Gynecological smear for oncocytology. Who needs an oncocytological examination. What can a cytological analysis reveal?

In a cytological examination, tissue samples taken from the cervical canal or vagina are examined under a microscope to determine the typicality of cells. This diagnostic method began to be used 50 years ago.

And so far it can be safely attributed to one of the most inexpensive and effective. The transcript of the pap test, which is given by the attending physician, will tell you about the absence or presence of abnormalities.

Seeing the results, the cytological picture becomes clear to him. You can define up to five types of changes in cells.

And the doctor has a chance to know reliably about the presence of precancerous diseases, cancer female organs, or about inflammatory processes.

Oncocytology is microscopic examination biopath taken with a smear from the cervix and cervical canal.

It is conditionally divided into 2 forms:

  1. Simple - in this case, the biopath is taken to a special brush, and when laboratory analysis smeared on laboratory glass.
  2. In liquid oncociology, a smear with gored biomaterial is placed in a vial with a special reagent liquid. It allows you to get more accurate and reliable data.

Features of oncocytology during pregnancy

During childbearing immune defense women is reduced to prevent fetal rejection. Therefore, the mother's body is more often exposed to bacterial and viral infections, cancer.

In order to timely identify most pathologies, women are recommended to take general clinical tests every month.

Among the mandatory tests include a smear for oncocytology. The examination is carried out after registration with a gynecologist in the antenatal clinic, each subsequent trimester.

Preparation for analysis

It is necessary to postpone a cytological examination if an acute inflammatory process occurs in the genital area, there is abundant discharge, itching, and also until the end of menstruation.

The fact is that in these situations it will not be possible to assess the presence of atypical cells, since leukocytes and erythrocytes will be present in the collected material and they will “hide” pathological cells.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to this procedure.

Taking a smear for oncocytology during the bearing of a child is carried out once upon registration.

It is taken for one purpose - to conduct an accurate assessment of the state of the cells of the cervix, the size and quality of the latter, excluding pathological neoplasms and changes. An analysis for oncocytology of the cervix reveals:

  • Random division and growth of atypical cells. With this result, a second smear is performed after 3-4 months or sent for additional diagnostics, biopsy or colposcopy.
  • Allows you to determine the course of the inflammatory process - this analysis will allow to determine the causative agent of the pathological process.

A smear for oncocytology - what does it show? Conducting a laboratory smear to determine oncocytology is a very necessary measure and allows you to timely detect cervical cancer.

If oncology is detected in the early stages of the course of the pathology, timely measures taken will cure cancer and prevent deaths.

A smear for oncocytology may have a negative result if there are no pathological changes in the cells, pathogenic microorganisms, cellular structures are not disturbed.

Positive result research involves the identification of atypical cells in the mucous layer of the cervix, which differ in shape and type.

Important! smear painting healthy women may differ significantly. Therefore, in the referral it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the phase menstrual cycle, gestational age, radiation or chemotherapy.

The attending gynecologist is engaged in deciphering the results of oncocytology as part of the next scheduled examination. However, even after consulting a doctor accurate diagnosis may remain unknown.

Oncocytological examination allows you to determine only the presence of changes in the structure of cells. However, the cause of such anomalies can only be established with the help of ultrasound, biopsy and colposcopy.

The study does not guarantee an accurate result if the study was conducted against the background of an inflammatory process. It is recommended to take it after treatment and not during menstrual bleeding.


Women after 30 often face pathologies of the reproductive system. It is possible to identify the cause of the disease with the help of diagnostic measures. One such study is oncocytology of the cervix. It is prescribed to women during pregnancy or performed during the next visit to the gynecologist.

In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment of deviations in reproductive system lead to consequences such as infertility or oncology. These problems are difficult to treat, especially when it comes to advanced forms.

Why is oncocytology performed?

What is the study for and what is it? Oncocytology is microscopic analysis cells taken from the cervix. The main purpose of the procedure is to identify deviations of an oncological nature.

