Why does my cat cough a lot? Why does a cat cough and sneeze - how to treat it. Who is this cough

Unfortunately, pets get sick, just like people. And owners are often concerned about why the cat is coughing or sneezing, what does it mean if the cat is coughing and wheezing, if the cat is sneezing and not eating? Is this something natural, or is the pet sick? And if you are sick, then what to do, how to treat? Is it possible to treat cough in cats on your own or do you need the help of a veterinarian? The answers to all these questions became the basis of this article.


Although cats do not cough as often as dogs, for example, they still do it from time to time, and deliberately to relieve Airways from various particles that get into them that interfere with normal breathing, wool, for example. Such a cough is a completely normal natural physiological reflex of the body, its protection.

However, the fact that a cat is coughing can also be a symptom of very serious respiratory or cardiovascular diseases, diseases respiratory organs or a sign of infection. So why is the cat coughing?

  • Why do cats cough?

Coughing is a very important reflex mechanism, which consists of sharp exhalation of air through the mouth.

Normally, a cat's cough does protective function, in cases of various foreign objects, liquids, and all kinds of irritants, for example, smoke. It often happens that a cat coughs and breathes heavily when there is smoking in the house, being allergic to tobacco smoke. Among other things, cough serves to remove inflammatory products, cough up inflammatory products accumulated in the respiratory tract in various diseases. When trying to cough up something, a cat usually coughs by stretching its neck.

Cough is a specific, very “convenient” symptom for a veterinarian, because the presence of a cough directly indicates the possibility of disease respiratory system or cardiovascular.

  • Features of cough in cats.

Coughing in cats, unlike dogs, occurs much less frequently. Often, with the same disease, dogs develop a cough, while cats develop only shortness of breath, or hoarse, labored breathing (for example, a cat coughs and breathes heavily, wheezes when inflammatory diseases pleura and lungs, pneumonia, heart failure). And these symptoms are sometimes very difficult to notice and recognize. It’s all about “cat insight” - cats try to carefully avoid exposure to factors that provoke coughing when sick: they move less, don’t play, try not to show unnecessary emotions, try to settle down in some ventilated place where they are not disturbed. Actually, such behavior can already be assessed as a suspicion of some kind of disease.

There is also a disease in cats in which coughing is the leading symptom - feline bronchial asthma. As for the reason of this disease, then this is an allergic reaction of the animal to house dust, to some microparticles, microorganisms contained in it. If you notice that your cat sneezes often, for example, after you purchased new cat litter, or new laundry detergent, etc., you can safely conclude that the cat is coughing and sneezing due to allergies. Another clear sign of an allergy is when a cat sneezes and rubs its nose.

There are other pathological conditions, which can be accompanied by coughing in cats, for example:

  • 1. blockage of the respiratory tract by a foreign object;
  • 2. cardiovascular failure;
  • 3. oncological diseases organs located in the chest;
  • 4. respiratory infections cats, including those complicated by pneumonia (medical name - calicivirus infection);
  • 5. accumulation of fluid (hydrothorax, chylothorax) or air (pneumothorax) in the chest;
  • 6. hit chest organs abdominal cavity(for example, intestinal loops) with diaphragmatic hernia;
  • 7. worms in a cat
  • 8. viral rhinotracheitis in animals, etc.

This is not a complete list of possible diseases that can accompany coughing in cats. In fact, cough can be a symptom of more than fifty diseases. Therefore, in fact, it is almost impossible to determine them on your own.

  • Bronchial asthma of cats.

Bronchial asthma is respiratory disease, affecting not only people, but also cats. When there is bronchial asthma in cats, there may be sudden moderate or quite severe attacks cough, the cat is coughing and breathing heavily, the passage of air is difficult, the cat is coughing and wheezing. A cat with asthma also sneezes frequently. Stress can also contribute to the development of the disease. physical exercise, weather changes, air pollution - in general, everything is like with people.

Typically, feline bronchial asthma is initial stages manifests itself in young animals (aged 1-3 years), more often in Himalayan and Siamese. Asthma attacks are usually observed in spring and autumn, which is typical for most allergic diseases.

