Brown snot from the nose (adults). Brown snot from the nose in an adult: causes, treatment. How to rinse your nose at home Dark brown nasal discharge

The color of nasal mucus can tell a lot, for example, at what stage the disease is progressing. Snot accompanies most respiratory diseases. Often it is in the nasopharynx that inflammation begins, which then spreads to other organs respiratory system. Transparent mucus is characteristic of the initial stage viral infection.

But if the secreted liquid has acquired an unusual shade, it’s time to sound the alarm. Yellow, green and brown mucus is caused by various factors. This will be discussed in the article.

Why do white snot appear?

Experts associate the appearance of normal-colored snot in adults with a cold. At first the discharge will be too thin, but after a few days it will become much thicker. If a runny nose is left untreated, the sputum becomes yellowish or greenish.

Thick nasal discharge may be due to an allergic reaction.

This is quite normal, because when an irritant hits the mucous membrane, it begins to intensively produce mucin protein, thereby forming a protective layer.

Why did the snot become a different color?

In the first few days of the disease, the mucus is usually clear in color. On days 3–4, when the bacterial component is added to the viral component of the inflammatory process, the nasal mucosa begins to produce pus. Every day there is more of it, and the mucus becomes thicker and turns yellow - green color. IN last days diseases, with proper treatment, nasal discharge becomes less and then disappears completely.

The appearance of mucus Brown– an important signal to run to a specialist. Only he will be able to identify the root cause of their occurrence. But if discharge of this color appeared on the weekend, and there is no possibility of going to the doctor, then you can independently try to determine what caused this phenomenon.

The main reasons affecting the color of sputum:

  • Presence of blood;
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases(sinusitis or sinusitis);
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • Fungal disease of the nasopharyngeal mucosa (mycosis);
  • Smoker's runny nose.


The most common form of this disease is sinusitis. It is characterized inflammatory process mucous membrane in maxillary sinuses. This disease occurs equally in both adults and children. This disease occurs in acute or chronic stage. Often, with sinusitis, yellow-brown mucus is released, because pus mixes with blood. Moreover, the disease can affect both two sinuses and one.

Snot with blood

Quite often, brown nasal discharge, both in a child and an adult, can be the result of blood getting into it, which is possible when:

  • Trauma to the mucous membrane;
  • Malignant and benign formations;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals(most often it is children who suffer);
  • Overuse vasoconstrictor drops or sprays.

With all this, red-brown mucus is characterized by the presence of fresh blood. But it's dark - brown discharge observed when blood remains in one or another section for more than one day.

Quite often, adults suffering from long-term rhinitis may notice green-brown mucus. This can only indicate the presence bacterial rhinitis and drops of blood getting into the mucus.

And the reason is quite simple, because with this disease the mucous membrane swells greatly, and small hemorrhages may occur in places. With such rhinitis, these manifestations do not last long and therefore green snot is accompanied by brown streaks. There is no need to be afraid of this, you just need to properly treat a runny nose so that it does not develop into more serious complications.

Neoplasms of various etiologies

Sometimes snot of an unusual color appears due to the occurrence of benign and malignant neoplasms.

If, against the background of brown mucus from the nose, following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • The nose is stuffy, but there are no signs of allergies or infectious diseases;
  • Frequent and prolonged nosebleeds that are not accompanied by injury;
  • Erosion and ulcers of the nasal passages;
  • Otitis in the chronic stage.

Remember that any neoplasm is easier to treat in the early phase of development, so do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Brown snot: diagnosis of the disease

If rust-colored mucus appears, you should definitely consult a specialist. Diagnosis of the disease occurs in stages. First, the otolaryngologist finds out all the patient’s complaints, whether the course of the disease is accompanied by pain, and clarifies the nature of the discharge.

The next stage is examination of the patient. As a rule, this is an anterior rhinoscopy. This standard method research using special mirrors. This procedure allows you to see pathologies and changes.