Thanks to oncocytology, it is possible to detect cervical cancer at the initial stages of development. This increases the likelihood of a complete cure of benign and malignant tumors.

The analysis reveals precancerous conditions:

  1. Leukoplakia.
  2. Erythroplakia.
  3. Polyps on the cervix.
  4. Dysplasia.

The structure of the cells collected for analysis is two-layered. Due to this, the cervical cavity is protected from the penetration of harmful microorganisms from external environment. Bilayer cells - best option for oncocytology.

A change in the structure of the epithelium of the cervix suggests that pathological processes occur in this area, which can lead to the emergence of a cancerous tumor.

Research Methods

There are 2 ways to conduct oncocytology:

  1. Simple. It is used in public medical institutions and women's consultations. This method is called the Leishman method.
  2. Liquid. The study is carried out mainly in private clinics. This method is considered the most reliable.

In the first case, the material is applied to sterile glass and sent for further study. A smear is taken only from a certain area. The results of analyzes according to the Leishman method are prepared for 10-14 days.

In the second case, the biological material is placed in a liquid medium that retains the original properties of the cells. The results of the analysis are prepared for about 5-10 days.

There is another way to perform oncocytology - the Pap test or the Papanicolaou technique. The method is practiced in private medical institutions. Biological material is placed, as in easy way on a special glass slide. The difference between the Papanicolaou test and the Leishman method lies in the method of staining epithelial cells before examination under a microscope.

How is the research done?

Oncocytology is not accompanied painful sensations and for this reason does not require the introduction of painkillers before taking a smear. After the study, there is no damage to the epithelium and changes in its structure.

The smear is taken by a gynecologist. First, the specialist introduces an expanding mirror into the vagina, then, using a spatula, removes epithelial cells from the cervix. If necessary, the doctor collects samples of material from the cervical canal.

There may be bleeding from the vagina after the procedure. After a few days, the bleeding resolves on its own without treatment.

The collected biological material is placed on a sterile piece of glass or in a liquid medium. Epithelial cells are treated with fixing compounds and staining solutions. The conclusion is issued by a morphologist who examines the material under a microscope.

Based on the results of this conclusion, the gynecologist draws up an appropriate treatment regimen.

Indications for the procedure

An analysis for oncocytology of the cervix should be done by all women who are sexually active. The study is performed not only if a pathology is suspected genitourinary system but for the prevention of cervical cancer.

Oncocytology is mandatory for suspected cancer. The indication for taking a smear is also:

  • pregnancy (2 or 3 trimester);
  • damage to the cervix after the birth of a child;
  • age over 30;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • genetic predisposition to cancer.

Several times a year, the procedure is recommended for women who have bad habits suffering from genital infections and immunodeficiency. After age 30, screening for cervical cancer is performed once a year. Examination deadlines must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, the identified cancer cells will be difficult to eliminate.

The study is not performed with inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system. The pathogenic flora that provoked the pathology will distort the informative picture.

How to prepare for oncocytology?

The accuracy of the results largely depends on preparatory activities. A smear for oncocytology is not given during menstruation. Best time for research - before the start of menstruation or immediately after their end.

A few days before the event, a woman must refuse:

  • from sexual relations;
  • from using tampons;
  • from douching;
  • from the use of vaginal suppositories;
  • from taking a bath;
  • from taking antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Research results

The cytogram is considered normal if no atypical cells were found in the test results. A positive result does not indicate with 100% accuracy a precancerous or cancerous condition.

Of the 100 swabs taken, about 50 are considered non-informative, since the conditions for preparing for the procedure were violated or an insufficient amount of material was received by the laboratory. In this case, oncocytology is performed again.

The reasons for obtaining an unreliable result include the infection of a woman with the following sexually transmitted infections:

  • gonococci;
  • chlamydia.

The papillomavirus also causes a change in the structure of the epithelium and the formation of benign elevations on its surface - genital warts. For this reason, women suffering from HPV should undergo oncocytology twice a year.

