We restore the child after antibiotics - we eliminate the harmful consequences. Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics: treatment. Recovery after a course of therapy

Admin on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 14:05

Causes and treatment of dysbiosis in a child

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are bacteria that, being in the intestines of the human body, "take care" of its normal proper functioning. Anaerobic and aerobic bacteria normally live in the human intestine. Moreover, anaerobes are 90%, and aerobes - 10%. The main intestinal microflora is anaerobes. They do not allow microorganisms to multiply, which are conditionally pathogenic, that is, they only bring harm if they multiply excessively. Together with the conditionally pathogenic flora, bifido and lactobacilli, Escherichia coli - all this constitutes the intestinal microflora of the human body. However, against the background of reduced immunity, after taking antibiotics, as a result of various injuries and stresses received, the formed microflora can provoke the development of the disease of the whole organism as a whole. Dysbacteriosis develops when the balance between conditionally pathogenic flora and normal intestinal flora is disturbed.

The causes of the onset and development of dysbiosis can be:

Intestinal infections seriously disrupt the intestinal microflora.After recovery from intestinal infection comes, dysbiosis will have to be treated for a long time.

  • diseases of the digestive system: stomach, liver and intestines, or congenital pathology of these organs;
  • destroys normal microflora long-term intake antibiotics or not the correct treatment regimen with their use;
  • harmful environmental conditions can cause intestinal microflora diseases;
  • an unhealthy psychological atmosphere in the family, because of which the child is nervous and irritated, is also dangerous with complications in the form of dysbiosis;
  • dysbiosis can occur against the background viral infections;
  • intestinal infections seriously disrupt the intestinal microflora.After recovery after intestinal infection comes, dysbiosis will have to be treated for a long time.

Dysbiosis symptoms depend on the degree of development of the disease.

  • 1st degree: symptoms may not be present at all. The analyzes reveal a normal microflora, several (no more than two) representatives of opportunistic microflora.
  • 2nd degree: normal microflora is inhibited, anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are approximately equal in number. There are more opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms, "wrong" Escherichia coli. Fungi of the genus Candida appear. Symptoms of dysbiosis in this case will be frequent bloating, gas, intestinal colic... Children overestimate even this stage hard: there is a growth retardation, weight gain.
  • Grade 3: the amount of anaerobic flora increases, it predominates. Pathogenic microorganisms multiply actively. There is a chronic inflammation of the intestinal wall and this is manifested by diarrhea, intestinal colic. Undigested particles may appear in the feces.
  • Grade 4: There is almost no normal microflora in the intestine. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms dominate. Well-being is seriously disturbed: intoxication, stool disorder, avitominosis. Perhaps an intestinal disease that is caused by a conditionally pathogenic microflora. Resistance to intestinal infections is practically zero, the likelihood of their occurrence is high.


Currently, dysbiosis is considered a consequence of another disease. Therefore, all efforts are directed to the treatment of this particular cause of the disease.

But still, if the child's microflora is disturbed, and no other diseases are noticeable, you can start treating him.

It is necessary to destroy the “bad” flora in the intestines and maintain the “good” one. Antibiotics cannot solve this problem. They will damage the normal microflora, and the dysbiosis can only intensify. There is another remedy: bacteriophages.

Eliminate foods that enhance intestinal fermentation. Probiotics for the treatment of severe dysbiosis, prebiotics.

Recovery forces of the organism affected by dysbiosis, first of all, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition. Millet and rice porridge with lean chicken, baked apple, mashed potatoes... The daily regimen is the next condition for the restoration of health. The child should be given maximum attention, calm him down and create a favorable environment around him. It should be noted that the remaining family members must also go through medical examination in order to detect the infection and ensure the blocking of its further spread.

If your toddler has no appetite, try to give him more tea or glucose-salt solutions recommended by the doctor. Prepare decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, this will help restore the water-salt balance. Steamed Potentilla root and blueberries will help strengthen the stool. After "attacking" harmful microbes, beneficial bacteria - probiotics or prebiotics - must be delivered to the child's body. These live bacteria restore the beneficial intestinal microflora and lead to the healing of the whole organism.

Dysbacteriosis in a newborn

Let's start by defining what is dysbiosis? Dysbacteriosis is a reduction in the body of "good" microorganisms (bacteria) and an increase in "bad" ones.

The purely sterile intestines of a newborn baby remain only in the womb. Already with the onset of childbirth, the bacterial composition characteristic of this child begins to form. The baby's intestines are actively colonized not only during childbirth, but also in the first days in the hospital. Already during the birth itself, the newborn begins to acquire its microflora. As proved by scientists, first of all, a significant criterion for reducing the risk of acquiring dysbiosis in newborns is the earliest possible attachment to the mother's breast, immediately after birth, preferably in the first minutes of life, since breast milk is the best antiseptic.

How is dysbiosis manifested in a newborn child? First of all, this is a manifestation of diarrhea, with an unpleasant odor, bloating, loss of appetite, the baby begins to worry at the breast, because sucking stimulates intestinal peristalsis, the child increases discomfort. It is also possible the manifestation of allergic reactions, a sharp decrease in the baby's weight and a number of other factors that should be paid attention to.

Treatment of dysbiosis is not easy and lengthy and consists of several stages, and its treatment in a newborn requires even more control and attention.

initially it is necessary to reduce the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and here one cannot do without drug therapy; in advanced cases, the use of antibiotics is not excluded.

Second a stage is also the use of drugs: probiotics, prebiotics, possibly bacteriophages.

Treatment is selected only after sowing feces, that is, bacterial sowing. With the help of this analysis, it is possible to determine the bacteriological picture in the intestine: which bacteria are missing, which are too many. Further treatment is planned taking into account these data.

AND the final stage in the treatment should be prescribed by the doctor to take bifidobacteria, for each child the appointment is individual.

Comments (1)

Admin Thu, 17/10/2013 - 14:57

What is dysbiosis? Main symptoms and treatment.

Nowadays, among children, a disease such as dysbiosis is very common - a disease that is associated with a violation of the normal intestinal microflora. As everyone knows, beneficial and harmful bacteria live in the intestine, if there are more harmful microorganisms in the intestine than useful ones, then dysbiosis occurs.

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis are improper bowel function (constipation or diarrhea), allergies to various foods, dermatitis, weakened immunity, bad breath, poor appetite.

Dysbacteriosis may appear from not proper nutrition and usually after antibiotic treatment. With improper nutrition (if the food is monotonous), one group of bacteria is formed in the intestinal microflora, and the lack of others leads to dysbiosis. After antibiotic treatment, the intestinal microflora needs to be practically restored anew. Antibiotics, which are aimed at destroying the infection, also eradicate beneficial bacteria.

Dysbiosis should be treated under the supervision of doctors such as an allergist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, and pediatrician. In order to start treatment, it is necessary to pass a large number of tests in order to establish which bacteria in the intestine are missing, and which are too many. Based on this information, your doctor will prescribe which medications you should take.

When treating, you need to follow a certain diet. If the child has a strong immune system, then the microflora can be restored in a short period of time. And if the child after a difficult infectious disease, which proceeded very difficult and for a long time, then the dysbiosis can be treated for a whole year.

mnogomama Thu, 07/11/2013 - 09:17 mnogomama Thu, 07/11/2013 - 19:35

The baby in the mother's belly is sterile (normal), therefore, completely devoid of bacteria and his intestines. It is protected from microbial aggression by the placenta and the membrane of the fetal bladder. But as soon as fetal bladder breaks, the child first encounters a variety of bacteria in our world.

The formation of intestinal microflora in a child begins during childbirth and the first biocenosis that he encounters is the vaginal microflora.

If the mother does not suffer from dysbiosis, the following live in her vagina:

  • lactobacilli;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • corynebacteria;
  • streptococci;
  • Escherichia.

All these are representatives of the normal flora, both the vagina and the intestines.

Immediately after childbirth, the child enters the atmosphere of the hospital, where there is a huge amount of bacteria on the surfaces, in the bathrooms, even in the air itself, which is better not to end up in the intestines. The best thing to do is to breastfeed your baby right after giving birth. The first drops of colostrum contain mainly antibodies to most disease-causing microbes.

Mother's breast milk is not a sterile fluid. While milk is being synthesized, there really are no bacteria in it, but they are in the ducts, on the nipple, on the skin around the nipple. There is no need to fight for the absolute sterility of breast milk, the content of microbes in it is the norm. At the same time, antibodies are produced in the mother's body to those microorganisms that live in milk that have entered the child. Between the organism of matter and the child, a constant exchange of microbes and antibodies is established.

There are a lot of microorganisms in the air of the maternity hospital itself, so it is better to disinfect the ward in which you have to lie with the help of a special ultraviolet lamp. Moreover, it is better to do this not once, but at least twice a day. The question arises: maybe such a lamp can be bought at home?

This is not worth doing. In an apartment or house, the microflora is completely normal, characteristic of this family, and in any hospital, including the maternity hospital, it is often pathogenic, very dangerous.

So, what actions should a mother take so that the baby does not have dysbiosis?

