What are the dangers of thick blood in humans? What to do if a person has thick blood? Thick blood - the reasons that cause this phenomenon

The causes and treatment of thick blood is a topic that is relevant for many patients. The circulatory system performs the most important vital function– delivers nutrients and oxygen to all organs and tissues. Blood fluidity is maintained by the coordinated work of the coagulation (hemostatic) and anticoagulation systems, as well as a certain ratio between plasma and other elements of the blood flow.

When the system is unbalanced, the quality of the blood is disrupted, it becomes acidic, thickens, which leads to disruption of transport function and threatens with serious consequences for the heart and brain. To prevent dangerous complications, it is important to seek medical help at the first signs of trouble and find out the cause of deterioration in well-being.

Thick Blood: Definition

What does the term "thick blood" mean? Our blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and blood cells (formed elements), the content of which determines its thickness. The ratio between the main media is defined as the hematocrit number (hematocrit), which increases as the blood thickens.

Blood viscosity is affected by an increase in the level of fibrinogen, prothrombin, red blood cells, cholesterol and other formed elements. As a result, blood cells cannot fully perform their functions - tissues and organs do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, and cannot cope with the removal of decay products. In addition, the speed of blood flow slows down, the risk of blood clots increases, and the heart muscle wears out faster as it has difficulty pumping heavy, thick blood.

The viscosity of blood is compared to the viscosity of water. Normally, the viscosity of plasma should exceed that of water by 1.7 -2.3 times. And the viscosity index of all blood (plasma + formed elements) is normally 5 units. A general blood test will help identify deviations, which, with an increase in the level of formed elements, will show an increase in hematocrit. This result should alert the doctor and become a reason for a full examination and identification of the reasons that contribute to the increase in blood viscosity.

Why is human blood thick?

Blood fluidity is affected by a number of reasons. Among the pathological conditions that contribute to blood thickening, doctors call dehydration due to insufficient fluid intake. Many people do not know that to maintain optimal balance, you need to drink not coffee, sweet soda, juices or tea, but clean, filtered water. Often the cause of dehydration is food poisoning, accompanied by disturbances in water-electrolyte balance due to profuse vomiting and persistent diarrhea. In addition, dehydration occurs when infectious diseases, accompanied high temperature, since the body loses fluid due to profuse sweating and frequent urination.

Blood thickening can be caused by prolonged use of a number of medicines. These drugs include hormones, oral contraceptives, diuretics, means to improve erectile function in men. The listed medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the indicated dosages. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Errors in nutrition also have a significant impact on. Excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods and sweets leads to an increase in blood sugar levels, fatty food helps increase cholesterol, and protein “acidifies” the blood, since the digestion of proteins produces amino acids that enter the bloodstream. But even fresh vegetables and fruits are not always beneficial. If they are grown using large amounts of chemicals, there is a risk of poisoning the body with pesticides and heavy metals.

What makes blood thicker?

Lack of physical activity and bad habits play an important role in the development of the pathological process. Vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins and microelements associated with unbalanced diet, also contributes to impaired blood flow. In addition, strong stressful situations, constant nervous tension. The cause of the disorders is also the age factor, since various pathologies gradually accumulate in the body, which progress with age and provoke disruptions in the functioning of the hematopoietic system.

Only in rare cases increased viscosity blood may be associated with congenital anomalies - heart defects, lung defects, metabolic disorders.

Causes of thick blood in men and women

Thick blood in men can be caused by years of smoking and alcohol abuse. A sedentary lifestyle and obesity, combined with bad habits, lead to diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, causing hypertension, atherosclerosis and other pathologies associated with lipid imbalance, increased cholesterol levels and blood thickening.

The cause of thick blood in women is often instability hormonal levels. Hormone levels change during certain periods - during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Such changes have a direct impact on the state of the hematopoietic system and can become one of the factors increasing blood viscosity.

In the process of bearing a child, the mother's body undergoes significant changes aimed at ensuring the full development of the fetus. It is during this period that women experience an increase in hematocrit. This is a physiological feature, a kind of protective reaction of the body to possible blood loss during childbirth.

But there are also a number of pathological reasons for thick blood in pregnant women. Among them are disorders of blood clotting due to increased production of fibrin, exacerbation of varicose veins and others. chronic diseases. If blood viscosity levels significantly exceed acceptable limits, the woman is prescribed treatment. Drugs are selected individually, taking into account the general condition and course of pregnancy. In some cases, it is possible to stabilize the situation by adjusting the diet.

Symptoms of thick blood

The following signs may indicate a problem:

  • general deterioration of health, weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • constant thirst, dry mouth;
  • muscle weakness, poor tolerance physical activity;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness, headaches, heaviness in the head;
  • absent-mindedness, memory impairment;
  • depressive states;
  • coldness of the extremities due to impaired blood circulation;
  • formation of nodules on the veins;
  • feeling of numbness and tingling in the limbs;
  • persistent increase blood pressure.

In some cases, the pathology is asymptomatic and an increase in blood viscosity is discovered by chance, after laboratory tests.

What tests show thick blood?

If you suspect blood thickening, you should consult a doctor and undergo a series of diagnostic procedures. First of all, you need to donate blood for general and biochemical analysis, do a coagulogram, conduct a glucose tolerance test.

All studies are aimed at identifying deviations from normal values ​​and determining the level of formed elements in the blood. A coagulogram gives an idea of ​​the functioning of the hemostasis system and blood clotting, on which the duration of bleeding depends. APTT analysis evaluates in more depth the effectiveness of the internal blood coagulation pathway and determines the level of anticoagulants and plasma enzymes. In addition, a study is carried out to determine the lipid profile (triglyceride and cholesterol levels).

Additionally, if a concomitant disease is suspected, the patient will be referred to:

  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • , Echo-KG;
  • MRI, CT;
  • test to determine tumor markers.

When an underlying disease that contributes to a violation of hematocrit is identified, specialized specialists - an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, oncologist, etc. - are involved in the treatment of the patient.

Thick blood: what is the danger?

Development risk dangerous complications with increased blood viscosity directly depends on the causes that cause it.

Thick, heavy blood reduces the speed of blood flow, this is especially pronounced at the level of small vessels (capillaries). From here, characteristic disorder blood circulation, cold extremities, increased risk the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels. If such the blood clot will come off and blocks a coronary artery or cerebral vessel, life-threatening consequences inevitably arise - myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke.

Among other consequences of blood thickening, experts call:

  • development of atherosclerosis;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • ischemia of the lower extremities;
  • development of heart or kidney failure;
  • accumulation of blood clots in capillaries with subsequent tissue necrosis;
  • threat of internal bleeding;
  • rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle, which is forced to pump thick blood.

A slowdown in blood flow inevitably leads to disruption of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, which threatens the development of hypoxia, the accumulation of toxic breakdown products, and the release of free radicals that accelerate the aging process.

Impaired hemostasis is accompanied by weakening of vessel walls, platelet aggregation, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, increased blood pressure, and an increased risk of bleeding or intracerebral hemorrhage. What to do if very thick blood threatens serious complications? It is necessary to consult a therapist, undergo laboratory tests and, after confirming the diagnosis, begin treatment.

Therapy methods

The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the reasons that violate the hematocrit. There is no single way to combat blood thickening, since treatment tactics largely depend on the underlying disease, against which the functions of the hematopoietic system are impaired. In order to restore blood fluidity, it is imperative to correct the course of metabolic processes and take measures aimed at reducing blood viscosity and combating the formation of blood clots.

The following groups of drugs are used to thin the blood:

  • Antiplatelet agents – Aspirin and acetyl-based medications salicylic acid(Cardiopyrin, Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin-cardio), which reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Anticoagulants (Heparin, Curantil, Warfarin) prevent blood clotting, improve its fluidity, and prevent thrombotic complications.
  • Preparations for strengthening blood vessels and eliminating the symptoms of varicose veins - Capilar, Lyoton.

If necessary, medications are prescribed to reduce excess blood acidity, medications to normalize cholesterol levels, and vitamin complexes containing vitamins B and C and other means of symptomatic therapy.

Treatment of thick blood in women consists of normalizing hormonal levels and eliminating associated pathologies. If there is an abnormal increase in the level of lipids and “bad” cholesterol, men and women are prescribed lipid-lowering drugs and their diet and lifestyle are adjusted.

Diet for thick blood

Doctors advise ensuring sufficient fluid intake in the body. Do not replace clean water with coffee, tea or sweet carbonated drinks. Filtered or mineral water without gas. This powerful tool prevention of thrombosis and blood thickening. The daily norm is at least 1.5 -2 liters of liquid.

Be sure to watch your diet. Foods that contribute to blood thickening should be excluded from the diet. In this list:

  • rich meat broths;
  • fatty meat, smoked meats, sausages, lard;
  • fried, spicy foods;
  • marinades, canned food;
  • sweets, confectionery, baked goods;
  • strong tea, coffee, alcohol.

Products that help thin the blood include:

  • fresh vegetables (garlic, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets);
  • fruits (citrus fruits, pomegranates, apples, pears, plums)
  • sea ​​fish, seafood;
  • greens, ginger;
  • berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries);
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, sunflower);
  • sprouted grains;
  • seasonings and spices (turmeric, thyme, oregano).

Don't forget about the increase physical activity. Try to visit more fresh air, swim, dance, run in the morning, attend fitness or yoga classes. Any feasible physical activity will only bring benefits.

From alternative means, which help reduce blood viscosity, experts recommend hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches). By sticking to the skin, they inject special enzymes into the blood that help thin it and improve fluidity.