The breakdown of the results by class is presented in the table

Class Characteristic Recommendations
1 No abnormal cells were found. All elements of biological material have normal structure and form No treatment required
2 Isolated anomalous structures indicating the development of an inflammatory process were revealed. Cells indicative of the presence of tumors were not found Additional diagnostic measures using other methods
3 A small number of anomalous elements have been detected Regular diagnostic measures are needed to study the results in dynamics
4 Cancer cells found in smear Additional diagnostic measures are required followed by medical treatment
5 noted a large number of cancer cells The patient needs treatment in an oncology dispensary

The diagnosis is made definitively only after complex diagnostics. A few months after treatment, the tests are repeated.

With a positive cytogram, women are prescribed:

  1. Colposcopy. The study allows you to study in detail the condition of the cervix and mucous membranes of the vagina.
  2. Biopsy. The study is prescribed only when malignant cellular structures are detected.
  3. Histological analysis.


Oncocytology is indicated for all women over 18 years of age. Analysis is especially necessary for women over 30 years of age and for patients who have problems with the cycle. The main goal of the study is to diagnose developing cancer cervix. It is recommended to undergo oncocytology regularly in order to notice and treat problems on the early stage.

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According to statistics, cervical cancer is given one of the leading places among malignant oncological pathologies in patients. Prevalence: 20 out of 100,000 women. Age category, which is more at risk, ranges from 35 to 60 years, in girls under 20 years old - the disease is extremely rare. A smear for oncocytology will allow diagnosing this disease at an early stage.

As a rule, with local cervical cancer, more than 80% of women live for more than 5 years, and in the presence of metastases, this figure does not exceed 13%. It is important to conduct an annual control and take an analysis for oncocytology on time. Timely screening, detection of precancerous and cancerous conditions, as well as adequate treatment tactics will help to avoid disability, disability and death.

Oncocytological diagnosis is the study of a smear under a microscope by a doctor to diagnose the presence or absence of pathological changes in the cells of the mucous epithelium. A smear for oncocytology of the cervix is ​​assigned to all girls who have reached the age of 18, at least once a year.

Why do you need a smear for oncocytology?

A procedure to assess the state of the mucous membrane of the cervix, to identify the inflammatory process, as well as to timely detect the formation of precancerous or tumor cells.

If, according to the data laboratory diagnostics the presence of an infectious agent of a viral, bacterial or protozoal nature has been established, then a smear for oncocytology is important for determining the body's response to their presence. Besides, this method allows you to identify signs of proliferation, metaplasia or other modification epithelial tissue.

In addition, a smear for cervical cancer also allows you to establish factors that contribute to changes in epithelial tissue, among them:

  • pathogenic microflora;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • pathological reactions of the organism to the intake of hormonal and other drugs;
  • development of dysplasia.

Such a wide list of indicators that can be established with this type of diagnosis makes it possible to classify it as one of the most important in identifying visible pathological conditions of the mucous membranes on the cervix, and in a comprehensive screening examination.


There are currently 3 main varieties:

  • cytological diagnosis with Leishman staining - the most common type, which is most often used in state antenatal clinics;
  • Rar test (Pap smear) - widely used in private laboratories and abroad. It is believed that the level of reliability of this type of diagnosis is much higher than the previous one. The mechanism of the analysis differs in the degree of complexity of smear staining;
  • liquid cytology is one of the state-of-the-art techniques diagnostics, equipment for which there are in single laboratories. It occupies a leading position in terms of information content and reliability. With this type of smear for oncocytology, the biomaterial is introduced into a special liquid medium for research. The cells are then cleansed and concentrated to form a thin, even coating. The mucosal epithelium prepared in this way is not subjected to drying during transportation to the laboratory for microscopy, which greatly increases the accuracy of the data obtained.

Analysis for oncocytology of the cervix

The procedure for taking a smear for oncocytology is completely painless and does not cause discomfort. This is a standard manipulation when visiting a gynecologist. The algorithm for taking a smear for oncocytology consists of the following steps:

  • insertion of a speculum into the vagina;
  • biomaterial sampling (smear; scraping) with a special spatula or cytobrush;
  • additional collection of cell samples from the cervical canal with a cotton swab.