In order to make a correct diagnosis, in addition to rhinoscopy, it is necessary to conduct additional examinations. As a rule, this is an x-ray of the nasal sinuses and diaphanoscopy. The latter is done using a special tube equipped with a light bulb. Computed tomography is considered one of the best studies.

Brown snot: treatment

Drug treatment for a child is practically no different from therapy for an adult. In children, the mucous membrane is very sensitive and fragile, so using various medications should be reduced to a minimum. But this does not mean that you need to treat a runny nose on your own. Good specialist Based on the research results, he will be able to select the necessary physical procedures and remove unnecessary medications.

Treatment for brown snot involves constantly rinsing the nose with a solution of soda and salt. This process dilutes the secretion, thereby making breathing easier and clearing the sinuses of mucus.

Very often, snot of this shade appears with sinusitis. In this case, the doctor prescribes complex treatment, it includes:

  • Nasal drops and sprays;
  • Antimicrobials;
  • Physiotherapy.

In addition to the above, you can also resort to methods alternative medicine, but only after consultation with a treating specialist. To ensure that there is no blood in the mucus, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

To ensure that no infection can cause harm to you or your child, much less lead to such unpleasant complications, you should strengthen your immune system, be active and healthy image life.

The entire nasopharynx and axillary cavities are covered with a special mucous membrane, which protects them from dust and dirt, and also provides them with hydration through the production of mucus. However, at moments when the body is attacked by pathogens, the amount of this mucus increases several times, resulting in a runny nose. The color of the secreted mucus can be different - transparent, white, green or yellow. But sometimes there are cases when brown snot begins to come out of the nose of an adult or child. What does this mean? And why is brown snot considered the most dangerous?

Main reasons

We are all accustomed to the fact that when various diseases mucus in most cases is discharged from the nose clear liquid or yellowish mucus. And the appearance of brown mucus indicates that various pathogenic microorganisms, which can be viruses and bacteria, have penetrated the maxillary sinuses. And in order to decide on further treatment tactics that are required to prevent negative consequences, you should consult a doctor.

The maxillary sinuses are located very close to the nasal cavity. And when the mucous membrane begins to produce mucus in order to “wash” pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity, it can penetrate into the sinus cavities, thereby triggering inflammatory processes in them.

If the snot is not eliminated in time, the disease will progress. And when persistent runny nose Pus begins to form in the sinuses, and brown mucus begins to ooze from the patient’s nose.

This happens due to the fact that the pus that is in maxillary sinuses, begins to dry out and form crusts. And when they get into the mucus, they immediately begin to dissolve, giving the snot a brown tint.

When selected brown mucus from the nose, you need to see a doctor. If the cause of their appearance is precisely purulent processes in the sinuses, then without timely treatment, sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases associated with the sinuses may begin.

But not only viruses and bacteria that penetrate the maxillary sinuses are the cause of the appearance of brown sniffles. Fungi can also cause this symptom. However, fungal diseases have their own character traits. At the initial stage of their development, it is secreted from the nose white mucus, which after some time acquires brown color. And the reason for this running form diseases.

Fungal infections are no less dangerous than bacterial and viral ones, and therefore also require urgent treatment.

Since the cause of brown sniffles can be viruses, bacteria or fungi, before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the origin of the disease. To do this you will have to submit various tests, which will allow you to determine which drugs will help you quickly and effectively cope with this disease.

Medical therapy

Once the nature of the origin of brown sniffles has been determined, treatment can begin. Depending on the type of pathogen, drug therapy may include the following drugs:

  • vasoconstrictor drops or sprays;
  • bactericidal agents;
  • nasal rinsing solutions;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs.

The medications described below are for informational purposes only. They cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, since drug therapy is determined individually in each specific case! An important role in the choice of treatment tactics is played by the type of pathogen, the patient’s age and his general state health.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (Nazivin, Ximelin, etc.) are used to facilitate nasal breathing and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. However, it is recommended to use them no more than 5 days in a row, as they are addictive, which entails the development of vasomotor rhinitis.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays should be used before bedtime or 10-15 minutes before rinsing the nose.

