"Aqualor baby": instructions for the correct use of drops and spray. Prevention and treatment of rhinitis in children

Spray and drops Aqualor baby are used without harm in the first days of a child's life. A soft nozzle with a restrictor ring and a shower spray help to treat and prevent a runny nose in newborns, and drops are used to daily care behind the baby's nose. The shape of the drops is also practical for restless older kids.

In contact with

Instructions for use, dosage

For newborns

For newborns, the drug is made in the form of a spray with a jet nozzle in the form of a soft shower and in the form of droplets. It is practiced for the daily toilet of babies, softening the crusts in the nose with dry indoor air, in combination with other drugs in.

Children from 1 year old

For a child from a year old, both forms of release are used: spray and drops. The spray is convenient if the child is sick and you need to clear the nasal passages from secretions, remove the swelling that interferes with breathing and reduce the recovery time. Droplets are good to use when a restless baby does not allow the washing procedure to be carried out.

Dosage: one or two drops 2 to 4 times a day (maybe more often, the drug is not addictive).

During breastfeeding and pregnancy

Instruction Aqualor baby allows you to use the solution during pregnancy without any restrictions. The natural composition of the product does not provoke complications, excluding individual intolerance to the components of the solution. Doesn't have negative impact on the fetus in the womb, safe during breastfeeding.

Types and composition of the drug

Aqualor for children is produced in two versions: nasal spray (125 ml) and nasal drops (15 ml).

Aqualor baby contains a sterile salt water solution Atlantic Ocean. Salt concentration from 8 to 11 g/l, which corresponds to an isotonic solution. The natural composition and special packaging keep the product sterile without preservatives. Outwardly, the solution is a clear, brackish liquid, odorless.

Both forms of the children's series are packed in branded boxes made of blue cardboard with white inscriptions.

Nose drops Aqualor baby

The drops are packaged in a 15 ml plastic bottle with a dropper and a tight-fitting lid.

Aqualor baby drops begin to be used in the first days after the birth of a child.


  • For restless and restless children, when the use of the spray is difficult due to the activity of the child;
  • for easy nasal breathing.

Aqualor baby in the form of a spray

The spray is sold in 125 ml bottles with a shower head. To prevent injury in case of careless use, the device is equipped with a special limiter in the form of a ring, which controls the depth of insertion of the nozzle.


  • Effective cleansing of the nasal passages from mucus, dust, softening and removal of dry crusts in the nose;
  • easier breathing, moisturizing the mucosa;
  • for the hygiene of newborns and infants;
  • prevention of rhinitis in the youngest children.

Aqualor baby spray soft shower

The device of the Aqualor baby soft shower spray is such that the jet, when irrigated, is of low intensity, but sufficient coverage. This allows you to safely use this kind of drug for newborns and restless children without the risk of damaging the nasal mucosa.

pharmachologic effect

Nasal products of the Aqualor children's series have a wide range actions on the body:

  • Stimulation local immunity and an increase in the rate of recovery;
  • moisturizing the nasal mucosa, reducing the feeling of itching and congestion;
  • rapid removal of edema and free nasal breathing;
  • an obstacle to the spread of bacteria in the nasopharynx and the fight against;
  • getting rid of purulent plaque due to irrigation of all parts of the nasal cavity.

Indications for use

Instructions for use Aqualor baby among the indications calls the following:

  • Rhinitis and, both in acute form and;
  • sinusitis, including purulent;
  • colds and runny nose with ARVI;
  • all forms of allergies, accompanied by respiratory manifestations (itchy nose, sneezing, severe runny nose);
  • dryness of the nasal mucosa caused by different reasons(due to indoor air conditioning, heating, etc.);
  • hygiene product for frequent use.

Sprays and drops Aqualor baby are indicated for the prevention and treatment of the common cold different origin, including the common cold in newborns. Washing with ocean water disinfects the mucous membranes, relieves puffiness and abundant liquid discharge and actively prepares the nose for the application of other medicines. Reasonably (drops) to strengthen immunity in spring and autumn during frequent colds, at the time of viral diseases.

For allergies

Instructions for use Aqualor baby shower advises this tool to combat the frequent manifestations of allergies. The effect of washing away the particles causing allergic reaction, helps to reduce unpleasant clinical symptoms:

  • Discharge from the nose;
  • sneezing
  • redness of the eyes;
  • itching and irritation.

