Lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Low Density Cholesterol Increased Causes and Treatment

Cardiovascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis of the arteries are widespread throughout the world in men and women. One of the most important reasons for the development of such a situation is an increase in LDL (low density lipoprotein, cholesterol) due to the spread of poor nutrition with a lot of fat.

Identification of people with such abnormalities in the biochemical analysis of blood is the most important point in the early prevention of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, circulatory encephalopathy and other serious diseases. As a rule, the prescribed timely treatment and diet allow you to adjust the level of LDL (cholesterol) and provide an increase in the duration and quality of life of the patient.

About cholesterol and lipoproteins

A large number of myths and prejudices exist in such a simple substance as cholesterol. Many people consider it the number one enemy for their health, however, in reality, everything is far from it. Cholesterol is essential for normal functioning fatty alcohol cells, which must constantly enter our body with food.

Cholesterol plays a very important role in the body.

Its main biological roles the following:

  1. Maintaining the integrity and structure of cell membranes.
  2. Participation in the formation of sex and other steroid hormones.
  3. The amount of cholesterol in the body determines the efficiency of metabolism fat soluble vitamins A, E, D, K, etc.
  4. Participates in the creation of sheaths around nerves, etc.

Cholesterol is an essential component of living organisms, so it is not bad on its own.

Based on the foregoing, cholesterol itself does not pose a danger to human health. You should take a closer look at lipoproteins, which are most often associated with various diseases. There are two main classes of lipoproteins:

  • Low and very low density lipoproteins (LDL and VLDL, respectively). This fraction of fats is of key importance in the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, since it is involved in the transport of fats from liver cells to other organs and vessels. This contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and related complications.
  • Lipoproteins high density(HDL), on the contrary, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, ensuring the transport of lipids from the walls of blood vessels to the liver, where cholesterol can be used for its intended purpose.

These indicators in plasma are determined using biochemical studies. The norms of cholesterol in the blood in men and women vary significantly, ranging from 3.6 to 5.5 mmol / l, depending on the specific laboratory. These figures mean that a person has no disorders in lipid metabolism and treatment is not indicated for him.

In order to correctly decipher the blood test, one should take into account what is the norm of cholesterol in the blood of a person

If the cholesterol level is above normal, i.e. more than 5.6 mmol / l, then it is necessary to conduct an additional determination of lipoprotein indicators to clarify the metabolism of fats in the body.

Normal values ​​of lipoproteins in the blood:

  • HDL - 0.8 - 1.8 mmol / l. Wherein upper bound The higher the rate, the higher the age of the person.
  • LDL should be less than 4.1 mmol / l, since their increase above this indicator is often regarded as a pathology.

It is important to clarify the norm indicators for all analyzes at the diagnostic institution where the study was conducted, since they may vary slightly. In addition to increasing LDL, an important prognostic value is the determination of the level of atherogenicity, which is calculated as follows:

Atherogenic coefficient \u003d (cholesterol - HDL) / HDL

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is one of the most atherogenic lipids, which performs the function of transporting cholesterol.

Normally, the indicator should be as follows:

  • In newborns, the coefficient should not exceed one.
  • In men aged 18-30 years - less than 2.4.
  • In women aged 18-30 years - less than 2.2.
  • In more age groups, the coefficient must be less than 3.6.

LDL cholesterol can be calculated using the Friedwald formula:

  • LDL \u003d Total cholesterol - (HDL + TG / 2.2).

This method allows to quantify lipids.

Any deviation of analyzes from the norm (high LDL cholesterol, low HDL value, etc.) should be the reason for contacting medical institution to your doctor.

The attending physician should interpret the test results. You shouldn't be doing this on your own.

Causes of high LDL and cholesterol

The causes of elevated LDL in the blood are varied and include the following factors:

  1. Dietary errors associated with eating fatty foods, especially those high in saturated fats - cream, margarine, little, fatty varieties meat, sausages, bacon, etc.
  2. Smoking can increase LDL levels. In addition, nicotine independently negatively affects the vascular wall, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Overweight and low physical activity leads to a decrease in the amount of high density lipoproteins and a high amount of LDL cholesterol.
  4. Diseases with a hereditary component can also affect the metabolism of fats and lead to changes in their fractions in the blood.