Folk remedies

Infusions and decoctions have long been used in folk medicine to thin the blood. medicinal herbs. For this purpose, wormwood, horse chestnut, sweet clover, chicory, clover, hawthorn, willow bark. Here are some popular recipes:

Sweet clover decoction

The leaves and flowers of this plant contain the substance coumarin, which is a natural anticoagulant that thins the blood. To prepare the decoction 1 tbsp. l. dry raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes under a closed lid, filtered and taken several times a day in a volume of 50 ml.

Willow bark decoction

Grind the dry bark, measure out 1 tbsp. l. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 20 minutes and leave in a closed container for 4 hours. Filter the finished broth, divide into three parts and drink this volume throughout the day. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Chestnut tincture

Fruit horse chestnut crush with a hammer, collect the hard skin and discard the pulp. Place 50 g of crushed peel in a container, pour in 500 ml of vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this period ready-made tincture strain and take 1 tsp. half an hour before meals. The indicated dose of tincture must first be diluted in a quarter glass of cool, boiled water.

Before starting treatment folk remedies It is necessary to consult a doctor, as some diseases are a contraindication to their use.

It is blood that is the real “river of life” in the human body, and almost all processes occurring in the body depend on its normal composition. The main problem that arises when the composition of this fluid environment of the body is disturbed is blood thickening, which leads to the work of many organs and systems in emergency mode. The most life-threatening consequences in such cases are those resulting from increased thrombus formation.

A little about the main functions of blood

The main function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen to the cells of the whole body.

All the tasks that the body sets for the blood are carried out thanks to the coordinated work of its following components:

  • plasma – the liquid non-cellular part of blood;
  • erythrocytes, platelets, represented by various elements leukocytes - cell mass (or suspended formed elements of blood);
  • ions of various micro- and macroelements, enzymes, hormones and other substances entering the blood.

All of the above components perform the following functions:

  • transport substances necessary for life (hormones, enzymes, nutrients and “fuel” elements) and remove “waste” materials accumulated in the blood (carbon dioxide, etc.);
  • regulate the flow of water and electrolytes into the tissue;
  • ensure the functioning of the immune system when pathogenic objects (microorganisms, own mutated cells) enter the blood.

A parameter such as blood thickness is determined by the balance between the liquid (plasma) and cellular (formed elements) part of the blood. It is this property that allows it to penetrate the smallest vessels and capillaries. This ensures required delivery blood into all tissues of the body.

(or anemia) is accompanied by a decrease in those blood parameters that relate to red blood cells. It is these red cells that carry oxygen, and if their production is disrupted, hypoxia of the tissues of all body systems develops.

Hyperthickness syndrome

Thickening (or hyperviscosity of the blood) worsens the rheological properties of this part of the body. This means that blood begins to move (flow) more slowly through the blood vessels. The following parameters can cause such violations:

  1. A joint increase in the density of both plasma and blood.
  2. An increase in hematocrit due to a violation of the ratio of formed elements to the volume of blood as a whole. Normally, the hematocrit is 4:6 (4 – formed part, 6 – plasma). For men, this figure is always slightly higher.
  3. Increased hemoglobin levels.
  4. Reduced elasticity and ability to deform red blood cells.
  5. Increasing the level of a protein responsible for blood clotting, fibrinogen.
  6. Increased sticking of red blood cells (or aggregation).
  7. Increased levels of paraproteins - pathological proteins released into the blood during diseases such as myeloma.

Blood density indicators are measured using a viscometer, which compares the speed of movement of this medium in relation to the same indicator of distilled water. Measurements are performed under the same conditions (i.e., same volume and temperature). Normally, blood flows 4-5 times slower than water, and blood viscosity is 1.050-1.064 g/ml.

Blood thickens due to the following factors:

  • fermentopathy – conditions leading to incomplete breakdown of food, contamination of the blood with under-oxidized substances that provoke its acidification;
  • disorders in the functioning of the liver, which are provoked by an insufficient supply of vitamins, minerals, decreased levels of enzymes and hormones, consumption of large amounts of salty, sweet, smoked, meat and canned foods;
  • imbalance between blood cell mass and plasma in tumors of hematopoietic tissue (for example);
  • dehydration is the loss of the liquid part of plasma due to excessive loads, temperature exposure, intake, and poor absorption of water.

What are the signs that indicate that the blood is thick?

Headache and dizziness may be manifestations of blood thickening.

When the blood thickens, the following changes in well-being are felt:

  • aching character;
  • with loss of coordination of movement;
  • muscle weakness;
  • noise in ears;
  • fainting conditions;
  • dry skin;
  • paresthesia in the legs and arms: crawling, tingling, burning, numbness;
  • blue discoloration (cyanosis) of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and areas of the skin;
  • increased sensitivity to low temperatures;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent yawning;
  • heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • sleep disorders;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • slow bleeding after cuts;
  • and sometimes).

When the blood is thick, women tend to have repeated miscarriages. In addition, blood tests often reveal elevated hemoglobin levels. Patients with blood hyperviscosity syndrome often exhibit one of the following syndromes:

Why does blood thicken?

Hyperviscosity of the blood can be caused by hereditary or genetic reasons:

  • there is a history of a predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
  • the history reveals cases of unjustified miscarriages.

Excessive blood thickening can be caused not only by hereditary causes, but also by external or internal factors:

Which doctor should I contact?

Some medications can cause blood to thicken.

If you experience frequent dizziness, aching headaches, dry skin and other signs of blood thickening, you should consult a therapist who will prescribe necessary tests, reflecting the state of its composition - coagulogram and

Blood- one of the main biological fluids in the human body; human health depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today you can increasingly hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, which is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer. Blood viscosity is determined in relation to the viscosity of water and corresponds to 4.5–5.0. What is the danger of increased blood viscosity and can it be normalized?

Blood can have increased viscosity for several reasons. This is a dysfunction of the liver, leading to increased plasma viscosity, and a change in blood cell membranes (erythrocytes, platelets), which causes “gluing” of cells.
Thick blood It moves much worse through the vessels, creates additional stress on the heart, and increases the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. Often the body responds to blood density by increasing the production of hemoglobin, so a combination of increased hemoglobin and an increased D-dimer is not uncommon.

Thick blood - what to do?
Very often the question: “What to do if the blood is thick?” you may hear the answer: “Thin”, but there is no term “blood thinning”, and a decrease in viscosity will have a bad effect on blood clotting. The most correct answer is “to normalize blood viscosity,” that is, to bring it into physiological norm, so that the viscosity becomes less and blood clotting is not affected.

To return your blood to its normal consistency, you must first of all balance your diet and adhere to an optimal drinking regimen. You should drink at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. If you drink compotes, tea, or juice instead of plain water, then the volume of liquid you drink should be increased.

Nutrition for thick blood
As for nutrition, it should be as balanced as possible in all respects (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.). Blood becomes thicker with a lack of proteins and amino acids, so the diet must include meat (low-fat varieties, turkey or chicken), fish (sea), dairy products and eggs. Taurine is the most valuable of all amino acids, so it is important to consume foods that contain taurine. large quantities(seafood, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes with taurine).

No less important component nutrition - fat. Fatty acids are an important component of the lipid membrane of blood cells. Normalizing the membranes of red blood cells and platelets will prevent cell “sticking together”. One of the most important substances- omega-3, it is part of some varieties of sea fish, and is also found in olive and flaxseed oil.

Also try to eat foods that contain blood thinners. These include: ginger, onion, garlic, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, aloe juice, beets, chocolate (bitter). It is also important to maintain a vitamin balance: it has been proven that an excess of vitamin C and K contributes to blood thickening. A lack of vitamin E also contributes to this.

To normalize blood consistency, you need to exclude from your diet foods that can contribute to blood thickening: bananas, buckwheat porridge, chokeberry (chokeberry), nettle, white cabbage.

There are also physiologically determined conditions when the D-dimer becomes elevated. For example, from the earliest stages of pregnancy, D-dimer constantly increases and by the end of pregnancy can exceed baseline 3-4 times. If the pregnancy has complications (preeclampsia, preeclampsia), the rate may be even higher. In any case, you should consult a specialist and not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Blood thinning with folk remedies

Excessive blood viscosity is the cause of many diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and others. Thick sticky blood significantly impairs the functioning of the kidneys and liver, disrupts sleep, increases blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If the blood is thick, frequent headaches and a feeling of constant fatigue.

There is a traditional medical remedy for thinning thick blood - regular aspirin, but this drug has a lot of undesirable effects. side effects. IN Lately Traditional methods and blood thinners are widely used; the most effective ones are presented below.

1. Ginkgo biloba. Dry leaves of this plant are used, 50 grams of which are infused in 500 grams of vodka, infused for 13-15 days in a dark place, shaking constantly. Take the prepared tincture three times a day, a spoonful before meals. The entire course lasts 30-35 days, repeat after a week break. After three courses, take a break of six months, then repeat the course three times.

2. Complex: ginger, green tea, cinnamon. Quite an effective blood thinner. Prepare like this: fresh ginger root - 4-5 cm, green tea - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - a pinch. The entire mixture is poured with 500-600 grams of boiling water and left for 1-.5 hours. After infusion, the mixture is filtered and the juice of half a lemon and natural honey are added to the resulting tea to taste. Drink tea throughout the day.

3. Mulberry (mulberry) roots. For cooking healing drink take 200 grams fresh roots plants, rinse well and chop as little as possible. Place in a container and add 3 liters of chilled water. After an hour, put the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and cool. Store the resulting infusion in the refrigerator. Take 200-220 grams for 5-6 days, then take a break for 2-4 days. Repeat 2-3 times.

