Everything you need to know about chickenpox in children: symptoms, treatment methods, methods of prevention. Treatment of children with chickenpox: effective methods for parents

Chickenpox is a contagious disease caused by. Once the virus enters the body, it remains there forever.

Statistics show that every year more than 1.5 million Russians suffer from this disease and more than 80% of total number falls on children under 12 years of age.

The process of infection of the little ones

  1. The disease always begins abruptly, and in just a couple of hours it can “put” a healthy and active child to bed. body up to 39 – 40°C. Such a high temperature can last up to a week, and only when all the waves of skin rashes have passed, the fever gradually begins to subside and the body temperature returns to normal.
  2. A small rash appears on the body, which... In the first hours, the rash does not cause any discomfort, but with each passing hour the number of blisters begins to increase, they acquire a pronounced pink tint and are filled with clear liquid. This rash actively spreads throughout the patient’s body, excluding the feet. very itchy. The main task of parents is to prevent scratching of these blisters, since through them an infection can easily be introduced into the body and aggravate the situation.
  3. The patient feels deteriorating health. A severe headache, weakness, lack of appetite, and thirst appear. Small children begin to be capricious, refuse to eat, and practically do not sleep.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and back of the head.

Primary signs - fever, weakness, headache, apathy - all this can resemble ARVI, so it is important to see the rash on early stage to quickly begin treatment for chickenpox.

Distinctive features of chickenpox

Many diseases that are typical for children (measles, rubella, scabies, allergic reactions) are accompanied by skin rashes. ? One of the main differences is that literally a couple of hours is enough for a person to be covered from head to toe with red itchy blisters.

The second distinctive feature of chickenpox is that the rash appears on the body in waves, that is, new rashes appear at intervals of 2-3 days. IN in this case On the skin there will be both “fresh” blisters and already dried blisters, with a crust formed on top.

Illness in infants

In practice, chickenpox in newborns is a very rare occurrence and it can only manifest itself if the mother has never had this disease. While still in the womb, the baby receives antibodies to the chickenpox pathogen through the placenta. In infants, the disease progresses as follows:

  1. The baby is very weak, there is no sleep, poor appetite, there is constant anxiety.
  2. Rashes on the body appear quickly, profusely, are quite painful and heal slowly.
  3. Chickenpox is protracted, with an average duration of 12 to 14 days.

Chicken pox in infancy dangerously serious on the heart, liver and kidneys, therefore, most often when chickenpox appears in infants, they are immediately hospitalized and isolated for further treatment on an outpatient basis.

For a speedy recovery without the risk of complications, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene. This applies to patients of any age. Hands should always be kept clean; there should be no accumulation of dirt under the nails, as this is the most favorable place for the growth of bacteria, which can be carried into the wound by children.

The room where the patient is located must meet the following requirements: air humidity of at least 60%, temperature from 20 to 25°C. If these basic rules are followed, the baby will recover much faster and the risk of a secondary infectious disease will decrease.

Treatment at home

It should be immediately noted that it will be effective if parents follow all the pediatrician’s instructions. The entire treatment process includes the following activities:

  1. Taking antipyretic drugs.
  2. Usage local funds to relieve itching.
  3. Taking antihistamines orally.

To reduce body temperature, it is best to use drugs based on Parcetamol, children's Ibuprofen, but you will have to forget about aspirin, it is contraindicated for children, because may cause complications.

Herbal decoctions help relieve itching and kill bacteria

As a local remedy effective results showed a decoction of string and chamomile, celandine and string. Herbs should be purchased ready-made at any pharmacy. For baths you need to take one sachet of each herb and fill it with 1 liter hot water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, then prepare a bath, the water temperature should be as comfortable as possible for children.

Additionally, you can add a few drops of oil tea tree, as it promotes rapid wound healing. Conduct this procedure it is necessary 2-3 times a week, lasting no more than 15 minutes.

Answering the question of how to treat chickenpox, you can also suggest this method: using grated ginger powder. Such baths have antibacterial properties, relieve itching and help heal wounds.

Zyrtec, Cetrin and can be used as antihistamines for children. But such drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician, depending on the form of chickenpox, the age of the patient and other individual factors.

Antiviral drugs and immunostimulants

In order for chickenpox treatment to be as effective as possible without negative consequences, can be additionally used. Only a doctor prescribes such drugs, depending on the age of the patient. In practice, the most common are drugs that contain active substance acyclovir:

  1. Zovirax. The drug has different shape release: tablets, injection solutions;
  2. – ointment, powder for injection;
  3. Virolex- tablets, ointment.

Additionally, during treatment it is worth taking medications that will stimulate activity. immune system. Viral diseases, use of various medications negatively affect the immune system, so when treating chickenpox, pediatricians often prescribe stimulants. Such drugs are selected only by the attending physician.

For a speedy recovery, the patient must follow bed rest, drink plenty of water - plain water, fruit drinks based on natural berries, tea with lemon, herbal decoctions, etc. should be balanced and include as many fruits as possible, in particular citrus fruits, exclude spicy, fried foods, and minimize the consumption of sweets.