The use of a remedy for the treatment of purulent rhinitis and sinusitis has been proven. Salty water actively flushes pus from the nasopharynx and, when used in combination with other drugs and ENT procedures, contributes to speedy recovery children. Single spray application therapeutic effect will not be achieved. To combat a disease such as sinusitis, it is necessary antibacterial drugs and antibiotics. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Aqualor baby according to the instructions for use is recommended for adenoids. Nasal irrigation saline solution promotes:

  • Rapid healing of tissues after surgery to remove adenoids;
  • containment of the further spread of infection;
  • reduce the risk of complications;
  • strengthening immunity.


The tool has almost no contraindications to the reception. He is discharged from birth. It is safe during pregnancy and lactation. He has no restrictions on chronic diseases internal organs. The solution remains sterile for the entire storage period.

The only contraindication indicated in the instructions is an individual allergic reaction to the natural components of the solution.

Side effects

When using the forms of the drug according to the instructions for use side effects not noted.

How to wash the nose with Aqualor for children?

Before the first use, the nozzle of the device is recommended to be treated with alcohol or doused with boiling water.

Algorithm of actions when washing babies from 2 years and older:

  1. Pre-cleanse the child's nose from secretions: ask to blow your nose or use a children's aspirator. Especially if there is a lot of discharge.
  2. Tilt your head to the side, insert the spray nozzle into the upper nostril.
  3. Press the bottle and rinse for a few seconds.
  4. Re-clear the nasal passages. Let the child blow his nose on his own (if the baby knows how) or help using an aspirator. The goal is to remove residual fluid and secretions.
  5. Repeat all steps for the other nostril.
  6. If the congestion is large and the discharge is thick, do more than one wash of each nasal passage, repeating all the steps from the beginning.

For newborns and children under 2 years old, the instruction provides for a slightly different procedure:

  1. Put the baby in the crib, turning on its side.
  2. Fixing the head in the desired position, gently insert the sprayer into the upper nostril, focusing on the limiter ring.
  3. Spray the baby's nose with a gentle shower by pressing on the spray bottle.
  4. Remove residual solution and secretions with a baby aspirator and a dry wipe.
  5. Repeat the steps with the other nostril, carefully turning the child to the other side.

List of cheap analogues of the drug

You can name such analogues of Aqualor baby, similar in composition and purpose:

from products of natural origin based on sterile sea or ocean water:

  • AquaMaris;
  • Quicks;
  • Morenasal;

from means of artificial production:

Which is better: Aqualor or Aqua Maris?

To decide what is best for children: AquaMaris or Aqualor baby, you need to know their main differences and similarities:

  1. These sprays differ in the origin of the solution. created from the water of the Adriatic Sea, and Aqualor baby - from the ocean water of the Atlantic.
  2. Both are completely natural, do not contain dyes and preservatives. it clear liquids, odorless and impurities, with a slightly salty taste. Both solutions are isotonic, with an average salt content of 9 g/l.
  3. AquaMaris has a shorter shelf life: 2 years, compared to 3 years for Aqualor. After opening the vials, both solutions should be used no later than 45 days.

In general, these drugs are interchangeable, close in price and do not have clear advantages over each other.

Terms and conditions of storage

Instructions for use Aqualor baby recommends a dry, dark place for storing this medicine, with room temperature no higher than 25 degrees. The first aid kit with the drug should be in a secluded place inaccessible to children. Under these conditions, the shelf life of the solution is 3 years.

Storage after opening

After opening the package, the solution remains sterile and usable for 45 days.

Aqualor baby is used both for daily washing of the nose of a child, and for diseases of the nasopharynx. A young mother shares her own experience of using the drug.


Aqualor baby is a special drug in. It was developed by scientists for the smallest kids. Available in two versions: spray with irrigation shower or soft shower and in the form of drops in the nose. The special device of the bottle and nozzles ensure safety during use, without the risk of injuring the baby.

The sterile natural composition does not imply contraindications for use and is used from the moment of birth.

Instructions for use Aqualor baby recommends nasal spray and drops as a means for hygiene of the nasal cavity in newborns and infants and for use in combination with other medicines for treatment inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, with allergies and colds.

Analogues -, Quicks, Morenazal and Salin.

Aqualor for newborns - safe and effective drug. It is allowed to use immediately after birth. The drug cannot cause Negative consequences on an organism that is still at the stage of formation. Spray is used for fast elimination mucus from the nasal passages, because it can be used not only for irrigating the throat. Aqualor baby consists exclusively of ocean water. It contains no harmful ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.

When should the drug be used?

