Horse chestnut. Medicinal properties, recipes for joints, weight loss. Tincture and extract. Contraindications. Use of chestnut tincture: medicinal properties and contraindications Horse chestnut medicinal properties and use

Horse chestnut, the use of which is widespread in folk and traditional medicine, is a plant that can strengthen the vascular walls of capillaries, thin the blood, and normalize their tone. Fruits (with or without peel), leaves, flowers, seeds, bark are used. The above-ground parts of the tree are suitable for harvesting throughout the season, but better time for collecting bark - May, June, inflorescences - at the beginning of flowering, nuts - in September, during the period of their full ripening.

Use of chestnut for treatment

Horse chestnut is famous for its medicinal properties and is successfully used in folk medicine for healing from illnesses. Let's look at what diseases it is used for and the recipes for preparing a healing potion.

For joint diseases

Destructive-dystrophic pathologies of joints, as a rule, appear with age. They limit human mobility and cause aching pain. It is impossible to cure the disease, but it is possible to take measures to alleviate physical suffering with horse chestnut medicine.

In folk medicine, a tincture is used for joints. To prepare it, you need a little more than half a kilogram of crushed fruits (in a blender, meat grinder, coffee grinder), which are poured with 1 liter of vodka. The medicine is brought to readiness, leaving it for 2 weeks in a dark place, after which it is used not only for internal use(40 drops after meals daily), but also externally (the sore joints are rubbed with cake).

How to use for varicose veins

Leads to fragility and dilation of veins excess weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes, forced standing for a long time, and hereditary factors also influence. As a result, blood clots form, which can break off and wander throughout the body.

Chestnut fruit

50 g of nuts along with the peel are crushed to a powder and poured with vodka until the raw materials are completely immersed. Future drops are infused, set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks and after a while, 10 drops are taken daily, 2 times a day.

Interesting to know! Healing effect horse chestnut on the walls of blood vessels is caused by the substances included in its composition: esculin and escin. Complex compounds have an angioprotective, venotonic, anti-edematous effect, and also eliminate the likelihood of blood clots due to blood thinning and improved antithrombin synthesis.

  1. Chestnut flowers. They should be collected at the beginning of their flowering and filled with vodka. The alcohol tincture is prepared for 1 month, after which 50 drops are taken before meals.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice from chestnut flowers. It can be used as a medicine both internally and externally, using it as a base for preparing ointments.

The juice is squeezed from the flowers and taken a few drops after meals in the morning and evening.

The suspension for the treatment of vascular walls is made from the following ingredients: 5 pcs. crushed plant fruits and flowers, 0.5 liters of oil (vegetable, peach, almond, olive to choose from). Mix the ingredients in a bowl and place on water bath for 2 hours. Afterwards, filter, pour into a glass jar and place in the refrigerator on the door.

Green peel of the plant

A decoction is prepared from it: pour 2 liters of water, boil for about 10 minutes, set aside in a cool place overnight. You can use it in the morning, 1 tbsp. spoon once a day for 2 weeks.

You can also prepare a highly concentrated preparation from the fruits and leaves of the plant. The components are crushed, poured with vodka and infused for several days. Compresses from this infusion work well on varicose veins.

How to get rid of excess weight

The composition of horse chestnut is effective for weight loss due to its ability to remove toxins and accelerate metabolic processes in the body. You can use the following recipe:

  1. 25 pcs. peeled nuts are cut in half, folded into gauze and the bag is placed at the bottom of a 3-liter jar. You can add a small stone to make it heavier.
  2. The container is filled with warm boiled water in a volume of 2.5 liters, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. serum, set aside in a dark place for 2 weeks (preferably near the battery).
  3. The tincture is used 2 times a day, 1 glass for a month.

In order to avoid having to wait another two weeks for the next portion, you should drain the tincture immediately after preparation, and add water and sugar to the remaining cake again. In a day it will be ready again. Every two weeks you should add 4 more fruits.

Horse chestnut against cancer

The plant can also help with oncology, but as an alternative clinical drugs it does not apply. At home they prepare according to next recipe: 1 tbsp. l. dried flowers + 200 ml water. But you should calculate that the medicine will be 1.5 liters. The liquid is brought to a boil, set aside for 8 hours and filtered. Take all 1.5 liters in small sips throughout the day.

Horse chestnut for hemorrhoids

A tincture based on the plant bark quickly relieves irritation and itching, promotes tissue regeneration and prevents swelling. The ingredients of the dosage form are: bark, sage, chamomile, powdered fruits with peel. They are placed in a ratio of 5:2:3:3 per 1 liter of water. The container with the future tincture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, set aside overnight and used for baths for 10 days.

Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses without puncture

Sinusitis is a common disease that affects the maxillary sinuses. To avoid unpleasant consequences and not to start the pathological process of a condition requiring a puncture, it is recommended to prepare medicinal mixture based on horse chestnut. It is capable of killing viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that contribute to the development of the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses. Also, a product based on this herbal component can cause sneezing, which will lead to clearing of mucus and purulent clots from the nose.

Important! Use for medicinal purposes for sinusitis or prolonged sinusitis is recommended only in the absence of contraindications.

The medicinal properties of chestnut are also used in its raw form. The fruits are soaked in water for several hours so that the brown skin comes off easily. How to use? The white contents are crushed and introduced into the nasal passages (not too far), helping with an ear stick. You can also mix it with honey. Leave the medicine for 1.5-2 hours. But the effect of its action can be observed after 15 minutes. The course of treatment is up to 5 days, for the chronic form - up to 9 days.

