Allergy conjunctivitis treatment. How to treat allergic conjunctivitis. Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

Almost every person has experienced manifestations of an allergic reaction. It can be caused by food, dust, wool, perfumes and many other substances. It is important to know the symptoms and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, because this will allow you to take timely measures to preserve full vision.

The disease is inflammatory process, localized in the conjunctiva of the eye - the mucous membrane lining the white part of the eyeball. The cause is a hypersensitivity reaction that occurs in response to the action of an allergen. A wide variety of substances can act as a trigger for the process, but the clinical picture will be the same.


Clinical manifestations depend on the concentration of the allergen that affects the susceptible organism: the higher it is, the more severe the symptoms of conjunctivitis. The individual characteristics of the body’s reaction to the influence of the trigger of the allergic process also play a significant role. The difference in the time of onset of symptoms of the disease depends on this: from 30 minutes to a couple of days.

The following symptoms are characteristic of allergic conjunctivitis:

  1. The most common complaint is itching and burning of the eyes, watery eyes. These manifestations sometimes bother the patient so much that they seriously impair his quality of life. They intensify in warm and dry weather.
  2. Rapid eye fatigue sets in.
  3. Swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids.
  4. There is redness of the eyes, which occurs due to the inflammatory process, and the redness intensifies due to constant scratching.
  5. Gradually, the amount of secretion from the lacrimal gland decreases, so a feeling of dryness appears in the eyes at the height of the disease, a sensation foreign body, fear of sunlight.
  6. With conjunctivitis, there is a great desire to scratch the affected area, as a result of which lesions are formed on the mucous membrane, invisible to the naked eye. Pathogenic microorganisms can enter through them, aggravating the manifestations of conjunctivitis. Discharge from the eye in case of infection will have yellow tint(pus). In the morning after sleep, it is difficult for such patients to open their eyes, as the eyelids stick together.
  7. Small follicles or papillae appear on the conjunctiva.
  8. The mucous membrane of the eye, especially in advanced cases, partially atrophies, which causes painful sensations when moving eyeball.

In parallel with the conjunctiva, the nasal mucosa also reacts to the action of the allergen, and rhinitis occurs. Accompanied heavy discharge from the nose.


Allergic conjunctivitis can be the result of exposure to many substances on the mucous membrane of the eye, but it all depends on the individual reaction to a specific allergen. Allergens are classified according to several criteria; it is most convenient to distinguish them by the nature of their origin.


Among these allergens, the most important is house dust, which most often causes allergic reactions. It is found in clothes, carpeting, bedding, that is, in all those things that are in the house.


The source of these allergens are domestic animals: cats, dogs, birds, and so on. The reaction from the eyes is manifested by their fur, excrement and other substances that animals secrete in the process of life.


IN spring period Plants begin to flower and release pollen, which becomes a real problem for patients suffering from hay fever. Allergic conjunctivitis is most often caused by pollen. May develop cross reactions organism - in cases where the composition of pollen of two different plants is similar to each other.


Several classifications of allergic conjunctivitis have been proposed:

  1. By the nature of the antigen: keratoconjunctivitis, medicinal conjunctivitis, atopic, spring catarrh.
  2. Over the course of the disease, the eye disease can be acute, subacute, and then becomes chronic.
  3. By time of occurrence: seasonal (usually in spring for flowering) or year-round.
  4. According to the speed of onset of the first allergy symptoms: immediate reaction (occurs within half an hour from the moment the allergen begins to act) and delayed (after a day or more). This classification plays an important role in selecting therapy for the patient.

The occurrence of allergic conjunctivitis is based on a hypersensitivity reaction immediate type(1 type). The trigger mechanism is contact of the conjunctiva of the eye with a substance that causes an enhanced immune response. A number of processes in the body are launched. Degranulation occurs mast cells, activation of basophils, mediators of the allergic reaction are released, responsible for all the symptoms. The vessels of the mucous membrane of the eye dilate, swelling of the conjunctiva occurs.

Chronic form

Allergic conjunctivitis is chronic if the allergen constantly affects the mucous membrane of the eye. In most cases, the factor causing the hyperreaction immune system, affects the body periodically, therefore the symptoms of the disease do not always accompany a person.

