In the morning the face swells greatly. Reasons for swollen face in the morning. The face swells in the evening

We list the main causes of facial swelling:

  • the face most often swells due to fluid retention by the body;
  • cardiovascular and urinary diseases excretory system, liver pathologies, endocrine disorders;
  • vitamin deficiency, basal metabolic disorders;
  • improperly selected diets, prolonged fasting, lack of sleep, overwork of the body;
  • evening edema, as a rule, is of cardiac origin;
  • morning swelling often signals kidney problems;
  • reception alcoholic drinks the day before, or alcohol abuse in general;
  • allergic nature of swelling (reaction to medicinal substances, food products, on animals);
  • blood clots or narrowing of the superior vena cava;
  • infectious lesions of the nasopharynx, oral cavity;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • insufficient blood supply to the head during sleep due to an incorrectly selected pillow or unnatural sleeping position;
  • presence of chronic hypertension, development hypertensive crisis;
  • improper use of cosmetics or abuse of them.

Why does my face swell?

To successfully combat this unpleasant condition, it is necessary to understand why the face swells.

Swelling of facial tissues is a consequence of a water imbalance in the body, which occurs with irrational and irregular nutrition, and can also be a manifestation of more serious diseases when the process of removing consumed fluid is disrupted.

The face swells for many reasons, manifesting itself more in the morning or evening, especially during hot periods.

Swelling can be a consequence of renal and cardiovascular pathologies, hormonal disorders, and is often found in people who drink alcohol, in pregnant women, as well as in premenstrual and menopause. Metabolic disorders, in particular electrolyte metabolism, provoked by irregular and unbalanced diet, prolonged fasting, and overwork of the body contribute to the appearance of swelling on the face.

Regular appearance of facial swelling for no apparent reason is serious reason to see a doctor.

Why does my face sometimes appear swollen in the morning?

If swelling appears constantly in the morning, you should look for provoking factors that cause its appearance. Remember, for example, how much liquid you drink at night: perhaps you like to have evening tea parties, or practice heavy dinners with alcoholic beverages. In such situations, the appearance of swelling on the face is inevitable.

It is also important what kind of food you eat in the late afternoon: excessive consumption of salty and spicy foods (smoked foods, herring, chips, dried fish, chili peppers) causes excess fluid accumulation in the tissues, and swelling is guaranteed in the morning.

Excessive emotionality, tearfulness, bad dream also contribute to the phenomena of morning swelling of the face.

The use of cosmetic creams, masks, lotions immediately before bedtime causes a rush of blood to the delicate tissues of the face and, as a result, the same morning swelling. It should be noted that some cosmetic preparations can also provoke the development of allergic manifestations, which, in addition to facial swelling, are characterized by itching and redness skin.

A swollen face in the morning can be associated with an awkward and uncomfortable sleeping position, which provokes stagnation of blood and lymph and worsens the processes of outflow and drainage of fluid from facial tissues. Inadequate head position, too high and hard pillow, stuffiness and heat indoors, the location of heating devices too close to the head of the bed - all this contributes to the appearance of facial swelling by the time you wake up.

Try to re-equip your sleeping place: change the pillow to a softer and less high one (some even try to do without a pillow), make sure that the length of the bed matches your height. Move the head of the bed away from existing heating devices (radiators, fireplaces, heaters), and thoroughly ventilate the room in which you sleep before going to bed.

Also, do not forget that sleep should be complete: insomnia and lack of sleep, chronic fatigue will immediately affect your appearance. Prepare for bed thoroughly, do not drink a lot of liquids at night, especially coffee, strong tea and alcoholic drinks.

Why does my face swell after drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcoholic beverages, even moderate amount, is a fairly large load on the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. This is a kind of intoxication of the body, in which many metabolic processes and vital functions fail. important functions. Why does my face swell after drinking alcohol? Because the course of almost all processes in the body is disrupted, especially the urinary and vascular systems, the acid-base balance and ionic balance suffer, and significant dehydration of the body begins, to which it reacts with increased accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

The fight against facial swelling after drinking alcohol will be unsuccessful without eliminating main reason swelling – regular use alcohol.

Facial swelling and other local edema caused by exposure to ethyl alcohol in different concentrations can be leveled out after recovery functional ability all major systems of the body, normalization of disturbed metabolic processes.

A swollen face is characteristic of almost all patients who have been constantly drinking alcoholic beverages for a long time. This is due to functional disorders of renal microcirculation, disruptions of electrolyte and protein metabolism, and difficulties in liver function. This swelling usually subsides only 10-12 days after stopping alcohol intake. Chronic alcoholics who have been drinking alcohol for several years may have a swollen face for life.

In general, with the right adequate approach, it is necessary not only to get rid of the symptom of facial swelling, but to restore, first of all, those disturbances in metabolic processes and electrolyte balance that were provoked by prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Absolute abstinence from alcohol, normalization of nutrition and good sleep, replenishment of vitamins, microelements, amino acids lost by the body - these are the main aspects of the fight against withdrawal syndrome, a characteristic feature of which is a swollen face.

