The benefits and harms of sesame for the body. Chemical composition of sesame seeds. How to take for weight loss. Sesame seeds: benefits and harms, how to take, contraindications

Sesame or sesame seeds are used not only in cooking, but also for medical and cosmetic purposes. The widespread use of sesame is explained by its chemical composition, thanks to which the seeds of the plant participate in the replenishment of calcium and alleviate the condition of various diseases, have a beneficial effect on the skin and human body.

What is sesame

Sesame or sesame is herbaceous plant from the Pedal family, the main habitats of which are India and Africa. The photo shows that tropical sesame has flowers in white and purple shades. The most valuable oil plant of the genus is Indian sesame, which has taken its place of honor in the culinary world. It is used to prepare kozinaki, toppings for baked goods, aromatic seasonings, sauces, and also tahini, a special paste known in Arab and Jewish cuisines.

Sesame seeds are used to make sesame oil, useful in the production of cosmetics and medicinal ointments. There are 2 varieties of sesame - white and black. The latter type is much more expensive and healthier, since unrefined black grains are not polished. Sesame seeds taste like nuts. Hulled sesame seeds can be used for 6 months if stored in the refrigerator, and if frozen, then for about a year. The shelf life of sesame oil is 10 years.

Sesame - composition

The composition of sesame grains, in addition to minerals and vitamins, contains: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, alimentary fiber(fiber), ash, antioxidants (sesaminol, sesamol). Vitamin complex includes beta-carotene (A), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (PP), folate and pantothenic acid(B9 and B5), pyridoxine (B6), tocopherol and choline (E, B4). If we consider mineral composition sesame, that is, the following macro- and microelements:

  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

Sesame seed calories

Sesame seeds are high in calories because more than half of them are fat. The average calorie content of sesame seeds per 100 grams is about 570 calories. What are the benefits of sesame seeds? They are rich in calcium. A unique fact is that 100 grams of sesame can replenish daily requirement the body in a particularly important macronutrient. Calcium from sesame is better absorbed than milk.

Sesame - beneficial properties

Sesame is endowed with antioxidant properties, serves as a preventative against aging, and helps with weight loss. The benefits of sesame seeds in the cosmetics industry are their moisturizing and softening properties. The substances contained make it possible to use the product in the production of suntan creams and lotions, since it does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Sesame is used in medicine as remedy not only for osteochondrosis, but also for the prevention of other diseases:

  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • fractures;
  • shortness of breath;
  • manifestations of asthma;
  • cough;
  • pneumonia.

The seeds are useful for diseases:

  • thyroid, pancreas;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • joint diseases;
  • hearts;
  • vessels;
  • digestive system.

What are the benefits of sesame for women?

To alleviate mastitis during breastfeeding (lactation), women need to apply compresses from vegetable oil, sesame powder. Sesame seeds reduce the risk of breast cancer and also promote blood flow to the pelvis. When mixed with poppy or flaxseeds, the product reveals its hidden properties, acting as a strong aphrodisiac. The main benefit of sesame for women is as a substitute for sex hormones, phytoestrogen, which is beneficial for the health of women after 45 years.

Benefits of sesame for men

Representatives of the stronger sex who are involved in bodybuilding will be interested to know that a large amount of proteins speeds up the process of muscle building and restores them after heavy exercise. The benefit of sesame seeds for men is its ability to reduce cholesterol levels due to the content of phytosterols, thereby increasing potency. Zinc will help activate libido - a substance directly involved in the production of testosterone, the most important male hormone.

Harm of sesame

There have been no serious studies on contraindications to consuming sesame seeds, so there are only a few reasons not to eat the product. However, it is an undeniable fact that people have found benefits in sesame since ancient times, so we can conclude that it has a high nutritional value. So what are the contraindications and harms of sesame seeds when its use will not be beneficial:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the seeds take a long time to digest;
  • during pregnancy (threat of miscarriage);
  • if eaten on an empty stomach (nausea will occur);
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • under three years of age (due to inability child's body break down fats).