These reasons are the main risk factors for the development of a situation in which blood cholesterol (LDL) is elevated. Therefore, the treatment of such disorders should always be accompanied by the correction of these features of the patient's life.

Cholesterol itself does not cause obesity.

Why are high cholesterol and LDL dangerous?

If a person has high cholesterol (LDL), what does it mean? Such patients have the highest risk of developing a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Atherosclerotic vascular disease, which is a disease in itself, but at the same time causes damage to various organs.
  • Ischemic heart disease is observed in such patients several times more often. Its formidable complication is myocardial infarction, leading to the development of a life-threatening condition in the patient.
  • Stroke and transient ischemic attacks are much more common in patients whose cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels are elevated.

All of these diseases are constantly progressing, leading to a decrease in the quality of life of people and posing a serious threat to them. What to do in these situations?

At increased concentration LDL increases the risk of developing severe vascular pathologies, ischemia and atherosclerosis


Therapy for people with high cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels falls into two broad categories: drug and non-drug.

You can use medicines only after consulting with your doctor and conducting a full clinical examination.

Non-drug treatment

This type of therapy is aimed at correcting a person’s lifestyle, since in most cases, with minor deviations in the analyzes, these measures are enough to reduce cholesterol and LDL levels in the blood. Patients are recommended:

  • Regular exercise of low and medium intensity.
  • Increasing the content in the diet of vegetables, fruits, dishes from them and avoiding foods high in fat.
  • Normalization of sleep and rest.
  • Fight overweight and obesity.
  • Rejection bad habits- smoking and drinking alcohol.

In many cases, the use of only non-drug treatment, allows you to deal with unpleasant symptoms and changes in analysis.

LDL is bad cholesterol

Medical therapy

In the absence of changes in the content of cholesterol and lipoproteins, the patient is prescribed special medications that can affect lipid metabolism in the body:

  1. Statins block an important cholesterol synthesis enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase, and therefore the amount of lipid in the blood decreases significantly. At the same time, the concentration of LDL decreases and the number of HDL increases. The main drugs in this group: Rosuvastatin, Atorvastatin, Simvastatin, etc.
  2. Inhibitors of absorption of dietary cholesterol from the intestinal lumen - Ezetimibe, etc. These drugs show high efficiency and are easily tolerated by patients with constant medical supervision.
  3. Fibrates (clofibrate, gemfibrozil) complex action on the exchange of LDL and VLDL, reducing the level of atherogenic lipoproteins.

Statins, Inhibitors, Fibrates are medicines used to lower cholesterol levels

There are other classes of drugs, however, the three listed are prescribed in clinical practice most often.

An increase in cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins can cause the development serious illnesses cardiovascular system, up to myocardial infarction and stroke. Such a situation calls for medical examination and prescribing treatment, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

Cholesterol belongs to the natural fatty alcohols of the steroid class. It is based on the cyclopentanperhydrophenanthrene ring. The substance belongs to the most important sterols that make up the cell membrane, many steroid hormones, bile acids, vitamin D. Cholesterol plays the role of a powerful antioxidant in the body, which protects intracellular structures from destruction by free radicals. And this leads to disease and rapid aging. In count given fat can judge the state human body and early detection of diseases.

Types of cholesterol

Cholesterol is considered a fat-like substance, the formation of which occurs in the cells of the liver, and the body also receives it from food products of animal origin.

Most of the cholesterol molecules in blood plasma are linked by ether bridges to unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. In the free state, only one third of the total cholesterol is present.

In plasma, cholesterol exists in the following forms:

  • total cholesterol;
  • LDL cholesterol;
  • HDL cholesterol.

This steroid in low density lipoproteins is considered "bad" cholesterol, and in high density lipoproteins it is "useful" cholesterol.

The concept of LDL

Cholesterol in the form of low density lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol) exhibits the main transport function of cholesterol, which moves through cells in various tissues and organs. Formed given form by the enzyme lipoprotein lipase from very low density lipoproteins.