4. Orange juice. An excellent folk remedy that makes the blood more fluid. The effect lies in the content of a large amount of vitamin C. For treatment, it is enough to consume 100-150 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice daily.

5. Sprouted wheat. Just one tablespoon of sprouted wheat per day for a month can thin the blood and normalize activity of cardio-vascular system. It’s good to add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil to a spoonful of sprouted wheat.

It is important to follow the technology for germinating wheat seeds: to begin with, the grains are washed several times (select only those grains that, when poured with water, sink and do not float on the surface of the water. When draining the water for the last time, leave it in the container in such an amount that the grain is covered. The container with the contents is placed in a warm place, covered with a cloth or napkin. Remember that when treating sprouted wheat, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of wheat bread and baked goods. Store sprouted grains in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

6. Sweet clover. To reduce blood viscosity, you can take a third of a glass of sweet clover infusion daily for one month. Prepare the infusion in the classic way: take 1 teaspoon of dried sweet clover and pour a glass of boiled hot water, leave for about 2-3 hours.

7. Porcini mushrooms. Recipe for making the tincture: finely chop fresh porcini mushrooms (the caps are better for thinning the blood), add vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain. Take the resulting tincture as follows: 1 teaspoon is diluted in 50 grams of boiled water and taken 2 times a day before each meal.

8. Horse chestnut tincture. To prepare the tincture, only the peel of the chestnut fruit is used: take 50 grams of the peel, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 1.5-3 weeks. Use as follows: drink 30-35 drops with a quarter glass of slightly sweet water 3 times a day. Take the product for 20-25 days, then take an 8-10 day break and repeat. For the purposes of treatment and prevention, carry out 2 courses of treatment annually, and regular blood tests must be done. There are contraindications: it is not recommended to drink the tincture for gastritis, disorders menstrual cycle, thrombocytopenia, completely exclude in case of hypotension.

9. Raspberry. If you consume 5-7 spoons daily raspberry jam within six months, the blood will not only become more fluid, but the coronary arteries will also strengthen by 2.5-3 times. The high content of salicylic acid in raspberries, which can normalize blood clotting, makes it possible to make raspberries a complete, absolutely safe for health, replacement for aspirin.

10. Plant collection. Take 2 tablespoons of fresh rosehip petals, 2 tablespoons of black tea, 3 tablespoons of meadowsweet (flowers). Stir the mixture and pour 2 glasses of hot water, leave for 12-17 minutes and strain. Drink a whole glass in the middle of each day for 2-3 weeks.

* * *
In addition to these recipes, you can eat foods that help remove high blood viscosity: flaxseed and olive oils, onions and garlic, Apple vinegar, beets, lemons, fish, tomato juice and fresh tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, rolled oats, oatmeal, fish oil, sweet peppers, dark chocolate and others. But the following foods thicken the blood: bananas, cabbage, viburnum, sausages and others.

We warn you! Do not overdo it with the use of folk remedies: there is a danger of internal hemorrhages and female bleeding, so in any case, consult a doctor and monitor your blood tests.

What you need to know about hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin- respiratory pigment of blood. It consists of two components: the non-protein part, which includes iron, is called heme, the protein component is globin. In the human body, all hemoglobin is found in erythrocytes - red blood cells.
Hemoglobin norm for men it is 130-170 g/l, for women - 120-150 g/l. In children, the norm depends on age and is subject to significant fluctuations.
Hemoglobin in the human body performs extremely important metabolic functions:
  • carries oxygen from pulmonary alveoli to tissues;
  • transports carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs;
  • participates in maintaining the buffer acid-base balance of the blood.

Reduced hemoglobin. Reasons and normalization.

A decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood leads to the development of anemia. This process is associated with a decrease in the number of red blood cells per unit of blood. The main reason for low hemoglobin levels is iron deficiency. The causes of iron deficiency, in turn, can be:
  • insufficient intake of it from food;
  • iron absorption disorder;
  • blood loss.
Insufficient iron content in the diet is usually associated with a predominance of plant foods. Thus, it is often observed among vegetarians, due to a deficiency of vitamin B12 contained in animal products.
Products of plant origin contain non-heme iron, which is poorly absorbed in the intestines - approximately 8-10%. For comparison, heme iron from meat is absorbed by an average of 25%.
Meanwhile, the main source of iron for the human body is still plant foods (about 85% of this element).

The most valuable sources of heme iron are pork and beef liver, egg yolk, all types of meat. And among products of plant origin: buckwheat, oatmeal, peas, parsley.

Increased hemoglobin. Treatment with folk remedies.

The blood condition is bad not only in the case of reduced level hemoglobin, but also with an increased level, since there is a danger of even more serious illnesses. With elevated hemoglobin, a person does not feel very well, sleeps poorly, and complains of increased blood pressure. In certain cases, even fainting is observed.

To bring hemoglobin back to normal, there is no need to start taking medications. You can lower hemoglobin levels using traditional methods, and often such treatment is even more effective than medication.

1. Special diet

To normalize hemoglobin, first of all, you should follow a diet that limits the intake of foods that help increase its level in the body, and include foods that lower it in your diet.

Eliminate meat and offal from the diet, especially liver. You can ensure your body gets protein of animal origin through seafood and fish.
. Red fruits and berries increase hemoglobin, so they should definitely be excluded from the menu.

Products that help reduce hemoglobin - raw vegetables and fruits. Pay attention also to porridge. Eat as many salads as possible from fresh herbs: honey, fireweed, wood lice.
. Additionally, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice daily, and also include dairy products in the menu.
. If you take multivitamin complexes, stop taking them for a while. Especially it concerns folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12, C.

2. Folk remedies

If your hemoglobin level is elevated, doctors advise leading a more active lifestyle, giving preference to swimming and various hardening procedures. Take measures to normalize the functioning of the bone marrow, since it is responsible for the production of this enzyme.

Because the high hemoglobin causes the blood to become more viscous, bloodletting or treatment with leeches is often recommended to normalize its level. Leeches have long been considered assistants in the fight against numerous diseases. They are the ones who can not only normalize the content of this substance, but also regulate the composition of the blood in general. Another option is to become a donor by donating blood. In this case, your problem will disappear as new blood will begin to be produced.

Also effective means traditional medicine is considered mumiyo. It dissolves easily in liquid and has a number of beneficial properties, including a decrease in hemoglobin levels. You should take one tablet of mummy before bed for ten days. After this, a break is taken for five days and the course is repeated. During the period of taking mumiyo, it is strictly forbidden to use sedatives and sleeping pills, and you also need to forget about alcohol for a while.

A good blood thinner is to take aspirin in small doses: one-fourth of the tablet daily.

The easiest way to thin the blood is to drink plenty of filtered water. Drink up to three liters of water with lemon juice daily. Experts also recommend drinking a variety of herbal infusions based on nettle and birch leaves.

Remember that any folk remedy should be discussed with your doctor before use!

“Thick blood” is a common definition of a complex of symptoms that arise as a result of one of 3 mechanisms of pathogenesis: an increase in the content of red blood cells (above 5.1*10^12/l in women and 5.6*10^12/l in men) and hematocrit (44% and 49% respectively); excessive amount of hemoglobin (more than 145 g/l in women and 165 g/l in men); exceeding the permissible viscosity values ​​(viscometry results are higher than 4.9 in women and 5.4 in men). In the pathogenesis of the condition, 3 aspects are distinguished: increased cytosis, dyslipid and disproteinemia, dehydration.

Etiology of thick blood

Thick blood can be the result of an acutely developed condition or a consequence of chronic diseases, may be due to congenital and acquired pathologies or a peculiarity of the woman’s physiological state.

It also occurs due to the combined action of several factors and as one of the links in pathogenesis when any of the reasons influence the body:

Clinical manifestations

“Blood thickening” is a secondary manifestation of the underlying disease, the symptoms of which prevail over the symptoms of impaired blood homeostasis.

Clinical signs:

  • deterioration of microcirculation of the limbs and skin leads to hypo- and paresthesia (tingling, goosebumps, numbness), a drop in skin temperature;
  • decreased microcirculation in brain tissue leads to chronic fatigue syndrome; depressive conditions;
  • a compensatory increase in pressure in the arterioles of the head is manifested by headache;
  • dry lips and mucous membranes, decreased intraocular pressure and a small amount of urine indicate dehydration of the body;
  • An increase in viscosity causes overload of the heart muscle.

With a decrease in microcirculation, overload leads to angina pectoris, heart failure, arterial hypertension and heart rhythm disturbances. A decrease in venous outflow in the lower extremities causes a subjective feeling of heaviness and objective expansion and bulging of the saphenous veins.

Often, only the test results reveal thick blood. Symptoms in women of the fertile period are supplemented by nighttime nosebleeds before menstruation, some forms of infertility and spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy.

Treatment of "blood thickening"

Treatment of pathology in non-pregnant women begins with finding the cause of “blood thickening” and eliminating it. As a preventative measure, women who have entered menopause are recommended to take low-dose aspirin daily in the absence of contraindications.

Self-medication is unacceptable! Take any medications after consulting a doctor.

In patients with chronic reasons"blood thickening" is corrected metabolic disorders. At acute illness, accompanied by the appearance of “thick blood,” most often it is enough to cope with the main pathogenetic mechanism.