Instructions for use contains full information in which cases it is advisable to use the medication. The solution is quite mild, so it does not irritate the nasal concha. It can also be used for prophylaxis during a flu or cold epidemic.

You can also treat your throat with a spray that includes chamomile and aloe. This drug helps to quickly get rid of negative symptoms not only for children, but also for adults.

Drops can be used as a daily hygiene product for baby

The drug is prescribed to the baby in case of diagnosing the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • SARS;
  • runny nose;
  • otitis;
  • flu.

The medication can be given to infants because it is gentle on tissues and does not irritate mucous membranes. It does not contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. That is why the remedy must be combined with others in case of a strong manifestation of certain symptoms.

Babies need to clean the passages well before use. In this case, from moisture will be achieved maximum effect.

The solution consists only of salt, therefore, it helps to soften the crust, but at the same time does not cause the secret of mucus to be produced in in large numbers. The epithelium will be completely hydrated, so the newborn becomes much more comfortable.

Rinse the nose can be all, without exception, children. The spray is also effective when used by adults. Its use should be abandoned only if there is an individual intolerance to individual components.

Nuances of use

Parents are wondering how many times it is necessary to drip the baby's nose in case of diagnosing inflammation. The algorithm of actions will be able to choose the attending physician more correctly. However, it is always necessary to rinse the plastic tip in boiled water before use.

How best to use Aquamaris in order to have the maximum effect in the treatment of an infant:

  • The baby must be placed on a hard and level surface. Next, you should slightly lay it on its side.
  • With the help of the hand, the head of the newborn should be held without tension. The other hand should be used to inject the drug into the nasal passage. Please note that it has a restrictive ring.
  • Two drops will be enough to achieve the effect.
  • Residual liquid can be removed with a clean handkerchief.
  • To instill the second nostril of the child, turn it over to the other side.

Sea water must be properly used. In this case, even a baby who has just been born will not be harmed. However, parents should ensure that the composition does not get into the eyes during use. In this case, it is necessary to send the child to the shower and rinse the eyes thoroughly. Salt water can tingle a lot, so the baby becomes very irritable.

It is far from always allowed to use a nasal spray for the treatment of infants. It may have a strong jet, which negatively affects the structure of the epithelial lining. However, the manufacturer took care to give parents control over the intensity of the injection. The shower function involves the use of a special nozzle that makes the spraying process as smooth as possible.

Use is possible only if the child does not have individual intolerance. These cases are rare, but once again It won't hurt the parents to make sure.

Aqualor is a drug that has undergone numerous studies. They did not find side effects that appear in infants. It is important to follow the instructions exactly and listen to the doctor's recommendations.

In the treatment of rhinitis in children, sinus lavage is necessary process. This operation allows you to clean the nose area and prepares its inner surface for acceptance. medicines. Aqualor baby, which contains natural sea water, effectively removes mucus from the nasopharyngeal cavity and helps fight viruses respiratory diseases.

Aqualor baby - instructions for use

Due to the fact that this product contains only natural ingredients, Aqualor is absolutely safe for the human body. It can be used to treat children of any age, even just born. The special nozzle excludes a possibility of damage of children's spouts. Aqualor for newborns is made with a special sprinkler that gently washes the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx of babies.


Means for irrigation of the nasal mucosa has a unique natural composition. This is the purest sea water, collected in an ecologically safe place Atlantic Ocean. The drug does not contain any artificial elements and preservatives. All components present in the sea water of a given area are completely preserved during the manufacture of the medicinal product. This composition is considered sterile and can be stored for a long time without the use of preservatives.

Aqualor labeled "baby" is made with an isotonic concentration sea ​​salt. Sprays with this brine have a saturation identical to the concentrate of blood plasma salts. This figure is at the level of 0.9%. Other types of this drug (Aqualor norms, forte, etc.) may have hypertonic solution sea ​​salt, which is characterized by supersaturation. It is used to treat purulent rhinitis in adults and children after 6 months.

Baby Aqualor contains the following substances:

Release form

Aqualor for children is available pharmaceutical company in two forms. The first is a drop and is distributed in plastic bottles with a capacity of 15 ml. The lid is equipped with a dropper for ease of use. The form of drops can be used in the treatment of newborns, in the first days of life. Experts recommend using this type of remedy when the child is restless and the irrigation procedure is difficult for him to do.

The second version of the release of the drug is presented in the form of a spray. These are cans containing 100 ml of solution. The tip of the bottle has a convenient nozzle with a stopper for safe entry into the nasal cavity. The device is equipped with a fine-dispersion atomizer, thanks to which the liquid is supplied in a wide soft jet. Aqualor shower acts on the nasal cavity of babies very gently.

