Treatment of respiratory tract diseases with folk remedies. How to treat the upper respiratory tract

Defeat of the upper respiratory tract infection very often manifests itself in tracheitis. Moreover, this disease most often occurs during epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Tracheitis is manifested by inflammation of the tracheal mucosa and can occur in both acute and chronic forms. According to doctors, infections are the main cause of inflammation of the trachea.

Trachea looks like a cartilaginous tube, consisting of one and a half dozen segments - rings. All segments are interconnected by ligaments of fibrous tissue. The mucous membranes of this tube are represented by ciliated epithelium. Mucous glands are present in large numbers on the membranes.

When the trachea becomes inflamed, its mucous membranes swell. There is tissue infiltration and the release of large amounts of mucus into the tracheal cavity. If the source of the disease is infection, then clearly visible pinpoint hemorrhages can be seen on the surface of the mucosa. When the disease progresses to chronic stage, then the mucous membrane of the organ first hypertrophies and then atrophies. With hypertrophy, mucopurulent sputum is produced. With atrophy there is very little sputum. Moreover, the mucous membranes dry out and may even become crusty. Against this background, the patient develops a persistent dry cough.

Causes of tracheitis

Inflammation of the trachea may develop for the following reasons:

  1. Infectious path of development. Various viruses and bacteria enter the upper respiratory tract and cause inflammation, which then spreads to the trachea. The disease can be caused by influenza virus, pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci and fungi.
  2. Non-infectious path of development. Inflammation of the trachea can develop due to hypothermia of the upper respiratory tract or exposure to dust, chemicals, or steam.

The likelihood of developing tracheitis is much higher if a person is exposed to the following factors:

  • Climatic conditions: cold, high humidity and wind.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Chronic diseases respiratory system.
  • Having bad habits.

Infectious infection, which causes inflammation of the trachea, usually occurs upon contact with a sick person or contaminated object. By the way, the carrier of the infection may not even suspect that he is infected. He may not have any clinical manifestations diseases.

Infection can occur through airborne droplets and household contact. For this reason, almost all people experience tracheal inflammation at least once in their lives.

Symptoms of the disease

Tracheitis can be acute or chronic. Each form of the disease has its own symptoms and characteristics.

Acute inflammation of the trachea

The disease manifests itself on the 3rd day after the onset of symptoms of inflammation of the nasopharynx and damage to the larynx. The first symptom of acute tracheitis is low-grade hyperthermia. Less commonly, body temperature can rise to 38.5 ° Celsius. Next come signs of intoxication. The patient begins to complain of weakness, pain throughout the body, and sweating. Often the patient's nose is stuffy.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is a severe dry cough that does not bring relief at night, and a morning cough that produces a large amount of sputum.

In children, inflammation of the trachea manifests itself in coughing attacks, which can be provoked by laughter, sudden movement, or a breath of cold air.

Regardless of age, a person with tracheitis begins to feel a sore throat and rawness in the sternum. Because deep breaths provoke painful coughing attacks, the patient begins to breathe shallowly.

When the larynx is involved in acute inflammation of the trachea, then the patient experiences a barking cough.

When listening to the patient's breathing using a phonendoscope, the doctor may hear dry and moist rales.

Chronic tracheitis

The disease passes into this form when the patient has not received timely treatment at acute tracheitis. However, there are often cases when chronic inflammation trachea develops without acute stage. As a rule, such a pathology is observed in people who smoke a lot and use a large number of alcohol. This can also happen to patients who have other chronic diseases of the respiratory system, heart and kidneys. These diseases can provoke stagnation of blood in the upper respiratory tract, which provokes the development of chronic tracheitis.

The main symptom of chronic tracheitis is cough. In the chronic form of the disease, it is painful and comes in the form severe attacks. During the day, a person may not cough at all, but at night attacks will prevent him from falling asleep. The sputum with such a cough is often purulent.

Chronic inflammation of the trachea always occurs with periods of exacerbation, during which its symptoms become similar to those of acute tracheitis.

Complications of inflammation of the trachea

In most cases, with an isolated course, this disease does not cause any complications. However, if the disease occurs in combination, then different, quite dangerous complications. For example, laryngeal stenosis. It is usually detected in young patients with laryngotracheitis. In adult patients with tracheobronchitis, obstruction of the upper respiratory tract may develop.

If you start treating tracheitis on time, it can be dealt with in just a couple of weeks.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis is made based on medical history and instrumental methods research. Initially, the doctor listens to the patient’s complaints, identifies concomitant diseases, finds out the living conditions of the patient. After additional auscultation, the doctor can already make a primary diagnosis, but to clarify he carries out several additional research. In particular, he does laryngoscopy. With such a study, he can determine the degree of change in the tracheal mucosa: the presence of mucus, hemorrhages, infiltrates.

The patient may be prescribed a chest X-ray, sputum testing and spirometry.

A general blood test completes the diagnosis of tracheal inflammation.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment begins with medication. The fact is that in most cases this disease is caused by an infection. Therefore, medications can quickly eliminate the cause of the disease. In most cases, when drug treatment Broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Medicines from the group of natural penicillins perform best.

If tracheitis is complicated by bronchitis, then natural penicillins are added semisynthetic antibiotics last generation.

In cases where infectious tracheitis is not complicated in any way, the following drugs are used in the treatment of the disease:

  • Antitussives.
  • Antiviral.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Antihistamines.

It is most effective to use the above drugs in the form of aerosols. In this case, they quickly penetrate into all parts of the trachea and bronchi.

For tracheitis, the most effective medications are:

  • Sumamed.
  • Lazolvan.
  • Berodual.
  • Sinekod.
  • Bioparox.

If the patient has hyperthermia, then antipyretics are prescribed for treatment. But he can only use them under the supervision of a doctor.

Tracheitis can also be treated by inhalation. For this treatment you need to use a nebulizer. This device sprays medications, but at the same time provides a concentrated effect directly on the affected areas.

According to doctors, inhalation is the most effective remedy home treatment tracheitis.

Tracheitis can be treated at home using the following medications:

  • Regular saline solution. It provides good hydration mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and trachea. You can breathe it through the pores without restrictions. Moreover, it is recommended to inhale it before visiting a doctor.
  • Treatment soda solution. It perfectly thins mucus and helps you cough well.
  • Regular mineral water. It provides good sputum removal for tracheitis.
  • Inhalations with Lazolvan and Mukolvan. The basis of these medicines is ambroxol. Therefore, treatment can be carried out only after preliminary dilution with saline solution.
  • Berodual. Treatment with this drug most effectively opens up the bronchi. At severe course For diseases, doctors often combine Berodual with hormones.

