Causes and treatment of cough attacks at night in an adult. Night cough in adults: causes and treatments

There is no such disease as cough. After all, this is just a sign of any ailment. His appearance most often indicates that the body is trying to fight the attackers of its microbes. Or on the fact that somewhere near the allergen, annoying respiratory tract. It happens that well-being whole day is completely normal, and at night the real nightmare begins - strong attacks do not give enough sleep. Night dry cough can even cause sleep disorder. A defective rest leads to an increase in irritability and nervousness.

Causes of occurrence

Dry cough at night can be provoked by a starting cold illness. The sick person who occupies a horizontal position in bed is not able to sprinkle qualitatively. In the respiratory tract accumulates the mucous secret - due to it and there is a need for passing.

If the dry cough in an adult lasts more than 2 weeks, this indicates development in the body of infection. And when it does not stop more than 2 months - the fact that the disease has become chronic.

In some cases probable reason The cough is established according to its characteristic features:

  • larging - laryngotrachite, pertussus;
  • deaf - obstructive bronchitis;
  • parole - pleurisy;
  • with the oversight - the neoplasm in the trachea or in the larynx.

Respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, cough and bronchial asthma are considered the most common causes of cough.

Sometimes it happens that dry cough at night does not sleep, and the temperature is normal, and there is no runny nose. In this case, many simply ignore this symptom and do not turn to the doctor. It is starting to beat the alarm only in a couple of weeks or a month in night shades.

It is important to visit the doctor in a timely manner. But how to find out how to go? The answer to this question will give the reason that the obsessive symptom appeared.

Long night cough without increasing temperature can signal:

  • needs to finally quit a detrimental habit - smoking;
  • esophagitis;
  • allergies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological ailment;
  • venericual disease.

When respiratory organs - no

Most believe that people cough at night only when there are some problems with respiratory authorities. However, the cough dry parietal may appear due to the reason that has nothing to do with the condition of the respiratory tract.

Often such attacks are long, painful and even suffocating. Because of them seriously suffers from the quality of sleep. You can take weekly to take antifreeze syrup, and they will still be repeated. What to do in this case?

Many people do not know that dry cough during sleep can cause the disease of the stomach - Ezophagitis. The level of acidity gastric juice W. healthy man Usually normal. When it rises, a part of what is in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus. As a result, a heartburn is felt in the lower department. In the neighborhood in the same zone there are also cough receptors.

Note that the attacks of the "gastric" cough worry only at night when a person is in a horizontal position. Diagnose it is very easily on the already mentioned heartburn. To solve the problem, consult with a gastroenterologist.

With some cardiovascular diseases Also tormented dry cough. It has a very large similarity with bronchial - the same suffocating and supervisory. Therefore, it is called "heart bronchitis." This symptom can accompany the shortness of breath and the formation of the nasolabial triangle.

To check whether a person really began to cough at night because of the problems with the heart, during the next attack he needs to sit down. If it became much easier, you can immediately sign up for the reception to the cardiologist. To eliminate such a cough, without curing the main ailment, it is impossible.

How to treat

Before assigning treatment, the doctor must establish the correct diagnosis. And for this, the patient needs to pass a couple of analyzes and go through several surveys. Most often, at the complaints on the dry night cough, the doctor prescribes:

  • common or detailed blood test;
  • fluorography (radiography) of the chest;
  • bronchography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (with suspicion of esophagitis).

A specialist picks up a therapeutic course for the patient, taking into account the clarified cause of cough. If it lies in the disease of the respiratory organs, he discharges expectorant, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, antibiotics.

How to calm the night cough without taking pharmacy drugs? Folk medicine gives a few effective councils. And yet it is advisable to use them in a complex with medication treatment, so as not to launch the disease.

Let's summarize

If a dry cough began to disturb at night due to adverse effects external factors, eliminate it very easy. In this case, it is quite enough to use the humidifier, regularly air the room and make a wet cleaning.

Before proceeding with the medical treatment of the night cough, you need to visit the doctor. After all, if serious pathology is diagnosed, some drugs can be contraindicated. Remember that only a specialist should assign any medicine.