The jet gently treats the tissues of the nose and throat in newborn babies. Irrigation at the spray shower is carried out with a wide radius, so it moisturizes the nasal mucosa to the maximum. Inner surface respiratory tract in babies remains intact. Externally medicinal composition looks like colorless liquid. It has a salty taste, no smell.


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The use of Aqualor for children helps the body to successfully fight infection, speeds up recovery. Thanks to a complex of natural minerals, this drug strengthens immune properties organism. Irrigation sea ​​water significantly reduces the risk of complications after past illnesses and secondary infection with the virus.

This remedy shows the following pharmacological properties:

  • It cleans the nasopharynx and sinuses well from harmful secretions and mechanical particles (dust, dirt).
  • Promotes healing of the nasal mucosa, accelerates its regeneration.
  • Carries out moisturizing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory action.
  • Increases the effectiveness of the impact medicines on the body.
  • Reduces the side effects of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Indications for use

Spray and drops Aqualor for children can be used in different situations to normalize the physiological state of the child. Doctors recommend its use in small secretions from the nose associated with colds, when the baby's breathing is difficult. Irrigation with a solution sea ​​water can be done to the baby in order to prevent SARS. If the child is prone to colds, otolaryngologists advise using the drug for daily oral and nasal hygiene.

The same simple actions will help with allergic rhinitis, when there is a problem with nasal congestion. If the child has had surgical operations in the sinus area and has difficulty with nasal breathing, experts advise using a mild spray shower to restore the mucosa. With the help of baby Aqualor, you can successfully treat viral diseases respiratory tract.

This tool can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Method of application and dosage

Before the first use of the product, it is necessary to disinfect the nozzle of the bottle. This can be done by wiping it with cotton alcohol solution, or rinse in boiling water. If several children use the same cartridge, the tip must be cleaned after each use. This is done to prevent the spread of infection.

Aqualor baby spray

Irrigation of the nasopharynx with a spray is performed 4-6 times a day if it is used for the treatment of diseases. For the purpose of prevention, these actions are performed 2 times during the day. If the child is not more than two years old, the nose is washed with him, laying on a flat surface. Children older than this age can undergo the procedure while sitting. Washing the nose of the baby consists of the following manipulations:

  1. It is necessary to turn the child's head to one side and carefully insert the tip of the balloon into the sinus of the nose. infants turn to the barrel from which the processing will be performed.
  2. Press several times upper part vial while irrigating.
  3. Remove secretions with an aspirator or help the child blow his nose if he can.
  4. If the child is sitting, turn his head to the opposite side. The baby needs to be shifted to the other side.
  5. Do the same with the other nostril.

Aqualor baby drops

The remedy in the form of drops for medicinal purposes is used 4 times a day. When observed severe congestion spout, washing can be done more often. The dosage is 2 drops per nostril. For the purpose of hygiene and preventive action the drug is administered 2-3 times a day. In this case, the dose can be reduced to one drop. Washing with this form of composition is recommended for the child in the supine position. This will allow the liquid to better penetrate into the nasal cavity. The procedure is the same as in the case of the spray.

drug interaction

Aqualor in drops and spray is a natural composition, therefore:

Side effects

During clinical research experts have not found any undesirable effects on the human body. Baby Aqualor with any form of spray provides exclusively positive influence on the:

  1. local immunity;
  2. condition of the oral and nasal cavities.


Observations of patients revealed that this composition is perceived human body as natural as possible. There are no contraindications for the use of Aqualor in the treatment and prevention of allergic and infectious diseases respiratory tract. The absolute safety of sea water makes possible application agents in the treatment of newborns.

Terms of sale and storage

natural properties The composition of Baby Aqualor is such that it remains sterile throughout the entire period of use. The company that produces this tool recommends storing it in a dry room with an air temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. It is best to keep the bottle out of light during the entire shelf life. The solution in a closed vial is suitable for use for three years.


Pharmacies offer many preparations for irrigation of the nasal cavity and mouth with an action similar to Aqualor. Basically, they incorporate sterile sea or ocean water, but there are artificial solutions. To check the naturalness of the components, you should carefully read the instructions. Substitutes are:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Marimer;
  • Quicks;
  • Humer spray;
  • Morenasal;
  • Mersonar;
  • Otrivin-sea;
  • Afrin is a clean sea.

