Wheezing when inhaling in a child. Traditional treatment of wheezing when breathing. How to treat wheezing in a child with pneumonia

Parents can be seriously frightened when they hear their child wheezing, especially if it happens during sleep. It is easiest to suspect the presence of a disease, but sometimes such sounds can be caused by natural causes.It will be useful for parents to know how to cope with this condition of the child and in what cases it is necessary to urgently seek help. medical care.

It is imperative to find out why a child wheezes, especially if we are talking about an infant. The cause of hoarseness may be colds, which appears on early stages only subtle changes in the timbre and sonority of the voice.

And it needs to be treated as quickly as possible, since in a neglected state it threatens with numerous dangerous complications.

The physiological ones include the following:

  • Overload due to increased loads on them, for example, with prolonged crying or a strong hysterical cry.
  • The air in the room is too dry, which causes the baby’s throat mucous membranes to dry out and the voice to become hoarse or hoarse.
  • A buildup of mucus in the nasal passages that can drain down back wall pharynx and enter the bronchi. Usually in such cases, parents say that along with wheezing, a “gurgling” is often heard, especially during sleep.
  • Drying of mucus in the nose leads to the formation of hard crusts, which irritate the delicate mucous membrane and also lead to hoarseness.
  • Sometimes the baby breastfeeding sucks the breast very greedily. In this case, the milk gets into the nose, dries out and causes hoarseness in breathing.

Useful video: the first signs of laryngitis in a child

TO pathological reasons include the following:

  1. Infectious diseases accompanied by copious discharge mucus and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat. Many diseases can lead to hoarseness, for example, or, as well as any types that a child has. Infectious diseases such as diphtheria, false croup. All of them in one way or another affect the change in the sound of the voice.
  2. Distortion and hoarseness in the voice can be caused by allergic reactions, causing swelling and blocking respiratory tract, as well as bronchial asthma, bronchospasm.
  3. Violation normal operation gastrointestinal tract: The reflux of acidic stomach contents can cause severe irritation of the throat and airways, leading to changes in the voice.
  4. Problems with the nervous system. Everything in the human body is interconnected, and pathologies nervous system may affect the voice with spasms, speech difficulties, hoarseness, and slurred sound.
  5. Laryngeal papillomatosis. Wherein viral disease Rough formations in the form of rough growths appear in the child’s throat. They can significantly affect the sound produced, especially if they form on the vocal cords.
  6. Another cause of hoarseness can be nodules on the vocal cords. If there are many of them or they are of significant size, the sound of the child’s voice may change beyond recognition. IN severe cases may develop - complete loss of voice.
  7. In adolescents during puberty, the voice “breaks”, which is a completely natural phenomenon, especially in young men. If the sound begins to change much earlier, this may indicate existing hormonal problems, which requires seeing a doctor.

If unexplained hoarseness and hoarseness appear in a child’s voice, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist, especially if we are talking about an infant or sound distortions are accompanied by other threatening signs.

Dangerous symptoms and possible complications

Having found out why the child is wheezing, it is necessary to exclude serious problems with health. They may be accompanied by various additional signs.

These include the following:

  • Increased body temperature. This condition is the first indicator of the presence of infection and inflammatory process in a child, so contacting a doctor should be almost immediate.
  • Adding to hoarseness, red eyes, pain in the ears and/or chest. This indicates the expansion of the infection and damage to neighboring organs.
  • Nausea, vomiting. Often young children feel sick when they have a fever or severe irritation in the throat.
  • Headache.
  • Rashes on the body.
  • Severe weakness, lethargy, or excessive overexcitation.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Breathing disorders, stoppages, intermittent, gurgling breathing. The child has difficulty inhaling and exhaling air, and films or foam may appear in the throat.
  • Blue lips.

Such symptoms require calling an ambulance, as they may be signs of the development of dangerous bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, diphtheria, false croup and other extremely dangerous diseases. Also, the same signs can be observed during an attack of allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchospasm (most often without a rise in temperature). Sometimes it's about saving a child's life.

Drug treatment

Prescribe treatment using medications Only a doctor can do this after conducting diagnostics and establishing the correct diagnosis. This is very important point, because self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby, and the teenager too.