  1. Bring the vaginal biocenosis back to normal: sow the vaginal flora, if there is a deviation from the norm, carry out treatment. It is necessary to cure thrush, sexually transmitted infections, etc.
  2. Attach the baby to the breast within half an hour after giving birth, feed him with colostrum.
  3. As often as possible, feed the baby in the hospital, quartz the ward at least twice a day.
  4. Continue breastfeeding and diet after discharge.
Svetlana Alekseevna Sat, 10/05/2014 - 09:21

Intestinal dysbiosis is a term that is increasingly common in the conclusions and diagnoses of pediatricians. However, even doctors are not always unanimous about what kind of problem this is and where it comes from, and not everyone knows how to deal with it.

First of all, it should be noted that dysbiosis is not an independent diagnosis. Abroad and in international classification diseases of the concept of dysbiosis and intestinal dysbiosis are absent. The reason for this state of affairs lies in the secondary nature of dysbiosis - it does not arise by itself, but only as a result of other diseases and is a microbiological imbalance in the body, manifested by local and general symptoms.

The main causes of dysbiosis:

In newborns, the development of dysbiosis is also facilitated by:
  • various complications during pregnancy, childbirth;
  • bacterial vaginosis, colpitis, mastitis in the mother;
  • resuscitation measures carried out to the newborn;
  • late latching on to the breast, separated stay of mother and child;
  • long-term presence of the child in the maternity hospital - increases the risk of colonization of the infant's intestines by aggressive resistant representatives of the hospital microflora;
  • pustular skin infections (strepto- and staphyloderma).

Dysbiosis symptoms

Different reasons affect the state of the intestinal microflora in different ways, which determines the variety and nonspecificity of the symptoms of dysbiosis. Among the most typical manifestations of intestinal dysbiosis, several syndromes are distinguished:

  • gastrointestinal dyspepsia syndrome;
  • anorectal syndrome;
  • syndromes of malabsorption, fermentopathy, vitamin deficiency;
  • immune imbalance syndrome;
  • sensitization syndrome.

Gastrointestinal dyspepsia syndrome characterized by the presence in the child of nausea, heartburn, belching, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation or instability of the stool (alternating constipation with diarrhea). Often determined are abdominal pains of varying intensity, rumbling.

Anorectal Syndrome usually occurs after prolonged antibiotic therapy and manifests itself elevated temperature, lethargy, decreased appetite, frequent painful urge to defecate, mucus and blood streaks with stools, itching, burning and redness around the anus.

Syndromes of malabsorption, fermentopathy, vitamin deficiency have many symptoms: diarrhea, stools with an oily sheen and undigested lumps of food, constipation, anemia, a tendency to stomatitis, cheilitis (seizures), sleep disorders, anemia, changes in nails and hair, bright red smooth ("lacquered") tongue, increased salivation, etc.

Immune imbalance syndrome usually develops against the background of long-term dysbiosis and is manifested by a weakening of defenses, susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Sensitization syndrome- these are those that have arisen against the background of dysbiosis allergic rashes, atopic dermatitis, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, conjunctivitis.

Dysbiosis treatment

Correction of intestinal microflora disorders should be carried out without fail, but the main task is to detect and treat the underlying disease. So, only one analysis of feces, confirming the presence of dysbiosis in a child, serves as a reason not only for prescribing drugs, but also for a more detailed examination.

The actual correction of the microbiological balance in the intestines of the child includes selective stimulation of the reproduction of its own beneficial microflora with the simultaneous "attachment" of normal bacteria. For this purpose, prebiotics (lactulose, hilak forte) and probiotics (linex, bifiform, bactisubtil) are prescribed.

Considerable importance in the treatment is given to functional nutrition and probiotic food additives(Dietary supplements). Functional food products include some breast milk substitutes (Samper Bifidus, Nutrilak-Bifi, etc.), instant cereals for baby food enriched with pre- and probiotics. Dietary supplements, used more for preventive therapy, help prevent recurrence of dysbiosis and maintain an optimal balance of intestinal microflora. From dietary supplements, children are prescribed biovestin, bifilis, bifiform (baby, baby, complex), normobact, primadophilus for children.

Phytotherapy and balanced nutrition are used as auxiliary means of treatment.

Svetlana Alekseevna Thu, 15/05/2014 - 01:35

Herbal medicine for dysbiosis

In the complex treatment of dysbiosis in children, it is advisable to use herbal medicine - as a method that complements drug treatment and diet, but does not replace them. Herbal medicine can be indicated at all stages of treatment and for the subsequent prevention of relapses. Diverse medicinal plants, as well as the fruits of garden and wild plants, can have a multifaceted effect on the functional state of the child's intestines, on the intestinal microflora and on the entire body.

Herbal medicine effects:

  1. Antibacterial and antiseptic. Plants differ in the strength of their effect on certain pathogens, therefore, raw materials should be selected after sowing the intestinal contents and identifying pathogenic (opportunistic microflora). For example, cloves and cinnamon are active against Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mushrooms. Staphylococcus, streptococcus and enterobacter are affected by currants, raspberries, calendula, strawberries and barberry. E. coli suppress pomegranate, onion, red pepper, rose hips; dogwood and cranberry act on salmonella and shigella.
  2. Prebiotic effects due to high content oligosaccharides.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.
  4. Immunostimulating and restorative effects.
  5. An additional source of vitamins.
  6. Accelerate regenerative processes in the intestines.
  7. They can have a laxative (buckthorn) or antidiarrheal (pomegranate, oak bark) effect.

Basic rules of herbal medicine for dysbiosis in children:

  1. To expand the spectrum of antimicrobial action and achieve several effects at once, it is recommended to use collections based on 2-4 plants, and when treating children under 3 years old, it is recommended to limit ourselves to a maximum of two plants.
  2. Children can only be given freshly prepared (daily in the morning) infusions and decoctions.
  3. For an approximate calculation of the dosage of a decoction or infusion, you can use a scheme that determines the proportion of a phytopreparation from an adult dose: in children under 2 years old it is 1/6, from 2 to 4 years old - 1/5, from 4 to 7 years old - 1/3, in schoolchildren - 1/2, over the age of 12 years, the dose of the drug in a child is equal to the dose for an adult.
  4. The standard method for preparing the broth is 2 tablespoons. of dried raw materials are brewed with a glass of boiling water, after which, for a certain time (it may differ for different fees), they insist on a water bath. Removing from the bath, cooled to a warm state. Most herbal remedies should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. The cooled broth before use is slightly (until warm) heated or the prepared broth is kept in a thermos.

Examples of preparations based on plants and berries for the correction of dysbiosis in children (with dosages for children over 12 years old):

  1. 3 parts of thyme herb, 1 part of calendula flowers, 1 part of fennel seeds are thoroughly mixed together. Insist on a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Rosehip berries are mixed in equal proportions with black currant berries. The time of infusion in a water bath is 30 minutes.
  3. Equal shares of sage leaves, St. John's wort, chamomile flowers are mixed together. The time of infusion in a water bath is 30 minutes.

On the other hand, for parents, due to various circumstances, it is often more convenient to use not collections, but monopreparations based on any one plant. And in practice, I most often prescribe the consistent use of one available medicinal raw material: in the summer - berry decoctions, in the winter - infusions and decoctions on dry herbs and fruits.

natali24 Tue, 24/11/2015 - 14:24 natali24 Tue, 24/11/2015 - 14:21

now I remember and understand that the food has ceased to be digested due to vaccinations, and the rash was candidiasis on the skin. The child then lost weight by the age of one, associated with the fact that he began to walk. We have no normal doctors, two months are a vicious circle, and the child is exhausted

Svetlana Alekseevna Thu, 26/11/2015 - 10:14

Good afternoon. I want to say right away that in your case it will be very problematic to consult in absentia, since the condition, as I understand it, is quite serious. Now I can not make any assumptions on the diagnosis - there is a malabsorption syndrome and dysbiosis, and it is not clear what caused them. In my opinion, it is generally better to be examined in a hospital setting. What are the complaints now - like with a chair? What is your appetite? What else besides these analyzes? What about protein values ​​in blood biochemistry? Have you consulted an allergist? Was the gastrointestinal form of allergy excluded? About cystic fibrosis - have you not been examined? Pancreas - examined? And now how are you treating? What diet do you follow? Do you give enzymes, iron supplements, multivitamins? Have you been prescribed Diflucan for candidiasis?

natali24 Thu, 26/11/2015 - 22:30

immunoglobulia E is normal, albumin is slightly elevated, stool changes only when taking enterofuril, enzymes do not change it in any way, ultrasound of the pancreas and enzymes are normal. What caused the diarrhea has already been written, began the next day after the vaccination, after that more normal stool did not have. As I understand it, the vaccine killed the immune system, and the pathogen multiplied, considering the fact that all vaccinations are preserved either with mercury or aluminum

Svetlana Alekseevna Sat, 28/11/2015 - 00:06

And you can be more specific about the chair - light porridge - what color is it? Consistency? Impurities? Frequency per day? Did you take the coprogram again while taking enzymes? What about fats - still steatorrhea? Or is it getting better? And what is the child's age now? And a diet - do you follow some kind or not? To be honest, a little doubtful exceptional the role of vaccination in the child's condition. I do not deny the possibility of developing post-vaccination reactions and complications, but they somehow do not fit very well in your case. It is unlikely that the normal intestinal flora immediately died and the pathogenic flora grew in one day. But the vaccine could well serve as an impetus for the manifestation or exacerbation of some other disease. Or even coincided in time. Regarding the treatment being carried out - if you look only at the symptoms, it is quite a suitable scheme. But it is advisable to add more multivitamins and iron. Creon in this situation is likely to be needed for a long time, as well as enterosorbents, pro- and prebiotics. Candidiasis itself is bad and takes a long time to heal, often gives relapses. And here also digestion-absorption suffers, and in my opinion, it is more likely that it is the violation of digestion that entailed dysbiosis. Although it is difficult to make such conclusions on-line, I repeat that surveys cannot be replaced by correspondence consultations.

natali24 Sat, 28/11/2015 - 00:22

the stool happens three times a day, but not overcooked, the color is like that of babies, the child is a month and a half on a gluten-free diet, no changes, after the fruit, strong fermentation, canceled. I give everything boiled and lean. Can there be gall problems? How to check it for a child, year and 9. Yes, and we are still on the guards

Dysbacteriosis is characterized by an imbalance in the microbial balance in the intestine. Various factors can cause a symptom complex. In most cases, antibiotic dysbiosis develops. How does the disease manifest itself and is it possible to avoid its appearance with antimicrobial therapy?