About 70% of total cholesterol in blood plasma belongs to LDL. Due to the small size of lipoproteins (diameter is 21 - 25 nm), their free penetration into the walls of blood vessels is observed, overcoming the barrier in the form of an endothelial barrier.

Compared to HDL cholesterol, which is rapidly released from the blood wall, LDL cholesterol (due to selective affinity for glucosaminoglycans and smooth muscle cells) is retained in blood vessels. The weak excretion of this type of lipids is explained by the presence of B-apolipoproteins in their structure, which are connected to receptors located on the cell membrane of the vessels. Due to this mechanism, LDL provides cholesterol to the vascular wall, and in case of dysfunction, it accumulates in the circulatory system.

Analyzes for the determination of LDL

The detection of cholesterol in low-density lipoproteins can serve as an informative characteristic, and an increase in its value indicates a high probability of developing atherosclerotic deposits and coronary heart disease.

For the analysis of LDL cholesterol, blood is taken on an empty stomach, it is allowed to use only pure water. From the last meal should be at least 12 and no more than 14 hours.

Reception various medicines will have to be postponed a few weeks before donating blood for an LDL test. If the cancellation of drugs is not possible, then a prerequisite will be an indication of all medicines taken by the patient with an indication of the dosage of the medication.

What can distort the results of the analysis

An analysis of LDL cholesterol may be unreliable if, during the day before blood donation, a person consumed fatty and fried foods, took alcoholic drinks. The result of the research is also affected by hard physical labor.

Radiography, fluorography, ultrasound - diagnostics, rectal examination or physiotherapy procedures should not be carried out on the same day as blood donation for cholesterol.

The overestimation of the result is facilitated by the intake of beta-blockers, progestins, diuretics, oral contraceptives, androgens, glucocorticoids.

The underestimation of the result is facilitated by the intake of cholestyramine, lovastatin, clofibrate, neomycin, thyroxine, interferon, estrogen.

LDL norm

The lower the level of "harmful" cholesterol, the healthier the human body is considered. That is why LDL cholesterol is of little value. The norm of this indicator for different age categories its. For a healthy body, the content of up to 130 mg per deciliter is considered normal; for people with cardiovascular diseases, the figure should not exceed 100 mg per deciliter. An alternative unit of change is mmol/liter, convert to mg/dl by multiplying the mg value by 0.0259.

LDL norm for women and men

For LDL cholesterol, the norm in women will be slightly different from male indicators. The rate of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol for men will be from 2.02 to 4.79 mmol / liter, for women this figure ranges from 1.92 to 4.51 mmol / liter.

High LDL content

Indicators for women above 4.52 mmol / liter and for men above 4.8 mmol / liter are considered too high, which leads to the risk of developing disorders in the cardiovascular system.

LDL (cholesterol) is elevated - what does it mean for the body? Its gradual deposition blood walls and the formation of cholesterol plaques. Such fatty formations reduce the diameter of the lumen in the vessels, and this leads to a slowdown in blood flow in the affected area and threatens with even greater deposition of "bad" cholesterol molecules. There is an increasing narrowing of the vessel, and the launch of " vicious circle”, from which it is increasingly difficult for the body to find a way out.

The first to suffer are the heart vessels (as a result of which myocardial infarction develops) and the vessels in the brain, which causes at first headache, dizziness, decreased visual acuity, and then a stroke.

High cholesterol starts without symptoms, most people are unaware of high lipid levels. That is why every person should examine the level of LDL cholesterol in his body every 5 years, starting from the age of twenty.

For many women, with age, there is a risk of developing a terrible disease in the form of coronary disease. cardiac myocardium. If there is a violation of the blood supply to the muscular membrane of the heart, there is a lack of nutrition of its cells, and this threatens the onset of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. And leading role in the development of coronary heart disease increased content LDL cholesterol.

An increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol is observed in diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, anorexia nervosa. When there is an excess of fatty acids and cholesterol in the diet, the content of lipids in the body increases accordingly.

High LDL cholesterol is the norm for a special physiological state during pregnancy, when cholesterol molecules are spent on increased synthesis of female sex hormones necessary for normal development fetus.


