Short-term fasting as a restart of the immune system. If the Body Needs a “Reboot” People who have

You may have probably heard about fasting for weight loss and cleansing. immune system. Today we will talk about it. Let's look at why people fast, how to do it correctly, and what types of fasting there are. First of all, we want to say that fasting on a regular basis is very harmful to your body, but short-term fasting can bring considerable benefits and cleanse the body, this fact is even confirmed by science. The results of fasting entail cell renewal and strengthening of your immunity.

Fasting for weight loss is as productive as a month of dieting, all because the body will get rid of excess and not required cells, for the purpose of energy storage. Fasting once a month brings a very noticeable effect and a significant improvement in overall health, but you need to know how to properly break fasting. It is with these and other nuances that we will familiarize ourselves today.

Cleansing the body after a day of fasting

Short-term fasting has healing properties and helps not only to lose weight and cleanse the body, but also to enrich yourself spiritually. When you start fasting, your body begins to conserve energy. The processing of cells of the immune system begins, and those cells that are in this moment do not play an important role. In this way, the body, as it were, eats itself, getting rid of excess material, cells, and as a result you get a natural cleansing of the body after a day of fasting. This is all extremely useful, but you need to know your body well and its indications and contraindications. this method. Consult a doctor before fasting.

People who have:

  • Lack of weight, BMI deficiency - less than 18;
  • Stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • Heart defects, arrhythmia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gallstones and kidney stones;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Acute stage of any disease, loss of strength;
  • Treatment period;
  • Children under 14, people over 70 years old;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Availability inflammatory process in organism;
  • Tuberculosis.

In any case, even if you find your problem on the list, you shouldn’t risk fasting even at the easiest levels, and for a short time. This can aggravate your diagnosis, leading not only to its exacerbation, but also to transition to a chronic condition, including hospitalization, and in the worst case, death.

  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Nervous;
  • Frequent depression;
  • Not pronounced schizophrenia;
  • Obesity;
  • Violation of hormone production;
  • Eczema, psoriasis;
  • Disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • BPH.

In scientific research center experiments were carried out on volunteers. When scientists deprived subjects of food, it served to reduce white blood cells, which fight infection and disease. Further research showed that it didn’t end there; fasting triggered a restart of the leukocyte production system. Fasting 4 days with inspiration circulatory system destroy old and damaged cells immunity and recreate new ones. Based on this, scientists have accurately concluded that the results after fasting are impressive and cleanse the body, and have a beneficial effect on all human organs.

Short-term therapeutic fasting and its types

Among fasting there are also Various types, which can be used for different purposes and groups of people. If you want to fast without food or water for 24 hours, then this is strict fasting, and it is carried out exclusively under medical supervision. You can fast without eating food, but at the same time drink water, this will be a Complete fast, it is divided into three groups, namely, short-term, from one to three days, medium, from a week to ten days, and long-term from two weeks or more. The third type of fasting is separate species, called short-term therapeutic fasting. It lasts only a day and is suitable for those people who find it difficult to refuse food. With this type of short-term fasting, different meals and juices are allowed.

Types of intermittent fasting:

  • On the water– on the day of fasting on water, you do not eat any food, you are allowed to take only water, which can be diluted with a small amount of honey, no more than 3 teaspoons per day, and lemon juice, 1 teaspoon per glass of water.
  • On juice– per day, the maximum allowable intake of juice is one and a half liters of freshly squeezed juice, vegetable and fruit can be used. Before drinking the juice, you need to put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to an hour, and then drink it cooled in small sips.
  • Fruits and vegetables– fasting on vegetables and fruits alone, the maximum intake per day is 600 g, the portion can be divided into two times, but the distance between doses should be at least seven hours.
  • Dairy products– within 24 hours you are allowed to drink 500 ml of kefir, sourdough, milk or whey twice.
  • Fasting in the morning– on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water, not carbonated, or a glass of any juice except beetroot. Food can be consumed 5 hours after drinking water/juice.

These five subtypes of short-term fasting will allow you to choose the most suitable one, relying on your willpower and endurance. It is also always recommended to be examined by a doctor before starting to avoid unpleasant consequences. You must be sure that this type short-term fasting is completely suitable for you and will not harm your body.

Fasting for weight loss: how to fast correctly?

