jaw injuries

The most common causes unpleasant pain in the temples, abnormalities in the development of the jaws or their injuries. The pain may radiate to the arm, shoulder and neck. Some report radiation into the eye socket or ear.

Treatment is often associated with surgical intervention. Therapy is prescribed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Arteritis is an inflammatory process in the vessels in the temple area. The disease is rare, but the pain experienced by the patient is very severe.

Reasons for the development of the pathological process: hypothermia, congenital vascular anomalies, previous strokes and head injuries.

Assistance is provided by an angiosurgeon, self-medication, in this case, unacceptable.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Compression of the roots of the spinal nerve endings is the cause of pain, radiating to both the right and left temple. Physical activity is disrupted, the patient cannot turn his head. A characteristic crunch is heard in the neck. Many people confuse osteochondrosis with migraine; the nature of the pain is similar in clinical manifestations. To establish a diagnosis, you need to visit a neurologist and undergo X-ray examination cervical spine.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis the following is used:

  • pain-relieving ointments;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthopedic cervical collar;
  • physical therapy.

Exacerbation of osteochondrosis can occur with a sudden change in weather and with excessive physical exertion. Stress plays an important role in the occurrence of pinching.


A diet, especially a low-carbohydrate diet, causes the brain to suffer. Glucose is a building material necessary for the implementation brain activity. If not enough glucose reaches the brain, cells begin to die. Areas of necrosis are not supplied with blood. Nutritional deficiency is one of the main reasons why the left temple hurts.

Not only diets, but also a violation of the diet leads to the development of cephalgia. Adjusting the diet and frequency of meals will solve the problem.


Stressful situations, even when a person experiences euphoria, cause pain in the head, radiating to the temple on the left or right. Release into the blood large quantity adrenaline or endorphin causes a sharp increase in blood flow to the brain. The body responds to vascular spasm with severe pain.

To protect yourself from this kind of problem, learn to control your emotions. Perceive the information adequately, do not become hysterical, take sedatives if necessary.

Tumor processes

A tumor formed in the brain or its membranes puts pressure on nearby tissues, which leads to pinching of nerve endings. At the same time, my head hurts very badly. Depending on the location of the formation, it may hurt on both the right and left, radiating to the temporal region.

Diagnosis of tumors involves undergoing magnetic resonance imaging and vascular duplex scanning. The doctor selects rational treatment tactics.

Hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke)

Acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain leads to the development of ischemic areas or rupture of the vessel. The condition in which a stroke occurs can threaten the patient's life. What to do if you have a severe headache on the left or right, you feel nauseous, your lips are numb, and your speech is impaired - call urgently ambulance. The count can go on for minutes. Many people try to provide first aid on their own, not realizing that they are wasting precious minutes.

Person with a disorder cerebral circulation urgently admitted to the hospital. Only strict bed rest and qualified assistance from specialists will help you recover from a dangerous illness.


Many people prefer to be treated with advice traditional medicine. Herbs and medicinal plants, undoubtedly help, but sometimes, the lost time during which it was possible to make a correct diagnosis and begin treatment can cost the patient his life. The body does not tolerate experiments, listen to alarms and seek help from a doctor.

Often the pain affects the entire head or a significant part of it. But sometimes it can appear in the temple on the left. What could this mean and how to get rid of this unpleasant feeling? Let's figure it out together.

Nature of pain and causes

Pain can occur in the left or right temple, accompanied by various unpleasant sensations.

Migraine, cluster pain. Usually half the head is affected. Moreover, the pain can spread both over the parietal part, the back of the head, the forehead, and concentrate in the temple. Usually a person has the feeling that a stick is stuck into his temple or eye. Sharp pain accompanied by photophobia, intolerance to sounds, smells, sometimes nausea, vomiting and weakness. Before an attack, “floaters” and colored spots sometimes appear before the eyes. The attack itself can last from half an hour to several days.

Increased intracranial pressure. Pressing or bursting pain, which is accompanied by dizziness, “ripples” before the eyes and nausea. Sweating, bags and dark circles under the eyes, muscle weakness on one side of the body. In the evening and night the pain usually intensifies. This is due to osteochondrosis, injuries or other problems with the spine. People suffering from intracranial pressure experience such torment more often and longer than others.

