How to determine if I have a thrombus. Causes of the appearance and symptoms of blood clots in vessels. Such clusters are divided

Few people know what kind of danger is the presence of veins of the veins in the human body. Their appearance is provoked by a number of factors that, with untimely diagnostics, can lead to a fatal outcome. The disease at which thrombus is formed is called thrombosis. With proper and timely diagnosis of the disease, the risk of exposing itself fatal diseases Much decreases.

How and why the thrombus appear

First of all, the thrombus is a blood clot, which is formed in vascular system or . There are two types of this education:

  • parietal;
  • thrinking.

Priest blood clots often appear in the heart area and large veins on the legs. Folduring blood clots are localized in small vessels. The appearance may precede a violation in the work of the coagulation system. Often, the bunches are formed in the place where there are damage to the wall of the vessels. After the appearance begins the process of inflammation, which leads to the formation and deposition of fibrin yarns.

So the primary thrombus appears, which, as the blood and the layering of thrombic masses come to it, increases in size. If the bunch is located in a vessel, enough for a long timeHe feels off, and in its place there is a blocking of blood flow. Such a process in most cases becomes fatal.

The following reasons may result in the appearance of thromboms:

  • slow or fast blood flow;
  • violation of the integrity of the walls of the vessels;
  • increased blood coagulation;
  • lifeline lifestyle or body paralysis;
  • sharp change in hormonal background (reception hormonal drugs, abortion or pregnancy);
  • violation in activities of cardio-vascular system, atherosclerosis;
  • injuries and surgical intervention;
  • heredity.

Basic symptoms of the appearance of thrombus in the body

Depending on which thrombosis appeared on the body, the symptoms may differ. If blockage appears in big Vienna, the patient can znob, and on the damaged area appears and strong pain. If the thrombus was formed in a superficial vein, it can be quite easily forced with fingers. It becomes slightly swell, and in pulsation appear painful feelings.

Regardless of which part of the body, thrombosis appeared, the affected place becomes red and edema. When it is formed on the lower extremities, a person is experiencing a feeling of pain and convulsions in the area ion muscles. If a this pathology Returns on new levelPeeling and redness appears on the skin, which soon acquires blue.

Very often, such signs are talking about the presence of a disease in the body, which is called. If it is broken, it can lead to sad consequences. If the disease is localized in the brain area, it leads to obstruction of blood vessels, and as a result - to a stroke.

How to determine the presence of thromboms in the body

How to determine if there is a thrombus in the body or not? This can be done with special procedures. Before recognizing the clomes, it is necessary to carefully examine the legs, because it is precisely on this part of the body that blood clots appear, which represent a special danger to the body.

You can confidently talk about the presence of thrombophlebitis only if there is seals and redness on the skin, as well as painful sensations in palpation.

There are also secondary signs that may indicate the disease:

  • malaise;
  • general weakness;
  • temperature increase.

When identifying such symptoms, it is recommended to refer to a doctor who will conduct a primary inspection of the affected body of the body, will appoint a special examination, among which blood test, ultrasonic diagnosis, angiography, etc. It is worth noting that without operational surgical intervention In certain cases, just do not do.

Operations can be avoided if the blood clots that appeared can be removed by invasive therapy. Such a process includes the introduction medicinal preparation Directly into the thrombus itself in a specific part of the body.

Special actions so that the thrombus is resolved

For sinking thrombosis can be assigned, they also remove inflammation and lower the temperature. To reduce the likelihood of thrombus appearance, anticoagulant means are used. In the process of receiving drugs, it is recommended to monitor blood clotting process to avoid bleeding.

For outdoor use, special ointments and heparin-based creams are used, which rubbing the affected parts of the body.

Prevention of the disease

If the reason possible occurrence Diseases are clear, to prevent this process can be independently. The first rule is to lead an active lifestyle, thus preventing stagnation of blood in the veins. In the risk group, people who have suffered operations and serious injuries. It is necessary to try to avoid these phenomena.

Also should be carried out on time diagnostic researchwhich can identify the predisposition to the appearance of thrombosis and the blockage of the veins. Timely diagnosis Diseases and monitoring of the work of the cardiovascular system allowed to save the lives of millions of people.