It is very important to identify in time the allergen that causes conjunctivitis: by eliminating its effects, you can avoid this disease as an eternal companion. We must remember that often the clinical manifestations are quite insignificant, but at the same time discomfort in the eyes are intense.

How does it manifest in children?

In children, this disease is especially common, starting from birth. Manifestations in children and adults do not differ from each other; the intensity of certain symptoms depends on the characteristics of the active allergen and the susceptible organism. Children scratch their eyes more often, so there is a risk of bacterial infection much higher.

Therefore, in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, ointments containing antibacterial component. Also, the frequency of spread of the process depends on the characteristics of blood circulation in children's body: rich vascularization contributes to the rapid transfer of infection from the mucous membrane of the eye through the vessels.

Possible complications

Frequent and prolonged episodes of allergic conjunctivitis, especially those left without drug support, can in rare cases cause serious complications. Basically, such pathological processes arise from the eye, these include:

  • myopia – poor visual acuity at a great distance from the eye
  • farsightedness - blurred images near
  • astigmatism – pathology of the cornea (curvature)
  • dry eye syndrome: dry mucous membranes, burning, foreign body sensation, photophobia
  • iritis, keratitis
  • acquired strabismus
  • cataract

Which doctor should I contact?

Allergic conjunctivitis is treated by two specialists: an allergist-immunologist and an ophthalmologist, so you need to contact them. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary tests to confirm the allergic nature of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.


Conjunctivitis is not difficult to diagnose due to its characteristic clinical picture and striking symptoms. But it’s more difficult to determine the nature of the disease, because there are many types of conjunctivitis and they all differ in treatment and recommendations. It is very important to collect a history of the disease, which is carried out by a doctor.

What is important is the established fact of the patient’s interaction with some unusual substances, the seasonality of the occurrence of eye symptoms, the presence of signs of intoxication of the body, which mainly accompanies bacterial or conjunctivitis. viral etiology. For a differential diagnosis with conjunctivitis caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria, a smear is taken to look for the pathogen. To do this, you need a special tool that looks like a cotton swab.

They collect material from the mucous membrane of the affected eye. This smear is then sent to the laboratory, where at the same time the material can be tested for sensitivity to antibiotics in case of bacterial contamination. With cytological laboratory research with conjunctivitis of an allergic nature, the number of eosinophils and basophils prevails in the smear. If the disease passes through the patient without complications, then dystrophic changes no cells are observed in the smear.


Therapy for conjunctivitis should be carried out even despite the subsidence of symptoms after eliminating exposure to the allergen. This will help avoid complications. Applicable A complex approach, which provides the best rate of recovery for sore eyes.

Non-drug methods

  1. For the entire duration of treatment, it is advisable to refuse contact lenses. Despite the fact that progress does not stand still, the lens is a foreign body, which also prevents the eyes from breathing fully. Symptoms of the disease may worsen, so it is better to use glasses for conjunctivitis. After completing the course of treatment, you should not wear old lenses: they can be a source of infection, especially in the case of complicated allergic conjunctivitis.
  2. To relieve symptoms of dry eye, it is advisable to use eye drops-lubricants. To purchase them you do not need a prescription from a doctor, but be sure to read the instructions for use.
  3. You should wash your hands more often, especially after touching your sore eye. This will prevent re-infection.
  4. Sticky discharge, especially after waking up, should be carefully removed with a cotton pad moistened with warm boiled water.

Mast cell stabilizers

These drugs belong to alternative therapy of this pathology. The principle of action is to reduce the release of allergic reaction mediators from mast cells. They block calcium channels, the functioning of which is necessary for cell degranulation. The cell membrane gradually stabilizes.

They differ from conventional antihistamines in that they do not relieve symptoms in the short term, give delayed results and effectively control the development of symptoms over a long period of time. When prescribed mast cell stabilizers, patients experience much less side effects than from other groups of drugs. They begin to act after 2-3 weeks, so you can often find them being prescribed together with antihistamines.

Mast cell membrane stabilizers are prescribed in most cases in the form of eye drops. This allows active substance accurately hit the site of inflammation. Examples of drugs are nedocromil and sodium cromoglycate, lodoxamide. The choice of the most suitable drug is carried out by a specialist.