Why do alcoholics' faces swell?

Facial swelling in alcoholics becomes pronounced and permanent with chronic dependence on alcohol, especially with a decent history of drinking alcoholic beverages. Persistent facial swelling is enough serious sign disturbances in the functional capabilities of the body, disorders of vital processes and systems. Alcohol damage heart muscle, renal parenchyma, damage to the liver structure up to the phenomena of cirrhosis or toxic hepatitis, the development of heart failure, increased blood pressure against the background of vascular sclerosis - this is far from full list reasons that provoke the appearance of significant facial swelling in chronic alcoholics.

People who are overly addicted to alcoholic beverages can be recognized immediately by their characteristic appearance: increased expansion of capillaries, blurriness and swelling of the face, visible enlargement of the nose. This process is reversible, but this requires a sufficient period of time and, most importantly, a complete and irreversible cessation of alcoholic beverages in any form.

Why does my face swell after a hangover?

A hangover is far from the most pleasant morning state. It usually occurs after drinking alcohol the night before. Among other manifestations autonomic disorders in a hangover state, in most cases there is swelling of the face of varying intensity.

Everyone knows that drinking alcohol causes dehydration. However, this is not due to a lack of fluid in general, but due to its incorrect imbalance in the body: damage to the kidneys by ethyl alcohol creates a certain stressful situation for them, which worsens their normal excretory function, and causes unresolved fluid to accumulate in the tissues of the body, in particular on the face. Violation also plays a role acid-base balance, electrolyte and water metabolism, especially if drinking alcoholic beverages was combined with eating spicy, salty and fatty foods.

If hangover syndrome It is not permanent; facial swelling disappears on its own within 2-3 days.

When does the face swell during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a pregnant woman experiences a change hormonal balance, water-salt metabolism is restructured, and the need for additional fluid also increases, since the body now needs a much larger volume of blood than before, and it should also be less viscous. For this, as well as for many other reasons, swelling is common to most pregnant women.

Slight swelling of the face, especially in the second half of pregnancy, is a completely physiological condition. However, it is always better to play it safe, especially in such an “interesting” situation, and consult your gynecologist. You may have to undergo some tests to rule out kidney disease, heart disease vascular system, liver pathologies, which can begin at almost any time.

During pregnancy, the load on organs and systems increases significantly, so it is extremely important to diagnose the problem in time and solve it, avoiding negative effects on the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

When does the face become very swollen?

If your face is very swollen, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the root cause. this state. Perhaps you should change your lifestyle, visit a doctor, and undergo appropriate examinations. Anyway, this problem requires serious attention, since the causes of facial swelling can be not only poor nutrition, drinking alcohol and frequent sunbathing on the beach - it can also be quite serious pathological conditions, and one cannot do without the help of a specialist.

Cardiac dysfunction is manifested by difficulty breathing, pain in the heart and behind the chest, but one of the symptoms may be significant swelling of the face.

Poor circulation also causes puffiness and pastiness. facial area and signals problems in the vascular system.

Pathology of the urinary system provokes the appearance of quite strong characteristic swelling, mainly in the eye area.

An allergic reaction is characterized by a rapid and sometimes immediate increase in symptoms; the face swells almost “before our eyes.”

All these conditions cannot be avoided without the attention of a doctor, as they have a high probability of an unfavorable course and the development of complications.

When do lips on your face swell?

If the face has not changed its appearance, but the lips are visibly swollen, one can suspect some independent disease of the lips, in particular, various manifestations cheilitis (inflammatory process on the lips).

Cheilitis is an inflammation of the lips of an eczematous or allergic nature, provoked by taking all kinds of food additives, dyes, chemical substances, as well as the impact external factors: injuries, too dry or frosty air, mechanical damage lips In addition to swelling, cheilitis can be accompanied by itching, burning sensation, peeling of the skin, and the appearance of microcracks.

An allergic reaction in the form of angioedema is provoked by various types of allergens: food, infectious, medicinal.

Also, swelling of the lips may be associated with hypersensitivity to low temperature environment, pathology digestive system and excretory organs, liver diseases, disorders of the autonomic and vascular system. Violations of the local function of lymph and blood flow often contribute to swelling of the lips.

If half of your face is swollen?

Partial facial swelling can be due to many reasons:

  • traumatic injury to a part of the face with damage to soft tissues as a result of a blow or bruise from a fall;
  • swelling due to an insect bite (tick, bee, wasp, etc.);
  • the result of local inflammatory processes in nearby organs (sinusitis, otitis, conjunctivitis, pathological processes of teeth and gums), as well as purulent diseases of the facial skin (boils, carbuncles, etc.);
  • angioedema (allergic reaction, often affects bottom half face and neck);
  • persistent erythema causing swelling of the upper face;
  • vascular and ischemic disorders.

