Eye drops for conjunctivitis. How to treat allergic conjunctivitis in children: a review of medications

Today in pharmacies you can find quite a large number eye drops and other drugs for conjunctivitis.

They all have different action, therefore they should not be used without the advice of an ophthalmologist. Eye drops for conjunctivitis are divided into three groups:

  • from allergic conjunctivitis;
  • from a viral form of conjunctivitis;
  • from bacterial conjunctivitis.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis

The viral form of conjunctivitis is characterized by the appearance of severe tearing and mucus in the eyes, the secretion of which is mild.

The virus affects only one eye, but the disease can be contagious.

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, they are used the following types drops:

Terbofen is a 0.1% solution that has an antiviral effect. Use one drop three times a day. Other doses of use are prescribed only by the attending physician;

"Florenal" is a 0.1% solution that has a neutralizing effect on viruses. You need to instill one drop six times a day. conjunctival sac;

– 0.3% solution, which has an antibacterial effect. You need to use one drop four times a day. This drug should be used for no more than two weeks;

“Gludantan” is a 0.1% solution that neutralizes the effect of viruses. Typically used one drop from one to three times in a day. If conjunctivitis has a complex form, the dosage is increased to six drops per day;

“Oftadek” is a 0.02% solution that has an antiseptic effect, used up to five times a day, three drops. If a different regimen of use is required, it is justified by the attending ophthalmologist;

– 30 or 20% solution, an antimicrobial drug that relieves the symptom of redness. The drug is used three times throughout the day, one or two drops. A negative effect is the appearance of a burning sensation, which is felt for a certain time after using eye drops, therefore for children it is recommended to instill twenty percent solution, for adults - a thirty percent solution;

– 0.35 solution, which is a strong bactericidal antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. The method of application and dosage are determined by the course of the disease, and these eye drops are prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

Unlike the viral form, bacterial conjunctivitis affects both eyes, and it is also characterized by mucus discharge. It can also be transmitted from a sick person to healthy individuals. To eliminate it, use:

"Norsulfazol" - ten percent solution. Before using it, you need to rinse your eyes, drop one or two drops three times throughout the day;

"Albucid" - 30 or 20% solution, an antimicrobial drug that relieves symptoms of hyperemia (redness). The drug is used three times a day, one or two drops into the conjunctival sac. For children it is recommended to use only a 20% solution, for adults - a 30% solution;

"Gentamicin" - 0.25% solution. These eye drops have an effect that is similar to the drug "Levomycetin". The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect, however, treatment can only be prescribed by the attending ophthalmologist, who also determines the dosage and method of use;

"Levomycetin" - 0.25% solution. This drug has antibacterial effect, however, to avoid side effects, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using it, who will prescribe the dosage and method of use;

Zinc sulfate in solution can also be used as eye drops. The concentration is determined by the doctor; standardly this figure is 0.25%, in the case of acute course disease concentration can increase up to 1%. This medicine is instilled three times during the day, but always at regular intervals;

“Eye drops “Oftadek”, “Floxal” and “Tobrex”, as well as for viral conjunctivitis, can be used for the bacterial form of this disease.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

The cause of the development of allergic conjunctivitis is most often external irritants: pollen from flowering plants, odors, dust. In this case, redness of the eyelids, severe itching of the eyes, and discharge of pus are observed. For the treatment of this form of conjunctivitis, the following drops are most common:

"Claritin" is a drug that has a pronounced anti-allergenic effect. It is applied one drop three times throughout the day;

“Cortisone” - this drug should be used with extreme caution; first consult your doctor. The use of these eye drops during pregnancy is contraindicated;

"Lacrisifin" is an antiallergenic drug that is somewhat stronger than the drug "Claritin";

"Oftadek" is a drug that helps perfectly not only with bacterial and viral forms of conjunctivitis, but also in the presence of this disease.

Chronic conjunctivitis can be called the most severe pathological condition. Most often it occurs in adults. The reasons for its development include the long-term effect of external irritants on the organs of vision: smoke, dust, various chemical impurities in the air. This pathological condition difficult to treat and may take a long time long time.

Modern pharmaceuticals produce a huge number all kinds of eye drops. But certain drops are used for conjunctivitis. There is also a large assortment of them, which are divided into groups according to indications and type of conjunctivitis. Eye drops must be selected with special care and caution, so they are prescribed only by your doctor. There are also drops specifically for children and adults. Since there are three main types of conjunctivitis, the appropriate medications are selected.

