Constant phlegm in the throat - how to get rid of it, causes and treatment of symptoms. Causes of mucus accumulation in the throat and treatment at home

Slime- This is a kind of protection against pathogenic microflora, bacteria and viruses. When they enter the body through the nose or throat, the glands located in the nasopharynx produce a viscous secretion that prevents the viruses from penetrating further. But in some cases, more mucus is produced than normal, which interferes with normal breathing and swallowing. Let’s try to figure out why this happens and how to deal with it.

The main thing in the article

Why mucus accumulates in the throat: main reasons

With increased activity of the glands responsible for the production of mucus, the secretion accumulates and brings discomfort to the person. It interferes, drains, irritates the larynx, and also causes constant coughing. The main reasons influencing the increase in the amount of sputum include:

  • allergens , entering the body during inhalation, are perceived as foreign infectious cells, the mucous membranes are activated, releasing a lot of secretion;
  • fungus, bacteria or viruses can cause laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat and other pathologies of the nasopharynx. As you know, such diseases are accompanied by a large amount of mucus (sputum, snot);
  • disruption of the digestive system (reflux, gastritis) can cause more secretion to be produced, as stomach acid can back up into the esophagus and then into the respiratory tract.

It is also noted that the glands that secrete mucus actively work after eating spicy food, smoking, or being in a gassy or smoky room.

Symptoms of the constant presence of mucus in the throat (larynx)

When mucus accumulates in the larynx, coughing and swallowing helps to eliminate its stagnation.

With increased sputum production, a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • a lump that does not disappear when swallowed;
  • pain symptoms when eating solid food, swallowing;
  • stuffy nose;
  • sneezing;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • aches throughout the body;
  • unpleasant sour smell from oral cavity.

Mucus flows down the walls of the throat: what to do?

Mucus running down the walls of the throat indicates the presence of an infection. Treatment of such a symptom requires not only local elimination of secretions, but also therapy to restore protective functions body. The appearance of mucus is associated with an allergic reaction, so antiallergic drugs are used.

If the culprit is chronic infection, then after diagnosis a course of antibacterial and immunomodulating therapy is prescribed.

Mucus at the back of the throat: interferes with and cannot be coughed up

Probably everyone is familiar with the sensation when mucus flows into the bronchi along the walls of the larynx, causing a lot of inconvenience. The most common causes of dripping mucus are the following diseases:

  • viral rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pharyngitis.

Mainly when there is mucus on back wall diagnose posterior rhinitis, in which the main zone of mucus accumulation is localized deep in the nasopharynx cavity ( top part). With such inflammation, after sleep, mucous secretion flows into the throat and irritates the receptors, leading to a severe cough.

Thick mucus in the throat lump

If the secreted mucus accumulates in the throat, a feeling of a lump appears. This manifestation is due to:

  • drying of the mucous surface in the throat;
  • breathing problems (oxygen enters through the mouth);
  • insufficient fluid intake (sputum cannot be separated normally).

To normalize the condition, the following treatment is used:

If the cause is a deviated septum or polyps, then the symptom of a lump in the throat from thick secretion can be eliminated through surgery.

What to do if there is mucus in your throat and it’s constantly sore?

When mucus drains, irritation of the mucous membrane receptors occurs, which causes soreness, the desire to cough, and coughing. In such cases the best therapy will become sinus rinsing, vasoconstrictors . Also applicable rinsing with antiseptics or herbal decoctions .

Another cause of constant tickling can be pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system, in which mucus rises to the respiratory tract, accumulating in the throat near the back wall of the nasopharynx. This symptom is typical for:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia.

For exacerbations, use more complex ways therapies carried out in inpatient settings.

Clear mucus in the throat

Transparent selections characteristic of pharyngitis. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the lymphoid tissues and the mucous membrane of the pharynx. The disease can be triggered by:

  • inhalation of cold air;
  • irritating factors in the form of dust, chemical particles.

If pharyngitis is diagnosed as infectious, then the “culprits” may be microorganisms such as:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • influenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • candidiasis lesions.

Quite often, pharyngitis develops against the background of other diseases, which include:

  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • caries.

Green sticky mucus in the throat

Green stringy slime indicates bacterial diseases appearing in the nasopharynx.

The green color appears due to the presence of bacteria in the secretion, which color the mucus with the products of their vital activity. Green slime may appear with the following pathologies:

  • angina;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • abscess.