Treatment of the rashes themselves

Chickenpox is a disease characterized by a rash that turns into itchy blisters filled with clear fluid. It is these blisters that, if scratched and open wound, are the “gateway” for various types of infections. The most common treatment for blisters is. It dries out blisters, controls the appearance of new rashes, and has antiseptic properties for treating existing wounds. The only drawback of brilliant green is the bright green marks all over the body, which remain for some time even after treatment is completed.

Pediatricians recommend using not only brilliant green for treatment, but also other means. One of these antiseptic drugs, which is also distinguished by its “colorfulness”, is “Fukortsin”. It has a bright crimson hue and has the same properties as brilliant green, only it is much simpler. Today there are treatment methods, drugs that will not turn your child into a “spotty” person.

For example, “Calamine” is a solution based on zinc. It not only has an antiseptic effect, but also relieves itching and has a cooling effect.

"PoxClean" - another one effective remedy, which comes in gel form. This drug prevents the appearance, relieves itching and irritation on the skin, and has a healing effect. If children are bothered by severe itching, then you can use Fenistil-gel, which will soothe the skin. An excellent herbal antiseptic is.

Useful information for parents about treatment

It is important for parents to immediately note the fact that it is pointless to give antibiotics to a child for chickenpox, since this is a viral disease and the effect of such drugs does not apply to these types of pathogens. Antibiotics will only weaken an already damaged immune system. The exception is the case when, in addition to viral disease There was also an infection. Therefore, parents should monitor the cleanliness of their child’s hands and nails and strictly prohibit combing and picking off blisters that have formed on the skin.

During the period of chickenpox, water procedures for the patient are allowed, but strictly without rubbing the skin. When rinsing the body, it is necessary to add a weak manganese solution or an infusion of oak bark to the water. These products will relieve irritation and allow the skin to recover faster.

As antipyretics, it is best to use drugs that contain paracetamol.

Experts give some advice to parents during treatment:

  1. For children under three years of age, it is best to use brilliant green as a local treatment for rashes, since at such an early age they can cause an overdose and side effects.
  2. and older children are advised to wear gloves to prevent the child from scratching the rash.
  3. If the patient profuse sweating, then it is recommended to carry out twice a day water treatments as baths with the addition of herbs or a cool shower.
  4. Clothes should always be dry and clean, so it is important to ensure that they are changed several times a day, especially in the first days when body temperature is high.
  5. Sit freely and be7 made of natural materials. Tight clothing should be avoided during the illness, as it will increase the itching.
  6. The room where the patient is located must be regularly ventilated.

Chickenpox is a common disease among children. The causative agent is the herpes virus. The distinctive features of the disease are a rash all over the body, which over time turns into itchy blisters filled with clear liquid. All treatment is based on eliminating this rash and boosting the immune system. As soon as all the waves of rashes on the body are completed, the disease will gradually begin to recede and the patient’s condition will return to normal. During this period, parents must follow all hygiene measures and doctor’s instructions, then the duration of the illness will not exceed 10 days and the risk of complications will disappear.

Chickenpox in childhood It is tolerated much easier than in an adult, therefore, with timely detection of the characteristic rash and initiation of treatment. It is important to remember that it is better to isolate the child from other children during treatment.

How to treat chickenpox in children at home is of interest to all parents whose children have contracted this infection. Chickenpox (or varicella) can be treated at home in most cases. The most important thing for recovery is time, so even taking any special medications is usually not required. Any medicinal products are used to make chickenpox easier in children. Your doctor will tell you how to quickly get rid of chickenpox, but traditional methods are often used to alleviate the condition of patients.

Basic Rules

Although treatment of chickenpox at home boils down to the use of techniques to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor in any case. The specialist will advise optimal mode, a means to improve a child’s condition, will tell you how to quickly cure chickenpox so that the fever and maximum discomfort go away in 2 days.

Even if chickenpox is easily tolerated and there is no need for strict adherence to bed rest, the child still needs to be allowed to rest. Parents can organize quiet activities for the baby, for example, reading books, watching cartoons, talking with adults.

Chickenpox is associated with two main unpleasant symptoms- itching and elevated body temperature. Therefore, treatment of chickenpox comes down to eliminating them. The blisters that appear with chickenpox should not be scratched, as scratching them can lead to infection in the wound. And in place of the burst bubbles, scars remain - pits on the skin.

If adults can still control themselves and tolerate itching, then convincing a child that he should not itch is almost impossible. Therefore, you have to fight the itch itself. Most effective means It may be necessary to take antihistamines, but for children it is very important to choose the right one. Only a doctor can prescribe such a drug.

At home, you can make baths with the addition of oatmeal. The water in such a bath should be warm (not hot), you can add quite a lot of flour. The water should become noticeably more viscous when added. If some of the largest blisters itch the most, you can apply a cool compress to them. It is permissible to use herbal decoctions with an antiseptic effect or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for a compress.

Medicines to normalize body temperature must be selected by a doctor. Chickenpox in children is usually accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, which is the body's natural reaction to infection. And you won’t need to use antipyretics for long. On the first and second days of illness, the first blisters usually appear; the body temperature does not yet rise. Only from the 3-4th day does a fever appear, which in children younger age It is best to remove with drugs in liquid dosage form. Other forms of medications can be used to treat adolescents, which will be more convenient and approved by the doctor. In mild forms of the disease, the temperature does not last longer than 1 day, so long-term use of antipyretics is not required.