There are a number of diseases in which LDL cholesterol is lowered. This phenomenon is usually observed with hypobetaproteinemia, abetaproteinemia, hyperthyroidism, deficiency of alpha-lipoproteins, the enzyme lecithincholesterol acyltransferase, the coenzyme lipoprotein lipase.

Raynaud's syndrome symptoms chronic anemia, acute stress, arthritis, chronic disease in the tissues of the lungs, multiple myeloma, they speak of a reduced content of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

The reason for low LDL is the consumption of food poor in cholesterol and saturated fatty acid containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Causes of high cholesterol

When LDL cholesterol is elevated, the reasons lie in the violation of metabolic reactions associated with the process of uptake of various compounds by cells of human organs. The tissues in the body feel the lack of cholesterol, it is not delivered in the right amount.

Liver cells continue to enhance the synthesis of this substance in order to meet the needs of tissues. There is a picture when cholesterol is present in the body, but to get to the right organs cannot and accumulates in the blood plasma. With such a serious cause, only a rigid and regulated diet, which includes foods rich in pectin and fiber, as well as a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, can cope.

The word "cholesterol" in most of us is associated with heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis. This view is only partially correct. In a certain amount, lipoproteins are necessary for our body. There is a certain norm of their content in the blood. If a blood test shows that total score cholesterol is lowered, then this is also not good enough.

Lipoproteins - natural construction material. Without it, new cells cannot form, certain hormones and enzymes cannot be produced. They help the body produce its own vitamin D and serotonin, the hormone of happiness. But if the LDL cholesterol in the blood test is significantly higher than normal, then this is already bad. Let's see what LDL and VLDL are, what their increase in blood means and how dangerous it is.

"Bad" cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is bad. We have three types of it - HDL, LDL and VLDL. All of them perform their assigned role in the body, but only if their concentration is maintained within allowable rate. Let's take a closer look at each type of cholesterol.

LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins)

LDL cholesterol. They call him "bad". In fact, even it performs certain functions - it transports total cholesterol through the blood to tissue cells. But due to the low density, lipoproteins can settle on the walls of blood vessels. There is an even more aggressive variety - very low density cholesterol or VLDL. Plaques are formed mainly by his "effort". Therefore, people who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels must conduct a blood test to identify a deviation from the norm in the concentration of this substance. If it turns out that LDL is elevated, then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

It is worth noting that recently in the well-known medical journal "British Medical Journal" studies were published that indicate that people with elevated level LDL live no less than those in which this level is normal.

The study involved people over 60 years of age. This calls into question the talk about the dangers of LDL in the elderly. But there is still an indisputable connection between the high level of " bad cholesterol"and the development of cardiovascular vascular diseases in the younger generation.

HDL (High Density Lipoprotein)

HDL cholesterol has a high density and therefore is not involved in vascular blockage. Its task is to carry fats from cell to cell, as well as collect excess cholesterol throughout the body and deliver them to the liver, where they are processed into bile. If HDL cholesterol is significantly lower than normal, then the likelihood of heart, vascular diseases and arterial clogging with low-density lipoproteins increases.

The norm is when a blood test shows that all these substances are balanced. If one of the lipoproteins is lowered or increased, then this means that some changes have already begun in the body or they were provoked accompanying illnesses and other factors.

Why is LDL rising?

The reasons may be varied. If a blood test has revealed that you have high levels of low-density cholesterol, then the reasons must be sought in internal diseases and external factors.

  1. Stagnation of bile in the liver, caused by various diseases - stones, cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  2. Insufficient intensity of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. kidney problems, including kidney failure and inflammation of the kidneys.
  5. Oncological lesions of the pancreas or prostate.
  6. LDL cholesterol often deviates from the norm when a person has persistent bad habits - alcoholism and smoking. These are the causes of disruption of the liver, the appearance of the first signs of atherosclerosis and thickening of the blood. In all people with such addictions, analysis usually shows deviations from the norm.
  7. If your LDL cholesterol is high, tell your doctor about all the medications you have taken recent times. These include high-dose antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives and especially steroids, which are essentially precursors or analogs of low-density cholesterol itself.
  8. The following are causes that you can eliminate yourself - an unhealthy diet with an abundance of high-fat animal products, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of weight control. In a person leading such a lifestyle, a blood test will certainly show a deviation from the norm.