Horse chestnut oil for the treatment of respiratory organs

An oily substance with a characteristic odor is made from chestnut seeds by extracting useful substances using absorbents. What does chestnut oil treat? Its action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and congestion in the respiratory organs. Used as aromatherapy and for cold and hot inhalations. Add 5-10 drops of oil to the aroma lamp or humidifier container and turn on the device for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Like any other plant, horse chestnut has contraindications. These include: pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases, atonic constipation, constantly decreased arterial pressure(the plant also reduces it), breastfeeding, irregular menstrual cycle, childhood. Therefore, before using infusions, decoctions, and other dosage forms you must consult a doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Horse chestnut extract has found its use in cosmetology for the face, hair, hands, and feet. The wide distribution of the plant is due to its vitamin and mineral composition, capable of fighting inflammatory processes in the skin, as well as enriching cells useful substances, preventing aging.

Interesting to know! Triple horse chestnut cologne is a unique hygiene product for men. It can relieve inflammation after shaving or simply cleanse pores of dirt clogged in them.

For whitening and rapid regeneration of facial skin, you can prepare a cream at home. To do this you will need a flower (5 tbsp) and vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the suspension is cooled, filtered and poured into a glass container with a lid.

It is used for hair, enriching shampoos and balms with it. This cosmetic product:

  • strengthens the hair follicle;
  • will give a healthy shine to your curls;
  • relieves dandruff and skin irritation;
  • saturates the hair shaft with nutrients.

The beneficial composition (tannins, tannins, fatty oils, saponins) promotes the healthy growth of curls that will be easy to comb and style.

Treatment with chestnuts cannot be the main one. Despite high concentration components useful for the body, the plant is used only as an auxiliary in the main course of treatment. If the specialist discovered only the initial stage of development of vascular or vein disease, he prescribed treatment folk ways, then the article brought to attention the most best recipes. They are easy to prepare, effective and tested by many patients through personal experience.

Flowering chestnuts are one of the most beautiful phenomena in nature. Tree flowers in the form of candles are considered not only a unique symbol of the May blossoming of spring, but also enjoy great success in the field of traditional medicine as a medicine for many diseases.

Chestnut is a deciduous plant of the Beech family, with a spreading crown and large leaves.
In the month of May, large, bisexual, bell-shaped flowers of white or white-pink color appear on its branches, with fringed petals at the edges.

They are neatly connected into erect, racemose inflorescences with a two-layer floral color.

Chestnut flowers are fragrant, aesthetically attractive cones that have a huge range of healing properties. The chemical composition is represented by B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tannins, carotenoids, flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, sedative, and rejuvenating effects.

They are used for:

  • fortifications immune system and promotions protective functions body;
  • active formation of hormones produced by the adrenal glands;
  • cleansing organs, removing waste, toxins, salt deposits;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • normalization of sleep, relief from insomnia;
  • normalization digestive system, Gastrointestinal tract;
  • relief clinical symptoms mastitis;
  • detoxification.

The product is also used for the prevention of cardiovascular, colds and viral diseases, treatment of depression, nervous disorders. Flowers are used to treat gastritis, arthritis, gout, arthrosis, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Did you know? Chestnut flowers have the ability to absorb exhaust gases in large quantities and neutralize the effects of radiation. Thanks to these properties, they are used to treat ailments associated with receiving excess radiation exposure.

Chestnut flowers, along with high healing properties, in some cases can be harmful. Contraindications to their use are:

  • tendency to bleed;
  • diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • kidney diseases;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Before using the product, pregnant and lactating women and diabetics should always consult a doctor.

Important! It is prohibited to use medications for children under 6 years of age. Children over six years of age should use drugs only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

When and where to collect medicinal raw materials

Traditional medicine recommends using chestnut flowers as a remedy in courses - in spring and autumn. Of course, during the flowering of the bush the best option The use of fresh raw materials is considered. But in the fall it is recommended to use dry color.

When do chestnuts bloom?

The tree blooms in May-June. It is at this time that it is recommended to prepare raw materials for further use.

Since chestnut flowers tend to actively absorb exhaust gases in large volumes, harmful substances, toxins that poison the air in major cities, on highways, near factories, then it is necessary to collect raw materials far from such places.

The best option would be plantings located outside the city, in villages, towns and other environmentally friendly, safe places.

Rules for preparing flowers

The procurement of raw materials is carried out at the end of May, beginning of June. The flowers can be plucked individually or together with the branches, but it is very important to keep them completely intact.

  • the inflorescences are laid out in a thin layer on a clean paper sheet or parchment paper and placed under the rays of the sun;
  • dry the raw materials for 3-4 days, turn them over periodically;
  • when the flowers become brittle and begin to crumble, they are transferred to a paper bag and stored in a dark place at a temperature of 18-22 °C.

Dried chestnut flowers have a pleasant, slightly tart aroma and a sweetish taste, so they are perfect for preparing delicious infusions, decoctions and medicinal teas.

Did you know? Spiders never spin webs in buildings made of chestnut wood. This is why so many European castles were built using chestnut beams.

Chestnut inflorescences are characterized by unique properties that make it possible to achieve positive results in the treatment of diseases associated with vein damage, hemorrhoids, skin ulcers, endarteritis, etc.
Not only freshly harvested raw materials, but also dry inflorescences prepared on time have a beneficial effect. Properly dried plants are not inferior to fresh flowers in their beneficial properties and valuable chemical composition and are also successfully used in folk medicine.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

An excellent remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds, bacterial and viral diseases, and strengthening the immune system is freshly squeezed juice from the inflorescences. It allows:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria and infections;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To prepare the juice, you should:

  • flowers, washed clean water, grind in a blender to a paste;
  • Squeeze the resulting mixture and strain using a sieve or pieces of gauze;
  • Pour the juice into a clean glass container and place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to use the product daily 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tsp diluted with water. The course is one month. Regular consumption of juice will rejuvenate the body, calm nervous system, improve sleep.