The diagnosis of feline bronchial asthma can be made based on clinical examination animals with the help laboratory tests and radiography. Treatment is quite lengthy and consists of prescribing various corticosteroids and bronchodilators, in the form of tablets or injections.

  • Viral rhinotracheitis in cats.

Viral rhinotracheitis is a contagious disease that leads to convulsive and frequent attacks cough. When the course of the disease is severe, the cat coughs and sneezes often and quite violently; when a cat sneezes, her eyes water, and she may have snot and diarrhea. All these symptoms are very similar to the human flu; by the way, cats also have the flu, and can also manifest themselves as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, etc.

Treatment of cough in cats in this case Very difficult process. Therefore, vaccination as a precautionary measure is much preferable to treating cough in cats that are already sick. It is better to give the animal the appropriate vaccination.

  • "Battle" wounds in cats.

The cause of a sudden cough in a cat may be direct damage to the animal's trachea from a bite received in a fight. Such injuries can provoke not only a cough, but often the cat sneezes and does not eat, as the passage of food becomes painful. In this case, the treatment of cough in cats consists of treating the specific injury and preventing the wounds from festering.

  • Worms in a cat.

I would like to dwell separately on the problem of infecting animals with worms. If your cat is coughing, worms may well be the cause. Cats of any age are susceptible to this infection, even those who never leave the house or come into contact with other animals.

In addition, nematode larvae can penetrate through the intestinal walls into circulatory system and, together with the blood flow, enter the trachea, lungs, and bronchi. Coughing in cats is usually moderate and short-lived when microscopic larvae enter the respiratory organs.

Often, a cat coughing is a symptom of heart disease, although this is more common in dogs than cats.

Diagnosis can be made based on laboratory tests, electrocardiogram, radiography, and echocardiography using ultrasound. Treatment is prescribed according to the diagnosis.


Thus, cough in cats is often not the leading main symptom of the disease, therefore, if the cat is coughing and wheezing, breathing heavily, shortness of breath, hoarse, labored breathing, accompanied by worsening general well-being, lack or loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Before visiting the veterinarian, you should provide the animal with Fresh air and peace. In some cases, an air humidifier located in the room, or simply a damp towel placed on the heating radiator, can alleviate the animal’s condition. Without knowing the causes of the disease, you should not feed the animal any drugs - this way you can smooth out the real picture of the disease, complicate its diagnosis, or even cause harm to the sick pet.

The doctor will collect anamnesis and reconstruct the picture of the onset and development of the disease, asking you about the care and feeding of the cat. Then, the doctor will examine the animal, conduct an examination of the upper respiratory tract, listen to the trachea, lungs and bronchi, and may also do X-ray and take clinical analysis blood. If there are suspicions of specific pathologies, an X-ray contrast examination of the esophagus, tracheo-, laryngo-, broncho-, esophagoscopy (examination of the trachea, pharynx, bronchi, esophagus using an endoscope) may be required, among other things. The doctor can also do a test for viral blood infections, culture of the microflora of bronchial secretions and a biopsy of the bronchi.

Diagnosis of diseases that cause cough can be quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. Therefore, before the main cause of the cough is identified and eliminated, the doctor will prescribe supportive, symptomatic treatment for the cat to alleviate the animal’s condition.

  • If a cat coughs, what should I do?

If you are sure that your cat is coughing and sneezing due to bronchitis or a serious cold, if his cough continues, his condition does not improve, and there is no opportunity to get to the veterinarian, you can try the following. At the pharmacy you can buy the antibiotic AMOXICLAV, or some other antibiotic for treating cats. It comes in the form of tablets, powders for preparing a suspension. In most cases, cough treatment in cats will be easier with the suspension. You should choose the smallest dosage, add plain water to the powder and prepare a suspension.

If the cat coughs and sneezes long time, and it’s definitely not heart, allergy or intestinal problems, give him the medicine three times a day, 2.5 ml. A special measuring syringe is attached to the medicine, so it is quite convenient to inject it into the cat’s mouth.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days - it depends on the severity of the disease.

The main thing to remember is that a cough is often not a disease, but only a symptom. Therefore, in an effort to help your pet, try to establish the real reason cough to definitely get rid of the disease.