Features of treatment depending on the cause:

  • Croup, whooping cough, diphtheria, etc. are infectious and easily transmitted diseases, so children with such diagnoses are usually hospitalized. Treatment mainly consists of selecting antibiotics that affect the corresponding pathogenic microflora, as well as prescribing symptomatic drugs: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, and supportive immune system, vitamins. The same treatment is necessary for, and. Sometimes it is possible to cope with tonsillitis in children exclusively through surgical methods.
  • At different types allergies are prescribed antihistamines, with bronchospasms and bronchial asthma– bronchodilators and antispasmodics, cough suppressants.
  • Treatment hormonal disorders it must be entrusted to an endocrinologist; no amateur activity should be allowed here. For pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the underlying disease must be treated. After it disappears, it will no longer bother you why the child wheezes even at rest.
  • Surgery may also be required if there are papillomas in the throat or nodules on the vocal cords.
  • Diseases of the nervous system are treated by a specialized specialist, taking into account the patient’s age.

In the case of naturally occurring hoarseness, it is enough to regularly clean the child’s nose, suck out mucus if there is a runny nose, and if the air is dry, purchase a humidifier. If these methods do not help, the doctor will prescribe rinsing and irrigation. saline solution, or other drops.

If hoarseness is caused allergic reaction, croup, whooping cough and others dangerous diseases that threaten the baby with suffocation, inhalation of steam or soda solution can help. small child It’s easier to pick him up and walk into the bathroom filled with steam from a hot shower. We remind you that this is not a treatment, but only a way to stop an attack before the ambulance arrives.

In cases where the cause is an infection, it is recommended to drink a lot, decoctions are best medicinal herbs, tea with honey or raspberries, hot milk with honey, rosehip decoction.

To speed up the disappearance of hoarseness, you can apply compresses to the throat (only in the absence of purulent processes in it).

Prevention measures include hardening the baby, proper nutrition and compliance hygiene measures. It is necessary to monitor the air humidity and regularly clean the child’s nose, as well as promptly seek medical help for any suspicious symptoms.

Young children often have a cough regardless of the weather and general condition baby's health. If your throat is dry, then when you inhale, wheezing, which can lead to a dry cough - usually this phenomenon may indicate that a person has diseases associated with the lungs, bronchi or throat. Wheezing can be dry or wet, and each of them requires its own treatment. Let's take a closer look at how you can cure wheezing in a child. 1

What is the reason for wheezing in children?

Often wheezing in children occurs due to foreign bodies entering the larynx, bronchi or trachea after all Small child very often he puts into his mouth everything that catches his eye. Sometimes foreign objects get in when coughing or talking, so you should be careful about what kind of objects your baby plays with.

But if we consider wheezing as a symptom of a disease, then most likely this indicates inflammatory process . Most often, this indicates inflammation of the lungs, and there are types such as morbid, focal and chronic. If a child has wheezing and coughing, but does not have a fever, this may not be a good signal for parents, as this indicates a latent form of pneumonia.

If after a cold the child still has long time The cough does not go away, but it is still worth visiting the doctor again and conducting additional examinations.

Doctors define several types of wheezing in the lungs, namely:

  1. Whistling while wheezing manifests itself when the bronchi narrow and swell, causing severe spasms.
  2. Humming wheeze– when coughing, thick, viscous sputum appears, which occurs during an obstructive process occurring in the lungs.
  3. Wet wheezing- occurs due to blood and fluid accumulated in the bronchi. Typically, such a cough occurs with tuberculosis, lung abscess, pneumonia and bronchiectasis.
  4. Silent wheezing– appears with pulmonary edema and chronic heart failure.

It is worth remembering that, regardless of the type and reason why wheezing and coughing occurs, you should first consult a doctor for first aid, because the consequences can be very dire.


How dangerous are wheezing without fever, and what can they mean?

Wheezing and cough without fever can talk about serious illnesses such as pneumonia. In a baby, this disease manifests itself as follows:

  1. the child becomes lethargic and restless;
  2. complains of headaches;
  3. infants can refuse breast milk;
  4. the baby often burps, stool becomes more frequent;
  5. frequent shortness of breath;
  6. bluish swelling occurs in the nose and eyes;
  7. cough accompanied by runny nose.

Any cough is dangerous to health and indicates that not everything is in order with the baby’s health. If coughing and wheezing continue for a long time, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness.


How to treat wheezing in a child?

In case of wheezing in a child without fever you should not self-medicate. Even with this manifestation of the disease, the baby may be hospitalized with suspected pneumonia. First of all, blood, urine and sputum are tested. Fluorography is prescribed, which can determine the presence of pneumonia. The lungs are examined.

For the treatment of wheezing mandatory are appointed antibiotics. It is also worth remembering that the room where the child is located must be frequently ventilated, and the diet should include dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea and herbal decoctions. In parallel with drug treatment appointed breathing exercises for lung development.

