What vitamins are good for facial skin? Vitamins for skin - properties and physiological effects, characteristics and reviews of vitamin preparations Vitamins for women for beautiful skin

We all know that vitamins are very useful. But how necessary are they for the skin? Experts believe that without vitamins, the epithelium is difficult to renew, the skin becomes dry, rough, and the face takes on a grey colour. The face ages quickly, and a deficiency of fluid and proteins, which give the skin elasticity - collagen and elastin, makes itself felt. This article presents best vitamins for facial skin.

What vitamins are needed for beauty

Each vitamin takes part in biochemical metabolic reactions as part of certain coenzymes. Therefore, the influence of each of them will be different. Vitamins for the beauty of facial skin are selected in accordance with the existing problem. How they operate can be seen from the following tables.

Fat-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency Symptoms Mechanism of action
A (retinol)The skin becomes dry, peels, and wrinkles appear. Skin immunity decreases, and pustules may appear.Participates in protein metabolism, promotes skin renewal and immune cells. The best remedy for the skin, improves its condition and color.
E (tocopherol)The skin is dry and thickens due to an increasing layer of dead cells.Suppresses the effect of toxic free radicals (antioxidant effect), regulates hormonal levels, supports skin immunity.
D (calciferol)Rapid aging.Regulates the reproduction (proliferation) and specialization (differentiation) of cells. Maintains the elasticity of facial muscles.
K1 (phylloquinone)Redness and swelling, the appearance of age spots.Improves blood circulation.

Water-soluble vitamins

Name Deficiency Symptoms Mechanism of action
B1 (thiamine)Rapid aging, loss of firmness and elasticity.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, suppresses the destruction of collagen and elastin by carbohydrates.
B2 (riboflavin)Dryness, cracked lips, and jams appear in their corners.Participates in the metabolism of skin cells.
B3 (PP, niacin, a nicotinic acid) Pigment spots, dryness and flaking of the skin.Regulates the synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Vitamin to improve complexion.
B5 (pantothenic acid)Premature aging.Activates metabolism in cells, improves complexion.
B6 (pyridoxine)Acne, seborrheic dermatitis.Regulates carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of prostaglandins, which improve blood circulation.
B7 (biotin)Acne reduces the firmness and elasticity of the skin.Normalizes the action sebaceous glands. Participates in the formation of collagen
AT 9 ( folic acid) Premature aging.Activates skin cell regeneration processes, eliminates irritation.
P (rutin) and C ( ascorbic acid) Dryness, rapid aging.Improve skin blood circulation, inhibit destruction hyaluronic acid which attracts water. Antioxidants.

The body must constantly receive vitamins. A deficiency of almost any of them can affect the condition of the entire body, including the condition of the skin. About what vitamins for facial skin are required for various violations, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

The most effective way to replenish is food

Most of all, the body needs the vitamins contained in food products . They are found in both plant and animal foods, so maintaining a varied diet is easy.

It is difficult to overdose on these substances contained in food. But there are also exceptions. So, people prone to thrombosis or suffering from varicose veins should not consume large amounts of foods rich in vitamin K - garden greens and all types of cabbage.

You should also take into account the fact that vitamins are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. If we want carrot beta-carotene to enter the body and immediately turn into retinol, it is better to consume carrots with fatty additives (vegetable oil, sour cream, etc.).

The fastest way to replenish is tablets

Synthetic vitamin preparations can very quickly eliminate hypovitaminosis. They are produced in the sludge of medicinal preparations and biologically active additives for food - dietary supplements in tablets, capsules, bags of powders, solutions for oral administration and for injection in ampoules under different names.

Synthetic drugs can be overdosed. Therefore, they cannot be taken for a long time and uncontrolled. Long-term use in the form of injections is even more dangerous.

The most pleasant way to replenish is cosmetics

Cells constantly need nutrients ah and, above all, in vitamins. Therefore, they are always included in cosmetics - creams, masks, serums. You can do this with home remedies if you know the ingredients of the products.

Homemade masks made from vegetables and fruits, as well as some animal products, can completely eliminate vitamin deficiency in epithelial cells at a young age and make the skin healthy. But after 35-40 years, this is often not enough, so beauty salons offer a service such as mesotherapy - the introduction of vitamin cocktails through microinjections.

General rules for taking vitamins

When taking vitamin supplements, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. If they are taken to correct some skin defect, then it is better to select the complexes individually. Therefore, before purchasing medications, you should consult a cosmetologist. Well-proven vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable for preventive use. The best of them are Supradin, Alphabet, Complivit.
  2. You should not take vitamin complexes for a long time and uncontrollably, sometimes this leads to overdose and hypervitaminosis.
  3. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for taking the drug. Incorrect intake (before or after meals) can negate all treatment: the necessary substances simply will not be absorbed. The general rule: fat-soluble vitamins are taken after or during meals, water-soluble vitamins - half an hour before meals.
  4. After consulting with your doctor, you can add pharmacy vitamins(liquid contents of ampoules or capsules) into creams (fat-soluble A, E, D, K) or simply apply them to the face (water-soluble).

