How to get rid of sleepy paralysis. Causes of sleeping paralysis syndrome, its symptoms and treatment

A mysterious phenomenon that doctors call "sleepy paralysis", many people experience. This condition is not considered a disease, some of the peoples with it are associated with many beliefs, and the individuals prone to the mysticism see in it a variety of damn.

What is sleepy paralysis?

Many believers were forgotten by the modern world, therefore the answer to the question is what a sleepy paralysis is or, as it is called unofficially, know a few. This condition arises on the verge of sleep and Javi: a person has not yet quite woke up or fell asleep and is in a state of paralysis, stupuses. Very often at the same time it is fading that he sits a mystical guest on his chest, which pulls out the vital energy or souls sleeping. Other visions are possible, a sleepy paralysis with hallucinations of "black people", witches, ghosts, aliens, houses, demons are particularly common.

Additional symptoms for which this state can be diagnosed:

  • strong fear, heartbeat;
  • squeezing chest, labored breathing;
  • disorientation, feeling of the cutoff of the soul from the body;
  • feeling of bodies, dizziness;
  • feeling of someone else's presence;
  • vision of foreign people and creatures;
  • the presence of other people and unnatural sounds.

Syon Palsy - Psychology

Sleeping paralysis in recognition of doctors are not dangerous to human health, but psychological problems He still arises, especially - because of the fear to die, go crazy, go into a comatose state or lethargic sleep. The peculiarity of this state is that all hallucinations are extremely realistic, and the feeling of helplessness is very frightening. In addition, a person can cause horror and some sound illusions are the amplification of sound or distorting.

Sleepy paralysis - scientific explanation

The phenomenon of the sleepy stupor has two varieties: the first occurs when falling asleep, the second - when waking up. Doctors explain it like this: when the phase occurs quick sleep A person has a "shutdown" of motor functions of the body (except for the necessary livelihoods) so that the rest was safe, when switching to the surfactant stage or when we awakened the body "turns on". In some cases, there is a failure of brain mediators controlling these processes, and motor functions Either too early "disconnect" or too late "turn on".

Especially frequent sleepy paralysis arise when man awakening. Studying the processes in the body during a night rest, Somologian doctors noticed that if the awakening occurs immediately after the stage of fast sleep - a person is experiencing a stupor. The brain at this time continues to experience bright dreams, the body - the mobility has not yet gained, relaxed, the result of this is a vision of a mystical creature, the "pulling" soul and strength, and the inability to do something. Normally, a person should awaken after the stage slow sleepWhen the body rested and prepared for wakefulness.

Sleepy paralysis - causes

A distinctive feature of a sleepy stupor - it occurs with an independent awakening. If a person returned loud sounds from the world of dreams, shaking or something else - paralysis will not. The phenomenon of sleeping paralysis causes may be the following:

  • biorhythm failure due to moving to another time zone;
  • lack of sleep against the background of stress, experiences, depression;
  • sleep on the back, in an uncomfortable posture;
  • alcoholic, nicotine, game dependences;
  • reception of some drugs - neurometabolic stimulants, antidepressants;
  • mental disorders and diseases;
  • genetic tendency.

The risk group for this violation falls:

  • unnecessary inspired and impressionable personality;
  • suffering from neurosis;
  • people with overworn nervous system;
  • introverts preferring to keep all experiences in themselves;
  • teenagers.

Is the sleepy paralysis?

All who survived an unpleasant phenomenon are wondering - than dangerous sleepy paralysis. The attack lasts only a couple of minutes and doctors do not consider this condition serious, but it can harm mental or physical health:

  1. A person can be very frightened that it provokes a heart attack or breath spasm.
  2. For insufficient awareness suffering from a stupid when awakening or falling asleep can begin to fear for.

Syon paralysis - consequences

Very strong fright and weak health cardiovascular systemsы These are the conditions for the answer to the question whether it is possible to die from the sleepy paralysis was positive. During an attack, a person feels that he cannot move and speak, very often he sees something otherworldly and terrible, and especially dangerous if he has a sick heart. Although statistics are not able to determine the percentage of deaths from this phenomenon, among all the dead during sleep, according to doctors, there is a risk, but it is minimal.

How to cause sleepy paralysis?

Despite the fact that most people scares the night stupor, there are personalities who wish to learn how to get into sleepy paralysis. Often these are those who are interested in esotericism, access to the astral, etc. Such individuals can be followed by one of the following advice:

  1. For causing a stupor, when falling asleep, you need to lie on the back without a pillow and track your feelings. If the sounds change, the body "paralyzes" means the desired state is achieved.
  2. The following technique is to reproduce before bedtime, the feeling of flight is on the swing, in weightlessness. When the desired sensations are achieved, a sleepy stupor will arise.
  3. Last method - with the help of coffee. Capable of strong fatigue You need to drink strong coffee and go to bed. The body will begin to fall into sleep, and if the coffee will act at the right moment and will not give a mind to fall asleep, the required phenomenon will arise.

What to do with sleepy paralysis?

Sometimes people frighten the sleepy paralysis so that it can become dangerous. Then you should take advantage of how to get out of the sleepy paralysis. Since the mind has already woke up, you need to remind myself that this is a temporary state that does not last long. All visions and sound effects are only an illusion, they should not be frightened. A stupor lasts long - just a couple of minutes, this phenomenon needs to wait, not falling into a panic, while you can mentally read the poem, solve the task, but if the fear is very large - it is advisable to start the alarm clock and get rid of the habit of sleeping on the back.

How to get rid of sleepy paralysis?

To learn how to treat sleepy paralysis, you need to visit the doctor. Medical therapy in this case Virtually not prescribed, because This condition is not considered a disease, the exception is those cases where the stupor is accompanied by mental or somatic ailments. The doctor may ask the patient to keep a diary, in which the syndrome will be monitored and spend the study of sleep.

The main method of treating the old witches syndrome is a complex of preventive measures, which includes:

  • proper nutrition;
  • high-quality sleep;
  • compliance with the mode of wakefulness and sleep;
  • reduction of stress loads;
  • walking and physical exertion.

Sleep paralysis and access to the astral

The condition of sleepy paralysis and the astral bind myths of various nations and religions. People believed that when a stupor occupies, a person gets the opportunity to start a trip to the world of the otherworldly, and all unpleasant symptoms Sleepy stupor, such as a sense of presence of a hostile mind, pressure on the chest and even the feeling of sexual violence, attributed to the spirits, demons and other entities who came from the Astral.