Complication of the disease

Many patients do not even suspect that there is such pathology as thrombosis in their body. That is why they can live for a long time without complications, until it happens to be terrible. All of the fault is the wrong or late diagnosis of the disease to which many do not even pay attention.

The blockage of veins or thrombosis can lead to such problems:

  • people over 40 increases the risk of strokes or heart attacks;
  • the tomb of Tromba, who entails death;
  • chronic pains in legs or head areas;
  • complication of chronic diseases;
  • light insufficiency.

To avoid these complications or even a fatal outcome, it is necessary to carefully monitor its health and in time to diagnose and prevent the disease to identify symptoms. To identify the symptoms in the early stages will not be difficult even independently, without the help of the doctor. To do this, you just need to listen to your body and pay attention to any kind of change in a specific organ.

Relying on the information and advice of doctors, the question of how to recognize the blood clots in the body will not be so complex and will help identify the disease in the early stages.

One of the most common causes of death mortality in recent decades are swarms, or blood clots formed in deep vessels of deep veins and leading to their clogging. To prevent blood circulation disorders and prevent severe consequencesYou need to detect vascular pathology in a timely manner.

The treatment of violation of the patency (occlusion) of the vessels is engaged in a phlebologist. Therefore, when the first signs of thrombosis appear to consult a specialist and pass a number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics Blood, allowing to detect the localization of occlusion with the utmost accuracy and choose the appropriate therapeutic method. Consider in this article, as the blood test is called on the thrombus.

Why blood clots are formed

The formation of blood clots in the body healthy man - Norm. As a result of the natural process of thrombogenesis, blood clots in damaged due to injuries (or other injuries) vessel protect the human body from the occurrence of bleeding, often carrying a threat to life.

For normal process The formation of blood cloth in the vessel consists of the following phases:

  • selection in a damaged / injured vascular wall of enzymes that prevent blood salinity;
  • an increase in the number chemical substancesraising blood clotting;
  • formation of fibrinogen from fibrin frame for future thrombus;
  • seen on the mesh from Fibrin forming elements Blood, contributing to the strengthening of blood clots in the vessel bed.

For various diseases vessels, for example, varicose diseaseraising arterial pressure, ischemia, arrhythmia, etc., the formation of blood clots, killing a person. In this case, the essence of thrombogenesis does not change, but the resulting thrombus leads to complications that violate blood circulation.

According to medical statistics, 80% of blood clots initially in the veins are localized in the legs of the tibia, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bare concentrated slightly above the popliteal fox. Sometimes there is spontaneous absorption of blood clots, but most often the likelihood of hazardous diseases is high.

For the reasons of pathological thrombogenesis include:

  • tooling the child and postpartum complications;
  • reception of hormonal drugs (more contraceptive);
  • dehydration of the body;
  • low-effective lifestyle;
  • damage to the walls of the vein catheter;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • surgical intervention;
  • bad habits;
  • complicated heredity;
  • overweight.

The above factors contributing to the formation of blood clots in vessels and complex blood flow, provoke heavy Diseases. It is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner in order to begin treatment on initial stage Diseases.

What is a signal for diagnostics

The main place of formation of blood clots (as mentioned above) - deep Vienna lower extremities.

During the thrombosis of deep veins, the following symptoms must be alarmed:

  • pain in the lower limbs, mainly in the knee and lower legs;
  • sweeping of soft tissues (more often ankle and foot);
  • redness of Vienna (especially pronounced in varicose veins);
  • numbness and tingling of fingers;
  • fast fatigue when driving;
  • pallor skin Pokrov Foot against the background of a local temperature increase.

However, the thrombus can be formed in any vessel, most often affecting the digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous Systems. It should be alert to the emergence of such signs:

  • general malaise and weakness;
  • changes in the color of the epidermis at the site of occlusion;
  • permanent pain in the legs;
  • fabry body temperature;
  • brightly pronounced swelling of soft tissues.

For occlusion vessels digestive system Such symptoms may be observed:

  • chair with blood;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting.