Treatment of "blood thickening" is symptomatic. When hypercoagulation is detected based on the examination results, drugs with antiplatelet (Aspirin, Curantil and others) and anticoagulant (Heparin, Fraxiparin, Phenilin and others) activity are used. These drugs are prescribed to prevent thrombosis.

If hypocoagulation and a tendency to bleeding are detected in patients, hemorrhagic syndrome is prevented. For this purpose, transfusions of platelet components and donor plasma are used, plasmapheresis and hemosorption are performed. An equally important aspect is the correction of drinking regime and nutrition. Patients are advised to exclude:

  • White bread;
  • sugar, carbonated drinks;
  • fatty, spicy and salty foods;
  • canned foods.

In the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to expand the drinking regime: at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

The diet should include:

  • sprouted wheat, artichokes;
  • ginger, cinnamon or celery;
  • lemon and cranberry;
  • seafood;
  • linseed oil;
  • nuts - 30 g/day or sunflower seeds;
  • cocoa or dark chocolate.

The body's circulatory system performs a transport function, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. Any pathological processes affecting it lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

  • Causes of thick blood, treatment
  • About the pathological condition
  • Dehydration
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Increased cholesterol
  • Infection of the body
  • Nervous strain
  • Other factors
  • In newborns
  • Gestation period
  • Possible complications
  • Consequences in adults
  • Consequences during pregnancy
  • Clinical picture
  • Ways to identify the problem
  • Drug therapy
  • Normalization of nutrition
  • ethnoscience
  • willow bark
  • Ginger root
  • Herbal collection
  • Traditional methods of treating thick blood
  • Why is this happening
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Dioscorea caucasica
  • horse chestnut
  • Sweet clover
  • Thick blood: symptoms, causes and treatment, what to do and how to thin it
  • Symptoms of thick blood
  • Diagnostics
  • Causes and counteraction to SPV
  • Treatment and prevention
  • Women's interest
  • Read also:
  • Treatment of thick blood with folk remedies
  • Causes of thick blood
  • Symptoms of thick blood
  • What to do if a person has thick blood?
  • Symptoms of thick blood
  • Condition correction
  • Dietary recommendations
  • What to drink if you have thick blood
  • Herbs for thick blood
  • Clover
  • Yellow clover
  • Meadowsweet
  • Hawthorn
  • Goat willow (broom)
  • Ginkgo biloba

Thick blood indicates a violation of its composition.

This pathological condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased red blood cell volume;
  • increase in hemoglobin level;
  • increase in the concentration of formed elements and plasma (hematocrit).

Before finding out why a person develops thick blood, it should be noted that the indicators described above change as people grow older.

About the pathological condition

The decision about what to do with thick blood depends on the reasons that provoked this state. It is important to understand that the problem under consideration is not a separate disease. It is a symptom that indicates the occurrence of a serious pathology in the human body.

Blood consists of two components:

  • blood cells, or formed elements, on which the thickness of the liquid depends;
  • plasma, which makes up the liquid part.

Normally, the density of the former is 1092–1095, the latter - 1024–1050. That is, the concentration of formed elements always exceeds the volume of plasma content. The latter consists of approximately 91% water and 9% dry matter. In addition to these cells, the blood contains various proteins and salts.

The ratio of the concentration of formed elements to plasma, known as the hematocrit number, is different in men and women. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of their organisms.

The thickness, or viscosity, of blood depends on the concentration of two components: fibrinogen and prothrombin. However, this figure may increase following an increase in the amount of cholesterol, glucose and other elements.

What leads to an increase in hematocrit

Thick blood can be caused by various pathological processes. Similar factors provoke an increase in hematocrit in men and women. But in the first case, the problem under consideration occurs more often due to the reasons described above.

Highlight following reasons, contributing to an increase in hematocrit:


Dehydration occurs due to:

  • insufficient fluid intake into the human body;
  • renal pathologies;
  • course of diabetes mellitus;
  • fever;
  • living in a region with high ambient temperatures;
  • continuous vomiting caused by severe intoxication or other pathological processes;
  • persistent diarrhea resulting from food poisoning;
  • chronic pyelonephritis.

Dehydration also threatens a person with diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This reaction of the body is intended to normalize the patient’s condition, as a result of which there is increased sweating and frequent urination.

Long-term use of medications

A number of drugs (mostly synthetic drugs) with long-term use have a negative effect on the condition of the blood: its plasma gradually loses its liquid part, which ultimately leads to an increase in hematocrit. Such phenomena can be caused by:

  • drugs used to treat pathologies of the adrenal cortex (for example, hydrocortisone);
  • contraceptives taken orally;
  • diuretics;
  • medications intended to restore erectile function.

These tablets can be used only after agreeing on the course of treatment with your doctor and in the dosage prescribed by the specialist.

Metabolic disorders

In case of gastric, intestinal and liver pathologies, some of the metabolic products are insufficiently oxidized and enter the circulatory system in this form. This leads to an increase in the content of formed elements, including glucose, while maintaining the same plasma concentration.

As a result, the volume of proteins in the circulatory system decreases, which subsequently provokes the release of water from the blood into fatty tissue. This problem is indicated by the appearance of edema.

Respiratory problems

Impaired functioning of the respiratory system causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the body. The lack of this substance provokes the onset of hypoxia and blood oxidation.

The latter circumstance negatively affects the viability of formed elements: they begin to accumulate in the vessels. As a result, against the background of hypoxia, the process of breakdown of blood cells and the release of products that worsen the course of the pathological condition are accelerated.

Increased cholesterol

An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood is known as hypercholesterolemia. This process helps to increase the hematocrit. In this case, a change in blood viscosity occurs against the background active receipts into the plasma not only cholesterol, but also other elements: triglycerides, lipoproteins.

Infection of the body

This process is due to the fact that some leukocytes are constantly located in the submucosal layer of the intestine. This organization allows you to avoid the state of overcrowding of blood vessels. However, with helminthic or infectious pathology leukocytes return to the bloodstream, as a result of which the viscosity of the fluid increases.

Nervous strain

Strong experiences lead to an increase in the level of various components in the bloodstream: cholesterol, glucose and other elements. At the same time, to increase hematocrit, it is necessary that a person regularly experiences nervous strain. Episodic stress has little effect on the state of the circulatory system.

At the same time, the regular release of adrenaline into the blood, which occurs against the background of nervous experiences, not only increases the hematocrit, but also negatively affects the functions of the bone marrow.

Other factors

There are quite a few factors that provoke the appearance of thick blood. These also include:

  • negative environmental influences, smoking, exposure to carbon dioxide and exhaust gases;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • erythremia, in which the level of red blood cells increases;
  • leukemia;
  • myeloma;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thermal burns.

Poor nutrition is another fairly common cause of blood thickening. The occurrence of such a consequence is explained by the fact that after the products have entered the body, the immune system releases many cells to cleanse them of foreign elements. That is, after each meal a person’s blood becomes a little thicker.

In newborns

In a newborn, blood parameters differ significantly from those in adults and children over the age of one year. They normalize over time. In particular, newborns have high levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

These phenomena are due to the fact that the child’s body finds itself in an unfamiliar environment and reacts accordingly. By about a year, all indicators are restored and approach those of adults.

Gestation period

When carrying a child, serious changes occur in a woman’s body. A number of them are necessary for the full formation of the fetus. However, some changes negatively affect the condition of both the mother and the unborn child. One of them is thick blood during pregnancy.

An increase in hematocrit in women occurs for the following reasons:

  • individual physiological characteristics;
  • reduction in water supply;
  • insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals, which are used in large quantities for the formation of the fetus;
  • lack of enzymes;
  • taking iron-containing medications prescribed against the background of low hemoglobin;
  • active consumption of foods rich in protein compounds and carbohydrates;
  • active work of the spleen.

In addition, thick blood during pregnancy occurs due to a number of pathologies:

  • large blood loss;
  • increased coagulability, which quite often leads to miscarriages;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver and intestines;
  • strong pain.

Often, the hematocrit in pregnant women increases for a short period of time under the influence of separate factor. But when they are combined, the woman’s condition worsens sharply.

It is important to understand that thick blood in pregnant women is the body’s protective reaction against blood loss during childbirth. That is, during pregnancy, all women’s hematocrit temporarily increases. We can talk about the seriousness of this problem only if the concentration of plasma and formed elements significantly exceeds the permissible norm.

Possible complications

Most often, thick blood is diagnosed in older people. This is explained by the fact that over time the human body copes with its functions worse, as a result of which decay products are excreted in a smaller volume. Due to thick blood, the load on the cardiovascular system increases, which ultimately leads to the occurrence of corresponding pathologies.

The risk of developing complications with the problem under consideration directly depends on the reasons that caused it.

Consequences in adults

It was said above that with thick blood there is a decrease in blood flow. This problem is especially pronounced at the level of small vessels. As a result, fluid stagnation occurs, which leads to:

  • reducing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells;
  • stagnation of under-oxidized products;
  • release of radicals.

The described processes contribute to disruption of homeostasis and the occurrence of hypoxia.

In addition, due to the slowing of blood flow, the permeability of the vascular walls increases. This circumstance is one of the main reasons:

  • formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • gluing blood clots together, which becomes a prerequisite for the occurrence of thrombosis.

These processes provoke:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • brain stroke;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery system;
  • fatal outcome.

As the pathological process under consideration develops, thickening of the myocardial walls is observed, followed by their thinning. As a result, heart failure develops.

Reduced blood flow also contributes to the appearance of hypertension (high blood pressure) and frequent bleeding.