Copious white mucus on the wall of the throat

The color of sputum can indicate the presence of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the expectorated mucus, as it will “tell” what provokes its accumulation.

White mucus indicates fungal tonsillitis. With it, you can visually see a large number of small white spots on the palate and tonsils. Fungal tonsillitis is also characterized by the presence of such spots on inner surface pharynx, tonsils and posterior wall. The causative agent of the disease is candidiasis, which turns the plaque whitish. If the “culprit” is fungi of the mold family, then a greenish color will be present.

Brown mucus in the throat with an unpleasant odor: what does it mean?

Brown slime should alert you, as it may indicate oxidized blood particles that can get into the sputum as follows:

  • At congenital pathology entitled bulls, when the lung cavities are filled with air. When the bulla ruptures, brown mucus may be present in the bronchi, which is coughed up.
  • At bulla rupture, if air enters the voids of the pleura, shortness of breath is associated with the discharge of brown sputum.
  • Tuberculosis may cause you to cough up brown mucus. It is accompanied by weakness, hyperhidrosis, lack of appetite, and prolonged bouts of dry cough.
  • Lung gangrene may cause expectoration of brown mucus. With this disease there is a deterioration general condition, nausea with vomiting, increased body temperature, clouding of consciousness (in advanced cases, fainting). A putrid odor clearly indicates lung gangrene.
  • Lungs' cancer, which long time is asymptomatic. Afterwards, causeless coughing attacks appear, the patient loses weight, and increased sweating, shortness of breath.

Diagnosis of mucus in the throat: when should you see a doctor?

Of course, at the first manifestations of increased accumulation of mucus in the throat, “running” to a specialist is not always advisable. To assess secretion, expectorate sputum into a transparent glass container. Afterwards, examine the spit out mucus. She can talk about the following:

  • colorless sputum , thin consistency - talks about a chronic process;
  • glassy sputum distinguishing feature for bronchial asthma;
  • foamy mucus that is white or pinkish in color – pulmonary edema or the presence of heart disease;
  • purulent mucus – tracheitis, tonsillitis, bacterial bronchitis.

If the mucus does not have an unpleasant odor, then we should talk about complications of bronchiectasis or lung abscess. For foul smelling putrid smell lung gangrene is diagnosed.

Any appearance of sputum in increased quantities, especially if this process is accompanied by other symptoms listed below, you should not postpone going to the doctor. Associated symptoms:

  • general weakness (ache);
  • there are bloody streaks in the expectorated mucus;
  • chest pain;
  • temperature above 37.5°C;
  • severe migraines.

How to get rid of mucus in the throat at home?

The main actions that can “clear” the nasopharynx at home include:

  • Basic coughing with expectoration: it is effective if mucus accumulates in the larynx and causes discomfort to the person.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: promotes the separation and removal of mucus; tea with lemon and honey is especially useful.
  • Inhalations: they can be either “the old grandma’s way” over hot potatoes, or more modern ones using a nebulizer.
  • Rinsing: for the solution, you can dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass well warm water.

How to treat mucus in the throat of an adult?

For an adult, in addition to basic drug treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease, the doctor can prescribe the following therapy, which will relieve mucus in the nasopharynx:

Washing using the following drugs:

  • chamomile infusion;
  • furatsilina;
  • sage decoction;
  • baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate.

Would be useful physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of ultraviolet or thermal heating. Such procedures help enhance the effect of the therapy.

Medicines and medical treatments for mucus in the throat

An otolaryngologist mainly treats pathologies accompanied by mucus in the nasopharynx and purulent inflammation. He can write down the following conservative treatment using the following means:

  • antibiotics of the lactam class;
  • drugs that thin and help remove mucus, these include: "Lazolvan", ACC, "Bromhexine";
  • antihistamines: "Suprastin", "Loratadine";
  • antiseptic solutions such as "Miramistin", "Furacilin";
  • washing as a procedure "cuckoo" special solutions;
  • immunomodulators.

In addition to taking medications, the following procedures are prescribed:

Therapeutic inhalations. This method of treatment is considered gentle, since the drugs act locally, irrigating the mucous membrane without affecting other organs. Bacteria actively die during inhalation, and the accumulation of mucus decreases.

Washing. The procedure is not pleasant, but very effective. For washing you can use:

  • device with an extended spout;
  • syringe;
  • large volume syringe;
  • pharmacy bottles with sprayer.

Warming up. They can only be carried out in cases where there is no purulent inflammation. This procedure helps soften the mucus and then remove it.

