Somatic neurosis symptoms and treatment. Neurosis of the stomach and intestines: why it appears and how to treat How to get rid of the problem

26.08.2015, 11:49

Good afternoon Dear doctors, please tell me whether what is happening to me could be a neurosis or is it a really serious disease. Here are somatic symptoms what are they worried about this moment.
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A little about myself - woman 39 years old, weight 47 (falling rapidly), height 156.
I have been suffering from depression for a long time, there were even attempts to treat it with medication, but I couldn’t bear going on antidepressants and quit, and lived like that.
1.5 years after giving birth, I felt very unwell, I went to all the doctors and found nothing. A terrible cancerophobia began, I barely got out of that state. However, not for long, then it all started again - pain, weakness, sobbing. I drank a/d and tranquilizers for a month, I lived a little and started all over again. I found a psychotherapist, relieved persistent pain in several sessions, I’ve been studying for six months but I feel a persistent deterioration. More and more new symptoms, I no longer understand that I either have lymphoma or a brain tumor, I can barely walk.
How to understand the nature of the disease, is it nervous in nature or is it organic. I read that neurosis very often occurs as part of a somatic disease. There is no strength to live or fight honestly.
How to understand the reason? Should I look for organic matter or take the path of curing neurosis with medication?
At the moment I am experiencing dizziness, nausea, vision problems (diplopia, flashes, blurred vision), intestinal problems (diarrhea-constipation), pain and lump in the throat, bleeding gums and nose. At the same time, constant weakness, episodes of crying up to 10 times a day, I feel sorry for myself, I’m afraid of dying and terrible diseases and everything like that. Running around to doctors, after the appointment I calm down for an hour, then I remember that I didn’t say something, I begin to doubt their competence. But this is how it happens: a person gets sick and everyone thinks nerves and in the end there is nothing left to treat.
Let me formulate a question
treat with medication? So what?
continue psychotherapy? (not working)

26.08.2015, 14:02

Significant anxiety. Significant depression.
You need doctor's consultation and treatment!

The level of depression on the Beck scale (in points) is 45.
Severe depression. You need doctor's consultation and treatment!

The level of anxiety on the Beck scale (in points) is 40.
High level of anxiety. You need doctor's consultation and treatment!

01.09.2015, 12:31

Tests: CBC, ferritin, TSH, free T4?
What BP did you drink? Why only a month?

02.09.2015, 11:18

Moreover, I understand that with all my actions I am destroying myself, but I can’t stop. I don’t care about my family (which has already fallen apart), about my little daughter, the fear of death and especially from illness and pain is stronger. We have worked through a lot of childhood psychotraumas, but things are still there , I barely remain socially active (I go to work, but the other half of the day is spent doing medical examinations).

03.09.2015, 11:37

Anafranil in a minimal dose and only a month is very little.
You can add an SSRI antidepressant in an adequate dose, but you just need to start with 1/4 of the tablet.
TSH and T4 free and ferritin - also do some tests.
Continue psychotherapy.

03.09.2015, 12:40

I handed it in, I'll post it in the evening.
But why does psychotherapy make me feel worse, or rather there were improvements, and then when physical symptoms appear, everything stops working.
Yesterday I thought I had a tumor of the pituitary gland, today I already had a stroke, and all these sensations are not imaginary. Every day I feel like the last, I feel so bad.
By the way, the psychotherapist is very principled, she does not recognize drug therapy, like the soul cannot be treated with pills, the body can be patched up at the very least...

09.09.2015, 11:06

Your tests are fine.
You need to pick up pills.
We need to continue psychotherapy. Do you meet with a psychotherapist regularly?

25.11.2015, 11:30

I haven’t started taking the pills yet, but a new round of pain followed in the bones, muscles, tissues of the stomach, or whatever it is, I don’t know.
I quit psychotherapy because a year of classes did not bring results.
Is it possible in in this case talk about quite such a somatic disease?

25.11.2015, 12:56

Did you quit or complete psychotherapy?
To complete means to say goodbye within 1-2-3 sessions.
There is no need to quit psychotherapy.
If you are not ready to return to your psychotherapist, find a new one.
Pills also need to be selected with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist whom you trust.
Problems with somatics should be ruled out by somatic doctors. As far as I understand, you don’t have any particular problems.

25.11.2015, 14:57

When I finished, the psychotherapist and I realized that there was no improvement and smoothly ended the year of classes.
Somatic doctors found some old antibodies to chlamydia and attributed pain in muscles, joints, bones, pain and cramping in the abdomen associated with food, nausea to superficial gastritis. It is difficult for me to trust such doctors, so I have to continue the diagnostic search for my deplorable self. said the state.

26.11.2015, 16:02

What antidepressants did you take? Was it mirtazapine?
Find a psychotherapist or psychiatrist whom you trust to help you pick up the pills.
Find another psychologist or psychotherapist to start new psychotherapy.

27.11.2015, 09:08

No, in all these three years, except for a month of anafranil and tranquilizers, I haven’t taken anything, now I’m taking phenazepam, but it doesn’t work anymore. The thing is that I can’t find a somatic doctor whom I can trust, I haven’t even looked for a psychiatrist yet- after all, if there are side effects from the drugs, then how will I be able to distinguish flies from cutlets, because everything already hurts me and there are many other problems. I can write them off as side effects and miss the real disease. Can bones and muscles hurt with neurosis? everywhere they write that it’s for cancer, well, honestly, I haven’t checked them yet

30.11.2015, 12:42

Bones and muscles may ache during neurosis. We even have a diagnosis: somatoform pain disorder.
Modern drugs have very few side effects.

07.12.2015, 11:14

As a result, they prescribed venlafaxine 0.375 for now, one tablet and eglonil 200 mg - 3 times a day. Isn’t the dose too much? The fact is that I already have mastopathy and my chest hurts constantly, and prolactin is produced there, there may be complications. The doctor told me harshly - You have no choice, but I’m asking here - maybe there is?
My stomach hurts very much, and if you put pressure on your stomach and it hurts, could it be a somatoform disorder? Or organic? In response to my timid question about psychotherapy, she said to be treated like this first, it won’t help, then you won’t go. Isn’t this the right approach... In general, there is no contact with a doctor it turned out

09.12.2015, 14:48

Hello. Eglonil - why? I think that you don’t need it, especially with mastopathy.
Psychotherapy can and should be combined with pharmacology.
Venlafaxine is possible and necessary, only the dose should be 1/2 tablet 37.5 mg 2 times a day for 2 days, then 37.5 mg 2 times a day. And this dose (75 mg per day) is the minimum dose that can work. If after 10-14 days the dose of 75 mg / day does not work, the dose needs to be increased to 112 mg or 150 mg per day.

Intestinal neurosis is a very unpleasant condition for a person, which can hardly be called an independent disease. This is a functional disruption of the activity of one of our systems, caused by a failure of the psychological apparatus.

In a word, negative emotions, stress, sluggish depression and other non-physical ailments often find a way out in somatic disorders. This phenomenon is called “psychosomatics” and has become very common in recent years.

Intestinal neurosis is a very unpleasant condition for a person.

A classic example of psychosomatics is the well-known vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), when, due to neurosis, the autonomic system begins to work incorrectly, like an out-of-tune piano: sympathetic and parasympathetic division The nervous system does not work coherently, the person feels bad, although there is no disease, there is only a functional disorder of the nervous system.

And if the neurosis does not affect the autonomic system, as is the case with VSD, but the digestive tract, the person develops intestinal neurosis.

It is important to note right away that a functional disorder, unlike an organic lesion, is not dangerous and does not lead to cancer, as many unreliable sources claim. Yes, for a long time functional disorder the gastrointestinal tract may indeed begin to suffer, but the symptoms of abdominal neurosis are so unpleasant that the man will go see a doctor much earlier and cure an unpleasant illness before it turns into a serious pathology.

Or the disorder will go away on its own when the root cause of the disorder - neurosis or stress - disappears. In the case of psychosomatic illnesses, this phenomenon is not uncommon, although many people like to attribute their own self-healing abilities to this or award magical powers to any factors, for example, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning or wearing a special talisman.

Intestinal upset can go away on its own - along with stress


Organic organ damage, that is, real diseases, in the vast majority of cases have a clear list of symptoms, united by the concept of “symptomatic picture”. If a person’s complaints do not fit into any list of mandatory signs of pathology, the doctor will always reasonably suspect that the patient has a functional disorder due to neurosis.

Considering the symptoms of intestinal neurosis, you can be amazed at the variety of phenomena:

  • constant rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain localized in different places abdominal cavity;
  • feeling of abdominal distension;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea.

It is important to note that a person may have all the described symptoms together, or alternate in any order. Of course, this will affect his quality of life, because being active and able to work with such “symptomatic baggage in your stomach” is objectively very difficult.

It is very difficult to be active with such “symptomatic baggage in the stomach”

On this basis, a person develops neurosis. Firstly, it is uncomfortable for him to be among people, when every now and then he experiences the urge to defecate, emit gas, and rumbling is heard from his stomach. Secondly, he has serious concerns about his health. After all, all the symptoms of his disorder are quite real, the psyche desperately wants to find an answer to the question of why this is happening. And, of course, he finds it on the pages of a dubious forum, where each participant is attributed a diagnosis of cancer, or in communication with a hypochondriac friend who, out of the kindness of his soul, will share the story that he knew a person who experienced the same torment and died last week.

So, a person appears a full range of signs of an anxiety disorder:

  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • insomnia;
  • sweating

The circle is closed: the functional disorder that arose against the background of neurosis entailed additional neurosis, and, of course, intensified all the symptoms. Get out of this vicious circle There is only one way: by going to the clinic.


For psychosomatic disorders, all diagnostics are based on the principle of exclusion. That is, the doctor needs to make sure that the patient does not have any organic damage to the digestive tract. And then the only possible culprit of the clinical picture will be abdominal neurosis.

