Why does my stomach swell in the morning? Healthy eating and diets. Clinical manifestations of flatulence

Excessive gas formation or flatulence is a rather unpleasant sensation caused by gases accumulated in the intestines.

At first sight, harmless symptom may also indicate the development of the disease. It should be noted that you should not ignore gases, namely their frequent accumulation. Therefore, in order to prevent the development of various pathologies, this problem needs to be decided.

What can cause a swollen stomach?

For effective fight with flatulence, it is necessary to understand why the stomach swells and gases often pass. Common reasons for a swollen belly are:

Other causes of pathology

Most people are interested in why their stomach is constantly swollen if their body is healthy. As a rule, excessive gas formation, sometimes even with unpleasant smell, occurs due to the consumption of products that can provoke this phenomenon. Many people wonder what to do if their stomach is very swollen? First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of products that provoke excess gas formation. Quite often, in an adult, bloating can occur from milk. Typically, dairy products can cause stool upset.

Foods rich in fiber and carbohydrates provoke bloating. If annoying symptoms occur, the question arises of what to do when the stomach swells and gas occurs. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to review the diet and eliminate foods that cause gas formation. But it should be noted that one should not completely abandon carbohydrate products, as this may cause harm to the body.

A swollen belly can occur due to excessive consumption of legumes and cabbage, especially when fermented. Fruits that can cause bloating include apples, plums, and peaches. Many people naturally ask why apples make their stomach swell. A person experiences unpleasant symptoms after excessive consumption of apples. Since apple fiber is practically not digestible, it acts as a kind of sponge that perfectly absorbs waste and toxins.

You also need to reduce your consumption of fermented milk. A significant part of experts believe that dairy products cannot cause harm, but only have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But some people experience problems with kefir painful sensations and puffs up. Kefir makes you bloated when you have individual lactose intolerance. The source of bloating can be oats, corn, wheat.

Why does it swell during menstruation?

In women, menstruation is sometimes accompanied by weakness, sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, it becomes swollen and swollen. It must be taken into account that menstrual pain may be triggered by incipient pregnancy. What causes it and what to do if your stomach swells before menstrual cycle, only a specialist can answer. Some representatives of the fair sex notice that they have appeared overweight. Weight gain may occur due to fluid accumulation. Because before menstruation, such processes occur due to hormones, namely changes in their levels.

Weight gain can cause constipation. Such phenomena are also triggered by an increase in hormones. Since hormones are aimed at directly relaxing the muscles of the colon, as a result of which it is not released as efficiently as in common days. Therefore, weight gain during menstruation should be accepted as natural changes.

If your stomach is swollen before your period, first of all you need to adjust your diet. It is necessary to eat less foods that contain starch and refined sugar. It is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables, foods rich in potassium.

The birth of a child is an exciting moment for every woman. But at the same time, it is a test of the body’s strength. Because during motherhood female body aggravates many ailments, malaise appears. Quite often during pregnancy, the stomach becomes swollen. So that a woman does not feel unnecessary discomfort, it is necessary to understand what causes her stomach to swell. early stages pregnancy.

During motherhood, pregnant women always produce progesterone, the task of which is to weaken the smooth muscles of the organs. Thanks to such changes, the fetus will not be born prematurely. But progesterone relaxes not only the uterus, but also the intestines. These changes contribute to the disruption of the release of gases, resulting in their accumulation. This means that the stomach swells during pregnancy due to a disruption in the process of gas discharge.

Another cause of bloating during motherhood is poor nutrition. Swelling of the stomach during pregnancy due to improper consumption of foods. If the manifestation of such a symptom worries a pregnant woman, then some measures will still have to be taken. Treatment can begin with the simplest - following a diet and correct reception food. To prevent an accumulation of gases in the stomach once again, you should eliminate as much as possible the foods that provoke their occurrence, and problems with excessive gas formation will fade into the background.

Much depends on how you eat, for example, if during the period of motherhood you cannot eat normally and follow a routine, then in this case you are forced to eat for future use, but this cannot be done. First of all you need to do correct mode, a pregnant woman should eat often, but in small portions. You also need to monitor the correct process of consuming products. You need to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. To prevent constipation, drink more water.