What exactly pathology led to the swelling of half the face can only be said on the basis of anamnesis, visual examination and some laboratory research. Undoubtedly, the cause of impaired blood and lymph circulation can only be confirmed by a qualified specialist who diagnoses specific disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

When does the right side of the face swell?

If swollen Right side face, this may be due to numerous problems that need to be diagnosed and identified:

  • dental problems with teeth and gums (periodontitis, gumboil, postoperative period after removal of a tooth or cyst, abscess);
  • neuralgia and neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve, accompanied by pain and facial asymmetry;
  • vascular pathologies, ischemia of some facial tissues associated with impaired blood supply to certain areas;
  • insect bites, injuries, bruises, the presence of other external factors;
  • angioedema of half the face;
  • development of right-sided otitis or conjunctivitis, accompanied by pain syndrome in the ear and lacrimation;
  • right-sided sinusitis or sinusitis, accompanied by a runny nose or nasal congestion;
  • skin diseases(dermatitis, furunculous lesions, folliculitis), begin with the appearance of rashes or a bump-like painful protrusion, later the swelling spreads to healthy tissues.

When does the left side of the face swell?

Unilateral swelling is manifested by visible swelling of one half of the face while the opposite side is normal.

The left side of the face can swell for exactly the same reasons as the right. The main reasons may be dental, neurological, otorhinolaryngological problems, which are revealed only after a series of additional studies.

Left-sided swelling on the face can be caused by an inflammatory process on the left side of the head, or an allergic manifestation of the individual sensitivity of the body. Diseases of the vascular system (thrombophlebitis, vascular ischemia), disorders of lymph circulation (lymphangitis, filariasis) contribute to significant fluid retention in the tissues on the affected side.

Unilateral facial swelling may result from pathological processes in the central nervous system, affecting vasomotor nerve fibers unilaterally. A disease such as facial paralysis is also accompanied by decreased lymphatic drainage and impaired systemic blood flow on the affected side.

What if your face is swollen after tanning?

Facial swelling after visiting a solarium or sunbathing on the beach can be caused by several reasons:

  • allergic reaction to ultraviolet radiation or sunscreen cosmetical tools(ointments, creams, suntan oil), especially if you are using them for the first time. This reaction is usually accompanied by visible redness, puffiness of the face and skin itching, up to lightning-fast total swelling of the body;
  • increased blood pressure due to excessive tanning. In this case, there is significant swelling of the face as a result of an increased and sharp rush of blood to the head, which may be accompanied by headache and dizziness;
  • a banal sunburn also causes tissue swelling. In particular, prolonged sunbathing on the beach, especially during the so-called “active sun” period, has an extremely adverse effect on the water balance of the skin. Any burn, household or solar, provokes the accumulation of fluid in the affected tissues. This process is a peculiar reaction of the body to local damage.

What if your child's face is swollen?

If a child's face is swollen, first of all it is necessary to exclude renal pathology and disorders of the excretory system: this is most often associated with edema varying degrees in preschoolers. Inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), hereditary and congenital defects in the structure of the urinary system manifest themselves in the form of excessive accumulation of fluid in the facial tissues. However, against the background of swelling, other characteristic symptoms should also be present: pain in the kidney area, hematuria, urination disorders, etc. Such swelling can have varying intensity and manifests itself in the child mainly in the morning after waking up.

The face of children may swell with significant loss of protein due to various pathological conditions, such as liver diseases.

The allergic nature of swelling on the face of a child is characterized by virtually instantaneous development, the appearance of a feeling of heat, itching, and possible disorders respiratory functions and impaired consciousness: these symptoms are associated with damage to the vascular wall and increased permeability in response to the entry of an allergen into a sensitive child’s body. Help in this condition should be immediate.

How to get rid of a swollen face?

In order to effectively get rid of a swollen face, you need to know what exactly led to this condition.

If the swelling was caused stressful situations, lack of sleep, overwork, then the answer is simple - you just need to rest a little, get some sleep, and everything will return to normal.

If you use nighttime nourishing cosmetics, then you need to apply it to the skin no later than 3 hours before bedtime, otherwise the moisture from the cream will not have time to be distributed and will remain in the surface tissues until the morning.

Morning swelling of the face can be easily removed with ice cubes made from decoctions of chamomile, sage, and mint: you just need to wipe your face with them.

An excellent remedy for improving microcirculation in facial tissues - manual therapy, or, simply, massage. You don’t have to go to a salon; you can do it yourself by kneading, pinching and patting the surface of the skin, thereby activating blood flow.

By the way, salon procedures can also help in the fight against puffiness: all kinds of masks, special massages, lymphatic drainage - each procedure is selected individually.

To get rid of a swollen face, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right, without overeating and controlling the amount of salt in food. No less important is water balance in organism. However, remember that if all of the above recommendations do not bring effect for a long time, you still need to consult a doctor in order to permanently get rid of such an unpleasant problem as a swollen face.

Swelling on the face is a local accumulation of excess fluid in the intercellular space of the skin. Swelling, “bags” under the eyes, puffiness can be both symptoms of diseases and manifestations of disturbances in sleep patterns, nutrition, overwork, and alcohol intake. For adequate treatment, it is necessary to find out the causes of facial swelling.