Suffer from such a manifestation of respiratory diseases as coughing At night, adults, and children. However, if an adult man's night cough is only inconvenient, and he manage to cope with the next attack, he can make a cup of warm tea or a lollipop to mitigate the throat, then the child can seriously harm the child, depriving the opportunity to fully rest and restore the child.

You can cope with cough attacks at night, if you figure it out that it becomes their reasons and what to do with them.

Features of cough in adults and children

Strong cough, even manifested specifically (at night), is not an independent disease. It is only a symptom, in most cases symbolizing the flow in the body of struggle of immunity with a respiratory or other infectious damage. There are cough attacks and other reasons, such as entering the respiratory tract foreign objects or allergic reactions.

It is important to pay attention to the frequent attacks of night reinforced cough because this or that or another disease is manifested, often quite serious. For a person in half a state, the attacks themselves can be dangerous because they can provoke a stop respiratory movements and short-term loss of consciousness due to violation of oxygen flow.

Also, this condition is dangerous in that the unconscious flipping of too thick sputum can lead to suffocation (especially if the patient is sleeping on the back), nausea, strong breath and problems with breathing in general.

Strong night attacks in almost all diseases occur because the patient is in a horizontal position and it does not have the ability to rejoice normally, getting rid of sputum.

In addition, during a person, a person slows down in the course of all processes in the body, as a result of which the mucus in bronchi and larynx does not dilute and is not separated during the respiratory process.

Among the main reasons why a strong cough is manifested at night, the following states mean:

    elevated dry air in the bedroom;

    allergic reaction (including asthma);

    diseases of respiratory tract.

    failures of cardio-vascular system;

    violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal bodies.

The third point deserves the attention of doctors, if it comes to such varieties of respiratory lesions, like tuberculosis or cough.

The last two types of diseases are in the list are the most serious, if they suggest them, should immediately contact the doctor.

Causes of cough that cannot be ignored

A strong cough arising against the background of heart failure at night in an adult is developing because with these health problems in a small circle of blood circulation (passing through the lungs) occurs.

With the embroidery of the mucous membrane, and further - the penetration of blood components from blood vessels In the lumen of the lower respiratory tract.

Such a state can provoke irritation of the corresponding "cough" receptors, as a result of which cough is manifested as a symptom of acute chronic insufficiency, cardiac asthma, pulmonary edema.

Cough attacks for diseases of the cardiovascular system may be provoked by infectious-inflammatory diseases affecting the respiratory organs, smoking, receiving frequently appointed patients with the diagnoses of this sphere of ACE inhibitors.

Each of the listed diseases has a lot of major symptoms, including cough occupies a fairly high place as well different reasonsThrough which this particular condition shows itself:

    with viral infections, not only digestion organs are affected, but also light, which is developing respiratory syndrome (lung inflammation) with night cough attacks;

    when GERD disrupts digestion with a cast to the area of \u200b\u200bthe respiratory tract of gastric juice, annoying "cough" receptors;

IMPORTANT: Even with the most serious problemsah (cardiovascular diseases and work failures gastrointestinal tract) Strong cough among the night can be recognized only with a phenomenon frequent character, Therefore, if such a fortune does not pass a week after the start of treatment, you should not think what else to do - you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Cough against the background of not the most dangerous reasons

If there is no likely to suspect with a strong night cough complex and hazardous stateslisted above should recognize the obvious one - the body struck the disease of the respiratory tract, including:


  • obstructive bronchitis;



The dry air in the room, where a person suffers from the attacks of the night cough can provoke irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharmaceutical, as a result of which the reflex act of cough is happening.

Approximately the same thing happens in cases with allergies / asthma - stimuli (feathers of pillows, household dust on the surfaces in the room, pollen plants that fell through the window) affect the mucous respiratory tract and cause a cough attack, strong enough, and sometimes life-threatening patient.

For obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia there is an infectious damage respiratory system (lungs and bronchi), from which the increased allocation of thick sputum begins, and then irritation of nervous endings (receptors) causing cough.

As mentioned above, during sleep, a person who is in a horizontal position may suffer from the inability to satisfy the need to remove sputum, as well as increased density, further impeding breathing.