Syon Palsy - Orthodox Look

Unlike doctors, a sleepy paralysis church considers hazardous condition. The clergymen explain their position like this: a sleepy stupor arises from spiritually weak personalities and in this state they are in contact with the world of invisible. Since the majority of people do not know how to distinguish good and evil spirits, contact with the otherworldly may seem like something interesting, attractive. Church ministers call on believers less to get involved in the practices of the altered consciousness (meditations, yoga) and pray more, and when the syndrome of the old witch is the onset of ours.

Sleepy paralysis - Interesting Facts

Disputes on the topic of sleeping paralysis is a disease or a mystical phenomenon periodically begin and fade, without coming to the general opinion. Most people will find out various facts about this state much more interesting:

  1. The more often a person has palsy, the more he is intense. Scientists believe that many religious miracles, mystical phenomena, the abductions of aliens in fact only vision against the background of this state.
  2. For the first time, the syndrome was described in the 10th century by the Persian physician. To see the patient's patient in a state of stupor chance a doctor from the Netherlands in the 17th century. He had to calm the patient, inspiring her that it was a nightmare.
  3. Artist Heinrich Fusli embodied his idea of \u200b\u200bsleepy paralysis in the picture " Nightmare"On which a woman is depicted with a demon sitting on his chest.
  4. One of the most frightening syndrome nightmares is a feeling of staying in a dead body. Therefore, various peoples of sleepy paralysis has a name, including words associated with death.
  5. The syndrome of an old witches is a phenomenon inverse to somnambulism.

If we talk about sleepy paralysis, then it is worth noting that such a disease in the Russian medical directories not. There is no it in the international classifier. However, it occurs approximately 7% of the population. In most cases, this happens with people suffering from narcolepsy. In western medical literature There are descriptions of this state. Many peoples of a sleepy paralysis syndrome consider mystical, so it is also called the old witches syndrome.

What is sleepy paralysis

Syon Palsy Or a stupor is a condition of inter-sleep and wakefulness, in which the muscles are paralyzed before the sleep phase occurs, and awake when waking up. The opposite of sleepy paralysis is somnambulism, or Lunatism, in which muscles in the dream are not paralyzed.

The following groups of persons are more susceptible to this impaired psyche:

  • Overly impressionable and easily inspired people;
  • Neurosis people;
  • Teenagers;
  • Persons who have a nervous system.

Often the condition of the sleepy stupor is accompanied by hallucinations. A paralyzed man when falling asleep sees a dream in which there is a non-existent guest, which is dangerous for him, but cannot call for help.

The attitude of the church to the state of the sleepy paralysis differs from the opinion of doctors.

The priests believe that this condition is dangerous for people spiritually weak, since at this time they are in contact with the other world. Since most people are not able to distinguish between good and evil spirits, then when the syndrome is an old witches, you need to read prayers.

Causes of the occurrence of paralysis sleep

Doctors found out that a sleepy stupor happens if a person interrupts sleep immediately after stage fast period, bypassing slow falling. The brain is still experiencing a dream, but the body is still motionless. At this point, there is a feeling of the presence of mystical entities and your powerlessness in front of them.

Causes of the paralysis of sleep may be different:

  • Changing time zone;
  • Lacking;
  • Stress or depression;
  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • Reception of antidepressants;
  • Psyche disorder and some mental illness;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Typically, the syndrome of an old witches happens if a person paralyzed by sleep wakes up himself. If it is unexpectedly wake up, this state will not come. Sometimes it is enough to avoid stressful situations And do not sleep on the back.

The state of paralytic sleep is short-lived, and it should simply be waited for a panic.

Syon paralysis doctors do not consider the disease. Many peoples connect with him various beliefs and myths. Among of different nations The condition of paralytic sleep has always been surrounded by mysticism. People believed that in this state the soul of man travels on the otherworldly peace, and all the sensations were attributed to the demons of the spirits.

Designation of a sleepy man

When a person is experiencing paralytic syndrome, his health and mental condition In danger:

  • Strong fright can cause a heart attack;
  • Possible spasm of respiratory tract;
  • There may be obsessive fears for their mental health.

Can a parastrier syndrome end to death, how dangerous frequent attacks and why? At this time, a person is deprived of the opportunity to move and talk, he appears hallucinations of other entities.

In this moment sleepy man May experience a fright capable of calling him a heart attack.

This condition is dangerous for people with heart problems. Doctors believe that, despite all the dangers of a sleepy paralysis, the risk of die from him in a dream is small. A paralyzed person can try to exit this state. When falling asleep and awakening the brain works, therefore, it may be reminded that the state is temporary, and it will last long. It is necessary to inspire that all visions and sounds are hallucination, they do not exist.

Whether sleepy paralysis is dangerous and what it is

Sleepy stupor is considered a violation of interaction between sleep and muscle tone. It occurs, as a rule, when a person falls asleep or wakes up, and is in a state between sleep and anew. He still did not fall asleep enough or did not quite woke up and his muscles were stupor, but the brain is still or already working.

The phenomenon of the old witch has 2 types. Separately distinguish the stupor when falling asleep and awakening.

At this time, he often creates a sense of the presence of a mystical guest on his breast, which pulls out life forces from him. Sometimes he sees other hallucinations. Often the vision of people in black, devils, witches, aliens, demons and other wickers are often common.

Such a state can be diagnosed according to the following additional symptoms:

  • Panic horror;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Breathing is difficult, a feeling of suturing of the chest is created;
  • A person seems to be his soul leaves the body;
  • Dizziness, sense of weightlessness, it seems that the body hangs in the air;
  • Feeling of the presence of someone hostile;
  • Hallucinations, vision of all sorts of unclean strength;
  • Hearing hallucinations;
  • A person allegedly hears various unusual sounds.

Scientists believe that motor functions of the body are disconnected in the rapid sleep phase, during the transition to the stage of slow sleep, the body resumes these functions. If it fails in the interaction between the brain neurons, then muscle activity is turned on too early or turns off too late.