Antibiotic therapy always causes a violation of the intestinal microflora. Antimicrobial drugs do not act selectively, but eliminate all types of microorganisms. Disease-causing and beneficial bacteria in the small and large intestine, necessary for normal functioning organs of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract.

Dysbiosis after taking antibiotics can be observed in adults and children. Antibiotic treatment of infectious diseases affects the female body in a special way. In women and girls of any age, vaginal dysbiosis can develop, in which there is a malfunction in the microbial composition of the microflora of the genital organs. Treating the consequences of inappropriate antibiotic use is often more difficult than preventing microflora disorders.

Changes in the quantitative and qualitative microbial composition in the vagina after the course of antibacterial drugs in little girls is manifested by the appearance of plaque, itching and redness in the genital area. The child becomes moody, sleep is disturbed, appetite decreases.

In women, symptoms of microbial imbalance are abundant vaginal discharge with a characteristic odor and a grayish or yellowish tinge. Burning, itching, discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the perineum are noted.

Often, vaginal dysbiosis is combined with intestinal dysbiosis. Doctors say that in most cases, thrush (candidiasis) develops against the background of vaginal dysbiosis, the appearance of which provokes a violation of the intestinal microbial flora.

The severity of dysbiosis and its manifestations depend on the duration of the use of antimicrobial drugs and their type.

To avoid symptoms of the disease after taking antibiotics, it is necessary to take probiotics in parallel with antimicrobial drugs. The latter are medicines containing strains of living beneficial microorganisms, which will contribute to the restoration of the quantitative and qualitative balance of microflora.

Features of dysbiosis when taking antibiotics

Violation of the microflora balance can be triggered by various factors, among which long-term medication is one of the first places. The signs of dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy are similar to those caused by other causes. But the symptoms can vary in intensity depending on the severity of the microflora disorder.

Dysbacteriosis is conventionally divided into 4 stages, where 1 and 2 are considered mild forms, and 3-4 are severe. With strong immunity, stage 1 of the symptom complex lasts no more than 3 days and can pass on its own without drug treatment. The signs are not pronounced, they are not manifested by amplification.

At sharp beginning dysbiosis, serious signs microflora disorders, the pathological process is referred to the last stages... Manifestations can disturb the patient for 3-5 weeks.

Features are the prevention of dysbiosis when taking antibiotics. Dysbiosis is a symptom complex that can lead to serious complications in the absence of therapy.

With the development of dysbiosis due to the patient's transfer of an infectious disease or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, provide for the appearance unpleasant symptoms hard. And when undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment, you can avoid a malfunction in the microbial composition by adhering to certain rules:

  1. Antimicrobial therapy should only be administered as directed by a physician. Especially when it comes to children, women during pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Antibiotics should not be used for easy leaking infectious diseases, colds.
  3. Medicines have varying degrees of effect. The drugs must correspond to the severity of the disease, you can not use unnecessarily strong antibiotics for mild forms of pathology.
  4. During antibiotic therapy, it is important to take probiotics and prebiotics or symbiotics in parallel - combined preparations containing several strains of beneficial bacteria, components that serve as food for them.
  5. The duration of medication intake should significantly exceed the duration of antibiotic treatment. The minimum duration of probiotic consumption should be 1 month.
  6. Diet plays an important role in treatment or prevention. The food includes fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, cereals, bran.

Symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics

Intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics has the same symptoms as dysbiosis caused by other factors:

  • diarrhea or constipation (types of defecation disorders can alternate and diarrhea is replaced by constipation);
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain after eating;
  • general weakness;
  • decrease in the protective function of the body;
  • loss of appetite;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 37-38 o С;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • allergic manifestations ( skin rashes and itching, development of bronchospasm, angioedema).

To cure dysbiosis, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the symptom complex. To normalize the quantitative and qualitative composition of microflora.

People whose gastric juice is highly acidic or there is an individual intolerance to the component of the tablet form of drugs is prescribed to restore the flora rectal suppositories... This is how children and adults can be treated. Suppositories have a local beneficial effect in the large intestine.

Exists vaginal suppositories to eliminate the problem in the vagina of women in case of violation of the microflora of the genital organs from taking antibiotics.

How long does dysbiosis last after antibiotics

How long the manifestations of the symptom complex continue, it is difficult to say. The duration of dysbiosis will depend on factors:

  • the severity of the disease;
  • the duration of the course of treatment with antimicrobial drugs;
  • type of antibiotics;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • age and individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Dysbiosis can manifest itself at the beginning of the course of antibiotic therapy or after its completion, in acute form or sluggish. Continue 2-3 days and do not require treatment, or last more than a month and without therapy will end in failure. There is information about the development of pseudomembranous enterocolitis against the background of intestinal dysbiosis and in the acute course of the disease, a lethal outcome is possible.

It is important not to self-medicate, but to seek the help of a specialist. Treatment of a malfunction in the microbial composition of the intestine begins with diagnostics, which will help to identify the missing strains of bacteria, to establish species that exceed the conditional norm of their content, to prescribe the necessary medications to normalize the flora.

In newborn babies, a temporary imbalance of the intestinal microflora is observed, which is not associated with taking medications. Physiological dysbiosis can last from 1 to 6 months, in most cases it does not require special therapy. But if the intake of drugs has taken place, any medications that affect the suppression of the protective function of the body are capable of causing an imbalance of the microflora in the baby. And the recovery period can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

Breastfed babies are less susceptible to manifestations of dysbiosis than artificial babies.

Possible complications

A long course of antibiotic therapy without the use of probiotics and prebiotics can cause serious disturbances in the condition and function of the large and small intestines.

A dangerous consequence of intestinal dysbiosis is the development of pseudomembranous enterocolitis, due to which the mortality of patients is observed in 30% of cases.

Possible complications include a complete cessation of the synthesis of vitamins of group B and K by bifidobacteria in the intestine, disturbances in the processes:

  • metabolism (fats, proteins, microelements);
  • suction nutrients in the small intestine;
  • the functioning of enzymes.

In the absence of the process of breaking down substances containing iron, iron deficiency anemia may develop.

Vaginal dysbiosis in women, girls, girls in the absence of therapy is dangerous by the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the internal genital organs.

Dysbiosis is understood as the presence of persistent qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of pathogenic and normal microflora in the digestive tract. Dysbacteriosis of the intestine becomes a consequence of the influence of negative factors and cannot be an independent diagnosis. One of the most frequent reasons microflora disorders is antibiotic therapy, when antibacterial drugs are used for a long period of time or their intake has no justification.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotic therapy in children and adults has characteristic signs and symptoms, depending on which group of drugs affected the body:

1. Tetracyclines. Such drugs cause dysbiosis, disrupting the condition of the intestinal mucosa and its upper layer. As a result, the pathogenic microflora begins to actively develop, the number of staphylococci, candida and clostridia increases (children are especially susceptible to pathology).

2. Aminopenicillins. Dysbiosis is caused by the active reproduction of streptococci and staphylococci.

3. Aminoglycosides. Signs of dysbiosis are manifested due to the cessation of the growth of normal microflora.

4. Fungicides. It is noted increased amount Proteus bacteria and Escherichia.

Both an adult and a child's body are equally susceptible to the disease, even if the antibacterial drug is selected on the basis of tests and in the appropriate dosage. In any case, effective and effective treatment of microflora disorders, if symptoms of dysbiosis are diagnosed, lasts about 30 days.

How to define dysbiosis?

The intestines and genitals are most susceptible to dysbiosis. The most common is still the first option, when the following symptoms of dysbiosis appear:

1. Disorder of stool in the form of diarrhea or constipation, alternation of such disorders is possible.

2. Severe swelling abdomen and flatulence.

3. Feeling of itching in anal area.

If intestinal dysbiosis develops in a child, the following signs are added:

  • The appearance of a mushy loose stool with a pungent unpleasant odor.
  • The presence of foam in the stool.
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Nausea and weakness.
  • Decreased sleep and appetite.
  • Restless behavior (clearly manifested if children under one year old are sick).
  • When examining the anus, skin irritation in this area and its redness are noted.

Abdominal pain can occur a couple of hours after eating, while the rumbling caused by strong gassing accompanying antibiotic dysbiosis. Babies often regurgitate due to impaired intestinal motility, vomiting is possible in babies, and poor weight gain is noted. Newborn children as a result of dysbiosis can suffer greatly from dehydration, therefore, such signs of intestinal dysbiosis require immediate consultation with a specialist and quick response on the situation through adequate therapy.