To carry out diagnostics, the doctor will prescribe the following studies:

Abdominal ultrasound helps identify organ development abnormalities

If the examinations completed by the patient do not reveal diseases that can cause such a list of symptoms, then the doctor will refer the patient to specialists who will treat irritable bowel syndrome.

Why are several specialists needed at once? This requirement is not mandatory; one doctor can handle the appointment if the patient is ready to consciously engage in treatment. The difference between the treatment of somatic pathologies and neuroses is that the patient must put his nervous system in order himself, with his own efforts and will, and the doctor can only help by guiding him and prescribing appropriate medications.

If we treat intestinal neurosis as a simple disease, without psychological problem Basically, it cannot be cured. A person will be able to reduce or eliminate symptoms, but then will face a problem with the slightest stress. Moreover, most of Such patients return to the doctor immediately after completing the course of taking the prescribed medications, because all the symptoms have made themselves felt again.


In order to alleviate the symptoms of pathology and return a person to normal vitality, it is necessary to normalize his digestion process.

In order to do this as quickly and correctly as possible, the patient must provide the doctor with all the symptoms of his illness - you can even write them down on a separate sheet.

The first stage of treatment is creating the right diet.

  1. If a person has diarrhea, the doctor will make for the patient a list of foods that he absolutely should not eat, and in return will offer a list of dishes that should form the basis of the diet.
  2. If constipation is severe, the doctor will recommend enriching the diet with fiber - fresh fruits, cereals. Advises the consumption of fermented milk products.
  3. In case of flatulence, the doctor will prohibit the consumption of any foods that can cause fermentation in the intestines: legumes, carbonated drinks, chocolate. The gastroenterologist will also advise slightly reducing the size of carbohydrates in a regular portion, replacing it with proteins, if the person does not have kidney problems.
  4. Pain and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen are often the result of a lack of diet. The doctor will advise you to eat fractionally, in small portions, at the same time. A very effective diet is one in which you can write down everything you eat, and then indicate your feelings from eating - bloating, fermentation, pain.

An important stage of treatment is creating the right diet.

When following any diet, you need to understand an important nuance! A diet is always a restriction of certain foods from the diet, and with them useful vitamins, minerals, trace elements. If any dishes had to be removed from the menu during treatment, you must purchase vitamin complexes, which include these substances, and drink them throughout the diet.

The second stage of treatment by a gastroenterologist is drug therapy . Based on the available data on symptoms, the doctor will select painkillers, digestive enzymes, mild laxatives or, conversely, astringents. Many people recommend treatment with folk remedies for a diagnosis of “intestinal neurosis.”- and they really can be effective, but only with the official permission of the attending physician to use such methods in a specific case.

It is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and after just a few days you can experience a significant improvement in your well-being. But, at the same time, one must understand that this stage is just symptomatic treatment, and full-fledged therapy includes visits to several more specialists.


Abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation - all this is caused by disorders in the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. One of them is responsible for peace, relaxation, and digestion of food. The second is for activity and, returning to the distant past of humanity - getting food. These departments never work together; when the first one turns off, the second one turns on, and vice versa. But during neurosis, the activity schedule gets mixed up, and the digestive system begins to suffer because of this.

The neurologist will prescribe the necessary sedatives

The neurologist’s task is to prescribe sedatives that will restore the activity of the autonomic nervous system and, at the same time, normalize the digestive processes. For most people, “valerian tincture” or “motherwort tincture” will be suitable as such a remedy with a calming effect; others will need more effective relaxing drugs sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, while others will need prescription tranquilizers or antidepressants.

A competent and experienced neurologist will understand what treatment the patient needs in a particular case. In addition to medications, he may prescribe other relaxation methods: walking, swimming, massage. Do not neglect these tips, they are very effective as prophylactic for similar disorders and an additional therapy tool.


Finally, the last specialist who is definitely worth visiting is a psychotherapist. Of course, it would be more logical to come to him from the beginning, because the cause of the disease is precisely neurosis. Then a psychotherapist could detect neurosis and help eliminate it, then a neurologist would help strengthen the nervous system and a gastroenterologist would normalize digestion.

But the patient’s physical discomfort comes before the psychological, which is why this treatment algorithm works. However, all these stages can be completed in parallel.

The psychotherapist will find out what problem led to the formation of a psychosomatic disease, what stress or neurosis the person is experiencing (sometimes in a hidden form). Together with the doctor, the patient will work through this problem, learn how to get rid of it and prevent its occurrence.

The psychotherapist will find out the cause of the psychosomatic illness

Thus, knowing what intestinal neurosis is, symptoms and treatment, you can quickly and easily cope with an unpleasant problem, leaving time for more pleasant activities than suffering from diseases that the human psyche has invented for itself.

Signs of a neurotic disorder differ in variability, inaccuracy; each person’s neurosis can manifest itself in its own way. Therefore, in order to accurately establish a diagnosis and receive adequate treatment, you need to consult a psychotherapist.

A psychotherapist diagnoses neurosis. The treatment regimen that will help cope with the disorder depends on the type of neurosis and its severity.

Neurosis is a functional disease of the nervous system. This means that the disorder occurs temporarily; there is no infection, tumor, or persistent pathology of blood vessels or internal organs in the body. Negative factors deplete the nervous system:

  • stress;
  • overvoltage;
  • internal conflict;
  • traumatic situation.

This causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, indigestion, strange pain and discomfort in different parts of the body. Somatologists (who deal with diseases of the body - therapists, neurologists) do not find any abnormalities: neither peptic ulcers, nor abnormalities of the endocrine system (for example, thyroid gland), no inflammation.

Manifestations of neurosis in adults are often confused with other diseases, so most patients undergo examinations for years, but treatment does not produce results. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist.

The body is healthy with neurosis, most tests are normal. “All diseases come from nerves” - that’s exactly what it’s about.

How to recognize neurosis? It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • somatic manifestations(from the body) - vague pain, increased fatigue, changes in blood pressure, fever, sweating;
  • emotional instability- frequent unreasonable or causeless anxiety, fear, irritability, tearfulness;
  • poor load tolerance- a person cannot concentrate, sometimes cannot sit still. Both work and personal life, basic things get boring very quickly.

In the next part we will take a closer look at how neurosis manifests itself and what specific symptoms and complaints are possible.

How to define neurosis

Symptoms depend on the form of neurosis. The most common manifestations of the body and psyche are:

  • sleep disorders;
  • indigestion;
  • breathing problems, feeling of suffocation;
  • disruption of the heart and blood vessels;
  • vegetative symptoms - trembling, convulsions, sweating, temperature changes, even pain.

One of the first possible signals is sleep disorders. Difficulty falling asleep, shallow or restless sleep, frequent awakenings. The feeling of tension in the head during neurosis is a consequence of the fact that at night the nervous system is not fully restored. Sleep disorders lead to constant tension and emotional breakdowns.

Digestive system sensitive to psychological traumatic factors. She reacts with loss of appetite, flatulence, frequent pain and discomfort in the abdomen, and problems with stool. In this case, the person has neither an ulcer nor an intestinal infection. A common manifestation is nausea during neurosis, which is accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth.

The nervous system is connected to all internal organs, so with neurosis the entire body suffers. The opposite is also true: if you give a specialist the opportunity to cure the psyche, the physical symptoms will also disappear.

With neuroses there are breathing problems: typical complaints of lack of air, difficulty inhaling or exhaling, suffocation. Sometimes a person feels like he has forgotten how to breathe. It is often observed when you find yourself in a conflict or emotionally significant situation.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system hypertensive crises and disturbances may occur heart rate, discomfort in the chest area. Tachycardia with neurosis is a common complaint.

The nervous system takes the main “blow” under constant stress. A person experiences tremors in the body during neurosis, frequent headaches, hot flashes, muscle cramps, changes in sensitivity (numbness of the limbs). Sometimes he may complain that he feels dizzy for no reason.

All changes in neurosis are functional, that is, reversible. With adequate treatment, patients recover completely.

Mentally, a person becomes depressed, cannot concentrate for a long time, and memory decreases. The level of anxiety increases, and overly violent emotional reactions are possible. With psychoneuroses, there are no hallucinations, but sometimes there is tinnitus.

If it is necessary to sit quietly for some time, a person with neurosis experiences discomfort. To calm himself down, he begins to tap his pen, play with an item of clothing, and fidget with his fingers.

Psychoneurosis: symptoms and reasons for contacting a specialist

Frequent suppression of negative emotions and life in constant stress lead to prolonged psychoneuroses. It can be extremely difficult to get out of them without qualified help.

A person may be tormented for years by chronic neurosis, the symptoms of which are emotional “breakdowns” (hysterics, tears, irritability) or physiological reactions(stupor, loss of voice, pressure surge, nausea) to a small conflict or difficulty. A person is simply not able to control behavior and emotions at a difficult moment.

If a therapist, cardiologist, or gastroenterologist did not find anything, do not forget to seek a diagnosis from a psychotherapist.

Often, in attempts to alleviate the condition or find out the cause of constant discomfort, people find imaginary illnesses in neuroses. This is typical somatoform form of the disorder. A person undergoes all possible tests and undergoes absolutely all examinations. The burning sensation of the skin or weakness in the legs (sometimes even the slightest sensation in the body) characteristic in some cases of psychoneurosis is perceived as a symptom of a terrible, fatal disease.

This disease is reversible, but Seeing a psychotherapist is an important step on the path to recovery. A neurotic disorder worsens relationships with family, creates problems at work, and leads to self-destructive behavior (alcohol, drugs, attempts to die).

The reason for contacting a specialist may be a violation of the thermoregulatory function of the body - simply put, an increase in temperature due to neurosis. In another way it is called thermoneurosis. Here it is important to exclude other diseases, so you can also consult a neurologist.