How to take sesame seeds

Before using the product, you need to make sure that it is of high quality. Sesame seeds should look clean and not taste bitter, but a defect indicates spoilage and can cause harm. The daily norm is 2 tsp. How to take sesame seeds correctly depending on the disease:

  1. For health purposes, to remove toxins from the body, take sesame (20 g) in powder form 3 times. It is better to drink it with water before meals.
  2. For digestive disorders 2 tsp. seeds need to be crushed, mixed in a solution of honey (1 tbsp. water per 1 tsp. honey).
  3. How to take sesame seeds if you have a calcium deficiency: eat 1 tbsp daily. l. sesame seeds.
  4. Sesame powder is taken for painful sensations in the lower back, neuralgic pain in the arms and legs. To do this you need to: fry the seeds until a specific smell appears, finely chop. It is correct to take 1 tbsp 1 time daily. l. along with 1 tbsp. l. honey with warm water.
  5. You can remove the symptoms of hemorrhoids by pouring 2 tbsp. l. crushed seeds 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, let the broth brew for half an hour. After cooling, drink in small sips.

Video: benefits of sesame

Sesame (sesame) is an annual and perennial herbaceous plant, in the pods of which sesame seeds ripen. The beneficial properties of sesame were known to the ancient Egyptians, who used its seeds as medicine. The ancient Greeks also knew about the benefits of sesame seeds - they believed that these seeds increased endurance. The ancient Assyrians believed that the gods drank sesame wine before the creation of the world.

On this page you can read about the beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame. You will also learn what is contained in sesame and how sesame is beneficial for the body.

For people suffering from Wilson's disease - genetic disease, in which copper accumulates in the liver, it is better to avoid eating sesame seeds due to the rather high content of this metal in it. People who are recommended to eat a diet low in oxalates (these substances are concentrated mainly in the seed coat) should also use unshelled sesame and its derivatives (oil and tahini) with caution.

What does sesame contain?

Sesame contains almost 50%, but, paradoxically, helps the body burn fat. This property of sesame is explained by the fact that it contains special substances lignans - they stimulate the production in the liver of enzymes involved in the decomposition of fatty acids. In addition, there is a high content of lignans, which by their nature are phytoestrogens (that is, analogues of female sex hormones).

What are the benefits of sesame seeds for the body?

Lignans make sesame a product that is extremely beneficial for women over forty. Daily consumption of 50 grams sesame seeds significantly improves hormonal background women during menopause.

Sesame occupies a leading position among all currently known products in terms of phytosterol content (400 mg per 100 g). These plant analogues Animal cholesterol prevents its absorption into the blood and promotes its removal from the body, thereby reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and weight problems.

The main benefit of sesame seeds is to help normalize blood circulation and maintain hormonal levels in women.

What else is contained in sesame

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium (100 g contains almost the daily requirement of this mineral for an adult, which not even every type of cheese can boast of), magnesium, phosphorus and iron. What else is useful for sesame seeds? high content proteins, for which the product is highly valued by vegetarians.

To this day, sesame is widely used both in cooking (its seeds are added to baked goods, from which tahini paste, halva, kozinaki and other delicacies, beloved in the East, are made), and in medicine (in the form of ointments, emulsions, plasters) and in cosmetology (in protective and moisturizing creams and hair care products).

How to choose and use sesame

Before choosing and consuming sesame, pay attention to the quality of the seeds: they should be dry and crumbly, without an unpleasant bitter odor. When choosing sesame seeds, remember that light seeds are peeled, while dark ones are not, which means they contain more useful substances.

To give sesame seeds a pleasant nutty aroma, dry them in a frying pan without adding oil until the seeds begin to crackle.

So nice to buy White bread or a fragrant bun with white seeds on top and eat them, leaving the baked product unremarkable and bland.

Do you know what kind of seeds are so amazing?

Sesame! This is what sesame seeds are called in Latin. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of learning everything about sesame seeds, their benefits, possible harm and calorie content.


Sesame is a herbaceous plant of the Pedalaceae family. The name is translated from Latin as “oil grass”. Its homeland is considered North Africa, but it grows everywhere: Transcaucasia, Southeast Asia, all of continental Europe, America. Sesame seeds are in pods and when touched lightly they pop open. Now we can explain the origin of the phrase “Sesame, open!”.

Sesame seeds: composition, calorie content, application

The ancient Greeks believed so much in healing properties sesame that they even included it in the recipe for the elixir of immortality, which, according to legend, fed the gods! This is not surprising, because the composition of sesame seeds is unique.