  1. Allergic conjunctivitis is considered non-infectious, so it is not transmitted by any means. The main cause of development is all kinds of allergens. Irritants include dust, pollen, food, animal hair, bird feathers, household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, much more. Both visual organs are affected simultaneously.
  2. Bacterial conjunctivitis develops against the background of infection with various bacteria. It could be gonococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia, staphylococcus and so on, a contagious disease. Transmitted by air, droplets, contact and sexual contact. You can become infected in any place with a large crowd of people, in a swimming pool, in a bathhouse, in a sauna, in a hospital, in child care facilities, or through contact with a sick person. Bacteria are considered to be quite resistant to any unfavorable conditions, so they can remain viable for a long time even on ordinary objects. For example, children's toys, towel, bed linen, handkerchief and so on. The bacterial form can be detected even in a newborn, since infection occurs at the time of birth. But this is only possible if the mother suffers from gonorrhea or chlamydia.
  3. The viral type is transmitted by airborne droplets. Among the pathogens, the most common are herpes, adenovirus, echovirus, and cold microorganisms.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in children

Antiallergic eye drops for conjunctivitis for children:

  1. “Cortisone” belongs to the hormonal group, therefore it is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Possesses high degree effectiveness as an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Allergodil can be used from 4 years of age. Has a long-lasting effect, has virtually no side effects.
  3. "Opatanol" is used starting from 3 years. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely, so it can be used for quite a long time.
  4. "Lecrolin" is used from birth. The main component is sodium salt cromoglycic acids.
  5. Levocabastin is prescribed only after reaching 12 years of age.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in children

Drops in the eyes for viral conjunctivitis:

  1. "Ophthalmoferon" quickly eliminates the symptoms of the inflammatory process and neutralizes the virus. There are practically no side reactions.
  2. “Albucid” is considered the most popular, as it has several properties: it destroys viruses and bacteria at the same time. When applying, the age of the child must be taken into account.
  3. Dexamethasone is also a popular eye drop. Has maximum quick action. However, using drops for more than 2 weeks is not allowed.
  4. Tobrex is used starting from birth. There are no adverse reactions noted.
  5. "Florenal" is considered quite effective drug. But there is one side reaction - a burning sensation in the eyes after instillation.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in children

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis:

  1. "Levomycetin" refers to antibiotics. There are no adverse reactions, but an allergy to the components is possible.
  2. "Fucitalmic" can also cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Interferon is considered the safest for children, especially newborns.
  4. "Floxal" has no adverse reactions and does not cause allergies.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in adults

Antiviral drops for conjunctivitis in adults:

  1. "Tebrofen" is used exclusively at 1%. It is recommended to apply drops three times a day.
  2. Florenal is instilled up to 6 times a day.
  3. "Floxal" additionally neutralizes bacteria. It is permissible to drip a maximum of 4 times a day. Do not use for more than 2 weeks.
  4. Gludantan is used a maximum of 3 times a day.
  5. "Oftadek" is prescribed in the most advanced cases and acute forms. Apply up to 6 times a day.
  6. "Albucid" quickly eliminates symptoms and neutralizes viruses and bacteria.
  7. "Tobrex" belongs to the group of antibiotics, therefore it has a wide spectrum of action.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults

Antibacterial drops for conjunctivitis - treatment in adults:

  1. "Albucid" quickly eliminates symptoms and neutralizes bacteria. Instill three times a day according to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  2. It is recommended to instill Norsulfazole three times a day, 2 drops.
  3. "Tobrex" refers to antibiotics.
  4. "Gentamicin" is in many ways similar to the drug "Levomycetin". Has powerful antibacterial effects.
  5. "Levomycetin".
  6. "Floxal".
  7. "Oftadek".

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in adults

Antiallergic drops for conjunctivitis:

  1. "Claritin."
  2. "Cortisone".
  3. "Oftadek".
  4. "Lacrisifin".
  5. "Opatanol".
  6. "Allergodil."
  7. "Histimet."
  8. "Cromohexal".
  9. "Loratadine."
  10. "Citrine".
  11. Telfast.
  12. Zyrtec.
  13. "Azelastine."
  14. "Krom-Allerg".

It is strictly forbidden to practice self-treatment and use the drops at your discretion. The fact is that even the most harmless allergic conjunctivitis is divided into several types, depending on the type of allergen. What can we say about the viral and bacterial forms! Therefore, different eye drops are used for each type and subtype of conjunctivitis. In addition, many drugs have contraindications and side effects, and each person’s body is individual.

If the eye drops your doctor prescribes are too expensive, ask your doctor to prescribe cheaper alternatives. Believe me, there are many of them. IN as a last resort, you need to find out the main active ingredient of the drops, on the basis of which you need to select an analogue.

Contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner, because a disease such as conjunctivitis can lead to serious complications. For example, ophthalmological pathologies and even blindness.

Always strictly follow all instructions of the specialist.

Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease that causes significant discomfort, and the first obvious solution to this problem that comes to mind is to buy drops that help against conjunctivitis.

