The benefits and harms of pomegranate juice, its amazing healing properties and some contraindications. Is it true that pomegranate increases hemoglobin levels in the blood - scientific facts Does pomegranate help increase hemoglobin

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What is hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin (Hb, hemoglobin), from Greek. haima blood and latin. globus ball: blood coloring matter, component erythrocytes red blood cells. In the body, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues and is involved in the transfer of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the respiratory organs.
The hemoglobin level normally forms 120-140 g/l. During pregnancy, in addition, it normally decreases towards the end of the second trimester. If hemoglobin decreases before 24 weeks of pregnancy, this indicates anemia, which may be caused by iron deficiency, folic acid, copper, zinc, and dysbiosis and nervous stress.

Indicators of iron deficiency

The main symptom of low hemoglobin levels is anemia of different origins. Iron deficiency can be indicated not only by lethargy, constant feeling fatigue and decreased emotional tone. Shortness of breath, tachycardia, muscle hypotension, loss of appetite, indigestion, and stomatitis, brittle hair and nails, dry skin, bluish lips, not uncommon respiratory diseases will be able to tell about the lack of iron in the body.

Products that help increase hemoglobin

1 Meat products: kidneys, heart, fish, poultry, tongue (to maintain hemoglobin levels, it is possible to have boiled beef tongue 50 g every day), white chicken meat.
2 Porridges, cereals: buckwheat, rye, beans, lentils, peas, oatmeal.
3 Vegetables and herbs: tomatoes, potatoes (baked with skin), onion, pumpkin, beets, green vegetables, young turnip tops, mustard, watercress, dandelion leaves, spinach, parsley.
4 Fruits: red/green apples, Semerenko apples, plums, bananas, pomegranates, pears, peaches, apricots (dried apricots), persimmons, quince.
5 Berries: dark currants and cranberries (you can buy frozen ones, it also helps; cranberries are possible in sugar), strawberries/strawberries, blueberries.
6 Juices: pomegranate (2 sips every day), beetroot, carrot, red fruit juice; Apple juice specially designed for pregnant women with a high iron content.
7 Other: walnuts, dark/red caviar, seafood, egg yolk, dark chocolate, dried mushrooms, dried fruits, hematogen.

Brief list

The richest in iron are dried mushrooms, peaches, apricots, rye, parsley, potatoes, onions, pumpkin, beets, apples, quince, pears, pomegranates, buckwheat, beans, lentils, peas, oatmeal, spinach, green vegetables, young turnip tops , mustard, watercress, dandelion leaves, dried fruits.
And it is best to use buckwheat, walnuts, pomegranates, natural pomegranate juice, dark chocolate, green apples, persimmons, dried apricots.

Special recipes for increasing hemoglobin

From the following recipes, choose the one that suits you best, and try to use it on a regular basis, as a vitamin supplement for the body.
1) Glass walnuts Grind a glass of raw buckwheat, add a glass of honey, mix everything, have a tablespoon every day.
2) Grind walnuts, dried apricots, honey, raisins all in a 1:1 ratio and mix carefully, there are 1-3 tablespoons per day (one of best recipes not only to raise hemoglobin, but also to provide the body necessary vitamins) .
3) Grind 1 glass of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, add honey, add 1-2 lemons with skin (you can add aloe juice instead of lemon), 1-3 tablespoons per day.
4) 100 ml freshly squeezed beet juice, 100 ml of carrot, mix and drink (raises hemoglobin in almost 2 days).
5) 1/2 cup apple juice, 1/4 cup beet juice and 1/4 cup carrot juice, mix and drink 1-2 times a day.
6) 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed apple juice, 1/2 cup of homemade cranberry juice, 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed beet juice, stir and drink.
7) Raw buckwheat 1/2 cup, rinse, pour 1 cup of kefir and leave overnight, the porridge is ready in the morning, possibly available.
8) 1/2 glass of dry red wine good quality, evaporated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes; 1/4 cup boiled nettle, 1 tablespoon melted butter, drink warm.