Calorie content sesame seeds 565 kcal per 100 g:

    Fats - 48.7 g

    Proteins – 19.4 g

    Carbohydrates – 17.8 g

Indeed, divine composition and legendary benefits. By the way, despite great content fats, sesame has absolutely no cholesterol.


In Russia, sesame seeds are mainly used in cooking. The unique gastronomic properties of this plant are used to sprinkle on bread, cookies, and desserts. Sesame oil is popular as a seasoning for side dishes; meat, fish, and vegetables are also fried with it. These seeds are used to fry meat or make a paste from them: grind the seeds until smooth and get tahina - a pleasant spread with a delicate nutty taste. Sesame is added to salads, made into halva, or used as a breading. Sesame salt is a tasty and healthy spice. These seeds are also added to milk and dairy products in order to normalize weight.

In medicine Sesame powder and oil are used for poisoning and stomach upsets. The beneficial properties of sesame help with inflammation mammary gland and mastitis: apply a mixture of sesame powder and vegetable oil to the chest. For hemorrhoids, a decoction of sesame seeds helps, which you can drink and wash the “long-suffering” area with it. The use of sesame oil is recommended for arthritis, neuralgic and rheumatic problems. Also, ointments, emulsions and plasters are made from it, diathesis and others are treated. skin diseases.

In cosmetology benefits of sesame are used in all sunscreens, because sesame does not allow ultra-violet rays. A face mask made from this powder will get rid of acne and redness, cleanse pores, help skin regeneration, and perfectly moisturize. Applying sesame oil to your hair will restore shine, softness, activate growth and restoration, and fight gray hair. Also used as massage oil.

Sesame seeds: what are the benefits for the body?

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds include their powerful anti-aging effect. Essential fatty acids (don't be alarmed by the word "fatty"; organic fat is really good for you) are prevention oncological diseases and reduce blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Microelements of sesame promote growth and development, cleanse the blood of ions heavy metals(which we get with vaccinations), increase its coagulability, indicated for anemia.

Regular consumption of this product improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, restores vision, and prevents cataracts.

A large supply of calcium in these seeds ensures bone health and joints and is a prevention of osteoporosis. Athletes eat sesame to build muscle muscle mass.

Active components sesame seeds benefit the intestines, promote digestion and complete absorption nutrients and fight obesity. This product is also an excellent laxative and dulls the feeling of hunger and restores mineral balance in the body.

The benefits of sesame seeds – phytoestrogen – unique natural substance, is used as a female hormone substitute. This element fights many chronic inflammatory processes And benign neoplasms. More seeds remove pain syndrome during menstruation as they promote blood flow.

Sesame seeds boost immunity and help with colds and flu.

Sesame seeds: are they harmful to health?

There are so many beneficial properties of sesame that it’s hard to believe possible harm sesame seeds for the body. And he is:

Sesame seeds are contraindicated for thrombosis and increased blood clotting;

At urolithiasis;

It is forbidden to use this product in combination with oxalic acid or aspirin - insoluble compounds may be deposited in the kidneys;

Excessive use seeds will disrupt the functioning of the stomach and intestines, causing constipation. The recommended seed intake is 2 teaspoons per day;

Individual food allergies also exclude the consumption of sesame seeds - redness of the skin, itching or anaphylactic shock are possible;

An excess of calcium (and sesame is rich in calcium) causes malaise, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, extreme thirst.

The harm of sesame lies in its calorie content. Unlimited use of these seeds for dietary nutrition he doesn't fit.

Sesame seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is an ancient misconception that sesame seeds are harmful to a pregnant woman, supposedly due to the fact that sesame is a “hot” product that provokes miscarriage. Medical research proves otherwise! Sesame seeds extremely helpful to the expectant mother:

1. Sesame contains calcium, which is very necessary for the fetus, and protects the woman from deficiency of this mineral;

2. Iron prevents low hemoglobin in pregnant women and promotes increased blood flow;

3. Vitamins in sesame seeds promote the growth and development of the baby’s tissues and organs, and protect the woman herself from infections;

4. Normalize stool and frequency of urination, relieve constipation (pregnant women will definitely appreciate this wonderful property);

5. Stabilize hormonal levels;

6. Eliminates age spots on the skin;

7. Calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety.

Potential Harm sesame during pregnancy: don't overeat it. Possible uterine contractions premature birth. Useful norm– 1 teaspoon 3 times a week.