Important! It is not recommended to treat bloating in the early stages on your own. Since during this period all medications are practically prohibited.

Nutrition for bloating during motherhood

Also, a pregnant woman may suffer from belching, the occurrence of which is provoked by gases accumulated in the body. To prevent belching from occurring, it is necessary to control your diet. Since belching and gases can be caused by foods that contain starch. In order not to provoke the occurrence of such a symptom, you should renounce the use of carbonated drinks.

In order to improve digestion during motherhood, you can drink 1 tbsp at home 30 minutes before a meal. light broth. There are many traditional medicine recipes that help eliminate symptoms such as belching. Treat burning sensation in the upper areas chest recommended with mint, raspberry, chamomile. You can make tea using herbs. Such folk remedies help saturate the body with vitamins.

Some traditional healers They claim that belching will go away if you take water with soda. But such treatment is best done after consultation with a specialist. In addition to belching and bloating, a pregnant woman may experience back pain in the evening. To improve your condition, it is recommended to lie on your side, allowing your back to rest.

Treatment for bloating

At any pharmacy you can purchase products that will help with severe and obvious bloating. These medications include:

Experts say that spasms can be eliminated without the use of medications at home. For such treatment it is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Free the disturbing area from constricting clothing.
  • Lie on your stomach or either on your side and bend your legs.
  • Massage the abdominal area clockwise.
  • Minor physical activity will help relieve cramps.

Important! It should be remembered that treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. Because it is necessary to determine the root cause of the disturbing symptoms, and this cannot be done without an examination. To avoid negative consequences, you should not experiment and self-medicate, especially during motherhood.

Reading time: 7 minutes


Bloating is an accumulation of gases and salt retention in the body. As a result - bloated belly and stomach pain. In addition to physical discomfort, flatulence also causes psychological problems: awkwardness, shame, self-doubt. Which foods will help you quickly get rid of gas, and which, on the contrary, provoke bloating – let’s figure it out together.

10 best foods for bloating

1. Fresh ginger

Ginger helps cope with many common stomach problems: bloating, nausea, gas. The substances contained in ginger help the body release excess gas. It is enough to boil ½ teaspoon of chopped ginger root along with tea leaves, strain and drink 1-2 glasses after meals.

2. Bananas

Potassium, which is found in bananas, regulates the amount of water and electrolyte levels in the body. Electrolytes eliminate negative effect from eating overly processed foods - sweets, chips, fast food.

Melon has as much water as watermelon, making it an ideal food for reducing bloating. Remember: the more vegetables and fruits you eat during the day, the less likely you are to experience abdominal gas. Eat a bowl of melon for breakfast and your belly will drop before you even walk out the door.

4. Pineapple

This fruit contains the beneficial enzyme bromelain, which aids digestion by breaking down protein that can cause stomach problems. Pineapple leaves and peel contain more bromelain than the pulp - try adding pieces to your morning smoothie.

5. Cucumbers

Water-rich vegetables improve digestion and hydration of the body. Cucumber contains 96% water and is one of the best anti-flatulence foods. Add 1-2 cucumbers to your salad or cut them into slices and snack on them.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus is a natural diuretic. Anyone who regularly eats asparagus goes to the toilet more often - this flushes out excess water. It is enough to add 1-2 servings of asparagus to your daily lunch or dinner.

7. Cilantro and parsley

These foods contain beneficial enzymes and phytonutrients that reduce bloating. Greens expel excess water, moreover, parsley and cilantro add flavor to dishes, so you will need less salt, which retains water in the body.

8. Mint leaf tea

The methanol in mint helps the intestines work and reduces evening cravings for sweet and fatty foods, which often cause bloating. Brew mint leaves and drink this tea after meals.

Contains large quantities o probiotics that help intestinal function. By regularly consuming kefir, you will notice a significant reduction in heaviness in your stomach. Drink a glass of kefir every day: pour it over your cereal for a balanced breakfast, drink it as an afternoon snack or after dinner.