If you use fasting to lose weight, you will get double benefits: weight loss and body renewal. To achieve a good result, you need to do everything correctly, and most importantly regularly, almost on schedule, weekly. Scientific research centers have proven that even one day of fasting per month is very beneficial for your health. Such fasting every week will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and the severity of asthma. It is not at all necessary to fast all day; it is enough to skip dinner or breakfast on the allotted day every week.

According to tests, fasting is most effective on Mondays. It is very important that your fast is strictly on a specific day with equal days in between. The main thing in such regular fasting is to drink water; fasting without water is not designed for this repetition. After just a month of regular short-term fasting, you will notice changes in yourself.

How to get out of fasting without harm to the body?

The issue of breaking fasting is extremely important, because if you quit abruptly, you can cause significant harm to your body. The exit should be smooth and gradual, everything should start with cereals and light soups. Going straight depends on the type of fasting you went through, but they all have something in common.

  1. First, this fasting must necessarily end in the evenings; before that, around eight o’clock in the evening, drink non-concentrated juice, any juice other than beetroot. An hour after drinking the juice, eat an apple. In the morning, the first thing you should drink is two glasses of sparkling water, and only after an hour oatmeal, you can use both water and milk with a minimum percentage of fat content.
  2. The next day you will need to eat often and in small portions, fruits, cereals, vegetables. Important Features. After strict fasting, fruits are not allowed; porridge and boiled vegetables are allowed. If you have not been fasting for a long time or strictly, then you can eat fruit, and you can also eat boiled chicken fillet in the evening. You should drink kefir throughout the day.
  3. Second day, begin with mineral water, two glasses, like the first. On the second day, bread, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs are allowed. The time between doses is a maximum of two hours.
  4. On the third day much more is allowed. Fish, meat, bread are included, but you still can’t have coffee and sugar. Now you need to fill your body with the right proteins, fats and carbohydrates. During the meal, do not eat to full, leave a slight feeling of hunger. It is best to drink a glass of water half an hour, an hour before meals, it will help you not to overeat.

Every day our attention is distracted by thousands of things. It is quite difficult to find time to clear your mind of unnecessary worries. Even the body is often left completely unattended, let alone the mind. However, do not forget that stress can be deadly. People who cannot relax psychologically are at risk - they are susceptible to depression. Learn to unload your brain and free yourself from worry. This is a key skill for healthy person! Here are ten ways to help you.

Give yourself a break

Perhaps every person understands perfectly well that it is impossible to work without breaks. Can you imagine running for 24 hours without stopping? To make you feel? But this is precisely the test that many people subject their minds to every now and then. The best reboot for the brain - healthy sleep. These are the necessary hours for renewal, when the consciousness can switch off from worries and process all the information received. If you don't allow yourself to get proper rest, you are putting your own health at risk.


It’s funny to advise to strain your mind immediately after the recommendation about rest, but these are really the two most important points. Any exercise that your muscles perform is also good for your brain - it produces endorphins and serotonin, hormones that determine your mood. In addition, performance improves of cardio-vascular system. When you finish your workout, you feel energized! Research has shown that sport has a beneficial effect on various functions brain, long-term memory and the ability to perceive received information.

Experiment, find your limit

Try to memorize things that you don't usually learn by heart. Remember how they taught poetry at school? Memorization helps develop memory, and at the same time maintains the state of mind. Try to instill new habits in yourself for several weeks in a row - learn new words or, conversely, prohibit yourself from using several and look for a replacement each time. Put your mind to work.

Think about your hopes and dreams

Creating a goal to work towards helps you relax mentally. A hopeful person who looks to the future with a smile feels more positive. Keep the feeling of happiness within yourself, let it become a habitual state for your brain. This will help relieve the constantly overstressed cells.

Become an optimist

Psychological research has demonstrated that positive thinking increases your energy level. If you think positive thoughts at least a couple of times a day, you will already be able to notice the difference. Positive thoughts fill you with energy and open the way to new opportunities. If you can't spend too much time on riddles and other exercises, just having an optimistic outlook on the world can help you keep your brain in tip-top working condition.