Antibiotics in treatment inflammation of the trachea are used in the following cases:

  • There are signs of developing pneumonia.
  • The cough does not go away within 14 days.
  • Hyperthermia occurs for several days.
  • Enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes in the nose and ears.

Folk remedies are quite good at treating tracheitis. They can be combined with traditional treatments, but cannot be used as independent therapy.

For tracheitis, a hot drink consisting of from milk with honey. To prepare it, you need to heat a glass of milk and add a teaspoon of honey to it, and add a little soda.

Also, treatment of inflammation of the trachea can be carried out using rinsing solutions based on decoctions of sage, chamomile and calendula.

Physiotherapeutic treatment can effectively combat tracheitis. It includes UHF, massage and electrophoresis.


To never encounter tracheitis you need follow simple rules:

  • Aim for healthy image life.
  • Temper your body regularly.
  • Try not to get too cold.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Treat upper respiratory tract diseases in a timely manner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Quite often a person suffers from inflammation of the respiratory tract. Provoking factors are hypothermia or a cold, ARVI, influenza, various infectious diseases. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can result in serious complications. Is it possible to prevent the inflammatory process? What treatment options are there? Is inflammation dangerous? respiratory organs?

Main symptoms of respiratory tract inflammation

Signs of the disease will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. We can highlight the following general signs, which appear when a virus is introduced. It often leads to severe intoxication of the body:

  • The temperature rises.
  • A severe headache occurs.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • Nausea appears, which ends in vomiting.

IN severe cases The patient is in an excited and inhibited state, consciousness is upset, and a convulsive state is observed. Separately, it is worth noting the signs that depend on which specific organ is affected:

  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis). First there is severe runny nose, the patient constantly sneezes and has difficulty breathing through his nose.
  • Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis). The patient has a very sore throat, the patient cannot swallow.
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). The patient is worried coughing, the voice is hoarse.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis). Arises strong pain when swallowing, the tonsils also become significantly enlarged and the mucous membrane turns red.
  • Inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis). In this case, you suffer from a dry cough that does not go away within a month.

Symptoms also depend on the pathogen that provoked the disease. If inflammation of the respiratory tract is caused by influenza, the patient's temperature rises to 40 degrees, but does not fall for three days. IN in this case The most common symptoms are rhinitis and tracheitis.

If respiratory tract diseases are caused by parainfluenza, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees for about 2 days. Symptoms are moderate. With parainfluenza, laryngitis most often develops.

Separately, it is worth noting adenoviral infection, which affects the respiratory tract. It most often occurs in the form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and is also affected digestive system and eyes.

Drug treatment of airway inflammation

In case of an inflammatory process, the attending physician prescribes:

  • Antiseptic drugs - Chlorhexidine, Hexetidine, Thymol, etc.
  • Antibiotics – Framycetin, Fusafungin, Polymyxin.
  • Sulfonamides can be combined with anesthetics - Lidocoine, Menthol, Tetracaine.
  • Hemostatic drugs, this group of drugs contains plant extracts and sometimes beekeeping products.
  • Antiviral drugs – Interferon, Lysozyme.
  • Vitamins A, B, C.

Bioparox – antibacterial agent

The antibiotic Bioparox has proven itself well, it is released in the form of an aerosol, with its help you can effectively treat acute infections respiratory tract. Due to the fact that Bioparox contains aerosol particles, it immediately affects all organs of the respiratory tract, therefore it has a complex effect. Bioparox can be used for treatment acute rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis.

Gestetidine is an antifungal drug

This is the best medicine for treatment inflammatory process in the throat. The drug is released in the form of an aerosol and rinse solution. Hexetidine is a low-toxic drug, so it can be used to treat infants. In addition to the antimicrobial effect, Hexetidine has an analgesic effect.

Traditional methods of treating respiratory inflammation

Recipes for the treatment of rhinitis

  • Fresh beet juice. Drip 6 drops of fresh beet juice, this should be done in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is also recommended to use beetroot decoction for nasal instillation.
  • Boiled potatoes. Cut the boiled potatoes into several parts: one is applied to the forehead, the other two parts are applied to the sinuses.
  • Soda inhalation. Take 500 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons, if you are not allergic you can add Eucalyptus oil– 10 drops. The procedure is carried out at night.

Recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

  • Lemon. Eat one lemon at once, including the peel, and cut it before doing so. You can add sugar or honey.
  • The herbal mixture is used for gargling. You need to take pharmaceutical chamomile - 2 tablespoons, eucalyptus leaves - 2 tablespoons, Linden blossom- 2 tablespoons, flaxseeds– a tablespoon. Let the mixture sit for half an hour. Gargle up to 5 times a day.
  • Propolis infusion. Crushed propolis – 10 grams poured into half a glass of alcohol. Leave everything for a week. Rinse three times a day. When treating, drink tea with honey and herbs.
  • Remedy with egg yolks. You need to take the yolk - 2 eggs, beat it with sugar until foam forms. With the help of this product you can quickly get rid of a hoarse voice.
  • Dill seeds. You need to take 200 ml of boiling water and brew a tablespoon of dill seeds in it. Leave for about 30 minutes. Drink no more than two tablespoons after eating.
  • A curd compress on the throat will help relieve inflammation and irritation from the throat. After just a few procedures you will feel better.

So, in order to avoid inflammation of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to treat a cold in a timely manner. Don't think that the disease will go away on its own. If you get a runny nose, bacteria from your nose will start to drain. First they will end up in the nose, then in the pharynx, then in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. It can all end in pneumonia (pneumonia). To prevent complications, it is necessary to take action at the first symptoms, and do not forget to consult a doctor.

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is dangerous primarily due to complications. It can be provoked, in particular:

  • bacterial infections;
  • viruses;
  • hypothermia;
  • common cold, etc.

How the disease manifests itself in adults and children, as well as the best way to treat it, we will tell you in this article.

Read also: What antibiotics to take for pneumonia


IN general cases the presence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • headache;
  • sleep problems;
  • aching joints;
  • aching in the muscles as after hard work;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea and often vomiting.

The latter occurs due to severe intoxication. In more difficult situations a person experiences either abnormal arousal or, on the contrary, inhibition. Clarity of consciousness is almost always lost. In rare cases, the picture is supplemented by seizures.

Read also: Symptoms and treatment of bronchopneumonia in children

Depending on the location of the primary localization of the infection, other specific signs are also detected.

In particular, if we are talking about a problem such as rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose), then at the first stage the patient:

  • profuse snot appears;
  • he sneezes all the time;
  • As swelling develops, breathing becomes difficult.

Pharyngitis is acute illness throat. A clear sign of the disease are:

  • difficulty swallowing;
  • pain;
  • feeling of a lump;
  • itching in the palate.