Vascular diseases and congenital conditions. When sluggish or too active work heart and blood vessels, blood pressure increases or decreases to an uncomfortable level. Pain in the left temple is throbbing, stabbing with increased pressure. When it is low - a pulling, aching sensation, accompanied by weakness and dizziness; lightheadedness may occur. This is often a reaction to weather changes, stress, physical and mental overload.

Infectious diseases, allergies. For various ARVI and allergic reactions the inner membranes of the nasopharynx swell and swell, mucus accumulates in the nasal sinuses. This causes pressing pain in the temple, forehead, and cheeks. With temperature and hypothermia, whiskey can ache. Also, the causes are various kinds of inflammatory processes that take place in the ear (otitis media), nasopharynx (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis) and the oral cavity (sore tooth) and can radiate, that is, radiate to the temple.

Intoxication. Most often this can be a consequence overuse alcohol, insufficient quality alcohol, food poisoning. But aching, shooting pain in the left temple can also be caused by incorrectly taken or not suitable for you medicinal herbs and funds. Here we can also note the reaction to inhalation of smoke, especially from cigarettes, and vapors chemical compounds(varnishes, paints, gasoline, perfumes, household hygiene products).

Hormonal changes. Most often this haunts women. At the time of puberty, during pregnancy, a few days before and during menstruation, during menopause, the body experiences a hormonal “storm”. Due to an increase in the amount of prostaglandins, the walls of blood vessels swell, causing headaches localized in the temple, forehead, and crown.

Temporal arteritis. This is a fairly rare disease characterized by excruciating throbbing pain in the temple, sometimes unbearably strong. Arteritis occurs due to inflammation of the walls of the artery passing through the temple area.

Pathology and injuries of the temporomandibular joint. Often disguised as migraine or brain disorders. At the same time, the pain in the temple is very disturbing. The forehead, back of the head, neck, shoulder blade and shoulder may also hurt. Due to the incorrect position of the joint or the displacement of its disc, muscle tension. A person strives to find a comfortable position, as a result of which he involuntarily clenches his jaws and grinds his teeth.

Food. Or rather, additives and some substances contained in them. First of all, monosodium glutamate should be noted. It is often present in “quick” lunches (choux soups and noodles, powdered broths, chips and crackers), some canned goods, meat products, sauces, spices and seasonings. Another headache trigger is nitrites, which are abundant in meat and fish products (sausages, bacon, ham, smoked meats). The list continues with phenylethylamine, which constricts blood vessels. It is part of various sweeteners used in the pharmaceutical industry (syrups, lozenges, cold remedies, dragees), products for diabetics and losing weight, and simply as a more cheap analogue sugar (soda, desserts, chewing gum and candy). Therefore, after eating such food, usually after 15-30 minutes, it starts to hurt dull ache and pulsate the left temple, forehead area. Along with this, they may begin excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, tension in the muscles of the jaws and face.

Treatment and prevention

You need to track (maybe even write down) how often you experience pain in your left temple. If it is one-time and short-lived, then you can use such means of assistance as:

  • walk in the fresh air, ventilate the room;
  • warm or cool water to relieve tension (washing, shower, bath);
  • massage of the head, face and neck;
  • reduction of noise and light brightness;
  • painkiller tablet.

For such banal but painful conditions as hangovers and colds, use either by special means from the pharmacy, or folk recipes that relieve swelling from blood vessels and nourish the brain with vitamins and glucose. For colds, these are anti-inflammatory solutions for gargling, sprays and inhalations. For a hangover - sorbents ( Activated carbon), diuretics (watermelon, green tea, Veroshpiron), lactic acid products, cucumber or cabbage pickle, rowan infusion, Schweppes tonic. In both cases, it is good to consume honey, sweet and sour fruits and juices, mineral water, aspirin.

If your mood deteriorates after eating, weakness and pain in the head occur, keep track of what you ate and read the ingredients on the label. Try not to eat these foods; avoid snacking on hot dogs and custard noodles. Replace them with healthier and more natural dishes. And if you have to buy something on the street or at a point fast food, then take pies, pizza without sausage and ham, salads and fresh pastries.