The taken biomaterial is spread evenly in a thin layer on a glass slide. Then the preparation is stained according to Leishman or Papanicolaou, after which it is studied in detail under a microscope. In the case of the liquid cytology technique, the glass slide is first placed in a special liquid.

In rare cases, taking a smear for oncocytology is accompanied by subsequent not abundant blood secretions, lasting no more than 2 days. Such manifestations are a variant of the norm and do not require a visit to the doctor.

Important: inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs are a limitation for this type of analysis.

This fact is due to the possibility of obtaining distorted and unreliable results, which will entail making an incorrect diagnosis and prescribing improper treatment. Therefore, the cause of the inflammatory process in the body is first diagnosed, followed by its relief. Only after that it is allowed to examine the cervix cytologically.

How long does a smear for oncocytology take

The duration of preparing a cytogram varies from 3 days to 2 weeks, not counting the day of taking the biomaterial, depending on the workload of the laboratory. In private clinics, results are usually issued within 3-4 business days. Finished results liquid cytology are issued for 10-14 days.

A smear for oncocytology - transcript and normal values

Analysis of the mucous epithelium located on the cervix is ​​extremely informative for the practitioner. However, often the gynecologist does not issue a complete transcript to each patient individually.

Normal values ​​typical for healthy patients are presented in the table.

Indicators Normal values
Leukocytes 0-10 0-30 0-5
squamous epithelium 5-10
key cells
Microflora The predominant number of Gram-positive Dederlein rods
Slime moderate amount moderate amount

When is it possible to get erroneous results?

This situation is possible:

  • in young girls under the age of 20 against the background of global hormonal changes that affect and modify the mucous epithelium;
  • the material for the study was taken during menstruation. In this case, the finished product is represented by the prevailing number to the endometrium and blood;
  • contamination of the finished product (spermatozoa, medications, candles or cream, as well as lubricant for ultrasound);
  • if the patient underwent bimanual vaginal examination, due to which talc from gloves remained on the cervix;
  • in case of ignoring the standards and rules for sampling biomaterial;
  • with improper preparation and staining of the finished product.

When and how often should a smear be taken for oncocytology?

Starting from the age of 18, every girl must pass once a year this species diagnostics. The frequency of analysis increases for women who are at risk:

  • age exceeds 35 years;
  • smoking abuse, psychotropic drugs and alcohol;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • girls who had sexual intercourse very early;
  • frequent change of partner;
  • positive HIV and HPV status;
  • STDs;
  • in case of erosion or endometriosis;
  • often recurrent inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • often recurrent genital herpes or cytomegalovirus infection;
  • identification of oncological episodes in the pedigree;
  • when the menstrual cycle fails.

Oncocytology for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the frequency of testing may increase to three times. This fact is due to the need early detection pathological processes which may endanger mother and child.

Important: the procedure is carried out only in case normal course pregnancy and overall health of the patient.

If pathological conditions are detected, the study is postponed until complete recovery.

With the correct implementation of the biomaterial sampling technique, the procedure does not harm the woman, is painless and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Oncocytology for older women

It is a mistake to believe that postmenopausal women have a reduced risk of getting sick gynecological diseases. Cancer affects people at any age. Moreover, in the background concomitant diseases increases the risk of pathologies of the internal genital organs. That is why ladies over 55 are recommended to take this analysis at least twice a year.

The procedure for taking material for research and the algorithm for conducting the research itself is similar to that for young girls. It does not cause any discomfort or pain to elderly patients. Timely diagnosis any pathological condition will allow you to start treatment as early as possible, achieving the most favorable outcomes, up to a complete recovery.


In summary, the following important points should be emphasized:

  • the study is recommended to be done at least 5 days from the start of the menstrual cycle, and also no later than 5 days before the expected start;
  • before passing the smear, it is necessary to abandon sexual intercourse for at least 1 day, and from lubricants, tampons, douching procedures, the use of medicated suppositories and spermicidal preparations - 2 days before;
  • in the presence of an acute infectious process it is necessary to stop it first, and then take a control analysis at least after 2 months;
  • false-negative results and erroneous assignment of the studied material to class 1 are allowed, which is why it is important to conduct an annual control examination.