Rinsing helps minimize the risk of developing mucus in the throat. There are special pharmaceutical products for rinsing or can be used folk method with salt and iodine.

How to get rid of mucus in the throat using traditional methods?

Mucus in a child's throat: treatment methods

Since children's respiratory organs are still in the developing stages, the presence of mucus is a fairly common occurrence. It is necessary to treat a child with such a problem using gentle methods. These include rinsing with using the lung saline solution . Since a small organism cannot consume enough wide range medicines, then the best way treatments may become inhalation. This treatment is completely safe for child's body and provides it with a disinfectant and antiseptic effect.

If there is a need or complications arise, then without antimicrobials it won't work out.

Mucus in the larynx during pregnancy

Pregnant women may suffer from mucus in the throat not only due to diseases of the nasopharynx. Often the cause of mucus accumulation is a defect in the gastric sphincters, which causes heartburn in pregnant women.

If there is a suspicion of illness, then it is best to visit a specialist. The fact is that the presence of mucus in the throat provokes coughing, which contributes to the appearance of uterine tone, and this can lead to miscarriage at certain times. Regarding use in treatment medicines, then they should be prescribed based on the period, with a minimum possible risk for the fetus.

Contraindicated in pregnant women mucolytics and other drugs that affect the central nervous system. Usually pregnant women are prescribed warm drink and inhalation.

Mucus in the throat due to allergies

May lead to increased mucus secretion. Along with the accumulation of secretion, the patient experiences eye irritation, lacrimation or other rashes, and swelling of the mucous membranes. In order to get rid of allergy symptoms, it is necessary to minimize contact with the irritating factor as much as possible.

We can easily tolerate minor discomfort and changes in well-being not in better side, if these phenomena pass quickly and stop bothering us. However, in some cases, even a slight discomfort is repeated again and again, in which case it should not be ignored. So a rather unpleasant feeling of well-being can be the feeling of mucus in the throat, similar symptom may indicate many pathological conditions. Let's talk about what can cause mucus in the throat, consider the reasons for this phenomenon in detail, methods of its treatment, as well as folk remedies that can be used for such a disorder.

Causes of mucus in the throat

Our pharynx is covered with epithelial cells; they are capable of synthesizing sputum, which is a rather liquid substance without color. In general, sputum has a mass useful qualities. It is constantly synthesized in the nasal cavity; it is also produced by the trachea, pharynx and bronchi. This substance gently envelops the mucous membranes, prevents them from drying out, and also contains cells specific immunity, being a habitat for microflora in respiratory tract.

The amount of sputum may increase if the body tries to protect itself from infections, various foreign bodies, and allergens. Thus, this fluid begins to be actively produced in response to the presence of some kind of irritant.

In general, all reasons that cause the accumulation of sputum in the throat can be non-infectious or infectious.

So in the first case, such a nuisance may arise in response to the consumption of spicy, salty or spicy foods, which irritate the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx. Thick mucus in the throat sometimes appears after eating certain foods, for example, milk. Just correcting your diet will help you cope with this problem.

In addition, mucous accumulations in the throat may appear when nicotine addiction. The next stage of this disorder is the appearance of a painful spasmodic cough and inflammation in the lower respiratory tract. The same problem occurs with constant exposure to harmful dust particles in production, as well as impurities in the air.

In the event that different areas respiratory system fall foreign bodies, this also leads to active production of sputum and can provoke an attack of spasmodic cough.

Our body reacts in a similar way to contact with various allergens. In addition, the appearance of thick mucus in the throat can be explained by insufficient fluid intake (plain water), drying out of the mucous membranes and impaired breathing through the mouth. Another such disorder can occur with a deviated nasal septum and polyps in the nasopharynx.

Concerning infectious factors, then the accumulation of mucus in the throat can be caused by a number of reasons, among which the most common are viral and bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. In addition, such a disorder sometimes occurs against the background of pharyngitis and tonsillitis, in which the inflammatory process affects both the pharynx and pharynx. Sometimes the accumulation of sputum is caused by pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

How to correct mucus in the throat (treatment)

Treatment for mucus in the throat directly depends on the reasons for its appearance. In certain cases, to correct such a nuisance, you just need to eliminate the irritating factor: quit smoking, start eating differently, use respiratory protection when working in hazardous industries. It may also be useful to rinse the nose with ordinary saline; you can also do inhalations with it. Many people benefit from gargling, increasing the volume of fluid consumed (plain water) and taking measures to humidify the air.