With tuberculosis, the pathological process is affected by light (85% of cases) of a person, which leads to the beginning of the inflammatory process, the natural sign of which is a strong cough.

This manifestation, not passing over several days, should pay close attention, since the absence timely treatment It may cause serious health problems and even the patient's death.

Important: When tuberculosis, the cough applies not so much to the night, how much to the preliminary, since after the awakening an abnormally accumulated overnight of the wet begins to actively stand out, which can take at least an hour.

Cocky is called sharp bacterial disease The respiratory tract, the main symptom of which becomes an agonizing cough, manifested at night, which is an approached spasmodic character.

This disease may affect adults, although children suffer mainly from him. With it, the inflammatory process in bronchi stimulates the active production of thick mucus and such strong irritation receptors that attacks at the peak of the development of the disease can reach up to 40 attacks per day.

What to do with all listed respiratory diseases? With allergy / asthma - before going to bed, perform inhalations (for example, breathing over the steam from the boiled potatoes), take syrup or dissolve pastili from cough.

With inflammation and infections, their provoking, be sure to take a complex of drugs aimed at combating the originally caused the problem of cough disease - antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, musually, painkillers, antipyretic.

Important: all medication tools You can only accept after examination and advice with your doctor.

How to help basic treatment

During the treatment of basic states, the symptom of which is a strong cough at night, the patient will have to be applied by the attending physician medication drugs, undergo physiotherapy procedures, sanatorium treatment, not to mention more serious manipulations with the most launched cases of diseases.

What to do at home with a cough, which is after the treatment of the main ailment can torment a person for several months?

There are many ways to facilitate the flow of strong attacks of the night cough. First of all, you can often air sleeping rooms, if necessary, moistening the air in them. Under the attacks of allergy / asthma, you can make therapeutic inhalations and warming procedures (compresses, mustard chips, wraps).

    drink at night to envelop irritated cough larynx cup of warm tea with honey, milk or broth;

    take drug from hot milk with melted butter (350 ml per 1 tsp.) To buy another attack;

    use antihistamineshelping to fight cough spasms (Claritin, Suprastin, Fenidist).

If necessary, you can use pharmacy pills-pupintes from cough or drink brazers cooked with your own hands. medicinal herbal - Salfa, chamomile, calendula, plantain, mint. You should not count on the fact that these funds will completely remove the cough - it is possible only after complete recovery.

The main thing is to restore the state of the mucous membranes.

After all major diseases provoking cough are defeated (or, at leastThe doctor will begin to produce therapeutic effect on them), the patient's task will be the restoration of the nasophary and larynx mucous membranes damaged by the attacks. To do this, you can apply already listed funds - inhalation, tea with honey, warm milk with oil, plant syrups / decades.

Night cough - This is a kind of response of the organism on a specific pathological process. The cough is intensified at night, since the position of a person does not allow him to completely flip. In addition, the absorption of mucus in the nasopharynk and blood circulation becomes slower, which also leads to the bumps of cough at night.


Independently night cough in an adult, like a child, does not occur. As a rule, the emergence of such pathological process Preceded the development of a certain ailment. Clinicians allocate the following reasons Night cough:

  • physiological factors - the wrong position of the body during rest, an inconvenient sleeping place;
  • dry air indoors where a person is located;
  • viral infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • oncological processes in lungs;
  • injury breast Department;
  • - In this case, a strong cough at night is almost the only sign of the clinical picture;

It is when cardiac insufficiency, as a rule, there is a cough at night in an adult. In children this symptom With such etiology, it is practically not diagnosed.

The causes of the night cough by the child, most often, acts as an ARVI, a viral or infectious disease. If after the week the cough does not pass, you should consult a doctor for advice and the appointment of treatment.


Clinicians allocate next species Night cough:

  • - It may be due to bronchitis, laryngitis, wheezing wheezing;
  • silent - diagnosed in the event that voice ligaments are affected;
  • deaf - characteristic of the obstructive form of bronchitis, light aneurysm;
  • supervised - such cough is observed with a neoplasm in the larynx, bronchi or trachea;
  • from painful sensations - defeat pleura;
  • wet cough in adults or in children is a purulent process in lungs. Focal pneumonia is possible;
  • night Cough S. increased temperature - Sign viral infection, including tuberculosis;
  • acute;
  • tightening night coughing or suffocating.

