The rat's stomach was swollen. Tumor under the tail. How is surgery to remove a tumor performed?

Decorative rats are loyal and emotional rodents, not inferior in intelligence and affection to the owner to dogs and cats. Keeping these animals in comfortable home conditions does not protect them from oncological diseases.

Tumors in rats are even more common than common pathologies respiratory organs and lead to . Female domestic rodents are most susceptible to cancer. What to do if you notice bumps on a rat? It is necessary to show the animal to a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and promptly prescribe treatment.

A tumor is an abnormal growth of pathological tissue in the body. Neoplasms in rodents can affect any tissue of the body. A tumor in a domestic rat can be benign or malignant.

A benign tumor is characterized by the presence of a connective tissue capsule that delimits the tumor from adjacent tissues. Thanks to this structure, this type of tumor is easily removed surgically. As it develops, such a tumor does not form metastases in other organs and does not grow together with healthy tissues, like cancer cells. The danger of benign tumors lies in the compression of organs, when rapid growth they reach quite large sizes and deprive the rodent of the ability to move and eat. If lumps are found on the body, it is advisable to treat the rodent as soon as possible.

Huge benign neoplasm in a rodent

A malignant or cancerous tumor is characterized by rapid growth, the formation of metastases in various organs and tissues and the ability to grow into healthy cells and degenerate them. Cancer in rats cannot be treated surgically; the pet is left to live out its life with decent care and feeding or to alleviate the animal’s suffering.

IMPORTANT!!! Benign tumors can be removed surgically; rodent cancer cannot be treated!!!

Causes of cancer in decorative rats

Many studies have revealed following reasons the occurrence of neoplasms in domestic rats:

  • use in pet's diet high content fatty foods and products with dyes and preservatives;
  • lack of necessary active physical activity animal;
  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • genetic predisposition to cancer in females.

Where can a tumor occur in a domestic rat?

Most often, tumors are decorative rats meet at the age of two years. Neoplasms can be localized in various areas rodent body:

Breast tumor

Extensive swelling breast with tissue necrosis

Female rodents are genetically predisposed to the appearance of mammary gland tumors, although sometimes similar tumors occur in males. Most often these are fibroadenomas - benign tumors located on the stomach, armpits and groin of the animal in the area where the glands are located. The owner, who often caresses the animal, notices a tumor on the rat’s stomach at the very early stage its occurrence. At home, a mobile, tuberous swelling can be easily determined, which can be soft and flat, or compacted as it grows fibrous tissue. The lump under the skin is penetrated by a venous network; when palpated, it easily slips between the fingers, there is no swelling and firm fixation with the subcutaneous tissue. If the swelling grows tightly together with the surrounding tissues, there is a chance that the rodent will develop cancer. The nature of the neoplasm is confirmed only by histological examination.

Tumor in the neck

A tumor is often diagnosed in a rat on the neck, which to the touch is defined as a subcutaneous tubercle that easily rolls between the fingers or is tightly fixed in the tissues.

A lump on a rodent's neck may be an inflamed lymph node, a neoplasm, or a greatly enlarged thyroid gland. Differential diagnosis and the nature of the therapy should be carried out by a specialist in conditions veterinary clinic.

Tumor in the neck

Tumor on the side

A tumor on the side of a rat occurs when the tumor is localized in the lungs or abdominal cavity. The lump on the side is often large in size; you can feel the tubercle on the leg. In such cases, bright symptoms indicate an oncological disease in a rodent: lethargy, bloody discharge from oral cavity, vagina, urethra and anus.

Tumor on the side

Tumor under the paw

Sometimes you can find a tumor under a rat's paw. The lump under the paw turns out to be an inflamed lymph node, a wen, or a breast tumor.

Extensive swelling under the paw

Tumor under the tail

A tumor under the tail of a rat indicates a neoplasm on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which feel like dense tubercles on the genitals of animals. It is advisable to remove them urgently; females often experience relapses.

Extensive tumor lesion of the testes in a rodent

Tumor on the cheek

The tumor may appear on the pet’s cheek, in which case the owner notices that the rat’s cheek is swollen. Often the animal becomes aggressive. In the place where the cheek is swollen, it can be felt subcutaneous ball or a hard bone tumor, most often a cancerous tumor - squamous cell carcinoma, which cannot be treated surgically.