If the phlegm in the throat is infectious, treatment should be selected by a doctor. In some cases, the patient is indicated for treatment using antibiotics. Therapy can also be carried out using drugs local therapy– drops, rinses and physiotherapeutic agents.

How to remove mucus from the throat using folk remedies

Various gargles have an excellent effect on eliminating mucus in the throat. You can easily prepare them based on medicinal plants and improvised means. So, a composition prepared from one glass of warm water, a teaspoon of salt, and a small amount of soda has an excellent effect. Stir the ingredients until completely dissolved and add a couple of drops of iodine to them. Gargle with this product as often as possible, even every half hour.

You can also use weak solution propolis tincture, a teaspoon of which should also be diluted in a glass of warm water. For rinsing, it is often recommended to use an infusion of chamomile or calendula. Take a teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water, strain after half an hour and use for rinsing.

In the event that mucus in the throat occurs due to rhinitis, healers advise drips of menthol or eucalyptus oil, combining them with water in equal proportions. You can also resort to warming compresses on the bridge of the nose, for example, salt heated in a frying pan (you need to pour it into a fabric bag) or a hard-boiled egg.

The advisability of using traditional medicine should be discussed with your doctor.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Formed by various reasons. But one way or another, despite the absence painful sensations, I want and need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Let's look at ways to get rid of a lump of mucus in the throat and the reasons that lead to its occurrence.

How is it formed?

The appearance of sputum indicates that inflammation is developing in the body. Mucus occurs as a result of exposure to toxic substances, allergies and food additives. It is formed in the respiratory, digestive and lymphatic systems.

Often fatigue bad feeling and the work of digestion are the result of the fact that mucus has arisen and How to get rid of it? The answer to this question depends on the reasons for its appearance.


Mucus or snot is accompanied by certain symptoms. Among them the following stand out.

  1. Runny nose.
  2. There is a feeling of a lump in the throat.
  3. Discomfort when swallowing.
  4. The urge and the cough itself.
  5. Chills and aches.
  6. Sometimes headaches.

There is no need to worry if you experience a mild feeling of mucus in your throat. How to get rid of it in this case? They will help simple ways(rinses, taking herbal decoctions, inhalations, etc.). After all, sputum is a filter that protects against further entry of microbes into the body. So the immune system reacts to an increased intake of viruses and microbes inside.


When looking for ways to get rid of mucus in the throat, you should first figure out exactly what caused it. Snot speaks of some recently suffered illnesses that have already receded. However, foci of infection still remain in the body. The nasopharynx has cilia that direct mucus to the mouth. Overnight it accumulates and turns into a lump. You can get rid of it by coughing.

So, snot appears in diseases such as:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • tonsillitis.

If coughing fails to get rid of it, mucus accumulates in the bronchi and lungs. This leads to bronchitis and pneumonia. How to get rid of constant mucus in the throat? This issue is of concern to patients with bronchial asthma and lung diseases.

The following factors are common causes of sputum.

  1. Colds - to eliminate viruses, sputum secretion increases. This is how the protection of the respiratory system is built. Then particles of infections enter the snot.
  2. Allergy - a protein substance is released when an allergen hits.
  3. Hot food - it promotes increased mucus production.
  4. In addition, phlegm appears when crying, stress, overheating or, conversely, hypothermia.

Of course, you need to think about how to get rid of it if there is a lot of mucus in your throat. In this case, it is necessary to understand and treat chronic illness, as a result of which it was formed.

Snot is also felt when the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus. Pregnant women feel this at the end of their term.

It is easy to understand how to get rid of mucus in the throat for those who like too hot or, conversely, cold food, as well as when working in harmful conditions or availability bad habits(for example, smoking). By removing these factors, you will see that the phlegm will disappear on its own.

The color of the mucus can help to correctly diagnose the disease.

Green and white sputum

When green snot is released, causing a lump to form in the throat, it is said to be a lung abscess. This disease is characterized by a purulent process, along with which chest pain, chills, and coughing up blood are felt. If the disease is not neglected, then recovery will be easy. Otherwise, the disease progresses to chronic form, and in rare cases even leads to death.

If a white substance is released when coughing, it indicates a fungal infection or tuberculosis. Fungus in the bronchi or throat mucosa also occurs as a result long treatment antibiotics and other drugs that weaken the immune system. Excreted in scant quantities when coughing, it indicates tuberculosis. And with a mass with bloody streaks, it signals bleeding in the lungs.