Swelling is formed due to excessive transfer of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels into the intercellular space. The volume of circulating blood decreases, baroreceptors located in the wall react to this blood vessels. They signal the kidneys, which retain sodium. The element increases osmotic pressure, and more fluid remains in the body.

Excess “water” tends to accumulate in loose parts of the face rich in subcutaneous fat: cheeks, eyelids. The forehead swells only in the area of ​​the eyebrows.

Swelling on the face often appears in the morning. This occurs in healthy people due to a slower metabolism, uncomfortable head position during sleep, and as a result of venous stagnation.

Provoking factors are:

  • lack of sleep;
  • night work;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • strict diets with a minimum amount of protein, fasting;
  • abuse of salty foods;
  • cosmetic procedures.

Diseases leading to facial swelling

There are many diseases in which swelling of the face is one of the symptoms of a developing pathology internal organs.

If the swelling is persistent, widespread, and combined with other symptoms, a thorough examination and treatment of the underlying disease is necessary.


Swelling that occurs after violations of the regime, alcohol consumption, after cosmetic procedures, can be treated at home.

Products that regulate water-salt metabolism help remove swelling from the face. These are black currants, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers, pumpkin, cabbage, cranberries. Daily consumption of these fresh products, juices, compotes, mousses will have a beneficial effect on fluid metabolism, enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, and improve kidney function.

Infusions and decoctions medicinal plants, which have a moderate diuretic effect, are also effective for swelling on the face.


Lotions, compresses

If swelling needs to be removed urgently, local remedies and procedures will help.

Does your face swell in the morning? Where do swelling and bags under the eyes come from? These unpleasant manifestations may be the result of yesterday's alcoholic libations and salty food, or symptoms of serious kidney and heart diseases. If you regularly experience swelling on your face, then you need to follow some nutritional rules to prevent fluid retention. Folk remedies and cosmetics will help get rid of swelling.

Causes of edema

The most common cause of puffiness under the eyes and face in morning time- kidney diseases. At night, the kidneys secrete less fluid than during the day, so the face swells overnight. Swelling in kidney diseases can be either dense or loose to the touch - it all depends on the nature of the disease. With inflammation (nephritis), the swelling will be dense; with nephrosis, on the contrary, it will be loose.

The treatment of these diseases is carried out by a nephrologist, who, after passing urine tests, may prescribe diuretics and antibacterial agents. Diuretics can effectively and quickly relieve swelling. Usually they resort to prescribing drugs such as Canephron.

Another probable cause of swelling on the face is diseases of the nose and its paranasal sinuses. Allergic, viral rhinitis and inflammation in maxillary sinuses may cause swelling of the face, including under the eyes. Particularly noteworthy is angioedema. It is characterized by a swollen face, then the swelling spreads to the larynx and can lead to asphyxia and death. This condition requires urgent treatment: the prescription of antihistamines (Erius), and, if necessary, steroids (Prednisolone).

In women, the causes of facial swelling are often changes hormonal state, such as premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy. Steroid hormones that control pregnancy change water-electrolyte balance, during which sodium ions are retained in the body, bringing with them water.

In premenstrual syndrome, puffiness of the eyes and face is associated with a lack of magnesium and vitamin B6, as well as with an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin. A diet with limited salt and consumption of foods containing potassium and magnesium (vegetables) help relieve swelling during premenstrual syndrome.

Decreased thyroid function and a lack of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine lead to a swollen face and swelling in the area around the eyes. The eyes become slitted. In order to relieve mucous swelling in hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy is required.

Hypertension is also a common cause of swelling on the face. At high blood pressure It is recommended to limit the amount of salt to three grams per day. This will also help relieve swelling and get rid of headaches.

Swelling can also be caused by insect bites in the face: mosquitoes, wasps, bees, etc. Substances injected by insects lead to the release of histamine, under the influence of which the skin capillaries become more permeable. This leads to the release of fluid from the vessels and itching.

When stung by a wasp or a bee, pain also occurs. To relieve swelling, the sting must be removed. If a bee has bitten, then a compress with a soda solution will help, if a wasp, then a vinegar lotion. In order to get rid of swelling and itching from bites, you can use local antihistamine gels (Fenistil). If you are allergic to wasps and bees, to prevent anaphylactic shock, it is necessary to use antihistamines orally (Suprastin, Erius, Tavegil).

Swelling of the face and puffy eyes may occur with Cushing's syndrome. This pathology characterized high level glucocorticoid hormones in the blood. This condition may occur due to treatment with steroid hormones. Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands and their tumors, as well as stress and coffee consumption lead to increased secretion of cortisol. The use of potassium (Panangin, Asparkam), which is simply washed away during treatment with steroids, will help get rid of such edema. Magnesium is an excellent helper for combating puffiness on the face.