Sesame seeds are also beneficial for breastfeeding. They saturate milk with vitamins and healthy fats, protect the baby from bacteria and infections, helps the child with diathesis, skin rashes and redness. Stimulates the growth of brain cells and bone tissue, stimulates stool. Contraindications: individual intolerance and allergies.

Sesame seeds for children: good or bad

Sesame seeds are three times richer in calcium than milk. This is what a child needs for full growth and development, strong teeth and bones. The benefits of sesame seeds in children's diets are obvious: they contain only healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, necessary for the child. A sesame seed bar is a healthy alternative to unhealthy sweets.

Sesame may be harmful to children under three years of age. The small body has not yet learned to fully digest and break down fats. Therefore small child Your tummy may be upset.

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous oil plant that belongs to the category of annuals. Its fruits are small seeds of different shades: from deep black to chocolate. There is no such thing as snow-white sesame - the white seeds we are accustomed to are grains that have been peeled.

A large number of components also allows the seeds to be used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Black and white sesame: what's the difference?

There are two main types of sesame available for sale: white and black. They are distinguished not only by color, but also by taste and beneficial features.

Black sesame, unlike white sesame, is not peeled from the husk in which it is collected great amount vitamins and nutritional components. Therefore, it is much healthier than white. It mainly grows in southeast Asia, Japan and China.

From black sesame it is obtained quality oil with rich taste and aroma. At the same time, it does not take all the attention to itself, but only highlights the other ingredients in the dish. Therefore, it is most often used for seasoning side dishes, sauces and marinades.

In the East, it is black sesame that is used in medical purposes, since all the main components that make it possible to improve a person’s condition are located precisely in the outer shell of the seed.

White sesame also contains unique oils and has a pleasant neutral taste with a subtle nutty note. This is a peeled seed, which in 90% of cases is used in cooking as an external decoration for desserts, sushi or side dishes. The main importing countries of shelled sesame are El Salvador and Mexico.

Calorie content of sesame

Almost all plant seeds have high energy value, since they contain predominantly fats. This is especially true for flax and sunflower seeds - their fat percentage can exceed 50-60% per 100 grams. Sesame is also considered a high-calorie product - 50 grams have 280-300 kcal, and the fat content reaches 55%.

In addition to the high concentration of fats, its composition is dominated by saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for nutrition and cell restoration.

A unique feature of sesame is the presence of a unique substance called sesamin, which is considered a natural antioxidant. It prevents early skin aging and fights free radicals, which are the root cause of oxidative stress.

When choosing sesame, pay attention to the condition of the seeds, whether they are intact and not glued to each other. To do this, it is better to buy it in a sealed bag. The seeds should not taste bitter and should not have any strange aftertaste.

As for storage rules, black sesame is more unpretentious in this matter. It lasts longer even if it remains in the manufacturer's packaging. But it is better to pour it into a glass or enamel container with a lid. Sesame does not like moisture and sun.

The shelf life of white (hulled) seeds usually does not exceed several months, because it quickly loses its natural taste and begins to become very bitter. To prevent this, store it in the refrigerator. In this case, it will not lose its taste and benefits for six months.

Useful properties of sesame

  1. Sesame contains thiamine, which is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and proper functioning nervous system.
  2. Beta-sitosterol present in sesame is responsible for lowering cholesterol. It prevents blockage of blood vessels and is useful for the prevention of many diseases.
  3. The composition of this unique seed includes amino acids that are building material for organs and systems.
  4. Sesame is also rich in vitamin E, which promotes youthful skin. It is an essential vitamin responsible for maintaining optimal functioning of the body. It normalizes the functioning of the female and male reproductive systems, affects the endocrine and nervous systems. Being a powerful antioxidant, it protects cells from damage by free radicals.
  5. Sesame is an excellent remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis. It has a record concentration of calcium - 100 grams of the product contains 750-1150 mg of the mineral. For comparison: 100 grams of cottage cheese contains only 125 mg of calcium. The body needs it for pregnant women, children, and the elderly, since it is the main building material and participates in the processes of restoring the structure of bones, hair, and teeth. For pregnant women, its daily dosage should not exceed 30 grams.
  6. Black sesame is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and other minerals involved in blood formation and immunobiological processes.
  7. Phytoestrogens contained in sesame are especially useful for women over 50 years of age. It is considered a natural alternative female hormones, therefore indispensable during the onset of menopause.
  8. One of the benefits of sesame is its high concentration of vitamins A, C, and B. Retinol is involved in the regulation of protein synthesis and is necessary for the normal growth of new cells. It's impossible without him normal functioning immune system. B vitamins improve skin condition and intestinal function, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