Medication therapy

Treatment of dysbiosis after taking antibiotics in adults and children is carried out by prescribing special drugs with a high content of beneficial bacteria. We are talking about such groups of funds as prebiotics and probiotics.

Prebiotics are a nutrient medium for microflora. Such substances enter the digestive tract with food and are not digested. Most of the prebiotics that help treat the disorder are found in garlic, onions, dairy products and corn. You can also use medications saturated with useful substances in the form of Prebio, Normze and others.

Probiotics are a storehouse of live bacteria that suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora and restore the natural balance of the intestinal flora. These are drugs such as Yogurt, Linex, Bifiform. If intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics is diagnosed in a rather severe stage, in addition to probiotics, one of the following antimicrobial agents (intestinal antiseptics) is prescribed, which affects only the pathogenic microflora:

  • Intetrix - belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. The course of treatment is maximum 5 days.
  • Nifuroxazide - if dysbiosis does not pass, such a nitrofuran group agent is taken according to the instructions for a week 4 times a day (different dosage and release form for children and adults are provided).

In some cases, the question of how to treat intestinal dysbiosis is decided in favor of antibacterial drugs. Indications for such therapy are present if the infectious nature of the disease is diagnosed, associated with the influence of the following groups of pathogenic microorganisms:

1. Staphylococci and enterococci. Treatment of intestinal dysfunction is carried out using drugs of the macrolide group and synthetic penicillins (Oleandomycin and Amoxicillin, respectively).

2. Escherichia coli. Such intestinal dysbiosis is eliminated by sulfonamides, of which Phthalazol is a representative.

3. Candida. Amphotericin or Lamisil helps to cure the violation.

In addition, bacteriophages, viruses that infect certain kind bacteria. They can complement antibiotic therapy or be used alone.

Dysbacteriosis in adults and children is also treated by means of vitamin-mineral complexes that help to activate the immune system natural immunomodulators in the form of propolis or echinacea tincture.

Therapeutic diet

To cure dysbiosis, it is important not only to adhere to the prescribed regimen drug therapy, but also follow a special diet that helps to eliminate clinical signs of impairment. Food is consumed at least 4 times a day according to a specific schedule. With diarrhea, the presence in the diet of foods that stimulate intestinal peristalsis is unacceptable, therefore fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty fish and meat, high-fat milk and sour cream, baked goods, carbonated drinks are excluded.

If dysbiosis is manifested by constipation, fermented milk products are introduced into the menu, vegetable oils while excluding potatoes, rice, sweets, strong tea and coffee from the diet. Also, for the period of treatment, it is advisable to abandon rye bread, legumes, cabbage, provoking flatulence. You can enhance the effect of drugs by regularly consuming blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, apples, which provide antimicrobial effect, replenishing the lack of trace elements and vitamins, if there is no negative reaction to such products.

Folk remedies

Recommendations help supplement therapy and cure dysbiosis after a course of antibiotics traditional medicine... The following recipes are most effective:

1. Using galangal or Potentilla. A decoction of the plant is used. The astringent and anti-inflammatory effect of cinquefoil is especially indicated if dysbiosis is accompanied by diarrhea. For cooking, take a tablespoon of the plant and fill it with a glass of only boiled water, after which it is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. The next morning, filter the broth and take at least 2 times a day, half a glass.

2. Oak bark helps to weaken dysbiosis in children and adults, a tablespoon of which is brewed in a glass of boiling water, kept for 15 minutes in a water bath and insisted for half an hour.

3. Serum obtained after preparation of cottage cheese from kefir works well for dysbiosis. Every day for two weeks on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm serum in the morning.

An integrated approach to treatment allows you to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and normalize the general condition. In order to prevent microflora disturbance after taking antibiotics, suitable probiotics should be taken simultaneously with antibacterial drugs, preventing negative symptoms.

Dysbacteriosis is the most common disorder associated with the intestinal microflora. There are quite a few reasons why the microflora in the intestine can change, but most often dysbiosis develops after antibiotics. Currently, antibiotics are used for many bacterial infections, but in addition to pathogenic bacteria, such drugs also destroy beneficial microorganisms that the body needs to normal work, as a result of which dysbiosis develops.

If it is impossible to avoid antibiotic treatment, then you should simultaneously take drugs that contain live bacteria and help normalize the intestinal microflora.

ICD-10 code

K63.8 Other specified diseases of bowel

Causes of dysbiosis after antibiotics

Drug therapy is the most common cause of intestinal microflora disorders. Inappropriate prescription of antibiotics, use of low-quality drugs, wrong dosage, violation of the regimen, prolongation of the course of treatment without special need, self-medication with antibacterial drugs - all this develops resistance to antibacterial drugs, a decrease in beneficial microflora, etc. Various groups antibiotics affect the intestines in different ways.

Tetracyclines are detrimental to the upper layer and intestinal mucosa, resulting in good conditions for reproduction. pathogenic bacteria... As a result of taking tetracyclines, the growth of clostridia, staphylococci, and candidal fungi increases.

Aminoglycosides stop the growth of normal microflora.

Aminopenicillins promote the development of staphylococci, streptococci.

Fungicidal antibiotics selectively affect the reproduction of Proteus bacteria, lactose-negative Escherichia.

Dysbacteriosis can appear even after an individually selected antibiotic, with the correct dosage and the indicated course of treatment. Even in this case, it will take at least a month to restore normal microflora.

Symptoms of dysbiosis after antibiotics

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics usually develops in the intestines or genitals.

The disease is manifested by diarrhea, constipation (or alternation), bloating, itching in the anal region. Symptoms of dysbiosis can appear both in the first days of treatment and in the last.

With vaginal dysbiosis, discharge appears with a changed color, odor or consistency, itching of the vagina and external genital organs, burning sensation in the urethra, frequent urination, may also appear painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

If symptoms of dysbiosis appear after antibiotic treatment, you should consult a specialist.

Dysbacteriosis in children after antibiotics

For some childhood diseases, it is impossible to do without the use of antibiotics, but such treatment often leads to serious consequences. Quite often, after treatment (or during treatment), children develop diarrhea, abdominal pain, deterioration in general well-being.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics in a child is manifested by stool disorder (it becomes foamy, mushy, liquid, with a strong odor), flatulence, abdominal pain, fever. Quite often, children begin to feel weakness, nausea, they become lethargic, sleep poorly, their appetite disappears. With dysbiosis, the child shows anxiety, begins to be capricious, in addition, redness and irritation can be seen in the anal area.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics needs a competent combination of treatment and diet. To normalize the disturbed intestinal microflora often requires a long course rehabilitation therapy... Dysbacteriosis is much easier to prevent, therefore, prebiotics must be taken from the first days of antibiotic therapy.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics in infants

Diarrhea in newborns is worth noting especially, since most often it develops after a woman, being pregnant, has undergone a course of antibiotic therapy without restoring the intestinal flora. In infants, diarrhea leads to dehydration, so you should seek the advice of a pediatrician as soon as possible.

Usually, a child with a disturbed microflora is restless, does not sleep well due to pain in the tummy, which appears about two hours after eating. Almost every dysbiosis after antibiotics proceeds with bloating, strong gas formation, and rumbling in the abdomen. Due to the fact that intestinal motility is weakened, the baby begins to spit up (in some cases, vomiting appears). The severe development of dysbiosis leads to the fact that nutrients are poorly absorbed in the intestines, diarrhea appears (foamy discharge with a sour or putrid odor), the child does not gain weight well.

In some cases, newborns experience constipation, since the lack of bifidobacteria leads to the fact that the contractile activity of the intestine decreases.

Vaginal dysbiosis after antibiotics

After antibiotics, a woman often develops vaginal dysbiosis, since antibacterial drugs destroy not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial microflora, which is normally present on mucous membranes internal organs... When the natural microflora is disturbed, various pathogens begin to actively show activity, and most often fungal bacteria begin to multiply in the vagina.

In this case, treatment requires not only taking medications with prebiotics to restore microflora, but also taking antifungal agents... Bacteria in the vagina provoke inflammatory processes in the cervix and the walls of the vagina, as a result, the amount of discharge increases, there is soreness, itching, burning in the genitals (painful intercourse is also possible). The very first symptom of a disturbed vaginal microflora is an insufficient amount of lubrication during a woman's sexual arousal. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the uterus and cause inflammation of its inner layer (endometrium), fallopian tubes or ovaries.

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics can cause inflammation Bladder or urethra.

Intestinal dysbiosis after antibiotics

Today in medicine, antibiotics are used in the treatment of almost all diseases, however effective treatment has a rather heavy side effect- violation of the microflora of the body. Most often, dysbiosis after antibiotics develops in the intestine. However, several factors affect the severity of the disease.

First of all, people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are more susceptible to the development of dysbiosis. In this case, antibiotic treatment only aggravates the situation, since when the digestive processes are disturbed, the intestinal microflora has already been changed.

Also, the intake of antibacterial drugs for more than the prescribed period can greatly affect the intestinal microflora. Sometimes a person independently extends the treatment period in order to finally destroy the infection. In this case, the longer the antibiotic is taken, the more the natural intestinal microflora is disturbed.