Tumor on the cheek

A brain tumor

Quite often, animals are diagnosed with a benign tumor in the brain, which manifests itself with neurological symptoms: the animal loses coordination of movement, the rat lies with tense front legs extended and hind legs bent backward, joints do not bend. Such neoplasms are inoperable.

A brain tumor

Bone tumor

Pet rats are also susceptible to malignant bone tumors called osteocarcomas. Neoplasms are localized on the bones of the limbs, skull and ribs, as a result, as they grow, the pet completely loses motor activity. The owner can feel the characteristic thickenings in the bone tissue.

What should you be wary of?

An attentive owner should be alert and take the pet to a veterinary clinic for timely treatment if the following symptoms are detected:

  • soft flat bumps or hard bumpy growths on the animal’s body;
  • lethargy, loss of appetite and weight, exhaustion;
  • the animal does not play, tries to hide;
  • the fur is tousled, there are patches of baldness;
  • the skin loses elasticity and scabs appear;
  • increase or decrease in bowel movements and urination;
  • bloody discharge from the mouth, urethra, vagina and anus;
  • hernias;
  • mucous membranes are colored gray.

The final diagnosis is made veterinarian after general examination animal, laboratory research general and biochemical analysis blood, the nature of the tumor is determined histologically.

Treatment of tumor diseases

Treatment of cancer in decorative rats is carried out surgical method. Conservative method using immunostimulants and hormonal medical supplies, inhibiting tumor growth does not guarantee a favorable outcome.

The operation is not used for cancerous lesions tissues with the formation of numerous metastases, tumors in the brain, severe exhaustion animal, over 3-4 years of age, presence of accompanying serious illnesses, in such cases the prognosis is questionable or unfavorable.

The outcome of the operation and the possibility of relapses depend on the stage of node formation and the timeliness of surgical treatment. Small tumor formations in the early stages are quite easily removed, the prognosis is guarded or favorable. A benign tumor should not be allowed to grow to enormous sizes and exhaust the animal. Often, a pet undergoes several operations when tumors are repeatedly detected.

IMPORTANT!!! The earlier a tumor is detected and treated, the greater the chance of saving and prolonging the life of a pet rat!

How is surgery to remove a tumor performed?

Surgical treatment is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before the operation, the specialist evaluates general state rodent, size, nature and localization of the neoplasm, urine and blood are examined, radiography is prescribed to exclude abscesses in the lungs and systemic chronic diseases;
  2. Surgical removal of a tumor formation is performed under the supervision of a veterinary specialist in a veterinary clinic, and is used for pain relief. general anesthesia And analgesic drugs, before induction of anesthesia, medications are administered to support the functioning of the heart and respiratory system during the operation;
  3. For small subcutaneous tumors, the specialist cuts the skin and subcutaneous tissue at a sufficient distance from the tumor, excises the affected tissue with a scalpel, the tumor is removed with the vascular pedicle and adjacent healthy tissues, and the vessels feeding the tumor formation must be ligated. In case of extensive damage to the mammary tissues, salivary glands or internal organs occurs wide excision tissues and partial removal of glands or parts of the affected organ and muscles along with the tumor and greatly enlarged lymph nodes;
  4. The wound is sutured in two stages, the peritoneum and subcutaneous tissue are sutured with special absorbable threads, the skin is sutured with silk thread, and drainage is left at the bottom of the wound to drain the exudate.

Surgery tumors

In the first two hours after surgery, the animal may vomit, involuntary urination and defecation, loss of coordination and aggressiveness due to painful shock. At this time, it is important to provide the rodent with a change of bedding and access to clean drinking water. For the first three days after using anesthesia, fermented milk products are excluded from the diet of the decorative rat.

Postoperative care

Postoperative care behind the rat

Postoperative therapy for the pet is carried out at home under careful supervision of the rodent owner. On the first day, a heating pad is indicated; for this purpose, you can use bottles with warm water. The owner must not allow “slicking” postoperative sutures, for this you can use a special or homemade collar. On the recommendation of a specialist, the owner independently treats the wound with antiseptic solutions at home or in a clinic and applies bandages with anti-inflammatory ointments. Healing control postoperative wound and suture removal is carried out only by a veterinarian.