A swollen face is seen in the mirror by people who have decided to have plastic surgery or dental procedures. After plastic surgery of the eyelids, nose, lips and other parts of the face, swelling may persist for a long time. To relieve such swelling, doctors prescribe a course of physiotherapy (electrophoresis), vitamin C and rutin. Swelling in the lower or upper jaw after tooth extraction it goes away within a few hours. However, sometimes swelling can occur due to an allergy to the anesthetic used by the dentist. In this case, an antihistamine will be required.

Usually, swelling under the eyes in the morning appears due to an incorrect lifestyle. But sometimes such a condition becomes a sign of a disease that requires medical care. Every person should be attentive to their health and, in case of swelling, try to establish the cause; it can be physiological and pathological.

Swelling in the morning can be caused by a large number of reasons. As a rule, they are classified into physiological, pathological, and provoked by any internal diseases. The most common etiological factors are the consumption of large volumes of liquid or salty dishes and foods. Salt retains water, which makes your eyes very swollen in the morning.

If the cause of eye swelling in the morning is the influence of irritants from external environment, then it will not be a symptom of the disease. This is an indicator of a negligent attitude towards one’s own body and an unwillingness to follow basic rules to maintain an attractive appearance. As you know, fresh and rested eyes indicate good health and proper distribution of work and rest. When your eyes become swollen, the first thing you should do is review your lifestyle and diet.

Possible diseases

Puffiness of the eyes in the morning may be a sign of diseases of the internal organs, which are not recommended to be ignored:

  • Kidney damage - swelling around the eyes is always accompanied by increased blood pressure, dysuria and difficulty urinating.
  • Liver damage - then in the morning not only the eyes, but also the legs swell, nausea, jaundice and heartburn appear.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels - in addition to swelling of the face in the morning, swelling of the legs occurs, especially in the area of ​​the legs.
  • Lack of vitamin B5, pantothenic acid.
  • Eye pathologies: blepharitis, scleritis.
  • Inflammations that occur under the influence of infectious eye lesions.
  • Spinal hernia in the cervical area.

Physiological causes of swelling under the eyes in the morning

TO physiological reasons the formation of swelling in the eyes in the morning includes:

1. Violation of diet or consumption of harmful foods.

An incorrect diet provokes an imbalance in water balance. The kidneys cannot withstand the increased load and begin to distribute excess fluid in the tissues, which we can observe in the morning.

Drinking alcohol in the evening always provokes swelling of the eyes in the morning; consuming large amounts of salt also works, which causes stagnation of fluid in the tissues.

But even a small amount of liquid leads to swelling in the morning, but not so severe. It is recommended for a person to consume approximately 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Normalizing water balance and diet will prevent the problem.

2. Impact of adverse factors.

Strong crying before bed also causes swelling of the eyes in the morning, especially under stress, nervous shocks, chronic lack of sleep. Thus, blood circulation in the eyelid area becomes more intense, fluid accumulates in the sinuses around them, and swelling forms. Eyes may become swollen after eyelash extensions.

3. Uncomfortable sleeping position.

Sleeping on a flat surface without a pillow causes disturbances in lymph flow, so your eyes may become swollen in the morning.

4. Overvoltage.

Spending a long time in front of a monitor, continuous reading, and cigarette smoke are irritating factors. After this, you can see swelling in the morning.

When overstrained, extracellular fluid penetrates the interstitial space and provokes swelling. They interfere with the restoration of proper blood circulation, and everything continues in a circle.

General fatigue causes disruption of the daily routine, a person long time cannot sleep at night, and in the morning has difficulty getting out of bed. The lack of a proper balance between work and rest causes severe morning edema, which is difficult to treat.

For women who often experience swelling in the morning, additional reasons become:

  • Carrying out Botox procedures, they temporarily impair the flow of lymph in the tissues, causing edema;
  • the period of menstruation, due to the increase in estrogen levels, fluid is retained in the tissues;
  • during pregnancy, especially in recent months, the function of the kidneys to remove salts from the body in a timely manner deteriorates significantly;
  • violation of the rules for using moisturizers when the skin is oversaturated with moisture;
  • using decorative cosmetics in large quantities or using products of poor quality.

Pathological causes

Pathological factors in the formation of eye swelling in the morning include the following problems in the functioning of internal organs:

  1. Inflammatory processes. Moreover, the accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the eyes is accompanied by other manifestations - redness of the eyelids, a local increase in temperature, pain on palpation around the eyes. The causes may be erysipelas, barley, furunculosis, even colds or rhinitis.
  2. Allergic reactions. Swelling when an allergy occurs can occur in only one eye; it forms very quickly and subsides just as quickly. Factors that provoke hypersensitivity are: cosmetics, medications, plants, products.
  3. Mechanical injuries. This includes mechanical trauma to tissue and the formation of hematomas in the area under the eye. Sometimes leads to puffiness under the eyes severe injury heads. Because of this, the eyes are more likely to swell in the morning. upper eyelids, but the condition goes away on its own.
  4. Disruption of venous blood flow and lymph flow. Surgical and cosmetic manipulations in the head and face area can disrupt blood and lymph flow, causing fluid accumulation under the eyes and the appearance of swelling.
  5. Heredity. If edema without any reason or influence of provoking factors began to appear in a child, then most likely this is a genetic predisposition passed on from parents. It is associated with excess fatty tissue near the eye.
  6. Pathology from the outside of cardio-vascular system. Heart problems also manifest themselves as swelling under the eyes, but in addition they form on the legs, especially closer to the night.