If the pain recurs regularly with the same symptoms, try to determine the cause. You may need to see a doctor now. Of course, you can go through it yourself necessary examinations, but it’s better to entrust this matter to a specialist. Many people are downright afraid. Even if not so much doctors or procedures, but finding out that something is wrong with them. In addition, self-medication, as a rule, only in some cases leads to positive result. Most often, people simply uncontrollably drink over-the-counter painkillers, which only temporarily relieve pain and do not solve the problem. Or they follow recommendations that once helped someone, forgetting that all organisms and reactions to treatments are different.

So don't brush off your headaches. A therapist or neurologist will tell you more precisely what to do. And if you are treating yourself, remember that everything is good in moderation.

Pain in the left temple of the head can occur at the most various reasons- there are many of them. Therefore it is extremely important correct diagnosis disease, which should include several specialized examinations.

If pain in temporal zone appear occasionally, not systematically, do not depend on external factors, then there are no special reasons to see a doctor. It is quite possible that this is only a consequence of physical or moral overload, stress, or minor disruptions in the body. No specific treatment is required in this case.

In this case, several signs of pain in the left temple of the head can be identified, in the presence of which it is necessary to contact a medical facility as quickly as possible:

  • Increasing Intensity pain from time to time.
  • Irradiation (when pain from the temple radiates to other parts of the head) to the back of the head, eyes, crown, ears, etc.
  • Accompanying headaches with deterioration of smell, hearing, and vision.
  • Feeling of weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, constant fatigue(patients are also often tormented by insomnia).
  • Vomiting, nausea.

With such symptoms, a serious therapeutic approach is necessary, because the pathologies that could potentially cause such symptoms are great amount. An important part of the treatment in this case is early diagnosis, which will allow you to count on the most favorable outcome in the future.

If you have severe and sharp pain in the area of ​​your left temple, you should consult a neurologist or therapist as soon as possible. They will be able to examine the patient, collect anamnesis, and give directions to the most important clinical examinations. The results obtained will allow you to judge the need to contact certain highly specialized doctors (oncologist, neurologist, hematologist, etc.).


The causes of pain in the left temple of the head are extremely varied. An examination alone is not enough for a doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Frequent pain localized in one part of the head will already indicate the development of some disease, so you should not delay going to the doctor.

Pain syndrome localized in the area of ​​the left temple may be associated with neuralgia, pathologies internal organs, problems with the spine and cervical vertebrae in particular, inflammatory processes, development bacterial infection. No doctor will immediately tell you why the right or left temple of the head hurts, because... required full examination. Most common reasons are:

  1. Violation of tone cerebral vessels venous/arterial bed. In this case it is required specialized treatment, because taking painkillers alone will not help - the disease develops, gradually worsening the patient’s condition.
  2. In a child, teenager, young people under the age of 18-25 years, such periodic pain may be associated with symptoms autonomic dysfunction, intracranial hypertension(increased pressure inside the skull). Anyone can get sick, so in this case it is necessary to be examined, because the development of pathologies of this type leads to extremely dangerous complications.
  3. In people aged 35-40 years, a similar pain syndrome will most likely indicate initial symptoms arterial hypertension or cerebral atherosclerosis. In this case, diseases may not show themselves for a long time or may only appear when exposed to external factors: sudden changes weather, severe physical overload, moral exhaustion, psycho-emotional disorders. With the development of such diseases, many characteristic symptoms: dizziness appears, may occasionally feel nauseous, and slight numbness of the extremities is noted. In such situations, the pain in the temples is dull, sometimes throbbing, and often radiates to the occipital region. If there is long-term pulsation in the temples, you should contact a medical facility.
  4. Shooting, knocking, twitching in the temples can occur with the development of all kinds of infectious diseases (sometimes it radiates to the teeth). Even advanced forms of tonsillitis, sinusitis and influenza can lead to severe headaches of this type, in which the ears often become blocked, the temperature rises, and a burning pain in the throat appears. Immediately after starting treatment, the headache stops.
  5. Poisoning (intoxication). Pain in the left and right temple is almost always observed with alcohol poisoning, in the morning during a hangover. Oddly enough, when running forms Alcoholism pain often goes away suddenly.
  6. Psychogenic factors. If the pain in the left temple is short-term, dull, aching, then this will most likely indicate the psychogenic nature of the pain syndrome. In this case, unpleasant sensations will form somewhere in the occipital region, inside the head, so the patient will not be able to accurately indicate the location of the pain. Patients in this case complain of an incomprehensible discomfort in the head, which prevents them from thinking, speaking, or working normally. Also, patients of this type experience increased irritability, anxiety, and sometimes tearfulness.
  7. Migraine, cluster pain. These are independent pathologies, in which the symptoms are often acute and severe pain in the temples. “Floaters” appear before the eyes of patients, and sensitivity to smells, tastes, and various external stimuli increases. As the disease progresses, people begin to complain of pain in the temples that radiates to the eyes. If a person is not treated, then the unpleasant sensations will spread throughout the head, during an attack he will constantly feel sick and vomit, photophobia, chronic fatigue and weakness will appear.
  8. In women, headaches of various etiologies occur during menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, and menopause. Pregnant women often experience migraine pain, which will radiate sharply to the temples and back of the head.
  9. One of the most rare diseases, in which the pain will hit the temple strongly, is temporal arteritis. During the development of this pathology, an inflammatory process is observed that compresses the surrounding tissues, causing painful throbbing pain to form in the left temple. In this case, it is painful for patients to turn their head.
  10. Pain of various types (including in the temples) develops some time after receiving a traumatic brain injury (as a result of a fall, blow, accident and other reasons), regardless of its severity. In this case, the headache can stop hurting at any moment and just as suddenly get sick again. Therefore, patients require long-term rehabilitation afterward.
  11. Pain in the left temple is one of the symptoms of diseases of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, the temples twitch and pulsate. In the first stages of development of the pathology, the pain is not very pronounced, but it is constant, which forces many people to go to the doctor.