Responsible notes

1) Iron is best absorbed from food if you use foods rich in vitamin C along with it, for example, fruit and vegetable juices: you can wash down iron-fortified porridge for breakfast orange juice, and cutlets for lunch with tomato.
2) Plain dark tea interferes with the absorption of iron; it is better to use green tea instead.
3) It is not recommended to use the liver as a source of iron during pregnancy due to its high content of vitamins A and D and the possibility of their overdose (of all known vitamins, excessive consumption of only these two poses a health hazard).
4) Pomegranate juice is very effective in raising hemoglobin levels, but can cause constipation.
If hemoglobin is very low, it is difficult to increase it only through nutrition - you need to take medications containing iron (as prescribed by the doctor). Very good biologically active additives NUTRILITE companies especially the so-called Iron NUTRILITE chewable pills with iron.

Hemoglobin is the main component of red blood cells. In the body, this substance is responsible for the transfer of oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues; it also takes part in the transfer of carbon dioxide from tissues and organs to respiratory tract. By various reasons Hemoglobin levels can be greatly reduced. In the current situation, its restoration will be required. Meat, apples, chocolate, and nettles are great for increasing hemoglobin, but only after consulting a doctor.

With the development of anemia in human body the oxidation process is disrupted, causing oxygen starvation tissues and organ systems. Anemia can form due to improper hematopoiesis, with acute and chronic blood loss.

Hemoglobin concentration in in good condition in an adult it ranges from 120 to 140 g per liter. During pregnancy, it normally decreases by the end of the sixth month. If the concentration begins to decrease a little earlier, then anemia can be suspected due to a lack of iron, copper, folic acid, zinc, frequent stress or dysbiosis.

It is important! You should not be negligent about the problem of reducing hemoglobin levels. This serious violation worthy of close attention. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, and home recipes are allowed to be used only after consultation with a specialist. Timely therapy is already half the success.

There are some signs that indicate: severe paleness skin, persistent fatigue, dizziness, general weakness body, small cracks in the corners of the lips, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath. These are the most striking manifestations of disturbances in the concentration of hemoglobin in the body, which require an immediate increase in indicators.

Signs of decreased hemoglobin in the blood

The main symptom of hemoglobin deficiency is anemia. Iron deficiency is indicated by lethargy, a feeling of constant fatigue, and decreased emotional tone. The person also complains of shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, lack of appetite, improper digestion, increased fragility of nails and hair, stomatitis of various types, blue lips, dry skin, and frequent damage to the body by respiratory pathologists.

What foods help increase hemoglobin levels?

Products that restore the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood include:

  1. Meat. But first of all, you need to know exactly what meat increases hemoglobin. This is heart, kidneys, poultry, fish, white chicken meat.
  2. Cereals and cereals - lentils, rye, peas and beans.
  3. Greens and vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, onions, spinach and parsley.
  4. Fruits: apples, plums, pomegranates, pears, bananas help restore normal levels, and kiwi also increases hemoglobin.
  5. Berries: strawberries, currants, blueberries and cranberries.
  6. Fresh juices - pomegranate, carrot and beetroot.
  7. Other products, such as chocolate, walnuts, dried fruits, dried mushrooms.

If you consume vitamin C together with food, it will be absorbed by the body even better. For example, breakfast porridge with a high iron content can be washed down with orange juice, and chicken cutlets for lunch - tomato juice.

Regular tea greatly interferes with the absorption of iron, so it is better to drink green tea instead.

It is important! During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend using liver to replenish iron in the body, due to the increased content of vitamin A and vitamin D in these products, and their excess can cause an overdose and harm health.

Pomegranate and its juice are great for raising hemoglobin, but can cause constipation.

It is important not to forget that excess iron is also very dangerous for the body. If hemoglobin is greatly reduced, it will be difficult to replenish it by simply normalizing nutrition; you will need to take medications containing iron, of course, only with a doctor’s prescription.

Effective recipes for replenishing hemoglobin in the blood

The normal hemoglobin concentration is usually 120 - 140 g per liter. If a person’s indicators noticeably deviate from the norm, then first of all you will need to pay close attention to your diet. into him mandatory should include foods that contain a lot of iron and vitamin C.