But before you rush to the pharmacy, it’s worth figuring out which of them are suitable in a particular case, because the same symptoms - pain, burning, redness of the eyes - are caused by for various reasons, which means they require different treatments.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis vary greatly in composition. This is due to the fact that conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctiva) happens:

Therefore, for each of them there are different substances that act on the cause of the symptoms in each case.

In addition to drops that act on the causative agent of inflammation, there are also solutions that relieve unpleasant symptoms, for example, moisturizers - to eliminate dryness and pain in the eyes (Artificial tear, Systane).

Use of medications

First of all, it must be said that eye drops for conjunctivitis should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. It happens that a patient, feeling unpleasant symptoms, goes to the pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for the cheapest drops for conjunctivitis, which do not help him. Not because the price is low, but because the drug was chosen incorrectly and does not act on the cause of the disease.

You need to be especially careful when choosing anti-eye drops, since not all medications are allowed during this crucial period. The doctor will determine the cause of the inflammation, and then prescribe exactly the drops that are suitable in your case.

For treatment to be effective, follow these rules:

  • first rinse the eye from mucus and pus with a swab dipped in the broth medicinal plants(for example, chamomile) or furatsilin solution;
  • then drip the drops into the conjunctival sac, retracting the lower eyelid;
  • blink, massaging the eyelid with your fingers, distributing the solution.

Some drops may cause an unpleasant reaction after instillation. This is due to the fact that the inflamed mucosa becomes more sensitive, it reacts sharply to the active component. Sometimes side effects such as stinging, burning and pain in the eyes occur.

You just have to endure these unpleasant sensations and use the drug as often as the doctor prescribed. Only by following all the recommendations can you count on a quick effect from the use of the drug.

What drops to use for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults to treat the eyes

Bacteria cause acute inflammation when they enter the mucous membrane. Drops for conjunctivitis of bacterial origin contain an antibiotic. This active ingredient acts on the causative agent of the disease, killing bacteria that cause inflammation.

Therefore, the main drops when bacterial conjunctivitis contain any antibacterial component. Most often, solutions containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic or other antimicrobial substance are prescribed. Below is a list effective drops from conjunctivitis of a bacterial nature.

"Levomycetin" is an inexpensive and proven product based on antimicrobial drug chloramphenicol. It is active against many bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, coli, gonococci. Use with caution in expectant and nursing mothers, as well as in children under two years of age.

The drug is usually well tolerated, but sometimes sensitive eyes react to it with a short-term burning sensation and lacrimation. Usually prescribed 1 drop 3-4 times a day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

Price: 9–30 rubles.

Familiar from childhood affordable medicine, which copes with bacteria thanks to sulfacetamide (sodium sulfacyl) in the composition. There are two dosages of albucid solutions: 20 and 30%. Children, pregnant women and lactating women are usually prescribed a 20% solution of albucid, adults – 30%. The drug penetrates the tissues of the eye, providing local action, a very small amount of it enters the blood.

The downside of using the drug is that a number of bacterial strains have managed to develop resistance to sodium sulfacyl, since it has been used in ophthalmology for many years.

Price: 60–80 rubles.


"Norsulfazol" - antimicrobial drug for adults, refers to sulfonamides. Actively affects the coccal flora, which often causes conjunctivitis and some other types of bacteria. For the eyes, use a 10% solution, instill 3-4 times a day. Not recommended for use in children.

The drops are no longer produced and have been discontinued.

A modern remedy based on the antibiotic tobramycin. Many strains of bacteria have not yet developed resistance to this active substance, so in most cases it quickly cures inflammation.

Protargol is also prescribed; it has an antiseptic effect thanks to the colloidal silver in its composition, and other solutions with an antibacterial effect.

Price: 190–220 rubles.

The doctor decides which specific drops to choose for eyes affected by a bacterial infection. This often depends on the type of pathogen. For example, one antibiotic is more suitable for fighting gonococci, and another for chlamydia. Bacterial culture allows you to accurately identify the cause of the disease, and then prescribe adequate therapy.

How to put eye drops against viral conjunctivitis

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis contain components that suppress the reproduction of the virus (interferon alpha 2) or stimulate the production of the body's own interferon. They can have a regenerating, calming effect on the conjunctiva.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis should be prescribed by a doctor. It is he who determines the form of the disease and chooses therapy, taking into account the causative agent of the disease. For adenoviral conjunctivitis, one drop is prescribed, and for enteroviral conjunctivitis, another.

There are antiviral drugs for adult patients that significantly speed up the healing process.

The drug contains human interferon, which suppresses the virus. Another active component of the drug, diphenhydramine, relieves itching, which often accompanies the disease.

The doctor will prescribe the regimen for use. Usually this is 6 times a day in the first days, then 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5–7 days, during which a noticeable improvement should occur. The medicine is well tolerated without causing side effects.

Cost: 300–350 rubles.