Frequent courses of antibiotic therapy also have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. In some especially severe cases the patient's condition requires just such a treatment, but when a person independently decides to be treated with this kind of drugs, especially at the first signs of a cold, dysbiosis is almost impossible to avoid.

The intestinal microflora is able to recover on its own, but this takes time, and if antibacterial drugs are taken too often, the body does not have enough time to recover, as a result of the beneficial bacteria there are fewer and fewer, and pathogenic bacteria receive optimal conditions for breeding.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during the course of antibiotics. You should include more cereals and dairy products, fruits and vegetables in your menu. The development of natural microflora is facilitated by alimentary fiber and fermented milk products, and if you do not use them, dysbiosis develops faster and proceeds in a more severe form.

Diagnosis of dysbiosis after antibiotics

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics or for other reasons is diagnosed by a gastroenterologist. The main method for diagnosing dysbiosis is bacteriological examination of feces.

If necessary, the specialist can prescribe several additional methods research:

  • contrast x-ray examination;
  • sigmoidoscopy (examination of the intestine up to 30 cm with a special device);
  • colonoscopy (examination of the intestine up to 1 m using a special device)

With dysbiosis, as a rule, usually, in addition to the analysis of feces, PCR, mass spectral analysis and analysis of parietal microflora are prescribed.

To determine dysbiosis, as well as its nature, it is necessary to determine which bacteria and in what quantity have multiplied in the intestine.

Currently, two types of research are mainly used: bacteriological and analysis of microflora metabolites.

Bacteriological examination reveals up to 10% of microorganisms that inhabit the intestinal microflora. The results of the study are obtained in a week (this is exactly the time needed for bacteria to grow in a special environment, and it is possible to determine their appearance.

Metabolic research consists in determining the substances released by microorganisms in the process of life. This method quite simple and effective, in addition to this, after a few hours you can already find out the results.

When diagnosing dysbiosis, it is important to remember that each person is different, and the intestinal microflora depends on age, diet, season. Therefore, the diagnosis is not made only on the basis of analyzes, but requires additional research methods.

Treatment of dysbiosis after antibiotics

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics is usually treated with special drugs that contain beneficial bacteria.

Commonly used are prebiotics and probiotics.

Prebiotics enter the body with food and are not digested in the intestines, however, such substances are excellent nutrient medium microflora. Such substances are found in large quantities in onions, garlic, corn, and dairy products. There are also special preparations containing prebiotics (normze, prebio, etc.).

Probiotics contain live bacteria that do not colonize the intestines, but inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and restore the natural balance in the intestines. However, in severe cases of dysbiosis, such drugs are ineffective and the use of antimicrobial drugs is required.

How to treat dysbiosis after antibiotics?

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics can be treated with intestinal antiseptics, which suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, practically without affecting bacteria important to the intestine.

Intetrix is ​​a derivative of three quinolones and is prescribed in a course of no more than 5 days.

Nifuroxzide belongs to the group of nitrofurans, usually prescribed in a weekly course four times a day, 200 mg.

Preparations for dysbiosis after antibiotics

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics, especially in severe form, is subject to drug treatment... Antibacterial drugs for recovery intestinal microflora are prescribed only after the nature of dysbiosis has been established, and also only after analysis for the sensitivity of microorganisms.

  • With staphylococci, enterococci, agents from the group of macrolides (oleandomycin), semi-synthetic penicillins (amoxicillin) are prescribed.
  • With Escherichia coli, derivatives of nalidixic acid, nitrofurans (antiseptics), sulfonamides (phthalazole) show great efficiency.
  • With Pseudomonas aeruginosa, polymyxin, aminoglycosides (kanamycin).
  • With candidomycosis - lamisil, amphotericin.
  • In dysbiosis, bacteriophages are also used - viruses that act against only one type of bacteria. These drugs can be used in conjunction with antibiotics or as an alternative to treatment. Bacteriophages are taken orally or used as an enema. The modern pharmaceutical market offers coliprotein, staphylococcal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteinaceous bacteriophages.

Dysbacteriosis leads to hypovitaminosis, for the treatment of which vitamin complexes (multitabs) are prescribed. Also, with dysbiosis, it is violated immune defense, therefore, immunomodulators are used in treatment, which not only help to increase immunity, but also rather restore the intestinal microflora. Usually, herbal remedies are used for this purpose (tincture of echinacea, propolis).

Nutrition for dysbiosis after antibiotics

To maintain the natural balance of intestinal microflora, it is important to consume cereal and lactic acid products, vegetables, fruits, which contain dietary fiber, amino acids, lacto- and bifidobacteria.

When treating dysbiosis, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of nutrition:

  • eating at strictly defined hours;
  • the diet should include dietary fiber and dairy products;
  • the diet is individual, if the product is unresponsive, it must be immediately excluded from the diet.

To normalize the intestinal microflora, it is important to include in your diet foods containing poly- and oligosaccharides (cereals, fruits, vegetables). These substances serve as a source of energy for bifidobacteria.

Breast milk contains oligosaccharides, therefore, with dysbiosis of infants, it is important to continue breastfeeding.

Other sources of oligosaccharides include courgettes, carrots, oatmeal, onions, and garlic. Many berries, apples, bananas, and apricots contain fructooligosaccharides. Dandelion roots, legumes, chicory are rich in polysaccharides. To obtain daily rate of saccharides you need to eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits.

Polysaccharides, they are also dietary fiber necessary for the intestines as a source of food for bacteria, to improve motility, they also act as natural enterosorbents.

  • In case of dysbiosis caused by staphylococci, it is recommended to increase the use of raspberries, strawberries, mountain ash.
  • With Protein, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, garlic, onions, radishes, apples, apricots are overwhelming.
  • The altered E. coli is oppressed by pomegranates, bell pepper, onion.
  • With candidiasis, carrots, lingonberries help.

As a source of probiotics, you can use lactic acid products (kefir, acidophilus, activia, koumiss, etc.).

Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics in recent times occurs more and more often, since almost all diseases are treated with antibacterial agents. In order to reduce the negative effect of such drugs, it is necessary to maintain the intestinal microflora from the first days of treatment with the help of special drugs and a balanced diet.

This is how their gastrointestinal tract is formed. Doctors call this condition - dysbiosis in infants.

What is dysbiosis

There are many bacteria living in the intestines of an adult. They help digest food and protect the body from infections. Bifidobacteria produce vitamins K, PP and some B vitamins. This improves the absorption of calcium and iron.

While the baby is in the womb, his intestines are not nourished and are sterile. There are no microorganisms, germs and bacteria in it. But already during the passage through birth canal, the child receives part of the microflora from the mother. Its tiny organism is inhabited by:

With the first cry, a huge number of organisms enter the stomach and intestines, which will now help the baby.

The first sip of colostrum provides your baby with good bacteria. They will generate the necessary correct development, vitamins and destroy undigested food particles.

Normally, the human intestine is inhabited by two groups of microorganisms:

  1. Bacteria belonging to the obligate microflora. These are lactobacilli, bacteroids, enterococci, bifidobacteria, catenobacteria, Escherichia coli.
  2. Microorganisms from opportunistic microflora. These include proteus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, yeast.

Doctors also distinguish transistor and pathogenic flora. They should not be present in a healthy intestine.

If the opportunistic microflora grows, then the intestine begins to react with bloating, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence. It is this condition that is called dysbiosis.

In an infant, the presence of dysbiosis (dysbiosis) is a variant of the norm. Domestic pediatricians prescribe the intake of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria for infants. Foreign doctors believe that there is no need to interfere with this process. In foreign medicine, the concept of "dysbiosis" does not exist.

Causes of occurrence

In most cases, dysbiosis in a newborn child occurs when the baby was born by cesarean section. This happens because the crumbs did not have the opportunity to pass through the birth canal and receive colostrum in the first hour of life. Beneficial microbes in the stomach and intestines build up at a slow pace and do not have time to fight the pathogenic microflora.

Pediatricians claim that symptoms of dysbiosis are observed in 80% of Caesareans.

The main causes of dysbiosis include:

  • prematurity;
  • bad ecology;
  • transition to artificial feeding;
  • surgical intervention;
  • viral infections;
  • early introduction of complementary foods.

Babies who are 4 months old begin to receive complementary food. But their stomachs are not always ready for this. In babies, pathogenic microflora grows and digestion is disturbed.

But the main reason for the destruction of beneficial microorganisms is the use of antibiotics, hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants.


The crumb was smiling yesterday and ate with appetite, but today there have been changes. The child became moody. He whimpers even in his mother's arms. Parents associate such a change in character with the manifestation of dysbiosis. But the exact cause of anxiety in a baby can only be established by a pediatrician.

The pediatrician considers the main symptoms of dysbiosis:

  • violation of the stool;
  • poor appetite and sleep;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting, profuse regurgitation;
  • increased salivation;
  • weight loss;
  • rash.

Mom needs to show the baby to the doctor if pieces of undigested food, foam, mucus appear in his stool. All this signals a disturbance in the digestive system.

The pediatrician feels the tummy of the baby and prescribes an analysis for dysbiosis. Urine and blood tests are sometimes done. After all, such symptoms can signal other diseases: lactose intolerance, kalyt, irritable bowel syndrome.

If the child has a fever, he began to vomit, then you should immediately call a doctor at home or call an ambulance. The tiny body quickly dehydrates and needs emergency from the medical staff.