Diagnosis of paralytic sleep

Doctors Somologically and neurologists are engaged in the problems of night sleep. If night paralysis happens regularly, it is necessary to refer to their help. There are several methods for diagnosing this ailment. The patient's complaints are recorded, symptoms are studied that deliver discomfort. Often the cause of this syndrome is the violation of the sleep mode and chronic fatigue. All this information allows you to assign proper treatment.

Reliable diagnosis will help:

  1. Conversation with a patient, fixing his complaints, passing the necessary tests.
  2. With the help of special sensors, the activity of the brain can be traced during sleep. This study is carried out in a hospital. At the same time, all stages of sleep are studied, violations are recorded and their causes are revealed.
  3. The causes of sleep disorders can be associated with narcolepsy. A study is conducted confirming or excluding this factor.

But, in the diagnosis of paralytic sleep, a comprehensive study is necessary. It is also necessary to carry out neurological, psychological research, to determine the chronological type of the patient. Conducting laboratory research methods allows you to more accurately identify the causes of such a patient's condition. The predisposing factors are determined.

Diagnostics allows you to identify true reasons, understand this situation and successfully treated.

Also, the results of the tests will help to exclude more serious diagnoses brain, as a sleepy stupor is not considered a medical diagnosis, but is Parassian. Violation of sleep phases can provoke various factors. To identify them, use tool diagnostics.

These methods include:

  • Polysomnography;
  • Voidsonitoring;
  • Capnography;
  • Pulse oximetry.

These studies reveal possible failures in various phases of sleep, determine the measure of brain activity, the stability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Motor and emotional-affective reactions are detected. With the violations identified, the studies of the brain - KTM, MRI and the ultrasound of vessels are appointed.

Treatment of night paralysis

Symptoms of sleepy paralysis are not characters for most diseases, rather they are inherent in mental disorders. Treatment of sleepy paralysis doctors are usually carried out by drugs.

Are not mental disorders such disorders like:

  • Waking up at night in immobilized state;
  • Feeling of the presence of someone near;
  • Pressure on the chest, so it is difficult to breathe.

These symptoms are characteristic of a sleepy paralysis. Such pathology is most often found in people of 10-25 years of age. At this age, a sleepy stupor is experienced approximately 40% of the population. Usually the patient is recommended to start a diary in which it will fix the manifestation of the syndrome. The study is carried out.

The best prevention of the old witches syndrome is to keep a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to comply with non-hard rules. This will minimize the repetition of attacks. You need to try to observe sleep mode, sleep as much time as the body you need. Contribute to getting rid of the symptoms of this ailment dosage physical exercise And healthy nutrition rich in vitamins.

Rarely found sleepy paralysis: reviews

Provocateurs of seizures can be alcohol, smoking, drugs, fast food. These factors must be excluded. Also, the cause of sleeping paralysis can be the reception of some drugs.

To identify and eliminate this factor, you need to consult a doctor.

It is desirable to be less stressful, to get the most positive emotions. There are many descriptions of the state of the sleepy paralysis. They argue that this condition is often experiencing.

It looks like this:

  1. When falling asleep and awakening, a person understands that he cannot move either with his hands nor legs.
  2. He is unable to turn his head.
  3. He has a panic, it seems that someone is in the room.
  4. I want to call for help, but it does not work.

Such a description more reminds interference mystical forces. therefore for a long time Official medicine did not show interest in this disease. She was considered in fiction. You can cope with a stupor if you keep calm and not panic. It is necessary to breathe deeply and smoothly. You can try to scream. Even if the sound does not arise, skeletal muscles will work. After the stupor need to wash cold water. It is necessary to learn to distinguish the symptoms of this state. This will help solve this task, keeping calm.

What is sleepy paralysis (video)

Sleep paralysis, sleepy or night, sleepy stupor is a rather rare state, or rather, the syndrome, inverse Somnambulism.

Somnambulism or Lunatism - walking syndrome in a dream, when a person's consciousness sleeps, and his body is not.

With sleepy paralysis, there is a reverse reaction when in the evening when laying sleeping, the body falls asleep before consciousness, at the same time the paralysis of all muscles occurs as during the fast sleep phase, the person is conscious, but can not move.

The same picture is observed during awakening, when consciousness is included earlier than muscles.

Such syndrome may well frighten his carrier strongly, especially at the first manifestation. With him since ancient times, all sorts of believers and legends were associated in all nations, ranging from the tricks of the houses or sucking the vitality of witches, to the influence of aliens with the aim of experiments, which was sometimes confirmed by some related symptoms This illness, which will be said later.

A sleepy paralysis is classified for two types: hypnogogic - during falling asleep and hypopomic - during awakening.

The hypopomic attack is possible only when independently awakening. If someone is a person, his body will wake up with the brain.

This disease is poorly studied and therefore it is not in the international classification of diseases, however, it is often found both in the domestic and foreign scientific literature.

The symptoms of the disease is very frightening and peculiar. It is not so much so much physiologically tolerated as psychologically:

  • The main symptom - a person in front of bed suddenly takes away the whole body, and the brain turns off slightly later. At the same time, if a full paralysis suddenly occurred, it is purely psychologically quite difficult to fall asleep that it stretches the uncomfortable state.
  • It happens that there are no problems with a falling asleep, but a person wakes up and feels that they can not move anything, and it is forced to wait until his body wakes up.
  • Sometimes there are both manifestations of the disease in one person.
  • The frequency of coarse paralysis, like somnambulism is individual.

In this disease, the patient is experiencing some specific feelings that served as the formation of so many fantastic stories on its background:

  • A strong feeling of extraneous pressure on the chest, as if something was put there or sat down. Tactile sensations are very strong and realistic.
  • Hallucinations may be present, for example, the patient can clearly see that the ghosts go on his bedroom, and now you need to imagine that it is also physically able to move and is forced to suffer from horror. So not far to heart attack.
  • Sleeping and waking mixing can also generate sound sensations when the patient hears what no and at the same time it clearly feel that he does not sleep.
  • Sometimes the feeling of an extraneous presence or movement own body in space.

Attacks of the night paralysis are accompanied by physiological manifestations: the healing of heartbeat, which is quite understandable in such a situation, difficulty breathing, disorientation in space and strong fear.

Positively in the symptoms of a sleepy paralysis is that it lasts quite a little and attacks can only be from a few seconds to two minutes.