Price for Aqualor baby

The cost of Aqualor for children depends on the region and can vary by several tens of rubles. Prices for both types of drug (see table) are within:


Isotonic natural sterile sea water - NaCl content 9 g/l.

Contains everything active substances and trace elements of sea water: K, Mg, Na, Cl, Se, I, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, etc.

Does not contain chemical additives and preservatives.


Aqualor® baby drops - Facilitates the baby's nasal breathing during feeding - Prevents the appearance of a nasopharyngeal infection and its spread during inner ear(otitis) - Promotes the development of blowing skills in babies

Properties of Aqualor® baby drops: Helps to maintain the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Thoroughly rinses all parts of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, actively cleaning them from bacteria, viruses, allergens, crusts, mucus and impurities. Stimulates protective function ciliated epithelium, increases local immunity and mucosal resistance to pathogenic viruses and bacteria. It helps to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, facilitating nasal breathing. Increases the therapeutic efficacy of drugs applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Accelerates the processes of regeneration (healing and recovery) of the mucosa and reduces the risk of complications after operations in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

Note to moms

The main rules that you should remember when washing the nasal cavity of the baby:

It is necessary to use a solution of sea water, always sterile and with a special anatomical nozzle

Do not use fresh water to wash your nose!

After washing, it is necessary to free the nasal cavity from the contents as much as possible. The child should blow his nose, and if he is quite a baby and still does not know how, you can use a rubber pear or an aspirator to remove the discharge by suction

The nasal cavity can be washed with both prophylactic and therapeutic purpose, both separately and with other means (preferably from the very beginning of the treatment of the common cold)

This procedure has practically no contraindications, it is absolutely painless - you must admit, it is very convenient when it comes to children!


to cleanse the nasal cavity. For children from the first days of life

Prevention and complex treatment acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx, such as:

Acute and chronic rhinitis (nasal congestion in an infant)

SARS and influenza

Sinusitis and other sinusitis


allergic rhinitis

Preparation of the nasal mucosa for the application of drugs

Daily hygiene of the nasal cavity

Increased dryness of the nasal mucosa

Harmful interactions on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract: being in rooms with working air conditioning or central heating, in regions with unfavorable environmental or special climatic conditions.

We increase immunity with Aqualor® baby drops.


There are no restrictions on the use. Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for use.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the drug is used after surgery.

Chemical nature contraindicated for young children, the need for a safe alternative becomes a rather acute issue.

"Akvalor Baby" soft shower comes to the aid of parents. This tool makes it possible to quickly, effectively and safely eliminate the first manifestations of prolonged rhinitis, and can also be used as a preventive measure. In this article, we will consider when Aqualor Baby in the form of drops or spray is used for.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Aqualor Baby is medical device, which is intended for the procedure for cleaning and removing residual mucus and other secretions from the nasal cavity (nasal lavage). Also, the tool helps to reduce swelling of the nasal cavity, remove unwanted microflora, which helps to reduce the manifestations colds nasopharynx (improvement of breathing, reduction of mucous secretions from the nose and slight moistening of the internal integument of the nose).

This is due to the fact that the components of the drug restore and activate the functioning of the ciliated epithelium, which, in turn, leads to an improvement general condition external respiratory tract.

Did you know? Preventive procedures for cleaning the nasal cavity were carried out in India even before our era. The first descriptions of this process are found in Ayurveda as an integral part of practicing yoga.

The use of this tool helps to increase the effectiveness of more serious medical preparations nasal application, as a result of which the duration of the cold is significantly shortened. In addition, "Aqualor Baby" helps to reduce the risk of complications after complex infectious diseases, and also stimulates the healing of damage to the epithelium of the nasal cavity.

This ability makes it possible to widely use the tool in preventive purposes, which is especially important for preventing the development of chronic respiratory diseases in residents of environmentally polluted regions.
Aqualor Baby consists exclusively of natural ingredients of natural origin. In its composition, it is 100% natural isotonic sterile sea water, without any preservatives or other artificial substances. But, despite the fact that the drug in its origin is ordinary sea water, its positive properties are confirmed by many medical studies. These primarily include:

  • complete security;
  • recognized effectiveness;
  • the possibility of unlimited and long-term use.

Did you know?Despite the success modern medicine In recent decades, the number of children suffering from inflammation of the paranasal sinuses has been increasing annually by an average of 1.5-2%.

Is it possible to use from the first days of birth

Many parents are wondering: how to wash the nose of a newborn and is it possible to carry out this procedure with Aqualore? Modern medicine has a positive attitude towards the process of washing the nasopharynx for babies from the first days, as this has a positive effect on the immune system and the body's resistance to colds.