Symptom Definition

The problem of swelling under the eyes in the morning develops in a person regardless of gender, age group. But by establishing in a timely manner why this is happening, you can quickly normalize the condition. Swelling will not only worsen appearance, but will bring a lot of inconvenience, sometimes accompanied painful sensations, worsens mood.

Swollen eyes in the morning are not always a cosmetic defect, because the causes of the disorders can also be pathological.

The formation of swelling and bags are different processes that need to be differentiated, because their reasons may differ. Bags appear as a result of human aging, and eyes that are swollen in the morning can become a sign of somatic pathologies or exposure to adverse environmental factors.

Treatment methods

If your eyes swell in the morning, then for proper treatment of edema there are special medications for oral administration and local creams. You should not choose medication on your own if your face is swollen. The most suitable treatment and recommendations on how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes in the morning can only be prescribed by a specialist after diagnosing the exact causes pathological condition. Without a doctor's prescription, only the use of special cosmetic gels, serums and creams is allowed.

Drug treatment

The most radical method How to remove puffiness are injections with Pinoxide. This remedy began to be used for treatment not so long ago. Medical studies have made it possible to prove the effectiveness of the method and the fact that Pinoxide promotes the resorption of swelling.

To remove excess fluid from severely swollen eyes, diuretic medications are sometimes indicated, but along with the excess fluid they are washed out of the body and useful microelements. In this regard, diuretic medications are prescribed only with vitamin complexes. Without consulting a specialist, taking diuretics can cause serious health problems.

Cosmetology procedures

In order to quickly relieve swelling under the eyes, cosmetic procedures are used:

  1. Cryolifting is carried out by creating tension in the tissues, which activates the metabolism and removes excess moisture.
  2. Mesotherapy – special preparations and amino acids are injected into the swollen areas.

Cosmetologists often explain that a large amount of decorative eye cosmetics, if not washed off before bed, can cause severe swelling in the morning.

Skincare cosmetics have in their arsenal many special eye creams against swelling in the morning.

Folk remedies for puffiness under the eyes in the morning

In addition to cosmetics and special procedures exist folk recipes, which contain recommendations on what to do with a tumor:

  1. Compresses with black tea help quickly eliminate swelling. Even a packaged one will be enough, placing the bag on the swollen eye for a few minutes. Silver spoons work the same way.
  2. Contrast lotions will answer the question of how to quickly relieve eye swelling in the morning. The temperature difference helps to tone cells and tissues. To enhance the effect, you can replace plain water for decoctions from medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, linden. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the eyelids, and so on alternately, now in cold, now in warm. If you are prone to swelling in the morning, it is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 – 3 times a week.
  3. A decoction of parsley, when wiped daily around the eyelids, will help to noticeably refresh your eyes.
  4. A mask of parsley and sour cream helps prevent morning swelling. To prepare, mix a teaspoon of chopped parsley and a tablespoon of sour cream. The resulting composition is applied to the eyes for 20 – 25 minutes.


Maintaining healthy image life, balanced nutrition, reduced salt intake and sufficient fluid intake per day - all this helps prevent swelling under the eyes in the morning, making your eyes look fresh and rested in the morning. But these are not all the secrets; there are several more important rules that will help you stop wondering why your eyes swell in the morning:

  1. You should sleep on your back with your head on the pillow. This way, the accumulated fluid will not begin to localize under the eyes.
  2. In people prone to allergies, exacerbations should be prevented in spring and autumn.
  3. In spring and summer, be sure to use sunscreen and maintain normal condition skin, since the rays weaken the thin skin of the eyelids and provoke its premature aging and the formation of edema.

Massage to prevent swelling

The causes of morning swelling and treatment depend on each other. But there are general measures to prevent the problem. In the morning, to prevent swelling, you should light massage eyelids for 2 minutes:

  • Lightly tap your fingertips on your eyelids to activate the lymph flow.
  • After applying the cream, you should make several point pressure movements along the edges of the eyelids, without applying any effort - this tones the orbicularis muscles and normalizes lymph flow and venous blood flow.
  • Close your eyes and put them on your eyelids index fingers, then close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds and relax your eyelids again. Do 10 repetitions.

At any age, swelling can become a real problem. And these simple exercises need to be repeated three times a day, then they will become effective method treatment and prevention.

Life hack on how to quickly relieve morning swelling

To the most effective and quick ways remove puffy eyes in the morning include:

  • Applying chilled raw potatoes. It is cut into plates and placed on the lower eyelid for 20 minutes.
  • Soak a cotton pad in pre-cooled milk and apply as a compress for 30 minutes.