Liquid expectoration shows viral infection or an allergic reaction. The latter appears as a result of a reaction to dust, pollen, vapors and household chemicals.

Drug treatment

Those who are looking for ways to quickly get rid of mucus in the throat should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. After examining the tests taken, they prescribe correct treatment. At the same time, sometimes it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle and give up bad habits.

Let's consider first pharmaceutical drugs, removing mucus. For this problem, expectorant medications are taken. Among them there is plant based("Solutan", "Pectusin" and others) or synthetic ("Lazolvan", "Ambroxol" and others).

Cough medications should not be taken at this time, as they will only complicate recovery. After all, such drugs block the removal of sputum and provoke complications, resulting in a chronic disease.

But expectorants and mucolytic drugs thin the mucus and clear the breath. At the same time, they take medications that strengthen the immune system. Then recovery comes even faster. This is what doctors say about the rules for taking medications.

But there are much simpler ways to get rid of mucus in the throat. Then you don’t need to buy a large number of expensive medications. Traditional medicine has been successfully treating both this and other diseases for more than a century.

Folk remedies

Let's look at a few of the many recipes that have been and continue to be used to treat people.

Aloe will help reduce phlegm. fresh leaf crushed and mixed with a small spoon of honey. One part of the mixture is eaten in the morning, and the second in the evening. The very next day you will feel relief.

Calendula will help get rid of the lump. Fresh petals are washed and dried. Then they are mixed with honey and eaten like that.

Sputum is successfully removed with propolis. To do this, grind it to a powder and add it to a glass of cool water. After waiting a little until the wax floats and the propolis is at the bottom, the latter is separated, filtered and filled with alcohol. Then cover tightly with a lid and leave for a week. In this case, the product is shaken daily. After a week, filter the tincture, mix one part with two parts of peach oil and lubricate the nose and mouth once. Treatment lasts two weeks.

Another effective recipe cooked with herbs. Take one large spoon each of eucalyptus, sage and chamomile, pour 500 milliliters hot water. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for a quarter of an hour over low heat. After cooling to a warm state, add a large spoonful of honey, a pinch citric acid and mix thoroughly. Gargle with the medicine several times a day.

Here are a few more effective recipes in case the mucus in the throat is not swallowed. How to get rid of it?

  1. IN Fresh Juice cabbage add a little sugar and drink three times a day.
  2. Pumpkin juice is taken in small sips, preheated.
  3. They drink drinks with the addition of raspberries, sea buckthorn, cranberries, lingonberries, black and red currants.

How to treat?

What is the best thing to do when mucus appears in the throat? How to get rid of folk remedies? Not hot, but warm drinks will help in this case. So, lemon tea has an excellent effect. It can be purchased ready-made or made independently. In the latter case, two teaspoons of juice are squeezed out of the lemon and poured into weak tea. It’s good to add high-quality honey to the drink.

To others universal remedy in the fight against phlegm is chicken broth.

In addition, ordinary water becomes a truly effective remedy. The latter should be drunk in large quantities.

Spicy foods will help get rid of mucus quickly. It sharply punches the nose and clears the snot. Of course, for stomach diseases, although such a remedy will get rid of mucus, it will ultimately do a disservice to the body. But the cracker will not harm the body in case of gastrointestinal diseases. Meanwhile this effective remedy, which will scrape phlegm from the throat and send it safely to the stomach.

Rinsing will help alleviate the patient's condition.

Washing and inhalation

When the mucous membrane is dry, thick mucus appears in the throat. How to get rid of it? Use moisturizers. Washing solutions are effective in this regard. Among the popular medicines used are the following:

  • water with soda and salt (but add half a teaspoon of salt to 100 milliliters of hot water, rinse the throat when the solution has cooled to 50 degrees);
  • water with the addition of potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin;
  • decoctions and infusions of herbs (pour a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take a little warm).

A lot of mucus accumulates in the morning after sleep. Then the rinsing will become the most effective. After the procedure, the throat is lubricated and the neck is gently rubbed. In addition to the solution, they use for these purposes vegetable oil with added salt.

What else to do when thick mucus appears in the throat: how to get rid of it? In this case, inhalations are performed. To do this, use improvised means (a saucepan or a kettle) or a special inhaler, which is purchased at a pharmacy.