10. Coconut water

Coconut water tastes better than regular drinking water, and the 250 mg of potassium found in 100 g of coconut water helps regulate electrolyte levels. Excess fluid leaves, bloating decreases.

10 foods that cause bloating

If bloating occurs regularly, pay attention to your menu. The use of these products causes delay in the body excess water and increased gas formation.

1. Raw cruciferous vegetables

The cruciferous family includes white and red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli. These foods are high in fiber, which is difficult to digest and causes intestinal gas. There is no need to completely exclude cabbage from the menu; just stew, boil or bake it - heat treatment and salting partially destroy fiber, making it easier for the body to process it.

2. Beans and legumes

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts and soya beans contain phytic acid, which causes bloating, and in addition, binds nutrients from other foods in the stomach, impairing the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

3. Cereals

Phytic acid is also found in brown rice, beloved by many, as well as in oatmeal and wheat flour. Moreover, these products contain a lot of fiber, which, as already mentioned, in case of excess causes problems in work gastrointestinal tract.

4. Onion

Contains fructan, which even in small quantities causes heartburn and indigestion. To reduce the harmful effects of eating onions, simply fry or boil them.

5. Garlic

Like onions, garlic is guilty of flatulence. But unlike onions, it's not enough to cook raw garlicdiscomfort after a couple of eaten cloves they may remain.

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain a lot of polyols, which irritate the stomach walls and lead to large cluster gases And if you have intestinal candidiasis, eating mushrooms will only complicate the infection and interfere with treatment.

7. Apples

8. Sweeteners

Derived from alcohol, they cause digestive problems and stomach upset. The sweeteners xylitol and sorbitol belong to the alcohol group, and they are added to many people's favorite muesli bars and sweet breakfast cereals.

9. Dairy products

While fermented milk kefirs and yogurts minimize bloating, whole milk can increase it. Lactose - milk sugar - is well digested only by infants. Cow's milk can be replaced with nut or oat milk which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

10. Sparkling water

Do you feel bloated after a couple sips of soda? You are not alone in this problem. Drinks enriched with carbon dioxide create air bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract - this air becomes the cause of flatulence.

What diseases can cause flatulence?

If you have changed your diet, and the bloating does not stop, you should be examined and rule out diseases in which, regardless of nutrition, an accumulation of gases in the intestines can occur.

List of diseases that cause flatulence:

  • Chronic pancreatitis. A lack of enzymes that are supposed to digest food causes bloating after every meal.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. The intestines do not move, the stomach hurts, and flatulence occurs.
  • Dysbacteriosis. An imbalanced microflora provokes the release of harmful gases inside the stomach - methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia.
  • Intestinal obstruction. If there is a tumor or polyps in the intestines, harmful substances will not be able to leave, will remain inside the body and cause flatulence.
  • Lactose intolerance.

All of these diseases are dangerous and require monitoring by your doctor, and in difficult cases, the use of medications or surgery.

Remember: to cure bloating, sometimes it is not enough to exclude obvious “enemies” from the menu: highly processed foods, sweets or salt, certain vegetables and fruits. Pay attention not only to what you eat, but also to your body's signals - if the problem of bloating becomes chronic regardless of your diet, be sure to visit a doctor!

Gas formation, or flatulence, is an unpleasant sensation caused by gases accumulating in the intestines. They talk about disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, organ diseases abdominal cavity, wrong lifestyle.

If your stomach swells after eating - the main reasons

Does your stomach swell after eating? Causes, treatment and prevention methods can be determined by finding out what exactly causes gas formation. Most often the reason for such unpleasant symptoms is food. Products increase gas formation, which causes discomfort.

When your stomach swells after eating, the reasons (treatment - in our article) are poor nutrition

Frequent consumption of carbonated drinks and fatty foods negatively affects the walls of the stomach, causing the formation of gases. Overeating is a common cause that involves quickly eating too much food.

Oddly enough, according to doctors, the reason why a person suffers from gas formation is often stress and nervous breakdowns.

Disruption of the nervous system causes digestive problems, which affect the digestion of food. In women, PMS or pregnancy can cause gas.