Medicinal forms of preparation and their benefits

IN alternative medicine highly valued medicinal infusions and tinctures based on the inflorescences of the bush.

The tincture is effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, joints, gastrointestinal diseases, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, neoplasms in the brain, leg ulcers, uterine bleeding.
It is used for varicose veins, arthritis, rheumatism, mastopathy, edema of various etiologies.

The drug can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies, or you can prepare it yourself:

  1. g dried flowers pour 1 liter of alcohol.
  2. Leave in a dark, cool, non-humid place for two weeks.
  3. Strain, take 25 drops 3 times a day before meals. Course - 30 days. At serious illnesses The tincture is consumed for 2 months, then a break is taken for a month.

For cooking alcohol tincture from fresh raw materials you need:

  1. Rinse the cut flowers well, mash with your fingers until juice is obtained, and transfer to a glass container.
  2. Pour the raw materials with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
  3. Infuse for 20 days in the refrigerator, covered.
  4. Shake the resulting mixture well, squeeze and strain.

The drug can be used internally and externally. In the latter case, the drug is rubbed onto painful areas with varicose veins. The tincture is also applied as a compress to affected areas of the skin, diseased blood vessels, etc.

Video: how to prepare an alcohol tincture from chestnut flowers

Preparation of infusion (decoction)

An infusion of chestnut flowers has no less useful functions. It is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. g of dry raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. The infusion is filtered and consumed 150 ml in the morning and evening.

Important! This drink should be prepared immediately before use and not stored, as it loses its beneficial properties.

Often the inflorescences are infused in a water bath. To do this, pour 50 g of raw material into 250 ml of boiling water, place in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. Cool and filter. In this form, the product is more concentrated, so consume it 1/3 cup twice a day.

For medicinal purposes, chestnut inflorescences are used to prepare various drugs, including a cream that helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore integrity and structure skin. The product also serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins and makes it possible to restore skin tone.

The technology for preparing the cream is simple:

  1. Pre-prepare the extract by infusing the flowers in alcohol. Alternatively, you can grind fresh inflorescences to a paste.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of extract or fresh gruel with a small amount of baby cream or any fatty cream.

It is recommended to apply the finished cream to damaged and diseased areas twice a day.

Flower based ointment

An ointment prepared based on flowers will eliminate venous diseases, relieve swelling, inflammation, and reduce pain in the joints. To prepare it you need:

  • Chop 50 g of flowers and pour 300 ml of vegetable or olive oil;
  • put the flower-oil mixture on the fire and simmer for one hour, avoiding a “violent” boil;
  • Cool the mixture and pour into a clean glass container.

Treatment folk remedies based on horse chestnut - effective, accessible and inexpensive. However, for it to be beneficial, medicinal products must be used correctly, strictly following the dosage.


  1. Tea. The drink is prepared in the same way as regular tea: dried herbs are poured with boiling water and left to steep for 15 minutes. Drink tea 2-3 times a day. It activates metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has a tonic and calming effect.
  2. Decoction. Perfect for normalizing the nervous system, improving stamina blood vessels, slowing down blood clotting, strengthening the immune system. Drink ½ cup of decoction a day, morning and evening.
  3. Fresh juice. Recommended for use in case of inflammation hemorrhoids, varicose veins on the legs. Drink juice 1 tbsp. l. after meals, 3 times a day.
  4. Tincture. The crushed raw materials are poured with vodka or alcohol and infused for two weeks. Use tincture 25-35 drops before meals 3 times a day. The product is excellent for rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.

Chestnut flower tea


Externally, chestnut flowers are used in the form of:

  • cream. To restore the structure of the skin, for burns and wounds, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, for venous expansion. Apply the cream in a thin layer on painful areas several times a day;
  • ointments. Perfectly relieves inflammation, pain in the joints, eliminates venous dilatation of veins. The ointment is rubbed into the affected areas 2-3 times a day;
  • compresses. They help improve skin tone, heal wounds and ulcers, and reduce joint pain. Used as applications on the sites of swollen veins and mastopathy;
  • bath. Baths with the addition of a decoction of flowers are perfect for treating venous diseases, healing wounds and burns, and relieving nervous tension. Such procedures have a tonic, calming effect, normalize sleep, and help overcome stress. The bath should be taken once a week, duration - no more than 20 minutes.
  • 385 once already

In May, chestnut flowers become a decoration of our cities; their red and white candles look beautiful and elegant. Chestnut is attractive not only for its beauty, but also for its medicinal properties. Official medicine uses the fruits of this tree to prepare such medicines as Escusan, Anavenol and many others. These drugs are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophelitis, and peripheral blood supply disorders. Traditional medicine uses not only the fruits, but also the flowers of the chestnut, its leaves, bark, in general, everything except the root.

The chestnut flower has a pyramidal inflorescence. The inflorescence is cut, the column is removed and dried. After this, an infusion of dried flowers is prepared, which should be infused for 12 hours. You need to take from one to one and a half liters of infusion per day. Chestnut flowers help well with increased blood clotting; the infusion is used to strengthen blood vessels.