If the child has signs of dysbiosis, parents should contact the local pediatrician. The doctor will examine the child:

  • check the condition of the mucous membranes;
  • probes the tummy;
  • will measure the temperature.

The doctor can ask mom and dad questions about the baby's nutrition. After that, the patient is assigned to take a feces test for dysbiosis, which shows the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, and a coprogram showing the presence of helminths and an inflammatory process.

The assay should be collected in a clean, dry container. To get the right container, you should look at the pharmacy. They sell test jars that are sterile and have a spoon lid.

You should stop taking probiotics two days before the test.

Western doctors believe that such tests are not informative, because beneficial bacteria live in the small intestine, and feces are formed in the intestinal lumen.

Treatment of dysbiosis in infants

The doctor will recommend changing your baby's diet. The baby, which is artificially fed, will pick up a mixture with lactobacilli. A child whose age has approached the introduction of complementary foods will be prescribed fermented milk products. The baby's mother will have to follow a diet.

Drugs for babies can also be prescribed:

  • bacteriophages that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes;
  • probiotics and prebiotics for colonizing the intestines with beneficial microflora.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the treatment of dysbiosis in children does not make sense. A kid of this age cannot yet swallow a whole capsule. The drug, unprotected by the membrane, passes through several types of aggressive media. All beneficial microorganisms die before they enter the intestines.

It has been proven that the human body can restore the microflora itself. This requires proper nutrition and adequate drinking. Mother's milk will be enough for a nursing baby to improve his health. On average, the microflora restoration process takes ten days.

But don't self-medicate. The baby should be shown to the doctor and undergo tests that he prescribes.


In order not to cure dysbiosis, its prevention should be done, which consists in the following:

  1. Feed the baby breast milk... It contains the microorganisms necessary for it. Breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from colic and dysbiosis.
  2. A nursing mother needs to monitor nutrition. You can not drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Pickled, smoked, fried and salty foods should be discarded.
  3. Do not start introducing early complementary foods. Pediatricians recommend feeding a baby up to six months only with breastfeeding or formula. Then, little by little, vegetables or cereals are introduced.
  4. Do not keep your baby in a sterile environment. The crumb needs to be in contact with the outside world: touch the sand, try toys on the tooth, crawl. So it strengthens the immune system.

Children who eat the mixture are more likely to experience dysbiosis. Such babies should not change their nutrition abruptly, and the "milk replacer" is selected together with the pediatrician.

Mom can take care of the baby's health while in position. A pregnant woman should eat right, rest well, and expose herself to less stress. You should monitor your health and do not ignore the appointment of a gynecologist. Then the newborn baby will be born strong and healthy, and his intestines will not be too sensitive.

The kid is healthy!

Pediatrician's blog with free consultation on the website

How to restore a child after taking antibiotics: dysbiosis and thrush in a child

In the practice of treating a pediatrician, there are situations when it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics.

These drugs help to defeat dangerous bacterial infections or complications.

Every thinking doctor knows that this type of drug is prescribed only when absolutely necessary and for strict indications. In addition, antibacterial therapy should be carried out under the dynamic supervision of the attending physician.

For the same reasons, self-medication with antibiotics is strictly prohibited.

But even if everything is done according to the rules, sometimes unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. Most often, a baby has a qualitative and quantitative change in the intestinal microflora (dysbiosis) or an active growth of fungal microflora (candidiasis or thrush).

  • why do these unpleasant consequences with antibiotic treatment;
  • what is the danger of self-administration of antibacterial agents;
  • how to help a small body recover from antibiotics.

I will try to give answers to all these questions in this article.

Consequences of antibiotic treatment

Antibiotics are a group of medicines whose action is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria.

A large group of antibacterial drugs has a wide spectrum of action, therefore, when using them, not only harmful pathogenic microbes suffer, but also useful microflora of mucous membranes of various organs, most often these are:

In the child's body, microorganisms are constantly present and closely interact with each other on the skin and mucous membranes.

Normally, there is a balance of various microorganisms - positive, conditionally pathogenic (their negative effect occurs only under certain conditions) or pathogenic (pathogenic) bacteria.

When any pathological condition occurs, this balance is disturbed and conditionally pathogenic or pathogenic flora begins to prevail, which causes various symptoms diseases are more often of inflammatory genesis.

Baby's body early age, due to its immaturity, is more susceptible to various adverse factors. Therefore, after a course of antibiotics, it is in infants and children from a year to 5 years that dysbiosis and thrush may develop.

Therefore, the prescription of antibiotics at this age should be clearly justified. In addition, you need to know the basic principles of antibiotic therapy.

How to use antibiotics correctly

The first antimicrobial drug that was used in clinical practice back in 1936 was sulfonamide. A little later, in 1941, Alexander Fleming at Oxford University received and for the first time successfully used penicillin. This saved many lives, but today the number of different antibacterial drugs is measured in thousands.

Even for a practicing physician, it is quite difficult to fully navigate this mass of drugs. But at the same time, only dozens of antibiotics are widely used, which have minimal toxicity and, at the same time, a pronounced antibacterial effect. Therefore, only the attending physician should prescribe these drugs, especially in childhood, not friends, neighbors and even pharmacists of the pharmacy chain.

The basic principles of antibiotic therapy include:

  • determination of the causative agent of the disease, the study of their antibioticogram (sensitivity of the isolated pathogen to certain groups of antibiotics);
  • the choice is made on the most active and least toxic drug;
  • determination of the optimal dose, taking into account the age, weight and other characteristics of the child and methods of administration of the antibiotic;
  • timely start of treatment and determination of the required duration of the course of antibiotic therapy;
  • knowledge of the nature and frequency of occurrence of side effects is necessary when prescribing this group of drugs;
  • combination of antibacterial drugs to enhance antibacterial effect, improving their pharmacokinetics and reducing the frequency of side effects.

If these principles are not observed, which is often observed during self-treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, and unpleasant consequences of the use of antibacterial drugs arise - the formation of resistance (immunity) of active pathogenic microorganisms with the emergence of specific L-forms that provoke:

  • the absence of the effect of antibiotics with the development of a complicated course of the disease or the complete ineffectiveness of the antibiotic now and in the future;
  • destruction of positive lacto - and bifidobacteria on the skin and mucous membranes and the development of dysbiosis;
  • change in the balance of positive microflora and colonization of fungi (candidiasis or thrush).

Dysbacteriosis after using antibiotics

Dysbacteriosis in medicine is a relative concept and is expressed in an imbalance between various microorganisms, a change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of positive bacteria on the mucous membranes, more often the intestines, oral cavity and vagina. This condition is considered not an independent disease, but only an indicator of trouble in the baby's body.

In addition to the irrational use of antibiotics, dysbiosis can provoke:

  • early transfer to artificial feeding;
  • frequent respiratory and intestinal infections that negatively affect the intestinal microflora;
  • carriage of staphylococcus or the development of mastitis in the mother;
  • pathological course of pregnancy, which provokes immaturity and impaired immunological reactivity of the gastrointestinal tract in a newborn;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies in the child (prematurity, rickets, anemia, diathesis), which contribute to a decrease in intestinal immunity, impaired peristalsis and the release of enzymes;
  • unfavorable ecology and other negative factors.

It is interesting to note that such pathology does not exist abroad, and yet this problem exists in pediatrics.

It is believed that the balance of the intestinal flora should be restored on its own, but none of the close crumbs with manifestations of dysbiosis will remain indifferent to the appearance of alarming symptoms.

  • constant stool retention and / or alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • frequent intestinal colic 1.5 - 2 hours after feeding, which are triggered by the accumulation of gas in the intestines;
  • constant rumbling and "transfusion" in the tummy, especially during breastfeeding or when the mixture enters the stomach (this is due to spasms of the stomach and intestines when the stomach is full, the impossibility of food intake into the intestines due to the accumulation of gases in the upper intestines);
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • change in stool characteristics:
    • consistency - liquid, watery;
    • smell - sour or putrid;
    • Colour - green feces or with various inclusions;
    • the presence of impurities - a large amount of mucus, sometimes bloody streaks;
  • dry skin or allergic rashes;
  • decreased or lack of appetite, low weight gain;
  • frequent colds, indicating a significant weakening of the baby's immunity;
  • early caries in a baby, tooth decay.

How to properly treat dysbiosis in a child can be read in this article:

Thrush after using antibiotics

In addition to disrupting the functioning of the intestines, thrush (the growth of fungal microflora) occurs no less often after taking antibacterial agents in babies.

Fungi affect the skin and mucous membranes and this is due to an imbalance in the ratio of positive and negative microbes.

At the same time, under the influence of the antibiotic, bacteria competitive for fungi die, and the active reproduction of fungi occurs.

The causative agent of thrush, which most often causes damage to the skin and mucous membranes, is Candida albicans.

Symptoms that indicate the development of thrush in a baby:

  • white, dense coating on the tongue and mucous membrane inner surface cheeks, often of a cheesy character;
  • stomatitis, which manifests itself as bright red ulcers, with scalloped edges on the oral mucosa;
  • refusal to eat and drink;
  • the appearance of redness, against the background of which erosion is formed with uneven undermined edges, with a tendency to merge, they may be white bloom on the skin, more often between the buttocks and in the groin area, education;
  • girls may experience itching and redness of the vulva, cheesy vaginal discharge.

Candidiasis, especially in weakened children, can spread throughout the body, causing damage to various organs.