Dizziness due to neurosis, interruptions in heart function, increased fatigue and other symptoms are a reason to be examined by a doctor.

Diagnostics includes:

  1. Personal conversation between doctor and patient- the first and most important stage on which the plan for further action depends.
  2. Neurologist consultation- if you suspect a neurological disorder (numbness, pain, fever, impaired mobility).
  3. For differential diagnosis the doctor may prescribe Neurotest and Neurophysiological test system (with endogenous diseases), EEG, CT/MRI, blood tests for hormones and markers (indicators) of inflammation.
  4. If necessary, the doctor involves a clinical psychologist or scientific experts in the diagnosis, and may convene a consultation.

Based on the diagnostic results obtained and the patient’s medical history, the psychotherapist prescribes appropriate individual treatment. .

Nervous stomach pain

Any person has heard the phrase: “All diseases come from nerves” and this is not without reason. In fact, scientists have proven the fact of the impact of the negative sphere on the human body and the appearance of any abnormalities in it.

People who are under stress for a long time experience stomach pain from nerves 3 times more often. In addition, other symptoms may appear, such as nausea and vomiting. If pain occurs due to mental stress, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, because they may be the first sign of a serious pathology.

When the stomach hurts due to nervousness, this condition cannot be classified according to any specific disease.

Typically, doctors use the term "gastric neurosis" for a number of stomach-related conditions, such as indigestion (functional dyspepsia), bloating, or even changes in bowel habits.

The diagnosis is usually made by a doctor after tests and tests reveal any specific cause of the stomach condition and understand why it hurts. In most cases, the stomach may hurt as a result of problems with the nervous system or anxiety.

Types of pathology

Depending on which symptom predominates, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

Nervous pain in the intestines

It would be interesting to find out whether nerves can cause stomach pain? At the first sign of discomfort, many people begin to take various drugs that can worsen your health. With strong mental overexcitation, vasospasm occurs and blood flow to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract decreases.

Over time, the surface changes. The first manifestations of gastritis may appear. Gradually, the mucous layer of the stomach ceases to function normally, and various diseases develop (gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum).

Inflammation also affects other organs of the digestive tract. Pain in the epigastric region appears, which is periodic or constant. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines can appear even with a normal diet, proper and healthy lifestyle.

At the initial stage of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, the following symptoms appear:

  • abdominal pain in different areas (depending on the location of the inflammation);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching of air that has an unpleasant odor;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • heartburn, feeling of a full stomach;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • rapid heartbeat leading to tachycardia.

If you have almost constant bloating. When pulled in and pressed, it hurts at the bottom. Irregular stool, flatulence. If you experience heaviness at the slightest overeating, then you may not have a disease, but a condition called irritable bowel syndrome. There is no threat to life or health, but the quality of life is significantly reduced.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is, first of all, an overly sensitive gut that reacts painfully to the most ordinary life situations, such as breakfast, getting ready for work, an upcoming date, not to mention events such as a holiday dinner, a call to the boss, quarrel with loved ones.

The main difference between IBS and other diseases of the intestines and other organs is gastrointestinal tract is the absence of the so-called substrate of the disease. What does it mean? For example, with a peptic ulcer, there is a defect in the gastric mucosa or duodenum- an ulcer, which causes characteristic complaints.

Irritable bowel syndrome is mainly - psychosomatic illness. Most often, IBS occurs as a result of the suppression of negative emotions, which, without finding an adequate outlet, increase the excitability of the autonomic nervous system and manifest themselves in the form of bodily symptoms. For the same reason, a frequent companion of irritable bowel syndrome is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Under the influence of psychological stress or a chronic traumatic situation, much less often - an intestinal infection, in some people the intestine becomes overly sensitive. At the same time, the threshold for pain perception decreases, and the intensity of pain perception becomes inadequate to the stimulus that causes it.

Painful impulses from the intestines come to the brain. Since the brain receives an excessively strong impulse, the response signal sent to the intestine is also excessive. In response to the strong impulse received, a disturbance in the motor activity of the intestine occurs, which a patient with irritable bowel syndrome feels as abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation.

Another leading cause of irritable bowel syndrome is a change in the thoracic and lumbar spine (scoliosis or osteochondrosis), where the autonomic ganglia that regulate intestinal function are located.

Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is complex. No diet needed, just normal balanced diet. Dynamic loads are required - purposeful walking for 40 minutes a day.

If pain intensifies - duspatolin or dicytel - 3 weeks

For bloating - espumizan

It is highly advisable to take antidepressants (prescribed by a doctor) or treatment from a psychotherapist.

Everyone knows that “due to nervousness” a variety of unpleasant sensations in the stomach are possible. This is where the expression “heart in your heels” comes from. In fact, this means that the unpleasant sensation that began in the heart area gradually moves into the abdominal cavity, causing a feeling of “freezing” there.

But can abdominal pain really be caused by nerves? It turns out it can.

Is it any wonder that “phantom” pain exists? A man's leg has been amputated at the knee for a long time, but he clearly feels pain in his little finger. Science knows the appearance of stigmata on the palms and feet of religious ascetics of the past, who sincerely empathized with the religious plot of the crucifixion. Therefore, functional abdominal pain is possible. The main thing is the ability to distinguish it in time from a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity, which requires urgent surgery.

It is known that internal organs are innervated by the autonomic nervous system. It has significant differences from the somatic system: it does not obey our will, but works autonomously. And this system generates pain sensations that are not so bright and specific, but dull, diffuse and poorly localized.

For example, if you hurt your finger or foot, then you can show exactly where the pain is the worst. And if there is pain from the passage of a stone through the ureter, then, despite the clear position of the stone at each moment of time, the pain will be diffuse. Vague localization is what distinguishes autonomic pain.

Abdominal pain “from nerves” primarily occurs from dysfunction of this very autonomic nervous system. After all tunnel syndromes and there can be no pinching of nerves in the abdominal cavity: there are no dense cartilaginous and bone formations, powerful ligaments in which long nerves can be compressed. On the contrary, everything in the abdominal cavity is perfectly “lubricated”, and the intestines are suspended on the mesenteries.

Perhaps the only exception in which the nerves of the abdominal cavity are infringed is hernia, but the mesentery is quite rarely infringed by the hernial orifice. The second situation is torsion of the mesentery with the occurrence of gangrene of the intestinal loop, intestinal obstruction and the development of peritonitis.

But in this situation, the immediate cause was torsion of the mesentery with impaired circulation, and the corresponding neurological disorders were a secondary consequence acute ischemia, and they should not be considered.

The most common cause of abdominal pain from nerves is vegetative-vascular dystonia. An imbalance between the sympathetic (stressful) and parasympathetic (trophic) parts of the autonomic nervous system leads to various conditions. For example, to hyperhidrosis, increased blood pressure, lethargy, feeling hot.

One of these abdominal (abdominal) manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia is irritable bowel syndrome, which is manifested by an attack of diarrhea. In this case, it is possible that abdominal pain of a functional or nervous nature may appear.

It is known that every fifth person suffers from such a disorder in their life; in cities this figure is significantly higher. The reason, in addition to autonomic disorders, lies in the acceleration of the passage of food through the intestines, as well as a functional disorder of the nervous regulation of peristalsis, which is reversible.

This occurs due to the emergence of conditioned reflex connections between the upper gastrointestinal tract and the large intestine. Overstretching of the “full stomach” receptors is mistaken for a full intestine.

Fortunately, this process does not last long. Similar errors of the nervous system occur, for example, during recovery from pneumonia, severe infectious diseases. At this time, the body is still weakened. The nervous system is also weakened. This condition is called asthenovegetative syndrome.

Patients often have stomach pain due to nerves. They, without trying to understand the root cause of the disease, use the first medicines they come across. Scientists have proven that people who regularly experience stress complain of abdominal discomfort three times more often. Additional symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may occur.

Stomach pain can also occur from nerves

Let's find out whether stomach pain can be caused by nervousness. When experiencing discomfort in the abdomen, people take many medications that can only worsen the condition. With psycho-emotional overexcitation, blood flow in the mucous layers decreases. The surface of the digestive organ changes.

The gastric mucosa gradually ceases to function normally. Pain syndrome occurs. The discomfort may be constant or intermittent. Gastrointestinal diseases begin to develop due to the damage present.

Symptoms and causes of intestinal neurosis. Diagnosis and treatment of neurosis

The listed symptoms of intestinal neurosis are also found in other diseases (tumors, inflammation, erosion, diverticulosis, etc.) and are not strictly specific. The diagnosis may be suspected when a person, upon examination, reveals a number of symptoms that meet the diagnostic criteria (Rome criteria).

Diagnostic criteria include recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort on at least 3 days per month over the past 3 months, accompanied by the following:

  • health improves after defecation;
  • delay or increased frequency of bowel movements provokes the onset of pain;
  • the onset of pain is associated with a change in stool consistency.

Abdominal pain must be accompanied by at least two signs:

  • bowel movements less than three times a week or more than three times a day;
  • the stool is hard or bean-shaped (sheep feces) or loose, watery in nature;
  • prolonged straining during defecation;
  • secretion of mucus in feces during bowel movements;
  • feeling of bloating, fullness in the abdomen, or incomplete bowel movements after bowel movements.

To make a diagnosis and exclude tumors, inflammatory processes, acute intestinal infections, a mandatory diagnostic minimum:

More than a billion people in the world suffer from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or intestinal neurosis. According to statistics, residents of developed countries and city dwellers are more likely to get the disease, which can be explained by both the greater availability of medical care and the tendency to analyze their health more closely.

This condition called a biopsychosocial disease, emphasizing its psychosomatic nature. A direct relationship between stressful situations and the formation of IBS has been proven. These can be either single traumatic situations in the distant past or within several months before the onset of the disease, or extended events that aggravate intestinal neurosis.