Pain in the temples often occurs during physical activity(for example, during training in gym). Therefore, you should not overload your body if this leads to constant pain.

First aid

Before a final diagnosis is determined and before therapy begins, pain in the left temple area can be managed with the help of relatively safe and highly effective medications. These are drugs that contain substances familiar to everyone (for example, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, etc.).

  • Migrenol. One of the main remedies for migraines, which copes well with headaches localized in the temple, back of the head, frontal lobes. An important side effect of taking the drug is severe drowsiness. Therefore, after consuming it, you need to stop driving a car and responsible work.
  • Pentalgin. If the pain is intense enough, it delivers severe discomfort, then taking Pentalgin is recommended. The drug has many contraindications, which should be familiarized with before use.
  • Solpadeine. Prescribed to men and women only over the age of 18 for severe headaches. Copes well with severe throbbing pain in the temples. The maximum dosage is 3-4 tablets per day (no more than one at a time).
  • Ibuklin. Many experts recommend Ibuklin as one of the most effective and safe medications that helps cope with headaches of various types.
  • Novigan. If the left temple of the head hurts due to vascular spasm and other vascular diseases, then Novigan, which is an antispasmodic, must be prescribed.
  • Spasmalgon. A well-known drug that has strong analgesic and antispasmodic effects. It is convenient because it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

All these drugs can be used before diagnosis on the recommendation of a therapist or neurologist. Once the diagnosis is made, a comprehensive specific treatment, which includes entire groups of drugs and procedures.

To relieve headaches in the left temple area, it is recommended to slightly increase the amount of fluid consumed during the day: you need to drink more clean water, compotes, fruit drinks, juices (you must give up coffee and black tea). It is strictly forbidden to increase the amount of fluid consumed if a person suffers from hypertension and has severe swelling (or is at risk of developing it).


After diagnosis, doctors treat the disease, which causes headaches in the left temple area. In this case, to eliminate pain, the following groups of medications can be prescribed:

  • Sedatives, antidepressants. If pain occurs against the background of nervous tension, depressive and stressful conditions, or psycho-emotional disorders, sedatives or antidepressants may be prescribed. It could be like simple remedies(for example, oregano, valerian, lemon balm, magnesium, etc.), and potent medications (for example, Prozac, Azilect, Lerivon, etc.). The choice of medications in each case is made separately depending on the patient’s condition, concomitant diseases, age and other factors.
  • Antihypertensive drugs. If you have a headache in the left temple area, antihypertensive medications are often prescribed. This is a fairly large group of drugs that are also in every individual case are selected separately depending on the indications and personal characteristics of the patient.
  • Muscle relaxants. They are often used if the pain syndrome is directly related to spasms of the cervical muscles, or in cases of impaired blood supply to the structures of the brain (when the pathological focus is localized in the neck area). Muscle relaxants are highly valued by modern doctors.
  • Antibiotics. They are almost always prescribed when headaches in the left temple area occur due to the penetration and development of a bacterial infection (its development can be observed both in the brain structures and in the internal organs).