Medicines in this group reduce allergic manifestations by reducing the release of histamine and other mediators. There are several generations antihistamines, which differ in effectiveness, duration of action and severity of side effects. For allergic conjunctivitis, they can be prescribed as eye drops, and tablets orally. The following drugs may be prescribed:

  • cetirizine
  • levocabastine
  • allergodil
  • fexofenadine
  • loratadine

The choice of drug should be made by a doctor during a detailed examination of the patient. It is necessary to take into account the profession, possible pregnancy, lactation period in a woman. You also need to listen to the wishes of the patient, because some drugs need to be used 4 times a day, which may be inconvenient for the patient. Elderly people suffer from memory impairment, so it is preferable for them to choose long-acting remedies.

Often, patients with allergic conjunctivitis are prescribed dual-action drugs. It must be remembered that some antihistamines, especially the 1st generation, cause drowsiness, which is dangerous for professions that require increased concentration attention. The likelihood of this side effect increases when taking large doses of drugs, as well as in combination with alcoholic beverages.


Allergen-specific immunotherapy at this stage is the only method that affects the cause of the allergy and eliminates it. The method consists of introducing an allergen into the sensitized organism, the dose of which gradually increases.

Long-term tolerance of the body to this allergen develops, as a result of which the symptoms of conjunctivitis are eliminated. The method has its side effects, so it should only be carried out by an allergist-immunologist.


It is necessary to adhere to a number of rules so that the symptoms of conjunctivitis no longer bother you:

  1. The most important thing is to avoid any contact with the allergen, because its effect on the conjunctiva of the eye is the main and only cause of the disease.
  2. If interaction with the allergen could not be avoided, then you should immediately drip an antihistamine into your eyes, which is prescribed by an appropriate specialist.


If you experience any unpleasant eye symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Untimely and uncontrolled reception medications can cause irreparable damage to vision. By following all the necessary recommendations from a specialist, you can forget about the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis for a long time.

Video: Allergic conjunctivitis - about the most important things

Greetings, dear readers and readers! Allergic conjunctivitis is a condition in which the connective membrane of the eye becomes inflamed.

In many cases, this eye disease develops in parallel with other allergic diseases, which significantly complicates the possibility of diagnosing it in the initial stages.

Allergic conjunctivitis in adults can occur as a result of an eye reaction to wearing contact lenses, taking certain medications, allergies to animals, etc. The peculiarity of this unpleasant form of pathology is that both eyes are affected at once.

Today I will tell you about treatment methods of this disease offers modern ophthalmology.

What factors provoke the development of allergic conjunctivitis and how does the disease manifest?

The following factors are identified that provoke the appearance of conjunctivitis: allergic origin:

  1. Household. This very first group of allergens includes the well-known household dust, dust mites, feathers, fluff, etc.
  2. Epidermal. Wool of various animals, bird feathers, fish food.
  3. Pollenaceae. The most powerful allergens are pollen from plants that bloom in spring and poplar fluff.
  4. Chemical. Wash, powder, perfume, air fresheners, cosmetics, etc.

Signs of allergic conjunctivitis appear as:

  • unbearable itching and burning in the eyes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • mucous or purulent discharge;
  • rapid visual fatigue;
  • hypersensitivity to bright light sources.

One more a clear sign, indicating allergic conjunctivitis, is swelling in the lower eyelid. In addition to the listed symptoms, the patient may be bothered by a cough. In the acute form of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced, and chronic allergic conjunctivitis proceeds more calmly (lasts for 6-12 months).

Symptoms of this ophthalmological pathology appear immediately after contact with allergens, which quickly penetrate the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting in inflammation.

What is the treatment of eye pathology based on?

The treatment process for allergic conjunctivitis is quite lengthy. This is due not only to the difficulty of diagnosing the problem in the early stages of development, but also to the fact that those used during therapy medicines do not immediately have the desired effect.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines. Patients suffering from this disease are prescribed 2nd generation antihistamines (Claritin, Cetrin, Kestin) and 3rd generation (Erius, Xizal, Telfast). You need to take 1 tablet per day for 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment course can be extended to 2-3 months. These antihistamines have a beneficial effect on the entire body, stopping allergic manifestations.
  2. Topical corticosteroids. Indications for use of this pharmacological group drugs is severe inflammation And severe complications, developed against the background of this type of conjunctivitis. They are prescribed if the inflammatory process does not go away after taking other medications.