Its symptoms more often occur in people with other disorders of the autonomic nervous system, in particular with vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). The personal characteristics of the patient also play an important role - increased sensitivity, tendency to worry. There is also a hypothesis about a genetic predisposition to IBS, but at the moment there is no reliable evidence of its existence.

It is also possible that diet may influence the development of intestinal neurosis - abuse of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, excessively rich or unusual food can contribute to the occurrence, and will certainly contribute to the aggravation of IBS symptoms. An infectious theory of intestinal neurosis is also being developed.

The main difference between intestinal neurosis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the absence of an obvious morphological substrate of the disease. For example, with colitis there is an inflamed mucous membrane of the large intestine, with cholelithiasis there are stones in the gall bladder. With intestinal neurosis, it is not possible to detect any characteristic changes. Therefore, IBS is often a diagnosis of exclusion, when an in-depth examination fails to find pathological changes.

The combination of a stressful situation and impaired functions of the nervous system leads to increased intestinal sensitivity. Also, under stress, peristalsis often increases or accelerates. The combination of high sensitivity and more active peristalsis is perceived as a pronounced painful stimulus.

The brain receives redundant signals from the intestines and, accordingly, the response signal is also redundant. As a result, intestinal motor activity is disrupted, and the secretion of enzymes increases or decreases. Thus, a vicious circle arises - excess impulses from the intestines cause too strong a response, which affects the state of the intestines, causing even stronger signals.

Due to the psychosomatic nature of the disease, the symptoms of IBS are extremely varied. Traditionally, they are divided into three main groups - stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), abdominal pain and increased gas formation, which are also the main signs of intestinal neurosis. Attempts to unify the diagnostic signs of intestinal neurosis led to the development of the Rome II criteria (1999).

  • Flatulence and bloating;
  • Various violations the process of defecation (the presence of an urgent urge, the need for prolonged straining, a feeling of insufficient bowel movement);
  • Presence of constipation (stool less than once every 2 days) or diarrhea (more than 3 times a day);
  • Abnormal consistency of stool.

In 2006, at the Rome Consensus III, these criteria were modified: the time frame was reduced, now the diagnosis of intestinal neurosis can be made if the above symptoms are present for at least 3 days a month for 6 months. The concept of nonspecific IBS has also been added - now this diagnosis may be present even in the absence of classic symptoms.

Other characteristic symptoms of intestinal neurosis (abdominal pain and flatulence) also have characteristic features. The pain syndrome can vary significantly in strength (from minor discomfort to intense paroxysmal pain) and localization (usually in the lower abdomen, but can be observed in any part of it).

Pain often appears or worsens after eating. The absence of pain during sleep is very characteristic. The patient never wakes up due to pain, but it can appear even at night if sleep is interrupted. Flatulence in IBS is often very pronounced and causes significant discomfort, which is why the patient is forced to refuse to attend public events and wear clothes with a belt.

Stool with intestinal neurosis also has characteristic signs. With constipation, feces consist of individual small pieces glued together (sheep feces) or a long narrow strip (pencil-shaped feces). Stools in the form of a “plug” are also often found; at the beginning of the act of defecation, the stool is denser and liquefies towards the end.

Diarrhea in patients with intestinal neurosis occurs more often in the morning in the form of repeated small bowel movements, often mixed with mucus. There are no other pathological impurities (blood, pus) in the stool. In addition, there are conditions that accompany intestinal neurosis. Their symptoms are as follows: palpitations, sweating, headaches, sleep disturbances, gynecological problems in women.

Diagnosis of IBS

The diagnosis of intestinal neurosis, as mentioned above, is a diagnosis of exclusion. To diagnose it, you need a full examination, which includes:

  • Clinical blood test;
  • Microscopic examination of stool;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Endoscopic examination stomach.

If there are threatening symptoms (changes in blood tests, pain at night, blood in the stool, the presence of colon cancer in relatives, age over 45 years), this list of studies can be expanded.

Therapy for the disease is complex and includes both treatment of gastroenterological manifestations and correction of the psychological status that accompanies intestinal neurosis. Treatment is primarily based on routine aspects: adherence to diet and frequency of meals, compliance with the psychologist’s recommendations to reduce stress, and increased physical activity.

The diet for IBS includes a large amount of foods containing dietary fiber. The diet is fractional, in small portions in 5-6 meals. Psychological methods and psychotropic drugs. Including them in the treatment regimen significantly increases its effectiveness and speeds up recovery.

Of course, traditional medicines are also used. Due to the fact that the most common complaint is pain, antispasmodics are used more often than others. All their groups are highly effective. Maximum effect Myotropic antispasmodics, in particular duspatolin, have minimal side effects.

Loperamide (Imodium) has worked well for diarrhea. Constipation can most often be corrected with diet; if necessary, lactulose medications can be prescribed. Ancillary drugs are also used. Probiotics to normalize microflora, enzymatic preparations (festal, mezim) to increase the secretion of bile acids and normalize peristalsis, as well as other symptomatic agents. They are also effective non-drug methods– physiotherapy, reflexology, physical therapy.


Favorable for intestinal neurosis. This condition does not develop into more severe organic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, has no tendency to degenerate into malignant neoplasms and can be successfully treated.

Possible causes of the pathological condition

There are many factors that can provoke pain, nausea and vomiting in a person. The main ones are pathogenic microorganisms, but there are also psycho-emotional reasons: anxiety, stress and severe anxiety can lead to a decrease in the body's defenses.

As a result, the body's resistance sharply decreases and the chance of getting sick increases several times. Hence the pain of various types, radiating to the stomach. The factors that lead to discomfort are discussed below.

Many factors can lead to nausea or pain affecting the stomach (when it hurts regularly and the pain does not stop for a long time).

Viruses and bacteria are the main physical reasons pain, nausea and vomiting. However, it is emotions, especially anxiety, stress and excitement, that can contribute to a decrease in immunity, weaken the body and lead to negative consequences in the form of infectious diseases and frequent pain radiating to the stomach.

Among the causative factors of this type it is worth highlighting:

  1. Social anxiety. Each person may experience it in certain situations. It could be going to a party where there are no people you know, or the first day of school or a new job that makes people nervous.
  2. Stress or fear. This factor can include trivial things: making the next mortgage payment for an apartment, enrolling in a university, or meeting a hooligan on the street.
  3. Overexcitement. This is the most common factor for indigestion. Thinking about a big wedding, graduation, or a long-awaited vacation can cause increased levels of arousal and, as a result, this leads to stomach pain (and the stomach can hurt for a long period).

The human digestive system and the processes within it can be greatly affected by changes in emotions and states, such as stress, anxiety, depression and other nervous disorders.

The mental state also affects the physiological state. Some doctors believe that when a person receives a “portion” of stress, the excess acid released in the stomach causes irritation of the stomach mucosa, leading to the appearance of symptoms that mimic heartburn.

A condition known as irritable bowel syndrome, when combined with stress and anxiety, as well as a frayed nervous system, can further cause nerve-wracking stomach pain. In children, it often appears as a result of bullying from peers and pressure from teachers during the educational process and taking tests.

Chronic nervous stress can also cause and aggravate stomach ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to recent research, people tend to worry about issues such as health, money or career all the time (that is, on an ongoing basis), which leads to irritable bowel syndrome over time as the condition becomes chronic and worsens. .

General symptoms of gastric neurosis consist of:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea alternating with constipation;
  • mucus or blood in the stool;
  • chronic abdominal pain (the stomach may ache in waves).
  1. Ulcers.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Regurgitation (acid reflux, stomach irritation).
  5. Heartburn.
  6. Abdominal fullness.
  7. Bloating after eating.
  8. Discomfort or pain in the stomach area, when the latter hurts frequently and intensely.
  9. Belching and flatulence.

At times, overeating or eating any foods that cause additional allergies can also lead to the above symptoms.

Most symptoms last for a few days, but when they become commonplace, they can cause a number of complications that can easily disrupt a person's daily routine.

Prevention of psychogenic pain

Stomach pain due to nerves and stress can be treated with medication and some lifestyle changes. Depending on the diagnosis and severity, the attending physician may prescribe psychotropic medications, anti-nausea medications, or medications for diarrhea or constipation.

For those who suffer from nervous anxiety and " nervous stomach(when he is in severe pain due to stress) certain types of antidepressants are specifically prescribed.

Antacids may also be prescribed to help relieve stomach pain by reducing bloating, acid and gas secretion.

Apart from these drugs, herbal remedies also help in reducing indigestion problems. Herbs like peppermint, ginger, chamomile, etc. have carminative properties that prevent the formation of gas in the digestive tract. They are lightweight and can help relieve common gastrointestinal problems.

Valerian, catnip, tarragon, angelica, fennel, anise, etc. are herbs that can not only relax a person when overstressed, but also relieve him of indigestion.

Regular physical exercise and proper nutrition can also keep the mind and body healthy. The practice of meditation and deep breathing techniques such as pranayama have healing properties when practiced on a regular basis.

Stress, anxiety and depression definitely contribute to the appearance of stomach pain (it often hurts and bothers a person). In most cases, abdominal pain is temporary, however, when it becomes chronic, this indicates an urgent need to contact medical institution to a specialist.

People who experience abdominal pain due to nerves usually experience it in one part of the abdomen (the left or the right side). The pain tends to be so severe that the person sometimes has difficulty walking.

In case a patient suffers from stomach pain due to nerves, he should take appropriate measures to rest and learn to enjoy life without nerves.

There are some very simple methods that can be used to get rid of nervous system problems that lead to stomach pain.

Ginger (or ginger root) is very popular for soothing the stomach and reducing the likelihood of stomach irritation. It is great for helping with digestive problems and relieving cramps.

It is also an antiviral, which means it can help fight off a cold or flu.