If a potted cough Not passes within 1-2 weeks, you should consult a doctor, since, most likely, this symptom indicates a serious pathological process.


The cough of the child at night can have the following additional signs of the clinical picture:

  • capriciousness;

The night cough in an adult has practical such additional signs. The common clinical picture can be completed characteristic symptoms depending on the etiological factor. Treat independently suffocating cough is not recommended, as this can lead not only to the development of complications, but also to the lubricated clinical picture. This, in turn, can lead to the formulation of the wrong diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


Initially, a physical examination of the patient is carried out with the clarification of general anamnesis. To clarify the etiological cause and formulation of an accurate diagnosis, additional diagnostic studies are carried out:

How to stop the cough of the child at night, can only say the attending physician after the exact formulation of the diagnosis and finding out the reason for the appearance of this symptom.


How to calm the cough of the child at night, can tell the doctor after examining and accurate diagnosis. The course of treatment will depend on the etiology of this ailment.

Medical drugs, the mode of their reception, durability and dosage also prescribes the attending physician. Take them yourself, especially to eliminate the cough in children, is strongly not recommended.

Not excluded and receiving funds folk Medicine To eliminate such a symptom. In order to eliminate a strong cough of the child at night, you can apply the following:

  • natural honey with warm milk or warm tea. Note - the liquid in no case should be hot, because in this case, beneficial features Honey will disappear;
  • radish juice with natural honey;
  • decoction from chamomile, coltsfoot, sage;
  • infusion of inflorescences of eases.

In any case, before calming the cough of the child with similar means, you should consult with your doctor. It is likely that for some component of the child may be allergic.

It should be understood that the cough at night at the child always points to the development of a pathological process, so the doctor's consultation is obligatory. Self-medication can eliminate this symptom, but this does not mean that the ailment itself will be eliminated.


Since the cough is one of the symptoms of a certain illness, the general should be applied. preventive actions. Clinicians recommend complying with such rules:

  • timely treatment of diseases;
  • regular examination in profile medical professionals;
  • annual passage of fluorography;
  • proper nutrition;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • moderate physical exertion and walking in the fresh air;
  • room ventilation, air humidification.

Cough is characterized as a symptom cold illnessHis appearance means the struggle of the body with an irritating infection, it can occur both in the afternoon and at night. The mucus accumulated in bronchi does not be absorbed and it causes dry cough at night in an adult reason that caused this process can be different.

Talk about this and talk in our article. And also give effective methods The treatment of dry cough and ways to facilitate strong night seizures.

Often the patient for a whole day feels quite normal, and at night it cannot calmly fall asleep from strong attacks (see). Dry cough buat serious dangerWhat can cause a respiratory stop at night.

Pumping causes pretty easy sensationsmay be accompanied by a breath, nausea, suffocating, rapid heartbeat, gravity in the chest area, uneven breathing. Therefore, it is very important to deal with the reasons that provoke a strong night cough in an adult.

One of the reasons may be a horizontal position of the body during sleep. In such an inconvenient position, a stagnation of the mucous membrane occurs, thereby causing an attack.

If the room predominates dry and cold atmosphere, it is an irritant for the upper respiratory tract. It may also be an allergic reaction, for example, on the cushion filler, especially if the sleeping allergy.

For reasons causing at night The cough in an adult can be attributed:

  • ORVI;
  • pharyngitis;
  • asthma;
  • pleurisy;
  • heart failure;
  • laryngitis;
  • whooping cough;
  • pneumonia
  • tuberculosis (cm.

It is important to know that when the bouts of dry cough at night in an adult arise over two weeks - this indicates acute form Diseases. If much longer time (more than three months), the cough moved into a chronic form. It is necessary to prepare in a timely manner and try not to allow such situations, otherwise you can bring your health to irreversible consequences (tuberculosis, cancer formations In the lungs, bronchi, trachea).