How to coat the bubbles?

Most doctors give different advice on how to get rid of itching and prevent the addition of a dermatological infection. So, the traditional option remains a solution of brilliant green. It helps dry out the bubbles well, so they go away faster. It is also easy to detect new rashes if old ones are smeared with brilliant green.

Good for reducing itching and drying out blisters zinc ointment. You need to lubricate the rash several times a day. Relieves inflammation well and dries out blisters alcohol tincture calendula. The cooling effect, as well as the fight against infection, is provided by Calamine, a special lotion designed specifically for treating rashes due to infectious diseases. How to cure chickenpox with its help in a child at home is described in the instructions.

Preventing the spread of disease

Chickenpox is a disease that is easily transmitted from person to person. If you have not previously suffered from the disease and have not developed immunity to it, then in most cases a healthy person becomes infected upon contact with a sick person. Infection in adolescence and adulthood is more dangerous, since these categories of patients usually suffer more severely from the disease. If there are several children in a family, they can be allowed to get sick together so that in the future everyone will have immunity. But they need to be protected from others, since chickenpox causes serious complications. The entire time of illness should be spent at home until the last bubbles and crusts disappear. This will help achieve a faster recovery, as the child gets more rest at home.

You won’t have to figure out how to treat chickenpox at home if you get vaccinated against this infection. Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee, but in most cases, even if the vaccine is administered within 3 days after contact with a patient, it avoids the development of the disease or provides it more mild course. As a result, it becomes not difficult to quickly cure chickenpox in a child. Such vaccinations are recommended for children and adults with weak immune systems, for whom there is a high likelihood of developing the disease and complications after it.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs to suppress the disease. Treatment at home with their use is available, since such products are usually available in tablet form. But the drug must be selected by a doctor. These remedies often contribute to the progression of the disease to a more advanced stage. mild form and there is no need to get rid of its symptoms with additional means. Reception antiviral drugs you need to start as soon as possible after contact with the patient. While it won't help prevent chickenpox, people who took antivirals got rid of the disease faster.

For each child, you need to individually choose how to treat chickenpox. Even if the disease passes in a simple form and is easily tolerated, you need to consult a doctor so that he can recommend the most suitable drugs, because if you use drugs that are not suitable for your body, it turns out that we get rid of one disease, but somehow acquire another dysfunction body.

Chickenpox is the most common disease among children viral infection, but often adults also encounter this pathology. In order to relieve the discomfort that the rash characteristic of the disease causes, you need to know how chickenpox is treated and what will speed up the recovery process. Therapy will vary slightly depending on the age of the patient.

Chickenpox: description

Among the diseases transmitted by airborne droplets, chickenpox can be identified as a representative of the highly contagious group. The causative agent is a herpes virus called Varicella-Zoster. It combines two pathologies: chicken pox and herpes zoster (herpes). The first is typical for children, and the second is more common in older people.

The virus is unstable in conditions environment and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It has been proven that susceptibility human body 100% to it, but if you have chickenpox once, then re-infection will not occur. The body develops strong immunity (lifelong).

IN European countries an outbreak of chickenpox in children's groups is reacted calmly and is not accepted radical measures(quarantine). It is believed that a child should get sick in preschool or adolescence, because adults are much more susceptible to viral pathology. Having discovered characteristic features, you need to immediately consult a doctor, who will make a final diagnosis and tell you how to treat chickenpox at home (if it is mild) and prevent infection of others. Adult patients sometimes cannot do without hospitalization.

Causes of chickenpox

The very name of the disease speaks about the way it spreads - by wind, that is, it means the airborne type of transmission of the virus. The main reason for developing chickenpox is contact with an infected person. The danger of infection appears even before the appearance of rashes on the body. Therefore, the morbidity rate of children attending collective classes (kindergarten, school, creative clubs) is significantly higher than that of adults.

Since chickenpox has a viral etiology, a weak immune system allows it to quickly enter the body. In the autumn-winter period, the number of patients seeking medical help with signs of illness increases significantly. A qualified specialist will tell you how to treat chickenpox and make you feel better, describing a treatment regimen. Self-medication can lead to complications, so even the use traditional methods should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Chickenpox symptoms

The incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks, and during this time the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Rarely do patients feel weakness or malaise. This is due to the transition of the virus from respiratory system into the lymph and damage to other organs. The day before the rash appears, the patient becomes dangerous to others. The prodromal period in children passes in a blurred form, which in most cases does not allow timely detection of the disease. How long to treat chickenpox depends on the patient's condition.

The first symptoms of chickenpox infection include:

  • A rapid increase in temperature to 39° (maybe less).
  • Along with the fever, a rash appears in the form of rare pink spots.
  • The appearance of vesicles with clear liquid inside.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of appetite.

In the first days of the disease, rashes may appear on the mucous surface oral cavity, in the genital area. As the disease progresses, the old blisters dry out, and new papules form nearby. It is strictly forbidden to comb them to prevent infection and scarring.