Laryngitis is an inflammation that affects the larynx. Its consequences are:

  • dry irritating cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • coating on the tongue.

Tonsillitis is a process that specifically affects the tonsils. The latter noticeably increase in size, which interferes with normal swallowing. The mucous membranes in this area become red and inflamed. It is also a pathology that affects the upper respiratory tract - tracheitis. This disease has very characteristic feature– a dry, painful cough that sometimes does not go away for a month.

The development of parainfluenza is evidenced, first of all, by a relatively low temperature for viral infections, which does not exceed 38 degrees. Hyperemia usually persists for 2 days in the presence of symptoms common to the group under consideration, but not too severe. Almost always, the disease mentioned above becomes the background for the development of laryngitis.

It is also worth mentioning adenovirus infection. It also mainly affects the respiratory tract and gradually leads to the development of:

  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Moreover, the digestive system and organs of vision often suffer from it.

Treatment with drugs

To combat pathologies of this type, the doctor usually prescribes a set of drugs that can quickly improve the patient’s condition.

For local effects on foci of inflammation, it is advisable to use the following fairly effective medications:

  • Thymol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Furacilin;
  • Hexetidine.

If there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics (tablets or sprays) are prescribed:

  • Polymyxin;
  • Framycetin;
  • Fusafungin.

To reduce the severity of sore throat, the following anesthetics are allowed:

  • Tetracaine;
  • Lidocaine.

Preparations containing menthol and eucalyptus oil perfectly alleviate discomfort.

To combat viruses the following is prescribed:

  • Lysozyme;
  • Interferon.

Useful for strengthening immunity and general strengthening vitamin complexes. For young children, medications should be used plant based, and also those that contain beekeeping products.

Among modern medicines, it is worth highlighting the antibiotic Bioparox. This product is produced in aerosol form and is used for inhalation. Due to the fact that the drug goes directly to the source of inflammation, even very acute ailments are treated quickly. The medicine is indicated in situations where:

  • laryngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinosinusitis.

Often the causative agent is some kind of fungal infection. Hexetidine will help here. This tool supplied to pharmacies in the form:

  • spray;
  • rinse solution.


If we are talking about rhinitis, it will help freshly squeezed juice table beets. It must be instilled directly into the nose every 4 hours.

Warm boiled potatoes can also reduce the severity of symptoms. To do this, its slices are placed:

  • on the forehead;
  • to the nostrils.

Inhalation is a fairly simple but extremely effective procedure. Here you will need:

  • half liter hot water;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • eucalyptus oil no more than 10 drops.

It is recommended to breathe healing steam before going to bed. Knowledgeable people It is also recommended to eat crushed lemon mixed with a few tablespoons of natural honey at night. In one sitting, you need to consume the whole fruit, including the peel, at once.

Rinsing with a decoction based on the following also helps: medicinal herbs, taken in equal parts:

  • chamomile;
  • Linden;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • mint.

A collection of 6 tablespoons is poured into boiling water and kept in a thermos for an hour. It is recommended to use the drug at least 5 times a day. Propolis tincture relieves inflammation well. To do this, take 10 grams of the product and add it to half a glass of alcohol. Infuse the medicine for a week in a dark place, shaking daily. Also used for rinsing, diluting 10-15 drops with half a glass of warm water.

Egg yolks relieve sore throats. 2 pieces are ground with sugar to a thick white foam and eaten slowly.

A decoction of dill seed is taken after meals, two tablespoons. Prepare it like this:

  • a glass of hot water is placed in a water bath;
  • pour dried raw materials;
  • heat for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil;
  • stand for up to half an hour.

Upper respiratory tract diseases are common throughout the world and affect every fourth person. These include sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis and rhinitis. The peak of diseases occurs in the off-season, when cases of inflammatory processes become widespread. The reason for this is acute respiratory diseases or influenza virus. According to statistics, an adult suffers up to three cases of the disease, while a child experiences inflammation of the upper respiratory tract up to 10 times a year.


There are three main reasons for the development of various types of inflammation.

  1. Virus. Influenza strains, rotoviruses, adenoviruses, mumps and measles, when they enter the body, cause a reaction in the form of inflammation.
  2. Bacteria. The cause of a bacterial infection can be pneumococcus, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, meningococcus, mycobacteria and diphtheria, as well as pertussis.
  3. Fungus. Candida, aspergillus, actinomycetes cause a local inflammatory process.

Most of the listed pathogenic organisms are transmitted from humans. Bacteria and viruses are unstable to the environment and practically do not live there. Some strains of the virus or fungi can live in the body, but manifest themselves only when the body's defenses are reduced. Infections occur during the period of activation of “dormant” pathogenic microbes.

Among the main methods of infection are:

Virus particles, as well as microbes, penetrate through close contact with an infected person. Transmission is possible through talking, coughing, sneezing. All this is natural in diseases of the respiratory tract, because the first barrier to pathogenic microorganisms is the respiratory tract.

Tuberculosis, diphtheria and coli More often it penetrates the host’s body through everyday means. Household and personal hygiene items become the link between a healthy and an infected person. Anyone can get sick, regardless of age, gender, material condition and social status.


The symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract are quite similar, with the exception of discomfort and pain, which are localized in the affected area. It is possible to determine the location of inflammation and the nature of the disease based on the symptoms of the disease, but it is possible to confirm the disease and identify the pathogen only after a thorough examination.

Characteristic for all diseases incubation period, which lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the pathogen.


Known to everyone as a runny nose, rhinitis is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Characteristic of rhinitis is exudate in the form of a runny nose, which, when microbes multiply, comes out abundantly. Both sinuses are affected, as the infection spreads quickly.
Sometimes rhinitis may not cause a runny nose, but, on the contrary, may manifest as severe congestion. If, nevertheless, discharge is present, then its nature directly depends on the pathogen. Exudate may be a clear liquid, and sometimes purulent discharge and green.


Inflammation of the sinuses resolves as a secondary infection and is manifested by difficulty breathing and a feeling of congestion. Swelling of the sinuses causes headaches and has a negative effect on optic nerves, the sense of smell is impaired. Discomfort and pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose indicate an advanced inflammatory process. The discharge of pus is usually accompanied by fever and fever, as well as general malaise.


The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils in the pharynx causes a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • difficulty eating and drinking;
  • elevated temperature;
  • muscle weakness.

A sore throat can occur as a result of both a virus and a bacteria entering the body. In this case, the tonsils swell and a characteristic coating appears on them. With purulent tonsillitis, the palate and mucous membrane of the throat are covered with yellow and greenish deposits. With fungal etiology, a white plaque with a curd-like consistency.