The lesion of the arteries of the brain is manifested sudden loss vision, paralysis, violation of speech and appearance of convulsion, may be stroke.

On the formation of the blockage of the blood vessels signals breast pain, shortness of breath without visible reasons, failure heart Rhythm. Tricters in the heart provoke infarction, strokes and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

ABOUT pathological changes Respiratory vessels says sharp and constant pain in the lungs, rapid heartbeat, breathing difficulty, blood cough.

The above symptoms are a signal for immediate access to the doctor and analyzing blood for blood closures.

Methods of diagnosis of thrombosis

Diagnostic measures to define thrombophlebitis begin with primary inspection Patient and further carrying out so-called functional blood samples. Sometimes it is plentiful to diagnose the disease. If the information received is not enough, then the patient is sent to subsequent blood tests. The main of them is the analysis of the blood is immuno-immiminary. The purpose of it is to identify diseases of infectious etymology, as well as oncomarkers and violations hormonal background. The analysis has high informativeness, which allows you to install the maximum accurate diagnosis By studying blood from Vienna.

The method of blood intake for the study during thrombophlebitis has several types, which depends on the period of obtaining the results of the analysis. In the process of study, experts detect different kinds antibodies that are formed in different time in blood. If the patient's blood detects a decrease in these antibodies, then this suggests that the infection is eliminated from the body. Analyzing is subject to the serum of blood, formed as a result of blood clotting. The reaction at the TGV is determined depending on the color, which is further compared by means of a special scale.

IN this case To get the most significant results It is important to comply with the sequence of actions and properly conducting blood intake procedure for analysis.

In order to diagnose the patient, thrombosis takes no less important research that has a coagulogram name. This analysis It makes it possible to determine the level of coagulation, since the increase in this process in most cases is the cause of the formation of thrombus. Deliver blood is needed on an empty stomach, it is important to refrain from physical and emotional loads. After deoxygenated blood will be taken, it is separated into several equal parts and placed in water bath. At this point, it is important to accurately determine the time that will require that blood curls. Normal temporary indicator should not exceed 10 minutes.

If the patient implies diagnostics hereditary form Thrombosis, then the patient needs to undergo a molecular genetic blood test. In addition, this method makes it possible to determine possible complications And helps to form prophylactic measures.

Despite the fact that you are currently popular functional testsThey are still not able to identify the location of the thrombus, but only to assess the state of the subcutaneous veins.

As a rule, the implementation of this kind of analysis is prescribed to identify certain diseases, for example, inflammatory processes in the field of vessels, the state of the patient's immune system, the disease of the cardiovascular system and blood coagulation problems.

Thus, it can be concluded that at least this disease is fatal, it is important to diagnose it in a timely manner, while regularly donate blood. The earlier the disease will be detected, the higher the chances that it will not start actively developing and take more heavy form. All directions for passage required analyzes Blood is discharged by an exclusively attending physician, which further on the basis of data obtained as a result of the examination will be able to conclude what type of therapy will be the most effective.

In contact with

Under thrombosis it is understood as the occurrence of a kind of blood clot in a vessel, which prevents normal blood flow and contributes to the violation of blood circulation on the site involved.

Etiology and characteristic features of thrombosis

There are whole 13 substances and enzymes in the human body, which are responsible for thrombosis. For each there are connections that counteract, slowing down the coagulation process. Their function is to maintain blood in a constant liquid form, interfering with the appearance of thrombov.

The main anticisting components serve the following substances.

The disease has many clinical manifestationsDepending on the form, but the general for all are two symptoms.

  1. The occurrence of a strong driving pain.
  2. The appearance of redness and edema.

The well-being in general does not change much. It is worth noting that usually the disease generally proceeds asymptomaticly, and the thrombus eventually becomes the cause of death, for example, in embolism pulmonary artery.

Statistics say that 25% of Russia's population is at risk of thrombosis.

It is still considered that it is more female diseaseSince it is easily provoked by the reception of hormonal substances and tooling the child. We must not forget that the thrombosis is subject to faces with excess weight, as well as age category over 40 years old.