Features of the disease in adults

The symptoms of chickenpox in adults are more pronounced, which significantly worsens the patient’s well-being. Waves of rashes can last up to 2 weeks. High fever lasts longer, intoxication of the body causes dizziness, photophobia, and body aches. In this case, it is important to know how to treat chickenpox in adults. At home, it is not always possible to cope with some forms of infection (such as hemorrhagic, gangrenous, typical severe and generalized).

Adults are more likely to suffer from complications caused by chickenpox. For example, a rash on the cornea of ​​the eyes can lead to partial loss of vision. The virus can cause abnormalities in fetal development early pregnancy.

Chickenpox in children

Children under 5 years of age are most susceptible to the chickenpox virus. Kids with good immunity The disease is easily tolerated, the rash may be minor, and the temperature will not rise at all. When the defense system is weakened, for example, after a long illness, taking antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs, the virus can cause complications. internal organs. Parents should always be alert and know how to treat chickenpox in childhood.

Congenital chickenpox occurs in many babies whose mothers were infected with chickenpox a few days before giving birth, and antibodies have not yet had time to develop and enter the fetus’s body. This is fraught with the development of pneumonia and encephalitis. Every third newborn child with such complications dies.

If mom infant If you had chickenpox before pregnancy, you don’t have to worry about the baby’s health. The milk will pass on antibodies that protect the newborn from infection during the first months of life.

If the disease is mild, therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis, with the patient isolated. Hospitalization may be necessary for infants with weakened immune systems or severe course diseases.

How to treat chickenpox at home correctly and without consequences? Only by following the doctor's instructions. Parents should immediately realize that it is pointless to give antibiotics to the child in this situation, since the viral pathology is not susceptible to their influence. They do more harm than cure chickenpox. The exception is the situation when a bacterial infection has occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent picking and scratching of the bubbles. An open wound is the main route for harmful microbes to enter. Taking antihistamines (Diazolin, Claritin, Suprastin) will help relieve itching. It is also practiced to lubricate pimples with brilliant green.

Water procedures during illness are allowed, but the skin should not be rubbed under any circumstances. A weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or a decoction must be added to the water. oak bark. This will help prevent the rash from spreading and soothe irritation and itching. When parents are interested in how to treat chickenpox in children, besides brilliant green, doctors often recommend using Calamine lotion. It combines the action of an antiseptic and antihistamine and promotes rapid healing of blisters. It is recommended to take paracetamol-based drugs as antipyretics.

Antiviral drugs and immunostimulants for chickenpox

Varicella-zoster is treatable antiviral drugs. They are prescribed by the doctor, guided by the patient’s age.

Most often used the following drugs based on acyclovir:

  • Zovirax (cream, tablets, injection ampoules, eye ointment).
  • "Acyclovir" (ointment for eyes and local application, tablets, powder for the preparation of injection solution).
  • "Virolex" (tablets, ointment, lyophysilate).

The patient’s recovery also depends on the state of the immune system. Diseases of various etiologies And drug therapy only worsen its performance. Immunostimulants based on interferon are prescribed simultaneously with antiviral drugs. The substance can reduce the number of rashes and shorten the period of the disease. The attending physician will select the appropriate medicine and explain how to treat chickenpox.

At home, an adult, like a child, must remain in bed, consume a large number of fluids, stick to your diet.

Chickenpox in the mouth

Chickenpox rash on the oral mucosa causes a lot of trouble and discomfort. Chewing and swallowing becomes painful for the baby, so you don’t even have to try to feed him. What to do when chickenpox appears in the mouth? What is the most effective treatment? Doctors recommend rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, or a string, is best suited for this.

You need to rinse your mouth several times a day weak solution potassium permanganate, soda or just salt water. It will help relieve itching and inflammation sea ​​buckthorn oil, which you need to carefully wipe the sores. Adults can use ice cubes to reduce mouth discomfort. Whatever method is chosen, before treating chickenpox, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Chickenpox blisters in the oral cavity burst faster than on the skin. During the illness, it is necessary to give up hard foods that can injure the mucous surface and switch to soft, enveloping foods. It can be jelly, milk porridge, cream soup.

What to apply to rashes?

Red spots, which over time turn into bubbles with liquid, are distinctive characteristic a disease such as chickenpox (chickenpox). How to treat a specific rash, besides brilliant green? The question interests everyone who is faced with this disease. The opinion that brilliant green cures these rashes is erroneous. It dries and disinfects wounds, and also allows you to control the appearance of new blisters. The disadvantage of the product is green marks on the body that remain for some time after recovery.

Another popular “colored” solution is “Fukortsin”. It is also called “raspberry green”. It has the same properties, but washes off much faster. Before you treat chickenpox at home and turn into a “little green man,” you need to familiarize yourself with more gentle methods.

TO modern means Treatments for chickenpox rash include:

  • "Calamine" is a solution developed on the basis of zinc oxide. At the same time it disinfects and relieves itching, providing a cooling effect.
  • "PoxClean" is a hydrogel with a cooling effect. It is easily applied to the skin without damaging the bubbles and prevents the appearance of scars.
  • "Fenistil-gel" allows you to quickly get rid of itching and has an antiallergic effect.
  • Tea tree oil - natural antiseptic, which, moreover, eliminates severe itching with chickenpox rash.