Be grateful

According to researchers, gratitude is an act of kindness towards oneself. This feeling helps reduce depression, overcome insomnia and get rid of anxiety. Being grateful has a lasting effect on your life, but even just saying “thank you” to someone just once can be helpful. Make a list of three, seven, maybe ten things that fill your life with joy. It doesn't matter what exactly you write into it. Feeling grateful means feeling happier and energizing your brain.

Head East

The effects of meditation and mindfulness have been officially confirmed. Numerous Eastern traditions associated with these practices are also useful for residents of other countries - they heal the mind. After have a long day, when you need strength, take a break and follow the example of the people of the east. A short meditation during which you breathe deeply and concentrate on the present moment will transform your state.

Have sex

Endorphins are extremely important for a healthy psyche. Constant sex increases the level of happiness hormones that are produced during contact. After it, the body also produces calming hormones that will help you overcome stress. Regular sex life can be an excellent source of strength to overcome any difficulties. Think about it!

Eat right

A healthy diet can have an even greater impact on your brain than physical activity. WITH reduced level tensions are often associated with a Mediterranean diet rich in protein, vegetables and natural oils. Plus, knowing that you're eating healthy, nutritious foods is energizing in itself and makes it easier to reset your mind. The next time you feel tired, buy yourself a healthy snack and appreciate how great its immediate positive effect is.

Challenge yourself to be more creative

When you feel tense and find yourself in a stressful environment, it is worth taking a break and trying to awaken your inspiration. Turn on the music and dance, play imaginary instruments. In the end, everyone prefers to be happy rather than sad. Such a break will help you shake yourself up and approach the problem differently. It works very simply, and the effect is quite significant. So go ahead, even if it seems completely inappropriate during a tense moment.

A REBOOT consists of FOUR conditions:
Melt water, which is very easy to prepare yourself, will reduce the intake of calcium salts and carbonates into the body and normalize the ratio of intercellular electrolytes. Melt water has a high energy potential, which leads to increased energy throughout the body.
CORRECT water – MELT water
Everyone cares about quality drinking water. A person can live without food for several weeks, but without water he cannot live even for several days. Water is the basis of vital activity and active longevity of the body, so its quality is of utmost importance.
Tap water- technical water, it is unsuitable for food consumption. Bottled water from many manufacturers also does not have the required ratio of macronutrients (sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium). Such water is mineralized with carbonate salts instead of sulfate salts (for example, healing waters in Karlovy Vary). The main disadvantage of such drinking water is excessive mineralization with calcium ions and carbonates.
Excessive intake of calcium ions and carbonates into the body provides food for nanocalcium bacteria (see Internet), which leads to calcification of blood vessels and pathological changes electrolyte composition of the intercellular environment of the body. An excess of calcium carbonate (the body needs calcium sulfate) and a lack of potassium, magnesium and zinc lead to most pathologies and “incurable” diseases.
The most important condition The quality of drinking water is its biological activity. Biological activity is determined by the presence of free hydrogen ions, the degree of its structure, the sign and value of the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP, redox potential). Biologically active water removes the harmful effects of nanobacteria.
For example, freshly typed spring water has an ORP of -180...-330 mV (due to the minus potential there are no nanocalcium bacteria in it). If spring water is stored in an open container for several days, its ORP will drop to +25…+45 mV. Tap or bottled water has an ORP value of +145...+170 mV (no biological activity). The worst ORP indicator for artificial carbonated waters is from +200 to +400 mV.
Epiphany water and the water in churches after the water prayer service has phenomenal structure and biological activity, so it does not lose its properties for many years.
Exist various ways improving water quality: freezing (MELT WATER), magnetization, ultrasound, UV and IR irradiation, nanostructured effects of reverse osmosis membranes (in the best purification filters), using natural shungite, cavitation, silver, silicon, etc. Positive effect on water structure good words, prayers and harmonious music.
There is a simple and effective method preparing CORRECT WATER at home:
Pour tap or bottled water into PET bottles or buckets, leaving a little air under the lid (so as not to burst when frozen). Freeze the containers completely, then set them aside to thaw. When most of the ice will melt and the middle will remain cloudy ice– drain clean water into a drinking container. Melt cloudy ice and pour it out (cannot be used).
For proper functioning and cleansing of the body, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters a day of MELT WATER (together with soups and drinks - 2-2.5 liters), such water is the basis of health and longevity.
In order for the water not to lose its biologically active properties, it cannot be heated above +10 degrees, so it must be stored in the refrigerator or a cool place. To use this water in soups, tea, etc., store at room temperature.
When treating pathologies, cleansing the body of accumulated salts, to normalize intercellular electrolytes and to restore normal tissue regeneration in the body, it is necessary to drink an increased amount of MELT WATER 2.0 - 2.5 liters per day for two to three months.
To ease the load on the genitourinary system (especially with pathologies and abnormalities), it is recommended to take a course of taking RED ROOT and STONE OIL for a month. The red root will relieve spasms from the ducts and vessels, and Stone oil– will ensure the destruction of nanocalcium bacteria.
The restructuring of the ratios of electrolytes in the intercellular environment also requires an increased intake of organic acids (a source of hydrogen ions and protons) into the body. Must be taken before meals ascorbic acid(dilute the powder on the tip of a knife in 1/2 cup of water) and after eating citric acid (4...6 crystals per 1/2 cup of water).
Also, it is necessary to regularly update the intestinal microflora. To do this, once a week, you need to wash it with an enema (2...2.5 liters of boiled water room temperature with 1…2 tbsp. salt) and 1.5...2 hours after that, make a microenema of 100...150 ml. with complex probiotics “EM-Kurunga”, “Bifikol” or others.
It is necessary to take Bolotov's kvass. An example of preparing kvass using celandine:
Pour three liters into jar 3 melt water, stir 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream. Place 1/2 cup of celandine on the bottom of the jar (so that it does not float, you can weigh it down, for example, with gauze). Tie the neck with 2-3 layers of gauze. Leave the kvass for 2 weeks. Once every two days you need to mix the contents of the jar and remove any mold that forms. You can drink this kvass for 2 months: pour 1 glass of kvass, add 1 glass of melt water and 1 tablespoon of sugar into the jar. In addition to celandine, you can use any medicinal herb(except for roots) suitable in its own way medicinal properties, for example, for heart patients - adonis, for those with diabetes - sage, for hypertension - panzeria, etc.
When drinking melt water, it is necessary to compensate for the leaching of Potassium and Magnesium from the body. You need to take Asparkam (potassium and magnesium in tablets) 1-2 tablets per day, or eat 100 grams daily. dried apricots or raisins, or 300 gr. stewed beans. To replenish sulfur losses, it is advisable to use mustard.
The cleansing course lasts 2...5 months depending on age, i.e. from the time of accumulation of pathologies and imbalance of intercellular electrolytes. In the future, to prevent pathologies from returning, you need to make it a habit to constantly drink Proper Water.