Microtromboms may arise in any vessels, but the target for them, as a rule, serve the veins of the feet. The blood clots are located at the wall or completely close the clearance of the vessel.

In general, the appearance of thrombus is protection during blood loss. If the work of the coagulation system is broken, pathological swarms appear.

As already mentioned above, the main targets for thromboms are legs, therefore it is advisable to disassemble the classification of this particular pathology. Venous thrombosis of the legs are divided into 2 groups depending on the depth of the affected veins, symptoms and causes will be considered below.

Feedback from our readers - Alina Mezentseva

I recently read an article in which it tells about the natural cream "Bee Savior Kashtan" for the treatment of varicose veins and cleaning vessels from thrombus. With this cream, you can forever cure varicose veins, eliminate pain, improve blood circulation, increase veins tone, quickly restore the walls of vessels, clean and restore varicose veins At home.

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one packaging. I noticed changes in a week: I left the pain, the legs ceased to "buzz" and swell, and in 2 weeks, venous bumps began to decrease. Try and you, and if anyone is interested, then below the link to the article.

Thrombosis of deep veins

In share this disease There are about 20% of all trombosis cases. Viennes are affected by muscles. Most often, the thrombus appear in the tibia vessels, from where they can migrate. Upon the expiration of the week, the inflammation of the veins wall begins in the field of blood, which contributes to the further spread of the disease, but even with significant amounts of damage, pathology can not manifest itself.

The main causes of such pathology serve several circumstances:

As for manifestations deep thrombosis, then they are divided into subjective and objective:

Thrombosis of superficial veins

For the disease of the surface vein, there are a number of reasons, some of which are similar to those with deep lesions, other strictly individuals, for example:

Clinic surface thrombosis It will not make himself wait a long time due to the fact that the vessels are very close to the surface and are sufficiently visible. The beginning of the disease is acute, for example:

Finding in Himself similar symptoms, It is necessary to remember how thrombosis is manifested, consult a doctor, since this pathology has very difficult consequences.

For the treatment of varicose veins and cleaning vessels from thrombov, Elena Malysheva recommends new method Based on cream Cream of Varicose Veins. It includes 8 useful medicinal plantswhich have extremely high efficiency in the treatment of varicose veins. It uses only natural components, no chemistry and hormones!

Diagnosis of thrombosis

In the formulation of the diagnosis of thrombosis, it is important to observe several stages.

Veins thrombosis is called the process of forming a blood clot, localized in the lumen of the vessel. The disease leads to a violation of blood circulation on the affected area. A person suffers from pain, redness and education of edema. With absence timely treatment general state The person worsens.

The World Health Organization leads its statistics, according to which each 4 person has similar health problems. The disease turns out to be even more dangerous, since even with asymptomatic flow, it may cause a patient's death - as a result of pulmonary artery thromboembolism.

Russian statistics are terrified - for the year, thrombosis is diagnosed in 240 thousand people. Women suffer 5-6 times more often than men, which is explained by the use of contraceptives, pregnancy and just high levels hormones.

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People are overweight and over 40 years old in the risk group. In the case of "alignment" of two factors, the probability of the development of thrombosis grows 5 times.

The blood bunches described are formed in the arteries, capillaries and veins. Their localization in most cases is marked in the lower limbs where the shin is affected.

The location of the thrombov is more diagnosed near the wall, as a result of which they are called client. In some cases, the full overlap of the lumen is noted - the formation of a closed thrombus.

Formation of thrombus - natural process In the vital activity of the human body. Due to blood reducing and the formation of platelet and collagen bunches, bleeding is prevented, the human wound heals. Problems causes a breakdown of a coagulation and antoslude blood system.

Mechanism of origin

For normal vital activity Human blood flows in arterial and venous bed, due to which the products of the decomposition of tissues are washed, the saturation of organs by oxygen and nutrients.

The formation of thrombosis begins in the case of:

  • reduction of blood flow rate in certain areas, which is a consequence, heart defect ,;
  • increased blood luminosity due to a violation of the quantitative balance of the content of biological components - the concentration of low density lipoproteins increases, the protein composition is disturbed due to inflammatory process;
  • the narrowings of the vessel due to the formation of inflammation inside its wall, which is characterized by atherosclerotic changes - development occurs due to the arteritis and the aneurysms of vessels and hearts;
  • the absence of the required number of coagulation factors, leading to an increase in blood coagulation;
  • alpanion of platelets caused by a shock state - sepsis, burn or injury.