  • A good way to restore hemoglobin is to drink carrot juice in sufficient quantities, since carrots contain a lot of vitamin C, which promotes the production of enzymes necessary for hemoglobin. In addition, carrots do not cause allergies, so you can eat them without restrictions. To prevent disorders, you should drink carrot juice one glass two to three times a week.
  • Strawberries and strawberries increase hemoglobin well. They are allowed to be eaten in their pure form or to drink various compotes, decoctions and fruit drinks made from these berries. Strawberry leaves, which are brewed overnight, also bring benefits.
  • Apples perfectly restore hemoglobin, as well as apricots, currants, blueberries, and blueberries.
  • Hemoglobin is well restored when consuming wheat germ. It is required to consume two spoons of this product every morning. If the taste is too unpleasant, you can start with only one spoon and subsequently increase the dose.
  • Beetroot is ideal for increasing hemoglobin. But you should be very careful with its juice. The juice should sit for about two hours in an open container. You need to take it in small portions - half a teaspoon, because such juice in large quantities has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Buckwheat very quickly increases hemoglobin. To do this, you can grind it in a coffee grinder and drink the resulting powder one tablespoon three times a day.

If we consider red wine and hemoglobin in human blood, then this drink helps to quickly increase the levels of this substance even after massive blood loss or with the development of systemic pathologies.

It is important! Often women are very keen on losing weight and all sorts of diets, watching every bite of food, which causes a lack of vitamins and proteins in the body, which provokes hormonal disorders. In addition to iron, the body does not receive enough manganese, copper, cobalt, and phosphorus. As a result of this process, the work of hematopoiesis deteriorates, namely, the production of red blood cells suffers and the concentration of red blood cells decreases.

Exactly good nutrition, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a sufficient amount of animal food can increase hemoglobin. If the doctor prescribed additional dose medications, it is important to adhere to his recommendations in nutrition and medication use.


Contact your doctor and ask for a referral for a blood test to check your hemoglobin level. If the results show that you have anemia (less than 140 units, but 120), you will be prescribed iron supplements. You cannot drink them without a specialist’s prescription, because if you have normal level hemoglobin, it can, which is also undesirable.

Turn on daily diet meat products, preferably lean beef and liver. Do not expose meat to long-term heat treatment - that’s it necessary substances will be destroyed in it. The best option- chops, but if for some reason you cannot eat them, do not force it.

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A low hemoglobin level can be caused by poor diet, large blood loss, or appear as a result of treatment with certain drugs. It will take time to increase it, but gradually the hemoglobin level will return to normal.

You will need

  • - rose hips, honey, lemon juice;
  • - walnuts, cranberries, honey;
  • - carrots, apples, beets;
  • - pomegranates, apples, grapefruit;
  • - hematogen.


Eat as much meat and fish as possible. Beef liver is good for treating anemia. Fry it until half cooked, eat it with it for a better effect. Try not to overcook or overcook animal products - all useful microelements are destroyed by prolonged heat treatment.

Include pomegranates, apples, persimmons and grapes in your daily diet. Drink freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juice. Walnuts also increase hemoglobin levels quite well. But eating peanuts and cashews instead is pointless.

After treatment, visit the hospital and take a blood test to check your hemoglobin level. If everything is in in perfect order, then the course of therapy is over. When is the reception medicines not in combination with a diet, your approach to treatment will be reconsidered and other medications will be prescribed.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that enrich the body's cells with oxygen and give the blood its red color. Surely everyone has heard this expression. However, only a few understand what is behind this phrase and what determines this role of red blood cells.

What is hemoglobin

The main function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to tissue cells. The most important role in this process is played by organic pigment; it gives red blood cells their scarlet color. Hemoglobin is distinguished by its high activity of combining iron molecules with oxygen molecules. Due to this, oxygen is transferred to the tissues. Hemoglobin is produced by cells bone marrow. The cells in the liver that have fulfilled their functions are destroyed, turning into the pigment bilirubin, and are excreted in the feces through the intestines.

When blood levels deviate from the norm, a disease called anemia develops. Manifests itself in high fatigue, weakness, frequent colds, fragility, hair.