Traditional medicine

For throbbing pain in the left temple, various folk recipes can help. One of the most common and used at home is a remedy based on mint decoction. Take a tablespoon of fresh chopped or dried mint per 250 ml of boiling water. Next you need to grind the crumb white bread, add a spoon to it table vinegar and add to cooked mint decoction. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to a very dense dough. From the resulting mass you need to make a cake and apply it to the problem area before going to bed.

The following recipes may also help:

  • Grate the horseradish (about 200 g) and fill it with vodka. We insist for 24 hours. Then add 250 ml of fresh carrot juice, 250 ml of honey and lemon juice(from one medium lemon). The mixture must be mixed thoroughly and stored in the refrigerator. For persistent headaches in the left temple area, it is recommended to take the remedy three times a day for 1-2 months. This one is especially good folk recipe helps if the pain syndrome is directly related to hypertension (high blood pressure).
  • Mix viburnum juice and honey in a one to one ratio. The resulting mixture should be taken a small spoon three times a day on an empty stomach (until the pain in the head is eliminated).
  • For pain in the area of ​​the left temple, compresses that can be made from a decoction of celandine are excellent.

Do you need a massage?

For headaches, regardless of location, massage can be helpful. It can be done either independently or in massage rooms. Experts know which points to press on, so it’s best to turn to professionals. If it is not possible to go to a massage therapist, then you can adhere to the following general recommendations.

Pain in the left temple, being a symptom of many diseases, can bring significant discomfort to a person’s life. It appears at one point or spreads to the area of ​​​​the eyes, ears and back of the head, and can be stabbing, shooting, aching or pressing. Its duration, depending on the cause and nature, can range from several seconds to hours. With severe temporal headache caused by severe pathological processes, deterioration in coordination, memory, concentration, vision and hearing may occur.

The main causes of pain in the left temple

Temporal pain is so common that diagnosing the cause of its occurrence is sometimes very difficult. They can occur under the influence of external factors (for example, overwork, nervous breakdowns, lack of sleep or poor diet) or pathologies that develop in a latent stage. In the latter case, evidence of this is left-sided temporal pain, in most cases accompanied by concomitant symptoms.

The main reasons for the development of intense and regular pain in the left temple may lie in the following diseases and pathological abnormalities:

  • . One of the most common conditions in which pressing pain develops in the temporal region, in particular on the left side, and it radiates to the area upper jaw and eyes. During the attack, which can last up to several hours, pressure is observed in the area of ​​the left temple with strong pulsation of the temporal artery, aggravated by exposure to bright light and harsh sounds, the sense of smell is heightened, and sensitivity to odors increases, which can provoke nausea and vomiting. Additional symptoms stands fast fatiguability, lethargy, drowsiness, while the patient cannot fall asleep.
  • Meteor dependence. Acute spasmodic or pressing pain occurs in the left temple area when weather conditions, atmospheric pressure change, and also during magnetic storms. Against the background of pain in the temporal part, hyperemia of the eyes, aching bones of the skull and aching toothache appear.
  • Temporal arteritis. A disease that develops as a result of inflammation of the temporal and carotid arteries, typical for patients over 50 years of age. Left-sided temporal pain is evidence that the vessels located on the left side are affected. Pulsating sharp pain complicated by fever, weakness, pain in the temple when palpating, chewing and talking. IN severe cases the disease causes complications on the organs of vision, which can lead to blindness.
  • Osteochondrosis. A fairly common reason is if the temple on the left side hurts. The pain occurs as a result of a clamp in the neck of the artery that supplies the brain with blood. Salt deposits, accumulated in cervical spine spine, also disrupt the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the brain and the supply of oxygen. This leads to an imbalance of ICP and the development of aching temporal pain.
  • Stroke. Burning intense pain occurs due to rupture of a vessel and hemorrhage in the brain. Left hemisphere is more susceptible to strokes, therefore, when an attack occurs, there is left-sided pain in the temple, radiating to the ear and dorsal region. Eye hyperemia is also evident, loss of orientation or consciousness, speech impairment and partial paralysis are possible.
  • . The growth of the tumor is often accompanied by unilateral temporal pain of a pulsating nature, a decrease in reflex functions - memory, hearing, vision, attention. Additionally, insomnia and loss of appetite are observed.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis. Pain in the left temple appears as a result of narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and impaired blood circulation through them. Associated symptoms is memory deterioration, decreased mental activity and concentration, pallor of the face, impaired blood flow in the extremities, fatigue and pathologies of the heart muscles.
  • Infectious or colds . Pain in the temple on the left side can manifest itself against the background of the development of such acute processes as left-sided sore throat, sinusitis, otitis media, influenza, inflamed dental nerve, cold muscles of the cervical or facial section. In this case, the pain is of a boring or pulling nature, aggravated by bending or turning the head.
  • Left-sided lesion trigeminal nerve . It occurs as a result of pinched nerve endings and is accompanied by intense, sudden shooting in the temporal region, spasms of the facial muscles, and pain radiating to the area of ​​the cheeks, lips, teeth, ears and eyes. The intensity of the attacks constrains movement for the duration, preventing the patient from moving.