Why do my face and eyes swell in the morning? In older people, metabolisms become slow. The function responsible for the internal secretion of glands can steadily decrease. The human tissue will be loose.

The main assistant in retaining fluids is sodium ion, which accumulates in the tissues of an elderly body. In older people, the heart muscle begins to work significantly worse.

Why does the face swell with age?

Many women over the age of forty-five tend to complain of swelling of the facial area.

Doctors in the medical industry confirm the fact that they can appear due to changes in age.

More often they occur in diseases of the kidneys, heart, and liver.

Many medical institutions strongly recommend that all people who experience swelling on the face immediately consult a doctor for medical help.

Edema is caused by a large accumulation of fluid in the body of an older person. In the facial area it is expressed by swelling in the jaw and cheeks.

This is not some independent disease. They only give a signal that some organ is not working as it should.

For high-quality treatment of edema in old age, you need to establish the cause of its appearance, and only then decide whether to cope with it yourself or ask for help. medical workers. Causes of swelling in the face in the morning healthy person- accumulation of excess fluid in the body.

If, along with swelling of the face, the patient develops shortness of breath, most likely this is a malfunction of the heart.

If there are heart problems and swelling on the face of an elderly person, the liver may become significantly enlarged.

If a certain cyanosis forms on a person’s face, then this is the result of improper functioning of the circulatory organs as a whole. Age-related changes occur in human skin. Let's look at this question further.


Facial swelling and its types

If a person has puffiness mostly under the eyes, this is a signal bad work kidney They appear in the morning.

The eyelids and the entire face as a whole are significantly enlarged. The swelling is watery and soft, it can be moved around the entire face.

If the swelling is renal, then in older people the skin will have a yellowish-bronze tint. A person suffering from kidney disease will experience significant weight gain.

Infections in paranasal sinuses nose can cause swelling in older people. Lymph makes its outflow difficult. As the inflammation decreases, the swelling on the face will also go away.

Patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus may suffer from such edema. This category of patients will have reduced resistance to infections.

In general, there are many reasons for the appearance of edema in the elderly. This and various diseases endocrine system, Negative influence sun rays in summer, various respiratory diseases.

Swelling of half the face in the elderly

Many reasons contribute to swelling of half the face in the elderly population:

  • Facial lesions in case of injury from blows or bruises.
  • Swelling may appear on one side of a person’s face due to the bite of any insects.
  • Half of the face may swell if inflammatory processes occur in nearby organs.
  • There are angioedema types on the face of an elderly person.
  • For disorders of the body of a vascular or ischemic nature in people of an age category.
  • Swelling of the upper part of the face, called medical practice persistent erythema.

Only after the conclusion of the attending physician can one fully confirm the fact which of the reasons could lead to swelling of half the face in elderly people. The medical institution must examine the patient and take tests.

Swelling and the causes of this disease due to improper functioning of the blood circulation or lymph nodes can only be identified by doctors who will take tests and give recommendations on treatment.

Various elimination methods

When edema appears in older people, it goes away quickly.

You can help your body by using folk remedies and various massages.

If swelling remains on the face for a long period of time, then it can only be removed with the help of prescribed medications. It is necessary to diagnose the body and identify the cause.

This can be done by experienced consultants in a specialized medical institution through examination and testing. As it has been determined which organ and its malfunction caused the swelling, you should start using medications.

You can relieve puffiness with a face mask, which is prepared from products - potatoes, onions and green cucumbers, masks based on parsley roots. It is recommended to normalize your diet and water balance in the body.

A person suffering from facial swelling needs to significantly reduce salt intake. It is better to avoid salty foods for a certain time until the swelling goes away. It is necessary to balance the water balance in the body of old age.

Remove from your diet:

  • Mayonnaise,
  • Ketchups,
  • Smoked meats,
  • Salo.

You need to eat more foods containing fiber: vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran.

Drugs to get rid of puffiness

IN modern medicine There are many decongestants available.

These drugs are antihistamines.

The method is most effective if the cause of swelling is not a bruise or allergy. From traditional medicine, tincture of boiled bay leaf or tincture of dandelion helps.

It should be used 3 times a day for a week. IN modern pharmacology There are a lot of gels that help relieve facial swelling.

Exercises and procedures

Of the exercises and procedures with an anti-edematous effect, we note.

Daily use helps relieve swelling contrast shower sick. An ice compress helps.

If swelling is detected, you can wash your face with medicinal herbs:

  • Chamomile,
  • Thyme,
  • Mint,
  • Linden.

The fluid will drain from the face and the swelling will automatically go away. You need to cleanse your kidneys regularly. Good effect give decongestant masks.

Why does the face swell from alcohol?

Swelling of the face occurs as a result of stagnation of fluid in the body. Alcohol contains alcohol, which can cause swelling on the face. Alcohol is obtained as a result of fermentation of food raw materials. As a result of its entry into the body, intoxication occurs.