Very good drops for conjunctivitis viral nature. The medication has a pronounced antiviral effect, suppressing the reproduction of the virus in the tissues of the eye. Available in the form of ointment and eye films. Proven effectiveness against herpes viruses.

The active ingredient can cause side effects that are expressed in discomfort after instillation: the eyes burn a little, and mild itching may occur. They are usually short-lived and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Contains para-aminobenzoic acid – an interferon inducer. Active substance stimulates the production of its own interferon in tissues, enhancing the body’s fight against the virus that attacks it. In addition to fighting the virus, Aktipol relieves swelling of the eyelids. It has an antioxidant effect, activates cell renewal, promotes the regeneration of damaged mucosa and regulates water-salt balance eye tissues.

Cost: 300–360 rubles.

Instillation of moisturizing solutions is also often prescribed because viral conjunctivitis usually accompanied by dry vision.

For allergic form

Allergic conjunctivitis drops are not treated in literally words. They are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, swelling, redness of the eyes. Treatment of any allergy consists first of all in identifying the allergen and stopping contact with it. If this is not possible (for example, in the case of hay fever - a reaction to plant pollen in the air), symptomatic remedies come to the rescue.

We list best drops with allergic conjunctivitis.

An antiallergic drug that relieves the entire complex of symptoms: itching, redness, swelling of the eyelids. It works locally, but is still not recommended for children under 4 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Sometimes after instillation there is a visual disturbance that lasts very briefly, and a feeling foreign body in the eye, which also passes quickly.

Price: 410–480 rubles.

Cromones are substances that have a pronounced local antiallergic effect. In Cromohexal, the active substance is cromoglycic acid, which stabilizes membranes mast cells, relieving allergy symptoms. It is a transparent yellowish solution that does not cause discomfort upon instillation.

Price: 150–370 rubles.

Vizin removes severe redness eyes, but has no antiallergic effect. It is prescribed specifically to relieve severe conjunctival hyperemia - one of the most pronounced symptoms of allergy on the part of the visual organs. Assigned as aid in the fight against allergic inflammation.

Cost of Visine: 230–290 rubles.

Among others, Systane is good at soothing eyes irritated by allergens. Cost of Systane drops: 500 rubles.

Other medicines

There are other medications for conjunctivitis. The choice, as well as the method of administration of the drug, is within the competence of the attending physician.

The following drugs have been developed for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

  1. Ointment: effectively complements therapy if placed behind the lower eyelid at night. May contain an antibiotic (for example, Tetracycline, Floxal) or antiviral components (Acyclovir, Bonafton).
  2. Tablets: Oral medications are prescribed strictly by a doctor. For example, in some forms of bacterial conjunctivitis, systemic use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic (Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin) is prescribed. For allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamine, taken orally (Claritin, Zyrtec, Erius).

To prevent conjunctivitis, there are also drops used in adults. These are moisturizing preparations for the risk group: those who wear contact lenses, often feels dry eyes. By drying out, the mucous membrane becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, and is also more sensitive to allergens. A hydrated and healthy conjunctiva more easily resists microbial attacks and adverse environmental factors.

Drops for conjunctivitis - effective remedy, which is selected by an ophthalmologist taking into account the specifics of the disease.

Additionally, watch the video on how to properly put drops into your eyes:

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They are a very unprotected organ. Contact with mucous membranes of bacteria and viruses often provokes the development of inflammation. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the whites, pain, tearing, swelling, dry eyelids and the formation of purulent discharge.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis are widely used in the treatment of the disease. The selection of therapy should be carried out by a doctor, based on the degree of development of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Main types of conjunctivitis

Depending on the nature of the disease, several types of disease are distinguished:

The bacterial and infectious form of the disease is transmitted to others, so if signs of conjunctivitis appear, precautions should be taken.

Allergic inflammation is usually accompanied by rhinitis and skin rashes. The infectious form of the disease does not appear immediately. After infection, it can take from 4 to 12 days and only after that the first signs will appear.

The following symptoms help recognize viral conjunctivitis in adults and children:

Symptoms may differ depending on the type of viral conjunctivitis.

Experts identify 5 most common ones:

  • epidemic form;
  • phoringoconjunctival fever;
  • herpetic form;
  • conjunctivitis caused by novolat.

The incubation period for bacterial conjunctivitis is much shorter and rarely exceeds 2 days.

After infection, the following begin to appear:

A special feature of allergic conjunctivitis is the fact that the disease affects both eyes at once.

The following signs help identify allergic conjunctivitis:

  • development together with conjunctivitis allergic rhinitis, abundant mucous discharge from the nose, irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes even more;
  • appearance severe itching and burning;
  • tearfulness;
  • sore eyes;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • redness.