The more severe the pathology, the stricter compliance with all restrictions of the RESET diet. To prevent and maintain health, it is necessary to exclude dairy products from the diet for a month (except butter and fermented milk products), sweets (sugar, honey, fructose), white flour ( confectionery and baking).
Diet "RESET":
Eliminate dairy products (except butter and fermented milk products);
Eliminate poorly digestible proteins, carbohydrates and starch: Wheat flour, potatoes, any sugar (including fruits, honey and fructose);
Can be consumed sour fruits(lemon, orange, grapefruit, pomegranate);
Avoid fried foods and cooking in microwave oven;
Cook food by steaming, stewing and eating raw;
Reduce consumption of meat, fish and eggs to a minimum;
Drink any liquid 30 minutes before or after meals;
Drink Bolotov’s kvass (see instructions “Water of the Renaissance”);
Avoid pickled vegetables;
Consume 100-150g per day. pickled vegetables. You can ferment not only cabbage, but also many other vegetables (beets, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, radishes). The recipe is simple: grate, add salt, add water and cabbage brine, cover the container with gauze, ferment for 3-4 days. Keep refrigerated. Pickled vegetables can be added to salads and soups;
Limit consumption of animal fats: butter, lard, oily fish;
Use vegetable fats cold-pressed - sources of Omega-9: olive, flaxseed, soybean, cedar, sea buckthorn;
Separate food- do not combine the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates together (for example, eat meat with vegetables, not pasta);
To increase the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsins (to improve digestion and prevent atherosclerosis), it is necessary to consume table salt up to 9g. per day. Of this amount, you need to dissolve 0.5 g of salt in your mouth (at the tip of a teaspoon) 30 minutes after meals 5-6 times a day.