Cancers are diagnosed in last years in younger patients. Girls who rarely take a smear for oncocytology are especially at risk. This causes the late detection of a pathology that is difficult to cure on final stages.

A smear for oncocytology is a way to identify cancerous and any altered cells in the cervical region. It helps to detect precancerous conditions in time and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

When performed correctly, it reveals dysplasia, cancers and any atypical cells. Indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic area and detects violations in the structure of the epithelium.

Indications for a smear

A smear for oncocytology is taken every 12 months, as this ensures timely detection serious pathologies. For prevention, every girl over 18 years of age should undergo a full gynecological examination.

Research on cancer cells is performed more often under the following conditions:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycle.
  2. Regular pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Long-term hormone therapy.
  4. Human papillomavirus of high oncogenic type.
  5. Urogenital infections.
  6. Suspicion of an inflammatory process.
  7. The presence of relatives who have had cancer.
  8. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  9. Upcoming production intrauterine device.
  10. Infertility.

Even in the absence of complaints, one should not abandon the examination, since some diseases are asymptomatic. Cancer diagnosed on initial stage successfully treated. The quality of life does not suffer, but with late diagnosis the likelihood of death increases.

How often and when should you take a smear?

A smear for oncocytology is an annual study when there are no serious complaints from a woman and no violations have been identified. If HPV is detected in the body, it is advisable to undergo the procedure every 6 months.

An examination is mandatory if you want to have a baby at the planning stage, with frequent inflammatory processes and any discomfort in the pelvic area.

If abnormal cells are found, additional methods diagnostics. Reanalysis is often required to rule out false results. The interval between smears is 1-2 months, which depends on the information received and the general history.

Oncocytology for the elderly

Among the inhabitants there is a strong opinion that oncocytology is necessary only for young women of childbearing age. Because of this, many patients who have reached menopause refuse this type of diagnosis.

When they accidentally get an appointment with a gynecologist, the disease is already in the last stages. In order not to endanger life, a smear is taken every year, regardless of age. The epithelium often changes in menopause, when hormones are produced worse.

Oncocytology and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a huge burden on a woman’s body, so you should prepare for this process in advance. Be sure to complete gynecological examination to exclude the presence of any inflammation and abnormalities.

Diseases due to stress can worsen, so it is important to cure them before conception. If analyzes are neglected, there is a threat to the fetus, especially during the formation internal organs and systems. It also increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If all processes are stable, it is advisable to be checked for oncocytology three times. When the probability of a miscarriage is high, the procedure is canceled. The decision is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's condition, the presence of concomitant diseases and other conditions.

Types of oncocytology

There are two types of oncocytology: simple and liquid. A simple one shows changes in cells, but does not display their number. It detects any atypical cells, but is not informative enough. Particles of the epithelium are placed on a special glass, and then treated with reagents.

Liquid is considered the most reliable. The material is immediately placed in a liquid medium, where all cells are evenly distributed. The specialist reveals all changes - from inflammation to neoplasms. You can also detect HPV, after which the woman is selected additional research. If abnormalities are found, a colposcopy or biopsy is performed.

Preparation for analysis

In order for the results of the study to be reliable, it is necessary to properly prepare for the procedure. Two days should refrain from intimacy, use vaginal suppositories and tampons. Before taking the material, it is not recommended to go through a routine gynecological examination and undergo other manipulations in the genital area.

1-2 days before the smear, it is better not to take a bath, but to spend hygiene procedures with the help of a shower.

If a woman has bloody issues or there is menstruation, the survey data will be unreliable. It is better to take a smear before the start of the cycle or at the end of menstruation.

Inflammation in the genitourinary system distorts the data, so it is better to refuse oncocytology if there is itching and discomfort in the vaginal area. Instead of a smear, the gynecologist conducts an examination, selects a treatment, and after its completion, in the absence of contraindications, he takes the material.