Inflammation of the throat is manifested by sore throat and dry cough. Breathing may be difficult at times. General malaise and low-grade fever a fickle phenomenon. Pharyngitis usually occurs against the background of influenza and acute respiratory infection.


Inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords also develops against the background of influenza, measles, whooping cough and parainfluenza. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness and cough. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells so much that it interferes with breathing. Without treatment, laryngitis can cause stenosis of the laryngeal walls or muscle spasm. Without treatment, symptoms only get worse.


Inflammation of the bronchi (this is the lower part of the respiratory tract) is characterized by mucus discharge or a strong dry cough. In addition, bronchitis is characterized by symptoms of general intoxication and malaise. On initial stage Symptoms may not appear until the inflammation reaches the nerve processes.


Inflammation of the lung tissue in the lower and upper parts of the lung, which is usually caused by pneumococci, is always accompanied by signs of general intoxication, fever and chills. As pneumonia progresses, the cough intensifies, but sputum may appear much later. If it is non-infectious, symptoms may not appear. The symptoms are similar to an advanced cold and the disease is not always diagnosed on time.

Therapy methods

After clarifying the diagnosis, treatment begins in accordance with the general condition of the patient and the cause of the inflammation. Three main types of treatment are considered:

  • pathogenetic;
  • symptomatic;
  • etiotropic.

Pathogenetic treatment

It is based on stopping the development of the inflammatory process. To do this, immunostimulating drugs are used so that the body itself can fight the infection, as well as auxiliary treatment that suppresses the inflammatory process.

To strengthen the body, take:

  • Anaferon;
  • Amexin;
  • Neovir;
  • Levomax.

They are suitable for children and adults. Treating upper respiratory tract diseases without immune support is pointless. If the causative agent of inflammation of the respiratory system is a bacterium, treatment is carried out with Immudon or Bronchomunal. For individual indications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. They're filming general symptoms and suppress pain, this is important, especially if you are treating a child who is seriously ill with the disease.

Etiotropic method

Based on pathogen suppression. It is important to stop the reproduction of the virus and bacteria in the upper sections, as well as to prevent their spread. The main thing is to accurately establish the strain of the virus and the etiology of pathogenic microbes in order to choose correct scheme and start treatment. Among the antiviral drugs, the following should be highlighted:

  • Remantadine;
  • Relenz;
  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Isoprinosine.

They only help when the disease is caused by a virus. If you can't kill it, as is the case with herpes, you can simply suppress the symptoms.

Bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract can only be cured with antibacterial drugs; the dosage must be prescribed by a doctor. These medications are very dangerous if used rashly and can cause irreparable harm to the body.

For a child, such treatment can lead to complications in the future. Therefore, when choosing a drug Special attention pay attention to the patient's age, his physiological characteristics, and also conduct a test for the presence of allergic reactions. Modern pharmacology offers effective drugs from the group of macrolides, beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones for treatment.

Symptomatic treatment

Since it is antibacterial or antifungal treatment has a gradual effect in most cases of the disease, it is important to suppress the symptoms that cause discomfort to the person. For this there is symptomatic treatment.

  1. Nasal drops are used to suppress a runny nose.
  2. To relieve a sore throat and also reduce swelling, use broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs or sprays for local application based on plant substances.
  3. Symptoms such as cough or sore throat can be suppressed with expectorants.

At severe swelling in the upper as well as lower parts of the lungs, symptomatic treatment does not always produce the desired result. It's important not to use everything known methods treatment, but to choose the right regimen based on the comprehensive elimination of symptoms and the causative agent of inflammation.

Inhalation will help relieve swelling, suppress cough and soreness in the upper throat, and stop a runny nose. A traditional methods treatments can improve breathing and prevent oxygen deprivation.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to undergo it under the supervision of a specialist and follow all his recommendations.

Both upper and lower are diagnosed in every fourth inhabitant of the planet. Such diseases include sore throat, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Most often, diseases begin to develop in the autumn-winter period, since this is when influenza or acute respiratory viral infections become widespread. According to statistics, every adult gets sick three times a year, diseases in children are diagnosed up to ten times a year.

Description of the human respiratory system

The respiratory system is a set of organs connected to each other and ensuring the supply of oxygen, the removal of carbon dioxide and the process of gas exchange in the blood. This system consists of the upper and lower respiratory tract and lungs.

The respiratory system performs the following functions:

  • participates in thermoregulation of the body;
  • provides the ability to reproduce speech and distinguish smells;
  • participates in metabolic processes;
  • humidifies the air inhaled by a person;
  • provides additional protection to the body from exposure external environment.

When you inhale air, it first enters the nose, where it is cleaned with the help of villi and warmed thanks to the mesh. blood vessels. After this, the air enters the pharyngeal plane, which has several sections, then through the pharynx it passes into the lower respiratory tract.

Today, inflammation of the respiratory tract is a common occurrence. One of the very first and fairly common signs of pathology is a cough and runny nose. Diseases affecting the respiratory tract include tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and laryngitis, tracheitis and acute respiratory infections.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract occurs for several reasons:

  • Viruses: influenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, measles and others - when they enter the body, they cause an inflammatory reaction.
  • Bacteria: pneumococci, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, mycobacteria and others also provoke the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Fungi: candida, actinomycelium and others - cause local inflammation.

Many of the above microorganisms are transmitted from one person to another. Some viruses and fungi can live in the human body for a long time, but manifest themselves only when immunity decreases. Infection can occur through household or by airborne droplets. Transmission of infection can occur through conversation with an infected person. In this case, the first barrier for pathogenic microorganisms becomes the respiratory tract, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops in them.

Inflammation of the respiratory tract can occur in a person of any age, gender and nationality. Neither social status nor material condition play a role in this.

Risk group

The risk group includes:

  • People who have frequent colds, chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to decreased resistance to negative influences external environment.
  • Persons constantly exposed to hypothermia and other negative factors nature.
  • HIV-infected people with concomitant secondary diseases.
  • Children's and old age.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory tract are similar to each other when various diseases, they differ only in the localization of pain and discomfort. The location of the inflammatory process can be identified by the symptoms of the pathology, but only an experienced doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and identify the pathogen after comprehensive examination.

All diseases have an incubation period lasting from two to ten days, it all depends on the causative agent of the disease. For example, with the flu, signs of pathology appear quickly; a person’s body temperature rises strongly, which does not subside for about three days. When parainfluenza enters the body, the patient develops laryngitis. Adenovirus infection occurs in the form of tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Rhinitis and sinusitis

Rhinitis (runny nose) is inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the nose. A person develops a runny nose, which comes out profusely when pathogenic microorganisms multiply. As the infection spreads rapidly, both sinuses are affected. In some cases, inflammation of the respiratory tract, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in this article, leads to the development not of a runny nose, but of nasal congestion. Sometimes the discharged exudate is presented in the form of green pus or clear liquid.