"Aqualor Baby" for these purposes is perfect assistant, as it is one of the few means of modern medicine that successfully combines four essential qualities: efficiency, safety, naturalness and relatively low cost.

In addition, the drug is available in combination with a special nozzle for newborns, with which the liquid gently enters the nasal cavity without calling discomfort The child has. In this case, the substance manages to almost completely cover inner part mucous. From whatever age you use Aqualor Baby Spray for babies, it will only show itself as safe remedy even in the smallest children.

Did you know?Muslims have been using nasal lavage as part of a religious ritual since the 12th century AD. e. This procedure is part of the ritual ablution for prayer and tawaf.

Release form, packaging

This nasal preparation comes in several forms: as a spray or as nasal drops. Branded packaging is made in characteristic blue and white colors. The spray is produced in 125 ml bottles. Each bottle is equipped with a special limiter, similar in shape to a ring. It is designed to control the depth of injection of the spray nozzle.
This makes it possible to prevent injury to the baby's nasal cavity due to careless insertion or sudden movement of the child. It is worth noting that each bottle is designed in such a way that when injected, the jet of liquid gently but almost completely covers the surface of the mucous membrane, which helps to avoid damage to the baby's nasopharynx during daily use, even in a newborn.

Nose drops are produced in a 15 ml plastic bottle. At the top of the bottle is a special dropper, which is tightly covered with a protective cap. This form of the drug is used when the activity and mobility of the child do not allow the use of a traditional spray. Drops are also an indispensable way to ensure easy nasal breathing.

Indications for use

"Aqualor Baby" according to the instructions for use for children is a spray that is prescribed in the following cases:

  • To alleviate the course of rhinitis and sinusitis in acute and chronic form.
  • With sinusitis, both simple and in a purulent form.
  • In case of occurrence catarrhal rhinitis and with SARS.
  • With pathological dryness of the upper shell of the inner part of the nasopharynx.
  • To alleviate and prevent allergic diseases during an exacerbation.
  • For general hygiene nasal cavity as a prophylactic.

Important!Before use» You should definitely consult with your pediatrician. This condition will help to maximize the effectiveness of the tool in complex therapy or prevention of colds.

In addition to the treatment of various kinds of rhinitis, a spray of sea water has shown itself worthy in the treatment of adenoids. Salt sea water does an excellent job of healing tissues after surgical intervention, and also eliminates further propagation infection. In addition, isotonic sea water reduces the risk of complications during treatment and strengthens local immunity.

Dosage and administration

While this seawater spray is natural and safe for all ages, the directions say it should be used differently on newborns than it is on adults. But the dosage for all ages remains unchanged and is one 2 to 4 washes of each nasal passage per day.

Important!In the event that nasal cleansing procedures need to be carried out after surgery, before use» be sure to consult with a specialist.

For newborns and toddlers up to 2 years

For most parents, the use of medications in early age their baby causes additional stress both for themselves and for their child. However, thanks to a convenient bottle, as a rule, everyone will be able to use "Aqualor Baby" a soft shower when treating young children.
To inject a spray little child, it must be placed in convenient location in a supine position and turn your head slightly to the side. After that, you need to insert the tip of the bottle into the nasal passage, which is located on top, and rinse the nasal cavity for several seconds. After the procedure, the baby must be moved to a vertical position and given some time to blow his nose. The procedure, if necessary, is carried out several times, alternately changing the nostril.

For children from 2 years old

For children over 2 years old, the nose is cleaned in a sitting position. For this, the child must be seated in a comfortable position, slightly turn his head to the side and insert the spray tip into the nostril, which is located above.
After this, it is necessary to rinse for several seconds, and then repeat the procedure with the opposite nostril, and then let the child blow his nose.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the manufacturer's instructions, Aqualor Baby has no contraindications. Therefore, the tool is recommended for use from birth. The spray is not contraindicated in any chronic diseases and pathologies of internal organs and systems. Also, the drug does not cause side effects on the human body, with the exception of rare cases of individual intolerance to certain components of the liquid.

Important!If the child has any side effects after using» it must be urgently shown to the doctor. This will save the delicate children's body from the consequences of allergic reactions.

A quality nasal spray made from healing sea water is the best remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds in children. "Aqualor" is the leading representative of this group of medicines, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time. The above properties of Aqualor Baby and instructions for its use for newborns will help you use a soft shower with maximum efficiency. useful properties for general health and local immunity of the baby.