Nasal rinses are part of the main treatment. Such procedures allow you to clean nasal cavity from accumulated mucus and crusts, and also provide hydration of the mucous membrane. Can be used to rinse the nose various decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs. But most often doctors recommend using pharmaceutical drugs based sea ​​water, for example, Aquamaris or Salin. They can be used even on small children.

You can also use Dolphin to carry out the procedure. This drug is sold in powder form, which must be diluted in warm water. A special device is sold complete with it, with which you can effectively and efficiently clean your nose of snot and crusts. Dolphin comes in both children and adults. Their composition is the same. The only difference is the amount of powder used. Children's Dolphin implies the use of 1 g of the drug, and adults - 2 g.

In the treatment of brown sniffles they give good therapeutic effect bactericidal drugs. They eliminate pathogenic microflora and prevent the development possible complications. Among such drugs, Protargol is the most popular. It contains silver salts and proteins, which ensure rapid restoration of the nasal mucosa and the destruction of pathogens.

If the patient has thick brown mucus that is difficult to wash out and leads to constant nasal congestion, the use of Rinofluimucil nasal spray is recommended. This drug has not only a vasoconstrictor effect, but also a mucolytic effect, which thins mucus and improves its removal.

If a child or adult develops brown sniffles due to the development of sinusitis, the doctor may advise taking Sinupret tablets. They help relieve inflammation and improve the functionality of the sinuses.

Not bad therapeutic effect possess and homeopathic medicines Rumex, Gelzemin, Nux Vomica and others. They have anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

Upon joining bacterial infection and the development of purulent processes, antibiotics from the group of penicillins or macrolides are prescribed. They perfectly eliminate infection and ensure rapid recovery of the body. But since antibiotics negatively affect the intestinal microflora, in parallel with them it is necessary to take medicines containing lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Antibiotics are powerful drugs, the use of which is often accompanied by various side effects. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe such drugs. They should also determine the dosage of the antibiotic and the duration of use.

If the patient has brown sniffles against the background elevated temperature or muscle pain, then apply symptomatic remedies such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol or Nurafen.

Brown snot in children and adults may appear various reasons. And so that the treatment really gives positive results and prevented the appearance various complications, you must first determine the nature of the origin of the nozzles. To do this, you need to contact a specialist and undergo some tests.

What does the color of snot mean?

A runny nose and sinusitis often become habitual conditions for many people.

These diseases tend to recur, which forces an adult to return to tablets, drops and other medications.

Attentive patients always note various manifestations diseases, such as changes general temperature, intoxication or mucus from the nose.

Brown snot is also one of the symptoms of pathology; it is important to understand the nature of the phenomenon in more detail.

Nasal mucus is a key factor in protecting the body from infections. Mucus has components that prevent further proliferation of viruses and bacteria. From capillary blood cells leave and enter the mucus, thus determining what color the discharge will be.

If available a large number of leukocytes, then there will be snot white. Such cells form an additional amount of secretions, changing their shade.

When neutrophils collide with bacteria that live in secretion, blood cells die, myeloperoxidase is a green enzyme. The released agent is designed to trigger a series of protective reactions that eliminate infections.

If the discharge is brown, this indicates the appearance of red blood cells. Red blood cells penetrate the mucus from diseased capillaries. Initially, these cells color the mucus a rich red color (many red blood cells) or a dull pink color (few red blood cells).

Over time, hemoglobin, which is the main pigment of red blood cells, begins to break down in the cells. The protein is converted into hemosiderin, which has a yellow-brown color, thanks to iron oxide.

Nasal discharge thus becomes Orange color, that is, this.

When does colored mucus appear?

In an adult, brown snot is usually a common occurrence with a runny nose and sinusitis. If there is atrophy of the nasal mucosa caused by prolonged use of drops, then the vessels lose their strength and blood often ends up in the mucus.

If therapeutic measures are not taken, the discharge will be yellow-rusty. Therefore, if brown secretion occurs and there are no other complaints other than a runny nose, attention should be paid to the adequacy of treatment.