Consequences during pregnancy

The consequences for a child during pregnancy against the background of the development of the pathological process in question will be much more severe than for a woman. Thick blood causes the following negative effects:

  • varicose veins affecting lower limbs;
  • hypoxia of a still unformed child;
  • thrombosis, strokes, heart attacks;
  • disorders in child development;
  • suspension of pregnancy progress;
  • miscarriage.

If you do not take any measures to thin the thick blood, the likelihood of the child’s death will be extremely high.

Clinical picture

The problem under consideration does not have specific symptoms. That is, the symptoms of thick blood are not distinguished in separate group. The following signs may indicate the occurrence of an increased hematocrit:

  • strong thirst;
  • drying of mucous membranes and skin;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • low exercise tolerance, muscle weakness;
  • active heartbeat for no obvious reason;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations localized behind the chest;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • feeling of chills in the extremities.

A child with thick blood becomes more whiny and drowsy.

Ways to identify the problem

Before considering how to thin thick blood, you should look at ways to identify this problem. For these purposes, the following activities are carried out:

  • general blood analysis;
  • coagulogram, mandatory for pregnant women in case of detection of a pathological condition;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • glucose tolerance test;
  • Analysis of urine.

All studies are carried out to determine the level of formed elements and their deviation from normal values.

Drug therapy

Treatment of thick blood involves taking measures aimed at both thinning it and suppressing the cause. To achieve these goals, the following are appointed:

  • procedures to restore metabolism;
  • drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • measures to eliminate tumor formations.

The following drugs play an active role in eliminating the problem under consideration:

  1. Aspirin, Cardiomagnyl, Dipyridamole and Tirofiban. They help thin the blood and normalize blood flow. These drugs are not prescribed for the following pathologies:
    • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • liver dysfunction;
    • hypertension;
    • presence of allergies to drug components;
    • pregnancy.
  2. If these pathologies are detected, these drugs are replaced with others: Neodicoumarin, Warfarin, Heparin.

It's important to note that simultaneous administration drugs of the first and second groups are prohibited. Treatment of thick blood is carried out under the control of a coagulogram.

Therapy of the pathological process also includes measures and drugs designed to eliminate the underlying disease. Therefore, the treatment regimen is determined depending on the patient’s individual indicators.

Normalization of nutrition

In order to thin the blood, it is recommended that pregnant women and other patients review their daily diet. A diet for the problem under consideration involves giving up certain foods. What is not allowed is determined by the attending physician based on the patient’s individual indicators.

Dietary nutrition includes the following conditions:

  1. Active consumption of liquids. Every day the patient needs to drink up to 1.5–2 liters of liquid. It is recommended to opt for clean, still water. The liquid itself must be consumed throughout the day.
  2. Reduce your salt intake. It prevents the removal of fluid from the body, which causes the formation of edema.
  3. There are more products with ascorbic acid. It promotes rapid blood thinning. Ascorbic acid can be found in berries, fruits (grapefruit, lime, lemon), red and orange vegetables.
  4. Add a variety of spices to your diet. It is recommended to use as a seasoning for dishes:
    • turmeric;
    • oregano;
    • dill;
    • ginger;
    • thyme.
  5. Use rapeseed, olive and linseed oils.

During treatment you must avoid:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • meat products and preservation;
  • egg yolk;
  • chocolate, coffee and food products high content Sahara;
  • bakery products.

To supplement the diet, adjustments to daily physical activity towards their reduction are intended. However, you cannot completely abandon them.


Treatment with folk remedies also gives positive results. It is recommended to use such products only after consulting a doctor.

willow bark

  1. To prepare the medicine you will need a teaspoon of the plant and two glasses of boiling water. After mixing the ingredients, they must be placed on low heat and cooked for 20 minutes.
  2. After this, the composition should infuse for six hours.
  3. The finished medicine is taken one glass three times a day.

Ginger root

The plant must first be crushed, then mixed with a small amount of cinnamon and added to tea. The composition is taken no more than three times a day after meals.

Herbal collection

  1. To thin the blood, you need to mix black currant leaves, hawthorn and rose hip berries, and calendula flowers in equal proportions.
  2. After grinding, take four tablespoons of the prepared mixture and dilute with two glasses of boiling water. The composition is boiled for 20 minutes and infused for some time.
  3. The finished product is taken every time after meals.

The above treatment regimens can be supplemented with hirudotherapy. It is permissible to resort to this procedure only after consulting a doctor, as it has many contraindications.

To prevent the problem under consideration, you can use tips that relate to dietary nutrition. Also, in order to prevent the formation of thick blood, it is recommended to exercise regularly. exercise, lead an active lifestyle and give up bad habits.

Drinking medicinal herbs is a great way! And most importantly, they act as they should! I drank it myself, I don’t remember what exactly. It seems to be a sweet clover, if I'm not mistaken. And I took a course of ginkum. Everything together helped.

There was constant drowsiness, he came tired after work. My wife sent me to the doctor. I was prescribed food and ginkum to drink. After a while everything got better, but I didn’t even suspect that the problem was the viscosity of the blood.

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Source: Treatments for Thick Blood

Viscous blood is the cause serious illnesses and the source of many problems. Over time, this condition threatens stroke, heart attack, hemorrhoids, blood clots, varicose veins, etc.

The main problem is the impossibility of normal movement through the blood vessels. As a result, the organs do not receive sufficient nutrition, including oxygen. The brain suffers the most. If thick blood is diagnosed, you can try treatment with folk remedies.

Why is this happening

Before starting treatment and figuring out what to do, you should learn more about the disease and what causes it. There may be several factors that influence health, but there are a number of the most common:

  • excessive levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets;
  • small amount of enzymes;
  • the body is acidified;
  • the person was irradiated;
  • few vitamins and minerals, as a result of which enzymes and hormones are not produced; high blood clotting;
  • the spleen is hyperfunctioning;
  • insufficient water consumption;
  • dehydration as a result of poor absorption of water by the large intestine;
  • high consumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates.

The reasons associated with an incorrect lifestyle are quite easy to correct. Still, the rest require treatment with medications or folk remedies. To identify the factor that influenced the blood condition, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor. It is very difficult to find the reasons that gave rise to the disease on your own.

Changing your diet is the first step to recovery

Changing dietary principles is the most simple method alleviating the symptoms of the disease. First of all, you should enrich your menu with fermented milk products. Natural salts of salicylic and citric acid, as well as vitamins. These components can be obtained from berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, plums) and citrus fruits.

Every day you need to eat 2 lemons, which can be cut into slices, put in a jar and filled with honey. You can use sugar, but the first option will be more beneficial. Lemons can be replaced with two oranges, a grapefruit or a glass of berries. Those who are not bothered by stomach problems should eat two cloves of garlic daily. It's better to do this at lunchtime. In the spring, it is useful to cut fresh leaves of the plant into a salad.

If dehydration is the cause of increased clotting, water with salt and sugar will help correct the situation (5 glasses of water require ½ teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar). The amount of this solution should not exceed 2 liters per day.

Please note that tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and especially sodas are not used to treat dehydration. alcoholic drinks. All of the above liquids not only do not help replenish the water balance, but, on the contrary, lead to its disruption. But soups are just an additional source of fluid and fiber necessary for the body. The healthiest are low-fat vegetable soups.

Traditional blood thinning methods

Changing your diet, drinking more fluids and eliminating them from your menu harmful products- This is an important, but far from the last step towards recovery. Traditional methods for thinning the blood include herbs that help restore blood circulation as a treatment.

Ginkgo biloba

This plant is rightfully considered unique. It fights vascular spasms, thus restoring normal blood flow. As a result of its action, blood flow to the brain, veins and lower extremities increases. In addition, it is an effective prevention of blood clots. With the help of Ginko Biloba you can get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, depressive state, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Take 50 g of leaves, put them in a half-liter jar and fill to the top with vodka. This should be maintained for two weeks. The tincture is taken one teaspoon three times a day before meals for a month. Then it is advised to take a break for a week and repeat the course. If the recipe and rules of administration are not violated, then visible improvements will soon appear. This tincture serves as a powerful stimulant of memory, attention and mental potential. Pregnancy is a contraindication, breast-feeding, individual sensitivity to the component.

Dioscorea caucasica

In the manufacture of preparations from this herb, its rhizomes are used. Indications for use are stroke, heart attack, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. The plant reduces uric acid levels and blood clotting. Medicine should be made from the root.

Then the decoction must be strained through gauze and diluted with boiled water to the original volume. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals until the condition improves.

horse chestnut

There are two recipes for preparing this medicinal herb: infusion and tincture. For the first option, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of water (if the flowers are fresh, the portion will be twice as large), bring to a boil and let it brew for 8 hours. You should drink the entire infusion, spreading it over several sips throughout the day. This should be done regularly for a month.

To prepare the tincture, fresh flowers are required. The jar is filled 2/3 full and filled with alcohol to the brim. The medicine should stand in a cool, dark place for three weeks, shaking it every day. Then you need to strain and take it three times a day before meals for a month (one serving is three dozen drops). The above remedies are recommended for use for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids and thick blood.

Treatment with sweet clover infusion is carried out every quarter. To prepare it, pour 2 tbsp. dry herbs with a glass of boiling water and keep on fire for ten minutes, then strain. Take half a glass three times a day.

Healing collection for blood thinning

To prepare it, two parts of rose hips, sweet clover herb, crushed dried chestnut fruits, chaga powder, and elecampane root are used. One part of the Sophora fruit is added to them. The components are poured with boiling water in the amount of 1 cup per 1 tablespoon of the mixture. You should drink 100 ml before breakfast and before dinner for a month.