The basis of the RESET is your POSITIVE ATTITUDE, BELIEF in yourself and HIGHER POWERS. Confidence in positive result- the basis maximum effect the actions of our recommendations and natural healers. We wish you good health and longevity.


Reboot your body. Button “BACK” - restores youth, eliminates malfunctions in the body, erases any ailments, renews the body’s cells. Live JUICES of wild plants.
Juices are now out of favor pharmaceutical business. This is understandable - they cannot be patented, they cannot be sold in a pharmacy, they are free for everyone, and, moreover, they are as effective as possible - truly Living Medicines! They are widely used by practicing herbalists who care about healing rather than "commercial dosage form", i.e. not related to the final result- recovery. Of course, they also treat in other forms - decoctions, infusions and others. Only, apparently, they have a much weaker effect - that’s why it often takes a long time to be treated with such forms...
Here is a quote from Zhdanov’s lecture, using propolis as an example. But, for example, poplar buds are very close in composition to propolis! And if they are highly healing even in the form alcohol solution, then what is their healing power WITHOUT alcohol?
"in all medical books it is written to dissolve Propolis in alcohol, dissolve Propolis in vodka. At our Institute organic chemistry took the analysis of "Propolis" from alcohol tincture. Gasp! Alcohol kills sixty percent of the most healing substances immediately."

Increasing the body's energy level ---
* “He makes people so bright, so joyful, as if they had absorbed the sun!” — St. John's wort; and also, if you drink St. John's wort: for a person, even the Sun will shine brighter, the person will suddenly rush towards joy and unusualness; and it will give girls and young women a kind of luminosity
*the mood will rise and the Soul will become joyful - Strawberry
*Improves well-being, brings harmony to the mind - Angelica
*the power of the juice and simply the berries of this plant generates such energy in the heart that people are drawn to - it is very pleasant - Hawthorn; and paintings painted under the shade of this tree will be liked by people and will be in great demand
*You can drink the juice of this plant, but simply communicating with a living plant will give the same effect: humanity awakens in a person, pleasant feelings appear from somewhere - warmth and joy! - elecampane tall

Let's transform. We transform the oppressed cells of our body---
*alfalfa - stimulates the body’s generation of new, living cells
*red clover - renews the body, cleanses the blood, treats cancer, with constant use it will give a lot of strength
* sedum - “Raw sedum contains silicon, in which all oxides dissolve; oxides are used to build new cells, that is, the body rejuvenates; take in small quantities” /Petrenko/
* a person becomes younger if dill is consumed DAILY, especially its juice.
* dandelion lek - course 4-6 weeks - “after it you feel really healthy and rejuvenated”, 1 tablespoon per day, 2 rubles per day. /Palov/
* juice of the fruits of Loja multiflorum - reduces oxidative stress fabrics
*Rehmannia adhesive - will relieve disorders associated with aging of the body; rejuvenates the body; builds up nerve tissue Bone marrow and reproductive tissue; In general, the range of uses of this plant is huge - see details here

Ecology of consumption. Health and beauty: Detox is gaining more and more popularity every day. What is the reason for this tendency to cleanse the body? Just another fashion trend or really a necessity? First, let’s figure out what “detox” actually is.

Detox is gaining more and more popularity every day. What is the reason for this tendency to cleanse the body? Just another fashion trend or really a necessity? First, let’s figure out what “detox” actually is.

Detox is a cleansing process during which the body gets rid of toxins and waste. In fact, this is a natural process. Liver, intestines, lymphatic system, skin and kidneys throw out everything unnecessary and harmful. However, they can only cope with natural surpluses and natural process cleaning. But they cannot resist various stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, antibiotics and other chemicals.

Therefore, over time, the organs become clogged and cease to function normally. As a result, the complexion deteriorates, fatigue, general malaise appear, headache, digestive problems arise, it is unclear where allergies and other diseases appeared. All of the above is a sign that the body is clogged and needs to be cleansed.

There are many detox options available today, from fasting to drinking green smoothies. And every day there are more and more methods of cleansing the body - miraculous recipes appear, entire health programs are being developed, including those carried out abroad. Let's look at the variety of options and choose the most suitable one. And at the same time, let’s find out what consequences are possible after detoxification?

Detox is not a diet.