In any case, if wheezing or coughing occurs in a child, you should consult a doctor for a full examination. Regardless of whether it is caused by a disease or a foreign body enters the body, first aid should better be provided by doctors. Do not forget that latent pneumonia can be fatal.


Obstructive bronchitis in a child

Bronchiectasis. The reason for the formation of respiratory sounds is narrowing of the lumen of the airways and accumulation of mucus, blood, and foreign bodies in them. An obstruction in the path of air flow causes wheezing sounds.

You can detect wheezing when breathing with the naked ear or using a phonendoscope and stethoscope. It is much more difficult to detect wheezing in children than in adults. This is due to the features child's body: in young children it is normally observed hard breathing, which is typical for ARVI in adults. If a sick child does not have a fever, it is almost impossible to detect wheezing sounds. Children without fever feel well and cannot sit quietly while the pediatrician examines them.

sputum, narrowing and pathological changes in the elements of the airways are the causes of wheezing when breathing

Wheezing - important symptom pathological changes in the lungs or bronchi, accompanied by such clinical signs, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, weakness, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia, fever, hyperhidrosis.

Types of wheezing

According to localization, wheezing sounds are pulmonary, bronchial, tracheal and extrapulmonary.

Wheezing from the throat and nasopharynx occurs after a long cry, with or. Pulmonary wheezing is a sign of bronchopulmonary pathology, and extrapulmonary wheezing is a symptom of dysfunction of other organs and systems: heart, blood vessels, kidneys.

The following types of wheezing are distinguished:

Each type of wheezing corresponds specific disease and is determined by the characteristics of its flow.


The localization, mechanism of formation and intensity of wheezing are determined by the cause of its occurrence. There are 2 etiological factors formation of pathological noise in the bronchi and lungs:

  1. Spasm or narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi,
  2. Availability in various departments respiratory system thick and viscous mucopurulent secretion, which fluctuates during breathing and creates sound vibrations.

Wheezing is nonspecific symptom most diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems. It does not allow making a diagnosis and correctly assessing the patient’s condition. To accurately diagnose pathology and prescribe effective treatment, it is necessary to take into account all the symptoms together, as well as data additional methods research - instrumental and laboratory.

In infants, wheezing in the throat is physiological. In children up to 4 months, the process of swallowing saliva is formed, and up to one and a half years, the respiratory organs develop. If the child’s body temperature remains normal, sleep and appetite are not disturbed, there is no need to worry. Consulting a pediatrician will help rule out heart disease and allergies. Wheezing combined with a runny nose, cough, lethargy and blue lips is a sign. Parents should call immediately ambulance.

Dry wheezing

Dry wheezing occurs when there is an obstruction in airways formed from dense and thick contents. Another cause of dry wheezing in the bronchi is a spasm of smooth muscles or narrowing of their lumen due to inflammatory edema, a foreign body, or tumor growth.

Liquid discharge does not participate in the formation of dry wheezing. That is why such breath sounds received this name. They are considered unstable, changeable and occur with inflammation of the pharynx, larynx, and bronchial asthma.

A stream of air passing through the affected respiratory tract creates turbulent turbulence, which results in the formation of wheezing sounds.

The main characteristics of dry wheezing depend on the degree of damage and the caliber of the inflamed bronchus:

  1. In terms of quantity, wheezing can be single or multiple, scattered throughout the bronchi. Bilateral dry wheezing is a symptom of generalized inflammation in the bronchi and lungs. Unilateral wheezing sounds are detected over a certain area and are a sign of a cavity.
  2. The tone of wheezing is determined by the degree of resistance of the bronchi to the air stream passing through them. They are low - buzzing, bass, high - whistling, hissing.
  3. In bronchial asthma, dry wheezing resembles a whistle and is a sign of bronchospasm. Thread-like mucous membranes in the bronchi manifest themselves as wheezing wheezing, which can be heard at a distance.

Dry wheezing without cough and other symptoms occurs not only in pathology, but also normally. They form in response to dry atmospheric air. Dry wheezing sounds can be heard when communicating with older people. After take a deep breath or a slight cough, they disappear completely.

Whistling dry rales are a sign of dysphonia, paralysis of the vocal cords and hematoma of the surrounding soft tissues. Diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and esophagus are accompanied by dry wheezing: retropharyngeal abscess.