If a person does not like the strong taste of ginger, you can eat it raw or add a little sugar to it. It is also possible to turn ginger into tea: you just need to add a small amount of grated ginger to hot water, let it steep in it for several minutes, then you can drink it.

Can be used as fresh leaves mint, place them in water for a while and then drink this tincture.

As an alternative, it is possible to make tea from mint leaves. If you don't have the leaves of this plant on hand, you can buy mint tea bags at any grocery store.

This is a very popular type of tea and very easy to find. Simply boil water and pour boiling water over the mint leaves for 3-5 minutes, and then drink.

In addition, almost everyone has baking soda in their home: it is a popular product with hundreds of uses. Instead of buying dubious drugs to treat stomach colic, you can simply use baking soda, which everyone has in stock.

Baking soda is simply sodium bicarbonate and works as an antacid tablet that reduces the symptoms of many common ailments such as indigestion, heartburn, nausea and stomach pain after stress.

You need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with warm water and drink the mixture to relieve the condition.

Rice is also great for curing stomach upset and pain, especially if the stomach pain is accompanied by diarrhea and was caused by nervousness. Rice is a light and delicate product that has high content fiber.

It is also ideal for absorbing liquid, so it can help treat diarrhea and harden stool. This product absorbs any toxins in the stomach that cause pain in it.

It is also advisable to practice certain breathing exercises to help calm your nerves. This can be done by closing your eyes and slowing your inhalation. You need to hold your breath, mentally counting to five, and then slowly exhale.

This exercise can be done about ten times to help slow down a fast beating heart.

In addition, it will help calm down anyone after a chaotic and stressful day. You can do these breathing exercises anywhere and anytime to calm yourself and quickly relieve stress.

In any case, as soon as symptoms of nervous pain arise, you should not panic and take all the medications in a row; you should consult a doctor who will tell you why the stomach pain occurred and how to cope with it.

It is also necessary to practice a healthy lifestyle and, if necessary, make certain changes to it. You don’t need to live on a nervous basis, you need to live on an optimistic one!

Obviously, the main prevention of psychogenic pain should begin long before birth, when the mother is carrying the fetus. If the conditions for a pregnant woman are adaptive and favorable, the baby develops an adequate nervous system, and further prevention is a positive family environment and reasonable upbringing.

Almost all factors provoking psychogenic disorders date back to childhood. Of course, the neurotic component of psychogenic pain can be corrected both at the stage of growing up and in adulthood, but these processes are difficult, last a very long time and are accompanied by a certain resistance on the part of the patient, striving to maintain his unconscious secondary benefit.

Prevention of psychogenic pain can also consist of simple rules that are familiar to many, but few adhere to them:

  • Compliance with the norms and principles of a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits.
  • Physical activity, sports, fitness, gymnastics.
  • Study and regular practice of relaxation techniques, mental relaxation, and anti-stress techniques.
  • Timely consultation with a doctor if there are signs of illness, and the habit of undergoing regular medical examinations.

If a person maintains a positive outlook on the reality around him, learns to respond competently to changing circumstances and express his emotions and feelings, then the saying “all diseases come from nerves” will not have the slightest relation to him.

Portnov Alexey Alexandrovich

Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - “General Medicine”

  • balanced diet by the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • adherence to diet;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • timely detection of hidden anxiety and depressive diseases;
  • adequate physical activity during the day;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Psychogenic abdominal pain

Discomfort in the abdominal area can occur after overeating or poisoning, as a result of infection with intestinal infections or bacteria that settles in the stomach and leads to the destruction of its wall, or due to a malfunction of internal organs.

Regardless of the cause of dysfunction, a person always feels pain. It is he who makes it clear that a failure has occurred in a well-functioning system. Based on the nature of the pain, its intensity and location, one can assume the cause of its occurrence. But sometimes radiating or wandering abdominal pain appears, which complicates the diagnosis.

To understand what treatment is needed, you need to understand how your stomach hurts and where it hurts. The abdominal cavity contains the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder. Pathological processes occurring in the peritoneum can cause pain varying in intensity and duration.

So, prolonged aching or Blunt pain, the intensity of which varies depending on the position of the body, may be the result of disruption of the intestines, which leads to fecal retention and gas accumulation.

In this case, a bowel movement will help relieve pain. To help yourself, you need to take a laxative, change your diet, adding more fiber and fermented milk products. Prolonged sharp, burning or cutting pain occurs if inflammation develops in the abdomen. This could be a stomach or duodenal ulcer, cholelithiasis, pancreatitis.

Aching painful sensations that appear at the bottom of the epigastrium and radiate to the perineum, accompanied by weakness and chills, indicate the presence of gynecological problems in women or intestinal disease in men.

If it hurts in the upper abdomen, this may indicate pathological processes in the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen. Pain in the lower abdomen may be a sign of appendicitis, poisoning or gynecological disease.

In order for the doctor to be able to guess what kind of disease the patient has and refer him for treatment necessary tests and studies confirming or refuting his guess, the patient must accurately describe what type of pain appears in the abdomen, where exactly it occurs and how long it has been bothering him.

But sometimes the exact localization of pain is quite difficult to understand, since it can move and occur either on the left or on the right. As a rule, such wandering pain indicates dysfunction of one organ, and not neighboring ones.

In most cases, it hurts precisely in the area where the organ whose functioning is disrupted is located. But it also happens that the pain goes to a completely different place. In this case, the pain is called radiating. For example, the liver does not have nerve endings, so it cannot hurt.

Discomfort in a patient occurs when the size of an organ as a result of inflammation is significantly increased, and it begins to put pressure on adjacent anatomical areas. Another example, a patient complains of severe abdominal pain localized to the left and above, and research shows that the function of the right lung is impaired.

Causes of wandering abdominal pain:

  • shingles;
  • diarrhea;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • blockage of the ureter with a stone;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs (cyst, tumor of the ovary, uterus).

Acute appendicitis begins with wandering pain, then after a few hours it is already localized in a certain area, namely in the upper right part of the abdomen under the ribs. When the appendix is ​​inflamed, the patient takes a forced position of the body, as this alleviates the condition. One of the signs of appendicitis is that the pain subsides if the patient lies on the right side, and vice versa increases if he lies on the left.

If the stomach hurts on the left and radiates to the lower back, there are problems with urination, swelling and bags under the eyes appear, then this is a sign of a disease of the excretory system, mainly the kidneys. If there is pain on the left side in the hypochondrium or at the ilium, then the reason is vagal kidney. The peculiarity of the disease is that the pain goes away in a lying position.

Wandering pain that extends from the lower back to the lower abdomen may be a sign of bladder disease or urolithiasis. With urolithiasis, a stone can form in any organ of the urinary system. These stones are capable of migrating to underlying organs.

For example, a kidney stone can descend into the ureters, bladder, or urethra. When the ureter is blocked, it occurs paroxysmal pain, intensifying with active movement, an increase in body temperature is observed. Pain from renal colic can radiate to the lower back, lower abdomen, groin area.

Diarrhea can begin for various reasons. They can be relatively harmless (for example, overeating, eating too fatty foods) and be the result of serious poisoning. With diarrhea, motor function increases, which leads to accelerated bowel movements.

Dangerous this symptom because the body becomes dehydrated and essential substances do not enter the blood. Diarrhea is considered especially dangerous, in which wandering pain in the abdomen is noted; this may be a sign of a violation of the structure of the intestinal mucosa.

Shingles is an infection that affects the central nervous system. Its symptoms are an increase in body temperature, rashes in the form of bubbles that appear along the perimeter of the affected nerve. The patient feels severe itching and pain at the site of the lesion.

The pain can be of different types. It can be constant, patients describe it as a strong burning sensation, or allodynic, when it is burning, sharp pain appears when the affected nerve is affected.

Pain in the abdomen without a clear localization can appear due to nerves. Pain does not occur in the area specific body, it is rather “spread” all over the stomach. It is never spicy. In this case, stool disturbances and an imperative urge to defecate may be observed.

Wandering soreness in the navel area is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, the patient also experiences bloating, rumbling in the abdomen, and diarrhea, followed by constipation. If the patient is bothered by wandering pain in the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe comprehensive examination.

You will definitely need to take urine, blood and stool tests. Based on them, the doctor will be able to judge the functioning of the excretory and digestive systems. Also, the necessary hardware tests will be prescribed to help identify the causes of malfunction and the appearance of wandering pain in the abdomen.

You should not solve the problem yourself if abdominal pain is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort does not go away for a long time or the intensity increases;
  • body temperature increases;
  • V stool blood is visible;
  • pulse is increased;
  • if discomfort occurs after injury;
  • if the urine is of an unusual color or there is blood in it;
  • dark vomit appeared.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to ensure complete rest. If appendicitis is suspected, it is not recommended to give pain medication, as this may affect the validity of tests confirming inflammation of the appendix. If the symptoms are not similar to appendicitis, then you can drink to relieve pain antispasmodic drug(No-shpu, Papaverine).

Without a doctor's permission, if you have severe pain in the abdomen, you should not drink or eat, take laxatives or do enemas. It is forbidden to warm the abdominal area, because if the cause is a bacterial infection, this will contribute to its development.

If wandering pain in the abdomen appears, then you should not self-medicate, you should immediately consult a doctor general practice. After conducting the study, he will find out in which organ the failure occurred and refer you to a highly specialized specialist, for example, a urologist, gynecologist, hepatologist, gastroenterologist.

Abdominal neurotic pain or abdominalgia is most often diagnosed in patients with a demonstrative personality type. Psychogenic abdominal pain is manifested by cramps, colic, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Also typical for ablominalgia are cardiospasms and chronic vomiting. Psychogenic abdominal pain is often diagnosed in patients with anorexia, for whom pain is a reason and argument for refusing food.