If a cat is sneezing, treatment directly depends on the reasons that cause the sneezing. And there are quite a lot of such reasons. It could very well be an infection, a symptom of some serious disease, or simply something stuck in the cat’s nose foreign object.

If the reason is fungal infection, then it is necessary to apply antifungal drugs. At bacterial infection Antibiotics can help. If a foreign body is stuck in the nose, removing it will relieve your pet from sneezing.

  • Upper respiratory tract infections in cats.

Infections are the most common cause of sneezing. Felines suffer from bacterial, fungal and viral infections. As for symptoms, you should pay attention to the following:

  • 1. the cat sneezes and coughs,
  • 2. the cat is sneezing and snotty, she has a runny nose,
  • 3. the cat has a fever and difficulty breathing,
  • 4. The cat sneezes, and the eyes are watery, the eyes are swollen.

  • Allergies in cats.

Cats suffer from allergies just as often as people. In this case, as a rule, the cat sneezes and rubs its nose, it may have a runny nose, the cat sneezes often in certain conditions or place.

If you suspect an allergy, you should determine the reasons why it occurs as soon as possible. Otherwise, the pet will continue to sneeze, and over time, the allergy may result in more severe forms diseases, followed by bronchial asthma in cats. The main causes of allergies in cats are: mold, dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, wax (candles), chemistry ( detergents, powders, air freshener, etc.). Some pets can sometimes be allergic to cat litter. In addition, a foreign allergen can get stuck in the cat’s respiratory tract, and then get rid of the cause allergic reaction It will be very difficult, in which case it is necessary to urgently seek help from a veterinarian.

  • Asthma in cats.

Feline asthma has already been discussed in relation to cough. Its main symptoms are the cat sneezing and coughing. Most common reason the appearance of asthma – prolonged exposure to strong allergens on the cat’s body.

Whenever asthmatic attack, you can hold the animal over the steam for a couple of minutes. Exposure to warm steam will help expand the lungs and the attack may subside.

  • Heartworms.

If this is the reason why a cat is sneezing, a specialist should decide how to treat it. It’s difficult to advise anything here without his knowledge. Regarding this problem, we recommend that cat owners consult with a veterinarian about the prevention of this disease - this will be more reliable.

  • Dental problems.

For this reason, a cat rarely sneezes, but it does happen. The main symptoms of dental problems are: bad smell from the mouth, suppuration around the mouth, swollen gums. The infection may spread gradually to the kitten's nasal canal and begin to manifest itself in the form of sneezing.
This happens more often with little ones, due to their still fragile bodies.

  • The cat sneezes blood.

If your cat sneezes blood, you should immediately show it to a veterinarian. When a cat sneezes blood, this is evidence of severe damage to the nasal passages or advanced stages various diseases, such as leukemia, fungal infections, cancer.

Cats are quite often exposed to a variety of colds. And a cough shows that there are problems in the respiratory system. Not everyone knows what to do if a cat coughs. First of all, it is recommended to understand the reasons.

Coughing is a natural protective reaction of the body, which occurs when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract. Accordingly, the cat sneezes and coughs. However, this may be a symptom signaling the onset of a disease.


Possible reasons

If your cat is coughing, you need to consider all sorts of reasons:

The causes of cough in cats and kittens can be very different. And regardless of the fact that the pet sneezes and wheezes quite rarely, with the help of this he can contribute to the functioning of the whole organism. When coughing, the throat is cleared if the kitten or cat is choking.

You can recognize a cough in a furry pet by certain movements. Typically, during this process, the pet stretches its neck down, arches its back and retracts abdominal wall. At the same time, he wheezes, makes coughing sounds, and sometimes sneezes. In some situations, coughing is accompanied by vomiting.

After watching the video, you will learn exactly how a cat coughs.

Possible symptoms

To determine how to treat your pet, you need to find out the type of symptom:

  1. Respiratory. The cough in such a situation at the very beginning of the disease is dry. Sputum and pus are not released.
  2. Cardinal. This cardiac cough. The cause of its occurrence may be an enlargement of the heart muscle. It gradually begins to compress the trachea. In such a situation, the intensity with which the cat coughs and sneezes increases gradually. At the very beginning, the cough is muffled and unproductive.