People prone to sleepy stall

Night paralysis develops more often from a certain group of people whose lifestyle or character characteristics may affect similar failures in the work of the nervous system:

First of all, people with mental or strong psychological diseases are subject to syndromus.

In second place there are people dependent on any harmful habitsEspecially related to use psychotropic substances and alcohol.

We will provoke a separate fallback of the body and consciousness can accept antidepressants or, on the contrary, neurametabolic stimulants.

No less a rare cause The syndrome, like all neurological disorders, is stress, both very strong and weak, but long.

Conduct the attack can be a frequent change of distant cities and time zones, as well as extremely shot down mode of sleep and wake.

In the risk group there are easy inspired people, introverts, people who are trying to do everything, much and strongly thinking before bedtime, thereby not to give their brain to fall asleep, while the body, not to withstand the loads, simply cut off.

How dangerous and should it be treated

Modern medicine considers a sleepy stupor to a safe, but strange and incomprehensible, because in normal human body And consciousness should sleep and awake synchronously.

However, given the above-described symptoms, there is nothing good in it. Unprepared, not educated or believing in supernatural phenomena, the patient may suffer such fear, which can lead to sad consequences, for example, infarction, stroke, miscarriage during pregnancy and other results of strong stress.

Considering that stresses and a weak psyche are one of the causes of the syndrome, it can lead to a deterioration in the state of a person and self-seemingly.

Considering the discomfort that delivers this aless, it is still worth getting rid of it.

How to distinguish from the sleepy druption

Sleepy paralysis of the morning type (hypopomic) is similar in its manifestation on dangerous disease - Sleepy Ditrusion.

With sleepy destruction, the patient's eyes move extremely quickly, it is also accompanied by the power of consciousness, nightmares, lunatism and fears.

Causes of the disease

Official Medicine on this moment Explains night paralysis with a shallow restless sleep.

The state of paralysis, arising during the attacks, is a normal reaction of the body, which is thus captured at the time of sleep from unspecified actions, which are observed during Lunatism and especially peculiar to the Fast Sleep phase when a person is visited, and he prepare for awakening. It was observed that hypoopomic paralysis occurs more often with the direct awakening of the person during the rapid sleep phase.

More accurate causes of this syndrome have not yet been identified.

Methods of struggle

Considering that the causes and pathogenesis of the sleepy paralysis are not studied, and the disease itself is not considered dangerous, it is quite logical that there are no specialized treatment methods.

Appeal to the doctor makes sense only if the attacks occur often or with extremely bright symptoms in the form of hallucinations and sensations or long.

The doctor conducts a survey on the associated diseases that may cause this phenomenon, for example, narcopsy or hidden psychiatric diseases. At the same time, not sleepy paralysis will be treated, but these diseases.

With absence visible reasons Al guens can only be a survey in special sleep institutions that are far from every city.

Usually attacks rarely occur and only after any shocks of the body or nervous system and pass themselves after the normalization of the situation and the removal of stress.

How to get out of the pathological condition

Receptions from the sleepy paralysis for each of their own, selected by experience and based on the individual characteristics of the nervous system. However, there are certain general rules of behavior during attacks:

  • You do not need to try to resist the stupor or sensations of extraneous influences, as it provokes the strengthening of fear.
  • It is necessary to devote to the problem of jointly living family members who will simply bring out a sleepy paralysis, waking the body with physical influence. To determine the sleepy paralysis of another person is quite simple according to emotionally stressful facial expressions and bodies evident about trying to move.
  • During the attacks, it is necessary to relax instead of resistance to the sensations of someone else's impact, on the contrary, to succumb, follow the directions of allegedly applied forces, which provokes instant falling asleep or, on the contrary - coming to itself.
  • You can focus on your breath, which a person controls in any case, whatever feelings seem to him. It will calm down, add confidence and relax, helping to fall asleep.
  • Also, instead of an affordable attempt to return control over your body, you can try to move the same parts that are less susceptible to the effect of the syndrome: fingers of the limbs, brushes and feet. The neck, chest and stomach are turned off the strongest during the attacks.

How to provoke the attack

Some are interested, whether it is possible to specifically provoke an attack. Yes, it is really possible by some techniques:

  • You can take the most prominent formation of the pathological condition of the pose on the back with a preferably trapped head.
  • Scare yourself, remembering or presenting something nightmarish in front of the most falling asleep.
  • Present a fall down head, the main requirements are the maximum realistic and inclination for self-sustainment.
  • Very stormy physical activity immediately before bedtime, you can try pressing or pulling up on the crossbar to exhaustion.
  • Outburse sleep when a person slept and forcibly forces himself to sleep again. At the same time, the body will still fall asleep, and there is no rested consciousness.
  • On the contrary, insufficient sleep, if you woke up on the alarm clock in the middle of the night, wash it cold water or to undergo any stress and go to sleep again. At the same time, the tired body will fall asleep, and there is no explicit nervous system.

Sleep is an important component of the routine of the day of any living being, during which all organs and brain rest. Any of his violation is negative, so if there are problems, it is necessary to eliminate their source or reason until non-serious deviations have turned into heavy problems with the nervous system that can affect the physical health of the entire body or on the psyche.

Sleepy paralysis is a condition that occurs in a dream and related to the functioning of the muscular system. Consider the detailed features, methods of treatment and warnings.

Have you come across a situation when during night awakening is unable to move? This condition It is called a night stupor and requires special attention. For one night, up to 5 such attacks may occur, which are accompanied by a strong sense of fear, auditory or visual hallucinations. But he is not a threat to life. To date, pathology is still not entered in International Classification Diseases. But with its diagnosis, somnologists and neurologists use the encoding of paramy. The disease is due to the imbalance between the functioning of the brain and the tone of muscle tissue.

Code of the ICD-10

G47 sleep disorders

Causes of sleepy paralysis

Many doctors and scientists believe that involuntary attacks during sleep is the biological process provided for by nature. The reasons for the sleepy paralysis are associated with the distance of the processes of the motor system and consciousness. Its main factor is based on the problems of the nervous system. Most often, dismisiting arises in adolescents, but they suffer from him both adults and children. It has been established that in some cases the cause of violations is a genetic predisposition.

The main reasons for the imbalance:

  • Displacement of daily biorhythms due to a change in time zone or climate.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Alcoholic, narcotic dependence.
  • Application medicityAntidepressants.
  • Mental diseases.
  • Lack of full sleep and insomnia.
  • Violations of the nervous system, stress, neurosis.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Sleep on the back.