The flowers are used to make tea, which has a calming effect. To prepare this tea, just take some dried flowers and pour boiling water over them. After the composition has infused for about 15 minutes, add a little more clean boiled water to it, and you can use it. It is better to do this at night; you can drink tea with honey.

The juice obtained from fresh chestnut flowers is also often used. It is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1:3. This tincture is best taken in winter time when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals. In order for the infusion to be better absorbed, it must be taken with sweet jam or honey.

Chestnut flowers are used to prepare a decoction that is used to treat blood diseases. As an additional remedy, the infusion is used in the treatment of brain tumors.

It is practiced to use chestnut flowers together with lilac flowers; this combination gives very good results in the treatment of radiculitis. In this case, a tincture of flowers is used, which is rubbed on the sore spots. This tincture also helps well with various rheumatic, arthritic and gouty pains.

Using chestnut flower juice helps in the treatment of thrombosis and varicose veins. Long-term use of this juice can significantly relieve hemorrhoidal pain, and initial stage disease - and completely defeat it. A tincture of flower juice is used for uterine bleeding that occurs during menopause or for other reasons, but not related to the formation of malignant tumors. This decoction also successfully helps fight radiation sickness.

Like other folk remedies, preparations made from chestnuts, including flowers, should not be consumed thoughtlessly and in unlimited quantities. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Chestnut, the flower of which is used in medicine, has other beneficial properties; the raw materials of this tree have found their application in many other industries. Chestnut has soft wood, which is very valuable when making wood carvings; it can be painted well even with transparent paints and varnishes. Chestnut fruits are used for fattening animals; pigs and sheep love them very much. Since chestnut is a fairly shade-tolerant tree, it is widely used in the organization of park areas, as well as in landscape gardening construction.

Through research, it has been established that this tree purifies the air very well from exhaust gases, which is why it is planted in cities. Chestnut flowers are also an excellent honey plant, producing a lot of pollen and nectar. Chestnut nectar contains about 70% sugar. The honey turns out transparent and crystallizes very quickly.

Horse chestnut medicinal properties and contraindications for use

Nature provides many plants that help maintain health and allow you to recover from various ailments, for example, horse chestnut, medicinal properties and the contraindications of this plant are known to a large number of people.

For many centuries, this plant has been used to treat complex ailments.

That is why there are dozens of ways to prepare healing decoctions and tinctures from this product. True, in order for a decoction or tincture to have truly medicinal properties, you should understand how to properly prepare, store and collect it, as well as what exactly you should be wary of in this process.

horse chestnut

Let's start with the fact that horse chestnut came to us from the distant Balkan Islands. Today, this plant can be found in almost any yard. In addition, it adapts quite easily to any climate; it is not afraid of either frost or extreme heat.

Important! The only thing you should always remember before picking the fruits of this tree is that you absolutely cannot use chestnuts that grow along the road. Otherwise, you can only harm your health.

It should be noted that horse chestnut has a very broad effect; it can be used to treat legs, as well as for other purposes. Although, this plant can also be used as a decorative element.

Horse chestnut fruit

It is known that many companies in Germany and Bulgaria use this plant to create highly effective medicines. This is possible due to the fact that horse chestnut contains many useful elements.

Important! Let's start with what to prepare medicinal tinctures, creams and balms, you can use not only the fruits of the tree, but also seeds, flowers and even bark. Each of these materials has its own separate group flavonoids.

That is why, when creating this or that product, you should know in advance what properties the components that make up it have.

Chestnut prevents blood clots

This plant very effectively reduces blood viscosity, thereby preventing the possibility of blood clots.

That is why almost all drugs that help in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombosis or other vascular diseases are prepared on the basis of horse chestnut.

Varicose veins are treated with chestnut-based ointments

By the way, many people are interested in the question of why chestnuts cannot be used as food. Here the answer is quite simple: the whole point is that its seeds contain not only starch, but also bitter glycosides. They are considered poisonous to the human body. Based on this, it is easy to conclude why this plant is called “horse chestnut”; this means that it can be consumed by cattle or horses, but is prohibited for humans.

There is no doubt that horse chestnut has certain medicinal properties, but in order for it to definitely help, you should know the technology for collecting the plant, as well as the mechanism for preparing medicinal decoctions and tinctures, then their use will be as useful as possible.

What are the contraindications for use?

Horse chestnut should not be used if you have low blood pressure.

As mentioned above, horse chestnut has many beneficial properties, but there are also contraindications to the use of medicines prepared on its basis. Here are the main ones:

  1. Preparations made from horse chestnut are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure. This is due to the fact that horse chestnut itself helps lower blood pressure. Therefore, after its use, people who already have low blood pressure may feel worse.
  2. It is not advisable to use horse chestnut-based medications for people who have problems with blood clotting, especially if there are concomitant diseases such as diabetes or thrombocytopenia.
  3. And of course, you cannot be treated with horse chestnut if any internal bleeding. Otherwise, your health condition may become even worse.

Diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to taking chestnut

Important! In addition to all the above contraindications, you should also remember that you cannot collect raw materials in environmentally hazardous areas. All materials that are used to prepare medicinal decoctions, tinctures, creams must be collected exclusively in a clean place, otherwise the medicine can further harm the body.

If you follow all these rules, then horse chestnut will definitely help, because its medicinal properties are really very wide, and, of course, do not forget that there are also contraindications to the use of medicines prepared on the basis of this plant.

What preparations based on horse chestnut exist?

There are many different preparations that are made based on horse chestnut. They can easily be purchased at any pharmacy. But, in addition to this, you can also make such medicinal products yourself. For example, horse chestnut oil. It perfectly helps with varicose veins.