If your furry creature is coughing and sneezing at regular intervals, you should consult a doctor. He will tell you what to do and how to treat the cat.

Why does fluffy cough?

The nature of the cough can help determine the causes. If it occurs at night, then in most situations this indicates inspiratory tracheal stenosis.

Getting rid of foreign objects

First of all, you need to figure out whether your pet is really coughing. Maybe he's just sneezing. Usually, when coughing, the fluffy makes a wheezing sound. He begins to open his mouth. Sometimes he even sticks out his tongue. It may feel like the cat is simply suffocating.

Why might a cat cough? Check his mouth and tongue. A foreign object or hairballs may get into the mouth. In order to open the mouth, insert your fingers into it in the area of ​​​​the corners where there are no teeth. Open your jaws carefully, using caution.

Allergic reaction or lack of moisture

If there is nothing in the mouth, and the cat is sneezing, coughing, stretching its neck, think about whether all this could be due to an allergy. It can be caused by a new substance that has appeared in the house. Remember that allergies occur not only when you eat something, but also when you inhale it. If any item is suspicious, you need to temporarily remove it from the house.

What to do if your pet is coughing? It may simply not have enough moisture. Use humidifiers to improve your furry's breathing comfort. A damp towel, which is recommended to be placed on a working battery, will help with this.

Rid your pet of worms

As mentioned earlier, we need to figure out why the cat is sneezing and coughing. And the reason for this can be worms. In order to get rid of them, you need to purchase them at the pharmacy. special means and add them to your food. This action should be performed at least once a year.

Under the supervision of a doctor

If all of the above steps have been completed, and the cat is still sneezing and coughing, you need to contact a veterinarian. You should also consult a doctor if your pet begins to eat less and avoid communicating with people and other cats. In such situations, only a doctor should treat.

What to do if you can’t treat yourself? In such a situation, a complex special events which only a professional can perform. We are talking about laboratory tests, clinical examination, diagnostics internal organs.

If the cough is a reflex, you just need to eliminate the cause. There is no need to do anything else, as the cat’s condition has stabilized. Coughing attacks will stop tormenting him.

Bronchial asthma will require treatment for a long time. In some situations, this can last for the rest of the pet's life. From a therapeutic standpoint, antihistamines and hormonal drugs are used.

Asthma is usually seasonal. Signs appear most often in summer and autumn. Accordingly, it is recommended to give medications in advance so that during the next attack the cat does not crane his neck and lie on the floor trying to clear his throat.

Invasive cough can be completely prevented if preventive deworming is carried out. It is recommended to do this procedure once every six months.

Use of antibiotics

If the cat cranes his neck, coughs while lying on the floor, and wheezes due to problems with cardiovascular system, then a veterinarian should treat him. In such a situation, the owner does not need to do anything on his own.

Antibiotics should be used if the cause of cough is respiratory diseases. Expectorants may also be needed medications, which are designed to alleviate the animal’s condition by reducing cough. A doctor should prescribe such medications.

It is worth understanding that if you have a dry cough, it is not recommended to use drugs that help get rid of wet cough. There are times when medications to help stop this process are not given at all. Without them, in some situations, treatment may proceed faster due to withdrawal harmful microorganisms while coughing.


It is best to try to prevent coughing from occurring. To prevent a kitten, cat or cat from catching a cold, it is necessary to constantly get vaccinated. Timely vaccines will also help. Due to the presence of antibodies in their composition, such drugs can prevent the development of viral diseases.

And don’t forget about checking with a veterinarian. It is recommended to do it regularly.

Video “Cough in cats and kittens”

The video will talk about possible diseases to which they are subject furry pets.

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Cats, like people, get sick often. Coughing and sneezing are not uncommon for them, but serious symptom! If a cat is sneezing and coughing, this is a sign of illness that the owner needs to be aware of. The mechanism of coughing and sneezing may indicate different reasons its appearance - discomfort, colds, illness, allergies, and so on. To quickly help and try to cure a pet is the main task of the owner who cares and loves his pet friend!

A cat is sneezing and coughing - what does this mean?