How is a swab taken?

A smear for oncocytology is a manipulation carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist in a gynecological chair. Cells from the surface of the cervix are taken with special tools: a spatula and a brush. The procedure is completely painless, and the woman experiences only mild discomfort.

A smear for oncocytology is done by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist.

For 1-2 days, spotting is possible, passing on its own without taking medication. When performing simple oncocytology, the material is smeared on laboratory glass, after which it is placed in a special environment. Cells are examined under a microscope, and then a conclusion is given.

Due to uneven application, false results are sometimes obtained, therefore liquid oncocytology is preferable. The cell sampling process is similar, but the material is placed in special solution. It is stored in it longer, which allows additional types of research to be carried out without an additional visit by a woman to a specialist.

How much analysis is done?

The speed of analysis production depends on the workload of the laboratory and its remoteness from the place of material sampling. In ordinary clinics, glasses are collected to the required amount, and then sent for examination. When the laboratory is located at the clinic, the results can be obtained in 1-3 days.

In some cases, the conclusion is issued within a day during an urgent diagnosis.

When liquid oncocytology is used, and the laboratory is located in another city, patients have to wait up to two weeks. Compensation for waiting is high information content and low risk of false conclusions.

Interpretation of results, norms of indicators

A woman receives a form in her hands, where her last name, time of material sampling and other information are indicated:

  • the type of drug used and the type of oncocytology;
  • the quality of the drug is adequate or inadequate;
  • description of the sample - negative or a list of changes.

If pathologies are found, they sign. When inflammatory processes are detected, the type of bacteria that provoked the changes is indicated. Malignant cells are abbreviated as ASC or AGS. ASC are atypical squamous cells, AGS are atypical glandular cells. Be sure to indicate the degree of dysplasia and other characteristics of the existing changes.

There is also another option for interpreting information:

  1. Norm. All cells are fully consistent with the indicators.
  2. The presence of inflammation, which distorts the results.
  3. Dysplasia 1-3 degrees. There are single atypical cells, and colposcopy and biopsy are required to obtain additional information.
  4. Isolated cells with signs of malignant transformation were found.
  5. A large number of malignant cells, the risk of cancer is high.

Even when receiving a positive conclusion with a large number of malignant cells, one should not despair. An additional examination is required, after which a final diagnosis is made and treatment is selected.

With first-degree dysplasia, you should not immediately agree to a biopsy, as the diagnosis may be false. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after 3-6 months, and only then take further actions.

The smear is normal

A smear for oncocytology is normally a unit, which indicates the absence of pathological processes. No signs of dysplasia or cancer cells were found, and the immune system works stably.

For this, atypical cells should not be detected, and leukocytes in the field of view do not exceed 15. In the area of ​​​​the vagina, cervix and urethra contains no more than 10 elements.

In the form, the researcher receives information of the following nature:

  1. The level of cleanliness of the genital organs corresponds to 1 or 2, which means normal microflora.
  2. C - smear results from the cervical canal, U - from the urethra, V - from the vagina.
  3. The number of epithelial tissue cells, which normally should not be more than 10 units.
  4. The level of leukocytes.
  5. Sexually transmitted diseases requiring urgent treatment.
  6. The amount of mucus that is contained in the minimum amount of each girl.
  7. Number of epithelial cells various kinds. When deviating from the norm, each type of abnormal cell has its own abbreviation.

Oncocytology table

When issuing a conclusion in the laboratory, special designations are used. HPV shows neoplasia, CIN I shows grade 1 dysplasia, and CIN III shows grade 3 dysplasia.

More detailed interpretation presented in the table:

CBONo visible changes are observed. A slight deviation from the norm of leukocytes. Indicates vaginosis or leukocytosis.
KoilocytesPresence of human papillomavirus
LeukoplakiaDetection of abnormal non-cancerous cells
ProliferationInflammation accompanied by active cell division
MetaplasiaReplacing cells with other structural formations is sometimes the norm
Leukocyte infiltrationToo many white blood cells

A more complete interpretation can be obtained from a specialist, since the state of the microflora should be taken into account. If urogenital infections are detected, the pathogen must be identified, treated, and then a second smear is taken.