Folk recipes

Followers traditional medicine know how to treat chickenpox in adults and young patients. Most methods are aimed at suppressing the discomfort of the rash and speeding up the healing of ulcers. You can, for example, dissolve mumiyo (0.1 g) in 40 ml of warm water and wipe pimples with the resulting mixture. Infusions of medicinal herbs should be added to the bath when bathing.

When wondering how to treat chickenpox in adults quickly and effectively, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the body's defenses. Not only medications, but also rosehip decoction, currant tea, and a mixture of lemon juice and honey will help increase immunity. Parsley infusion has proven itself well. To prepare it, you need to chop the dried leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Keep warm for at least 15 minutes, then take a quarter of it every 3-4 hours.

Consequences of chickenpox in adults

Although adults rarely suffer from a disease such as chickenpox, complications occur in many. These include not only bacterial infections, but also inflammation of the joints (arthritis), pathologies of the upper respiratory tract(pneumonia, tracheitis), damage to the membranes of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis), stomatitis. To avoid severe consequences It is possible only if you know how and what to treat chickenpox. Without medical care also indispensable! It should be borne in mind that going to the clinic with symptoms of chickenpox is unacceptable.

Severe chickenpox in an adult or child requires hospitalization. Under the constant supervision of specialists, the patient will recover faster, avoiding serious complications. Droppers will help significantly alleviate the patient’s condition in case of severe intoxication of the body.

Prevention of chickenpox

The best method of preventing chickenpox in adults who did not have the disease in childhood is vaccination. The vaccine is an inactive virus that is safe for the body, but at the same time causes it to produce protective cells. In some countries, chickenpox vaccination is mandatory. Special attention Women who are planning a pregnancy should get vaccinated. Children are also vaccinated.

It will not be easy to protect yourself from the virus if the system has not encountered chickenpox before. Contact with an infected person will lead to the development of the disease.

Before treating chickenpox in children at home, you need to call a pediatrician at home so as not to aggravate the little patient’s condition. At high temperatures, you can give an antipyretic drug. It is advisable to isolate family members who have never had chickenpox. You can turn on a quartz lamp in the room where the patient is. This will help reduce the chance of infection and spread of the virus.

If a child attends a kindergarten or school, it is necessary to warn the educator (teacher) about the disease. Children who have been in contact with a sick person last days, quarantined.

Most parents of children aged 2 to 10 years old are faced with this common infectious disease like chicken pox. And therefore, every mother needs information about this disease - it doesn’t matter if the child is only 6-8 months old or is visiting kindergarten at 4 years or 5 years. Knowledge about chickenpox will be useful even when the child has already grown up and is classified as age category"teenagers". What are the causes of this infection, how is it transmitted to healthy children, how does it manifest itself and how to quickly cure chickenpox in childhood?

Chickenpox - what is it?

This infectious disease is caused by the Varicella Zoster virus, which is classified as a herpes virus. The chickenpox pathogen is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets from sick people to healthy people without immunity to this virus. Contact and transplacental transmission routes are also possible.

A child with chickenpox becomes contagious the day before the first signs of the disease appear (still in the incubation period). Next, he continues to release the virus with mucus particles during breathing, coughing or sneezing throughout the entire period of the rash. As soon as the last blisters appear on the skin, the child is contagious for another five days, after which he does not pose a danger to others.

Although the virus is characterized by low resistance to various external factors and dies in the air outside the human body within 10-15 minutes, but at the same time it is very volatile (can fly up to 20 meters), and the susceptibility to it in those who have not previously been ill is very high (up to 90%).

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets, contact and intrauterine transmission.

Children 2-7 years old most often suffer from chickenpox, and infants up to 6 months of age are protected from the Varicella Zoster virus thanks to antibodies received during pregnancy and from a nursing mother (if the mother has had chickenpox in the past).

The course of the disease in childhood is mostly mild, but children over 10-12 years of age and adults often experience severe chickenpox. They experience complications such as encephalitis, pneumonia, skin infection and others.

Those who have had chickenpox become susceptible to this infection. lifelong immunity. Repeated cases of infection are extremely rare.

Most children get chickenpox only once in their lives; re-infection is possible if they are immunodeficient

However, the virus itself does not disappear from the body after recovery.

He for a long time resides in tissues nervous system, and in 15% of adults (mostly in old age) it can manifest itself as a disease called “herpes zoster.”


The first signs of chickenpox appear in children 14 days after contact with the source of the virus, although the duration varies from child to child. incubation period can range from 7 days to 21 days. It is almost impossible to determine from the first symptoms that a child has chickenpox. They represent signs of illness traditional for many viral infections - headache, weakness, sore throat, poor appetite, increased moodiness, and so on.

However, quite quickly the child’s body temperature rises, and a rash begins to appear on the skin.

The severity of the fever and the severity of the rash depend on the course of the infection. If this light form, then the temperature may remain normal, and the rash will be represented by a small number of elements. With a more severe course, the temperature will rise higher (sometimes up to 40°C), and the rash can thickly cover not only skin covering, but also appear on the mucous membranes.