Fungal meningitis and encephalitis are most dangerous for a child.

Therefore, thrush in a child cannot be ignored.

How to recover a child after taking antibiotics

When dysbiosis occurs in infants after antibiotics, its treatment consists of a whole complex of restorative measures.

One of the key points is the organization of proper nutrition - to keep breastfeeding as long as possible. When artificial feeding should be used high-quality adapted milk formulas, enriched with prebiotics.

It is important to use fermented milk mixtures for constipation.

New foods should be introduced with great care.

In case of a difficult course of the process, it is better to temporarily interrupt the baby's acquaintance with new dishes.

Acidophilus, biolact and kefir will be useful for dysbiosis.

Drug therapy takes place in two stages:

  • suppression of the reproduction of opportunistic flora;
  • restoration of the normal ratio of bacteria.

An integrated approach will help to cope with the manifestations of an imbalance in the intestinal microflora - only a specialist should prescribe the appropriate medications.

For these purposes, apply:

  • probiotics- medicines containing strains of normal intestinal bacteria (Linex, Bifikol, Bifiform, Lactobacterin) help to restore bifidobacteria and lactobacilli;
  • prebiotics- in order to stimulate their own flora, Hilak Forte is prescribed to infants after antibiotics, Normase;
  • phage therapy- specialized viruses aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria;
  • enzyme preparations, to improve the functioning of organs digestive tract(Creon, Panzinorm);
  • enterosorbents with diarrhea, a short course of 3-5 days (Smecta, Enterosgel);
  • with constipation- Microclysters Mikrolax, glycerin suppositories;
  • carminative agents, used for bloating (Espumisan, Sub Simplex, Bobotik).

With candidiasis of the oral cavity, treatment with a solution of soda is used, topically applied cream and ointment Kyandid, Pimafucin.

In severe and protracted cases, fluconazole-based drugs are used.

Correct and effective treatment of thrush can only be prescribed by a doctor, there is no need to risk and aggravate the situation.

Dysbacteriosis - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the microbial balance on the human body or inside it. Not all modern specialists recognize dysbiosis as an independent disease. Most often it is called a disorder, a bacterial imbalance that can be easily corrected with medication. This pathological condition is a change in the ratio of favorable and opportunistic bacteria. In the field of gastroenterology, intestinal dysbiosis is often found, but in some cases, an imbalance of microorganisms can develop in the reproductive organs, on the skin and in the oral cavity.

What is the intestinal microflora

Every adult in the intestinal tract contains billions of microorganisms, the total weight of which can reach three kilograms. This is about half a thousand varieties of bacteria, settled in almost all parts of the intestine.

This begs a completely logical question - what are these bacteria for? The purpose of microorganisms is to digest food entering the body. Microbes are actively involved in the synthesis nutrients and remove toxins. In humans, the intestines are predominantly aerobic lactobacilli and anaerobic bifidobacteria.

All "inhabitants" of the intestinal tract are conventionally divided into three categories:

  • Useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. They are in the majority, so these microorganisms maintain the balance of the remaining microbes, inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microbiota. With a decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the immune system weakens, and a tendency to allergic reactions appears.
  • The second group of representatives of the intestinal microflora is neutral microorganisms. They are localized in specific places, do not bring any tangible benefit or harm.
  • Conditionally pathogenic microbes are present in the intestines of every healthy person, but if the immune system fails, these bacteria begin to actively multiply, which becomes a favorable background for the development of a whole list of diseases. Staphylococci, streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida are considered conditionally pathogenic.


The number of representatives of each species is regulated by the laws of natural biological selection: for those that have multiplied strongly, there is not enough food, and the weakest die, or the "cohabitants" create unfavorable conditions for their existence. The cause of dysbiosis is changes in the normal balance - the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is decreasing, and pathogenic microbes, on the contrary, are actively multiplying. In this context, factors that can suppress healthy microflora should be considered. These are:

  • Long-term use of potent drugs... Most often, the problem manifests itself after antibiotics. Intestinal dysbiosis can also develop against the background of regular use of laxatives, antidepressants, immunosuppressants, steroids and other medications.
  • Unbalanced nutrition, deficiency of vital vitamins in the body. Addiction to chemical food additives (preservatives, dyes, flavorings, stabilizers, etc.) is radically reflected in the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Not very well on the intestinal flora can be affected by a sudden change in diet and diet.
  • Chronic illnesses digestive system including peptic ulcer stomach, cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the pancreas, chronic cholecystitis, Crohn's disease.
  • Worm infestations - helminths emit poisonous substances that are deadly for beneficial microorganisms.

The cause of dysbacteriosis can be intestinal surgeries transferred in the recent past, psychoemotional shocks, neurological pathologies. Sometimes completely healthy people can suffer from this pathological condition. Then the reason is sought in the specifics of professional activities, seasonal changes in nutrition.

The stage of development of dysbiosis

The process of replacing beneficial bacteria with pathogenic bacteria takes some time, so experts have identified the main stages in the formation of an imbalance in the intestine. At the beginning of the development of dysbiosis, the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases. Further, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are activated - they, having lost their main competitors, populate the free lumen of the intestine. Scientists have found that some bacteria multiply very quickly, while others increase their numbers at a slow pace, activating only at advanced stages of dysbiosis. Even insignificant chemical and biological disturbances are enough to change the composition of the microbiota.

Taking into account changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microbial flora, several stages of dysbiosis are distinguished. At the same time, there are no clear distinctions in terms of symptomatology:

  • Initial. At this stage, the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which in healthy body inhibit the activity of other microorganisms. It is rather difficult to single out the dominant representatives of the intestinal flora. At this stage, the disease is latent.
  • Second. The numerical advantage is established for colibacteria. Most of these microbes have atypical enzymatic activity, which is found in laboratory tests.
  • Third. At this stage of the disease in patients who have undergone a complex of clinical trials, a mixed intestinal population is revealed, where opportunistic bacteria predominate.
  • Complicated. If analyzes show an excessive presence of Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we can talk about the onset of the fourth stage of dysbiosis. Launched form dysbiosis is diagnosed in patients who completely ignore the need for treatment.

In some cases, a person's well-being worsens as the pathology progresses. Unhealthy microbes colonizing the intestines practically cannot cope with the functions that lacto- and bifidobacteria performed.

Classification of intestinal dysbiosis

Dysbiosis can occur in the large and small intestines. Colon pathology is more common among patients. With dysbiosis of this type the microflora is disturbed in the stomach, in the duodenum, and in the intestine. Pathology is capable of acquiring a prolonged course, manifesting itself with periodic exacerbations and negatively affecting the patient's usual lifestyle.

In the small intestine, dysbiosis develops with excessive seeding of the walls. Patients with this form of microflora disorder constantly feel a dull background pain in the navel area.

Another classification of intestinal disorders is distinguished by the nature of the course and severity of symptoms. According to her, there is mild, medium and severe dysbiosis. This is a violation of the microflora that appears in perfectly healthy people or may occur as a secondary manifestation of another disease. In the first case, intestinal dysbiosis is divided into:

  • professional;
  • age (in older people);
  • nutritive (caused by eating junk food);
  • seasonal.

Dysbacteriosis occurs in an acute, protracted or chronic form with a typical clinical picture or without any symptoms. Treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in adults is undesirable to carry out independently, without preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor. Choice therapeutic tactics when microflora is disturbed, it is determined by the peculiarity of the course of the pathology and the stage of the disease.

How the disease manifests itself: patient reviews

The characteristic symptoms of changes in the bacterial balance in the intestinal tract are:

  • Stool disorders. Judging by the reviews, with dysbiosis, patients are more likely to suffer from diarrhea than from constipation. In contrast, the elderly develop constipation due to decreased intestinal motility.
  • Changes in the composition, shape and color of feces. They are caused by actively ongoing processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines. Turning to a doctor, patients note that the feces become watery, foamy, lose dark pigment, and emit a specific sour or putrid aroma.
  • Burning and itching in the anus. Liquid dysbiotic feces cause redness and irritation of the anus.
  • Meteorisms. Increased gas production becomes a frequent symptom of intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children. The gases may be offensive or odorless, audible or silent.
  • Bloating. Often this symptom worries patients in the evening or after eating certain foods (cabbage (fresh or sour), tomatoes, cucumbers, muffins, apples, etc.).
  • Nausea, occasionally vomiting. As a result of impaired digestion, other signs of dysbiosis may appear - loss of appetite, a rotten taste in the mouth, weight loss, and weakness.

People with a violation of the intestinal microflora are not able to fully empty the intestines. At the same time, not all of the indicated signs of dysbiosis must necessarily be observed in the patient. Basically, patients complain of constipation or loose stools, since food is first broken down by microorganisms, and then absorbed into the bloodstream. Without the help of intestinal bacteria, the body is not able to fully assimilate nutrients, so the lack of intestinal "inhabitants" causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

With dysbiosis, the likelihood of the appearance of other symptoms is not excluded, but it would be more correct to attribute them not to the manifestations of the disease, but to the consequences and complications. For example, hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency develops against the background of indigestion in the body of nutrients that enter the intestines.

About diagnostics

Examination for intestinal dysbiosis is necessary in order, first of all, to differentiate the pathology from other diseases of the digestive system - colitis, enterocolitis, gastritis. The patient will have to pass more than one analysis for dysbiosis. Indeed, before prescribing the appropriate treatment, the doctor must understand what he has to deal with.