Horse chestnut oil

You can also use the bark of young branches of this tree. Certain tinctures are also prepared from it, which can then be used to wash sore spots on the body.

If speak about fresh juice, which is prepared from the flowers of a tree, it helps very well to remove toxins and radionuclides from the body.

You can also use dried chestnut flowers; a tincture is made from them, which is excellent for arthritis or rheumatism. You just have to rub it sore spot.

Horse chestnut tincture is useful for treating many diseases

Many experts also claim that horse chestnut extract also helps cleanse the blood.

Today, horse chestnut is actively used both in folk medicine and in traditional ways treatment of various ailments. So, for example, freshly squeezed juice from the flowers of the plant will perfectly help in the treatment of varicose veins, as well as hemorrhoids. It should be taken orally with plain water. Hemorrhoids are also treated using baths with the addition of a decoction of tree bark. Regular procedures of 15 minutes are enough, and you can get rid of the unpleasant disease forever.

Chestnut extract

Use of horse chestnut in medicine

Very often, horse chestnut is recommended for use in the treatment of leukemia. To do this, you should prepare a special infusion. It is easy to prepare: 1 tbsp. l. flowers are added to 1 liter of water, then it all needs to be boiled and left for 8 hours. Every day the patient should drink at least 1 liter of this decoction. The treatment cycle consists of taking the medicine regularly for 20 days, then taking a break for 10 days and again drinking the medicine for 20 days.

Chestnut flower tincture is used in the treatment of leukemia

This tincture is also prescribed for such complex illness like a brain tumor.

Well, these are not all the medicinal properties that horse chestnut has. It can also be used in the treatment of prostatitis or adenoma. To do this, you need to take the seed peel and grind it to a powder. After which the resulting mixture is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Then the medicine is infused, in the case when 70% percent alcohol was used, it needs to be infused for 14 days, and when 40% alcohol is used, it needs to be infused for 30 days. The medicine is taken strictly 15 minutes before meals and in the amount of 10 or 20 drops, respectively.

Chestnut is used in the treatment of prostatitis

An infusion of dry chestnut leaves can also be used in the treatment of mastopathy in women, specifically fibrocystic mastopathy. 6 tbsp is enough. l. raw materials pour 1 liter of water. It is consumed in small sips every hour.

Use of horse chestnut for medicinal purposes

Traditional medicine has accumulated a very rich experience in the use of horse chestnut. Horse chestnut (Aesculus) is a member of the Sapindaceae family. The plant is also called acorn or aesculus. Many varieties grow en masse everywhere in parks and squares.

Botanical description and range of horse chestnut

A tall deciduous tree or shrub plant, the height of which in meters reaches 20-25 m. Even the wild species looks very attractive and has large, complex, palmate opposite leaves on elongated petioles, without stipules. The foliage forms a fairly dense and spectacular crown. The buds and buds are often whitish or pink in color.

The shape of the flowers is bell-shaped. The flowers are collected in large, pyramidal in shape, very erect racemes. The plant blooms massively between May and June. Several forms are grown, some of which have a double flower. After flowering, fruits are formed, represented by a tricuspid spiny capsule with an opening sash part.

IN natural conditions the plant is found in the area Southern Europe, in northern India and East Asia, as well as in North America. In our country, horse chestnut plantings grow very well, and about thirteen species have been cultivated. Any variety is a very good honey plant, highly decorative throughout the growing season.

Horse chestnut blooms en masse from May to June

origin of name

Horse or horse chestnut has been known since ancient times. Currently, a large number of explanations for the name of this plant are known. Most often it is referred to as the petioles of fallen leaves. A falling leaf leaves a scar on the branches, which appearance resemble a horse's horseshoe. In the second case, it is generally accepted that after over-ripening they acquire the very characteristic color of a bay horse. According to a third opinion, the name is associated with dark brown fruits with a light spot reminiscent of a horse's hoof mark.

Many domestic experts also believe that the name was given to the plant solely in order to be able to distinguish inedible fruits from the harvest of edible plants.

Useful and medicinal properties of horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is very useful for many diseases. For medicinal purposes folk healers and the pharmaceutical industry produces foliage, flowers, bark from branches, seed material, and seed peels. It is best to collect tree and branch bark in May-June, flowers - at the flowering stage, fruits and berries - in August-September. Foliage can be harvested throughout the season.

Medicinal properties of chestnut (video)

Fruits (seeds) of horse chestnut

The fruits are a real treasure useful components and microelements. They contain a small amount of fat and a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. The fruits also contain about 60% starch, fiber, approximately 15% sugar, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, sodium, potassium, copper and phosphorus.

Chestnut fruits are a real storehouse of useful components and microelements

Horse chestnut leaves

Like any healing herb, the foliage has a number of medicinal properties, which allows the use of drugs based on it in the treatment of various vascular diseases, including varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, increased capillary fragility and various inflammatory processes veins

Horse chestnut leaves have a number of medicinal properties

Plant bark

Decoctions based on the bark, widely used if there is a history of chronic colitis and enterocolitis, as well as difficult-to-treat diarrhea and gastritis with increased acidity levels gastric juice. Also, this remedy allows you to get rid of diseases of the spleen, treats bronchitis and various bleeding.

Decoctions based on horse chestnut bark are widely used in patients with a history of chronic colitis and enterocolitis.

Chestnut flowers

Flowers are used to prepare decoctions, infusions or alcohol tinctures, which are excellent for treating heart disease, liver problems, pulmonary tuberculosis, shortness of breath, anemia and rheumatism. Alcohol tincture is excellent for treating arthrosis and relieving gout pain.