Each skin type has its own approach

Each vitamin is involved in certain biochemical reactions that lead to certain results. Therefore, to eliminate certain problems, you will need different vitamin supplements.

It is best to consult a dermatologist-cosmetologist before your appointment. For different types the skin is needed different vitamins.

For dry skin

Dryness may be associated with hereditary characteristics, lack of vitamins in the diet, or defects in care. In all these cases, you need to take vitamins A, E, C and group B:

  • retinol helps moisturize and restore skin cells, improves complexion;
  • tocopherol reduces hormonal background, together with ascorbic acid, protects cells from destruction by free radicals,
  • B vitamins are energetic and supply energy for metabolism.

What needs to be done to ensure that the skin becomes young and healthy and stops peeling:

  • retinol and tocopherol can be added to day and night cream;
  • eat more butter, liver, egg yolks, carrot salads dressed with oil;
  • Among synthetic vitamin preparations, you can take Aevit and complexes with B vitamins.

For oily skin

Increased fat content is a consequence of metabolic processes and secretion disorders large quantity sebum of altered chemical composition. This often happens in the background hormonal disorders. Vitamins A, E, C, B2, B6 normalize these processes.

The following will help eliminate violations:

  • oral administration of the drug Aevit;
  • eating eggs, cottage cheese, carrot and beet salads, berries (especially strawberries, currants), nuts, sunflower seeds;
  • on the face you need to apply applications with a solution of vitamin B2 in ampoules and lemon juice diluted with water at the rate of 1: 3 (alternate, using each solution every other day); The solution is applied to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with water.

For normal facial skin

In such cases, it is only necessary to periodically maintain the condition of the skin. To do this, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes orally in courses 1-2 times a year.

Getting vitamins from food

If there is no severe hypovitaminosis, then it is quite possible to compensate for the vitamin deficiency with the help of a healthy diet. Knowing which vitamins are good for facial skin, you can prevent premature aging, acne and flaking. For the correction to be effective, it is worth visiting a dermatologist-cosmetologist and clarifying what vitamins are needed for the skin of your face and what substance is missing. After that, create a menu and stick to it constantly. This is not difficult, since beneficial substances are found in a wide variety of foods:

  • A – in animal liver, butter, egg yolks; beta-carotene (provitamin A, converted to retinol in the intestines) is found in plant foods: carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, plums, red sweet peppers, grapefruits, black currants, peaches, apricots, melon, persimmons;
  • E – in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts;
  • B1 – in wholemeal bread, brewer’s yeast, unprocessed rice and oats, legumes, nuts, seeds;
  • B2 – in lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • B3 – in nuts, sunflower seeds, porcini mushrooms, legumes, cereals (oatmeal, corn grits), potatoes, cabbage, beef, chicken, liver, eggs, red fish;
  • B5 – in egg yolks, dairy products, fish, seafood, cereals, legumes;
  • B6 – in liver, bran, egg yolks, unrefined cereals, nuts, milk, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes;
  • B7 – in egg yolks, liver, legumes, nuts, black bread;
  • B9 – in liver, legumes, garden herbs, wholemeal flour;
  • C – in citrus fruits, black currants, all types of berries, sauerkraut, rose hips;
  • P – in green tea, chokeberry, cherries, raspberries, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers.

Preparations for oral administration

Various pharmaceutical companies produce pharmaceutical vitamin complexes and dietary supplements (dietary supplements) specifically to improve the condition skin epithelium. To find out what vitamins to take for facial skin, it is better for a woman to consult a cosmetologist . Elimination of specific problems requires individual selection of the complex. The best pharmacy vitamins for facial skin, names:

Duovit for women (KRKA, Slovenia)

This pharmacy complex contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals, including B vitamins - energy sources. The complex is designed to maintain healthy skin in normal condition. These are vitamins for healthy facial skin.

Vitrum Beauty Elite (Unipharm, USA)

The complex contains vitamin and mineral supplements and biologically active substances plant origin, which have a stimulating and regenerating effect. These are vitamins for youthful facial skin. The complex is suitable for those who have high physical exercise, as well as women over 40 years of age who experience rapid aging due to hormonal changes.

The complex should be taken two tablets a day after meals for two months, this will restore youth to the skin.