Top 9 famous eye drops for conjunctivitis

Before going to the pharmacy for a medicine, you need to understand what to choose the right drug Without establishing the cause of conjunctivitis, it is extremely difficult. It is almost impossible to do this on your own.

Treatment with eye drops gives quick and noticeable results to most patients, but bacterial conjunctivitis requires the use of antibiotics.

At infectious form, the medications used must provide antiviral effect. In the case of allergic manifestations, sometimes it is enough to simply isolate yourself from the irritating factor. What eye drops for conjunctivitis do most patients trust?


  1. Florenal. The price of the drops is unknown, since the drug is not on sale Russian pharmacies. An effective remedy, but often causes a side effect in the form of a burning sensation in the eyes. The child is unlikely to like such a reaction;
  2. Albumen. Price from 1500. The most commonly used drug. Indicated for the treatment of infectious inflammatory processes, and bacterial;
  3. Oftan I'm coming. Price 250-350 rubles. Suitable for children over 2 years old. First, the drops are used hourly during the day and every 2 hours at night. Treatment should be continued after symptoms have subsided for several more days;
  4. . Price starts from 250 rubles. They are distinguished by their speed. Relief from symptoms occurs in short time. Neutralization of viruses is not accompanied by side effects. Oftalmoferon has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antihistamine properties. The anti-allergic effect helps relieve itching and the child scratches his eyes less. Treatment begins with frequent instillation, up to 8 times a day. As you recover, the number of applications is reduced to 2;
  5. . Price from 100 to 200 rubles . Apply drops up to 8 times a day. After the signs of conjunctivitis disappear, treatment is continued for another week with three daily procedures.

Viral conjunctivitis in children can be caused by infections that provoke otitis media, tonsillitis or other respiratory diseases.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in children

  1. Levomecitin - from 15 rubles. Doesn't call adverse reaction, but can provoke allergic manifestations;
  2. - from 419 rubles. It also contains substances that can cause allergies;
  3. Interferon - from 195 rubles. An excellent antibacterial agent. Refers to the most safe medicines for conjunctivitis and is prescribed to children from birth;
  4. Floxal - from 187 rubles. Usage of this medicine will not cause any side effects in the child, nor allergic reactions;
  5. Albucid - from 50 rubles. The most popular drug. Instill 1-2 drops into each eye 4 to 6 times a day;
  6. Tsiprolet or Tsipromed - from 64 rubles. Can be used in children up to one year old. The course of treatment lasts a week and begins with frequent instillations with an interval of 2 hours. Gradually the number of procedures is reduced by half.

Stories from our readers!
“I had chronic conjunctivitis, I suffered from it for many years. And then vision problems began because I worked at the computer. On the advice of a friend, I ordered drops for myself.

I started using them as written in the instructions. Maybe because my vision was not too bad, they helped me within two weeks! The redness disappeared, the pain went away, my vision began to improve!”

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis in adults

Most drops used to treat viral conjunctivitis in children are suitable for adults. But in some cases, eye drops are used, which are contraindicated for small patients.

  1. Tebrofen (discontinued, can be replaced with analogues). Drops are available in different concentrations. For the treatment of conjunctivitis in adults, only a 1% solution is used. The drug is used in minimum dosage three times a day;
  2. Gludantan. A strong and effective remedy for the treatment of conjunctivitis, but it is not advisable to use it more than 3 times a day. The solution is instilled three times a day at mild degree illnesses, for running forms the number of procedures is increased to 6;
  3. Florenal. For conjunctivitis, a 1% solution is prescribed. The use of this product involves frequent instillations, up to 6 times a day;
  4. Tobrex. The main active ingredient of the drops is an antibiotic. This achieves a wide spectrum of action of the drug;
  5. Phloxal. Capable of destroying not only viruses, but also bacteria. Drops are not recommended to be used more than 4 times a day or longer than 14 days;
  6. Albucid. It brings quick relief and is also able to defeat bacteria.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults

The disease occurs due to infection with streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, chlamydia, and other bacteria. The disease spreads through airborne droplets, contact or sexual contact.

Most often used in treatment:

  1. . For the treatment of adults, a 30% solution of the drug is taken. Drops are used 3 times a day in the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  2. Zinc sulfate. The concentration of the solution depends on the severity of conjunctivitis and is selected specifically for the patient. A 1-25% solution is instilled three times at equal intervals;
  3. . It is an analogue of levomecithin and has a strong antibacterial effect. The dosage and number of applications are calculated individually by the ophthalmologist;
  4. Oftalmodek. Usually prescribed 3 drops of medicine 5 times a day;
  5. Norsulfazole. The standard dosage for adults is 2 drops three times daily;
  6. Tobrex. Has a strong antibacterial effect. The medicine effectively fights various types of pathogens. The doctor calculates the dosage and number of doses;
  7. Levomecithin. When treating with this drug, the dosage and frequency of use for children and adults are the same;
  8. Phloxal. Eye drops are used 4 times a day, 1 drop.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in adults

Allergic conjunctivitis in adults has more severe symptoms than in children. Therefore, the treatment is slightly different; other means are used. The drops should relieve inflammation, swelling, and get rid of tearing and redness.