When trying to thin thick blood with home remedies, remember that you cannot overdo it, as this can have serious consequences. These include internal hemorrhages and uterine bleeding.

The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

Source: blood: symptoms, causes and treatment, what to do and how to thin it

Symptoms of thick blood

Drowsiness, general malaise and rapid fatigue are the first and main symptoms of increased blood viscosity.

With further deterioration of health, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and tingling in the heart area occur.

Frequent accompanying symptoms include blurred vision, memory, headaches and dizziness, irritability, temporary loss of coordination, and bloating.

Such conditions serve as an alarming signal for the disease PWS (hyperviscosity syndrome), which, when intensified and chronic form has extremely serious consequences. If you have suspicions, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics, identify the causes and take health measures as early as possible.


do a general blood test;

if there are medical indications, conduct clotting tests;

check blood viscosity in a laboratory (the normal range is 4.3–5.4 units in men and 3.9–4.9 units in women).

Causes and counteraction to SPV

Blood thickening is associated with various diseases, unhealthy habits, side effect medicines. Common reasons:

temporary acute PWV occurs when intestinal infections by type of dysentery as a result of diarrhea and vomiting, dehydrating the body; The main remedy against acute dehydration: drink a lot of water with a small addition of salt (“large sulfur”, without harmful additives);

also, temporary acute PWS occurs with extensive burns - the body produces a lot of leukocytes and platelets, suffers from an excess of damaged protein dissolving in the blood, the person feels feverish, he sweats; We also recommend lightly salted water;

chronic overeating of sweets, potatoes, noodles and the resulting acidification and slagging of the body, diabetes; recovery consists of changing the menu with the abandonment of “refined” and easily digestible carbohydrates, replacing them with natural and incompletely digestible carbohydrates that have cleansing properties (for example, vegetables and fruits with pulp, seaweed, krill paste);

various diseases that cause disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys; diagnosis and treatment of these diseases eliminate the cause of blood thickening;

diseases accompanied by an increase in protein in the blood, as well as erythremia (excessive production of red blood cells and other blood elements);

hepatitis of various nature; we treat “jaundice” - we get rid of the problem;

pancreatitis of the pancreas; We often eat in moderation and undergo treatment;

diuretics, contraceptives, hormones, Viagra and other drugs - reconsider, are they really necessary?

Occasionally, thrombophilia and varicose veins are indicated among the causes of PWS; we believe that these are effects, not causes.

A person with increasingly thick and sticky blood naturally increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, heart attacks and increased blood pressure, blood clots, and sometimes varicose veins (more often in women).

Treatment and prevention

When treating thick blood, you should not rely only on medicinal preparations and procedures. Lifestyle and proper nutrition are very important.

Yes, when severe forms PWS, when there are already problems with the heart, blood vessels, after a stroke, intense physical activity is contraindicated, but small ones are mandatory and very useful. It is worth trying to do at least a few regular activities, exercises, and the blood will naturally become more fluid, adding a lot of good quality years life!

It is useful to drink 8–10 glasses of liquids daily (unsweetened teas, water, preferably infused with shungite or silicon, spring water). Avoiding fine white salt with harmful additives, consume rock or other salt in moderation.

exclude or limit in the diet chokeberry, leafy and green vegetables, bananas, as well as buckwheat, soy products, products with trans fats (margarine, mayonnaise, chips), marinades;

It is better to replace white bread and loaf, pasta with gray and black bread, cereals;

avoid salty foods and smoked foods, overcooked fatty foods;

give up smoking and alcohol;

Sugar and sweets literally thicken and make the blood sticky - they are avoided.

What to do? Taking aspirin?

The problem can strike when you are quite young, in your forties and fifties. This is a known fact that has led to the widespread use of daily aspirin to thin the blood. However, after publication in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 2012; 307:This practice is increasingly being criticized.

Then a study of more patients found that people taking low-dose aspirin daily had a 55% increased risk of serious brain or intestinal bleeding (hemorrhage). The actual risk of aspirin-induced bleeding was 5 times greater than previously estimated. Serious risks even when taking small doses of aspirin force many, if not to abandon aspirin-containing drugs, then to reduce the doses taken and turn to “natural treatment.”

In modern medical practice, aspirin is the leader in terms of universal treatment thick blood is challenged by at least two drugs - Nattokinase-Serrapeptase and Warfarin or Coumadin ( herbal preparation from sweet clover, blocks the action of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting). Aspirin-containing “Agrenox”, “Heparin”, “Enoxaparin”, “Plavix” continue to be used.

The course of taking medications based on aspirin and sweet clover is supposed to be accompanied by a certain diet; All of them are quite effective, but are dangerous due to intestinal bleeding.

Black stool indicates bleeding in the intestines.

There are also more “gentle” ways of recovery and treatment. Among the specialized drugs: “Aspercard”, “Curantil” and “Eskuzan” are recommended to improve the condition of veins, and “Cardiomagnyl” is recommended for regular use by elderly patients to prevent heart attacks.

Diets consisting of natural products, with a constantly updated range.

Previously, bloodletting was widely used to thin the blood; now it is usually avoided or replaced by donation. By the way, normally a white person wears rouge; usually the absence of blush indicates either anemia and anemia, or, on the contrary, thick and viscous blood. After donating blood, donors prone to anemia turn pale, and donors prone to thick blood turn pink (this is where doctors prefer to take blood).

The fashion for hirudotherapy is returning - treatment with medicinal leeches. Hirudin (group biologically active substances, injected into the wound with a leech), in addition to thinning the blood, has a number of other useful properties:

the hypotensive effect facilitates the functioning of the kidneys, promotes the outflow of lymph, and relieves swelling;

anti-sclerotic effect allows you to get rid of stagnation venous blood, prevents ischemia and cancer;

bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect improves general condition and well-being, promotes the disposal of toxins, and relieves neuralgia.

Thinning the blood at home

At the everyday level, we pay special attention to nutrition and “natural pharmacy”.

Garlic, onions (regular onions, leeks, shallots and green onions) contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Regular menu with wild oily fish(trout, salmon, herring, sardines and mackerel) saturates the body with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.

Unclarified vegetable oil, sprouted wheat sprouts, and nuts thin the blood not only with Omega-3 fats, but also with the presence of an active agent against the formation of blood clots - vitamin E.

Seafood and ginger contain taurine, which is an excellent blood thinner.

Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) are an excellent thinning agent.

Mint, honey, various berries and fruits, fruit vinegar and cider are sources of salicylates, which thin the blood.

The absence of overeating, therapeutic fasting, and physical exercise help thin the blood in terms of proteins.

Taking vitamin C or foods rich in it, such as citrus fruits, peppers, kiwi, berries. The benefits of this vitamin are not limited to simply preventing colds - it also includes ensuring the removal of excess proteins from the blood and creating high-quality collagen and elastin. They help you look good, strengthen blood vessels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and strokes.

It is better to replace meat with poultry, eggs, and white fish.

Raspberries in any form, wheat sprouts, and tincture of horse chestnut peel with vodka are excellent blood thinners.

Source: interest

Thick blood - folk remedies

Thick blood - folk remedies

Stroke, heart attack, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids. What do these diseases have in common?

One of the main reasons for their occurrence is thick blood. It cannot move freely through blood vessels (especially those in the brain) and deliver oxygen and nutrients.

The blood becomes thicker, usually due to its alkalization. And this, in turn, occurs due to poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, etc. Therefore, the blood must be oxidized.

The easiest way is to introduce fermented milk products into your diet. Vitamins, natural salts of citric and salicylic acid also oxidize, and therefore thin the thick blood. They are found in blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, lemons, figs, cranberries, lingonberries, grapefruit, oranges, apricots, cherries, plums, and grapes.

To prevent thick blood, try to eat two lemons daily (cut into small slices and add sugar or honey) or 2 oranges, or one grapefruit, or a glass of any berries. In spring, it is useful to add fresh honey leaves to salads. If you are not bothered by gastritis or peptic ulcer, eat two small cloves of garlic for lunch.

Fatty fish (especially mackerel and herring) help reduce clotting and thin blood. And also - cold-pressed vegetable oil (mainly from flax seeds - you can read about flax seeds and its use in this article), which must be included in the daily menu.

Thick blood can also be a consequence of dehydration. To liquefy it, it is recommended to drink not just liquid, but slightly salted water (at least 2 liters per day).

Coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, alcohol, beer, on the contrary, promote the removal of fluid from the body more than is acceptable, which leads to gradual dehydration.

It is also wrong that many people do not eat first courses, but this is not only a source of additional liquid, but also fiber that is much needed by the body. Low-fat vegetable soups are the most beneficial.

Thick blood - folk remedies

Ginkgo biloba - unique plant, which helps fight improper blood circulation due to vasospasm and successfully restores blood flow in areas with vasomotor paralysis (you can read about the benefits and uses of ginkgo biloba in the article about it).

The main effect of ginkgo biloba is to increase blood flow to areas that are somewhat deficient in it, including the brain, lower extremities, veins, arteries and even small capillaries.

The tincture of this plant is a powerful stimulant of memory, attention, and mental potential. Pour 1:10 vodka over the crushed dry leaves, leave in a dark place for two weeks, strain. Take 20 drops in half a glass of water twice a day before meals. The course of treatment is a month. It is recommended to conduct 3 courses per year.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual intolerance.