Sneezing and coughing are a reflex defense of the animal’s body, aimed at eliminating the irritating element. The sneezing response is controlled by the cough center located in the medulla oblongata at the cat. Special receptors concentrated on the larynx cause sneezing in cats., trachea, vocal cords and bronchi. The cat sneezes and coughs due to mechanical or chemical irritation of sensitive cough areas. Treatment of cough symptoms is based on external and internal reasons, which led to its emergence. In some cases, you may need the help of a doctor.

To find out the causes of sneezing in cats, you need to pay attention not following signs and features. This is the time of appearance and end, the strength of manifestation, the duration and timbre of the cough. It is also important accompanying symptoms, features of the cat’s behavior, the nature of the discharge, if any.

Depending on the signs, veterinarians divide coughing and sneezing in cats into several types:

  • Wet and dry, if there is no or no discharge.
  • Distressing and debilitating, depending on the severity of the symptom.
  • Paroxysmal and chronic, based on duration and frequency.
  • Voiced and voiceless, as evidenced by the nature of the sound manifestation of this feature.

Often sneezing indicates problems with the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

It is possible to clarify the diagnosis of an animal when sneezing only after conducting certain studies and passing the necessary tests.

Causes of cat cough and sneezing

The cause of a cat’s cough can be caused by the banal entry of a foreign body into the animal’s nose and respiratory tract - hairballs, food, dust, smoke, liquid, small household items, and so on. By coughing and sneezing, the pet protects its body from possible harm . Also in the cough process there is a natural elimination of inflammatory products and irritants.

Diseases associated with cough and sneezing symptoms:

  • Asthma. This disease is very common among the cat breed. The cough is paroxysmal, accompanied by sneezing, shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty breathing of the animal. The development of the disease is promoted poor nutrition, stress, physical activity, polluted environment and so on. Asthma in cats worsens in the spring and autumn.
  • Pneumonia manifests itself along with a dry, exhausting cough, fever, lack of appetite and general depression in the pet. The development of the disease occurs rapidly, most often against the background of hypothermia.
  • Cardiovascular failure. Cats may have what is called "cardiac cough," when the heart valve weakens and the heart muscle swells and begins to compress the trachea. Here the cough pattern tends to increase as the pet's condition worsens.
  • Allergic reaction. The cat often sneezes due to allergies. Irritating allergens can include tobacco smoke, chemicals and perfumes, mold and spores, dust and pollen.
  • Respiratory diseases. Cats sneeze intensely if they have a cold. A cold occurs due to prolonged exposure to the street in bad weather and hypothermia of the animal's body. In parallel with sneezing, the cat becomes lethargic and apathetic, eats little and sleeps a lot, and may develop a fever. The animal's eyes begin to water, and a runny nose often occurs.
  • Viral diseases. These include the herpes virus, rhinotracheitis and calicivirus, which affect the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx. Additional symptoms Here - heat, drooling, runny nose and conjunctivitis. It is useless to treat the animal yourself; you should show your pet to a doctor.
  • Worms can cause coughing and sneezing in a cat, as the animal reflexively tries to free itself from them. The cat sneezes and coughs up vomit, helminthic larvae and worms, while the animal presses itself to the floor and stretches its neck. The nature of these symptoms is moderate and short-lived.

Microtraumas of the throat and larynx can also cause cough symptoms. Fish and poultry with bones can injure the trachea and esophagus, as a result of which tickling and vomiting cannot be avoided; sometimes blood can be found in the saliva. Cough symptoms will disappear as wounds and scratches on the animal’s mucous membrane heal.

Diagnosis of the disease

Sneezing and coughing, as symptoms, do not come one at a time; the disease is always accompanied by a complex symptom complex, which an experienced and knowledgeable veterinarian can recognize. To alleviate the pet’s condition, it is necessary to humidify and refresh the air in the room, provide warmth and peace to the animal.

Cough requires treatment with special drugs, which should be prescribed by a doctor, based on clinical picture and diagnostics performed.