Pathology develops in veins and arterial vessels, and as a result infectious inflammation Walls venous thrombosis It is much more common. The disease is dangerous if the cloth thrombus is localized in atrium in the presence of heart defect. In cases of experience shock state or abundant bleeding Troms are formed in capillaries.

Thrombosis arises suddenly due to acute diseases. Physiological properties organism and it the immune system Directly affect the formation of the presented pathology. An important role in protection against thrombosis plays the reaction of the nervous and endocrine system on the development of any disease.

A certain danger of thrombosis represents with the development of diseases of the brain or changes in the hormonal background. Here, the consequences of the formation of blood clots may be the most unexpected. Arising defeats entail their rapid development, which provokes hazardous states For a person.

Arterial thrombosis is characterized by the formation of the fibrin film at the place of damage, after which platelets with the opposite electrical charge are flushed to it, which leads to adhesion.

In the future, leukocytes, erythrocytes, new fibrin plates are joined. Thrombus increases and is compacted for a long time.

Such clusters are divided:

If a layered thrombus is formed for a long time, it can affect himself - revascularization (restoration of vessel patency).

Symptoms of vessel thrombosis are manifested with a defeat from 10% to 50% of normal blood supply - it all depends on the degree of importance of the vessel in a person's life.

Basic symptoms of thrombosis

How does thrombosis manifest? Pain, weight and swelling, sawing inside the affected area. External definition Thrombosis is possible depending on the degree of damage to the vein.

For example, find a thrombus in iliac or femoral vein Had swelling across the foot, skin covers acquire blue.

Gradually broken blood outflow provokes redistribution of clots in subcutaneous veinswhy manifests itself vascular grid Or there are "awaiting" veins on the stomach. During the course of the disease, the patient complains of weakness and chills, an increase in body temperature.

Through-line thrombing for a long time does not manifest. You can determine the availability of problems only by your own feelings while walking.

The vein is called a vessel contributing to blood flow from unpaired organs abdominal cavity - Stomach, pancreas, intestines and spleen. Blood from these organs enters the liver, where it is cleared. In the formation of blood clots, the probability of the development of liver disease increases.

The symptoms of thrombosis include:

  • abdominal pain;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • vomiting with red-brown discharge;
  • black shade of chair;
  • increased spleen.
The blockage of the pulmonary artery is formed due to blood flow from the veins of the legs and the pelvis.

The consequences of blockage are directly dependent on the size and number of incoming clots, the reaction of the lungs, the activity of the entire thrombolytic system of the body. If you get into the pulmonary artery, the clomb of small sizes symptoms may not appear at all.

Signs of pathology make themselves felt in the case of the presence of large thrombans that provoke a violation of gas exchange in lungs and hypoxia.

Signs of blockage of pulmonary artery include:

  • breast pain, similar to a heart attack;
  • pallor and skin planning;
  • increased veins on the neck;
  • cough with blood discharge;
  • wheezing;
  • loss of consciousness.
Thrombosis in 70% of cases amazes the vessels of the lower extremities. TO dangerous situations Believe the blockage of deep veins in hips or popliteal parts. Pathology developing in the lower limbs at the initial stages may not show itself at all, which is becoming an amazing unexpected "winning" veins on the legs.

To its state, it should be carefully treated and beyond the alarm when it is detected:

  • swelling;
  • pain while walking or folding in the ankle joint;
  • pacific sensations internal surface hips and feet;
  • red leather;
  • cramp.

Manifests itself with shortness of breath, increasing body temperature, dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Thromboration B. upper limbs is rarely diagnosed, but may lead to serious consequences Due to the danger of the presented pathology. Symptoms at the initial stages are not different from the arm's arm.

Here are:

  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • singing.

In the course of the development of the pathology, the patient may feel burning, numbness or loss of skin sensitivity.