Smear during inflammation

The inflammatory process in the genital area can affect the conclusion of specialists. In such cases, a study of the microflora is carried out, the pathogen is identified and treatment is prescribed.

Only after that, an examination for oncocytology is performed, since foreign cells reduce the accuracy of the conclusion. The cytologist often pays attention to the microflora, as it reflects the cause of inflammation, which can be nonspecific and specific.

Nonspecific inflammation is divided into 2 groups:

  1. Acute. Manifested by an increased number of neutrophilic leukocytes.
  2. Chronic. The preparation contains increased quantities leukocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages. In this case, the usual accumulation of leukocytes should not be taken as an inflammatory process.

Specific inflammation is caused by various pathogens that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system. Such microorganisms include tubercle bacillus, trichomonas, candida, gonococci and chlamydia.

Most of these infections are sexually transmitted, so after any unprotected contacts should be checked for pathogens and undergo appropriate examination. With late detection, the disease affects not only reproductive health, but also disrupts the urinary system.

Negative results

A smear for oncocytology is a test that shows the presence of atypical cells, but does not always indicate the development of cancer. After receiving such results, the specialist recommends repeating the study, as well as going through colposcopy and biopsy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, select effective treatment corresponding to the stage of the disease.

The earlier the pathology is detected, the greater the chances of recovery.

At the same time, practice shows that cervical cancer is not so common, and a large number of women receive a negative smear. Because of this, it is recommended not to panic, but to pass full examination. Ideally, you should retake the analysis in various clinics in order to get a reliable idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe state of your own health.

Reasons for positive and negative answers

The distortion of the results is due to improper preparation for the procedure, as well as for the following reasons:

  • due to hormonal changes in young girls under 18 years of age and in women during menopause;
  • when menstrual blood enters the sample;
  • due to manipulations in the vaginal area when talc gets in from medical gloves or lubricant from ultrasound;
  • contamination of the material with spermatozoa, remains of vaginal suppositories and other substances;
  • in case of violation of the rules for taking a smear;
  • due to neglect of the features of the preparation and staining of the finished material.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, hormonal fluctuations and low level gynecologist qualifications. Because of this, it is recommended to visit reliable specialists, and if discomfort appears in the vaginal area, it is imperative to take all tests.

Research price

You can take a smear for a simple oncocytology at any medical institution at the place of residence. However, in such clinics, analyzes are put on stream, so the risk of obtaining a false conclusion increases.

Because of this, women are subjected to unnecessary examinations or do not receive timely assistance. In order not to risk, it is better to contact reliable medical centers and take a smear for liquid oncocytology.

The cost of research in various cities is presented in the table:

The cost of a smear for oncocytology can vary significantly even in one city. It all depends on the method of research, the drugs used and the qualifications of specialists. It is better to take a smear several times in different clinics than to waste precious time and put your life at risk.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about a smear for oncocytology

What is a smear for oncocytology and how to take it:

The complexity of diagnosing diseases of the genital organs in women often leads to a loss of time required for successful treatment. Often, the development of cancer cells is asymptomatic, and to identify dangerous disease can only be a special examination. A smear for cytology or a pap test in women allows you to identify cancer at an early stage and start treatment on time.

A cytological examination of the tissues of the cervix in women allows you to determine 5 types of changes in the cells. A smear for cytology is inexpensive and effective method diagnostics, used in medicine for more than 50 years. It is recommended to conduct a study for all women without exception aged 21 to 65 years at least 1 time per year. Deciphering the Pap test gives a complete picture of the presence or absence of any abnormalities.

Pap smear(Pap test, Pap smear, smear for oncocytology) is performed during a gynecological examination. The doctor uses a mirror to examine the vagina, the entrance to the cervical canal and the cervical mucosa. If there is a suspicion of an anomaly, cells are taken with a special brush from 3 areas: from the walls of the vagina, the cervical canal, the entrance of the cervix. The procedure is comfortable, painless and does not require special preparation.