Prevention of cancer in rats

Prevent occurrence tumor formations in a domestic rodent there are several ways:

  1. The pet's diet should be varied and low in calories, with a reduced content of fats, which have a carcinogenic effect. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of animal products containing dyes and preservatives;
  2. If possible, you should try to purchase a pet from reputable breeders who, when breeding, select individuals that are resistant to the development of cancer;
  3. It is better to keep males at home; they are less susceptible to the appearance of various neoplasms.

Carefully inspect your pet rodents at the first signs of fatal disease do not waste time, show your pet to specialists for a speedy diagnosis and timely treatment. It is in your power to save the animal and prolong its life.

Symptoms and treatment of tumors in rats

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Diseases of decorative rats

No matter what animal you have in your home - a dog, a cat, or maybe a decorative rat, you cannot count on the fact that your pet will not get sick without proper care and attention. Therefore, before you decide to join the ranks of pet owners, ask yourself this simple question: “Am I ready to bear responsibility for my pet, to be with him in sorrow, in joy, and, in case of illness, to treat is this a defenseless creature? If you, without hesitation, answer in the affirmative, it means that you will make a good owner; if you doubt and prefer to avoid such difficulties, then you, most likely, have not yet matured enough to take responsibility for a living being.

Today, we invite those owners of decorative rats who once promised themselves and their little rodent to be with him in sorrow, in joy, and in illness, to talk about just such situations when a decorative rat is sick.

What do decorative rats suffer from? How to treat them? Which preventive measures What can you do to prevent your rodent from getting sick? Let's look for answers to these questions together...

Features of life and health of decorative rats

Prevention of diseases of decorative rats

We deliberately decided to start the topic of rat diseases with the prevention of such diseases. After all, if you take such preventive measures, then your decorative rat will never suffer from such dangerous diseases. Therefore, first of all, keep an eye on the balanced and, as veterinary practice shows,

in 8 out of 10 cases, the disease develops on such favorable grounds as improper nutrition of the rodent.

Do not overfeed your decorative rat - this can lead to obesity. Under no circumstances should you give prohibited foods such as sweets, smoked foods, or fried foods. Better fill the rodent's diet raw vegetables and fruits.

Make sure that the cage with the decorative rat is not in a draft, the animal is not exposed to hypothermia, and vice versa - it cannot get sunstroke or heatstroke. When your decorative rat walks around your home, be careful not to inadvertently injure your pet with your careless movement.

Infectious diseases of decorative rats

Such infectious diseases in decorative rats are quite severe and most often end in the death of the rodent, since it is quite difficult to diagnose them, the disease proceeds in a latent form for a long period of time, and when it has already progressed, it is too late to do anything.


Talking about infectious diseases, we couldn’t help but remember mycoplasmosis. I would like to say something about it separately. Pathogen of this disease is the bacterium Mycoplasmapulmonis, and you are unlikely to find at least one rat that is not a carrier of this virus. The very fact of infection with mycoplasmosis occurs when a sick animal comes into contact with a healthy one through the air.

Old rats are most likely to get mycoplasmosis after they reach 1.5 years of age.

The disease is accompanied by the formation of multiple abscesses and blisters on the surface of the lungs of the decorative rat, which are affected by such abscesses and internal organs. It is almost impossible to save a decorative rat from mycoplasmosis.

Diseases of decorative rats that are dangerous to humans

Some rat diseases are dangerous to humans

Among the infectious diseases that are dangerous for people and which decorative rats suffer from are diseases such as tuberculosis, plague, rabies and a number of other quite serious functional disorders work of the whole organism.

In order to ensure that rat diseases do not pose a threat to you and me, the owners, and we can help our pet, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures, both in cleaning the rat cage and in examining the rodent itself. And, if any disturbances in the behavior of the rodent are detected, do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian. Also, it is worth remembering that decorative rats, like other pets, can suffer from worms, mites, scabies, and they may have fleas - and all this also requires immediate contact with a veterinarian to prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Ornamental rodents often encounter oncological diseases. The tumor in the rat is considered one of the most serious problems, the treatment of which should not be delayed. Why is the disease so dangerous for a small organism? A tumor is a pathological proliferation of foreign cells. The immune system cannot cope with pathogenic invaders, so the growth of tumor tissues is uncontrolled.