Wet wheezing

The appearance of moist rales is caused by the accumulation of liquid contents in the bronchi, lungs and pathological cavities - caverns, bronchiectasis. The stream of inhaled air passes through liquid sputum, bubbles are formed, which burst and generate noise.

Depending on the caliber of the affected bronchi, moist rales are divided into small, medium and large bubbling. The former are formed in the bronchioles, alveoli and smallest bronchi, the latter - in the medium-sized bronchi and small cavities, third - in large bronchi, cavities and trachea.

Moist rales are consolidating and non-consolidating. The former appear with pneumonia, and the latter with congestion in the lungs caused by chronic heart failure.

Moist wheezing sometimes becomes dry, and dry wheezing very often becomes moist. As the disease progresses, their basic characteristics may change. These signs not only indicate the nature of the course and stage of the disease, but can also signal the progression of the pathology and deterioration of the patient’s condition.


Main diagnostic method detection of wheezing is auscultation. This is special medical manipulation carried out using a phonendoscope or stethoscope. During auscultation, listen to all segments in turn. chest in different positions of the patient.

Auscultation allows you to determine the origin, nature and localization of wheezing. To make a diagnosis, it is important to find out the caliber, tonality, timbre, sonority, prevalence, uniformity, and number of wheezing.

Auscultation may reveal crepitus, resembling a crackling or crunching sound when breathing.. This is a sign of accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the alveoli of the lungs. They stick together, and at the height of inhalation, the air causes them to come apart, and a sound effect is formed comparable to the sound of hair rubbing between fingers. Crepitation is a pathognomonic symptom of pneumonia and fibrosing alveolitis.

Diagnosis of diseases manifested by wheezing in infants is difficult. Babies cannot tell what hurts. In infants, wheezing can be a consequence of crying or a symptom serious illness. In order not to miss it, it is necessary to observe the baby while crying and after it. If the child quickly calms down in his arms and behaves normally, despite wheezing, then there is no need to worry. And if he is choking and turning blue, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Such signs indicate a severe infectious disease or foreign objects entering the respiratory system.

To correctly diagnose patients with wheezing, the doctor suggests undergoing a series of laboratory and instrumental studies: general analysis blood, microbiological analysis of sputum, radiography of the mediastinal organs, spirography, tomography, lung biopsy.


To get rid of wheezing in the chest, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease which became their immediate cause. Treatment of wheezing in the bronchopulmonary system is carried out by doctors of the following specialties: pulmonologist, therapist, cardiologist.

Traditional treatment

Causal treatment consists of the use of antibiotics or antiviral drugs . If the pathology is provoked bacterial infection, patients are prescribed antibiotics wide range from the group of fluoroquinolones, macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins. In case of viral infection of the respiratory system, it is indicated antiviral therapy drugs "Kagocel", "Ingavirin". Children have interferon preparations dripped into their nose and rectal suppositories inserted into their rectum. "Viferon" or give sweet syrup "Tsitovir". If the cause of wheezing is an allergy, then taking antihistamines general and local action – « Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Loratodine", "Flixonase", "Cromoglin".

Pathogenetic therapy for diseases of the respiratory system, manifested by wheezing, consists of the use of drugs from the following pharmacological groups:

  • Mucolytics that thin sputum and facilitate its removal - "Fluimucil", "ACC",
  • Expectorants – "Ambroxol", "Bromhexine", "Mukaltin".
  • Bronchodilators that relieve bronchospasm - "Berodual", "Atrovent", "Salbutamol",
  • Herbal medicines - breast collection, chamomile tea.


Wheezing without fever responds well to folk remedies.

Help to get rid of wheezing in the lungs in children and adults the following means traditional medicine:

  1. Decoctions medicinal herbs- coltsfoot, licorice, thyme, chamomile.
  2. Infusions of plantain, raspberry, eucalyptus, elderberry, viburnum, cranberry.
  3. Inhalations over potato peelings, soda inhalations or inhalation with essential oils.
  4. Honey mixed with butter and egg yolks.
  5. Radish juice mixed with honey.
  6. At normal body temperature - chest compresses made from potato or mustard-honey cake. A highly effective remedy for wheezing is an oil compress.
  7. Milk with honey - popular remedy for cough and wheezing. Patients are advised to eat honey with a spoon and wash it down with hot milk.
  8. Onion syrup is prepared as follows: chop the onion, add sugar and infuse. Take the syrup several times a day until wheezing in the lungs disappears.
  9. Milk with sage is taken before bed.
  10. Warmed alkaline mineral water with honey helps get rid of moist wheezing.