Nasal drops containing hormones and vasoconstrictors should be discontinued. It is necessary to restore the mucous membrane and strengthen the blood vessels. For these purposes the following is used:

  1. natural vegetable oils: olive, peach,
  2. funds from nutrients: Pinosol,
  3. regenerative drops: Derinat.

The nostrils become inflamed when the sinus is blocked by a mucus plug. This condition is characterized by the discharge of brown mucus. Usually, a person has recently undergone a nasal cavity, the nasal cavity is clear, breathing is not difficult, but there is heaviness or pain in the sinus area, and fluid is also felt in one sinus when the head is tilted.

In this case, you should definitely discuss your use with your doctor. antibacterial agents. Typically, the infection will not go away on its own.

If the discharge from the nasal cavity is the color of rust, it means there was bleeding. In some cases, such symptoms occur due to tumor-like diseases of the nose or paranasal sinuses.

Typically, tumors appear in adults. They are differentiated into malignant and benign. A yellow-brown discharge is characteristic of a bleeding tumor.

Doctors include these types of tumors:

  • benign vascular formations, for example, hemangiomas, angiogranulomas,
  • malignant formations.

In the first case, hemangioma or angiogranuloma contains many vessels that are easily damaged.

The blood is constantly destroyed and constantly ends up in the mucus. After bleeding, a person can take a long time to remove brown discharge. When malignant formation, the tumor aggressively affects neighboring vessels and tissues, causing erosion.

If the following appear severe symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  1. difficulty in nasal breathing in the absence of allergies or infections,
  2. nasal discharge various colors for no apparent reason,
  3. ulcers on the mucous membrane,
  4. long and frequent bleeding from the nose, which were not previously accompanied by damage,
  5. otitis.

Such tumors respond quickly to therapy initial stages. They can be easily diagnosed by performing a rhinoscopy.

Scleroma and ozena

Brown snot can appear in an adult in the presence of scleroma and ozena - nonspecific pathologies that cause a foul runny nose.

These ailments are accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • atrophy of the mucous membrane,
  • formation of crusts of brown, green and yellow color.

Black crusts that get into the mucus give the discharge a yellow-rusty hue.

There are other manifestations of these pathologies:

  1. decreased sense of smell,
  2. a pungent odor from the nose that is felt by people around you,
  3. constant dryness of the nose and throat,
  4. frequent bleeding of the mucous membrane.

Only a doctor can determine scleroma and ozena. As a rule, pathologies are rarely recorded and have genetic character and primarily affects women. ABOUT alarming symptoms with the change in snot in the video in this article.

1624 03/27/2019 5 min.

Our nasal cavity is lined with a special mucous membrane. It produces a secretion that promotes hydration respiratory tract. The mucous membrane has a lot of vessels that are involved in warming the air. All this does not give pathogenic microorganisms live and reproduce in the nasal cavity.

But if microbes enter the nasal cavity, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, it is damaged, as a result of which mucus is produced in large volumes. The color of the mucus can determine the disease.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of brown snot, since the treatment method will depend on this. The appearance of brown mucus in adults is a reason to consult a doctor.

Brown snot from the nose in adults - symptom definition

Runny nose infectious origin- This is the most common pathology of the upper respiratory tract. Moreover, the volume, consistency and color of mucus depend on the stage of the disease. At first it is abundant, serous (serous-mucous) and transparent. After a couple of days, when a bacterial infection joins the viral infection, the mucus includes impurities of pus.

The volume of pus increases, causing the snot to become yellow (yellow-green) and thick. Once the runny nose is over, they are no longer so abundant. The mucus turns into dry yellow-green crusts and then gradually disappears.

The brown tint of mucus comes from blood. When hemoglobin in stale blood begins to change and transform, the color changes from red to brown.

This does not happen with a runny nose, which is a symptom of a cold. The appearance of blood streaks or clots indicates fragility of the vessels in the nasal mucosa due to a number of reasons.