Each of us has been poisoned at least once in our lives. Whether it's a bad dish at a restaurant, an expired product on a store shelf, or an extra cocktail at a party. In any case, the poisons get inside and affect the cells of the body. Everyone knows how it ends - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness, in some cases, an increase in temperature. Here is an example of intoxication and the body’s attempt to get rid of toxic substances. Everyone knows that in such a situation they use absorbents ( Activated carbon, enterosgel), which, like a sponge, absorb and then remove toxins naturally. It is also recommended to refrain from eating (there is no appetite at this time) and drink as much liquid as possible, because it is water that washes away all poisons, promoting recovery and protecting against dehydration.

After some time, the person becomes better - appetite appears, improves general state, gradually he returns to his usual way of life. I specifically described this process as clear example poisoning and purification. IN in this case We are dealing with acute intoxication.

However, most people feel unwell every day in the best possible way precisely for the reason slagging in the body. Most often, we simply do not attach much importance to such conditions as weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, headache, etc. We live and live for ourselves, and when we get sick, we start running to doctors and swallowing pills. At the same time, as a rule, no one eradicates the cause of diseases - the body still remains polluted and after some time the disease makes itself felt again. And so on in a circle.

Modern man is constantly exposed to various harmful substances coming from food, water, polluted air and other sources. And every day they accumulate inside. So we just periodic detoxification is necessary and thereby keep our body clean. Everything is simple here. Let's take, for example, our house, where we regularly clean (from time to time "general") so that it is fresh and clean. But, if we don’t clean the apartment, it will soon become dirty, there will be chaos everywhere and, most likely, “unexpected guests” will appear in the form of insects. It’s unlikely that anyone will be happy with such a neighborhood, right?

So the situation is similar with our body - it also needs to be periodically cleaned and maintained in “order”. Otherwise, new “residents” will also appear there, who will also litter and thereby further poison the body. Ultimately, all this will lead to illness.

We often hear about using detox as another way to lose weight. Of course, cleansing the body eliminates waste and toxins, which leads to weight loss. After all overweight- nothing more than garbage accumulated inside. Pay attention to nutrition fat people. Their diet is dominated by fried, fatty, flour dishes, while not many fresh fruits and vegetables. All these harmful things are deposited inside, and a person carries all this within himself for years. And at the same time, detox is mistakenly called a fashionable diet.

It is still aimed at deep cleansing and healing the body as a whole. When using such a program, the hated kilograms will go away, but the question is - will they come back? And here it all depends on what kind of nutrition you return to after. If we are talking about potatoes with meat and all other “delicacies”, then take out a larger trouser size. For comparison, vegans and raw foodists not only tolerate such periods of cleansing more easily, but also do not suffer from excess weight. Which once again confirms the beneficial effects of plant and living foods.

It is often assumed that vegetarians and vegans have less need to detoxify their bodies than meat eaters. However, a complete and gentle periodic cleanse is recommended for all people, regardless of diet type. After all, this is essentially a reboot of all body systems to achieve holistic health.

Where to begin?

No matter how good the cleansing program is, you shouldn’t rush things. You need to approach it gradually. Don't rush to start new life from Monday.

Detox consists of several stages: preparation, cleansing the body and returning to normal diet. If you are a vegan or raw foodist, then the whole process will be much easier, because you do not need to gradually give up everything harmful products. You simply don't eat them. It will be more difficult for those who like to start the day with a cup of coffee and a sandwich with sausage, and end it with a hearty dinner.

In this case, it is best to start preparing a month before the planned cleaning. At this time, it is necessary to gradually reduce consumption and then give up meat, processed foods, dairy products, flour products, sugar, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. Try to steam, bake and eat more fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Make your diet light. This will help move the cleansing stage more smoothly. This way you will take the load off internal organs. Especially from the intestines and liver, which, with improper nutrition, work hard.

Purification stage.

So, from the diet during cleansing you need to exclude:

  • meat (acidifies the body, complicates digestion, rots inside, contains antibiotics, hormones, etc.);
  • flour and sweet products, including any sugar and honey (they feed the yeast inside);
  • cereals (gluten-free cereals are allowed - quinoa, millet and buckwheat, but no more than 1-2 times a week during the period of preparation for cleansing);
  • legumes, nuts (hard for digestion);
  • dairy products (acidify the body, form mucus inside);
  • all fruits, except green apples, grapefruits, berries (fruits contain sugar, which feeds yeast bacteria. First you need to get rid of them, after which you can return fruits to your diet).