To get the maximum benefit from a product, you need to eat it correctly. Regardless of the variety, you need to buy only live sesame seeds that have not been subjected to special processing. Checking this is quite simple - living grains can germinate.

To do this, it is not necessary to use professional germination equipment. Place slightly damp gauze folded in several layers on a regular plate. Pour 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds on top of it and cover it with the same slightly damp gauze.

Place the plate with sesame seeds in a dark place that is not exposed to sunlight (in a kitchen cabinet or oven) for several days. If within 2-3 days the first sprouts begin to appear from the seeds, then it is natural, safe for consumption sesame.

Sesame seeds are best absorbed when slightly heated and soaked. The roasted seed is already deprived of any beneficial properties, and is more likely to simply enhance the taste of the dish than to replenish the vitamin or mineral deficiency of the body.

Sesame should be chewed slowly and try not to expose it to strong force unnecessarily. heat treatment. Based on these considerations, nutritionists recommend pre-soaking the seeds in water - this will make them much easier to survive. For these purposes, you do not need to take too much liquid - for 1 full teaspoon of sesame, take 100 ml of water.

The optimal amount of sesame for an adult is up to 3 teaspoons per day. Do not use the product in the morning or on an empty stomach. This can trigger an attack of nausea and excessive thirst.

Sesame serves as an excellent dressing for salads and meat; it is used to decorate baked goods and added to dough. In oriental cuisine it can be found as part of special desserts, such as kozinaki or halva.

Unique features of sesame oil

The oil obtained from sesame seeds is also considered incredibly beneficial for the body. It is used for medical purposes, cosmetology and as an alternative to traditional edible oils.

It is clinically proven to be effective as a detoxifier and laxative. It moisturizes the intestinal mucosa, indirectly improving its peristalsis.

Sesame-based oil is an affordable product for any woman to care for aging facial skin. It copes well with fine wrinkles, restores tone, moisturizes and nourishes the epithelium. The unique substances included in its composition relieve redness and even out the complexion.

Of course, it, like any other oil, will have the effect of dirty hair. To get rid of it, you need to select the optimal amount and wash your hair with shampoo after the procedures.

Many manufacturers use organic sesame oil to enrich tanning products because it is not UV resistant.

Sesame is a widespread product that will be a good addition to any dish. You can sprinkle it on boiled rice, meat and salads - it will enrich their taste. Thanks to its nutritional value sesame can become a main ingredient in vegetarian cuisine.

Sesame seeds are very beneficial for the reproductive system, especially the female one.

If you combine sesame, flax and poppy seeds, then you can get a powerful aphrodisiac, which, by the way, works great for both women and men.

In the Middle Ages, sesame seeds were in great demand among representatives of the fair half of humanity - many women who cared about their health chewed a teaspoon of sesame every day in the morning.

In those days, it was believed that sesame was very beneficial for the female reproductive system. However, sesame seeds can increase blood flow during menstruation, so pregnant women should eat sesame or any of its derivatives very carefully.

The high concentration of calcium contained in sesame contributes to the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, however overindulgence this product can cause miscarriage.

Use of semen for medicinal purposes

Sesame is used in traditional and folk medicine

Sesame is widely used as a remedy traditional medicine externally and internally. It can be used on its own or as a component of a recipe.

It is useful to consume products based on sesame seeds to strengthen the body's protective properties. In their pure form, they are recommended to be taken for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, anemia).

The seeds have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract in cases of intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and helminthiasis.

Sesame is also indicated for the treatment of asthma, colds respiratory tract(including acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections). Oil from the grains is used externally to heal wounds and eliminate peeling and irritation.