This happens if a person blows his nose too much or has a deviated nasal septum. These factors injure the mucosal epithelium. Also, the occurrence of brown snot may be associated with increased blood pressure, lack of vitamin C, dry mucous membranes.


If an adult has brown snot, you should definitely consult a doctor. This is the only way to protect yourself from serious consequences.

First of all, you need to identify the cause. Most often, these can be viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation in the maxillary sinuses.

With prolonged inflammation, pus forms in the sinuses, and the person produces brown snot. This color is a sign that the pus is drying. When crusts of pus enter the mucus, they dissolve and the discharge becomes brown.

Brown discharge can also be a symptom fungal disease. It happens that candidiasis and mold fungi actively multiply in the sinuses. Because of this, white mucus is initially released, which turns brown over time. A change in color indicates an advanced inflammatory process.

The appearance of brown mucus during a runny nose is serious symptom, which indicates improper or delayed treatment of the disease or the development of complications, as well as the spread of the inflammatory process to the sinuses and damage to the mucosa.

Frequently encountered sinusitis is and. The symptoms of these diseases are similar: intoxication, specific pain syndrome, thick, mucopurulent discharge.

Brown snot may occur due to late treatment, chronic inflammation, injuries during sinus puncture or nasal rinsing, foreign body entry into the nasal cavity.

It happens that brown or almost black discharge in a small volume can occur against the background of complete health. The reason for this may be dusty and polluted air. Such brown snot appears in people of certain professions.

Possible complications

Without timely treatment, any disease is fraught with consequences. They can not only be unpleasant, but much more difficult to treat. If brown snot is a symptom of sinusitis, the following complications may occur:

  1. Extracranial. They appear in the form of purulent foci in the surrounding tissues, which do not penetrate into the cranial cavity. The most common extracranial complications include:
    • Non-purulent lesions of the eye area(swelling of the eyelids, inflammation of the periosteum).
    • Purulent lesions(abscess of the eyelids, paraorbital and retroorbital tissue, orbital phlegmon, blockage of orbital vessels).
  2. Intracranial. They are less common but can be fatal. TO intracranial complications include: meningitis, brain abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, blood poisoning.

It is necessary to treat sinusitis. Therapy takes a long time. Very often it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention (sinus puncture), so it is necessary timely treatment to avoid the development of complications.

Treatment methods

If brown snot appears, you should definitely consult an ENT doctor. First, the specialist must listen to the patient’s complaints, determine the presence pain syndrome and symptoms of intoxication of the body, clarify the nature of the discharge, the duration of the disease.

The presence of anatomical defects or foreign bodies which may cause bleeding. Depending on the color of the mucus back wall pharynx, the doctor determines the source of blood loss.

Only after consultation and examination is a treatment regimen selected.


If there are no complaints other than brown snot, then therapy is aimed at strengthening the vessels of the mucous membrane and restoring its functions. In this case, vitamin C and preparations containing iron are used, as well as moisturizing sprays. Cardio training is recommended.

Add drug treatment possible using folk remedies. It is proposed to use decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects.

Folk remedies:

It should be remembered that if brown snot is released due to sinusitis or sinusitis, then warming procedures cannot be done, since heat negatively affects the course of the inflammatory process. As a result, the condition can only get worse.



Brown snot is most often a sign of sinusitis. But sometimes they can indicate other diseases. Therefore, treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist who will make a diagnosis and select appropriate medications.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist, you can avoid serious complications, such as or .

The color of nasal discharge allows you to determine at what stage the disease is occurring and whether this symptom refers to manifestations of sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. This disease has several stages, each of which is characterized by specific symptoms, and brown snot discharged from the nose in adults or children is one of these. It is worth noting that this color may be due to blood impurities, and their appearance indicates a severe course of the disease.

If the patient begins to discharge brown snot, especially in a child, you should immediately contact medical care, since this will avoid very unpleasant consequences.