Prevention of wheezing in children and adults involves timely identification and treatment of the underlying disease, as well as maintaining health. It includes the following activities:

Video: wheezing and auscultation of the lungs

You need to approach the issue of wheezing in a child and how to treat it seriously, and start with a visit to the pediatrician. The doctor must determine the cause: sputum or foreign body in the bronchi or lungs, narrowing of the airways. The next step is to understand what type of wheezing is in order to choose the right medications.

Causes of wheezing in a child

The problem is most often discovered by pediatricians by listening to the baby's chest with a phonendoscope, but sometimes parents also notice extraneous sounds when the child exhales or inhales. There are several reasons:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs, due to which respiratory organs phlegm accumulates.
  2. Some diseases lead to narrowing of the lumens in the bronchi due to spasms and swelling, large quantity mucus.
  3. If healthy child suddenly began to wheeze, perhaps a foreign body had entered the respiratory tract.
  4. The causes can be much more serious than a cold or pneumonia, for example, a tumor in the bronchi or heart failure.

The pediatrician should not only listen to the baby with a phonendoscope, but also prescribe a blood test, sputum (if there is a cough), x-rays and other studies that will help establish an accurate diagnosis.


Wheezing is not the main disease, but only a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body. They are accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • shortness of breath or chest pain;
  • cough, dry or wet;
  • increased temperature or fever;
  • the child sweats profusely, looks weak and exhausted;
  • can complain about headache;
  • In severe cases, if medical attention is not sought or treated incorrectly, the chirps become loud and whistling.

Types of wheezing in children

It is important to determine what type of wheezing is. And only then the doctor selects a certain set of medications aimed at combating the disease and its symptoms.

Dry wheezing in children.

How to treat a hysterical cough and dry wheezing in a child? Depends on the diagnosis. If the cause is stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, which is too thick and difficult to clear, the pediatrician may prescribe expectorant syrups or antibiotics. Sometimes dry wheezing is accompanied by allergies (swelling of the airways occurs) or bronchial asthma.

Wet wheezing.

Mom, armed with a phonendoscope, can hear the sound of bursting bubbles in her chest. This means that a lot of fluid and phlegm have collected in the respiratory tract, which sticks the lungs and bronchi together from the inside. Wet wheezing is a sign chronic bronchitis or asthma when it subsides.

Treatment of wheezing in a child

When it comes to treating wheezing in a child, the main thing is to comply with hygiene and the pediatrician’s instructions. To stimulate the removal of mucus from the respiratory system, it is necessary to ventilate the room. The patient needs drinking plenty of fluids: water room temperature, tea with honey and herbs, dietary broth. If the child normal temperature, you can soar your feet. Add mustard to the baths or medicinal plants. Inhalation with essential oils and herbs, such as eucalyptus or chamomile, enhances mucus production and relieves inflammation.

Among medications, cough tablets are prescribed for children, and syrups for children. You can buy mucolytics made from plant or synthetic ingredients: tussin, thermopsis or pectusin.

For bronchial asthma or other serious diseases, hormonal inhalations are prescribed.

The child must be protected from tobacco smoke and wool, remove plants from his room and regularly do wet cleaning, exclude from the diet foods that can cause allergies. It is advised to adhere to the regime, not to overcool the patient, and to massage the chest daily to improve expectoration.

What to do if your baby has a wheezing throat? Any noise, including wheezing when breathing infant should alert parents. In most cases, breathing becomes wheezing if the passage of air through the airways is obstructed. Can interfere with normal breathing foreign object, accumulation of dust, viscous sputum.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (the first day symptoms appeared)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often for Lately(6-12 months) You experience similar symptoms(a sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just below lower jaw. Your feelings:

If your temperature rises sharply, you use antipyretic drug(Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into oral cavity by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Also, the passage of air becomes difficult when the lumen of the airways narrows due to spasm of smooth muscles. The baby may also wheeze due to certain congenital conditions. anatomical features respiratory system.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “wheezing” - noises during breathing, and “hoarseness” - a change in voice timbre (hoarseness).

Let's talk about why a newborn may become hoarse, and also discuss the causes of breathing noise in children under 3 years of age.

Wheezing in the throat in a healthy child

Infants often wheeze, and this is normal. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • inability to swallow saliva - especially typical for 3-4 month old children, in whom saliva is produced very actively;
  • teething - also causes increased production of saliva, and is also accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, which can provoke the appearance of wheezing;
  • wheezing in the throat may occur when regurgitating food;
  • some babies wheeze in their throats simply due to the accumulation of phlegm; when the child learns to hold his head up and sit, the wheezing will disappear on its own;
  • a child may become hoarse when the vocal cords are overstrained (prolonged screaming, crying).