This medicinal group represented by steroid ointments and drops, which include such active substances, like dexamethasone and hydrocortisone. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist, since the above medications are hormonal.

  • Antiseptics, antibiotics. To treat allergic conjunctivitis, ointments containing an antiseptic (based on tetracycline, gentamicin and erythromycin) are often used. With their help, it is possible to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Immunomodulatory. Medicines in this group are prescribed for the chronic course of the disease. The most popular medication is Histaglobulin (in the form of injections).
  • Reparants (for restoration of the conjunctiva). To eliminate the consequences of allergic keratitis, medications that have a healing effect are prescribed. With their help, it is possible to restore damaged eye tissue and eliminate the consequences of the disease (conjunctival ulcers, etc.).

An excellent drug is eye gel Solcoseryl, which must be used for 1-2 weeks after eliminating the symptoms of conjunctivitis. This gel helps to activate metabolic processes at the cellular level, thereby significantly accelerating the process of restoring the damaged structure of eye tissue.

When asked how to treat allergic conjunctivitis, most ophthalmologists will answer that first of all you need to eliminate the allergen, and only then can you begin conservative treatment.

One of the most popular medications used to treat this disease are eye drops.

List of the most effective drops for conjunctivitis in children, see.

I bring to your attention the types of drops that qualified ophthalmologists recommend using for patients suffering from conjunctivitis of allergic origin:

  1. To constrict blood vessels. Such drops (Vizin, Okumetil, Octilia) narrow blood vessels, due to which it is possible to achieve relief from swelling and redness of the eyes.
  2. Antihistamines. The main purpose of antihistamine eye drops (Lecrolin, Cromohexal, Alocomid, Opatanol, Hi-chrome) is to block histamine. They help relieve swelling and eliminate itching.
  3. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. Drops of this group (Dexamethasone, Prenacid, Maxidex, Hydrocortisone) are prescribed in case of acute or severe course diseases. Use strictly as prescribed by your eye doctor.
  4. Tear substitutes. The pain and burning sensation in the eyes that occurs with allergic conjunctivitis very often leads to the development of dry eye syndrome, especially in old age. To eliminate the problem, ophthalmologists advise using artificial tears (Vizin, Oftogel, Inox, Systane, Oksial).
  5. Fortified. Eye drops containing vitamins (Quinax, Katachrom, Emoxipin, Khrustalin) should be used by patients who have inflammation of the cornea as a result of allergic conjunctivitis.


Allergic type conjunctivitis is enough serious illness, giving a person unpleasant painful sensations.

Due to the fact that its occurrence cannot be completely prevented, ophthalmologists strongly recommend contacting medical care immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. This will allow the specialist to select the appropriate medications, as well as draw up a competent and effective scheme treatment.

Take care of yourself and be healthy, dear friends, see you again!

Sincerely, Olga Morozova.

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Allergic reactions in people with a predisposition to them often manifest themselves in the most unexpected ways.

In 15-20% of all allergy sufferers on Earth, such diseases, regardless of origin, affect the organs of vision, which in such cases are affected by allergic conjunctivitis.

What is allergic conjunctivitis?

Allergic conjunctivitis in adultsinflammatory lesion conjunctival membrane, which occurs when the organs of vision are exposed to allergens of artificial or natural origin.

The disease can manifest itself seasonally, when plant allergens are in the highest concentration in the air, or occur in a chronic form.

In this form the disease can worsen at any time throughout the year.

Sometimes, with the development of this disease, rhinoconjunctivitis, rhinitis or bronchial asthma may develop as additional pathologies.


The causative agent of allergic conjunctivitis is always some kind of allergen.

Most often, the disease occurs upon contact with the eyeball of the following pathogens::

  • components of cosmetics;
  • plant fluff and pollen;
  • contact lenses;
  • animal hair and bird feathers;
  • household chemicals;
  • components of medicinal products;
  • some food products.

Important! This is a list of only the most common allergens, but in fact, in people with a predisposition to allergies, such reactions can be caused by any substance to which a particular patient, for unknown reasons, may have a corresponding reaction.

Symptoms and types of disease

The symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis vary depending on the form of the disease, but common features in most cases there is swelling, irritation and itching, and symptoms usually spread to both eyes almost immediately.

If the disease occurs acutely or under acute forms– symptoms are most pronounced; in chronic forms, signs may be barely noticeable or almost completely absent.