Doppelgerz Beauty anti-acne (Queisser Pharma, Germany)

The pharmacy complex is intended for young people and adolescents from 14 years of age with oily skin, prone to the development of juvenile acne. The complex includes:

  • biotin – promotes the growth and regeneration of skin cells, improves fat metabolism, normalizes chemical composition sebum;
  • yeast – rich in amino acids and vitamin B1, restores cellular metabolism and local immunity, protect, promotes restoration of skin cells;
  • zinc – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • silicon – helps maintain skin tone.

Take one tablet a day for 4 weeks, after which the condition of the skin will improve significantly.

Merz Beauty (Merz Pharma, Germany)

The dietary supplement contains a vitamin-mineral complex and natural substances that promote recovery normal condition skin cells, as well as hair and nails. To rejuvenate, you need to drink 2 tablets a day for up to a month.

Perfectil (Vitabiotics, UK)

A medicinal vitamin preparation to eliminate skin diseases. Nourishes the skin, restores its youth, activates collagen production and metabolic processes. The covers become clean and shining. The complex should be taken for skin diseases, dryness, brittle hair and nails, one capsule per day during or after meals, washed down with water. The course of treatment is a month.

Alphabet Cosmetics (Vneshtorg Pharma, Russia)

The complex of vitamins for skin rejuvenation also includes macro- and microelements that support metabolic activity in skin cells. The package contains 3 types of tablets: Calcium-D3+, Antioxidants+bioflavonoids and Iron+. All of them are accepted at certain intervals, as they contain only compatible components.

You need to take one tablet of each type per day with meals for four weeks.

Complivit Siyanie (Pharmstandard, Russia)

Vitamin complex to maintain the skin and its appendages (hair and nails) in excellent condition.

The package contains 30 tablets. You should take 1 tablet per day for a month.

Cosmetics with vitamins to improve facial skin

Vitamins are included in almost all creams, gels, serums, etc. After applying creams and masks, they are delivered to the skin cells, activating metabolic processes. But sometimes vitamins also have therapeutic effect, significantly improving the condition of the skin. Thus, medicinal cosmetics are those that contain retinoids – retinol derivatives. Cosmetics with vitamins C, B3, B5, etc. are also produced. Here are some names:

Cosmetics with retinoids (Retin A Cream)

A cream with retinoids that has an acne-suppressing effect and restores youth to the skin. Eliminates dark spots, makes the skin clean, restores youth by activating metabolism, cell renewal and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The cream has side effect: May cause irritation. Therefore, it must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions:

  • Apply a pea-sized amount of cream to a cleansed face (a larger volume may cause irritation);
  • in the first days, the cream is applied once every three days before bedtime so that the epithelium gets used to it, and then used daily;
  • When using a rejuvenation cream, the first signs of improvement can be noticed no earlier than a month later, and a clear improvement – ​​after 2 – 3 months.

Cosmetics with ascorbic acid (Cream Redermic C10 intensive anti-aging care)

Vitamin B5 (pantothenoic acid) promotes skin regeneration, restores its color, elasticity, firmness, and eliminates small wrinkles. The gel slightly tightens the skin, eliminating the feeling of tightness, and refreshes the complexion. Before applying, the gel should be slightly warmed on your fingers.

Video on how to choose vitamin cosmetics:

Vitamin masks

Masks with vitamins for youthful and beautiful skin can be made at home using products. Products such as cottage cheese, cream, dairy products, eggs, etc. Before applying a mask to your face, your skin needs to be cleansed. The condition of your skin will improve significantly after a course of home treatments.

Vitamin mask for oily skin

Ingredients: 20 g of pureed cottage cheese, one egg white (beat), 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 ml of vitamin B6 solution from an ampoule. Apply the paste to the face (only the area around the eyes remains free) for a quarter of an hour, then wash. Procedures are carried out 2 – 3 times a week for a month. The improvement will be noticeable after the first sessions: the face gradually becomes clean and beautiful.

Vitamin mask for dry skin

Ingredients: Take 20 g of oatmeal cooked in milk, add an egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey and the contents of two Aevita capsules. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, leaving the areas around the eyes free, then wash. Do 2 sessions per week for 1.5 months. After Aevit, the skin becomes soft, beautiful, young.

Vitamin mask for normal skin

Ingredients: several strawberries (mash with a fork), 5 g honey, 5 ml cucumber juice. Place the mixture on a napkin and cover your face with it for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. The procedures are carried out twice a week for a month.

Vitamin mask for aging skin

Ingredients: 20 ml cream, 1 yolk, 5 g honey and a little rye flour. Bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream, add 1 ml of tocopherol from the ampoule, 5 ml olive oil. Apply to the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Procedures should be carried out every three days for 1.5 – 2 months. The improvement will be noticeable no earlier than three weeks: the face will smooth out, small wrinkles will disappear.

Vitamin mask for the skin around the eyes

Ingredients: add the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules to 5 ml of glycerin, stir and apply to the areas around the eyes for 20 minutes. Remove the remaining mask with a napkin. After such a mask, dark circles disappear.