Dioscorea Caucasica - preparations made from its rhizomes are prescribed for strokes, heart attacks, as well as for rheumatoid arthritis and gout (reduces the amount of uric acid in the body and blood clotting).

Pour 1 glass of hot water into 1 teaspoon of crushed rhizomes, soak for 30 minutes in a water bath under the lid, leave for 45 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze and bring the volume of liquid to the original volume with boiled water. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon after meals until the condition improves.

Horse chestnut preparations are recommended for use in thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, for the prevention of blood clots, post-thrombotic conditions, for hemorrhoids, endarteritis, post-traumatic lesions of veins for liquefaction. thick blood.

Infusion. Pour 1 glass of water into 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dried flowers (or 2 tablespoons of fresh ones). Bring to a boil and leave for 6-8 hours. Drink the infusion in sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Tincture. Fill the jar 2/3 with fresh flowers and fill it with alcohol to the top. Leave in a cool, dark place for 20 days, shaking daily. Strain. Take 3 times a day, 30 drops per 50 ml of water, half an hour before meals. The course is a month.

For thick blood, it is useful to treat with clover infusion 3-4 times a year. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed dry herbs, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take half or 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

To thin thick blood, it is good to use a mixture: two parts each of rose hips and crushed dry chestnut fruits, chaga powder, elecampane roots, yellow sweet clover herb and one part sophora fruits.

Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture, leave for half an hour, drink 100 ml in the morning and evening. The course is a month. Repeat treatment two to three times a year.

Attention! After a course of treatment with folk remedies, be sure to do a blood test for prothrombin. It is also necessary to monitor your blood pressure. And do not overdo it with taking medications that thin out thick blood - there should be moderation in everything!

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Excellent folk remedies for treating thick blood; with these remedies you can simply prevent trouble.

Source: Treatment of thick blood with folk remedies

What is the treatment of thick blood and what does it involve, we will talk in this article. The phrase “thick blood” itself is just an ordinary colloquial form. Blood plasma contains leukocytes, red blood cells and platelets. Platelets are characterized by the ability to stick together. Because when capillaries are damaged, platelets stick together and close the lumen of the vessel. This causes the blood to clot faster and stop bleeding. Today we will talk about what to do to thin the blood, what products to use for these purposes.

Causes of thick blood

  1. Everyone knows that ninety percent of blood consists of water, so dehydration of the body is fraught with many diseases and the normal functioning of all systems and the body as a whole. If the amount of water received is insufficient, the water contained in the vessels is directed to the work and life support of the brain. The capacity of the vessels decreases, while they narrow and this leads to quite serious problems, which we will talk about a little later. The cause-and-effect relationship can be traced through depression, headache, chronic fatigue and depression.
  2. The use of medicinal drugs is also one of the main causes of thick blood. Because for their breakdown and absorption by the body, a fairly large amount of water is needed, the supply of which must be replenished.
  3. Hypoxia also leads to increased blood viscosity. Leads to insufficient blood supply to the entire integral structure of the body.
  4. Insufficient enzymatic activity is one of the equally common causes. Pancreatic enzymes speed up processes chemical reactions in organism. Under-oxidized products of proteins and carbohydrates, entering the blood, become catalysts for disruption of biochemical processes directly in the blood itself.
  5. The constant presence of high levels of adrenaline in the body also leads to thick blood, by narrowing blood vessels, as a result of constant stress.

Effect of acids on blood thinning.

Acids are the final products of protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. There is a gradation of acids into strong and weak (according to the effect and the “blow” that they cause).

Strong acids. This category includes uric, phosphoric and sulfuric acids. These acids enter the human body mainly from animal proteins. To remove them, increased work of the kidneys and liver is required. Therefore, all excesses that are not removed from the body in a day by the corresponding organs and systems are located in the kidney tissues. It is because of this that you should take the consumption of animal foods quite seriously and carefully control the amount of animal proteins.

Weak acids. They enter our body mainly from foods of plant origin. These include: lemon, acetoacetic, oxalic and some others. Since they are eliminated from the body through the lungs, getting rid of their excess is not difficult - just make your breathing more dynamic.

Symptoms of thick blood

  • Unfortunately, thick blood threatens to develop serious symptoms and diseases: stroke, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system. All of them are united by one chain of reasons - increased blood viscosity. This phenomenon is especially common among post-age people. In order to protect elderly patients from such problems, doctors recommend that people of this age category take ¼ tablet of aspirin.
  • Doctors often prescribe more expensive analogues from medications, the main active ingredient of which is the same good old aspirin. But today we will share with you some fairly simple and inexpensive remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine, the effectiveness of which is in no way less significant. But first, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with dietary nutrition for the treatment of thick blood.

Table of products for blood thinning and thickening

berries, willow bark (natural aspirin), olive oil, garlic, lemon, orange, beets, cocoa, pomegranate, sunflower seeds, ginger, artichoke, enzyme and increase in fluid intake (preferably with coral calcium), aspirin, mulberry (mulberry), cinquefoil, Kalanchoe, nettle, dry leaves, hirudin - leech enzyme.

Sugar, alcohol, buckwheat, bananas, potatoes, sweet foods, fatty protein foods, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, chokeberry, yarrow, St. John's wort, fresh leaves.

Treatment of thick blood with folk remedies.

  1. It is necessary to regularly drink at least one and a half liters of fluid, most which should be pure water. It also doesn’t hurt to consume berry fruit drinks and natural juices (at least a glass daily). Cranberry tea has the ability to reduce blood viscosity, and green tea is also rich in microelements and beneficial substances.
  2. Products containing iodine are also extremely necessary for the prevention and treatment of blood viscosity. Seafood, as well as seaweed, should be consumed up to three times a week.
  3. Walnuts are very necessary for the body due to their high content of fatty acids. You can replace them with peanuts or hazelnuts. Take the program every day.
  4. Flaxseed oil is a source of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. To thin the blood, you need to eat 1 tablespoon of oil every day. after eating.
  5. Garlic and onions also help in solving this problem. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic every day with dinner or lunch.
  6. I would like to mention such a product as ginger. You can even prepare a medicinal cocktail based on it. You need a small pinch of cinnamon (powder) and 4 cm of ginger root. Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water. After the base has infused, add honey (a teaspoon) and lemon juice (to taste). You need to drink this drink throughout the day.
  7. Sprouted wheat grains should be consumed throughout the day and added to various dishes.

Note! The amount of meat products needs to be reduced! Give preference to turkey meat, chicken, and dairy products. During treatment, we advise you to limit your consumption of foods high in sugar so as not to cause an increase in blood sugar levels and complications.

You can effectively treat thick blood at home, but it is better to do this under the guidance of a doctor. By adhering to the simple recommendations and advice outlined above, you can protect yourself from the occurrence of many diseases. But even after completing the course of treatment, be sure to go for an examination with a doctor to make sure that the treatment is effective and there are no side effects.

Source: what to do if a person has thick blood?

When the balance is disturbed, blood thinning or thickening occurs with the ensuing consequences.

Let's talk about the causes and treatment of thick blood with folk remedies.

Why does blood density increase?

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • acute thermal burns.

During pregnancy, the process of blood thickening in a woman’s body is normal, dictated by nature. It protects the expectant mother from large blood loss.

Symptoms of thick blood

What to do if a person has thick blood? The syndrome is not an independent disease. It is formed due to circumstances.

In general, this is reflected:

  • headache;

If the cause of sticky blood is dehydration, symptoms disappear with recovery water-salt balance.

Blood clots (thrombi) are most dangerous for small vessels. They interfere with blood circulation, leading to the development of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

Condition correction

How to treat thick blood? To prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, aspirin-containing drugs (Magnecard, Cardiomagnyl) are prescribed. They reduce blood aggregation and promote blood thinning.

Blood becomes more viscous due to age, water-salt imbalance, and sometimes for gastronomic reasons.

What foods should you avoid if you have viscous blood?

The following elements increase viscosity:

  1. Tannins. Substances with tanning properties. They add astringency, increase coagulability, help stop bleeding and heal wounds. Contained in pomegranate, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, walnuts, dogwood, rhubarb, oak bark, chestnut, cocoa, dark chocolate.
  2. Tryptophan. An amino acid, the increased content of which thickens the blood. Has a vasoconstrictor effect. Contained in fish roe, almonds, hard cheese, peanuts, rabbit meat, squid.
  3. Trans fats. They make the blood heavier and promote the formation of blood clots. Hydrogenated fats are dangerous for blood vessels and the heart. Causes diabetes and depression. Contained in margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable cream, and all fried foods.
  4. Phytoestrogens. Plant compounds similar in structure to hormones, but weaker. Stimulate blood clotting. Found in legumes, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, dill, grapes, hops, beer, green tea, dairy products, sesame seeds, mushrooms, dates.

Gelatin, jellies, canned food, and green crops with dark-colored leaves reduce blood flow.

What vitamins should you not take if you have viscous blood?

  1. Vitamin R. Contained in mint, chokeberry, natural coffee beans, blackberries, rowan.
  2. Vitamin K. Found in walnuts, prunes and dried apricots, green peas, beans. The largest content is in spinach.
  3. Vitamin B12. It is found in large quantities in liver, beef, lamb, milk, sea fish, mussels, and shrimp.

How to thin thick blood with the help of diet? Avoid canned, fatty, fried foods. Drink sufficient quantity liquids. Eat more foods that improve the condition of the circulatory system.

Good for breakfast oatmeal. Season salads with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil. Make ginger tea at night.

What fruits thin thick blood?

What to drink if you have thick blood

Coffee has a diuretic effect, which means that when excreted, it will “take away” water from the body.