ICD 10 coding for conjunctivitis is H10.

There are the following forms of conjunctivitis of allergic origin::

  1. Hay fever. Characterized by severe itching, profuse lacrimation and discharge from the eyes. The disease occurs as a result of exposure to allergens on the visual organs. plant origin: fragments of herbs, pollen, fluff. If the disease occurs during the flowering period of grasses and trees, but its symptoms do not disappear for at least a year, the disease is classified as chronic.
  2. Drug. It develops due to hypersensitivity to certain medications or their components. With this disease, inflammatory and pathological processes can affect only the conjunctiva, but also the cornea, vascular system, optic nerve, retina, and redness and irritation can spread to the eyelids.
  3. Spring. It is characterized by exacerbations in summer and spring; during the development of the disease, a thick viscous exudate is released from the eyes, and lacrimation may not be as abundant as in other forms.
  4. Large capillary. With this form, which occurs as a result of exposure to foreign bodies in the eyes, the presence of foreign objects is felt in the organs of vision, the eyes turn red and begin to itch, the conjunctiva may become covered with formations in the form of papillae, reaching a diameter of 1 millimeter. Discharge from the affected eyes is clear and mucous.
  5. Atopic. The form of the disease occurs as a consequence of reactions of the immune system to urticaria, dermatitis or asthma, and for unknown reasons pathological condition appears on the organs of vision (redness, itching and possible tearing).


The photo shows signs of the disease:

General and specific treatment methods

If allergic conjunctivitis, regardless of its form, manifests itself in mild degree– treatment may be limited instillations of combined ophthalmic solutions and vasoconstrictors.

Such medications are sold without a prescription because they do not contain potent active ingredients, but for this reason they may be ineffective.

Important! Sometimes allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by the development of dry eye syndrome. In such cases, you can additionally use drugs from the “artificial tear” category, which restore the tear membrane.

In most cases, antihistamine, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory eye drops are prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis (depending on the form of the disease). Seasonal conjunctivitis is usually treated with spersallerg and allergodil drops(such drugs quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease).

Instillations are performed over several days, on average three times a day; if symptoms worsen or such drugs are ineffective, oral antihistamines may be prescribed.

In the chronic form, spersallerg can also be used, additionally corticosteroid drops are prescribed dexamethasone, as well as solutions cromhexal And alomide.

Drops for spring

Spring allergic conjunctivitis requires the use of the following ophthalmic drops:

  • maaxidex;
  • Claritin;
  • histodepth;
  • zodak;
  • cetrin.

The large-capillary form first of all involves the removal of a foreign body from the affected organ of vision, after which instillation of alomide or lecrolin solutions is prescribed to enhance the regeneration processes. Instillations are performed daily until the alarming symptoms are completely eliminated, twice a day.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts in cycles, and after a month of instillation, a break of several days is taken to eliminate the addictive effect and the development of side effects in the patient from an excess of active substances.

Treatment with medications

How to treat the disease? Currently, in Russian pharmacies you can find several effective means for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

These include the following drops and solutions:

Folk remedies

Treatment allowed allergic forms conjunctivitis with folk remedies, but in such cases it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist before treating the disease, since some ingredients may have the opposite effect, and the symptoms will not disappear, but will progress even more.

One of the popular recipes of this kind is decoction with tea rose: one teaspoon of such a dried plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for half an hour.

After this, the product is filtered to separate the petals, and the affected eyes are washed with the finished decoction several times a day for two weeks.

Another effective composition for washing is made on the basis dried chopped rose hips. You need to add only ten grams of this plant to a glass of water, after which the composition is cooked for about 15 minutes over low heat.

Important! The strained broth can be used for washing no more than six times a day and no longer than ten days.

For conjunctivitis, fresh dill juice: just squeeze a few drops onto a cotton swab and apply it to the affected eye for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated four times a day for no longer than a week.

The simplest recipe is decoction with bay leaf: several leaves of the plant are poured into a glass of boiling water for half an hour and then removed from the liquid. You need to wash your eyes with this product five times a day.

Is allergic conjunctivitis contagious?

Allergic conjunctivitis is not a pathology that can be transmitted from person to person. Even prolonged contact with the patient will not lead to the development of the disease in others.