Reasons causing swelling:

  1. Allergic reaction. Sometimes ethanol causes allergic reactions that lead to swelling. More often they occur as a result of drinking a cheap drink. If you really can’t give up alcohol, it’s better to choose a more expensive brand.
  2. Poisoning. Human organs and their metabolic system become poisoned after exposure to alcohol. An imbalance occurs in the body, metabolism is disrupted, and water ceases to be excreted from the body. Fluid accumulates in the tissues, which causes swelling.
  3. The excretory system fails. This also creates stagnation of water, and bags under the eyes form.
  4. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the heart. Alcohol has the ability to constrict blood vessels. People who frequently drink alcohol increase their risk of heart disease.
  5. Drinking alcohol causes the kidneys to work twice as hard. If a malfunction suddenly occurs, the liquid will not be completely removed.
  6. Liver diseases. The liver's job is to remove toxins from the body. She suffers and works for wear and tear when alcohol is in the blood. If she cannot cope with such a load, bags under her eyes are guaranteed in the morning.
  7. The amount of alcohol consumed also affects the occurrence of tumors. If you exceed the dose of the drink taken, the body will not be able to process it, the liquid will accumulate in the tissues and, as a result, swelling will occur on the face.

Swelling after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a serious blow to the body. Patients suffer from increased swelling. It can occur on the entire body, or on individual parts of it, including the face. Swelling after chemotherapy occurs due to kidney failure. The load on this organ during treatment is heavy. Kidney damage from toxic drugs leads to a significant deterioration in the functioning of the organ.

Causes of edema:

  1. During treatment there are hormonal changes, which affect fluid retention.
  2. Medicines given to fight tumors give side effect. They destroy cells infected with the disease, healthy ones, and the water-salt balance is disrupted.
  3. The impact of the neoplasm itself can affect the occurrence of edema.

Swelling is accompanied by symptoms:

  • It becomes difficult to breathe;
  • There are interruptions in the functioning of the heart;
  • Body weight increases;
  • Decreased or absent urination.

What are the reasons for swelling of the face and hands?

Many have experienced swelling on the face and hands. There are many reasons that cause them.

The most common reasons:

  • Drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • Food eaten;
  • Alcohol;
  • State of human health;
  • Work of internal organs.

Such swelling may subside within a few hours of waking up. But there are serious swellings of the hands that do not go away within a day or a week. This indicates more serious human diseases that have a chronic condition.

Hand swelling is often observed in pregnant women. In the last trimester. Kidneys get heavy load, and do not cope with the removal of fluid from the body. Swelling can occur from bacteria entering a wound on the arm and developing an inflammatory reaction. When you touch such a part of the body, pain occurs. Body temperature can reach 40 degrees.

Factors explaining the occurrence of hand swelling:

  1. Injury. When a hand is bruised or broken, swelling is observed. Inflammatory process can be removed with cold by applying it to the site of the bruise.
  2. Allergy. If you come into contact with cleaning products that definitely contain chemicals, you may experience an allergic reaction. As a result, your hands become swollen. To avoid future swelling of your hands when in contact with an allergen, you need to use rubber gloves. Allergies can be caused by both direct contact and the product eaten.
  3. Insufficient blood circulation.
  4. Problems with the thyroid gland.
  5. Heart failure and kidney problems.
  6. One of the most common reasons is an irregular work schedule, insomnia, lack of rest, and prolonged physical activity.

There are many reasons why hand swelling occurs. They are individual for each person.

Swelling causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. To remove it, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. Based on this, choose the appropriate treatment.

Causes of facial swelling:

  • Problems with the kidneys;
  • Overwork;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Excess fluid in the body;
  • Heart dysfunction;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Postoperative swelling.


Only a doctor and his recommendations can eliminate the problem of swelling, but you can reduce swelling yourself with the help of various creams.

Some options:

  1. Dioptigel. LIERAC company. A remedy that will help gently solve the problem. It will eliminate small wrinkles. Sold in a pharmacy.
  2. Doctor Nona. A similar product to dioptigel. Additionally, it provides nutrition and hydration to the top layer of skin. Eliminates flaking.
  3. Cream - Expert 26+. Black Pearl cream helps reduce puffiness, remove bags under the eyes, and reduce fine wrinkles. The cream is relatively inexpensive.
  4. Cream "Green Line". This line of facial skin care creams is inexpensive but effective. The cream contains horse chestnut. It perfectly strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps slow down the aging process. Relieves inflammation and increased swelling.
  5. RevitaLift L`Oreal. The cream-gel has a tightening effect. The result of application will be noticeable within half an hour after application. It is enough to remove the resulting film from the skin, and you will see how the swelling of the eyelids has gone, the bags under the eyes are no longer visible.
  6. Gel Forse Vitale De-puffing eye Swiss Line. A gel with natural ingredients will reduce swelling and remove dark circles under the eyes, from the first use. It is odorless and does not cause allergies. The gel is expensive.