Growths can be benign or malignant. The first are formed in a kind of capsule in which cells actively grow. The capsule does not go beyond the boundaries of its area. The growth process of a benign tumor is usually slow, but there are exceptions. Education has different sizes, often growing to enormous volumes. A malignant tumor differs more aggressive behavior. Cells grow into surrounding tissues, changing them. Growth is fast and intense.

Malignant formation cannot be contained; it constantly spreads throughout the body. The appearance of small foci of pathogenic cells in other areas of the body is called metastases. Cancer can develop in both internal organs and outside bodies. Often, rats die at the age of one and a half to two years precisely from tumor growths, not visible to the eye. The disease kills animals everywhere, without making gender distinctions.

Causes of tumor formation

The critical age for cancer development is one year. Little rat pups usually get sick only in as a last resort: bad heredity, terrible living conditions. The main cause of the disease is genetic predisposition. Wild relatives encounter cancer much less often than their ornamental counterparts. Numerous experiments, inbreeding, and uncontrolled breeding worsen the gene pool. Rats become weaker and more easily susceptible to various infections.

Among others possible reasons include:

  • Poor environmental situation. This factor especially concerns urban conditions.
  • Neglect of feeding rules.
  • Lack of timely treatment for other diseases.
  • Lack of attention, violation of maintenance standards.

There is a theory of the viral origin of the problem. According to it, oncogenic viruses are responsible for the development of tumor disease in domestic rats. Their species is unknown. Perhaps exposure to x-rays and gamma rays has an effect. Affects general functioning body, disturbances in the hormonal system.

Indirect causes can lead to the formation of cancer. For example, a rat got injured and an infection got into the wound. Suppuration has begun, and the surrounding tissues can degenerate under the influence of viruses and bacteria. The initial stage of the tumor in in this case is called an abscess. Over time, such pustules can transform into a malignant formation.

Types of tumors in rats

In addition to those listed above, lipomas, papillomas, carcinomas, and adenomas are found in rodents. Lipomas form in adipose tissue and have a soft consistency and round shape. Soft to the touch, medium mobility. Lipoma grows slowly and can be malignant. It occurs more often on the stomach and back.

Papillomas have a completely different appearance, which makes them easy to distinguish from other options. They rise above the surface of the skin and may have a stalk. Externally they resemble warts. They have a high growth rate. They come in different sizes.

Carcinomas look different and can be located in any location. Often found on the face, skin, around the ears. Adenomas develop inside specific bodies. Pituitary adenoma occurs in rats. All other types of cancer are named depending on their location: ovarian tumors, bladder tumors.


The manifestation of symptoms directly depends on the location cancer cells and availability concomitant diseases. In case of defeat gastrointestinal tract observed poor appetite, weight loss. Anemia develops, the gums turn pale, the rat is weak and inactive. In case of defeat reproductive system mucous-bloody discharge is observed. The presence of a tumor in the lungs leads to rapid, difficult, hoarse breathing.

The formation of a pathogenic capsule inside the brain is fraught with loss of coordination. The limbs begin to bend in a strange way and move poorly. Weakness and apathy are constantly present. Problems with vision and hearing are visible. Large tumors are visible to the naked eye. They form rolling bumps under the skin. Hard or soft to the touch, benign formations can be traced along the contour. The margins of malignancy are often undetectable.

Diagnosis and treatment

Cancer cells are found on the abdomen, particularly the mammary glands. A tumor can appear anywhere, the rarest places being the paws and lower back. Breast cancer is called fibroadenoma. It can be easily palpated, felt as small movable tubercles. If thickening is noticeable in the skull area, osteosarcoma is suspected.

Pay close attention to symptoms and monitor dynamics. On initial examination carefully probe the rat. If possible, do an ultrasound and x-ray. In case of a malignant course of the disease, they are examined The lymph nodes: This is where metastases most often form. X-ray gives good results for organ cancer chest cavity, bones. Ultrasound shows a cluster of cancer cells in thyroid gland, heart, lungs, abdominal cavity.