Chestnut flowers are used to prepare decoctions, infusions or alcohol tinctures

Industrial applications of horse chestnut

Durable and high-quality horse chestnut wood is very similar in its basic characteristics to linden wood. The wood of this plant is not currently widely used commercially, but is often used in the manufacture of door panels or various furniture elements.

Among other things, the culture is used on an industrial scale in modern cosmetology, which is explained by the presence in the composition large quantity tannins. In the cosmetics industry, plant raw materials are used to prepare products that have tonic properties, increase microcirculation, and strengthen vascular walls. Such drugs allow you to fight cellulite and natural aging skin.

On an industrial scale, horse chestnut is used in modern cosmetology

Preparations in the pharmacy based on chestnut

Pharmacy products can be in the form of an extract, tincture or cream, and preparations are also available in tablets and Escusan drops, which help reduce capillary permeability and increase venous tone.

Such drugs have very high, proven effectiveness in combating the formation of blood clots and reduce inflammatory processes. The manufacturer's instructions recommend using the drops three times a day, fifteen or twenty drops. A very popular tablet form is produced under the name “Esflazide” and is an effective analogue of “Eskuzan” drops.

How to make chestnut tincture (video)

Traditional medicine recipes with horse chestnut

It is not difficult to make your own products based on plant raw materials - it is enough to strictly follow the established proportions, and also use a high-quality, correctly assembled and prepared base.


For different etiologies of venous problems, you need to pour about 50 g of flowers into a clean glass container, then pour in half a liter of vodka. The tincture is infused for a couple of weeks, but the liquid needs to be shaken periodically. After two weeks, the resulting tincture is carefully filtered. This medicine must be taken daily, thirty drops before meals. The standard course of treatment is four weeks, after which it is necessary to take a mandatory break.

The standard course of treatment for horse chestnut tincture is four weeks.

Decoctions and infusions

Such types medicines most in demand for external use. Foliage, flowers, and crushed fruits are suitable for preparation. Half of an ordinary enamel bucket is filled with plant mass, after which boiling water is poured into the container. Under the cover like this healing solution should infuse for about twelve hours, after which it is filtered. Infusion and decoction are perfect not only for lotions and irrigations, but are also widely used as a highly effective herbal bath.

Who would have thought that a luxurious tree with wedge-shaped leaves and a delicate candle-shaped color is a valuable material with unique medicinal properties? It is possible to prepare decoctions, tinctures, and special oils from it that can help cope with your illness. Chestnut contains venotonic, vascular-strengthening, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. The healing properties of horse chestnut are widely used in official medicine. Before using chestnut, you should consult a doctor, as there is a high probability of various types of side effects.

Horse chestnut: healing properties

Traditional physicians use for their medicinal potions spicy flowers, seeds, bark and leaves of chestnut. Flowers and leaves are usually collected in late spring, May: carefully cut and dried in natural environment, hiding from direct sunlight.

Seeds begin to be harvested in the fall; they are laid in a loose layer and dried for three weeks. The bark is processed in May; it is removed after pruning the trees, cut into pieces, and dried under a canopy or in rooms with good ventilation.

Chestnut fruits are found under trees in the fall, shaken off, and picked.

All components needed protect from dampness, store for no more than a year. It is advisable to select all components outside the city, because trees absorb toxic smoke from the environment.

Horse chestnut provides a fairly wide range of treatment options. The healing components of the tree can improve the condition of external wounds and eliminate diseases of internal organs.

The main medicinal properties of the plant are as follows:

In addition, the constituent components of the plant are capable of eliminate the possibility of blood clots, reduce the growth of tumors, help in the fight against varicose veins and many other diseases.

However, one should not idealize magical properties components of chestnut, it has a number of contraindications; some of its elements may not contribute to treatment, but may cause harm to the patient.

Horse chestnut: contraindications, benefits and harm

Experts point out that it is undesirable to use medicinal horse chestnut as a medicine. for hemophilia, constipation, impaired menstrual cycle, gastritis, ulcers, low blood pressure.

Expectant mothers should also find an alternative to the healing effects of the medicinal tree. chestnut is prohibited for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester.

Horse chestnut, medicinal properties and contraindications - enough actual topic in pharmaceutical circles. Medicines based on horse chestnut can cause nausea and heartburn, so it’s better not to take risks and take such medications only after a visit to the doctor.

Regarding the benefits of the plant, its special advantage lies in the healing structure of the leaves, which contain a huge amount of active elements. Various decoctions and infusions of the leaves are popular among doctors and healers as a hemostatic and anti-burn panacea. Fresh decoctions are especially useful for varicose veins and problems with cardiovascular system. Fruits and bark can promote healing gastrointestinal tract. It is better to eliminate skin inflammation medicinal decoction from the fruits of the tree.

But you should always exercise caution and be alert. Harm from chestnuts, unfortunately, can be detected with excessive use and initially it manifests itself in the form of constipation or diarrhea. Some patients experience an allergic reaction due to excessive consumption of chestnut-based medicinal products.

It is necessary to study the plant variety before consuming it. Eg, horse chestnut fruits are inedible, their consumption can lead to severe vomiting, and cases of serious poisoning are known.

However, the plant is honey-bearing; chestnut honey has a rather unique taste, giving off a slight bitterness.

Chestnut honey has a number of positive properties: strengthens the immune system, improves the human body’s resistance to disease. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and stabilizes the activity of the nervous system.