The chickenpox virus develops differently in everyone

Chickenpox rashes are initially represented by spots that turn into papules (they look like insect bites), and then quite quickly become very itchy blisters.

Inside such single-chamber vesicles is clear liquid. Soon it becomes cloudy, the bubble bursts, and a crust forms on top. The skin underneath heals within 1-2 weeks, after which the scab falls off, leaving no traces.

Rashes and symptoms of intoxication are the main signs of chickenpox. Cough and runny nose are not typical for chickenpox. If the virus has infected the mucous membrane of the eyes, the child will have conjunctivitis, and when blisters appear on the oral mucosa, the risk of developing stomatitis increases.

If chickenpox is severe in a child, a rash may appear in the mouth

The average number of pimples on the skin is 250. But with a mild form of chickenpox, their number can be less than 10, and with a severe form - up to 1500. In this case, vesicles are counted not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes.

For more information about this, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

When to call a doctor

You should call the pediatrician as soon as a rash characteristic of chickenpox appears on the child’s body in order to clarify the diagnosis. For an experienced pediatrician Just look at your baby's skin to accurately determine chickenpox.

It is also important to call a doctor if:

  • The child has a high temperature, which is difficult to reduce with antipyretics.
  • The rash consists of a large number of blisters and the child is bothered by severe itching.
  • Rashes appear in the eyes, throat, or groin (genitals).
  • The baby complains of a severe headache, looks drowsy, has confused thoughts, has a strong reaction to bright light, or vomits repeatedly.
  • The child begins to cough or has difficulty breathing.
  • Chickenpox blisters big size and the skin is hot and red.
  • 2 weeks have passed since the onset of the disease, and the rash has not healed.


If there is any doubt about the diagnosis, the child will be sent to donate blood. In the first days of the disease, the virus itself can be detected using a PCR test (it determines the DNA of the pathogen), and from the 4-7th day after the onset of the disease, antibodies to chickenpox accumulate in the child’s blood, which are determined by blood ELISA (IgM is detected).

Only a doctor should determine and diagnose chickenpox in a child.

How to properly treat children with chickenpox

Most Children infected with chickenpox are treated at home. The patient is isolated from healthy people who have not had such an infection before, since for some categories (pregnant women, patients with immunodeficiency, and others) chickenpox poses a great danger. Contacts with other people, as well as walks, are allowed from the fifth day after the last vesicles appear on the skin.

The duration of treatment for chickenpox is determined by the severity of the disease, so the questions “can it be cured in 2 days?” or “will the child be healthy in a week?” difficult to answer.

Some children only need a few days of treatment at home to improve their condition, while others suffer the infection so severely that they are sent to the hospital as a result.

In case of severe chickenpox, the patient is hospitalized


A child whose chickenpox goes away with high temperature, must be in bed. If the temperature increase is insignificant or the indicator is within the normal range, it is not necessary to observe bed rest, but motor activity should be limited.

The room in which a sick baby is located should be ventilated and cleaned frequently, as this helps destroy the Varicella Zoster virus and prevent infection of other household members. The temperature conditions in the room should be comfortable. It is important to avoid overheating, as sweating increases itching.

If you have chickenpox, the air temperature in the child’s room should be no higher than 22°


A child with chickenpox should be offered nutritious but light meals that will not irritate them. digestive tract. A good option there will be porridge, steamed meat or fish dishes, fermented milk drinks, soups, vegetable and fruit dishes. The menu of a sick child should not include fried, spicy or smoked foods. Difficult to digest dishes should also be excluded during illness.

During chickenpox you need to follow a diet

Drinking regime

Kids get more clean water, rosehip decoction, weak tea, fruit juice, unsweetened compote and other drinks. A sufficient volume of fluid will promote the active elimination of toxins, which will have a good effect on the child’s condition.

Drink plenty of fluids with chicken pox, it will help the child cope with the disease more easily


To prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the vesicles, it is important to monitor the baby’s hygiene. Bed linen should be changed daily, and underwear should be changed several times a day. All underwear that comes into contact with the skin of a patient with chickenpox should be made of natural fibers (cotton).

To prevent your child from scratching the blisters, you need to:

  • Cut your baby's nails short.
  • If we are talking about a baby under one year old, then put gloves or cotton socks on his hands.
  • Wash your baby's hands often.
  • Distract your child when he tries to scratch the rash.

To reduce itching, frequent baths (up to 6 times a day) are recommended. warm water. In this case, bathing should not be long (1-3 minutes is enough), rubbing the skin with a washcloth or using detergents is prohibited, and after a bath the skin should not be wiped, but lightly blotted soft cloth. Swimming is not recommended only in cases of severe fever.

During chickenpox, you should strictly monitor the child’s hygiene, this will help alleviate the course of the disease.

Drug treatment

If chickenpox is mild, it is treated symptomatically, affecting only the symptoms that worsen general state child. If the form is severe or complications develop, children are hospitalized and antiherpetic drugs are prescribed.