Install accurate diagnosis A biopsy, histological examination and blood test helps. Is there a cure for cancer in rats? Effective method There is only one treatment - surgery. However, if detected early, it is possible to stop and reverse the progression of a benign tumor. Assign various medications, stopping the growth of pathogenic cells and simultaneously stimulating immune activity. Surgery can remove the immediate problem, but in the vast majority of cases the cancer comes back.

The owner of a decorative rat can reduce the risk of tumor development. Prevention is important. Must be adhered to proper diet. There should be no rats in the diet large quantity fat When digested, high-calorie foods combine with oxidized fats, forming carcinogens. When choosing a rat, it is better to contact breeders who clearly trace the genetic line. And do not breed rats in close inbreeding yourself.
Interestingly, the incidence of tumors is higher in females. Therefore, you can choose males as pet. Also, rare breed varieties encounter cancer more often: this includes dumbos, sphinxes, and tailless rats. Timely contact with a veterinarian reduces the risk of death.

Don't expect a happy resolution if you find a strange lump under the skin. The smaller the lump is at the time of surgery, the better.

Domestic rats are very interesting animals. They are quite smart not only in comparison with other representatives of their class, but also in comparison with cats or dogs. Perhaps this is the only domestic rodent that becomes so strongly attached to a person. The domestic rat knows how to worry and be sad, it can be cheerful, sweet, and quite playful. This is probably why decorative rats are in first place in terms of the frequency of their purchase in pet stores. Yes, these are very interesting animals. It would seem that the decorative rat, like its wild relative, the gray rat, should have excellent health, super-powerful immunity, good resistance to various diseases. However, this is not at all true. Quite the opposite.

Decades of using this type of animal in laboratory experiments have certainly not been in vain, and the modern keeping of rats is isolated in cages, without the possibility of regular reproduction. A violation natural nutrition Led to frequent development oncological diseases. On average, a decorative rat at home lives for about 2-3 years and very rarely lives up to five years. The vast majority die from tumor diseases. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what can be done to prevent it?!

General description of tumors in rats

Along with respiratory infections, tumors in rats are one of the most common problems, they very often lead to death and are especially relevant for females. Like other animal species, rats have two types of tumors: benign and malignant. A benign tumor is often enclosed in a connective tissue membrane and separated by it from surrounding tissues, so removing it surgically is not particularly difficult. Although benign tumors can grow at the same rate as malignant tumors, but, as a rule, they do not cause such damage, do not metastasize (do not spread to other organ systems of the body). Although benign tumors in rats by themselves do not cause death, their rapid growth and rapid increase in the mass of pathological tissue do not give the animal the opportunity to fully move, as well as eat normally. All body systems are constantly overloaded, simultaneously supporting the metabolism of tumor and normal tissues. Developed circulatory system the tumor allows it to eat very effectively, while the rest of the body experiences a shortage nutrients. If rat tumor is not removed on time, she is euthanized before reaching terminal stage tumor growth.

Malignant tumors in rats, also called “cancerous”, in contrast to benign ones, damage surrounding tissues and organs, proliferate (grow) in them, melt, actively metastasize into lymphatic system. Death, in this case, occurs precisely due to disruption of the functioning of vital organs. Because cancerous tumors grow into normal, healthy tissues, their surgical removal in rats is either extremely difficult or technically impossible. Cancer often affects the internal organs of the rat, so the first symptoms are most often not visible. Then, when the disease is already well developed and symptoms make themselves felt, euthanasia is the only alternative. Symptoms of cancer in rats may include skin ulcers, bloating, weight loss, lethargy, ulceration of the tumor tissue itself, or bleeding from the tumor mass. However, there is also positive point in all this - most of tumors in rats are benign.