Inflammation of the sinuses, accompanied by difficulty breathing and severe congestion, is called sinusitis. In this case, swelling of the nasal sinuses leads to the development of headaches, impaired vision and smell. Pain in the bridge of the nose indicates an advanced inflammatory process; pus may begin to drain from the nose. All this is accompanied by an increase in temperature, fever and malaise.


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils. In this case, the person exhibits the following signs of the disease:

  • pain during swallowing;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • swelling of the palatine tonsils;
  • the appearance of plaque on the tonsils;
  • muscle weakness.

Tonsillitis develops as a result of a virus or pathogenic bacteria entering the body. In some cases, pus may appear in the form of yellow deposits on the mucous epithelium of the throat. If the pathology is caused by fungi, then the plaque will have White color and cheesy consistency.

Pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis

In this case, inflammation of the respiratory tract is manifested by soreness and dry cough, periodic difficulty breathing. Body temperature is increased inconsistently. Pharyngitis usually develops as a complication of influenza or ARVI.

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords, is also a complication of influenza, whooping cough or measles. In this case, a person develops hoarseness and cough, swelling of the larynx and difficulty breathing. If left untreated, the disease can cause muscle spasms.

Tracheitis is inflammation of the trachea, which is accompanied by a prolonged dry cough.

Bronchitis and pneumonia

Moving lower pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. A person develops bronchitis. The disease is caused by a dry cough or sputum discharge. The person experiences signs of intoxication and malaise. If left untreated, the infection spreads to the lungs, causing pneumonia. In this case, the patient complains of a sharp increase in body temperature, intoxication, chills, and cough. If the disease is not caused by an infection, but by other reasons, symptoms may not appear, the person will only feel the signs of a cold.

In severe cases, the pathology leads to a disorder of consciousness, the development of seizures and even death. It is very important to prevent the development in a timely manner severe complications. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to nonspecific manifestations of cough; you cannot treat it yourself.

Diagnostic measures

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for inflammation of the respiratory tract. But before this, the doctor must make an accurate diagnosis in order to choose the most suitable drug. Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis, examination and questioning of the patient. Next are appointed lab tests. It is important in this case to distinguish between viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract.

TO laboratory methods studies include:

  • A blood and urine test, which will make it possible to determine the nature of the disease.
  • Examination of mucus from the nose and throat to determine the causative agent of the infection, as well as to select the drug to which it is sensitive.
  • Bacteriological culture of throat mucus for the causative agent of diphtheria.
  • PCR and ELISA for suspected specific infections.

Instrumental diagnostic methods include:

  • Laryngoscopy to determine the nature of the inflammatory process.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • X-ray of the lungs to determine the extent of inflammation.

Based on the results of a comprehensive examination, a final diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Therapy of diseases

Four types of therapy are used in medicine:

  1. Etiotropic treatment aimed at stopping the reproduction of the infectious agent and its spread throughout the body. If the pathology is caused by viruses, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs, for example "Kagocel" or "Arbidol". Antibiotics are prescribed for inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, as well as the upper, when the disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria. The choice of means in this case depends on the localization pathological process, the patient’s age and the severity of the disease. For example, for angina, macrolides are often prescribed.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process, as well as shortening the recovery period. In this case, treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the lower, is carried out using immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory combined agents, NSAIDs.
  3. Symptomatic treatment, the purpose of which is to alleviate the patient’s condition and improve his quality of life. The doctor prescribes nasal drops to relieve congestion, throat sprays, expectorants and antitussives. These medications must be taken together with antibiotics for inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
  4. Inhalation treatment allows you to quickly get rid of cough and inflammatory processes. For this purpose they use steam inhalations, nebulizers.

As you can see, the treatment of respiratory tract inflammation must be comprehensive. In the absence of therapy, it is possible to develop serious complications which sometimes cause death.


If you contact us in a timely manner medical institution the prognosis is usually favorable, provided that all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations are followed. Often diseases provoke the development of serious negative consequences. Illnesses such as influenza, sore throat and pneumonia can cause complications that are difficult to treat.


Preventive actions include primarily vaccination for certain infections. In the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to use special preparations. You can also use traditional medicine that helps increase the body's defenses. In this case, you can include onions and garlic, honey, and linden decoction in your diet. People who are at risk need to avoid disease-provoking factors. Hypothermia must not be allowed. It is recommended to give up bad habits.

For inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, doctors recommend:

  • Avoid cough drops as they will not help cure sore throat.
  • In addition to gargling, you also need to take medications that should be prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, rinsing with soda solution is contraindicated, as this only aggravates the course of the disease.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops You can use it for no more than five days, otherwise drug addiction occurs.

A person’s ability to breathe is one of the most important criteria on which our life and health directly depend. We receive this skill from birth; everyone’s life begins with a sigh. As for the organs that allow us to breathe, they make up a whole system, the basis of which, of course, is the lungs, however, inhalation begins in a different place. One of the most important components of the respiratory system is, which we will talk about in more detail. But the biggest problem in this area of ​​our body is and will be diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which, unfortunately, do not occur so rarely.

Article outline

What is the upper respiratory tract?

The upper respiratory tract is a specific part of the body, which includes some organs, or rather their combination. So this includes:

  • Nasal cavity;
  • Oral cavity;

These four elements occupy the most important place in the functioning of our body, because it is through the nose or mouth that we inhale, fill our lungs with oxygen, and through the same two openings we exhale carbon dioxide.

As for the pharynx, its oral and nasal parts are directly connected to the nose and mouth itself. Vital channels flow through these sections, through which streams of inhaled air rush into the trachea and then into the lungs. In the nasopharynx, such canals are called choanae, and as for the oropharynx, here a part such as the pharynx comes into play, which also takes an active part in the respiratory process.

If we talk about the auxiliary functions of the upper respiratory tract, relating to the same breathing, then entering the nasal cavity, and then the nasopharynx, the air is warmed to the optimal temperature, moistened, and cleaned of excess dust and all kinds of harmful microorganisms. All these actions are carried out thanks to the capillaries located in the section under discussion and the special structure of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Having passed this difficult process, the air takes on suitable indicators in order to go into the lungs.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

As mentioned earlier, upper respiratory tract diseases are not uncommon. We more often than not, and the throat and pharynx become the most vulnerable place for all kinds of infections and viral ailments. These features are due to the fact that in this section of the throat there are accumulations of lymphoid tissue called tonsils. The palatine tonsils, which are paired formations located on the upper wall of the pharynx, belong to the structure of the upper respiratory tract, being the largest accumulation of lymph. It is in the palatine tonsils that processes that contribute to the development of diseases most often occur, since the lymphoid ring as a whole represents a kind of living shield in the path of all kinds of infections.