Antipyretic drugs

If a child needs to bring down the temperature (if the reading on the thermometer is above 38.5°C, if there is a risk of febrile convulsions, and in other cases), medications with an antipyretic effect are used. Children with chickenpox are given either paracetamol or ibuprofen. Both drugs effectively reduce fever and are approved in childhood, but their dosage is best agreed with a pediatrician. The use of aspirin for chickenpox is contraindicated.

Antiviral agents

Medicines with antiviral effects are used very rarely in the treatment of chickenpox in children, since these medications often cause side effects, and for mild cases they are not needed.

Antiherpetic drugs are prescribed mainly for severe chickenpox. Most often, children are given acyclovir, which is used both in tablet form and in the form intravenous injections. There is also a cream and ointment with acyclovir, which is used to lubricate rashes.

In order to reduce the activity of the virus, children may be prescribed medications containing interferon. The most common is Viferon, which is produced in the form of a gel (used from birth) and ointment (used in children over one year old). Using this medication helps reduce the risk of complications from chickenpox in children.

Local preparations

For chickenpox, much attention is paid to local treatment.

It is aimed at:

  1. Reduce itching.
  2. Acceleration of regeneration processes.
  3. Protecting affected skin from bacteria.

Nowadays, many drugs are used to treat chickenpox rash, so there is no problem with what to treat other than brilliant green. However, many parents use aniline dyes the old fashioned way, choosing either brilliant green or fucorcin. Antiseptics such as potassium permanganate (a faint pink liquid is prepared from it) and hydrogen peroxide are also in demand.

Great demand and good feedback Various colorless solutions, gels, ointments and creams, the use of which does not stain clothes and does not cause negative reaction in kids.

When choosing what to treat the skin of a child with chickenpox, they most often choose the following products:

  • Calamine. The product is in demand due to its natural composition and effective disposal from itching. This lotion is approved for use from birth.

  • Tsindol. The medicine is a suspension of zinc oxide, so it dries the skin well and protects it from infection. This chatter can be used in infants.

  • PoxClean. This hydrogel includes extracts of aloe vera, chamomile and lavender, as well as panthenol, betaine and allantoin. It is able to accelerate skin healing and prevent bacteria from entering wounds. The advantages of the product are also its ease of application, the absence of alcohol, quick effect and the ability to use many times (no addiction). This gel can be used for chickenpox in children over 2 years of age.

  • Fenistil. This antihistamine in gel form effectively eliminates skin swelling and fights itching. It can be used from 1 month.

Chickenpox blisters for more fast healing sometimes lubricated salicylic alcohol or tea tree oil.

To treat rashes on the tongue, on soft palate and in other areas of the oral mucosa, rinsing with a solution of furatsilin or miramistin is recommended.

If the wounds in the mouth are severely painful, you can use pain-relieving gels, for example, Kamistad. To speed up their healing, treatment with sea buckthorn oil is also used.

If, when scratching and introducing infection into wounds, marks (scars) are formed, use modern drugs that help eliminate them. These include Contratubeks, Bepanten, Dermatix, Rescuer, Medgel, Mederma, Kelo-cat and cocoa butter.

Chickenpox or varicella is a very common disease in children. Perhaps every parent faces this viral infection. And when this happens, a lot of questions arise about what actions should be taken. How to properly treat chickenpox? How to treat chickenpox in children at home? How to treat chickenpox in children in the mouth? These and other issues can become an obstacle to timely treatment.

To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you read this article, where you will learn in detail how to treat chickenpox in a child aged 2 years, 3 years, and also at 5 years, 6 years or 10 years.

How long does it take to treat chickenpox in children?

Therapy can last up to 21 days from the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear. On average, treatment in children is 12-16 days. How long the disease is treated depends on the severity of its course. At an early age, chickenpox is mild. It is extremely rare that the disease can become severe and very severe form. In mild cases, treatment can last 5-6 days; therapy is usually carried out at home. For moderate forms of chickenpox - 10-12 days. In severe cases of chickenpox, treatment is carried out in a hospital ward using antiherpetic drugs and immunoglobulin injections. At purulent complications a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Often, treatment for chickenpox involves reducing the severity of symptoms of the disease. It should be noted that treatment of chickenpox in childhood does not depend on the number of years of the child. That is, there is a difference, but it is not qualitative. It lies in the choice of drugs to treat the disease. For very young children there are a lot of restrictions medicines, therefore, before starting treatment on your own, it is strongly recommended to call a doctor at home for an examination. As noted above, chickenpox is extremely contagious, therefore, you should not put healthy children at risk. After an examination and consultation with a doctor, you will receive recommendations for treating the infection, and you will also find out the best way to treat chickenpox in your case. Below is a list possible drugs and methods of treatment:

  • Mandatory bed rest (children are prescribed up to 5 days) to relieve additional stress on the body;
  • At elevated temperature it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed, as the body becomes dehydrated;
  • Walk outside more when the temperature drops a little. Walking on fresh air help strengthen the immune system, which means the fight against the virus will be easier;
  • Dietary food, including fresh vegetables and fruits and excluding heavy foods (fried, sour, baked, spicy, etc.)

If a child refuses to eat, you should not force feed him.