These properties combine the following drugs:

  1. Claritin. Antihistamine, used three times a day, 1 drop;
  2. Cortisone. Potent hormonal drug, which must be used with caution due to large quantity contraindications;
  3. Oftalmodek. Eye drops combine antihistamine and antibacterial properties, therefore, in addition to allergic conjunctivitis, they effectively treat the bacterial form of the disease;
  4. Lakrisifi. Has more strong effect than Claritin.

In addition to the drops listed, the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are relieved:

  • Allergodil;
  • Histimet;
  • Cromohexal;
  • Loratadine;
  • Telfast;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Azelastine;
  • Krom-Allerg.

Eye drops for purulent conjunctivitis

It can be more often diagnosed in children, but it also occurs in adults. The peculiarity of this type of disease is that Conjunctivitis can go away on its own. But the lack of treatment can lead to serious complications and serious consequences.

Getting rid of unpleasant symptoms and relief will come much faster after using the drops. The nature of purulent conjunctivitis can be different. Typically used complex treatment, combining antibacterial and antiviral agents.

The following symptoms help to distinguish purulent conjunctivitis:

  • purulent discharge;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye;
  • burning;
  • swelling;
  • photophobia.

Of the drops for the treatment of this form of the disease, Levomecitin is most often used, due to its high efficiency, ability to resist infections and bacteria, and affordable price.

Effective treatment must include several stages:

At purulent conjunctivitis It is better to combine drops with ointments that are applied at night. Pus is released more when the eyelids are closed, and lack of nighttime treatment leads to large cluster discharge and eyelash sticking.

In addition to using Levomycitin, they can get rid of pus in the eyes with the help of Oftadek, Gentamicin, Tobrex and Albucid.

Using drops during pregnancy

Conjunctivitis during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the baby. Infection of an infant can occur as it passes through the birth canal.

The choice of therapy will again depend on the nature of the conjunctivitis. The viral form goes away on its own within a few days, but anti-inflammatory drops and rinsing will be required to relieve symptoms. A doctor should prescribe eye drops, taking into account the duration of pregnancy and the degree of the disease.

Based on the examination and identification of the cause of conjunctivitis, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the following drops:

  • to relieve allergic symptoms: Azelastine, Ketotifen, Levocabastine, Allergodil;
  • hormonal drops: Maxidex or Prenacid;
  • from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops – ;


  • in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis-Tobrex or Floxal.


You can prevent and avoid the development of complications using simple steps:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. Reduce frequent touching of your eyes, especially if you have not washed your hands before;
  3. Use only personal hygiene items: towels, bed linen, makeup products;
  4. After swimming in a pool or open water, you must rinse your eyes thoroughly, preferably with clean boiled water;
  5. If the first signs of conjunctivitis are detected, you should avoid visiting public places to prevent additional infection and not infect others;
  6. If a child develops a disease, try to tell him about the dangers of touching his eyes and wash his hands often;
  7. Strengthen the immune system by taking vitamin-mineral complexes and using other generally accepted measures.

Medicines for the treatment of conjunctivitis are prescribed by the attending physician. Form and type of medicine depend on the form of conjunctivitis.

So, in case of an allergic form, eye drops with antihistamine and decongestant effects are prescribed.

For treatment bacterial form diseases, drops are prescribed that have bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. In addition to the form in the form of drops, there are preparations in the form of ointments, eye films, solutions for subconjunctival and parabulbar injections, powder for preparing a solution and eye drops.

What drops for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is the most common form of the disease, which has its own characteristics.

Photo 1. Viral conjunctivitis on the eye. Redness of the organ and increased lacrimation are observed.

Eye damage almost always occurs against the background of reduced immunity. The most common viruses that cause the disease are to herpetic and adenoviruses.

Reference. Antibacterial agents are not used to treat viral conjunctivitis, as they are not effective in this case.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis

It is used for adenoviral conjunctivitis; there is also a form for the treatment of Parkinsonism.