The stupor is associated with a violation of the fast sleep phase when the body is as relaxed as much as possible. This condition is possible in the period of falling asleep. In this case, muscle paralysis arises, due to the fact that skeletal muscles relaxes faster than the brain. Many patients are mistakenly binding this phenomenon With mental disorders, but it is not. For paralysis, night awakening are characterized in immobilized state, the difficulty of breathing due to the sampled chest, a feeling of someone else's presence nearby.


Over the centuries, night attacks were described by different scientists and doctors. Very often talked about them as an action of the other forces. In many cultures there are stories about the creations, due to the influence of which I slept became defenseless. About 40% of the world's population regularly faces this ailment, especially adolescents. Syon paralysis can be congenital and transmitted by inheritance. Disorder occurs when impaired psyche, in the phase of a shallow or disturbed sleep, when floating or wondering. Reception of medicines and drugs, transferred stress, night rest on the back, can also provoke attacks.

The scientists studied many cases of night stupuses, and they are all based on a breakdown of the sleep phase. Pathogenesis is associated with restless and shallow sleep. Paralysis arises at the stages of awakening or falling asleep. In the first case, it is called hypopic, and in the second hypnotic. In the process of falling asleep, the body is gradually relaxing, consciousness is muttered. But this does not always happen, in some cases a man falling asleep unable to move or make a word that causes fear and so-called paralysis. Hannopompic occurs when awakening, after the phase of fast sleep. The whole process is divided into two stages, the duration of which is about 1, 5 hours:

  • Slow (Slow Eye Movement) - A real dream comes in the second phase - this is 75% of the night rest. It is during this period that the process of restoring the forces lost during the past day begins.
  • Quick (active eye movement) - after slow comes fast sleep, and dreams appear. During this period, the processes of the engine system and the consciousness are sleepy, as the dream is already passed, but the body is still unable to move. It lasts about 2 minutes, but the sensations and impressions have experience remain in memory. This period may be accompanied by choking, hallucinations, ears noise. Panic is significantly strengthened when a person understands that he cannot move or call help. If a person knows what is happening, then acute signs smoothed or pass.

Attacks occur only when independent wreaking. They do not appear with violent awakening, that is, because of the loud sounds, screams, knock and other factors. The disorder may be accompanied by narcolepsy, that is, in an inacpiring desire to fall asleep. This is due to the pathological condition of the brain due to the lack of sleep and waking regulation.

Symptoms of sleepy paralysis

A state that borders between sleep and wakefulness and is accompanied by visual or hearing hallucinations - This is a night stupor. Sleepy paralysis symptoms are very often confused with neurological and mental disorders. Most often it occurs when falling asleep and has a number characteristic features, Consider them:

  • The eye movement is preserved, but sleeping cannot speak or move.
  • Hearing and visual hallucinations, a feeling of someone's presence or touch.
  • The feeling of squeezing the chest may seem that someone stands on it.
  • Panic fear and dreams in reality.

According to medical statistics, about 20% -60% of people at least once in their lives, but came across such a disorder. The problem is based on a violation of the phase of fast sleep when the body is as relaxed as much as possible, but there are no dreams. If Atonia, that is, relaxation comes to a complete population, it leads to paralysis.

First signs

The imbalance between the functioning of the brain and the tone of muscle tissue, as well as a number of other pathological conditions, has the first signs that allow it to recognize. Consider them more details:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Difficult breathing due to feelings of pressure on the chest
  • Disorientation indoors
  • Fear, panic and misunderstanding of what is happening
  • There is a feeling that the body is moving separately from consciousness.
  • Hallucinations

When they appear, it is necessary to relax as much as possible and wait a bit, in order for the attack to go. Particularly subject to disorder people who suggest, with a weak psyche, introvert and with a depleted nervous system. These features are difficult to call typical for most diseases, but they may appear in mental disorders. They are formed temporary impairment of the functioning of different brain mediators.

Sonna Paralych syndrome

The night phenomenon for which the complete or partial immobilization of falling asleep or awakening is a sleepy paralysis syndrome. Sleeping preserves the ability of visual inspection. That is, there is a step in a state of stupor, a person can only open his eyes and inspect the room. In this case, visual, tactile or sound hallucinations may occur. Intercepts breathing and rewind, it is possible to feel someone's presence in the room. After waking up, sleeping faces a sense of horror, the presence of something dangerous.

Hypunogical hallucinations arising between sleep and wakefulness are divided into such categories:

  • Interer - various sounds (toppers, door opening, wheezes) and the appearance of shadows.
  • Incubus - difficulty breathing and choking. There is a feeling of coming death.
  • Vestibular Motor Group: Feeling outside the body, fall, levitation.

Another name is the old witches syndrome. Medicine is considering this pathology As a violation of one of the phases of sleep. It is physiologically similar to natural paralysis, but no longer a couple of minutes lasts.

Complications and consequences

What is dangerous sleepy paralysis? Everyone who came across nightcrops was probably wondered than hazardous paralysis. Having accompanied by the state of horror, many introduces to panic, but is not a threat to life. After a couple of minutes everything returns to normal, breathing and heartbeat are normalized, the person falls asleep again. Constantly thinking about the upcoming dream, a person provokes a neurotic disorder and insomnia who require medical treatment.

In most cases, the stupor is not dangerous, but if it occurs on a regular basis and interferes with a night rest, it is worth consulting a doctor. Medical Help It will be necessary if at the time of the disorder you pass the treatment of epilepsy, narcolepsy, bipolar disorder. In other cases, it is recommended to observe the mode, airing the room before bedtime and try not to sleep on the back. But if the attack still arose, then you should not be afraid, since it is connected with sleep impairment and the physiological characteristics of the body, and not the influence of aliens or other forces.

Night pathology does not represent much danger to human life, but may cause a number of consequences. First of all, it is nervous and mental disorders, a state of stress. Because of the misunderstanding of what is happening, sleeping faces a sense of fear and panic. This is possible if several attacks arise during the night.

But it is necessary to understand that an unpleasant condition is a temporary phenomenon that will quickly pass. Therefore, you need to relax as much as possible and not to concentrate on it. To accelerate wake, it is recommended to try to move your fingers. Do not give any meaning to the visions arising during the attack. So that you do not see or did not hear - it is not real.