  • Mandatory daily change of underwear and bed linen. It is advisable that the underwear be made of light and breathable materials;
  • Ventilation of the room where the patient is located (if the room is stuffy and hot, sweating increases, which leads to increased itching);
  • Paracetamol-based antipyretics are used to reduce fever. As a rule, its use is calculated for temperature increases above 38 degrees. In addition to paracetamol, you can use drugs containing Ibuprofen (they are more powerful);

Aspirin for chickenpox is strictly prohibited, as it causes heavy load on the liver and can cause serious complications that can be fatal. Also, Aspirin has age restrictions and is not recommended for use under 12 years of age.

Some sources claim that Ibuprofen should not be given for chickenpox, since its anti-inflammatory effect in chickenpox has the opposite effect and can complicate the course of the disease.

  • To reduce low temperature It is better to use methods that are pleasant for the child - 50 grams of strawberries after each meal. Strawberries can be replaced with cranberries. If you don't have fresh strawberries, use jam. You can also dilute the jam in warm water, and you will get a tasty and effective fruit drink;
  • Antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce the allergic reaction and reduce itching. Citirizine (Zyrtec) - from 6 months, Desloratadine (Erius) - from 1 year, Loratadine (Claritin) - from 2 years. They belong to the 2nd generation drugs and have minimal side effect on the body. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use;

Antihistamines can be harmful in overdose, so you should strictly follow the instructions when using them. Also, their use should be reserved for cases when the rash on the child’s body is really extensive and causes serious inconvenience. If the rash is minor, it is recommended to use methods such as cool baths with a small amount table salt. Salt, in this case, helps reduce itching, and given the safety of the method, such procedures can be repeated every 3-4 hours.

  • To reduce stress in a child, use homeopathic remedies, which are made from plant, animal or mineral substances. They have practically no side effects and are not addictive. Valerianahel (drops), Nervohel (tablets);

According to indications, the doctor may prescribe Phenibut or Phenazepam as sedative. It is strongly recommended to use these drugs only in as a last resort. They are potent tranquilizers and have a lot of sedative effects. They can also lead to a number of serious consequences in the form of addiction or destruction of the nervous system. Reviews about them are not the best.

As a sedative, you can use the “old grandmother’s method” - a glass of warm milk before bed and a spoon of honey. Oddly enough, it works well.

  • Used to reduce itching and inflammation various ointments and cream: Fenistil Gel - can be used from a very early age (has proven itself as an excellent anti-itching remedy, reduces allergic reaction, has a slight anesthetic effect), Acyclovir (antiviral ointment), immunomodulators Infagel and Viferon (accelerate the healing process of the rash, relieve swelling and reduce itching), Gistan ( cosmetic product against allergic reactions);
  • Treatment of rash lesions with antiseptic aqueous solutions. The familiar brilliant green or potassium permanganate, which is familiar to everyone, works well. However, if you have a daughter and she doesn't like green color, you can use Fukortsin (it is red and is easier to wash off) or a solution of rivanol (has yellow and washes off just as well with water);

Must be processed using cotton swab, smearing over the entire body is contraindicated. This can cause the infection to spread to unaffected areas of the skin.

  • If a child has a rash in his mouth, it is recommended to rinse several times a day with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or Furacilin. Also treat with Chlorophyllipt or sea buckthorn oil. To remove pain Kalgel is used
  • If your child is still very young and does not understand that it is impossible to scratch the rash, put mittens on his hands and try to trim his nails on time. It’s worth giving him maximum attention and coming up with some distracting games;
  • A course of multivitamins is prescribed to improve the overall tone of the body and strengthen the immune system;

Dr. Komarovsky wrote a lot of material about how to treat chickenpox. His view of this disease differs from the generally accepted opinion. In his recommendations for the treatment of chickenpox in children, a prerequisite is hygiene procedures(many doctors do not share this position) and completely optional - treating the rash with antiseptics. Evgeniy Olegovich believes that treating rash-affected areas of the skin with brilliant green or other antiseptic drugs does not carry therapeutic effect. He explains this by saying that aqueous solutions antiseptics are not absorbed into the skin and do not fight the virus, and, therefore, do not speed up the healing process of the rash.

On the issue of hygiene, we fully support him, as we believe that “cleanliness is the key to health.”

Rules for swimming with chickenpox:

  • Use the shower;
  • Wash only with soapy hands and light movements, avoid using washcloths and sponges;
  • Use only soap (baby soap is preferable);
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes;
  • After a shower, throw on a towel and dry, do not rub, as there is a risk of violating the integrity of the bubbles;

Unfortunately, there is no secret magic remedy for the treatment of chickenpox. fast recovery your child is directly proportional to the timely and proper treatment, as well as the form of chickenpox. However, there is a remedy that allows you to strengthen the body’s immune response to the virus and helps in the fight against it - Anaferon for children. The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect and can be prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and various herpes infections. Through experimentation and clinical trials the effectiveness of the drug against influenza virus and viruses was revealed herpes simplex 1, 2 and 3 types. Another advantage of the drug is the possibility of its use in children of the most early ages. Restriction - age up to 1 month. Therefore, if your doctor does not prescribe Anaferon for treatment against chickenpox, go to the pharmacy and buy it yourself.