What's happening in veterinary clinic when examining an animal:

  • The doctor asks questions about the living conditions and characteristics of the cat.
  • The owner must give full information about why and when the cough occurred, what was done.
  • The animal will be subjected to general inspection, the doctor examines in detail upper sections respiratory system.
  • In some cases, it may be necessary to take x-rays and take blood tests from the animal.
  • If a specific disease is suspected, it is examined separately specific body pet.
  • In some cases, it is recommended to take a culture test for microflora and viral infections.

Diagnosis of coughing and sneezing takes a lot of time, but only in this case will the diagnosis and treatment be correct and effective.

How to treat a pet?

Treatment of cough and sneezing in cats due to soil serious illnesses (oncological tumors, leukemia, cancer) is carried out in a veterinary hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Timely care of the animal will be the key to its long, healthy and active life! A kitten begins to be vaccinated from the age of six months, repeating vaccinations every 2-3 months. Adult animals are vaccinated annually– from cat flu and viruses, from rabies, from leukopenia and so on. If your pet is sick, treatment of cough in cats should be carried out in strict accordance with medical recommendations and advice!

Why does a cat cough? The cough reflex can be caused for various reasons, in some cases this is a variant of the norm; with accompanying symptoms, this may indicate pathology? Why does your pet cough? In what cases does an animal need to be taken to the veterinarian urgently?

The cough reflex in these animals is somewhat different from the normal cough in humans. Why does my cat cough as if she is choking? The fact is that the respiratory muscles, when mucus has accumulated in the lungs or when foreign body contracts, while the glottis opens, there is a feeling that the animal is choking and wants to burp.

At the same time, unlike humans, felines cough by stretching their throat forward, the animal’s back bends, and specific coughing sounds occur. In this case, the cat’s body requires careful diagnosis, since this indicates pathology in the respiratory tract.

Below are the main causes of cough.

Presence of a hairball in the stomach

When an animal licks its fur, its particles enter the stomach and gradually form a dense hairball, the so-called trichobezoar. The lump irritates the gastric mucosa, so the cat tries to push it out of her body.

This phenomenon is considered normal condition, it occurs periodically in all pets, especially with long hair. In this case, a specialist may recommend a special food or paste to dissolve hairballs; when using such products, coughing will occur much less frequently.

Injuries in the throat

If the animal's main diet is fish or poultry with bones, there is a risk of injury to the mucous membrane if this food is eaten carelessly. Another danger is toys for animals, which can be easily chewed into separate parts and accidentally swallowed.

Microtraumas can cause a constant sore throat, which goes away on its own over time. If the injury is serious, or the soreness does not go away for a long time, you need to contact a specialist who will examine the animal’s throat and prescribe antibacterial and healing medications.

Viral diseases

Is yours coughing and his eyes watering? In this case, we can talk about a viral disease, which often affects animals with weakened immune systems. The most common viruses are herpes virus and calicivirus. When the mucous membrane is irritated, a natural cough reflex.

TO associated symptoms such pathologies include runny nose, elevated temperature body, as well as lacrimation and inflammation of the eyeball.

If the symptoms do not go away on their own within a few days, the animal should be shown to a doctor, since self-treatment can only lead to worsening of the disease and the development of complications. The only means of preventing viruses is vaccination childhood cats.

The presence of helminths in the body

In this case, there is a high risk of infection, when helminth larvae penetrate the stomach and multiply throughout the body, including penetrating the respiratory system. The result is a sore throat, cough, increased appetite and at the same time reducing body weight. After laboratory diagnostics The veterinarian prescribes appropriate treatment.


Pneumonia occurs not only in humans, but also dangerous disease cats suffer too. The main symptoms are elevated body temperature, lack of interest in food, and a cough that is dry.

In this case, the pathology develops rapidly: the animal may begin to cough literally the next day after contact with cold water, walking on the balcony in winter time of the year.

It is worth noting that in cats pneumonia rarely occurs as an independent disease; much more often it is a complication of other serious pathologies(for example, heart failure), which is why the veterinarian must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

Asthmatic diseases

Coughing with this pathology is in the nature of attacks, and during the cough reflex the animal may begin to choke.

What to do if your animal has a cough?

Often many cat owners are interested in what to give their cat for a cough. Unfortunately, such diseases cannot be treated at home, because only a specialist can determine the true cause of the cough reflex after an x-ray, ultrasound examination and laboratory diagnostics.