What to eat?

It all depends on the chosen program. It is clear that if you fast for several days, then water will be present in the diet. The rest is prohibited. The situation is similar with freshly squeezed juices - you chose to drink them, which means drink only certain juices. They just need to be diluted with water.

In fact, there are many options for detox cleansing and the only question is which one is closer to you. Let's figure it out.

Water fasting.

You are allowed to drink only water, but in unlimited quantities. Typically lasts 1-3 days. Sometimes used therapeutic fasting for a long time. The method is quite intensive, but not suitable for “beginners”. Especially if at this stage of life a person’s nutrition is far from correct, then it is worth starting detox with more gentle methods. The fact is that during such a cleansing a large amount of toxins are released, which the liver cannot neutralize immediately. As a result, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headache and rash appear. And this is part of the symptoms that accompany water fasting. Therefore, you should be careful. As is known, water fasting practiced in ancient times as a spiritual fast.

Juice cleansing.

The diet consists of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit (unsweetened) juices. Drinking herbal teas is allowed. This method is more gentle. At the same time, juices provide the body with all necessary substances. This cleansing method is easy to use even during the first detox.

Cleansing with juices, smoothies and puree soups.

It is a simplified version of the previous one, as it allows the use of smoothies and soups. Psychologically, it will be much easier to bear. In addition, the diet here is more varied.

Raw food diet.

Suitable for those who find it very difficult to live without solid food. Please, greens, vegetables, and unsweetened fruits are at your disposal. Sweet fruits can be returned to the diet after completing the detox program. You can eat without restrictions - all of the above is easily absorbed by the body, saturating it with everything necessary. This diet should be followed for 10-14 days. This time is enough to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and at the same time feel the difference in well-being. Quite often, people, having once tried a raw food diet, gradually switch completely to this type of nutrition.

To cook or not to cook? That is the question

Why is live food so good and why is it better not to use it? heat treatment products? Everything is very simple. The fact is that when food is heated at temperatures above 65 degrees, the minerals included in it are transformed and can no longer be absorbed by the body. Take, for example, boiled vegetables that have been processed at temperatures above 100 degrees. Water-soluble minerals turn into water-insoluble minerals, but do not precipitate, because they are held in place by the shell. However, their structure has already changed. The body simply cannot absorb them, which leads to their accumulation.

The situation with meat is no less interesting. The fact is that boiled and fried meat turns into the formation of lifeless elements. The result is a denatured product. It is worth noting that at temperatures above 70 degrees, the DNA structure melts and irreversible changes occur.

In our body there are bacteria that feed on cooked and meat foods. As a result, it decomposes inside the body, which leads to the accumulation of waste and toxins. Wherein human body spends a colossal amount of effort and energy on processing such food.

In the human body with early childhood mucus is formed. The food we eat is the main factor in the accumulation of such deposits. The modern human diet, as a rule, is mucus-forming - a lot of meat, dairy, flour and thermally processed foods.

As a result, over the years, mucus accumulates inside and fills all cavities - the nose, throat, lungs and the entire digestive tract. At the same time, it accumulates not only in the form clear liquid. For example, white coating on the tongue - nothing more than mucus deposits.

When there is too much of it, it begins to rise to the top and exit through the nose. By the way, have you noticed that people often get sick in winter and spring? And this is not at all a matter of weakened immunity, as is commonly believed. And the fact is that in winter a person eats a lot of heavy and mucus-forming foods - meat, cereals, soups. In other words, there is a lot of cooked food and not enough fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, which leads to the accumulation large quantity mucus.

Do not be alarmed or surprised if during detox you experience a headache, runny nose, weakness, nausea or fever - all this indicates the process of cleansing the body.

Cleansing with enemas.

In addition, there is the so-called colon hydrotherapy, with which the intestines are perfectly washed. However, official medicine There is no clear opinion about the use of such cleaning - how harmful or safe it is. But adherents of colon hydrotherapy, based on their own experience, confirm not only its beneficial effect on the body, but also its safety.