Sometimes when serious illnesses and poisoning, the membrane of red blood cells can be destroyed, hemoglobin mixes with the blood plasma. In this case, the blood completely loses its function and the person dies.

But too high a hemoglobin level in the blood is also bad. In this case, there is reason to think about concomitant diseases– sugar, cardiopulmonary failure, heart defects, sometimes this is a sign oncological diseases. But this does not apply to residents of high mountain areas, athletes, pilots and climbers, since in this way the body adapts to increased physical activity.

All factors taken together must be considered by the doctor and the appropriate prescription prescribed based on this. For iron deficiency anemia, iron supplements are prescribed, and when the hemoglobin level is established, treatment for the underlying disease is prescribed.

How to normalize hemoglobin levels

When you need to eat heavily. To do this, introduce more proteins into the diet - meat, especially veal, fish, beef liver. Large amounts of protein are found in legumes, grains and cereals. But you don’t need to eat only vegetarian food; protein must be present. Juices are very useful after a heavy meat lunch, as they accelerate the breakdown of protein. Dark buckwheat honey stimulates the production of hemoglobin well, but the consumption of tea and coffee should be reduced, they lower hemoglobin. It is better to replace them with juice or compotes.

Tip 11: How to determine your hemoglobin level
To determine your hemoglobin level you need to take a test general analysis blood. Blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach, from a vein or from a finger. Clinical laboratories of polyclinics are now equipped with special hematological analyzers, which automatic mode consider important indicators blood: leukocytes, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, ESR, etc., previously laboratory assistants counted these indicators manually.

Indicators and standards for the level of hemoglobin in the blood may vary depending on gender, quality of nutrition, age of the patient, physical activity, to which he was subjected before taking the test. The following hemoglobin levels are considered within normal limits: for women 120-150 g/l; y 135-165 g/l; in children 120-140 g/l; in pregnant women 110 g/l. If this indicator is lower, then it is necessary to correct it; special treatment regimens have been developed for this.

Both low and low levels of increased level hemoglobin: in the second case it indicates increased viscosity blood, which in the future may cause cardiovascular diseases. Such patients have a risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis, if this factor is accompanied by other indicators. If a significant increase in hemoglobin levels is detected, the doctor should prescribe the patient a course of treatment with blood thinning drugs.

Still, it causes more problems for patients low level This protein - with a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, iron deficiency anemia develops, when the blood loses the ability to fully perform its function and transport oxygen to the cells. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnant women - the fetus may develop a chronic condition, which is dangerous due to its complications: delay in fetal development, danger of premature abruption of a normally located placenta, premature birth.

Sick iron deficiency anemia you need to try to change your lifestyle and diet: get rid of bad habits, eat more vegetables, herbs, legumes, buckwheat and oatmeal. The champion in iron content is liver, as well as beef and veal. Great importance have sports, walks fresh air, sunbathing. If hemoglobin levels are significantly lower than normal, the doctor prescribes iron supplements, which must be used under constant monitoring of hemoglobin levels - increased content Iron in the body is as harmful as its deficiency.

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Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in red blood cells. Its task is to deliver oxygen to cells and remove carbon dioxide from them. Neither oxygen nor carbon dioxide dissolves in water or blood plasma, and therefore the hemoglobin content in the blood is extremely important for normal life body.

Hemoglobin structure

Hemoglobin is the protein that has been most studied. It was discovered in 1851 by the German physiologist Otto Finco. This protein makes up 95% of the total volume of the red blood cell and consists of 4 subunits. The main component of hemoglobin is divalent iron, which, however, is reduced to trivalent iron - in this case it loses the ability to bind with oxygen and transport it. Normally, the content of such hemoglobin is no more than 1-2%, and therefore this does not affect gas exchange in any way. Normal hemoglobin called hemoglobin-A1, A2 and A3, there are also many types of abnormal hemoglobin, which is not capable of delivering oxygen.

How does hemoglobin carry oxygen?