That is why, if the cough continues for several days, and the animal has become apathetic and refuses its favorite food, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Basic principles of diagnosing and treating cough in cats

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following studies:

  1. Clinical examination (the doctor pays attention to general state animal, measures body temperature, examines the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the eyeball).
  2. Laboratory research. IN mandatory a blood and urine test is taken to determine inflammatory processes in organism.
  3. Examination of internal organs (X-ray of the respiratory system, cardiogram to identify cardiovascular pathologies and so on).

For asthmatic diseases, the doctor prescribes courses of antihistamines and hormonal medications, and corticosteroids are often used. At the same time, treatment bronchial asthma takes a long time, often courses of drugs will have to be given to the animal for the rest of its life in order to maintain its stable condition. In most cases, asthma is a seasonal disease, so it is recommended to give medications twice a year - in spring and autumn.

An invasive cough reflex, that is, when affected by helminths, is treated with anti-worm medications, which should be given to the cat once every six months (this will ensure not only treatment, but also reliable prevention of this disease).

Cough resulting from viral diseases can be successfully treated with modern antibacterial drugs, as well as medications with an expectorant effect. After just a few days of this therapy, the animal’s condition will improve, and the cough will be much less frequent. However, in some cases it is not recommended to give drugs that stop the cough reflex: this is done so that all pathogenic microorganisms left the body as soon as possible.

Prevention measures

What can I do to prevent coughing from bothering my cat? Preventative measures will help keep your pet healthy:

  1. Strengthening immune system- the most important task. Twice a year, during periods of exacerbation chronic diseases, the cat should take vitamin supplements recommended by the veterinarian. Modern vitamins for animals have rich and pleasant taste, so your pet will be happy to eat the fragrant tablet.
  2. Timely prevention against the occurrence of helminths will avoid infection.
  3. Avoid hypothermia of the animal: prolonged stay on the balcony in cold weather is not acceptable.
  4. Vaccinate your cat promptly against diseases such as plague, laryngotracheitis, and so on. This will allow the animal to grow strong and healthy.

Thus, a cough in a cat in most cases indicates the presence of pathology in the body. Self-medication can lead to unwanted complications and even death, so if you notice a deterioration in your health pet, make an appointment with a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

From time to time, your cat may cough and wheeze. Any owner will be frightened by the hoarse voice of a cat, and he will immediately rush to the computer to look for the answer to the question: “Why?” Search engines They find many options, ranging from banal allergies to such a frightening word as oncology. Before you get scared, it’s better to sit down and calmly read our article, and then call the veterinarians from the I-VET center. We tried to collect the most relevant answers.

Just yesterday your pet was active and playful, but today it lies with its paws outstretched, this is a reason for an urgent visit to a veterinarian, who should provide qualified assistance.

What is cat cough?

Just like a person, cat cough is an involuntary exhalation, which is usually accompanied by a sonorous exhalation. The largest number of receptors responsible for cough are located in the area of ​​the throat ligaments. Coughing is also a protective reflex that helps resist the effects of chemical irritation or food. Among other things, coughing helps remove phlegm and mucus from the body, which only interferes with the animal’s recovery. However, coughing is not always a protective reflex, and can also cause significant harm. In this case this state considered a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does a cat cough and wheeze, what diseases can there be?

Cat cough, as a rule, never occurs as an independent disease. Most often it is a symptom of other diseases.

These are not all the reasons why a cough may occur. Currently more than 100 ailments are known which are accompanied by this reflex. Therefore, if your the cat is coughing, then this is an excellent reason to grab your pet and rush to the veterinarian, who will examine the furry and make the correct diagnosis.

Who coughs and wheezes: what is the danger, symptoms, insidious and different

An attentive owner should have noticed that A cat's cough has different sounds. Sometimes it's wheezing, sometimes it's a continuous dry sound full of agony. If you record cough sounds on a voice recorder or video camera, this can greatly help the doctor in diagnosing the disease. Sometimes the owner's description is not very accurate. Among other things, cough can be morning, daytime, evening or night. Cough at night causes a large number of troubles like a cat, depriving him first of all normal sleep, and the owner, who begins to worry about the health of his furry friend.