There are many other, no less important reasons that cause left-sided temporal pain. All of them require careful diagnosis, identification of associated symptoms and prescription. adequate treatment aimed at relieving inflammatory and pathological processes, and due to this reduction in the level of discomfort that occurs with pain in the temples on the left side.

Treatment of pain in the left temple

For selection optimal method Treatment of temporal pain requires determining the cause and nature of its origin. If it is caused by external irritating factors, then it is enough to eliminate them so that the pain syndrome decreases or disappears. When diagnosing serious pathological processes or developing diseases, it is necessary, in consultation with a doctor, to use traditional or alternative medicine.

The main treatment methods that can be prescribed for pain in the left temple are:

  1. Medications. Indicated for removal pain syndromes And inflammatory processes, normalization of work circulatory system and brain structures. Depending on the cause of the pain, the patient may be prescribed analgesics, diuretics, non-steroidal drugs, nootropic, hormonal or vasodilating drugs, adsorbents, drugs that improve metabolism.
  2. Surgery. Appointed to emergency situations when drug treatment is not effective and the patient’s life is in danger. It is carried out at severe TBI, tumors, hematomas, abscesses, excessive pressure of cerebral spinal fluid on parts of the brain.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Used as adjuvant therapy for drug treatment, help eliminate the root cause of temporal pain due to magnetic or ultrasonic influence.
  4. Reflexology and massages. Impact on active reflex points fingers, heat or cold can reduce or eliminate pain in the left temple, normalize the functioning of the main vital systems.
  5. Homeopathy. Medicines organic origin prescribed for chronic diseases, the symptom of which is pain in the temple. Their dosage and action are designed for a long period of use and a cumulative effect.
  6. ethnoscience. Essential oils and medicinal herbs are recommended for use during remission and after consultation with a doctor. Tinctures, decoctions, teas, and inhalations help relieve short-term attacks of temporal pain or prevent their occurrence.

The treatment method for left-sided temporal pain as a symptom of a specific disease or pathology is developed individually, taking into account the age and condition of the patient. It can be based only on medication, but in most cases it is supplemented with other types of therapy to ensure effective results.

Sharp pain in the temple on the left is one of the most common complaints with which patients turn to a neurologist. However, many such patients, periodically experiencing headaches in the left temple, do not visit doctors; more than half of them take over-the-counter analgesics, often abusing the medications. This leads to the development of dangerous side effects. Therefore, it is important not only to find a way to get rid of pain, but also to identify the cause of its occurrence.

Nature of headache, features of manifestation

Often the pain recurs again and again, the reasons for its occurrence include difficulties at work, quarrels, and too fast a pace of life.

Even doctors cannot explain the cause of attacks of pain in the right or left temple.

One of the reasons may be migraine. Moreover, the pain can spread both over the parietal part, the back of the head, the forehead, and concentrate on the right and left in the temporal region. With migraine, sensitivity to external stimuli, smells, tastes sometimes increases, photophobia, weakness, nausea and vomiting often appear. Before an attack, “floaters” and colored spots sometimes appear before the eyes. The attack itself can last from half an hour to several days.