Horse chestnut: medicinal properties, use of tinctures, photo

Not only herbal healers, but also representatives of traditional medicine use horse chestnut to treat patients. Due to its low toxicity, pharmacological properties tree components have a positive effect on the human body, improve general health, remove inflammation and swelling.

Particularly popular are tinctures made from flowers and chestnut fruits:

Treatment with fruits

Horse nut has a fairly wide range of medicinal uses. Its benefits are almost priceless in the treatment of varicose veins and rheumatism, intestinal problems and in the presence of hemorrhoids. Infusions are used for respiratory diseases, to prevent thrombosis, in addition, it is an effective diuretic. The fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

You can even create a massage mat from the fruits. To create such a unit, you need a pillowcase or cover made of reliable material; it is better to sew the fabric in several rows to create sections that should be filled with chestnuts. These “compartments” are necessary to prevent the fruits from merging into one big lump. Walking on such a rug with bare feet - great benefit for sore joints. In addition, sometimes you can simply move a few fruits in your hand, thus relieving tension and relaxing your joints.

Talented specialists from Japan claim that it is useful for people suffering from bronchitis or tuberculosis to wear special vests with chestnuts sewn into them.

Even the prickly peel of the chestnut has a number of useful functions. A decoction of the amniotic membrane plays the role of an enema for inflammation of the prostate gland. To create such a potion, boil 1⁄2 liters of water and cook for about 20 minutes in a water bath over low heat. Then the product needs to be cooled and filtered.

Chestnut and its peel to increase potency

In medical circles, it is a well-known fact that chestnuts are beneficial, namely their contribution to the fight against problems of male potency. The life-giving elements of the fetus not only enhance vitality, improve blood circulation, but also seem to be an indispensable attribute in the fight against prostate diseases. Chestnut is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex as a non-hazardous medicine for stimulating potency and sexual desire.

The recipe for the drug is quite simple: the skins of several fruits are crushed and boiled over low heat in a small amount of water (approximately 200 ml) for 10-15 minutes (until boiling). The portion is divided into two parts, taken in the morning and before bedtime. A man should take this medicine for about 20 days, twice a day, then it is advisable to take a short break of 10 days and continue the course again.

But despite so many positive properties of chestnut, treatment should be carried out only after preliminary consultation with a doctor, because it is possible that you have hidden contraindications.

In folk medicine and herbal medicine, horse chestnut occupies a significant place, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which became the subject of consideration of this material. Read on to find out why this plant can be considered an enemy of varicose veins, what kind of weight loss cream can be made from horse chestnut, and the benefits of a decoction of the product during menopause.

Children make autumn crafts from the dark “nuts” of the chestnut tree, and trees with wide palms of leaves decorate public gardens and parks. With all this romantic description, horse chestnut is also a plant with healing properties.

Alternative names for horse chestnut are acorn, aesculus. This is the name given to a deciduous tree belonging to the Sapindov family. The Balkan Mountains are considered its homeland. Today, chestnut is easy to find in Russia and its neighboring countries, and it is not difficult to find it in many other countries with temperate climates.

Alcohol, starch, and high-quality oil are extracted from chestnut seeds. Flowers, bark and seeds are used for medicinal purposes. A common question is whether horse chestnut is edible. No, the species of chestnuts that are included in the Beech family are eaten. These species grow in warm regions and their roasted fruits are comparable to our roasted seeds. The main external difference is the foliage: in edible species, the leaves do not grow in digits, but one after the other.

The trees can grow up to 30 m, with a girth of up to 1 m. The flowers are bell-shaped, white with spotting. The tree blooms at the junction of the spring and summer seasons. One panicle contains 1-5 fruits; they reach maturity in late summer and early autumn. The fruit of the chestnut is a tricuspid, spiny capsule with greenish spines. The valves of the fruit open, and a large seed appears there, expressively Brown, with a light scar. If you plant such a seed, then no earlier than 15 years later the chestnut tree will begin to bear fruit.

Chemical composition

The seeds of a plant and its other parts are an interesting product, an example of a chemical formula created by nature itself.

The beneficial properties of chestnut are provided by its chemical composition:

  • saponins– make blood less viscous, increase venous tone, stimulate the production of adrenal hormones, remove swelling;
  • pectins– are able to remove metal salts, fight pathogenic intestinal flora, eliminate problems with the inability to defecate, and prevent atherosclerotic plaques from appearing;
  • esculin glycoside– reduces the permeability of capillary cells, accelerates venous blood flow, stabilizes the central nervous system, thins sputum and promotes its elimination;
  • coumarins- do not allow development cancer cells, heal wounds, reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • organic acids– do not allow the processes of rotting and fermentation to develop in the intestines, eliminate toxins;
  • fatty oil– participant in regenerative processes, suppresses inflammation;
  • flavonoids– help reduce permeability and fragility small vessels, lower intraocular and blood pressure;
  • lecithin– strengthens the body’s defense against toxins, has a great effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system;
  • tannins– exhibit astringent and bactericidal characteristics.
The leaves contain a lot of micro- and macroelements, tannins, rutin, carotenoids, etc. The glycoside esculin, saponin escin and a number of tannins are found in the bark.

Medicinal properties of horse chestnut

Pharmaceuticals based on this useful plant affect blood composition, reduce clotting biological fluid, exhibit a vascular tonic effect. But what is most remarkable about this medicinal product is its antithrombic effect.

Horse chestnut herbal remedies help:

  • reduce blood viscosity, slow down its clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • reduce vascular permeability;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • eliminate swelling and inflammation;
  • speed up blood flow;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • improve digestion;
  • reduce joint pain;
  • remove salts and toxins from the body.