In the photo below you can see detailed schemacharacterizing signs of cough, as well as the reason for its appearance:

Diagnosis of dry cough in symptoms

Frequent attacks are sometimes provoked by the inflammatory respiratory tract or irritants. various shapes (chemical, mechanical, thermal). Also, a strong cough at night in an adult indicates such serious diseases like bronchitis chronic form, neoplasms in lungs or emphysema. With cardiovascular diseases, the cough is accompanied by a breathtaking, a blue leather shade appears around the lips and the nose.

Sudden manifestation of a strong cough may testify to getting into the respiratory tract foreign bodies. If you cannot withdraw it, it is not necessary to immediately call a doctor.

If there is often a night dry cough in adults, the reasons are established by the character of the loaf:

Signs of night cough Morbidity Diagnostics, analyzes
Dry cough at the beginning, but highlighting the wet. Some varieties of ORVI. Inspection therapist. The blood test is carried out.
Deep cough, starting with a ringing sound, passing in deaf. Usually manifests itself in the cold. The trouble of all smokers, appears when inflammation of lymphauses. Inspection therapist. The pulmonary x-ray is prescribed, the blood test is common, sowing sputum on sensitivity.
Fresh cough manifesting mainly during sleep. Sinusitis, rhinitis of chronic form. Inspection by otolaryngologist. A radiographic study of the incomplete sinuses is prescribed.
Strong night cough in adult, continuing for a long time endless. The sputum is highlighted in small quantities. Serious diseases: tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, neoplasms in the lungs. Inspection by a pulmonologist, oncologist. MRI, X-ray, bronchoscopy, oncomarkers are prescribed.
Strong coughing cough. Inflammatory process in larynx, trachea. Inspection therapist. Held general analysis blood.
Light, but quite frequent shames. Irritation of the pleural shell. Inspection therapist. The lungs are prescribed.
Spasmodian attack ending with whistling sound. Accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting (see). Whooping cough. Inspection therapist. Analysis of blood for antibodies is prescribed, surveying mucus on a border-gengine wand.
Cough with a whistle, accompanied by a breath, frequent breathing. Asthma. Inspection by a pulmonologist, cardiologist, an allergist. Blood analysis is carried out on antigens.

It is important to diagnose only medical specialist. You can not engage in self-medication, sometimes, at first glance, the apparent harmless cough may mean the development serious pathologies respiratory tract.

To calm the cough at night at the adult, you can use some tips about which we will talk next.

How to calm the cough at night?

In order to find out how to stop the night cough in an adult and relieve a strong attack without medical treatment Need to use simple advice Folk Medicine:

  1. The warm drink soothes the mucosa of the larynx, contributes to the release of sputum and expectoration. Makes breathing and eliminates strong cough cough on healing herbs (cm. ). It also works well milk with the addition of honey and mineral water "Borjomi".
  2. Be sure to control the humidity of the air indoors. As it was mentioned above, dryness and cold causes irritation of the mucous membrane. To do this, you can purchase a conventional humidifier.
  3. Before treating the night cough in adults relevant medications on the recommendation of the doctor, it is possible to take simple expectorant drugs before bedtime. The price of such medicines is usually easily accessible, the attached instruction will help determine the dose and the amount of reception. With confidence in allergic reaction You can take antihistamine preparations. It should be remembered that independently assign themselves antimicrobial or antibacterial agents Strictly not recommended. The feasibility of their reception establishes a specialist.
  4. An effective way to eliminate attacks is inhalation (see). For example, our grandmothers left the potatoes with the skin, swept it, covered with a towel and so they were inhalation.
  5. In order to know how to stop the dry cough at night in an adult you need to know how to go to bed. During sleep, it is recommended to take a high pillow so that the head is as high as possible, thus mocked will be less collected.
  6. Natural honey has a softening and warming effect, so it is recommended to resolve it periodically.
  7. The radish juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is stirred with honey and take one teaspoon 6 times during the day.

The question of how to treat the night cough in adult mustard plasters is rather controversial (see). For example, it is impossible to use them if the patient has elevated the body temperature, if there are signs of irritation, redness. But when astmatic attacks Mountains are categorically prohibited.