Facial skin needs vitamin supplements, especially if problems such as dryness, premature aging, wrinkles or excessive oiliness arise. acne. Properly selected after consultation with a dermatologist-cosmetologist healthy vitamins in the form of food, vitamin-mineral complexes and cosmetics, it solves these problems.

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Vitamins for the skin allow you to keep yourself in good condition. After all, the health of skin, hair and nails is determined not only by appearance, but also shows problems, imbalances in the body.

Beneficial features

Today, “the spears have already been broken” on the topic of whether the body needs to be additionally fed with vitamins in tablets, injections, or whether proper nutrition, a proper daily routine, and walks in the fresh air are sufficient so that the body receives sufficient quantity useful macro and microelements, and hair, skin and nails delighted their owners.

But, hand on heart, we can say that today only people who don’t need to go to work in the office and take care of their families eat right and walk enough. For the majority, a walk is limited to a hasty run through the shopping “gallery” on a weekend and the road from home to the office and from the office back. Yes, and nutritious food vitamin composition can be considered only in summer; in winter, in most of the products offered, the content useful substances insufficient.

Based on this, we can conclude that you need to take additional vitamins, but you need to do it wisely.

The skin of the face is a unique and universal organ that requires enhanced nutrition for several reasons:

  1. Regeneration of facial skin occurs constantly. Recovery processes require large nutrient resources.
  2. The epidermis of the face is constantly under the direct influence of all unfavorable factors environment.
  3. Women's skin is subjected to additional stress every day in the form of applied makeup, is in a state of stress due to lack of oxygen and sunlight.

That is why vitamins for facial skin are becoming one of the leading factors for maintaining youth and freshness. At the same time, vitamins are needed for the skin not only those taken internally with food, but also for external care.

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Groups of vitamins and their effects

So, what vitamins are needed for excellent skin condition? There is a whole group of vitamins for the skin. Let's list them in order of importance:

  1. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
  2. Reduces harm from all oxidative processes occurring in the body (it is worth remembering that normal breathing is also an oxidation process). Ascorbic acid works against free radicals, which are the main cause of aging of the body, and accumulation in the skin age-related changes.
  3. Vitamin A or retinol. It is necessary for the transport of nutrients into the organic cell, and is also responsible for fat metabolism and helps the synthesis of collagen fibers. A lack of vitamin A in the body is manifested by acne on the face and dry skin.
  4. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Strengthens cell membranes, along with vitamin C, works as an antioxidant. Problems with vitamin E in the body can be seen in sagging skin, rapid aging, dryness, and painful sensitivity to sunlight. That is why E and A are called “vitamins for youthful skin”!
  5. Vitamin PP or nicotinamide. Helps blood circulation in the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to high-quality blood circulation, the face receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, and metabolic processes occur quickly. A deficiency of this element is diagnosed by a gray (“earthy”) skin color and swelling that takes a long time to subside.
  6. Vitamin K balances blood composition. Without this microelement, blood clotting worsens and the walls become thinner. small vessels. A symptom of vitamin K deficiency is the appearance of small bruises and bruises, swelling on the face, and the out-of-season appearance of age spots.

Group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12)

B1 or thiamine helps cope with inflammation of various etiologies, including allergic reactions in the form of rash and itching.

B2 (riboflavin) and B6 (pyridoxine) are responsible for the proper functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands. If they are deficient, the skin is susceptible to drying out, begins to peel, and jams and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips. Pyridoxine is also recommended in the treatment of rashes as a response to most diseases of internal organs.

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B5 or pantothenic acid is a toxin-busting vitamin. All poisons that accumulate in epithelial cells worsen the appearance of the skin. In cosmetology pantothenic acid used to degrease and dry oily skin.

B12 or cyanocobalamin is a cell regeneration vitamin. It is even prescribed to restore the nervous system after stress. Taking this microelement starts the process of epidermis renewal.

In addition, the following are also useful:

  1. Vitamin is a catalyst for regeneration processes in the skin. Rapid cell renewal gives the face a fresh and youthful appearance.
  2. Vitamin is the main “non-food” microelement that is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. This microelement will ensure the water-salt balance of the skin and prevent early aging. However, solar radiation should never be abused.


Where in nature are all the described vitamins of beauty and youthfulness of facial skin found?

Vitamin A is hidden in carrots, eggs (yolk), cottage cheese, and natural milk. To restore vitamin C reserves, you need to eat fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips, onions, garlic, apples, cabbage are the best helpers for every day.

In addition, cabbage is a storehouse of vitamin K, so it is often used folk medicine used to remove morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes. Nuts, milk and butter needed for skin deficient in vitamin E. But vitamin PP can be obtained from the liver and mushrooms.