The description of horse chestnut is also a list of ailments, the manifestations of which recipes with this plant can reduce. Thus, horse chestnut can become a medicine for hypertension, atherosclerosis, some heart ailments, venous stagnation and vascular spasm, anemia, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, radiculitis, gout. This list goes on and on.

This video will tell you everything healing properties horse chestnut.


Home treatment still requires attention, especially attention to the “contraindications” point.

  • decreased blood clotting;
  • low blood pressure;
  • during gestation;
  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • severe diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • individual intolerance.

The development of side effects is possible - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, nausea, heartburn. If such negative reactions occur, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

First of all, it is worth noting that treatment can be carried out using pharmaceutical drugs. The most famous of them is Aescusanus. For internal use, dragees, solution, tablets are used. For external use – gel and cream. Cheap and accessible means considered an ointment with horse chestnut, which is used mainly for venous stagnation and varicose veins of the legs.


For inflammation of the veins, you can also use a decoction, which is easy to prepare at home. The same decoction is used for hemorrhoids. It is beneficial for anemia, increased shortness of breath, rheumatism, and gallbladder pathologies. It also helps improve digestion. In gynecology, the decoction can be used for douching for thrush.

Recipe for treatment with horse chestnut in the form of a decoction:

  • take 5 g of flowers, 5 g of bark;
  • chop everything, place the raw materials in an enamel container;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • Boil over low heat for half an hour, then strain through several layers of gauze;
  • fill with water to the initial volume.
It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon once a day, on the third day - 2 tablespoons once a day. A simple recipe for horse chestnut for varicose veins should be used for 8 weeks, for the treatment of hemorrhoids - from 1 to 4 weeks.

And the recipe for a decoction for menopausal symptoms looks like this: 15g of fresh chestnut skins are poured into 1 glass of water. This mixture is boiled for 15 minutes, left for an hour and a half. The decoction is used as a means for washing, eliminating dryness and itching, one of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.


It's not difficult to make. You need to take 1 teaspoon of ground bark, pour 2 glasses of cool water (pre-boiled), leave the mixture for 9 hours. After preparing the mixture, strain and drink 2 tablespoons four times a day.

The infusion is used in the treatment of gallbladder ailments, intestinal spasms and kidney pathologies. It is also used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Kvass made from chestnut fruits is good for the stomach

The so-called chestnut kvass is often used. 25-30 fruits should be cut in half, put them in a gauze net, with a not very large stone inserted into it. Move this mesh into a jar, the volume of the jar is 3-5 liters, pour 2.5 liters of cold water (boiled) into it. Sprinkle 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 cup whey on top. The gauze mesh should be located exactly at the bottom of the container.

Cover it all with a triple layer of gauze and hide it in a dark place. The drink can be drunk after 2 weeks. Just don’t forget to strain and filter the composition. Drink 1 glass for a month. The drink not only copes well with thirst, it helps remove toxins from tissues and restore the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare horse chestnut tincture, do the following. Cut the chestnut seeds into 4 parts, fill the jar with them, pour vodka on top, and close the jar with a lid. Insist remedy need in the dark for 3 weeks. Then moisten a clean cloth with the tincture and use it as a compress. In this way, horse chestnut polyarthritis, arthrosis, and rheumatism are treated.

This video clearly shows how to make a tincture.


Not only the pharmacy version of the medicinal ointment for varicose veins is known. If you take 5 g of dried flowers of the plant, 2 tbsp. l. sage, 3 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical chamomile, 1.5 tbsp. l. Potato starch will make an ideal base for an anti-varicose vein remedy. Add 200 g of chicken fat to the base and heat the mixture in a water bath for 3 hours. Then you need to infuse it for half a day and then boil it again. Subsequently, the composition is filtered, and the inflamed veins are periodically lubricated with it.


Flowers make healthy juice

Collect fresh flowers, immerse them in a blender, squeeze out the juice through 2 layers of gauze. Drink the juice 25 drops diluted in 1 tablespoon of water. It is recommended to do this twice a day. The remedy is considered valuable in the treatment of varicose veins and inflammation of hemorrhoids. It is used externally as a lubricant for joints for gout and arthritis (in consultation with a doctor).


Chestnut oil is considered an excellent aid for weight loss. Take 1 glass of good olive oil, add 100 ground chestnuts and 100 g finely chopped chestnuts into it. This medicine needs to be infused for 1.5 weeks. Strain and add a little essential oil grapefruit. So you can make an excellent anti-cellulite skin massage product with your own hands.

Application in cosmetology

Tannins are found in almost all parts of the tree; they serve as raw materials for tanning extracts, which are actively used in the cosmetic field. With such extracts, beauty experts eliminate puffiness and treat skin inflammation.

Cosmetics based on horse chestnut are especially effective for mature skin

Cosmetics with chestnut products:

  • tone;
  • improve microcirculation in tissues;
  • strengthen vascular walls;
  • reduce blood stagnation in the upper dermal layers;
  • fight hair loss;
  • reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Chestnut is also becoming a frequent ingredient in anti-aging cosmetics due to its anti-edematous and antioxidant properties. It has a beneficial effect on mature skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen. As a result, the depth of wrinkles is reduced, skin tone increases, and the oval of the face is tightened.

A well-known remedy that allows you to effectively combat freckles and age spots– chestnut lotion. Grind the chestnut seed into a pulp (use a blender), pour pure alcohol into this mixture. The liquid should be 3 centimeters higher than the chestnut mass. Infuse the product for 2 weeks in the dark. Strain it, wipe your face in the morning and after removing makeup (before bed).