Dysbacteriosis is a condition that cannot be determined without a series of laboratory procedures. The symptoms of this pathology are very similar to the symptoms of other disorders in the body. After collecting patient complaints, examination, palpation of the abdomen and anamnesis, the specialist will prescribe several diagnostic procedures... Despite the fact that in the ICD-10 dysbiosis is not assigned a separate code (violation of the intestinal microflora is not recognized by WHO as an official independent disease), domestic experts diagnose the disease based on the results of the following analyzes and instrumental studies:

  • Stool analysis. This is the most specific technique used to assess the condition of the intestine. In the next section of the article, we will dwell on its description in detail.
  • Clinical blood test. In patients with dysbiosis, blood counts will indicate inflammation or possible bleeding in the intestinal tract, as well as anemia.
  • Ultrasound. It is carried out to exclude or confirm other diseases of the abdominal cavity.
  • Bowel X-ray. Patients are referred to this procedure if the doctor suspects a neoplasm.
  • Colonoscopy. The procedure is mainly prescribed only for adult patients for endoscopic examination of the large intestine.

Stool tests

The purpose of this study is to establish the exact qualitative and quantitative composition of bacteria in the intestine. It is recommended to donate feces for dysbiosis in case of persistent stool disorders, prolonged nausea and other disorders of the digestive system. Today, doctors prescribe such lab tests feces:

  • Coprogram. Its implementation is especially important for prolonged antibiotic therapy of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, joints, infections. Coprogram allows you to get physical characteristics intestinal contents, assess its color, shape, smell, determine the presence of purulent, mucous and bloody impurities, undigested food residues, and also establish the microscopic content of fiber, fats, salts, starches and other substances in feces.
  • Bacterial sowing. A bacteriological study on a nutrient medium provides detailed information on the number of microbes per 1 g of excrement (CFU / g - a unit of measurement). To identify dysbiosis in feces by carrying out bacterial culture, it takes more time than to perform a coprogram, and therefore this method is not used in all cases.
  • Biochemical analysis. This is one of the most effective and informative ways to carry out express diagnostics, which not only demonstrates microflora disorders, but also determines the part of the intestine in which the disorder has arisen.

Exactly last method diagnostics is the most preferable in a number of cases, since thanks to it it is possible to quickly obtain results and their interpretation. With dysbiosis biochemical analysis feces accurately determines the concentration of compounds. This method is undemanding to the freshness of the samples presented for research - yesterday's feces are also suitable for analysis.

Nutrition for microflora disorders

Dysbiosis treatment is not only medication. To restore the balance of microbes in the intestines, normal growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria, dietary fiber, pectin, and amino acids are urgently needed. The deficiency of these substances can be replenished with the help of food products (vegetables, fruits, soy milk, cereals and algae). With a deficiency of lacto- and bifidobacteria, patients are advised to lean on natural fermented milk products. Preference should be given to low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese without flavors and flavorings.

Together with food, prebiotics enter our body - these are substances that are not digested in the intestines, but serve as a nutrient medium for living microbes. These include lactulose and oligosaccharides, including inulin, galactose, fructose isomers. They are all in enough are present in dairy products and cereals, but wheat, corn, garlic, and onions have the highest concentration of prebiotics.

You can also buy prebiotics at the pharmacy. What are the most effective for dysbiosis? Those containing natural or artificial lactulose, oligosaccharides:


Unlike prebiotics, probiotics are drugs for dysbiosis that contain live bacteria. They are:

  • Monocomponent - such probiotics contain only one type of microbes. The most common drugs for dysbiosis are "Bifidumbacterin", "Lactobacterin", "Colibacterin". The average course of treatment is no more than one and a half months.
  • Symbiotics are probiotics that contain several species of obligate flora representatives at once ("Bifikol", "Bifiform", "Linex"). Such drugs for dysbiosis are usually taken no longer than two weeks.
  • Antagonists are drugs that include live microbes that are not obligate microbiota, but are capable of inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria (Enterol, Baktisubtil, Baktisporin). As a rule, the duration of treatment with antagonists does not exceed one week.
  • Combined probiotics are distinguished by their special immunomodulatory properties. Among the drugs in this group, there is a high demand in pharmacies for Acipol and Bifiliz.
  • Combined synbiotics - such drugs for dysbiosis successfully combine living representatives of the obligate flora and prebiotics ("Bifido-bac", "Maltodofilus", "Laminolact"). The duration of treatment with synbiotics is at least three weeks.

It is important to understand that probiotics are not intended solely to colonize the gut. Beneficial bacteria must again compete with the pathogenic flora, thereby suppressing its growth in order to restore the lost balance. However, with an advanced stage of dysbiosis, probiotics alone are not enough. Then antibacterial and antiseptic agents come to the rescue.

Antimicrobial drugs

Antibiotics and antiseptics are practically not absorbed in the intestines and prevent the growth of pathogenic flora. At the same time, many doubt the advisability of using antibacterial agents, believing that they only aggravate the already serious condition intestines. Can dysbiosis develop in a healthy person while taking antibiotics? It's no secret that there is such a probability and it is quite high. But the fact is that in the treatment of dysbiosis from antibiotics there can be no harm if they are selected taking into account the sensitivity of a particular type of pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics have practically no effect on the beneficial microflora.

Among the drugs for dysbiosis, which are prescribed for both adults and children, it is worth noting:

  • "Intetrix" is an intestinal antiseptic with quinolones in its composition. Available in capsule and suspension form. The duration of the course of treatment is 3-5 days. For children, the drug is prescribed from the age of 14.
  • "Nifuroxazide" is a drug from the group of nitrofurans in the form of a suspension. Analogues of "Nifuroxazide" are "Enterofuril", "Ersefuril".

Antibiotics are stronger antimicrobial action and are prescribed only with the established form of dysbiosis. In the case of the predominance of microbes of the staphylococcal species in the microflora, macrolides and penicillins are prescribed, namely "Clarithromycin", "Oxacillin", "Amoxicillin" and their analogues. If the analysis of feces for dysbiosis shows the presence of Proteus or altered forms of Escherichia coli, only "Nifuroxazide" may be enough to restore normal flora.

Compared to antibiotics, intestinal antiseptics have fewer contraindications and side effects. To suppress pathogenic enterococci, drugs based on ampicillin, erythromycin and chloramphenicol are used. With candidomycosis dysbiosis, antifungal agents are used. systemic drugs- "Diflucan", "Lamisil", "Fluconazole", "Amphotericin".

In addition to antibiotics, doctors increasingly began to use bacteriophages in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. These are live viruses that can infect a specific type of bacteria (staphylococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). They are often combined with antibiotics and antiseptics. These drugs are available in the form of tablets or enemas.

Symptomatic therapy

For the treatment of hypovitaminosis and replenishment of nutritional deficiencies that have arisen against the background of dysbiosis, it is recommended to drink a course of multivitamin preparations. To restore weakened immunity, funds are used vegetable origin- extracts of propolis, lemongrass, echinacea, eleutherococcus. At severe symptoms accompanying intestinal dysbiosis, appropriate drugs should be used. For example:

  • with loose stools - sorbents and antidiarrheals, antispasmodics;
  • for constipation - laxatives, choleretic drugs, antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Duspatalin);
  • at allergic reactionantihistamines("Tavegil", "Loratadin", "Zodak");
  • sedative medications.

Discussions of doctors about whether it is necessary to treat dysbiosis after antibiotic therapy or exposure to other factors end with an almost unambiguous conclusion - yes, this condition needs to be treated. Thanks to the existing modern drugs it is possible to bring the microbial balance back to normal in a short period, and in order to prevent the development of intestinal dysbiosis in the future, you need to eat right and reasonably approach the use of antibiotics.

Dysbacteriosis in women

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the composition of the microflora can be disturbed not only in the intestines, but also on the human body, in the oral cavity, in the vagina. In women, this is a very common problem, especially in patients between the ages of 30 and 45. Vaginal dysbiosis does not belong to a sexually transmitted infection, despite the fact that the symptoms of this pathology may be similar to the manifestations of some sexually transmitted diseases.

Just like in the intestines, lactobacilli live in the vagina of women - their number is the most significant. The volume of microorganisms that produce lactic acid reaches 90% of the total microbiota. Along with lactobacilli, bifidobacteria are no less important, the limiting number of which is approximately 9 times less than the previous ones. The normal microflora colonizing the vagina performs the main protective function - it protects the lower genitals from infection with pathogenic microorganisms. In the course of laboratory studies, it was found that lactobacilli are able to block the activity of E. coli, vaginal gardnerella, as well as pathogens of gonorrhea and other representatives of unfavorable flora.

There are many reasons for dysbiosis in women. Most often violation vaginal microflora occurs in women with weakened immunity, hormonal disruption. Failure to observe personal hygiene, as well as taking antibiotics and other medications, negatively affects the maintenance of the normal bacterial state of the vaginal mucosa. Symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis are thick white or yellowish discharge with an unpleasant fishy or putrid odor. In healthy women, the vaginal secretion is odorless and consists of translucent mucus.

Before treating dysbiosis, the patient needs to undergo an examination to determine the exact composition of the microflora and its sensitivity to antimicrobial agents. Basically, drugs are prescribed in the form vaginal suppositories with antifungal or antibacterial component.

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