In high concentrations, cholesterol can be very dangerous. Changes occur gradually, imperceptibly to you, but as a result, it becomes more and more difficult for blood cells to move freely through the vascular system. And this means that cells and organs cease to receive in abundance nutrients. This is where early strokes, heart attacks, angina pectoris, ischemia follow. Therefore, if you have not yet taken a cholesterol test, be sure to do it - this is especially true for people who have crossed the 50-year mark.

How to deal with it?

Treatment will be determined by the doctor depending on the level of cholesterol. The usual practice is the appointment of statins. This is a special group of drugs that suppress the production of cholesterol by the body. As an addition, to achieve a faster and more lasting effect, preparations based on fibroic acids are prescribed, lipoic acid, fish fat or omega-3. The effectiveness of treatment will increase significantly if you also make an effort, and do not completely trust your health to medicines.

go on a diet

Some foods bring unnecessary cholesterol into our body, which you already have enough. Therefore, exclude from the menu all fatty animal foods - butter, lard, fatty pork, lamb. Be careful with eggs - the yolks are also high in cholesterol, but proteins can be eaten without restrictions. Fatty cheeses and high-fat dairy products are contraindicated. Instead, lean on grains, legumes, nuts, fresh vegetables, fruits, and greens. Be sure to cook yourself oily sea fish at least twice a week.

move more

The movement will help you strengthen blood vessels, speed up blood circulation, relieve excess weight and don't dial it again. With a sedentary rhythm of life, blood stagnation occurs, so cholesterol is deposited much faster.

Folk remedies

Try the tips traditional healers. A mixture of garlic, lemon and fresh honey, clover, flax-seed. Be sure to take fish oil. Herbs and other things can be a good help in lowering cholesterol, but if its level is very high, then it is better to entrust your health to doctors.

A lot of people have to deal with high cholesterol these days. Therefore, do not be too lazy to take an analysis to make sure that everything is in order with you. This will help to avoid serious diseases in the future.

Level up bad cholesterol leads to a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Timely treatment can prevent the problem.

Not always a person delves into the data contained in the analysis. However normal life activity of the whole organism is possible only if all targets are within the normal range. If, according to the results of the analysis, LDL is elevated, what does this mean? What is the rate of this indicator for men and women? How to restore the LDL level if it is low or high? Is it possible to avoid vascular stenting?

Recently, more and more can be heard about such a compound as cholesterol. And it is not always mentioned in a positive way. Actually this important component to form new cells. At the same time for normal course processes in the body, it is important that this substance, or rather, its content is always within the normal range.

What are low density lipoproteins (LDL)? These are protein compounds that are involved in the transport of cholesterol in the blood. They are formed as a result of metabolic processes in the liver. If LDL is elevated, it can lead to atherosclerosis and other problems, such as during surgery. In another way, this compound is also called bad or harmful cholesterol.

Lipoproteins can be either high or low density. Everyone's blood contains both forms of cholesterol, but the more high-density compounds, the better. In high density lipoproteins most compounds make up protein components. The lower the density, the less protein and more cholesterol. There are even very low density lipoproteins. There is practically no protein in their composition, and the main share is bad cholesterol.

Causes of an increase in LDL

In order to successfully lower the level, it is important to understand what led to the failure in the balance. Deviations from the norm are usually shown by biochemical analysis. Some experts tend to single out only two main reasons due to which low density lipoproteins increase.

High rates may develop due to hereditary predisposition. On the other hand, deviations from the norm are often associated with the wrong diet, eating too fatty, fried foods, saturated with fast carbohydrates.

In fact, LDL levels can rise due to a variety of factors:

  • after the transferred operation;
  • due to a long unbalanced diet;
  • during periods of pregnancy;
  • due to smoking or alcoholism;
  • after stenting;
  • due to strong psycho-emotional stress and stressful situations;
  • after diseases of the gallbladder, including if there are stones;
  • cholestasis and extrahepatic jaundice can also affect the level of the indicator.