Dysbacteriosis caused by taking medications long time, often accompanied by flatulence. Diseases digestive tract cause bloating, accompanied by unpleasant side symptoms.

Foods that make your stomach bloat

Flatulence interferes normal life person. If the question arises why the stomach swells after eating (reasons), then treatment and prevention can be done by adjusting daily diet. Exclude from the diet:

  • consumption of legumes such as peas, beans;
  • foods rich in fiber: cabbage, apples, grapes, radishes and turnips;
  • products made with yeast enhance the fermentation process in the stomach;

  • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, sour cream;
  • products that contain large amounts of gluten - sausages, various sauces;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • Abdominal bloating can be caused by excessive consumption of flour products, pasta, and semolina porridge with milk.

Diseases in which the stomach swells after eating

Stomach diseases cause not only bloating, but also painful sensations, nausea, vomiting. Doctors identify several types of major diseases, the symptom of which is gas formation.

Regular bloating requires a correct diagnosis and immediate treatment. To do this, you should contact a specialist and get tested.

Often, when the stomach swells after eating, the reason for this is treatment with antibiotics and other medications!

Stomach swelling after eating: psychological factors

Doctors note that gas formation in the stomach can be caused by psychosomatics, due to air entering the stomach during food intake. Nervous system a person, during times of anxiety or worry, begins to function incorrectly.

During times of stress, overwork and emotional stress, organ functioning is disrupted, which causes flatulence. The solution to this problem is to relax and take sedatives.

The main methods of treatment when the stomach is swollen after eating

Gas formation in the intestines requires treatment, it depends on the cause of flatulence. When the stomach swells after eating and the cause has already been determined, treatment may be as follows:

  • Changing your usual lifestyle and diet. It is mandatory to have a daily routine, avoid foods that cause flatulence, quit smoking and chewing gum.

  • Correction of the daily menu includes reducing the consumption of dairy products and legumes. Fractional meals, in small portions, will help normalize the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Intestinal diseases require treatment medicines , which will be prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Folk remedies can help in the fight against gas formation and improve intestinal microflora.

Every time your stomach swells after eating, it is necessary to determine the cause and begin treatment immediately.

Lifestyle changes to treat bloating

Changing your usual lifestyle will have a positive effect on both the functioning of the whole body and the intestines. First of all, experts are sure that quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks get rid of bloating.

Regular exercise helps improve digestion. Morning work-out will give the organs the opportunity to “wake up” and feel good all day.

Nutritionists advise to use in the fight against flatulence. sufficient quantity clean water without gas. An adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Water helps speed up the digestion of food, which will have a positive effect on the treatment of bloating.

Stressful situations must be avoided. It is recommended to enjoy life more and watch good and motivating films.

Special diet for bloating

Doctors note that a diet developed for people who suffer from increased gas formation helps normalize intestinal function. It is based on proper nutrition and exclusion from the diet of foods that increase flatulence.

Basic principles of the diet designed for people who have a swollen stomach after eating, who have identified the cause and want to start treatment:

  1. Portions should be small. The daily diet is divided into 5-6 meals of equal calorie content.
  2. It is recommended to eat very slowly, chewing each piece of food thoroughly.
  3. Eliminate spicy, fatty and oil-fried foods from the menu.
  4. Limit the consumption of black tea and coffee with milk.
  5. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  6. Drink more fluids.

By limiting the consumption of foods, causing the formation gases, the question arises, which ones can be used for cooking? List of permitted products:

  • carrots, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, cucumbers;
  • bananas, tangerines, avocados;
  • berries: blueberries, red currants;
  • oats, brown rice, buckwheat;
  • milk: coconut or rice.

These products will not cause fermentation in the stomach and are allowed for consumption. Nutritionists advise steaming or baking dishes. While eating, you should not wash down your food with water, this leads to fermentation and rotting in the stomach.

During treatment and prevention, it is necessary to adhere to 6 meals a day, drink enough clean water, last appointment food - 3 hours before bedtime.

Medications for stomach swelling after eating

In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, to treat diseases that cause flatulence, professionals advise drug treatment. They are divided into several types:

  • Enterosorbents. They are aimed at absorbing gases in the stomach, act quickly and are easily digested.