Before calming the cough at night in an adult, accompanied by strong attacks Consulted with a specialist. Perhaps, in the presence of serious pathology it is impossible to use one or another method of those listed above. Purpose on reception medicinal preparations Gives only the attending physician, given the results of analyzes, as well as the characteristic of the incidence.

Unpleasant cough at any time of the day. But if it occurs or significantly enhances only at night and continues long, then it is very bad. First, a person deprives a full night sleep, and if the child coughs, his parents do not sleep. Secondly, it may be a symptom of serious broncho-pulmonary diseases, and therefore requires surveys and treatment. Therefore, during an attack, it is necessary to do everything to alleviate cough, and the next morning to start finding out its reasons.

Test: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you cough?

Your cough is combined with a runny nose and most noticeing in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough like:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand it, dial more air In the lungs and plow)?

During cough attack, you feel pain in the stomach and / or chest (pain in intercostal muscles and abdominal press)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the character of the mucus, which stands out during the cough (no matter how much it is: little, or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain In the chest, which does not depend on movements and wears the "economy" character (as if the source of pain in the easiest)?

Do you have a shortness of breath (during exercise You quickly "fierce" and tired, breathing becomes more often, after which the air shortage comes)?

Noncommunicable reasons

The grounds for which cough bouts arise at night may be the most different. It is easiest to check whether the cough is called banal household reasonswhich may affect the sleeping person:

  • too dry or hot air indoor, which leads to the drying of the mucous membranes;
  • allergies to bed linen - a duvet or feather pillow, synthetic fabrics etc.;
  • bed tick - a tiny insect, which, falling into the respiratory organs annoying them and provokes cough;
  • the incorrect position of the head during sleep - disrupts the normal blood circulation and the influx of oxygen, creating the impression of the lack of air;
  • accumulated dust that scores lungs and can become a strong allergen;
  • pets, and not only cats and dogs, but also any other living creatures;
  • indoor plants not only can provoke allergic coughBut still create a lack of oxygen if there are too many in the bedroom (the process of photosynthesis does not go in the dark, and the flowers breathe oxygen just like people).

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to inspect the premises and make sure that there are no influence of all the factors listed above. In principle, it is necessary to do this in any case, even if you are convinced of coughing infectious nature. Such preventive measures will contribute to the speedy recovery in any diagnosis.

If, after you eliminated all possible noncommunicable reasons for the night cough, the situation has not changed, it means that the position is serious, and the cough is caused by non-external stimuli, but internal inflammatory processes. The mechanism of appearance of such cough is completely different, and it requires compulsory treatment.

Cough as a symptom

Night cough can be a symptom not only infectious diseaseAlthough most often it happens. Usually it appears after a hawked cold, ORVI or flu footed. And this is a signal that in the body is still not all right.

In chronic bronchitis or sluggish pneumonia, increased highlighting thick mucus continues - thus the body is trying to pay off inflammatory processes. In the afternoon, it is imperceptibly cleaved or washed away with tea (or other liquid) and enters the stomach. Permanent shaking In the afternoon after the disease, they consider normal and called "residual cough". It is really not scary if no longer than 2 weeks continues.

When a person takes a horizontal position, the mucus can no longer go out and accumulates in bronchi or lungs, interfering with normal breathing. A reflex cough appears, with the help of which the body is trying to push the mucus outward.

By the way, such a cough is easy to distinguish from allergic - it does not occur shortly after falling asleep, but in the second half of the night, closer to the morning, and requires mandatory treatment.

There may be a night cough and a symptom of even more serious diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • tumors of lungs or larynx;
  • fibrosis;
  • lung emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • acid reflux.

To put accurate diagnosisIt is necessary to further examine and pass a number of analyzes. Therefore, it is better not to do with self-treatment - you can miss the time and give illness to go to a later stage.


But what to do, while the doctor finds out true cause? Of course, search available methodsHow to calm the night cough and normalize sleep. Even if it gives a temporary effect - the rested organism will have forces to combat the main disease. After all, if a person does not fall out, his immune defense decreases sharply.