The mucus is applied evenly to the glass slide, dried and sent to the laboratory.

The laboratory assistant with the help of reagents stains the smear, examines it through a microscope. This method determines the indicators:

  • cell structure;
  • cell size;
  • the shape of the epithelium;
  • mutual arrangement;
  • the number of cells per unit area;
  • pathological changes in the structure of cells.

A smear for cytology allows you to determine the majority of inflammatory diseases, precancerous pathologies of the epithelium (dysplasia), malignant tumors. After taking a smear, spotting is often observed for 2-3 days, which is normal. Extremely rare - severe bleeding, abdominal pain, chills, fever. In this case, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is required.

When is an analysis ordered?

Ideally, every woman can undergo a cytology test regularly, without special instructions doctor. A routine gynecological examination can reveal the presence of inflammation of the cervix and cervical canal. A cytological smear is only a method of confirming the diagnosis. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the recommendations of the gynecologist - if there are no indications for analysis, then you should not worry ahead of time.

However, a cytology study should be carried out for women under the age of 40 - once a year, older women - 2 times a year and more often. Cases in which a cytological examination is prescribed in without fail:

  • with menstrual irregularities;
  • in inflammatory processes of the cervical canal, cervix, etc., especially chronic ones;
  • in case of violation reproductive function;
  • during pregnancy planning;
  • before surgical intervention and others medical procedures;
  • before installing an intrauterine device;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs;
  • obesity 2, 3 degrees;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence in the body of the papilloma virus, genital herpes;
  • active sex life women with frequent change of partners.

How to prepare for analysis

To ensure the maximum degree of purity of the smear, you should follow the rules before going to the gynecologist:

  • Do not apply medications local action (vaginal tampons, suppositories, ointments).
  • Do not douche.
  • Wait until the end of the month.
  • At inflammatory diseases With copious excretion the secret must first be carried out general treatment. After a control smear confirming recovery, you can proceed to the analysis for cytology.
  • You can not urinate 3 hours before the cytological analysis.
  • It is better to refrain from sexual intercourse 2 days before taking the secret.

Compliance with these rules will avoid unnecessary anxiety and repeated visits to the doctor.

If the doctor prescribed a smear for oncocytology, this does not mean that the doctor has put terrible diagnosis and waiting for confirmation.

Remember: prevention is better than cure.

What can a cytological analysis reveal?

How to decipher a smear for oncocytology? The interpretation of the data obtained in the laboratory is understandable only to the doctor. And not always the gynecologist gives a detailed picture of the disease, not wanting to waste time on explanations.

In the process of research, you can get 5 results:

It is important to remember that a smear shows only the degree of cell change, the presence of inflammation, infections, but does not determine exactly the cause that causes them.

On the basis of only a study on cytology, the gynecologist does not make a diagnosis, for this a comparison with other analyzes is necessary.

2, 3, 4 type of changes revealed in the study of cytology, may be a sign of diseases:

  • ectopia (erosion) of the cervix;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • herpes genital;
  • parakeratosis of the cervix;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • cercivit;
  • vaginal candidiasis, etc.

Result interpretation

Deciphering the results of the analysis for the doctor is a simple matter, for the patient it is incomprehensible letters and terms.

If atypical cells are found in the smear, the laboratory assistant will write about this in the conclusion, and also determine the type of changes. Therefore, if the transcript of a smear for cytology does not contain special notes, then most likely no pathologies were found.

The time for a smear for cytology is from 1 to 5 days. Pathological change cells of the cervical canal and cervix on the way to the diagnosis of "cancer" goes through several stages, and not in 1-2 days. Cytological examination allows identifying atypical cells at the initial stage and starting treatment, which in most cases leads to full recovery. Therefore, cytological examination is universally introduced into medical practice as a fast, painless and inexpensive way to diagnose cancer cells at an early stage.