The disadvantage of such drugs is that they remove not only gases, but also useful material. These include: Activated carbon, Laktofiltrum, Enterosgel, Enterofuril and others.

  • With a lack of enzymes, and complex treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed: Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal.

Such drugs are taken in a course, followed by restoration of the natural intestinal microflora.

Pros this drug is the absence of contraindications. It is used to treat children and adults.

  • Probiotics help normalize microflora. Their only disadvantage is the duration of the course of treatment.

These include: Acipol, Hilak forte, Bifiform and others.

Treatment with drugs must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. It is important to follow the instructions and not violate the course of treatment.

What to do if your stomach is swollen: folk recipes

If your stomach swells after eating, the reasons have been identified, and treatment can be carried out with folk recipes.

Dill is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases that lead to fermentation and gas formation. Several ways to prepare the medicine:

  • Dry dill seeds are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water. Let the broth stand for 1 hour and take it in equal portions throughout the day.
  • Grind the dill seeds well, add boiling water and let it brew for an hour. 30 minutes before meals, take 100 ml of decoction.

Dill can reduce blood pressure by expanding blood vessels. For hypotension, this folk remedy is not recommended.

If bloating is caused by Giardia, this remedy helps: fresh horseradish and garlic Peel, pass in equal parts through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Pour in 250 ml of vodka. Infuse the product for at least 10 days. Then filter and take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before each meal.

St. John's wort helps treat gastrointestinal diseases by providing an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare Herb tea, 1 tbsp. l. dried St. John's wort is poured into 200 ml of boiled water, left for 5 minutes and filtered through a sieve. You need to take 2-3 glasses of tea per day for 2-3 weeks.

According to folk medicine St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and does an excellent job of calming the stomach.

St. John's wort is prepared from fresh flowers medicinal oil. To do this, freshly cut buds are ground and poured olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 10.

In order for the fermentation process to begin, the jar is not covered and left for 5 days in a warm place. Then cover with a lid and leave in the sun for 60 days. After which it is recommended to strain the oil and put it in a dark, cool place. Take it 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for no more than 10 days in a row.

Every home has chamomile. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is recommended for the treatment of many diseases. An infusion of chamomile flowers is beneficial for the intestines. For it, pour boiling water over a tablespoon and leave for 4 hours. Then filter and consume 2 tablespoons immediately before meals.

Prevention - so that bloating does not bother you

What to do to prevent flatulence? If treatment does not require medication, symptoms can be eliminated by adjusting diet and folk remedies. To prevent bloating from bothering you in the future, Doctors pay attention to the following preventive measures:

  • meals should be fractional, including healthy foods;
  • It is definitely recommended to play sports and do exercises;
  • psychologists advise avoiding stressful situations;
  • Visit your doctor regularly and get examined.

To avoid pain and bloating, after treatment you should not forget about preventive measures. Restoring the intestinal microflora can take a long time, during which it is necessary to remember about a healthy diet and healthy way life.

What to do if your stomach swells after eating, what are the causes and treatment of this rather uncomfortable condition - about all this in the proposed video:

Video about the treatment of increased gas formation (when the stomach swells after eating):

Every person, regardless of gender, age and social status, has probably more than once encountered such a delicate problem as flatulence. But, despite the widespread prevalence of this problem, many of us do not know what to do if our stomach is constantly swollen. At the same time, almost no one seeks advice from a doctor, fearing to remain misunderstood, and suffers from bloating alone. But this is not correct! If you are uncomfortable sharing your problem with others and looking for answers to your questions from them, then perhaps our article will help you.

Why does my stomach swell?