Folk recipes

From diseases of the cardiovascular system

  1. If you have a blood clotting disorder, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp of sesame oil three times a day. l. before eating.
  2. To strengthen the heart, sesame seeds are added to everyday dishes.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Helps with indigestion simple recipe. Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 200 ml boiled water room temperature. Add 1-2 tsp there. sesame seeds, crushed in a blender or coffee grinder. Drink in small portions until diarrhea stops.
  2. For stomach pain, intestinal colic and spasms, take 1 tbsp. l. seeds on an empty stomach 1-3 times a day.

For problems with the musculoskeletal system

  1. For rheumatism and joint pain, warm up the sesame oil a little (to human body temperature). Rub the product in with massage movements.
  2. For neuralgia, the seeds are fried in a frying pan and ground into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Take 1 tbsp. l. in small portions, washed down clean water.

For women's health

  1. For mastitis it is used in complex treatment compresses. Gauze or bandage folded several times is soaked in sesame oil and applied to the chest.
  2. After 45 years, the use of sesame in any form is recommended for women's health. The phytoestrogens they contain improve well-being, minimize the appearance of hot flashes and strengthen the nervous system.

For calcium deficiency

You can compensate for calcium deficiency not only with vitamins. Sesame seed oil, which should be taken 1 tbsp, will do an excellent job of this task. l. once a day (preferably in the morning).

As a prophylactic

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach in the morning every day.

For the purpose of prevention and maintenance general health introduced into the diet sesame flour. Add 1-2 tbsp. l. product when preparing porridges and side dishes.

A seasoning is prepared based on sesame seeds - gomasio. . It effectively cleanses the body and has a pleasant smell and taste. Gomasio is both a medicine and an aromatic spice for dishes. It is prepared like this:

  1. For one teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) take 18 tsp. sesame seeds.
  2. Separately heat the salt for three minutes and grains - over low heat for 2 minutes.
  3. Mash the salt in a mortar, then add sesame seeds to it. Grind everything until the seeds open.
  4. The finished seasoning can be stored for no more than two weeks.

Despite the high calorie content (565 kcal per 100 g), sesame seeds are used for weight loss. They normalize digestion, help eliminate toxins and reduce cholesterol. How to extract maximum benefit from this product for weight loss?

Remember that during heat treatment the seeds lose most useful substances. Therefore, fried sesame should be excluded when losing weight. Nutritionists recommend steaming it. Just pour the beans warm water and let them brew. Once they swell, they can be consumed in small quantities to reduce appetite.

Sprouted sesame seeds will help restore strength during dieting and active training. It is very easy to germinate it at home:

  • Take unpeeled black sesame seeds, rinse them under water and place them in a shallow container.
  • Fill them with water so that it is 1–2 mm above the level of the grains. Cover with clean gauze and place on the windowsill.
  • Change the water once a day until the first shoots appear.
  • Store sprouted seeds in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon of them daily for a week.

During the diet, replace olive oil and sunflower oil sesame Additionally, you can drink “kefir” made from sesame seeds. One glass of grains is soaked overnight in large quantities water. The next day they are mixed with clean water (preferably boiled) in proportions 1:2. Then the resulting consistency is filtered through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

The composition is poured into a glass container and covered with clean gauze. Kefir should steep for 12 hours in a warm place. It should be taken half a glass 15 minutes before meals. You can add a little honey and lemon juice.

Do not forget that the oil is also used as an external remedy. In progress fast weight loss the formation of stretch marks and sagging of soft tissues is possible. To prevent their occurrence, massage problem areas of the body daily with sesame oil in combination with others (for example, peach or almond).

Sesame oil has gained great popularity in cosmetology. It softens the skin well and, thanks to its antibacterial properties, eliminates inflammation and irritation. The oil is used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prevents photoaging under the influence of UV radiation.

Some tips on how to use sesame for skin benefits:

  1. To heal cracks in the skin, use a mixture of sesame oil and crushed licorice root in equal proportions. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 24 hours. It should be strained and lubricated on damaged areas of the skin.
  2. Use sesame oil as a base for a face mask.
  3. The oil can be used as an alternative to makeup remover.
  4. To maintain the tone of aging skin, heated oil is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Massage a little, leave for 30 minutes and remove with a soft cloth.