Vitamin D stands out, which is produced by our skin independently under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. During long winter periods, to replenish its reserves in the body, it is recommended to eat fatty fish and cheeses. Multivitamin complexes containing D and calcium partially restore the supply of these microelements, but it is still optimal to obtain the Ca + D complex while walking in the fresh air.

You shouldn’t get carried away with sunbathing to get the “sunshine” vitamin. Do not forget that the sun is the main source of aging of our skin and main reason burns in summer.

What vitamins does the skin need? Everything, only in certain proportions and taking into account the seasonal needs of the body. Of course, the best vitamins are those obtained from natural fresh products. But if such products are not readily available, then you simply need to drink extra complex preparations.

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Medicines and dietary supplements

Today in pharmacies there are quite a lot of drugs and dietary supplements that are selected specifically for the care and treatment of facial skin, hair and nails. You should choose a complex of vitamins after consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetologist and strictly follow the recommendations for use in the instructions for the drug.

Vitamins for facial skin should never be taken long time. Optimal time The duration of taking the complexes is 30-45 days, then you need to take a break of at least three months before starting the next cycle of use. Experts believe that the optimal time to take vitamin complexes is the off-season, when the entire body needs help.

Under no circumstances should you take balanced complexes and individual vitamins to improve facial skin. Hypervitaminosis is detrimental to the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

Complex preparations for problem skin Individuals should always check with their doctor. Only after a blood test can you say with certainty what vitamins are needed in the diet to solve the problem. Some of the painful issues associated with acne, boils, peeling of facial skin may not develop due to vitamin deficiency, but be a consequence of hormonal or functional disorders digestive or circulatory organs.

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Face masks

If a complex of vitamins is best taken in courses with a fairly long break between them, then external use vitamin masks, creams and nourishing compresses can be applied regularly.

Face masks include the main vitamins for beautiful skin - A, E, C and B. All compositions are applied strictly to certain areas of the face, since sensitivity, for example, around the eyes is much higher than sensitivity in the neck area.

Masks are being prepared from natural products and they must be used almost immediately; they cannot be stored. You can highlight the main ingredients that are combined in the composition:

  1. Lemon, lemon juice. Gives the mask acids that gently whiten and cleanse the skin, and also nourish it with vitamin C.
  2. Tomato. Contains the following vitamins for youthful skin: C, E and B5. Ideal for use on irritated or sun-damaged skin.
  3. Egg yolk, sour cream. Include essential vitamin A and B5.
  4. Kefir. Contains lactic acid, which gently cleanses the skin and reduces age spots.

In addition to natural products, purchased concentrated vitamin complexes can and should be added to masks. Pharmacies sell ampoules with liquid vitamins for injections, they are included in the composition of the mask for better nutrition skin.

When compiling the composition, you must take into account which vitamins are beneficial for the skin during a given period. IN summer time If there is excess sunlight, dust and sweat, you should focus on cleansing masks with a protective effect (vitamin A). But in winter, the skin needs not only protection, but also treatment from frostbite and vitamin deficiencies, and it makes sense to add complexes E, D and C to the composition.

There are three main types of masks:

  • anti-aging - containing vitamin E and acids (citric, lactic or malic);
  • moisturizing - containing fat (sour cream, cream);
  • cleansing - based on products with high content vitamin A - carrots, egg yolks.

Attention! Before applying a new mask to your face, you should test it on a sensitive area of ​​the skin, for example, on the elbow.

In case of an individual negative reaction to the components of the mask, the test site will turn red or itch. This is especially true for masks containing acids. The wrong proportion of acid can burn delicate skin and instead of a rejuvenating effect, it will be traumatic.

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IN specialized stores Today there is a fairly wide selection of factory-made masks containing vitamins for problem skin. IN mandatory The masks come with instructions for use, indicating how long the mask should be kept on the skin.

The absence of 100% natural ingredients in store-bought masks is fully compensated by the convenience of diluting them before use and shelf life. Such masks are balanced much better than their homemade counterparts.

The beauty of the skin depends on its ability to recover, renew itself, and protect itself from aggressive environmental influences. Natural processes in the skin may fade over time or be disrupted due to various unfavorable factors. The condition of the skin is also affected by the general health of a person and the quality of his diet.

Unfortunately, the body's resources are clearly not enough to keep the skin in excellent condition. Wrinkles, inflammatory processes, peeling, sagging facial contours and other skin problems arise due to disruption of the biochemical processes occurring in the skin. To normalize these processes, specific substances are needed - coenzymes, or vitamins.

We can only get vitamins from food. That is why the diet should be rich enough. However daily requirement in vitamins is so high that it is almost impossible to cover it with food. That is why there are pharmacy vitamins and vitamin complexes that help make the skin of the body and face beautiful, elastic, smooth, and healthy.