The consequences are possible if a person is dragging over what happened by tying him with various diseases or the influence of the other forces. Against this background, neurosis develops, problems with sleep because of fear again survive paralysis. In rare cases, it is associated with the deep problems of a psychiatric nature. But often it is a sign that the body is confused in the stages of sleep.

The disorder of the wake-up and fallback system causes many questions and related fears. This can be explained by its unusual symptoms. Everyone who came across this pathology was probably asked if it could cause complications.

The main complications of the sleepy paralysis:

  • Labored breathing
  • Horror feeling
  • Tachycardia
  • Hearing and visual hallucinations

These symptoms can be saved for some time after the attack. If he occurs in people with a weak psyche, then on this background there are various nervous disordersrequiring medical care.

Diagnosis of sleepy paralysis

If problems with night awakens appear regularly, then you need to consult a doctor. Diagnosis of sleepy paralysis is based on patient complaints. Symptoms of discomfort and violating normal mode are studied. Very often, there is chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. Help Anamnese allows you to develop a correct therapeutic approach to eliminate ailments.

Dynamically conducts a dynamologist - a specialist who studies sleep problems. In the process of research, the patient will be offered for several weeks to keep a diary to record the episodes of paralysis and the sensations arising at that moment. IN obligatory Family history, as well as night rest in order to make sure there are no other pathological disorders.

Basic methods for diagnosing night phenomena:

  • Tests, survey, interview - This diagnostic complex is necessary to collect patient complaints, study the syndrome signs and its other features.
  • Polysomnography - the patient is placed at night into a special sleep laboratory. With the help of sensors is monitored brain activity and workability respiratory system. The movements of the chest, the saturation of blood oxygen, the volume of inhaled and exhaled air is studied. This study Allows you to fully explore all 5 stages of sleep, fix the violation and determine its cause.
  • The study of medium latency of sleep is used to detect narcolepsy. Night attacks can be associated with this neurological disorder, which is characterized by excess drowsiness and difficulties with sleep control.

The main diagnostic rule is an integrated approach. In addition to the methods described above, psychological, neurological and psychological research. The chronological type of patient and the presence of diseases provoking paralysis are determined.


In the diagnosis of any disease are used laboratory methods Research. Analyzes allow you to more accurately determine the cause of the pathological condition. Do not forget that sleepy paralysis does not apply to medical diagnoses, therefore is classified as paracean. Necessity laboratory studies The symptoms of disorder and the possibility of studying predisposing factors depends. Analyzes are prescribed in suspected more complex disorders provoking the imbalance between the functioning of the brain and the tone of muscle tissue.

The patient may assign the blood test to the definition of leukocyte agents, if there is a risk of narcolepsy. Specific species Agents belong to genetic material, therefore help in identifying autoimmune diseases. According to medical statistics, 20% of the population of the Earth has an antigen associated with narcolepsy.

Instrumental diagnostics

There are many factors that can provoke a violation of one of the phases of sleep. Instrumental diagnostics Need to detect root causes unpleasant state. Studies are engaged in a dynamologist and neurologist.

The main diagnostic method is polysomnography with video monitoring. She reveals the sleep phases, analyzes their current and possible failures. The doctor receives information about the activity of the brain, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the patient is carried out capnography and pulsoxymetry. This is necessary for tracking and analyzing emotional-affective and motor reactions.

In suspected cerebral organic pathology spend computer tomography and MRI brain, ultrasound extracranial vessels. Also shows the assessment of the psycho-emotional state with the help of neuropsychological examination.

Differential diagnosis

Synchronization of the processes of the motor system and consciousness on its symptoms is similar to neurological disorders. Differential diagnosis allows you to separate this state from a number of other pathologies. On the initial stages The defect is similar to Parassian, that is, sleepy degradation at the time of awakening. Its main difference is that there is a very rapid movement of the eyes, as well as Lunaticism, nightmares and confidence of consciousness.

  • Paralysis is similar to Parassiania nightmares. But night fears are characteristic of both pathologies. With paramy, they are longer - more than 15 minutes and after them sleep is interrupted. The stupor ends quickly, after which the person falls asleep again.
  • Lunatism does not refer to the signs of disorder. But short-term immobility can provoke it. Most often it occurs in the hereditary nature of ailment.
  • The confusion of consciousness appears due to phase violation deep sleep. Because of this, there is a strong muscular weakness during the awakening, which is similar to immobilization with a night phenomenon.
  • The syndrome is differentiated with epilepsy, for this use EEG monitoring and provocative samples. The patient is consulted by the epileptologist.

Differential diagnosis makes it possible to thoroughly figure out the situation and identify its true causes.

Silent paralysis or old witch syndrome

If at night you wake up from suffocation in a state of horror and while feeling an extraneous presence, then you have sleepy paralysis or old witches syndrome. This condition is associated with the specifics of physiology and impaired phases of sleep. This occurs at the stage of falling asleep or in a pre-period. A person can not move, shout or pronounce the word. It lasts from a few seconds to a minute, waking up, sleeping feels the state of panic and horror.

The syndrome of the old witch is studied over many centuries and is described in many religions, where it is associated with the action of different otherworldly forces. So, in Orthodoxy, attacks are associated with demons, and Muslim faith explains them by the tricks of Ginov. Mythology different countries The world has its explanation to the disorder. But, despite panic and fear, the stupor is not dangerous. In order for it to not arise enough to normalize the time of the night recreation, minimize stress and other factors affecting the night rest.

Treatment of sleepy paralysis

Violation of one of the phases of sleep is not a disease. Treatment of sleepy paralysis The task is not from the lungs. This is due to the fact that pathological state Does not give in conservative therapyBut can take a chronic character. Based on this, the defect from time to time passes into the stage of remission, but when exacerbation worsens the quality of life and negatively affects the CNS.

Treatment consists of such stages:

  • Organization of the right routine of the day. It is necessary to abandon bad habits and lead an active lifestyle. You need to prepare for a night rest in advance: to ventilate the room, take the bath, that is, relax as much as possible. Last reception Food should be 3 hours before sleep.
  • Strengthening the body. The correctly selected course of the vitamin therapy will strengthen the resistance to external stimuli. Special attention It is worth paying the diet, food should be rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning organism.
  • Treatment chronic diseases. This is one of the factors that can provoke problems with sleep. Timely therapy of neurological, mental and other diseases is the key to a healthy sleep without awakening.