The brain is associated with veins and arteries, which can also be formed by thrombus, which is dangerous stroke. The symptoms of the thrombosis of the brain vessels are more pronounced, grow rapidly and directly depend on their localization.

Symptomatics include:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • reduction of vision or hearing;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea and vomiting.
Formation of blood clots in veins hemorrhoidal node It is a complication of hemorrhoids.

The symptoms of the presented pathology include:

  • severe pain and itching;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • swelling and swelling of nodes.
This defeat is dangerous in the absence of "preliminary" signs. Already in the process of its development, the thrombosis of the veins of the retina is manifested by loss of vision.
Menterical Vienna refers to the intestines. It occurs with blood outflow from the presented organ.

Thrombosis is manifested in the form:

  • stupid nobling pain in the abdomen, which may disturb the patient a few days;
  • bloating;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the general deterioration of the state, which indicates the sacrifice of the intestine or inflammation of the peritoneum.

Presented diseases of cunning because early Stages Do not sign signs that would have the opportunity to detect the development of thrombosis. The manifested symptoms already indicate a serious defeat.

Ileofemral thrombosis is the defeat of the femoral and iliac veins.

Here are the following signs:

  • swelling of legs with a change in skin color from red to blue;
  • the formation of brown dots when changing the shade of the skin, which disappear when pressing;
  • pain in the leg or legs, pakhova region, gradually increasing pathology in the development process;
  • increase body temperature.

Treatment of thrombosis is long, the patient will constantly have to perform conditions and actions for its prevention.

Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots that impede healthy blood flow, often pathology causes fatal outcome. Often the tendency to the formation of thromboms in the body does not show itself. Thromb formation are subject to women. This is explained hormonal changesreceiving oral contraceptivespregnancy. In the risk group and people with an excessive body weight. Consider how to find out whether there are blood clots in vessels and what studies help to determine the diagnosis.

Symptoms thromba

Many are interested in how to recognize Trombus. The formation of thrombus occurs in the veins and large vessels of the legs. Risk of the development of pathology in people having a burdened hereditary factor and suffering varicose extension. It is possible to determine the thrombus at home by the presence of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Expressed pain syndrome, clear limited area shin, knee;
  • Swelling of soft tissues at the ankle level, foot;
  • Redness of the brown veins affected;
  • Local temperature rise, combined with legity pale legs;
  • Numbness of the toe, feeling of tingling;
  • Feeling of gravity in the legs;
  • Fast fatiguability.

The listed features relate to primary. In addition to them, it is possible to detect thrombus in secondary symptoms:

  • Weakness, malaise;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Apathy.

On a note!

If unpleasant symptoms are repeated, a specialist consultation is needed for diagnostics.

The first signs of thrombov

Thromb - the cause of blood flow violation in arteries or veins. The first symptoms of thrombus in the body:

  • The unexpected appearance of a stupid, sawing pain in the field of the veins;
  • Skin cover acquires a blue-red shade;
  • Leather tension;
  • When lowering the legs there is a sharp pain;
  • Feeling burning.

The reason for education is most often becoming inflammation. This process accompanies:

  • Sweating;
  • General weakness;
  • Increased body temperature.

If blood clots were formed in the field of deep vessels, the initial symptoms are not observed as a result of the absence of the inflammatory process. You can find out if there are blood clots in the body, it is possible by a regular inspection of the legs. It should pay attention to the heterogeneity of the skin. Detect the problem with palpation. IN problem places marked muscles, surface veins manifested by a grid. Big bunch Blood issues itself in blue skin.


In suspected thrombosis, refer to a phlebmologist who will spend samples. Functional samples allow you to check the presence of thromboms in the body. Diagnosis is carried out as follows:

  • If there is a blood clot formed, while bright pain in the tibia is diagnosed during the creation of the foot to the lower leg;
  • Over the knee area imposes a tonometer cuff and air is made. If manifest painfulness at 100 mm RT. Art., It is a deviation from the norm. A healthy person should not have pain during air pumping to 180 mm;
  • Barbell samples. The patient falls on the couch, the roller is put under his knees. After that, the imposition of a harness. In this state, the patient needs to go around half an hour. If the shin has increased after removing the dressing, the sawing feeling appeared, then the assumption of thrombosis is put forward.