  1. The very first thing that comes to mind in this case is the relationship with the food consumed. Yes, indeed, very often the cause of bloating is the consumption of certain foods that make the stomach swell. We will discuss the list of these products in more detail a little later. But let’s immediately note that food can only be the culprit of temporary flatulence. If this condition bothers you quite often, then the reasons why your stomach is swollen can be much more serious.
  2. Swallowing air while eating. This can happen when talking, chewing gum for a long time, etc. Air entering the digestive tract causes bloating. As a rule, in this case, flatulence goes away immediately after the excess air leaves the body. And if the unpleasant sensations do not disappear, then most likely the reason is not swallowing air.
  3. Stressful situations. The fact is that during nervous overstrain, a spasm occurs in the intestinal muscles. This interferes with the normal movement of food and gases through the intestines, which can cause pain and a feeling of bloating.
  4. After operations performed under anesthesia, the intestinal microflora changes slightly. Digestion of food also occurs differently, which causes bloating. In this case, it is enough to organize additional reception bifidobacteria, or products containing them, to normalize the functioning of the stomach.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis). These diseases interfere with the normal digestion of food, and because of this, undigested residues can accumulate in the intestines, which can then ferment and cause flatulence.

Stomach swelling - how to get rid of it?

It is logical that all those suffering from this problem are interested in the question: “What to do if your stomach is swollen?” However, there are not many ways to combat flatulence. And they can be divided into medicinal and folk.

An infusion of fennel fruit, valerian root and mint leaves in equal proportions helps against bloating. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and after 30 minutes the tea is ready. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

TO folk remedies include not only herbal infusions, although they help a lot, but also special exercises:

  • the well-known bicycle (lying on your back, spin imaginary pedals);
  • stroking the belly clockwise;
  • retracting and relaxing the abdominal muscles while lying on your back.

For bloating, you can take adsorbents (for emergency assistance) and defoamers (for treatment). But remember that it is better to consult a gastroenterologist first.

Foods that make your stomach bloat

Flatulence and dysbacteriosis.
If bloating constantly interferes with your normal life, then you should seriously think about methods for eliminating it. Treatment of flatulence associated with dysbiosis should always work in two directions: firstly, it is necessary to eliminate the symptoms, and secondly, to restore and maintain balance intestinal microflora. Therefore, during therapy it is most optimal to use complex means, for example Redugaz. Simethicone, one of the components contained in the composition, fights abdominal discomfort and delicately frees the intestines from gas bubbles, weakening their surface tension throughout the intestines. The second component, prebiotic Inulin, helps avoid the re-formation of gases and restores balance. beneficial bacteria necessary for normal digestion. Inulin inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause gas, so re-bloating does not occur. Another advantage is that the product is available in convenient form as chewable tablets and has a pleasant minty taste.

In addition to all of the above, you need to reconsider your diet. If you often suffer from bloating, then you need to completely eliminate foods that contribute to it. It could be legumes White cabbage(raw and fermented), carbonated drinks, apples and grapes (apple and grape juice, respectively), fresh baked goods. Flatulence often occurs as a result of a reaction to all fresh vegetables and fruits. Of course, you can’t give them up completely, but you should consume them in reasonable quantities.

Accumulation of gases inside the intestines is common and at the same time sensitive issue. When their volume corresponds to the norm, a person does not feel any significant problems with his health, and the process of their removal occurs on an ongoing basis, without a tendency to stagnation.

If intestinal gases are retained, causing a person a lot of inconvenience - both physical and psychological, it is possible that a violation of the diet or its quality is important. In this case, you need to know which foods cause gas and carefully plan your diet.

You can find out what foods make your stomach swell from a therapist or gastroenterologist. If your child is sick, your pediatrician will provide extensive advice on healthy eating rules.
List of foods that negatively affect the quality of digestion:

  1. Legumes (beans, peas).
  2. Potatoes (in any form).
  3. Low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk (products that cause fermentation).
  4. Beetroot (in any form, especially beet juice, drunk on an empty stomach).
  5. Pickles (cucumbers, zucchini).
  6. Raw vegetables, fruits.
  7. Coffee or strong tea, drunk on an empty stomach (usually in the morning, after waking up). The exception is green tea.
  8. Whole grain cereals.
  9. Egg yolk (if a person suffers from diseases of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder).
  10. Excess of baked goods (due to the content of yeast in them, which increases gas production).
  11. Carbonated drinks, low-quality fruit or vegetable juices (factory produced), red wine.