Whatever detox cleanse method you choose, there are several rules that must be followed. So, it’s best to start your day with a glass of water with lemon, preferably structured. Also, during cleansing, physical activity and visiting the bathhouse several times a week are necessary. Thermal treatments have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and promote cleansing of waste and toxins. As you know, the skin is the largest organ. Every day up to 600 grams are released through it. liquid, along with which the substances accumulated in it are released. It’s advisable to do this just before the bath physical exercise for half an hour so that the process of removing toxins is more productive. All this should be done only if your health allows you to do it. Crawling to the bathhouse when you don’t even have the strength to get out of bed is completely useless. In such a matter it is difficult to overestimate the role physical activity. After all, she is one of the best means promoting the elimination of toxins.

When cleansing the body, do not forget about hygiene oral cavity, it's not just about brushing your teeth. Why is this so important? It's all about the microbes that live in the mouth and throat. After all, if in the morning on an empty stomach, without brushing your teeth and tongue, you drink a glass of water, then everything that was in your mouth is sent inside. And then during the day the microbes reappear and remain there until the next morning. And so on in a circle. This procedure is not at all complicated: you just need to clean your tongue with a brush or special metal loops twice a day - morning and evening. After this, you should rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark. This way you will get rid of toxic deposits in your mouth.

Exit the program.

The final stage is as important as preparation for cleansing. Under no circumstances should you suddenly switch to your usual diet. This may lead to stomach upset, vomiting, etc. unpleasant consequences. To avoid this, you need to gradually introduce foods into your diet. At the same time, stick to a light diet rich in fiber.

Consequences of detox.

The purpose of detox is to cleanse the body of toxins, waste and change the microflora. After such a cleansing, you will be able to change your diet in favor of a more healthy one. Detox cleansing improves complexion, skin condition, general health, energy and strength appear, work improves digestive system. In other words, the body is cleansed of toxins. Of course, you won't be able to do this in one go. It is advisable to carry out such a detoxification course once a year.

Why do we need sorbents?

It is worth noting the importance of sorbents, which play an important role in purification. As I already said, when they enter the body, they are like a sponge, absorbing everything unnecessary and bringing it out. This speeds up the cleansing and healing process. Sorbents are medicinal, for example activated carbon or enterosgel. They are often used not only for various poisonings, but also as a preventive measure. It is worth remembering that before using any medicines It is better to consult a specialist. So as not to harm yourself.

The second group of sorbents is natural, such as pectin, fiber and bran. The first is obtained from fruits. Apples contain especially a lot of it; it is not without reason that they are recommended to be eaten daily. Pectin is removed from the body heavy metals, as well as cholesterol.

No less useful is fiber, which is part of fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and nuts. Removes toxins, waste, food debris from the intestines.

This also includes bran. You can drink them in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water. Then they, like a broom, will remove all the garbage from the inside. It is advisable to use them within a month.

Mix business with pleasure.

As you can see, there are many options for cleansing. Some people prefer to carry out such procedures on their own at home, which allows them not only to save money, but also to learn how to prepare various smoothies, juices and other healthy dishes.

However, it is most convenient to use the services of special companies, of which there are quite a lot now. Both the range of services offered and their prices are different. Therefore, you can choose for yourself more suitable option. Some companies bring everything necessary products for a week, maybe two. Others offer a million different smoothies and juices. Still others simply give you recommendations and a box of dietary supplements.

In addition to all of the above, there is one more - the most expensive option, but at the same time the most pleasant. An opportunity to combine business with pleasure by going somewhere to India, Thailand or Indonesia. There you will find a detox under the palm trees on one of the fabulous islands. As part of the program, in addition to qualified assistance from specialists, you will receive fresh sea air and equally fresh fruits, meditation at dawn and sports. And all this is not just anywhere, but on the beach. Here you can not only take care of your health, but also have a great rest. Of course, this option is the most pleasant, but it is not always possible to choose it all the time, and you need to constantly take care of your body. Therefore, see the recommendations that I talked about above.

Any of them is good, first of all, for its effect - you will cleanse the body of unnecessary trash and help it become healthier. After completing the program, you will feel light, fresh-faced, and have a surge of strength and confidence. To begin with, you can start good habit- once a week, arrange a fasting day for yourself. Even this will bring many health benefits. It is also important not to forget to listen to your body. He knows exactly what is best for him. published

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