Benign mammary tumors in rats

The most common tumors in rats are benign breast tumors, most of which are fibroadenomas (“fibro” - formed from connective tissue, "aden" - from glandular tissue, "oma" - tumor). Breast tumors, as a rule, are quite soft and flat, sometimes they can be lumpy to the touch, which is explained by the active proliferation of fibrous tissue. Less commonly, they are even more compacted and resemble in consistency cartilage tissue. Since tumors grow very quickly, they sometimes cut off their own blood supply and their tissues become necrotic. They become ulcerated and filled with pus, and this can easily cause septic processes that lead to the death of the animal. Benign mammary tumors in rats, as a rule, are separate formations of different sizes under the skin of the animal; they are not tightly fixed, they can be slightly moved in one direction or another with your fingers. If all these signs converge, then we can say with a high degree of probability that the rat has a benign tumor. When the tumor is tightly attached to the tissue, this may indicate its malignancy. However, this cannot be stated unequivocally, since benign tumors in rats sometimes they can also be tightly fixed. In such a situation, only histology can confirm the origin of the neoplasm.

Most often, mammary gland tumors in rats are located in the axilla, groin area or in the abdominal area. This is quite understandable by the fact that in female rats the mammary glands are quite wide and can extend far onto the lateral surface of the animal’s body, so neoplasms can appear in almost any area. If you regularly pick up an animal and carefully feel it, then neoplasms can be easily detected at an early stage of their formation. The smaller the tumor, the easier (and cheaper) it can be removed. Bye neoplasm does not deplete the animal’s body too much, it is necessary to take correct solution and resort to surgical intervention. However, the main criterion is the general condition of the animal. If the tumor is quite large and the animal is quite active, there are no contraindications to the upcoming operation. Often tumors the size of a small apple are removed quite successfully. The age of the animal should also not be a significant contraindication, since benign tumors are successfully removed even in rats 3-4 years old. Breast tumors often located directly under the skin or shallowly in loose subcutaneous tissue, as a rule, do not penetrate into abdominal cavity, therefore their extirpation does not cause severe harm to the rat, and the period postoperative recovery goes well. Of course, you should not wait for significant tumor growth than earlier surgery will be carried out, the less negative impact the body as a whole will be affected, and your pet’s life will be longer and of higher quality.

If the rat owner still decides not to remove the tumor, he must be prepared for the tumor to grow indefinitely until it reaches its maximum size. Sometimes its total size can be equal to the body of the animal itself or even exceed it. Over the course of several months and sometimes weeks, the animal's condition may deteriorate significantly and it may experience significant suffering, at which point it would be prudent to resort to euthanasia. Until this time, you need to try to make the rodent’s life more comfortable and maintain its quality at the proper level. The diet should be nutritious, with high content protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, since the tumor actively consumes the resources and energy of the main body.

Other types of tumors in rats

Although benign mammary tumors are the most common in rats, other types of tumors can also occur. Sometimes a benign pituitary adenoma can be diagnosed, which is usually located directly under the brain. This pathology exhibits characteristic persistent neurological symptoms. As a rule, the first sign is a loss of coordination of movement, the rat's body takes on a characteristic position: the front legs are stretched forward, the back is arched, and the hind legs are arched back, the front legs are bent and hind legs in the joints it is very difficult. Unfortunately, surgery to remove benign pituitary adenomas in rats is not performed. Animals with such pathology are subject to euthanasia.

Quite rarely, rats develop tumors on the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Most often they are found on the external genitalia, on the paws of the animal. Externally, these tumors may look like lumps under the skin, but the fur is often not damaged. Cutaneous epithelial tumors can often be confused with papillomas or cysts, which are sometimes found in rats; in this situation, histology should fully clarify the picture of origin pathological growth, since papillomas themselves can degenerate into tumors over time. If tumors are detected on the genital organs of rats, they should be surgically excised as soon as possible. However, relapses in this situation are about 70-75%. Vaginal tumors in females also often recur after surgery.

More serious tumors, such as fibrosarcomas and osteosarcomas, are also common in rats. Osteosarcoma affects mainly the bones of the limbs, after which the animal stops actively moving, and as the cancer progresses, it may stop standing on its feet altogether. This type of tumor can also actively affect the bones of the skull and ribs. At the same time, dense nodular thickenings can be clearly felt on the bone. They can often be confused with bruises or arthritis, so cytology and x-rays are the means primary diagnosis these neoplasms.

Preventing the development of tumors in rats

There are only three ways possible prevention development of oncology in rats, which can at least somehow guarantee a reduction in the risk of their occurrence.

It is likely that in the future new species of rats will be bred that are resistant to the development of cancer, but until then the best option Protection against this pathology is only prevention and detection of tumor growths in the early stages.