Sesame seed oil is an excellent remedy for healthy hair. It is not as heavy as burdock and has good penetrating ability. Use it to restore hair after coloring and for regular care.

It is enough to rub sesame oil into the scalp once a week and apply it along the entire length of the hair. Cover your head with plastic wrap or a towel. After half an hour, rinse off the product with warm water. For severe hair loss, dandruff and other diseases, repeat the method 3-4 times a week.

Precautionary measures

When choosing sesame grains, take a close look at them. They should all be the same color, crumbly and dry. The grains should not taste bitter. The unrefined product can be stored for up to a year in a dark, dry place. Purified - no more three months under the same conditions. You can extend the period by placing the product in the freezer.

It's worth remembering high calorie content sesame In combination with sugar in large quantities, it will provoke rapid weight gain. The daily intake should not exceed three teaspoons of grains or 100 g of oil. It is recommended to take it in the first half of the day, since at this time calcium, which the product is so rich in, is absorbed better.

Possible harm and contraindications

  • Sesame seeds are not beneficial in all cases. Since they help improve blood clotting, they should not be used by patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins of 3 and 4 degrees.
  • It is not recommended to consume sesame if you have urolithiasis, as well as an active peptide ulcer.
  • Sesame is incompatible with oxalic and ascorbic acid. This combination provokes the formation of insoluble compounds, which cause the formation of stones. Read more:
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding take the product with caution. It is better to consult your doctor.
  • The product is excluded if you have allergies or individual intolerances. The same limitation applies to external use of oil. To test the reaction, apply a little oil to your skin. If after 15 minutes there is no itching or redness, you can use it without fear.

Sesame seeds are useful in any form. One teaspoon is enough to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements that are essential for health.

They can be used as seasonings and dressings for ready meals. For the treatment of diseases - as part of recipes. The external use of sesame products is almost unlimited.

This plant, also called sesame, came to us from ancient times. Sesame, the beneficial properties of which were already known then, appeared in many traditions and mysterious legends. The value of this folklore was the disclosure to people of all the possibilities of sesame, which are still used by our contemporaries.

Sesame is an annual plant. Its fruits look like small oblong boxes. Inside there are seeds that have different colors, from burning black to snow-white.

Chemical composition

The beneficial properties of sesame are largely determined by the presence of a large amount of oil in it, consisting of organic acids and glycerol esters. In addition, the oil also contains saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and triglycerides. Many people assign sesame (sesame) oil the status of one of the most useful, as well as

The use of this product will easily replenish the daily requirement of substances beneficial for the body. In addition, sesame seeds are a source of:

  • calcium,
  • zinc,
  • phosphorus,
  • gland,
  • magnesium,
  • vitamins B and E,
  • proteins,
  • vitamins A, E, C, group B,
  • amino acids,
  • minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron).

The presence of phytin, a substance that helps restore the balance of various minerals, and beta-sitosterol, which reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, was also found in the seeds.

The antioxidants contained in sesame oil allow it to be stored for 9 years. It is used for both internal and external use. It is thanks to a powerful antioxidant called sesamin that cholesterol levels in the blood decrease. In addition, these substances help prevent the development of various diseases, including cancer.

To get the maximum benefit from sesame, it is recommended to consume it warmed or soaked.

If you fry the seeds and add them to any dish, you will only get an aromatic seasoning that will be devoid of almost all beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

Sesame is the main source of lime for the human body. As a rule, this substance is in acute deficiency in the body. It is generally accepted that eating at least 10 g of seeds throughout the day can make up for the lack of lime, which is found in minute quantities only in juices (fruit and vegetable). By the way, chewing the seeds can also significantly dull the feeling of hunger.

Sesame improves the condition of hair and nails human, will also have a positive effect on the composition of the blood and stimulate the overall growth of a person, which will be facilitated by the substance riboflavin contained in it.

Thanks to the substance thiamine, sesame will help normalize metabolism and improve the functioning of the nervous system. And vitamin PP, which is part of sesame, will be extremely useful for the functioning of the digestive system.

Due to its large reserves of calcium, it is considered essential for joints and bones, as well as an excellent remedyfor the prevention of osteoporosis. Sesame will make your body stronger and help actively build muscle mass.