Disease prevention

Ophthalmologists cannot recommend specific effective preventive measures for adults, helping to prevent allergic conjunctivitis, especially if a person is genetically predisposed to it.

First of all it is important to completely eliminate any contact with allergens, and we are talking not only about protecting the eyes: if a person is allergic to some food products, it is necessary to exclude them from the diet, since eating them can provoke allergic reactions of the most unpredictable nature (from acne to allergic conjunctivitis).

Important! Patients with chronic form not recommended to keep in the house a large number of soft toys, remove carpets and, if possible, replace upholstered furniture with products made from hypoallergenic materials.

It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning in the apartment every few days to prevent the accumulation of dust: it can also provoke the development of allergies.

Useful video

From this video you will learn more about the symptoms and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis:

At the first manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis, you should consult an ophthalmologist and allergist. It is easier for specialists to assign adequate treatment if the disease is diagnosed in the early stages.

If conjunctivitis progresses to severe degrees– it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without a long, complex and expensive complex therapy.

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People get sick with allergic conjunctivitis of the eyes due to increased sensitivity to various allergens.

As a rule, hypersensitivity is determined at the genetic level.

The disease can be combined with allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma and other manifestations of allergies.

It should be noted that allergic conjunctivitis affects more than 15% of people around the globe. How to cure allergic conjunctivitis can be found in the article below.

Causes of allergic conjunctivitis

The following exogenous factors can provoke the disease:

  • Plant pollen;
  • Down, feathers or animal hair;
  • Cosmetical tools;
  • House dust;
  • Medicines (most often allergic reactions are caused by antibacterial drugs);
  • Contact lenses;
  • Dry food for aquarium fish;
  • Perfumes;
  • Facilities household chemicals;
  • Food products.

Allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.

And this is far from full list substances that can cause allergic conjunctivitis.

A person with allergic conjunctivitis does not pose a threat to others, since the disease is not contagious.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by bilateral eye damage. Full-blown symptoms may appear immediately after contact with the allergen or several days later (the so-called immediate and delayed reactions).

Severe itching is the most common complaint of patients

Itching is the most common complaint of patients. Moreover, it is expressed so strongly that people cannot restrain themselves from rubbing their eyes. In turn, frequently touching the eyes with your fingers only aggravates the picture.

The eyelids swell and turn red. After some time, a mucous thread-like secretion begins to come out of the eyes, and a burning sensation appears.

If you do not take proper care of your eyes, it may develop and then the discharge will become purulent. Often papillary growths or small blisters appear on the conjunctiva.

If the disease starts, symptoms such as blepharospasm (twitching of the orbicularis oculi muscle, uncontrollable by the person), inability to look at the light (drooping of the upper eyelid) appear.

There are cases when the allergic process affects the cornea and additionally causes.

Conjunctivitis of allergic origin typically affects the retina, cornea, optic nerve and eyelids.

If the process is chronic, the symptoms are very scarce and are limited to mild redness of the eyes, itching or burning, and lacrimation.

Inflammation is considered chronic if it lasts more than six months and is not corrected with medications.

Types of conjunctivitis Seasonality Age Itchy eyes Inflammation Tearing
Allergic - hay fever, chronic Seasonal disease, often accompanied by allergic rhinitis during flowering weeds, flowers, trees any yes, strong No there is also intense
Drug No any There is eyelids, optic nerve, cornea, choroid, retina There is
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis exacerbation in spring and summer more often from 14 years of age, rarely in children from 3 years of age There is cornea possibly intense
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis No after 40 years There is There is Maybe


To treat allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to identify the allergen and stop contact with it.

The key to success in treating allergic conjunctivitis is to promptly identify the allergen and prevent contact with it. However, as shows practical experience, often this activity is not feasible.

At mild flow diseases, antiallergic drops are prescribed for local application. This, histimet, and others. The number and frequency of instillations is determined by the ophthalmologist.

If at the same time a person develops, artificial tear preparations are added to treatment: inoxa, and others. This is especially true for older people, since physiological characteristics their production of their own tear fluid is reduced.

If the cornea is damaged, medications such as solcoseryl and others are used.

In advanced cases, take antihistamines.