What vitamins does the skin need?

To keep your face beautiful and young longer, you need to carefully care for your skin. However, in addition to regular care and proper nutrition, it is extremely important for your skin to receive the full range of vitamins that will support it. normal functioning. Which vitamins should you choose?

Many vitamins are important for the beauty of the skin:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • niacin (vitamin B3);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • biotin (vitamin H);
  • vitamins B6, B5, B12
  • vitamin F (a collective name for several substances).

All of them should be regularly consumed orally and applied directly to the skin. Which medications to take must be decided based on the specific skin problem. It makes sense to take a course of vitamins two or four times a year.

Who is responsible for what?

Different vitamins make the difference different tasks on the skin.

It has the greatest influence on it, on which the nutrition of dermal cells depends. It is this vitamin that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of natural collagen. When vitamin A enters the body in the right amount, the skin smoothes out, ceases to be dry, gets rid of small wrinkles, and becomes youthfully firm and elastic. If there is not enough retinol, clogged pores (comedones), pimples, acne appear, the skin sags and becomes dry.

Tocopherol strengthens cell membranes, preventing their damage and thus acquiring the properties of a powerful antioxidant. reduces the rate of skin aging, smoothes skin wrinkles, has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory properties, returns smoothness and elasticity to aging skin.

– also a powerful antioxidant. It promotes better production of elastin and collagen, accelerates tissue regeneration, whitens, gives the skin radiance and tone. Vitamin C also helps smooth out wrinkles and reduces the rate of aging. If it is not enough, the dermis becomes excessively dry, thin, and easily injured.

Skin problems

Any skin problem is caused by a deficiency of several vitamins. This is why vitamin complexes are produced.

If there is peeling, there is a deficiency of B vitamins (B2, B5, B6), as well as vitamins A, F, PP.

Wrinkled, old, flabby skin will be supported by vitamins B1, C, E, A, F.

Vitamins B2, E, B6, A, C, H fight acne. They also eliminate comedones and help the skin renew itself and exfoliate.

Vitamins PP, C, F, A, K, E are responsible for firmness and elasticity. In combination, they improve regeneration and stimulate collagen synthesis.

Vitamins C, B3, and PP can make your skin glow. They make the face smooth, matte, relieve puffiness, and erase age spots.

You should take complex medications at intervals of two to three months. What drugs should I pay attention to? You need to study the manufacturer’s information and listen to the opinion of the pharmacist.

The best vitamin complexes

Pharmacies offer a large selection of vitamin complexes. Your doctor can help you figure out what medications you need to take. In addition, you should pay attention to the composition of the product and the characteristics of the condition of the dermis.

Complivit Radiance

An excellent vitamin complex has a complex effect on the skin of the face and body, nails and hair. The skin structure is evened out, pimples disappear, the skin is filled with a radiance of health and beauty. The composition of this drug is balanced. It contains calcium, without which it is impossible to absorb vitamin D3, silicon, vitamins E, C, A, PP, H, a powerful antioxidant selenium, B vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. This complex has a magical effect on the skin of the face: wounds heal, swelling and peeling disappear.


One of the most famous, which contains two vitamins: tocopherol (A) and retinol (A). The drug perfectly protects from adverse weather conditions, solar ultraviolet radiation, gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. Good for dry, burned skin that is subject to constant microtrauma. You need to take one or two capsules before meals, three times a day. Taking a vitamin complex is not possible in case of hypervitaminosis E, A, cardiac dysfunction, or pregnancy.


The vitamins K, A, E included in Aekol improve the structure of the skin, disinfect, and normalize blood circulation. The vitamin K contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, normalizing blood supply to the damaged skin fragment. The complex relieves peeling, heals wounds and cuts, and fights bacteria. This drug has worked well on the mucous membranes of the body.

“Skin, hair, nails” from Solgar

This balanced beauty product contains not only vitamin C, but also sulfur, red algae, and several essential amino acids, which together improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. The dermis receives the necessary hydration and an even, pleasant color. The drug stimulates the formation of collagen, protects against ultraviolet rays, restores elasticity to the skin, makes it firm, removes oily shine and inflammation. The skin of the face and body becomes clean, radiant, smooth, matte.


The complex preparation has an amazing composition: B vitamins (B6, B 12, B1, B5, B2, B9), H, D, E. This is a real healing cocktail for the beauty of the body, face, and joints. If you know what vitamins the manufacturer has included in the drug, its beneficial effect on the skin becomes clear. "Revivona" is important for dry, aging facial skin, as well as for the healthy condition of joints, bones, and improved functioning immune system. The skin ceases to be dry, dull, gray, and is filled with health and a radiance of beauty.