One of the most common products is potatoes. In its purified form, it is boiled, then kneaded and a little soda is added. The pan is placed on the table, and the patient bends over it, covers his head with a towel and breathes for ten to fifteen minutes. It is also useful to breathe over a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

What should you absolutely refuse?

How to get rid of mucus in the throat quickly and effectively? Treatment will bring maximum benefit if the patient refuses:

  • smoking - often this habit is what causes mucus;
  • consuming milk and products made from it - they contribute to the thickening of sputum;
  • being in places where there are a lot of chemicals.

In addition, it is important to purify the indoor air. To do this, it is ventilated, the air is humidified using special devices, or wet cleaning is done, but without the use of synthetic-based preparations.

What to do during treatment?

Treatment will become more effective if, in addition to taking medications and giving up bad habits, you follow a number of recommendations.

  1. Place more pillows under your head. Then the patient coughs less and produces less mucus.
  2. A hot shower will help soften the snot. It is much easier to cough after it.
  3. Spit out the mucus. On the street it is convenient to use a scarf for this.
  4. Humming tunes with your mouth closed will help soften mucus.


To avoid mucus in the future, take the following steps.

  1. Complete cessation of smoking, alcohol and caffeine.
  2. Strengthening the immune system by taking vitamins. The diet should include foods that contain large amounts of vitamins C and E, and fatty and spicy foods should be absent or contained in small doses.
  3. Stop eating before bed.
  4. Avoiding inhalation of harmful vapors and smoke.
  5. Breathing exercises for fresh air reduces the accumulation of sputum on mucous membranes.


Do not forget that you are risking not only your health, but also the health of those with whom you communicate. That's why timely treatment And preventive measures prevent complications of diseases. They will help you quickly regain your health, feel a surge of strength, and also have a great mood.

Does it often happen that mucus accumulates in your throat, which you try to swallow or spit out? Is there any blood in it? Is there still additional symptoms, for example, runny nose, sore throat, some pain when swallowing? Do not console yourself with the idea that these symptoms are completely harmless, since they supposedly do not indicate a serious illness.

If you have constant mucus in the throat, this may indicate the development of certain diseases. The list includes: asthma, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others, including bronchitis. Or perhaps this is a symptom of an allergy to some product or to certain conditions. Mucus accumulates in the throat most often because the mucous membranes in your throat are inflamed.

Accumulated sputum itself may not accurately indicate any disease, since it is not the main symptom. Only in combination with others painful signs the cause and disease can be accurately determined. For example, if you have constant belching, after which mucus accumulates in the throat, then this may be a syndrome of problems with gastrointestinal tract. It is unlikely that, by correlating the symptoms, you will accurately determine what kind of disease it is, unless you are an otolaryngologist. It is better to go to a doctor who will diagnose and suitable treatment will appoint

However, if persistent mucus in the throat is not accompanied by any other signs of the disease, then you can try to remove it. As already mentioned, one of the reasons may be irritation of the mucous membranes. Do you often eat bitter and spicy foods, and do you like to season foods with pepper? If so, then know that such food, consumed frequently and in large quantities, can provoke inflammation of the throat mucosa, which can be caused by constant mucus in the throat.

Use good old traditional medicine. For example, rinsing with a salt solution. This solution kills accumulated microbes and removes mucus. Rinse your throat with this solution at least three times a day. You can also rinse with infusion from medicinal herbs mixed with salt. Warm drinks can help clear mucus. Even such a simple remedy as tea with a spoon of honey, when consumed gradually, can relieve inflammation, stopping the secretion of mucus in the throat. Some will help herbal infusions or chicken broth.

Inhalations work well. Pour water into the pan, adding medicinal herbs, and bring it to a boil. Then tilt your head towards the pan, opening your mouth and inhaling the steam.

If you have thick mucus in your throat, you will most likely want to cough it up during inhalation. By the way, it is important not to be exposed to temperature differences after you have inhaled the vapor. If you did inhalation during the cold season, then stay in a warm room for some time so as not to get sick - after all, in this case temperature difference may be the reason serious illnesses.

Thick mucus usually has green color, consists of water and glycoproteins. The color of sputum can tell you something about your health. If you have thick mucus in your throat that turns green or yellow when you cough it up, it's likely a symptom of bacterial pneumonia. That is, this may be a sign of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

If thick mucus in the throat is clear and accompanied by headaches, sore throat and a higher than normal temperature, then this most likely indicates that you have the flu. In addition to all of the above, sputum can be one of the indicators of more serious diseases - lung cancer, tuberculosis, asthma. If you have it mixed with blood, then this may even indicate tuberculosis, but not always.