In more advanced cases, it may be necessary to take antihistamines orally. It is important to remember that some drugs (suprastin, tavegil, diphenhydramine, pipolfen, diazolin) cause drowsiness and should never be taken by people whose work is associated with constant voltage attention (drivers, dispatchers). They should take new generation antiallergic drugs: Telfast, Claritin, etc.

If these measures do not produce an effect, glucocorticosteroids in the form of ointments or tablets (prednisolone) are added to treatment.

Drops for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergodil. The drug has a powerful and long-lasting antiallergic effect. Quickly alleviates the condition by eliminating such unpleasant symptoms like itching, watering and burning in the eyes. Well tolerated. Immediately after administration, it may cause a short-term increase in symptoms of the disease. However, after a few minutes everything goes away. Adverse reactions are rare.

Lecrolin. An antihistamine based on sodium cromoglycate. Designed to relieve symptoms allergic inflammation conjunctiva.

One of the features of the drug is that it reduces capillary permeability, which limits the entry of the allergen into the bloodstream. Suitable for long-term use, which is important for people suffering from a chronic form of the disease.

Very often, timely administration of lecrolin allows one to avoid the prescription of corticosteroid drugs. Immediately after instillation, short-term eye irritation may occur, which will manifest itself as tingling or burning.

Cromohexal. It has a pronounced anti-edematous effect, and also eliminates dryness and itching. Maximum therapeutic effect occurs a few days after the start of use. Can be used as a means of preventing exacerbations of chronic allergic conjunctivitis. After instillation, a short-term deterioration in vision may occur.

Opatanol. An antihistamine that can be used without consequences for a long time. wonderful and in short term eliminates swelling of the conjunctiva, itching, lacrimation and other unpleasant symptoms. Maximum concentration the drug in the blood is reached after two hours. Among adverse reactions It is worth highlighting dizziness, dry mucous membranes, headache, short-term increase in symptoms of conjunctivitis.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis are prescribed by a doctor, he will select the right drug for you.

Folk remedies

The main principle when using folk remedies in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is that there is no allergy to the components used.

In children

Allergic conjunctivitis in a child appears from about 3 years of age. At school, 3-5% of children suffer from this disease. Often, along with allergic conjunctivitis, a child has other manifestations of allergies:

In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis in children, the most effective is allergen-specific therapy, which is practically not used in adults due to low efficiency.

The allergen is administered to the baby under the supervision of a doctor, gradually increasing the dose. Gradual addiction to the allergen develops, and the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear.

Children often experience pseudo-allergic reactions - symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, similar to allergies, arising for other reasons (helminthiases, pathology intestinal microflora etc.). In this case, determine the cause allergic manifestations and provide appropriate treatment.

The doctor will decide how to treat allergic conjunctivitis in a child, depending on the identified allergen.

Chronic allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis often has chronic course, which is characterized by abrasion clinical manifestations. In this case, there is slight redness of the conjunctiva of the eye, mild itching, burning, and a feeling of a foreign body. Sometimes lacrimation increases.

Depending on the type of allergen, manifestations may be permanent or seasonal.. Allergies to dust and pets occur all year round. With an allergy to plant pollen, the manifestations of conjunctivitis are seasonal.

Often allergies are mixed; in this case, there is an allergy to several components at once (food, medications, herbs, dust, etc.). This type of allergy is more difficult to treat. This is understandable, since it is more difficult to exclude the effect of several allergens at once.


A number of rules must be followed:


At proper treatment it is realistic to achieve, if not complete disappearance of the manifestations of the disease, then at least stable remission. With delayed treatment, acute allergic conjunctivitis becomes chronic.

At improper treatment Allergic conjunctivitis can be complicated by the addition of an infection, most often bacterial.

To prevent the development of complications, this pathology should be treated in a timely manner.

During pregnancy

When carrying a child, an exacerbation of allergic conjunctivitis is possible. The occurrence of the disease for the first time during pregnancy is rare.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out based on symptoms, as well as using a blood test (determination of specific immunoglobulins E).

During pregnancy they try to avoid negative influence therapy for the unborn child. In this regard, the use of medications should be minimal.

Every effort is made to minimize contact with allergens.

The use of antihistamines is not used or prescribed in minimal doses due to the toxic effect on the fetus.

Local treatment is reduced to the use of sodium cromoglycate derivatives in the form of eye drops. Hormonal drops are not used.

Now you know how to treat allergic conjunctivitis.