Thus, viral, bacterial and fungal infections When entering the human body, it is the tonsils that are attacked first, and if the immune system at these moments is in a vulnerable (weakened) state, the person gets sick. Among the most common diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract are the following:

  • (also called acute tonsillitis);
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Laryngitis.

The ailments listed above are far from the only diseases that attack the upper respiratory tract. This list contains only those ailments that the average person most often suffers from, and their treatment in most cases can be done either independently at home, based on some symptoms, or with the help of a doctor.

Sore throat symptoms and treatment

Each of us quite often came across the name of this disease or suffered from it ourselves. This disease is one of the most common, has the most pronounced symptoms, and its treatment is known to the vast majority. However, it is impossible not to talk about it, so perhaps we should start with the symptoms. With angina, the following symptoms are almost always present:

  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees mercury thermometer;
  • Sore throat, first when swallowing, and then constant;
  • The throat in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils is very red, the tonsils are swollen and swollen;
  • Cervical The lymph nodes are enlarged, and upon palpation they feel painful;
  • The person is very chilly, there is severe fatigue, lethargy and a state of weakness;
  • Headaches and joint aches are common.

Characteristic features of angina are the appearance of three or four of the above symptoms at once. At the same time, in the evening you could go to bed absolutely healthy person, and in the morning detect 3-4 symptoms, led by high fever.

Speaking about the treatment of sore throat, whether you see a doctor or not, it will be approximately the same. In most cases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed in order to attack the very cause of the disease and kill the infection that has entered the body. In combination with antibiotics, antihistamines that lower fever, relieve swelling and pain are also prescribed. Doctors also recommend following strict bed rest, drink as much warm liquid as possible in order to restore water balance and relieve intoxication, and also gargle 4-6 times a day.

Also, touching on treatment, it is worth saying that it is still worth seeing a doctor so that the specialist can recommend you strictly specific antibiotics. This way, you reduce the risk of worsening the disease and damage to the body. As for sore throat in children, in this case calling a doctor at home is a mandatory step, since for children this disease can be extremely dangerous, even fatal.


This disease is much less dangerous compared to a sore throat, however, it can also cause a lot of trouble and definitely will not make your life easier. This disease is characterized by the fact that it also has a direct effect on the upper respiratory tract, and its symptoms are in some ways similar to sore throat, but much less pronounced. So, touching upon the symptoms of pharyngitis, the following are distinguished:

  • Painful sensations in the throat when swallowing;
  • In the area of ​​the pharynx, there is a feeling of soreness and dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • There is a slight increase in temperature, but rarely above 38 degrees thermometer;
  • The palatine tonsil and nasopharyngeal mucosa are inflamed;
  • In especially severe and advanced cases, purulent formations may appear on the back wall of the pharynx.

Diagnosing rhinitis is somewhat more difficult than sore throat, since the symptoms of this disease are less pronounced. However, as soon as you feel pain in your throat when swallowing, you notice even slight increases in temperature or general malaise, you should consult a doctor.

Speaking about the treatment of this disease, it will be less severe than with a sore throat, if only for the simple reason that you are unlikely to have to take antibiotics. If you have pharyngitis, you should completely avoid inhaling cold air, smoking (both passive and active), eating food that irritates the mucous membrane, that is, eliminating spicy, sour, salty, and so on from the diet.

The next stage will be methodically rinsing the eagle with special pharmaceutical drugs, or infusions of medicinal herbs such as sage, chamomile or calendula. Another great rinse method is to mix a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water, and add a few drops of iodine. Similar treatment promotes relief pain, relieving sore throat, inflammation, as well as disinfecting the upper respiratory tract and preventing the formation of purulent deposits. It would also be useful to take antibacterial drugs, however, it is better to consult a specialist on this matter.

Chronic tonsillitis

This disease fits perfectly within the definition of - chronic diseases upper respiratory tract. It is very easy to catch chronic tonsillitis; it is enough to simply not treat a sore throat or let it become chronic.

At chronic tonsillitis characteristic purulent deposits in the tonsils. In this case, the pus most often becomes clogged, and it becomes quite difficult to get rid of it. Very often, a person may not even suspect that he has this disease, but there are still diagnostic methods. Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis are as follows:

  • Bad breath due to the presence of pus;
  • Frequent throat diseases;
  • Constant soreness, rawness, dry throat;
  • In moments of exacerbation, a cough or even fever may appear.

If we talk about the treatment of this disease, it is fundamentally different from measures to get rid of a sore throat. For chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to take a course special treatment, in which the palatine tonsils are repeatedly washed in the otolaryngologist’s office to get rid of pus. Then, after each rinsing, ultrasound heating follows and all this is accompanied by home procedures for rinsing the eagle, exactly the same as for pharyngitis. Only something like this is methodical and quite long-term treatment may bear fruit. Unpleasant symptoms will go away, and you can get rid of this unpleasant disease forever.


Taking into account all of the above, we can say that problems associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, although they are a fairly common problem for all of humanity, their treatment is quite feasible. The main thing in this matter is to detect the symptoms of the disease in time, be able to compare them and immediately consult a doctor so that an experienced specialist can prescribe you treatment that corresponds to the etiology of your disease.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

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Infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract are very common in practical work therapist, pediatrician and otolaryngologist. In such cases, the doctor’s goal is to determine the probable etiology of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy.

If a bacterial cause of the disease is established, then there is a significant reason to prescribe an antibacterial drug for such a patient. There are also several important requirements for it.

The most important thing is that it must act on the strains of microorganisms that most often cause pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

An important role in this is played not only by the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular drug, but also by the ability of the latter to accumulate in the respiratory epithelium, where it should create an effective therapeutic concentration.

Rules for choosing an antibacterial agent

Whenever infectious process upper respiratory tract it is very important to establish the suspected etiology. This is due to the fact that viral or fungal pathogens antibacterial drugs don't work. And the unjustified use of antibiotics only increases the resistance of microflora to them and reduces their effectiveness in the future for patients.

According to medical statistics, most cases of upper respiratory tract pathologies are viral etiology. First of all, we are talking about seasonal respiratory infections cold period (ARVI).

Therefore, when a patient consults a doctor, it is necessary first of all to carefully collect all complaints and the history of their occurrence. Information about contacts with other sick family members or acquaintances is also important. An important contribution is made by examination of the patient, data from laboratory and instrumental research methods. The presence of an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils and their young forms is a good argument in favor of bacterial etiology process and prescription of antibiotics.