Among the factors that provoke psychogenic abdominal pain, the leading ones are psychotrauma, most often received in early childhood. Over time, the child gets used to demonstratively attracting attention to his personality in such a way that an adult unconsciously reacts with abdominal pain to social conflicts, problems in the team, family.

Diagnosis of abominalgia, in contrast to psychogenic headaches, is simpler, since the absence of organic pathologies is determined quite quickly and clearly using ultrasound, FGDS and laboratory tests.

Message from Mamucho666What do you eat in the morning?

Sometimes it happens to me that if we eat apples in the morning on an empty stomach, then it’s a lost cause. It really helps if you eat something.

In general, I prefer to drink milk or eat yogurt or something else dairy in the morning.

This way you feel better. No, of course I won’t feel bad if I eat sandwiches or something else. But dairy still tastes better in the morning, and even after running I don’t feel like chewing.

I eat around 10 o’clock and always have a hearty salad, chicken with buckwheat or oatmeal, etc.

Cramps in the intestines

Spasms – involuntary contractions(compression) of muscles – often appear cyclically, i.e. last from several seconds to several minutes, after which they subside and repeat again after a while. Spasms can occur in various organs, and their symptoms vary somewhat.

One of the most painful spasms is considered to be a spasm in the smooth muscles of the intestines. And although most often such spasms are short-term and do not pose any particular danger, they cannot be ignored. Constant, recurrent intestinal spasms may indicate sufficient serious pathologies, therefore, are a signal for an urgent visit to a gastroenterologist.

How do intestinal spasms manifest?

Intestinal spasms are primarily expressed by suddenly appearing stabbing or aching pain in the abdominal area, of a paroxysmal nature. Other symptoms are:

  • feeling of bloating and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • frequent urge to have bowel movements;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

The appearance of these symptoms is due to the fact that intestinal spasms often provoke disturbances in motor and contractile functions digestive system. Discoordination of muscles during spasm leads to delay and stagnation of the contents of the large and small intestine. The occurrence of pain is explained by the fact that the intestinal wall contains many receptors that, during various dysfunctions, send signals to the brain.

The modern world brings people more and more stress, which ultimately affects the performance of the body. The situation where psychological factors influence the occurrence of physiological disorders has become quite commonplace these days. Nerve endings are located in all tissues: muscle, connective, epithelial. And since there are a lot of them in the gastrointestinal tract system, it is extremely sensitive to the influence of external and internal factors. Therefore, various forms of the disease arise here, including neurosis of the stomach and intestines. To understand how gastric neurosis manifests itself, let’s move on to an in-depth consideration of the topic “Gastric neurosis, symptoms and treatment.”

Stomach neurosis

A feature of the gastrointestinal tract is its location large quantity nerve endings. Severe stress, depression, fear through the release of stress hormones often leads to their severe irritation and malfunction of the entire digestive system. It is impossible to control the emerging gastroneurosis through willpower. Sometimes it is accompanied by irritable bowel syndrome.
The disorder most often occurs in children and women under 40 years of age before important or fear-inducing events, immediately after stress, or has a delayed effect. In the latter case, disturbing moments could have happened in the past or accumulated in small portions gradually. However, at some point in time, under the influence of disturbing events, they managed to manifest themselves.

Pathology in its own way external manifestations no different from diseases caused by organic reasons. However, the diagnostics carried out do not allow us to see any anatomical disorders.

Effective therapy

If gastric neurosis is in an advanced stage, then there is a danger of infection with intestinal diseases, which become chronic over time. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and wait for everything to go away on its own, but go to the doctor for an appointment. Launched form neurosis will lead to aggravation of the condition and can cause a whole bunch of serious complications.

Treatment of neurosis includes a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting specialists such as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, it will be possible to draw up effective scheme therapeutic activities. Complex treatment diseases include:

  1. Taking psychotropic medications - tranquilizers. Their sale is carried out strictly according to the recipe.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course that will resolve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and applications. This treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. General strengthening preventive actions, including therapeutic manipulations, vitamin therapy, spa treatment.
  5. Herbal medicine is based on taking decoctions and tinctures. But only the attending physician should select such therapy.

In addition to the presented activities, the patient should rest more often and visit fresh air. Therefore, try to normalize your rest and work schedule. Your night sleep must last at least 6 hours.

A balanced diet is an important condition for successful recovery. Thanks to a properly formulated diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain due to neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such characteristics of the body as the presence of chronic gastrointestinal disease and the level of stomach acidity.

This treatment involves using only natural products(nuts, dried fruits) that have a positive effect on a person’s mental state. You will have to give up meat and fried foods. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables and fruits, fresh or boiled.

Types of neurosis

The leading symptoms make it possible to distinguish several types of gastric neurosis. The pathology can manifest itself as severe heartburn. It happens all the time. It cannot be relieved with medications or diet.

The disorder is accompanied by aerophagia. Distinctive feature This type of gastroneurosis is constant belching. She comes out making loud noises and screaming. Occurs due to involuntary swallowing of air. Additionally, a person is bothered by flatulence.

Intestinal neurosis is manifested by stool disorders. Often accompanied by diarrhea. Without any objective reason loose stool appears up to four times a day. Occurs mainly in the morning. On the contrary, when acidity decreases, constipation, poor appetite, and frequent abdominal pain appear. This disorder manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes constipation gives way to diarrhea. In other cases, stool is regular, but even after defecation there is a feeling that there is still feces in the intestines.

Gastroneurosis also manifests itself as appetite disturbances. With anorexia, a person experiences an aversion to all foods, even his favorite ones. Prolonged neurosis of this type leads to death.

Sometimes the disorder is characterized by increased appetite. The patient experiences constant hunger. He eats a lot, but the food masses immediately come out with vomiting. It occurs involuntarily and is not accompanied by pain or nausea.

Certain forms of the disease

By individual forms of neurosis we mean its most severe and pronounced symptoms and manifestations. They develop due to the underlying disease and additional factors (neuralgia/nervousness/regulation of the structure of human nerves/presence of infectious and bacterial diseases (colds, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract):

  • Nervous vomiting. Occurs after every meal. A special feature is the absolute absence of nausea, pain, discomfort (considered one of the manifestations of neuralgia).
  • Aerophagia. Loud belching, which occurs due to swallowing a large amount of air inside the body. This process may be accompanied by a scream, a specific loud sound. Aerophagia is characterized by improper swallowing of air. In some cases, the patient may become nervous, which will provoke an attack of aerophagia. Psychotherapeutic treatment of aerophagia is possible (explanation of the possibility and need to suppress belching).
  • The development of bulimia or anorexia due to changes in appetite.
  • Nervous heartburn. It is distinguished by its durability and durability. Heartburn does not go away even if you switch to proper nutrition and follow a special diet.


Intestinal neurosis often manifests itself in vulnerable people, weakened by illness, fatigue and anxiety. However, it often attacks a completely healthy person who is accustomed to sending his worries and worries into the depths of his consciousness.

The mechanism of occurrence of the pathology is associated with increased release of cortisol and adrenaline in situations that are perceived as stressful or actually are so. Stress hormones affect the vagus nerve, under the influence of which gastric juice is produced in small quantities or, conversely, too much. This leads to impaired digestion of food masses, the appearance of ulcers, and stool upset.

The causes of neurosis can be divided into several groups:

  1. Mental. Irritability and trauma lead to neurosis psychological nature, increased anxiety, internal conflicts, constant worry. Hyper-responsibility and constant dissatisfaction with oneself increases the likelihood of a violation.
  2. Eating disorder. This group of reasons includes frequent consumption of spicy, fatty foods, overeating or, conversely, malnutrition, and lack of fluid. Appearance neurotic disorders contributes to rare, abundant meals, eating too cold or hot food. In adults, this is alcohol consumption.
  3. Gastrointestinal pathologies. Neurosis is caused by intoxication, infectious and inflammatory diseases, and endocrine diseases.
  4. Voltage. Pathology is caused by constant stress, chronic fatigue, frantic pace of life, mental and physical fatigue, and lack of sleep.

Preventive measures

The patient can avoid relapse of the disease by following these preventive actions:

  • Contact your doctor promptly if you are in pain. abdomen, problems arise with the general condition of the body and psychological regulation.
  • Pay attention to the psycho-emotional component of health. You should treat nervousness/neuralgia/monitor whether the patient is nervous in everyday life and identify the characteristics of his condition.
  • Learn self-control. When a patient experiences psychological stress, he wants to get nervous and throw out anger, an alternative relaxation method should be chosen (medicines, sports, hobbies, etc.).
  • Take as prescribed by your doctor medications. Prescribe sedatives based on medicinal herbs(if the patient is nervous a lot). You can take decoctions of mint, motherwort, valerian, and rosemary. You should take medications if you have a cold or other infectious diseases, which can be used in parallel with sedatives (you should check with your doctor about the compatibility of medications).
  • Spend more time in the fresh air, do breathing exercises.
  • Rationalize physical detail (it is recommended to do daily exercises and join one of the sports of your choice).
  • Establish social connection. If the patient has a bright and eventful life, there is simply no time left to “be nervous.” The patient’s own time should be occupied as much as possible, stop being nervous, and fill life with impressions and like-minded people.


Manifestations of neurosis of the stomach and intestines are quite diverse. They are associated mainly with discomfort, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and its dysfunction. Rumbling, nausea, and belching appear. The feeling that the stomach is full does not disappear, the stomach is bursting, bloated, and colitis appears. Often accompanied by loss of appetite. A person constantly wants to eat or, conversely, experiences an aversion to food. In many cases, repeated diarrhea occurs, in others the patient complains of constipation.

Another group of symptoms is associated with autonomic disorders. These are tachycardia, frequent urge to urinate, headache, pressure surges. The patient complains of sweating and cold extremities. In some cases, the temperature rises.

The third group of symptoms includes psychological signs. Noteworthy is anxiety, irritability, Bad mood, hypochondria, anxiety. A person suffers from sleep disorders and fears.