Due to the high partial pressure in the lungs, oxygen combines with the iron of hemoglobin, such oxygen is called oxyhemoglobin. At the same time, the hemoglobin molecule has positive cooperativity, that is, as soon as one of the four transport sites becomes occupied by oxygen, the addition of oxygen is simplified. This allows you to reduce the formation of carboxyhemoglobin - prevent the combination of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide, which is present in some quantities in the air. Then, with the blood flow, hemoglobin delivers oxygen to the cells, where it “gives” it to myoglobin - this is the precursor of hemoglobin, which is contained in the cells. The ability of myoglobin to accept oxygen is somewhat different than that of hemoglobin; it is able to accept it already at a partial pressure of 1-2 mm Hg. Art., while hemoglobin, in order to accept and retain oxygen, requires a pressure of at least 25 mm Hg. Art. Next, oxygen from myoglobin enters the mitochondria - the “energy stations” of the cell.

In parallel with this, the reverse process occurs, hemoglobin saturation carbon dioxide, which is carried away by current venous blood to the lungs, where it is released into the atmospheric air. The lifespan of hemoglobin is about 150 days, after which the body utilizes it with the help of special proteins, using the liberated iron to build new hemoglobin molecules. Despite the importance of hemoglobin, it is extremely toxic, and therefore, when hemoglobin molecules are destroyed and iron enters the general bloodstream, hemolytic jaundice can occur, followed by acute renal failure.

One of the most important laboratory research is an analysis of the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin. The analysis is done within 1-2 hours when it comes to emergency situations, in clinics, the test is usually ready the next day after donating blood. If necessary, a study of the hemoglobin molecule can be carried out in the laboratory; this is especially important for anemia caused by the incorrect structure of hemoglobin, as a result of which it loses its ability to carry oxygen.

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Most patients do not know how to drink pomegranate juice to increase hemoglobin. This fruit is very healthy. It helps with many pathologies. The juice from it is considered quite effective means traditional medicine, but before using it you should consult a specialist, as there are contraindications. To achieve positive result from therapy, you need to take the juice correctly: in the required proportion, in combination with other fruits and vegetables.

Properties of pomegranate. Effect on the body. Contraindications

Pomegranate is used to treat many diseases and pathologies. Not only the grains of the fruit, but also its peel have healing properties. It contains anthocyanins - substances that are considered an effective blood-forming agent. Thus, pomegranate juice increases hemoglobin. It supplies blood plasma and cells with oxygen and nutrients. If you drink a glass of juice every day, you can restore and rejuvenate your blood composition.

When drinking pure pomegranate juice, be sure to dilute it with water so as not to harm the gastrointestinal tract and tooth enamel. To maintain hemoglobin within normal limits, you should drink such an amazing drink from time to time. As for fresh fruits, they will help get rid of colds, coughs, and also have a general strengthening effect.

Pomegranate helps:

  • strengthen the liver;
  • eliminate jaundice;

If a patient is diagnosed with elevated arterial pressure, then it is recommended to take pomegranate juice with honey and dilute with water. It is better to drink this drink before going to bed. Large stock useful substances It is the peel that has the properties; a decoction from it helps get rid of many diseases. oral cavity, throat, gastrointestinal tract. Also, an infusion of peels can combat bacterial pathologies.

The internal partitions of the fruit, or rather, an infusion of them, which should be drunk throughout the day, is best used for disorders nervous system, depressed state And increased fatigue. Pomegranate juice should also be consumed to activate metabolism and nourish the visual organs.

Pomegranate juice is not recommended for the treatment of ailments if there is constant constipation, hemorrhoids, gastritis is diagnosed with increased acidity, as well as gout. You should drink it in small sips, and after taking it, rinse your mouth with plain water to prevent damage to tooth enamel.

Normalization of hemoglobin

Pomegranate is considered the most effective product with low hemoglobin, since this fruit has a large number of useful substances. You can use it in any form every day throughout the entire therapy, but in small quantities.

Since not everyone likes any infusions (or peeling pomegranate seeds), it is better to use fruit juice to enhance the positive effect It's worth cooking yourself. To do this, it is recommended to completely pass the pomegranate through a meat grinder. The resulting drink is considered very healthy, since the grains and peel contain sufficient quantity useful elements that can also increase hemoglobin.