The success of treatment largely depends on the timely therapy. If the imbalance appears on a regular basis for several attacks per night, then the help of a neurologist and a dynologist is required.


Since the processes of the motor system and consciousness are not classified as a disease, then there are no certain drugs intended for its treatment. All therapy is based on the elimination of factors negatively affecting the dream and the process of restoring the body. But if non-media methods Not enough effective, the doctor prescribes medicines. As a rule, these are drugs that improve the fusion process and used in insomnia, frequent awakening and other pathological conditions.

  • If the doctor determined that the painful sensations caused by injuries and other factors provoke disorder, then the patient is prescribed ibuprofen, diclofenac or other painkillers with a sedative effect.
  • If paralysis is associated with emotional disorder, It is used by triazolas or nitrazempams. For depressive disorder The chloralhydrate or amitriptyline is shown.
  • When changing time zones, work in night time The day, as well as when attacks in the elderly patients and with a weakened organism, use flurazespames, kolpidem or Tekezepam.

Properly selected medicines restore normal Son., eliminating night awakening, as well as related sensations of fear and panic. Consider more detailed popular medications:

  1. Melatonin

Melatonin is a substance produced by a sidhekoid iron, it is also called a sleep hormone. Natural development depends on the biological watches of the body, that is, changing the cycle of the day-night. The substance has antioxidant activity, prevents the formation of free radicals.

  • Indications for use: Violations of the process of sleep, insomnia, the deferred phase syndrome, the regulation of the biological cycle with frequent shifts of time zones. The drug stimulates immune system, Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Melatonin has a tablet output, so designed for oral reception. Adult patients appoint 1-2 tablets 1-2 hours before sleep, for children over 12 years old 1 capsule before bedtime.
  • Adverse reactions It is extremely rare. This is possible when the designated dosage is exceeded. Discomfort in the stomach, headaches and state depression appear.
  • It is contraindicated to use for children under 12 years of age during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is accepted only by appointment of a doctor.
  1. Vita Melatonin

Synthetic equivalent melatonin. Its action is based on the braking secretion of adenogi disease hormones. It increases the level of serotonin, the circadian rhythms, the biological change of sleep and wakefulness normal. Improves stress resistance, mental and physical performance.

  • Indications for use: Treatment and prevention of circadian rhythm disorders, a frequent change of time zones. It helps with chronic insomnia, spontaneous night awakening and other sleep disturbances.
  • Tablets take inside, drinking water. Adults are prescribed 1-2 pieces. A day 30 minutes before sleep at the same time. The duration of therapy should not exceed 1 month. The dosage for the prevention of night rest pathologies is determined by the doctor. As a rule, 1-2 tablets per day 30 minutes before sleep for 2 months.
  • Side effects Manifested by many organs and systems. Most often, patients complain about skin allergic reactions, rash, itching, as well as violations by the gastrointestinal tract. Headaches and migraine attacks are possible, frequent changes moods, reducing visual acuity, muscle pain. To eliminate them, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
  • Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the component of the means, leukemia, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus. Not used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the treatment of patients children's age. In case of overdose, disorientation and long sleep is developing. For treatment, symptomatic therapy is used.
  1. Neurostabil

Bad of plant origin with grinding and soothing properties. As a rule, it is prescribed for patients with frequent attacks when pathology caused fear to fall asleep. The vegetable composition of the drug increases the stressfulness of the body to stressful situations. Phytikomplex contains such components: herb grass, soul grass, folic acid, peony root, hop cones, calcium, potassium chloride, magnesium oxide, group Vitamins B, A, C, D, RR.

  • Indications for use: problems with sleep, disorders of the biological cycle, neurosis, high level stress, increased neuro-reflex excitability, insomnia, headaches and migraine states, frequent cramps. Effective with acute and chronic stresses with somatic diseases.
  • The use and dosage method is selected individually for each patient. Adults are prescribed 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day during meals, and for children 1 capsule per day. Standard therapy takes 30 days, if necessary, treatment is prolonged.
  • Side effects are possible in the intolerance of the components of the drug. Since neurostabil has plant origin, it is moved well, subject to the prescribed dosages. It is contraindicated to apply with hypersensitivity to components of the means, during pregnancy and lactation.

In addition to the above drugs, you can use sedative vegetable means (Valerian, Dashtroke, Peony Root), but only for the appointment of a somnologist or neurologist.


Good health and health in many ways depend on the full night relaxation. Various seizures, frequent wakes and associated stress, undermine the immune system and negatively affect the body's condition. Vitamins are one of the sources warning a pathological condition. Consider more detailed what vitamins, minerals and trace elements help normalize sleep:

  • Vitamin A - is responsible for full Son. And the health of nerve cells. To replenish the reserves of this substance, it is necessary to eat dried fruits, especially crouge, solid grade of cheese, egg protein and butter, raw carrots and sweet potatoes.
  • Vitamins of group B - normalize the flooding process, protect the body from stress, chronic fatigue and brain disorders. B1 is a natural antioxidant and removes nervous tension. It is contained in porridge (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), sea kale, milk. B6 eliminates nervousness, helps to fall asleep, increases the mood. Contained in prunes, milk, seeds, pork, potato mashed potatoes And nuts. B12 is responsible for the full work of the brain. With its deficit, insomnia appears and the frequent attacks of the night stupuses. Vitamin is in beef, pork, liver, dairy products and eggs.
  • Vitamin C - contributes to the development of anti-stress hormones, warning nervousness and irritability. It is contained in lemons, oranges, grapefruit, spinach, cauliflower, sweet pepper, tomatoes, gooseberries.
  • Vitamin D is needed if after sleep you do not feel rested, fatigue and yawning are pursued throughout the day. The body receives vitamin from sunlight, that is, when sunbathing in the sun, as well as from sea fish and algae.
  • Vitamin E - is responsible for the normal work of the brain, controls fatigue and drowsiness. To replenish its deficit, the diet must be nuts, olive and sunflower oil.
  • Magnesium - if there are problems with falling asleep and frequent awakening, then in the body the deficit of this substance. To fill it in daily diet There must be vegetables, pumpkin seeds, various nuts, legumes and fish.
  • Potassium - with its lack there appears alarm, Frequent night awakening. Potassium will hold back in bananas, vegetables, potatoes with peel.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

A physiotherapeutic treatment is very often used as an auxiliary method with an imbalance between the motor system and consciousness. It has its own characteristics, so the type of procedure determines the doctor, focusing on the severity of pathological symptoms. Treatment is aimed at toning and psychostimulation of the body to normalize the operation of the vegetative nervous system.