Here is the easiest way how to stop the cough attack:

  1. Change the position of the body by giving it a half-time position - it will facilitate the flipping of the accumulated sputum.
  2. Open the window, ensuring an additional oxygen influx.
  3. Drink something warm, better, if it is milk - it softens cough faster, but is suitable herbal or green tea And even warm water.
  4. If there is a lack of air - to take the bronchitin brotherhood, "Gedevit" and others.
  5. Restore breathing slowly breathing through the nose and exhausted by mouth (without effort!).

When the cough calms down, you need to try to fall asleep again. It will help in this soft lighting and aroma lave with lavender oil. The pillow is better to replace to the higher, so that the head during sleep was in a raised position.

Do not forget that the only way to facilitate the state when bronchial asthma- This is the use of a special inhaler. The measures listed above will not help here, but as the creation of additional comfort will be useful and so patients.

Treatment of adults

What to do to get rid of the night cough forever, just can only tell the doctor, after setting the main diagnosis. Treatment is appointed individually and may include medical therapy., physiotherapy and proven folk remedies.

"Grandma" methods can be attempted to pass the night cough on their own, if he recently appeared, and he was preceded by a respiratory disease.

Here are some proven effective waysHow to facilitate cough and speed up the final recovery for adults:

In addition to the listed recipes, there are other folk waysHow to stop a strong cough at night. The main thing is not to leave the problem without attention. And if the cough is repeated from the night in the night, it is necessary to search and treat the main reason.

For kids, the above "adults" ways are not suitable - they contain alcohol. The child can be prepared and give ordinary "Gogol-Mogol", warm milk or herbal tea with honey.

Well eases breath rubbing breasts camphor oil (not a massage!), Which warms the bronchi, expanding them and removing spasms, and at the same time, falling into the respiratory tract, gives the effect of anti-inflammatory inhalation.

Medication tools

It is important to understand that if the night cough is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the lungs, then the reception of antitussive drugs is categorically contraindicated! They can cause bronchostas (stagnation of lungs in the lungs), as a result of which breathing it is difficult and inflammatory processes will accelerate. That is why it is so important to first find out the cause of cough.

Expectorant among the night - not the most the best way. They contribute to the wet wet and make it easier for its excretion, but then the bronchi will not be released from mucous savings, cough to fall asleep.

It is better to adopt a medicine that will remove the irritation of the throat and bronchial spasms:

  • "Pektusin";
  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Pectolvan";
  • "Dr. MOM";
  • "ACS-100".

Most of these drugs are suitable for both adults and children (only dosage differs).

If the cause of the night cough is bronchitis or lung inflammation, fast and effective treatment Without antibiotics it is impossible. The infection has already penetrated so deeply that it cope with it folk remedies Will not succeed. Antibiotics wide spectrum Actions are detachious for most pathogenic microbes, and many of them have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, for 2-3 days after the start of treatment, properly selected drugs occurs noticeable relief.

Often help to quickly cope with the cough, including night, antihistamine drugs. Chronic inflammatory processes cause edema of mucous membranes, and the swelling is always intensified at night. And if during the day she does not interfere with breathing, then at night it overlaps normal air access, causing cough. Having it antihistamine means, you can quickly facilitate the state.

Good therapeutic effect The physiotherapeutic procedures are given: ultrasound, electrophoresis, quartz, paraffin therapy, laser warming, darsonvalization. They stop inflammatory processes, activate blood circulation, stimulate immune system, significantly speeding up recovery.

Some procedures can be done at home: put mustard piles or vodka compress, warm the bronchi with a blue lamp or solux, lose foot and / or chest warming ointment with essential oils. Performed before bedtime, such procedures, although they are not direct way how to calm the cough, but improve general state, swelling and serve as excellent prevention of cough night seizures.

Preferably the next day after heating procedures not to perform active exercise And do not go outside with crude weather or minus air temperature.

During treatment, it is necessary to take care of drafts and stay away from the air conditioner turned on. And also ensure that the bedroom has not been listed at the beginning of noncommunicable reasons that kashel can provoke.

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