Periodic wheezing of a baby who eats, sleeps and plays well, in most cases does not threaten his health. However, parents must be vigilant. You should measure the child’s body temperature, check if he has a runny nose or if his throat is red.

If you are concerned that your child wheezes periodically, bring this to the attention of your pediatrician. After examining the baby, he will find out if there are reasons for concern.

Colds and hoarseness

Colds are diseases the risk of which increases significantly in conditions of hypothermia. In the vast majority of cases, colds are caused by viruses of the ARVI group (acute respiratory viral infections). That is why the concepts of “cold” and “ARI” are often used as synonyms.

A feature of ARVI in children 1-5 years of age is that the infection affects several parts of the respiratory tract at once, resulting in hoarseness accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, coughing and other cold symptoms.

If viral infection affects the larynx, laryngitis develops. Since the vocal cords are located in the larynx, laryngitis is always accompanied by hoarseness. In some cases, with laryngitis, the voice disappears almost completely. Other symptoms of inflammation of the larynx in an infant:

  • increased body temperature;
  • poor appetite;
  • barking cough;
  • moodiness, sleep disturbance;
  • Older children may complain of a sore, dry, or sore throat;
  • very often the disease is accompanied by nasal congestion and runny nose.

In young children respiratory infections prone to spread to the lower respiratory tract - trachea, bronchi and alveoli. To prevent the development of bronchitis and pneumonia, laryngitis must be treated in time.

Treatment of laryngitis

Treatment for laryngitis includes antiviral or antibacterial drugs in combination with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The difficulty of treating infants is that most drugs are approved for use from 3 years of age.

Many are contraindicated for infants healing proceduressteam inhalations, gargling, sucking lozenges, irrigating the throat with sprays.

What measures should parents take to improve their child’s well-being?

Only those should be used medications, which are allowed in infancy. The throat can be treated with Aqualor throat aerosol. You should not direct the aerosol stream directly into the throat - this can provoke a coughing attack and even laryngospasm. The spray should be carefully applied to inner side the child's cheeks, and it will be distributed throughout the oropharynx. You can also give your child a weak decoction pharmaceutical chamomile, literally a teaspoon - this replaces gargling.

Make sure that nasal breathing the baby is not affected. If your child's nose is stuffy, use vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, for example "Vibrocilom".

If necessary, antipyretic drugs such as Viferon, Paracetamol, and Ibuprofen for children are used in the treatment of laryngitis. Children's antipyretics are released in convenient forms- as rectal suppositories, syrups and suspensions. Antipyretics are used when the temperature rises to 38 C.

True and false croup

Croup is called acute obstructive laryngitis. Obstruction means a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract. Croup - very dangerous condition, which can be fatal. Children 1-3 years of age are most susceptible to croup.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx of an infant by just 1 mm narrows the lumen of the respiratory tract by half, which can result in suffocation.

There are true and false croup. True croup associated with diphtheria – childhood infectious disease. With diphtheria, the tonsils are significantly enlarged and The lymph nodes. The child's neck swells, the throat becomes covered with a thick film, making it difficult for air to pass through. There is only one treatment for diphtheria - the introduction of antitoxic anti-diphtheria serum (ADS), which neutralizes the poisons secreted by the causative agent of diphtheria.

The so-called false croup develops due to viral and bacterial diseases, which can lead to narrowing of the lumen of the upper respiratory tract. It can occur against the background of ordinary laryngitis during ARVI.

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • wet barking cough;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing when inhaling air;
  • attacks of shortness of breath at night;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • profuse sweating;
  • blue face.

If such symptoms occur, you should urgently call an ambulance.

The child should be picked up in an upright position and calmed down. Try giving him a warm drink mineral water– it helps thin mucus and makes breathing easier. It is recommended to go out with your child Fresh air or open a window. Many experts advise putting vasoconstrictor drops in the baby’s nose. As they flow down, they are distributed throughout the nasopharynx, reducing swelling.

Stridor in newborns - what is it and how to treat it?

Stridor is a rough wheezing sound that accompanies breathing when various pathologies respiratory tract. Often stridor is caused congenital disorders development of the larynx, epiglottis and trachea. In particular, stridor may be associated with the following pathologies:

Stridor should be suspected if wheezing in an infant does not disappear for a long time and does not respond to traditional treatment.