So, if constant mucus in the throat is combined with other symptoms, then together with other signs it will help determine clinical picture diseases. However, if it has been bothering you not so long ago, and besides it, nothing else bothers you (no fever, etc.), then the mucus may turn out to be, for example, harmless symptom allergies to any product. However, if mucus accumulates in the throat, then you should still visit an ENT doctor to prevent possible complications.

A viscous secretion that covers the nasopharynx protects the body from pathogenic microbes, performs many other functions.

There are situations when too much mucus is produced as a result of illness. It makes it difficult to swallow and sometimes to breathe.

The role of mucus in the body

Mucus is a gelatinous liquid found on inner layers hollow organs. From the inside, the surface of the pharynx and larynx is covered with a thin layer of mucus. This saves from drying out, injuries and pathological microorganisms.

The qualitative composition depends on local and general immunity. The body has its own system of self-cleaning from such mucus, but it does not cope with diseases when snot accumulates in the nasopharynx in large quantities.

The mucus is initially transparent. The addition of pathology changes the color and consistency of the discharge. Increased mucus secretion leads to discomfort.

The constant accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx causes an adult to cough frequently, and in a child it leads to bouts of vomiting.

Sputum is constantly present on the back wall of the nasopharynx. IN healthy condition a person does not feel it. When a large amount accumulates, there is a desire to remove mucus from the throat and cough.

The main factors that provoke increased formation of mucus in the throat are pathogens.

They help start infectious diseases(angina, bronchitis, laryngitis). Thick mucus in the composition wet cough comes off well with a runny nose.

Allergenic substances also become causes causing the formation sputum. The body, inhaling such substances, mistakes them for carriers of infections. Allergens often include:

  • plant pollen;
  • room dust;
  • animal fur and feces.

External stimuli have Negative influence on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. With prolonged exposure to nicotine, smokers develop snot in the throat that they want to spit out.

Constant consumption of carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy seasonings provokes the formation of an additional layer of sputum to protect the nasopharynx.

Increased production of mucus in the throat occurs against the background of diseases of the digestive system. With diverticula of the esophagus, ulcers, reflux esophagitis and other diseases, digestive juice is thrown into the esophagus.

It is created, and other symptoms of impaired digestion of food (heartburn, belching, attacks of nausea) are added.

A benign or malignant tumor can cause increased secretion of mucous secretion. This is not the main symptom cancer, but often accompanies it.

Finding a foreign object in the respiratory tract or pharynx can cause increased secretion, which is more common in childhood.

An incompletely cured runny nose gives the sensation of a thick mass in the nasopharynx. Snot accumulates on the back of the throat and can come out through the nose or mouth.

In older people, the problem becomes worse because the muscles weaken, the strength of swallowing decreases, and there is no way to cough up mucus. It becomes especially difficult after a stroke.

Mucus comes in different forms

The mucous secretion that flows down the back wall of the pharynx varies in color, volume, and consistency. A smear specialist is able to tell the approximate cause of the ailment. Disease can be determined by viscosity. Thick sputum occurs when bronchial asthma, liquid - during allergic reaction.

The secretion of mucus from the throat occurs in different quantities. A large volume occurs with an abscess or pulmonary edema. A small amount of mucus indicates inflammatory process throat, nasopharynx.

The green color of the secreted secretion indicates the beginning of suppuration in the throat. This process must be urgently treated. Yellow tint mucus is a sign of disease in the bronchi. If there is a fungal infection or digestive problems, white mucus.

Transparent sputum does not have pathological microorganisms. This is a mucous substance of natural color, without the addition of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of ailments

Constant mucus in the throat is an ideal environment for pathogens. The basis of sputum is protein, which serves as food for microbes. That is why it is necessary to know how to get rid of mucus in the throat and take the most decisive actions.

Signs of sputum accumulation:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • lump in throat;
  • desire to cough;
  • bad breath;
  • tickling feeling;
  • feeling of stuffiness in the nasopharynx;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • weakness;
  • difficulty breathing.

The diagnosis can be different, it all depends on accompanying symptoms. You cannot take such manifestations lightly and hope that they will go away on their own.

Clots of accumulated sputum lead to negative complications, for example, insufficient nasal breathing, dizziness, and fainting.

Treatment methods

The main treatment will be aimed at getting rid of the main disease, its consequences, and complications. If mucus has formed in the throat, then the causes and treatment will be closely interrelated.