The juice should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. For dilution, you can use carrot or beetroot natural drink, which are also recommended for low hemoglobin.

  1. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to eat half a large fruit, and in the evening, before going to bed, a couple of walnuts.
  2. Three teaspoons of pomegranate juice should be mixed with a spoon lemon juice and two spoons of honey. You need to add a little water. Drink 50 ml of this drink after meals, but no more than twice a day.

Raising hemoglobin with pomegranate and its juice is considered effective procedure, but do not forget about contraindications.

Since pomegranate contains a large number of macro- and microelements, it is very useful product at reduced level hemoglobin in the blood.

A course of treatment is prescribed, in which preference is given to preparing juice, since grains and infusions are not entirely convenient. Be sure to prepare the juice yourself.

Signs of hemoglobin deficiency:

  1. dry skin;
  2. drowsiness;
  3. rapid fatigue of the body;
  4. frequent headache;
  5. brittle nails;
  6. pressure surges.

If the level of hemoglobin in the blood is increased, then it is recommended to stop eating pomegranate and other products that contain high level gland.

Chemical composition

Pomegranate contains fifteen amino acids, and some of them are essential, meaning the human body does not produce them.

IN vitamin composition fruit included (per 100 grams):

  • B6 - 25%;
  • B9 – 4.5%;
  • B5 -10%;
  • C – 4.4%;
  • B1 and E – 2.7% each;
  • PP – 2.5%;
  • vitamin A.

Micro and macroelements were distributed as follows (per 100 grams):

  • potassium – 6%;
  • calcium – 1%;
  • iron – 5.6%;
  • phosphorus - 1%;
  • magnesium and sodium.

Does fruit increase protein's iron content?

It is a known fact that a quarter of the population suffers from a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Does pomegranate raise hemoglobin levels?

There are many ways to improve performance and one of them is regular use pomegranate or pomegranate juice.

The main advantage of this fruit is that in addition to iron, pomegranate contains ascorbic acid . It promotes the absorption of iron, strengthening the immune system.

How to use it in its pure form to raise the level?

It is recommended to consume 100 grams of grains in the morning on an empty stomach. However, preference is still given to juice, since its preparation does not cause difficulties, and at the same time simplifies the procedure for taking the product. You need to grind the pomegranate through a meat grinder along with the skin and seeds, this is how the juice will contain maximum amount useful substances. It is recommended to take half a glass a day, thirty minutes before meals, for two months.

How to use at normal levels?

You need to be careful when consuming pomegranate, as it contains many allergens and is highly acidic.

  1. Can be used by children from one year old, but only in diluted form.
  2. 2-3 teaspoons of juice for children up to school age.
  3. For school-age children, up to three diluted glasses per day.
  4. For adults, it is recommended to drink juice fifteen to twenty minutes before meals, and consume more than one glass per day.


With lemon juice

Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with fifty grams of pomegranate juice and twenty grams of honey, then add five tablespoons warm water. Mix the resulting consistency and take one teaspoon twice a day.

With walnuts

Combine fruit consumption with walnuts. In the morning there is half a pomegranate, and in the evening a few walnuts.

With beet juice

Mix pomegranate juice in equal proportions with beet juice. You need to drink the product with honey. Three times a day, two tablespoons.


It is important to understand that pomegranate contains many allergens.

We invite you to watch a video about contraindications to the use of pomegranate:

Products that help increase

Products of animal and plant origin cope well with this task.

Animal products:

  • pork, beef and chicken liver;
  • chicken and beef heart;
  • meat: beef, lamb, chicken, pork, turkey;
  • seafood: mussels, sardines, oysters, tuna, black caviar;
  • yolk: quail and chicken.

Products of plant origin:

  • cereals: buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • Rye bread;
  • seaweed;
  • wheat bran;
  • fruits: pomegranate, dogwood, persimmon, apple;
  • nuts: pistachios, peanuts, almonds.

We invite you to watch a video about products that help increase hemoglobin:


Pomegranate is very healthy fruit which helps maintain health. Is one of the most effective products, increasing hemoglobin in the blood. However, you should remember that it contains many allergens.