Name of medicine Peculiarities Action
Aktipol Intensifying therapeutic effect from simultaneous administration with Acyclovir, Valacyclovir. Stimulates corneal renewal, fights viruses, improves immunity. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is rare.
Berofor Active substance - interferon. The effect is enhanced when simultaneous administration with other antiviral agents. Antiviral and immunomodulatory. Interferon promotes the body's resistance against viruses and blocks reproduction when they penetrate. Side effects not found.
Gludantan Active substance: amantadine sulfate. Ethanol increases the risk of side effects. The drug significantly reduces the penetration of viruses into cells.
Oftalmoferon Included interferon and diphenhydramine. Also indicated for viral keratitis and dry eye syndrome. Used by patients of any age, including newborns. Antiviral and also has antiallergic action and painkillers.
Oftan I'm coming Active ingredient idoxuridine. Refers to to toxic. Side effects include photophobia, itching, pain and irritation. Breaks the DNA of the viral cell and destroys it. Prescribed for eye infections with the herpes virus.
Poludan Prescribed when various lesions eye viral etiology, including with neuritis optic nerve, choreoretinitis. Used to treat children and adults. For sale in the form of a lyophilisate. Antiviral drug, induces interferon in the body.
Tebrofen Prescribe with caution during pregnancy. A burning sensation on the mucous membrane is possible as a side effect. Antiviral, highly active against herpes viruses and adenoviruses.
Trifluridine Drops are used frequently , about 7 times a day because they have poor absorption. Prescribed if the patient is resistant to other antiviral drops. Effective against herpes viruses.
Florenal Drops are not used for hypersensitivity to the main component - fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. Also available in the form of eye films. Actively suppresses viral replication. Especially adenoviruses and herpesviruses.

The effectiveness of certain eye drops is communicated to the patient by the attending physician. Any medicine assigned individually based on test results, age data, anamnesis.

What to put in your eyes for a bacterial infection

Bacterial conjunctivitis also occurs due to decreased immunity and infectious diseases.

Photo 2. An eye with signs of bacterial conjunctivitis: severe redness and profuse lacrimation are observed.

Bacteria, causing diseases: staphylococci, gonococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, etc.

Important! You can become infected with this form of conjunctivitis through household items or simply by rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands.

Eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

Name Peculiarities Action
Albucid Included sulfacetamide. Another name for the medicine is Sulfacyl sodium. Used to treat children and adults. It is also prescribed for blepharitis. Bacteriostatic. This means that the drug prevents reproduction harmful microbe. Effective against gonorrheal and chlamydial lesions of the eye in adults. Have similar actions Tobrex and Gentamicin.
Vitabact Main component - Picloxidine. Not used during pregnancy, but prescribed for newborns. Prescribed for prophylaxis and preoperative preparation. Antiseptic and antimicrobial. Effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Chlamydia trachomatis and some other microorganisms.
Gentamicin Refers to to antibiotics, there are other forms of release. Drug resistance develops slowly. Bactericidal, that is, the drug destroys the bacterial cell. Does not affect viruses or fungi.
Levomycetin Belongs to group antibiotics of synthetic origin. Prescribed for adults and children. It has a destructive effect on bacteria that are resistant to streptomycin and sulfonamides. Not effective for viral or fungal eye infections.
Normax It is also prescribed for otitis media, as it applies to ear and eye drops. Prohibited under 12 years of age. Antimicrobial action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The effect is reduced when taken simultaneously with drugs containing magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc.
Norsulfazole Main component sulfathiazole It is also prescribed for blepharitis. An allergic reaction is possible as a side effect. Active regarding toxoplasma, chlamydia, actinomycetes fungi.
Oftadek Main substance Decamethoxin. Resistance develops slowly. Used for the treatment and prevention of visual diseases in newborns. Bactericidal. Effective against many bacteria, as well as viruses and fungi.
Oftaquix Active ingredientlevofloxacin- synthetic antibacterial substance. Prescribed from the age of 1 year, but with caution. As a side effect, a burning sensation and decreased visual acuity are possible. Antibacterial against a very wide range of microorganisms.
Zinc sulfate Most often prescribed in combination with boric acid. Antiseptic. Acts on microbial proteins causing them to curl up and then die.
Tobrex Tobramycin, included in the composition, refers to antibiotics. Used to treat keratitis, blepharitis and stye. Used by patients over 1 year. It is not recommended to use longer than the period prescribed by the doctor. Like Gentamicin destroys cells of foreign bacteria. Has activity against most microbes.
Phloxal Active ingredient ofloxacin- antibacterial substance. It is also prescribed for barley, keratitis, and corneal ulcers. Can be used at any age. The bactericidal effect is associated with the blockade of the enzyme DNA gyrase in bacterial cells.
Fucithalmic Main component - fusidic acid. Can be used at any age. Therapeutic effect long-lasting, due to which the medicine is used twice a day. Antibacterial action, disrupts protein synthesis in microbial cells.
Tsipromed Active ingredient ciprofloxacin. Belongs to the same group as ofloxacin. The drops are designed to combat microbes that cause diseases of the organs of vision and hearing. Antibacterial action directed against a wide range of microbes. Medicine low toxicity for humans.
Ciprofloxacin From the group of antibiotics, effective against those microbes that are tolerant to tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins. Destroys DNA synthesis in harmful bacteria. It acts on pathogens of diseases such as: blepharitis, bacterial corneal ulcer, infectious and traumatic eye lesions.