Often enough viral infections upper respiratory tract are accompanied by a decrease in local and general immunity of the body. This creates conditions for bacterial pathogenic flora to join on days 3-5 of the disease. Clinically, this is manifested by the appearance of new symptoms, an increase in temperature, a change in the nature of the cough, and a sore throat.

The most accurate method that can determine the etiology of an infectious respiratory disease is bacteriological examination. To carry it out, biological material is taken (smear with back wall oro- or nasopharynx). It not only gives a complete answer about the type of pathogen, but also about its sensitivity to the action of various antibacterial agents. The only significant drawback of the method is the duration of the procedure. Therefore, the strategy for starting treatment is chosen empirically by the doctor.

Rules for the use of antibiotics

Antibacterial agents for treatment should be prescribed only qualified doctor. This is due not only to the fact that he must assess the patient’s condition and the presence of concomitant pathologies, but also to the fact that the independent use of antibiotics is much less effective and is more often accompanied by the development side effects.

The duration of antibiotic therapy for a bacterial infection varies from person to person, but the minimum is 3 days.

In this case, monitoring of blood counts, X-ray control (for sinusitis) and functional indicators of individual organ systems should be carried out, if there is a somatic pathology in them.

Self-discontinuation of a drug at the first signs of improvement in general condition due to concerns about its “toxicity and danger” often leads to relapse and progression of the disease. Re-prescribing this same antibiotic in such situations usually has worse effectiveness.

When using tablet forms of drugs for treatment, it is usually recommended to take them with a glass of water. However, some antibacterial agents must be taken at empty stomach for better absorption.

If the patient develops symptoms of any side effects, it is necessary to inform the attending physician. He must adequately evaluate them and decide on further treatment tactics.

Azitro Sandoz is a bacterial agent from the macrolide group. His active substance is azithromycin - the main representative of the azalide subclass. Antibiotics of this group in Lately most often used to treat bacterial pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

This is due to their high efficiency (due to low indicators growth of antibiotic resistance) against the background of a low frequency of undesirable effects.

In fact, Azitro Sandoz in various dosages can be prescribed to almost all groups of patients.

Azitro Sandoz is available in oral forms - tablets and suspension. This is due to the fact that the drug is extremely well absorbed in the lumen of the human intestine.

This process is also not affected by food intake. Azitro Sandoz is also characterized by high selectivity in the body. Its molecules accumulate in the respiratory epithelium in high concentrations, which persist for a long time after last appointment drug.

Azitro Sandoz has a bacteriostatic effect against the most common strains of streptococci, staphylococci, neisseria and mycobacteria. Its particles disrupt the process of protein synthesis and reproduction of these microorganisms, which makes them easy targets for immune system person.

Azitro Sandoz is eliminated from the body almost completely through urine.

This should be taken into account in case of chronic or acute kidney damage.

Possible side effects when taking the drug

As with other antibacterial agents, Azitro Sandoz may develop side effects. First of all, we are talking about functional disorders digestive system - feeling of heaviness in the stomach, aching pain in epigastrium, nausea, diarrhea.

The most dangerous here is pseudomembranous colitis, which in some cases develops into a generalized form of infection or leads to intestinal perforation.

Other side effects include allergic reactions, which, however, are much less common than with beta-lactam antibacterial agents.

Also, when using Azitro Sandoz it is possible neurotoxic effect, which manifests itself as headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritation and loss of charisma. There were also cases of liver dysfunction, which were accompanied by an increase in the concentration of cytolysis enzymes and bilirubin.

Contraindications to the use of antibiotics

Azitro Sandoz is prohibited from use in the following situations:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity to macrolide antibacterial drugs;
  • congenital disorders of the cardiac conduction system (increased tendency to hemodynamically significant tachyarrhythmias);
  • myasthenia gravis (the drug reduces the effectiveness of medications used for this pathology);
  • with serious electrolyte disturbances.

If renal function is impaired, Azitro Sandoz is allowed to be used for treatment while monitoring the concentration of the drug in peripheral blood and the impossibility of using a safer drug.

Features of using Azitro Sandoz

For most bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract in adults, it is sufficient to use an antibiotic of 1 tablet of 500 mg once a day for three days. In this case, the therapeutic effect lasts another 48 hours after the last dose of the medication.

For children, there are forms of the drug in 250 mg tablets and syrup. The dosage regimen for them is identical to that of adults. Azitro Sandoz is approved for use by children from the first year of life.

The drug also does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so it is prescribed to pregnant women if indicated.

Medoclav is a combined antibacterial agent that consists of an antibiotic from the penicillin group, amoxicillin, and a penicillinase blocker, clavulanic acid. It is often prescribed for bacterial diseases upper respiratory tract, since it is noted for its high efficiency and proven safety profile for various groups of patients.

Pharmacological features of the drug

Medoclav is ideal for oral use. It is produced in the form of tablets with different dosage and suspensions. But there is also a powder for preparing the solution. Bioavailability indicators (the portion of the dose taken that enters the systemic circulation) for Medoclav are above 60%. On the suction of this antibacterial agent food influences.

Medoclav has a characteristic bactericidal effect on wide range microflora. Its molecules are capable of destroying cytoplasmic walls bacterial pathogens, which leads to their death. Over a long period of use of amoxicillin, many strains of bacteria have learned to adapt to it and produce special enzymes that break down antibiotic molecules. This is prevented by the second component - clavulanic acid.

Medoclav is excreted from the body both through metabolic reactions in the liver and through the glomerular system of the kidneys.

Possible side effects

When using Medoclav for treatment, the most common undesirable effect is the occurrence of allergic reactions of varying severity. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the human population is hypersensitive to antibiotics with a beta-lactam structure (which includes this drug).

The following side effects were also noted when taking Medoclav:

  • the addition of a secondary bacterial, viral or fungal pathology;
  • intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of heaviness or pain);
  • dizziness, dose-dependent headaches, isolated cases of seizures have also been described;
  • with intravenous use - acute thrombophlebitis;
  • reduction in quantity shaped elements blood with corresponding symptoms.

Contraindications to the use of Medoclav

The main contraindication to the use of Medoclav is the presence in the past of the patient of allergic reactions to any antibiotic with a beta-lactam structure of the active molecule. In addition to penicillins, these also include cephalosporins, monobactams and carbapenems.

It should also be remembered that before the first use of an antibiotic, a test for hypersensitivity should be performed.

Medoclav is approved for use by pregnant women and women during lactation.

Dosage regimen

For intravenous administration for adults, use 2-3 times a day a dose of Medoclav 1/0.2 g, which is diluted in saline solution. For children daily dose antibiotic is calculated based on their body weight and age (25/5 mg per 1 kg).