Most symptoms appear only during the day. At night they disappear.

The likelihood of gastric neurosis in different categories of the population

How dangerous the appearance of such an ailment as gastric neurosis, which will require further treatment, can be understood by considering neurosis in the general sense of the word. This disease is a neurotic disorder that manifests itself in a person regardless of gender, age, and social status. Neurosis occurs even in newborn children who experience the shock of being born. At such a moment, the child needs to be surrounded with care so that he feels safe. However, there are specific risk groups. The first includes persons who are at a certain stage of natural biological development (puberty, menopause) or persons susceptible to the influence of various diseases (vegetative-vascular dystonia). The second group contains people whose pathological state of mind is caused only by external oppressive circumstances or internal unresolved conflicts.

IMPORTANT: This disease negatively affects the entire body, so it is worth considering your well-being comprehensively, excluding other manifestations of neurosis, including heart neurosis, since its consequences are very negative.


The main goal of everyone diagnostic measures– determining the correct diagnosis. It is important to differentiate gastric neurosis and irritable bowel syndrome from gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The patient is prescribed:

  1. Blood tests. General allows you to detect signs of inflammation and anemia. Biochemistry indicates metabolic disorders.
  2. Urine examination. Detects metabolic disorders and inflammatory processes.
  3. Stool analysis. Diagnose the presence hidden blood, undigested remains dietary fiber. Cultures are carried out to detect pathogens of intestinal infections.
  4. Ultrasound of internal organs. The study allows you to see the structural features of the gastrointestinal tract and its pathology.
  5. Colonoscopy. Detects pathologies of the large intestine.
  6. Sigmoidoscopy. Prescribed to exclude pathologies of the sigmoid and rectum.
  7. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Eliminates tumor processes, allows you to see ulcers, manifestations of gastritis, tissue necrosis.
  8. MRI, CT. Studies are carried out to obtain a clear picture of the anatomical changes.

Diagnostic measures include consultations with a neurologist, psychiatrist and gastroenterologist.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnosis is the discovery of the main causes that contributed to the formation of pathology. To do this, the doctor must exclude diseases of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, which may have similar symptoms. Only comprehensive gastroenterological diagnostics can help in this matter.

Taking into account the existing clinical picture, differential diagnosis diagnosed with peptic ulcer, helminthic infestation, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In the absence of other functional pathologies of the stomach, further examination is carried out by an experienced neurologist. He will be able to send the patient to additional consultation to a psychiatrist. Such activities are necessary to collect a detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the patient’s psycho-emotional state.


The diagnostic results and symptoms of gastric neurosis determine the treatment and its tactics. Usually carried out complex therapy, based on the relief of gastrosymptoms and normalization of the psycho-emotional background. Medicines, psychotherapy methods, physiotherapy, and folk remedies are used. Diet plays an important role.


To relieve spasms and stomach pain, No-shpa is prescribed. Espumisan and Simethicone help to cope with flatulence and bloating. With diarrhea - Loperamide.

If there are symptoms of intestinal and stomach neurosis, treatment includes enzymes, for example, Creon. Lactulose improves motor functions intestines.

Drug treatment includes sedatives. This is valerian tincture, Persen. They are treated with antidepressants – Grandaxin. Vitamins are prescribed.


An important part of the treatment is the use of psychotherapeutic methods. They help to understand the cause of neuroses and reduce anxiety.

One of the main purposes of their use is to teach a person to cope with stressful situations, to establish barriers between oneself and traumatic circumstances.


Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at reducing mental stress, relieving anxiety, and restoring normal sleep. It is recommended to use them as prescribed by a doctor:

  • A bath of yarrow (1 tbsp), wormwood (1 tsp), lemon balm (1 tbsp) and mint (3 tsp) helps to relax. The broth is boiled for half an hour, filtered and mixed with water. It is recommended to take such a bath every day.
  • You can get the necessary vitamins by eating, drinking vegetable juices or rosehip tincture.
  • Oregano tea will help you calm down. Treat depression with a decoction of St. John's wort.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment of gastric neurosis.

In order to have a clear understanding of the issue raised in the article “Gastric neurosis, symptoms and treatment,” it is necessary to understand the process of diagnosing the disease.

Unfortunately, the process of diagnosing Gastric Neurosis involves more than just an initial appointment with one doctor. In this case, you will have to follow the method of exclusion and, by visiting a therapist or immediately a highly specialized gastroenterologist, rule out all organic causes of the disease. First of all, these are gastritis, peptic ulcer, pereduadenitis, colitis, infectious diseases. In the process of making a diagnosis of Neurosis, possible stomach cancer will also be checked. If, after taking tests and undergoing other examinations, the doctor concludes that there are no physiological disorders in the functioning of the stomach, then the question of psychological reasons occurrence of existing pain. After this, a visit to a neurologist or psychiatrist is recommended.

It is worth noting that much depends on the qualifications of the first doctor visited in this chain and his attentiveness to patients. Stomach neurosis, as well as intestinal neurosis and their initial causes, as we found out earlier, still lead to a real disruption in the functioning of the organ, which will be revealed after the examination. Therefore, in these circumstances, the gastroenterologist needs to find out what the nature of the problems found is. Whether it is exclusively organic or combined with personal factors. Otherwise, treatment will only be prescribed, in which the prescribed medicine will not have an effect on the stomach neurosis, or it will only smooth out the symptoms and solve the problems temporarily. Therefore, you should always listen to your feelings and consider the problem from a variety of perspectives.

Perhaps the most difficult case for the diagnosis of gastric neurosis is a long-term depressed state of mind, in which the symptoms manifest themselves quite clearly, and the treatment is protracted.

Causes of neurosis:

  • Constantly being in a tense environment
  • Lack of fulfillment in any area
  • Intrapersonal conflicts
  • Unsatisfied basic needs
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hypochondria or suspiciousness
  • Tendency to hysteria or apathy

When concentrating on a problem for a long time, obsessive states occur. As a result, such psychosomatic cases in advanced cases work like a vicious circle, since the emotional background of the patient worsens due to his thoughts about a possible terrible disease. Getting in shape obsessive states, experiences provoke the emergence of new physiological manifestations of the disease. In this case, the pain may intensify or appear in other areas.

When gastric neurosis is diagnosed, medication is prescribed with support from physiotherapeutic procedures, folk remedies and optimization of lifestyle. As for medications, sedatives with a mild effect that work with the nervous system are prescribed. For example, phenibut and phenazepam help with stomach neurosis. Rudotel is also prescribed for stomach neuroses. In addition, medications are prescribed to improve gastric activity, such as Motilium, Imodium, etc. As for physiotherapy, it will help fight muscle contractions, which are characteristic of the depressed state of the nervous system. Such contractions lead to compression of the nerve endings and further to painful sensations. In this case, procedures such as exercise therapy, ultraphonophoresis, electrotherapy, darsonvalization, and magnetic laser therapy are indicated. In addition, medications can be prescribed that are suitable specifically for your case of neurosis, solving specific individual problems. For example, the problem of high acidity resulting from neurosis.

In addition, when a person is faced with the question voiced here, “Stomach neurosis, symptoms and treatment,” then a desire arises (including) to solve it independently.

Stomach neurosis and treatment with folk remedies is a separate point worthy of attention. Such treatment methods are aimed at working with the nervous system and relieving inflammation. A RECOMMENDATION in this case would be the use of tea and decoctions. Soothing teas with chamomile, lemon balm, lavender, as well as herbal infusions of valerian, motherwort, and oak bark. To eliminate pain, you can use a decoction of flax seeds, which envelops the mucous membrane. In addition, mint and angelica roots have antiseptic and bactericidal properties. And marshmallow root and cudweed herb help relieve symptoms of stomach fullness.


The occurrence of any pain in the gastrointestinal tract is the basis for a thorough diagnosis and exclusion of organic lesions. A set of preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of gastric neurosis includes an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and walking.

It is better to try to work through anxious thoughts, fears, and anxiety immediately on your own or with the help of a psychologist. You shouldn’t just forget about them, you should try to understand their causes, consequences and ways to prevent them from appearing again.

How to recognize the disease?

Most often, gastric neurosis is recognized by the method of exclusion. When seeking medical help, the patient describes the condition something like this: “I get nervous a lot and, as it seems to me, against the background of this, a weakening of the immune system and the development of diseases have occurred. I feel unwell, like a cold, and pain in the abdominal area (stomach/intestines), which may be associated with an ulcer or inflammation of one of the internal organs.”

After diagnosis in medical center It turns out that the presence of gastrointestinal diseases has been refuted. This is followed by tests to determine the patient’s psychological and mental states, after which it will be possible to make a definitive diagnosis. Diagnosis and further therapy are carried out by several doctors: a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a psychologist (or psychotherapist) and the primary treating doctor.

Establishing diagnosis

The disease can be diagnosed according to several criteria, the first of which is based on symptoms. The doctor's attention is drawn to muscle weakness in more than one limb; there is a tendency to progress. The lesions are relatively symmetrical, and tendon reflexes are reduced or absent. Symptoms increase rapidly and stop in the fourth week.

All data from electroneuromyography are complemented; it allows us to establish the fact of degeneration and destruction of the myelin sheath of the nerve. From laboratory methods CSF analysis and nerve biopsy are of interest in order to exclude polyneuropathy as a result of diabetes or uremia. If in doubt, a CT or MRI is indicated.

What can be said in general about the disease?

The first signs of pathology were described a long time ago, and the connection between alcohol consumption and the appearance of symptoms was established. This was done in 1787 by Letts, and later in 1822 his thoughts were repeated by Jackson.

Pathology develops regardless of age and gender, the main thing here is abuse alcoholic drinks, she also does not have a racial or national identity. Although it has been established that it often begins in women, and this is 9% of all problems that alcohol leaves behind.