Lady's Formula

The cocktail of vitamins B, D, A, C, H, PP is supplemented by amino acids, plant extracts, micro- and macroelements: zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine. This an indispensable drug to quickly improve the condition of the skin of the face and body. It is used to treat skin diseases, including excessively dry, age-related, and problematic skin.


The drug for the beauty of the face and body “Revalid” includes vitamins B6, B1, H, amino acids methionine, cystine, as well as zinc, iron, copper, wheat germ extract, millet, yeast. He does a great job with wide range skin problems, improving the condition of wounds, restoring metabolic processes to the dermis.


An effective complex of vitamins D, C, E, H, A, the entire line of group B is combined with selenium, silicon, copper, zinc, magnesium, potassium, chromo, amino acids, echinacea and burdock extracts. Indicated for dry, damaged skin of the face and body, relieves peeling, treats psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema. An excellent product for maintaining beauty, youth and radiance.

Taking vitamins to improve the condition of facial skin is a prerequisite for maintaining health, maintaining youth and beauty.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 face the problem of wrinkles appearing on their faces. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noticing age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup; you control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up when you appeared...
  • Every time you approach the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return...

Vitamins for facial skin are necessary to maintain its youth, health and elasticity. If these elements are insufficient in the body, the skin may peel, lips may crack, the epidermis loses elasticity and wrinkles appear. Natural source vitamins - vegetables, fruits, fish and meat products. But the vitamins they contain are not always enough to maintain the dermis in good condition. Therefore, doctors advise periodically taking vitamin complexes.

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    Vitamins necessary for beauty

    If the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis decreases, you need to drink vitamins. But they need to be taken with caution, because an excess dose can cause additional health problems. It is recommended to consult a doctor first.

    There are a number of specific vitamins that can increase the elasticity of the epidermis, rejuvenate it and restore a healthy complexion.

    Fat-soluble vitamins:

    Vitamin name Symptoms of nutrient deficiency Mechanism of action
    • Dryness of the epidermis of the face and body.
    • Peeling and wrinkles occur.
    • There is a decrease in the immunity of the dermis, pustules and acne appear on the face
    • Restores epithelial and epidermal skin cells, protects their membranes from oxidants.
    • Retains moisture in the skin and evens out wrinkles under the eyes.
    • Normalizes the production of sebum.
    • Eliminates rosacea and age spots.
    • Evens out the relief of the face
    • Wrinkles appear under the eyes, and sagging dermis is observed.
    • The level of red blood cells in the blood decreases
    • Activates cell regeneration, maintains dermis and muscle tone.
    • Eliminates inflammation, helping the dermis get rid of swelling.
    • Makes the network of wrinkles in the eye area less noticeable.
    • Helps increase skin elasticity, maintaining the health of all blood vessels
    D calciferolSlows down the aging process of the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of sunlight
    K1 phylloquinonePigment spots, swelling and redness appear
    • Removes unwanted pigmentation.
    • Prevents photoaging of the epidermis.
    • Restores damaged areas of the face.
    • Relieves puffiness

    Water-soluble vitamins:

    Name Signs of vitamin deficiency Main action
    B1 thiamineThe aging of the dermis accelerates, loss of elasticity and firmness occurs
    • Actively regulates carbon metabolism.
    • Suppresses the destruction of elastin and collagen by carbohydrates
    B2 riboflavinLips become chapped and the epidermis becomes dryHelps normalize metabolic processes in the skin, evens out complexion and improves cellular respiration
    B3 nicotinic acid, niacin, PP
    • Pallor and cyanosis of the epidermis.
    • Peeling and dryness occurs.
    • Pigment spots appear
    • Participates in the processes of moisture retention in cells, strengthens tissues and increases the elasticity of the dermis.
    • Prevents the formation of wrinkles, restores the epidermis, increasing its barrier functions.
    • Does not allow radicals and microelements that cause pigmentation to pass through
    B5 pantothenic acidEarly aging of the epidermis occurs
    • Relieves inflammation and restores skin.
    • Activates metabolism in cells.
    • Helps improve complexion
    B6 pyridoxineAcne and seborrheic dermatitis appear
    • Removes redness and flaking of the skin.
    • Regulates carbohydrate metabolism and the formation of prostaglandins.
    • Helps improve blood circulation
    B7 biotin
    • The elasticity and firmness of the dermis decreases.
    • Acne occurs
    • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
    • Takes an active part in the formation of collagen
    B9 folic acidIncreased hair loss, deteriorating skin condition
    • Activates the regeneration of epidermal cells.
    • Removes irritation
    C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin)Aging and dryness of the skin accelerates. Spider veins appear
    • Improves blood circulation in the epidermis.
    • Suppresses the destruction of hyaluronic acid.
    • Reduce the severity of inflammatory processes

    The body needs a constant supply of vitamins. A deficiency of any of them immediately affects the state of the body, in particular, the appearance of the epidermis. If you have existing facial skin disorders, it is recommended to consult a specialist to find out what vitamins your body needs.