The cause may be vascular diseases, including hereditary ones. In older age, these are the initial manifestations of arterial hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Provoking moments can be changes in weather, mental, emotional and physical overload. In this case, heaviness in the head and pressing in the temples are characteristic.

Headache may increase as a result of physical strain, bending and sudden turns of the head. Headache attacks are especially difficult for people suffering from intracranial pressure, osteochondrosis, consequences of injuries.

Headache manifests itself in different ways. High blood pressure causes severe throbbing pain in the left frontotemporal part of the head. Low blood pressure is characterized by dizziness, which is accompanied by weakness and near fainting. Often this condition occurs as a result of stressful situations.

Poisoning of the body can occur as a result of harmful compounds entering from the outside or their formation in the body itself. Toxin poisoning, or intoxication, usually has bad influence on a living organism. As a result, severe symptoms are added to the manifestation of signs of poisoning in the body.

Medicinal folk remedies if used incorrectly, cigarette smoke, smell building materials and perfumes can cause headaches.

Allergic processes, as a rule, cause swelling of the inner lining of the nose, throat, and accumulation of mucus in the sinuses. These processes lead to pain throughout the head.

Infectious and colds associated with hypothermia, occurring with high temperature, can also cause throbbing pain in the temporal part of the head.

Hormonal changes can occur in women of any age. The cause may be stress, overwork, illness endocrine system, unhealthy diet, pregnancy and abortion. All these processes come down to an increase in the walls of brain vessels due to a surge in the formation of biologically active substances, prostaglandins, followed by a headache in the crown and temporal parts heads.

The appearance of a headache and its frequent repetition is a reason to contact a specialist. The use of self-medication and advice from strangers should be avoided.

To reveal the real reason headaches, before the examination the doctor will conduct a mandatory survey of the patient. The doctor needs to find out when and how the headache appeared, what sensations it was accompanied by, and the patient’s age.

A detailed survey will allow the doctor to find out the mechanism of development of the disease and draw up the necessary diagram laboratory examination and treatment underlying reasons diseases. Along with the adopted treatment program for the patient, the doctor prescribes consultations with doctors of other specializations.

Headache prevention

Anyone suffering from rare or frequent headaches, regardless of its cause, can help themselves.

Rare headaches can be eliminated medical drug, available in pharmacies without a prescription, aspirin. It is recommended to use it when a headache occurs. Taking it later will not have any effect.

Physical exercise will help relieve headache, but if its manifestations are severe, exercises are excluded.

Sleep is essential for headaches, but you should not sleep too much as this increases the likelihood of headaches. Should be avoided nap, according to medical statistics, it can cause migraines.

Listen to your physical condition. If you feel chills, you need to take a warm shower; if you feel feverish, you should use a cool compress.

Acupressure point on the bridge of the index and thumb reduces headaches. Press on this point until pain appears. A tight bandage made from a piece of cloth will help reduce headaches. Noise and bright light increase the likelihood of headaches.

You should not give up a cup of coffee; the lack of caffeine in the body affects the dilation of blood vessels and can cause severe headaches. Excess of this product can also cause pain, so you need to stick to the golden mean in taking coffee.

Chewing gum, when used with repeated chewing movements, tenses the facial muscles, can lead to headaches.

In some cases, avoiding certain foods can not only reduce headaches, but also completely cure them:

  1. Reducing the consumption of salt and salty foods.
  2. Stick to your diet, as muscle tension most often occurs during fasting. In this case, there is a drop in blood sugar, which causes muscle tissue tension. Eating causes their expansion and the onset of a headache attack.
  3. Smoking should be reduced, but it is better to quit.

A headache most often appears as a result of tension, but sometimes it is a warning about a malfunction in the body, a manifestation of a serious illness.

Traditional methods of treatment

Green tea with the addition of mint will help in the fight against pain. Large green tea leaves are steeped for about 10 minutes. After this, add a teaspoon of mint, and after 20-30 minutes you can use tea, which will expand blood vessels brain and relieve stress within half an hour.

Black tea with mint, lemon and honey will also help with pain. Place 1 teaspoon of large black tea leaves in a teapot, add boiling water, add a teaspoon of mint and leave for half an hour. Squeeze lemon juice into the finished tea and dissolve honey.

This is very effective ways reduce and relieve headaches without having any idea about its nature. Monitor your health and if severe headaches occur repeatedly, consult a doctor. Be healthy!