Attention! Regardless of the quality of the food, eating it on an empty stomach or after an excessively long break is unacceptable. A single meal will cause indigestion.

In this case, it does not matter which foods cause fermentation. The mucous membrane is “not ready” to accept nutrients in large portions if the interval is too long.
When considering which foods cause bloating, it takes into account whether a person has chronic or acute diseases gastrointestinal organs. For example, fried and fatty foods, which are normally digested by some people, cause digestive problems in others due to associated pathologies.

Diseases that worsen the effect of food on the gastrointestinal tract

Pathologies that provoke inflammation and bloating of the abdominal wall are divided into acute and chronic. With damage only to the mucous membrane or accompanied by damage to the tissue of internal organs.
The main diseases in which gas production increases:

  • gastritis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • colitis,
  • hepatitis,
  • dysbiosis.

Initially, the specialist examines the patient’s abdomen and clarifies whether he or she ate foods that increase gas formation the day before. If the answer is negative, a thorough diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract will be required.
When abdominal bloating is only short-term episodes, a thorough and large-scale examination is not necessary. Correcting your diet usually solves this problem. To prevent bloating, you should not consume processed foods such as smoked and fried foods. It is recommended to avoid spicy, overly salty and sour foods.
If deterioration in health occurs on an ongoing basis, an examination will be required - both laboratory and instrumental.

The abdomen is often swollen in children: the phenomenon is accompanied by pain, accumulation of gases, and lack of appetite. The child is oppressed; if he is an infant, he refuses breastfeeding. In this case, a consultation will be required, as well as an examination by a pediatrician. It is possible that lactose intolerance has developed. The specialist will prescribe infant formulas that do not cause such a reaction, but the need for nutrients will be compensated.
Also, children have a bloated stomach due to incorrectly introduced first complementary foods. Disruption of the intestinal reaction occurs when parents give apple juice and puree early or in excessively large quantities.

Alternative nutrition for flatulence

You can avoid foods that cause increased gas formation without harming your taste qualities healthy eating. Without harm to health, but with maximum benefit for the body is introduced into the diet:

  1. Porridges made from rice and buckwheat. Advantages - they are maximally absorbed by the intestines, metabolic products are quickly broken down for excretion. They provide a feeling of satiety and have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Considering the enveloping effect on the irritated mucous epithelium of the intestines, rice, buckwheat, and rolled oats porridges - best products from gas formation.
  2. Fruits vegetables. Valid view culinary processing - steaming, grilling, oven. Since fruits also contain many gastrointestinal irritants, it is important to understand which foods cause gas formation in the intestines: sour apples and citrus fruits. Therefore, oranges and lemons are prohibited.
  3. Apricot. Can be consumed both fresh and baked. Pectin, an ingredient in this fruit, will help eliminate flatulence.
  4. Eggplant. It has a stimulating effect on the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to eat baked.
  5. Crackers. If they are factory-produced, these are products that promote fermentation and increased gas formation due to the high content of artificial fats. Therefore, it is better to prepare crackers yourself.
  6. Asparagus. Prevents stagnation of the digestive tract and bloating. The enhancing ability of this plant to remove gases is explained high content fiber.
  7. Nuts. Almond, Walnut– healthy, therefore acceptable for consumption. But sometimes the doctor diagnoses that bloating of the abdominal wall and worsening of the condition are caused by foods that bloat the stomach. In this case, you should remember whether you ate peanuts the day before. This is the most fatty variety nut, which can impair the quality of digestion.

After eating potentially gas-forming foods, you can wash them down with chamomile or mint tea, which stops the development of an unpleasant phenomenon already at the initial stage.

Important! Drinking herbal teas without the permission of a gastroenterologist or therapist is prohibited! Extracts and active ingredients plants may cause complications if the patient has chronic diseases hearts, thyroid gland, bronchi. Diabetes mellitus may also be a reason for restriction.

If you can’t create a diet yourself, a specialist will help you choose optimal mode nutrition, as well as its composition. Knowing which foods cause strong gas formation and persistent bloating, it is easier to plan a menu, receiving only benefits from nutrition.