But you also need to influence the symptoms. It is especially difficult with a dry cough, when the accumulated mucus in the throat cannot be coughed up.

Rinsing with ready-made solutions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, helps a lot. This method has been used since the age of three. Until this age, it is difficult to explain to a child how to treat snot. Ingestion of the drug may occur, which is quite dangerous for a small organism.

If snot flows down the back of the throat, an ENT doctor will tell you how to cure it. Special medications dilute mucus and speed up its removal to make swallowing and coughing easier. Clearing your throat will become easier, pain when swallowing will go away, and your irritated throat will calm down.

Inhalations help remove mucus from the back of the throat. It is allowed to perform the procedure using special device nebulizer (dry inhalation) or inhale steam over a pan under a towel. This moist inhalation will warm the body with warmth.

It helps a lot if mucus drains down the back of the throat. Wet inhalation should not be used for elevated temperature having erosions and ulcers in the mouth.

Green snot requires the use of antibiotics. They are local or general action, the doctor will determine which ones to take, depending on the extent of the damage.

Since it is not always easy to remove snot from the throat of children, you can use aerosols, sprays, absorbable lozenges - Septolete, Ingalipt.

How to get rid of snot in the throat with allergies? Accept antihistamines(Claritin, Suprastin, Telfast), reduce contact with allergens.

If the cause is rhinitis, then vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to relieve congestion (Nazivin, Vibrocil). When using them, it is necessary to moisturize the nasal cavities. Aqua Maris and Aqualor are suitable for this.

When secretions actively flow along the back wall of the throat, the use of quartz is effective. Ultra-violet rays act on the surface, suppressing pathogenic microflora.

Excessive production of sputum stops, the remaining mucus begins to be coughed up better, and the soreness stops. All medicines must be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

The use of folk recipes

If you have snot in your throat, it will tell you how to get rid of it ethnoscience. Rinsing has been successfully used for these purposes. medicinal decoctions, salt solutions.

How to remove mucus in the throat? Regular rinsing with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and sage removes accumulated clots and cleanses the larynx.

It is important to remember that saliva washes away the medicine, so you need to rinse often - every 10 minutes. Do this 3 to 6 times. These sessions should be performed approximately 5 times a day.

A mixture of honey and aloe helps to cough up mucus in the throat in the morning. It is necessary to chop a large leaf of the plant, mix with 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and consume 1 tsp. before meals twice a day. You need to be treated for at least a week. The recipe is suitable for the treatment of sputum accumulation in an adult.

If mucus runs down the back of your throat, it can be difficult to cough up. Helps successfully water solution soda and salt. These two components are taken in equal quantities and dissolved in water. In the morning, after each meal, you should gargle with the solution.

Salt (it is better to take sea salt) reduces the formation of mucus and destroys pathogenic microflora. Baking soda prevents mucus from accumulating and thins it out.

Compresses help a lot. The cottage cheese needs to be squeezed out, placed on foil, warmed so that it is pleasant to put on the body. Apply to the neck, wrap with film or cloth. Better treatment carry out lying down, as whey flows from the curd.

You need to keep the compress for as long as possible, you can do it at night. There is no need to cover your neck with a warm scarf. The effect is not in the heat, but in the properties of the serum. It, seeping into the throat, helps cough up sputum, which does not come away and is not swallowed.

Warm mineral water, sweetened natural honey, will be an excellent drink to strengthen weakened immunity.

It also treats if mucus accumulates in the throat, and is suitable for adults and children (in the absence of an allergic reaction to beekeeping products). Drink the drink throughout the day in any quantity.

See a doctor urgently

If mucus collects in the throat and treatment does not help positive results, then you need to apply for medical care. You can fix a simple situation on your own, serious disease requires medical knowledge.

There are symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • sputum constantly accumulates, despite treatment;
  • blood streaks in mucus;
  • there was pain behind the sternum;
  • sour taste in the mouth;
  • thick mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx, making it difficult to breathe.

The patient’s infancy is a prerequisite for seeing a doctor; only a specialist knows how to treat such babies.

Diagnostics and lab tests. Based on its findings, a drug treatment, which allows you to cough up mucus.

Increased accumulation of mucus in the throat is not separate pathology, but only a symptom, so preventive measures will be related to the underlying disease.

To prevent such discharge in the oral cavity, treatment must be completed inflammatory diseases in the nasopharynx.