Blood test

  • To estimate the D-dimer. This method controls the fibrinogen level, allows you to identify the problem at the initial stage;
  • Coagulogram allows you to determine blood clotting. If the coagulation level exceeds normal indicators, this is a thrombosis indicator;
  • Blood test for cholesterol. Increased amount leads to the formation cholesterol plaques in vessels;
  • With the help of molecular genetic analysis of blood it is possible to determine the presence of hereditary predisposition to thrombosis.

On a note!

By regular blood tests, the thrombus diagnostics are performed in vessels.

Hardware diagnostics

After receiving the blood test, a diagnosis of vessel thrombosis is carried out using devices. Such methods allow you to accurately determine the thrombus, their location is the location, which is necessary to address the issue of operational intervention.


Typically, the diagnosis of thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs is carried out by an ultrasound combined with doppler with duplex or triplex method. During blockage recognition, it is determined:

  • Localization of thromba;
  • Its value;
  • The characteristic of a blood clot is given, as far as it closed the venous diameter, its mobility or immobility is estimated;
  • Violation of blood flow.

Specialist's opinion!

Duplex scanning has no contraindications. It can be carried out repeatedly to control the condition of the patient. This method Allowed during pregnancy, they can examine children. He does not cause unpleasant sensations.

Diagnostics duplex ultrasound It gives accurate information about the location of the thrombus, allows you to determine the pathology at the formation stage.


Angiography is cT scan lower limbs. It refers to the discharge of invasive methods requiring the introduction of a contrast component in blood system. To do this, puncture of veins. During angiography, the patient receives X-ray radiation. Therefore, the study has a number of contraindications. It is not shown for:

  • Persons suffering from angina, heart attack, heart failure;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Nursing mothers;
  • Children, under 2 years old;
  • People who have a history of renal, heart, respiratory failure;
  • Suffering from allergies to iodine;
  • Persons having a violation of blood clotting.

Angiography allows diagnosing thrombosis. During the procedure, the doctor punishes the vein, the catheter is placed at its turn, according to which a contrasting component is introduced and conducts a standard CT.


Robing determines blood circulation level in limbs. This examination It makes it possible to evaluate the general state of the vessels, determines their tone, changes in the walls of the veins, as far as the vessel closure occurred. This is a non-invasive method based on the use of high-frequency current. As a result, there are no contraindications for its holding.

Before the examination, the patient needs to relax as much as possible. Diagnostics are carried out in the position lying on the back. The patient's feet attach sensors that are connected to the device with another end. Through the sensors on the screen are sent signals that allow you to determine the nature of violations.


The diagnostic method at which thermal radiation (thermography) is evaluated. Invisible infrared radiation is modeled on the screen, by saturation of the picture, the degree of inflammatory process in the veins is determined. Violation of blood flow causes an increase in temperature. The thermal imager monitor clearly monitors the localization of the problem zone.

Thermography is absolutely harmless. It can be done even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Diagnostics of vessels can be carried out in the sitting position, lying or standing. The device works remotely from man. The image treated with infrared rays is transmitted to the screen of the device, which makes it possible to print it for careful study.

On a note!

With the help of thermography, it is impossible to make a diagnosis of accurately. This method also identifies the thrombosis area.


Contrast phlebography is the diagnosis of the veins of the patient using the coloring components, which gives an accurate X-ray-contrast image. After the substance enters the studied section of the vessel, there is a classic examination on MRI or CT. This method has the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Allergies to the introduced drug.

Specialist's opinion!

Herography is prescribed only if ultrasound procedure Or functional samples give dubious information about the disease. Typically, a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is carried out.

Before conducting x-ray pictures The patient in the radiology department is injected by contrast. So that it spread better in the blood, the harness is made. Then make a series of snapshots and to Vienna the patient introduces Piz. solution.

Install, if there is a risk of thrombosis can only specialist. In order to start treatment in a timely manner, it is important to pay attention to the primary symptoms. When they appear, you should seek as soon as possible medical help.

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