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the development of inflammation, because the further course of treatment will depend on it. Most often, the provocateurs are viruses and bacteria that have entered the maxillary sinuses through the nose, but only an experienced specialist can determine exactly why the inflammation occurred.

The main stages of development of sinusitis

The first symptoms of the disease are discomfort in the nose and forehead. When discomfort you need to see a doctor, as sinusitis can cause quite dangerous complications. First of all, the mucous membrane suffers; it becomes vulnerable to pathogens.

Infection can be recognized already at the earliest early stages development.

It should be noted that sinus inflammation can occur in different forms:

  • Subacute. IN in this case the disease occurs in mild form and responds well to treatment, but the difficulty is that diagnosing it at this stage is quite difficult: the symptoms that arise, including yellow-brown or simply yellow snot, similar to the symptoms of a common cold. There is a profuse runny nose, difficulty breathing;
  • Spicy. Signs of inflammation at this stage become more pronounced: thick mucus is released, usually yellow, and there is pain when blowing your nose;
  • Chronic. This form is characterized by regular exacerbations of symptoms and occurs in the absence of treatment at earlier stages. It is worth noting that it is difficult to treat.

If the disease is identified in time and treatment is started, the prognosis will be most favorable, but diagnosing sinusitis in the early stages of development is quite difficult, because it is similar to a common cold. Therefore to colds need to be treated with extreme caution, because their minor symptoms may hide a very serious pathology.

As a rule, adults, perceiving sinusitis as a cold, are treated at home and consult a doctor only after the disease has progressed and characteristic features. The latter includes severe swelling mucous membrane of the nose, while brown snot can come from only one nostril, since they are blocked one by one.

When the disease progresses to acute form discomfort intensifies: inflammation in the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses intensifies, which entails an increase in body temperature and pain in the head area (cheekbones, forehead, temples, back of the head, eyes, upper jaw).

In the absence of adequate therapeutic measures the disease acquires chronic form. You should not run it, because in the future you may need surgical intervention, because conservative methods will not bring effective results.

Moreover, each operation is accompanied increased risk complications: as for the nasal cavity, it is significantly reduced local immunity, the risk of regular colds increases.

Course of sinusitis in children and adults

It is impossible to carry out a full diagnosis at home. But the presence of the disease can be determined by specific signs. For example, the most common of them are the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Pressure in the face when tilting the head forward;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Brown snot, indicating progression of inflammation.

In addition to the listed symptoms, partial or complete loss of smell may be observed, which indicates the transition of the disease to an acute form.

Provokes disruption of this function severe runny nose preventing normal breathing through one or both nostrils. Treatment allows you to restore your sense of smell in full.

Identifying the disease at home is quite simple: press your fingers on the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and the area between the eyebrows. If upon palpation you feel strong pain, then it is quite possible that the person has sinusitis.

It is worth noting that nasal breathing in the early stages of development, inflammation may partially persist. Brown discharge, almost like snot, is often observed, but only from one nostril. If you use vasoconstrictor drops, then normal breathing can be maintained. But in advanced cases, even such drugs do not help; it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to treating the disease.

Why is snot brown when you have sinusitis?

Nasal discharge can help determine what stage of development in this moment there is a disease.

It is worth noting that such a simple method allows you to fairly accurately determine the stage and nature of the disease. This method allows you to make a forecast for the future and help avoid complications. The color of the discharge depends on the nature of the sinusitis. Most often they are white, green, yellow and yellow-brown. White ones are observed in the early stages of development, when there is still no pus.

And thick white ones after treatment indicate recovery. Yellow tint caused by a purulent inflammatory process. Green and brown discharge indicates severe course diseases. For example, in the latter case dark color mucus may be due to inclusions of blood.

Why does thick brown or reddish mucus come out?

Bleeding can occur for several reasons, such as overuse of runny nose drops, nose picking, or frequent nose blowing.

If a person has a broken nose bridge, then bloody discharge in the early stages of the disease is a classic symptom.

This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane begins to bleed at the slightest irritation.