Medoclav is also used in the form of tablets of 875/125 mg when it comes to outpatient treatment of bacterial pathology of the upper respiratory tract.

Loraxone is an antibiotic from the group of third-generation cephalosporin drugs. Its active ingredient is ceftriaxone. It remains the leader in use for inpatient treatment bacterial pathologies of the upper respiratory tract in a hospital setting.

Loraxone is also the drug of choice for patients with serious concomitant somatic diseases.

Pharmacological features

Ceftriaxone, which is the active ingredient of the drug, is poorly absorbed when orally, therefore it is prescribed only intramuscularly or intravenously. Loraxone accumulates evenly in various body systems, including the respiratory system.

The medicine has a bactericidal effect, like Medoclav, it destroys the cell wall of bacteria.

The therapeutic interval of Lorakson is 6-8 hours.

The antibiotic is excreted from the body primarily by the liver, where its molecules pass along with bile into the intestinal lumen. Another part of the Loraxone dose goes through filtration processes in the kidneys.

Contraindications to Loraxone

Loraxone is contraindicated for use in the following situations:

  • the patient has hypersensitivity to beta-lactam medications;
  • children under 1 month of age with impaired bilirubin metabolism.

Side effects of Loraxone

When using Lorakson, the observed effects are almost the same as with Medoclav.

However, this drug has also been associated with a transient increase in liver enzymes, bronchospasm, renal dysfunction and toxic hepatitis.

Features of using the medication

For bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, Loraxone is administered primarily intramuscularly for treatment. However, if the patient wishes, the presence of a cannula or severe general condition it can be used intravenously.

The standard dosage of Loraxone for adults is 1 g of medication 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is usually 5 days. The calculation of the drug for children should be based on the formula 20-40 mg per 1 kg of body weight.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or acute respiratory viral infection. Opinion of an experienced doctor.

Quite often a person suffers from inflammation of the respiratory tract. Provoking factors are hypothermia or ARVI, influenza, and various infectious diseases. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can result in serious complications. Is it possible to prevent the inflammatory process? What treatment options are there? Is inflammation of the respiratory organs dangerous?

Main symptoms of respiratory tract inflammation

Signs of the disease will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. It is possible to identify such general signs that appear when a virus is introduced. It often leads to severe intoxication of the body:

  • The temperature rises.
  • A severe headache occurs.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Appetite decreases.
  • Nausea appears, which ends in vomiting.

In severe cases, the patient is in an excited and inhibited state, consciousness is upset, and a convulsive state is observed. Separately, it is worth noting the signs that depend on which specific organ is affected:

  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis). First, a severe runny nose occurs, the patient constantly sneezes, and has difficulty breathing through his nose.
  • Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (). The patient has a very sore throat, the patient cannot swallow.
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis). The patient has a severe cough and his voice is hoarse.
  • Tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Severe pain occurs when swallowing, the tonsils also become significantly enlarged, and the mucous membrane turns red.
  • Inflammation of the trachea (tracheitis). In this case, you suffer from a dry cough that does not go away within a month.

Symptoms also depend on the pathogen that provoked the disease. If inflammation of the respiratory tract is caused by influenza, the patient's temperature rises to 40 degrees, but does not fall for three days. In this case, symptoms of rhinitis and tracheitis are most often observed.

If respiratory tract diseases are caused by parainfluenza, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees for about 2 days. Symptoms are moderate. With parainfluenza, laryngitis most often develops.

Separately, it is worth noting adenoviral infection, which affects the respiratory tract. It most often occurs in the form of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and also affects the digestive system and eyes.

Drug treatment of airway inflammation

In case of an inflammatory process, the attending physician prescribes:

  • Antiseptic drugs - Chlorhexidine, Hexetidine, Thymol, etc.
  • Antibiotics – Framycetin, Fusafungin, Polymyxin.
  • Sulfonamides can be combined with anesthetics - Lidocoine, Menthol, Tetracaine.
  • Hemostatic drugs, this group of drugs contains plant extracts and sometimes beekeeping products.
  • Antiviral drugs – Interferon, Lysozyme.
  • Vitamins A, B, C.

Bioparox – antibacterial agent

The antibiotic has proven itself well; it is released in the form of an aerosol; with its help, acute respiratory tract infections can be effectively treated. Due to the fact that Bioparox contains aerosol particles, it immediately affects all organs of the respiratory tract, therefore it has a complex effect. Bioparox can be used to treat acute rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, laryngitis.

Gestetidine is an antifungal drug

This is the best medicine for treating inflammation in the pharynx. The drug is released in the form of an aerosol and rinse solution. Hexetidine is a low-toxic drug, so it can be used to treat infants. In addition to the antimicrobial effect, Hexetidine has an analgesic effect.

Traditional methods of treating respiratory inflammation

Recipes for the treatment of rhinitis

  • Fresh beet juice. Drip 6 drops of fresh beet juice, this should be done in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is also recommended to use beetroot decoction for nasal instillation.
  • Boiled potatoes. Cut the boiled potatoes into several parts: one is applied to the forehead, the other two parts are applied to the sinuses.
  • Soda inhalation. Take 500 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons, if you are not allergic, you can add eucalyptus oil - 10 drops. The procedure is carried out at night.

Recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

  • Lemon. Eat one lemon at once, including the peel, and cut it before doing so. You can add sugar or honey.
  • The herbal mixture is used for gargling. You need to take pharmaceutical chamomile - 2 tablespoons, eucalyptus leaves - 2 tablespoons, linden blossom - 2 tablespoons, flaxseeds - a tablespoon. Let the mixture sit for half an hour. Gargle up to 5 times a day.
  • Propolis infusion. Crushed propolis – 10 grams poured into half a glass of alcohol. Leave everything for a week. Rinse three times a day. When treating, drink tea with honey and herbs.
  • Remedy with egg yolks. You need to take the yolk - 2 eggs, beat it with sugar until foam forms. With the help of this product you can quickly get rid of a hoarse voice.
  • Dill seeds. You need to take 200 ml of boiling water and brew a tablespoon of dill seeds in it. Leave for about 30 minutes. Drink no more than two tablespoons after eating.
  • A curd compress on the throat will help relieve inflammation and irritation from the throat. After just a few procedures you will feel better.

So, in order to avoid inflammation of the respiratory organs, it is necessary to treat a cold in a timely manner. Don't think that the disease will go away on its own. If you get a runny nose, bacteria from your nose will start to drain. First they will end up in the nose, then in the pharynx, then in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. It can all end in pneumonia (pneumonia). To prevent complications, it is necessary to take action at the first symptoms, and do not forget to consult a doctor.