Physiotherapeutic treatment consists of such procedures:

  • Electrophoresis using sedative, soothing medicines.
  • Massage to normalize blood circulation, tension and anxiety removal.
  • Electrosonterapia - exposure to a constant current pulse on the CNS.
  • Relaxing baths S. marine Solu, essential oils, pearls, oxygen and yodobromic baths.
  • Galvanization of the collar zone - the impact on the nerve ending with the current.
  • Acupuncture - Application on the body of special needles according to acupuncture points for stimulation of the body.
  • Aerotherapy - climatotherapy with free air.
  • Electroson - treatment with weak low-frequency electrical expulsions. For this, the patient impose electrodes, transmitting current to the brain and vessels.

Physiotherapy is carried out in waterproofs, sanatoriums or massage rooms.

Popular treatment

Night phenomenon is known for a long time. To eliminate it used popular treatmentwhich does not lose its relevance and to today. Unconventional methods Therapies are based on the use of only plant components that are effectively and safely eliminated from sleep disorders, drowsiness, insomnia and other disorders.

Popular folk recipes From a sleepy paralysis:

  • For fast and calm fallback, it is recommended to take a glass of warm milk and mix with a spoonful of honey. The remedy needs to drink immediately before bedtime.
  • Warm bath S. aromatic oils Lavender, mint and roses (5-7 drops) will help to relax, remove the tension. As a rule, after such a procedure, sleep lasts until the very morning without any awakening.
  • 200 g Honey Mix with 30 ml apple vinegar to homogeneous consistency. 30-40 minutes before sleep, take a pair of spoons of the mixture. It will accelerate falling asleep and help maximize relax.
  • Before bed, you can cook soothing tea with slying effect With mint, hawthorn and Melissa. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions, pour boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. Tea can be drunk with honey. After such a product, a relaxing bath is perfect.

In most cases, national treatment does not have a detrimental effect on the body, but to avoid unwanted reactions, it is better to consult with the attending physician.

Treatment of herbs

The safest and at the same time effective tool To normalize the phases of sleep, the process of falling asleep and eliminate insomnia, is the treatment of herbs. The plant components are gently acting on the body without causing adverse reactions.

Effective recipes of herbal treatment:

  • The handful of shredded fresh flowers of sleep-grass fill 500 ml of vodka and give it in a dark, cool place for 10-15 days. The resulting tool must be strain and take 10 ml before bedtime.
  • 20 grams of valeriana fill 250 ml of boiling water and give it. The infusion obtained is filtered and taken by 100 ml.
  • The handful of dry crushed fruits of a hawthorn fill 400 ml of boiling water and insist for 1-2 hours. Infusion should be strain and drink in three receptions 30-40 minutes before rest.
  • Take in equal proportions of valerian grass, mint, hop cones, chopped chicory root and honey. All ingredients need to be mixed, pour boiling water and insist until complete cooling. The lean drink is taken in 1-1.5 hours before night rest.
  • Dry calendula flowers, a chamber and a dyeing in proportion 1: 1: 1 Fill 250 ml of boiling water and tailor on slow heat for 10 minutes. Warm infusion strain, add honey and drink overnight.

Before applying any herbal infusionsIt is necessary to consult with the attending physician, as they may well interact with the preparations received or strengthen certain pathology of the body.


Alternative medicine or homeopathy is applied in the treatment of many diseases. It is used in insomnia, sleep disorders and as a method for eliminating the sleepy paralysis. Homeopathic preparations are used only by medical destination, after determining the cause of the pathological condition.

For the treatment of sleep phase disorders in the arsenal of homeopaths more than 1000 various means. View, form of release and dosage of medication, individual for each patient. This allows you to minimize the risk of development. side symptoms, addiction or cancellation syndrome.

Common homeopathic preparations:

  • Athonite - helps with frequent awakening, restless dreams, insomnia associated with anxiety and stress, as well as inability to fall asleep.
  • Arnica - applied if the cause of night strokes have become increased physical exertion or overvoltage.
  • Coffea is effective in violations associated with increased mental activities.
  • NUKS Nomika - frequent night awakening, a few seizures of paralysis per night, dark dreams, early awakening and heavy morning Son., strong drowsiness and sowing during the day.

The best treatment effect is possible with a positive set of patient. The less you will dwell on the problem, the calmer will be a dream.

Operational treatment

For the treatment of involuntary attacks during sleep, as a rule, non-drug methods are used. That is, various physiotherapy, compliance with the routine of the day, full nutrition and much more. The use of medicines is used in extremely rarely when the state of the stupor is a symptom of other human pathologies.

Operational treatment of a sleepy paralysis is possible if the disorder appeared, for example, as a result of respiratory disorders caused by snoring. The operation is carried out to eliminate the root cause. Full diagnostics allows you to identify all the factors of sample phase disorders and choose the most effective methods of treatment.


Sleepy paralysis syndrome is deadly dangerous pathology. Therefore, its prevention is aimed at the normalization of all phases of sleep. In most cases, the patient does not prescribe specific therapy, since the complex of supporting and generalifying activities allows to eliminate disorder.

Prevention methods:

  • Control over the condition of the body and timely treatment of diseases that can cause problems with sleep.
  • Taking light antidepressants (on vegetable basis) To normalize a psycho-emotional background.
  • Minimization of stressful situations or excessive loads before bedtime
  • Carrying the room before bedtime.
  • The last meal must be three hours before the planned night rest.
  • Full eight-hour sleep.


Syon paralysis is the cause of people's fears of different ages. He occurs unexpectedly, leaving behind the state of panic and horror. But with the right approach to its treatment and prophylaxis, it has a favorable forecast. Compliance with the mode of sleep and wakefulness, full nutrition and regular physical exertion is a guarantee of a full-fledged, healthy night rest that will not distort the syndrome of an old witch.

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