The human body is such an integral structure that even small problems can affect the targets. Needless to say, how much surgery, hormonal disruptions, oncological tumors or diabetes. Also negative impact may cause uncontrolled drug intake.

Often, those who are in a state of hypertensive crisis or suffering from constant pressure drops. If the result showed that LDL needs to be reduced, this may signal a pre-stroke condition or a myocardial infarction already suffered. In any case, the interpretation of the result should be carried out only by an experienced doctor.

Is the result always reliable?

There are situations when the primary biochemical blood test showed that the indicators are reduced or increased. However, no other factors and symptoms are consistent with this. What would be the right thing to do?

LDL is not always possible to determine on the first try.

Even the position of the human body during blood sampling can affect the analysis. In addition, if immediately before the study, a person ate or otherwise violated the rules for donating blood during a biochemical analysis, the decoding will be incorrect.

For the reliability of the analysis, a second study can be carried out. The next blood sampling should be done in 2 weeks. Until there is complete conviction that the decoding of the analysis is reliable, it is not worth prescribing any serious treatment.

Before we find out what danger high low-density lipoproteins pose to the body, let's talk about what standards are set for men and women, how old a person should be at the first study, how to reduce this figure and what should be the target level.

LDL content standards

Although a person's age plays a role in setting the norm for bad cholesterol, on average from birth to age 20, this figure should be:

  • for men 60-140;
  • for women 60-150.

At the age of 20 to 30 years, the normal rate for women will be in the same range, and for men acceptable level LDL will be 175 mg/dL.

From 30-40 years old, the norm changes:

  • in women, the level of LDL should be from 70 to 170;
  • in men - 80-190.

From 40 to 50 years for men and women, the following indicators are considered the norm, respectively:

  • 90-205 mg/dl;
  • 80-190 mg/dl.

After 50 years normal performance cholesterol continue to rise. If a person is 50-60 years old, 90 mg / dl will be considered the minimum rate. The maximum for women is 220 mg / dl, for men - 205. In men after 50 years of age, at any age, the minimum rate remains 90 mg / dl. The maximum indicator should not exceed 200-210. In women between 60 and 70 years of age, the minimum LDL level rises slightly (up to 230 mg / dL), and after this age barrier it returns to the 50-year level.

At what age should you start measuring? It's too late to do it.

According to some experts, the first time such a study should be done at the age of 25, then it should be done every five years. This will help keep you from developing. dangerous diseases, to detect them at an early stage and thereby avoid vascular and heart surgery, including stenting, which is usually performed due to such problems.

Analysis for lipid metabolism also includes an indicator such as triglycerides. These are fat-soluble compounds that are the main source of energy in the body. Such substances can be formed from any food. If there are more of them in the body than necessary, triglycerides are deposited in fat cells in the waist area.

Proper preparation for analysis

In order for the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the results of the analysis to be correct, it is important to strictly follow the rules for donating blood. Consider these factors:

  • the last meal should be at least 12-14 hours before;
  • a few weeks before blood sampling, it makes sense to beware of too fatty foods;
  • you should not be zealous in the gym about a week before the expected date of the analysis;
  • It is important to stop smoking at least half an hour before the procedure.

It is also worth considering that high level LDL cholesterol is possible due to some diseases, for example, due to inflammation in the kidneys or due to hypothyroidism. For the same reasons, it is possible to reduce important indicator. If before testing the patient long time took any antibiotics, this can also affect lipid metabolism.

The level of beta-cholesterol (or LDL) is determined using high-precision methods research by sedimentation of blood molecules. Lipid metabolism provides important features in the body, so it is important to monitor the slightest deviations from the desired indicators and, if necessary, know how to lower LDL cholesterol.

Danger of abnormal LDL levels

If LDL is high and HDL is low, it's important to take it seriously. Both indicators are very important, there should always be the right balance. How does lipid metabolism take place?

The functions of low-density lipoproteins are to carry cholesterol through the cells of the body from the liver, where most of the substance is produced. That is, if there were no HDL, which provide a reverse metabolism, human vessels would very quickly become overgrown with plaques and clog. Most people would be unable to do without stents and other serious health procedures.