Compotes made from dried apricots, prunes, apples, and berry fruit drinks will help reduce blood viscosity. Add sugar to them as little as possible. The healthiest drink is pure water.

Herbs for thick blood

Traditional methods suggest taking decoctions from medicinal herbs. Among them there are both exotic and quite accessible ones, growing everywhere.


For the decoction, fresh or dry inflorescences are taken. Pour boiling water over the flowers and keep covered for at least an hour. Take 50 g three times a day.

Yellow clover



In medicine, fruit extract or alcohol tincture is more often used.

Goat willow (broom)

A decoction of the bark is used for medicinal purposes. Pour boiling water over 20 g and let it brew for 30 minutes in a water bath. A tablespoon before meals improves appetite, strengthens the immune system, and thins the blood.

Ginkgo biloba

A relict plant, a powerful antioxidant. Leaf extract expands blood vessels prevents the formation of blood clots.

Other methods of thinning the blood

Regular leeches reduce the risk of blood clots, increase lymph flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Hirudotherapy promises positive influence on the endocrine and hematopoietic systems, cleansing the blood of toxins, improving its structure.

Apitherapy (treatment with bees) is another method of alternative medicine. Experts talk about the content in bee venom heparin, which directly affects blood clotting. An anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting is also found in all beekeeping products.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and cigarettes. Consume more fresh berries and sour fruits. Adjust your diet towards a diet rich in proteins and microelements.

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All information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a guide to action. Before using any product, ALWAYS consult your physician. The site administration is not responsible for the practical use of recommendations from articles.


Blood is a liquid substance consisting of plasma and formed elements: red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes. 99% of the total volume is occupied by red blood cells, the red color of which is given by the iron-containing protein hemoglobin.

Red blood cells are responsible for transporting gases throughout the body, the main one of which is oxygen. Blood circulates freely through the vessels due to the balance of elements and substances.

When the balance is disturbed, blood thinning or thickening occurs with the ensuing consequences.

When the blood is too thin, a clotting problem occurs. Excessively thick blood flows slowly through the vessels and does not ensure timely delivery of oxygen to the organs.

Viscous blood causes malaise and drowsiness in a person, causes cardiac dysfunction, and is dangerous for the development of thrombosis, heart attack, and stroke.

Let's talk about the causes and treatment of thick blood with folk remedies.

Why does blood density increase?

The actual cause of the disorder can be various diseases. The most common:

  • food infection causing diarrhea and vomiting, leading to dehydration;
  • erythremia (increased red blood cell content);
  • diabetes;
  • functional disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • diseases leading to an increase in protein concentration in the blood;
  • thrombophilia (risk of developing thrombosis);
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • acute thermal burns.

During pregnancy, the process of blood thickening in a woman’s body is normal, dictated by nature. It protects the expectant mother from large blood loss.

Symptoms of thick blood

What to do if a person has thick blood? The syndrome is not an independent disease. It is formed due to circumstances.

Increased viscosity is detected during laboratory testing. It also helps to make the main diagnosis. Thick blood helps slow blood flow and form micro clots.

In general, this is reflected:

  • headache;
  • signs of impaired blood microcirculation (numbness of fingers);
  • fatigue, malaise, general weakness.

If the cause of viscous blood is dehydration, the symptoms disappear with the restoration of water-salt balance.

Blood clots (thrombi) are most dangerous for small vessels. They interfere with blood circulation, leading to the development of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

If the level of platelets decreases at the same time, the result of viscous blood will be fragility of blood vessels and bleeding.

Condition correction

How to treat thick blood? To prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, aspirin-containing drugs (Magnecard, Cardiomagnyl) are prescribed. They reduce blood aggregation and promote blood thinning.

But since the causes of thickening can be completely different, there is no universal way to thin the blood. The main attention should be focused on correcting metabolic processes, combating thrombus formation, and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

You can do without medications if the cause of high levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin is not associated with dangerous diseases.

Blood becomes more viscous due to age, water-salt imbalance, and sometimes for gastronomic reasons.

What foods should you avoid if you have viscous blood?

You can get rid of problems and improve your blood condition by adjusting your diet. The products we consume include substances that affect the main indicators of organs and systems, including the composition of the blood.

The following elements increase viscosity:

  1. Tannins. Substances with tanning properties. They add astringency, increase coagulability, help stop bleeding and heal wounds. Contained in pomegranate, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, walnuts, dogwood, rhubarb, oak bark, chestnut, cocoa, dark chocolate.
  2. Tryptophan. An amino acid, the increased content of which thickens the blood. Has a vasoconstrictor effect. Contained in fish roe, almonds, hard cheese, peanuts, rabbit meat, squid.
  3. Trans fats. They make the blood heavier and promote the formation of blood clots. Hydrogenated fats are dangerous for blood vessels and the heart. Causes diabetes and depression. Contained in margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable cream, and all fried foods.
  4. Phytoestrogens. Plant compounds similar in structure to hormones, but weaker. Stimulate blood clotting. Found in legumes, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, dill, grapes, hops, beer, green tea, dairy products, sesame seeds, mushrooms, dates.

The structure of the blood is disrupted when drinking alcohol. Excessive coffee consumption disrupts water balance and leads to blood thickening.

Farmed fish and chicken may contain small amounts of toxic compounds transferred from the feed.

Gelatin, jellies, canned food, green crops with dark-colored leaves reduce blood flow.

What vitamins should you not take if you have viscous blood?

Vitamins, which have great benefits in themselves, can also increase blood viscosity.

  1. Vitamin P. Contained in mint, chokeberry, natural coffee beans, blackberries, rowan.
  2. Vitamin K. Found in walnuts, prunes and dried apricots, green peas, and beans. The largest content is in spinach.
  3. Vitamin B12. It is found in large quantities in liver, beef, lamb, milk, sea fish, mussels, and shrimp.

How to thin thick blood with the help of diet? Avoid canned, fatty, fried foods. Drink enough fluids. Eat more foods that improve the condition of the circulatory system.

The recommended diet for thick blood helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar and normalize its composition. Nutritionists advise including vegetable and berry juices, sunflower and flax seeds, and fish varieties rich in Omega-3 PUFAs in your diet.

Oatmeal is good for breakfast. Dress salads with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil. Make ginger tea at night.

Get used to raw beets. Consume more tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and garlic. For a treat, opt for fresh wild berries.

What fruits thin thick blood?

First of all, pay attention to citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, pomelo. Figs and grapes are useful. Among the berries: strawberries, raspberries, cranberries.

What to drink if you have thick blood

Coffee and coffee drinks, strong tea in the literal sense are not generally considered a liquid that is beneficial for the body.

Coffee has a diuretic effect, which means that when excreted, it will “take away” water from the body.

“Absorb” water and sweet fruit juices. Their use is also not recommended.

Compotes from dried apricots, prunes, apples, and berry fruit drinks will help reduce blood viscosity. Add sugar to them as little as possible. The healthiest drink is pure water.

Herbs for thick blood

Traditional methods suggest taking decoctions of medicinal herbs to eliminate fluid deficiency and improve blood circulation.


Among them there are both exotic and quite accessible ones, growing everywhere.

Contains salicylic and coumaric acids. Drinking a decoction helps reduce blood viscosity.

It has an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, swelling-reducing effect. Improves the body's thermoregulation. For the decoction, fresh or dry inflorescences are taken. Pour boiling water over the flowers and keep covered for at least an hour..

Yellow clover

Take 50 g three times a day

A common plant with a high content of coumarins. Inhibits blood clotting.

The decoction is indicated for thrombophlebitis, headaches associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain. Excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack.


Flowering herbs are collected for medicinal purposes. Prepare decoctions and infusions. IN chemical composition there are coumarins, salicylic acid and ascorbic acid

. The herb is good for overall health. It has a vascular-strengthening, antibacterial, antirheumatic effect.


To thin the blood, take dry and fresh herbs, brewed like tea. Take a whole cup warm at least 2 times a day.

The deciduous shrub is distributed throughout the northern hemisphere. Leaves and fruits have a cardiotonic effect and improve the condition of blood vessels.

A collection of hawthorn fruits, clover flowers, valerian rhizomes, and meadowsweet is effective in thinning the blood. Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water. Take within 24 hours.

Goat willow (broom)

Leafy shrub with a high content of flavonoids and salicylates. Has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, slows down the processes of blood clotting.

A decoction of the bark is used for medicinal purposes.. Pour boiling water over 20 g and let it brew for 30 minutes in a water bath. A tablespoon before meals improves appetite, strengthens the immune system, and thins the blood.

Ginkgo biloba

Relict plant, powerful antioxidant. Extract from the leaves dilates blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

It has a strengthening effect on the blood vessels of the brain, restores blood circulation.

The finished extract is sold in pharmacies. Take diluted (20 drops per spoon of water).

Other methods of thinning the blood

Regular leeches reduce the risk of blood clots, increase lymph flow, and reduce blood viscosity. Hirudotherapy promises a positive effect on the endocrine and hematopoietic systems, cleansing the blood of toxins, and improving its structure.

Apitherapy (treatment with bees) is another method of alternative medicine. Experts talk about the content of heparin in bee venom, which directly affects blood clotting. An anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting is also found in all beekeeping products.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and cigarettes. Consume more fresh berries and sour fruits. Adjust your diet towards a diet rich in proteins and microelements.

Do not refuse to use proven plants. An integrated approach to the problem of thick blood will improve the condition of the cardiovascular system and overall immunity.