    The use of vitamins for the elasticity of the epidermis

    There are many known methods of using vitamins for cosmetic purposes.

    Choosing the most suitable way or by combining several, you can make your daily dermal care procedures much more effective and prolong your youth.

    It is important to strictly follow the instructions included with the vitamins or your doctor’s recommendations.

    Ways to take vitamins:

    1. 1. Food. The condition of the skin is greatly influenced by a properly formulated diet and timely consumption of food. Don't eat fast foods and others junk food, it is better to include fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries in your diet. It is recommended to steam fish, meat and poultry to preserve healthy ingredients. Vitamins obtained through food penetrate the skin very slowly, which is why it is advisable to combine this method with any other.
    2. 2. Complex drugs. Special capsules or tablets. The downside to this method is that you cannot choose the right vitamins.
    3. 3. Specific vitamins. You can purchase individual substances at the pharmacy, which are usually available in capsules and tablets. Sometimes they are sold in powders and ampoules, depending on the release form chosen by the manufacturer.
    4. 4. Skin care products. It is most beneficial for the face to receive the required microelements from natural care products. To do this, you can prepare it yourself at home. nourishing mask or cream, including everything necessary substances, or buy it at a cosmetic store.

    It is important to know that the abuse of artificial supplements of the body with vitamins can cause the opposite reaction. Only an experienced cosmetologist can select the ideal combination of methods for taking pharmaceutical vitamins.

    Admission rules

    1. 1. To correct a specific dermal defect, it is better to individually select vitamin complexes. To do this, before purchasing products, you must consult a cosmetologist. Already proven mineral and vitamin complexes (Alphabet, Supradin, Complivit) are suitable for preventive use.
    2. 2. You cannot take vitamin-mineral complexes for a long time and without control. This can lead to hypervitaminosis and overdose.
    3. 3. When taking the drug, it is imperative to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Taking the product before meals, when you need to use it after meals, can negate all treatment, necessary for the body In this case, the substances will not be absorbed. Exists general rule: water soluble vitamins should be used 30 minutes before meals, and fat-soluble ones during or after.
    4. 4. The liquid contents of capsules and ampoules of pharmaceutical vitamins can be added to creams (fat-soluble K, E, A and D), and water-soluble substances can be applied to the skin of the face.

    Individual approach to each type of dermis

    Each specific vitamin takes part in certain biochemical reactions. Therefore, each type of epidermis requires different vitamins.

    For dry skin

    Dry skin can be a consequence of genetic characteristics, a deficiency of vitamins in the diet, or errors in care. In any case, it is necessary to take vitamins B and A, C, E:

    • retinol moisturizes and restores skin cells, improves complexion;
    • tocopherol will restore hormonal levels, together with vitamin C will protect cells from the destructive effects of free radicals;
    • B vitamins, improving the condition of the dermis, will supply the body with the energy necessary for metabolism.

    For health, youth and prevention of dermal peeling:

    • It is recommended to add tocopherol and retinol to night and day creams;
    • you should include more egg yolks, butter, liver and buttered carrot salads in your diet;
    • take vitamin preparations Aevit and complexes containing B vitamins.

    For oily skin

    Excess fat content is a consequence of metabolic disorders and the secretion of large amounts of sebum. This often happens due to hormonal imbalances. To normalize these processes, vitamins E, C, A, B6 and B2 are recommended.


    • Take Aevit orally.
    • Include cottage cheese, eggs, beet and carrot salad, nuts, berries (currants, strawberries), sunflower seeds in your diet.
    • Apply to the face applications with lemon juice and a solution of vitamin B2 from ampoules, diluted with water (at the rate of 1 to 3). It is advisable to alternate each solution every other day. Apply the solution to cleansed skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

    The best vitamin complexes

    Periodic course of vitaminization complex vitamins allows the body to resist dangerous bacteria and viruses.

    The best pharmacy vitamins for facial skin:

    Name of the complex Main characteristics Photo
    Anti-aging complex "Famvital"

    Slows down processes premature aging epidermis. Restores damaged and lost tissue. With the help of “smart” capsules in female body the necessary active substances are supplied taking into account the daily biorhythm. The composition includes 16 ingredients that are optimally combined with each other and prevent skin aging. The drug significantly improves the structure and appearance of the dermis. Slows down the appearance of wrinkles. By slowing down thermogenesis and increasing calorie burning, it maintains normal body weight

    Doctors do not recommend constant intake of vitamin complexes. Before each course, you should consult your doctor about the presence possible contraindications. Only if these conditions are met, you can get the expected effect and increase the beauty of your skin without harming your own health.

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