The function of high-density lipoproteins is to help the body remove the remaining cholesterol.

HDL captures the waste molecules and transports them back to the liver, where they are recycled. This substance also prevents LDL from oxidizing and penetrating through the walls of blood vessels, clogging them. This is how cholesterol is exchanged in the body.

What causes high LDL

If lipid metabolism is disturbed, first of all, it is under attack the cardiovascular system. An increase in beta-cholesterol leads to such negative changes:

  • the elasticity of blood vessels decreases;
  • blood clots may form;
  • an increased risk of a heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis develops.

If you try to lower your beta-cholesterol by initial stages disease, many problems can be prevented. But does a person feel LDL fluctuations? Maybe. Usually such disorders manifest themselves in the form of dizziness, headache. Less often, loss of consciousness and even a stroke can occur.

Basic Treatments

Fortunately, in the initial stages, it is not always necessary to lower cholesterol. drug treatment. Of course, if the situation is neglected, and atherosclerosis has already developed, it can no longer be possible to prevent stenting. Depending on the consequences that have occurred, other operations may be required.

You can lower cholesterol and prevent stenting surgery with simple folk methods. Well thought out diet and moderate exercise helps. Do not overload an already tired body with heavy exercises. You can start with a simple daily jog. The main thing is that all efforts should be regular.

When exercising, it is important to follow vital signs, including the pulse. It is important that immediately after class it does not exceed 130-140 strokes. After 10 minutes, the indicators should return to normal, that is, the pulse should be in the range of 75-80 beats.

Lowering cholesterol is slow, so you should not hope for an instant result. Success can be achieved faster if, at the same time as physical activity stick to a diet. It is advisable to exclude such foods from the diet:

  • fat meat;
  • all sausages;
  • sweet pastries;
  • salo;
  • fatty cheese;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise.

At first glance, the diet is not too complicated, there are not many restrictions. However, it can help the body stabilize the lipid balance. A prudent approach to one's health helps to protect oneself from many problems and protect oneself from diseases.

Most people manage not to bring themselves to the operation of stenting, but to get rid of the disease at the initial stage. You should never neglect the recommendations of the attending physician, as well as the prescribed tests and conduct them in strict accordance with the rules. Early diagnosis is the key to success and light treatment!

A blood test for cholesterol and LDL allows you to determine if their levels have deviated from the norm. If this happened in a big way, it means that atherosclerosis develops in the body, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, is the cause of increased thrombus formation, blockage of an artery or vein by a thrombus. Low level cholesterol is also dangerous, because many processes in the body cannot occur without it.

Cholesterol is a fatty natural alcohol, most of which is synthesized by the liver, the rest comes into the body from food. With the help of this substance, the shells of all cells of the body are formed. Also, on its basis, steroids are synthesized, including sex hormones. In addition, cholesterol has a positive effect on strengthening bones, is involved in the work of the immune, nervous, digestive systems, performs a number of other very important functions.

But if the amount of cholesterol exceeds the norm, it begins to fall on the walls of blood vessels and form growths, reducing the elasticity of arteries and veins. This is the cause of impaired blood flow and can provoke blockage of the vessel by a thrombus. This problem is explained by the fact that cholesterol is not able to dissolve in water. To get to the cells, it forms compounds with lipoproteins of different density - medium, low and high. So called compounds that consist of lipids and proteins.

For the transport of cholesterol through the blood to the cells, low-density lipids (LDL or LDL) and medium density are responsible. After the cells take the amount of cholesterol they need, the remains are picked up by high-density lipoproteins (HDL or HDL) and taken to the liver for processing.

You should also be aware that LDL does not dissolve very well either. Therefore, along the way, cholesterol precipitates on the walls of blood vessels. At healthy person near the vascular walls are enzymes that the sediment destroys. But with age, these components become less and less, and the cholesterol sediment is gradually fixed on the vascular walls. Especially if HDL in the body is below normal, while the amount of LDL is increased.

First, the growth that settles on the vascular walls is characterized by a loose consistency. At this stage, it can still be dissolved. But there is also a danger here: at any moment a small part can come off the plaque and clog the vessel. This means that the tissues it serves will be deprived of nutrition, which will lead to their death. That is why atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain or heart is the cause of heart attacks, which often end in death.