Eye drops are used according to the instructions, but the frequency and duration of use is always adjusted by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Attention! It is very difficult to independently distinguish viral conjunctivitis from bacterial conjunctivitis, since they have similar symptoms, in this case it is necessary laboratory research.

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What to drip against allergic conjunctivitis

This form of the disease is the body's response to external stimuli.

Photo 3. Allergic conjunctivitis in a child. It is characterized by redness of the eyes, most often both at once, and increased lacrimation.

The disease occurs acutely or chronically; Is it seasonal or year-round?

Reference. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis most often occurs in male children from 5 years, atopic form Patients are susceptible to keratoconjunctivitis over 40 years old.

For treatment, drops are used, which are applied depending on the established diagnosis taking into account the patient's age.

Eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Name Peculiarities Action
Allergodil Main substance azelastine hydrochloride. Not suitable for children up to 4 years. As a side effect, increased tearing is possible. Antiallergic and antihistamine. Effective for seasonal and year-round allergic conjunctivitis.
Visine Appointed for seasonal allergies. The drug is contraindicated in older people up to 2 years, with corneal dystrophy, hyperthyroidism, bacterial conjunctivitis. Decongestant and vasoconstrictor. Eliminates hyperemia due to exposure to smoke, bright light, etc.
Claritin Active Ingredient Loratadine. Prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis. Antipruritic and antihistamine.
Cortisone Refers to to corticosteroids. Prescribed for the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis. Immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic. Inhibits synthesis lymphoid tissue, prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.
Cromohexal Prescribed for treatment and prevention allergic forms eye diseases, irritation of the mucous membrane due to an allergic reaction. Antiallergic and preventive against allergies.
Lakrisifi Represents corneal epithelium protector. Prescribed for the treatment of lagophthalmos, keratopathy, erosion and ulcers of the cornea. Restores and stabilizes the optical characteristics of the eye film. Has some bactericidal effect. Quickly relieves allergic reactions due to eye irritation.
Lecrolin The basis of the medicine, like Cromohexal, is cromoglycic acid. Used in ages over 6 years old for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, to eliminate systematic reactions to irritants. Antihistamine action.
Opatanol Prescribed when various types allergic conjunctivitis. Main component of the drug Olopatadine. Antiallergic

Often, eye drops against allergic conjunctivitis are prescribed together with allergy medications; The ideal option is to identify the cause of the allergy and then eliminate interaction with the allergen.

The effectiveness of eye drops for children and adults

For viral conjunctivitis. One of the best drugs eye drops are considered Oftalmoferon. They are suitable for treating patients of any age. The medicine immediately eliminates itching in the eyes and reduces the severity of swelling. The medicine is effective against various viruses that cause the disease.

Photo 4. Packaging and bottle of Oftalmoferon in the form of eye drops. Volume 10 ml, manufacturer Firn M.

Drops are also suitable for treating patients of all ages. Aktipol, they provide antiviral protection to both newborn children and adults. The drug stimulates the immune system and accelerates regeneration in the cornea.

Poludan It has wide list for indications for use, also prescribed to adults and children. It has powder form, which is used to prepare eye drops or solution for injection.

For bacterial conjunctivitis. Albucid and Sulfacyl sodium Doctors prescribe them because of their high efficiency, active effect on a wide range of microorganisms, and minimal side effects. Drops can be instilled patient of any age.

Tobrex is an antibiotic with wide range action, is most often prescribed for intolerance to other drugs or the presence of allergic reactions. Applicable as an alternative to Albucid for the treatment of newborns.

Levomycetin an effective antibiotic prescribed for the treatment of adults and children over 2 years old, but the doctor can prescribe it for a newborn based on vital signs.

It can treat most microbes that cause bacterial eye infections and is very affordable.

For allergic conjunctivitis Depending on individual indications, the doctor prescribes drops related to corticosteroids, antihistamine drops, and artificial tears.

Cromohexal And Claritin belong to antiallergic drugs that quickly eliminate the signs of allergies.

Cortisone and other drugs based on the hormone cortisol are prescribed to relieve inflammation and eliminate allergy symptoms.

Attention! Hormonal medications are very effective, but are used only as directed by a doctor, since uncontrolled use can cause danger of increased intraocular pressure.

Artificial tear Lakrisifi and similar drugs are most often prescribed for the immediate elimination of allergic reactions caused by various irritants, but are prescribed as additional treatment with a lack of tear production, with burns of the conjunctiva and cornea.

Important! You should not wear contact lenses while treating any form of conjunctivitis. It is recommended to use them one day after the end of treatment.

Useful video

Look interesting video, which demonstrates how to properly put drops into your eyes and tells you how to avoid mistakes in this process.