Causes of neurosis

The pathological condition can be provoked by physiological reasons. Non-compliance with diet, poor quality of food, poor chewing of food - these are some of the possible factors, which provoke the appearance of dyspepsia.

Intestinal neurosis, which occurs as a result of impaired peristalsis, or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by psychological factors:

  • mental overstrain;
  • change of environment (new school, place of residence, work team, etc.);
  • lack of sleep and rest;
  • depression;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • heavy psychological disorders etc.

The pathological condition may be a consequence of diseases viral nature. For example, rectal neurosis occurs as a result of inflammation of the mucous membrane in this area.

Most often, neurosis is a precursor and provocateur of other diseases of the digestive organs. It is possible that the symptoms of dyspepsia appear as a consequence of a disease already present in the body.


The prognosis of true nervous dyspepsia depends primarily on the degree of the existing general neuropathic predisposition and also depends on the external circumstances and lifestyle of the patients. If patients easily amenable to appropriate suggestive treatment, then with “nervous dyspepsia” it is easy to achieve the most brilliant successes, especially in those cases where the patients were previously very physically exhausted due to too careful nutrition and where then they quickly grow stronger and get better, provided they have the right diet and appropriate mental influence.

If abnormal ideas and painfully excited general state are too deeply rooted in patients, the results of treatment are insignificant and unreliable. In the same way, one can rarely expect long-term improvement where the action of harmful mental influences or other causal factors continues, while the elimination of the above-mentioned harmful effects can still lead to full recovery even with apparently the most severe conditions. Of course, given the general nervous constitution, there is almost always a tendency to relapse.


In many cases, an experienced doctor can most likely establish a diagnosis of nervous dyspepsia based on the nature of the complaints alone. An accompanying general nervous state, a clear appearance of fearful and hypochondriacal ideas, sometimes the onset of pronounced attacks of fear with strong general mental arousal, variability of complaints and their dependence on the state of well-being (on the one hand, excitement, on the other - distraction and dispersion), other accompanying nervous disorders, like headache, dizziness, palpitations, tightness, etc., all make correct judgment easy.

However, incorrect recognition of the disease is also easily possible, firstly, because the doctor is inclined to assume the presence of an organic disease of the stomach in cases where objective symptoms of the disease are detected, and secondly, because in the case of the appearance of real gastric disease in nervous patients suffering is completely masked by general nervousness.

That is why, even in apparently simple cases, precise objective research cannot be omitted. It goes without saying that it is absolutely necessary in all persistent and leading to severe disorders diseases.

If an objective examination, as often happens, establishes data that are normal in all respects (nothing pathological on external examination, normal position, secretion and gastric emptying), then this confirms the diagnosis; often this alone has the most favorable effect on patients.

Therefore, for many neurodyspeptic patients, the best treatment is a detailed study. Judgment is somewhat more difficult in those cases where, however, no signs of an unconditional organic disease were found (that is, no tumors, no signs of narrowing of the pylorus, no gastric bleeding, etc.), but known deviations were still found.

So, for example, very often they find increased acidity and supersecretion, in more rare cases, lack of acidity, very often gastroptosis, sometimes (however, quite rarely) a slight slowdown in gastric emptying (the so-called atony of the stomach muscles).

In our opinion, with such an interpretation it would be quite common mistakes. After all, the above-mentioned conditions, as we clearly emphasized in previous chapters, are so frequent in themselves and often occur completely without symptoms that in many cases they represent a purely random and unimportant coincidence, especially when, along with sharp signs of nervous dyspepsia are simultaneously gastroptosis, or moderate supersecretion, or lack of acidity.

I believe that it is true that these conditions cannot be left completely unattended, but at the same time their clinical significance cannot be overestimated. In therapeutic terms, they should also be taken into account, but one should never forget about the usually much more important general mental activities. Such cases, as already indicated, are very suitable for the use of suggestive therapeutic methods.

In our opinion, the most difficult differential diagnosis between an ulcer and nervous dyspepsia is in cases with clear supersecretion, but without indisputable ulcerative symptoms. In addition to weighing all individual phenomena, the decisive factor here is often only the further course, as well as the success of the treatment applied.

With strict treatment of ulcers, patients with nervous dyspepsia often become more and more weakened, while the opposite treatment often gives amazing results. In all such cases, it is necessary to always carry out X-ray examination stomach and duodenum, since often this alone can facilitate the correct decision.

What it is?

Stomach neurosis is a psychosomatic disease that occurs against the background of neurasthenic, hysterical or psychasthenic neuroses. Refers to autonomic neuroses. Includes symptoms that are usually mistaken for signs of gastrointestinal diseases. However, it differs from somatic diseases in the presence of concomitant nervous disorders.

It is quite difficult to distinguish gastric neurosis from diseases caused by organic causes. A comprehensive examination is required, including gastroenterological and psychological diagnostics.

How to get rid of the problem

Many patients manage to get rid of the problem on their own, without the use of medications. To do this, you need to get rid of stress, normalize sleep and ensure good rest nervous system. This can be done well with the help of sanatorium-resort treatment.

If it is not possible to take a vacation and relax, the following measures are recommended to relieve stress:

  • daily walks before bed;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • balanced diet;
  • no processing.

It is important to normalize your work schedule so as to avoid overtime and night shifts during treatment. To get rid of stress you need healthy sleep, lasting at least eight hours. Since patients with neurosis often report problems with sleep, walking in the evenings and taking natural soothing decoctions based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm) before bed are recommended.

If the disease is accompanied by symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, a good effect is achieved by regularly taking a contrast shower.

With neuroses of the intestines and stomach, patients often refuse food due to nausea and lack of appetite. At this time, it is necessary to eat right - give preference to light and healthy foods, eat little but often. It is recommended to eat small meals every three hours. Menu should give preference fermented milk products and porridge.

The only one preventive measure with such disorders is the absence of stress. To do this, you need to normalize your daily routine, get rid of insomnia and not get nervous over trifles.

Forecast and preventive measures

With intestinal neurosis, treatment of which was started promptly and correctly, in most cases a positive outcome of therapy is predicted. But there is no guarantee that the disease will not recur. To prevent gastric neurosis, the patient is recommended:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • Healthy food;
  • normalize physical activity;
  • give up bad habits forever;
  • reduce the intensity of physical activity;
  • devote enough time to sleep and rest;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, neurosis can cause disruption of the digestive organs. Some of the pathologies can be life-threatening, such as ulcers.

Causes of the disease

Gastric neurosis is more common as one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is accompanied by a violation normal operation autonomic nervous system, therefore it can manifest itself in different ways, including as gastrointestinal neurosis.

Often, intestinal neurosis first appears after suffering stress. In this case, symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction are the body’s response to a stressful condition. Stress is a strong test for the body. Its consequences can affect the functions of any organ, including the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the following pathologies and conditions can be the psychoneurological causes of the disease:

  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • stress;
  • emotional or physical stress;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the diet.

All these reasons are closely related to each other and it often happens that one turns into another. So, unbalanced diet leads to a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects the nervous system. The patient's condition is aggravated by stress, which, in turn, leads to the development of neurosis.

Features of the disease

One of the main features and dangers of the pathology is that patients do not pay due attention alarming symptoms and often self-medicate instead of consulting a doctor.

The symptoms are not organic, but psychological, so activated charcoal, drugs for poisoning or heartburn will not provide the necessary therapeutic effect. While the patient independently tries to get rid of digestive problems, the nervous system suffers even more, so over time the symptoms only get worse.


Manifestations make themselves felt by disturbance of movements and sensitivity in the area lower limbs, there are cases when symptoms manifest themselves as muscle pain in various areas bodies. Pain can make itself felt along with impaired mobility, a feeling of numbness, tingling, paresthesia, in the form of a feeling of “crawling goosebumps”.

The first symptoms to think about are paresthesia and muscle weakness. It all starts with the feet, and after a few hours or days the problem moves to the hands. Sometimes there is simultaneous damage to the upper and lower extremities.

In most patients, muscle tone and reflexes decrease, up to the complete absence of the latter. Disturbances can affect facial muscles, severe forms manifested by delays in urination. The duration is from 3 to 5 days, after which everything goes away.

In the advanced stage, the manifestations of polyneuropathy associated with alcohol consumption are somewhat different. Paresis and paralysis appear to varying degrees, the muscles become weak, which is observed on one or both sides. Tendon reflexes are sharply depressed, gradually they completely fade away. Surface sensitivity is impaired, either increasing or decreasing.

Severe variants of the pathology have other manifestations, expressed in weakness of the muscles responsible for breathing, which requires the use of mechanical ventilation. Sensitivity changes dramatically, which is observed in half of the patients. The functioning of the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, which makes itself felt in the form of bradycardia, arrhythmia, and falls arterial pressure, sweat production increases.

The manifestation of pain is typical for forms in which there is no thiamine deficiency. It is located in the feet, has an aching or burning character, but most often the pain is radicular and is felt along the nerve trunk. In severe forms, the cranial nerves are affected, in particular the second, third and tenth pairs. Mental disorders in severe cases cannot be excluded.

External manifestations

Impaired sensitivity affects the state of gait, which becomes flopping in the motor form of the pathology; a person is forced to raise his leg high. Movement of the fingers and feet becomes limited. The skin of the feet is blue or marbled; against the background of normal blood supply, the limbs are cold. The skin is pigmented, covered trophic ulcers, hairline lower legs. Pressure on the nerves brings sharp pain.

Manifestations increase gradually over weeks or months, then the hospital stage begins. Adequate treatment leads to the reverse development of the pathology.


So, to summarize the above, we can say: it is necessary to treat a gastrointestinal disorder due to nervousness without delay. However, if you have recently noticed some symptoms of gastroneurosis, first of all try to harmonize your life and reduce the impact of stress. Perhaps soon you will not remember your past illness.