As the plaque forms, it becomes hard and replaces the vascular wall. As the walls are destroyed, they bleed, which leads to increased formation of blood clots: this is how the body tries to cure the vessels. After some time, the vascular walls lose their elasticity, become brittle, as a result of which hemorrhage can occur at any time.

How to decipher the results

You can suspect the development of atherosclerosis if a person leads sedentary image life, is obese, prefers food with a high level of animal fats. At risk are diabetics, as well as those people who have problems with the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys.

You should also know that the level of cholesterol, LDL in men begins to rise, while HDL levels fall after the age of twenty, in women after menopause. Constant stress, smoking, alcohol are also the cause high content cholesterol and LDL, as well as low HDL.

Doctors recommend that women and men do a lipid profile at least once a year. Since atherosclerosis does not manifest itself in the initial stages, this will allow you to timely notice the deviation of cholesterol, HDL, LDL from the norm, and prevent the development of a heart attack, stroke or other serious problems.

Lipidogram is a study that allows you to determine the level of cholesterol, LDL, HDL in the blood, as well as to understand the state of fat metabolism in the body. Conduct it with biochemical analysis blood.

First, the level of total cholesterol is determined in the blood of women and men. Norms in different laboratories may differ. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the indicated figures, which are next to the decoding of personal data: these are the norms adopted in the laboratory where the analysis was carried out.

It is believed that the norm of total cholesterol in the blood of women and men should be:

In order for the doctor to be able to get a clear idea of ​​the state of lipid metabolism, knowledge of the level of total cholesterol alone is not enough. You also need to know the concentration in the blood of HDL and LDL. Therefore, he appoints to examine the blood for the number of lipoproteins of different densities.

The following LDL values ​​indicate the following conditions:

  • up to 2.5 mmol / l (low probability of myocardial infarction);
  • 2.6 - 3.3 mmol / l - optimal performance;
  • 3.4 - 4.1 mmol / l - increased values;
  • 4.1 - 4.9 mmol / l - high concentration;
  • more than 4.9 mmol / l - very high risk heart attack.

Also, the doctor should know how much high-density lipoprotein is contained in a person's blood. The amount of HDL in a healthy woman's body should be above 1.68 mmol / l. In a man, the HDL indicator in the blood, the norm exceeds 1.45 mol / l.

Reasons for deviations

An increased amount of cholesterol and LDL, as well as a low amount of HDL in women and men, can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • malnutrition, when food contains high levels of carbohydrates, trans fats, as well as very little fiber, pectins, vitamins, minerals, vegetable fats;
  • obesity, overeating;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • bile stasis and other liver problems;
  • kidney disease;
  • some medicines;
  • problems with the pancreas, thyroid gland;
  • increased production of hormones that the adrenal cortex synthesizes;
  • some viral infections;
  • in women - pregnancy.

Low cholesterol in women and men is also dangerous, as it indicates the development of serious diseases. Such values ​​are observed after prolonged hunger strikes, due to serious burns. It happens when the body is unable to properly absorb fats, which indicates serious violation metabolism and requires medical care.

Cholesterol can be lowered in tuberculosis, chronic heart failure, acute infectious diseases, blood poisoning, cirrhosis, oncology. In this case, the person needs urgent medical attention. Otherwise, there will be a lethal outcome.

Biochemical analysis shows low cholesterol in vegetarians. This is due to the fact that there are no animal fats in their food. Therefore, vegetarians should take care of the presence in the diet of foods rich in cholesterol.

The decoding of the analysis can show a deviation from the norm if the person used any medications (including contraceptives) before the analysis. Also, you can not expose the body to physical exertion before donating blood.

After the doctor receives a transcript of the biochemical analysis, if the results are unsatisfactory, he will prescribe treatment based on the individual characteristics of the organism. In addition to taking medication, the patient must follow a diet that will reduce or increase the level of natural fatty alcohol in the body (depending on the nature of the disease). If it is not adhered to, treatment with medications alone may be ineffective.