During a coughing attack the animal It can also stretch out its paws and can group itself. These signals indicate that this sound has moved from a reflex, which is designed to save life, to most dangerous condition, which poses a direct threat to the cat. In particularly severe cases the animal may choke, which indicates that the owner needs to contact the veterinary center.


First of all, we would like to remind you that Cough therapy is individualized and it should be selected individually by the attending physician. A kitten that can't cough up phlegm is one thing, but another thing old cat with a whole bunch of diseases. Each case requires an individual approach. Any treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. However, the owner must protect his animal from drafts and strong winds.

In case of severe cough, it is best to call a veterinarian at home. This will help avoid unnecessary risks and complications, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect the animal from exposure to cold. Also, in the veterinary center itself there may be sick and infected animals. This, in turn, is also an unnecessary and stupid risk that will affect your health. Depending on the diagnosis, it is prescribed adequate treatment. Also modern pharmacology offers many cough medications, but not all human medications are suitable for treating a cat who is constantly coughing. The most prescribed antibiotic is amoxiclav. It should be remembered that coughing is also a signal of an extremely weakened immune system in a cat.

If a cat is coughing and wheezing, what tests do a veterinarian need?

After a visual examination, you sit tensely in the doctor’s office and wait for the results. A the doctor suggests additional research . For example, the doctor may prescribe fluorography, x-ray of the lungs, possibly an ultrasound. Of course, you will need a classic set of tests - urine, blood and feces. Coughing should make the doctor think about prescribing antibiotics and other treatment.

However, if you have The nursing mother fell ill bitch or pregnant animal, we recommend that you be more attentive to treatment. Many of modern antibiotics It is simply dangerous for cats to take due to the possible threat of miscarriage or bleeding. Most doctors recommend giving natural preparations , for example, herbal solutions that will need to be poured into the animal’s mouth with a syringe without a needle. Research in the form of tests is taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. This is necessary so that the parameters in the cat’s body do not change.

How to choose a veterinary center to treat an animal

If your cat starts coughing, and the cough itself becomes prolonged and frequent, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian without delay. As a rule, experienced owners already have a veterinarian’s phone number to whom they can turn for help at any time. But what to do if this is your first cat or animal in general? Of course, call the YA-VET veterinary center.

The most experienced veterinarians work here around the clock and will be able to answer any question you ask them. It is possible that an in-person examination of the pet will be required to complete the picture. Don't refuse. This is the only way to make a correct diagnosis and establish the true cause of a cat’s continuous cough. A cough of unknown etiology is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor.

In addition to qualified personnel, our medical center has the most modern equipment for both X-ray and ultrasound. The laboratory is also equipped with last word technology.

Benefits of in-home veterinary care

Many owners prefer to personally take their pet to the veterinary center for first aid. medical care. However, there are situations in life when it is not possible to visit a doctor yourself. For such cases, we have a very convenient service - veterinary care at home. Within 40 minutes After you have submitted your application, any of our highly specialized specialists will come to you. So what can we do at home?

    Our spectrum veterinary services very diverse. Our specialists can:
  • Take blood for analysis (both classical and biochemistry)
  • Provide the necessary assistance
  • Take an x-ray if necessary
  • For the most severe cases we have ultrasound
  • If necessary, we can carry out transportation four-legged friend to the hospital.
  • We can also select adequate treatment that will help the animal recover at the earliest possible moment. short time and again delight the owner with playfulness.

Only the most modern equipment and gentle hands veterinarians and laboratory technicians are able to save another small life. Great amount branches will allow you to choose medical Center closest to your place of residence. However, there are places from where it is difficult to get to our center. In this case, there is a convenient service for providing veterinary care at home. So what are our advantages?

  • Mobility
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress that may affect test results.
  • Reducing the risk of reinfection
  • The owner will be able to significantly save his time and have complete control over the process
  • The animal will be more comfortable with the necessary manipulations.

As you can see, there are many benefits to in-home veterinary care. Many busy owners have already appreciated the benefits of home care, because it helps to collect blood and examine the animal calmly and without stress.