The phytosterol present in sesame is significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, because it helps remove cholesterol from the blood. Using this same beneficial property, you can effectively fight obesity.

Especially healthy sesame will be for women whose age is approximately 45 years. This plant contains large amounts of phytoestrogen, which some call a female sex hormone substitute.

Calorie content

As a rule, the seeds of any plant are unusually high in calories, since they contain various fats in large quantities. A striking example– flax or sunflower seeds.

Typically, fats can make up over 50% of a given amount of product. Sesame seeds were no exception.

They have a calorie content comparable to most other plant seeds. They consist of 45 - 55% various oils. If we consider the total calorie content, then 100 grams of sesame contains approximately 560 - 580 kcal.

When calculating calorie content, it should be borne in mind that the figures given are only indicative, reflecting the approximate composition and number of calories and cannot claim absolute accuracy. The fact is that each seed has its own substance content, depending on its size, shape and other factors.

Benefits of sesame oil

Sesame oil is actively used by doctors. Plasters, ointments, and emulsions are made from it, since it can significantly improve blood clotting.

Sesame oil is an excellent laxative. In addition, it is used for hemorrhoidal diathesis.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology is facilitated by its softening and moisturizing properties. With it you can:

  • relieve irritation
  • normalize protective properties skin,
  • stimulate skin regeneration after damage.

In addition, it can also be used as a massage oil and as a makeup remover.


Sesame is used in different ways. In cooking, it is common to use whole seeds, which are sometimes roasted to enhance the flavor. Chinese cuisine widely uses sesame oil. In Korea, it is customary to cook meat in sesame oil or with seeds, as it is capable of removing harmful substances from the human body.

Moreover, in the culinary tradition different countries Sesame seeds are used to sprinkle on bread, cookies and other baked goods, as well as desserts.

Eastern cuisine contains a popular paste made from tahini, as ground sesame seeds are called. This paste has a pleasant, almost imperceptible smell and a sweetish, nutty taste. A dry seasoning made from sesame seeds and salt is called gomasio and is used to sprinkle on rice.

Sesame is used not only in cooking. It is also suitable for medicinal purposes. With its help, many diseases are cured:

  • gastrointestinal problems,
  • obesity,
  • cancerous tumors,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • diathesis,
  • diseases of the genital organs.

The oil that is prepared from its seeds is especially valued. Despite the fact that sesame has many beneficial properties, it is grown mainly for its medicinal oil, used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Sesame is also considered an effective anti-aging agent. Women who want to maintain youth are recommended to prepare a rejuvenating mixture. To prepare it, it is recommended to take sesame seeds (1 tbsp), ground ginger(1 tsp) and a similar amount of powdered sugar. Mix everything and take a teaspoon a day.


Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, sesame also has contraindications. Since the seeds of this plant can greatly improve blood clotting, we strongly do not recommend consuming them for people who have:

In any case, you should not consume too many seeds. Its use within reasonable limits can bring great benefits to the human body.

Daily norm sesame seeds, which can be consumed healthy man, consider the amount to be 2-3 teaspoons.

Selection and storage

The rules for choosing quality seeds are simple and straightforward, but they will help you buy a good product. The seeds should be dry and crumbly. In addition, they should not be bitter. It must be remembered that the beneficial properties of unpeeled sesame are undeniably higher. In addition, it is stored much longer.

Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in a simple container. It is advisable that the container be airtight. It should be placed in a dark, dry and cool place. The shelf life of peeled seeds is sharply reduced, since in extreme short term they will become rancid. To avoid this, they must be stored in the refrigerator, if possible - in freezer.

If a non-refrigerated location is chosen, sesame seeds will keep for about three months if they are placed in an airtight container that is located in a dry, dark place. Storing them in a refrigerated place will extend their shelf life to six months. Frozen will help preserve all their qualities for about a year.

Buy chocolate business card bars with plant seeds. The combination of dark chocolate and sesame helps strengthen immune system and prolong youth.

All the above information applies only to seeds and does not affect sesame oil at all. This oil does not deteriorate quickly and can be stored for years. The conditions for its storage are not particularly important, since even a very hot climate will not harm its quality and will not invalidate its beneficial properties.
